HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-7075_00_CA_WSW_20010625_SamplingsNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary William L. Meyer, Director Jack Penninger 1919 Kiser Road Concord, North Carolina 28025 RE: Water Supply Well Sample Results Penninger Water Supply Well Cabarrus County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Penninger: 77 ,7 NCDENR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT June 25, 2001 The Division of Waste Management (DWM) received sample results ftom the above referenced water supply well on June 25, 2001. On June 13, 2001, a representative of the DWM sampled your water supply well. The sample was analyzed for volatile organic compounds. Volatile organic compounds include a wide range of manmade compounds including, but not limited to, gasoline components and chlorinated solvents used as degreasers. The June 13, 2001, samples did not detect any volatile organic compounds in the well water. If you have any questions, please call me at (704) 663-1699, ext. 248. Enclosure Sincerely, Ambe�n Hydrogeological Technician II 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 \ Fax: 704-663-6040 \ Internet! www.cm.smw.nc.us/ENR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER COUNTY: CABARRUS QUAD NO: REPORTTO : MRO Regional Once COLLECTOR(S) A LINDEN DATE: 61l3101 TIME: PURPOSE: Owner LABORATORY ANALYSTS BOD 310 mg/L COD High 340 mg/L COD Low 335 mg/L Coliform: MF Fecal 31616 /100ml Coliform: MF Total 315N /100m1 TOC mg/l Turbitity NTU Residuepe .. Susnded 110 mg/L Total Suspended solids mWL PH uguts Alkalinity to pH 4. 5 mg/L Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/L C.Waate mg/L Bicarbonate mg/L Carbon dioxide mg/L Chloride mg/L Chromium: Hex 1032 ug/L Color True 80 Cyanide 920 m, fL COMMENTS Location or Site: Description of sampling Sampling Method: Remarks'. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report / Grmtnd Wager Quality SAMPLE PRIORITY xIROUTMEEMERGENCY O CHAM OF CUSTODY ❑ W SAMPLE TYPE 1919 KISF1i ROAD Diss. Solids 703 in mg/L Fluoride 951 mg/L Hardnesstotal 900 mS/L Hardness: (non Garb) 902 myJL Phennla 32730 uglL Spcoi Ec Cond. 95 umhox/cm2 Sulfate mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/L MBAS mall, Oil and Grease rng/L Silica mg/L Boron Formaldehyde mg/L NH3 as N 610 mg/L TKN as N 625 mg/L NO2+NO3 as a 630 mg/L P' Total as P 665 me/L PO4 mg/L Ag-Silver 46566 ug/L AI-Alumi num 46557 ug/L Ax-Arsenic 46551 ug/L Ba-Barium 46558 ug/L Ca-Oslcium 46552 mg/L Cd-Cadium 46559 .,/L 7CIa gangm46560 ug/L Cu-Copper 1042 ug/L Fe -[run 1045 uL/L gig- Mercury 91900 ug/L K-Potassium 46555 mg'L Mg-Mogncxium 121 mg/L Mn-Manganese 1055 ug/L Ne-Sadium929 mg/L Ni-Nickel ug/L Pb-Lead 46564 ug/L S,Selenium ug/L Zn Ziac46567 ua/L Acid Lab Number IC0911 Date Received : 6/14/01 Time Received : 9.15 AM Received By DS Released By : DS Date reported: 6/234 Pesticides JUN 2 5 2001 NC DEPT' OF AND NAT U AL MIRON'VENT VOORE SWuE BOU rJ ON'LL OFFICE 1p0911 ENR/DWQ LABORATORY LAB NO. IG0911 REPORTED BY JP VOLATILE ANALYTICAL REPORT SUPERVISOR CHECKED BY DATE --7270-we REVIEWED BY a-4111-7 SAMPLE TYPE: WATER ANALYSIS RESULTS ENTERED BY DATE VQA TARO PQ DETECTED QTtS# VQA ET COMPOUND: DET ze� �x 75354 1,1 Dichloroethene 0.50 U 96 184 1.2,3 Trichloropropane 0.25 U 75-092 Methylene Chloride 10 U 108861 Bromobenzene 0.50 U 156 60 5 trans 1,2 Dichloroethene 0.25 U 95 49 8 2-Chlorotoluene 0.25 U 75343 1,1 Dichloroethane 0.25 U 106-434 4 Chlonotoluene 0.25 U 590-207 2,2.Dichloropropane 0.25 U 541 73.1 1,3 Dichlorobenzene 0.25 U 156594 cis 1,2 Dichloroethene 0.25 U 106467 1,4 Dichlorobenzene 0.25 1 67663 Chloroform 0.25 U 95.50 1 1,2 Dichlorobenzene 0.25 U 74 97 5 Bromochloromethane 0.50 U 96 128 1,2 Dibronno 3 Chloropropane 0.50 U 71 556 1,1,1 Trichloroethare 0.25 U 12082 1 1,2,4.Trichlorobenzene 0.25 U 56358-6 1,1 Dichloropropene 0.25 U 87 683 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.25 U 56-235 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.50 U 87 61.6 1,2,3 Trichlorobenzene 0.50 U 107062 1,2 Dichloroethane 0.25 U 1634044 Methyl tert butyl ether 5 U 7901 6 Trichloroethene 0.25 U 71 432 Benzene I U 78875 1,2.Dichloropropane 0.25 U 108883 Toluene I U 7527.4 Bromodichloromethane 0.25 U 100414 Ethyl benzene I U 74953 Dibromomethane 0.50 U 108383 ni Xylenes 2 U 10061-01.5 cis 1,3 Dichloropropene 0.25 U 95-476 o-Xylene 1 U 10061-02.6 trans 1,3 Dichloropropene 0.25 U 100-42-5 Styrene I I 79005 1,1,2 Trichloroethane 0.25 U 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 1 U 127-18.4 Tetrachloroethene 0.25 U 103-65 1 n Propylbenzene I U 142289 1,3 Dichloropropane 0.25 U 108678 1,3,5 Trimethylbenzene 1 U 124-481 Diteromochloromethane 0.50 U 98 06 6 tert Butylbenzene 1 U 10693.4 1,2 Dibromoethane 0.50 U 95636 1,2,4.Trimethylbenzene I U 108.907 Chlorobenzene 0.25 U 135988 sec-ButyIbenzene I U 630 20 6 1,1.1,2.Tetrachloroethane 0.25 U 9937 6 p-isopropyltoluene 1 U 75252 Bromoform 0.50 U 104.518 n Butylleenzene 1 1 79345 1,1,2,2 Tetrachloroethane 0.25 U 91 203 Naphthalene I U PQL Practical Quantitation Limit Subject to change due to instrument sensitivity N Tentatively Identified, not confirmed J Estimated Value U Samples analyzed for this compound but not detected x Sample not analyzed for this compound I Estimated concentration is <PQL and >MDL # GC/MS Analysis performed COMMENTS: Gasoline Range Estimated Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Other purgealotes detected Dptprtprl (up to 10 highest peaks) NO VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DETECTED BY GC/ELCD/PID. uglL GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORM North Ca ro l l na Department of Envlromnenl, Hesllh, and Nalurnl Resources DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - GROUNDWATER SECTION County I, (� 1AfW(%s� Quad No-a4iz r 6 Sedal No. Lai 3S' z & Y3 Long. 8v -5 2 ' (7 SAM1'LLE TYPE SAMPLE E'RI9H[J_Y. Ig Waler ff Routine ❑ soil ❑ Emergency ❑ Other Report To; ARO, FRO, MRO RRO, WaRO, WiRO, L WSRO, Kinston FO, Fed. Trust, Central OIL, Other. Stripped by: Bus, purr I -land Del., Other! Colleclor(s): — Date Time FIELD ANALYSES p p11400 (0 , % _Spec.Cond'94 al 25o C Temp.10 �OC Odor Appearance <_e �-_ C-� Field Analysis By: - P P� LABORATORY ANALYSES Chain of Custody Lab Number Dale Receive (] Time Rec'd by: From: Ous our , [land Del., Other. Data Entry By: Clc Dale Reported: .. purpose'' �� • C Baseline, 4mpla I , Complianca!:i�W, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust Owner Location or silo _ Description of sac Sampling Melhod Remarks Other: Sample Interval BOD, 310 nlg/I Diss Solids 70300 medl Ag - Silver 46566 uq/l Organochlorine Pesticides _ COD I-Ilgh 340 m011 _ Flou(jda 051 mg/l_ _ AI_Alundnwn 46557 urq/I _ Organophosphorus Pesticides _ COD Low am nigh _ _ _ IJu111nQUI -T&I out) 1110- Hardness non-cmb1002 m L _ _l! Almi11 JUN II(Ill. _ _ Nllap6n I'nullrl lue Add I Ielblddes Comenn: MF Fecal 31610 11001111 _ Ba- Barium 46550 ug/I Colllorm: MF Total 31504 I100ml Phenols 32730 uq/1 Ca - Calcium 46552 mg/I _ PCB's _ TOO sea mg/l Specific Cond 95 1IMhos/cm' Cd - Cadmium 4655s ug/1 _ _ Turbidity 70 NTU _ Sulfate 045 mg/I _ Cr - Chromium 46560 uq/l _ Residue., Suspended 530 mg/I _ Sulfide 745 mq/I CU - Copper 46562 ug/I _ _ Fe - Iron 46563 ug/I Sernivolalile Organics _ Oil and Grease mgll Hg - Mercury 71900 ug/I TPH - Diesel Range p11 403 Unit K - Potassium 46555 ntg/I _ Alkallnily to pli 4.5 410 mg/l Mq - Magnesium 46554 mg/1 _ _ Alkallnlly to pli 0.3 415 1119/1 Mn - Manganese 46565 ug/l _ Carbonate 445 mg/I Nit- as N 610 mcdl Na - Sodium 46556 mg/l Volalile Organics (VOA Wile) _ _ Bicarbonate 440 IM _ 1KN ac N e25 m0(L JNL- Nickel u6/l _ TPH - Gasoline Range Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 040 - mg/l _NOS+ N I as N 630 IncL P: Tolal as P 665 mg/I Pb - Lead 46564 uq/I Se - Selenlum ucZ/I _ _ TPH - BTEX Gasoline Range _ Chr6miuln: FIeX 1032 ug/I 7n - Zinc 46567 UgA _ _ Color: True 0o CU _ _ Cyanide 720 mg/I Lob Comments: GW-64 REV. 7Il For Dissolved Analysis - submit Iillered sample and write "DIS" in I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr. , Secretary William L. Meyer, Director Resident 1919 Kiser Road Concord, North Carolina 28025 Dear Sir or Madam: NCDENR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT June 6, 2001 RE: Water Supply Well Sampling Hatley's Tire Cabarrus County, N.C. On June 13, 2001, staff from the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Waste Management (DWM) and the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) will be collecting groundwater samples from water supply wells in the vicinity of the Hatley's Tire property to help determine if there are any environmental impacts associated with this property. The laboratory results will be forwarded to you as soon as possible. Should you have questions or do not wish to have your well sampled, please call me at (704) 663- 1699, ext. 248. Sincerely, Amber R. Lindon Hydrogeological Technician II 919 North Main Stree6 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 \ Fax: 704-663-6040 \ Internet: www.enr.smte.nc.us/ENR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSUMERPAPER North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary William L. Meyer, Director Jerry and Linda Bennick 2001 Old Salisbury - Concord Road Concord, North Carolina 28025 RE: Water Supply Well Sample Results Bennick Water Supply Well Cabarrus County, North Carolina Dear Mr. and Mrs. Bennick: NCDENR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT June 25, 2001 The Division of Waste Management (DWM) received sample results from the above referenced water supply well on June 25, 2001. On June 13, 2001, a representative of the DWM sampled your water supply well. The sample was analyzed for volatile organic compounds. Volatile organic compounds include a wide range of manmade compounds including, but not limited to, gasoline components and chlorinated solvents used as degreasers. The June 13, 2001, samples did not detect any volatile organic compounds in the well water. If you have any questions, please call me at (704) 663-1699, ext. 248. Enclosure Sincerely, Amber R. Lindon Hydrogeological Technician II 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 \ Fax: 704-663-6040 \ Internet: www.enr.state.nc.us/ENR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATNE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER COUNTY: CA➢ARRUS QUADNO: REPORTTO : ISIRO Regional Once COLLECTORS) : A LINDEN DATE: V13L1 TIME: PURPOSE: Owner: Location or Site: Description m sampling point Sampling Method: Remarks: LABORATORY ANALYSIS BOD 310 mg/L COD High 340 mg/L COD Low 335 mg/L Colifono: ME Feca131616 /INnd Colifonn: MF Total 31504 /100ml TOC mg/I Turbitity NTU Residue., Suspended 530 mg/L Total Suspended solids mg/L pH units Alkalinity to PII 4.5 mg/L Alkalinity to pH 8.3 mg/L Carbonate mg/L Bicarbonate mg/L Carbon dioxide mg/L Chloride tag/L Chromium: Hex 1032 ug/L Color: True 80 Cyanide 720 mg/L COMMENTS DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report / Ground Water Quality SAMPLE PRIORITY (ROUTINE EMERGENCY O CHAIN OF CUSTODY W SAMPLE TYPE ❑ utTuu9 • � Dr. Solids 903M mg/L Fluoride 951 mg/L hardness: tota1900 mg/L Hardness:(non-carb) 902 meJL Phenols 32130 ug/L Specific Cord 95 ornhos/cm2 Sulfate mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/L MBAS mg4 Oil and Grease mg/L Silica m,/L Boron Formaldehyde mg/L NID N610 mg/L TKN as N 625 rng/L NO2 +NO3 as o 630 mg/L P: Total as P 665 nn / PO4 mg/L Ag-Silver46566 ug/L AI -Aluminum 46557 uWL As-Aromic 46551 ug/L Ba-Barium 46558 ug/L Ca -Calcium 46552 mg/L Cd-Cadium 46559 ug/L Cr-Chromium 46560 u1 Cu- Copper I N2 .,/L F, Iran 1045 og/L Hg-Memo, 71900 ug/L K-Potassium 46555 mP/L Mg- Magnesium 927 mg/L Mn-Manganese 1055 ug/L No -Sodium 929 mg/L Ni-Nickel ug/L Pb-Lead 465" u,1L Se -Selenium ug/L Zn Zinc46567 ug/L Lab Number IC0909 Date Received 6/14/01 Time Received 9:15 AM Received By DS Released By DS Datereponed : 6Q3/0 ECEN V FD JUN 2 5 2001 NC DEP►• OF ENV1R0NNFur AND seer. 190909 REPORTED BY REPORTED, BY i CHECKED BY REVIEWED BY SAMPLE TYPE: JP le J� WATER ENR/DWQ LABORATORY VOLATILE ANALYTICAL REPORT ANALYSIS RESULTS LAB NO. SUPERVISOR DATE ENTERED BY DATE 1G0909 TARGET C©V.N E .. .. ... DETECTED E CQMPQtJ,NO::::�: TARGET v:. zo: 75354 1,1 Dichloroethene 0.50 U 96184 1,2,3 Trichloropropane 0.25 U 75 09 2 Methylene Chloride 10 U 108861 Bromobenzene 0.50 U 156.605 1 Dichloroethene 0.25 U 95498 2 Chlorotoluene 0.25 U 7534-3 1,1 Dichloroethane 0.25 U 106434 4 Chlorotoluene 0.25 U 590207 2,2 Dichloropropane 0.25 U 541.73-1 1,3 Dichlorobenzene 0.25 U 156594 cis 1,2 Dichloroethene 0.25 U 106467 1,4 Dichlorobenzene 0.25 U 67663 Chloroform 0.25 U 9550-1 1,2 Dichlorobenzene 0.25 U 7497-5 Bromochloromethane 0.50 U 96 12.8 1,2 Dibromo 3 Chloropropane 0.50 U 71-556 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 0.25 U 12082 1 1,2,4 Trichlorobenzene 0.25 U 563 586 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.25 U 87683 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.25 U 5623-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.50 U 87-61 6 1,2,3 Trichlorobenzene 0.50 U 107062 1,2 Dichloroethane 0.25 U 1634044 Methyl tert butyl ether 5 U 7901 6 Trichloroethene 0.25 U 71 43 2 Benzene I U 7887.5 1,2.Dichloropropane 0.25 U 108883 Toluene 1 U 75274 Bromodichloromethane 0.25 U 10041-4 Ethyl benzene 1 U 74-95.3 Dibromomethane 0.50 U 108383 m,p Xylenes 2 U 1006101 5 cis 1,3 Dichloropropene 0.25 U 9547-6 o.Xylene 1 U 10061026 trai Dichloropropene 0.25 U 10042.5 Styrene 1 U 79005 1,1,2 Trichloroethane 0.25 U 98828 1 sopropyl benzene I U 127 184 Tetrachloroethene 0.25 U 10365 1 in Propyibenzene 1 U 14228.9 1,3 Dich;oropropane 0.25 U 108 67 8 1,3.5-Trimethylbenzene I U 124481 Dibromochloromethane 0.50 U 98066 tort Butylbenzene I U 10693-4 1,2 Dibromoethane 0.50 U 95636 1,2,4 Trimethylbenzene I U 10890.7 Chlorobenzene 0.25 U 135988 sec Butylleenzene 1 U 630206 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.25 U 99 87 6 pisopropyltoluene 1 U 75-252 Bromorform 0.50 U 104518 n Butylbenzene I U 79345 1,1,2,2 Tetrachlorcethane 0.25 U 91203 Naphthalene 1 U PQL Practical Quantitation Limit Subject to change due to instrument sensitivity N Tentatively Identified. not confirmed J Estimated Value -1 Samples analyzed for this compound but not detected x Sample not analyzed for this compound I Estimated concentration is <PQL and >MDL # GC/MS Analysis performed COMMENTS: mg/L Gasoline Range Estimated Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon 0.20 x Other purgeables detected Detected (up to IU highest peaks) NO VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DETECTED BY GC/El ug/L GROUNDWATER FIELDILAB FORM County Quad No o Ga I- 'y Serial No. Lai 32 Long. Sc j z ss Report To: ARO, FRO, Iv1�R RRO, WaFlO, WiRO, L WSRO, IQnslon FO, Fed. Trust, Central OIL, Other:_ Shipped by: ElAs, P'o`JrV Hand Del., Other* Colleclor(s): Dale (Q-\3—CA MELD ANALYSES ���� pH400 Spec. Cond.B4 qk— at 250 C Temp.,, IC Odor " -- Appearance <,e �, Field Analysis By: ")", LABORATORY ANALYSES SAM( LSE TYPE SAM LL' E i'_L11913LI [g,Walor I$noutlne ❑ soll ❑ Emergency ❑ Other — Chain of Custody North Carolina rlment of Envlromirettl, Health, and Natural nesources ION OF WATER QUALITY - GnOUNDWATEn SECTION Lab Number Dale Receive c Thu Rec'd by: rom: Bu< Other: w+ Data Entry By: Ck: ,Dale Reported: Purpose Time ld`.3 rJ Baseline', mplaln Conlplianco, LUST, Pesticide Study, Federal Trust, Other: Owner Location or silo _ Description of sar Sampling Method Remarks Sample Interval , Hand Del., BODy 310 - Illg/I D'I55. SOIIdS 703aa 111q/1 Aq - Silver 46566 ug/I Otganochlorine Pesticides _ COD I IIgh 340 mg/l Fl tit do 951 Iilgfl_ AI=A101tllnllm 46557 n(]fl Organop_hosphorus Pesticides _ COD Low 330 mgl( _ HufAittoodulaLulf Mall — -Ari - Al IIIlid4Hl n(1�. ` NI(mp9n hnulll,iduu __ Acid I lelbicldes _ Colllonn: MF Fecal 31610 Mound Hardness (non-caib) 902 111rL _ Ba - Barlum 46559 ug/I _ Calllorm: MF- Total 31504 /100rn1 _ Phenols 32730 ug/l Ca - Calcium 46552 mg/ I PCB's _ TOC 690 mg/I _ Specific Cond. 95 u 1 I ° Cd - Cadmium 46559 uq/I _ _ Turbidity 76 NTU Sulfate 945 mg/I Cr - Chromium 46560 ugll _ Residue., Suspended 630 mgn _ Sulfide 745 mq/I Cu - Copper 46562 ug/1 _ _ Fe - Iron 46563 ug/1 Semivolatile Organics _ Oil and Grease mgll I Ig - Mercury 71900 ugn TPH - Diesel Range pl1403 unit _ K - Polasslum 46555 mgll _ _ Allcalhilly to pH 4.5 410 mgll Mg - Magnesium 46554 mg/l _ Alkalinity to pH 0.3 415 Ing/I Nil. as N 610 mq/I Mn - Manganese 46565 ug/1 Na - Sodium 46556 Inge Volatile Organics (VOA bolle) TPH - Gaso Itie Rango _ Carbonate 445 mg/l _ Bicarbonate 440 ml 0/1 _ JKN as N n25 mall — -.NL_NlrUl DULL Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I Chloride 040 mg/I -NO p+ NO, as N 630 mcL P: Total as P 665 Ing/l Pb - Lead 46564 ug/l Se - Selenium ug/I _ _ TPH - BTEJ Gasoline nanr e _ Chromium: Flex 1032 ug/1 _ ZI1 - Zlltc 46567 ug/l _ _ Color: True e0 CU _ _ Cyanide 720 mg/I Lab Comments: GW-54 REV. ilf For Dissolved Analysis - subnlll rillered sample and write "DIS" In t North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr. , Secretary William L. Meyer, Director Resident 2001 Old Salisbury -Concord Road Concord, North Carolina 28025 Dear Sir or Madam: NCDENR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT June 6, 2001 RE: Water Supply Well Sampling Hatley's Tire Cabarrus County, N.C. On June 13, 2001, staff from the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Waste Management (DWM) and the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) will be collecting groundwater samples from water supply wells in the vicinity of the Hatley's Tire property to help determine if there are any environmental impacts associated with this property. The laboratory results will be forwarded to you as soon as possible. Should you have questions or do not wish to have your well sampled, please call me at (704) 663- 1699, ext. 248. Sincerely, r � > l Amber R. Lindon Hydrogeological Technician II 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 \ Fax: 704663-6040 \ Internet: www.em.smm.nc.us/ENR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED 1 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural, Resources Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Dexter R. Matthews, Interim Director Resident 2120 Old Salisbury -Concord Road Concord, North Carolina 28025 Dear Sir or Madame: NCDENR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT July 5, 2001 RE: Water Supply Well Sample Results Water Supply Well at 2120 Old Salisbury -Concord Road Cabarrus County, North Carolina The Division of Waste Management (DWM) received sample results from the above referenced water supply well on July 3, 2001. On June 13, 2001, a representative of the DWM sampled your water supply well. The sample was analyzed for volatile organic compounds and semi -volatile organic compounds. Volatile organic compounds include a wide range of manmade compounds including, but not limited to, gasoline components and chlorinated solvents used as degreasers. Examples of semi -volatile compounds include some of the components of diesel, kerosene. and new and used motor oil. The .tune 13, 2001, samples did not detect any volatile organic compounds or senti-volatile organic compounds in the well water. if you have any questions, please call me at (704) 663-1699, ext. 248. Sincerely, Amber R. Linden Hydrogeological Technician I1 Enclosure 1646 lviail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone: 919-733-4996 \ FAX: 919-715-3605 \ Internet: tnnnTw.enr.state.nc.us p N EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER COUNTY: CA➢ARRUS QUAD NO: REPORT TO : AIRO Regional Once COLLECTOR(S) : A LINDEN DATE: J o TIME: LABORATORV ANAI.VCC¢ BOD 310 mglL COD High 340 m /L COD Low 335 mg/L Coliform: ME Fecal 31616 /100ml Coliform: ME Tom] 31504 /100m1 TOC mg/I Turbiti, NTU Residue., Suspended 530 mg/l, Total Suspended solids mg/L PH units Alkalinity to pH 4.5 mg/L Alkslini v to PH 8.3 mg/L Carbonate mg/L Bicarbonate mg/l, Carbon dioxide mg/L Chloride mg/L Chromium: Hex 1032 ug/L Color True 80 co. Cvamdc 720 mg/1- COMMENTS Owncc Location or Site Description of sampling point Sampling Method: Remarks: DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Chemistry Laboratory Report / Ground Rater Quality SAMPLE PRIORITY OROUTINE EMERGENCY -LL 0 , 2001 0 CHAIN OF CUSTODY ❑ W❑ SAMPLBTYPE 1f gyp' q 212001DGAIIGDI RY O�CORD RO\D Diss, Solids 70300 mg/L Fluoride 951 mg/L Hardness: total 900 mg/L Hardness:(oonczrb) 902 mg/L Phenols 32730 u /L Specific Cord. 95 umhos/cm2 Sulfate mg/L Sulfide 745 mg/L MBAS mg/L Oil and Grease mg/L Silica mg/L Boron Farmaldchvdc rn, L NH3 as N 610 mg/L TKN as N 625 mg/L NO2 +N'03 as n 630 mg/L P: Total as P 665 mg/L PO4 mg/L All -Silver 46566 ug/L AI -Aluminum 46557 ug/L As -Arsenic 46551 ug/L Ba-➢a ri um 46558 ug/L C,Calcium 46552 mg/L Cd-Cadium 46559 ug/L Cr-Chromium 46560 ug/L Cu-Copper 1042 ug/L FeIron10,15 ug/1. Hg- Mcrcury 71900 eg/L K-Potassium 46555 mg/L Mg- Magnesium 927 mg/L MmMangencsc 1055 ug/L Na. Sodium 929 mg/L Ni-Nickcl ug/L Pb-Lead 46564 ug/L Se -Selenium ug/L Zn_Zine 46567 ug/L Lab Number 1C0921 Date Reccived 6/14/2001 Time Received : 9:15 AM /Rf�cccivcdB(y/�: D Released By � R I Date reported : 629R0ol iG0921.x1s i ENR/DWQ LABORATORY LAB NO. 1G0921 SEMI -VOLATILE ANALYTICAL REPORT REPORTED BY SUPERVISOR CHECKED BY DATE =�T` REVIEWED BY ENTERED BY gtkj SAMPLE TYPE' WATER ANALYSIS RESULTS DATE ocw-a .vrviwvt lU U 606 20-2 2,6 DINITROTOLUENE 10 U 10895-2 PHENOL 10 U 99-092 3 NITROANILINE 50 U 111444 BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL) ETHER 10 - U 83-32.9 ACENAPHTHENE 10 U 95.57.8 2-CHLOROPHENOL 10 U 51 285 2,4-DINITRO PHENOL 50 U 541-73.1 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE 10 U 100-02-7 4 NITRO PHENOL 50 U 106-46-7 1,4 DICHLOROBENZENE 10 U 13264-9 DIBENZOFURAN 10 U 100 51.6 BENZYL ALCOHOL 20 U 121-14 2 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE 10 U 95.50.1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 10 U 84-662 DIETHYL PHTHALATE 10 U 95.48-7 2-METHYL PHENOL 10 U 7005 72 3 - 4 CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 10 U 108-60-1 BIS(2-CHLOROISOPROPYL) ETHER 10 U 86-737 FLUORENE 10 U 106-445 4 METHYL PHENOL 10 U 100-01.6 4-NITROANILINE 50 U 621 64-7 N-NITROSO-DI-N-PROPYLAMINE 10 U 53452 1 4,6-DINITR0-2 METHYL PHENOL 50 U 67.72.1 HEXACHLOROETHANE 10 U 86-306 N-NITROSODIPHENYLAMINE 10 U 98.95.3 NITROBENZENE 10 U 101 55-3 4 BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER 10 U 78-59-1 ISOPHORONE 10 U 118-74-1 HEXACHLOROBENZENE 10 U 88.75.5 2-NITRO PHENOL 10 J2 U 87865 PENTACHLORO PHENOL 50 J2 U 10567-9 2,4 DIMETHYL PHENOL 10 U 85-01.8 PHENANTHRENE 10 U 65.85.0 - BENZOIC ACID 50 U 12012-7 ANTHRACENE 10 U 111-91.1 BIS(2-CHLOROETHOXY) METHANE 10 U 84.742 DI N BUTYL PHTHALATE 10 U 120.83-2 2,4-DICHLORO PHENOL 10 U 20644-0 FLUORANTHENE 10 U 120.82.1 1,2,4 TRICHLOROBENZENE 10 U 129 00 0 PYRENE 10 U 91-20-3 NAPHTHALENE 10 U 85-687 BUTYLBENZYL PHTHALATE 10 J2 U 10647.8 4 CHLOROANILINE 20 U 91.94.1 3,3'DICHLOROBENZIDINE 20,12 U 87-68-3 HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE 10 U 56-553 BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 10 U 59-50-7 4 CHLORO 3-METHYL PHENOL 20 U 21801-9 CHRYSENE - 10 U 91-57-6 2 METHYL NAPHTHALENE 10 U 117.81 7 BIS(2 ETHYLHEXYL) PHTHALATE 10 U 77.47-4 HEXACHLOROCYCLOPENTADIENE 10 J2 U 117.84.0 DIN OCTYL PHTHALATE 10 J2 U 88-06-2 2,4,6 TRICHLORO PHENOL 10 J2 U 205 99 2 BENZO(S)FLUORANTHENE 10 U 95-95.4 2,4,5-TRICHLORO PHENOL 10 U 207.089 BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE 10 U 91.58.7 2-CHLORO NAPHTHALENE 10 U 50328 BENZO(A)PYRENE 10 U 88-74-4 2-NITROANILINE 50 U 193 39.5 -INDENO(1,2,3 CD)PYRENE 10 U 131.11 3 DIMETHYL PHTHALATE 10 U 53 70-3 DIBENZO(A,H)ANTHRACENE 10 U 208968 ACENAPHTHYLENE 10 U 191-242 BENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE 10 U I ENR/DWQ LABORATORY LAB NO. 1G0921 REPORTED BY ip• VOLATILE ANALYTICAL REPORT• SUPERVISOR_ ekvm I CHECKED BY a/c DATE REVIEWED BY ENTERED BY SAMPLE TYPE: WATER ANALYSIS RESULTS DATE­[0 JQ0 101 CA$# V TAR T,CO ilP0ilND PQL pETCTED;. .. ...... PQL DETECTED ............... 7535 4 1,1 Dichloroethene 0.50 U 96 184 1,2,3 Trichloropropene 0.25 U 75092 Methylene Chloride 10 U 108861 Bromobenzene 0.50 U 156-60.5 trans 1,2 Dichloroethene 0.25 U 95-49.8 2 Chlorotoluene 0.25 U 75343 1,1 Dichloroethane 0.25 U 106-434 4 Chlorotoluene 0.25 U 590.207 2,2 Dichloropropane 0.25 U 541 73 1 1,3.Dichlorobenzene 0.25 U 156-594 cis 1,2.Dichloroethene 0.25 U 106467 1,4 Dichlorobenzene 0.25 U 67663 Chloroform 0.25 U 95501 1,2 Dichlorobenzene 0.25 U 7497 5 Bromochloromethane 0.50 U 96.12-8 1,2 Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 0.50 U 71-55 6 1,1,1 Trichloroethane 0.25 U 12082.1 1,2,4 Trichtorobenzene 0.25 U 563586 1,1 Dichloropropene 0.25 U 87683 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.25 U 5623 5 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.50 U 87616 1,2,3 Trichlorobenzene 0.50 U 10706-2 1,2 Dichloroethane 0.25 U 1634044 Methyl tert-butyl ether 5 U 7901-6 Trichloroethene 0.25 U 71 432 Benzene I U 78 87 5 1,2.Dichloropropane 0.25 U 108883 Toluene 1 U 75274 Bromodi6loromethane 0.25 U 100.414 Ethyl benzene I U 74953 Dibromomethane 0.50 U 108383 ni Xyleres 2 U 10061-01.5 cis 1,3 Dichloropropene 0.25 U 95-47.6 o Xylene I U 10061 02 6 trans- 1,3.Dichloropropene 0.25 U 100-425 Styrene 1 U 79-00.5 1,1,2 Trichloroethane 0.25 U 9882-8 1 sopropyl benzene 1 U 127 184 Tetrachloroethene 0.25 U 10365 1 n Propyibenzene 1 U 142-28.9 1,3 Dichloropropane 0.25 U 10867.8 1,3,5 Trimethyl benzene 1 U 12448-1 Dibromochloromethane 0.50 U 98066 ter: Butylbenzene I U 10693.4 1,2 Dibromoethane 0.50 U 95636 1,2,4 Tri methyl benzene 1 U 108 90 7 Chlorobenzene 0.25 U 135 98 8 see Butylbenzene I U 630206 1.1,1.2 Tetrachloroethane 0.25 U 99 87.6 p isopropyltoluene I U 75252 Bromoform 0.50 U 104-518 in Butylbenzene I U 7934.5 1,1.2,2 Tetrachloroethane 0.25 U 9120.3 Naphthalene I U PQL Practical Quantitation Limit Subject to change due to instrument sensitivity N Tentatively Identified. not confirmed J Estimated Value U Samples analyzed for this compound but not detected x Sample not analyzed for this compound I Estimated concentration is <PQL and >MDL # GC/MS Analysis performed COMMENTS: mglL mgl Gasoline Re n go EstimatedI I TotalI Petroleum Hydroca rbon 0.20 x Other purgeables detected Detected (up to 10 highest peaks) NO VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DETECTED BY GC/ELCD/PlD. ug/L SEMIVOLATILE ORGANICS REPORT - DWQ LAB PAGE 2 NO BASE/NEUTRAL OR ACID EXTRACTABLE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS DETECTED BY GUMS. COMMENTS: LAB NO. 1G0921 PQL Practical Quantitation Limit Subject to change due to instrument sensitivity U Samples analyzed for this compound but not detected I Below PQL, above MOIL, estimated J Estimated value A Value reported is the mean (average) of two or more determinations J2 The reported value failed to meet the established quality control criteria for either precision or accuracy. N1 The component has been tentatively identified based on mass spectral library search. P PQL Elevated PQL due to sample dilution Nor Ilt Carolina GROUNDWATER FIELD/LAB FORW%t\' ^ ^>qE Department of Envlranrnenl, Health, and Natural Resources :yy ! DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -GROUNDWATER SECTION County---C—aak 2� - — SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE PRIORITY o { r z Water Quad No Serial No. nRoutine So,I REmergency Lai 35' 25. 93 Long. s2 ❑ Other Report To: ARO, FRO , RRO, WaRO, WIRO, ❑ Chain of Custody WSRO, Kinston FO, Fed. Trust, Central OIL, Other: 0 Shipped by: Bus ourle Hand Del Other. - Lab Number Dale Receiv Rec'd by:1 Other: — Time Data Entry By: Ck: Dale Reported: p apace: Collecler(s):\JltYUn Dale 1 -\��0� Tlm 9' aseline om lah , Compliance LUST, Pesticide Stud Federal Trust, Other: P P 16rcma"al Y, L-IELI ANALYSES Owner pH400 (O.Uy Spec. Cond.94 ) f R a1 25o C Location or site ZA Temp.la L. L:i oC Odor Description of sampling Appearance 4.ar-+- . '';� Sampling Method 3 Field Analysis By: 9 �a-� Remarks LABORATORY ANALYSES`T Sample Inn Hand Del., BOD, 310 mg/I Diss. Solids 7wurt mall An Silver 46566 ug/I Organochimine Pesticides _ _ COD I Ilgh 340 mgA Flollr d 951 Illjhl AI - Aluminrim 46557 nra/_I Orgartophospllorus Pesticides COD Low 000 nl(UI 11aw11Il99LEALUD ingIL 11Q - A19Pill[LA 4!!) Illlfl. _ Hlhnpnn Puullrlduu __ Add I Ietblcldus Colllonn: MF Fecal 31616 IIDOnd _ _ 1lardness (nan-carb) 002 11MI — _ Ba - Barium 40558 ugll Colllorm: MF Total 31504 500ml Phenols 32730 (JaL Ca - Calclum 46552 rnq/I PCB's _ _ TOO 600 MOM Speclllc Cond. 95 ulylhi L Cd - Cadmium 46559 uq/I Turbldily 76 NTU Sullale 945 mg/I Cr - Chranliwn 46560 ug/I _ Residue., Suspended 530 mg/I _ Sulllde 745 mg/l Cu - Copper 46562 ug/I _ _ _ _ Fe - Iron 46563 ug/I X Sernivolalile Organics Oil and Grease mgll I Ig - Mercury 71900 ugll TPH - Diesel Range pit 403. unit _ K - Potassium 46555 mg/1 Alkallnlly to pH 4.5 410 mgll Mg - Magnesium 46554 mq/l _ _ Alkallnlly to pl 10.3 415 1119/1 Mn - Manganese 46565 un/I _ _ Carbonate 445 mgll NI I- as N 610 inrL Na - Sodium 46556 nigh Volatile Organics (VOA bollle) _ _ Blcarbonale 440 n1 /I _ _ TIW as N 625 mu(- _ -Ni -NLkel uq/I _ TPH - Gasoline Range Carbon dioxide 405 mg/I _ NOa + NO, as N 630 mq/I Pb - Lead 46564 uq/l _ TPH - BTEX Gasollre Range Chloride 940 mg/I P: Total as P 665 mg/I So - Selenium uq/I. _ Chrorlllum: Hex 1032 ug/I Zn - ZInC 46567 un/I _ Color. True 80 CU _ Cyanide 720 mg/l _ Lab Comments: GW-54 REV. 7/l For Dissolved Analysis - submit lillered sample and write "DIS" in t North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr. , Secretary William L. Meyer, Director Resident 2120 Old Salisbury -Concord Road Concord, North Carolina 28025 Dear Sir or Madam: A NCDENR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT June 6, 2001. RE: Water Supply Well Sampling Hatley's Tire Cabarrus County, N.C. On June 13, 2001, staff from the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Waste Management (DWM) and the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) will be collecting groundwater samples from water supply wells in the vicinity of the Hatley's Tire property to help determine if there are any environmental impacts associated with this property. The laboratory results will be forwarded to you as soon as possible. Should you have questions or do not wish to have your well sampled, please call me at (704) 663- 1699, ext. 248. Sincerely, �_7 er R. Lmdon' Hydrogeological Technician II 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 \ Fax: 704-663-6040 \ Internet: www.enr.state.nc.us/ENR/ Ai EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED 1 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr. ,'Secretary William L. Meyer, Director Resident 2100 Kiser Road Concord, North Carolina 28025 Dear Sir or Madam: NCDENR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT June 6, 2001 RE: Water Supply Well Sampling Hatley's Tire Cabarrus County, N.C. On June 13, 2001, staff from the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Waste Management (DWM) and the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) will be collecting groundwater samples from water supply wells in the vicinity of the Hatley's Tire property to help determine if there are any environmental impacts associated with this property. The laboratory results will be forwarded to you as soon as possible. Should you have questions or do not wish to have your well sampled, please call me at (704) 663- 1699, ext. 248. Sincerely, Amber R. Lin on Hydrogeological Technician II 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 \ Fax: 704-663-6040 \ Internet: www.eu.smm.nc.0 /ENR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr. , Secretary William L. Meyer, Director Resident 1855 Kiser Road Concord, North Carolina 28025 Dear Sir or Madam: uuu NCDENR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT June 6, 2001 RE: Water Supply Well Sampling Hatley's Tire Cabamis County, N.C. On June 13, 2001, staff from the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Waste Management (DWM) and the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) will be collecting groundwater samples from water supply wells in the vicinity of the Hatley's Tire property to help determine if there are any environmental impacts associated with this property. The laboratory results will be forwarded to you as soon as possible. Should you have questions or do not wish to have your well sampled, please call me at (704) 663- 1699, ext. 248. Sincerely, Amber R. Lin on Hydrogeological Technician II 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 r Phone: 704-663-1699 \ Fax: 704-663-6040 \ Internet: www.em.state.nc.us/ENR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50 %RECYCLED / 10%POST CONSUMER PAPER North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr. , Secretary William L. Meyer, Director Resident 2125 Old Salisbury -Concord Road Concord, North Carolina 28025 Dear Sir or Madam: j L- NCDENR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT June 6, 2001 RE: Water Supply Well Sampling Hatley's Tire Cabarrus County, N.C. On June 13, 2001, staff from the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Waste Management (DWM) and the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) will be collecting groundwater samples from water supply wells in the vicinity of the Hatley's Tire property to help determine if there are any environmental impacts associated with this property. The laboratory results will be forwarded to you as soon as possible. Should you have questions or do not wish to have your well sampled, please call me at (704) 663- 1699, ext. 248. Sincerely, Amber R. Lindon Hydrogeological Technician II 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 \ Fax: 704-663-6040 \ Internet: www.eu.smte.nc.us/ENR/ AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER