HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-7075_00_CA_O_20010709_Complaint-2EMails[Fwd: Investigation]
Subject: [Fwd: Investigation]
Date: Mon, 09 Jul 2001 15:05:16 -0400
From: Peggy Finley <Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net>
Organization: NC DENR - Mooresville Regional Office
To: Amber.Lindon@ncmail.net
I was planning on getting up with you about this site now that we're
both back from vacation but here's another email on the matter.
Peggy Finley - Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net
North Carolina Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources
Div. of Water Quality - Ground Water Section
919 N. Main St.
Mooresville, NC 28115
Ph: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040
Subject: RE: Investigation
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 14:54:02 -0400
From: Floyce.M.Harward@pmusa.com
To: Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net
Ms. Finley, It's been a while since I contacted you regarding Hatley's Tire
Store on Old Salisbury Road in Concord. The last I heard was that someone
was testing the wells surrounding this property in June. Over the past
month, conditions have worsened at this property:
* The renters continue to dump transmission fluid and motor oil at
various places on the grounds surrounding the building, and
* They are storing motors under the trailers behind the building and
oil is leaking from them onto the ground.
My husband informed me that your staff would not have to dig to uncover
contaminated soil at this point since the occupants are now dumping
hazardous fluids all over the grounds. At your convenience, please let me
know the status of your investigation and any findings or actions that have
transpired since our last communication. I sincerely appreciate your
cooperation and assistance.
Floyce Harward, Community Relations
Philip Morris U.S.A., Concord, NC
Phone: 704-788-5133
Fax: 704-788-5139
E-mail: floyce.m.harward@pmusa.com
> -----Original Message-----
• From: Harward, Floyce
> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 10:18 AM
> To: 'Peggy Finley'
> Subject: RE: Investigation
> I found out this weekend that Ed Hatle
> to California and will not be home for
> located around the corner from the tire
> phone number is 704-786-4987. His wife,
> this trip. This info` should be helpful
> Floyce Harward, Community Relations
> Philip Morris U.S.A., Concord, NC
> Phone: 704-788-5133
> Fax: 704-788-5239
> E-mail: floyce.m.harward@pmusa.com
y is on a three-week motorcycle ride
2 or 3 weeks. His residence is
store at 2001 Kiser Road. and his
Marilyn, Md not accompany him on
to you in planning.
> -----Original Message -----
> From: Peggy Finley [SMTP:Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net]
> Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 4:08 PM
1 of 2 7/9/01 3:56 PM
[Fwd: Investigation]
To: floyce.m.harward@pmusa.com
Subject: Investigation
Amber Lindon, from the Underground Storage Tank Section, and I
visited Hatley's Tire Store earlier this week. Mr. Hatley was not
> there
and the individual who was there was not inclined to let us poke
> around
much. We did note the names and addresses of people who own wells
nearby and downgradient of the store. Amber plans to contact them
> and
get permission for us to sample their wells. At some point she also
hopes to be able to look for that old UST you mentioned. We will
> keep
you informed.
Peggy Finley
Peggy Finley - Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net
North Carolina Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources
Div. of Water Quality - Ground Water Section
919 N. Main St.
Mooresville, NC 28115
Ph: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040
<< File: Card for Peggy Finley >>
Peggy Finley <Peeev.FinleyAnemail.net>
NC DENR - Mooresville
Div. of Water Quality - Ground Water Section
2 of 2 7/9/01 3:56 PM
RE: Request to Investigate contaminated soil in Caba rLs County
Subject: RE: Request to Investigate contaminated soil in Cabarrus County
Date: Mon, 14 May 2001 10:30:39 -0400
From: Floyce.M.Harward@pmusa.com
To: Peggy.Finley@ncmai1.net
Ms. Finley,
My husband has updated the info I had on the Hatley property based
on interviews he's conducted with neighbors surrounding the property. There
are several people, in fact, who has first-hand knowledge of the Hatley
business over the years. One name is Jack Penninger and his address is 1919
Kiser Road (phone 704-782-6194). A neighbor across the street (Linda & Jerry
Bennick, 2001 Old Salisbury Rd., 704-782-1534) also know a lot about the
property. Linda's father sold the property to Craven Hatley many years ago.
I was wrong about the gas pump. Ed Hatley's father, A.C. "Craven"
Hatley (now deceased), did sell Sinclair gas there years ago and when they
stopped, the tank was not removed. There's some conflict about where the
pump was located, on the front corner or side corner, but all agree the tank
has never been removed and cement was poured at the front corner (in front
of the office) 5 years ago and the tank may now be covered with the new
concrete pad. Some also say the tank was filled with water years ago when
they stopped selling gas.
I'm very concerned to know that both Craven Hatley and Ed Hatley
dumped oil out the back door for many, many years before the addition to the
back of the shop was built over that site. My husband feels that the
addition out back does not cover the entire area where oil has been dumped.
After they built the addition to the back, neighbors say the Hatley's
started dumping the oil at the back of the property in the woods where the
old cars and hundreds of old tires were heaved into the woods. Again, this
would explain the contamination of neighbors' wells over the years that sit
adjacent to the back of the property on Kiser Road.
I'm also concerned about the massive number of tires thrown into the
woods for many, many years. With the threat of illness from mosquito -borne
West Nile virus, this surely presents another health hazard.
I'm attaching a crudely drawn map that I hope will help you with
this investigation. Again, please let me know how your investigation is
progressing and subsequent actions at its conclusion. If you have any
questions or need additional information, please let me know. Thank you!
(When you open this document, please click on "view" and on "page layout" so
you can see the drawings.)
«Map-Hatley Tire Property.doc>>
Floyce Harward, Community Relations
Philip Morris U.S.A., Concord, NC
Phone: 704-788-5133
Fax: 704-788-5139
E-mail: floyce.m.harward@pmusa.com
> -----Original Message-----
• From: Harward, Floyce
> Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 3:39 PM
> To: 'Peggy Finley'
> Subject: RE: Request to Investigate contaminated soil in Cabarrus
> County
> I apologize for not being available, but feel free to use e-mail or leave
> me a voice -mail message at your convenience. The current name of the
> business is "Ed Hatley's Tire Store" and when the business first opened
> many years ago, it was owned & operated by Ed Hatley's father, Craven
> Hatley, who is now deceased. The business never was operated as a gas
of 3 5/14/01 3:37 PM
RE: Request to Investigate contaminated soil in Cabar us County
> station, but Craven Hatley (the founder) had a gas pump on site that he
> used to fuel his own vehicles and those of his customers, I believe, as a
> courtesy. I've lived in this neighborhood for almost 21 years and if I
> remember correctly, the current owner (Ed Hatley) had the gas pump
> operating for some years in the 1980's and maybe in the 1990's. I'm not
> certain when he stopped using the gas pump. I did talk to some of the
> senior residents who live around this property and it's a well-known fact
> that several of them have had to dig new wells in years past because their
> existing wells had become contaminated; a fact they attributed to ground
> contamination from the Hatley Tire Store. Most of these elderly (and some
> are now deceased) residents were not aware that the government has strict
> guidelines and restrictions on this type of activity which is why their
> concerns have been voiced as gripes and accusations within the existing
> community..1 feel a little better knowing that you're planning to get to
> the bottom of this situation and look forward to hearing the results.
> Meanwhile, if you have any questions or concerns I can assist with, please
> do not hesitate to contact me.
> Floyce Harward, Community Relations
> Philip Morris U.S.A., Concord, NC
> Phone: 704-788-5133
> Fax: 704-788-5139
> E-mail: floyce.m.harward@pmusa.com
> -----Original Message -----
> From: Peggy Finley (SMTP:Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net]
> Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 3:15 PM
> To: floyce.m.harward@pmusa.com
> Subject: Re: Request to Investigate contaminated soil in
> Cabarrus County
> I was unable to reach you by phone but wanted to respond to your
> request. I am working to coordinate a site visit with a staff member from
> the Underground Storage Tank Section, since there may be more than one
> potential source of a problem. I have checked the Surface Water Quality,
> Groundwater, and UST databases and found no report or documentation of a
> problem at the address you supplied, or the existence of tanks. Do you
> know the name of the facility when it was a gas station? What is the name
> now?
> Peggy Finley
> DENR- Mooresville Regional Office
> Floyce.M.Harward@pmusa.com wrote:
> > I am writing to request that someone from your office inspect a
> small Lire
> > repair business located at 2140 Old Salisbury -Concord Road in
> Concord, NC.
> > Over the past 40 years, the owner has been dumping oil behind the
> business
> > and contaminating the drinking water in the streams and wells of
> residents
> > surrounding this location. Several residents have had to dig new
> wells over
> > the years and ?:ave attributed this to ground -water contamination.
> In
> > addition, the current owner's father (now deceased) had a gas pump
> on site
> > for many years that's no longer used. I strongly fear that the
of 3 5/14/01 3:37 PM
RE: Request to Investigate contaminated soil in Cabanms County
• > underground
> > tank used to store fuel may be structurally unsafe and many of us
> are
> > worried about what may be leaking into the soil and contaminating
> our water
> > from this source as well. Please let me know when one of your
> staff members
> > conducts this inspection and also the findings from it. I
> appreciate any
> > help you can offer to alleviate the distressful situation and feel
> free to
> > contact me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to
> hearing from
> > you. Thank you!
> > Floyce Harward, Community Relations
> > Philip Morris U.S.A., Concord, NC
> > Phone: 704-788-5133
> > Fax: 704-788-5139
> > E-mail: floyce.m.harward@pmusa.com
> Peggy Finley-.Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net
> North Carolina Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources
> Div. of Water Quality - Ground Water Section
> 919 N. Main St.
> Mooresville, NC 28115
> Ph: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040
> << File: Card for Peggy Finley >>
Name: Map-Hatley Tire Property.doc
F]Map-Hatley Tire Property.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword)
Encoding: base64
3 of 3 5/14/01 3:37 PM
Woods (wooded area starts here); also Harley property
Hundreds of old tires dumped in the woods and neighbors say
oil was also dumped here in the woods over the years.
+= Abandoned
Addition to bldg. was
built over old oil -
Original Back Door
dumping site sere oil was dumped
for years
Ed Hatley's
Tire Store
Original Sinclair gas pump
was located in one of these
two spots; Cemcnt ryas
poured over area at front of
bldg. 5 years aQo.
Old Salisbury -Concord Road