HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9473_40915_CA_IAR_20190702_ Initial Action Abatement Report & Email DiscussionINITIAL ABATEMENT ACTION REPORT LINDA LAKE DRIVE UST 7609 LINDA LAKE DRIVE CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA INCIDENT NO.: PENDING FACILITY I.D. NO.: N/A MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. OOOH1378.00 Risk Classification: Unassigned Land Use: Unassigned Latitude: 35.245861 ° N Longitude: 80.733052' W Date Discovered: March, 2019 Estimated Quantity of Release: Unknown Cause/Source of Release: Heating Oil UST Prepared For: Lifespan Inc. 1511 Shopton Road, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28127 Prepared By: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. 1125 East Morehead Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, North Carolina 28204 July 2, 2019 Atlantic �r e ngineerhig & Environmental Solutions Initial Abatement Action Report In addition to reporting initial response and abatement actions and assessment actions and presenting initial site characterization, this newly -created Initial Abatement Action Report must fulfill the requirements, when a release has been discovered, for the following individual reports: ❑ Site Check Report (Section C) 0 UST Closure Report (UST-12) with UST-2 Form (Section D) 0 Post -Excavation Soil Contamination Assessment Report (Section H) ❑ Free Product Recovery Report (Section E) Check the applicable report(s). Complete Section A-L, as required, including the sections specifically designated for the reports you have indicated. The Initial Abatement Action Report must be submitted to the appropriate regional office within 90 days following discovery of release. A. Site Information 1. Site Identification ➢ Date of Report: July 1, 2019 ➢ Facility I.D.: N/A UST Incident Number (if known): Unassigned ➢ Site Name: Linda Lake Drive UST ➢ Site Street Address: 7609 Linda Lake Drive ➢ City/Town: Charlotte Zip Code: 28215 County: Mecklenburg County ➢ Description of Geographical Data Point (e.g. diesel fill port): Home Heating Oil Tank ➢ Location method (GPS, topographical map, other): Google Earth Software ➢ Latitude (decimal degrees): 35.245903' N Longitude (decimal degrees): 80.733063' W 2. Information about Contacts Associated with the Release (Addresses must include street, city, state, zip code and mailing address, if different). ➢ UST Owner: Kenneth_Fuquay/ CEO ➢ Address: 1511 Shopton Road, Suite A, Charlotte, North Carolina 28127 Phone: (704) 562-2316 ➢ UST Operator: Kenneth Fuquay/ CEO ➢ Address: 1511 Shopton Road, Suite A Charlotte North Carolina 28127 Phone: (704) 562-2316 ➢ Property Owner: Same as UST Owner ➢ Address: Same as UST Owner Phone: Same ➢ Property Occupant: Unoccupied ➢ Address: Phone: ➢ Consultant/Contractor: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. ➢ Address: 1125 East Morehead Street, Suite 104, Charlotte, North Carolina 28204 Phone: (980) 585-1271 ➢ Analytical Laboratory: Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. State Certification No. 329 ➢ Address: 106 Vantage Point Drive, West Columbia South Columbia 29172 Phone: (803) 791-9700 3. Information about Release: ➢ Date Discovered: March 29, 2019 ➢ Estimated Quantity of Release: Unknown ➢ Cause of Release: Corrosion of UST system. ➢ Source of Release (e.g. Dispenser/Piping/UST): UST ➢ Sizes and Contents of UST(s) (or other containment from which the release occurred): One 550-gallon heating oil UST 4. Certification (The title page must display the seal and signature of the certifying P.E. or L.G. and the name and certification number of the company or corporation, if applicable [See 15A NCAC 2L.0103(e)].) I, Patrick R. Kelly , a Professional Engineer/ Licensed Geologist] (circle one) for Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. (firm or company of employment), do certify that the information contained in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. (Please Affix Seal and Signature) Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. (Name of Company or Corporation) is licensed to practice geology/engineering (circle one or both) in North Carolina. The certification number of the company or corporation is C-186 and F-0967 atlantic gi.^eering & Environmental Solutions M id Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions 1 125 E. Morehnad Street, Suite 104 ?;harictir, NC 28204-28�1-9 MAAONLINE.COM July 2, 2019 Ms. Trudy Beverly NCDEQ-DWM UST Section -Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue Mooresville, North Carolina 82115 Subject: INITIAL ABATEMENT ACTION REPORT LINDA LAKE DRIVE UST 7609 LINDA LAKE DRIVE CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA INCIDENT NO.: PENDING MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. 00OH1378.00 Dear Ms. Trudy Beverly: On behalf of Lifespan Inc. (Lifespan), Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. (Mid -Atlantic) submits the enclosed Initial Abatement Action Report for the above -referenced site. If you have any questions, please contact us at (980) 585-1271. Sincerely, MID-ATLANT C A CIA r P®rick elly, P.G. Project Geologist cc: Kenneth Fuquay/ CEO Lifespan, Inc. 00OH1378.00 Initial Abatement Action Report , INC. Greg D. Icenhour, P.G. Vice President EXPERIENCED CUSTOMER FOCUSED INNOVATIVE o� Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions y MAAONLINE.COM INITIAL ABATEMENT ACTION REPORT 550-GALLON HEATING OIL UST LINDA LAKE DRIVE UST 7609 LINDA LAKE DRIVE CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA INCIDENT NO.: PENDING July 2, 2019 Mid -Atlantic Job No. 0001­11378.00 Prepared For: Lifespan, Inc. 1511 Shopton Road, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28127 Prepared By: Patrick R. Kelly,4F:G. Project Geologist Greg D. Icenhour, P.G. Principal Geologist T.yE�, fNC. 2 rr, n ,,. _ 3(" r '7- 2-rY i r EXPERIENCED CUSTOMER FOCUSED INNOVATIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION............................................................................................1 1.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1 1.2 OWNER/OPERATOR OF THE UST..........................................................................1 1.3 PROPERTY OWNER.............................................................................................. 1 1.5 CONTACTS..........................................................................................................2 1.6 UST INFORMATION...............................................................................................2 1.7 SITE CHARACTERISTICS........................................................................................2 1.8 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES PERFORMED TO DATE.....................................................3 2.0 UST CLOSURE PROCEDURES.....................................................................................................................3 2.1 PRE -CLOSURE PROCEDURES...............................................................................3 2.2 EXCAVATION PROCEDURES..................................................................................3 2.3 EXCAVATED SOIL.................................................................................................3 2.4 SAMPLING PROCEDURES......................................................................................4 2.5 QUALITY CONTROL MEASURES..............................................................................4 2.6 INVESTIGATIVE RESULTS......................................................................................4 3.0 INITIAL RESPONSE'AND ABATEMENT ACTION...................................................................................4 4.0 EXCAVATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL...............................................................................................5 4.1 OVER -EXCAVATION AND SAMPLING ACTIVITIES.......................................................5 4.2 BACKFILLING PROCEDURES..................................................................................5 4.3 QUALITY CONTROL MEASURES.............................................................................5 4.4 INVESTIGATIVE RESULTS......................................................................................5 5.0 REGULATORY STATUS.................................................................................................................................6 6.0 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................6 IT:T-11TA1►CeT� Drawing 1 Topographic Site Map Drawing 2 Soil Sample Location Map TABLES Table 1 UST System Information Table 2 Soil Sampling Results �_TJ»►1_�1C�LX+� Appendix A UST-61 Form Appendix B UST, Soil, and Sludge Disposal Documentation. Appendix C Laboratory Analytical Report and Chain -of -Custody Record for Soil Samples Atlantic E n gineenia g & Environmental Solutions 1.0 SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION 1.1 Introduction The subject site is a single family home, and is located at 7609 Linda Lake Drive, in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Drawing 1). During soil sampling as part of real estate due diligence activities on March 29, 2019, Carolina Environmental Response discovered a release from a 550-gallon capacity heating oil underground storage tank (UST) at the above referenced property. The location of the former UST is shown on Drawing 2. This report presents background information; a summary of the UST removal and closure assessment procedures; documentation of the over -excavation of contaminated soil; the laboratory analytical results; and our findings, conclusions and recommendations. The opinions included herein are based on our experience and the information obtained during the study. This report is based on limited observations made on the dates noted using the procedures described herein. If additional information becomes available, we request the opportunity to review the information, reassess the potential environmental concerns and modify our conclusions and recommendations, if appropriate. 1.2 Owner/Operator of the UST Lifespan, Inc. Mr. Kenneth Fuquay/ CEO 1511 Shopton Road, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28127 (704) 562-2316 1.3 Property Owner Lifespan, Inc. Mr. Kenneth Fuquay/ CEO 1511 Shopton Road, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28127 (704) 562-2316 1.4 Facility Information. 7609 Linda Lake Dr. Charlotte, North Carolina 28215 Facility I.D. #: TBD Latitude: 35.245861 ° N Longitude: 80.733052' W Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions Initial Abatement Action Report Linda Lake Drive UST, 7609 Linda Lake Drive Charlotte, North Carolina 1.5 Contacts Primary Contact: Lifespan, Inc. Mr. Kenneth Fuquay/ CEO 1511 Shopton Road, Suite A Charlotte, North Carolina 28127 (704) 562-2316 Closure Contractor: EHC Environmental P. O. Box 902 Red Springs, North Carolina 28377 (910) 850-4299 Consultant: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. 1125 East Morehead Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28204 (980) 585-1271 Mr. Patrick R. Kelly Laboratory: Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, South Columbia 29172 (803) 791-9700 Ms. Kelly Nance I9**l vb�2rel • u 5 1 t • � July 1, 2019 Page 2 One 550-gallon capacity heating oil UST was used at the subject site to provide fuel for the associated residence. According to information provided by Lifespan, ground contamination from a heating oil UST on the subject site was discovered during a real estate due diligence activities. See Drawing 2 for the former location of the tank and Table 1 for UST Information. 1.7 Site Characteristics The subject site is currently a residential property. The area surrounding the subject site is residential. Surface drainage is generally to the southeast. An unnamed drainage feature is approximately 20 feet to the east of the subject site and runs into an unnamed pond approximately 200 feet southeast of the subject site. According to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), NC Surface Water webpage, the associated pond is a Class C waterbody. Based on a visual reconnaissance of the adjacent properties and the Mecklenburg County Well information system, the subject site and surrounding properties appear to be serviced by the municipal water system. Atlantic Erl:,ineeri g n E-nvironmenta3 Solutions Initial Abatement Action Report July 1, 2019 Linda Lake Drive UST, 7609 Linda Lake Drive Page 3 Charlotte, North Carolina 1.8 Summary of Activities Performed To Date The subject parcel has no known previous releases. The subject UST was excavated on May 29, 2019. 2.0 UST CLOSURE PROCEDURES 2.1 Pre -Closure Procedures On March 29, 2019, prior to the removal of the heating oil UST, Carolina Environmental Response personnel had sampled the soil next to the UST. The analysis identified elevated levels of gasoline range organics (GRO) and diesel range organics (DRO) indicating a suspected underground heating oil leak. On April 18, 2019, Mid -Atlantic associates prepared and submitted a UST-61 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form to the NDEEQ. A copy of the UST-61 is included in Appendix A. On May 29, 2019, approximately 350 gallons of heating oil and water was removed by EHC Environmental (EHC) and transported to EHC's facility in Red Springs, North Carolina for disposal. Following removal of the residual product from the UST, EHC removed the heating oil UST on May 29, 2019. The disposal certificates for UST sludge are included in Appendix B. 2.2 Excavation Procedures The top of the UST was located approximately 2 feet below land surface (BLS). Soil was initially removed from the top and three sides of the UST so that it could be removed from the excavation. Upon removal of the tank, a leak from a seam on the south end of the UST was noted. Free product was encountered in the subsurface adjacent to the UST system. Groundwater was not encountered during excavation activities. EHC removed the UST from the excavation, loaded it onto a trailer and transported the UST to their facility in Red Springs, North Carolina for cleaning and disposal. As of the date of this report, a UST Disposal certificate has not been received by Mid -Atlantic. A copy of the UST Disposal certificate will be provided as soon as it is received. 2.3 Excavated Soil Following removal of the UST, free product impacted soil was removed from the excavation and direct loaded onto a dump truck for transportation and disposal. Additional soil removed from the excavation was screened for evidence of volatile organic vapors with a Mini Rae 3000 Photo Ionization Detector (PID). During removal activities, the PID was used to determine the presence of potentially contaminated soils. Over -excavation procedures were limited due to the proximity of the building foundation. Approximately 4.14 tons of contaminated soil was transported off -site and Atlantic I Fngrnzering 8& Env roamentai Solutions Initial Abatement Action Report July 1, 2019 Linda Lake Drive UST, 7609 Linda Lake Drive Page 4 Charlotte, North Carolina disposed at GTA Farms, LLC in Shannon, North Carolina. Copies of the waste manifests and weight tickets are included in Appendix B. 2.4 Sampling Procedures Upon UST removal, one closure soil sample (HO-1) was collected according to procedures outlined in the NCDEQs Underground Storage Tank Section Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure, and Initial Response and Abatement. The closure sample was collected from the native soil below the former UST at an approximate depth of 6 feet BLS. The approximate location at which the soil sample was collected is shown on Drawing 2. Samples were placed into pre -labeled, laboratory -supplied glassware, placed into an ice -filled coolers and transported under chain -of -custody to Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. (Shealy) in West Columbia, South Carolina for analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons gasoline range organics (TPH-GRO) and diesel range organics (TPH-DRO) by EPA Methods 5035 and 3550, respectively. 2.5 Quality Control Measures The UST closure soil samples were collected from the track hoe bucket. New nitrile gloves were worn during the collection and handling of the soil. Each sample was placed into pre -labeled, laboratory -supplied glassware, placed into an ice -filled cooler and shipped under chain -of -custody control to Prism for analysis. 2.6 Investigative Results A laboratory analytical report for the UST closure soil sample is provided in Appendix C and summarized in Table 2. As summarized, the closure samples (HO-1) exhibited TPH- GRO and DRO concentrations exceeding the NCDEQ UST Section's action level of 50 milligrams per kilogram (mg/Kg) for GRO and 100 mg/Kg for DRO. 3.0 INITIAL RESPONSE AND ABATEMENT ACTION During UST removal, indications of petroleum impacted soil were observed. According to procedures outlined in the NCDEQ's Underground Storage Tank Section Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure, and Initial Response and Abatement, over -excavation of contaminated soil was performed, and is described below. Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions Initial Abatement Action Report July 1, 2019 Linda Lake Drive UST, 7609 Linda Lake Drive Page 5 Charlotte, North Carolina 4.0 EXCAVATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL 4.1 Over -Excavation and Samplina Activities Immediately following the removal of the UST, soils were excavated to remove the visible free product in the excavation. Following the removal of the free product contaminated soils, Mid -Atlantic directed EHC to excavate additional soil for post excavation sampling. The excavated soils were direct loaded onto a dump truck for transportation and disposal. Samples were periodically collected from the floor and sidewalls of the excavated area and scanned with the PID to monitor cleanup progress. Excavation activities were terminated due to concerns of undermining the foundation of the building. Following the completion of excavation activities, confirmatory soil samples (SW-N, SW-E, SW-S, SW- W, and BOTTOM) were collected and prepared for laboratory analysis. The five over - excavation samples were submitted for analysis for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using EPA Method 5035/8260, semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) using EPA Method 8270, and volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) using the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) methods, in accordance with NCDEQ UST Section guidelines. The locations of the confirmatory samples and the limits of the excavation are shown on Drawing 2. Copies of the laboratory analytical reports for this project are provided in Appendix C. Excavated soils were placed into a dump truck for disposal. A total of 4.14 tons of soil was disposed by EHC. Soil disposal manifests and weight tickets are included in Appendix B. 4.2 Backfilling Procedures. Upon removal of the UST, collection of closure samples, and over -excavation activities, the excavation was backfilled. Backfill material was clean imported fill provided by EHC. 4.3 Quality Control Measures The over -excavation soil samples were retrieved using the excavator bucket. Samples were collected so that sampled soils did not have contact with the bucket. New nitrile gloves were worn during the collection and handling of each soil sample. The samples were placed into pre -labeled, laboratory -supplied glassware, placed into an ice -filled cooler and shipped under chain -of -custody to Shealy for analysis. 4.4 Investigative Results According to laboratory analytical results of the over -excavation samples collected, constituents of concern (COC) were detected in the over -excavation confirmation samples. COCs were detected above the NCDEQ soil -to -groundwater Maximum Soil Atlantic o eery g & Environmental Solutions Initial Abatement Action Report Linda Lake Drive UST, 7609 Linda Lake Drive Charlotte, North Carolina July 1, 2019 Page 6 Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs) and Residential MSCCs in soil samples SW-N, SW-W, SW-S, and SW-E. Please refer to Table 2 and Appendix C for a complete list of detected constituents. 5.0 REGULATORY STATUS UST closure soil sampling indicated that a release had occurred from the UST. Post excavation soil samples indicates that soil concentrations above the soil -to -groundwater MSCCS and residential MSCCs were detected in the sidewall samples. No exceedances of the MSCCs were detected in sample collected from the excavation bottom. No water supply wells were identified within 150 feet of the source area. As such, the subject site is considered low risk. 6.0 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS UST closure and initial abatement activities are summarized as follows: • One UST; a 550 .gallon capacity heating oil UST was removed during closure activities; • Petroleum -contaminated soil (4.14 tons) were excavated and transported off -site for disposal, and • Based on the laboratory results for post -excavation confirmatory soil samples, petroleum impacted soils in excess of the Residential MSCCs remains in the subsurface. • The site is considered low risk according to the NCDEQ Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure, and Initial Response and Abatement for UST Releases. Mid -Atlantic recommends that this incident be closed with a Conditional NFA designation pending the completion of a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NORP) and public notification. -a Atlantic Engi!:_ering & Environmental Solutions DRAWINGS =� Atlantic Engineer;mg & Environmental So!ut on<_ N BK pR - UpVEUR� 850 � D�P) GpRpIGpN '&0 2eq AL Plaza Road isp_ �Bapfiss� P9i� Brte Cr pR� Church Cem i 3 S Q Roc KM00R RIDGE-R' Q m9 Pyc� 4��p9 2 F' �F�s�� \� n o� ¢ pID oz zi �s GpF O p o �y IDe'Ita PEMMPpR 4ERRP�` � i fl IQ �LIt"S,'I.TETO IL17M J CI v � ���� 750 Oy0 BURNT UM fR,pA,� z p DeltQ ,c�' Lake q�GES IRE E DR _ � - O Z t1h n p A 800 Y 7S0 MARKWAY DR to DELIVAU OR V Lu o 1 rneusl a apo Is li� Lincoln �' Grove untersvile Park O � Q � Cabarrus 0 O o Gas on GROVE-PARKca o \` / tr Mecklenburg Karl '�,, Stanly > • t Hill it S ,, Saint N Church'I Hicko�'y Grove Indian Trai AREA SHOWN WITHIN LEN LN,�o h ' NORTH CAROLINA Union CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10 FEET REFERENCES: 1. USGS TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLES: MINT HILL, NC; CHARLOTTE EAST, INC; DERITA, INC; HARRISBURG, INC - 2016 0 2. PROPERTY BOUNDARY FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY 1 Ift Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP LINDA LAKE DRIVE UST 7609 LINDA LAKE DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE:1:24,000 1,000 2,000 DRAWN BY: DRAFT CHECK: JLS ENG. CHECK: PRK 4,000 = Feet DATE: JUNE 2019 JOB NO: H1378.00 Task 10000 05G-H 1378.00-01 FIG NO: 1 a SW-W �� V�_ _-�6- i NOTE: ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE 41 r4atill-M4 sm dr 4 E 4W- -.-,� -- OJ fM/ SW-S v ■ Legend SAMPLE LOCATION 0 UST LOCATION (APPROXIMATE) ® EXCAVATION EXTENT (APPROXIMATE) 0 SITE BOUNDARY REFERENCES: SCALE:1:120 1. 2019 AERIAL IMAGERY AND COUNTY DATA FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS. 0 5 10 20 2. MID -ATLANTIC FIELD NOTES. Feet DRAWN DATE: FIGURE 2 - SITE MAP BY: JUNE 2019 LINDA LAKE DRIVE UST Mid Atlantic DRAFT JLS CHECK: JOB 8.0 H1378.00 Task 10000 Engineering& Environmental Solutions 7609 LINDA LAKE DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA ENG. CHECK: PRK APPROVAL: GDI GIS NO: 05G-H1378.00-02 FIG NO: 2 TABLES 17 Atlantic yOng metr n, & Environmental al Solutions TABLE 1 UST SYSTEM INFORMATION 7609 Linda Lakes Drive CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO: OOO1-11378.00 Release UST ID Number Current/Last Contents Previous Contents Capacity (Gallons) Tank Dimensions Fonion Date Installed Status of Associated with UST System? i'i F -0001 Heating Oil Same 550 46"-D X 74"-L Single -walled steel Unkown Removed Yes 6/2015 TABLE 2 SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS 7609 Linda Lakes Drive CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA FACILITY ID #: TBD MID -ATLANTIC PROJECT NO.: 0001-11378.00 Method TPH Volitile Organic Compounds Semi-Volitile Organic Compounds MADEP Action Level 10 10 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Soil -to -groundwater MSCC NA NA 0.0056 NE 4.9 1.7 NE NE 4.3 4.6 NE 3.6 8.2 940 4.7 290 47 0.16 56 270 68 540 # 31 Residential MSCC NA NA 18 NE 1,560 1,564 NE NE 1,200 3,129 NE 63 940 4,600 62 620 620 313 469 469 939 1,500 31,000 469 Industrial/Commercial MSCC NA NA 164 NE 40,000 40,880 NE NE 3,200 81,760 NE 1,635 24,000 122,000 1,635 16,400 16,400 8,176 12,264 12,264 24,528 40,000 810,000 12,264 F C N a Y C C d d y O y U y O a0 Y V y t_t V ._ N O N Y y ad. 0 .LL... .+ O' E OI O C O C X O C N O N O O) to d O U t O O O N N rn >+ N W t L L OI C s y W W A O c L OI C O OI O C L W W OI C L OI to Q O !o Q OI V O) U R OI A E O O OI V O) U E Q E N W 0 3 y Q O Y O Y LL. N Y �y Ef Y s C Y y a Y �. Y Q Y U y Y 3 0i T �c X Y Q Q Y y a L Y rn U Y 2' O Y 07 Y C N Y O 0) M Y L Y Y L =- Y 0 Y Q rn Y Q rn -C y _Q- Y Q rn Q Y Q rn Y Q a 'O 0 ° O- E d m a O O E 0i E C 0i d E O 07 E 0i �` E o f 07 T E >w 07 a E O E E O) m E C T E C E L O E C y E R rn O E E O) r E R c E T O E Q� Q co E N E ao E d V iO M E O E N E N U c_ @ rq A Q m y T L v O O- L d >1 v ~ V ;a �. O .... L 4) v v v O LL "" Q_ R v � V U U R .0 L U" U N V v E N M d U W O rL H d Q Q 0 LL Z L Q u) EL o H d N U U U U0 Q U U �j Q HO-1 05/29/19 NA 357.0 220 1,200 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SW-N 05/29/19 7 501.7 NA NA ND 0.76J 6.6 4.5 NA 4.9 ND 28 16 130 ND 6.6 4.6 1.1 8.0 31 28 4.2 93 1,100 6,000 7,100 1,200 790 4,500 5,290 SW-W 05/29/19 7 399.3 NA NA ND NO NO ND 0.27 J NO NO ND NO ND 960 2.3 NO 0.28 0.99 ND 4.0 2.0 5.6 J 200 2,300 2,500 740 160 1,500 1 1,660 SW-S 05/29/19 7.5 347.0 NA NA ND ND ND ND NO NO NO ND NO 4.5 NO 0.75 J NO ND ND 1.4 2.1 0.49 J 24 210 550 760 130 180 330 510 SW-E 05/29/19 8 365.0 NA NA ND ND 0.21 J ND NO NO NO 0.62 J NO 2.3 NO 0.4 J NO ND NO 0.85 J 0.58 J 0.32 J 6.0 J 120 2,000 2,120 500 140 660 800 BOTTOM 05/29/19 8 365.0 NA NA ND ND ND NO ND NO NO ND NO 2.7 NO 0.54 J NO ND 0.33 J 0.56 J 1.3 0.35 J 1.5 J 59 480 539 130 43 290 333 Notes: mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not Analyzed ND - Not detected at or above laboratory quantation limits NE - Not established value J - Estimated value above the laboratory quanitation limit but below the reporting limit Bold values exceed the NCDEQ Action Level and/or the Soil -to -groundwater MSCC Shaded Vlaues exceed the NDEQ Residential MSCC MSCC - Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration # - Health based level > 100 APPENDIX A UST-61 FORM w _ Atlantic Evigine-ering & Environmental Solutions UST-61 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form. For Releases This form should be completed and submitted to the UST Section's regional office following a known or suspected release from an underground storage tank (UST) system. This form is required to be submitted within 24 hours of discovery of a known or in NC suspected release (DWM USE ONLY) Suspected Contamination? (Y/N) Yes Facility ID Number Incident # Risk (H,I,L,U) Confirmed GW Contamination? (Y/N) NO Date Leak Discovered March 29, 2019 Received On Received By Confirmed Soil Contamination ?(Y/N) Yes Comm/Non-Commercial? NON Reported by (circle one): Phone, Fax or Report Samples Taken?(Y/N) Yes - Lab Data Attached Reg/Non-regulated? NON Region Free Product? (Y/N) If Yes, State Greatest Thickness INCIDENT DESCRIPTION Incident Name: 7609 Linda Lake Drive Address: 7609 Linda Lake Drive County: Mecklenburg City/Town: Charlotte Zip Code: 28215 Regional Office (circle one): Asheville Mooresville, ayetteviIle, Raleigh, Washington, Wilmington, Wins on- a em Latitude (decimal degrees): 35.245964 Longitude (decimal degrees) : 80.733156 Obtained by: ❑GPS Briefly describe suspected or confirmed release: (including but not limited to: nature of release, date of release, amount of release, amount of free product present and recovery efforts, initial responses conducted, impacts to receptors) ❑Topographic map ❑GIS Address matching ®Other Google Earth ❑unknown Describe location: One soil sample collected on March 29, 2019 as part of real estate due diligence indicated TPH GRO concentrations of 45.2 mg/kg and DRO concentrations of 3,770 mg/kg. UST system was not in use at the time of discovery. No known sensitive receptors are believed to be impacted. UST remains in place. Single-family residential neighborhood. HOW RELEASE WAS DISCOVERED (Release code) (Check one) ❑Release Detection Equipment or Methods ❑Visual/Odor ❑Groundwater Contamination ❑During UST Closure/Removal ❑Water in Tank ❑Surface Water Contamination x]Property Transfer ❑Water Supply Well Contamination ❑Other (specify) SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION Source of Release Cause of Release Type of Release Product Type Released (Check primary source) (Check primary cause) (Check one) (Check primary product type released) ❑X Tank ❑ Spill X❑ Petroleum ❑ Gasoline/ Diesel/ ❑ Diesel/Veg. Oil ❑ Piping ❑ Overfill ❑ Non -Petroleum Kerosene Blend ❑X ❑ ❑ Dispenser ❑X Corrosion (Suspected) ❑Both Heating Oil Vegetable Oil 100% ❑ Other Petroleum ❑ E10 - E20 ❑ Submersible Turbine Pump ❑Physical/Mechanical Location Products ❑ (Check one) Metals Delivery Problem Damage ❑ E21 - E84 ❑ ❑ Install Problem ❑ E85 - E99 ❑ Spill Bucket ❑ Other Inorganics ❑ Other [-]Facility ❑Ethanol 100% ❑ Other ❑ Other Organics ❑ Unknown ❑X Residence ❑ E01 - E09 ❑ Unknown ❑Other Definitions presented on reverse Definitions presented on reverse Ownership 1. Municipal 2. Military 3. Unknown 4. Private 5. Federal 6. County 7. State Operation Type 1. Public Service 2. Agricultural 3. Residential 4. Education/Relig. 5. Industrial 6. Commercial 7. Mining UST Form 61 (02/19) Page 1 of 2 IMPACT ON DRINKING WATER SUPPLIES Water Supply Wells Affected? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Unknown Number of Water Supply Wells Affected Water Supply Wells Contaminated: (Include Users Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers. Attach additional sheet if necessary) 1. 2. 3. UST SYSTEM OWNER UST Owner/Company Unknown Point of Contact Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number UST SYSTEM OPERATOR UST Operator/Company Address Unknown City State Zip Code Telephone Number LANDOWNER AT LOCATION OF UST INCIDENT Landowner Lifespan Inc. Address 1511 Shopton Road, Suite A City Charlotte State NC Zip Code 28217 Telephone Number (704) 944-5100 Draw Sketch of Area (showing two major road intersections) or Attach Map Map Attached _77Person Reporting Incident Greg D. Icenhour Company Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Telephone Number (980) 585-1271 Title Principal Geologist Address 1125 E. Morehead Street, Ste. 104, Charlotte, NC 28204 Date April 18, 2019 UST Form 61 (02/19) Page 2 of 2 Definitions of Sources Tank: means the tank that stores the product and is part of the underground storage tank system Piping: means the piping and connectors running from the tank or submersible turbine pump to the dispenser or other end -use equipment (Vent, vapor recovery, or fill lines are excluded.) Dispenser: includes the dispenser and the equipment used to connect the dispenser to the piping (e.g., a release from a suction pump or from components located above the shear valve) Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) Area includes the submersible turbine pump head (typically located in the tank sump), the line leak detector, and the piping that connects the submersible turbine pump to the tank Delivery Problem: identifies releases that occurred during product delivery to the tank. (Typical causes associated with this source are spills and overfills.) Other: serves as the option to use when the release source is known but does not fit into one of the preceding categories (e.g., for releases from vent lines, vapor recovery lines, and fill lines) Unknown: identifies releases for which the source has not been determined Definitions of Causes Spill: use this cause when a spill occurs (e.g., when the delivery hose is disconnected from the tank fill pipe or when the nozzle is removed from the dispenser) Overfill: use when an overfill occurs (e.g., overfills may occur from the fill pipe at the tank or when the nozzle fails to shut off at the dispenser) Physical or Mechanical Damage: use for all types of physical or mechanical damage, except corrosion (e.g., puncture of tank or piping, loose fittings, broken components, and components that have changed dimension) Corrosion: use when a metal tank, piping, or other component has a release due to corrosion (e.g., for steel, corrosion takes the form of rust) Installation Problem: use when the problem is determined to have occurred specifically because the UST system was not installed properly Other: use this option when the cause is known but does not fit into one of the preceding categories (e.g., putting regulated substances into monitoring wells) Unknown: use when the cause has not been determined LO 0\so VP qO .O 0 7609 Linda Lake Drive 0 40 ds � J Date Printed: 4/18/2019 9:04:38 AM 0 0.005)'01 0.02 Miles E This map or report is prepared for the inventory of real property within Mecklenburg County and is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, tax maps, surveys, planimetric maps, and other public records and data. Users of this map or report are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources should be consulted for verification. Mecklenburg County and its mapping contractors assume no legal responsibility for the information contained herein. aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 April 05, 2019 Lee Shank Carolina Environmental Respons 5648 Daphne Drive Charlotte, NC 28269 RE: Project: 7609 Linda Lake Dr Pace Project No.: 92423343 Dear Lee Shank: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on March 29, 2019. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current, applicable TNI/NELAC standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, f&ro- l Amanda Payne amanda.payne@pacelabs.com (704)875-9092 Project Manager Enclosures cc: Steve Hamilton, Carolina Environmental Response Team Cassandra Kisiah, Carolina Environmental Response Team REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 1 of 14 aceAnalytical j—pacelabs.com I Project: 7609 Linda Lake Dr Pace Project No.: 92423343 Charlotte Certification IDs Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 9800 Kincey Ave. Ste 100, Huntersville, NC 28078 Louisiana/NELAP Certification # LA170028 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37706 North Carolina Field Services Certification #: 5342 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 12 CERTIFICATIONS South Carolina Certification #: 99006001 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87627 Kentucky UST Certification #: 84 Virginia/VELAP Certification #: 460221 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 2 of 14 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com i SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: Pace Project No.: 7609 Linda Lake Dr 92423343 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92423343001 Tank #1 EPA 8015C Modified BAJ 2 PASI-C EPA 8015C Modified LMB 2 PASI-C ASTM D2974-87 KDF 1 PASI-C REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 3 of 14 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com i Project: 7609 Linda Lake Dr Pace Project No.: 92423343 Lab Sample ID Method 92423343001 EPA 8015C Modified EPA 8015C Modified ASTM D2974-87 SUMMARY OF DETECTION Client Sample ID Parameters Tank #1 Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) Percent Moisture Result Units 3770 mg/kg 45.2 mg/kg 24.8 % REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Report Limit Analyzed 66.3 04/04/1915:42 7.1 03/31 /19 19:06 0.10 03/29/1916:22 Qualifiers Page 4 of 14 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com i PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 7609 Linda Lake Dr Pace Project No.: 92423343 Method: EPA 8015C Modified Description: 8015 GCS THC-Diesel Client: Carolina Environmental Response Team Date: April 05, 2019 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for EPA 8015C Modified. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain -of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 3546 with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Surrogates: All surrogates were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: 466960 S4: Surrogate recovery not evaluated against control limits due to sample dilution. • Tank #1 (Lab ID: 92423343001) • n-Pentacosane (S) Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPDs) were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 5 of 14 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com i PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 7609 Linda Lake Dr Pace Project No.: 92423343 Method: EPA 8015C Modified Description: Gasoline Range Organics Client: Carolina Environmental Response Team Date: April 05, 2019 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for EPA 8015C Modified. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain -of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 5030B with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Surrogates: All surrogates were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: 466516 S5: Surrogate recovery outside control limits due to matrix interferences (not confirmed by re -analysis). • Tank #1 (Lab ID: 92423343001) • 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPDs) were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: This data package has been reviewed for quality and completeness and is approved for release. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 6 of 14 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com i ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: 7609 Linda Lake Dr Pace Project No.: 92423343 Sample: Tank #1 Lab ID: 92423343001 Collected: 03/29/19 13:10 Received: 03/29/19 14:05 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8015 GCS THC-Diesel Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Modified Preparation Method: EPA 3546 Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) 3770 mg/kg 66.3 10 04/03/19 15:53 04/04/19 15:42 Surrogates n-Pentacosane (S) 0 % 33-129 10 04/03/19 15:53 04/04/19 15:42 629-99-2 S4 Gasoline Range Organics Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Modified Preparation Method: EPA 5030B Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) 45.2 mg/kg 7.1 1 03/31/19 14:46 03/31/19 19:06 Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 161 % 63-130 1 03/31/19 14:46 03/31/19 19:06 460-00-4 S5 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 24.8 % 0.10 1 03/29/19 16:22 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 04/05/2019 12:46 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 7 of 14 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com i QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: 7609 Linda Lake Dr Pace Project No.: 92423343 QC Batch: 466516 Analysis Method: EPA 8015C Modified QC Batch Method: EPA 5030E Analysis Description: Gasoline Range Organics Associated Lab Samples: 92423343001 METHOD BLANK: 2535606 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 92423343001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) mg/kg ND 6.0 03/31/19 13:20 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 93 63-130 03/31/19 13:20 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2535607 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) mg/kg 50.4 51.6 102 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 117 63-130 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 2535609 92423362004 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) mg/kg ND 58.9 73.0 114 40-155 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 123 63-130 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2535608 92423362001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) mg/kg 10.9 13.8 24 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 110 129 16 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 04/05/2019 12:46 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 8 of 14 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com i QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: 7609 Linda Lake Dr Pace Project No.: 92423343 QC Batch: 466960 Analysis Method: EPA 8015C Modified QC Batch Method: EPA 3546 Analysis Description: 8015 Solid GCSV Associated Lab Samples: 92423343001 METHOD BLANK: 2537732 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 92423343001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) mg/kg ND 5.0 04/03/19 12:50 n-Pentacosane(S) % 74 33-129 04/03/1912:50 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2537733 Parameter Units Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) mg/kg n-Pentacosane(S) % MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 2537734 Parameter Units Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) mg/kg n-Pentacosane(S) % SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2537735 Parameter Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) n-Pentacosane(S) Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Qualifiers Spike LCS LCS % Rec Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers 67.1 61.8 92 43-130 79 33-129 92423331003 Spike MS Result Conc. Result ND 98.6 88.8 92423331004 Dup Units Result Result mg/kg ND ND % 67 66 MS % Rec % Rec Limits Qualifiers 90 10-130 80 33-129 RPD Qualifiers N Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 04/05/2019 12:46 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 9 of 14 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com i QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: 7609 Linda Lake Dr Pace Project No.: 92423343 QC Batch: 466378 Analysis Method: ASTM D2974-87 QC Batch Method: ASTM D2974-87 Analysis Description: Dry Weight/Percent Moisture Associated Lab Samples: 92423343001 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2535004 92423163001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Percent Moisture % 11.9 14.0 16 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2535005 92423197001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Percent Moisture % 81.1 82.8 2 Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 04/05/2019 12:46 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 10 of 14 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com i QUALIFIERS Project: 7609 Linda Lake Dr Pace Project No.: 92423343 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC - Too Numerous To Count J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit - The lowest concentration value that meets project requirements for quantitative data with known precision and bias for a specific analyte in a specific matrix. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI -The NELAC Institute. LABORATORIES PASI-C Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte ANALYTE QUALIFIERS S4 Surrogate recovery not evaluated against control limits due to sample dilution. S5 Surrogate recovery outside control limits due to matrix interferences (not confirmed by re -analysis). REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 04/05/2019 12:46 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 11 of 14 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com i QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: Pace Project No.: 7609 Linda Lake Dr 92423343 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92423343001 Tank #1 EPA 3546 466960 EPA 8015C Modified 467087 92423343001 Tank #1 EPA 5030B 466516 EPA 8015C Modified 466519 92423343001 Tank #1 ASTM D2974-87 466378 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 04/05/2019 12:46 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 12 of 14 m S o m c 3 3 0 0 3 s o y o ro m a D a n ° C n_ ° n C Off v 3 3 o o C �• xbQa 4 �' v rp ` D 'n' f m '� m o _ q ra 3 A y /�• N T m rn+ X [ P a �f Q 5N J ° ID Q Er rD a cr rp a H� m ID 3 -J -4 V1 m 3 On Yna m m ° o < a rb EY 3 f 3 L3 in — Er C N C * C 'i`F.. O p J l v 4 c N cC ° N m p .�•. ° rD `e u N 3 , d n ` f Q f CL m n �-. WO. x— 3 1 o ' a 3 a W m p v mn u O T ri p p ro -{ .. N C p v m a N chi v 1 V' m' Co @ fC R• m ' '� 0 p r'] ,cn. 4 ° !'a 3 ° rn Ll qZ a o x o J — /'+ ao G) v m ID ON n O / m c _ o W { .W^' f 6 �7 3 Y rD a _— o o o •C '" rp a v rr GS C C ` •� o a R. S /y A a N s 7� [D n �-, T p p .--' r'1 ° ° m < fla �Q N ° N m 3 o v T ro o n g a (� 3 .� -o 6 a o ul m O n �3 rD n n n o a It It CD a fD r m c [ o zi O° ° m v a c a z N ° m � 3 � ru ti 3 Oro w 0. C j wf p o1r} _ w rL `-_ 1, r7 � rn ` 3 -1 ' m x n Q o a W 3 3 J\ 3 m °° sr O n 00 a m L. v C a D a �.. CrD v a� V _ 6 m ?� io m Z a 4 @ 7 ro N (_ J :r D w C oa a a c rt W- � W ro ro v 1 D _{ 0? ?: m N r+ 3 : v n �3� �� o ° o ° m 5- m W� ao. W, 3 3 c CD" o m C �� • fC w r rD •" � { Q Oniv n m Z 3 0 m Z n ` D v 5 � ■ r o Y w tl M'U mnb WC CM tin Wnnn t� 0 yy fO G C �' (� N O d G O O O G G 91 0 0-60 y r m cr F n Q �� t7y3 rnn rtrw w tYro A. M U}'0 Or P. hJ b '0 M I'll R rr rt O v` m F• rt F- rt SL r I W N m" co d 0 rn y O.M m�iG0w m On iDn as D, rn n m w '•r, m m m m r rt m m v , v ro rC '0 '0 r In rG rG a 'p r ^ Q z Y O f' Id w 5 w Y- C Ar F1 � y bl H I rR r G• m o d a r N fG rt m y �- m n C ro c = 3 v fVl, n 0 C0 3 0 0 o m 3 m 3 m rr rr wm m qk K m N n F x rF 'p lD C rt W P. O Xo \- •• m n 0 0 m w N• d N n ru m N � m a. A m r„� a rC rC v 3 ti 3 rq ma m nranermr+an n R 3 ID w w w fD ET rt rt ro r- 0. fp N C w rli G Id m rt 7w•rn u� rtrt h r 3 zm �n�D °�3 3 CD ' �3 m b`Qin� �m O n rp. m 3-0 rp -° rnDw� IDm n H w iD 'U a n CC' fD V� @ m N m n 3p6a v.. m w H m tiN M �n n K fb z'I m 4 v (D rt- N. rt rt M ry ro ° o oq zzp0zzz z _ zz zzzzzzz n n n Page 13 of 1 Document Name: Sample Condition Upon Recei Document No.: F-CAR-05-033-Rev.06 Document Revised: February 7, 2018 Page 1 of 2 Issuing Authority: Pace Carolinas Quality Office *Check mark top half of box if pH and/or dechlorination is verified and within the acceptance range for preservation samples. Exceptions: VOA, Coliform,TOC, Oil and Grease, DRO/8015 (water) DOC, LLHg **Bottom half of box is to list number of bottle Project # rWo# ; g2423343 PM: AP Due Date: 04/05/19 CLIENT: 92—CERT # a u, a)�i Z C a E N 7 a m ' a a E N 7 d m m 2 a E 6n 7 a 0 n m 2. v CN � `w rl 7 i m v S m a E N i%1 a m v c p y a E N z ii m o m Q V m a E , 4 N a Co n o b a E N %J a m c C ro �0. o a Y'. 3 a z Z C a E Q `v ri w l7 a ry a _ E Q `m ri .=-1 0 a V w n E a J' o N M t9 a N v S0. O a E ¢ m n .�I to a N = a O V E ¢ J E N en !� a U Z -0 ¢ N zM 8 M t7 a ZO U 4 0 7 E q 01 [9 n Q 0 7 E Q t7 > C c ¢ o } E q 01 47 > 'C m ¢ O > E q 0, 0 a ma m` a v d 0 > N a � a R � N y E rN-1 a of ni J E Lnf�Y a N l� I r 1� 1J r. N m J E a m an `m E J E a a z N � '2 c V1 E N z ? Z dn C2 E Q E Q o 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 pH Adjustment Log for Preserved Samples Sample ID Type of Preservative pH upon receipt Date preservation adjusted Time preservation adjusted Amount of Preservative added tot k Note: Whenever there is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples, a copy of this form will be sent to the North Carolina DEHNR Certiftcation Office [I,e. Out of hold, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers. Page 14 of 14 APPENDIX B UST, SOIL, AND SLUDGE DISPOSAL DOCUMENTATION. Atlantic �::gireer:ng & Environmental Solutions y SOWHAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST EMERGENCY PHONE NO. (910) 843-4456 GTA. Farms. LLC 1295 McNeill Lake Road Shannon, NC 28386 (910) 843-5000 SRU 600072 Name re I ds �h / aMailing Address lyy e+r aC � Ir 0' DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS (Additional Information on Back► Manifest Document No Generator GPS Location Pa e of US EPA ID No. Phone No. Contact HM USDOT Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class or Div. UN/NA, ID No. Packing Group Containers. Qty Type Total Quantity Unit Wt/Vol a. Petroleum Contaminated Soil b re e ; "J tep< �---- d c MAQTG I NOTE: SEE SOIL ANALYTICAL REQUIREMENTS ON BACK OF THIS FORM GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION This is to certify that the above -described materials are properly classified, described, packaged, marked and labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the Department of Transportation. I further certify that none of the materials described above are a hazardous waster as defined by EPA 40 CPR Part 261 or any applicable state law, and unless specifically identified above; the materials contain less than 1, 000 ppm total halogens and do not contain quantifiable levers (2 ppm) of PCBs as.defined b EPA 40 CFR Parts 279'and 761. c�nntedFryped N me o (L 0�s 114 SiMOF,)O� Mo/Day/Yr. C-as I hereby acknowledge receipt of the above -described materials for'transport from the generator site listed above. Address Transporter or Unit No. Signature Mo/Day/Yr. I hereby acknowledge that the above-describedmaterials were received from EPA ID No. the generator site and were transported to the facility listed below. Phone Signature f ���^(AJ► / o/Day/Yr: FACILITY INFORMATION Facility GTA Farms, LLC. I hereby acknowledge receipt of the materials covered by this manifest Mailing Address Post except for any dis r pancy noted below'. Office Box 547 Red Springs, NC 23877 nature Receipt Date Facility Permit No. SRU 600072 Discrepancies / Routing Codes / Handling Methods Phone 910 843-5000 or 910 850-4299 Contact: Thomas Ammons GPS LOCATION: WHITE: Generator CANARY: Transporter #1 PINK: Transporter #2 GOLD: Generator NON -HAZARDOUS 1. Generator ID Number 2. Pa e 1 of 3. Emergency Response Phone 4. Waste Tracking Number WASTE MANIFEST 2- l/ qr r� / �,�✓ 6 5. Generator's Name and Mailing Address Generato s Sit A` ss (' di �m rent tha ailinngladdress) y �� P7 d:tw, Generator's Phone:6. rTransporter 1C mpany Name U.S. EPA ID Number �i ///,jj �ransporxer2_Company Name U.S. EPA ID Number 8. Designated Facility Name and Site Address U.S. EPA ID Number Facili 's Phone: 9. Waste Shipping Name and Description 10. Containers 11. Total 12. Unit No. Type „Lu Quantity Wt.Nol. o[ 1' Q 2. 3. 4. 13. Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information 14. GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, marked and labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable' ternational tional governmental regulations. Gen rator's/Offeroes Pri�J d/Typed Name ig atue Month Day Year -.r F— 15. International Shipments ❑ Import to U.S. ❑ z Export from U.S. of entry/exit: Transporter Signature for exports only): ate leavin U.S.: w 16. Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials r— IL Tr orter 1 Printed/T ad Name tSigna Month Day Year �5 N Tr nsporter 2 Printed/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 17. Discrepancy 17a. Discrepancy Indication Space ❑ Quantity ❑ Type ❑ Residue ❑ Partial Rejection ❑ Full Rejection 17b. Alternate Facility (or Generator) Manifest Reference Number: 3 U.S. EPA ID Number U rai Facility's Phone: w 17c. Signature of Alternate Facility (or Generator) a Month Day Year z w 0 18. Designated Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 17a Printedlfyped Name Signature \ Month Dayy� Year Un icn o� c• n `� 1 aa,ncv. a1VV) V DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR APPENDIX C LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT AND CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY RECORD FOR SOIL SAMPLES Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Report of Analysis Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. 1125 East Morehead Street Suite # 104 Charlotte, NC 28204 Attention: Patrick Kelly Project Name: 7609 Linda Lake Drive UST Lot Number:UE31010 Date Completed:06/12/2019 06/12/2019 4:03 PM Approved and released by: Project Manager: Kelly M. Nance PCCRFp d AM AC CF ED I T E D qB 11900 ELAP The electronic signature above is the equivalent of a handwritten signature. This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 1 of 88 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Case Narrative Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Lot Number: UE31010 This Report of Analysis contains the analytical result(s) for the sample(s) listed on the Sample Summary following this Case Narrative. The sample receiving date is documented in the header information associated with each sample. All results listed in this report relate only to the samples that are contained within this report. Sample receipt, sample analysis, and data review have been performed in accordance with the most current approved NELAC standards, the Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. ("Shealy") Quality Assurance Management Plan (QAMP), standard operating procedures (SOPS), and Shealy policies. Any exceptions to the NELAC standards, the QAMP, SOPS or policies are qualified on the results page or discussed below. Where applicable, all soil sample analysis are reported on a dry weight basis unless flagged with a "W" qualifier If you have any questions regarding this report please contact the Shealy Project Manager listed on the cover page. TPH-GRO 12 - The hydrocarbon pattern resembles #2 diesel fuel. Volatiles The continuing calibration verification (CCV) associated with samples -002, -003, -004, -005, and -006 had 2-hexanone and methyl acetate recovered above the acceptance limits. This could potentially result in a high bias on analytical results. There were no detections above the LOQ for these compounds in the associated samples; therefore, data quality is not impacted. Samples -003, -004, -005, and -006 were analyzed via high level analysis due to the sample matrix. The reporting limits have been raised accordingly. Semivolatiles The matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) associated with sample -003 had multiple compounds recovered outside of the acceptance limits. Additionally, a number of RPDs exceeded the acceptance limit. The laboratory control sample (LCS) was recovered within the required acceptance limits; therefore, this likely demonstrates a matrix effect. MA EPH Sample -002 was diluted 10X due to high concentrations of target compounds. As a result, the associated surrogates were recovered outside of the acceptance limits. No corrective action was required, as dilutions of 5X and greater impact recovery accuracy. Sample -003 had surrogates recovered outside of the acceptance limits due to objective evidence of matrix interference. MADEP VPH Samples -002, -003, -004, and -005 had surrogates recovered outside of the acceptance limits due to objective evidence of matrix interference. Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 2 of 88 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. SC DHEC No: 32010001 NELAC No: E87653 NC DENR No: 329 NC Field Parameters No: 5639 Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 3 of 88 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Sample Summary Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Lot Number: UE31010 Sample Number Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received 001 HO-1 Solid 05/29/20191150 05/30/2019 002 SW-N Solid 05/29/20191215 05/30/2019 003 SW-W Solid 05/29/20191220 05/30/2019 004 SW-S Solid 05/29/20191240 05/30/2019 005 SW-E Solid 05/29/20191235 05/30/2019 006 BOTTOM Solid 05/29/20191245 05/30/2019 (6 samples) Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 4 of 88 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Detection Summary Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Lot Number: UE31010 Sample Sample ID Matrix Parameter Method Result Q Units Page 001 HO-1 Solid TPH-DRO 8015C 1200000 12 ug/kg 7 001 HO-1 Solid TPH-GRO 8015C 220000 ug/kg 8 002 SW-N Solid Cyclohexane 8260D 760 J ug/kg 9 002 SW-N Solid Ethylbenzene 8260D 6600 ug/kg 9 002 SW-N Solid Isopropylbenzene 8260D 4500 ug/kg 9 002 SW-N Solid Methylcyclohexane 8260D 4900 ug/kg 9 002 SW-N Solid Xylenes (total) 8260D 28000 ug/kg 10 002 SW-N Solid Anthracene 8270E 6600 ug/kg 11 002 SW-N Solid 1,1'-Biphenyl 8270E 16000 ug/kg 11 002 SW-N Solid Dibenzofuran 8270E 4600 ug/kg 11 002 SW-N Solid Fluoranthene 8270E 1100 ug/kg 11 002 SW-N Solid Fluorene 8270E 8000 ug/kg 11 002 SW-N Solid 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270E 130000 ug/kg 12 002 SW-N Solid Naphthalene 8270E 31000 ug/kg 12 002 SW-N Solid Phenanthrene 8270E 28000 ug/kg 12 002 SW-N Solid Pyrene 8270E 4200 ug/kg 12 002 SW-N Solid C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 4500 mg/kg 13 002 SW-N Solid C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 6000 mg/kg 14 002 SW-N Solid C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 1200 mg/kg 14 002 SW-N Solid C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 93 mg/kg 15 002 SW-N Solid C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 1100 mg/kg 15 002 SW-N Solid C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 790 mg/kg 16 003 SW-W Solid Methyl acetate 8260D 270 J ug/kg 17 003 SW-W Solid Acenaphthene 8270E 960 ug/kg 19 003 SW-W Solid Anthracene 8270E 2300 ug/kg 19 003 SW-W Solid Fluoranthene 8270E 280 ug/kg 19 003 SW-W Solid Fluorene 8270E 990 ug/kg 19 003 SW-W Solid Phenanthrene 8270E 4000 ug/kg 20 003 SW-W Solid Pyrene 8270E 2000 ug/kg 20 003 SW-W Solid C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 1500 mg/kg 21 003 SW-W Solid C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 2300 mg/kg 22 003 SW-W Solid C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 740 mg/kg 22 003 SW-W Solid C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 5.6 J mg/kg 23 003 SW-W Solid C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 200 mg/kg 23 003 SW-W Solid C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 160 mg/kg 24 004 SW-S Solid Anthracene 8270E 750 J ug/kg 27 004 SW-S Solid 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270E 4500 ug/kg 28 004 SW-S Solid Naphthalene 8270E 1400 ug/kg 28 004 SW-S Solid Phenanthrene 8270E 2100 ug/kg 28 004 SW-S Solid Pyrene 8270E 490 J ug/kg 28 004 SW-S Solid C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 330 mg/kg 29 004 SW-S Solid C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 550 mg/kg 30 004 SW-S Solid C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 130 mg/kg 30 004 SW-S Solid C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 24 mg/kg 31 004 SW-S Solid C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 210 mg/kg 31 Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 5 of 88 Detection Summary (Continued) Lot Number: UE31010 Sample Sample ID Matrix Parameter Method Result Q Units Page 004 SW-S Solid C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 180 mg/kg 32 005 SW-E Solid Ethylbenzene 8260D 210 J ug/kg 33 005 SW-E Solid Xylenes (total) 8260D 620 J ug/kg 34 005 SW-E Solid Anthracene 8270E 400 J ug/kg 35 005 SW-E Solid 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270E 2300 ug/kg 36 005 SW-E Solid Naphthalene 8270E 850 J ug/kg 36 005 SW-E Solid Phenanthrene 8270E 580 J ug/kg 36 005 SW-E Solid Pyrene 8270E 320 J ug/kg 36 005 SW-E Solid C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 660 mg/kg 37 005 SW-E Solid C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 2000 mg/kg 38 005 SW-E Solid C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 500 mg/kg 38 005 SW-E Solid C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 6.0 J mg/kg 39 005 SW-E Solid C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 120 mg/kg 39 005 SW-E Solid C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 140 mg/kg 40 006 BOTTOM Solid Anthracene 8270E 540 J ug/kg 43 006 BOTTOM Solid Fluorene 8270E 330 J ug/kg 43 006 BOTTOM Solid 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270E 2700 ug/kg 44 006 BOTTOM Solid Naphthalene 8270E 560 J ug/kg 44 006 BOTTOM Solid Phenanthrene 8270E 1300 ug/kg 44 006 BOTTOM Solid Pyrene 8270E 350 J ug/kg 44 006 BOTTOM Solid C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 290 mg/kg 45 006 BOTTOM Solid C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 480 mg/kg 46 006 BOTTOM Solid C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 130 mg/kg 46 006 BOTTOM Solid C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 1.5 J mg/kg 47 006 BOTTOM Solid C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 59 mg/kg 47 006 BOTTOM Solid C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 43 mg/kg 48 (71 detections) Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 6 of 88 TPH - DRO Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-001 Description: HO-1 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1150 % Solids: 76.0 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3550C 8015C 1 06/05/2019 2101 CHG 05/31/2019 2314 18378 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run TPH-DRO 8015C 1200000 12 8800 4200 ug/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits o - Terphenyl 98 55-120 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 7 of 88 TPH - GRID Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-001 Description: HO-1 Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1150 % Solids: 76.0 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 5030B 8015C 10 05/31/20191815 JJG 18370 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run TPH-GRO 8015C 220000 69000 35000 ug/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 98 23-179 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 8 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-002 Description: SW-N Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1215 % Solids: 74.9 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 High 8260D 4 06/03/2019 1848 JM1 18534 6.25 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D ND 5600 2200 ug/kg 1 Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 1400 840 ug/kg 1 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 5600 1100 ug/kg 1 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 1400 840 ug/kg 1 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D 760 J 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 1400 840 ug/kg 1 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D 6600 1400 560 ug/kg 1 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 2800 1100 ug/kg 1 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D 4500 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 2800 1100 ug/kg 1 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D 4900 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 9 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-002 Description: SW-N Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1215 % Solids: 74.9 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 High 8260D 4 06/03/2019 1848 JM1 18534 6.25 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 1400 560 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 1400 840 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D 28000 2800 1100 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 111 47-138 97 53-142 111 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 10 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-002 Description: SW-N Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1215 % Solids: 74.9 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 5 06/11/2019 2107 SCD 06/01/2019 2311 18379 2 3546 8270E 50 06/12/2019 1332 SCD 06/01/2019 2311 18379 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 85 32 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 85 20 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 430 44 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E 6600 85 16 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 85 13 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E ND 85 11 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E ND 85 12 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 85 24 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 85 14 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E 16000 4300 320 ug/kg 2 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 430 75 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 430 43 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 430 36 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 430 37 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 430 35 ug/kg 1 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 430 80 ug/kg 1 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 430 68 ug/kg 1 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 85 20 ug/kg 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 85 19 ug/kg 1 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E 4600 430 32 ug/kg 1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 430 64 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 430 42 ug/kg 1 Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 430 69 ug/kg 1 Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 430 62 ug/kg 1 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 2100 160 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 2100 160 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 830 78 ug/kg 1 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 830 68 ug/kg 1 Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 430 160 ug/kg 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E 1100 85 14 ug/kg 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E 8000 85 12 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 430 54 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 11 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-002 Description: SW-N Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1215 % Solids: 74.9 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 5 06/11/2019 2107 SCD 06/01/2019 2311 18379 2 3546 8270E 50 06/12/2019 1332 SCD 06/01/2019 2311 18379 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 2100 160 ug/kg Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 430 35 ug/kg Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 85 17 ug/kg Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 430 40 ug/kg 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E 130000 850 370 ug/kg 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 430 110 ug/kg 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 830 110 ug/kg Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E 31000 850 300 ug/kg 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 830 120 ug/kg 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 830 120 ug/kg 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 830 130 ug/kg Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 430 50 ug/kg 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 830 64 ug/kg 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 2100 660 ug/kg N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 430 37 ug/kg N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 2100 170 ug/kg Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E 28000 850 140 ug/kg Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 430 40 ug/kg Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E 4200 85 18 ug/kg 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 430 32 ug/kg Run 1 Acceptance Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 130 24-137 82 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 54 16-136 32 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 115 12-144 68 12-144 Phenol-d5 45 26-148 37 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 102 20-127 116 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 101 27-128 75 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 12 of 88 MA EPH (aromatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-002 Description: SW-N Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1215 % Solids: 74.9 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 10 06/06/2019 1721 CHG 06/02/2019 2016 18432 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 4500 130 130 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) N 226 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) N 435 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 46 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 13 of 88 MA EPH (aliphatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-002 Description: SW-N Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1215 % Solids: 74.9 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 20 06/06/2019 1651 CHG 06/02/2019 2016 18431 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 6000 260 260 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 1200 260 260 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 50 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 14 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-002 Description: SW-N Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1215 % Solids: 74.9 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 4 06/07/20191631 JJG 19104 2 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 10 06/10/20191506 JJG 19250 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 93 25 5.1 mg/kg 1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 1100 63 13 mg/kg 2 Run 1 Acceptance Run 2 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) N 0.00 70-130 N 0.00 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 15 of 88 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-002 Description: SW-N Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1215 % Solids: 74.9 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 4 06/07/20191631 JJG 19103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 790 8.4 3.4 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) N 0.00 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 16 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-003 Description: SW-W Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1220 % Solids: 74.0 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 High 8260D 1 06/03/2019 1910 JM1 18534 4.31 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D ND 1900 770 ug/kg 1 Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 480 290 ug/kg 1 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 1900 380 ug/kg 1 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 480 290 ug/kg 1 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 480 290 ug/kg 1 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 960 380 ug/kg 1 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D 270 J 480 190 ug/kg 1 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 960 380 ug/kg 1 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 17 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-003 Description: SW-W Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1220 % Solids: 74.0 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 High 8260D 1 06/03/2019 1910 JM1 18534 4.31 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 480 190 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 480 290 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D ND 960 380 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 111 47-138 100 53-142 104 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 18 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-003 Description: SW-W Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1220 % Solids: 74.0 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 06/11/2019 2132 SCD 06/01/2019 2311 18379 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E 960 170 66 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 170 42 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 880 91 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E 2300 170 34 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 880 66 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 170 26 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E ND 170 22 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E ND 170 25 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 170 49 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 170 28 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 880 150 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 880 88 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 880 73 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 880 76 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 880 71 ug/kg 1 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 880 160 ug/kg 1 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 880 140 ug/kg 1 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 170 41 ug/kg 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 170 39 ug/kg 1 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 880 66 ug/kg 1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 880 130 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 880 86 ug/kg 1 Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 880 140 ug/kg 1 Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 880 130 ug/kg 1 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 4300 330 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 4300 330 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 1700 160 ug/kg 1 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 1700 140 ug/kg 1 Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 880 330 ug/kg 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E 280 170 28 ug/kg 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E 990 170 25 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 880 110 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 4300 330 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 19 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-003 Description: SW-W Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1220 % Solids: 74.0 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 10 06/11/2019 2132 SCD 06/01/2019 2311 18379 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 880 71 ug/kg 1 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 170 35 ug/kg 1 Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 880 81 ug/kg 1 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E ND 170 77 ug/kg 1 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 880 230 ug/kg 1 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 1700 220 ug/kg 1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E ND 170 61 ug/kg 1 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 1700 240 ug/kg 1 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 1700 240 ug/kg 1 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 1700 260 ug/kg 1 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 880 100 ug/kg 1 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 1700 130 ug/kg 1 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 4300 1400 ug/kg 1 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 880 75 ug/kg 1 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 880 67 ug/kg 1 Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 4300 350 ug/kg 1 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E 4000 170 29 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 880 82 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E 2000 170 37 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 880 65 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 87 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 60 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 37 12-144 Phenol-d5 63 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 102 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 113 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 20 of 88 MA EPH (aromatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-003 Description: SW-W Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1220 % Solids: 74.0 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 06/05/2019 0234 CHG 06/02/2019 2016 18432 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 1500 13 13 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 140 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) N 200 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 64 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 21 of 88 MA EPH (aliphatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-003 Description: SW-W Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1220 % Solids: 74.0 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 06/04/2019 2112 CHG 06/02/2019 2016 18431 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 2300 13 13 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 740 13 13 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 57 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 22 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-003 Description: SW-W Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1220 % Solids: 74.0 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 2 06/07/20191659 JJG 19104 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 5.6 J 12 2.3 mg/kg 1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 200 12 2.3 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) N 0.00 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 23 of 88 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-003 Description: SW-W Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1220 % Solids: 74.0 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 2 06/07/20191659 JJG 19103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 160 3.9 1.5 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) N 153 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 24 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-004 Description: SW-S Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1240 % Solids: 76.6 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 High 8260D 1 06/03/2019 1931 JM1 18534 5.80 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D ND 1400 570 ug/kg 1 Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 360 210 ug/kg 1 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 1400 290 ug/kg 1 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 360 210 ug/kg 1 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 360 210 ug/kg 1 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 710 290 ug/kg 1 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 710 290 ug/kg 1 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 25 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-004 Description: SW-S Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1240 % Solids: 76.6 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 High 8260D 1 06/03/2019 1931 JM1 18534 5.80 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 360 140 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 360 210 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D ND 710 290 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 117 47-138 102 53-142 110 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 26 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-004 Description: SW-S Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1240 % Solids: 76.6 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 50 06/08/20191625 SCD 06/06/20191705 18849 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 860 320 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 860 210 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 4300 450 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E 750 J 860 170 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 860 130 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E ND 860 110 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E ND 860 120 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 860 240 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 860 140 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 4300 760 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 4300 430 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 4300 360 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 4300 370 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 4300 350 ug/kg 1 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 4300 810 ug/kg 1 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 4300 680 ug/kg 1 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 860 200 ug/kg 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 860 190 ug/kg 1 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 4300 650 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 4300 420 ug/kg 1 Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 4300 690 ug/kg 1 Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 4300 630 ug/kg 1 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 21000 1600 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 21000 1600 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 8400 790 ug/kg 1 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 8400 690 ug/kg 1 Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 4300 1600 ug/kg 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E ND 860 140 ug/kg 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E ND 860 120 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 4300 550 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 21000 1600 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 27 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-004 Description: SW-S Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1240 % Solids: 76.6 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 50 06/08/20191625 SCD 06/06/20191705 18849 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 4300 350 ug/kg 1 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 860 170 ug/kg 1 Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 4300 400 ug/kg 1 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E 4500 860 380 ug/kg 1 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 4300 1100 ug/kg 1 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 8400 1100 ug/kg 1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E 1400 860 300 ug/kg 1 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 8400 1200 ug/kg 1 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 8400 1200 ug/kg 1 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 8400 1300 ug/kg 1 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 4300 500 ug/kg 1 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 8400 640 ug/kg 1 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 21000 6700 ug/kg 1 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 4300 370 ug/kg 1 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 4300 330 ug/kg 1 Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 21000 1700 ug/kg 1 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E 2100 860 140 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 4300 400 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E 490 J 860 180 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 87 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 40 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 69 12-144 Phenol-d5 29 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 88 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 71 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 28 of 88 MA EPH (aromatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-004 Description: SW-S Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1240 % Solids: 76.6 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 06/05/2019 0304 CHG 06/02/2019 2016 18432 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 330 13 13 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 103 40-140 131 40-140 72 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 29 of 88 MA EPH (aliphatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-004 Description: SW-S Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1240 % Solids: 76.6 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 06/04/2019 2141 CHG 06/02/2019 2016 18431 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 550 13 13 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 130 13 13 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 61 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 30 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-004 Description: SW-S Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1240 % Solids: 76.6 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 06/07/20191727 JJG 19104 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 24 5.0 0.99 mg/kg 1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 210 5.0 0.99 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) N 0.00 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 31 of 88 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-004 Description: SW-S Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1240 % Solids: 76.6 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 06/07/20191727 JJG 19103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 180 1.7 0.66 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) N 0.00 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 32 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-005 Description: SW-E Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1235 % Solids: 77.2 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 High 8260D 1 06/03/2019 1953 JM1 18534 4.64 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D ND 1700 680 ug/kg 1 Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 420 250 ug/kg 1 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 1700 340 ug/kg 1 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 420 250 ug/kg 1 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 420 250 ug/kg 1 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D 210 J 420 170 ug/kg 1 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 840 340 ug/kg 1 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 840 340 ug/kg 1 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 33 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-005 Description: SW-E Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1235 % Solids: 77.2 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 High 8260D 1 06/03/2019 1953 JM1 18534 4.64 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 420 170 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 420 250 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D 620 J 840 340 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 112 47-138 101 53-142 107 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 34 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-005 Description: SW-E Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1235 % Solids: 77.2 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 50 06/08/20191650 SCD 06/06/20191705 18849 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 860 320 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 860 210 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 4300 450 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E 400 J 860 170 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 860 130 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E ND 860 110 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E ND 860 120 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 860 240 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 860 140 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 4300 760 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 4300 430 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 4300 360 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 4300 370 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 4300 350 ug/kg 1 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 4300 810 ug/kg 1 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 4300 680 ug/kg 1 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 860 200 ug/kg 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 860 190 ug/kg 1 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 4300 650 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 4300 420 ug/kg 1 Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 4300 690 ug/kg 1 Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 4300 630 ug/kg 1 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 21000 1600 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 21000 1600 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 8400 790 ug/kg 1 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 8400 690 ug/kg 1 Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 4300 1600 ug/kg 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E ND 860 140 ug/kg 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E ND 860 120 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 4300 550 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 21000 1600 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 35 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-005 Description: SW-E Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1235 % Solids: 77.2 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 50 06/08/20191650 SCD 06/06/20191705 18849 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 4300 350 ug/kg 1 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 860 170 ug/kg 1 Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 4300 400 ug/kg 1 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E 2300 860 380 ug/kg 1 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 4300 1100 ug/kg 1 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 8400 1100 ug/kg 1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E 850 J 860 300 ug/kg 1 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 8400 1200 ug/kg 1 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 8400 1200 ug/kg 1 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 8400 1300 ug/kg 1 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 4300 500 ug/kg 1 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 8400 640 ug/kg 1 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 21000 6600 ug/kg 1 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 4300 370 ug/kg 1 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 4300 330 ug/kg 1 Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 21000 1700 ug/kg 1 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E 580 J 860 140 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 4300 400 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E 320 J 860 180 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 4300 320 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 78 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 35 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 81 12-144 Phenol-d5 30 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 103 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 52 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 36 of 88 MA EPH (aromatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-005 Description: SW-E Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1235 % Solids: 77.2 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 06/05/2019 0333 CHG 06/02/2019 2016 18432 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 660 12 12 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 99 40-140 126 40-140 80 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 37 of 88 MA EPH (aliphatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-005 Description: SW-E Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1235 % Solids: 77.2 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 06/04/2019 2210 CHG 06/02/2019 2016 18431 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 2000 12 12 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 500 12 12 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 58 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 38 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-005 Description: SW-E Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1235 % Solids: 77.2 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 06/07/20191755 JJG 19104 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 6.0 J 6.2 1.2 mg/kg 1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 120 6.2 1.2 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 70 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 39 of 88 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-005 Description: SW-E Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1235 % Solids: 77.2 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 06/07/20191755 JJG 19103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 140 2.1 0.83 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) N 65 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 40 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-006 Description: BOTTOM Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1245 % Solids: 77.1 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 High 8260D 1 06/03/2019 2015 JM1 18534 4.59 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acetone 67-64-1 8260D ND 1700 680 ug/kg 1 Benzene 71-43-2 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Bromoform 75-25-2 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 74-83-9 8260D ND 430 260 ug/kg 1 2-Butanone (MEK) 78-93-3 8260D ND 1700 340 ug/kg 1 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Chloroethane 75-00-3 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Chloroform 67-66-3 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 74-87-3 8260D ND 430 260 ug/kg 1 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 96-12-8 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 106-93-4 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 8260D ND 430 260 ug/kg 1 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 8260D ND 860 340 ug/kg 1 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Methyl acetate 79-20-9 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1634-04-4 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 8260D ND 860 340 ug/kg 1 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Styrene 100-42-5 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Toluene 108-88-3 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 76-13-1 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 41 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-006 Description: BOTTOM Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1245 % Solids: 77.1 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch Sample Wt.(g) 1 5035 High 8260D 1 06/03/2019 2015 JM1 18534 4.59 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Trichloroethene 79-01-6 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 8260D ND 430 170 ug/kg 1 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 8260D ND 430 260 ug/kg 1 Xylenes (total) 1330-20-7 8260D ND 860 340 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits Bromofluorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Toluene-d8 112 47-138 104 53-142 111 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 42 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-006 Description: BOTTOM Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1245 % Solids: 77.1 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 50 06/08/20191715 SCD 06/06/20191705 18849 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Acenaphthene 83-32-9 8270E ND 840 320 ug/kg 1 Acenaphthylene 208-96-8 8270E ND 840 200 ug/kg 1 Acetophenone 98-86-2 8270E ND 4200 440 ug/kg 1 Anthracene 120-12-7 8270E 540 J 840 160 ug/kg 1 Atrazine 1912-24-9 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 Benzaldehyde 100-52-7 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)anthracene 56-55-3 8270E ND 840 130 ug/kg 1 Benzo(a)pyrene 50-32-8 8270E ND 840 110 ug/kg 1 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 8270E ND 840 120 ug/kg 1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 191-24-2 8270E ND 840 240 ug/kg 1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 207-08-9 8270E ND 840 130 ug/kg 1 1,1'-Biphenyl 92-52-4 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 101-55-3 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 Butyl benzyl phthalate 85-68-7 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 Caprolactam 105-60-2 8270E ND 4200 750 ug/kg 1 Carbazole 86-74-8 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 108-60-1 8270E ND 4200 420 ug/kg 1 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 59-50-7 8270E ND 4200 350 ug/kg 1 4-Chloroaniline 106-47-8 8270E ND 4200 370 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 111-91-1 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 111-44-4 8270E ND 4200 340 ug/kg 1 2-Chloronaphthalene 91-58-7 8270E ND 4200 790 ug/kg 1 2-Chlorophenol 95-57-8 8270E ND 4200 670 ug/kg 1 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 7005-72-3 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 Chrysene 218-01-9 8270E ND 840 200 ug/kg 1 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53-70-3 8270E ND 840 190 ug/kg 1 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 8270E ND 4200 630 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dichlorophenol 120-83-2 8270E ND 4200 420 ug/kg 1 Diethylphthalate 84-66-2 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 Dimethyl phthalate 131-11-3 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dimethylphenol 105-67-9 8270E ND 4200 680 ug/kg 1 Di-n-butyl phthalate 84-74-2 8270E ND 4200 620 ug/kg 1 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 534-52-1 8270E ND 21000 1600 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dinitrophenol 51-28-5 8270E ND 21000 1600 ug/kg 1 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 8270E ND 8200 770 ug/kg 1 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 606-20-2 8270E ND 8200 680 ug/kg 1 Di-n-octylphthalate 117-84-0 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 117-81-7 8270E ND 4200 1600 ug/kg 1 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 8270E ND 840 140 ug/kg 1 Fluorene 86-73-7 8270E 330 J 840 120 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 8270E ND 4200 540 ug/kg 1 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 77-47-4 8270E ND 21000 1600 ug/kg 1 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 43 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-006 Description: BOTTOM Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1245 % Solids: 77.1 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 3546 8270E 50 06/08/20191715 SCD 06/06/20191705 18849 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 8270E ND 4200 340 ug/kg 1 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 193-39-5 8270E ND 840 170 ug/kg 1 Isophorone 78-59-1 8270E ND 4200 390 ug/kg 1 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 8270E 2700 840 370 ug/kg 1 2-Methylphenol 95-48-7 8270E ND 4200 1100 ug/kg 1 3+4-Methylphenol 106-44-5 8270E ND 8200 1000 ug/kg 1 Naphthalene 91-20-3 8270E 560 J 840 300 ug/kg 1 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 8270E ND 8200 1200 ug/kg 1 3-Nitroaniline 99-09-2 8270E ND 8200 1200 ug/kg 1 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 8270E ND 8200 1300 ug/kg 1 Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 8270E ND 4200 490 ug/kg 1 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 8270E ND 8200 630 ug/kg 1 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 8270E ND 21000 6500 ug/kg 1 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 621-64-7 8270E ND 4200 360 ug/kg 1 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 86-30-6 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 Pentachlorophenol 87-86-5 8270E ND 21000 1700 ug/kg 1 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 8270E 1300 840 140 ug/kg 1 Phenol 108-95-2 8270E ND 4200 390 ug/kg 1 Pyrene 129-00-0 8270E 350 J 840 180 ug/kg 1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 95-95-4 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 88-06-2 8270E ND 4200 320 ug/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Fluorobiphenyl 79 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 32 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 72 12-144 Phenol-d5 30 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 81 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 46 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 44 of 88 MA EPH (aromatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-006 Description: BOTTOM Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1245 % Solids: 77.1 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 06/05/2019 0402 CHG 06/02/2019 2016 18432 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C11 - C22 Aromatics MADEP-EPH- 290 12 12 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 101 40-140 126 40-140 78 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 45 of 88 MA EPH (aliphatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-006 Description: BOTTOM Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1245 % Solids: 77.1 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 MADEP-EPH- MADEP-EPH-04 1 06/04/2019 2240 CHG 06/02/2019 2016 18431 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 480 12 12 mg/kg 1 C19 - C36 Aliphatics MADEP-EPH- 130 12 12 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 67 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 46 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-006 Description: BOTTOM Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1245 % Solids: 77.1 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 06/07/20191823 JJG 19104 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C5 - C8 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 1.5 J 5.5 1.1 mg/kg 1 C9 - C12 Aliphatics MADEP-VPH- 59 5.5 1.1 mg/kg 1 Run 1 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 99 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 47 of 88 MADEP VPH (aromatics) Client: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Laboratory ID: UE31010-006 Description: BOTTOM Matrix: Solid Date Sampled:05/29/2019 1245 % Solids: 77.1 06/05/2019 0126 Date Received:05/30/2019 Run Prep Method Analytical Method Dilution Analysis Date Analyst Prep Date Batch 1 VPH MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 1 06/07/20191823 JJG 19103 CAS Analytical Parameter Number Method Result Q LOQ DL Units Run C9 - C10 Aromatics MADEP-VPH- 43 1.8 0.73 mg/kg 1 Run Acceptance Surrogate Q % Recovery Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) 121 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation B = Detected in the method blank E = Quantitation of compound exceeded the calibration range DL = Detection Limit NO = Not detected at or above the DL N = Recovery is out of criteria P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL H = Out of holding time W = Reported on wet weight basis Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 48 of 88 QC Summary Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 49 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: UQ18534-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18534 Prep Method: 5035 High Analytical Method: 8260D Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acetone ND 1 1000 400 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Benzene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Bromodichloromethane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Bromoform ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) ND 1 250 150 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 1 1000 200 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Carbon disulfide ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Carbon tetrachloride ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Chlorobenzene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Chloroethane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Chloroform ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) ND 1 250 150 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Cyclohexane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Dibromochloromethane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 1 250 150 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Ethylbenzene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 2-Hexanone ND 1 500 200 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Isopropylbenzene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Methyl acetate ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ND 1 500 200 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Methylcyclohexane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Methylene chloride ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Styrene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Tetrachloroethene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Toluene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 50 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: UQ18534-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18534 Prep Method: 5035 High Analytical Method: 8260D Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Trichloroethene ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1 250 100 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Vinyl chloride ND 1 250 150 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Xylenes (total) ND 1 500 200 ug/kg 06/03/2019 1826 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 97 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 86 53-142 Toluene-d8 93 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 51 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: UQ18534-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18534 Prep Method: 5035 High Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acetone 5000 4500 1 91 60-140 06/03/2019 1803 Benzene 2500 2600 1 105 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Bromodichloromethane 2500 2500 1 101 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Bromoform 2500 2300 1 92 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 2500 2200 1 89 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 2-Butanone (MEK) 5000 4900 1 97 60-140 06/03/2019 1803 Carbon disulfide 2500 2300 1 92 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Carbon tetrachloride 2500 2600 1 105 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Chlorobenzene 2500 2600 1 105 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Chloroethane 2500 2500 1 101 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Chloroform 2500 2500 1 100 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 2500 2200 1 90 60-140 06/03/2019 1803 Cyclohexane 2500 3000 1 119 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) 2500 2200 1 87 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Dibromochloromethane 2500 2500 1 101 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 2500 2700 1 107 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2500 2600 1 102 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 2500 2600 1 105 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2500 2600 1 104 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2500 1800 1 73 60-140 06/03/2019 1803 1,1-Dichloroethane 2500 2500 1 102 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,2-Dichloroethane 2500 2600 1 103 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,1-Dichloroethene 2500 2400 1 97 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene 2500 2600 1 104 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethene 2500 2600 1 106 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,2-Dichloropropane 2500 2600 1 104 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 2500 2600 1 103 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 2500 2600 1 103 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Ethylbenzene 2500 2700 1 110 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 2-Hexanone 5000 4900 1 98 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Isopropylbenzene 2500 2800 1 110 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Methyl acetate 2500 2500 1 98 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 2500 2400 1 98 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 5000 4800 1 96 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Methylcyclohexane 2500 3000 1 121 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Methylene chloride 2500 2300 1 92 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Styrene 2500 2700 1 107 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2500 2500 1 101 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Tetrachloroethene 2500 2800 1 111 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Toluene 2500 2700 1 107 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-Trifluoroethane 2500 2700 1 108 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2500 2600 1 102 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 2500 2500 1 102 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 2500 2600 1 106 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 52 of 88 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: UQ18534-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18534 Prep Method: 5035 High Analytical Method: 8260D Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Trichloroethene 2500 2800 1 112 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Trichlorofluoromethane 2500 2600 1 104 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Vinyl chloride 2500 2400 1 98 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Xylenes (total) 5000 5400 1 109 70-130 06/03/2019 1803 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 100 47-138 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 87 53-142 Toluene-d8 97 68-124 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 53 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: UQ18379-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18379 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/01/2019 2311 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acenaphthene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Acenaphthylene ND 1 13 3.2 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Acetophenone ND 1 67 6.9 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Anthracene ND 1 13 2.6 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Atrazine ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Benzaldehyde ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 1 13 2.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 1 13 1.7 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1 13 1.9 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 1 13 3.8 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1 13 2.1 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 1,1'-Biphenyl ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Caprolactam ND 1 67 12 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Carbazole ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ND 1 67 6.7 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND 1 67 5.6 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 4-Chloroaniline ND 1 67 5.8 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 1 67 5.5 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 1 67 13 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 2-Chlorophenol ND 1 67 11 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Chrysene ND 1 13 3.1 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 1 13 3.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Dibenzofuran ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 1 67 10 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 1 67 6.6 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Diethylphthalate ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Dimethyl phthalate ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 1 67 11 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Di-n-butyl phthalate ND 1 67 9.8 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ND 1 330 25 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1 330 25 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 1 130 12 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 1 130 11 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Di-n-octylphthalate ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Fluoranthene ND 1 13 2.2 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Fluorene ND 1 13 1.9 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Hexachlorobenzene ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1 67 8.5 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 1 330 25 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 54 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: UQ18379-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18379 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/01/2019 2311 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Hexachloroethane ND 1 67 5.5 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 1 13 2.7 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 Isophorone ND 1 67 6.2 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 2-Methyl naphthalene ND 1 13 5.9 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 2-Methylphenol ND 1 67 18 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 3+4-Methylphenol ND 1 130 17 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 Naphthalene ND 1 13 4.7 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 2-Nitroaniline ND 1 130 19 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 3-Nitroaniline ND 1 130 18 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 4-Nitroaniline ND 1 130 20 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 Nitrobenzene ND 1 67 7.8 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 2-Nitrophenol ND 1 130 10 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 4-Nitrophenol ND 1 330 100 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 1 67 5.7 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) ND 1 67 5.1 ug/kg 06/11/2019 1301 Pentachlorophenol ND 1 330 27 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 Phenanthrene ND 1 13 2.3 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 Phenol ND 1 67 6.2 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 Pyrene ND 1 13 2.8 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/11/20191301 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 85 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 69 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 88 12-144 Phenol-d5 75 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 110 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 88 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 55 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: UQ18379-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18379 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/01/2019 2311 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene 670 590 1 88 12-111 06/11/2019 1325 Acenaphthylene 670 610 1 92 44-122 06/11/2019 1325 Acetophenone 670 460 1 68 48-111 06/11/2019 1325 Anthracene 670 660 1 99 16-122 06/11/2019 1325 Atrazine 670 720 1 107 48-116 06/11/2019 1325 Benzaldehyde 670 550 1 83 10-110 06/11/2019 1325 Benzo(a)anthracene 670 670 1 100 40-121 06/11/2019 1325 Benzo(a)pyrene 670 690 1 103 36-114 06/11/2019 1325 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 670 670 1 101 38-123 06/11/2019 1325 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 670 680 1 101 43-120 06/11/2019 1325 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 670 670 1 100 40-126 06/11/2019 1325 1,1'-Biphenyl 670 570 1 86 49-110 06/11/2019 1325 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 670 620 1 93 46-118 06/11/2019 1325 Butyl benzyl phthalate 670 740 1 111 46-128 06/11/2019 1325 Caprolactam 670 660 1 99 43-121 06/11/2019 1325 Carbazole 670 680 1 102 47-128 06/11/2019 1325 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 670 510 1 76 31-102 06/11/2019 1325 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 670 650 1 97 49-118 06/11/2019 1325 4-Chloroaniline 670 430 1 64 17-106 06/11/2019 1325 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 670 570 1 86 39-108 06/11/2019 1325 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 670 520 1 77 32-105 06/11/2019 1325 2-Chloronaphthalene 670 570 1 85 31-127 06/11/2019 1325 2-Chlorophenol 670 510 1 77 37-106 06/11/2019 1325 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 670 610 1 91 47-116 06/11/2019 1325 Chrysene 670 650 1 98 41-124 06/11/2019 1325 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 670 680 1 102 38-125 06/11/2019 1325 Dibenzofuran 670 600 1 89 45-112 06/11/2019 1325 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 670 680 1 102 10-119 06/11/2019 1325 2,4-Dichlorophenol 670 580 1 88 41-113 06/11/2019 1325 Diethylphthalate 670 660 1 99 49-123 06/11/2019 1325 Dimethyl phthalate 670 650 1 98 48-120 06/11/2019 1325 2,4-Dimethylphenol 670 760 1 114 33-123 06/11/2019 1325 Di-n-butyl phthalate 670 690 1 104 51-129 06/11/2019 1325 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol 670 400 1 61 40-130 06/11/2019 1325 2,4-Dinitrophenol 1300 530 1 40 10-113 06/11/2019 1325 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 670 690 1 104 48-124 06/11/2019 1325 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 670 670 1 100 47-125 06/11/2019 1325 Di-n-octylphthalate 670 730 1 110 49-142 06/11/2019 1325 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 670 730 1 109 45-128 06/11/2019 1325 Fluoranthene 670 680 1 103 26-133 06/11/2019 1325 Fluorene 670 620 1 93 19-108 06/11/2019 1325 Hexachlorobenzene 670 620 1 93 44-122 06/11/2019 1325 Hexachlorobutadiene 670 520 1 78 33-103 06/11/2019 1325 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 3300 2300 1 68 18-121 06/11/2019 1325 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 56 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: UQ18379-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18379 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/01/2019 2311 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Hexachloroethane 670 500 1 74 30-96 06/11/20191325 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 670 670 1 100 42-123 06/11/20191325 Isophorone 670 610 1 91 41-113 06/11/20191325 2-Methyl naphthalene 670 580 1 87 10-107 06/11/20191325 2-Methylphenol 670 570 1 85 32-107 06/11/20191325 3+4-Methylphenol 670 570 1 86 39-108 06/11/20191325 Naphthalene 670 580 1 87 10-112 06/11/20191325 2-Nitroaniline 670 710 1 106 45-123 06/11/20191325 3-Nitroaniline 670 630 1 94 24-127 06/11/20191325 4-Nitroaniline 670 730 1 110 48-127 06/11/20191325 Nitrobenzene 670 560 1 84 33-114 06/11/20191325 2-Nitrophenol 670 550 1 82 35-108 06/11/20191325 4-Nitrophenol 1300 1300 1 97 18-154 06/11/20191325 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 670 550 1 82 32-115 06/11/20191325 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 670 670 1 100 53-150 06/11/2019 1325 Pentachlorophenol 1300 880 1 66 27-138 06/11/20191325 Phenanthrene 670 630 1 94 16-123 06/11/20191325 Phenol 670 550 1 83 36-108 06/11/20191325 Pyrene 670 650 1 97 34-121 06/11/20191325 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 670 610 1 92 46-122 06/11/20191325 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 670 600 1 90 38-115 06/11/20191325 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 80 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 90 12-144 Phenol-d5 82 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 112 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 100 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 57 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MS Sample ID: UE31010-003MS Matrix: Solid Batch: 18379 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/01/2019 2311 Sample Spike Amount Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene 960 880 1600 10 68 12-111 06/11/2019 2156 Acenaphthylene ND 880 980 10 111 44-122 06/11/2019 2156 Acetophenone ND 880 1200 N 10 140 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Anthracene 2300 880 2800 10 57 16-122 06/11/2019 2156 Atrazine ND 880 2200 N 10 244 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Benzaldehyde ND 880 680 10 77 10-110 06/11/2019 2156 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 880 880 10 99 40-121 06/11/2019 2156 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 880 820 10 93 36-114 06/11/2019 2156 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 880 780 10 89 38-123 06/11/2019 2156 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 880 650 10 73 43-120 06/11/2019 2156 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 880 780 10 88 40-126 06/11/2019 2156 1,1'-Biphenyl ND 880 810 10 92 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 880 1600 N 10 176 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 880 920 10 104 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Caprolactam ND 880 280 10 32 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Carbazole ND 880 1100 10 125 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ND 880 620 10 71 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND 880 1300 N 10 147 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 4-Chloroaniline ND 880 420 10 48 17-106 06/11/2019 2156 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 880 680 10 78 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 880 610 10 69 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 880 780 10 88 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 2-Chlorophenol ND 880 640 10 72 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 880 890 10 100 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Chrysene ND 880 840 10 95 41-124 06/11/2019 2156 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 880 700 10 80 38-125 06/11/2019 2156 Dibenzofuran ND 880 930 10 106 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 880 730 10 83 10-119 06/11/2019 2156 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 880 3700 N 10 417 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Diethylphthalate ND 880 1100 10 121 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Dimethyl phthalate ND 880 1300 N 10 149 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 880 1700 N 10 194 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Di-n-butyl phthalate ND 880 880 10 100 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ND 880 1200 N 10 135 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1800 3900 N 10 218 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 880 3400 N 10 381 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 880 900 10 102 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Di-n-octylphthalate ND 880 780 10 88 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 880 880 10 100 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Fluoranthene 280 880 1000 10 87 26-133 06/11/2019 2156 Fluorene 990 880 1600 10 73 19-108 06/11/2019 2156 Hexachlorobenzene ND 880 880 10 100 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 880 720 10 81 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 4400 ND N 10 0.00 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 58 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MS Sample ID: UE31010-003MS Matrix: Solid Batch: 18379 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/01/2019 2311 Sample Spike Amount Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Hexachloroethane ND 880 510 10 58 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 880 710 10 80 42-123 06/11/2019 2156 Isophorone ND 880 1600 N 10 181 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 2-Methyl naphthalene ND 880 860 10 97 10-107 06/11/2019 2156 2-Methylphenol ND 880 560 10 63 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 3+4-Methylphenol ND 880 550 10 62 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Naphthalene ND 880 930 10 105 10-112 06/11/2019 2156 2-Nitroaniline ND 880 1000 10 118 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 3-Nitroaniline ND 880 2000 N 10 223 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 4-Nitroaniline ND 880 2600 N 10 291 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Nitrobenzene ND 880 1000 10 116 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 2-Nitrophenol ND 880 1200 N 10 135 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 4-Nitrophenol ND 1800 3900 N 10 218 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 880 730 10 82 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) ND 880 8000 N 10 906 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Pentachlorophenol ND 1800 2900 N 10 162 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Phenanthrene 4000 880 3900 N 10 -6.1 16-123 06/11/2019 2156 Phenol ND 880 610 10 70 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Pyrene 2000 880 2500 10 54 34-121 06/11/2019 2156 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 880 770 10 87 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 880 1600 N 10 182 30-130 06/11/2019 2156 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 87 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 62 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 61 12-144 Phenol-d5 66 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 102 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 115 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 59 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MSD Sample ID: UE31010-003MD Matrix: Solid Batch: 18379 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/01/2019 2311 Sample Spike Amount Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene 960 880 1900 10 102 17 12-111 30 06/11/2019 2220 Acenaphthylene ND 880 1000 10 119 6.3 44-122 30 06/11/2019 2220 Acetophenone ND 880 1600 N 10 181 25 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Anthracene 2300 880 3200 10 100 13 16-122 30 06/11/2019 2220 Atrazine ND 880 2400 N 10 272 10 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Benzaldehyde ND 880 710 10 81 4.0 10-110 40 06/11/2019 2220 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 880 890 10 101 1.2 40-121 30 06/11/2019 2220 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 880 850 10 96 2.9 36-114 30 06/11/2019 2220 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 880 800 10 91 2.1 38-123 30 06/11/2019 2220 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 880 690 10 78 6.5 43-120 30 06/11/2019 2220 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 880 820 10 93 5.4 40-126 30 06/11/2019 2220 1,1'-Biphenyl ND 880 880 10 101 8.4 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 880 1400 N 10 161 9.6 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 880 940 10 108 2.2 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Caprolactam ND 880 620 + 10 71 75 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Carbazole ND 880 1200 N 10 136 7.4 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ND 880 650 10 74 3.9 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND 880 1400 N 10 159 7.1 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 4-Chloroaniline ND 880 420 10 47 1.7 17-106 40 06/11/2019 2220 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 880 720 10 82 5.1 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 880 640 10 72 4.7 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 880 800 10 91 2.8 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 2-Chlorophenol ND 880 670 10 76 4.5 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 880 1100 10 120 17 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Chrysene ND 880 880 10 100 4.6 41-124 30 06/11/2019 2220 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 880 730 10 83 3.3 38-125 30 06/11/2019 2220 Dibenzofuran ND 880 1000 10 118 10 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 880 660 10 75 10 10-119 40 06/11/2019 2220 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 880 4600 N 10 526 22 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Diethylphthalate ND 880 1100 10 127 3.9 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Dimethyl phthalate ND 880 1400 N 10 164 8.9 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 880 1700 N 10 195 0.39 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Di-n-butyl phthalate ND 880 900 10 102 1.3 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ND 880 1200 N 10 138 1.2 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1800 4700 N 10 266 19 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 880 3800 N 10 437 13 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 880 430 + 10 48 72 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Di-n-octylphthalate ND 880 800 10 91 2.8 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 880 900 10 103 2.5 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Fluoranthene 280 880 1100 10 90 2.6 26-133 30 06/11/2019 2220 Fluorene 990 880 2000 N 10 117 21 19-108 30 06/11/2019 2220 Hexachlorobenzene ND 880 890 10 101 0.72 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 880 740 10 84 3.0 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 4400 7100 N,+ 10 162 200 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 60 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MSD Sample ID: UE31010-003MD Matrix: Solid Batch: 18379 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/01/2019 2311 Sample Spike Amount Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date Hexachloroethane ND 880 480 10 54 7.0 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 880 700 10 80 0.42 42-123 30 06/11/2019 2220 Isophorone ND 880 1900 N 10 213 16 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 2-Methyl naphthalene ND 880 1100 N 10 124 24 10-107 30 06/11/2019 2220 2-Methylphenol ND 880 540 10 61 4.0 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 3+4-Methylphenol ND 880 590 10 67 6.0 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Naphthalene ND 880 1000 N 10 113 7.2 10-112 30 06/11/2019 2220 2-Nitroaniline ND 880 1300 N 10 147 22 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 3-Nitroaniline ND 880 1200 N,+ 10 141 46 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 4-Nitroaniline ND 880 3000 N 10 344 16 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Nitrobenzene ND 880 1100 10 129 10 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 2-Nitrophenol ND 880 1500 N 10 167 21 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 4-Nitrophenol ND 1800 4200 N 10 241 9.4 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 880 790 10 90 8.3 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) ND 880 9800 N 10 1120 21 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Pentachlorophenol ND 1800 3200 N 10 184 12 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Phenanthrene 4000 880 5300 N 10 151 30 16-123 30 06/11/2019 2220 Phenol ND 880 640 10 73 4.4 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Pyrene 2000 880 2900 10 98 14 34-121 30 06/11/2019 2220 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 880 1100 10 121 32 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 880 2000 N 10 230 23 30-130 40 06/11/2019 2220 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 93 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 66 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 66 12-144 Phenol-d5 66 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 105 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 126 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 61 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: UQ18849-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18849 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/06/2019 1705 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Acenaphthene ND 1 13 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Acenaphthylene ND 1 13 3.2 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Acetophenone ND 1 67 6.9 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Anthracene ND 1 13 2.6 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Atrazine ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Benzaldehyde ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 1 13 2.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 1 13 1.7 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1 13 1.9 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 1 13 3.8 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1 13 2.1 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 1,1'-Biphenyl ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Caprolactam ND 1 67 12 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Carbazole ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether ND 1 67 6.7 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol ND 1 67 5.6 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 4-Chloroaniline ND 1 67 5.8 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 1 67 5.5 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 1 67 13 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 2-Chlorophenol ND 1 67 11 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Chrysene ND 1 13 3.1 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 1 13 3.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Dibenzofuran ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 1 67 10 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 1 67 6.6 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Diethylphthalate ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Dimethyl phthalate ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 1 67 11 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Di-n-butyl phthalate ND 1 67 9.8 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ND 1 330 25 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1 330 25 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 1 130 12 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 1 130 11 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Di-n-octylphthalate ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 1 67 25 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Fluoranthene ND 1 13 2.2 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Fluorene ND 1 13 1.9 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Hexachlorobenzene ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1 67 8.5 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 1 330 25 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 62 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - MB Sample ID: UQ18849-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18849 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/06/2019 1705 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date Hexachloroethane ND 1 67 5.5 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene ND 1 13 2.7 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 Isophorone ND 1 67 6.2 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 2-Methyl naphthalene ND 1 13 5.9 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 2-Methylphenol ND 1 67 18 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 3+4-Methylphenol ND 1 130 17 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 Naphthalene ND 1 13 4.7 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 2-Nitroaniline ND 1 130 19 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 3-Nitroaniline ND 1 130 18 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 4-Nitroaniline ND 1 130 20 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 Nitrobenzene ND 1 67 7.8 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 2-Nitrophenol ND 1 130 10 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 4-Nitrophenol ND 1 330 100 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 1 67 5.7 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) ND 1 67 5.1 ug/kg 06/07/2019 1326 Pentachlorophenol ND 1 330 27 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 Phenanthrene ND 1 13 2.3 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 Phenol ND 1 67 6.2 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 Pyrene ND 1 13 2.8 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 1 67 5.0 ug/kg 06/07/20191326 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 54 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 64 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 74 12-144 Phenol-d5 67 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 77 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 59 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 63 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: UQ18849-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18849 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/06/2019 1705 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Acenaphthene 670 410 1 61 12-111 06/07/2019 1351 Acenaphthylene 670 370 1 56 44-122 06/07/2019 1351 Acetophenone 670 480 1 72 48-111 06/07/2019 1351 Anthracene 670 410 1 61 16-122 06/07/2019 1351 Atrazine 670 420 1 63 48-116 06/07/2019 1351 Benzaldehyde 670 300 1 45 10-110 06/07/2019 1351 Benzo(a)anthracene 670 420 1 62 40-121 06/07/2019 1351 Benzo(a)pyrene 670 460 1 69 36-114 06/07/2019 1351 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 670 460 1 69 38-123 06/07/2019 1351 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 670 470 1 71 43-120 06/07/2019 1351 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 670 490 1 74 40-126 06/07/2019 1351 1,1'-Biphenyl 670 380 1 57 49-110 06/07/2019 1351 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 670 360 1 54 46-118 06/07/2019 1351 Butyl benzyl phthalate 670 550 1 83 46-128 06/07/2019 1351 Caprolactam 670 420 1 62 43-121 06/07/2019 1351 Carbazole 670 410 1 62 47-128 06/07/2019 1351 bis (2-Chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 670 540 1 81 31-102 06/07/2019 1351 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 670 470 1 70 49-118 06/07/2019 1351 4-Chloroaniline 670 390 1 58 17-106 06/07/2019 1351 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 670 440 1 66 39-108 06/07/2019 1351 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 670 560 1 84 32-105 06/07/2019 1351 2-Chloronaphthalene 670 350 1 53 31-127 06/07/2019 1351 2-Chlorophenol 670 490 1 73 37-106 06/07/2019 1351 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 670 330 1 49 47-116 06/07/2019 1351 Chrysene 670 430 1 64 41-124 06/07/2019 1351 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 670 480 1 72 38-125 06/07/2019 1351 Dibenzofuran 670 350 1 53 45-112 06/07/2019 1351 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 670 290 1 44 10-119 06/07/2019 1351 2,4-Dichlorophenol 670 390 1 58 41-113 06/07/2019 1351 Diethylphthalate 670 400 1 60 49-123 06/07/2019 1351 Dimethyl phthalate 670 370 1 55 48-120 06/07/2019 1351 2,4-Dimethylphenol 670 600 1 90 33-123 06/07/2019 1351 Di-n-butyl phthalate 670 440 1 66 51-129 06/07/2019 1351 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol 670 520 1 79 40-130 06/07/2019 1351 2,4-Dinitrophenol 1300 1000 1 76 10-113 06/07/2019 1351 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 670 420 1 63 48-124 06/07/2019 1351 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 670 390 1 58 47-125 06/07/2019 1351 Di-n-octylphthalate 670 580 1 87 49-142 06/07/2019 1351 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 670 500 1 74 45-128 06/07/2019 1351 Fluoranthene 670 390 1 58 26-133 06/07/2019 1351 Fluorene 670 380 1 57 19-108 06/07/2019 1351 Hexachlorobenzene 670 380 1 57 44-122 06/07/2019 1351 Hexachlorobutadiene 670 370 1 56 33-103 06/07/2019 1351 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 3300 2400 1 72 18-121 06/07/2019 1351 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 64 of 88 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - LCS Sample ID: UQ18849-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18849 Prep Method: 3546 Analytical Method: 8270E Prep Date: 06/06/2019 1705 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date Hexachloroethane 670 460 1 69 30-96 06/07/20191351 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene 670 470 1 71 42-123 06/07/20191351 Isophorone 670 490 1 73 41-113 06/07/20191351 2-Methyl naphthalene 670 400 1 60 10-107 06/07/20191351 2-Methylphenol 670 610 1 91 32-107 06/07/20191351 3+4-Methylphenol 670 540 1 82 39-108 06/07/20191351 Naphthalene 670 440 1 66 10-112 06/07/20191351 2-Nitroaniline 670 450 1 67 45-123 06/07/20191351 3-Nitroaniline 670 370 1 55 24-127 06/07/20191351 4-Nitroaniline 670 440 1 66 48-127 06/07/20191351 Nitrobenzene 670 540 1 82 33-114 06/07/20191351 2-Nitrophenol 670 440 1 66 35-108 06/07/20191351 4-Nitrophenol 1300 1100 1 82 18-154 06/07/20191351 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 670 600 1 91 32-115 06/07/20191351 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine (Diphenylamine) 670 430 1 64 53-150 06/07/2019 1351 Pentachlorophenol 1300 810 1 60 27-138 06/07/20191351 Phenanthrene 670 420 1 63 16-123 06/07/20191351 Phenol 670 560 1 84 36-108 06/07/20191351 Pyrene 670 450 1 67 34-121 06/07/20191351 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 670 350 1 52 46-122 06/07/20191351 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 670 350 1 52 38-115 06/07/20191351 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Fluorobiphenyl 58 24-137 2-Fluorophenol 74 16-136 Nitrobenzene-d5 89 12-144 Phenol-d5 84 26-148 Terphenyl-d14 76 20-127 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 64 27-128 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 65 of 88 TPH - DRO - MB Sample ID: UQ18378-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18378 Prep Method: 3550C Analytical Method: 8015C Prep Date: 05/31/2019 2314 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date TPH-DRO ND 1 6700 3200 ug/kg 06/05/20191926 Surrogate o - Terphenyl LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 89 55-120 P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 66 of 88 TPH - DRO - LCS Sample ID: UQ18378-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18378 Prep Method: 3550C Analytical Method: 8015C Prep Date: 05/31/2019 2314 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date TPH-DRO 83000 70000 1 84 70-130 06/05/20191945 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit o - Terphenyl LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection 95 55-120 P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 67 of 88 MA EPH (aliphatics) - MB Sample ID: UQ18431-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18431 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 06/02/2019 2016 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C9 - C18 Aliphatics ND 1 10 10 mg/kg 06/04/2019 1745 C19 - C36 Aliphatics ND 1 10 10 mg/kg 06/04/2019 1745 Surrogate Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 96 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 68 of 88 MA EPH (aliphatics) - LCS Sample ID: UQ18431-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18431 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 06/02/2019 2016 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C9 - C18 Aliphatics 30 19 1 62 40-140 06/04/2019 1815 C19 - C36 Aliphatics 40 43 1 107 40-140 06/04/2019 1815 Surrogate Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 98 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 69 of 88 MA EPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Sample ID: UQ18431-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18431 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 06/02/2019 2016 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C9 - C18 Aliphatics 30 20 1 68 9.0 40-140 25 06/04/2019 1844 C19 - C36 Aliphatics 40 42 1 104 2.4 40-140 25 06/04/2019 1844 Surrogate Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 1-Chloro-octadecane (aliphatic) 99 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 70 of 88 MA EPH (aromatics) - MB Sample ID: UQ18432-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18432 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 06/02/2019 2016 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C11 - C22 Aromatics ND 1 10 10 mg/kg 06/04/2019 2309 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 109 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 115 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 82 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 71 of 88 MA EPH (aromatics) - LCS Sample ID: UQ18432-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18432 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 06/02/2019 2016 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C11 - C22 Aromatics 85 68 1 80 40-140 06/04/2019 2338 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 98 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) 109 40-140 o - Terphenyl (aromatic) 86 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 72 of 88 MA EPH (aromatics) - LCSD Sample ID: UQ18432-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18432 Prep Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Analytical Method: MADEP-EPH-04 Prep Date: 06/02/2019 2016 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C11 - C22 Aromatics 85 76 1 90 11 40-140 25 06/05/2019 0008 Surrogate 2-Bromonaphthalene (fractionation 2) 2-Fluorobiphenyl (fractionation 1) o - Terphenyl (aromatic) Acceptance Q % Rec Limit 114 40-140 127 40-140 99 40-140 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 73 of 88 TPH- GRO -MB Sample ID: UQ18370-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18370 Prep Method: 5030E Analytical Method: 8015C Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date TPH-GRO ND 1 5000 2500 ug/kg 05/31/20191728 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene 110 23-179 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 74 of 88 TPH - GRO - LCS Sample ID: UQ18370-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18370 Prep Method: 5030E Analytical Method: 8015C Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date TPH-GRO 50000 52000 1 104 70-130 05/31/20191641 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection 107 23-179 P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 75 of 88 TPH - GRO - LCSD Sample ID: UQ18370-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 18370 Prep Method: 5030E Analytical Method: 8015C Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (ug/kg) (ug/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date TPH-GRO 50000 52000 1 105 0.58 70-130 20 05/31/20191704 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit Bromofluorobenzene LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection 106 23-179 P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 76 of 88 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - MB Sample ID: UQ19103-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 19103 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics ND 1 1.3 0.50 mg/kg 06/07/2019 1444 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) 82 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 77 of 88 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCS Sample ID: UQ19103-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 19103 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 1.5 1 120 70-130 06/07/2019 1348 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) LOQ = Limit of Quantitation DL = Detection Limit LOD = Limit of Detection 100 70-130 P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 78 of 88 MADEP VPH (aromatics) - LCSD Sample ID: UQ19103-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 19103 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C9 - C10 Aromatics 1.3 1.6 1 128 6.5 70-130 25 06/07/2019 1416 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (PID) 100 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 79 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - MB Sample ID: UQ19104-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 19104 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 06/07/2019 1444 C9 - C12 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 06/07/2019 1444 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 80 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 80 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCS Sample ID: UQ19104-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 19104 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 8.5 1 114 70-130 06/07/2019 1348 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 10 1 114 70-130 06/07/2019 1348 Surrogate Q % Rec Acceptance Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 94 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 81 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Sample ID: UQ19104-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 19104 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C5 - C8 Aliphatics 7.5 9.2 1 122 7.4 70-130 25 06/07/2019 1416 C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 11 1 126 9.5 70-130 25 06/07/2019 1416 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 98 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 82 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - MB Sample ID: UQ19250-001 Matrix: Solid Batch: 19250 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Parameter Result Q Dil LOQ DL Units Analysis Date C9 - C12 Aliphatics ND 1 3.8 0.75 mg/kg 06/07/2019 1444 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 80 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 83 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCS Sample ID: UQ19250-002 Matrix: Solid Batch: 19250 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec Limit Analysis Date C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 10 1 114 70-130 06/07/2019 1348 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 94 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 84 of 88 MADEP VPH (aliphatics) - LCSD Sample ID: UQ19250-003 Matrix: Solid Batch: 19250 Prep Method: VPH Analytical Method: MADEP-VPH-18-2.1 Spike Amount Result % Rec % RPD Parameter (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Q Dil % Rec % RPD Limit Limit Analysis Date C9 - C12 Aliphatics 8.8 11 1 126 9.5 70-130 25 06/07/2019 1416 Acceptance Surrogate Q % Rec Limit 2,5-Dibromotoluene (FID) 98 70-130 LOQ = Limit of Quantitation P = The RPD between two GC columns exceeds 40 % N = Recovery is out of criteria DL = Detection Limit J = Estimated result < LOQ and > DL + = RPD is out of criteria LOD = Limit of Detection ND = Not detected at or above the DL Note: Calculations are performed before rounding to avoid round -off errors in calculated results Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 85 of 88 Chain of Custody and Miscellaneous Documents Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 86 of 88 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. LO _ co 00 LO L 0 a z E j gI.," L 5� a 4 Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 87 of 88 SHEALY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Shwly 6nvi=m tvl F;BmiQ . Sample Receipt Checklist (SRC) Client. laid-.4tiantic Cooler Ins cetcd by+date: �xH ! pS;ih+I 9 I Qeent of reccilrr: FSI C;Jient U UPS 0 FedFA Othcr.— Yus NO 1, %Mzrc uusludy seals present on the cnoier? 12. If cu.mdy gal s were ont, wore rhay intact and unbroken" Yes Nol D NA PE SG'ip ID' tkTA Chlorine Strip ID, NA Tested by- NA Original temperature 1 p9ij r ipt Vcrived (Corrected) temperaure uren reeeipi INSolid 511ap-QUP ID: 1MI l 4,3 14,3 -C NA ; NA -C NA INN _°C NA ,MA aC lvietJhpd: ®xe+mpermu" 131arrk Against BattleF. rR Con TI? _ 5 IR GuL; lr arreciiuu `'C: + Faukv: 0 bferhod of,' Jaftt: V Wet Ice ❑ uc; lee PN ❑ r)ry I: r. ❑ None ❑ 'as ❑ No ONA 1- Tf tempmturr of any cooler excaeded6.4°C, was Project Manager Nmified'� PM was Notified by phone + ejuaiI f f"L—Lo4mv (circle one). d. 1s the orunmercial crwr:.&A packing slip attached to this furrO M No ®NA Yes ❑ Nn 5. Wcr -ninr custody pnxeaiures ralinquishedrreceiu�xi}liolluxed� Yes NU 6, WvN samlpls EDs listed on the. CX)C'7 ® Ym ❑ No 7, were swil pie Bs listjA on A samplc containers'? Yes ❑ No $, Was collection date & time listed ant the CaC'' Yo ❑ No $, Was Coll ealien Jwj-- & tim a ILstad rnt all sample contai riimi? ® Ye* C] No 10. Did all cont0.Eer 141,?el irihurination (ID, dace, time) agree with the CO+C? Vus ❑ Na I I, Were tests to toe performed listed on the CQC? 0 Yes ❑ No 13, Did all samples Orr Ive in lbv prop" cwtainera for earh tlett mUor in good condition (unbroken, Uds nrr. cbc,ln '�s ❑ N' 11, Was adoquaTe, sample volumo evrulalale7 709 Q No 14. Were elt smnplem rwaiveti within r the ImMilrg limn or 48 hours, whichever crwres Fr8I' Yer ❑ No t5- WeVe any soli ks tontniners missin excess eiMlt one) samples Ncrt listed nn C O C,? ❑ Yes Q No 71 NA 16- Fon'Vi)A and JRSK-175 sair+Plm were bubbles present s" pnLL-sirl:" (V41or 6mm in diameter) in any *Cbc VUA vials? ❑ Yrri No TEA 17, Were all DRalmetalsinuLricut samptea roceived at a PH af< Ll Yet 0 Na ®Tti A ] 8. Were 01 C yWLidC sampics rrcei ued al a P14 > 17 and suifide sample.5 reaeivcd ar a pi I �K! ❑ Yrs ❑ No ONA J9. 14rcrcal applirableNgj.TKNkyaul e.+ atjoV6;S f<U„3mgfLj sample$ free Of, esidrla. Ctlhxinc? ❑ ,�s ❑ o NA 20, Were client rc wkslrequestt (i-e- (e�u�tstad dilutions, msfMST) designations, eoC---) oa,-r%&Aly transcribed from the COC into the cx)mmcnt section itt LTMS7 ❑ Yc -No IT,- W&3 the c uotc lnunber Jisled M the euntaincr label? If yes, Quote# NA Sample ]Preservation (hduat bo rompketed for (illy Sanaplv(s) inr:orrecdy przsen+ed art. with Juaadspacej Sarnpla(s) NA were ra�eivcxl iucorreNly preserved and w= adjusted accordi?:kI • iti saiaipk receiving witli NA mL of circle Due- 1-12SO4, HNM HC1. NOT using Six #IAA imc ofprescrvaiiorl NA lF more than aLw preservative is noeded, pleaRe note in the camntenrs bel[rw, Sampie(s) NA were maivDd with bubbles>6 mm iu diatneter- Sanoplos) NA were received with TRC > 0.5 me/L. (If #I9? is No) andTerc ]l1Ste� eraCDRlin ly in sample. rereil"Jtig with sodium thiosulfate (Na,S�oj with Shea 1D: NA SR Mrcnrle lrib6L applied by- J5H Dope; 05/31i19 C olnl r Un l:t: Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, SC 29172 (803) 791-9700 Fax (803) 791-9111 www.shealylab.com Page 88 of 88 Beverly, Trudy From: Greg Icenhour <Glcenhour@maaonline.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 11:11 AM To: Beverly, Trudy; Patrick Kelly Cc: Kenneth Fuquay Subject: RE: [External] FW: 7609 Linda Lakes Drive IAA Report Importance: High External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Thanks Trudy — Patrick, run with this ASAP. With best regards, I d Mantic Enginoonng A Ems nm nW Sclwt o & Greg D. Icenhour, P.G., MBA Vice President/Charlotte Branch Manager MID -ATLANTIC ASSOCIATES, INC. 1125 E. Morehead Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28204-2849 (980) 585-1271— Phone (980) 585-1272 — Fax (704) 604-5201— Mobile Corporate Office: 409 Rogers View Court Raleigh, NC 27610 Office: (919) 250-9918 Facsimile: (919) 250-9950 Outstanding service since 1993 http://www.maaonline.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Its contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose, disseminate, copy or print its contents. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. From: Beverly, Trudy [mailto:trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2019 11:10 AM To: Greg Icenhour <Glcenhour@maaonline.com>; Patrick Kelly <PKelly@maaonline.com> Cc: Kenneth Fuquay <kfuquay@lifespanservices.org> Subject: RE: [External] FW: 7609 Linda Lakes Drive IAA Report Greg and Patrick, I can issue the conditional no further action letter once the Notice of Residual Petroleum has been received by this office for review and signature before filing with the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds. The conditional No Further Action letter will then direct you to file the UST signed Notice of Residual Petroleum with Mecklenburg County and conduct public notice. Once copies of the filed Notice of Residual Petroleum and public notice documentation are received, I will issue a No Further Action letter to close the site. Instructions and Form for Notice of Residual Petroleum with Alternate Land Use Restriction https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/forms Let me know if you have any questions, Trudy From: Greg Icenhour [mailto:Glcenhour@maaonline.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 10:54 AM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov>; Patrick Kelly <PKelly@maaonline.com> Cc: Kenneth Fuquay <kfuguav@lifespanservices.org> Subject: RE: [External] FW: 7609 Linda Lakes Drive IAA Report External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Hi Trudy —just an FYI, the owner is a non-profit and would like to get this property on the market as quickly as feasible. A previous contract fell through due to the UST issues, which hopefully we can put to bed with a NORP. Thanks for the assistance and have a great 4tnl With best regards, Mid cAtlantic Greg D. Icenhour, P.G., MBA Vice President/Charlotte Branch Manager MID -ATLANTIC ASSOCIATES, INC. 1125 E. Morehead Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28204-2849 (980) 585-1271— Phone (980) 585-1272 — Fax (704) 604-5201— Mobile Corporate Office: 409 Rogers View Court Raleigh, NC 27610 Office: (919) 250-9918 Facsimile: (919) 250-9950 Outstanding service since 1993 http://www.maaonIine.com Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Its contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose, disseminate, copy or print its contents. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. From: Beverly, Trudy[mailto:trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2019 10:52 AM To: Patrick Kelly <PKelly@maaonline.com> Cc: Greg Icenhour <Glcenhour@maaonline.com>; Kenneth Fuquay <kfuquay@lifespanservices.org> Subject: RE: [External] FW: 7609 Linda Lakes Drive IAA Report I appreciate the update. Thank you, Trudy Tle '�, Lam. D E�� No r& Orokes D d N��,NCA��IINA LOT Sc o, Momud : Offilm Department at Environmental quality Ci" 235-21 82 (OW Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to ttie !North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed io third paidos. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.,gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast- program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-mane eg ment- ig s=maps File Review Procedures: https:Hdeq.nc.,gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresvill e-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): https:Hedocs.deg.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https://files.nc. gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%20Action/Electronic%20Document%20Submittal %20Memo%20Update.pdf https:Hfiles.nc. gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%20Action/UST%20file%20names%20for%20Las erfiche.docx From: Patrick Kelly [mailto:PKelly@maaonline.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 2, 2019 10:36 AM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Greg Icenhour <Glcenhour@maaonline.com>; Kenneth Fuquay <kfuguav@lifespanservices.org> Subject: [External] FW: 7609 Linda Lakes Drive IAA Report Trudy, I was having trouble burning this PDF to a CD to include with the hard copy of the report. A hard copy of the report will go out in the mail today. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, MidAtlantict'j.4I Patrick R. Kelly, P.G. Project Geologist MID -ATLANTIC ASSOCIATES, INC. 1125 E. Morehead Street, Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28204 980-585-1271 Office 704-560-0645 Mobile www.MAAONLINE.com I Outstanding Service Since 1993 Confidentiality Notice: The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed.Its contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose, disseminate, copy or print its contents. If you receive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message.