HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-87567_87567_CA_UST-61_20051128_Sample Results & 24-Hour Reporting FormmAl a city meeting the future... Mr. Ed Leach NCDENR - UST Section 610 East Center Street, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone 704-663-1699 Fax 704-663-6040 Re: Willis Hosiery Mills, Inc. 184 Academy Av. N.W. Concord, NC 28025 Dear Mr. Leach: November 28th, 2005 r-pj CF As we discussed on the telephone last week, our utility line workers noticed a gasoline smell while digging to uncover a water line at the above referenced site. According to City policy, we stopped work and had a consultant come in to test the soils. The results of the tests performed are attached to this letter. The Willis Hosiery Mill, Inc. is bankrupt, and the contact name for the new ownership is as follows: Mr. Michael Henry Peterson, Goldman, & Villani, Inc. 700 N. Pearl St., Suite 920 Dallas, Texas 75201 (800) 796-9575 Ext. 2190 If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to cal me at (704) 920-5403. Sincerely �nrique. P.E. Deputy City Engineer Concord, NC Concord, NC Iltzift" Ft neei*Deparnnent IMAnleft,c"y AI�dM B" m (px ous CwMr 1 AMMIC t City of Concord • 850 Warren C Colgi=Blvd • P.O. Box 308 • Concord, North Carolina 28026 �, 2004 (704) 920-5425 • Fax (704) 786-4521 • TDD 1-800-735-8262 9 www.a d.nncus 2004 SINCE FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC. GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" 2505 HUTCHISON-McDONALD ROAD- CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 ® PHONE: (704) 596-2889 • FAX: (704) 596-3784 1 8 8 1 See us on the web: www.FandR.com November 10, 2005 Mr. Rick Blat City of Concord Engineering Department 850 Warren C. Coleman Boulevard Concord, North Carolina 28026 Reference: Lab Analysis of Stockpiled Soils Academy Avenue Concord, North Carolina F&R File No.: G63-9069E Dear Mr. Rick Blat: Froehling & Robertson, Inc. (F&R) has received results of laboratory analysis of a composite soil sample obtained by F&R personnel at the referenced site. The composite sample was tested for Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons -Diesel (DRO), Purgeable Petroleum Hydrocarbons -gasoline (GRO), and Oil and Grease (O&G). The soil sample was analyzed by a North Carolina accredited laboratory and determined to have concentrations of 2300 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) for DRO, 1370 mg/kg for O&G and `BQL" (Below the Quantitation Limit) for GRO. Both the DRO and the O&G levels are above the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) clean up or "action" levels (40 mg/kg for DRO and 250 mg/kg for O&G). A copy of the Analytical Report is attached. Please contact the undersigned at your convenience if you have questions with regard to the information presented or if additional information is needed. Sincerely, FROEHLING AND ROBERTSON, INC. Kip J. Kerecman Wetland Scientist DeWitt Whitten, CHMM, REM, REPA, CES Senior Environmental Professional HEADQUARTERS: 3015 DUMBARTON ROAD • BOX 27524 • RICHMOND, VA 23261-7524 TELEPHONE: (804) 264-2701 • FAX: (804) 264-1202 BRANCHES: ASHEVILLE, NC • BALTIMORE, MD • CHARLOTTE, NC • CHESAPEAKE, VA CROZET, VA • FAYETTEVILLE, NC • FREDERICKSBURG, VA • GREENVILLE, SC RALEIGH, NC • ROANOKE, VA • STERLING, VA - FROEHLING & ROBERTSON, INC GEOTECHNICAL • ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS ENGINEERS • LABORATORIES "OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE" sine€ aas CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS November 10, 2005 LAB#: 0511101 CLIENT: F&R Charlotte 2505 Hutchison -McDonald Road Charlotte N.C., 28269 Kip Kerecman PROJECT: Academy Avenue PROJECT NO.: G63-9069E SAMPLED BY: Kip Kerecman RECEIVED: 11/03/05 Lab ID: 0511101-01 (Soil) Client ID: AS 1 Sampled Date/Time: 11/2/05 10:35 Page 1 of 1 Quant nalyte Result Limit Units Prepared Analyzed Method Analyst Note Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Diesel Range Organics 2300 10 mg/kg dry 11/3/05 11:50 11/8/05 12:39 SW846/8015m CLA D-04 Gasoline Range Organics BQL 10 il/7/05 8:30 11/8/05 7:41 SW846/8015 B Ss Wet Chemistry Oil & Grease Petroleum 1370 36 mg/kg dry 11/4/05 12:15 11/4/05 16:07 SW846/9071A AB Notes and Definitions D-04 The hydrocarbons present are a complex mixture of diesel range and heavy oil range organics. mg/L = milligrams per Liter µg/L = micrograms per Liter mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram su = standard units BQL = Below the Quantitation Limit Audrey N. Brubeck Manager Analytical Laboratory Services HEADQUARTERS: 3015 DUMBARTON ROAD • BOX 27524 • RICHMOND, VA 23261-7524 TELEPHONE (804) 264-2701 • FAX (804) 264-1202 • w .Fandkcom CERTIFICATIONS: VIRGINIA DRINKING WATER -00150 BRANCHES: ASHEVILLE, NO o BALTIMORE, MD • CHARLOTTE, NO o CHESAPEAKE, VA NORTH CAROLINA DENR - 432 CROZET, VA • FAYETTEVILLE, NO • FREDERICKSBURG, VA SOUTH CAROLINA DHEC- 93010001 & 93010 GREENVILLE, SC • HICKORY, NO • RALEIGH, NO • ROANOKE, VA • STERLING, VA MARYLAND DRINKING WATER - 279 A4 f% w 4 Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management, Undereround Storaee Tank Section 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form This form should be completed and submitted to the UST Section's regional office following a known or suspected release from an underground storage tank (UST) system. This form is required to be submitted within 24 hours of discovery of a known or suspected release. (DWM USE ONLY) Incident # Risk (H,I,L,U) Suspected Contamination? (Y/N) Facility ID Number .Received On Received By Confirmed GW Contamination? (Y/N) Date Leak Discovered Reported by :(circle one): Phone, Fax or Report Confirmed Soil Contamination ?(Y/N) Free Product ? (Y/N) If Yes, State Comm/Non-Commercial? Reg/Non-regulated? Region Greatest Thickness +'' INCIDENT DESCRIPTION Incident Name: I L L I S 0 S i is A M � L L S —I: tj C W Address: At= A -DE &A A o (A)e County: C A'6A P— Qi US City/Town: C 0,C 02� ' �' Regional Office (circle one): Ashevill , ooresville ayetteville, Raleigh, Washington, Wilmington, Winston - Latitude (dd.mm.ssss): Longitude (ddd.mm.ssss) : Confirmed by GPS? (Y/N) Briefly describe suspected or confirmed release: (including but not limited to: nature of release, date of release, amount of release, amount of free product present and recovery efforts, initial responses conducted, impacts to receptors) 'DVe- t,JQ A P-00-ROE t5f V I C C CALL T',o 0 Up2.. l 2 ltiCt, WA-t"rG L W� C 1 of 00 Q CotZ UiI L l i L ►.,,j C tv ojZ eF/2S 6 6oits TTI WT PWD N V 1702 a C ! Conlil'1AC.� F & Zl�lG unk-o CAM -1--149' S t 179: 1120 K- S,AM PL tz S A ivD C'oN -Fc2 M cD CDN i 1�1 T� ► �vrarila,J �� vC. ► S ���4C.6-r�.�,. o ,I��s HOW RELEASE WAS DISCOVERED Check one) ❑ Release Detection Equipment or Methods Visual/Odor ❑ Groundwater Contamination ❑ During UST Closure/Removal ❑ Water in Tank ❑ Surface Water Contamination ❑ Property Transfer ❑ Water Supply Well Contamination ❑ Other (specify) SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION Primary Source of Contamination Primary Contaminant Type Location Setting (Check one) (Check one) (Check one) (Check one) ❑ Suspected UST Release ❑ Gasoline/Diesel/Kerosene ❑ Facility ❑ Residential ❑ Confirmed UST Release (Also check one below): ❑ Heating Oil ❑ Residence ❑ Industrial ❑A. Dispenser ❑ Other Petroleum Products ❑ Other ❑ Urban ❑B. Line Release ❑ Metals ❑ Rural ❑C. Tank Release ❑ Other Inorganics ❑D. Spill/Overfill ❑ Other Organics Exact Failure Location Unknown or Multiple Failures Unknown Source (Believed to be UST Source, explain in "Incident Description" above) Ownership 1. Municipal 2. Military 3. Unknown rivate 5. Federal 6. County 7. State Operation Type 1. Public Service 2. Agricultural 3. Residential 4. Education/Relig. dustria 6. Commercial 7. Mining UST Form 61 (07/00) Yage L of IMPACT ON DRINKING WATER SUPPLIES Water Supply Wells Affected? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Unknown Number of Water Supply Wells Affected Water Supply Wells Contaminated: (Include Users Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers. Attach additional sheet if necessary) 1. 2. 3. UST SYSTEM OWNER UST Owner/Company Point of Contact Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number UST SYSTEM OPERATOR UST Operator/Company Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number LANDOWNER AT LOCATION OF UST INCIDENT Landowner I Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number Draw Sketch of Area (showing two major road intersections) or Attach Map Person Reporting Incid Company Telephone Number EN 2.► &v E &. lA-r C r IF COG)CD1 d % - vo Title V tT-'6 Address 9.C)130`,,, 2;, 013 Date Ewa 14£fifz� Coocotz� 0. C, 2 Ce NoV 20 2005 UST Form 61 (07/00) 2 Record of Communication for Steven Bograd To: Ed Leach Date: November 21, 2005 Subject: Phone Call W/City of Concord 11/10/2005 4:56 PM Rick Blant — city of concord 920-5403 — crew was remvoing a water line connected to the Willis Hosiery Mill; encountered contaminated soil, tested diesel at 2300 ppm, gas ND and oil and grease >1,000; no tanks in area; excavation only 5' deep; brought info to Andrew; discussed disposal of soil seb/letters/communications2005/blant Print Screen Page 1 of 1 , Cabarrus County GIS - Parcel Information cne �n This map printed on 12/2/2005 F5486833 995 19`�'I / >�8838 1 77t" T. 2816 i 2 41 68 160 2640 612 4 { •" 68 56 05 7 58 Legend x17 409 5 1 81, 58 41 2+36 33 143 6 7` 35, 9 490 0 f1 Streams 5226 37 6 8 4387 f r Easement 336 2 0 ''• 2 38 93 7 Road Labe u�k 728 9360 2 59 Parcel t " 1 18 ..1 18 0 19 ca. 13 1 11s/ fi. 153 1RIA 91 99 5918 Y 983 49 9i, 1 4 910 2912 781 , 58 87 94 79 4 6742 1 75171 700 , 10 1760 68 5 1 684 64 1 2 0 59 56 54 51 36 546 2659 6511 92 I \••' � 6555 56 r.t 42 454 45 53 48 3 8a 49 28 ,;•^fir 32 48 48 4369 4 74 0 6384 1 332 49 1 219 26,. 0 8 5 2 6 J-3 72 46199 9 19 2 4167 ?12 13 1307 1 0�14 10 F7 7025L 146 DISCLAIMER: All data is compiled from recorded deeds, plats and other public records and data. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of information contained in the data. All information contained herein was created for the County's internal use, Cabarrus County, its agents, and employees shall not be held liable for any errors in the data. This includes errors of omission, commission, errors concerning the content of the data, and relative and positional accuracy of the data. This data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Any resale of this data is strictly prohibited in accordance with North Carolina General Statue 132-10. 12/2/2005 State of North Carolina Department of the Secretary of State SOSID: 0164286 Date Filed: 10/5/2005 2:48:00 PM Effective: 11/5/2005 Elaine F. Marshall North Carolina Secretary of State C200527700406 STATEMENT OF RESIGNATION OF REGISTERED AGENT Pursuant to §55D-32 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned hereby submits the following statement: I, LLA1e r- 7 A&OwT , (type or print name), hereby resign my appointment as registered agent for the following entity: /15 P1/15[efV1 % Entity type: ffCorporation, ❑Foreign Corporation, []Nonprofit Corporatio ❑Foreign Nonprofit Corporation, ❑Limited Liability Compan j, []Foreign Limited Liability Company, ❑Limited Partnership, ❑Foreign Limited Partnership, []Limited Liability Partnership, ❑Foreign Limited Liability Partnership 2. The undersigned certifies that written notice of this resignation as registered agent of the entity has been mailed or delivered to the entity as follows: Name and Title of Indivi City, State, Zip 3. The registered office is to be discontinued. (check here This the 1� "day of — aoaC if applicable) l�I i 11 i S As MY Mills 1i1(e . Name of E tity &kt ele Signature Type or Print Nameale NOTES I . No filing fee. This document must be filed with the Secretary of State. 2. The appointment as registered agent is terminated, and the registered office is discontinued if so provided, on the 31'day after the date on which this statement is filed. CORPORATIONS DIVISION (Revised January 2002) P.O. BOX 29622 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0622 (Form BE-07) Page 1 of 1 North Carolina Elaine F Marshall DEPARTMENTOF THE Secretary SECRETARY OF STATE Corporations *Corporations Home *Important Notice *Corporate Forms/Fees *Corporations FAQ *Tobacco Manufacturers *Dissolution Reports *Non -Profit Reports *Verify Certification *Online Annual Reports Links *Secretary Of State Home *Register for E-Procurement *Dept. of Revenue Legislation *1999 Senate Bills •2001 Bill Summaries *Annual Reports 1997 *Corporations 1997 *Other Legislation Search *By Corporate Name *For New Corporation *By Registered Agent Online Orders *Start An Order *New Payment Procedures Contact Us *Corporations Division *Secretary of State's web site Print *Printable Page PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (919)807-2000 Date: 12/2/2005 Click here to: View Document Filings i mr'Print apre-populated Annual Report Form i File an Annual Report 2-1 Corporation Names Name Name Type NC Willis Hosiery Mills, Legal Incorporated Business Corporation Information SOSID: 0164286 FID: 560456930 Status: Admin. Dissolved Date Formed: 8/15/1927 Citizenship: Domestic State of Inc.: NC Duration: Perpetual Registered Agent Agent Name: Registered Office Address Registered Mailing Address: 184 Academy Ave. N.W. Concord NC 28025 PO Box 407 Concord NC 28026 Principal Office Address: No Address Principal Mailing Address: PO Box 407 Concord NC 28026-0407 Stock Class Shares No Par Value Par Value COMMON 100000 1 For questions or comments about the North Carolina Secretary of State's web site, please send e-mail to Webmaster. http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/Corp.aspx?Pitemld=4777359 12/2/2005 Cabarrus County Web Site Page 1 of 2 , , 0, Zoom do Z00111 ftuf Zo;:gym full. Owner Information: WILLIS HOSIERY MILL INC 184 ACADEMY AVE NW CONCORD, NC 28025-4850 Sales Data: Sale Date: 09/2002 Sale Price: $0 Appraisal Data: Building Value: $910,360 Market Land Value: $189,000 Extra Features: $101,100 Appraised Value: $1,200,460 �?GA Identify 0 0 (lent overy NO Parcel Information: PIN: 5620585916 Site Address: 00184 ACADEMY AV NW City, ZIP: CONCORD 28025 Jurisdiction: CITY OF CONCORD Real ID: 12-018-0133.00 Deed Book Page: 039960137 Tax Map: 562007 Legal Description: 184 ACADEMY AVE N W Land Units: 5.25 ACRE(S) Front Footage: 0 Year Built: 1927 Heated in Ft 49956 F <33 Layer Name Topo - 4ft Streams Structures Easement Lot Dimensii Road Label; Zip Code Parcel Municipalitie Aerial Photo 2001 County tpdat East Roat Parc http:// 166. 82.128.222IParcelInfo. asp?Function=ShowMap&PanDirection=&MapAction=i... 12/2/2005 Cabarrus County Web Site Page 2 of 2 . Total Sq Ft: 71268 Subdivision: Neighborhood: CABARRUS / MCGILL Neighborhood #: 50007 Zon,u.n(' InJor..mation,foi this_parcel Voting lnfornatian fc�r ihis._1�aic.el. l loodplain Info 7nation. fi r this_parcel Send comments about the site design to we.bm_as..ter Copyright@1999, 2000, 2001 Cabarrus County. All rights reserved. Privacy Statement. http:// 166. 82.128.222IParcclInfo. asp?Function=ShowMap&PanDirection=&MapAction=i... 12/2/2005 LO 0 0 N N N T A I N N N O O CP LO 0 0 N N N W, a) N Cl) cc cu .A