HomeMy WebLinkAbout8301_ScotlandCO_CDontop_LOSPTO_FID1321536_20190528 Permit No.: 8301-CDLF-1997 & 8302T-TRANSFER-1997 Scotland County Landfill Permit Approval to Operate May 28, 2019 FID 1321536 Page 1 of 23
1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone: 919-707-8200 Internet: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer
Located near the intersection of Patterson Road (SR 1611) and Old Maxton Road (SR 1612), approximately two miles west of Maxton, Scotland County, North Carolina, in accordance with Article 9, Chapter 130A, of the General Statutes of North Carolina and all rules promulgated thereunder and subject to the conditions set forth in this permit. The legal description of the site is identified on the
deed recorded for this property listed in Attachment 1 of this permit.
Sherri Stanley, Supervisor Permitting Branch, Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management
Permit No.: 8301-CDLF-1997 & 8302T-TRANSFER-1997 Scotland County Landfill Permit Approval to Operate May 28, 2019 FID 1321536 Page 2 of 23
Permit Number Status Issuance Date Expiration Date a FID 8301-CDLF-1997 Active May 28, 2019 December 31, 2057 1321536 8302T-TRANSFER- 1997 Active May 28, 2019 December 31, 2057 1321536
8301-MSWLF-1980 Inactive May 28, 2019 NA -
Notes: a. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a2), this life-of-site permit is issued to Scotland County to construct
and operate Scotland County sanitary landfill and transfer station. b. FID = File identification number. PART I: GENERAL FACILITY 1. This permit is issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management (Division), Solid Waste Section (Section). In accordance with North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rule (Rule) 15A NCAC 13B .0201(d), a solid waste management facility permit shall have two parts: a Permit Approval to Construct and a Permit Approval to Operate. The Permit Approval to Construct must be implemented in accordance with Attachment 2 of this permit.
The Permit Approval to Operate must be implemented in accordance with Attachment 3 of this permit. 2. The persons to whom this permit is issued (“permittee”) are the owners and operators of the solid waste management facility.
3. The Permit to Operate (DIN 8504) for the Scotland County C&DLF has been registered in the Scotland County Register of Deeds; October 26, 2011, Deed Book 1323, Pages 6-20 (DIN 16006). The Permit to Operate (DIN 23454) for the Scotland County Transfer Station has been registered in the Scotland County Register of Deeds; February 18, 2015, Deed Book 1456, Pages 49-60 (DIN
23747). 4. When this property is sold, leased, conveyed, or transferred in any manner, the deed or other instrument of transfer shall contain in the description section in no smaller type than that used in the body of the deed or instrument, a statement that the property has been used as a sanitary landfill and
a reference by book and page to the recordation of the permit in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0204(e). 5. By receiving waste at the facility, the permittee shall be considered to have accepted the terms and conditions of this permit in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d).
6. Construction or operation of this solid waste management facility must be in accordance with the Solid Waste Management Rules (Rules), 15A NCAC 13B, Article 9 of the Chapter 130A of the
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North Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S. 130A-290, et seq.), the conditions contained in this permit; and the approved plan. Should the approved plan and the rules conflict, the rules shall take precedence unless specifically addressed by a permit condition. Failure to comply may result in
compliance action or permit revocation. 7. This permit is issued based on the documents submitted in support of the application for permitting the facility including those identified in the “List of Documents for the Approved Plan” which constitute the approved plan for the facility. Where discrepancies exist, the most recent submittals
and the Conditions of Permit shall govern. 8. Per N.C.G.S.130A-294(a1) this permit may be transferred only with the approval of the Section, through the issuance of a new or substantially amended permit in accordance with N.C.G.S.130A-295.8(b).
9. In accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(g) the permittee shall notify the Section thirty (30) days prior to any significant change in the identity or business structure of either the owner or the operator, including but not limited to a proposed transfer of ownership of the facility or a change in
the parent company of the owner or a change in the operator of the facility or parent company of the
operator. 10. The permittee is responsible for obtaining all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project including, but not limited to, approval from appropriate agencies for a General or
Individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Discharge
Permit, if applicable and a sedimentation and erosion control permit. Issuance of this permit does not remove the permittee’s responsibilities for compliance with any other local, state or federal rule, regulation or statute. PROPERTIES APPROVED FOR THE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY
Scotland County, NC Register of Deeds
Book Page Grantor Grantee Acres
8L 104 J.D. Carmichael Inc. Scotland County 94.33
8L 108 J.D. Carmichael Inc. Scotland County 3.27
8N 3 Permit Recordation 94.33 Acres – June 16, 1980
8Y 911 Permit Recordation 14.18 Acres Demo LF – May 13, 1982
439 41-44 Gilbert P. Johnson, et.al. Scotland County 44.60
Total Site Acreage: 142.2 acres
a. The total landfill facility property occupies approximately 142.2 acres. The actual disposal area of the C&DLF (Phase IV) on top of the closed MSWLF (Phase II) is approximately 21 acres.
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b. The transfer station is located on the east side of the landfill facility. PART II: MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL UNIT(S)
Permit No. 8301-MSWLF-1980, Closed and Unlined Scotland County Landfill Permitting History
Permit Type Date Issued FID
Permit, original issuance June 11, 1980 1286389
Permit, modification - change the final elevations
from 196 & 193 feet to 200 to 198 feet
October 19, 1982 1286392
Permit, amendment – amended the construction plan November 5, 1986 1286398
1. From 1980 to 1997, Scotland County operated on this property as a permitted Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWLF) unit under Permit No. 8301-MSWLF-1980, which consisted of three unlined
landfill phases – Phases I, II, & III and encompassed a total waste footprint of approximately 49
acres. Phase I, a trench landfill, had approximately 17.1-acre waste footprint, and Phases II & III had a combined waste boundary of approximately 31.5 acres. Approximately 800,000 tons of waste was disposed of at the closed unlined MSWLF – Phases I, II, & III.
Permit No. 8301-CDLF-1997, Scotland County C&DLF unit, on top of the closed unlined Scotland County Landfill Unit – Phase II Permitting History
Permit Type Date Issued DIN/FID
Original issuance of permit to operate (PTO) -
C&DLF (Phase IV) on top of closed MSWLF
(Phase II)
December 31, 1997 20882
PTO – Permit modification April 28, 1998 20883
PTO – Permit amendment requesting for one-year
extension of operation
December 30, 2002 5542
PTO – Permit amendment, fill sequence modification December 22, 2006 776
PTO – Permit amendment in compliance with Rule .0547(4) September 14, 2009 8504
PTO – Permit amendment for a 5-year permit review October 13, 2014 21950
PTO - Life-of-site permit May 28, 2019 1321536
DIN= Documentation identification number. 1. In 1997, the transition plan for the Scotland County MSWLF unit included a permit modification request to construct and operate a Construction and Demolition Debris Landfill (C&DLF) Phase IV on top of
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the closed unlined MSWLF unit – Phase II. On December 30, 1997 the C&DLF Phase IV on top of the closed MSWLF unit was approved to receive waste.
2. In June 2008, to comply with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rule15A NCAC 13B .0547(4), Scotland County requested an approval for continued operations of the C&DLF Phase IV according to the new facility plan which developed the C&DLF by several fill sequences and had a final fill elevation to 266 feet above mean sea level (amsl).
3. On March 8, 2019, Scotland County submitted a permit application and requested a life-of-site permit to continued operating the C&DLF unit. List of Documents for the Approved Plan DIN/FID Document Description
- Transition Plan - Scotland County Sanitary Landfill. G.N. Richardson and Associates (GNRA), Raleigh, NC. Approved December 31, 1997.
Permit Application Report – Scotland County Construction & Demolition
Landfill. Prepared by GNRA. Dated December 24, 1997 and received December 30, 1997.
Site and Operational Plan, dated December 1997 and received December 30, 1997.
- C&D Operations Permit – Partial Closure Certification, Scotland County
Landfill. GNRA. Dated March 24, 1998.
5705 Scotland County Landfill, Request for Permit Extension (Permit No. 83-01), C&D
Landfill Vertical; Expansion. Prepared by GNRA. Dated October 3, 2002.
- Scotland County Landfill, Request for Permit Extension (Permit No. 83-01), C&D
Landfill Vertical; Expansion. Prepared by GNRA. Dated December 23, 2003.
6816 Preliminary Corrective Action Plan, Scotland County Landfill, Solid Waste
Permit No. 83-01. Prepared by GNRA. June 2008 and revised through January
7905 Permit Application, Scotland County C&D Landfill, Phase IV Continued
Operation, Prepared by GNRA. June 2008 and revised through May 2009.
8730 Corrective Action Plan – Enhanced Bioremediation Implementation, Scotland
County Landfill, Maxton, North Carolina. Prepared by Richardson Smith Gardner
and Associates, Inc. (RSG). September 16, 2009.
16366 Revised Corrective Action Update, Scotland County Landfill- Permit No. 83-01,
Maxton, North Carolina. Prepared by RSG. March 26, 2012.
19248 Diffusion Bag Sampling – Corrective Action Update, Scotland County Landfill-
Permit No. 83-01, Maxton, North Carolina. Prepared by Smith Gardner, Inc.
(S+G) Dated July 8, 2013.
21952 Permit Amendment Application, Scotland County C&D Landfill – Phase IV,
Maxton, North Carolina including the approved Water Quality Monitoring Plan (DIN 21933) and Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan (DIN 21934). Prepared by S+G. Dated March 13, 2014 and revised through October 03, 2014.
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28564 Corrective Action Evaluation Report, Scotland County Landfill, Laurinburg,
North Carolina, NC Solid Waste Permit No. 83-01. Prepared by S+G. Dated October 17, 2017. The report and revised sampling schedule were approved on August 31,2018 (FID 1236422). 1214151 Inorganic Constituent Alternative Source Demonstration Report – Addendum, Scotland County Landfill, Laurinburg, North Carolina, NC Solid Waste Permit No. 83-01. Prepared by S+G. Dated June 07, 2018. The report was approved June 12, 2018 (FID 1214355).
1321533 Permit Documents, Scotland County C&D Landfill and Transfer Station, Maxton, North Carolina. Prepared by S+G. Dated March 08, 2019 and revised through
May 23, 2019. The application document includes the landfill gas monitoring plan
(FID 1321509) and the water quality monitoring plan (FID 1321516).
PART VI: TRANSFER STATION/TREATMENT & PROCESSING UNIT(S) 8302T-TRANSFER-1997 Scotland County Transfer Station Permitting History
Permit Type Date Issued DIN
Permit to Construct (PTC) – Original Issuance October 7, 1997 -
Permit to Operate (PTO) – Original Issuance December 31, 1997 - PTO – Amendment No. 1, 5-year Permit Review December 23, 2004 -
PTO – Amendment No. 2, 5-year Permit Review May 13, 2010 10452
PTO – Amendment No. 3, 5-year Permit Review February 11, 2015 23454
PTO - Life-of-site permit May 28, 2019 1321536
1. On December 31 1997, the County operated a Transfer Facility, under Permit No. 8302T-MSWLF-1997 for this property to receive and subsequently transfer and dispose of MSW at a permitted disposal facility.
2. On March 8, 2019, Scotland County submitted a permit application and requested a life-of-site
permit to continued operating the municipal solid waste transfer station. List of Documents for Approved Plan DIN Description
- Approved Site and Construction Plans, dated September 16, 1997.
- Approved transfer facility permit application and operations plan, dated and received December 30, 1997. Prepared by: G. N. Richardson and associates.
- Letter dated September 09, 1997 from Robert E. Reiman, addressing zoning of the proposed facility.
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- Letter dated October 16, 1997 (as a part of operations plan submittal) from the
Division of Land Resources, approving the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan for the transfer facility.
10387 Permit Renewal Application, Scotland County Transfer Station. Prepared by: Richardson, Smith Gardner. December 2009, Revised April 2010.
23456 Permit Renewal Application – Operations Manual, Scotland County Transfer
Station (Permit No. 83-02T). Prepared by: Smith Gardner, Inc. Dated October 21, 2014 and revised through February 09, 2015.
1321533 Permit Documents, Scotland County C&D Landfill and Transfer Station, Maxton,
North Carolina. Prepared by S+G. Dated March 08, 2019 and revised through May 23, 2019. PART VII: MISCELLANEOUS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT Not Applicable.
1. Construction of any future phases or cells of a landfill unit or of new addition to the existing waste transfer station that are NOT permitted in the Attachment 3 of this permit requires written approval of the Section. An Application for Permit to Construct must be prepared in accordance with applicable statutes and rules in effect on that date.
- End of Section
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ATTACHMENT 3 CONDITIONS OF PERMIT APPROVAL TO OPERATE PART I: GENERAL FACILITY OPERATION CONDITIONS 1. This permit approval to operate for a. The C&DLF unit – Phase IV, on top of the closed unlined MSWLF unit -Phase II is for the life-of-site as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a2), which shall expire December 31, 2057.
b. The Transfer Station is for the life-of-site as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a2) which shall expire December 31, 2057. 2. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-309.09A(g), the permittee must not knowingly dispose of, or accept for transfer for subsequent disposal, solid waste that is generated within the boundaries of a unit of local
government that by ordinance: a. Prohibits generators or collectors of solid waste from disposing of that type or form of solid waste.
b. Requires generators or collectors of solid waste to recycle that type or form of solid waste.
3. This facility is permitted to receive non-hazardous solid waste, as defined in N.C.G.S. 130-290 (a)(35). The permitted wastes are received at the facility must be generated within the State of North Carolina at the discretion of the Scotland County Board of Commissioners (FID 1321533), except
where prohibited by North Carolina General Statutes Article 9 of Chapter 130A and the 15A NCAC
13B Rules. 4. The facility operator must complete an approved operator training course in compliance with N.C.G.S. 130A-309.25. A responsible individual certified in waste operations must be on-site
during all operating hours of the facility at all times while open for public use.
5. The permittee must actively employ a training and screening program at the facility prepared in accordance with applicable Rules, N.C.G.S. 130A-295.6(g), and the approved Operations Manual (FID 1321533) for detecting and preventing the disposal of excluded or unauthorized wastes. At a
minimum, the program must include:
a. Random inspections of incoming loads or other comparable procedures. b. Records of any inspections.
c. Training of personnel to recognize hazardous, liquid, and other excluded waste types.
d. Development of a contingency plan to properly manage any identified hazardous, liquid, or other excluded or unauthorized wastes. The plan must address identification, removal, storage and final disposition of these wastes.
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6. Open burning of solid waste is prohibited. Fires must be reported to the regional Environmental Senior Specialist with 24 hours or the occurrence, followed by a written notification within 15 calendar days of the occurrence according to the Operations Manual (FID 1321533) and the 15A
NCAC 13B rules. 7. Closure and post-closure activities for any landfill unit at this facility must be conducted in accordance with the approved Closure and Post-Closure Plans (FID 1321533) and Rules 15A NCAC 13B .1627 & .1629.
8. The final closure plan must be submitted for approval at least ninety (90) days prior to closure or partial closure of any landfill unit. The plan must include all steps and measures necessary to close and maintain the landfill unit in accordance with all rules in effect at that time. At a minimum, the plan must address the following:
a. Design of a final cover system in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1627, or the solid waste management rules in effect at the time of closure. b. Construction and maintenance/operation of the final cover system and erosion control
c. Surface water, ground water, and explosive gas monitoring. 9. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(f), the permittee must continuously maintain the required financial
assurance for the duration of the facility. The permittee must annually update and adjust closure and
post-closure cost estimates and costs for potential assessment and corrective action at the landfill facility for inflation according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1628 and N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(h). 10. Facility construction, operations or practices must not cause or result in a discharge of pollution,
dredged material, and/or fill material into waters of the state in violation of the requirements under
Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, as amended. 11. All sedimentation and erosion control activities must be conducted in accordance with the Sedimentation Control Act N.C.G.S. 113A-50, et seq. and rules promulgated under 15A NCAC 4.
All required sedimentation and erosion control measures must be installed and operable to mitigate
excessive on-site erosion and to prevent silt from leaving the area of the landfill unit during the service life of the facility. Modifications to the approved sedimentation and erosion control activities require approval by the North Carolina Land Quality Section. The Section must be notified of any sedimentation and erosion control plan modifications.
12. The permittee must well maintain permanent physical markers that accurately identify the edge of the approved waste footprint for all active, inactive, and closed disposal units at the landfill facility.
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ENVIRONMENTAL MEDIA MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS General Conditions 13. Groundwater, surface water, and landfill gas monitoring locations must be established and monitored as identified in the approved plans (FID 1321533). 14. The permittee must implement the following permit conditions: a. The permittee must obtain approval from the Section for the design, installation, and
abandonment of any groundwater or landfill gas monitoring well. b. Each groundwater and landfill gas monitoring well must be surveyed in accordance with Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0544(b)(1)(F) or .1632(d)(1).
c. Each groundwater and landfill gas monitoring well must have an identification plate permanently attached to the well in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0108(o). d. The permittee must maintain the following documentations in the facility operating record in
accordance with Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0542(n) or .1626(10):
i) The report for each monitoring event of the groundwater, surface water, and landfill gas and pertinent analytical data. ii) Documents of well completion, development details, repair, abandonment, and all other pertinent activities associated with each groundwater and landfill gas
monitoring well monitoring location.
e. A readily accessible, unobstructed path must be maintained so that groundwater and landfill gas monitoring wells, and surface water sampling locations are accessible.
Water Quality Monitoring and Reporting Conditions
15. Groundwater and surface water monitoring at this landfill facility must be conducted in compliance with Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0544 & .0545 or .1630 through .1637, .0602, and the approved monitoring plans (FID 1321516). Any proposed modification to an approved plan must be submitted to the Section and approved prior to implementation.
16. Groundwater quality is subject to 15A NCAC 2L – Groundwater Classifications Standards and the Groundwater Protection Standards (GPS) established under Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0545(b) or .1634(i). Surface water is subject to 15A NCAC 2B – Surface Water and Wetlands Standards.
17. Unless otherwise specified by the Section, surface water locations, and groundwater monitoring
wells must be sampled at least semi-annually in accordance with applicable Rules, the approved monitoring plan (FID 1321516), and the current policies and guidelines of the Section in effect at the time of sampling.
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18. Monitoring reports of the analytical results for groundwater, surface water sampling events must be submitted to the Section within 120 days of the sample collection date. Analytical laboratory data must be submitted in electronic format (pdf) and in a spreadsheet format in an Electronic Data
Deliverable (EDD) Template. All monitoring reports must contain: a. A potentiometric surface map for the current sampling event. b. Analytical laboratory reports and summary tables.
c. A completed Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Data Form. d. Laboratory data submitted in accordance with the EDD Template. 19. The permittee must implement the following permit conditions:
a. For a MSWLF unit. The four independent samples which comprise the initial baseline sampling event must be collected from each new installed groundwater monitoring well in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B. 1633(b).
b. For a C&DLF unit. A baseline sampling event for background water quality shall be
completely performed from each new installed groundwater monitoring well in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B. 0544(b)(1)(D). c. The report including analytical data must meet the requirements stated in the Permit
Condition No. 18 of Part I, Attachment 3 of this permit and be submitted to the Section for
review. Landfill Gas Monitoring, Management, and Reporting Conditions 20. A landfill gas monitoring event must include monitoring for all explosive gases including
monitoring hydrogen sulfide at and around the C&DLF unit and must be conducted at the facility
including interior monitoring of on-site buildings in accordance with the approved landfill gas monitoring plan (FID 1321509) and Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0544(d) & .1626(4). Any proposed modification to an approved plan must be submitted to the Section Hydrogeologist for a review and approved prior to implementation.
21. The permittee must sample landfill gas quarterly unless otherwise required for corrective action or specified by the Section. 22. The permittee is responsible to employ properly trained personnel to conduct gas monitoring.
23. Landfill gas monitoring reports must be placed to the facility’s operating record, according to Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0542(n) or .1626(10), within 7 days of the monitoring event, and must include a description of the monitoring method used, the sampling results of each well and onsite buildings in percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL), date of monitoring, weather conditions, calibration
report, and signature of the sampling personnel.
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24. The permittee must comply with the requirements of the rules if a. At the MSWLF or C&DLF units, landfill gas monitoring reveals detections of methane
greater than 25 percent of the LEL in onsite buildings, or detections of LEL at the compliance boundary, or the stabilized hydrogen sulfide concentration is greater than 20 parts per million (ppm), the permittee must comply with the requirements of Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0544(d) or .1626(4). b. At the C&DLF unit, the stabilized hydrogen sulfide concentration is greater than 20 parts per million (ppm), the permittee must comply with the requirements of Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0544(d). RECORDING AND RECORDKEEPING
25. Copies of this permit, the approved plans, and all records required to be maintained by the permittee must be maintained at the facility and made available to the Section upon request during normal business hours according to Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0542(n) or .1626(10) and the approved plan (FID 1321533).
26. The permittee must maintain records of the following. Scales must be used to weigh the amount of waste received. The daily reports are to be summarized into a monthly report for use in the required annual reports. a. The amount of all accepted solid waste materials as (i) MSW wastes, (ii) C&D wastes (iii)
material used as alternate periodic cover, and (iv) recyclable material.
b. Daily records of waste received, and origins of the loads. 27. On or before August 1 annually, the permittee must submit an annual facility report to the Section,
on forms prescribed by the Section.
a. The reporting period shall be for the previous year beginning July 1 and ending June 30. b. The annual facility report must list the amount of waste received and landfilled in tons and be compiled: i) On a monthly basis.
ii) By county, city or transfer station of origin.
iii) By specific waste type. iv) By disposal location within the facility. v) By diversion to alternative management facilities.
c. A measurement of volume utilized in the landfill cells must be performed during the first or
second quarters of the calendar year. The date and volumes, in cubic yards, must be included in the report. d. The amount of waste, in tons from scale records, disposed in landfill cells from December
31, 1997 through the date of the annual volume survey must be included in the report.
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e. The tons of waste recycled, recovered or diverted from disposal including a description of how and where the material was ultimately managed, as applicable, must be included in the
report. f. The completed report must be forwarded to the regional Environmental Senior Specialist for the facility by the date due on the prescribed annual facility report form.
g. A copy of the completed report must be forwarded to each county manager for each county from which waste was received at the facility. Documentation that a copy of the report has been forwarded to the county managers must be sent to the regional Environmental Senior Specialist by the date due on the prescribed annual facility report form.
PART II: MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL UNIT(S) Permit No. 8301-MSWLF-1980, Closed and Unlined Scotland County Landfill – Phases I, II, & III POST CLOSURE CONDITIONS FOR THE UNLINED MSWLF UNIT 1. The closed unlined MSWLF unit – Phases I, II (below the active C&DLF – Phase IV) & III were
closed with the final cover before and in 1998. Because the C&DLF unit is active and operational,
the aforementioned closed areas are considered as a partial closure of the landfill unit; the rule-required 30-year post-closure period per Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1627(d) shall not commence until the certified closure date of the C&DLF unit – Phase IV. Post-closure maintenance and monitoring of the landfill unit must be conducted in accordance with the approved plan (FID 1321533) and the
North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules.
2. Pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1627(d)(1)(A), the permittee must maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the cap system of the unlined MSWLF unit – Phases I, II & III, including making repairs to the cover as necessary to correct the effects of settlement, subsidence, erosion, or other
events; preventing surface water from impounding over waste; and preventing run-on and run-off
from eroding or otherwise damaging the cap system. As issues are resolved, notations should be documented and placed in the operating records. 3. The permittee must conduct routine inspections at the closed MSWLF unit and the C&DLF unit and
implement the measures to prevent leachate break outs. In the event of a leachate release from the
contained unit is observed; the permittee must report the Section according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1604(b)(2)(L)(iii). Within 14 working days or a mutually-agreed time frame after the leachate release, the permittee must prepare a written incident report and a sampling plan to identify the impacted area due to the release followed by submitting a sampling result report to determine if the
following-up correction action should be taken.
4. The permittee must properly maintain the vegetative cover of native grasses at each closed landfill unit including regularly mowing the grass and removing trees or saplings.
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5. The permittee must maintain permanent markers that accurately identify the edge of the waste disposal boundary of the closed unlined MSWLF unit.
6. Post-closure use of the property is subject to review and approval by the Section and must not disturb the integrity of the cap system, or the function of the monitoring systems. The Section may approve any other disturbance if the permittee demonstrates that disturbance of the cap system, including any removal of waste, will not increase the potential threat to human health or the environment.
7. According to N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a3), any proposed lateral expansion to the closed unlined MSWLF unit would be considered a new landfill for purposes of Solid Waste Management permitting. PART III: CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS LANDFILL UNIT(S) Scotland County C&DLF, 8301-CDLF-1997 (a landfill unit on top of a closed unlined MSWLF unit – Phase II, 8301-MSWLF-1980) 1. This permit approves the continued operation of the C&DLF unit – Phase IV, Fill Sequences 1A trough 4 on top of the closed MSWLF unit – Phase II, the Facility Plan, the other miscellaneous
solid waste management units, and the onsite environmental management protection facilities as
described in the approved plans. 2. The following table lists the dimensions and details for the C&DLF unit – Phase IV on top of the closed unlined MSWLF unit (Phase II). Total gross capacity for the C&DLF unit is 1,144,442 cubic
yards (CY) and defined as the volume measured from the bottom of C&D waste (the top of the cover
system of the closed MSWLF) through the top of final cover of the C&DLF at an elevation of 266 feet amsl with the final fill of 4 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) side slopes as shown on Sheet No. 4/ Drawing No. S3 and Sheet No. 10/ Drawing No. X1 (FID 1321533).
C&DLF Unit Acres Gross Capacity (cubic yards)
Phase IV (Filled, as of April 26, 2013) 20.6 513,531
Phase IV – Fill Sequence 1A - 87,316
Phase IV – Fill Sequence 1B - 85,815 Phase IV – Fill Sequence 2A - 78,621
Phase IV – Fill Sequence 2B - 74,470
Phase IV – Fill Sequence 3A - 88,260
Phase IV – Fill Sequence 3B - 86,100
Phase IV – Fill Sequence 4 - 130,329 (Note 1)
Total 20.6 1,144,442
Notes: 1. The gross capacity for Phase IV- Fill Sequence 4 includes 66,469 CY for final cover system.
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3. The permittee must maintain permanent markers that accurately identify the edge of the approved waste disposal boundary. The boundaries of both the C&DLF unit and the closed MSWLF unit must be marked.
4. The permittee must incrementally fill C&D wastes which are contained within the approved extent of Phase IV, Fill Sequences 1A through 4 and approved elevation contours up to the elevation at 266 feet amsl as shown on Sheet Nos. 11 & 12/ Drawing Nos. P1 & P2 (FID 1321533).
5. This facility is permitted to receive the following wastes for disposal in the C&DLF: a. "C&D solid waste" as defined in Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0532(8) means solid waste generated solely from the construction, remodeling, repair, or demolition operations on pavement and buildings or structures. C&D waste does not include municipal and industrial wastes that may be generated by the on-going operations at buildings or structures.
b. “Inert debris” as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290 (a)(14) means solid waste that consists solely of material such as concrete, brick, concrete block, uncontaminated soil, rock, and gravel.
c. “Land-clearing debris” as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290 (a)(15) means solid waste that is
generated solely from land-clearing activities, limited to stumps, trees, limbs, brush, grass, and other vegetative material. d. “Asphalt” in accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-294(m).
6. Regulated asbestos containing material as defined in 40 CFR 61 must be managed in accordance with 40 CFR 61. Disposal of asbestos waste must be in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0542(c)(2) and approved Operations Manual (FID 1321533).
7. Wastewater treatment sludge is not approved for disposal. Wastewater treatment sludge may be
accepted, with the approval of the Section, for utilization as a soil conditioner and incorporated into or applied onto the vegetative growth layer. The wastewater treatment sludge must not be applied at greater than agronomic rates nor to a depth greater than six inches.
8. Those wastes listed in Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0542 (e) must not be accepted for disposal, including,
but not limited to, hazardous waste, municipal solid waste, liquid waste, commercial or industrial wastes, and yard trash. 9. Wooden pallets as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290(44a) are not approved for disposal except for those
pallets generated in C&D activities and may be accepted and managed in the Yard Waste Storage
and Processing Area according to the approved plan (FID 1321533) and the Permit Conditions in Part VII, Attachment 3 of this permit. 10. “Yard waste” as defined in Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0101(56) meaning “Yard Trash” and “Land-
Clearing Debris” as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290, including stumps, limbs, leaves, grass, and
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untreated wood may be accepted and managed in the Yard Waste Storage and Processing Area according to the approved plan (FID 1321533) and the Permit Conditions in Part VII, Attachment 3 of this permit.
11. The facility is approved to accept C&D wastes at an annual rate up to 50,000 tons (average of 179 tons per day based on 280 operating days per year). Maximum variance shall be in accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-294(b1)(1).
12. The facility is permitted to receive solid waste generated within the State of North Carolina. However, solid waste that is solely generated by mobile or modular home manufacturers and asphalt shingle manufacturers in Scotland County is permitted for disposal at the C&DLF. The waste must be source separated at the manufacturing site and must exclude municipal solid waste, hazardous wastes, and other wastes prohibited from disposal at this landfill. It must be transported to the
landfill in a shipment or container that consists solely of the separated waste to be disposed. 13. In accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-295.6 this sanitary landfill may use alternative daily cover (ADC) that has been previously approved at another sanitary landfill in North Carolina. The Section
maintains a list of approved ADCs and its appropriate use, which may be referred to, but is not
required to be, in determining ADC types and uses. 14. The use of alternative periodic cover that does not meet the requirements stated in Permit Condition No. 13 requires approval, prior to implementation, by the Section. Requests for alternative periodic
cover approval must include a plan detailing the comprehensive use and a demonstration of the
effectiveness of the alternative cover, developed according to Section guidelines. Plans that are approved by the Section will be incorporated into, and made a part of, the approved documents listed in Attachment 1.
15. The permittee must maintain records for all solid waste materials accepted and used as ADC. The
records must include: the date of receipt, weight of material, general description of the material, identity of the generator and transporter, and county of origin. Such records must be made available to the Section upon request. The application of ADC materials in excess of normal application of daily cover of the material shall constitute disposal.
GROUNDWATER CORRECTIVE ACTION PROGRAM SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 16. Pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1637, the permittee must implement a corrective action program to remediate elevated constituents in groundwater in accordance with the approved Corrective Action Plan (CAP, DIN 6816) and its amendments (DINs 8730, 16366, 28564, & 1321516). The
approved corrective action program consists of Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA), Enhanced
Bioremediation, institutional controls, and capping for the source control. Any proposed modifications to the approved CAP must be submitted to the Section and approved prior to implementation.
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17. The corrective action program, including the monitoring network for sampling, sampling frequency and constituents to be analyzed must be conducted in accordance with the approved monitoring plan (FID 1321516) unless otherwise specified by the Section.
18. An EPA approved MNA screening model is required at least annually to simulate the groundwater remediation at the facility and determine the mass flux and mass balance. The model must be submitted annually with a monitoring report.
19. The permittee must provide a Corrective Action Evaluation Report (CAER) to describe of the performance and effectiveness of the implemented corrective action program, including a technical evaluation of MNA as a remedy at the facility. The subsequent CAERs are required according to the CAP and CAP addendum until the Permit Condition No. 24 of this Part, Attachment 4 of this permit is achieved unless otherwise specified by the Section. Subsequent CAER reports are required every
5 (five) years unless otherwise specified by the Section. Failure to comply may result in compliance action or permit revocation according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0703 and N.C.G.S. 130A-23. 20. If the objectives of the corrective action program are not being met, as specified in the approved
CAP, rules, or as determined by the Section, the permittee must immediately implement the
Contingency Plan in the approved CAP and the CAP amendments. 21. If constituents in groundwater migrate beyond the landfill property boundary, or it is suspected to have occurred based on sampling results near the property boundary, the permittee must immediately
notify all persons in writing who own land or reside on land that directly overlies any part of the
contaminant plume with details of the migration. The permittee must mitigate further releases to the groundwater, reduce threats to human health and the environment, and immediately implement the Contingency Plan in the approved CAP and the CAP amendment.
22. If the corrective action program is modified to include an active groundwater treatment system:
a. The permittee must operate the groundwater treatment system in a manner that will prevent spills, releases or other adverse effects to human health and the environment. b. The permittee must maintain an inspection schedule for the inspection of all parts of the
groundwater treatment system as outlined in the approved CAP and its amendment.
c. The permittee must train all personnel operating the groundwater treatment system as outlined in the approved CAP and its amendment.
d. The permittee must sample the groundwater in the impacted aquifer, the groundwater as it
enters and exits the groundwater treatment system and measure the volume and rate of flow of groundwater through the groundwater treatment system as indicated in the approved CAP and CAP amendment. The data must be submitted to the Section with a monitoring report.
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23. Institutional controls (deed recordation, land and groundwater use restrictions) must be implemented as part of a groundwater treatment system pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143B-279.9 and 143B-279.10. The land and groundwater use restrictions will be imposed on the permitted facility and any buffer
property that has been acquired to reduce or eliminate the danger to public health or the environment posed by the presence of contamination on the property. The permittee must submit to the Section, within 180 days of notified to do so, a survey plat, in accordance with the requirements of N.C.G.S. 143B-279.10, and as directed by the Section.
24. The permittee must continue to operate the corrective action program until the 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater standards and the GPS have been met at all points within the plume of contamination that lie beyond the relevant point of compliance for three (3) consecutive year, in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1637.
PART VI: TRANSFER STATION/TREATMENT & PROCESSING UNIT(S) Scotland County Transfer Station, 8302T-TRANSFER-1997 1. The permittee must operate and manage the transfer facility according to the requirements of Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0105 and .0402 and the approved Operations Manual (FID 1321533).
2. The facility is permitted to receive municipal solid waste as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A -290 (a)(18) and in consistent with the Operations Manual (FID 1321533), except where prohibited by North Carolina General Statutes Article 9 of Chapter 130A, and rules adopted by the Commission for Health Services.
3. The following wastes, at a minimum, must not be accepted at the facility for transfer for subsequent disposal: hazardous waste, yard trash, liquid wastes, regulated medical waste, sharps not properly packaged, regulated-asbestos containing material as defined in 40 CFR 61, PCB waste as defined in 40 CFR 761, infectious waste, radioactive waste, septage, fluorescent and high-intensity discharged
lamps, ashes/incinerated residues and wastes banned from disposal in North Carolina in compliance
with N.C.G.S. 130A-309.10(f). 4. The waste collected at this transfer facility must be transported to a sanitary landfill facility that is a. permitted to receive the type of waste specified, and
b. whose service area includes the origin of the waste. 5. The permittee shall not engage in any activities related to waste sorting, segregating, or processing on the “tipping floor” and at this waste transfer facility.
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6. The facility must not cause nuisance conditions in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0402 and the approved Operations Manual (FID 1321533). a. The tipping floor and transfer trailer loading area must be maintained in a clean, sanitary
condition at all times and must be cleaned at least daily in accordance with the approved Operations Manual (FID 1321533). b. Waste must only be deposited on a “tipping floor” or directly into a transfer container. Waste must not be stored on the “tipping floor” after operating hours.
c. Waste may be stored on-site, in transfer trailers designed and maintained to be leak resistant, with watertight covers, a maximum of 24 hours except that a minimal amount of waste may be stored for a maximum of 72 hours when the facility is closed during a weekend or holiday. Storage of the waste must not cause any nuisance, such as odor or attraction of vectors.
d. Effective vector control measures must be applied at all times to control any potential vectors including flies, rodents, insects, and other vermin.
e. Control measures must be utilized to minimize and eliminate visible dust emissions and
blowing litter. i) Fugitive dust emissions are prohibited. ii) Windblown materials must be collected by the end of the day and stored in a leak resistant container with watertight cover. No windblown material may be allowed to
leave the facility boundary.
7. All water that comes in contact with solid waste, including vehicle wash-down water, is leachate and must be captured and properly treated before release to the environment in accordance with the Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0402(3) and the approved Operations Manual (FID 1321533).
a. The leachate control and collection system, such as floor drains, leachate collection devices,
sanitary sewer connections, and/or leachate storage tanks, must be operational during facility operations. b. The tipping floor must drain away from the building entrance and into the leachate control
and collection system.
PART VII: MISCELLANEOUS SOLID WASTE MANGEMENT UNIT SPECIFIC CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. The Miscellaneous Solid Waste Management Units, as described in the following Permit Conditions
are permitted to receive wastes from the service areas defined in the Permit Condition No. 3, Part I of Attachment 3 of this permit. Received wastes and recyclables shall be stored, stockpiled, or disposed in the designated areas as shown on Sheet No. 2/Drawing No. S1 and Figure 1 in the approved plan (FID 1321533). The permittee must obtain Section approval before re-locating any of
these operations or revising the operations.
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2. The permittee must operate and manage the Miscellaneous Solid Waste Management Units according to the following Permit Conditions, all applicable statutes and rules of the State of North
Carolina and the approved Operations Manual (FID 1321533). Any revisions to the approved plan shall be approved by the Section, prior to implementation. 3. Wastes received and product stored shall be maintained in reasonably sized piles with adequate fire breaks and lanes in accordance with the approved operational plans and the pertinent rules.
4. Surface water shall be diverted from all operational and storage areas to prevent standing water in operational areas and under or around storage piles. Water that comes in contact with solid waste is deemed to be leachate and shall be contained on-site or properly treated prior to discharge.
5. These units shall be operated and maintained with sufficient dust control measures to minimize airborne emissions and to prevent dust from becoming a nuisance or safety hazard. 6. These units shall be operated and maintained in a manner so as to minimize odors, prevent the
creation of a nuisance, potential health hazard, or a potential fire hazard.
7. Effective vector control measures shall be applied as necessary to control flies, rodents, insects, and vermin.
8. The permittee must keep the latest contact information of the contract haulers and recyclers of the
recyclable in the operating record. OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS – C&D MATERIAL RECOVERY AREA 9. The permittee is permitted to conduct C&D material recovery for reuse or recycling from the
working face of the C&DLF unit.
10. The permittee is prohibited to conduct the material recovery from MSW wastes at the landfill facility including the transfer station.
11. The following wastes are considered as recover material as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290(a)(24)
and permitted to be recovered from the working face of the C&DLF unit: a. Non-treated and non-painted clean wood including wooden pallet. b. Cardboard, scrap metal or white goods, and uncontaminated and unpainted or non-asphaltic
concrete, brick, concrete block.
12. The permittee must temporarily store the recover material at the designated locations and manage and handle the recover material in accordance the approved plan (FID 1321533), the following permit conditions, and in compliance the requirements stated in N.C.G.S. 130A-309.05(c).
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OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS – WHITE GOODS AND SCRAP METALHANDLING AREA 13. The permittee is permitted to receive and temporary store white goods as defined in N.C.G.S. Article 9, Chapter 130A-290(a)(44) and scrap metals inside containers within the C&DLF limits where is
not interfering the landfill operations. The permittee must manage the white goods in accordance with all applicable statutes and rules of the State of North Carolina. 14. The permittee must separately store the white goods containing Freon from the non-Freon white goods and scrap metal at this area and must ensure that chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants (Freon)
inside the white goods are properly removed by well-trained personnel prior to transporting off-site to a recycling facility. OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS – INERT DEBRIS AND CRUSHED GLASS STOCKPILE AREA 15. The area that is a former sediment basin and adjacent to the closed debris landfill on the northeast
side of the landfill facility is permitted to receive and temporarily store inert debris collected from the working face of the C&DLF unit and crushed glass. 16. The permittee must maintain the stockpile of inert debris with the dimensions no more than 150 feet
by 150 feet by 25 feet high, approximately 10,000 cubic yards at any time.
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS – CONSUMER ELECTRONIC WASTES HANDLING AREA 17. The fenced area that is located south corner of the landfill facility and immediately adjacent to Patterson Road/State Route 1611 is permitted to receive and maintain as a temporary storage area of
consumer electronic and miscellaneous material as defined in the N.C.G.S. 130A-309.131.
18. The permittee must place and store the collected electronic wastes on pallets or containers for pick-up by a recycler.
19. This unit that is located at the east end of the landfill facility near the MSW Transfer Station (Permit No. 8302T-TRANSFER-1997) shall be operated and managed in accordance with all applicable statutes and rules of the State of North Carolina, the requirements in Rules 15A NCAC 13B .1105(d) or .1107, and the Operations Manual (FID 1321533).
20. The unit is permitted to receive used tires and scrap tires as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-309.53(6) & (7) and must temporarily store the used tires inside trailer(s) at the designated area. 21. Once one or more trailers are full, the permittee must contract a tire recycler/hauler to transfer the
tire trailer(s) to the permitted tire recycling/processing facility.
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS – YARD WASTE STORAGE & PROCESSING AREA 22. The area that is encompassing approximately two (2) acres and located at the northwest end of the landfill facility is permitted to operate a treatment and processing facility as defined in Rule 15 A
NCAC 13B .0101(49).
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23. The area is permitted to receive, process, and store land clearing debris and waste, yard waste, and wooden pallets as defined in Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0101(22) & (23) and .0101(56), and N.C.G.S.
130A-290(44a), respectively. 24. The permittee must conduct random waste screening processes according to the approved Operations Manual (FID 1321533) to ensure that prohibited wastes are identified and removed to designated areas for proper disposal at the end of each working day.
25. The permittee must maintain the waste, including wastes/raw material and processed products, of less than 4,000 tons annually at the area. The processed or ground wastes such as mulch are approved to be used for on-site surface stabilization or erosion control and shall not be provided to the public.
26. The permittee must store or stockpile the received waste or processed/ground material (such as mulch) in the following manner: a. Each windrow has the maximum height of 15 feet and the width of 50 feet in size at any
b. Each windrow shall be maintained at least 25-foot clear distance or perimeter from drainage ditches and swales, around the processing area, and other stockpiles of raw wastes and ground material to allow for inspection, monitoring temperature, or firefighting.
c. Each windrow shall be maintained at least 50-foot clear distance from property boundaries.
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS – MOBILE HOME DECONSTRUCTION AREA 27. Mobile homes as defined in N.C.G.S. 105 - 164.3(20) and generated from mobile or modular home manufacturers located in Scotland County will be accepted for deconstruction.
28. The permittee must implement the approved plan (FID 1321533) to temporarily store mobile homes, stockpile recyclable materials, and conduct deconstruction activities. The storage and deconstruction activities shall take place only in the designated areas, which shall be in graded areas adjacent to the C&D unit.
29. Regulated asbestos-containing material as defined in 40 CFR 61 must be managed in accordance with 40 CFR 61. The permittee must follow the approved plan to properly remove asbestos-containing material from a mobile home. Disposal of asbestos waste must be in accordance with Rule 15 NCAC 13B .0542 (c).
30. White goods, as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290(a)(44), which are within mobile homes to be deconstructed, must be properly removed to the White Goods and Scrap Metal Handling Area prior to deconstruction activities. White goods must be managed in accordance with all federal, state, and local applicable statutes and rules and the Permit Condition Nos. 13 and 14 of this part, Attachment
3 of this permit.
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31. All mobile homes must be deconstructed within 45 days from acceptance into the deconstruction area. The date of receipt at the landfill shall be posted on the mobile home or its frame.
32. All material not planned for recycling must be placed in an approved disposal unit before the end of the day in which deconstruction takes place. 33. Recyclable materials may be stockpiled at the mobile home deconstruction area for no more than 45
days from the date of deconstruction. 34. Records shall be kept at the facility in accordance with the approved plan (FID 1321533). - End of Permit Conditions