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Geological Resources, Inc. May 22, 2019 Ms. Trudy Beverly NCDEQ-UST Section Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Ave. Mooresville, NC 28115 Re: Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Sysco Charlotte, LLC. 4500 Corporate Drive NW Concord, Cabarrus County Facility ID Number: 0-035443 Incident Number: 40858 GRI Project No: 4958 Dear Ms. Beverly, Please find enclosed the referenced report for the above mentioned site. If you have any questions, please contact Corey Buchanan at 704-845-4010. Sincerely, Geological Resources, Inc. Leslie Maxtone-Graham Administrative Assistant Enclosure Cc: Mr. Tian Stillwell; Sysco Charlotte LLC, file 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 113 West Firetower Road, Suite G • Winterville, North Carolina 28590 Phone (704) 845-4010 9 (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 40 Geological Resources, Inc. PHASE I LIMITED SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT SYSCO CHARLOTTE, LLC. 4500 CORPORATE DRIVE NW CONCORD, CABARRUS COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA FACILITY ID NUMBER: 0-035443 INCIDENT NUMBER: 40858 GRI PROJECT NUMBER: 4958 Prepared for: Sysco Charlotte, LLC. 4500 Corporate Drive NW Concord, North Carolina 28027 May 17, 2019 Corey N. Buchanan, P.G. Project Manager 3502 Hayes Road • Monroe, North Carolina 28110 113 West Firetower Road, Suite G • Winterville, North Carolina 28590 Phone (704) 845-4010 • (888) 870-4133 • Fax (704) 845-4012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Sysco Charlotte, LLC. site is located at 4500 Corporate Drive NW in Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. The subject property is an active warehouse and food distribution facility and a tractor trailer fleet terminal. The site is covered by asphalt, concrete and/or buildings. There is one 20,000-gallon diesel UST currently in use at the site with two associated diesel dispenser islands and two satellite dispenser. The surrounding properties are industrial, commercial and residential. On February 7, 2018, two non -passing sump integrity tests were reported and on November 1, 2018, GRI conducted a site check at the subject site. The contaminant concentrations that exceeded the applicable soil quality standards were reported in soil sample SB-2. No free product was noted at the site. Site Check results identified a release at the site and a LSA was recommended. A receptor survey was conducted on April 16, 2019. Six irrigation non -potable water supply wells were identified within a 1,500-foot radius of the site. None of the non -potable water supply wells, were identified within a 250-foot radius of the source area. Public water is available to the subject site and to all surrounding properties. No surface water bodies were identified within a 500-foot radius of the site. On April 16, 2019, one monitoring well (MW-1) was installed down gradient of soil boring SB-2, the location of the soil contamination identified during previous environmental assessment activities conducted in November 2018. Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals during the installation of monitoring well MW-1. Estimated concentrations of C11-C22 aromatics that were reported in the soil samples MW-1 (5') and MW-1 (10') were below the soil -to -water MCC. Please note that the monitoring well was installed in that location because of the overhead canopy and the underground canopy drain line and underground power located near the dispensers. On April 16, 2019, a ground water sample was collected from MW-1. The MAC was below the concentration of C11-C22 aromatics reported in the ground water sample collected from MW-1. The contaminant concentration did not exceed the GCL. No free product was observed at the site. Based on the absence of potable water supply wells within 1,000-foot radius of the source area and the reported contaminant concentrations are below the GCLs, the site risk should be classified as low. A Notice of Residual Petroleum should be filed on the subject property and the incident closed with No Further Action. Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 17, 2019 40 Sysco Charlotte, LLC. Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanan G-1.9ica1Resuu¢es,I— GRI Project No. 4958 SITE INFORMATION 1. Site Identification ° Sysco Charlotte, LLC. (Facility ID 0-00-0000035443) ° Incident Number40858 ° Location of Source Area: 4500 Corporate Drive NW Concord, NC 28027 Cabarrus County 35.4232780°N, 80.6514740 °W (Topographical Map) 2. Information about Contacts Associated with the Leaking UST System UST/AST Owner Sysco Charlotte, LLC. (Table 1) 4500 Corporate Drive, NW Concord, NC 28027 stillwell.timothv@cha.sysco.com 704-723-6014 UST/AST Operator Sysco Charlotte, LLC. 4500 Corporate Drive NW Concord, NC 28027 stillwell.timothv(@cha.sysco.com 704-723-6014 3. Information about Release Property Owner Bell/Sysco Food Service, Inc. 1390 Enclave Pkwy Tax Department Houston, TX 77077 Email Unknown Phone No.281-584-1390 Property occupant Bell/Sysco Food Service, Inc. 1390 Enclave Pkwy Tax Department Houston, TX 77077 stillwell.timothv@cha.sysco.com 704-723-6014 Consultant/Contractor Geological Resources, Inc. 3502 Hayes Road Monroe, NC 28110 cnb@geoloeicalresourcesinc.com 704-845-4010 Analytical Laboratory SGS North America 4405 Vineland Road, Suite C-15 Orlando, FL 32811 State Certification No. 573 407-425-6700 Release was discovered on November',9, 2018 An unknown amount of product was released from the leaking sump at the dispenser island #1/2. One (1) 20,000-gallon diesel UST is in use at the site (Table 2) Certification: I, Randy A. Smith, a Licensed Geologist for contained in this report is correct and accura Geological Resources, Inc. is licensed to I certification numbers of the corporation are Inc., do certify that the information rq o+? r t i 126Z `eolgk d engineering in North Carolina. The and C-2727, respectively. Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. /\ Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 17, 2019 Sysco Charlotte, LLC. Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanania.� GRI Project No. 4958 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. RISK CHARACTERIZATION...........................................................................................1 2. RECEPTOR INFORMATION..........................................................................................4 3. SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY.........................................................................5 4. SITE INVESTIGATION..................................................................................................5 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................8 6. LIMITATIONS.............................................................................................................8 FIGURES Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: Site Vicinity Map Figure 3: Site Map Figure 4: Soil Quality Map Figure 5: Ground Water Quality Map TABLES Table 1: UST Owner/Operator Information Table 2: UST System Information Table 3: Water Supply Well Information Table 4: Adjacent Property Owner Information Table 5: Well Construction and Gauging Information Table 6: Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results Table 7: Summary of Ground Water Sample Analytical Results APPENDICES Appendix A: Water Use Questionnaire Appendix B: Cabarrus County Property Cards Appendix C: Well Construction Record and Subsurface Log Appendix D: State Correspondence Appendix E: Laboratory Analytical Report Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 17, 2019 40 Sysco Charlotte, LLC. Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanan Gml.gl e,Rem—,I.a GRI Project No. 4958 1. RISK CHARACTERIZATION Limited Site Assessment Risk Classification and Land Use Form Part I — Groundwater/Surface Water/Vapor Impacts High Risk 1. Has the release contaminated any water supply well including any well used for non -drinking purposes? NO 2. Is a water supply well used for drinking water located within 1,000 feet of the source area of the release? NO 3. Is a water supply well not used for drinking water (e.g., irrigation, washing cars, industrial cooling water, filling swimming pools) located within 250 feet of the source area of the release? NO 4. Does groundwater within 500 feet of the source area of the release have the potential for future use (there is no other source of water supply other than the groundwater)? NO Public water is available to the site and surrounding properties. 5. Do vapors from the release pose a threat of explosion because of accumulation of the vapors in a confined space or pose any other serious threat to public health, public safety or the environment? NO 6. Are there any other factors that would cause the release to pose an imminent danger to public health, public safety, or the environment? NO If YES, explain: Intermediate Risk 7. Is a surface water body located within 500 feet of the source area of the release? NO If YES, does the maximum groundwater contaminant concentration exceed the surface water quality standards and criteria found in 15A NCAC 213 .0200 by a factor of 10? 8. Is the source area of the release located within an approved or planned wellhead protection area as defined in 42 USC 300h-7(e)? NO 9. Is the release located in the Coastal Plain physiographic region as designated on a map entitled "Geology of North Carolina" published by the Department in 1985? NO Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. �� Prepared on: May 17, 2019 Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanan GP l.g;olR. u,CaI.c. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Sysco Charlotte, LLC. GRI Project No. 4958 1 10. If YES, is the source area of the release located in an area in which there is recharge to an unconfined or semi -confined deeper aquifer that is being used or may be used as a source of drinking water? If YES, describe. 11. Do the levels of ground water contamination for any contaminant exceed the gross contamination levels established by the Department? NO Part II - Land Use Property Containing Source Area of Release The questions below pertain to the property containing the source area of the release. 1. Does the property contain one or more primary or secondary residences (permanent or temporary)? NO Explain: The subject property is an active warehouse and food distribution facility and a tractortrailer fleet terminal. 2. Does the property contain a school, daycare center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home, or other place of public assembly? NO Explain: The subject property is an active warehouse and food distribution facility and a tractortrailer fleet terminal. 3. Does the property contain a commercial (e.g., retail, warehouse, office/business space, etc.) or industrial (e.g., manufacturing, utilities, industrial research and development, chemical/petroleum bulk storage, etc.) enterprise, an inactive commercial or industrial enterprise, or is the land undeveloped? YES Explain: The subject property is an active warehouse and food distribution facility and a tractortrailer fleet terminal. 4. Do children visit the property? Explain: M The subiect property is an active warehouse and food distribution facility and a tractor trailer fleet terminal and children would not likely visit the site. 5. Is access to the property reliably restricted consistent with its use (e.g., by fences, security personnel or both)? YES Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 17, 2019 40 Sysco Charlotte, LLC. Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanan GPO,,g;olR. u,CaI.c. GRI Project No. 4958 2 Explain: The operations portion of the property where the UST is located is restricted with a security fence and gate, restricting pedestrian and vehicular traffic. 6. Do pavement, buildings, or other structures cap the contaminated soil? YES Explain: The site is currently covered with asphalt, concrete and/or buildings. If yes, what mechanisms are in place or can be put into place to ensure that the contaminated soil will remain capped in the foreseeable future? The site is expected to remain in operation as an active warehouse and food distribution facil and a tractor trailer fleet terminal in the near future. 7. What is the zoning status of the property? According to the Cabarrus County Official Zoning Map, the site is zoned 1-2 (Heavy Industrial). 8. Is the use of the property likely to change in the next 20 years? NO Explain: The subject property is an active warehouse and food distribution facility and a tractortrailer fleet terminal and likely remain so in the near future. Property Surrounding Source Area of Release The questions below pertain to the area within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release (excludes property containing source area of the release): 9. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest primary or secondary residence (permanent or temporary)? The closest primary residence is 4196 Medford Road located approximately 1,200 feet northeast of the UST basin. 10 What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest school, daycare center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home or other place of public assembly? No places of assembly within the 1,500 foot radius of the site. 12. What is the zoning status of properties in the surrounding area? According to the Cabarrus County Official Zoning Map, the surrounding areas are zoned Industrial (1-2), Residential -Medium Density (RM-2), Residential -Village (RV). Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 17, 2019 40 Sysco Charlotte, LLC. Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanan GPO,,g;olR—u,CeS,I.c. GRI Project No. 4958 3 2. 13. Briefly characterize the use and activities of the land in the surrounding area. The area surroundine the site is a mixture of industrial. commercial and residential. RECEPTOR INFORMATION 1. Water Supply Wells: A receptor survey was conducted on April 16, 2019. Six irrigation, non -potable water supply wells were identified within a 1,500-foot radius of the site. None of the water supply wells are located within a 250-foot radius of the source area. A Site Location Map is provided as Figure 1 and a Site Vicinity Map showing property boundaries for the site and surrounding properties has been included as Figure 2. Water supply well information has been provided in Table 3. Water use questionnaires that were completed to date have been included as Appendix A. 2. Public Water Supplies: Are public water supplies available within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release? YES If yes, where is the location of the nearest public water lines and the source(s) of the public water supply. Explain: Municipal water is available to the site and the surrounding properties. Water lines run along the public streets in the area. Public water is supplied by the Citv of Concord. 3. Surface Water: Identify all surface water bodies (e.g., ditch, pond, stream, lake, river) within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release. This information must be shown on the USGS topographic map. One small creek/drainage feature was identified approximately 810 feet to the southeast of the site. In addition, three ponds/retention ponds were identified approximately 1,200 feet from the source area, two to the northeast and one to the southeast. A fourth pond/retention pond is located approximately 1 4. Wellhead Protection Areas: feet northwest of the site. Identify all planned or approved wellhead protection areas in the vicinity of the source area. This information must be shown on the USGS topographic map. Wellhead protection areas are defined in 42 USC 300h-7(e). On March 9, 2019, GRI personnel accessed the NCDEQ Source Water Assessment and Protection (SWAP) Program's website to identify wellhead protection areas in the vicinity of the subject site. The site is not located within a wellhead protection area. Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. �� Prepared on: May 17, 2019 Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanan GP l.g;olR—u,CeS,I.c. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Sysco Charlotte, LLC. GRI Project No. 4958 4 S. Deep Aquifers in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Region: The site is not located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Region. 6. Subsurface Structures: No structures with basements were observed in the vicinity of the source area. The water main and other underground utilities run along International Drive and Corporate Drive and several underground utility lines were observed on the property. 7. Property Owners and Occupants: The names and addresses of the owners of properties adjacent to the site are presented in Table 4. Property boundaries are shown on Figure 2. Property cards for the adjacent property owners are attached as Appendix B. 3. SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY According to the 1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina, the site is located in the Charlotte Belt. The bedrock is generally described as metamorphosed quartz diorite. The soil samples collected during well installation activities were brown and gray silts. The depth to ground water during the April 2019 gauging event was 19.08 feet below the top of well casing. A copy of the well construction record and subsurface log have been included as Appendix C. A Site Map is included as Figure 3. Well construction and gauging information is presented in Table 5. Photos of the newly installed monitoring well is shown below: 4. SITE INVESTIGATION On February 7, 2018, two non -passing sumps integrity tests for the dispenser island #1/2 and the submersible turbine pump (STP) for the 20,000-gallon UST were reported and on November 1, 2018, GRI conducted a site check at the subject site. Three soil borings were advanced adjacent to the sumps to depths of approximately 3 feet below ground surface (bgs) and soil samples were collected from the borings (SB-1 through SB-3). Contaminant concentrations that exceeded the applicable soil quality Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Prepared on: May 17, 2019 40 Sysco Charlotte, LLC. Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanan GP l.g;olR. u,CaI.c. GRI Project No. 4958 5 standards were reported in soil sample SB-2. Based on these results, a Limited Site Assessment (LSA) was recommended. In accordance with the Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) dated April 3, 2019, one monitoring well (MW-1) was installed by a North Carolina licensed well contractor on April 16, 2019 to assess the identified release at the site. MW-1 was installed to a total depth of 35 feet bgs with a 25-foot screened interval set to bracket the water table at the time of installation. Monitoring well MW-1 was installed slightly down gradient of soil boring SB-2, the location of the soil contamination identified during previous environmental assessment activities conducted in November 2018. Please note that the monitoring well was installed in that location because of the overhead canopy and the underground canopy drain line and underground power located near the dispensers. A copy of the NORR has been included in Appendix D. Gauging data from the April 2019 gauging event has been included in Table 5. A summary of the gauging data is shown below: Screened Top of Depth to Bottom Groundwater Interval Casing Water from Well ID of Well Elevation (x to y ft. Elevation Top of Casing (ft. BGS) BGS) (ft.) (ft.) Mw-1 10-35 35 NA 19.08 NA 1. Soil Sampling: Soil samples (SB-1 through SB-3) were collected on November 1, 2018 during Site Check activities, and submitted for laboratory analyses of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) gasoline -range organics (GRO) by EPA Method 8015D and TPH-diesel-range organics (DRO) by EPA Method 8015C/3546. The applicable regulatory action level (RAL) was below the concentration of DRO reported in the soil sample collected from SB-2. No free product was noted at the site. On April 16, 2019, three soil samples (MW-1 (5'), MW-1 (10') and MW-1 (15')) were collected at 5- foot intervals during the installation of monitoring well MW-1. The soil samples were submitted for analysis of volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) by the MADEP methods. Soil samples MW-1 (5') and MW-1 (15') were also submitted for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260D and semi-VOCS by EPA Method 8270E. The estimated concentrations of C11-C22 aromatics that were reported in the soil samples MW-1 (5') and MW-1 (10') were below the soil -to -water maximum contaminant concentration (MCC). A Soil Quality Map has been included as Figure 4. A summary of the soil sample analytical results is presented in Table 6. A copy of the laboratory analytical report for the soil samples collected during the April 2019 LSA activities has been included in Appendix E. A copy of the current soil sampling data collected during the LSA activities is shown below: Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. �� Prepared on: May 17, 2019 Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanan GPO,,g;olR. u,CaI.c. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Sysco Charlotte, LLC. GRI Project No. 4958 11 V N O d N 2 m G- 2 X E aN E co O j, s M •• N u N N Ui a i ai V RAIL (mg/kg) NE NE NE NE NE Soil to Water MCC (mg/kg) 0.0056 4.3 4.9 4.6 31 Residential SCLs (mg/kg) 18 1,200 1,560 3,129 469 MW-1 (5') 5 <0.076 <0.62 <0.062 <0.13 5.96 J MW-1 (10') 10 NR NR NR NR 5.39 J MW-1(15') 15 <0.084 <0.69 <0.069 <0.15 <5.2 2. Ground Water Sampling: On April 16, 2019, MW-1 was gauged purged and sampled. The ground water sample was submitted for analysis of purgable aromatics by EPA Method 6200B, semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), base/neutrals and acids plus 10 tentatively identifiable compounds (TICS) by EPA Method 625.1, EDB by EPA Method 504.1, and VPH and EPH by the MADEP Methods. The maximum allowable concentration (MAC) specified in T15A NCAC 2L.0202 was below the concentration of C11-C22 aromatics reported in the ground water sample collected from MW-1. The reported contaminant concentration in MW-1 was below the GCL. No free product was observed at the site. Based on the absence of potable water supply wells in the area and the reported contaminant concentration was below the GCL, the site risk should be classified as low. A Ground Water Quality Map has been included as Figure 5. A summary of the ground water analytical data has been included in Table 7. A copy of the laboratory analytical report has been included in Appendix D. A summary of the current ground water sampling data is shown below: Contaminant of Concern C C N C N W 16 m O Date WDell Sampled m x C (mm/dd/yy) LU z U MAC (mg/1) 1 600 600 500 20 6 200 GCL (mg/1) 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 6,000 NE MW-1 1 04/16/19 <0.13 0.13.1 0.16.1 0.66.1 <0.13 <0.13 208 3. Quality Control: The soil and ground water samples were immediately placed in laboratory -supplied containers after collection, which were then placed in iced coolers. A new disposable bailer was used to sample the monitoring well and new nitrile gloves were worn during soil and ground water sampling. Samples were logged using proper chain -of -custody procedures. The samples were transported to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis. Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. �� Prepared on: May 17, 2019 Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanan GP l.g;olR. u,CaI.c. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Sysco Charlotte, LLC. GRI Project No. 4958 7 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • The site is an active warehouse and food distribution facility and a tractor trailer fleet terminal. Land use in the area consists of Industrial, commercial and residential properties. • A receptor survey was conducted on April 16, 2019. Six irrigation, non -potable water supply wells were identified within a 1,500-foot radius of the site. No water supply wells were identified within a 250-foot radius of the source area. Public water is available to the subject site and to all surrounding properties. • No surface water bodies were identified within a 500-foot radius of the site. The closest surface water body is a small creek/drainage feature identified approximately 810 feet to the southeast of the site. • On April 16, 2019, one monitoring well was installed down gradient of soil boring SB-2. Please note that the monitoring well was installed in that location because of the overhead canopy and the underground canopy drain line and underground power located near the dispensers • Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals during the installation of monitoring well MW-1. The estimated concentrations of C11-C22 aromatics reported in the soil samples MW-1 (5') and MW-1 (10') were below the soil -to -water MCC. • On April 16, 2019, a ground water sample was collected from MW-1. The MACS were below the concentration of C11-C22 aromatics reported in the ground water sample collected from MW-1. • The ground water concentration did not exceed the GCL. No free product was observed at the site. • Based on the absence of potable water supply wells within 1,000-foot radius of the source area and the reported contaminant concentrations below the GCLs, the site risk should be classified as low. A Notice or Residual Petroleum should be filed on the subject property and the incident closed with a No Further Action. 6. LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Sysco Charlotte, LLC. for specific application to the referenced site in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. The assessment was conducted based on the scope of work and level of effort specified by NCDEQ and with resources adequate only for that scope of work. Our findings have been developed in accordance with generally accepted standards of geology and hydrogeology practices in the State of North Carolina, available information and our professional judgment. No other warranty is expressed or implied. The data that are presented in this report are indicative of conditions that existed at the precise locations sampled and at the time the samples were collected. In addition, the data obtained from samples would be interpreted as being meaningful with respect to parameters indicated in the laboratory report. No additional information can logically be inferred from these data. Prepared by: Geological Resources, Inc. �� Prepared on: May 17, 2019 Project Manager: Corey N. Buchanan GP l.g;olR. u,CaI.c. Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report Sysco Charlotte, LLC. GRI Project No. 4958 FIGURES ci 1550 !park, 7 D _ •I 100re u @M, ti� '•'V�1 �� III,•+• �'�++' � � ��^ :..• �.- .�{- _ j f'r +4 ,�,%;``. , • ' Tar G'm ,1 �, 1 �� ✓� n iTw4> k Hill CI, 01 �. ^ . Declination ' Figure 1 Site Location Map 4500 Corporate Drive NW SCALE 1:24000 4500 Corporate Drive NW, Concord, Cabarrus County, 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 NC Incident No. 40858 FEET MN 7.81° W GRI Project No. 4958 Date: 11/13/18 Location: 035.4232780' N 080.6514740' W Scale: 1 inch = 2,000 ft. Copyright (C) 2009 MyTopo LEGEND • • — • • — • • — SUBJECT PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE ADJACENT PROPERTY BOUNDARY LINE -------------UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK O FILL PORT Note: 1. This Site Mop is based on data from the Caborrus County GIS of NC. 2. This site was not professionally surveyed, site features and utilities ore approximate. :ASPHAL T- Parking Lot �ASPHAL T1 Cd�Idl�lltl��I:T1��.9:J Sysco Food Services of Charlotte LLC ------ ------ ...... ( ASPHAL T� �grass1 Retention .�•''•• Pond �ASPHAL T- Sysco Food Services of ,I'''••'• Charlotte LLC .�' � • High way 49 Satellite 20K—Gallon ,�' Truck & ispensers o Diesel UST •�,.�• Trailer Rpr .000. gros� •'000• dpbl pffor e ,, ♦{e '' Services •�5 �000 • ��•'�• Technicon Ac ustics R C—gras S1TE MAP 0 100 200 400 4500 Corporate Drive NW 4500 Corporate Drive NW Incident No. N/A Concord, Cabarrus County, ( IN FEET) GRI Project No. 4958 NC Geoiogicol Resources, Inc. 1 inch = 200 ft Date: 1111JI18 I Drown by. DTH I Figure: 2 O I ' Z Z o A 0 0 0 ci o Z � � oN� w N N-j i i n n ti ti tt �� tt y tt n 0 n n n 0 o \ —u N N N N 0-) —� z z z z z z n O n n A A 0 o O O o 0 O O O � � CJi c0 �O � q tt \ r � o � tt � ❑ ❑ c�j Q � �� n O Z O O V �O O O O O L— — — — — — — — — — J tt (O (U C� �o o tt O � O '-A O I Cb a o� o tt z o o\ � co o m :% � Noorn��o oo � j ti p O y � o � Z y � tt tt 9 � �� y �J^ ss �s� Cb o �AOOOAk j Jw� r \r � j•� '0. tt 91 tt s/ O O tt \ r-----------� I� Q tt an� Ra �Jr O O C� 1 V TABLES TABLE 1 UST OWNER/OPERATOR INFORMATION SYSCO CHARLOTTE, LLC. (INCIDENT NO. 40858) UST ID Number 1 Facility ID Number 0-035443 Name of Owner or Operator Dates of Ownership / Operation Owner or Operator? Sysco Charlotte, LLC. 01/26/2009 - Current Owner/Operator Address Telephone Number 4500 Corporate Drive NW, Concord, NC 28027 1-704-723-6067 UST ID Number 1 Facility ID Number 0-035443 Name of Owner or Operator Dates of Ownership / Operation Owner or Operator? Sysco Charlotte, LLC. 03/01/1997 - 01/26/2009 Owner/Operator Address Telephone Number 4500 Corporate Drive NW, Concord, NC 28027 1-704-723-6067 Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 UST SYSTEM INFORMATION SYSCO CHARLOTTE, LLC. (INCIDENT NO. 40858) Date: 04 29 19 Facility ID #: 0-035443 Description of Was Release UST Current Associated Status Associated or Most Previous Capacity Date Construction Tank with UST ID Product Piping of Recent Contents (gallons) Installed Details Dimensions System? No. and UST Contents Pumps (Yes / No) Single Wall Double Wall 1 Diesel NA 20,000 03/01/1997 10' S" x 31' Current Yes Fiberglass Enviro Flex Page 1 of 1 TABLE 3 WATER SUPPLY WELL INFORMATION SYSCO CHARLOTTE, LLC. (INCIDENT NO. 40858) Date: 05 14 19 Facility ID #: 0-035443 Approximate Type Well Well Distance Well Well Use Well of Screen Public Water Casing from No. PIN Well Owner Mailing Address Well Location Address (Potable/ Depth Well Interval Connected Depth Source Agriculture, etc.) (ft BGS) (Drilled/ (x to y (ft. BGS) Area of Bored) ft. BGS) Release ft. Albany Road 201 4th Ave. N. STE. 1850, 4725 Corporate Dr. NW., WSW-1 5601-8411-6900-00 Yes Irrigation UNK UNK UNK UNK 1,140 North International, LLC. Nashville, TN 37219 Concord, NC 28027 797 Davidson Dr. Nw., 4540 Fortune Ave. NW., Concord, WSW-2 5601-8447-4000-00 4540 Fortune Ave., LLC. Yes Irrigation UNK UNK UNK UNK 1,530 North Concord, NC 28025 NC 28027 411 International Dr. NW, 4515 Enterprise Dr. N NW, Concord, NC 28027 1,200 East- WSW-3 5601-6231-3000-00 Pass &Seymour, Inc. Yes Irrigation UNK UNK UNK UNK Concord, NC 28027 4503 and 4515 Enterprise Dr. N Southwest NW, Concord, NC 28027 4349, 4359, 4375, 4369, 4379, White Park, LLC. A NC 167 Church St. NE., 4389, 4387, 4385, 4399 and 4403 1,050 South - WSW-4 5601-8104-9800-00 Yes Irrigation UNK UNK UNK UNK LTD, Co. Concord, NC 28025 Republic Ct NW., Concord, NC Southeast 28027 4324 Repbulic Ct. NW, 4360 Repbulic Ct. NW, WSW-5 5601-8227-6300-00 Dennis E. Frings Trustee Yes Irrigation UNK UNK UNK UNK 450 Southeast Concord, NC 28027 Concord, NC 28027 1390 Enclave Parkway -Tax 5601-8311-4800-00 Bell/Sysco Food Services, 4500 Cor Corporate Dr. NW., p 570 East WSW-6 (site) Inc. Department Concord, NC 28027 Yes Irrigation UNK UNK UNK UNK Northeast Houston, TX 77077 Notes: • Water supply wells are shown on Figure 2 • Ft. BGS : Feet below ground surface • UNK: Unknown Page 1 of 1 TABLE 4 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION SYSCO CHARLOTTE, LLC. (INCIDENT NO. 40858) Date:04 29 19 Facility ID #: 0-035443 PIN Number Property Owner Name Property Owner Address 5601-8311-4800-00 (site) Bell/Sysco Food Services, Inc. 1390 Enclave Parkway -Tax Department Houston, TX 77077 160 Mine Lake Ct. STE. 200 5601-7440-2100-00 Albany Road -Corporate Drive, LLC. Raleigh, NC 27615 160 Mine Lake Ct. STE. 200 5601-7367-8600-00 Albany Road -Corporate Drive, LLC. Raleigh, NC 27615 201 4th Avenue N. STE. 1850 5601-8308-1300-00 Albany Road -International, LLC. Nashville, TN 37219 201 4th Avenue N. STE. 1850 5601-8337-6500-00 Albany Road -International, LLC. Nashville, TN 37219 International Bus PK Assn., Inc. & C/O 1435 N. Morehead St. STE. 125, Charlotte, 5601-8388-5700-00 Insite Properties NC 28208 4196 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9307-1100-00 Michael W. Honeycutt Jr. Concord, NC 28027 4192 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9306-6600-00 Anthony D & Lorraine S. Atwell Concord, NC 28027 4180 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9316-3500-00 Theodore L Mortez & Lois Reed Concord, NC 28027 4176 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9316-9200-00 Benjamin W. Hill &Pamela C. Hill Concord, NC 28027 4164 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9326-4000-00 Susan S. Davis &Doyle Sarah Davis Concord, NC 28027 4156 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9335-0700-00 Justin M. Gaskey & Kaitlin W. Gordon Concord, NC 28027 4152 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9335-5500-00 Harold Bently & Miranda Bently Concord, NC 28027 4148 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9345-0200-00 Jason R. Rose &Katie H. Rose Concord, NC 28027 4142 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9345-6000-00 Jacob Haught & Shayla Haught Concord, NC 28027 4138 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9354-3800-00 Stephanie Pierce Concord, NC 28027 4179 Medford Drive NW, 5601-9354-8500-00 Sherkica Miller Concord, NC 28027 4130 Medford Drive NW,Concord, 5601 9364 4400 00 Ronda L. Stanley NC 28027 4300 Repbulic Ct. NW, 5601-8299-2100-00 HWY 49 Truck & Trailer & Repair, Inc. Concord, NC 28027 212 Cobblestone Ln. NW, 5601-8257-1200-00 B & C Investing, LLC. Concord, NC 28027 4324 Repbulic Ct. NW, 5601-8227-6300-00 Dennis E. Frings Trustee Concord, NC 28027 4412 Repbulic Ct. NW, 5601-8205-9500-00 TMK Holdings, LLC. Concord, NC 28027 4412 Repbulic Ct. NW, 5601-7274-1000-00 TMK Holdings, LLC. Concord, NC 28027 167 Church St. NE, 5601-7232-2400-00 Hugh Holt Morrison Family, LLC. Concord, NC 28027 5601-6231-3000-00 Pass & Seymour, Inc. 4515 Enterprise Dr. NW, Concord, NC 28027 5601-6353-3300-00 Oiles America Corporation 4510 Enterprise Dr. NW, Concord NC 28027 Note: • Properties are keyed to Figure 2. Page 1 of 1 TABLE 5 WELL CONSTRUCTION AND GAUGING INFORMATION SYSCO CHARLOTTE, LLC. (INCIDENT NO. 40858) Date: 04 29 19 Facility ID #: 0-035443 Date Water Screened Top of Depth to Date Well Casing Bottom Free Product Groundwater Level Interval Casing Water from Well ID Installed Depth of Well Thickness Elevation Comments Measured (x to Y ft. Elevation Top of Casing (mm/dd/yy) (ft. BGS) (ft. BGS) (mm/dd/yy) BGS) (ft.) (ft.) MW-1 1 04/16/19 04/16/19 10 10 - 35 35 1 NA 19.08 --- NA Notes: • ft BGS : feet below ground surface. • NA: Not available. Page 1 of 1 TABLE 6 SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS SYSCO CHARLOTTE, LLC. (INCIDENT NO. 40858) Date: 04 29 19 Facility ID #: 0-035443 Analytical Method 4 EPA Methods 8260D and 8270E MADEP VPH MADEP EPH N = G! C OJ C N L.7 u L.7 U v U t� Q. O i GJ C N N N N M s M 0 M s s M N \ 41 H i N GJ �, LU m to N i y LA s a Q' o Q' .Q. o �, m Q = N _� O -0 x Q. �. N �. M N O W M M N E E m > -C c0 ++ M C L 0 O v v � v u N U f 0 c6 z a„ - �L E Ln d, ai aiH p.� Soil to Water MCC (mg/kg) 0.0056 4.3 4.9 4.6 0.091 0.16 1.7 1.7 8.5 8.3 68 540 31 540 NE 31 Residential SCLs (mg/kg) 18 1,200 1,560 3,129 350 313 1,564 626 782 782 939 1,500 469 1,500 31,000 469 MW-1 (5') 04/16/19 5 <0.076 <0.62 <0.062 <0.13 <0.062 <0.12 <0.062 <0.062 <0.062 <0.062 <2.1 <2.1 <2.1 <3.0 <3.0 5.96 J MW-1 (10') 04/16/19 10 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <3.2 <3.2 5.39 J MW-1 (15') 04/16/19 15 <0.084 <0.69 <0.069 <0.15 <0.069 <0.14 <0.069 <0.069 <0.069 <0.069 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <3.3 <3.3 <5.2 Notes: • Results reported in mg/kg (milligrams per kilograms) • ft-BGS: feet below ground surface. • MCCs: Maximum Contaminant Concentrations (soils). • SCLs: Soil Cleanup Levels. • < : Less than the method detection limit specified in the laboratory report • Concentrations in bold face type indicate the soil to water MCCs were below the reported concentrations. • Concentrations in italic type indicate the Residential SCLs were below the report concentrations. • J: Estimated value. • NE: Not Established • NR: Not Requested. Page 1 of 1 TABLE 7 SUMMARY OF GROUND WATER SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS SYSCO CHARLOTTE, LLC. (INCIDENT NO. 40858) Date: 05 14 19 Facility ID # : 0-035443 Analytical Method EPA EPA Method 6200B EPA Method 625 MADEP VPH MADEP EPH 504.1 Contaminant of Concern aD W v v U U U To co v 4-1a `� E 6 s E C r- C M -0 Gl W w a, 41 a Q. a o w s a O a s a EL a O a N Well Date m X a s t oo � o °�° c1°n ID Sampled W z u Cn cri M (mm/dd/yy) N U U U u u MAC (ug/1) 1 600 600 500 20 6 70 1 30 0.02 400 700 200 700 10,000 200 GCL (ug/1) 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 6,000 70,000 1,000 15,000 50 NL NE NE NE NE MW-1 1 04/16/19 <0.13 0.13 J 0.16 J 0.66 J <0.13 <0.13 <0.13 <0.53 <0.60 <0.0092 <35 <35 <35 <50 <50 208 Notes: • Results reported in micrograms per liter (µg/1). • MAC: Maximum Allowable Concentration as specified in T15A NCAC 2L.0202. • < : Less than the method detection limit specified in the laboratory report. • GCL: Gross contamination level. • Concentrations in bold face type indicate the MAC was below the reported concentration. • Results in italics indicate the GCLs were below the reported concentrations. • J: Estimated value. • NE: Not established. • Refer to laboratory report for other detectable concentrations which did not exceed the MACS. Page 1 of 1 APPENDICES APPENDIX A Water Use Questionnaire '.U�W-CP WATER USE QUESTIONNAIRE (This line to be completed by Responsible Party or their Representative) Incident Number: 40858 Incident Name: Sysco Charlotte, LLC. Please Provide the Following Information (to the best of your knowledge) Name and telephone number of person completing survey: Address of property receiving survey: LtS'oo Corpo,rAv-, L*5co ike carry l� City Zip Code County MWZ4�u, f3cfru g What is the source of your drinking wate Public Wate /Water Supply Well/Stream Intake/Other (please explain below) Is there a water supply well on this propert /No (If "No" disregard remaining questions and return survey) Name and address of owner(s) of property with water supply well Oc7 Co � m; o � D C`s✓ ,tJW v . o How many water supply wells are on your property? owe, What is the well(s) used for? (Check all that apply) Drinking Irrigation x Swimming Pool Water Livestock You do not use well(s) Other (specify) How many residences are connected to the well? (list addresses below) How deep is the well(s)? fl-.) A- Date well was installed? AJ 5— What is the casing depth of the well(s)? What is the screen interval of the well(s)? A A Additional water supply well information: & *Please note that there is no immediate danger to your water supply, the status of your water well must be determined in order for NCDEQ to assign a risk class to the referenced site. (This part to be completed by Responsible Party or their representative) Please return completed survey to Geological Resources, Inc. by 5/3/2019 using one of the following methods: 1. Fax to: (704) 845-4012 2. Mail to: Geological Resources, Inc., 3502 Hayes Road, Monroe, NC 28110 3. Telephone: (843) 845-4010 4. E-mail to: cnb@geologicalresourcesine.com If you have any questions, please contact the consultant indicated above or the NCDEQ Section Office at 704-663-1699. APPENDIX B Cabarrus County Property Cards (,US&U- Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number Property Real ID Legal Description 56018411690000 104-104-0046.22 LT 2,LT 10&11 THE INTERNATL BUSINESS PK @ 1 ;CONCORD Land Units _..@Lan d Units Type - 3.00000000C First Owner Name (mpmabe orNW Second Owner Name ALBANY ROAD INTERNATIONAL LLC Mailing Address z201 4TH AVE N STE 1850 NASHVILLE TN 37219 Land Value IBuddmg Value Assessed '420420 g28601�40 3467180 Sale Year Sale Month Sale Price 2017L ._, --aY- 32 'Elementary School ,Middle School �Wr . W Physical Addresses) 4725 CORPORATE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 ValueMarket Value 33467180 � ;Deed Book (Deed Page 14392000.00000000112395 10278 .._ ---- [High School - - Charles E Boger ES i Northwest Cabarets MS -.. NorthWest Cabanas HS Voter Precinct lZoning Municipal Distrito ;Township i02-01 I-2 'CITY OF CONCORD �.._.- Township 2, Poplar Tent.... _... Soil Report for Parcel Floodplain Report for Parcel Soil Type��,Acreage Percentage !Floodwa 10�OYear ��+ 500 Year FIRM Panel Number �ChA 0.001 0.161 iNo jNo lNo 15601 EnB ! 3.041....... 99.84i Permits Issued on Parcel Number (Permit Type �p Status Issue Date Cabanas County shall not be held liable for any mars in the data represented on this record. This induces emum of omission, commission, coneeming the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the dale. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this Effie was compiled must be consulted for verification of mfonnatlon represented on Chia map document Am Report Created By Cabanas County IT Department. 5W0I 94.3157 PM Data Sources: Cabanas County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps 1 Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Irdormation Number Property Real ID iLegal Description 56018447400000 704-1 04 -0046.12 14540 FORTUNE AVE LLC Land Units Land Units Type C 19.94000000 AC Owner Name 4540 FORTUNE AVE LLC Owner Name Mailing Address Physical Address(es) 797 DAVIDSON DR NW CONCORD NC 28025 i4540 FORTUNE AVE NW CONCORD NC 28027 Land Value IBuilding Value 2051440 14399590 Sale Year ' Sale Month 2016 Elementary School Charles E Boger ES Voter Precinct $Zoning D2-06 111 2 Soil Report for Parcel Soil Type Acreage Percentage ChA j 8.39 42.00'. 3uB2 7.11 L 35.62'', 3UDP321 6.61 EnB 't 3.15!, Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number__.�Pt Assessed Value ; Market Value _ 7320070 �7320070J Sale Price IDeed Book Deed Page 10� 2187500.00000000112173 ,0054 . 101 O.00OOOOOOg12173 �0048 '. JAI Middle School ;High School i'! Northwest Cabarrus MS 1 NorthWest Cabarrus HS I Muneipal District �� - Township CITY OF CONCORD !Township 4, Kannapoils. Floodplain Report for Parcel i Floodway °700 Year ,500 Year FIRM Panel Number u {No _ 'No iNo... _ 15601 Type _..... _.. Status :Issue Date Cabanus County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record This includes errors of omission, commission, conceming fine content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be conshued to be a legal document. Primarysoumes mom which this data vas compiled must be consulted for verification of information represented on this map document Am Report Created By Cabanus County IT Depamment 5/3I20194.32:39 PM Data Sources: Cabar us County land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps t c�S� J3 Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number ' Property Real ID °Legal Description 56016231300000 j04 104C-0005.00 LTS 1-5 P/O 6 INTERNATL BUS PK Land Units i Land Units Type .: 30.000000001AC .._ t ... 4� rvGSFWN F'` EvnOSP. M.flCS r Yft'.k. '.N Nn4 y 4=+ n 1 A µ� S .nrvn.£N etn My = PRv� P50 hL �e Wsn vix v nvrtv Q P°"°M Ik 0F� CeN: NAw P Py 'N cnM!yrym yy M4 LLvrGN[r�wiv.: y£ ffAYe.R tDle poVwVMtPtl:. Xyv� e ' arov eaxx 'ze } you viuee o`er y rnna l r D 2gt8 r"s+c,,,b Microsoft Corpor&lon, Ci) "Z029 HIE :T u-Prcr .Y* Owner Name Owner Name I PASS & SEYMOUR INC Mailing Address Physical Address(es) 4515 ENTERPRISE DR N W CONCORD NC 28027 _ ' i ! 11411 INTERNATIONAL DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 ''.4515 ENTERPRISE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 4503 ENTERPRISE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 Land Value 113ullding Value ]Assessed Value Market Value 100 l8045950 112085310 Year Sale Month :Sale Price 19901 School Is E Boger ES ..... ..... Precinct 02-01 Soil Report for Parcel Soil Type jAcreage ChA 0.26 4.57 IdA �i 23.68 MeB 0.28 N 1.18 1 Book Deed Page 14uuuuv.vvvvvvvvivvl16 °0214, "Middle School (High School LNorthwest Cabarrus MS i NorthWest Cabamts HS 9 Muncipal District jTownship -TCITY OF CONCORD ;Township 2, Poplar Tent Floodplain Report for Parcel rtage IFlwayood100 Year 1500 Year gFIRM Panel Number 0.86;o— �No No ,5601 1524` Cabanas County shall not be held liable for any enels in the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of Me date, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primarysoumes from which this coal compiled must be consulted forvelification of information represented on this map document. AM Report Created By Cabanas County IT Deper tnent. 513120194:39.02 PM Oats Sources: Cabanas County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps 1 First Owner Name +Second Owner Name WHITE PARK LLC A NC LTD CO Mailing Address 167 CHURCH ST NE CONCORD NC 28025 Value Value 4349 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 4359 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 ...................................................._._.._------------ .._.,.. 4375 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 4369 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 4379 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 4389 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 4387 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 4385 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 4399 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 4403 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 Market Value Elementary School 'Middle School High School Charles E Boger ES Northwest Cabanus MS NorthWest Cabarrus HS Precinct sZoning lMuncipal District ;1-2;. CITY OF CONCORD Cabamu County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the contentof the data, and relative positional accuracyof the date. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must bs consulted Mr verification of Information represented on this map document. ft Report Created By Cabanas County IT Department.9 MOI94:33:39 PM Data Sources: Cabanas County land Records, Miaoso l Bing Maps NW a Vi5w -<, Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number Property Real ID I Legal Description i56018227630000 102-004-0009.17 P/O LT 10 NIBLOCK INDUSTRIAL PARK ,Land Units __. __- Land Units Type : 1.00000000 LT First Owner Name tSecond Owner Name FRINGS DENNIS EUGENE TRUSTEE 9 FIRINGS DENNIS REV TRST 3-7-03 j Mailing Address ! Physical Address(es) 14324 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 i4360 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 i4360 REPUBLIC CT NW UNIT B CONCORD NC 28027 Land Value Building Value Assessed Value ;Market Value '99480 1215520 1315000 E315000 Sale Year Sale MonthSale Price !Deed Book -Deed Page 20031 _ 31 0.0000000W04369 10190 ,Elementary School IMiddle School ! High School Charles E Boger ES Northwest Cabarrus MS E NorthWest Cabanas HS Voter Precinct EZoning a Muncipal District 1Township ,02-01 ICITYOFCONCORD _ .;Township 2, Poplar Tent 'Soil Report for Parcel Floodplain Report for Parcel Soil Type -!Acreage Percentage — Floodway ;100 Year o500 Year i FIRM Panel Number �ChA E 0.33 4348. �No NoINo 15601 j CuB2 ( 0.02 215 -. _.. _.. EnB i 0.41 5437' Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number 9Permit Type Status Issue Date Cabarm$ Comity shell not be held liable for any envrs in the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional acourzry of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document Pnmary w sources from which this data as compiled must bs consuhad for verificofion of infemution represented on this map document Report Created By Caba rus County IT Department. 5WO194r37:51 PM Data sources: Cabanas County land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps 1 WSW- � (��T-C) Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number i Property Real ID Legal Description .. 56018311480000 04-104-0046.10 1E/S INTERNATIONAL DRIVE Land Units ' Land Units Type 40.430000001AC ':;nnN UN -... ,np s� $ xcsa. rccmuMov ean... a cernw sic,. d " mecx ae o a rnpTM Rh a vnux 1` F H a , � 4M .. al' naWnxco ppotn F � CO V:1"IY.(NI':!'. 'n WM,a •h r.5y 9 , ?u Ia.X`afrzz � a� „`e ,i' N.0 G) n1'em, '} � 4e. eviKK lY!X'- 0C°.w.msnEi tNensKWa FatrrcN a M9viFM Eewai y£ SePf R4: •. aP YrAVRiCPE 409 U, }}, ..'Iola ,r rg 2dz7.3.Miw.ft Corporation, fcJ 29i9 (,E72Ed } First Owner Name Second Owner Name BELLlSYSCO. FOOD SERVICES INC Mailing Address ';Physical Address(es) GO SYSCO FOOD SERVICEICHAR 1390 ENCLAVE PKWY TAX DEPT [4500 CORPORATE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 HOUSTON TX 77077 - - ---- - Land Value 0 Building Value jAssessedValue ; Market Value i3859310 115070670 ' 9971090 19971090 Sale Year ISale Month ;Sale Price jDeed Book Deed Page 1996i 10 1516000.00000000101730 ,0257 'Elementary School Middle School 3 High School Charles E Boger ES jNorthwest Cabarrus MS FT I NorthWest Cabarrus HS 'Voter Precinct (Zoning - Municipal District jTownship �02-01 I-2 --!CITY OF CONCORD dTownshlp 2, Poplar Tent ;Soil Report for Parcel Floodplain Report for Parcel Soil Type 'Acreage,- Percentage jFloodway, 100 Year f500 Year FIRM Panel Number ;'ChA t 0.59 __._.. 148 iNo �No ;No 5601 'CuB2 ' 9.53' 2373' _ _... .... __.. �En6 ° 28.041 69.81; I EnD 2.001...... 4.98I ;Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number Permit Type [Status Issue Date BU2018-02870 Buildmg Commercial Upfit I Issued '2018.09.11 BU2018-01163 j Building Commercial Repair EIssued _ '2018.04.11 Cab... County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, ocomming the content of the data, and relafrve positional accuacy ofthe data. The data cannot be cousbued to he a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for ver'dication of infoonaffon represented on this map document. Repoli Created By Cabanus County IT Department 5020194:3719 PM Data Sources: Cabams County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report I Parcel Information Number (Property Real ID Legal Description 56018311480000 104 104 -0046 10 I EIS INTERNATIONAL DRIVE ,[Land Unds (Land Umts Type 40 43000000'AC AifGY IM19 ;. _ __. AV - _.--mom+- a r.----o-•-� �a-� i suawf ocu,or,[nasa HIW2MLW 6[M' on.: r iH[C f 1 G AX_.. o e; Ti MRk eTh' £ e+gt(Muaim aw icnx R're aow 4 a olornA- b wn�e f VSr rFSPafN f 2EAfo6njtGnFS 9 l ulf, 4e .a VI Mn.;4cea '$ t� 3y 10 ,q" iawunae y a o aeW� - CounrMgCs[x '- - ft"u," - 4 ,SEOtafJYK (: b, 9er G Y\CNG ppSnAPNA %M1 II()Mf. M EM Nf%1 Agin WRJ ,q%e'J4'E[SGWi Vdxae Nf' - PoPrar e _;; a, (P 2Q19 Microsoft Corporation, © 209 fi gliu - ;First Owner Name :Second Owner Name 'BELLISYSCO FOOD SERVICES INC I 'Mailing Address physical Address(es) CIO SYSCO FOOD SERVICE/CHAR 1390 ENCLAVE PKWY TAX DEPT 4500 CORPORATE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 !HOUSTON TX 77077 !'---------- ---- - - - ;Land Value iBuilding Value ;Assessed Value Market Value 13859310 i15070670 519971090 19971090 ;Sale Year Sale Month Sale Price 'Deed Book Deed Page I,...,.., ._...___. �... _ _,.._....-, ._ .._ _ ....__._ _ __....... 10; _ .._... __... ... _.. _.._ ... _. 1516000.00000000, 01730 1;0257 I Elementary School !Middle School IHlgh School ---- _ !Charles E Boger ES Northwest Cabarrus MS I Northwest Cabarrus HS ;Voter Precinct IZoning j Munelpal District ,Township I CITY OF CONCORD ;Township 2, Poplar Tent Floodplain Report for Parcel Floodway 1100 Year i500 Year FIRM Panel Number 'No 'No iNo 5601 s Issued on Parcel Number _ - PPermit Type 8-02870 iBuilding Commercial Upfit 8-01163 Building Commercial Repair Cabanas County shall not be held liable for any errors In the data represented on th the data, and relative poslllonal accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed consulted for verification of Information represented on this map document. Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department 5MM01 9 10:50:40 AM Data Source.: Cabarms County Land Records. Microsoft Bing Maps Status f Issue Date Issued 2018.09.11 :Issued 2018.04.11 Is record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be t Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number (Property Real ID Legal Description 56017440210000 104-104-0046.40 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK AT CONCORD Land Units [ Land Units Type First Owner Name iSecond Owner Name ttALBANY ROAD -CORPORATE DRIVE LLC j 1 Mailing Address ......._................ .....,.. „Physical Address(es) ' 160 MINE LAKE CT STE 200 RALEIGH NC 27615 .14601 CORPORATE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 Land Value (Building Value jAssess rd Value 'Market Value - 1219740 15485060 j7155480 j7155480 Sale Year „Sale Month (Sale Price ;Deed Book ;Deed Page 20171 3 11850000.00000000i12395 ;0283 i Elementary School Middle School iHlgh School 'Charles E Boger ES ' Northwest Cabarrus MS ; Northwest Cabarrus HS 'Voter Precinct (,Zoning Muncipal District .Township 02 01 1I 2 'CITY OF CONCORD ;Township 2, Poplar Tent j Soil Report for Parcel Do plain Report for Parcel �Soll Type ,.,.._-._.....--._.___. iAcreage Percentage Floodway 1100 Year r ...,,-_- -. _.._.___. ;500 Year ....._... .. FIRM Panel Number �CuB2 508 52.55i ,No 'No !No 15601 4745; 2Permits Issued on Parcel ---- .. ------------- __.._.__._ ;Permit Number Permit Type ...__.,_... __.__...._.. Status , ._ .. _.__. ....._._ . .__.....- .Issue Date __...____ ....._.... _ EL2019-00884 ,Trade Electrical Commercial Upfit - ..__.__... iFinal Complete .. _ __... ,.__ .. .... _. '2019.03.13 EL2019-00740 Trade Electrical ;Final Complete 2019.02.28 .EL2019-00722 ;Trade Electrical {Final Complete 2019.02.27 (BU2019-00375 € Building Commercial New :CO Issued 2019.02.12 Cabanas County shall not be held liable for any errors In the date represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the debt, and relative posili.rud accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of information represented on this map document. Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 502019 11:00:20 AM Data Sources: Ceberrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps TW a Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number 156017367860000 zLand Units 2.16000000 Property Real ID 04-104-0046.16 Land Units Type egal Description T 5A INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK AT Mailing Address I ! Physical Address(es) `_ 160 MINE LAKE CT STE 200 RALEIGH NC 27615 4651 CORPORATE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 Land Value (Building Value 'Assessed Value ;Market Value 350940 10 i475060 475060 .Sale Year ! Sale Month Sale Price Deed Book Deed Page 2017� 3; 11850000.00000000 12395 '0283 Elementary School iMiddle School High School I Charles E Boger ES .._ --- Northwest Cabarets MS ;North West Cabarrus HS _... _ !Voter Precinct l oning 1 Muncipal District +Township 10201 ;12 CITY OF CONCORD !Township 2, Poplar Tent I Soil Report for Parcel : ;Floodplain Report for Parcel !SoliType IAcrea a ,Percentage 1 rFloodway 1100 Year l500 Year (FIRM Panel Number ICuB2 ( 0.031 1.43i iNo iNo ;No ;5601 L._.__.._....___ ____I_._____.__ ;EnB 2.12� 98.57I; j Permits Issued on Parcel Type :Status ;Issue Date Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This Includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must N consulted for verification of Information represented an (his map document. Ah Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Cepariment. 5/31201910:52:36 AM Daly Sources: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps VAW Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number I Property Real ID Legal Description 56018308130000 �04 104 -0046 15 i LT 1 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK A ..... ____ _ , -_- Land Units I Land Units Type .,.._......_.________, .... ..----------- . 3.11000000.AC � First Owner Name :Second Owner Name !ALBANY ROAD -INTERNATIONAL LLC Mailing Address Physical Address(es) 201 4TH AVE N STE 1850 NASHVILLE TN 37219 i4715 CORPORATE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 - — LandValue Building Value jAssessed Value Market Value N_.I 1483730 '2383990 j3061650 .3061650 ;Sale Year Sale Month .Sale Price Deed Book ?Deed Page 20171 _ 37 14392000.00000000d12395 0278 ;Elementary School ;Middle School 'High School ;Charles E Boger ES -- Northwest Cabarrus MS Northwest Cabarrus HS ;Voter Precinct iZoning I Municipal District Township IO2-01 ------------- 112 ,CITY OF CONCORD ! Township 2, Poplar Tent ISoll Report for Parcel ; Floodplain Report for Parcel �SOII Type (Acreage 'Percentage IFloodway i100 Year 500 Year .FIRM Panel Number EnB ; 2.69 85.411 iNo No 5601 !EnD t 0.461 14.59-; .No i Permits Issued on Parcel i Permit Number I Permit Type Status f Issue Date 'EL2018 00050 TTrade Electrical Final Complete 2018.01.05 IHE2014A3117 ITrade Mechanical Commercial Upft iFinal Complete .2014.10.14 EL2014 02616 ------------ Trade Electrical Commercial Upft IFinal Complete ;2014.10.14 IBU201401885 Building Commercial Upiit ;Issued i2014.09.11 Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented an this record. This Includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed! to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must b< consulted for verification of information represented on this map document. Ah Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 613/201911:00.67 AM Data Sources: Cabarrus County Lend Records, Microsoft Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report - ParcellnformationNumber �PropertyReal lD 56018337650000 -04 104-0046 23 Land Units j Land Units Type 2.06000000I AC !Legal Description ILT 3 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS PARK ;First Owner Name Second Owner Name ALBANY ROAD-INTERNATIONALLLC 1 ;Melling Address !physical Address(es) 201 4TH AVE N STE 1850 NASHVILLE TN 37219 i4735 CORPORATE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 I Value Building Value 70 LL�'2089250�-- Year Sale Month 20171 lentary School lAssessed Value '. Market Value 12631970 12531970 Sale Price i Deed Book ',Deed Page 31 14392000, 00000000 11239 5 i0278 Middle School , High School j Northwest Cabarrus MS iNorthWest Cabarrus HS iMuncipal District :Township !CITY OF CONCORD owns Ip , op ar Tent Soil Report for Parcel i 1Floodplain Report for Parcel - ,�., ,._... _.�...__ _..___.-_ _-._._...._._ ._..._......_ ._ _.... �Soll Type Acreage Percentage I iFloodway 1100 Year 1500 Year FIRM Panel Number IChA 1.0149.081!No IND 'No r5601 jEn6 0.931 45.461 EnD 1 0.11; 5.46'; —_ __ ___._ --- - --- Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number _ _ I Permit Type i Status Issue Date EL2017 01312 ;Trade Electrical Commercial Upfit i Final Complete _ 2017 05.02 IHE2017-01298 ',Trade Mechanical Commercial Upfit ;Final Complete 2017.04.25 i_.,®...._.._. _.__.v_._... ..., ..,..,.. P... __.,i...,_. _. EL2017-00916 !Trade Electrical !Final Complete 2017.03.27 Cabanas County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This Includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the dale, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of information represented on this map document. Report Created By Cabarms County IT Department, 5131201911:03:07 AM Dale Sources: Cabarrus County land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps 1 Cabarrus County Property Report -- _--- -- _. ---- e Parcel Information Number Property Real ID Legal Description 56018388670000 104-104 -0046 14 COM AREA INTERNAT-L BUS PK @ CONCORD __-_ _-_ - _---__ Land Units_--� Land Units Type 3 250- ... I AC _... _.......... ... . _.._ _ . __ . x w dmnmaamv �i. ' p�alMneClrclbtN! 'IPr, My Af gs 3 �cm`" _© ",Qr Microsoft Corporation,, ©_2019 HERE First Owner Name ;Second Owner Name I INTERNATIONAL BUS PK ASSN INC Marling Address ;Physical Address(es) !C/O INSITE PROPERTIES 1435 N MOREHEAD ST STE 125 CHARLOTTE 'NC 28208 jLand Value !Building Value Value _ !Assessed Value Market Value 26460_ _ _ �0_ i26460 _.... 26460 Sale Year Sale Month Sale Price :Deed Book !Deed Page 2013 �_.._. 9 0.00000000.10684 0107 _- tElementary SchoolMiddle School High School Charles E Boger ES Northwest Cabarrus MS_ _ North West Cabarrus HS !Voter Precinct lZomng I Muncipal District (Township 102 01 I-2 (CITY OF CONCORD ITownship 2, Poplar Tent ;Soil Report for Parcel ; Floodplain Report for Parcel L._,. ;Soil Type i. 'Acreage j Percentage j _ 1 ._ ....„.. Floodway 1100 Year _.. ._ _ . _.- ._ ._. .._ _. 1500 Year FIRM Panel Number 11ChA 071e 2142 ;No No INC, 15601 1.221 3682 - !EnD _...!.. _. 1.38' 41.76' �Permlts Issued on Parcel Perm it Number !Permit Type ;Status :Issue Date Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any some In the data represented on this record. This Includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content aF Me data, and relative positional accuracy of the dam. The data cannot he construed to be a legal document, primary sources from which this data was compiled must he consulted for vedflcailon of Information represented on this map document. Ah Report Created 9y Cabarrus County IT Department. 5131201911:03A6 AM Data Sources: Cabamus County land Records, Worrell Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number ' Property Real ID 56019307110000 units 0.30000000 04-104E d0 7:5.00 Land Units Type I LT 75 OAK PARK ! First Owner Name !Second Owner Name HONEYCUTT MICHAEL W JR - s' Mailing Address Physical Address(es) 14196 MEDFORD DRIVE NW CONCORD NC 28027z 14196 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 Land Value IBuilding Value IAssessed Value ,Market Value 132000 I115340 i148910 148910 - Sale Year !Sale Month Sale Price Deed Book :Deed Page _.._.-_...__.._..__,._._._._ 2007� - -- 4 165000.00000000107492 0227 _ ;Elementary School !Middle School [High School :Charles E Boger ES Northwest Cabarrus MS i Northwest Cabarrus HS !Voter Precinct (Zoning l Munclpal District 'Township 10201 IRV !CITY OF CONCORD Township 2, Poplar Tent Soil Report for Parcel 1 : Floodpialn Report for Parcel - Soil Type (Acreage (Percentage IFloodway 100 Year S00 Year FIRM Panel Number E nB f 0.30! 100.00i No No :No :5601 Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number Permit Type Issue Date Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors In the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the date, and relative posillonal accuracy of the date. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document, Primary sources from which this data was compiled must N consulted for verification of IMomiation represented on We map document. Am Report Created By Cabanas County IT Department. 502019 11:04:21 AM Daly Spumes: Cabanas County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps 1 Cabarrus County Property Report d:iVeel Units m,Nor m o1 ew IrtyReal ID �.LegalDescriptlor iiz-0-0-7-6-0-6— t LT 76 OAK PARK Units Type 7 w t tikma,lo,Nw First Owner Name 'Second Owner Name 'ATWELL ANTHONY D&WF ATWELL LORRAINE S �Malting Address ...,._._-_.`..-....._._� I hysical Address(es),--- _...,.. _.___..__ _ _._.. 14192 MEDFORD DRIVE NW CONCORD NC 28027 !4192 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 gLand Value (Budding Value Assessed Value Market Value L....,...._.___ 132000 . _ _..._..._ .._.._._._ _.-.. . _ ,....... 1107670 140940 .. 1140940 Sale Year Sale Month Sale_Price Deed Book i Deed Page j 20001 3i __ _ 122000.00000000 02827 s0022 Elementary School *ddle School I High School ,Charles E Boger ES Northwest Cabarrus MS ;North West Cabarrus HS (Voter Precinct lZoning I Municipal District 'Township l02-01 ARV CITY OF CONCORD Township 2, Poplar Tent Soll Report for Parcel Floodplain Report for Parcel tSoll Type lAcreage !Percentage Floodway 100 Year E500 Year FIRM Panel Number IEnB 0.221 100.001 iNo jNo ;No 5601 i Permits Issued on Parcel 'Permit Number Permit Type !Status Issue Date !BU2018-03789 ',Building Residential Addition :CO Issued .2018.12.14 EL2018 04988 _.__ .. ._ Trade Electrical .. ....._....,_. ......... ... _. ;Final C..omplete 2018.12.14 IEL2011-00552 .Trade Electrical Residential Upflt +Final Complete 12011.03.17 BU2011-00285 jBuilding Residential Repair - :Issued j2011.03.02 Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any offers In the date represented on this record. This includes arrays of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be cansulled far vedimallon of Information represented on this map document. Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 5131201911:05:09 AM Data Sources: Cabarrus County land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps 1 Cabarrus County Property Report ;Parcel Information Number Property Real ID ;Legal Description '56019316350000 I04-104E-0077.00 ';LT 77 OAK PARK ' Land Units Land Units Type 0.16000000 i AC t ;First Owner Name Second Owner Name MORETZ THEODORE L& REED LOIS/WIFE 'Mailing Address Physical Address(es) 14180 MEDFORD DRIVE NW CONCORD NC 28027 4180 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 �Land Value j Building Value Assessed Value 'Market Value ..�_ ............__ ,__. �4..._. ..._....---------- ',.32000 198350 ._ _.. .,� ._„ 131540 ...._ __... _... _......... ._.. 131540 Sale Year Sale Month (Sale Price jDeed Book (Deed Page 20021 ntary School _.- ES ..____.____._ s E Boger.. Precinct _I Zonin-C 11� 120000 00000000104163 0325 liddle School ;High School lorthwest Cabarrus MS i NorthWest Cabarrus HS lunclpal District Township :ITY OF CONCORD ,Township 2, Poplar Tent 'Sol] Report for Parcel : Floodplain Report for Parcel .... -. SoilT Acrea a .� ypa j_ _ g _ � Percentage , Floodway �.100 Year 500 Year FIRM Panel Number __,..- ._..__.._..._.._._..___.._, ...._ . 'EnB 0.16; 100.00! No INo �No 5601 11aermits Issued on Parcel Number IPermlt Type 'Status Issue Date Cabooses County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This Includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted far verification of Information represented on this map document. Ah Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 5131201911:06:29 AM DataScurcee: Cabarrus County Land Records, Mlcreson Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number Property Real ID ,Legal Description 56019316920000 104 104E-0078 00 LT 78 OAK PARK PH I I I Land Units !Land Units Type i `nw F { Tile server T timeout: The tile server took se'. longerthan lo'. Tile server T'. timeout: The tile 2j 2049 Microsoft Corporation, © 2019 HERE server took sf Name HILL BENJAMIN W $ WIFE Mailing Address ..... _.._.___,_ ..�._-�,..._ .._.._.-._—.. ..____ 4176 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 ..__._.._ . -t_-_ _ __.. Land Value � Building Value Year 1998 lentary School lee E Boger ES _ r Precinct Uwner Name AMELA C Physical Address(es) 14176 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 !Assessed Value ;Market Value ±13589U i135890 I Sale Price Deed Book (Deed Page 61 125000.00000000 j 02217 :0031 ;Middle School iHigh School I Northwest Cabarrus MS NorthWest Cabarrus HS 9 Muncipal District jownshlp 162 01 I RV ,CITY OF CONCORD Township 2, Poplar Tent Month Soil Report for Parcel Floodplain Report for Parcel i ..__.._..... ..._ Soil Type IAcreage jPercentage .Floodway :100 Year 500 Year '. FIRM Panel Number ?EnB 0.171 100.00i iNo No No 5601 ------------- j Permits Issued on Parcel j Permit Number iPermit Type istatus )Issue Date Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must N consulted far veri6wtlon of information represented on this map document. Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. W1201911:07:19 AM Data Sources: Cabarrus County Land Records. Microsoft Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report ' Parcel Information Number tproperty Real lD !Le gal Description 156019326400000 04 104E-0079 00 ; LT 79 OAK PARK ;Land Units Land Units Type . Owner Name 0.16000000 Owner Name I DAVIS SUSAN S AND iDOYLE SARAH DAVIS 'Mailing Address ;Physical Address(es) '4164 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 4164 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 2B027 ;Land ValueBuilding Value iAssessed Value iMarket Value - 32000 (99010 1132030 .132030 - ,Sale Year ;Sale Month Sale Price Deed Book 'Deed Page 2012i 31 123500.00000000? 09923 0251 Elementary School Middle School _ IHigh School ;Charles E Boger ES 'Northwest Cabarrus MS ;North West Cabarrus HS oter Precinct Zoninguncipal District iTownship ' _�RV I, CITYOCORD(- Township 2, Poplar Tent I Soil Report for Parcel Floodplaln Report for Parcel jSoil Type f Acreage Percentage I I Floodway 100 Year 500 Year FIRM Panel Number IEnB I- 0.161 10000 INo �No _ No 55601 s Issued on Parcel NumberPermit Type 114-00030 Trade Water Heater Replacement Issue Date 2014.07.07 Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors In the data represented on this record. This Includes errors of omission, commission, conceming the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. primary sources from which this data was compiled must bs consulted for ven9colfon of Information represented on this map document. Afti Report Created By Cabarms County IT Department. 613/201911:07:69 AM Data Sources: Cabanas County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps NW 0 Cabarrus County Property Report iParcel information Number [Property Real lD iLegal Description 56019335070000 [04-104&0080.00 i LT 80 OAK PARK Land Units Land Units Type i 0 16000000'AC First Owner Name 'Second Owner Name �___.____._....___. _._._.._..._.....,_,_.___..... iGASKEY JUSTIN M ..____,._._. ..,.______. ...._.._... �GORDON KAITLIN E WF Mailing Address Physical Address(es) 4156 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 114156 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 1Land Value iBullding Value I__� lAssessed Value 'Market Value ,- _...___ __.. _.............__.._.._. I32000 �102990 _—___ .._._,.... _....._..._........__._.__ -138410 ...____..._ ....,..... __--... ... _.. 138410 ;Sale Year f Sale Month Sale Price Deed Book Deed Page ' 2018) 12. 202000.00000000 13300 0246 I Elementary School [Middle School ;High School I Charles E Boger ES I Northwest Cabarrus MS Northwest Cabarrus HS ;Voter Precinct lZoning Muncipal District �,_...___._._.�__....,.—.. 0201 _.____ iRV _t.__,_..._.._ iCITY OF CONCORD Soil Report for Parcel - jFloodplain Report for Parcel [Soil Type Acreage Percentage ' .Floodway -100 Year 1500 Year E nB 0161 100.001'No 'Permits Issued on Parcel i Permit Number ^.- Permit Type _ --- (ship 2, Poplar Tent RM Panel Number Issue Date Cadmus County shall not be hold liable for any emore in the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission,commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must In consulted for verification of information represented on this map document. AM Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 5131201911:08:45 AM Data Sources: Cabanas County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number I Property Real ID 56019335550000 I04-104E-0081 00 Land Units Land Units Type 0.16000000 1 AC Legal Description ELT 81 OAK PARK First Owner Name 'Second Owner Name ''. BENTLEY HAROLD ;BENTLEY MIRANDA WF iMalling Address i i Physical Address(es) !4152 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 ! 14152 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 ;Land Value Bullding Value 'ABseesed Value 'Market Value 132000 170720 j170720 ;Sale Year (Sale Month ,Sale Price ;Deed Book ': Deed Page i 2015E 6: 174000.00000000�11451 t0339 1 Elementary School jMiddle School High School Charles E Boger ES !Northwest Cabarrus MS NorthWest Cabarrus HS ,Voter Precinct 'Zoning Voter District Township 0201 IRV I CITY OF CONCORD Township 2, Poplar Tent ;Soil Report for Parcel IFloodplam Report for Parcel ;Soil Type Acreage 'Percentage ---- Floodway 1100 Year ?500 Year : FIRM Panel Number - ,.._ ..._;� _. __.I I ERB ! 016� _ 100.00 _....._.. _ .._._.---------- IND No iNo 15601 !Permits Issued on Parcel 'Permit Number 'Permit Type j iStatus `,. Issue Date 1EL2011-01517 !Trade Electrical Issued 2011 0711 HE2011-01423 (Trade Mechanical Residential Upft ,Final Complete 2011 07.07 Cabana County shall not be held liable far any errors In the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the date, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must Inc consulted for verification of information represented on this map document. Am Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 5/312019 11:09:24 AM Data Sources: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps WW 0 Cabarrus County Property Report Owner Name JASON RUSSELL Second Owner Name ROSE KATIE H WF 'Mailing Address Physical Address(es) i4148 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 'i4148 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 Value Lary School E Boger ES Building Value Assessed Value Market Value 82290 1115520 -.115520 Sale Month iSale Price ,Deed Book iDeed Page 1; 0.00000000.12314 0020 Middle School ;High School ;Northwest Cabarrus MS -.Northwest Cabarrus HS iZoning Muncipal District ;Township !RV CITY OF CONCORD ' Township 2, Poplar Tent _—..._ _._ _ _ _._.__. in _.___.._. iSoil Report for Parcel iFloodplain Report for Parcel jSoil Type_[Acreage ;Percentage 'Floodway �100 Year 500 Year FIRM Panel Number ;EnB _ _ L— 0161 100.00 No jNo _ 'No _ ,5601 I Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number Permit Type s Issue Date Cabana County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This includes aaors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of IMormatlon represented on this map document. _ Report Created By Cabarms County IT Department. 513/2g7911:09:48 AM Data Sources: Cebarms County Land Records, Mlcroson Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report — — — -- _ -- Parcel Information Number 56019345600000 Land Units 0.16000000 Real ID Description 04-104E-0083.00 ; LT 83 OAK PARK Land Units Type First Owner Name !Second Owner Name ,HAUGHTJACOB iHAUGHTSHAYLAWF !Marling Address !Physical Address(es) 4142 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 i4142 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 ;Land Value iBuliding Value IAssessed Value 'Market Value 132000 1117100 150290 i150290 ;Sale Year I Sale Month !Sale Price'. Deed Book ; Deed Page 20151 7 152000.00000000 11503 '0373 Elementary School_ !Middle School High School _ Charles E Boger ES ; Northwest Cabarrus MS North West Cabarrus HS !Voter Precinct (Zoning iMunclpal District ;Township r_....__..-..__._......._.__.t..... 02 01 ...__. RV _._-.__. _....,_..__ .. _._._....___. CITY OF CONCORD ._._.. ....__.-- Township 2, Poplar Tent :Boll Report for Parcel IFloodplaln Report for Parcel ?SOIITyp a ' g Acrea e (percentageFloodway _ 100 Year ;BOO Year FIRM Panel Number !EnB 0.161 100001 ,No 7No INo 5601 Permits Issued on Parcel Number IPI 3-01506 1Tr t Type Mechanical Residential Upfit Status 'Issue Date Final Complete :2013 06.11 Cabanus County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This Includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must or consulted for verification of Information represented on this map document. Am Report Created By Caucuses County IT Department. 5/3/201911:10:30 AM Data Sources: Cabarms County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information NumberI Property Real ID Legal Descriptioi iLT 84 OAK PARK .and Units Land Units Type 0.170000004AC Tile server timeout: The tile server took longerthan HERE I First Owner Name i Second Owner Name 'PIERCE STEPHANIE ! Marling Address ._._..._-._ _ j !!Physical Address(es) ------- 4138 MEDFORD DR CONCORD NC 28027 ....,__.._. ..._.._____.. ._. .._. _.._. _._. 4138 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 Land Value i._ _._........ BuildingValue jAssessed Value Market Value 32000 ....._ ....___.. .. _..._ . ,. _.---- _... - _____...., I98790 1131630 '131630 (Sale Year f Sale Month Sale Price Deed Book Deed Page 20111 4' 0.00000000i 09551 :0030 2011 0.00000000109437 ;0192 Elementary School IMrddle School 1Hlgh School I Charles E Boger ES I Northwest Cabarrus MS i North West Cabarrus HS iVoter Precinct Zoning IMuncipal District `Township ,0201 IRV (CITY OF CONCORD Township 2, Poplar Tent Soil Report for Parcel Floodplain Report for Parcel (Soil Type ___..__,__.._e _._............. .. _._._._.. �. ______.. Acreage (Percentage ;'Floodway i100 Year i500 Year FIRM Panel Number IEnB i 0.171 100.00 ,No ,No fNo .5601 'Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number --- Permit Type iStatus `, Issue Date IHE2017-01154 (Trade Mechanical Residential Upfit (Final Complete i2017.04.18 Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This Includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The dale cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was carried must b[ consulted for verification of Information represented on this map document. Ah Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 6W01911:10:68 AM Data sources: Cabarrus County Land Became, Microsoft Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number (Property Real ID :Legal Descrlpttoi 56019354850000 04-104E-0085 00 !LT 85 OAK PARK Land Units !Land Units Type 0.17000000 2019 HERE First Owner Name ;Second Owner Name 'MILLER SHERKICA -'-`...... ........ .. ..... .. . ..._..._.-- __—___.__ !Mailing Address _.._.__- — ,;Physical Address(es) 14179 DEERFIELD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 14134 MEDFORD DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 'Land Value 'Building Value Assessed Value (Market Value ._...,_..____W___ 132000 _.,__„_-,,,....._._ 1101300 _.. __.__..__._._ 134490 134490 'Sale Year ;Sale Month (Sale Price ^Deed Book iDeed Page 2001.i 1` 119500 00000000'03072 0244 !Elementary School I_........�_._.__ - !Middle School ;High School ..._,..,._.._._.__._...._.. Charles E Boger ES - .._._,.__.. .........__..__. _.._. Northwest Cabarrus MS _., .. _ ..-_-_ 'Northwest Cabarrus HS ;Voter Precinct iZomng lMuncipal District Township 02 01 !RV i'CITY OF CONCORD !Township 2, Poplar Tent I Soil Report for Parcel ; , Floodplain Report for Parcel !Soil Type Acreage !Percentage; Floodway i100 Year 500 Year I FIRM Panel Number i. ., _. y .«........... ._ ..._..._ .._._.. ...__.. .. , .. _„_... _.. ;ChA 0051 32.88; .No No ;No 5601 IEnB j,_- 0.111 67.131 i Permits Issued on Parcel Termlt Number !Permit Type Status 'Issue Date Coborne County shall not be held liable for any errors In the date represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, ocncerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this date was compiled must bs consulled for verification of information represented on this map document. Ah Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Depariment. 5IN201911:11:36 AM Data Sources: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps 1 Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number ,Property Real ID :Legal Description 56019364440000 Land Units 0.17000000,AC 04E-0086.00 LT 86 OAK PARK t Units Type Medre C D NW 2019 HERE Land Value Building Value !Assessed Value ! Market Value .__-_..._. 0 '140860-175150 Year iSale Month "Sale Price 2017 cod Book Deed Page 2817 0052 ;Elementary School ;Middle School High School ;Charles E Boger ES ,Northwest Cabarrus MS . North West Cabarrus HIS Voter Precinct Zoning : Muncipal District Township _-_— _ __..__...., ____....._.. .__............._ ...._..,.._..�_.._. ....... ___._.. _. ._..,.. _._. ;02-01 _.. _. ;RV - - i CITY. OF CONCORD_ - _ - - - ,Township 2, Poplar Tent lSoll Reportfor Parcel I Floodplaln Reportfor Parcel :____.._.....__r...._.. ..__: ____...._..._.. .. Soil Type (Acreage :Percentage Floodway 1100 Year 1500 Year FIRM Panel Number 'ChA �014? 7890 IND No iNo 6-601, 'IEn6 _--_I-_--_-0041_-_- 21.10; Permits Issued on Parcel Issue Date Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This Includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positlonal accuracy of the data. The data cannot be wnstrued to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must N consulted for verification of information represented on this map document. _ Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 50201911:11:55 AM ! Data sources: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps a Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number !Property Real ID ;Legal Description '56018299210000 02-004 -0009 80 1 P/O LT 11 NIBLOCK INDUSTRIAL PARK !Land Units I Land Units, Type 5.940000001 AC ,First Owner Name ' Second Owner Name i HWY 49 TRUCK & TRAILER 'REPAIR INC I Mailing Address Physical Address(es) 4300 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 4300 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 ;Land Value e Value alu Assessed Value ,Market Value i579150 1292310 888280 .-- 888280 :Sale Year 1Sala Month ,.._-------- ;Sale Price __...._._._ __.._...._.. _ . .........., _ Deed Book ;Deed Page 19871 7; .. 195000.00000000400628 i0843 ;Elementary School -Middle School High School r..__.�.. ',Charles E Boger ES _. _ _._.____._ . ...._......... I Northwest Cabarrus MS ._,___..__ NorhWest Cabarrus HS ;Voter Precinct (Zoning , Municipal District ±Township 02 01 _ _ 1I 2 CITY OF CONCORD Township 2, Poplar Tent Soil Report for ParcelFloodplain Reportfor Parcel j Soli Type !Acreage ;Percentage Floodway 110OYear .500 Year FIRM Panel Number iChA ' 3951 65.12 !No No No 15601 ;EnB ( 2.12{. 34.88., Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number (Permit Type ;Status PL201800059 ,_Trade Plumbing Issued :Issue Date `2018.01.10 Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors In the data represented on ihls record. This Includes errors of omission, commisslan, concerning the content of the date, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was complied must be consulted for veriflcatlon of Information represented on this map document. Am Repel Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 5/3/2019 11:14:35 AM Data sources: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number ( Property Real ID Legal Description 1257120000 02-004-0009A3 ELT 10A NIBLOCK INDUSTRIAL PARK Units !Land Units Tom ! First Owner Name ISecand Owner Name ' B & C INVESTING LLC - - Mailing Address I Physical Address(es) !212 COBBLESTONE LN NW CONCORD NC 28027 14312 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 I Land Value Budding Value iAssessed Value I Market Value 137580 1109630 f247210 :247210 Sale Year Sale Month (Sale Price Deed Book ;Deed Page 20181 4� 250000.00000000112962 :0209 Elementary School !Middle School (High School Chades E Boger ES Northwest Cabarrus MS Northwest Cabarrus HS Voter Precinct !Zoning i l District al is__.,.. {Township 102 Ot ; 12 - - CITY OF CONCORD Township 2, Poplar Tent !Sol] Report for Parcel I Floodplain Report for Parcel ; ..__...y 'Boll Type Acreage Percentage .,,.. I Floodway 1100 Year 500 Year _ ..__------- FIRM Panel Number ChA i 0601 38.24 ...._...._.._ i iNo !No ;No _.. _. ,5601 ;EnB 0.96( 61.76 Permits Issued on Parcel t Number IPermit Type ;Status Issue Date 9-00045 TTrade Plumbing 7Flnal Complete '2019.01.09 9-00050 [,Building Commercial Upfit (Closed 2019.01.08 9-00119 jTrade Electrical Commercial Upf!t ;Final Complete :2019.01.08 9-00079 (Trade Mechanical Commercial Upf!t 'Final Complete i2019.01.08 Cabooses County shall not be held liable for any errors In the data represented on this record. This Includes errors of omission, commisslon, concerning the content of the date, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of Information represented on this map document. Report Created By Cabooses County IT Department. 6131201911:16:60 AM Data Bounce: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number 56018227630000 Land Units Property Real ID it 02 004.0009 17 F Land Units Type 1.00000000ILT J LT 10 NIBLOCK INDUSTRIAL PARK l First Owner Name I Second Owner Name ;FRINGS DENNIS EUGENE TRUSTEE i FRINGS DENNIS REV TRST 3-7-03 Melling Address Physical Address(es) 14324 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 ' !4360 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 4360 REPUBLIC CT NW UNIT B CONCORD NC 28027 (Land Value !Building Value +Assessed Value Market Value —___._..._..._.. ,..._._._.__ i99480 _____....�... ._..__.._.._ .._..._..--.. 215620 315000 -315000 !Sale Year Sale Month Sale Price =Deed Book ;Deed Page 2003 _ 3 0.00000000 04369 ' 0190 ;Elementary School Middle School High School i..,....__.._, _._.__ . _....__.....___.. _..,_.__......_. �- ......,._ ;C-,harles E Boger ES 'Northwest Cabarrus MS ,North West Cabarrus HS Voter Precinct ;Zoning j Munclpal District Township 10201 112 'CITY OF CONCORD .Townshlp 2, Poplar Tent ;Soil Report for Parcel l : Floodplaln Report for Parcel ;Soli Type jAcroage !Percentage i,Floodway i100 Year ':500 Year . FIRM Panel Number ;ChA i 033! 43.48 'No .No 'No ,5601 002 2.15 �CuB2 , ': EnB 0.4154.371 Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number IPermit Type Issue Date Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors In the data represented on this record. This includes errors of pal commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy ofthe data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of Information represented on this map document. Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. WW2018 11:18:01 AM Data Sources: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps 1 Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number Property Real ID Legal Description 56018205950000 :02-004-0009.25 I LT 9 NIBLOCK INDUSTRIAL PARK Land Units ,Land Units Type ' First Owner Name ; Second Owner Name 7MK HOLDINGS LLC [Matting Address Physical Address(es) 14412 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 ,4400 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 !Land Value Building Value Assessed Value jMarket Value `Sale Year ;Sale Month (Sale Price 'Deed Book Deed Page (Elementary School Middle School High School ! Charles E Boger ES !Northwest Cabarrus MS Northwest Cabarrus HS 'Voter Precinct [Zoning Muncipal District Township ,02 01 ,.. 2 CITY OF CONCORD Township 2, Poplar Tent !Soil Report for Parcel 4... Floodplain Report for Parcel ;Soil Type Acreage -----......._... _-- ............. !Percentage 1 Floodway i100 Year 500 Year _. ._. FIRM Panel Number lCITA 1 0.53; 26.45 �5601 ICu82 1.21 60.22E I EnB ; 0.27! 13.33 Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number Permit Type Status .Issue Date Calluses County shall not be held liable for any enors in the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative poslllonal accuracy of the data. The data cannot he construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must In consulted for vedflcatlon of Information represented on this map document. Am Report Created By Cabanus County IT Department. 513/201911:18:22 AM Data sources: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number Property Real ID Legal Description 56017274100000 02 004 -0009 50 LTS 2-3 NIBLOCK INDUSTRIAL PARK Lana Units Owner Name Land Units Type 410300000[AC ......_. _.__. _... _.._ Owner Name iTMK HOLDINGS LLC I Mailing Address Physical Addresses) '4412 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 Z4412 REPUBLIC CT NW CONCORD NC 28027 ;Land Value Building Value tAssessed Value IBui ............ ..__......_.._ ,_,..... _....._. _. .. I Market Value ___.. __.___.._. _.__.__._ _._._ ._.. _ . _ Sale Year !Sale Month Sale Price ............... ------- ..__. Deed Book Deed Page i 20131 7 _ 0.00000000: 10593 0279 _ 2013 71 490000.00000000, 10593 10284 !Elementary School iMiddle School ;High School ;Charles E Boger ES Northwest Cabarrus MS NorthWest Cabarrus HS Voter Precinct 'Zoning Municipal District 'Township 102-01 :I-2 CITY OF CONCORD _._- — -__ ,Township 2, Poplar Tent 'Soil Report for Parcel Floodplaln Report for Parcel ;Soil Type Acreage :Percentage 1 Floodway 100 Year 1500 Year FIRM Panel Number CuB2 3.941 99.42 - "5601 EnB 0.021 0.58 I Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number [Pr scat :Issue Date Calcines County shall not be held liable for any errors In the data represented on this record. This Includes errors of omission, commiss;on, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The date cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of Information represented on this map document. AM Report Created By Cabarms County IT Department. 5/3/281911:18:49 AM Data Sources: Cabarets County Land Records. Microsoft Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report 1 Parcel Information Number !Property Real ID 'Legal Description 102 004 -0009 30 ,LT 1 NIBLOCK INDUSTRIAL PARK MAP 1 'S6017232240000 I Land Units I Land Units Type 2.26500000!AC_- Name - I HUGH HOLT MORRISON FAMILY LLC Second Owner Name I Mailing Address Physical Address(es) 167 CHURCH ST NE CONCORD NC 28025 i .400 INTERNATIONAL DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 i410 INTERNATIONAL DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 Land Value �Bullding Value ,Assessed Value Market Value i378030 1114910 , 521250 �521250 'Sale Year :Sale Month `.Sale Price 'Deed Book !Deed Page �.-.------------ . _._:._.._.. ..._...._.._.._.._ ____....... - 1 20071 3 535000.00000000107400 !0259 Elementary School Middle School i,,._....._._—.._--- ...__—..,._......._.....__._.__ 'High School .�_--_;a __ __..___._.... _-._....__ I Charles E Boger ES ;Northwest Cabarrus MS _ . .....,_.._. NorthWest Cabarrus HS (Voter Precinct iZoning i'Muncipal District !Township j02 01 _ I1 2 CITY OF CONCORD Township 2, Poplar Tent Soil Report for Parcel i Floodplain Report for Parcel jSoll Type (Acreage (Percentage IFloodway f100 Year 500 Year FIRM Panel Number ICuB2 ' .711 75.34 No '.No 'No 5601 ldA 0.56 24.66 i Permits Issued on Parcel ;Permit Number Permit Type 'Status Issue Date EL2017-03749 Trade Electrical Final Complete 2017.12.07 HE2017-00727 Trade Mechanical Commercial Upfit 'Final Complete 12017.03.10 Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors in the date represented an this record. This Includes errors of emission, commission, concerning the content of the date, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must N consulted for verification of information represented on this map document. Ah Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 50201911:19:25 AM Data Sources: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps t Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number -=-Property Real ID 56016231300000 ''.04-104C-0005.00 II Description 1-5 P/0 6 INTERNATL BUS PK +`v YT+m Y� lent el; V-F Ys<rvt VMS Nh � NOP4rTe,�, F! g 1'31�121U4 Mlcrosofk Cornorglan, J.9HZRE Owner Name °:Second Owner Name i&SEYM OUR INC ................. .............. _.. ._.._. .............. ... .____ ........ _. ............. ---..... `Mailing Address 'Physical Address(es) .4515 ENTERPRISE DR N W CONCORD NC 28027 '..411 INTERNATIONAL DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 4515 ENTERPRISE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 A503 ENTERPRISE DR NW CONCORD NC 28027 Land Value Building Value 3257100 ;8045950 Sale Year ;Sale Month Elementary School Charles E Boger ES Voter Precinct Market Value 12085310 �- -IRM Panel Number Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors In the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this date was complied must N consulted for verification of Information represented on this map document. Am Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 6131201911:23:30 AM Data sources: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps 0 Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number Property Real ID 56016353300600 ',04-104C-0017.00 Land Units Units LTS 17,19,20&PT 18 INTERNATNL BUS PARK Land Value 'Building Value `Assessed ValueMarket Value 2459780 1144547014407700 ' 14407700 m _...�,..,......____. __.. .;._... .........._ ......... ....... _. ____. _.. .... ......... __._ .. -Sale Year Sale Month _ i Sale Price Deed Book Deed Page -,__--� 1989i - � ._._. � 12i 1062500.00000000 00738 - .._.0075 _........_ _ :: Charles E Boger ES Voter Precinct Zoning 02-01 ' 1-2....._._...�.-..._ Cabarrus MS ipal District OFCONCORD tort for Parcel 100 Year No High School North West Cabarrus HS Panel Number Cabamus County shall not be held liable for any errors In the data represented on this record. This includes ermis of omission, commission, concerning the content of the date, and relative relational accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted far verification of Information represented on this map document. AM Report Created By Cabamus County IT Department. 5131201911:22:10 AM Data Sources: Cebarms County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps NW APPENDIX C Well Construction Record and Subsurface Log Geological Resources, Inc. Phone: (704) 845-4010 3502 Hayes Road Fax: (704) 845-4012 Monroe, NC 28110 SUBSURFACE LOG Project Sysco Charlotte, LLC. Address 4500 Corporate Drive NW, Concord, NC 28027 Boring Number MW-1 Date Drilled 04/16/19 Sample Method Grab Drilling Method 6" Solid Stem Auger Completed to 35'; 2" PVC casing 0' - 10', Screened 10' - 35', sand 8' - 35', bentonite 6' - 8' and Completion Details grout 0' - 6' Driller Bryan Vest, REDI Log By Corey N. Buchanan, GRI Lab Sample OVA Depth Sample Interval(ft) ppm LITHOLOGY 0 0' - 0.3' Asphalt 0.3' - 6' Brown silt 2 4 MW-1 (5') 5' 0.0 6 6'- 10' Brown clay 8 10 MW-1 (10') 10, 0.0 10' - 35' Gray silt, moist at 15' and wet at 30' to 35', no odors 12 14 MW-1 (15') 15' 0.0 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 33' - 33.5' Thin rock vein 34 Total Depth = 35' 36 38 40 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be used for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY: 1. Well Contractor Information: Bryan L Vest Well Contractor Name 3580-A NC Well Contractor Certification Number Ransier Environmental Drilling Inc (REDI) Company Name 2. Well Construction Permit #: List all applicable well permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, Injection, etc) 3. Well Use (check well use): Water Supply Well: ❑Agricultural ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Supply) ❑ lndustrial/Commercial ❑ Irrigation Non -Water Supply Well: El Aquifer Recharge El Aquifer Storage and Recovery ❑Aquifer Test ❑Experimental Technology ❑Geothermal (Closed Loop) ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling ❑Municipal/Public El Residential Water Supply (single) ❑Residential Water Supply (shared) El Groundwater Remediation ❑ Salinity Barrier ❑ Stormwater Drainage ❑Subsidence Control ❑Tracer ❑Other (explain under #21 F 4. Date well(s) Completed: 4/ 16/2019 sell ID# M W 1 5a. Well Location: Sysco Charlotte, LLC 00-0-0000035443 Facility/Owner Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 4500 Corporate Drive NW, Concord, NC 28027 Physical Address, City, and Zip Cabarrus County Parcel Identification No. (PIN) 5b. Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if well field, one lat/long is sufficient) 35025'21.23" N 80039'6.45" W 6. Is (are) the well(s): l7Permanent or ❑Temporary 7. Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ONo If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form. 8. Number of wells constructed: 1 For multiple injection or non -water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can submit one form. 9. Total well depth below land surface: 35 (ft.) For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200' and 2@100') 10. Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) If water level is above casing, use "+" 11. Borehole diameter: 6 (in.) 12. Well construction method: Auger (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, direct push, etc.) 14. WATER ZONES FROM TO DESCRIPTION rt. rt. ft. ft. 15. OUTER CASING for multi -cased wells OR LINER if a licable FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ft. ft. in. 16. INNER CASING OR TUBING eother at closed -loop) FROM TO I DIAMETER I THICKNESS I MATERIAL 0 tit 10 ff 2 "' I SCH 40 1 PVC rt rtI in. 17. SCREEN FROM TO DIAMETER SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MATERIAL 10 ff 35 tit. 2 in. 0.010 SCH 40 PVC ft. ft, in. 18. GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD & AMOUNT 0 ft. 6 IL Cement Pour 6 ft. 8 ft. Bentonite Pour rt. rt. 19. SAND/GRAVEL PACK (if applicable) FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD 8 fL 35 tit #3 Gravel Pour rt. rt. 20. DRILLING LOG attach additional sheets if necessary) FROM TO DESCRIPTION (color, hardness, soit/rock type, grain size, etc.) 0 ft- 0,5 ft. Asphalt 0.5 ft' 6 ft. Brown Silt 6 ff 10 ft. Brown Clay 10 ft 33 ft. Grey Silt 33 ft' 33.5 ft. Rock 33.5 IL 35 ft. Grey Silt rL et. 21. REMARKS Finished with Flush Mount Cover 22. Certification: d, ww__az , /_ 1/"_& 5/9/2019 Signaeb of Certified Well Contractor Date By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. 23. Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 24b. For Iniection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well construction to the following: Division of Water Resources, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 13a. Yield m Method of test: 24c. For Water Supply & Injection Wells: (gP ) Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 13b. Disinfection type: Amount: well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Resources Revised August 2013 APPENDIX D State Correspondence Lq qo CEIVED APR Q 9 2019 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary MICHAEL SCOTT Director Sysco Charlotte, LLC Attn: Robert Thomas 1390 Enclave Parkway, Houston, TX 77077 (via email) Dear Mr. Thomas: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality April 3, 2019 Re: Notice of Regulatory Requirements 15A NCAC 2L .0405 Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Sysco Charlotte, LLC 4500 Corporate Drive NW, Concord Cabarrus County UST Incident Number: 40858 Risk Classification: Unknown On March 27, 2019, the Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) of the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section of the Division of Waste Management received a request to extend the submittal deadline for the Limited Site Assessment Report for this site from your consultant Geological Resources, Inc. Specifically, Geological Resources requested that the submittal deadline be extended until May 31, 2019. This request is considered reasonable and is hereby granted. Should you fail to submit the report by the extended deadline, the original deadline may be used in any enforcement action. If you have any questions regarding the actions that must be taken or the rules mentioned in this letter, please contact me at (704) 235-2182, Trudy.BeverlyAncdenngov, or at the address for the MRO listed below. Sincerely, '3606�' Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ cc: Joshua Callahan, Sysco Charlotte LLC (via email) David Troutman, Cabarrus County Health Department (via email) Mike Downs, Cabarrus County Manager (via email) Corey Buchanan, Geological Resources, Inc. (via email) A E Q: NCi(d7HP,AR:11:1Vh 'DaperiHCA901.0'A 9nitl7 puallry North Carolina Department of Environmettal Quality I Division of WasteManagement Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue,.Siiite 301 I Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704 663J699 APPENDIX E Laboratory Analytical Report ffm Orlando, FL The results set forth herein are provided by SGS North America Inc. a-Hl ydcopy 2. 0 Automated Report Technical Report for GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC 4958 SGS Job Number: FA63393 Sampling Date: 04/ 16/ 19 Report to: GRI 3502 Hayes Rd Monroe, NC 28110 c. com; carriekennedy@ggologicalresourcesinc. com; com; nml@geologicalres urcesinc. com; TTN: Scott Ball Total number of pages in report: 75 Ac Fp Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements Caitlin Brice, M. S. of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program General Manager and/or state specific certification programs as applicable. Client Service contact: Muna Mohammed 407-425-6700 Certifications: FL(E83510), LA(03051), KS(E-10327), IL(200063), NC(573), NJ(FL002), NY(12022), SC(96038001) DoD ELAP(ANAB L2229), AZ(AZ0806), CA(2937), TX(T104704404), PA(68-03573), VA(460177), AK, AR, IA, KY, MA, MS, ND, NH, NV, OK, OR, UT, WA, WV This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of SGS. Test results relate only to samples analyzed. SGS North America Inc. • 4405 Vineland Road • Suite C-15 • Orlando, FL 32811 • tel: 407-425-6700 • fax: 407-425-0707 SGS is the sole authority for authorizing edits or modifications to this document. Please share your ideas about Unauthorized modification of this report is strictly prohibited. how we can serve you better at: Review standard terms at: http://www.sgs.com/en/terms-and-conditions EHS.US.CustomerCare@sgs.com 1 of 75 FA63393 Sections: Table of Contents -I- Section1: Sample Summary................................................................................................... 3 Section2: Summary of Hits.................................................................................................... 4 Section3: Sample Results........................................................................................................ 5 3.1: FA63393-1: MW-1........................................................................................................ 6 3.2: FA63393-2: MW-1 (5')................................................................................................. 13 3.3: FA63393-3: MW-1 (10')............................................................................................... 19 3.4: FA63393-4: MW-1 (15')............................................................................................... 21 Section4: Misc. Forms............................................................................................................ 27 4.1: Chain of Custody........................................................................................................... 28 Section 5: MS Volatiles - QC Data Summaries..................................................................... 30 5.1: Method Blank Summary................................................................................................ 31 5.2: Blank Spike Summary................................................................................................... 34 5.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary........................................................... 37 Section 6: MS Semi-volatiles - QC Data Summaries............................................................ 40 6.1: Method Blank Summary................................................................................................ 41 6.2: Blank Spike Summary................................................................................................... 46 6.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary........................................................... 50 Section 7: GC Volatiles - QC Data Summaries..................................................................... 54 7.1: Method Blank Summary................................................................................................ 55 7.2: Blank Spike Summary................................................................................................... 58 7.3: Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Summary.............................................................. 60 7AMatrix Spike Summary.................................................................................................. 62 7.5: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary........................................................... 64 7.6: Duplicate Summary....................................................................................................... 65 Section 8: GC/LC Semi-volatiles - QC Data Summaries..................................................... 67 8.1: Method Blank Summary................................................................................................ 68 8.2: Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Summary.............................................................. 70 8.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary........................................................... 74 8ADuplicate Summary....................................................................................................... 75 W, SGS North America Inc. Sample Summary GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Job No: FA63393 Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Project No: 4958 Sample Collected Matrix Client Number Date Time By Received Code Type Sample I D FA63393-1 04/16/19 13:11 CB 04/18/19 AQ Ground Water MW-1 FA63393-2 04/16/19 11:29 CB 04/18/19 SO Soil MW-1 (5') FA63393-3 04/16/19 11:38 CB 04/18/19 SO Soil MW-1 (10') FA63393-4 04/16/19 11:40 CB 04/18/19 SO Soil MW-1 (15') Soil samples reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise indicated on result page. 6 3 of 75 FA63393 Summary of Hits Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Col I ected: 04/ 16/ 19 Lab Sample I D Client Sample I D Result/ Analyte Qual RL MDL Units Method FA63393-1 M W-1 Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylene (total) Total TIC, Semi -Volatile Naphthalene C11-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) CI I-C22 Aromatics FA63393-2 M W-1 (5) CI I-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) C11-C22 Aromatics FA63393-3 M W-1 (10' ) CI I-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) CI I-C22 Aromatics FA63393-4 M W-1 (15' ) No hits reported in this sample. Page l of l 0.16 J 0.50 0.13 ug/1 SM 6200B 0.13 J 0.50 0.13 ug/1 SM 6200B 0.66 J 1.5 0.25 ug/1 SM 6200B 67.6 J ug/1 4.2 J 5.0 3.0 ug/1 MADEP VPH REV 1.1 208 200 80 ug/1 MADEP EPH REV 1.1 208 200 80 ug/1 MADEP EPH REV 1.1 5.96 J 12 4.8 mg/kg MADEP EPH REV 1.1 5.96 J 12 4.8 mg/kg MADEP EPH REV 1.1 5.39 J 13 5.2 mg/kg MADEP EPH REV 1.1 5.39 J 13 5.2 mg/kg MADEP EPH REV 1.1 6 4 of 75 FA63393 i SG$f Orlando, FL im Section 3 Sample Results Report of Analysis 6 5 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client Sample I D: MW-1 Lab Sample I D: FA63393-1 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: n/a Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 j File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 A0217930.1) 1 04/19/19 15:37 AB n/a n/a VA2565 Run #2 Purge Volume Run # 1 10.0 ml Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, Full List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 108-20-3 Di -Isopropyl Ether ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.16 0.50 0.13 ug/1 J 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 108-88-3 Toluene 0.13 0.50 0.13 ug/1 J 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 0.66 1.5 0.25 ug/1 J CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 101% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 97% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 6 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of Client Sample I D: MW-1 Lab Sample I D: FA63393-1 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 04/18/19 M ethod: EPA 625.1 EPA 625.1 Percent Solids: n/a Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run#1 61703958.1) 1 04/22/1919:58 NJ 04/20/1911:30 OP74685 S6F147 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 1000 ml 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN Special List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 50 10 ug/1 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol a ND 5.0 0.59 ug/1 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 5.0 0.63 ug/1 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 5.0 0.84 ug/1 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol a ND 5.0 0.74 ug/1 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 25 5.0 ug/1 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 10 2.0 ug/1 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 5.0 0.56 ug/1 3&4-Methylphenol ND 5.0 0.98 ug/1 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 5.0 0.85 ug/1 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol b ND 25 5.0 ug/1 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 25 5.0 ug/1 108-95-2 Phenol ND 5.0 0.50 ug/1 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 5.0 0.75 ug/1 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 5.0 0.63 ug/1 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 5.0 0.64 ug/1 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 5.0 0.80 ug/1 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 5.0 0.76 ug/1 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.0 0.78 ug/1 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.0 0.78 ug/1 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.0 0.82 ug/1 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.0 0.86 ug/1 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether ND 5.0 0.85 ug/1 85-68-7 Butyl Benzyl Phthalate ° ND 5.0 1.0 ug/1 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 5.0 0.63 ug/1 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 5.0 0.81 ug/1 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ° ND 5.0 0.73 ug/1 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) ND 5.0 0.76 ug/1 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/1 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether ND 5.0 0.54 ug/1 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 5.0 0.85 ug/1 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 5.0 0.80 ug/1 ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 01 7 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis ;lient Sample I D: MW-1 _ab Sample I D: FA63393-1 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 04/18/19 A ethod: EPA 625.1 EPA 625.1 Percent Solids: n/a 'roj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC ABN Special List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 5.0 0.60 ug/1 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 5.0 0.64 ug/1 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 5.0 1.0 ug/1 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 5.0 1.0 ug/1 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate a ND 5.0 1.0 ug/1 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate b ND 5.0 1.0 ug/1 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 5.0 0.81 ug/1 606-20-2 2, 6-Dinitrotoluene ND 5.0 0.71 ug/1 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 5.0 1.0 ug/1 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 5.0 0.55 ug/1 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 5.0 0.70 ug/1 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 5.0 0.69 ug/1 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/1 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 5.0 1.8 ug/1 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 5.0 1.6 ug/1 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.0 0.71 ug/1 78-59-1 Isophorone a ND 5.0 0.78 ug/1 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.0 0.53 ug/1 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.0 0.60 ug/1 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/1 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 5.0 0.93 ug/1 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine a ND 5.0 0.67 ug/1 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 5.0 0.81 ug/1 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 5.0 0.86 ug/1 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 5.0 0.68 ug/1 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 58% 14-67% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 45% 10-50% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 76% 33-118% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 92% 42-108% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 79% 40-106% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 84% 39-121% CAS No. Tentatively Identified Compounds R.T. Est. Conc. Units Q 1006-96-8 3-Pyridinol, 4-methyl-, acetate (ester) 8.47 6.3 ug/1 JN 27193-28-8 Phenol, (1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl) 10.25 8.9 ug/1 JN 25154-52-3 Phenol, nonyl- 10.29 12 ug/1 JN Page 2 of 3 j ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 01 8 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis ;lient Sample I D: MW-1 .ab Sample I D: FA63393-1 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 ilatrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 04/18/19 4 ethod: EPA 625.1 EPA 625.1 Percent Solids: n/a 'roj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 3 of 3 L ABN Special List CAS No. Tentatively Identified Compounds R.T. Est. Conc. Units Q 140-66-9 Phenol, 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)- 10.33 14 ug/1 JN 80-46-6 Phenol, 4-(l, 1 -dimethylpropyl)- 10.40 5.9 ug/1 JN 120-66-1 Acetamide, N-(2-methylphenyl)- 10.45 7.5 ug/1 JN 140-66-9 Phenol, 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)- 10.51 8 ug/1 JN 1000163-88-01,3-Cyclopentadiene, 5,5-dimethyl-1,2-Di 10.55 5 ug/1 JN Total TIC, Semi -Volatile 67.6 ug/1 J (a) Associated BS outside control limits high. Sample was ND. (b) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. Associated BS outside control limits high. Sample was ND. (c) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 01 9 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client Sample I D: MW-1 Lab Sample I D: FA63393-1 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 04/18/19 M ethod: EPA 504.1 EPA 504.1 Percent Solids: n/a Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 j File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 DD105994.1) 1 04/22/19 13:48 NM 04/22/19 10:00 OP74692 GDD3057 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 38.0 ml 2.0 ml Run #2 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.018 0.0092 ug/1 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 90% 63-137% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 10 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client Sample I D: MW-1 Lab Sample I D: FA63393-1 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: MADEP VPH REV 1.1 Percent Solids: n/a Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 j File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 UU027523.D 1 04/22/19 20:07 SH n/a n/a GUU1429 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 5.0 ml Run #2 MADEPVPH List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 1.0 1.0 ug/1 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 2.0 1.0 ug/1 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 2.0 1.0 ug/1 91-20-3 Naphthalene 4.2 5.0 3.0 ug/1 J 108-88-3 Toluene ND 2.0 1.0 ug/1 m,p-Xylene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/1 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 2.0 1.0 ug/1 C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 100 35 ug/1 C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 100 35 ug/1 C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND 100 35 ug/1 C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 100 35 ug/1 C9- C12 Aliphatics ND 100 35 ug/1 C9- C10 Aromatics ND 100 35 ug/1 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 460-00-4 BFB 110% 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 105% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 11 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client Sample I D: MW-1 Lab Sample I D: FA63393-1 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: MADEP EPH REV 1.1 SW846 3510C Percent Solids: n/a Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 j File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 NN025038.1) 1 04/23/19 16:50 RS 04/19/19 10:45 OP74676 GNN1228 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 1000 ml 2.0 ml Run #2 MAEPH List CAS No. Compound Result 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 129-00-0 Pyrene ND C11-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) 208 C11-C22 Aromatics 208 C9-C18 Aliphatics ND C19-06 Aliphatics ND CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 47% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 112% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 91% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 89% 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 200 200 200 200 Run# 2 M DL 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 80 80 50 50 Units Q ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 ug/1 Limits 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 12 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of Client SamplelD: MW-1 (5') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-2 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: SW846 8260D Percent Solids: 83.3 Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 3C4365.D 1 04/22/19 22:09 SP n/a n/a V3072 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 5.78 g 5.0 ml 100 ul Run #2 VOA Special List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 12 6.2 mg/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.31 0.076 mg/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 1.5 0.45 mg/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.31 0.063 mg/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 0.31 0.12 mg/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 0.31 0.082 mg/kg 110-82-7 Cyclohexane ND 0.31 0.077 mg/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 0.31 0.12 mg/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.31 0.12 mg/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.31 0.071 mg/kg 75-34-3 1, 1 -Dichloroethane ND 0.31 0.11 mg/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 75-35-4 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.31 0.085 mg/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 10061-01-5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloropropene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 10061-02-6 trans- 1, 3-Dichloropropene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethlbenzene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 1.5 0.46 mg/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 79-20-9 Methyl Acetate ND 1.5 0.55 mg/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 0.31 0.12 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 13 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 N ;lient SamplelD: MW-1 (5') _ab Sample I D: FA63393-2 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: SW846 8260D Percent Solids: 83.3 'roj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC VOA Special List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 0.31 0.12 mg/kg 108-87-2 Methylcyclohexane ND 0.31 0.11 mg/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 1.2 0.68 mg/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 1.5 0.46 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.31 0.12 mg/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 79-34-5 1, 1, 2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.31 0.079 mg/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 1.2 0.62 mg/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 71-55-6 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.31 0.12 mg/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 108-67-8 1, 3, 5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.31 0.062 mg/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) ND 0.93 0.13 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 98% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 99% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 98% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96% 71-133% (a) Dilution required due to matrix interference (sample foamed). ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 01 14 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of Client SamplelD: MW-1 (5') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-2 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 M ethod: SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids: 83.3 Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 6F03969.D 1 04/23/19 00:34 NJ 04/22/19 11:00 OP74701 S61`147 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 29.7 g 1.0 m1 Run #2 ABN Special List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 1.0 0.20 mg/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 0.20 0.023 mg/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 0.20 0.025 mg/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 0.20 0.023 mg/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 0.20 0.054 mg/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1.0 0.20 mg/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 0.40 0.081 mg/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 0.20 0.024 mg/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 0.20 0.033 mg/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 0.20 0.022 mg/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol a ND 1.0 0.20 mg/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 1.0 0.20 mg/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 0.20 0.023 mg/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.20 0.021 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.20 0.023 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.20 0.024 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.20 0.022 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.20 0.021 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.20 0.027 mg/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.20 0.021 mg/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate a ND 0.20 0.040 mg/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 0.20 0.051 mg/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether a ND 0.20 0.023 mg/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) ND 0.20 0.025 mg/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.20 0.021 mg/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.20 0.025 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 01 15 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client SamplelD: MW-1 (5') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-2 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 M ethod: SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids: 83.3 Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC ABN Special List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 0.20 0.048 mg/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 0.40 0.040 mg/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 0.20 0.040 mg/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate a ND 0.20 0.040 mg/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 0.40 0.081 mg/kg 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 606-20-2 2, 6-Dinitrotoluene ND 0.20 0.026 mg/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 0.40 0.040 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.20 0.022 mg/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.021 mg/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 0.20 0.040 mg/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 0.20 0.024 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.20 0.025 mg/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine a ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 0.20 0.022 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.20 0.020 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.20 0.023 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 72% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 78% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 64% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 76% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 68% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 79% 45-119% (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. Page 2 of 2 ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 01 16 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client SamplelD: MW-1 (5') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-2 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: MADEP VPH REV 1.1 Percent Solids: 83.3 Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 N File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 UU027496.1) 1 04/19/19 22:24 SH n/a n/a GUU1428 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 6.09 g 5.1 ml 100 ul Run #2 MADEPVPH List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.060 0.060 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.12 0.060 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.12 0.060 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.30 0.18 mg/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.12 0.060 mg/kg m,p-Xylene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 0.12 0.060 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 6.0 2.1 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 6.0 2.1 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND 6.0 2.1 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 6.0 2.1 mg/kg C9- C 12 Aliphatics ND 6.0 2.1 mg/kg C9- C 10 Aromatics ND 6.0 2.1 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 460-00-4 BFB 141% a 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 131% a 70-130% (a) Outside control limits; however, sample is ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 17 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client SamplelD: MW-1 (5') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-2 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: MADEP EPH REV 1.1 SW846 3546 Percent Solids: 83.3 Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 N File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 NN025101.13 1 04/25/19 17:38 RS 04/23/19 12:45 OP74731 GNN1230 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run # 1 20.1 g 2.0 ml Run #2 MAEPH List CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.24 0.12 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) 5.96 12 4.8 mg/kg J C11-C22 Aromatics 5.96 12 4.8 mg/kg J C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 12 3.0 mg/kg C19-06 Aliphatics ND 12 3.0 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 58% 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 88% 40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 88% 40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75% 40-140% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 18 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client SamplelD: MW-1 (10') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-3 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: MADEP VPH REV 1.1 Percent Solids: 76.3 Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 w File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 UU027497.1) 1 04/19/19 22:55 SH n/a n/a GUU1428 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 5.97 g 5.1 ml 100 ul Run #2 MADEPVPH List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.072 0.072 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.14 0.072 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.14 0.072 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.36 0.21 mg/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.14 0.072 mg/kg m,p-Xylene ND 0.29 0.14 mg/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 0.14 0.072 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg C9- C 12 Aliphatics ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg C9- C 10 Aromatics ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 460-00-4 BFB 140% a 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 129% 70-130% (a) Outside control limits; however, sample is ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 19 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client SamplelD: MW-1 (10') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-3 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: MADEP EPH REV 1.1 SW846 3546 Percent Solids: 76.3 Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 w File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 NN025102.13 1 04/25/19 18:07 RS 04/23/19 12:45 OP74731 GNN1230 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run # 1 20.2 g 2.0 ml Run #2 MAEPH List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) 5.39 13 5.2 mg/kg J C11-C22 Aromatics 5.39 13 5.2 mg/kg J C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 13 3.2 mg/kg C19-06 Aliphatics ND 13 3.2 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 61% 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 103% 40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 93% 40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 87% 40-140% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 20 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of Client SamplelD: MW-1 (15') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-4 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: SW846 8260D Percent Solids: 76.9 Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 3C4366.D 1 04/22/19 22:36 SP n/a n/a V3072 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 6.00 g 5.0 ml 100 ul Run #2 VOA Special List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 14 6.9 mg/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.35 0.084 mg/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 1.7 0.50 mg/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.35 0.071 mg/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 0.35 0.14 mg/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 0.35 0.092 mg/kg 110-82-7 Cyclohexane ND 0.35 0.087 mg/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 0.35 0.13 mg/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.35 0.14 mg/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.35 0.080 mg/kg 75-34-3 1, 1 -Dichloroethane ND 0.35 0.12 mg/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 75-35-4 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.35 0.095 mg/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 10061-01-5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloropropene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 10061-02-6 trans- 1, 3-Dichloropropene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethlbenzene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 1.7 0.52 mg/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 79-20-9 Methyl Acetate ND 1.7 0.62 mg/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 0.35 0.14 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 01 21 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis 'Iient Sample ID: MW-1 (15') _ab Sample I D: FA63393-4 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: SW846 8260D Percent Solids: 76.9 'roj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC VOA Special List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 0.35 0.14 mg/kg 108-87-2 Methylcyclohexane ND 0.35 0.12 mg/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 1.4 0.76 mg/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 1.7 0.52 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.35 0.14 mg/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 79-34-5 1, 1, 2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.35 0.089 mg/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 1.4 0.69 mg/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 71-55-6 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.35 0.14 mg/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.35 0.069 mg/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) ND 1.0 0.15 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 98% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 97% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 99% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 95% 71-133% (a) Dilution required due to matrix interference (sample foamed). Page 2 of 2 a ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 22 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of Client SamplelD: MW-1 (15') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-4 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 M ethod: SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids: 76.9 Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 61`03970.1) 1 04/23/19 00:59 NJ 04/22/19 11:00 OP74701 S61`147 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.0 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN Special List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 1.1 0.22 mg/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 0.22 0.024 mg/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 0.22 0.027 mg/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 0.22 0.025 mg/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 0.22 0.058 mg/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1.1 0.22 mg/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 0.43 0.087 mg/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 0.22 0.026 mg/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 0.22 0.036 mg/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 0.22 0.024 mg/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol a ND 1.1 0.22 mg/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 1.1 0.22 mg/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 0.22 0.025 mg/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.22 0.023 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.22 0.024 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.22 0.026 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.22 0.024 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.22 0.028 mg/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate a ND 0.22 0.043 mg/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 0.22 0.055 mg/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether a ND 0.22 0.025 mg/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) ND 0.22 0.027 mg/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.22 0.027 mg/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound w 0 01 23 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client SamplelD: MW-1 (15') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-4 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 M ethod: SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids: 76.9 Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC ABN Special List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 0.22 0.052 mg/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 0.43 0.043 mg/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 0.22 0.043 mg/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate a ND 0.22 0.043 mg/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 0.43 0.087 mg/kg 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 606-20-2 2, 6-Dinitrotoluene ND 0.22 0.028 mg/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 0.43 0.043 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.22 0.023 mg/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 0.22 0.043 mg/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 0.22 0.026 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.22 0.026 mg/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine a ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 0.22 0.023 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.22 0.022 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.22 0.025 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 77% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 83% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 69% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 80% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 74% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 83% 45-119% (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. Page 2 of 2 ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 01 24 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client SamplelD: MW-1 (15') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-4 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: MADEP VPH REV 1.1 Percent Solids: 76.9 Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 P File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 UU027498.1) 1 04/19/19 23:26 SH n/a n/a GUU1428 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 5.77 g 5.1 ml 100 ul Run #2 MADEPVPH List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.072 0.072 mg/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.14 0.072 mg/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.14 0.072 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.36 0.22 mg/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.14 0.072 mg/kg m,p-Xylene ND 0.29 0.14 mg/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 0.14 0.072 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg C9- C 12 Aliphatics ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg C9- C 10 Aromatics ND 7.2 2.5 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 460-00-4 BFB 141% a 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 131% a 70-130% (a) Outside control limits; however, sample is ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 25 of 75 FA63393 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client SamplelD: MW-1 (15') Lab Sample I D: FA63393-4 Date Sampled: 04/16/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 04/18/19 Method: MADEP EPH REV 1.1 SW846 3546 Percent Solids: 76.9 Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 P File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 NN025103.13 1 04/25/19 18:37 RS 04/23/19 12:45 OP74731 GNN1230 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run # 1 20.0 g 2.0 ml Run #2 MAEPH List CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.26 0.13 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND 13 5.2 mg/kg C11-C22 Aromatics ND 13 5.2 mg/kg C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 13 3.3 mg/kg C19-06 Aliphatics ND 13 3.3 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 60% 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 103% 40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 74% 40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88% 40-140% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 26 of 75 FA63393 ffm Orlando, FL Misc. Forms Custody Documents and Other Forms Includes the following where applicable: • Chain of Custody Section 4 6 27 of 75 FA63393 '17 SGS North America Inc - Orlando 63 Chain of Custody SGS-ORLANDO JOB#:: AGE OF� 4405 Vineland Rnad. Suite C-15 (ktendo. F132811 — — TEL.407-425.6700 FAX: 407425-0707 SGS - ORLANDO Quote # SKIFF # v,1 Client/Reporting Information :e-s` a.'se Project Information g. a,T s+ear-- r Y 1.1 bGI ==analytical Information. e m Matrix Codes Company Name: _ (1"ESSs -r 7" Project Name: 1 C �y rr�� --,yr T '� -DW7nn ng Water und G Water WW -Water SW - Surface Water SO -Soil S0Sludge I -Oil LIQ-Other Liquid AIR -Air SOL-Other Solid cC—' ? L Address: 3)Sbz- Llt'F rr''J f'-��" Street (1y0J COf' •9.i r.r{� i0I&J-, e_ ,txY' City: MO.vaofV Sta : Zlp. y 6J/✓ c N L Project Can met Emetl: ( !(111f- % � cam C44{ Project# y%s_6 Phone #: r/ Fax # LW O¢(m..--T"74 140 i� Sampler(s) Names) (Printed) arc (_ y Sampler 1: Sam IAr 2•. µ Client Purchase Order # I SGS Orlando Sam le # Field ID / PoiM of Collection COLLECTION CONTNNERINFORNWTION °IiR sa,vLeo ar: NaTRix TOTPLr or eoTTLes Irk AA d A ; LAB USE ONLY r X Ct�" 4t1 round Time Business da" •a Data Deliverable Information Comments I Remarks* 10 Dpy.(Baei ss) Approved By:l Date: 7 Day 5 Day 3 Day RUSH 2 Day RUSH 1 Day RUSH Other Rush TIA Data Available VIA Email or Lablink ❑COMMERCIAL "A" (RESULTS ONLY) - OMMERCIAL "B" (RESULTS PLUS QC) ' []REDT1 (EPA LEVEL 3) [JFULLTI (EPA LEVEL 4) D'S -,�' Sam le Custodymust be documented below each ti esamples chance possession, Includingcourier delive $.!' - "° Relinquished by Sayy�mJplerlAffllltion 1 ��iN1G" (D(aa,te Time: 7 I` LiJ3 Received' eyfAffiliation (� /✓I 2 Y . C.- '- - Rehnquished'By/Afflliatjgn Da Time: Received By/Affllitlon 4 Relint u' ed by/Affiliatio 5 Date Time: Received By/A 'liatio 7 6 r Relinquished BylAfrillatlon 7 Date Time: Received y/Affiliation 8 Lab Use Only : Cooler Temperature jJ Celsius (corrected): htto://w .sas.comleniterms-and-condit�,� ORLD-SMT-0001-03-FORM-COC (4).)ds Rev 03131E FA63393: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 2 6 28 of 75 FA63393 SGS Sample Receipt Summary Job Number: FA63393 Client: GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Project: SYSCO CHARLOTTE,LLC Date / Time Received: 4/18/2019 9:00:00 AM Delivery Method: FX Airbill Vs: 1001910532560003281100786718236870 Therm ID: IR 1; Therm CIF: 0.4; Cooler Temps (Raw Measured) °C: Cooler 1: (2.4); Cooler Temps (Corrected) °C: Cooler 1: (2.8); Cooler Information 1. Custody Seals Present 2. Custody Seals Intact 3. Temp criteria achieved 4. Cooler temp verification 5. Cooler media Trio Blank Information 1. Trip Blank present / cooler 2. Trip Blank listed on COC 3. Type Of TB Received # of Coolers: 1 Y or N Sample Information Y or N N/A ❑d ❑ 1. Sample labels present on bottles ❑J ❑ ❑J ❑ 2. Samples preserved properly W ❑ ❑,i ❑ 3. Sufficient volume/containers recvd for analysis: ❑d ❑ IR Gun 4. Condition of sample Intact Ice (Bao 5. Sample recvd within HT 0 ❑ 6. Dates/Times/IDs on CDC match Sample Label ❑� ❑ Y or N N/A 7. VOCs have headspace ❑ ❑ W ❑ ❑ W 8. Bottles received for unspecified tests ❑ ❑d ❑ ❑ W 9. Compositing instructions clear ❑ ❑ ❑d W S N/A 10. Voa Soil Kits/Jars received past 48hrs? ❑ ❑ ❑� or 11. % Solids Jar received? ❑ ❑ ❑d ❑ ❑ W 12. Residual Chlorine Present? Misc. Information Number of Encores: 25-Gram 5-Gram Number of 5035 Field Kits: 3 Test Strip Lot #s: pH 0-3 230315 pH 10-12 219813A Residual Chlorine Test Strip Lot #: comments smool Technician: PETERH Date: 4/18/2019 9:00:00 AM Re, Date 05/24/17 Number of Lab Filtered Metals: Other: (Specify) Reviewer: Date: FA63393: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 2 6 29 of 75 FA63393 Orlando, FL MS Volatiles QC Data Summaries 60 i Section 5 Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries 6 30 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page l of l Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA2565-MB A0217915.13 1 04/19/19 AB n/a n/a VA2565 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA63393-1 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 108-20-3 Di -Isopropyl Ether ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.50 0.13 ug/1 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) ND 1.5 0.25 ug/1 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 106% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 109% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 99% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101% 70-130% 6 31 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch V3C172-MB 3C4353.D 1 04/22/19 SP n/a n/a V3C172 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA63393-2, FA63393-4 CAS No. Compound Result RL Method: SW846 8260D M DL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 200 100 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 5.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 25 7.3 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 5.0 1.3 ug/kg 110-82-7 Cyclohexane ND 5.0 1.3 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND 5.0 1.9 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-34-3 1, 1 -Dichloroethane ND 5.0 1.8 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-35-4 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis- 1, 2-Dichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.4 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans- 1, 2-Dichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 10061-02-6 trans- 1, 3-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 25 7.5 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 79-20-9 Methyl Acetate ND 25 8.9 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 108-87-2 Methylcyclohexane ND 5.0 1.7 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 20 11 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 25 7.5 ug/kg 32 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 2 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch WC172-MB 3C4353.D 1 04/22/19 SP n/a n/a V3C172 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8260D FA63393-2, FA63393-4 CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 5.0 1.3 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 20 10 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 71-55-6 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) ND 15 2.1 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 99% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 96% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 98% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99% 71-133% 6 33 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page l of l Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA2565-BS A0217913.13 1 04/19/19 AB n/a n/a VA2565 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA63393-1 CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 108-20-3 Di -Isopropyl Ether 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 91-20-3 Naphthalene 108-88-3 Toluene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene * = Outside of Control Limits. Spike BSP BSP ug/I ug/I % Limits 10 10.6 106 70-130 10 9.7 97 70-130 10 9.6 96 70-130 10 9.8 98 70-130 10 9.5 95 70-130 10 9.7 97 70-130 10 10.1 101 70-130 10 9.7 97 70-130 10 8.5 85 70-130 10 9.7 97 70-130 30 28.6 95 70-130 BSP Limits 104% 70-130% 104% 70-130% 96% 70-130% 97% 70-130% 6 34 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch V3C172-BS 3C4351.13 1 04/22/19 SP n/a n/a V3C172 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8260D FA63393-2, FA63393-4 CAS No. Compound Spike BSP BSP ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 67-64-1 Acetone 250 228 91 61-152 71-43-2 Benzene 50 47.2 94 76-126 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 50 51.4 103 74-130 75-25-2 Bromoform 50 52.2 104 76-127 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK) 250 210 84 75-137 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 50 44.1 88 71-128 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 50 43.1 86 72-122 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 50 47.3 95 78-133 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 50 47.3 95 81-129 75-00-3 Chloroethane 50 42.1 84 68-133 67-66-3 Chloroform 50 48.2 96 72-123 110-82-7 Cyclohexane 50 44.4 89 73-126 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane 50 52.1 104 76-127 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 50 45.2 90 70-137 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane 50 47.9 96 77-126 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50 51.6 103 68-168 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50 47.3 95 80-129 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 46.6 93 81-129 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 45.0 90 76-130 75-34-3 1, 1 -Dichloroethane 50 48.0 96 73-125 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 47.1 94 74-128 75-35-4 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene 50 43.4 87 81-136 156-59-2 cis- 1, 2-Dichloroethylene 50 47.8 96 74-126 156-60-5 trans- 1, 2-Dichloroethylene 50 44.6 89 70-127 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 50.1 100 74-125 10061-01-5 cis- 1, 3-Dichloropropene 50 48.1 96 80-123 10061-02-6 trans- 1, 3-Dichloropropene 50 51.8 104 75-131 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 50 47.4 95 77-123 591-78-6 2-Hexanone 250 219 88 72-133 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 50 50.0 100 80-136 79-20-9 Methyl Acetate 250 220 88 67-137 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide 50 48.7 97 65-139 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride 50 48.3 97 71-144 108-87-2 Methylcyclohexane 50 48.7 97 75-128 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 50 45.2 90 74-137 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 226 90 76-132 * = Outside of Control Limits. 01 35 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 2 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch WC172-13S 3C4351.13 1 04/22/19 SP n/a n/a V3C172 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA63393-2, FA63393-4 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 50 45.8 92 77-120 91-20-3 Naphthalene 50 46.4 93 79-129 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 50 46.4 93 80-135 100-42-5 Styrene 50 48.5 97 78-125 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 48.7 97 71-126 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 50 44.8 90 79-130 108-88-3 Toluene 50 47.7 95 76-124 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50 42.7 85 78-130 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 46.0 92 70-129 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 50.4 101 74-124 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 50 47.1 94 75-128 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 50 47.0 94 73-145 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 50 45.8 92 74-123 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 50 48.0 96 73-122 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 50 48.7 97 76-141 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 150 144 96 80-129 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 99% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 94% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 102% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 103% 71-133% * = Outside of Control Limits. Method: SW846 8260D 6 36 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA63327-lMS A0217920.D 100 04/19/19 AB n/a n/a VA2565 FA63327-1MSD A0217921.D 100 04/19/19 AB n/a n/a VA2565 FA63327-1 A0217916.D 50 04/19/19 AB n/a n/a VA2565 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA63393-1 FA63327-1 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/I Q ug/I ug/I % ug/I ug/I % RPD Rec/RPD 71-43-2 Benzene 1930 1000 3140 121 1000 3150 122 0 70-130/20 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 1000 1020 102 1000 1010 101 1 70-130/20 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1000 1010 101 1000 1000 100 1 70-130/20 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1000 1040 104 1000 1040 104 0 70-130/20 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1000 977 98 1000 986 99 1 70-130/20 108-20-3 Di -Isopropyl Ether 9.6 J 1000 1040 103 1000 999 99 4 70-130/20 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 36.7 1000 1100 106 1000 1090 105 1 70-130/20 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 37.2 1000 1040 100 1000 980 94 6 70-130/20 91-20-3 Naphthalene 425 1000 1500 108 1000 1420 100 5 70-130/20 108-88-3 Toluene 33.1 1000 1060 103 1000 1060 103 0 70-130/20 1330-20-7 Xylene(total) 64.9 J 3000 3110 102 3000 3070 100 1 70-130/20 CAS No. Su r r ogat e Recover i es MS MSD FA63327-1 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 102% 100% 102% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 95% 93% 110% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 96% 96% 99% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97% 99% 104% 70-130% * = Outside of Control Limits. 6 37 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA63387-5MS 3C4367.D 1 04/22/19 SP n/a n/a V3C172 FA63387-5MSD 3C4368.D 1 04/22/19 SP n/a n/a V3C172 FA63387-5 a 3C4354.D 1 04/22/19 SP n/a n/a V3C172 The QC reported hereappliesto thefollowing samples: FA63393-2, FA63393-4 Method: SW846 8260D FA63387-5 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 67-64-1 Acetone ND 15900 15800 99 15900 15800 99 0 61-152/27 71-43-2 Benzene ND 3180 2830 89 3180 2770 87 2 76-126/26 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 3180 3020 95 3180 3010 95 0 74-130/25 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 3180 2910 91 3180 2970 93 2 76-127/26 78-93-3 2-Butanone(MEK) ND 15900 14400 90 15900 14200 89 1 75-137/25 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 3180 2990 94 3180 2980 94 0 71-128/35 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide ND 3180 2980 94 3180 2940 92 1 72-122/29 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 3180 2780 87 3180 2770 87 0 78-133/29 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 3180 2900 91 3180 2880 90 1 81-129/29 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 3180 2220 70 3180 2180 68 2 68-133/29 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 3180 2890 91 3180 2840 89 2 72-123/26 110-82-7 Cyclohexane ND 3180 3070 96 3180 3000 94 2 73-126/32 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 3180 3010 95 3180 3040 95 1 76-127/27 96-12-8 1, 2-Dibromo-3 -chloropropane ND 3180 2450 77 3180 2550 80 4 70-137/29 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 3180 2920 92 3180 2940 92 1 77-126/26 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 3180 3600 113 3180 3480 109 3 68-168/29 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 3180 2860 90 3180 2890 91 1 80-129/32 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 3180 2900 91 3180 2920 92 1 81-129/33 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 3180 2840 89 3180 2850 90 0 76-130/32 75-34-3 1, 1 -Dichloroethane ND 3180 2830 89 3180 2750 86 3 73-125/27 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 3180 2930 92 3180 2840 89 3 74-128/23 75-35-4 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene ND 3180 2490 78* 3180 2410 76* 3 81-136/28 156-59-2 cis- 1, 2-Dichloroethylene ND 3180 2840 89 3180 2830 89 0 74-126/26 156-60-5 trans- 1, 2-Dichloroethylene ND 3180 2630 83 3180 2550 80 3 70-127/27 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 3180 3010 95 3180 2930 92 3 74-125/25 10061-01-5 cis- 1, 3 -Dichloropropene ND 3180 2890 91 3180 2830 89 2 80-123/26 10061-02-6 trans- 1, 3 -Dichloropropene ND 3180 3010 95 3180 3060 96 2 75-131/28 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 3180 2920 92 3180 2890 91 1 77-123/31 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 15900 13900 87 15900 13800 87 1 72-133/26 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 3180 3110 98 3180 3080 97 1 80-136/32 79-20-9 Methyl Acetate ND 15900 15400 97 15900 17700 111 14 67-137/30 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 3180 2790 88 3180 2860 90 2 65-139/31 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 3180 3150 99 3180 3050 96 3 71-144/27 108-87-2 Methylcyclohexane ND 3180 3370 106 3180 3310 104 2 75-128/31 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 3180 2660 84 3180 2560 80 4 74-137/28 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 15900 14400 90 15900 14400 90 0 76-132/26 * = Outside of Control Limits. 38 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 2of2 Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC ample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Bat& 'A63387-5MS 3C4367.D 1 04/22/19 SP n/a n/a V3C172 'A63387-5MSD 3C4368.D 1 04/22/19 SP n/a n/a V3C172 'A63387-5 a 3C4354.D 1 04/22/19 SP n/a n/a V3C172 The QC reported hereappliesto thefollowing samples: FA63393-2, FA63393-4 Method: SW846 8260D FA63387-5 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 3180 3040 95 3180 3050 96 0 77-120/24 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 3180 2670 84 3180 2750 86 3 79-129/33 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 3180 2830 89 3180 2820 89 0 80-135/33 100-42-5 Styrene ND 3180 2990 94 3180 2940 92 2 78-125/30 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 3180 2790 88 3180 2830 89 1 71-126/30 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 3180 3000 94 3180 2950 93 2 79-130/31 108-88-3 Toluene ND 3180 2840 89 3180 2810 88 1 76-124/30 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 3180 2830 89 3180 2840 89 0 78-130/34 71-55-6 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane ND 3180 2770 87 3180 2730 86 1 70-129/27 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 3180 3000 94 3180 2990 94 0 74-124/28 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 3180 2880 90 3180 2840 89 1 75-128/27 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 3180 1350 42* 3180 1310 41* 3 73-145/31 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 3180 2820 89 3180 2790 88 1 74-123/34 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 3180 2920 92 3180 2920 92 0 73-122/33 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 3180 3050 96 3180 2970 93 3 76-141/27 1330-20-7 Xylene(total) ND 9550 8920 93 9550 8840 93 1 80-129/30 CAS No. Su r r ogate Recover i es MS MSD FA63387-5 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 100% 99% 99% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 95% 94% 96% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 101% 101% 99% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100% 102% 96% 71-133% (a) Dilution required due to matrix interference (sample foamed). * = Outside of Control Limits. 6 39 of 75 FA63393 Orlando, FL MS Semi-volatiles QC Data Summaries :10 i Section 6 Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries 0 6 40 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 3 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74685-MB 61703947.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA63393-1 CAS No. Compound Result RL Method: EPA 625.1 M DL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 50 10 ug/1 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 5.0 0.59 ug/1 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 5.0 0.63 ug/1 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 5.0 0.84 ug/1 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 5.0 0.74 ug/1 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 25 5.0 ug/1 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 10 2.0 ug/1 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 5.0 0.56 ug/1 3&4-Methylphenol ND 5.0 0.98 ug/1 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 5.0 0.85 ug/1 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 25 5.0 ug/1 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 25 5.0 ug/1 108-95-2 Phenol ND 5.0 0.50 ug/1 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 5.0 0.75 ug/1 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 5.0 0.63 ug/1 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 5.0 0.64 ug/1 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 5.0 0.80 ug/1 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 5.0 0.76 ug/1 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.0 0.78 ug/1 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.0 0.78 ug/1 191-24-2 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene ND 5.0 0.82 ug/1 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.0 0.86 ug/1 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether ND 5.0 0.85 ug/1 85-68-7 Butyl Benzyl Phthalate ND 5.0 1.0 ug/1 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 5.0 0.63 ug/1 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 5.0 0.81 ug/1 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 5.0 0.73 ug/1 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) ND 5.0 0.76 ug/1 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/1 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether ND 5.0 0.54 ug/1 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 5.0 0.85 ug/1 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 5.0 0.80 ug/1 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 5.0 0.60 ug/1 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 5.0 0.64 ug/1 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 5.0 1.0 ug/1 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 5.0 1.0 ug/1 01 41 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 2 of 3 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74685-MB 61703947.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: EPA 625.1 FA63393-1 CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 5.0 1.0 ug/I 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 5.0 1.0 ug/I 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 5.0 0.81 ug/I 606-20-2 2, 6-Dinitrotoluene ND 5.0 0.71 ug/I 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 5.0 1.0 ug/I 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 5.0 0.55 ug/I 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 5.0 0.70 ug/I 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 5.0 0.69 ug/I 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/I 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 5.0 1.8 ug/I 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 5.0 1.6 ug/I 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.0 0.71 ug/I 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 5.0 0.78 ug/I 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.0 0.53 ug/I 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.0 0.60 ug/I 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 0.50 ug/I 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 5.0 0.93 ug/I 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 5.0 0.67 ug/I 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 5.0 0.81 ug/I 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 5.0 0.86 ug/I 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 5.0 0.68 ug/I CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 58% 14-67% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 46% 10-50% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 76% 33-118% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 97% 42-108% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 84% 40-106% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 90% 39-121% CAS No. Tentatively Identified Compounds R.T. Est. Conc. Units Q Total TIC, Semi -Volatile a 0 ug/1 6 42 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 3 of 3 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74685-MB 61703947.1) 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S617147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: FA63393-1 (a) No TICS detected. Cal 43 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74701-MB 61703962.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/22/19 OP74701 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA63393-2, FA63393-4 CAS No. Compound Result RL Method: SW846 8270E M DL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 830 170 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 170 20 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 170 44 ug/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 330 67 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 170 20 ug/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 170 27 ug/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 170 18 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 170 17 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 170 18 ug/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 170 17 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 170 19 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 170 17 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 170 20 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 170 18 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene ND 170 17 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 170 22 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 170 17 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 170 42 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 170 17 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 170 19 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(l-chloropropane) ND 170 21 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 170 17 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 170 17 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 170 17 ug/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 170 21 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 170 17 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 170 40 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 330 33 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 6 44 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 2 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74701-MB 61703962.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/22/19 OP74701 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8270E FA63393-2, FA63393-4 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 330 67 ug/kg 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 170 17 ug/kg 606-20-2 2, 6-Dinitrotoluene ND 170 21 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 330 33 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 170 17 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 170 18 ug/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 170 17 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 170 33 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 170 20 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 170 20 ug/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 170 17 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 170 17 ug/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 170 17 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 170 17 ug/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 170 17 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 170 18 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 170 17 ug/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 170 19 ug/kg CAS No. Su r r ogat e Recover i es Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 77% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 84% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 64% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 81% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 71% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 83% 45-119% 6 45 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74685-BS 61703946.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: EPA 625.1 FA63393-1 CAS No. Compound Spike BSP BSP ug/I ug/I % Limits 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 100 51.8 52 10-69 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol 50 54.5 109* 54-103 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol 50 46.0 92 52-98 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 50 47.3 95 53-103 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 50 50.7 101* 43-90 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol 100 86.1 86 44-112 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 100 99.2 99 66-121 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 50 43.1 86 43-90 3&4-Methylphenol 100 83.3 83 36-88 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol 50 47.1 94 53-102 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 100 84.8 85* 18-62 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 100 98.8 99 61-115 108-95-2 Phenol 50 23.8 48 19-56 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 50 48.6 97 59-107 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 50 45.7 91 61-107 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 50 48.8 98 60-104 120-12-7 Anthracene 50 48.5 97 65-108 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 50 51.0 102 66-111 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 50 47.4 95 62-107 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 50 49.8 100 65-114 191-24-2 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene 50 46.1 92 66-116 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 50 51.0 102 65-114 101-55-3 4-BromophenylPhenyl Ether 50 43.4 87 65-109 85-68-7 Butyl Benzyl Phthalate 50 55.8 112 65-112 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline 50 42.3 85 49-105 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 50 50.8 102 51-102 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 50 48.6 97 53-100 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) 50 62.0 124* 45-106 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 50 44.6 89 57-103 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl Phenyl Ether 50 46.9 94 62-105 218-01-9 Chrysene 50 49.2 98 66-111 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 50 46.3 93 66-119 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 50 48.3 97 61-106 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 50 46.3 93 46-117 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate 50 54.0 108 64-108 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate 50 51.5 103 63-106 * = Outside of Control Limits. 01 46 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 2 of 2 ;ample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Bat& )P74685-BS 61703946.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA63393-1 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/I ug/I % Limits 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate 50 56.1 112* 65-107 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate 50 63.3 127* 62-118 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 50 51.5 103 61-110 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 50 49.4 99 63-108 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 50 56.4 113 61-117 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 50 49.6 99 63-106 86-73-7 Fluorene 50 49.8 100 62-108 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 50 40.0 80 63-108 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 50 40.4 81 42-102 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 50 36.9 74 39-102 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 50 46.4 93 42-100 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 50 46.4 93 64-119 78-59-1 Isophorone 50 50.3 101* 43-87 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 50 44.5 89 53-102 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 50 46.3 93 51-102 91-20-3 Naphthalene 50 47.4 95 47-100 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 50 50.5 101 50-104 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 50 53.5 107* 52-104 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 50 45.0 90 64-108 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 50 48.2 96 66-110 129-00-0 Pyrene 50 50.1 100 64-113 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 66% 14-67% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 51%* a 10-50% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 80% 33-118% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 104% 42-108% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 90% 40-106% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 88% 39-121% (a) Outside control limits * = Outside of Control Limits. Method: EPA 625.1 01 47 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74701-BS 61703961.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/22/19 OP74701 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8270E FA63393-2, FA63393-4 CAS No. Compound Spike BSP BSP ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 3330 2800 84 36-118 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol 1670 1530 92 52-108 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol 1670 1300 78 48-104 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1670 1340 80 51-105 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1670 1460 88 43-96 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol 3330 2280 68 40-119 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 3330 2910 87 64-121 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 1670 1300 78 46-107 3&4-Methylphenol 3330 2690 81 44-111 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol 1670 1280 77 49-104 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 3330 3830 115 56-116 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 3330 2760 83 61-114 108-95-2 Phenol 1670 1290 77 45-110 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1670 1350 81 56-109 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 1670 1280 77 56-109 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 1670 1360 82 56-106 120-12-7 Anthracene 1670 1400 84 61-110 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 1670 1490 89 66-111 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 1670 1400 84 59-104 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1670 1510 91 67-113 191-24-2 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene 1670 1380 83 67-113 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1670 1480 89 67-114 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1670 1280 77 62-110 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1670 1710 103 65-113 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline 1670 1020 61 30-115 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1670 1390 83 48-105 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1670 1300 78 46-103 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) 1670 1650 99 40-110 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 1670 1260 76 53-106 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1670 1300 78 58-106 218-01-9 Chrysene 1670 1450 87 65-112 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1670 1350 81 68-115 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 1670 1320 79 57-108 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1670 1260 76 36-114 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate 1670 1500 90 61-109 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate 1670 1400 84 59-108 * = Outside of Control Limits. 6 48 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 2 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74701-BS 61703961.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/22/19 OP74701 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA63393-2, FA63393-4 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate 1670 1960 118 64-119 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate 1670 1620 97 63-108 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1670 1410 85 59-109 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1670 1350 81 61-107 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1670 1720 103 64-115 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 1670 1380 83 60-108 86-73-7 Fluorene 1670 1370 82 58-109 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 1670 1200 72 59-111 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1670 1140 68 41-108 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1670 978 59 49-110 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 1670 1230 74 40-105 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1670 1380 83 66-116 78-59-1 Isophorone 1670 1370 82 42-89 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 1670 1220 73 49-106 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 1670 1270 76 47-106 91-20-3 Naphthalene 1670 1300 78 44-104 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 1670 1400 84 43-108 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1670 1430 86 48-108 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1670 1330 80 62-110 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 1670 1400 84 63-111 129-00-0 Pyrene 1670 1550 93 65-115 CAS No. Su r r ogat e Recover i es BSP Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 78% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 85% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 69% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 84% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 74% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 80% 45-119% * = Outside of Control Limits. Method: SW846 8270E 6 49 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike(Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74685-MS 61703950.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S617147 OP74685-MSD 61703951.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S617147 FA63368-2 61703960.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA63393-1 CAS No. Compound FA63368-2 Spike MS ug/I Q ug/I ug/I Method: EPA 625.1 MS Spike MSD MSD Limits % ug/I ug/I % RPD Rec/RPD 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 51 U 200 91.7 46 200 83.4 42 9 10-69/39 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol 5.1 U 100 94.8 95 100 96.9 97 2 54-103/23 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol 5.1 U 100 75.0 75 100 76.5 77 2 52-98/25 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 5.1 U 100 79.3 79 100 81.2 81 2 53-103/26 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 5.1 U 100 85.1 85 100 87.2 87 2 43-90/27 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol 26 U 200 167 84 200 168 84 1 44-112/25 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 10 U 200 193 97 200 196 98 2 66-121/23 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 5.1 U 100 69.2 69 100 70.6 71 2 43-90/28 3&4-Methylphenol 5.1 U 200 133 67 200 136 68 2 36-88/28 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol 5.1 U 100 78.2 78 100 81.3 81 4 53-102/29 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 26 U 200 156 78* 200 146 73* 7 18-62/33 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 26 U 200 192 96 200 192 96 0 61-115/26 108-95-2 Phenol 5.1 U 100 37.2 37 100 36.9 37 1 19-56/35 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 5.1 U 100 83.7 84 100 84.6 85 1 59-107/23 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 5.1 U 100 80.7 81 100 83.1 83 3 61-107/22 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 5.1 U 100 87.5 88 100 88.8 89 1 60-104/22 120-12-7 Anthracene 5.1 U 100 92.9 93 100 92.4 92 1 65-108/20 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 5.1 U 100 97.2 97 100 98.8 99 2 66-111/22 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 5.1 U 100 91.7 92 100 91.4 91 0 62-107/23 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 5.1 U 100 97.6 98 100 98.6 99 1 65-114/23 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 5.1 U 100 89.2 89 100 89.3 89 0 66-116/23 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 5.1 U 100 96.5 97 100 95.6 96 1 65-114/24 101-55-3 4-BromophenylPhenyl Ether 5.1 U 100 81.3 81 100 81.3 81 0 65-109/23 85-68-7 Butyl Benzyl Phthalate 5.1 U 100 108 108 100 110 110 2 65-112/24 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline 5.1 U 100 75.7 76 100 74.4 74 2 49-105/27 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 5.1 U 100 87.1 87 100 87.8 88 1 51-102/28 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 5.1 U 100 82.0 82 100 83.9 84 2 53-100/27 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) 5.1 U 100 104 104 100 107 107* 3 45-106/26 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 5.1 U 100 77.5 78 100 79.8 80 3 57-103/23 7005-72-3 4-ChlorophenylPhenyl Ether 5.1 U 100 83.6 84 100 84.9 85 2 62-105/20 218-01-9 Chrysene 5.1 U 100 95.1 95 100 95.3 95 0 66-111/22 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 5.1 U 100 89.2 89 100 89.4 89 0 66-119/24 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 5.1 U 100 86.1 86 100 87.0 87 1 61-106/21 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 5.1 U 100 88.5 89 100 89.1 89 1 46-117/29 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate 5.1 U 100 100 100 100 102 102 2 64-108/21 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate 5.1 U 100 92.9 93 100 94.8 95 2 63-106/22 * = Outside of Control Limits. 01 50 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike(Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 2of2 Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC ;ample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batcr )P74685-MS 61703950.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S617147 )P74685-MSD 61703951.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S617147 'A63368-2 61703960.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/20/19 OP74685 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: EPA 625.1 FA63393-1 FA63368-2 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/I Q ug/I ug/I % ug/I ug/I % RPD Rec/RPD 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate 5.1 U 100 108 108* 100 108 108* 0 65-107/21 117-84-0 Di-n-octylPhthalate 5.1 U 100 122 122* 100 121 121* 1 62-118/24 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 5.1 U 100 97.0 97 100 97.1 97 0 61-110/21 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 5.1 U 100 89.3 89 100 90.4 90 1 63-108/21 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 5.1 U 100 109 109 100 ill ill 2 61-117/23 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 5.1 U 100 95.3 95 100 95.6 96 0 63-106/21 86-73-7 Fluorene 5.1 U 100 90.2 90 100 92.2 92 2 62-108/20 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 5.1 U 100 77.5 78 100 77.5 78 0 63-108/22 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 5.1 U 100 69.8 70 100 70.7 71 1 42-102/28 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 5.1 U 100 63.8 64 100 65.3 65 2 39-102/29 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 5.1 U 100 77.3 77 100 78.9 79 2 42-100/29 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 5.1 U 100 90.0 90 100 89.6 90 0 64-119/24 78-59-1 Isophorone 5.1 U 100 85.9 86 100 86.4 86 1 43-87/25 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 5.1 U 100 76.9 77 100 77.2 77 0 53-102/27 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 5.1 U 100 81.5 82 100 81.0 81 1 51-102/26 91-20-3 Naphthalene 5.1 U 100 81.2 81 100 83.0 83 2 47-100/29 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 5.1 U 100 86.6 87 100 88.6 89 2 50-104/28 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 5.1 U 100 91.4 91 100 93.6 94 2 52-104/25 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 5.1 U 100 85.5 86 100 86.1 86 1 64-108/23 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 5.1 U 100 91.7 92 100 92.2 92 1 66-110/21 129-00-0 Pyrene 5.1 U 100 96.4 96 100 97.4 97 1 64-113/23 CAS No. SurrogateRecoveries MS MSD FA63368-2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 50% 50% 21% 14-67% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 39% 38% 14% 10-50% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 74% 75% 63% 33-118% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 86% 87% 60% 42-108% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 76% 78% 50% 40-106% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-dl4 83% 85% 78% 39-121% * = Outside of Control Limits. Cal 51 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike(Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page l of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74701-MS 61703966.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/22/19 OP74701 S617147 OP74701-MSD 61703967.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/22/19 OP74701 S617147 FA63391-1 61703965.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/22/19 OP74701 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8270E FA63393-2, FA63393-4 FA63391-1 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 4070 2880 71 4060 3030 75 5 36-118/41 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 2040 1550 76 2030 1620 80 4 52-108/21 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 2040 1340 66 2030 1380 68 3 48-104/26 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 2040 1350 66 2030 1380 68 2 51-105/27 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 2040 1510 74 2030 1560 77 3 43-96/23 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 4070 2450 60 4060 2650 65 8 40-119/32 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 4070 3120 77 4060 3360 83 7 64-121/29 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 2040 1340 66 2030 1380 68 3 46-107/24 3&4-Methylphenol ND 4070 2760 68 4060 2860 70 4 44-111/24 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 2040 1310 64 2030 1360 67 4 49-104/27 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 4070 4110 101 4060 4410 109 7 56-116/23 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 4070 2970 73 4060 3220 79 8 61-114/23 108-95-2 Phenol ND 2040 1310 64 2030 1360 67 4 45-110/24 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 2040 1430 70 2030 1480 73 3 56-109/25 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 2040 1330 65 2030 1380 68 4 56-109/23 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 2040 1430 70 2030 1470 72 3 56-106/23 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 2040 1480 73 2030 1580 78 7 61-110/21 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 2040 1570 77 2030 1700 84 8 66-111/23 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 2040 1470 72 2030 1580 78 7 59-104/23 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 2040 1530 75 2030 1640 81 7 67-113/24 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 2040 1410 69 2030 1590 78 12 67-113/21 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 2040 1580 78 2030 1710 84 8 67-114/22 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 2040 1330 65 2030 1440 71 8 62-110/21 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 2040 1820 89 2030 1960 97 7 65-113/20 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 2040 1010 50 2030 1010 50 0 30-115/30 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 2040 1420 70 2030 1470 72 3 48-105/24 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 2040 1340 66 2030 1350 66 1 46-103/27 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) ND 2040 1740 85 2030 1760 87 1 40-110/25 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 2040 1310 64 2030 1340 66 2 53-106/23 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 2040 1380 68 2030 1420 70 3 58-106/21 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 2040 1550 76 2030 1660 82 7 65-112/25 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 2040 1410 69 2030 1560 77 10 68-115/23 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 2040 1390 68 2030 1440 71 4 57-108/22 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 2040 1170 57 2030 1300 64 11 36-114/28 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 2040 1610 79 2030 1690 83 5 61-109/20 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 2040 1500 74 2030 1570 77 5 59-108/20 * = Outside of Control Limits. 01 52 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike(Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 2of2 Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC iample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch )P74701-MS 61703966.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/22/19 OP74701 S617147 )P74701-MSD 61703967.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/22/19 OP74701 S617147 �A63391-1 61703965.13 1 04/22/19 NJ 04/22/19 OP74701 S6F147 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8270E FA63393-2, FA63393-4 FA63391-1 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 117-84-0 Di-n-octylPhthalate ND 2040 2080 102 2030 2220 109 7 64-119/21 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 2040 1710 84 2030 1860 92 8 63-108/19 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND 2040 1490 73 2030 1610 79 8 59-109/20 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 2040 1440 71 2030 1520 75 5 61-107/22 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 492 2040 1830 66 2030 1970 73 7 64-115/23 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 2040 1430 70 2030 1570 77 9 60-108/25 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 2040 1440 71 2030 1510 74 5 58-109/21 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 2040 1250 61 2030 1380 68 10 59-111/21 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 2040 1150 56 2030 1190 59 3 41-108/27 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 2040 1070 53 2030 1090 54 2 49-110/31 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 2040 1250 61 2030 1270 63 2 40-105/32 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 2040 1420 70 2030 1580 78 11 66-116/22 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 2040 1390 68 2030 1440 71 4 42-89/22 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 2040 1240 61 2030 1280 63 3 49-106/26 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 2040 1300 64 2030 1340 66 3 47-106/27 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 2040 1320 65 2030 1350 66 2 44-104/27 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 2040 1430 70 2030 1470 72 3 43-108/25 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 2040 1460 72 2030 1510 74 3 48-108/27 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 2040 1390 68 2030 1510 74 8 62-110/21 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 2040 1470 72 2030 1590 78 8 63-111/22 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 2040 1640 80 2030 1770 87 8 65-115/25 CAS No. SurrogateRecoveries MS MSD FA63391-1 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 66% 68% 67% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 71% 73% 74% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 60% 66% 59% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 70% 73% 71% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 64% 66% 64% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-dl4 70% 76% 71% 45-119% * = Outside of Control Limits. 6 53 of 75 FA63393 i SG$ Orlando, FL -me" Section 7 GC Volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries 6 54 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch GUU1428-MB UU027484.13 1 04/19/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1428 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEP VPHREV 1.1 FA63393-2, FA63393-3, FA63393-4 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 51 51 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 100 51 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 100 51 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 260 150 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 100 51 ug/kg m,p-Xylene ND 200 100 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 100 51 ug/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 5100 1800 ug/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 5100 1800 ug/kg C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND 5100 1800 ug/kg C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 5100 1800 ug/kg C9- C12 Aliphatics ND 5100 1800 ug/kg C9- C10 Aromatics ND 5100 1800 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 460-00-4 BFB 110% 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 102% 70-130% 6 55 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch GUU1429-MB UU027517.13 1 04/22/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1429 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEP VPHREV 1.1 FA63393-1 CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 1.0 1.0 ug/1 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 2.0 1.0 ug/1 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 2.0 1.0 ug/1 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 3.0 ug/1 108-88-3 Toluene ND 2.0 1.0 ug/1 m,p-Xylene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/1 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 2.0 1.0 ug/1 C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 100 35 ug/1 C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 100 35 ug/1 C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND 100 35 ug/1 C5- C8 Aliphatics ND 100 35 ug/1 C9- C12 Aliphatics ND 100 35 ug/1 C9- C10 Aromatics ND 100 35 ug/1 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 460-00-4 BFB 115% 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 109% 70-130% 6 56 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74692-MB DD105993.1) 1 04/22/19 NM 04/22/19 OP74692 GDD3057 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: EPA504.1 V FA63393-1 w CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.020 0.010 ug/l CAS No. Sur r ogat e Recover i es Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97% 63-137% 6 57 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74692-BS DD105991.1) 1 04/22/19 NNI 04/22/19 OP74692 GDD3057 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: EPA504.1 FA63393-1 CAS No. Compound 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene * = Outside of Control Limits. Spike BSP BSP ug/I ug/I % Limits 0.25 0.30 120 70-130 BSP Limits 102% 63-137% 6 58 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74692-BS2 DD105992.1) 1 04/22/19 NNI 04/22/19 OP74692 GDD3057 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: EPA504.1 FA63393-1 CAS No. Compound 106-93-4 1, 2-Dibromoethane CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene * = Outside of Control Limits. Spike BSP BSP ug/I ug/I % Limits 0.25 0.29 116 70-130 BSP Limits 99% 63-137% V N N 6 59 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch GUU1428-BS UU027473.D 1 04/19/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1428 GUU 1428-BSD UU027474. D 1 04/ 19/ 19 SH n/a n/a GUU 1428 The QC reported here appl i es to the f ol I owi ng samples: Method: MADEP VPH REV 1.1 FA63393-2, FA63393-3, FA63393-4 Spi ke BSP BSP BSD BSD CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg % 71-43-2 Benzene 4160 4610 111 4570 110 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 4160 4780 115 4730 114 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 4160 4620 111 4490 108 91-20-3 Naphthalene 4160 3740 90 3490 84 108-88-3 Toluene 4160 4750 114 4700 113 m,p-Xylene 8320 9500 114 9350 112 95-47-6 o-Xylene 4160 4790 115 4690 113 C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) 12500 16200 130 15400 123 C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) 8320 9210 ill 9600 115 C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) 4160 4990 120 4700 113 C9- C10 Aromatics 4160 4990 120 4700 113 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP BSD Limits 460-00-4 BFB 92% 84% 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 87% 80% 70-130% * = Outside of Control Limits. Limits RPD RedRPD 1 70-130/25 1 70-130/25 3 70-130/25 7 70-130/25 1 70-130/25 2 70-130/25 2 70-130/25 5 70-130/25 4 70-130/25 6 70-130/25 6 70-130/25 6 60 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch GUU1429-BS UU027515.13 1 04/22/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1429 GUU1429-BSD UU027516.13 1 04/22/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1429 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEP VPHREV 1.1 FA63393-1 Spike BSP BSP BSD BSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/I ug/I % ug/I % RPD Rec/RPD 71-43-2 Benzene 80 79.8 100 82.0 103 3 70-130/25 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 80 80.4 101 83.5 104 4 70-130/25 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 80 80.1 100 82.7 103 3 70-130/25 91-20-3 Naphthalene 80 77.0 96 83.8 105 8 70-130/25 108-88-3 Toluene 80 80.8 101 83.5 104 3 70-130/25 m,p-Xylene 160 161 101 168 105 4 70-130/25 95-47-6 o-Xylene 80 81.0 101 84.6 106 4 70-130/25 C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) 240 250 104 251 105 0 70-130/25 C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) 160 178 111 179 112 1 70-130/25 C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) 80 82.2 103 89.6 112 9 70-130/25 C5- C8 Aliphatics ND ND nc 70-130/25 C9- C12 Aliphatics ND ND nc 70-130/25 C9- C10 Aromatics 80 82.2 103 89.6 112 9 70-130/25 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP BSD Limits 460-00-4 BFB 111% 113% 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 107% 109% 70-130% * = Outside of Control Limits. 6 61 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA63387-lMS UU027500.13 1 04/20/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1428 FA63387-1 UU027476.13 1 04/19/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1428 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEP VPHREV 1.1 FA63393-2, FA63393-3, FA63393-4 FA63387-1 Spike MS Ms CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 71-43-2 Benzene ND 6040 6630 110 70-130 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 6040 6860 114 70-130 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 6040 7450 123 70-130 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 6040 5730 95 70-130 108-88-3 Toluene ND 6040 6840 113 70-130 m,p-Xylene ND 12100 13500 112 70-130 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 6040 6920 115 70-130 C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 36200 49600 137* 70-130 C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND 30200 48500 161* 70-130 C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND 18100 11500 64* 70-130 C9- C10 Aromatics ND 18100 11500 64* 70-130 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS FA63387-1 Limits 460-00-4 BFB 102% 125% 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 98% 115% 70-130% * = Outside of Control Limits. P- 6 62 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA63473-4MS UU027531.13 1 04/23/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1429 FA63473-4 UU027529.13 1 04/22/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1429 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA63393-1 FA63473-4 Spike MS CAS No. Compound ug/I Q ug/I ug/I 71-43-2 Benzene 1.0 U 80 80.2 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 2.0 U 80 81.2 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 2.0 U 80 84.7 91-20-3 Naphthalene 5.0 U 80 83.6 108-88-3 Toluene 2.0 U 80 81.8 m,p-Xylene 4.0 U 160 163 95-47-6 o-Xylene 2.0 U 80 83.2 C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) 100 U 480 519 C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) 100 U 400 599 C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) 100 U 240 144 C5- C8 Aliphatics 100 U 273 C9- C12 Aliphatics 100 U 271 C9- C10 Aromatics 100 U 240 144 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS 460-00-4 BFB 110% 460-00-4 BFB 105% * = Outside of Control Limits. Method: MADEP VPH REV 1.1 MS % Limits 100 70-130 102 70-130 106 70-130 105 70-130 102 70-130 102 70-130 104 70-130 108 70-130 150* 70-130 60* 70-130 70-130 70-130 60* 70-130 FA63473-4 Limits 104% 70-130% 99% 70-130% V P, iv 6 63 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page I of Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74692-MS DD105996.1) 1 04/22/19 NM 04/22/19 OP74692 GDD3057 OP74692-MSD DD105997.D 1 04/22/19 NM 04/22/19 OP74692 GDD3057 FA63393-1 DD105994.D 1 04/22/19 NM 04/22/19 OP74692 GDD3057 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: EPA504.1 FA63393-1 V FA63393-1 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/I Q ug/I ug/I % ug/I ug/I % RPD Rec/RPD 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.238 0.22 93 0.236 0.21 89 5 70-130/25 CAS No. Sur r ogat e Recover i es MS MSD FA63393-1 Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 76% 77% 90% 63-137% * = Outside of Control Limits. 6 64 of 75 FA63393 Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA63387-1DUP UU027499.13 1 04/19/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1428 FA63387-1 UU027476.13 1 04/19/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1428 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEP VPHREV 1.1 FA63393-2, FA63393-3, FA63393-4 FA63387-1 DUP CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg Q RPD Limits 71-43-2 Benzene ND ND nc 50 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND ND nc 50 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND ND nc 50 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND ND nc 50 108-88-3 Toluene ND ND nc 50 m,p-Xylene ND ND nc 50 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND ND nc 50 C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND ND nc 50 C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) ND ND nc 50 C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND ND nc 50 C5- C8 Aliphatics ND ND nc 50 C9- C12 Aliphatics ND ND nc 50 C9- C10 Aromatics ND ND nc 50 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries DUP FA63387-1 Limits 460-00-4 BFB 115% 125% 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 107% 115% 70-130% * = Outside of Control Limits. 6 65 of 75 FA63393 Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA63473-4DUP UU027530.13 1 04/22/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1429 FA63473-4 UU027529.13 1 04/22/19 SH n/a n/a GUU1429 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEP VPHREV 1.1 FA63393-1 V� iv FA 63473-4 D U P CAS No. Compound ug/I Q ug/I Q RPD Limits 71-43-2 Benzene 1.0 U ND nc 50 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 2.0 U ND nc 50 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 2.0 U ND nc 50 91-20-3 Naphthalene 5.0 U ND nc 50 108-88-3 Toluene 2.0 U ND nc 50 m,p-Xylene 4.0 U ND nc 50 95-47-6 o-Xylene 2.0 U ND nc 50 C5- C8 Aliphatics (Unadj.) 100 U ND nc 50 C9- C12 Aliphatics (Unadj.) 100 U ND nc 50 C9- C10 Aromatics (Unadj.) 100 U ND nc 50 C5- C8 Aliphatics 100 U ND nc 50 C9- C12 Aliphatics 100 U ND nc 50 C9- C10 Aromatics 100 U ND nc 50 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries DUP FA63473-4 Limits 460-00-4 BFB 106% 104% 70-130% 460-00-4 BFB 100% 99% 70-130% * = Outside of Control Limits. 6 66 of 75 FA63393 i SG$ i Orlando, FL Section 8 GC/LC Semi-volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries a 6 67 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74676-MB NN025029.13 1 04/23/19 RS 04/19/19 OP74676 GNN1228 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEPEPHREVIA FA63393-1 CAS No. Compound Result RL M DL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 191-24-2 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 4.0 2.0 ug/I CII-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND 200 80 ug/I C11-C22 Aromatics ND 200 80 ug/I C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 200 50 ug/I C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 200 50 ug/I CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 51% 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 71% 40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 67% 40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 61% 40-140% 6 68 of 75 FA63393 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74731-MB NN025092.13 1 04/25/19 RS 04/23/19 OP74731 GNN1230 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEPEPHREVIA FA63393-2, FA63393-3, FA63393-4 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 200 100 ug/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 200 100 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 200 100 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 200 100 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 200 100 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 200 100 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene ND 200 100 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 200 100 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 200 100 ug/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 200 100 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 200 100 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 200 100 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 200 100 ug/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 200 100 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 200 100 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 200 100 ug/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 200 100 ug/kg CII-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) ND 10000 4000 ug/kg C11-C22 Aromatics ND 10000 4000 ug/kg C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 10000 2500 ug/kg C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 10000 2500 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 61% 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 78% 40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 77% 40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 67% 40-140% PO N 6 69 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike(Blank Spike Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74676-BS NN025027.13 1 04/23/19 RS 04/19/19 OP74676 GNN1228 OP74676-BSD NN025028.13 1 04/23/19 RS 04/19/19 OP74676 GNN1228 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEPEPHREVIA FA63393-1 Spike BSP BSP BSD BSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/I ug/I % ug/I % RPD Rec/RPD 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 100 57.3 57 53.2 53 7 40-140/30 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 100 68.6 69 63.9 64 7 40-140/30 120-12-7 Anthracene 100 72.1 72 64.1 64 12 40-140/30 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 100 76.8 77 67.8 68 12 40-140/30 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 100 72.9 73 64.9 65 12 40-140/30 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 100 77.6 78 68.8 69 12 40-140/30 191-24-2 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene 100 74.0 74 65.9 66 12 40-140/30 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 100 79.5 80 70.9 71 11 40-140/30 218-01-9 Chrysene 100 78.4 78 69.5 70 12 40-140/30 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 100 77.8 78 69.2 69 12 40-140/30 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 100 74.8 75 66.2 66 12 40-140/30 86-73-7 Fluorene 100 63.1 63 58.2 58 8 40-140/30 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 100 75.6 76 67.3 67 12 40-140/30 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 100 51.3 51 47.7 48 7 40-140/30 91-20-3 Naphthalene 100 46.0 46 43.4 43 6 40-140/30 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 100 67.8 68 61.5 62 10 40-140/30 129-00-0 Pyrene 100 76.4 76 67.7 68 12 40-140/30 CII-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) 1700 1260 74 1140 67 10 40-140/30 C11-C22 Aromatics 1700 ND 0* ND 0* nc 50-150/30 a C9-C18 Aliphatics 600 357 60 300 50 17 40-140/30 C19-C36 Aliphatics 800 598 75 502 63 17 40-140/30 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP BSD Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 61% 51% 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 99% 83% 40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 76% 69% 40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 83% 70% 40-140% Sample Compound Col #1 Col #2 Breakthrough Limit OP74676-BS 2-Methylnaphthalene 51.3 ND 0.0% 5.0 OP74676-BS Naphthalene 46.0 ND 0.0% 5.0 OP74676-BSD 2-Methylnaphthalene 47.7 ND 0.0% 5.0 OP74676-BSD Naphthalene 43.4 ND 0.0% 5.0 * = Outside of Control Limits. F0 iIj L 6 70 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Proj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 2 of 2 Sample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP74676-BS NN025027.D 1 04/23/19 RS 04/19/19 OP74676 GNN1228 OP74676-BSD NN025028.D 1 04/23/19 RS 04/19/19 OP74676 GNN1228 The QC reported here appl i es to the f ol I owi ng samples: FA63393-1 (a) Advisory control limits. * = Outside of Control Limits. Method: MADEP EPH REV 1.1 w N 6 71 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike(Blank Spike Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page l of 2 ;ample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batcr )P74731-BS NN025090.13 1 04/25/19 RS 04/23/19 OP74731 GNN1230 )P74731-BSD NN025091.13 1 04/25/19 RS 04/23/19 OP74731 GNN1230 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEPEPHREVIA FA63393-2, FA63393-3, FA63393-4 Spike BSP BSP BSD BSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 5000 2920 58 2980 60 2 40-140/30 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 5000 3480 70 3540 71 2 40-140/30 120-12-7 Anthracene 5000 3790 76 3630 73 4 40-140/30 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 5000 4010 80 3800 76 5 40-140/30 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 5000 3770 75 3580 72 5 40-140/30 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 5000 4000 80 3780 76 6 40-140/30 191-24-2 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene 5000 3830 77 3620 72 6 40-140/30 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 5000 4090 82 3890 78 5 40-140/30 218-01-9 Chrysene 5000 4070 81 3870 77 5 40-140/30 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 5000 4160 83 3980 80 4 40-140/30 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 5000 3900 78 3690 74 6 40-140/30 86-73-7 Fluorene 5000 3290 66 3260 65 1 40-140/30 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 5000 3960 79 3730 75 6 40-140/30 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 5000 2550 51 2670 53 5 40-140/30 91-20-3 Naphthalene 5000 2260 45 2400 48 6 40-140/30 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 5000 3540 71 3420 68 3 40-140/30 129-00-0 Pyrene 5000 3970 79 3770 75 5 40-140/30 CII-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) 85000 66800 79 64700 76 3 40-140/30 C11-C22 Aromatics 85000 5180 6* 5090 6* 2 50-150/30 a C9-C18 Aliphatics 30000 19400 65 17500 58 10 40-140/30 C19-C36 Aliphatics 40000 32600 82 29500 74 10 40-140/30 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP BSD Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl Sample Compound OP74731-BS 2-Methylnaphthalene OP74731-BS Naphthalene OP74731-BSD 2-Methylnaphthalene OP74731-BSD Naphthalene * = Outside of Control Limits. 65% 58% 40-140% 54% 74% 40-140% 79% 76% 40-140% 45% 62% 40-140% Col #1 Col #2 Breakthrough Limit 2550 ND 0.0% 5.0 2260 ND 0.0% 5.0 2670 ND 0.0% 5.0 2400 ND 0.0% 5.0 PO N N 6 72 of 75 FA63393 Blank Spike(Blank Spike Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 2 of 2 ;ample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batcr )P74731-BS NN025090.13 1 04/25/19 RS 04/23/19 OP74731 GNN1230 )P74731-BSD NN025091.13 1 04/25/19 RS 04/23/19 OP74731 GNN1230 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA63393-2, FA63393-3, FA63393-4 (a) Advisory control limits. * = Outside of Control Limits. Method: MADEP EPH REV 1.1 PO N N 6 73 of 75 FA63393 Matrix Spike(Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Project: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC ;ample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batcr )P74676-MS NN025049.13 1 04/23/19 RS 04/19/19 OP74676 GNN1228 )P74676-MSD NN025050.13 1 04/23/19 RS 04/19/19 OP74676 GNN1228 'A63288-10 NN025048.13 1 04/23/19 RS 04/19/19 OP74676 GNN1228 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEPEPHREVIA FA63393-1 FA63288-10 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/I Q ug/I ug/I % ug/I ug/I % RPD Rec/RPD 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 200 96.3 48 200 110 55 13 40-140/50 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 200 115 58 200 131 66 13 40-140/50 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 200 118 59 200 141 71 18 40-140/50 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 200 123 62 200 149 75 19 40-140/50 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 200 114 57 200 139 70 20 40-140/50 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 200 120 60 200 145 73 19 40-140/50 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 200 112 56 200 136 68 19 40-140/50 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 200 125 63 200 154 77 21 40-140/50 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 200 124 62 200 153 77 21 40-140/50 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 200 122 61 200 150 75 21 40-140/50 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 200 121 61 200 145 73 18 40-140/50 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 200 106 53 200 123 62 15 40-140/50 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 200 116 58 200 141 71 19 40-140/50 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 200 82.6 41 200 92.7 46 12 40-140/50 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 200 74.2 37* 200 82.1 41 10 40-140/50 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 200 113 57 200 134 67 17 40-140/50 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 200 123 62 200 147 74 18 40-140/50 CI I-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) 84.7 J 3400 2060 58 3400 2460 70 18 40-140/50 C11-C22 Aromatics 84.7 J 3400 ND -2* 3400 188 3* 200* 50-150/30 a C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 1200 631 53 1200 622 52 1 40-140/50 C19-C36 Aliphatics ND 1600 1100 69 1600 1140 71 4 40-140/50 CAS No. Su r r ogate Recover i es MS MSD FA63288-10 Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 57% 58% 35% * b 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 73% 71% 77% 40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 62% 73% 58% 40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 60% 57% 63% 40-140% (a) Advisory control limits. (b) Outside control limits. * = Outside of Control Limits. F0 w L 6 74 of 75 FA63393 Duplicate Summary Job Number: FA63393 Account: GRINCC GRI (Geological Resources Inc.) Prcj ect: Sysco, LLC; 4500 Corporate Dr, Concord, NC Page 1 of 1 ample File I D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Bat& )P74731-DUP NN025096.13 1 04/25/19 RS 04/23/19 OP74731 GNN1230 'A63391-1 NN025095.13 1 04/25/19 RS 04/23/19 OP74731 GNN1230 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: MADEPEPHREVIA FA63393-2, FA63393-3, FA63393-4 FA63391-1 DUP CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg Q RPD Limits 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND ND nc 30 a 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND ND nc 30 a 120-12-7 Anthracene ND ND nc 30 a 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND ND nc 30 a 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND ND nc 30 a 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND ND nc 30 a 191-24-2 Benzo(g, h, i)perylene ND ND nc 30 a 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND ND nc 30 a 218-01-9 Chrysene ND ND nc 30 a 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND ND nc 30 a 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND ND nc 30 a 86-73-7 Fluorene ND ND nc 30 a 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND ND nc 30 a 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ND nc 30 a 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND ND nc 30 a 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND ND nc 30 a 129-00-0 Pyrene ND ND nc 30 a CII-C22 Aromatics (Unadj.) 5100 J ND 200* 30 a C11-C22 Aromatics 5100 J ND 200* 30 a C9-C18 Aliphatics ND ND nc 30 a C19-C36 Aliphatics ND ND nc 30 a CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries DUP FA63391-1 Limits 3386-33-2 1-Chlorooctadecane 55% 61% 40-140% 580-13-2 2-Bromonaphthalene 70% 93% 40-140% 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 64% 78% 40-140% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 59% 78% 40-140% (a) Advisory control limits. * = Outside of Control Limits. F0 A L 6 75 of 75 FA63393