HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-88735_91533_CA_UST-62_20190327_24-Hour Notification of Discharge FormNotification of Discharge Report Appendix A Report Formats 1. Notification of Discharge Report UST- 2 -Hour Notification of Discharge Form For Non -UST This form should be rormpleted and submitted to the UST Section's regional office following a known or suspected Releases of release of petroleum from a source other than an underground storage tank- This form is required to be submitted I"ELtTOle61R1 in NC within 24 hours of discovery of a known or suspected petroleum release (DWM USE ONLY) Suspected Contamination, tY JN) _ Release discovered Incident # Priority Rank {H,I,L,U) Confirmed firmed GVq Cortaro:nation? ('r ;i time date). -- — Received time.date --- -- �, r:firmea Soil Csr�tamrn�� :>n : (1', NI , - - Received by-- - __- Region it ;fa rY'rNr Reported by (crrcie one): Phone; Fax or Report 11if v ,staree fir. cc t;, state s eatc-t tnickrless feet i v 7 / /i r j INCIDENT DESCRIPTION Incident Name-St-1./' � l3 o11� .-e,6,_t's`0 Ct, L Address (street number/name): '�'r" l /l.' f� <�j't i �` /r) �� � •` e-,'!�!-s.L.vir� t� Coun,y: ` . C City/Town ,-� � � �i t ooe t,� �� ------- Regional Office "circle �nc�j. Raleigh Washingtan. - Ashe vdle vi aoresvilic„ ayetteville. ;Vtlrntngto7 Winston Herr. Latitude (decir:7a! decrees}: Longitude ('ci,( imal deareesi a;rrc,, ��- Describe suspected or confirmed release ;nature ul i�,Jr se. timeid rte of telease, r1ija tity o• , f: ,se- amouni 7 ire;: J •CF7v 5 CJ I� I7esc,Tbc mina! _ onseJabatement (hmeid�t release stc�ppea cep pb�., orrpf�fea q:ant, y o ;>rod'L�t soli removed, confirmation sampling >` 1�s.nb� mrpt�tc�3 rntrr� � j -- <�G �4`�`ZL'_l-rr e'1_ _ ��' C-►t"�S _-1"![��-__ N��-G 3.� j jr! t���,�_ ---__ HOW RELEASE WAS DISCOVERED (Release Code) (C,;eck one) J Observaiion of Release at Occurrent= ®j UNater St apply `";eil Contamination kE_1 Visual or Olfactory Evidence JSurfar:e Water f onianiinatioll l Contamination JOther istrec;fvl [-JGroundwaterContamination .- - -- ---- -- - - — - --- - Source of Release (Check one n: indicate pninan Si:LirCe) AST (tank) AST Piping," Dispenser U AST Delivery Problem `J O (R Vehicle Tank O OTR Bulk Transport Tank U RR Bulk transport 1 ank U Transformer J Unknown U Other Definitions presented on reverse Ownership 1. Municipal 2. Military 3 SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION Cause of Release i ype of release ha n r>nc to nd.kace hri nary cause) Whecy one; Spill (Accicontal) Petrcleu ; ,, -A Spill (inte-r icknai _ Both Petro .�sn J C•orros. Xi -i Physic -I U "eCn -;CaI �.'aitiriuF oca'tlon J/ quiprnc rat f ailtHe (C:hec one! as AST Ot er-,fi 1pP J AS t it Pronlet t J r Iity J Unknown Cliher.a H}ghwaviRoad J Railway Deb,nibcns prose ded on r everse ; ,J Other - Operation Type t Public Service 2. Agricultural( 3- R Guidance presented on reverse �— UST Form 62 (04110) 4. Private_,/�. Federal 6. Countt 7 State -JClectroni topographic neap J GIS Address matching ,d b:1i2' (G'"C'51C) J trine .vr, Product Type Released (C:crt. un� Ic . ri«atc prim:.-1..cr,,•h_m> p,cduct I,pe � vasolin�'vkc;Seii fi tr c;ire -J L i It J t2l =V4 is 99 _J _thanoi 1001;, Education/Relig. 5). Industrial 6. Commercial 7_ Mining _i Cileseu'\'eg.OH Blend J ' getable Oil 100 /o �i'teati<<e Oil t/\ stc 00 • Mineral Oil no PCBs J Mineral Oil -PCBs J Other Petroleum Products Page o of 2 Notification of Discharge Report Appendix A Report Foruriats IMPACT ON DRINKING WATER SUPPLIES Water Supply Wells Affected? 1. Yes NL 33l)nkro�n Number of Y"Ja° r Sup pl `vVQft� stA +� -- - - -- ---- -- -- - --- - t>t o ater upp y Wells Contaminated: (lnclud. Users PJarnes, t1 dresses and Phone Nun.�ers. Aftach addJtr(,ral sheet if oe<;essary) 1 2. 3. PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR RELEASE (if the, source of the ratease is not an AST sysfetrr or ,' 7 is an AST S.isfen. and there is a resr urs,iale paay othe tharr ti, AS ` s, stem mvn ,ri oneratrc! I ---- -^ — _L Address � 1 cp� . Number ame at Pets Company p �� I Clty ?Late pp �' Code 1 L AST SYSTEM OWNER(ifthe source of the release is an AST system} AST w der ,Q pan % Aac r*e-ss �+ - - �»>" ( to 1""" .t �ltd i>titE'c°► �°i^c�(i _ � -��h/ l _ Jor Still e- CGS City State i It code "- — A t� p 1 E!F r phone Number -- -- - AST SYSTEM'. GPEPATOR(if the source o, trie release is- ST OperatoriCom/ipany / j t�l_�5i-� ,✓ � � l Zi Y'L' %'l d�� � F city Co. e I e!ephune Nurndbet LANDOWNER AT LOCATION OF INCIDENT Landowner - _. __ -- ---- ----- City tat o� et & zP _ Draw Sketch of area of ]]Provide Ma (shove q inc:uent site location of r r�� s( ,r,�o rr, ,o ; oao ; tterst�;�t�cra. r;o?e,r_t:at r� It Art:r�l? sketch it tnap roform., _- - Give Directions to Incident Site Artach L-iina lions to loan if nece S "' re�yi �-7y %kE cx'if�� c�o Cets�c*h ►�w� -13 (gp'.rvx. � 7r,+,�►cs�' !!�sfe, )S tom, ttk_ Ief f just i,� I��si✓✓eIa Person Reporting Inc.ide Comer any /r e z're {%ti m-r Title „ tg1- t, dzr 9V J l Y��_. ✓ F - - - - r l ' Sra c � Address UST Form 62," 4/10)1 }7C 0' Definitions of Sources . 'I (lank) rncat the tat ,..e I tr store Fnod'­i t`;'1 Piping means the pipin - and on,11 1ol, a ,ling fi _'nm the :;Ink a AS IAspenser. „tcltdc the, ie <tec a tc ,u, Lace nnvi AST IX-fivery Problem: idenni cs ref _ se ,Y n: o'celulTod .,t. „t; rn K,ua_, jeliter tee the rrt,=_ O'iR Vehlcic fank, means the tark is used u, :,t(,rn )roducs n' t :.C, the 1_�ac cehtric 0IR Bulk hansport Vank means Li 1-amk tint ,s u, •d t'_, har .n.. RR :bulk I`rxtsport Twik- treat a tank that is a ee! t, It pi�.,.t t f in hc- 1, Ilanslonuer means eie�tncal tntnainnter Other: sexes as thr »pion tc, u e v.hen the release , ,t we i, k hug, O c - a0t Unknortt: identifies rc!e.ttie, fcqr tct i.h tIu ce ha t t `),.,Cl. icten uxd Definitions of (:fuses S•>iil(Accidetuai) us4ih e_t,.:,celncns,spt,lccti_�:,u:d ,a ,�ep> cn;l.eho di"" m..icd Spill (lntentiexre!i use thus cause shcn •anll , xur. r,en:i��n,ii. r' _ -ntcni:0flul l.irul,tn_ i-'otrosion use u�hert a rtctat T� nk, }>t nr�. �_�r i,.vr urtn .ertt�iru t ie"ease lt: t::, i , n,, Ph,sical or kle;:hanical Darnaer use 1131 uli t l _; ,et h e :_d „ 1cehar,�e e rent . l:gtnpnunt Iti1IUrC uscvfivn.1 t, "!,rpni.:nt �.�,_.:e _,,,er_na.i AS T (A-ertili use when at net ul e _ Is tot c rt In Ite ij �> a e icn Li L t ,. ASIC ht,taliatfun l'mh!em ucv.hen th,_ p ,-tut, „nectncd ,p�e,.:,al� x.ut c ,u.��` ' ,�: en; « , r�u rc Other use this option vahea flit cause i knontt..w' dee- n,rt Gt tutu c,n, 1 t:tw p,t edt„ g ca c t nknovn. use Gvhett the Cause t`_ye not beet; J !Tnmed - Guidance: Ownership and Operator IVpe Ucwtw,h,It Select the cate 'gon cciich de.:e:rt17—..t'.ter, r,7e A' i .astern. bulk tans} ' i ?a, n :uac r,etta,e "ounce t;)Cr820I i- I Su!el'1 t�ec CtttC�i� e l,a!l'i, Qt�6:i;.lS ..c 6ISe aln.;; i[11�h.eil:I-wnli �"k- 1,3,- ge2of2 Beverly, Trudy From: tom Bolyard <enviropro@comporium.net> Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2019 4:23 PM To: Beverly, Trudy Subject: [External] AST Discharge Notification Form Attachments: Scan0560.pdf I email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an report.spam@nc.gov Trudy: I've attached the Notification form we discussed earlier today. We will proceed with the soil excavation/sampling beneath the AST and then I will submit an Initial Assessment Report to you in accordance with the guidelines. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Tom Bolyard, PG Enviro-Pro, PC Sent from Mail for Windows 10