HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9474_0_CA_UST-3_20190329UST=3 Notice of Intent: UST Permanent Closure or Change -in -Service Return completed form to: STATE Use ONLY The DWM Regional Office located in the area where the facility is located. Also send a copy to the Central Office in Raleigh. I.D. # SEE MAP ON THE BACK OF THIS FORM FOR THE CENTRAL AND REGIONAL OFFICE ADDRESSES, Date Received INSTRUCTIONS (READ THIS FIRST) Complete and return at least thirty (30) days prior to closure or change -in-service activities. If a Professional Engineer (P.E.) or a Licensed Geologist (L.G.) provides supervision for closure or change -in-service site assessment activities and signs and seals all closure reports then at least a five (5) working days notice is acceptable. Completed UST closure or change -in-service site assessment reports, along with a copy of the UST-2 form, should be submitted to the appropriate Division of Waste Management (DWM) Regional Office within thirty (30) days following closure activities. The UST-2 form should also be submitted to the Central Office in Raleigh so that the status of the tanks may be changed to permanently closed and your tank fee account can be closed out. Note: Tank fees may be due on unregistered tanks. UST closure and change -in-service site assessments must be completed in accordance with the latest version of the Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure and Initial Response. The guidelines can be obtained at http://www.wastenotnc.org/. Note: To close tanks in place you must obtain prior approval from the DWM Regional office located in the region where the facility is located. You must make sure that LISTS removed from your property are disposed of properly. When choosing a closure contractor, ask where the tank(s) will be taken for disposal. Usually, LISTS are cleaned and cut up for scrap metal. This is dangerous work and must be performed by a qualified company. Tanks disposed of illegally in fields or other dumpsites can leak petroleum products and sludge into the environment. If your tanks are disposed of improperly, you could be held responsible for the cleanup of any environmental damage that occurs. I. OWNERSHIP OF TANKS 11. LOCATION Owner Name (Corporation, Individual, Public Agency, or Other Entity) Facility Name or Companyy Mr. Lonq Hu nh Graham Construction Co Street Address Facility ID # (If known) 5868 Crimson Oak Court 00-0-0000025325 City County Street Address Harrisburg Cabarrus 830 Dolly Street NW State Zip Code City County Zi Code NC 28075 Concord Cabarrus 28g27 Phone Number Email Phone Number (704) 661-7078 lanile naliamc mail.com III. CONTACT PERSONNEL Name: Company Name: Job Title: Phone Number: Mr. Long Hu nh I Owner (704) 661-7078 IV, TANK REMOVAL, CLOSURE IN PLACE, CHANGE -IN SERVICE 1. Contact local fire marshal. 5. Provide a sketch locating piping, tanks and a P.E. or L.G., with all closure site 2. Plan entire closure event, soil sampling locations. assessment reports bearing the signature 3. Conduct Site Soil Assessment. 6. Submit a closure report in the format of and seal of the P.E. or L.G. If a release has UST-12 (including the form UST-2) within not occurred, the supervision, signature or 4. If removing tanks or closing in place, refer to thirty (30) days following the site seal of a P.E. or L.G. is not required. API Publication 2015 Cleaning Petroleum investigation. 8. Keep closure records for three (3) years. Storage Tanks and 1604 Removal and Disposal of Used Underground Petroleum 7.If a release from the tanks has occurred, the Storage Tanks. site assessment portion of the tank closure must be conducted under the supervision of V. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY Contractor Name: Contractor Company Name: Steve Risch Elite Environmental Services Address: State: Zip Code: Phone No: 322 Clarendon Estates Dr., Clover SC 29710 (704) 914-8568 Primary Consultant Name: Primary Consultant Company Name: Consultant Phone No: Maryse Speckner PM Environmental, Inc. (865) 329-7191 VI. TANKS SCHEDULED FOR CLOSURE OR CHANGE -IN-SERVICE Proposed Activit Closure Change -in -Service Tank ID No. Size in Gallons Last Contents Removal Abandonment in Place New Contents Stored 001 2000 gasoline ■❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Li * Prior written approval to abandon a tank in place must be received from a DWM Regional Office. VII. OWNER OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE I understand that I can be held responsible for environmental damage resulting from the improper disposal of my USTs. Print name and official title: Maryse Speckner / Sr. Project Consultant Signature D to Signed i SCHEDULED REMOVAL DATE Notify your DWM Regional Office 1 q 2/8/2019 48 hours before this date if date scheduled removal changes UST-3 Rev 1/2019