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MO-9302_40765_CA_IAR_20171016_Lift Closure & Soil Rem Rpt
20-DAY AND INITIAL ABATEMENT REPORT FORMER COLISEUM CENTER MR TRANSMISSION BUILDING 3600 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5078 OCTOBER 16, 2017 K Ef 7%5w- --F3ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP "Setting the Standard for Service" - Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities NC Registered Engineenng Firm F•1073 NC Registered Geologists Firm C-406 SC Ragistered Engineering Firm 3239 October 16, 2017 Mr. Chris Bitterlin Manchester NC Coliseum, LLC PO Box 5262 Mooresville, North Carolina 28117 Reference: 20-Day and Initial Abatement Report Hydraulic Lift Removal Former Coliseum Center Mr. Transmission Building 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078 Dear Mr. Bitterlin: As authorized by your acceptance of ECS Proposal 49:6413-P dated August 15, 2017, ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) has completed the 20-Day and Initial Abatement Report for the above - referenced site. Included in this report is a description of the field activities, the results obtained, and our conclusions and recommendations. ECS appreciates the opportunity to provide our environmental consulting services to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP Rand H. Cavallier Assistant Staff Environmental Project Manager rcavalier(a-_)ecslimited.com 336-856-7150 o n M. Stewart, P.G. Chief Geologist istewart1(a)ecslimited.com 336-478-1621 ECS Capitol Services, PLLC • ECS Fionda, LLC • ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS Midwest, LLC • ECS Southeast, LLP • ECS Texas, LLP www.ecslimited.com 20-Day and Initial Abatement Report Hydraulic Lift Removal Former Coliseum Center Mr. Transmission Building 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078 October 16, 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS SITEINFORMATION................................................................................................................. 1 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION......................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................. 2 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES....................................................................................................... 2 4.0 SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION...................................................................... 2 5.0 UST CLOSURE AND INITIAL RESPONSE......................................................................... 3 6.0 SITE INVESTIGATION........................................................................................................ 3 7.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS............................................................................ 5 8.0 CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................................5 9.0 RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................................5 10.0 QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT....................................................................................... 6 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Lift Location Map Figure 4 Sample Location Map TABLES Table 1 Summary of Soil Analytical Results APPENDIX Appendix A Site Photographs Appendix B NCDEQ UST-2 and UST-61 Forms Appendix C Liquid and Soil Disposal Manifest Appendix D Lift Disposal Manifest Appendix E Laboratory Data Sheets and Chain -of -Custody Records 1 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report Hydraulic Lift Removal Former Coliseum Center Mr. Transmission Building 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078 October 16, 2017 SITE INFORMATION Site Name and Location: Mr. Transmission Building Former Coliseum Center 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina UST Owner/Operator: May Chance of Charlotte, Inc. 10928 Independence Boulevard Matthews, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Facility I D Number: Land Owner Latitude and Longitude: Date of Report: Land Use Category Contacts N/A Manchester NC Coliseum, LLC PO Box 5262 Mooresville, North Carolina 28117 35.2010081 North, 80.7827121 West October 16, 2017 Commercial Primary Contact: Mr. Chris Bitterlin Manchester NC Coliseum, LLC PO Box 5262 Mooresville, North Carolina 28117 (619) 985-4433 Remediation Contractor: CCI 144 Lane Parkway Salisbury, North Carolina 27216 (336) 841-5276 Primary Consultant: ECS Southeast, LLP 4811 Koger Boulevard Greensboro, North Carolina 27407 (336) 856-7150 John M. Stewart, P.G. C 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report Hydraulic Lilt Removal Former Coliseum Center Mr. Transmission Building 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078 October 16, 2017 Laboratories: Research & Analytical Laboratory, Inc. 106 Short Street Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 (336) 996-2841 Laboratory I.D. # 34 Red Lab, LLC 5598 Marvin Moss Lane Wilmington, North Carolina 28409 (844)384-7815 Description of Release During a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment by others dated June 14 30, 2017, total petroleum hydrocarbons -diesel range organics (TPH-DRO) were detected above the Action Level in two samples collected adjacent to in -ground hydraulic lifts of the Mr. Transmission building at the site. On September 5, 2017 the hydraulic lifts and approximately 79 tons of petroleum was removed from the site. Seal and Signature of Certifying Licensed Geologist I, John M. Stewart, a Licensed Geologist for ECS Southeast, LLP, do certify that the information contained in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. SEAL WOO I I'7 ECS SoutheasA J O��i to practice geology/engineering in North Carolina. The certification num on is C406. 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report Hydraulic Lift Removal Former Coliseum Center Mr. Transmission Building 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078 October 16, 2017 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION The site is located at 3600 East Independence Boulevard in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Figure 1 and Figure 2). According to a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) performed by Hart & Hickman (H&H) in June, 2017, the site included a Mr. Transmission automotive service facility in the northwestern portion of the site. Four in -ground hydraulic lifts were located in the building and were reportedly installed at the time of initial building construction in the late 1950s or early 1960s. During the Phase II ESA, six soil samples were collected adjacent to the lifts (SB-1, SB-2, SB-3, SB-6, S13-7, and SB-8) and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel range organics (TPH-DRO). During the Phase II ESA activities, three temporary monitoring wells were installed at the site. Soil boring SB-7 was converted to TMW- 1, TMW-2 was installed in the central portion of the site, and TMW-3 was installed along the eastern site boundary. Depth to groundwater ranged from approximately 14.10 ft below top of casing (TOC) at TMW-1 to 16.00 ft below TOC at TMW-3. The groundwater samples collected from TMW-2 and TMW-3 were analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260. The groundwater sample collected from TWM-1 was analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, TPH-GRO, TPH-DRO, and TPH-ORO by EPA Method 8015, and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) by Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) method. Analytical results indicated the presence of TPH-DRO in the soil samples collected from soil borings SB-6 and SB-7 at concentrations above the Action Level of 100 mg/kg. Soil borings SB- 6 and SB-7 were advanced adjacent to closed in -place hydraulic lifts located near the rear (west side) of the building. TPH-DRO was not detected above the State Action Levels in the remaining samples. Additionally, TPH-ORO was detected in several soil samples at concentrations ranging from 11.2 mg/kg (SB-8) to 1,860 mg/kg (SB-6). However, an Action Level for TPH-ORO has not been established. Analytical results did not indicate the presence of PAHs or TPH-GRO in the samples collected during the Phase II ESA activities. Analytical results indicated the presence of 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene in the groundwater sample collected from TMW-1 at a concentration of 1.81 pg/L which his below the Groundwater Standard of 400 tag/L and the GCL of 28,500 fag/L. Additionally, Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) was detected in the groundwater sample collected from TMW-2 at a concentration of 1.14 ug/L which is below the Groundwater Standard of 20 fag/L and the GCL of 20,000 fag/L. Analytical results of the groundwater sample collected from TMW-1 indicated the presence of TPH-DRO at a concentration of 1,190 fag/L. However, a Groundwater Standard or a GCL have not been established for TPH-DRO. As such, H&H requested the laboratory to analyze the sample for EPH. Analytical results did not indicate the presence of EPH C9-C18, EPH C11-C22, or EPHC19-C36 at concentrations above laboratory reporting limits. However, it should be noted that the laboratory detection level for EPH C11-C22 was 400 fag/L which is above the Groundwater Standard of 200 fag/L. C 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report Hydraulic Lift Removal Former Coliseum Center Mr. Transmission Building 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078 October 16, 2017 2.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS The site is located at 3600 East Independence Boulevard in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The site is located in an urban/commercial area of Mecklenburg County. Four in -ground hydraulic lifts were located inside the former Mr. Transmission automotive service facility (Figure 3) 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of services consisted of closuring four hydraulic lifts by removal and removal and off - site disposal of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil associated with the lifts. A double post hydraulic lift and a single post lift were located on the western side of the garage and two single post lifts were located on the eastern side of the former garage. The single post lifts had, at some point, replaced double post lifts. The subcontractor used for this project was CCI Environmental. Field activities were conducted on September 5 and 6, 2017. Site Photographs are included in Appendix A. 4.0 SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION 4.1 Lift Information Four in -ground hydraulic lifts with five cylinders were removed on September 5, 2017. The UST-2 Form is included in Appendix B. 4.2 Description of Release Based on the field screening instrument, stained soil, petroleum odors, and previous soil sample analytical results, a release was detected. 4.3 Site Characteristics The nearest residence is located approximately 300 feet southwest of the release. Oakhurst Elementary School is located approximately 3,000 feet south of the release. As determined from the USGS Topographic Map, Charlotte East, North Carolina Quadrangle (Figure 1), elevations at the site range from approximately 690 feet above mean sea level near the southeastern boundary to 720 feet above mean sea level near the northwestern boundary of the site. An unnamed tributary to Briar Creek is located approximately 800 feet southwest of the release area. Surface runoff on the site is generally to the south-southwest. According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985), the subject property is situated in the Charlotte and Milton Belts. The soils encountered in this area are the residual product of in - place chemical weathering of rock presently underlying the site. In general, shallow unconfined groundwater movement within the overlying soils is controlled largely by topographic gradients. However, as the groundwater percolates downward to the bedrock, it becomes controlled by the orientation of the rock fracture systems. Thus, the direction of groundwater movement may not 2 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report Hydraulic Lift Removal Former Coliseum Center Mr. Transmission Building 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078 October 16, 2017 be consistent with the reflecting topography. Recharge occurs primarily by infiltration along higher elevations and typically discharges into streams or other surface water bodies. The elevation of the shallow water table is transient and can vary with seasonal fluctuations in precipitation. Movement of groundwater under water table conditions is generally from higher to lower elevations. As such, shallow groundwater would be expected to flow to the south- southwest beneath the site. 5.0 UST CLOSURE AND INITIAL RESPONSE On September 5, 2017, ECS personnel met Contaminant Control, Inc. (CCI) of Salisbury, North Carolina at the site to begin closure activities. Closure activities included the closure by removal of four in -ground hydraulic lifts. CCI used a vacuum truck and removed 78 gallons of liquid from the lifts. The liquid was manifested and taken offsite for disposal at CCI's facility in Salisbury, North Carolina. A copy of the liquid material manifest is included in Appendix C. A tracked excavator was used to complete the removal activities. Overlying concrete and soil were removed with the excavator to expose the lifts. The lifts were removed from the exaction, cleaned, and inspected. No holes or evidence of a release was observed on the surface of the lifts. The lifts measured 1.5 feet in diameter and 7 feet in length. The lifts were transported by CCI to Foss Recycling in Salisbury, North Carolina for disposal. The lift disposal manifest is included in Appendix D. 6.0 SITE INVESTIGATION 6.1 Field Screening Following removal of the lifts from the eastern portion of the building, representative samples of soil from the base of the excavation were collected and screened using the probe of a Foxboro Model 2020 toxic vapor analyzer which is a flame ionization detector (FID). A portion of soil from each location was placed in a re -sealable plastic bag for the purpose of field screening. Each plastic bag was placed in a warm location for approximately ten minutes to allow the headspace in the bag to equilibrate. The probe of the FID was inserted into the bag, and the bag was immediately resealed. The FID meter was monitored and the readings recorded. The readings are summarized below. Sample ID Approximate Depth feet b s FID Reading ppm HL-3 7-8 4,786 HL-4 7-8 978 The NCDEQ release reporting form (UST 61) is included in Appendix B. Because the soil from the lift area on the western side of the building was known to be impacted, initial FID readings were not recorded. 3 E 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report Hydraulic Lift Removal Former Coliseum Center Mr. Transmission Building 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078 October 16, 2017 6.2 Sample Collection and Analysis After removing the lifts from the ground, the excavator was used to collect soil samples (HL-3 and HL-4) from beneath the location of the lifts. Though analysis of samples collected from this area by H&H (samples S13-2 and S13-3) did not detect TPH-DRO above the State Action Level, elevated FID readings and a distinct petroleum odor was noted in the soil. The samples were collected from an approximate depth of 7 to 8 feet below ground surface (bgs). The ECS personnel on site manually collected the samples from the bucket of the excavator. The sampler wore new, disposable nitrile gloves at each sample location. The approximate location of the samples is shown on Figure 4. Samples from lifts 1 and 2 (LH-1 and LH-2) were not collected for TPH analysis since the previously collected samples (SB-6 and SB-&) by H&H from this area detected TPH-DRO above the State Action Level. The soil samples were placed into laboratory prepared glass containers. After being filled, the sample containers were labeled and placed into a cooler containing ice to maintain the samples at approximately 4° Celsius. The samples were transported to Research and Analytical Laboratories (R&A) in Kernersville, North Carolina to be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) using EPA Methods 8015/3550 diesel range organics (DRO). The samples were transported to the laboratory under chain of custody. A copy of the Chain of Custody Record is included in Appendix D. 6.3 Soil Excavation, Transportation and Disposal On September 5, 2017, ECS observed the excavation and loading of approximately 79 tons of impacted soil from two separate excavations for off -site disposal (Figure 4). One of the areas was located on the eastern side of the building in the area where two inactive lifts were located (H&H SB-2 and SB-3) and the second was located at the rear of the building where the double post lifts and an inactive and active lift were located. As soil was being excavated from the area of the double post lifts (H&H samples S13-6 and S13-7), the impacted soil extended to the north toward the inactive lift and the recently inactivated lift. CCI transported the soil to Earthtec of NC, Inc. in Sanford, North Carolina for disposal. The Non -Hazardous Manifests and transportation weight tickets are included in Appendix C. 6.4 Confirmation Soil Sampling Following the excavation activities, soil samples SW-1 through SW-4 and B-1were collected from the sidewalls and base of the western excavation and soil samples SW-1A through SW-4A and B-2 were collected from the sidewalls and base of the eastern excavation. The sidewall samples were collected from approximately 12-13 feet bgs and the base samples were collected from a depth of 14-15 feet bgs (close to the water table surface as measured in TW-1). The sample locations are shown on Figure 4. The soil samples were collected while the sampler was wearing a new pair of disposable nitrile gloves for each sample collected. The soil samples were placed directly into laboratory prepared containers. The soil sample containers were labeled and placed into protective 4 C 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report Hydraulic Lift Removal Former Coliseum Center Mr. Transmission Building 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078 October 16, 2017 packaging material and placed into a cooler with ice to maintain the samples at approximately 4° Celsius (C°). the samples were transported to R&A to be analyzed for semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) using EPA Method 8270BNA (base neutrals and acid extractable), and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) using the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Methods. Groundwater was not encountered during closure activities. The excavations were filled with the overburden and off -site fill material and capped with stone. 7.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS 7.1 Lift Closure Soil Sample Results Laboratory analytical results of soil samples HL-3 and HL-4 did not detect TPH above the laboratory quantitation limit. The results are summarized on Table 1 and the laboratory analytical data sheets are included in the Appendix D. 7.2 Confirmation Soil Sample Results Laboratory analysis of side wall soil samples SW-1, SW-2, and SW-4 detected C11-C22 range aromatic petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations that exceed their Soil -to -Groundwater Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs) with the concentrations in samples SW-1 and SW-2 exceeding their Residential MSCCS. EPH range hydrocarbons were detected in the base sample but at concentrations below the soil -to -groundwater MSCC. The analysis did not detect SVOCs or EPH range hydrocarbons above the laboratory reporting limits in the samples collected from the eastern excavation. The results are summarized on Table 1 and the laboratory analytical data sheets are included in the Appendix D. 8.0 CONCLUSIONS An ECS professional observed the closure by removal of four hydraulic lifts from the former transmission service facility. Based on the field observations and laboratory results, it is ECS's opinion that a release had occur from the lifts in both locations of the building. Approximately 79 tons of impacted soil was excavated from two separate excavations for off -site disposal. CCI transported the soil to Earthtec of NC, Inc. in Sanford, North Carolina for disposal. Based on the analysis of soil samples collected following the soil removal/disposal, EPH range hydrocarbons remain in the soil at the rear of the building above the NCDEQ Residential MSCCs. The soil is located approximately 12 to 13 feet below grade. 9.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ECS recommends that a copy of this report be submitted for review to the NCDEQ, Mooresville Regional Office. ECS recommends that a Notice of No Future Action (NFA) be issued for the release upon obtaining a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NRP) restricting land use to industrial/commercial (no residential use) and restricts groundwater use at the site. ECS 5 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report Hydraulic Lift Removal Former Coliseum Center Mr. Transmission Building 3600 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078 October 16, 2017 understands that a NRP restricting groundwater use is already in place on the property and that a new NRP will be required, which will supersede the existing NRP. 10.0 QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT The activities and evaluative approaches used in this assessment are consistent with those normally employed in environmental assessment projects of this type. Our evaluation of site conditions has been based on our understanding of the site project information and the data obtained during our field activities. This report was prepared for the express use of Manchester NC Coliseum, LLC Use of this report by other individuals or companies implies their acceptance of the General Conditions of Service of the original contract. N$ C FIGURES r . � *h „h 77 • •�.. .f y� _ _ SITE -4 YZ 5W 4 1ti } . 766 l 7r F ::i ♦ # ,: 1 rrl ikmyg f M1 shx 7,5,E �T7�LC7` '' ti3�G 7 '}`.;.i.lb SOURCE: N FIGURE 1 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP w "Y- g SITE LOCATION MAP 7.5 — MINUTE SERIES s CHARLOTTE EAST, NC QUADRANGLE MR TRANSMISSION BUILDING DATED: 1998 3600 INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBERG COUNTY, SCALE: 1 : 24,000 NC CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10' TM ECS PROJECT NO 49-5078 10, Ir Y 1 I •I r 1 f J AN, See Figure 3po I_ . I WK • if _ 1 .R y r � ti or { i'� SOURCE: FIGURE 2 E SITE MAP GOOGLE EARTH AERIAL PUBLISHED: 2017 f MR TRANSMISSION BUILDING 3600 INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD NOT TO SCALE CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBERG COUNTY, NC ITM ECS PROJECT NO 49-5078 1 dk e SB-8 SB-1 0. - Ss-7 HL-2 --1 SB-6 0 H L-1 1 1 G46 ImOiAn I b HL-4 0 SB-2 SB-3 0 H L-3 LEGEND w Q Lift Sampled by H&H (Impacted) Lift Sampled by H&H (Clean) 0 {i4 Field Screening Indicated Impact H&H Sample Location N SOURCE: FIGURE 3 �E LIFT LOCATION MAP GOOGLE EARTH AERIAL S / PUBLISHED: 2017 r MR TRANSMISSION BUILDING \ 3600 INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD NOT TO SCALE v CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBERG COUNTY, NC ITN` G(`Q DD(1 IG(`T nlr) AO-r,07R 1 4 It ru i SOURCE: GOOGLE EARTH AERIAL PUBLISHED: 2017 NOT TO SCALE Fir T ti W-4 - SW-1 A SW-4A 0 H L-4 0 SW-2A B-2 V-2 H L-3 SW-3A is G*6 It ir FIGURE 4 "AMPLE LOCATION MAP / s r MR TRANSMISSION BUILDING 3600 INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBERG COUNTY, NC ITV ECS PROJECT NO 49-5078 TABLES TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE RESULTS Sample Identification HL-3 HL-4 SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 SW-4 I B-1 SW-1A SW-2A SW-3A SW-4A 13-2 NC ACTION LEVEL (mg/kg) Soil -to -Groundwater MSCC Residential MSCC Industrial/Commercial MSCC Sample Date 9/5/2017 TPH by 8015/3550 Diesel Range TPH 10 <10 10 SVOCs by 8270 All Target Compounds <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 68 EPH by MADEP C9-C18Aliphatics 274 257 <10 353 70 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 540 1,500 40,000 C19-C36 Ali hatics 14,000 9,690 <10 13,400 1,240 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 -- 31,000 810,000 C11-C22 Aromatics 22 11 560 <10 136 18.0 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 31 469 12,264 Notes: TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MSCC = Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration -- = Not Applicable mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram = ppm (parts per million) BOLD = Value exceed Soil -to -Groundwater MSCC UNDERLINE = Value exceeds Residential MSCC APPENDIX A Photograph 1: Hydraulic Lifts, Western Portion of Building Photograph 2: Excavation of Lift Post PHOTOGRAPH LOG FORMER COLISEUM CENTER MR. TRANSMISSION BUILDING 3600 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5078 Photograph 3: Lift Post Removal P Photograph 4: Petroleum Stained Soil Approximately 7 Feet Below Grade PHOTOGRAPH LOG FORMER COLISEUM CENTER MR. TRANSMISSION BUILDING 3600 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5078 Photograph 5: Impacted Soil Approximately 12 Feet Below Grade t Photograph 6: Lift Posts Ready For Off -Site Disposal PHOTOGRAPH LOG FORMER COLISEUM CENTER MR. TRANSMISSION BUILDING 3600 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5078 APPENDIX B UST-61 I 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form. For Releases This form should be completed and submitted to the UST Sections regional office following a known or suspected release from an underground storage tank (UST) system. This form is required to be submitted within 24 hours of discovery of a known or in NC suspected release (DWM USE ONLY) Incident # Risk (H,I,L,U) Received On Received By Suspected Contamination? (YIN) Confirmed GW Contamination? (YIN) Confirmed Soil Contaminat n ?(Y/N) Facility ID Number Date Leak Discovered Comm/Non-Commercial? Reported by (circle one): Phone, Fax or Report Samples Taken?(Y/N) Reg/Non-regulated? Region Free Product? (YIN) _Aj_ If Yes, State Greatest Thickness INCIDENT DESCRIPTION Incident Name: Fo fn, ; ipyL u I ,., Address: �.� I U County: eni<C U Regional Office (circle one): Ashevill oor , Fayett ille, City/Town: 1 Zip Code: Raleigh, Washington, Wilmington, Winston-Salem Latitude (decimal degrees): Longitude (decimal degrees) : Obtained by: Briefly describe suspected or confirmed release: (including but not limited to: nature of release, date of release, amount ❑ GPS of release, amount of free product present and recovery efforts, initial responses conducted, impacts to receptors) ❑ Topographic map ,y Vh LA ❑ GIS Address matching r� W Other GoQ ❑ Unknown a}1 Describe location: HOW RELEASE WAS DISCOVERED (Release Code) (Check one) ❑ Release Detection Equipment or Methods ❑ Visual/Odor ❑ Groundwater Contamination fig During UST Closure/Removal ❑ Water in Tank ❑ Surface Water Contamination ❑ Property Transfer ❑ Water Supply Well Contamination ❑ Other (specify) SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION Source of Release Cause of Release Type of Release Product Type Released (Check one to indicate primary (Check one to indicate primary (Check one) (Check one to indicate primary product type source) cause) released) rodt yeTank ❑ Spill APetroleurn ❑ Gasoline/ Diesel/ ❑ Diesel/Veg. Oil ❑ Piping Kerosene Blend ❑p1t Overfill ❑ Non -Petroleum ❑ ❑ Heating Oil Vegetable Oil 100% ❑ Dispenser A Corrosion ❑ Both Other Petroleum ❑ El0—E20 ❑ Submersible Turbine Pump ❑ Physical or Mechanical Products ElE21 — E84 ❑ ❑ Delivery Problem Damage Location Metals (Check one) ❑ Other Inorganics ❑ E85 — E99 ❑Install Problem ❑ Other ❑ Other Ul Facility ❑ Other Organics ❑Ethanol 100% ❑ Unknown ❑ Unknown ❑Residence ❑ E01 — E09 Definitions presented on reverse Definitions presented on reverse ❑ Other Ownership 1. Municipal 2. Military 3. Unknown CEat 5. Federal 6. County 7. State Operation Tvoe 1. Public Service 2. Agricultural 3. Residential 4. Education/Relig. 5. Industrial Commercial 7. Mining UST Form 61 (02108) Page 1 of 2 IMPACT ON DRINKING WATER SUPPLIES Water Supply Wells Affected? 1. Yes No 3. Unknown Number of Water Supply Wells Affected Water Supply Wells Contaminated: (Include Users Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers. Attach additional sheet if necessary) 1. 2. 3. UST SYSTEM OWNER UST Owner/Company C. k �ax (Y\ <5zi c�ri ct 0 Point of Contacy Address V\ N o cie V\ City L'vlf- State Zip Code Telephone Number (\) c. o UST SYSTEM OPERATOR UST Operator/Company Address City State Zip Code Telephone Number LANDOWNER AT LOCATION OF UST INCIDENT Landowner Address yv'� a 1 -�-� c- c� 1, y LC ) 30 5- G z City State Zip Code Telephone Number fy, 0 o2- co I Ci '7 /Y Draw Sketch of Area (showing two major road intersections) or Attach Map Person Reporting Incident �, r Company �� D� �,4�,� I� Telephone Number J��T. /3Z, - 7 0 Title �^ a Address- (r 11 'y& -2Yt?"7 Date UST Form 61 (02/08) Page 2 of 2 Definitions of Sources Tank: means the tank that stores the product and is part of the underground storage tank system Piping: means the piping and connectors running from the tank or submersible turbine pump to the dispenser or other end -use equipment (Vent, vapor recovery, or fill lines are excluded.) Dispenser: includes the dispenser and the equipment used to connect the dispenser to the piping (e.g., a release from a suction pump or from components located above the shear valve) Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) Area includes the submersible turbine pump head (typically located in the tank sump), the line leak detector, and the piping that connects the submersible turbine pump to the tank Delivery Problem: identifies releases that occurred during product delivery to the tank. (Typical causes associated with this source are spills and overfills.) Other: serves as the option to use when the release source is known but does not fit into one of the preceding categories (e.g., for releases from vent lines, vapor recovery lines, and fill lines) Unknown: identifies releases for which the source has not been determined Definitions of Causes Spill: use this cause when a spill occurs (e.g., when the delivery hose is disconnected from the tank fill pipe or when the nozzle is removed from the dispenser) Overfill: use when an overfill occurs (e.g., overfills may occur from the fill pipe at the tank or when the nozzle fails to shut off at the dispenser) Physical or Mechanical Damage: use for all types of physical or mechanical damage, except corrosion (e.g., puncture of tank or piping, loose fittings, broken components, and components that have changed dimension) Corrosion: use when a metal tank, piping, or other component has a release due to corrosion (e.g., for steel, corrosion takes the form of rust) Installation Problem: use when the problem is determined to have occurred specifically because the UST system was not installed properly Other: use this option when the cause is known but does not fit into one of the preceding categories (e.g., putting regulated substances into monitoring wells) Unknown: use when the cause has not been determined i I , 0-1 F 3700,E In.di 'S . P , 6PIMAGE 17 E6'ropa Tec�nologtes , 0,'2b 7 G o o g I e UST-2B Site Investigation Report for Permanent Closure or Change -in - Service of UN -REGISTERED UST Return completed form to: STATE USE ONLY NC DEQ / DWM / UST SECTION Facility ID # 1646 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1646 ATTN: REGISTRATION & PERMITTING Date Received phone (919) 707-8171 fax (919) 715-1117 http://www.wastenotnc.org/ INSTRUCTIONS (READ THIS FIRST) 1. UST permanent closure or change in service must be completed in accordance with the latest version of the Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure and Initial Response and Abatement. The guidelines can be obtained at http://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste- mana ement- ermit- uidance/under round -story e-tanks-section. 2. Permanent closure: Complete all sections of this form. 3. Change -in-service: Where UST systems will be converted from storing a regulated substance to a non -regulated substance, complete sections I, II, III, IV, and VI. 4. For more than 5 un-registered UST systems, attach additional forms as needed. 5. Un-Registered USTs may be subject to unpaid fees and late penalties. 6. REGISTERED USTs use Form UST-2A. I. OWNERSHIP OF TANKS II. LOCATION OF TANKS Owner Name (Corporation, Individual, Public Agency, or Other Entity) Facility Name or Company May Chance of Charlotte, Inc. Former Mr. Transmission Street Address Facility ID # (If known) 109218 Independence Blvd. City County Street Address Matthews Mecklenburg 3600 East Independence Blvd. State Zip Code City County Zip Code NC 28105 Charlotte Mecklenburg Phone Number Phone Number 704-531-8816 III. CONTACT PERSONNEL Contact for Facility: Job Title: Phone #: Mr. Chris Bitterlin Owner 619-985-4433 Closure Contractor Name: Closure Contractor Company: Address: Phone # Keith Burch CC I 910-484 7000 Primary Consultant Name: Primary Consultant Company: Address: Phone # John M. Stewart, P.G. ECS Southeast, LLP 4811 Koger Blvd 336-856-7150 Greensboro, NC 2740 IV. UST INFORMATION FOR UN -REGISTERED UST SYSTEMS V. EXCAVATION CONDITION REGISTERED USTs use Form UST-2A. Tank ID Size in Last Last Permanent Method of Permanent Closure: Change -in- Notable No. Gallons Contents Use Close Date Indicate REMOVED or enter fill Service Water in Free product odor or visible soil Date material, such as foam/ Date excavation contaminatio concrete/ sand n Yes No Yes No Yes No 1 20 Hydaulic FI 9/5/17 Removed El Z 1:1 Z Z El �p Hydaulic FI 9/5/17 Removed El Z 1:1 Z Z 1:1 3 20 Hydaulic FI 9/5/17 Removed 1:1 Z 1:1 Z Z 1:1 4 20 Hydaulic FI 9/5/17 Removed ❑ Z El Z Z El None El ❑ ❑ El El El None ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ o VI. CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true accurate and complete. Print name and official title of owner or owner's authorized representative Randy H. Cavallier As Agent Signature -. Date Signed 10/17/17 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT, UST SECTION 1646 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1646 PHONE (919) 707-8171 FAX (919) 715-1117 http://www.wastenotnc.org/ 1/2016 APPENDIX C 's% not _ f g d e �~ -tom "� >_ '� � / �.� �•... r x f 45 . ,,. r F gc k .1 - 4 M-e Buln h s r e Pei _ . "`' l ' = W 771 Y laer .< c v qr uprt,"jew - ... as on 0 Air - 7 . .. �.. 4 KN � 0 jj catkAftl s u: r It'll bog < .'.� _. - zoo s < ' 4 li -145 < P r Y"s p" _, _-;max 31611 JUS - pow-u �aa r 1 1 2! 1 1 8 jg c > L✓ 8 s z news T � tr m y f G 2 a & e r ANN ^i r a ----------------- a 01 s r r � � :,; .�< , .."�. � :. � _ —" ' <�;,. _. r- �m-':-trz -, - � 2 x sue- � .•�`t' i < ' ... 5 OWN a � s lilt... Jim s r ' e - <� r . r w < pit p < z` < ''y=' r ave w a mum < a n M v w r ------------ rr his a -s e a J A APPENDIX D _ !} F i NCR M- — 0 , s xz j a TM 3 a P d _ e z _ vi , VC °. _ r f � •Transpoor 1 Company C�c 4Y ' - --- --- s a m I != �yb E � u� s`J � s s > _ s 3. -ate' 4 f % r ' •� � r �. �.�.'a.ti'f, �€ �'�"� r � s s` y_ - �,., Y y } ( � 3 eta it s�a �� ♦t� � [ i �3 jai '4 s _� �� i i�i� a v � �s a - S €$ a s a a y_ ff d 3 iyy� t y Qua" Type 0 Pa" r nevoof s � «� g, � . a rnaw FadHty i n ?` r_ ` . n � i` A IRs j7h . 3 of Smde a A n si T i #' z�= oil _ T i i T v a� Z2 x APPENDIX E RESEARCH & ANALyTICAI LAbORATOR1ESf INC. Analytical/Process Consultations September 21, 2017 ECS Carolinas, LLP 4811 Koger Blvd. Greensboro, NC 27407 Attention: Randy Cavat ier Chemical Analysis for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) for Selected Soil Samples Identified as Independence (An ECS Carolinas, LLP Project, collected 5 September 2017) Quantitation EPA Method Surrogate Sample RAL _ Date Time Limit 3550 Date Date Time Recovery Identification Sample# Taken 1401 (mglkg)(mg/kg) Extracted Analyzed Analyzed (P-Terohenvl d-14) HL-3 39604-11 09/05/17 1440 10 BQL 09/08/17 09/08/17 1845 HL-4 39604-12 09/05/17 1500 10 BQL 09/08/17 09/08/17 1913 98% 128% EPA Method 3550 = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram = pans per million (ppm) BQL = Below Quantitation Limit Surrogate Recovery Range= 70-130% NR=Not Requested RESEARCH & ANALyTICAI ®�® LAbORATOR1ES/ INC. AnotyllerdMacau (`.OmlaOxOla Chemical Anatysisfor Selected Parameters and Sampling Locations Identified as Independence (An ECS Caroltesm, LLP Pro)ec4 collected S September 2017) 1. Semi-Voladle Organim EPA Method 8270 BNA Parameter Acemphth me A.Phthylme 4-Ch1ota-3-methylphenol 2-Chloneophdwatte 2-Chlomphanol 4-Chlomphmyl phenyl ether Chtywc Dibeme(a.hlanthmmne Dibemafumn Di-N-Butyl phthalme 1.2-Dichlombmzenc 1,3-DicMmbemmue 1.4-Dichlambemme 3,3-Dichlamboaddim 2.4Dichlomphmol Diethyl phdmlue 24-Dimelhylphenol Di.dhyl phth l.te 4.6-Din1lm-2-methylphmal 2.4-Dintroplmol 2.4-Diniuomluen. 2.6-Dinitnualm me Di-N-OctylphdtWue Ambenzene Fluomndum. Flumene Heeaehlomhmmne Hexachtmebumdime Hexachlcmm.lcprnladime Hemchlomell me 1ndm(1.43 d)pynme Numhomm 2-Methylnophlhalene 2-Melhylphrnol 4-Melhylphenal Nilmbenzene 2-Nimpheml 4-Nivaphmol N-Nitm.diphcnylamine N-niamodi-n-pmpylumine Penmehlamphmol Plmnmllorno Phenol Pya ne 1,2.4-Trichlo abemane 2,4.6-Tdchlomphrnol 2-Me1hy1.4.&diniuophenol Bea dine 1.2-Dipheny1hydrazim N-Nitmmdimethylandw I-Melhylnmhthotenc QuaoHtation SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 SW-4 B-1 Limit (malke) Welke) (fig) (tuaft (n, (me/kel 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL ROL SOL 6.67 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL ROL SOL 033 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 ROL SOL SOL SOL SOL 3.33 SOL ROL SOL ROL SOL 0.33 SOL ROL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL ROL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 ROL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 1.65 ROL SOL SOL SOL SOL 033 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL ROL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SQL SOL ROL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SQL SOL ROL SOL SOL 0.66 SOL SQL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SQL SOL ROL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SQL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 1.65 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 1.65 ROL SOL SOL SOL SQL 0.33 ROL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 3.33 SOL SOL SOL ROL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 033 SOL SOL SOL ROL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL D.33 ROL SOL SOL SOL SOL 033 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 033 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 033 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 033 SQL SOL ROL SOL SOL 033 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 1.65 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 1.65 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL BQL 1.65 SOL SOL ROL SOL SOL 0.33 ROL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 1.65 SOL SOL ROL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL BQL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 033 SOL SOL SOL SQL SOL 033 SOL SOL SOL SOL SOL 1.65 SOL SOL ROL SOL SOL 1.65 SOL SOL SOL ROL SOL 1.65 SOL SOL SOL SOL ROL 0.33 ROL SOL SOL SOL SOL 0.33 SOL SOL ROL SOL ROL Dilution Factor 1 10 1 10 10 Sample Number 39604-01 39604-02 39604-03 39604-04 39604-05 Semple Dale 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 Sample Time (hts) 1100 1105 1110 1115 1120 Dale Extracted 09/08/17 09/11/17 09/08/17 09/11/17 09/11/17 Date Analyzed 09/10/17 09/11/17 09/10/17 09/11/17 09/11/17 Time Analyzed 2050 1853 2224 1921 1949 Surrogate Recovery Range (2-Fluomphenol) (21-I10%) 65% 69% 59% 63% 57% (Phenold6) (10-110%) 72% 70% 65% 67r/e 62% (NSrohenra l"S) (35-114%) 85% 81% 72% 82% 70% (2A,6-Tribmmophenol) (10-123%) 83% 94% 82% 96% 78% (2-Fluemblphenyl) (43-116%) 89% 89% 75% 89% 78% (4-Terphenyl-d14) (33-141%) 61% 6391 68% 69% 69% SOL - Below Quanduction Limiu mg1k9 e milligrams per kilo8mm ^ pam per million(ppm) DNA = Ban Newnd Acid Extruclables Qumdmtion limits mum be multiplied by the dilmdon fuetm ©RESEARCH & ANALYTICAL p®p LZORATOR1E5r INC. ��� Am041am/PrOCen ComJlalbm Chemical Analysis jar Selected Parameters and Sampling Locations Identified as Independence (An ECS Carolinas. LLPANeet, collected 5 September 2017) 1. Semi -Volatile Organics EPA Method $270 DNA Parameter Aeemphthene Acmmfultylene Authracmm Bmmie Acid Bemo(a)ontluoc<ne 4-Chloro-3-mcthylphrnol 2-Chlon mplahelme 2-Chlmophrnol 4-Chlmophmyl phenyl eNu Chrymme Dibema(ahpndunemte Dibecmaferan Di-N-Butyl phthalate 42-Dichlom6emme 1,3-Dichlom6cvene 1.4-Dichlombemene 3,30chlombcm3dine 2,4.Dichlomyhrnal Diethyl phthala, 2.4-Dimethylpheml Dimethyl phdminm 4.&Dinino-2-mcNylphenol 24-Diniunpheml 2.4-Diniuotolurne 2,6-DinitneWluene Di-N4)ctyl phdulmc Arnbcomme Fluomodeme Ff. amne Hexachlotobmzene Hcxpchlocdmtedirnc Heuehlorecyclopenladiene Heuchlomed. lndoe-0.23-cd)pytene leaphomnc 2-McthYlnaphtholcne 2-Mcihylphmml FMethylphcnol Nlmbrnre m 2-Niumphenol 4-Niuophcno1 N-Niwsodiphenylamine N-aucsodi-n-mopylamine Pcnuchbmphrnal Phmmahtene Pymne 1.2A-T,ichlooebcnunc 2.4A-Tdchlampheool 2-Me0,Y14,64niuopheml Daniell. 12-Diphrny1hydravne N-Nitmsatimelhylemine 1-Mollwh nphdmlcne Qaantitation SW -IA SW-2A SW-3A SWdA B-2 Limit (D11141e) (mg&el (memo) (Mg&E) n,..� (Ln0m) (raff1w) 033 SOL ROL SOL ROL ROL 033 ROL ROL SOL ROL ROL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL ROL ROL 6.67 ROL BQL ROL BQL BQL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL ROL BQL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 BQL BOL ROL BQL ROL 033 BQL ROL BQ1. ROL ROL 0.33 BQL ROL SOL ROL ROL 3.33 ROL ROL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 ROL BOL BQL ROL ROL 0.33 ROL BQL SOL SOL ROL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 BQL BOL ROL BQL BOL 0.33 ROL BQL ROL ROL SOL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL BOL SOL 1.65 BQL SOL ROL ROL SOL 0.33 BQL ROL BOL SOL SOL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL BQL BQL 0.33 ROL ROL BQL ROL BQL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 SOL ROL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 ROL BQL BQL BQL ROL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL BQL BQL 033 ROL ROL BQL BOL BQL 0.33 ROL BQL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 ROL BQL SOL BQL ROL 033 ROL ROL BQL BQL ROL 0.66 SOL BOL BQL BQL ROL 0.33 BQL ROL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 SOL SOL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 BQL ROL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 ROL BQL ROL ROL BQL 1.65 BQL ROL ROL ROL ROL 1.65 BQL BQL ROL ROL BQL 0.33 ROL BQL ROL ROL BQL 0.33 ROL BOL ROL SOL ROL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL SOL ROL 333 ROL BQL BOL SOL ROL 033 SOL ROL RQL BQL BQL 0.33 BQL ROL BOL BQL ROL 0.33 BQL ROL ROL SOL BQL 0.33 ROL BQL BOL BQL ROL 0.33 SOL ROL BQL ROL BQL 0.33 ROL SOL ROL ROL BQL 0.33 BQL BQL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 ROL BQL ROL BQL BOL 0.33 ROL ROL BOL ROL ROL 1.65 BQL BQL ROL ROL ROL 1.65 ROL ROL ROL SOL BQL 0.33 ROL ROL BQL ROL BQL 0.33 ROL BQL BQL SOL ROL 1.65 BQL BOL ROL BQL SOL 0.33 ROL BQL ROL BQL BQL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL ROL BQL 1.65 ROL ROL BQL ROL ROL 0.33 ROL ROL ROL ROL BQL 0.33 ROL ROL SOL SOL BQL 0.33 ROL ROL BQL ROL BQL 0.33 BQL BQL BQL BQL ROL 0.33 ROL ROL SOL ROL SOL 1.65 ROL ROL BQL ROL ROL 1.65 ROL SOL ROL BQL ROL 1.65 ROL ROL ROL ROL ROL 0.33 BQL ROL ROL BQL ROL 0.33 ROL BQL ROL BQL ROL Dilution Factor I 1 i I 1 Semple Number 39604-06 39400-07 39400-08 39400-09 39400-10 Sample Date 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 Sample Time (bra) 1230 1235 1240 1245 1250 Date Extracted 09/08/17 09/08/17 09/08/17 09/08/17 09/08/17 Date Analyzed 09/10/17 09/10/17 09/10/17 09/11/17 09/il/17 Time Analyzed 2252 2320 2348 0016 0044 Surrogate Recovery Range (2-Fluomphenol) (21-110%) 57% 65% 67% 59% 66% (Phenol-d6) (10-110%) 64% 72A 73% 65% 72% (NUmbenowei (35-114%) 69% 80% 821% 749/6 80% (2A,6-Tribmmophenop (10-123%) 90% 86% 99% 66A 76% (2-Fluambipheoyl) (43-116%) 79% 86% 84% 705% 82% (4-Tetphenyl-dl4) (33-141%) 72% 75% 691/6 66% 69"/e BQL = Below Qumttionon Limin mg/kg =milligrams per kilammn= pun per million(ppm) DNA=Base-Neural Acid Emmembice Quamitmion limit; must be multiplied by the dilution femoc RESEARch & ANA1yTICA1 LAbORATORIESt INC. AmWcd/Procea Consultations Chemical Analysis for Selected Parameters and Sampling Locations Identified as Independence (An ECS Carolinas, LLP Project, collected 5 September 2017) wo.,yd a �•vnnuu.� IL Method MADEP 98-1 Quantitation SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 SW4 B-1 EPH Limit Parameter (mg/ka) (meAke) (me/ke) (ME&M (mp/ke) (Mau) C9-C18 Aliphatics 10.0 274 257 BQL 353 69.6 C-19-C-36 Aliphatics 10.0 14,000 9,690 BQL 13,400 1,240 CII-C22 Aromatics 10.0 2,720 1,590 BQL 136 18.0 Dilution Factor I I I I I Sample Number 39604-01 39604-02 39604-03 39604-04 39604-05 Sample Date 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 Sample Time (hrs) 1100 1105 1110 1115 1120 Date Analyzed 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 Time Analyzed 1817 1907 1956 2133 2223 II. Method MADEP 98-1 Quantitation SW-tA SW-2A SW-3A SW4A B-2 EPH Limit Parameter (me/ka) (me/ka) (m¢/ka) (me/kg) (me/ke) (mike) C9-CI8 Aliphatics 10.0 BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL C-19-C-36 Aliphatics 10.0 BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL CII-C22 Aromatics 10.0 BQL BQL BQL BQL BQL Dilution Factor I I I Sample Number 39604-06 39604-07 39604-08 39604-09 39604-10 Sample Date 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 Sample Time (hrs) 1230 1235 1240 1245 1250 Date Analyzed 09/13/17 09/13/17 09/13/17 09/13/17 09/13/17 Time Analyzed 0049 0315 0404 0453 0541 MADEP VPH 98.1 = Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons via the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Method MADEP EPH 98-1 = Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons via the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Method mgtkg = milligrams per kilogram= parts per million(ppm) Quantitation limits must be multiplied by the dilution factor BQL = Below Quantitation Limits EPH (Aliphaties/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name: Project Name: Site Location: ECS Carolinas, LLP Independence RAL #'s 39604.0I-10 Laboratory Name: NC Certification # (Lab): Sample Matrix: Research & Analytical Laboratories, Inc 34 Solid Sample Information and Analytical Results rod for Rangea: MADEP EPH Surrogate Standards hatic: COD Sample Identification SW-1 SW-2 SW-3 SW4 11-1 SW -IA SW-2A SW-3A SW4A 8-2 Date Collected 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 09/05/17 Date Received 09/06/17 09/06/17 09/06/17 09/06/17 09/06/17 09/06/17 09/06/17 09/06/17 09/06A7 09/06/17 none; o-terphenyl Fractionation Surrogates Date Extracted 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 Date Analyzed D9/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 D9/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 09/12/17 2-Flumobiphenyl % Dry Solids 78.8 76 77 76.9 81.1 76 902 R7 A 701 7R A az z-aromonaphinalene Dilution Factor ] I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I Hydroearbo Units of MDL RL Blank N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A a Ranges Mature C9-Cig Aliphmtis" mg/kg 5.3 10.0 BRL 274 257 BRL 353 69.6 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL C19-C36 Aliphatics" mg/kg 2.4 10.0 BRL 14,000 9,690 BRL 13,400 1,240 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL CH -C22 �� Aromatics mg/kg 4.3 10.0 BRL 2,720 1,590 BRL 136 18.0 BRL BRL BRL BRL BRL Sample Surrogate Acceptance Rance N/A N/A 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-1400/. 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate Recove N/A NIA 59 99 113 88 105 96 50 66 51 56 80 Aromatic Surrogate n...,-- N/A N/A 74 125 78 101 123 97 63 95 72 62 107 Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance lunge N/A N/A 40.140% 40.1400% 40.140% 40-1409/6 40.140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-1400/. 40-140% % R..__.ecov._e .._..ry _.. __.._a..-... N/A N/A 52 89 111 N/A 61 96 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Fractionation Surrogate#2 N/A N/A 82 54 73 N/A 79 66 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A % Recovery '• Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s). internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL= Method Detection Limit RL=Reooning Limit Blank= Labotatow Method Blank or Trio Blank whichever is higher findicate wrel Were all performance/acceptable standards for required QA/QC procedures achieved? Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method? Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? ® Yes ❑ No - Details Attached ❑ Yea ® No ® No ❑ Yes -Details Attached QA/QC Summary Method: 8270 100/200 PPB FILE NAME: SLC0910-MS3 Pagel of 2 CLIENT:ECS PROJECT:INDEPENDENCE Sample ID: 39601-01,03,06-10 INSTUMENT: MS-1 Extraction Method 3550 Date Extracted 09/W/17 Weight Extracted 300 Final Extract Volume 1ML Date Analyzed 09/11/17 % Surrogate Recovery 72 76 66 97 77 75 Acceptance Range (21- 110) (10 - 110) (35-114) (10 - 123) (43 -116) (33 -141) LCS Accept S MS MSD RPD C LIMITS Compound MDL Method LCS % %Rec. %Rec. m /k Blank Recovery RPD %REC N-Nitrosodunethylamine 0.047 ND 72 51-108 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.066 ND 83 49-110 Phenol 0.066 ND 73 52-118 51 64 21 42 12-110 2-Chlorophenol 0.060 ND 75 55-111 61 77 23 40 27-123 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.085 ND 72 54-108 1,4-Dichlorobe me 0.050 ND 76 55-112 53 67 22 28 36-97 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0,047 ND 74 53-112 Benzyl Alcohol 0.087 ND 84 47-160 2-Methylphenol(O-CRESOL) 0.072 ND 75 35-127 3&4-Methylphenol(1,f&,P CRESOL) 0.063 ND 76 47-132 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.063 ND 74 37-116 N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine 0.057 ND 71 45-123 70 87 22 38 41-116 Hexachloroedme 0.069 ND 76 52-107 2-Nitrophenol 0.066 ND 83 56-117 2,4.Dimethyiphenol 0.079 ND 67 35-118 Nitrobenzene 0.072 ND 74 50-99 isophorone 0.079 ND 58 48-100 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 0.063 ND 77 51-96 Benzoic Acid 0.348 ND 76 D-136 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.066 ND 74 42-117 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.047 ND 72 53-95 70 85 19 1 28 39-98 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.141 ND 77 49-128 73 84 15 42 23-97 4-Chloromiline 0.479 ND 71 44-116 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.057 ND 72 39-121 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.056 ND 69 63-105 Dibenzofuran 0.063 ND 85 50-128 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.044 ND 68 23-167 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 0.107 ND 84 32-158 N/A . i I QA/QC Summary Method: 8270 100/200 Pfg_QCI I FILE NAME: SLC0910-MS3 Page 2 of 2 CLIENPECS ROJECT:INDEPENDENCE LCS Acceptr ange C LIMITS Compound MDL mg/kg Method Blank LCS % Recovery MS MSD RPD % Rec. % Rec. 2-Methyl-4,6-Dinitrophenol 0.170 ND 107 64-140 RPD I 48REC 4-Nitrophenol 0.232 ND 91 50-140 66 76 14 50 10-80 Hexachlomcycloperdadiene 0.079 ND 53 12-129 2-Chloronephthalene 0.046 ND 74 46-127 Dimethyl phthalate 0.066 ND 84 51-113 Acemphthylene 0.066 ND 79 41-128 2,6-Dinitrotolume 0.075 ND 90 58-120 Acenaphthene 0.057 ND 78 49-129 53 70 27 31 46-118 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.079 ND 86 53-123 54 65 17 38 24-96 Flwme 0.060.IND 64 49-127 Diethyl phthalate 0.072 82 47-117 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.050 67 46-134 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0,188 114 45-147 Awbenzene 0.083 74 45-117 Pentechlorophenol 0.129 89 64-144 55 70 23 50 9-103 N-Nitrosodiphe ylamine 0.066 ND 76 2-127 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.085 ND 79 50-130 Hexachlorobenzene 0.069 ND 87 50-131 Phenanttvene 0.075 ND 86 50-135 Anthmcene 0.072 ND 84 57-131 Di-N-Butyl phthalate 0.097 ND 87 47-115 Fluoranthene 0.085 ND 76 47-128 Benzidine 0.048 ND 44 D-150 Pyrene 0.038 ND 84 56.120 58 66 12 31 26-127 Benzyl butyl phthalate 0.060 ND 83 55-122 Benzo(a)mthracene 0.050 ND 84 62-119 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine 0.122 ND 43 D-114 Chrysene 0.060 ND 79 60-124 Bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)phUnIate 0.066 ND 79 46-124 Di-N-Octylphthalate 0.079 ND 90 49-131 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.122 ND 102 60-132 Benzo(k)fluormthene 0.110 ND 71 39-137 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.047 ND 88 63-126 7ndeno(I,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.094 ND 96 39-159 Dibenw(ah)anthracene 0.088 ND 92 20-158 Benzo(gh.i)perylene 0.097 ND 82 40-158 N/A I= Data Not Available • = OUT OF RANGE i I QA/0C Summary Method: 8270 100/200 PPB QQ I FILE NAME: SLC0911-MS3 Page 1 of 2 CLIENT:ECS ROJECT:INDEPENDENCE Sample ID: 39601-02,04-05 INSTUMENT: MS-1 Extraction Method 3550 Date Extracted 09108/17 Weight Extracted 300 Final Extract Volume 1NM Date Analyzed 09/11/17 % Surrogate Recovery 71 77 66 1 96 87 75 Acceptance Range (21- 110) (10 -110) (35 - 114) (10 - 123) (43 -116) (33 -141) LCS Ran Pt. e B MS MSD RPD C LIMITS Compound MDL Method LCS % %Rec. %Rec. m Blank Recover RPD /DREG N-Nitmsodimethylamine 0.047 ND 70 51-108 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 0.066 ND 76 49-110 Phenol 0.066 ND 72 52-118 51 64 21 42 12-110 2-Chlorophenol 0.060 ND 74 55-111 61 77 23 40 27-123 1,3-Dichlorobeozene 0.085 ND 74 54-108 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.050 ND 72 55-112 53 67 22 28 36-97 1,2-DichImbenzene 0.047 ND 73 53-112 Benzyl Alcohol 0.087 ND 92 47-160 2-Methylphenol(O-CRESOL) 0.072 ND 71 35-127 3&4-Methylphenol(M&P CRESOL) 0.063 ND 75 47-132 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.063 ND 73 37-116 N-nitrosodi-n-pmpylamme 0.057 ND 72 45-123 70 87 22 38 41-116 Hexachloroethene 0.069 ND 74 52-107 2-Nitrophenol 0.066 ND 79 56-117 2,4-Dimethylphenol 0.079 ND 67 35-118 Nitrobenzene 0.072 ND 73 50-99 Isophorone 0.079 ND 56 48-100 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 0.063 ND 74 51-96 Benzoic Acid 0.348 ND 77 D-136 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.066 ND 74 42-117 1,2,4-Trichlombenzene 0.047 ND 70 53-95 70 85 19 28 39-98 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0,141 ND 78 49-128 73 84 15 42 23-97 4-Chloroaniline 0.479 ND 67 44-116 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.057 ND 75 39-121 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.056 ND 70 63-105 Dibenzofuran 0.063 ND 82 50-128 2,4,6-1)richlorophenoi 0.044 ND 76 23-167 2,4,5-Trichlomphenol 0.107 ND 83 32-158 N/A I QA/QC Sumina y Method: 8270 100/200 PPI3 QQ I FILE NAME: SLC0911-MS3 Page 2 of 2 CLIENT:ECS ROJECT:INDEPENDENCE LCS Acceptr ange C LUAM Compound MDL mglkg Method Blank LCS % Recovery MS MSD RPD % Rec. % Rec. 2-Methyl-4,6-Dinitrophenol 0.170 ND 99 64-140 RPD %REC 4-Nitrophenol 0.232 ND 93 50-140 66 76 14 50 10-80 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.079 ND 54 12-129 2-Chloronaphthalene 0.046 ND 82 46-127 Dimethyl phthalate 0.066 ND 81 51-113 Acemphthylene 0.066 ND 75 41-128 2,6-Dvtitrololuene 0.075 ND 83 58-120 Acenaphthene 0.057 ND 83 49-129 53 70 27 31 46-118 2,4-Dirutrotoluene 0.079 ND 86 53-123 54 65 17 38 24-96 Fluorene 0.060 ND 66 49-127 Diethyl phthalate 0.072 ND 84 47-117 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.050 ND 74 46-134 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.188 ND 114 45-147 Awbenaene 0.083 ND 77 45-117 Pentachlorophenol 0.129 ND 91 64-144 55 70 23 50 9-103 N-Nitrosodiphenyhmne 0.066 ND 81 2-127 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.085 ND 79 50-130 Hexachlorobenzene 0.069 ND 90 50-131 Phenanthrene 0.075 ND 87 50-135 Ardhracene 0.072 ND 90 57-131 Di-N-Butyl phthalate 0.097 ND 81 47-115 Fluoranthene 0.085 ND 75 47-128 Benzidine 0.048 ND 36 D-150 Pyrene 0.038 ND 87 56-120 58 66 12 31 26-127 Benzyl butyl phthalate 0.060 ND 80 55-122 Benzo(a)uithracene 0.050 ND 89 62-119 3,3-Dichlorobenudine 0.122 ND 51 D-114 Chrysene 0.060 ND 78 60-124 Bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)phthalate 0.066 ND 83 46-124 Di-N-Octylphthalate, 0.079 ND 89 49-131 Benno(b)fluoranthme 0.122 ND 109 60-132 Benzo(k)ftuoranthene 0.110 ND 62 39-137 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.047 ND 83 63-126 Indeno(1,2,3-ed)pyrene 0.094 ND 100 39-159 Dibenzo(a,h)mtivacene 0.088 ND 92 20-158 Benzo(gh,t)perylene 0.097 ND 84 40-158 N/A = Data Not Available ' = OUT OF RANGE QA/QC Summary Method EPH Page 1 of 1 Project: ECS Carolinas, LLP - Independence Sample ID 39604-01-10 Date Analyzed 09/12/17 % Surrogate Recovery 94 104 Acceptance Limits 1 (40-140) (40-140) MDL Method Trip/Field LCS % Acceptance Compound mojkg Blank Blank Recovery Bantle MS MSD control Limits %RPD Control Limits C9-C18Aliphatic 5.30 BQL N/A 97 40-140 103 103 40-140 <I 50% C-19-06 Aliphatic 2.40 BQL N/A 90 40-140 90 87. 40-140 3.4 50% CI1-C22 Aromatics 4.30 BQL N/A 78 40-140 78 78 40-140 <I 50% N/A = Data Not Available QA/QC Summary Method 3550 Page 1 of 1 Project: ECS Carolinas, LLP - Independence Sample ID 39604-11-12 Sample Prep Method 3550 Volume/Used 15 g Final Extract Volume 10 mis Date Analyzed 09/08/17 % Surrogate Recovery 101 Acceptance Limits (70-130) TI C.4 I MDL Method Trip/Field LCS % Acceptance Compound m I Blank Blank Recove Ramwe Sample Duplicate %RPD Control Limits Diesel 1.36 BQL N/A 1 97 80-120 1 547 1 564 1 3.16 20 N/A = Data Not Available RESEARCH & ANALyriCAI iq L, LAbORATORIES, INC. CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 06450 Analytical / Process Consultations Phone (336) 996-2841 Client: Project ID: MLLp.j Date: '1 (66:7 Report To: ^r--Ve j I Address: b'( I �� Contact: , //r Turnaround: 5),„C C-0 r <'c�grtieS�tCS I „t Address: AL!= Phone: 33b F-�Z 7/i'> Job Number: c u. Quote #: z-, It Fax: 71 b u P.O. Number: Invoice To: r 3aU * FI I MI Z �` I k Y '�a } e a M W �I x M � J�5 �MIMMMMMMMMMM OMEN F t.-.1 IPy,n,*• ..i@__.�. 5 �I4T"��F' ttaL�—. i L...A y GXz P Me, �� Y >.. �' _�.'+'�XY�y �....,..NC SC Other ORIGINAL