HomeMy WebLinkAbout22050_Johnson's Arco_OAR_2019.01.30Additional Assessment Report Former Arco Station Site 700, 702, and 714 Haywood Road and 12 Fairfax Avenue Asheville, North Carolina Headwater Project # 2018109A Prepared for: PRS DUNN, LLC 115 Morningside Drive Asheville, North Carolina 28806 January 30, 2019 Additional Assessment Report Former Arco Station Site 700. 702, and 714 Haywood Road and 12 Fairfax Avenue Asheville, North Carolina Headwater Project # 2018109A January 30, 2019 Prepared for PRS DUNN, LLC 115 Morningside Drive Asheville, North Carolina 28806 And SunTrust Banks, Inc. 303 Peachtree Street, NE, 9w Floor Mail Code GA-ATL-0643 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Prepared by Headwater Environmental, Inc. 45 South French Broad Avenue, #170 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Adam M. Tripp, PG r Michael alk or I, Adam M Tripp, PG, certify that the Additional Assessment Report (dated January 30, 2019) for the Former Arco Station Site, located 700, 702 and 714 Haywood Road, and 12 Fairfax Avenue, Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina (the Site) was prepared under my supervision and direction and that the contents of this report are complete and accurate. I have the specific qualifications based on education, training, and experience to assess a site of the nature, history, and setting of the Site. Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Site Description and Setting...........................................................................................................................1 1.2 Historical Assessments......................................................................................................................................2 1.2.1 Phase I ESA and GPR Survey...........................................................................................................2 1.2.2 Limited Phase II ESA...........................................................................................................................2 1.2.3 Limited Site Assessment...................................................................................................................3 1.2.4 Brownfield Site Assessment.............................................................................................................4 2 Additional Assessment Activities...........................................................................................6 2.1 Soil Assessment Methodology and Results..............................................................................................6 2.1.1 Soil Results.............................................................................................................................................6 2.2 Groundwater Assessment Methodology...................................................................................................7 2.2.1 Monitoring Well Installation...........................................................................................................7 2.2.2 Monitoring Well Gauging................................................................................................................7 2.2.3 Monitoring Well Sampling...............................................................................................................7 2.3 Groundwater Results..........................................................................................................................................8 2.3.1 Groundwater Flow Direction and Elevations.............................................................................8 2.3.2 Groundwater Analytical Results.....................................................................................................8 3 Alternate Source Research....................................................................................................10 3.1 Historical Site and Neighboring Property Use Interviews................................................................10 3.2 Historical City Directory Review..................................................................................................................10 3.3 Historical Sanborn Map Review..................................................................................................................11 3.4 MSD Interview and Sewer Map Review................................................................................................... 11 4 Conclusions...............................................................................................................................12 5 References.................................................................................................................................14 FIGURES Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Groundwater Contour Map Figure 4 Sanborn Map for 732 Haywood Road Figure 5 Alternate Source Evaluation Map Headwater Environmental i Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report TABLES Table 1 Well Construction and Groundwater Elevation Data Table 2 Field Parameters Summary Table 3 Groundwater Analytical Results Summary APPENDICES Appendix A Limited Phase II ESA Tables and Figures Appendix B Limited Site Assessment Tables and Figures Appendix C Brownfield Site Assessment Tables and Figures Appendix D Boring Log and Well Construction Records Appendix E Laboratory Analytical Report Appendix F Historical Site Photo Appendix G Historical City Directories Appendix H Sanborn Map Report Headwater Environmental ii Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report 1 Introduction Headwater Environmental, Inc. (Headwater), under the supervision of Adam M Tripp, PG, and on behalf of PRS DUNN, LLC (PRS DUNN), prepared this Additional Assessment Report to document assessment activities associated with the property located at 700, 702 and 714 Haywood Road (702 and 714 Haywood Road are historical addresses), and 12 Fairfax Avenue, Asheville, Buncombe County, North Carolina (the Site). Historical review has shown that a former gasoline filling station occupied the portion of the Site historically identified as 714 Haywood Road on Sanborn Fire Insurance maps, and 702 Haywood Road on historical city directories. Groundwater impacted with both petroleum constituents and chlorinated solvents has been detected on -Site. The purpose of this assessment is to further evaluate groundwater on -Site and to identify potential up -gradients sources of chlorinated solvents. Historical use of chlorinated solvents at the Site has not been identified. However, historical research performed during this assessment, indicates the presence of multiple historical dry cleaners in the Site vicinity. Additionally, groundwater data collected from the most up -gradient portion of the Site indicates that impacted groundwater is migrating onto the Site from an upgradient source. This report includes a description of the Site, a summary of previously performed assessments, descriptions of soil and groundwater assessment methodology and results, a summary of historical review, and conclusions. 1.1 Site Description and Setting The Site is composed of three parcels, identified by Buncombe County Geographic Information System, Parcel Identification Numbers (PINs) 9638-24-1392-00000 (former filling station parcel), 9638-24-3333-00000, and 9638-24-3235-00000, totaling approximately 0.66 acres in area. The Site is located along a commercial corridor (Haywood Road) in West Asheville, and is adjacent to residential neighborhoods, located to the south. A Site Location Map is provided as Figure 1 Two of the three parcels (700 Haywood Road and 12 Fairfax Avenue), located to the east of Fairfax Avenue, contain an un-occupied former bank building and associated parking with drive- thru. The third parcel (714 Haywood Road), located to the west of Fairfax Avenue, currently contains a parking lot, but appears to have recently been used as a detached bank ATM drive- thru. A Site Map provided as Figure 2 details the Site boundaries and the approximate area of the former gasoline filling station. Headwater Environmental Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report 1.2 Historical Assessments Multiple assessments have been performed at the Site including: • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), prepared by Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC (Anchor QEA), and dated November 2017 (Anchor QEA 2017) • Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR) Summary Report, prepared by CHD Environmental, and dated November 28, 2017 (CHD 2017) • Limited Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment prepared by Anchor QEA, and dated June 2018 (Anchor QEA 2018a) • Limited Site Assessment prepared by Anchor QEA, and dated June 2018 (Anchor QEA 2018b) • Brownfields Site Assessment prepared by Anchor QEA, and dated November 2018 (Anchor QEA 2018c) A summary of these assessments is included in the following sub -sections. 1.2.1 Phase I ESA and GPR Survey The findings of Anchor QEA's November 2017 Phase I ESA (Anchor QEA 2017) include: • The Site operated as a filling station or automotive service station from at least 1954 to 1975 based on Sanborn maps. • It is possible that the former filling station utilized underground storage tanks (USTs). UST registration or closure records were not identified. Based on the findings presented in the Phase I ESA, a GPR survey was performed by CHD Environmental. The survey area included only the 714 Haywood Road parcel and encompassed nearly the entire parcel except for a portion of the northwest corner of the parcel. USTs were not identified during the GPR survey. However, several disturbed areas, rectangular in shape were observed near the northeastern portion of the parcel and were suspected to be associated with the former filling station. These disturbed areas, which appeared to contain fill and debris, could be a result of previous UST removal activities. 1.2.2 Limited Phase II ESA During the Limited Phase II ESA (Anchor QEA 2018a), five soil borings (S-1 through S-5) were advanced to approximately 20 feet below ground surface (feet bgs) in January 2018. Boring locations were selected based on the results of the GPR survey and the location of the suspected former gasoline station as shown on Sanborn maps. Applicable tables and figures from this assessment are included in Appendix A. Soil cores were collected continuously in each boring and observed and screened with a photoionization detector (PID). One soil sample from each boring (for a total of five) was collected Headwater Environmental 2 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report for laboratory analysis based on PID screenings. Samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons diesel range organics (TPH-DRO), total petroleum hydrocarbons gasoline range organics (TPH-GRO), and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX). Based on the results of the initial analysis, soil samples S-1 (16 to 20 feet bgs) and S-5 (12 to 16 feet bgs) were selected for "risk -based" analyses, including: • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260 • Semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), by EPA Method 8270 • Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) • MADEP volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) Soil boring S-1 and S-5 were collected from within the area suspected to be a former UST pit based on the GPR survey. Soil analytical results in samples S-1 and S-5 indicated concentrations of constituents in excess of applicable screening criteria were present. Constituents in soil were primarily petroleum -related aside from tetrachloroethylene (PCE) detected in sample S-5. PCE is primarily associated with dry-cleaning activities. An in -place UST was not discovered at the Site. 1.2.3 Limited Site Assessment Anchor QEA's June 2018 Limited Site Assessment (LSA) (Anchor QEA 2018b) included a receptor survey, soil assessment, and groundwater assessment. Applicable LSA tables and figures are included in Appendix B. Receptor Survey A water supply well and sensitive receptor survey within a 1,500-foot radius of the Site was completed in April 2018. The survey included interviews with nearby property owners, and visual observations of surrounding properties for water supply wells and/or water meter connections. Conclusions from the receptor survey are summarized as follows: • Municipal water is available to the area from the City of Asheville and no water supply wells are in the vicinity of the Site. • The Site is connected to municipal water provided by the City of Asheville. • The nearest surface water body is an unnamed tributary to the French Broad River located approximately 700 feet south-southwest of the Site. • No wellhead protection areas are in the surrounding vicinity, according to the North Carolina Public Water Supply Section "Approved Wellhead Plans Database". • There are no underground utilities in the immediate area of the former UST system. However, utilities are present within Haywood Road, to the north of the Site. The Site does not include subgrade structures such as basements. Headwater Environmental 3 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report LSA Soil Assessment A groundwater monitoring well (MW-1) was installed in April 2018 adjacent to soil sample location S-5, which had the highest concentration of constituents in the soil during the previous assessment. MW-1 was drilled to a depth of 45 feet bgs. During drilling, soil cores were collected via two -foot split spoons at 10-ft intervals to a depth of 36 feet bgs. The soils were screened with a PID and samples were subsequently collected from the areas of the soil core with the highest PID screening. Samples were taken at 24 to 26-ft bgs (MW-1 26) and 34 to 36-ft bgs (MW-1 36). Note that subsequent water level gauging data indicates that sample MW-1 36 was collected from saturated soil (i.e. below the water table). The soil samples were analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, MADEP EPHs, and MADEP VPHs. Multiple petroleum constituents were detected in both samples at concentrations exceeding screening criteria. PCE was detected in MW-1 26 and MW-1 36. LSA Groundwater Assessment A groundwater sample was collected from monitoring well MW-1 on April 6, 2018 using low -flow sampling techniques. The sample was analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, MADEP EPHs, and MADEP VPHs. Prior to sampling the monitoring well, the well was gauged for the presence of light non - aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) using an oil -water interface probe. LNAPL was not observed. The groundwater analytical results were compared to • The standards listed in Title 15A Subchapter 2L .0202 of the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) (2L Standards) • The Gross Contamination Levels (GCLs) listed in the Guidelines for Site Checks, Tanks Closure, and Initial Response and Abatement for UST Releases of Petroleum, UST Section updated December 1, 2013. • Residential and Non -Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISL) as defined in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels Guidance Document, April 2014. Multiple constituents, including petroleum constituents, PCE, and PCE associated daughter products (cis-1,2-dichloroethylene [cis-1,2-DCE], trichloroethylene [TCE], and vinyl chloride) were detected at concentrations above their respective 2L Standards in MW-1. Also, vinyl chloride was detected at a concentration above its respective GCL. Sixteen constituents were detected at concentrations above their respective residential and non-residential VISLs. 1.2.4 Brownfield Site Assessment Anchor QEA's November 2018 Brownfield Site Assessment (BSA) (Anchor QEA 2018c) included the installation of four monitoring wells (MW-2, MW-3, MW-4, and MW-5), and associated soil and Headwater Environmental 4 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report groundwater sampling in July 2018. Applicable BSA tables and figures are included in Appendix C. Soil cores were collected and screened with a PID in each well boring to a depth of 16 feet-bgs and one sample was collected from each boring for laboratory analysis of VOCs. The soil sample analytical results were compared to the Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) obtained from the DEQ, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB), effective February 2018. The results of the soil assessment indicated: • None of the soil sample concentrations were above their applicable PSRGs. Therefore, an additional source area in soil was not identified. The results of the groundwater assessment for samples collected from monitoring wells MW-1 through MW-5 (analyzed for VOCs only) indicated the following: • Based on the water level data from these surveyed wells, groundwater flow direction is to the southeast. • Multiple petroleum and chlorinated compounds were detected in MW-1 above applicable standards, including both the residential and non-residential VISLs. • PCE and TCE exceeded the residential and non-residential VISLs in MW-2. Multiple additional constituents (primarily chlorinated compounds) were detected in this well above applicable standards. • PCE was detected in relatively low concentrations, but above the 2L Standard in MW-3 and MW-5, indicating that PCE related groundwater impacts are widespread in this area. • Only chloromethane was detected above the 2L Standard in MW-4, indicating that compounds were not detected above VISLs in groundwater adjacent to the nearest residence to the Site. Headwater Environmental 5 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report 2 Additional Assessment Activities Headwater oversaw the installation of two groundwater monitoring wells (MW-6 and MW-7) by South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company (SAEDACCO), a North Carolina licensed driller, at the Site on December 26 and 27, 2018. Additional assessment activities included: • Screening of soil cores and collection of two soil samples, MW-6 (14-16) and MW-7 (9-11) for laboratory analysis • Gauging of water levels in monitoring wells for groundwater flow direction evaluation • Sampling of existing monitoring wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4) and new wells (MW-6 and MW-7) Soil and groundwater sample locations are shown on Figure 2 and assessment results are described in the following sub -sections. 2.1 Soil Assessment Methodology and Results Soil cores were screened and sampled to evaluate for the presence of a potential additional source area of contaminants in shallow soil. Prior to drilling each boring location was cleared of utilities by hand auguring soils to a depth of 5 feet bgs. Soil borings were then advanced using hollow stem auger (HSA) drilling techniques. Soil cores and samples were collected by hand auger from ground surface to 5 feet bgs and with two -foot split spoons at 9 to 11, and 14 to16 feet bgs depth intervals. Soil cuttings were also observed during drilling at deeper depth intervals. Soil was screened with a PID and observed and documented by a field geologist. PID screening provides an estimate of the concentration of organic vapor present in the soil. One soil sample was collected from each boring from the depth interval exhibiting the highest concentration of organic vapor measured with the PID. Soil samples were collected in each well at the following depths (locations are shown on the attached Figure 2): • MW-6 (14-16 feet bgs) PID = 0.6 parts per million (ppm) • MW-7 (9-11 feet bgs) PID = 2.0 ppm Soil samples were collected by transferring the soil from the split -spoon core into a resealable plastic bag. The soil was then screened with a PID in the bag. Soil samples were placed in laboratory -provided containers, placed in a cooler on ice, and transported under chain -of -custody protocol to Pace Analytical Services (Pace Analytical) in Asheville, North Carolina for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method 8260b. Boring logs and well construction records are included in Appendix D. 2.1.1 Soil Results VOC constituents were not detected above laboratory reporting limits in either of the soil samples. Visual and olfactory observations of soil cores and soil cuttings did not indicate the Headwater Environmental 6 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report presence of impacted, un-saturated soil (soil located above the water table) in these areas. The laboratory analytical report is included as Appendix E. 2.2 Groundwater Assessment Methodology Monitoring well installation methodology is described in the following subsections. 2.2.1 Monitoring Well Installation Headwater oversaw the advancement of two groundwater monitoring wells (MW-6 and MW-7). Well locations are shown on Figure 2. The monitoring wells were installed using 4-'/4 inch inside diameter hollow stem auger (HSA) drilling technology. SAEDACCO performed drilling using a Diedrich D-50 track drill rig. The monitoring wells were constructed in the 8-inch diameter annulus created by the drilling tools and are composed of 2-inch nominal inside -diameter Schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) riser with a 10-foot-long 0.010-inch machine -slotted PVC screen. A #2 filter sand was then used to fill the annular space between the well screen and the borehole from the base of the borehole to a depth of approximately 2 feet above the top of the well screen. Hydrated bentonite pellets were then set above the filter sand at a thickness of approximately 2 feet. Grout was used to fill the annular space from the top of the bentonite to ground surface. A locking well plug was used to seal the well casing, and the monitoring well was completed with a concrete pad and a flush -mount metal manhole. The well construction details are provided in Table 1. Boring logs and well records are included in Appendix D. After installation, the monitoring wells were developed using the surge -and -pump method to remove sediment from the well and to set the sand filter pack. Monitoring well MW-6 was developed with a whale pump and MW-7 was developed with a bailer. 2.2.2 Monitoring Well Gauging The elevations of the new monitoring wells were measured in relation to the existing monitoring wells, which were previously surveyed by McAbee and Associates, a licensed North Carolina surveyor. After monitoring well caps had been removed and groundwater levels allowed to equilibrate for at least 15 minutes, all monitoring wells were gauged on December 27, 2018 with a water level meter. Groundwater elevation and gauging information is included in Table 1. 2.2.3 Monitoring Well Sampling Headwater collected groundwater samples from monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW- 4 on December 26, 2018 and from MW-6 and MW-7 on December 27, 2018. Monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4 were sampled by purging at least three well volumes of water. During purging, the pH, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation- reduction potential (ORP), turbidity, and temperature were measured and recorded after each well volume was purged. Monitoring wells MW-6 and MW-7 were purged with a portable Headwater Environmental 7 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report submersible pump using low -flow techniques in accordance with the procedures described in Low Stress (Low Flow) Purging and Sampling Procedure for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells (EPA 2010). Field parameters were measured and recorded every 3 minutes. Well purging continued until field parameters stabilized (with 3 successive readings of pH ± 0.1 unit; specific conductivity ± 3 percent; temperature, DO, and turbidity ± 10 percent; and ORP ± 10 millivolts). Groundwater quality parameters at the time of sample collection are included in Table 2. After parameters stabilized, Headwater collected groundwater samples, transferred the samples to laboratory -provided containers, placed the containers in a cooler on ice, and delivered the samples to Pace Analytical. Samples were analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260b. 2.3 Groundwater Results Groundwater gauging and survey data were used to evaluate groundwater flow direction. Analytical results were compared to the 2L Standards and the Residential and Non -Residential VISLs to evaluate potential vapor intrusion risk. Current and historical groundwater analytical results are included in Table 3. The laboratory analytical report is included as Appendix E. A groundwater contour map is provided as Figure 3. 2.3.1 Groundwater Flow Direction and Elevations Monitoring well gauging data indicates that groundwater flow direction is to the south and southeast. Groundwater flow direction is consistent with previously measured flow direction. The measured groundwater elevation of the new well MW-7 is greater than existing well MW-1, indicating that MW-7 is in an up-gradient/cross-gradient location of MW-1 and the existing well network. 2.3.2 Groundwater Analytical Results Groundwater analytical results for existing wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4 were consistent with previous results. Constituents were not detected above laboratory reporting limits in MW-4. Only PCE was detected in MW-3, at a concentration above the 2L Standard, but below the VISLs. Multiple constituents were detected above the 2L Standard and VISLs in MW-1 and MW-2. Nine constituents, were detected above the Residential VISLs in MW-1 and five compounds, including TCE and PCE, were detected above the Non -Residential VISLs in this well. Two compounds (TCE and PCE) were detected at concentrations above both the Residential and Non -Residential VISLs in MW-2. Only petroleum -related constituents were detected in new well MW-6. Six compounds were detected in this well at a concentration above the Residential VISLs and two compounds were detected above the Non -Residential VISLs. Headwater Environmental 8 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report Aside from a detection of benzene, only chlorinated solvent -related compounds were detected in new well MW-7. Two compounds (PCE and TCE) were detected in MW-7 at a concentration exceeding both the Residential and Non -Residential VISLs. Headwater Environmental Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report 3 Alternate Source Research Headwater also performed additional research including inspecting neighboring properties from publicly accessible locations, reviewing historical city directories, reviewing historical Sanborn Fire Insurance maps, interviewing personnel knowledgeable about the area, and interviewing Metropolitan Sewerage District (MSD) of Buncombe County personnel and reviewing MSD maps of the area. 3.1 Historical Site and Neighboring Property Use Interviews Neighboring property occupants were generally un-informed about the historical usage of the building they occupied or the Site. However, Mr. Calvin Shook, owner of West Asheville Tire & Lube, located at 585 Haywood Road, indicated that the Site parcel associated with historical address 714 Haywood Road / 702 Haywood Road had historically been utilized as a service station. He was not aware of a dry cleaner operating at the Site but said there had been many in the area. Mr. Shook provided a photograph (included as Appendix F) showing a service station occupying the Site, with signage including "Atlantic", "Lubrication", and "Jack Davis Motors". The date of the photograph is unknown but is assumed to be approximately between 1955 and 1969 based on historical city directories. During drilling activities on December 26, 2018, a neighbor (name unknown) discussed the Site with field technicians and indicated that he also recalled a service station being present on the Site. 3.2 Historical City Directory Review City directories were reviewed at Pack Memorial Library, located at 67 Haywood Street in Asheville, North Carolina to identify historical uses of the Site and neighboring properties that may have resulted in impacts to groundwater in the area. City directories were reviewed at intervals of 1 to 3 years from 1950 to 1982 and once every 5 years from 1910 to 1945. Notable property usage near the Site includes: • Atkins Service Station, 732 Haywood Road. 1935 to 1940 • Parkway Cleaners and Laundry, 720 Haywood Road. 1940 • Haywood Clnrs, 738 (740) Haywood Road. 1940 • French Broad Lndry, 734 Haywood Road. 1945 • West Asheville Half Hour Laundry, 746 Haywood Road. 1951 • Bon Ton Cleaners, 732 Haywood Road. 1954. Note that Bon Ton Cleaners is later located at 650 Haywood Road and is currently under assessment through the North Carolina Dry-cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act (DSCA) Program • Mayflower Cleaners, 734 Haywood Road. 1955 to 1958 • West Asheville Half Hour Laundry, 724 Haywood Road. 1956 to 1958 • Half Hour Laundry / Self Sery Laundry, 722 Haywood Road. 1959 to 1966 • Mayflower Cleaners, 732 Haywood Road. 1959 to 1982 Headwater Environmental 10 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report Notable property usage for the Site includes: • Beacon Service Station, 714 Haywood Road. 1930 • Davis Jack Mtr Co Used Cars, 702 Haywood road. 1950 • Johnson's Atlantic Sery Sta, 702 Haywood Road. 1955 to 1969 • Johnson's Arco Service Station, 702 Haywod Road. 1971 to 1972 • Johnson Eblen Service Station, 702 Haywood Road. 1974 • Johnson's Arco Service Station and Used Cars, 702 Haywood Road. 1977 to sometime before 1982 Copies of the city directories are included in Appendix G 3.3 Historical Sanborn Map Review The historical Sanborn Fire Insurance Map Report, included in the Phase I ESA for the Site (Anchor QEA 2017), was reviewed to identify additional information about the Mayflower/Bon Ton Cleaners located at 732 and 734 Haywood Road and the West Asheville Half Hour Laundry / Self Sery Laundry identified at 722 and 724 Haywood Road. The review did not identify additional information for West Asheville Half Hour Laundry / Self Sery Laundry. The property located at 732/734 Haywood Road was identified as a dry cleaner in 1957, 1961, 1963, and 1972. Further, a "Dry Cleaning Solvent Drum" is shown to the south of this building in 1950 and 1954, and a "Dry Cleaning Solvent Tk." is shown in the same location in 1957. Although the notation on the Sanborn map is not entirely legible, gas tanks may also be present to the north of this building in 1950. Close-ups of the Sanborn maps for 1950, 1957, 1960, and 1963 are included as Figure 4. The full Sanborn map report is included as Appendix H. 3.4 MSD Interview and Sewer Map Review Because historical disposal practices sometimes included disposing of chemicals through the sewer system, Headwater interviewed Mr. Kevin Johnson, Planning and Development Manager for MSD of Buncombe County, on January 22, 2019. Mr. Johnson stated that sewerage from the properties located at 732, 734, 722, and 724 Haywood Road likely discharge to an 8-inch diameter vitrified clay sewer pipe that flows from west to east along Haywood Road. He stated that this sewer line is approximately 100 years old and may leak. In fact, North Carolina regulations allow a certain amount of sewerage leakage to occur. According to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Minimum Design Criteria for the Permitting of Gravity Sewers, updated March 2008, "The leakage exfiltration or infiltration shall not exceed 100 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile per day for any section of the system." Headwater obtained a sewer map for the area from the MSD of Buncombe County GIS Viewer. This map, with notable properties identified, is included as Figure 5. Headwater Environmental 11 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report 4 Conclusions Soil analytical results for newly installed well MW-6 and MW-7 indicate that an additional source of contaminants in unsaturated soil was not identified. Groundwater analytical results for wells MW-3 and MW-4, which are located on the 700 Haywood Road and Fairfax Avenue parcels (the bank lot), indicate that a vapor intrusion risk is not present in this area. Groundwater analytical results for new well MW-6 indicate that petroleum constituents are present in groundwater in this area. Since soil sampling and screening did not indicate the presence of constituents in un-saturated soil, the source of these constituents is likely the former UST basin where MW-1 was installed. Groundwater analytical results for new well MW-7 indicate that PCE and associated chlorinated solvents are present in groundwater in this area. Note that benzene was also detected in this well, but at a concentration an order of magnitude less than detected in MW-1 and MW-6. The groundwater elevation in this well is greater than in any other well on Site, suggesting that the chlorinated solvents are originating from off -Site. Concentrations of both chlorinated and petroleum constituents detected in MW-1, MW-2, MW-6, and MW-7 exceeded both the Residential and non -Residential VISLs, indicating that further study of the potential for vapor intrusion is warranted. Although there are no occupied structures on this portion of the Site, and the Site is immediately bordered by another parking lot to the south, there are multiple residential properties to the south of the Site, and there is a church building to the west of the Site. Data obtained from up -gradient well MW-7 indicate that the church property may be affected by impacted groundwater originating from an off -Site source. Multiple historical dry cleaners, which commonly used PCE, were identified in the vicinity of the Site (see Figure 5 and Section 3.2). Although most of these cleaners are in a cross -gradient location to the Site, sewer maps for the area indicate that if these cleaners disposed of PCE through the sewer system, leakage exfiltration that occurred to the north or northwest of the Site could impact groundwater below the Site. Further evidence for this transport scenario is the concentrations of PCE detected in MW-3 (1.4 to 3.5 pg/L) and MW-5 (8.2 pg/L). Both of these wells are cross gradient to MW-1, where the most elevated concentrations of PCE have been detected. Yet neither MW-3 or MW-5 contain petroleum constituents, which have been detected in the former UST basin (where MW-1 is located). Both MW-3 and MW-5 are directly downgradient of the sewer line in Haywood Road, which could be the source or PCE in these wells. It is also possible that exfiltrated or leaking sewage could have migrated from the sewer to the Site through the former filling station's sewer connection and associated utility corridor, resulting in impacted soil and groundwater on the Site in the vicinity of MW-1. Headwater Environmental 12 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report The most significant evidence of the presence of a dry cleaner and historical usage of PCE is associated with the former Bon Ton Cleaners/Mayflower Cleaners, located at 732 and 734 Haywood Road. These cleaners operated in this location from at least 1954 to 1982 and may have been preceded by French Broad Laundry, which operated in this location around 1945. Historical Sanborn maps (See Figure 4) for this area show that a "Dry Cleaning Solvent Drum" and "Dry Cleaning Solvent Tk." was associated with 732 Haywood Road. Therefore, the storage and use of dry cleaning solvents, likely PCE, was significant at this property, and if these solvents were disposed of in the sewer, they could affect groundwater at the Site and in the surrounding area. Headwater Environmental 13 Former Arco Station Site —Additional Assessment Report 5 References Anchor QEA (Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC), 2017. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. December 2017. Anchor QEA, 2018a. Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment. June 2018. Anchor QEA, 2018b. Limited Site Assessment. June 2018. Anchor QEA, 2018c. Brownfield Site Assessment. November 2018. CHD Environmental, 2017. Ground Penetrating Radar Summary Report. November 28, 2017. DEQ (North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality), 2007/2018. Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure and Initial Response and Abatement for UST Releases. March 1, 2007 Version; Change 8 — January 9, 2018. DEQ, 2014. Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels Guidance Document, April 2014. EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency), 2010. Low Stress (Low Flow) Purging and Sampling Procedure for the Collection of Groundwater Samples from Monitoring Wells. Headwater Environmental 14 FIGURES a do Ha\]'�J006 MW-7 MW-5 �_ •(2144.32) ®(2143.31) MW-1 rA (21 2144i � _• 9_�2143.6)lug ! I J� 1 143.5 � i I I y• LL 1= l*7 Q we//s Ave �r Legend �. r Site boundary4. _ Approximate location of former filling station ` ►�:�� �r�'. Groundwater monitoring wells (Groundwater elevation is in feetASL) Groundwater contours -a Groundwater flow direction Note: Monitoring Wells MW-1 to MW-5 locations identified during �.1r a survey completed by McAbee Surveyors on July 24, - Feet 2018. Locations of Monitoring Wells MW-6 and MW-7, in addition to other depicted features, are approximate. 0 30 60 120 40 FIGURE 3 Headwater SOURCE: GROUNDWATER CONTOUR Atf ENVIRONMENTAL INC. NCOneMap MAP Orthoimagery (2015) Former Arco Station Site Date: 1/9/2019 714 Haywood Road Buncombe County, North Carolina Prepared by: NJC �, 1 inch = 60 feet Headwater Project # 2018109A Aho, Haywood Cleaners Mayflower Cleaners b 738 (740) Haywood Road 732, 734 Haywood Road 597 697 7 i �b 750 Bon Ton Cleaners 697 732 Haywood Road Bon Ton Cleaners a (DSCA Site) 744 68-107179 650 Haywood Road 42 740 T` r Half Hour Laundry ° _20724 Haywood Road ' a aaa f Half Hour/SelfSery Laundry 697 Y Ate' 722 Haywood Road Parkway Cleaners and Laundry6 720 Haywood Road 728 Buncombe : 718 $404 � 490 6�21256 G 99999 i 'd !! e i a er Credits: 5-284V "14 4408 4 r r 40 FIGURE 5 SOURCE LEGEND Headwater ALTERNATE SOURCE / E N V I R O N M E N TA L I N C. EVALUATION MAP Metropolitan Sewage District Site boundary (MSD) of Buncombe County ► Public sewer line, flow direction Former Arco Station Site Accessed 1/16/2019 Date: 1/22/2019 714 Haywood Road Buncombe County, North Carolina Headwater Project # 2018109A Note: This is not a survey. All locations Prepared by: NJC are approximate. Map is not to scale. TABLES Table 1 Well Construction and Groundwater Elevation Data Former Arco Station Site Well ID Installation Date Total Well Depth Screened Interval Well Vault Elevation Top of Casing Elevation Depth to Groundwater (7/24/18) Groundwater Elevation (7/24/18) Depth to Groundwater (12/27/18) Groundwater Elevation (12/27/18) (mm/dd/yy) (feet-bgs) (feet-bgs) (ft-asl) (ft-asl) (ft-btoc) (ft-asl) (ft-btoc) (ft-asl) MW-1 04/04/18 45 35 to 45 2,177.89 2,177.76 34.40 2,143.36 33.79 2,143.97 MW-2 07/18/18 45 30 to 45 2,180.71 2,180.14 37.31 2,142.83 36.65 2,143.49 MW-3 07/18/18 40 25 to 40 2,177.28 2,177.01 34.45 2,142.56 33.41 2,143.60 MW-4 07/18/18 50 35 to 50 2,180.57 2,180.32 38.71 2,141.61 37.40 2,142.92 MW-5 07/18/18 45 30 to 45 2,175.83 2,175.39 33.13 2,142.26 32.02 2,143.37 MW-6 12/26/18 46 36 to 46 2,179.36 2,179.11 NM NM 35.85 2,143.26 MW-7 12/26/18 40 30 to 40 2,178.40 2,177.94 NM NM 33.62 2,144.32 Notes: feet-btoc Feet below top of casing ft-asl Feet above sea level Elevations Top of Casing Elevation and Top of PVC Elevation for wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, MW-4, and MW-5 from survey conducted by McAbee Surveyors on July 24, 2018. Elevations for wells MW-6 and MW-7 were measured in relation to wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3 on January 2, 2019 using laser level survey equipment. Well construction Wells are completed with 2-inch diameter screens and casing and finished with a flush -mount surface completion NM Not Measured Page 1 of 1 January 2019 Table 2 Field Parameters Summary Former Arco Station Site Name Sample Collection Date Temperature (°C) Specific Conductivity (µS/cm) DO (mg/L) pH (S.U.) ORP (mV) Turbidity (NTU) MW-1 12/26/18 16.10 319 1.56 5.32 117.2 >1,000 MW-2 12/26/18 15.83 83 1.81 5.17 150.4 >1,000 MW-3 12/26/18 17.31 116 5.96 4.81 134.9 801 MW-4 12/26/18 15.61 68 6.66 S.14 107.8 390 MW-6 12/27/18 14.17 107 4.94 5.31 21.1 8.91 MW-7 12/27/18 13.69 394 3.60 4.30 59.9 21.7 Notes: Parameters are provided from stabilized reading prior to sampling µS/cm microsiemens per centimeter mg/L milligrams per liter S.U. Standard Unit ORP oxidation reduction potential my millivolts NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Unit >1,000 Turbidity exceeded meter threshold of 1,000 NTUs Page 1 of 1 January 2019 Table 3 Groundwater Analytical Results Summary Former Arco Station Site Sample Identification: MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 MW-6 MW-7 Date Collected: 4/6/18 7/24/18 12/26/18 7/24/18 12/26/18 7/24/18 12/26/18 7/24/18 12/26/18 7/24/18 12/27/18 12/27/28 Constituents 2L Standard Residential VISLs Non -Residential VISL's Result Result Result Result Result Result Result Result Result Result Result Result pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L pg/L µg/L µg/L pg/L pg/L Volatile Organic Compounds (EPA Method 8260) Acetone 6000 4,500,000 19,000,000 <12.5 <125 <250 <12.5 <125 <12.5 <25 <12.5 <25 <12.5 96.6 <125 1,1-Dichloroethylene 350 39 160 1.9 <5.0 <10.0 0.74 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 <5.0 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 400 50 210 460 240 <10.0 30 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 <5.0 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.4 22 98 <0.50 <5.0 <10.0 5 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 <5.0 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 400 35 150 140 80 <10.0 2.1 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 <5.0 2-Butanone (MEK) 4000 450,000 1,900,000 <2.5 <25 <50 <2.5 <25.0 <2.5 <5.0 <2.5 <5.0 <2.5 52.6 <25.0 4-Isopropyltoluene 25 -- -- 19 16 52.7 <0.50 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 <5.0 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 100 110,000 470,000 <2.5 <25 <50 <5.0 <25.0 <5.0 <10.0 <5.0 <10.0 <5.0 90.1 <25.0 Benzene 1 16 69 140 140 114 24 12.6 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 342 5.4 Chloroform 70 8.1 36 <0.50 <5.0 <10.0 1.4 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 7.8 Chloromethane 3 52 220 <0.50 <5.0 <10.0 5.7 <5.0 2.2 <1.0 4.3 <1.0 2.3 <2.5 <5.0 cis-1,2-dichloroethylene 70 -- -- 840 990 782 M1 120 70.2 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 138 Ethylbenzene 600 35 150 310 140 145 7.6 6.6 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 130 <5.0 Isopropyl Ether 70 1,400 5,900 3.4 <5.0 <10.0 38 20.9 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 <5.0 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 70 180 750 54 27 <10.0 0.58 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 <5.0 m,p-Xylenes 500 77 320 1,100 560 550 40 27.4 <1.0 <2.0 <1.0 <2.0 <1.0 191 <10.0 Methyl Butyl Ketone 40 1,600 6,900 9.6 111 <50 <5.0 <25.0 <5.0 <10.0 <5.0 <10.0 <5.0 33.2 <25.0 Naphthalene 6 35 150 250 85 123 6.2 15.2 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 134 <10.0 n-Butylbenzene 70 -- -- <1.0 8.8J NA <1.0 NA <1.0 NA <1.0 NA <1.0 NA NA n-Propylbenzene 70 -- -- 63 35 NA 0.91 NA <0.50 NA <0.50 NA <0.50 NA NA o-Xylene 500 98 410 500 220 234 46 38.7 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 343 <5.0 sec-Butylbenzene 70 -- -- 8.5 7.4 NA <0.50 NA <0.50 NA <0.50 NA <0.50 NA NA tert-Butylbenzene 70 -- -- 2.0 <5.0 NA <0.50 NA <0.50 NA <0.50 NA <0.50 NA NA Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 0.7 12 48 700 1,500 0 530 1.4 <0.50 <3.0 8.2 <2.5 955 Toluene 600 3,800 16,000 37 17 15.6 0.98 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 65.5 <5.0 Trans-1,2-dichloroethylene 100 5.8 6.7 <10.0 1.4 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 <5.0 Trichloroethylene (TCE) 3 1.0 4.4 450 540 432 99 <0.50 <3.0 <0.50 <3.0 <0.50 <2.5 50.9 Vinyl chloride 0.03 1.5 25 38 44 19.6 6.9 <5.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <1.0 <0.50 <2.5 <5.0 Xylenes, Total 500 77 0 780 783 86 66.1 <1.5 <3.0 <3.5 <3.0 <3.5 <5.0 Notes: Historical Data Information collected prior to the 12/26/18 sampling event was collected and reported by Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC Hits only This table only depicts detected constituents. For a complete list of constituents see the analytical report. 2L Standard From North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Title 15A, Chapter 2, Subchapter 2L (21. Standard), April 1, 2013 or interim maximum allowable concentrations (IMACs) established under 15A NCAC 02L.0202 VISLs Residential and Non -Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) February 2018 table µg/L micrograms per liter EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency <32.5 Indicates that an analyte was not detected above the associated laboratory reporting limit. 96.6 Bold indicates an analyte was detected above the associated laboratory reporting limit. 5 EBI"eshaclingindlicate . a constituent has exceeded the respective 2L standard 14o Grey shading indicates a constituent exceeded the residential VISL and possibly the 2L Standard 460 Tan shading indicates a constituent exceeded the non-residential VISL, the residential VISL, and possibly the 2L Standard Indicates that a screening level or standard has not been established for a particular constituent 6.4 J J value indicates a constituent was detected above the associated method detection limit but below the associated reporting limit. M1 Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery. Page 1 of 1 January 2019 APPENDIX A Limited Phase II ESA Tables and Figures Publish Date: 2018/02/14, 8:59 AM I User: kyoungblood Filepath: \\ashevillel\asheville\Projects\Meyer, Chris\700 Haywood Road\Phase II ESA\Figures\Figure 2 - Site Layout Map.mxd ANCHOR Figure 2 QEA�, Site Layout Map Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC 700 Haywood Road Limited Phase II ESA Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results Summary Sample Identification: S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 Date Collected: 1/24/18 1/24/18 1/24/18 1/24/18 1/24/18 Depth (feet bgs) 16-20 12-16 12-16 12-16 12-16 PID (ppm) 3,480 54.7 75.5 181.7 3,896 Parameters Soil -to- Water MSCCs Residential MSCCs Industrial/ Commercial MSCCs Result Result Result Result Result mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Analyzed by EPA Method 8260 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene 8.5 782 20,440 22 NA NA NA 25 E 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene 8.3 782 20,440 9.9 NA NA NA 14 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.12 100 4,000 3.4 NA NA NA 5.3 Benzene* 0.0056 18 164 <0.35 <0.0036 <0.0039 <0.0033 <0.36 Ethylbenzene* 4.9 1,560 40,000 1.8 0.0025 J <0.0065 <0.0055 6.9 Isopropyl benzene (Cumene) 1.7 1,564 40,880 1.5 NA NA NA 3.6 m,p-Xylenes* 4.6 3,129 81,760 2.6 0.0035 J 0.0081 J <0.011 13 Napthalene 0.16 313 81176 1.3 NA NA NA 6.1 n-Butylbenzene 4.3 626 16,350 2.7 NA NA NA 4.3 n-Propylbenzene 1.7 626 16,350 2.8 NA NA NA 6.4 o-Xylene* 4.7 3,129 81,760 3.2 0.0039 J 0.0071 <0.0055 12 sec- Butyl benzene 3.3 626 16,350 2.0 NA NA NA 2.4 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0074 1.1 10 <0.35 NA NA NA 1.3 Toluene* 4.3 1,200 32,000 <0.35 <0.0060 <0.0065 1 <0.00551 0.24 J Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) Analyzed by EPA Method 8270 1-methylnapthalene 0.004 20 100 0.69 NA NA NA 0.85 2-methylnapthalene 3.6 63 1,635 1.2 NA NA NA 2.0 Napthalene 0.16 313 8,176 1.1 NA NA NA 3.2 MADEP Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) Aliphatic (C09-C18) 540 1,500 40,000 560 NA NA NA 370 Aliphatic (C19-06) INS 31,000 810,000 <31 NA NA NA <29 Aromatic (C11-C22) 31 469 12,264 42 NA NA NA 32 MADEP Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) Aliphatic (C05-008) 68 939 24,528 350 NA NA NA 550 Aliphatic (C09-C12) 540 1,500 40,000 1,500 NA NA NA 1,600 Aromatic (C09-C10) 31 469 12,264 1,200 NA NA NA 1,100 Action Level TPH-DRO 100 1 910 <8.1 <8.0 <7.8 750 TPH-GRO 1 50 1 2,600 <5.9 <7.1 <6.4 2,600 Notes: bgs: below ground surface PID: photoionization detector ppm: parts per million MSCCs: Soil -to -Water, Residential, and Industrial/Commercial Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs) are listed on Table 1 of the Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure, and Initial Response and Abatement for UST Releases of Petroleum, North Carolina Underground Storage Tank Section, updated December 1, 2013. mg/kg: milligram/kilogram Page 1 of 2 Limited Phase II ESA February 2018 700 Haywood Road Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results Summary EPA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Bold indicates constituent concentration was detected in excess of the laboratory reporting limit. Blue shading indicates a constituent has exceeded the applicable Soil -to -Groundwater MSCC. "NA" indicates that the sample was not analyzed for a particular constituent. E value indicates the value is an estimate determined by the laboratory. *: indicates a constituent was part of the preliminary screening BTEX suite of analytes. "<0.35" indicates a constituent was detected below the laboratory reporting limit. J value indicates a constituent was detected above the associated method detection limit but below the associated laboratory reporting limit. Red shading indicates a constituent has exceeded the applicable Residential MSCC. MADEP: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection NS: considered immobile and does not have an applicable MSCC for Soil -to -Water Action Level: the Action Level presented in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management, July 26, 2016 memorandum Guidelines for North Carolina Action Limits for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) . TPH-DRO = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Diesel Range Organics TPH-GRO = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Gasoline Range Organics TPH-DRO and TPH-GRO are analyzed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8015. Orange shading indicates constituent concentration exceeds the Action Level. Page 2 of 2 Limited Phase II ESA February 2018 700 Haywood Road APPENDIX B Limited Site Assessment Tables and Figures .9 LEGEND: Q Site 0 Parcels L _ ' Formerly Excavated Area Approximate Former Gas Station Building Previous Soil Boring Location ® Approximate Monitoring Well Location ® MW-1 NOTES: Orthoimagery - NC OneMap 2015 Parcels - Buncombe County GIS 2017 Soil boring locations are approximate. Publish Date: 2018/03/21, 1:49 PM I User: kyoungblood Filepath: P:\Meyer, Chris\700 Haywood Road\LSA\Figures\Figure 3 - Previous Soil Boring and Groundwater Well Location Map.mxd M 0 0 20 Feet ANCHOR Figure 3 QEA.� Previous Soil Boring and Groundwater Well Location Map Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC Haywood Road and Fairfax Avenue Limited Site Assessment Publish Date: 2018/04/24, 12:35 PM I User: kyoungblood Filepath: \\ashevillel\asheville\Projects\Meyer, Chris\700 Haywood Road\LSA\Figures\Figure 4 - Receptor Survey Map.mxd ANCHOR QEA.� Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC Figure 4 Receptor Survey Map 700 Haywood Road Limited Site Assessment Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results Summary Sample Identification: Initial Soil Assessment LSA Assessment S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 MW-1 26 MW-1 36 Date Collected: 1124118 1124118 1124/18 1/24/18 1/24/18 4/4/18 4/4/18 Depth (feet bgs) 16-20 12-16 12-16 12-16 12-16 24-26 34-36 PID(ppm) 3,480 54.7 75.5 181.7 3,896 >15,000 >15,000 Parameters Soil -to- Water MSCCs Residential MSCCs Industrial/ Commercial MSCCs Result Result Result Result Result Result Result mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg I mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Analyzed by EPA Method 8260 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene 8.5 782 20,440 22 NA NA NA 25 E 59 31 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 8.3 782 20,440 9.9 NA NA NA 14 21 11 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.12 100 4,000 3.4 NA NA NA 5.3 6.2 3.4 Benzene* 0.0056 18 164 <0.35 <0.0036 <0.0039 <0.0033 <0.36 0.191 0.151 Ethylbenzene* 4.9 1,560 40,000 1.8 0.0025 J <0.0065 <0.0055 6.9 13 7.0 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 1.7 1,564 40,880 1.5 NA NA NA 3.6 5.2 2.6 m,p-Xylenes* 4.6 3,129 81,760 2.6 10.0035.1 0.0081 J <0.011 1 13 45 27 Napthalene 0.16 313 8,176 1.3 NA NA NA 6.1 15 6.3 n-Butylbenzene 4.3 626 16,350 2.7 NA NA NA 4.3 5.5 3.0 n-Propylbenzene 1.7 626 16,350 2.8 NA NA NA 6.4 8.8 4.5 o-Xylene* 4.7 3,129 81,760 3.2 0.0039 J 0.0071 <0.0055 12 24 10 sec -Butyl benzene 3.3 626 16,350 2.0 NA NA NA 2.4 3.1 1.5 tert- Butyl benzene 3.4 626 1 16,350 1 <0.35 NA NA NA <0.36 0.42 <0.23 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0074 1.1 1 10 <0.35 NA I NA I NA 1 1.3 2.5 0.90 Toluene* 4.3 1,200 1 32,000 <0.35 <0.0060 1 <0.0065 1 <0.00551 0.24 J 1 1.3 1 0.31 Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) Analyzed by EPA Method 8270 1-methylnapthalene 0.004 20 100 0.69 NA NA NA 0.85 1.6 1.0 2-methylnapthalene 3.6 63 1,635 1 1.2 NA NA NA 1 2.0 3.7 2.5 Napthalene 0.16 313 8,176 1.1 NA NA NA 3.2 6.7 5.1 MADEP Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) Aliphatic (C09-C18) 540 1,500 40,000 560 NA NA NA 370 770 470 Aliphatic (C19-C36) NS 31,000 810,000 <31 NA NA NA <29 <28 <29 Aromatic (Cl 1-C22) 31 469 12,264 42 NA NA NA 32 69 1 45 MADEP Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) Aliphatic (C05-CO8) 68 939 24,528 350 NA NA NA 550 860 430 Aliphatic (C09-02) 540 1,500 40,000 1,500 NA NA NA 1 1,600 1 2,800 1,600 Aromatic (C09-C10) 31 469 12,264 1,200 NA NA NA 1,100 1 770 450 Action Level TPH-DRO 100 910 <8.1 <8.0 <7.8-- TPH-GRO 50 2,600 <5.9 <7.1 <6.4 2,600 Notes: bgs: below ground surface PID: photoionization detector ppm: parts per million MSCCs: Soil -to -Water, Residential, and Industrial/Commercial Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs) are listed on Table 1 of the Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure, and Initial Response and Abatement for UST Releases of Petroleum, North Carolina Underaround Storaae Tank Section, updated December 1. 2013. mg/kg: milligram/kilogram EPA: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Bold indicates constituent concentration was detected in excess of the laboratory reporting limit. Blue shading indicates a constituent has exceeded the applicable Soil -to -Groundwater MSCC. "NA" indicates that the sample was not analyzed for a particular constituent. E value indicates the value is an estimate determined by the laboratory. *: indicates a constituent was part of the preliminary screening BTEX suite of analytes. "<0.35" indicates a constituent was detected below the laboratory reporting limit. 1 value indicates a constituent was detected above the associated method detection limit but below the associated laboratory reporting limit. Red shading indicates a constituent has exceeded the applicable Residential MSCC. MADEP: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection NS: considered immobile and does not have an applicable MSCC for Soil -to -Water Action Level: the Action Level presented in the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management, July 26, 2016 memorandum Guidelines for North Carolina Action Limits for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) . TPH-DRO = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Diesel Range Organics TPH-GRO = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Gasoline Range Organics TPH-DRO and TPH-GRO are analyzed by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8015. Orange shading indicates constituent concentration exceeds the Action Level. -: constituent not analyzed for Limited Site Assessment Page 1 of 1 Haywood Road and Fairfax Avenue, Asheville, North Carolina April 2018 Table 2 Adjacent Property Owners Buncombe County Parcel Identification Number (PIN) Property Address Owner Name and Address Direction from Source Comment National Bank of Commerce 9638-24-3333-00000,9638-24-1392- Haywood Road and PO Box 26665 Site Site 00000, and 9638-24-3235-00000 Fairfax Avenue Richmond, VA 23261 Riser Pwr, LLC Attn: Sherrie Andrews 9638-24-1550-00000 707 Haywood Road Northwest Adjacent to Site 7200 Terrace Drive Charlotte, NC 28211 IHVY II LLC 9638-24-2409-00000 701 Haywood Road 7 Switchbud Place Ste. 192-291 North Adjacent to Site The Woodlands, TX 77380 Dawn Lantzius Real Estate LLC C/O Leslie and Associates 9638-24-3514-00000 697 Haywood Road North Adjacent to Site PO Box 8757 Asheville, NC 28814 West Asheville Presbyterian Church Inc. 9638-24-4269-00000 690 Haywood Road 690 Haywood Road East Adjacent to Site Asheville, INC 28806 Robert Byron 9638-24-3139-00000 14 Fairfax Avenue 14 Fairfax Avenue South Adjacent to Site Asheville, NC 28806 Grace Baptist Church 9638-24-0290-00000 697 Haywood Road 718 Haywood Road South and West Adjacent to Site Asheville, INC 28806 Limited Site Assessment Page 1 of 1 Haywood Road and Fairfax Avenue, Asheville, North Carolina April 2018 APPENDIX C Brownfield Site Assessment Tables and Figures rlT -V1 r 1 - J i 40 6 %F JIW-1 ;y „f _ + J, MW-3 ., v rV r� LEGEND: SOURCES: Orthoimagery - NC OneMap 2015 ® Groundwater Monitoring Wells Parcels - Buncombe County GIS 2017 Topographic Contours - NC Lidar 2007 Topographic Contours (4-Ft Intervals) Site NOTES: 1. Well locations were surveyed on July 24, 2018. Approximate Former Filling Station Location 2. Topographic contours display elevation in feet above sea level. Publish Date: 2018/08/09, 2:09 PM I User:jbogach Filepath: A:\Projects\Meyer, Chris\700 Haywood Road\Reports\Brownfields Assessment\Figures\Figure 2 - Site Layout Map.mxd 0 Feet tzANCHOR Figure 2 QEA�, Site Layout Map Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC Haywood Road and Fairfax Avenue Brownfields Assessment i Publish DMe: 2018/N/09,1:42 PM I User:jbogach File th:A\Projects\Meyer, Chris\700 Haywood Road\Reports\Brownfield, Assessment\Figures\Figure 3- Groundwater Contour Map—d ANCHOR Figure 3 QEA w Groundwater Contour Map Haywood Road and Fairfax Avenue Brownfields Assessment Table 2 Groundwater Analytical Results Summary Contituents Sample Identification: MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 Date Collected: 4/6/18 7/24/18 7/24/18 7/24/18 7/24/18 7/24/18 2L Standard GCLs Residential VISLs t Non- Residential VISL's # Result Result Result Result Result Result µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L Volatile Organic Compounds (EPA Method 8260) 1,1-Dichloroethylene 350 350,000 39 160 1.9 <5.0 0.74 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 400 28,500 50 210 460# 240* 30 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.4 400 22 98 <0.50 <5.0 5 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 400 28,500 35 150 140t 80t 1.1 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 4-Isopropyltoluene 25* 11,700 19 16 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Benzene 1 5,000 16 69 140* 140* 24 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Chloroform 70 70,000 8.1 36 <0.50 1 <5.0 1.4 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Chloromethane 3 3,000 1 52 220 <0.50 <5.0 5.7 2.2 1 4.3 2.3 cis-1,2-dichloroethylene 70 70,000 840 990 120 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Ethylbenzene 600 84,500 35 150 310* 140t 7.6 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Isopropyl Ether 70 70,000 1,400 5,900 3.4 <5.0 38 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 70 25,000 180 750 54 27 0.58 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 m,p-Xylenes 500 85,500 77 320 1,100t 560* 40 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 40* 40,000 1,600 6,900 9.6 1 11 J <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 Naphthalene 6 6,000 35 150 250* 85t 6.2 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 n-Butylbenzene 70 6,900 <1.0 8.8 J <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 n-Propylbenzene 70 30,000 63 35 0.91 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 o-Xylene 500 85,500 98 410 500* 220t 46 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 sec-Butylbenzene 70 8,500 8.5 7.4 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 tert-Butyl benzene 70 15,000 -- 2.0 <5.0 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) 0.7 700 12 48 700* 1500* 530* 3.5 <0.50 8.2 Toluene 600 260,000 3,800 16,000 37 17 0.98 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Trans- 1,2-dichloroethylene 100 100,000 5.8 6.7 1 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Trichloroethylene (TCE) 3 3,000 1.0 4.4 450* 540* 99* 1 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Vinyl chloride 0.03 30 1 5 25 38* 44* 6.9t 1 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 Xylenes, Total 500 1 85,500 1 77 320 1600* 780* 1 86t <1.5 <1.5 1 <1.5 Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (EPA Method 8270) 1-methylnapthalene 1* 1,000 14 NA NA NA NA NA 2-methylnapthalene 30 12,500 28 NA NA NA NA NA Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 6.4 J NA NA NA NA NA Napthalene 6 6,000 35 150 130t NA NA NA NA NA MADEP-EPH and -VPH Aliphatic C09-C18 (EPH) 700 0.15 0.63 140 J* NA NA NA NA NA Aromatic C11-C22 (EPH) 200 260 NA NA NA NA NA Aliphatic C05-008 (VPH) 400 1.7 7.1 3,400* NA NA NA NA NA Aliphatic C09-C12 (VPH) 700 0.15 0.63 11,000* NA NA NA NA NA Aromatic C09-C10 (VPH) 200 32 130 2,700* NA NA NA NA NA Notes: This table only depicts detected constituents. For a complete list of constituents see the analytical report. 2L Standard: From North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Title 15A, Chapter 2, Subchapter 2L (2L Standard), April 1, 2013 GCLs: Gross Contamination Levels (GCL) from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section Gross Contamination Levels for Groundwater Cleanup Guidance, revised September 18, 2014. VISLs: Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Section. USEPA Guidance. revised November 2017 µg/L: micrograms per liter EPA: United States Environmental Protection Agency Bold indicates an analyte was detected above the associated laboratory reporting limit. <: indicates that an analyte was not detected above the associated laboratory reporting limit. +: indicates a constituent exceeded the residential VISL *: indicates a constituent exceeded the non-residential VISL Blue shading represents a constituent has exceeded their respective 2L standard *: Indicates interim maximum allowable concentrations (IMACs) established under 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Red shading represents a constituent has exceeded their respective GCL. - : Indicates that a groundwater standard has not been established for a particular constituent 1 value indicates a constituent was detected above the assocated method detection limit but below the associated reporting limit. MADEP-EPH and -VPH: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons Brownfields Assessment Page 1 of 1 Haywood Road and Fairfax Avenue, Asheville, North Carolina September 2018 Table 3 Soil Sample Analytical Results Summary Sample Identification Brownfields Assessment MW-2 14-16 MW-3 14-16 MW-4 9-11 MW-5 9-11 Date Collected 7/17/2018 7/17/2018 7/17/2018 7/16/2018 Depth (feet bgs) 14-16 14-16 9-11 9-11 PID (ppm) 7.3 82.6 8.7 3.3 Soil -to -Water Residential Industrial/ Commercial Result Result Result Result SRGs SRGs SRGs Parameters mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Analyzed by EPA Method 8260 Acetone 25 12,000 140,000 <0.051 <0.056 <0.06 0.082 Bromomethane US 1.4 6.4 <0.010 <0.011 <0.012 0.0026 J trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.62 310 4,700 0.0031 J 0.0024 J 0.0046 J 0.0029 J Notes: bgs: below ground surface PID: photoionization detector ppm: parts per million SRGs: Soil -to -Water, Residential, and Industrial/Commercial Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (SRGs), dated February 2018 are provided by the North Carolina Deparment of Envionmental Quality, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB). mg/kg: milligram/kilogram Bold indicates constituent concentration was detected in excess of the laboratory reporting limit. <0.051" indicates a constituent was detected below the laboratory reporting limit. J value indicates a constituent was detected above the associated method detection limit but below the associated laboratory reporting limit. Brownfields Site Assessment Page 1 of 1 Haywood Road and Fairfax Avenue, Asheville, North Carolina September 2018 APPENDIX D Boring Log and Well Construction Records Boring Logs - Former Arco Station Site Project Address: 714 Haywood Road, Asheville NC Date: 12/26/18 Project Number: 2018109A Headwater Representative: Adam Tripp Driller: SAEDACCO Driller Representative: Michael Wilson Drill Rig: Dietrich D50 Track Rig Comments: Depth (ft. PID Blow Soil Analytical Sample Boring ID Collection Description bgs) (ppm) Counts Sample Method 0-4 0.0 Hand auger Gravel to orange silty sand 4-5' 0.1 Hand auger Red, clayey, silt with sand 5-9' - - - Auger Red, silty sand cuttings 9-11' 0.0 10-4-7-10' Split spoon Red saprolite (silty sand) M W-6 11-14' - Auger Red saprolite (silty sand) cuttings 14-16' 0.6 5-5-8-10' MW-6(14-16) Split spoon Tan to orange saprolite (silty sand) 16-40' Auger Tan to orange saprolite (silty sand) cuttings 40-45' - - - Auger Tan to orange saprolite (silty sand), damp, odor cuttings 0-4 0.0 Hand auger Gravel to orange silty sand 4-5' 0.8 Hand auger Red, silty sand 5-9' - - - Auger Red, silty sand cuttings 9-11' 2.0 8-8-7-8' MW-7(9-11) Split spoon Orange to red saprolite (silty sand) MW-7 11-14' - Auger Orange to red saprolite (silty sand) cuttings 14-16' 1.5 7-6-7-10' Split spoon Orange to red saprolite (silty sand) 16-40' - Auger Orange to red saprolite (silty sand) cuttings Notes: ft-bgs: feet below ground surface ppm: parts per million NA: not applicable WLLL CONSTRUCTION RECORD -nib Form "n be kwd fn si ngk — pinlople 5Kl15 L Well Currtractar Inforwaflarl; Alf chael W I son WMICElrrntutrr rUrne- 3351 A NC Well Coulriclor CcrLiff eLiarl ffm&er SAEDACCO I nc {anyrun NAF11c 2, Wd I i(',glrst1jaCti451k PC1TFit U9a1laMrira&1v wellprrmilsfir. CeAwiN%NW, Vj3dW -d Irma agrJr-.I 3. Wd I UN {ehrcl. well la nc}; Water Supple 11irdl: L7 AI;Tkaltural 01r1rwieip2iVPllbk 0CVO efmal i}iearillg,'Coolirig 5upplyf DResi€ienrLal Walcr5tlppty tsiOgle] ❑InduslriaUCarnmcrcial flRcsidl"6151 water Supplti' tsharadl ❑101 LION Nfr11-14ates, 5upp)y Well: ❑AquifCF RCchargt= QAg11ikr Skmgc and RCCRFf' 13Ag0krTa:-A QExECTimCPIi11 TtOpplp},- ❑CkpoilEcmml ICID!i� Loop} ❑GualllefIMI IHealllrJC'ooliue ROLL11I-I ❑UFOLIFOPLller R¢1IWdin00rn QS9linii3 Rarricr ❑SiprnnA�tCr Dr�lina�,C ❑kw'1�si�rEEp �'miml ❑Tr.Itixr ❑Odin 4 LAO.,rn a lilt'I �' I IR:I I Iar dr Diafe W0[(s1 Canlplrled, 12/ 26/ 2018 Wefi ]lyre WV 6 Si- ►4d1 L ogtI11u' Br ovmsf d el d NWUPIYAN ne-r Nnim Fac[W 1PA! Nl-applicnblel 700 Hayvmod Rd., Asheville , NC, 28804 Plgsacal AddwsF, Cat)- Hnd Zip Buncorrbe [WEIWy Pane] Idei19ruciliuu No fNN) ih. l.wditudr anll I,nnotwir. in rki{ wNf;niFww*iwrDrllls nr 1lecimaI i11 1vim : If K r ll field. rule 11L9n1E ix NUHIL: kvI I M1 fr. 6 {wE-0 lbe 1h ellls}r MPerminval fir ❑Tempnnlry W 7. L% thin a repair to an exiNhEawrll. ❑'Yes ur IgNu Vikh al. re repair. fli a+.'Jf 411+110 ILeJ'I (C mirfHrYrow urjcjmfrkni uxal r'.5'f tow Oil rurraare rr/ r r reparr under A='1 reowefl-%.worm aH rA Nu bowk of7idr jemm. S. x urntset or welhl tuw dnK,md: 1 fa''�r' `rrr'u'faWe aRrfr�l wb4n mwi-warer jjWvw ikefr� uiVLV 1wrh d1i srtnarrayrarrJrrfivar Menu two A'bktw ou jorm. 9. Tol d wtU depth belmr [Mel surfa= 45' (fl.I For irfadtWe wrNt if a nrrdwilm tid9ftredw (vxe gnfe- )@:09' amd 1@W1 I U.1311L1ir wlleer Imal below Fop ili l akin flti.l 1J,w,rrr k--d it irhwe .wmt, oi-e 11. Barrjwk- iliwmrrcr 10. 25" For rracrml Use L3Nl-Y- 1a.16'At" YAN N FROM n7 nPtia'HIPIJr}� ft. ri, rt. fl, iJ.01MIt CASINO 111r —1 canrtl ncMij 11E L1r+rLR {if u Mcablrl "em TSl ryErtisIFTFR Trp€'wvr.s kEr<rFPTAI. 0 n. 35' rL 1 2" io. SCH- 40 PVC �� IHNFIt G�€T7.'bRV6-irut`a.1cWxJa� FROM Tff DULMETER TLI€'KNESSS iH,ilFlllhL ft, Fr, or_ R. FL ]7 FROM TO Pr.+5rr.1-rTl "ATi[j11x1. 35' R- 45' ft- 2" .010 jSCH 40 PVC ll. -A, CR01rT rVom to MATERLU. YR LACF3rr_wa 31LI11OU.ti..-OIOLNr 0 ft. 31' n. PCIRTLAND Trend e Ft. (!L Fr. ra , i4. 5J4Nbll:lLA' VEL rA.0 L Iir rdicaI)k) F'hIt}N Tn mvri- kit 1. E'311'r ..ir: 4:5EF: \'r 511'Trll}ai 33' ft. 45' q, Sand #2 ft. I n, lu. RRILUNG 1lDG I xlwh idOiiione.l 3kdn If J►mv%r an I FROM TIl l4Fti1'ItEPT1!}ti l t,.Lr, bmrkinv, rill'nn L ll 'n ur6e ck, l 0 tt. 45. B, tan si I t y sand and clay fLL rL IS. (L IL ft lf. rr. Ft. 4- Z[, Two f oot bent oni t e seal f r om 31' - 33' 23. I'rvi fication! 12/ 26/ 2018 Sig .AI r r`..4W..r� F Dak fh signing dkLy Jurrq f berrbi- 'rrri)%- rkaar Nhr ive 4l 0 Wier 4r+'eo7J Ce.r Dr sed art �v%orda wrx "rh Ual NChC 02C.Of f or I YA IVCA(-- OX ,(Y2fJli IYeN eroid VWI U rxgra-mrrAiT wfFlyihm brew prmi" raA�F uy-0? rnwwr. 21 Sit dbV- im or xddiliumxl wr11 dttaiis: You Liulr Ilse die back of This p41ge to prm�ide xddiliomi well site dK-dils or wdI ti7D11SIrdrliorl dalirls. You WAV alsa allacll ;lddiliol.wl Pages If iirr.essaA . SUISM ITTAL INS'Tl1CTIONS 24% Vnr Ali WrIlx. Subruli Ll" Form wiihia 311 *'s pd a:xompkuoo of gmAl w,ornlnlcrtnn ra 1hu fnl[nuin ; biriznin utWzter JtrNuurc[s, Inralrinatiuu Brocessing Uuil, IG17 M1laif Ser vice CrAter, HalrW SIC 27699-1617 tab. Dr In Ftylden Wel la ONLY: In addilioii Lo se:Wing the ro+rm to 11x address n1 2Uabme- zilv allbwh a copk of this fnf n ui[hia �p da}'s 4f callIPICLial of ht;ll 1 j, Well {y Mi-P1Ctiorl D)MIkod; 4. 25" HSA CQ11S1nicLion Lit Like loure551u�, tl.e. auger. rdun, cable. dimo pushix. L 1MI;'laioa €riV4'xter aeaa+urx'es. Undrrprlirld In]eellf.n Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 1d36 MJlil Serviu4 Cenlrr. Ra116plr, N C 17d79-143(1 t L Yield "1) Methfrd of lot- Fur WAt r $Hppl} & lipj03ine W04- Also submit olre copy of ibis fonrr Mthrn ;0 da}'soFcomplelliallof 13b- biainfmliuo nFe. Amount: vrctl conslnirtinn to ilat coinitk htalrh dcpEgllmnrr or It= csnrnry wlk;rm ConWTuac4 fay 111 [rW - I ',anJl C2RUIL'L L h4ur11 hmi nt 57;i IJI-011 31d Nuursl kewwrces - 01i isiouuf Wnicr kEe5cuxm Rey NCO ALTLa Mja;i WLLL CONSTRUCTION RECORD -nib Furs "n be kwd fu si ngk — rinlopie lKlls L Well Currtractar Inforwaflarll For rracuml Use L3Nl-Y- Alf chael W I son WdICElrrr;tutrr rUrne- 3351 A NC Well Couluctor Ccaiffwian ffm&cr SAEDACCO I nc {anyrun NAF11c 2, Wd I i(',grrst1jaCtir51k PCrTFit * U9a1laMriru&1v wellprrmilsfir. CeAwiN%NW, Vj3dW -d IrWagrJr-.1 3. Wd I C31E {ehrcl. well p nc}; Water Supple 1lirdl: L7AI;Tkiiltural 01r1rwieip2iVPlibk 0CVO efmal 111iearillgr'Coolirig 5upplyf DResi€ienrLal Walcr5tlppty tsiOgle] ❑InduslriaUCammcrcial flRcsidenliiil water Supplti' [5luedl ❑101 LION Nfr11-14ates, 5upp)y Well: ❑AquKCF RrchwRC Q Aglrifcr Skmgc mxl Rec4 f' ❑ Ag0kr Tcsl QExECTimCPlill TtOpplp},- ❑Ckpodutnnal JCID!i� Loop} ❑GM116CfIMI IHea111WJC'ooliue ROLL11I-I ❑UFOLIFldsLller FC11Wdin00rn QS9linit3 Rarricr 1:11311un Aatcr 1"inago ❑kw'itsi&rEEp Cmuml ❑Trnxr 00111er lLA l.irn ales 'l ' 1 IR:Illar dr Diare W0[(s1 Canlplrled, 12/ 26/ 2018 Wefi ]lyre WV 7 Si- ►4d1 Llrewthlu' Br ovmsf d el d NWUPIYAN ne-r Nnim Facllili 1PA! NFWplicnblel 700 Hayvmod Rd., Asheville , NC, 28804 Plgsical AAHw9F, Cat)- Hnd Zq} Buncorrbe Cugiwy Fame] Ideiu9rkulwu No fIRIN) ih. l.wditudr wnll I,nnotpdr.. in 1k-13ti Nfmirww*iwrDmi; nr 1lecimwI i11 1 RyA4: 4Lf Mrll field. rvrc 11L9n1E ix NUHIL:kvll M1 fr. 6 {ill-0 lbe uwellls}r MPerminvul fir ❑Tempnnlry W 7. UI thin a repair to an exiNhEawrll. ❑'Yes ur IgNu Vikh JF re reNir, fli e+.'Jf 41N110 ILeJ'I (C mirfHrYrow urjcjmfrkni uemO r'.ypto ur Oil rurrwre rr/ dlr repurr under A='1 rerudfl-%.worm w rA r& bowk of7iir-e fo rJi. S. x urntt,et or welly tuw dnK,md: 1 fa''�r' `m'w'lrWe rnjawwr..r nrirl-warer rjWvlo ikefr� uiVLV 1wrh dli srtnar rayrarrJrrfivJr Menu eero A'bktw ou jorru. 9. Taiilf wtU depth belmr hold mufa= 40' (fl.l For irftdtWe wrNt if a nrrdwilm tid9ftredU (vxe gnfe- )@:09' amd 2$'i17V71 14.16'At" YAN IS FROM ni DF-m'H1p1uT% ft. fi, ft. fl, 13.01MIt CASINO Ilrr —1 canrtl +ticMij 11E L1r+rLR {if u Mcablrl Them TSl ryEi\IFTFR Trp€'wvr.s klr<rFPTAI. 0 n. 1 30' rL 1 2" io. SCH- 40 PVC �� IHNFIt G�€T7.'blrtl6-irut`a.1cWxJa� DULMETER TLI€'KfSCtr.,° iH,i1F11lhL FROM Tff ft, Fr, or_ R. FL ]7 S'i>tf4 FROM TO Pr.+5rr.1-rTl "ATIZ41x1. 30' R- 40' ft. 2" .010 jSCH 40 PVC yfl. GAOI'J'F PROM To MATERLU. YR LACT3rr_wa 31LI11OU.1<.-LMOL\T 0 R. 26' n. PCIRTLAND Trend e rr, fi_ Fr. ra , i4. 5J4Nbll:lLA' VEL PACK {ir rdicaI)k) -- FIit1N TO vvrfkit i. 631ri..t[4:5E1:\T5r1Trrl}JI 28' ft. 40' q, Sand #2 211, RRILUNG 1lDG I xllacrl adOilional 3kdn If J►mv%r 2n I FROM T" l4Fti1'ItEPT1!}ti l t,.Lr, bmrkinv, rill'nn L lti n ur6e ck,1 0 tt. 40. B, tan si I t y sand and clay fLL 1L It. R. IL rL 71. REh1AWKS Two f oot bent oni t e seal f r om 26' - 28' { I 23. CulTiL'ation! 12/ 26/ 2018 Sig .AI �c r`.. _ asl sa 6or� F date fh siVmp dkiy Jurrq f brrrbi- d'rrrifl' rkarr Nhr ive 4l 0 Wier lrrcrrj Ce.r Dr kd rn �1%v rdawrx wJrh �.� NChC �� ��� 4r � 5+1 r�CAC {l�[' ,{Y2fJli N`dN {�-0Jf#f fPrrrJiYF �fdNdelt{iF QIIrQ r�{rr U rxgra-mrrAii wfFly1hai brew prmi" raAw uy-0? rnwwr. 23. Sit dbV- im or xlldiliumxl wr11 dti-Als: You Liulr Ilse die back of dais pzige to prm�ide xddiliomi well site dei lils Or wdI LL011 lruriior1 delaiL. You ltLa%- also allach Addi6auul p lges If u&egsan . 24% Vnr Ali WrIlx. Subruli Ll" Form wiihia 311 la's pd cbmpkuoo of gmAl w,ornlnicrtnn ra dle fnl[nuin ; I U.-S%sfe wluer Imam bel aw ODP of C"irry Ily.l Wriznin lif Wzter Itrwu rces, I nGrrmssiuu lFrocessinM U uil, 11`,w,rrr k--d it ultuve LwiNg, oi-e -. IG17 Mlaif Ser viw CrAter, KalrW NC 27479-1617 11. Barrhnle ilimmrrcr 10. 25" �i�l 24b. Dr Inkylien Weliq ONLY: In addilioii Lct se:Wing dw rofm to 11w nddress m 2Uabme- zllyv ,i1brniI a wopw of this fnfrrl uithia :t0 da}'s 4f call1pleLio4l of hulI 1 J, Well cowr action u)mIkod; 4. 25" HSA collAnicLion Lit Like loure551u�, tl.e. auger. rdun, cable. dimo pushcic.L 1MI;'laioa €riV4'xter aeaaarx'es. Undrrprlirrd In]eelif.n Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 1d36 MJlil Serviu4 Cenlrr. Ra116plr, N C 17d79-143(p ML Yield "1) TL'1 absid of lot- i.i;L- Fur WAt r $1Lpp1} & lipj03ine W04- Also subniit oike copy of iNs form Mthrn 10 da}'safcomplelliallof 13b- biainfm-liuo nFe. Amount: vrctl conelnirtian to iht county hcalrh dcpellmnrr or Ilse vminry wlk;rm fay 111 [rW - I i anJl C2NUIL'L NWrlrlrnr nt Emimulycw sld N.MiFal kewurces - 01i islouuf Wnicr ke5cuxm Rey NCO AU LLA Mja;i APPENDIX E Laboratory Analytical Report �s Document Name: Sample Condition Upon Receipt(SCUR) Document Revised: February 7, 2018 Page 1 of 2 Document No.: Issuing Authority: 'aeeAnaVica! F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.06 Pace Carolinas Quality Office Laboratory receiving samples: Asheville � Eden❑ Greenwood ❑ Huntersville ❑ Raleigh❑ Mechanicsville❑ Sample Condition Client fume: Upon Receiptproject WO# : 92412352 I I�' rig Gl Wc� �c�r� ��1 L'��,� �c� I Courier: ❑Fed Ex ❑UPS ❑USPS Client ❑ Commercial ❑Pace ❑other: 92412352 Custody Seal Present? ❑Yes QNo Seals Intact? ❑Yes ZNo uate/Initials Person Examining Contents: `S Packing Material: ❑Bubble Wrap ®Bubble Bags ❑None ❑ Other Thermometer: f��_ �O� Type of Ice: Wet ❑Blue ® I Gun ID: Coale Temp (°C): r i a Correction Factor: Add/5ubtract (°C) Cooler Temp Corrected (°C): , D USDA Regulated Sail (9 N/A, water sample) Did samoles orieinate in a ❑uarantine zone within the United States: CA, NY, or SC (check maps}? Biological Tissue Frozen? [—]Yes ❑No ®N/A ❑None Temp should be above freezing to 6°C E ]Sarnples out of temp criteria. Samples on ice, cooling process has begun Did samples originate from a foreign source {'Internationally, Dyes [ZNo including Ha:vanand r'uer[orucvJrUres Cpllu Comments/Discrepancy: Chain of Custody Present? MYes ❑No ❑N/A 1. Samples Arrived within Hold Time? MVes ❑No ❑N/A 2. Short Hold Time Analysis (02 hr.)? ❑Yes ®No ❑N/A 3. Rush Turn Around Time Requested? ❑Yes ®iNo ❑N/A 4. Sufficient Volume? ®Yes ❑N❑ El N/A 5. Correct Containers Used? -Pace Containers Used? ®yes ©Yes ❑No ❑No El N/A ❑N/A 6. Containers Intact? ®Yes [-]No ❑N/A 7. Dissolved analysis: Samples Field Filtered? []Yes ❑No ON/A 8. Sample Labels Match COC? -includes Date/Time/ID/Analysis Matrix: Headspace in VOA Vials (>5-6mm)? ®Yes ❑Yes ❑No ZNo ❑N/A []N/A 9. 10. Trip Blank Present? Trip Blank Custody Seals Present? ❑Yes [:]Yes E]No R1No ❑N/A ❑N/A 11. COMMENTS/SAMPLE DISCREPANCY tot ID of split containers: Person contacted: Date/Time: Field Data Required? Dyes �No VVProject Manager SCURF Review: Dace: r Project Manager 5RF Review: J Date: I �� Page 41 of 43 Document Name: Document Revised: February7, 2018 c�CBA11ciljltlCr�� Sample Condition Upon Recelpt(SCUR) Page 1 of 2 Document No.: Issuing Authority: F-CAR-05-033-Rev.06 Pace Office Carolinas Quality O *Check mark top half of box if pH and/or dechlorination is verified and within the acceptance range for preservation samples. Exceptions: VOA, Coliform, TOC, OF and Grease, DRO/8015 (water) DOC, LLHg **Bottom half of box is to list number of bottle Project # Wp# : 92412352 PM: UP Due Date: 01/07/19 CLIENT: 93-Headwater d W w n S �a J E �n a. a m a rs a E o A m a m a S ru C= E o N 0. a m u a� d " v ++ H a a. m V 2 O N (v a E en VI a a m O a E o Z PR a m Z m a E v} N a a m A V a E V a a m a 7 ro L7 7 0 Q LL � .a v C 4 y — 7 t-1 i7 4 -- v a 27 ¢ - 2 H iJ a u W v° a it J E 7 M C7 Q V Y , E v of w lJ Q V ° O N ¢ E O N N rty (7 Q T Z a E ¢ Q rev a l7 Q M C7 Q — Z — U 4 O o 2 Ql C7 a 4 , M Q p — E H Gf � > Z 2 7 Q 0 o 7 0 ) > a d m 2 Q O a 1 01 O 0 ? O w Y w a. % y to X Q Q 7 Z Y 7 y G } l7 Q � > 4EU y lu a vi LM a (L I \ tp a W = a in E o In N a ai a T Z u a E N M a an z -0 C 9 ¢ E o a� O Q C 2 = C N J a N 0 {7 7 C 61 ¢ o a 7 Ol G 1 2 } S 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 NN FI pH Adjustmentog for Preserved Samples Sample ID Type of Preservative pH upon receipt Date preservation adjusted Time preservation adjusted Amount of Preservative added Lot ft Note: Whenever there is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples, a copy of this form will to sent tothe North Carolina DEHNR Certification Office (i e. Out of hold, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers. Page 42 of 43 70 w A n . - --- -- In n n m y o 0 3 n n ;0 D a n o L n O ° 3 C c X. n T o a ro s 0 s o m a m 11 0- rz a m a �' - oro 4 0 cr 3 3 n� 7 n 3 n 3 0 3 [ r o p IDa° v 1 1 zz v a 0 w' Q �} 6T 7 a ] 6 ° � m o o SC1 � a a b v n Cc F 0 s o } ❑ - j ro Q .C• r7 w n' m^ ❑ 3 4i 3. O °t n Ll ° D ro °- �' ❑ Ulb c T ❑ ❑ ❑ a 3 w ❑ w � � N ro � m c CL C a ii N � m m w 3 3 3 c m nru O 05 t ;y 3 o cv�nm ro d� ° n t G ❑ u ° n w co v -` �p o ❑ D c rp � � � +.� � m n- � O m CCL N G lfr n C 7 � 3 Q d rn 3 m ro ror-N D r ❑❑ n 7. a Ol m ru rrp ^ -T. O °- C N ry N r� -< n aQ a t_ m 3 '0 C v. „ _ o r� �, N �p a rD Cr "! 6 v m o ni w to ^ m 0 o O o o c _. m o - m m O rp it v 3 C. m C ° m �w _a n -� 61 - o m m 0 0 V37 w* ro o o o° o r O < 0 3 = > > ° ❑ ro ro n m v w w z Z 0 N a .� 0- C C - 6 f zl N o 3 m m n� v Ln 3 m 3 Cr o v W w w w N ❑ ID \ F X O -5 ~ 7 ao-a G7 3 3 3 m ao C7 a a v C m ro `" ro C' 4c c r V1 X_ C - 3 to m n c rm D oP' n z Cj z -lJ ro ^ ro C oa v U7' I(NV N C. rb x v v v pp n o c n v o 3 ° " i A} y 3 R7 ° s'u 3 K_ b Op ° ° 3 m c n n z C, 3 m Er _ '� m 0 r r mro m n� N C C UI rn n M n n n ['� 0- w tr' yy fG G 7; pp,F' 61 y m O GG C 0 0 0 C G m w W 9 a 3 0 b 3 ,i rt F N m G I " rn a.nrnw-o Y bronrtHrtrt rorn C N- rt F+ ff 0, F' 1 F' Y- ro H 0 0 0 En_, a a O o. r � r �u 3 m baH mncco mn r) n'L b1 n N Y F'- G m 5C rt N `: *G ,ro, m H w n N w Y- N 'O 'O 'O Y W rP r6 \ 0 rnn W _ Q' Y O rt ro N 5 m H- C w M Z m m rn H H N= C ,yy W {n rO m 3ao°Sp3 w 3 A �. r rt D K 0IA v w m n rt rt maw n r5rtsoCrtwY•rtN z �Oj °O m° v+ 3 v 3 ,� 3 v .. m n o o m w �•° rn �a w m m n r- 0. n 0 a rt a rt n n m a N t►1 0 \ x O w n n rt 7 P. rn a 3 rt ,1 n 1, 3 k 7c O ro .ter H r "L p 'O al n W �• n 0 N 0 w tr � o :° z a n•o lu °m °m 3 c .. ro m 0 7 �c' m m .. m w m N r, n c �= � 3 m m n tJ� cn n mar�r n ❑ rt m rt N r- .a, Q rryo "``�FEEEE977977 zz vz zz z:n Zzz z z zz zz zz zz zz z rj Page 43 of 4 APPENDIX F Historical Site Photo 0 1� 1p ; ATLANTIC APPENDIX G Historical City Directories 4Z11RACOAL C. TQAR4LiNw �Ak 10M Co. + Alp I A -W. NO Sa PATTaW AV. .ia Pr r ofLowepw Im0dGMT• AQQijq&TQ ■ 1111��1rrojr 4111Cf4tG I .arts latlrr■ � rU Can r•n � !•_ �l r, C0 + (spring intersects) huCk-j-r .ell 1 It Ilutkrr ! 1. Crtlt jE yc.4 FnOcy A L %47o Rant wy 117 C. grt, O'Kelley A 11 Narlry tVi'illailiiams Rnht s (Atkinson begins) a-tz Smathers P A Smith \ H r tad ti l DR nbey Delia 'Mrs Ingle A F r _t7 (2d t3) Ramsey D C 8 Webb R S 'Mrs 1 .81 Sanders Julius $lack J A 4S4 Brown Lelia I14iss Sams W B 5Hill GT . .88 Searcy J H (Logan intersects) .92 Couch G W, gro Davis R L ? Sams B F SoIsbee G W 495 Moore A S 498 Ball D S, barber o Vacant 5o2 Wilson Harriet Mrs Salvation Armv Hall Russ Frank rob Cain J T, locksmith 5o8 Boyd W H ,5ro Sanders J M, gro Sri Mills W M Wright Lee —5 -Crook Bros, barbers 5r4 Treadway J R & Co Treadway J R, dry goods 515 Robinson T C, restaur (Roberts intersects) 516 King R P, shoemkr 55-Farrott I C, gro ;ao Vacant izztatkins J C, gro ;23 Competition Restaurant (The) —Bradley N B, propr 24Ford W P & Son, meat mkt 25 Mears S P, dry gds gj'S ! Jrl 11 I tot, r I W I Ir+H T1i' I rr Itwl1 t 1 ', ISrdir'w W 'i 1 )„artr I'rrrlrrlrk I'rpwlrr Fred 11+,w01 W i'.. Yrr oflfm 520 liriyel W !1, Yrrrr,l 5tlS floytl W 11 ,rr�1a11r 429 Asheville PE 'Ckinq — Ashev ice & -- Asltev Milling Co (Sou Ry intersects) — Westall j M & C'.. lumber — Ashev Cotton Mi11. 545 Hill j F, soft dirrtks 549 Wel h ] L & Co,a gro `Ise 551 Olive H J, genl mdse 557 ]ones Wm N1, lumber HAZZARD—s a from Eag' X2o�,.mnn1• � I`��0 T I *Young Horace (Penland intersects) 33 Starnes M J Mrs Helsabeck Q J Rev 36 O'Donnell Jno 37 Jordan J Y Maple . I Q 1 W h&WAr A h1e hone BIG 400 PRESSING CLUB in saiit>j, N. Pack sq., aasirnt. PROMPT SERVICE, REST WORK P6W 1517 I"a` of all Idads of goods, Cloakingag Cassimeres, StockinattesMorsted : FR IER & THOMPSONe Proprietors t• N ttR H� r s 74 Crr ; .; t 7r7 V ar 347 I>r10A t5t-sag P eryr , ,•..II, II„It„ I,,I,. M�K '- i I i i i ! ■ i q[ BUNNY O :ts 1,tnvwtr'4a11 _��-- p, H, r*ATKff. r�pfarewinr It y J '�If� h 111 =tl I I 1 5 LI t !1 +r � 11 I i+'•f 1 �,�f` 1� Ii'i Asheville rw°, �pµwry JI, „III„ .rl l I iltl. r'i,III I I, Is '+n ;nlll� ► r Pe Y1 I. IIII I r I' tilll l[II i1r1+I, Ill.I i rs n,lnI4ltllf•l vyr. Mill II1�1 f 4rV�r►+j;� ?Pt ►et .,IK t f�0 rpnc rpMP N13 W-Lies pP, J,rX 91. f Ihtn Jri dIJlll I! r 647 r,al n•IK rtr,„ sc pedifulfrof L1 �ii Iiill+lll rll G111 Wrll II I I. Ll ll,wllll I', I I ti I!I I, Iji ��� a'�'� nrY I Hl 11r1r all I 11 nrl'r I,I,,.. W IIrl4,l A ! fi _ 1 ' Illllfl'•I f:rlr{u,. ;[Jften Sul Itttrtct�) Ill lry }(ri n1 r IIr>,vw[�(�11 lr[jAl� . ar+:t rti lll�( Itlll1r •jr��nta�d , C: i .Illnrlll d Jl.s . vllll. AaJII. {P4 Ci qp I r.lnry �lrllll+�r I J AZE,1. M 1 J.Lt, k(JAfj �{dK dun 3 �.l Phone 389 I'.II rI11Y Allwi t A-Awvl!!I; d5 i1AZZAuf) wp>rl �O Glass Ld 3 plant Phone 316 r.�ll,; wlrl !ir :l,llllr,lll l IrI+"' f'�KJi tl 33 U fadgor G N Sral'Cy I -Illy I Ivy I •r v1 t r„ (Logan intel-Sc N) " silli:l! W 11, mrri pr O S K illy U 1, Halley kJmill-rw 405 131ciolcr S S $l Radfor-d JrSil—k—Gloves coaft i ! 502 f1lr,11 11 C �fa,l S:tivalir,u Army f1:�11 Cr1C5 LaCCS i[)91., Ball 1r:rloclr 'gfi 50lti i n g 1''r: t r r !( Feathers 508 )Lice l�r,:tll I v E— iio 5arlricr-5 � M, krl) $1f1�pET5, Gloves 11 k is e .1 M White r, -RiCe 1':llrr,-1irrr .11 rti f,�}arrlirl� Y` 51.5 �Ki;lgslr,r, 02 5 V acalit .514/ Boyd W i l ortieres ,1.5 M i I l 5 (� E, I c• s t:t u r ��S .518 trice N 11. rest (Roberts intersects) o 520 Parrott l C, 91'r.) 522 Watkins J C, gro 523 Bradley N B, gro rchant £23r 1-Alflonds J C► 524 1..[lrrrr)ncls f G, Ineats foring 525 Mears 5 P, dr ygd,, 525/ 1"'(11 1olifl5 J G i in Livingston to F Edmonds Mary A M.rs, av inehardt E 17r�arclink I *f.arlrlrurn l.ce Cree er Ed'ttl 5Mills W M, rest 2 *1 iul>Ijies Henry 9 Arledge R �� W�lBAR, r52fl/ Cof kuc�li Wrn ,3 *Caldwell ]as Mcl7owe11 5 gcrs W I' :, *AI[ xand�r U G 33 Duvall C it propr, Bradley J N, gro r 8 *Kennedy It la Shelton W Pack Sq.528 alit --- * 13orden Sainl 44 Trace W 52131 Mills Wm M *GreenlNaf Arnold Y Kelly 529 Asheville Packing Co —*Hemphill Isaiah 43 h ar 289 530 Vacant -- * l i edgespeth 1 vOry ❑u R intersects -� *Knox Robt 45 Owen C 051001500— bi A Gcountants � Ville Lau,,� fo ,... ��, �rd�. l s, ono J. J. N1C'kiC7LS. Mn r � � � grr� L4 y,.... -�• , +�►►-a Fhone_a HAYW00D ROAD �' Continu- g ! lip" of West n8y"'Od. 111Ain llusinrs-v Street of LL•rst AsheV ilie, south Tram ,arpenter French 111,md river near I Concrete Bridge to 13rverly rd_ theuce w�'at through rouse city 14 Plemmons W 13 24 ATCAbee Latt linter 47 Brooks M A Mrs Meadows S A perhanger 48 Hanel' W G 261 Roop J B 263 Lemmons T S f g 393 '- 404 Young West Brown Snipe 417 586 " Posey Carter Carter W.I Chunn H B A M, gro Asheville Sch I Graharn s d W H B, notary G D, notary of West Asheville & Mardis, real 9f kev B & L Assn C H, architect ndall R L iU OL. ! Creasman L vv nAERev i S W - 11'ky y �� „y / d a W R R 1s1AIlL �Y_ �' 4] B SL'e�t AAly . C-pair�t 1 i Tim. r�i Alh HEill R A e t,.r Nelms 418 LV F Rt AA )K1 }fir �►''f� _ � L'4 1: � 71 M A�iae Cro�r d W e �.attiy.aYe - Sam V ; 426 Tiasknrtilll �1 f'' i4 a * � � 14�ft UV L Uft 424 Alacg ar C ° � • % �� x��� eft ftla" 426 Neweed A, Ara idx � a + ■ Sncder- a�liek � e� an 3Aattb yrRoR+ 1*l �11i�;fryNr 430 $heider (; A G S C e�"� 8- 43❑ [r] %3cRary Y �1 tom Co. i 1i 438 Asha orth Ft p1; �?fir �pnt R#itM� am" 438 (r] 33eRary d W r� rw s >l J� 9 _ 452 -Myers �Isnnte ]45S oddtra �s 6�nO's �yG I G. - iA� &fie aFel'+1 481 Ledbetter 7,$9TO lupr� 3 �r L 7 48' (r) hiandy �L' D1 io 8 ,,re,, Lillie 3an�[ `-m 492 Brookshire H � � � 43 maT�ep � •3x�ea =�& y 495 llianly 11 1 e ' _ Im 497 49 LVlilWest Ashev i Ruitubt v18bp 1 II 3 Ii• �� 3,4 wQ rash Uaw 503 Baker & Ashworth, i !irDO 19 R 'A i� `�'s--.s yam-•! 545 Manly 'W D, gro. ig �e ids 508 Crook R L 1 �ir�o°p J 514 M Orris H P 'g ]l� r Vq D � - - 520 Vacant �1 521 Baker H D �g 3�ra G 8 3- ` 526 Crook Jno, barber 'a1 jo- fie, Ge❑ H 3� • �_--T Montgomery & cmkt Am 01 S.1 olsou D 38 repr 529 Hall W T VLSI rrances Mrs 4 630 West Ashev Green Rv at g15 G �llsr L ``T }: West Ashev Presv Ch T&ireoison E 3 51 547 Anderson J G Dr ', t 59 545-550 Olise H J, gent mdU !� Fais r Ellen � ' ` 553 Hare P E �d po C b6o 13askerville G S .g5 Penl3 E g? •_ 565 Hamrick bI W 1�14 tartar 1041 Sell R ?� Lei gera nadle 56$ Shook lli D Bright S7 'r][v 574 Orr P B Dr a ,itbolson 3as .� sM v 583 Sams R B 150 4 g lvicholsou G PP ' � Balm Grove Ch l�sfilcholson G 93 1064 'justice QUeenie gi •G 586 Bishop A B pie Nirs 594 'Blankenship debt hOe rW 11 ? tii° s 130 3 100 s 596 Bishop A $, ro 11,= (rl �� >rren Fredk�� ■ 698 Adams Mardis, g Crawford Ilion lU4 ' 600 DoughIss W D. gro 1155 Frady E B tiiEN $05 Fairchild's G]irage 1t42 Hanamaa LV W 8l4 Fairchild G W. B't') Neighbors N 3 :, t 612 Vacant Towe ElizabethLV. 6 619 Bowles J 1iAYW18 penRJ�cgro Warren Biter 2 QE--�� QD PLACnI19 624 Harrison T 3 Haywood to �nm>7erland av 630 BowlesR l _ ��— '` 64�t eha _ -- -�- � T R E D I rr Fc'TRIC ENGINEERS �1ey*;°`' ACTOR5 AND llapto, --L.....d Sef�lga'rAt1n5 ..,_ ,a. C. "WOVE, a Specialtq • & a,", Sol °SCE, 44 kMMBzcaR �asz`xQ�b r` M m a 117. 95 P� ,,.. .... .. l 1+:+ rrrl i, +. [ J wryr 70 r)rl l,l.� 630 1':1Ptln 8 .A gn•ilins f Vrrmanf 613 1lortin J rnr1.1 nt�ts,ta-1ria heg+ns� I!i Slriith-.1:>[�Ic +nrr }t�rt.lt�r ['.0 769 i'rr.trn,•r• 'i'}+{rrrnr It RI;Ii C'zll,r 5 77t1 Wr'llrt t{ N r+ 1' y Lille M 7K4 �iYrT'n f, NI, err, 1 +1Ii,. �r rrr fi(ifi 11'r +1 e1:111, v Rani 1� HU11,• f.n 791 Virwant i1�r nri+l I h, .I11"1 irr• nl' I IM, 797 Mr.f'r,ll- lu e1rr711q (�tiuisir,nn RV begins) 914 fin.fr.r• r; p ,!r 670 *11 f1i'1'rir t}11' It S Itev 81 r; Vllr':I r]i 67B *R'inr+it�n 1'1rlrlrr'1 n9 $ti: .i11110..ES B I (OakwoGrl bl-Uinij) f53 {1•} Iiirntol• Ilobt. f<1'i Nlilla.r• W 1) (Virginia av begins s 8) :'� Alf'ov W i. f;;ltf feat .Isllo.v 1Te9by Ch R22 Anrlr+i•sr,rr ,1 , + �;RS I.r�r nOr D I -I 9214 11rovvn G99 .i:lrrc'tt J N 8::f+ NI";lr,+1K1lln W b1 713 Ii,irrison W S, barber 9RS 11yerly {; w 715 CIarize H B, restr 840 Stirewalt c r- (Fairfax av begins a s) 841 Bailey J d 718 Wells H A 851 Starnes T 1; 11i•a + 721 Garland E H, shoe repr 860 Bilhro Waltzer I{ooley E J, restr 862 Nicholson Leona NTre 724 Teague I M, gro 864 Johnson T F 725 Great A & P Tea Co 866 Bi'Er'ly R P 726 Wells Bldg 865 Dean W G Rhfneheardt C B 867 Kahn T L Jones W T ""q Warren T C 728 Bilbro Drug Store Biggerstaft L Y 731 Johnson R E, tinner Beater P M Jr (Brevard begins rd s s, []unwell 896 Edwards W S +av begins n s) 899 Vacant 732 Damon P L Gro Co 915 Gardner Francis -Mrs 783 Olive H J, genl mdse 07 e Brookshire H G Dr 7331h Duckett Porter 919 Vacant McIntosh Burgin (Mitchell �v begins n s) 734 Green P J, fruit 921 Cathey H H 735 Jenkins G W, gro 923 Starkey D Wr --- Mutual Oil Co, Sta No 4 rl%"7 gherrill Carey Mrs 739 Edmonds J G, gro-meats (Balsam av begins n s) 741 W Ashev Furn Cc 964 Blackwell C B 742 Sunset Service Sta 966 Nicholson F J 743 Allison C B, rest 976 Miller R T� 745 Vacant (Clinton av begins) 747 Haywood Motor Cc 978 Morris CT H (Herren begins n 0 980 Smathers C W 749 Timmons H L & Co, gros 982 Foister C F 7.19-751 Franklin Bldg 985 Penland li C Mn Timmons H L 1014 Carter J E Fitzgerald 'LTV' F 1022 Allen W H, gro 750 Starnes L E Mrs 1.041 Johnston Woorls 751 Cravens Pharmacy 1042 Nicholson J R 756 Dills Dorie Mrs 1048 Nicholson G P. 759 Consolidated Oil Co 1056 Nicholson G P 767 McLean, 1062 Frank r' R wlsD COPPER WORK Phone 705 1Zi. 1 y H� 1065 '1 1066 1159 1.160 1170 11.72 11K5 112 400 1094 1 Lr):1 17K4 17 Snu 1111 tr C n _1z 7211-r'satl Barber Shop fi -_?3 x_ 0 ]'t,ilng - - 2 �'� Ttlaglit•'s 1larl.ei. �'rUs [d ,25 Cabbie J 117, dI'Y :;d-.z 26 11"iliia:its 1I' T 7-17 (729) flmder D Stok\fs Co _29 Pertlarld i31db Hair• G F Jr, phvs Davies A R R, dentist (Brevard rd and Dunwell av begin) -31 Craven C H, dr•Ltg�, 732 Dowtin's Bakery 'Seller's Earl, fruits 733 Croswell H .I3, geii1 1zltlsc,, 733% Garland E H 734 I'ig-n-tile-Pell, krarbecuc 735 McEwer1 Cltain Stclrc', l.,-t'I11 indse 735% Jenkitls J H Jr 737 ',Nfodel T�arlit�r tihcill 738 PhiIco 13a,tierl' Sta 739-741 R.1y J H, Ird1v Ne.—, W 773 ��LY`�t,Asf e R }ty Lai '�tp!•L• Pt 4'} 1Aa 1-1 775 1.eltOlfi�t Urn 77r,- � , 777 74inrlel•S lta 779 DaN.1s 779-A Ft�ildin� �tl�� g,l" � Y o cterypatlti 1:1)1i11'I3 r 1}h�•5 n>ar Young C 3 Phy, lTic'll:tle5 Fred 781 Cal-01' 7ti3 & :[, �o,a_'cy hr�ntr� 1�1 ] "n's Pharm (Vermont be9ina) 784 I3ra13ks nt 789 Iced 'Star ti e , ICe tits (Sand Hill rd beg,,, 792 Oxvells j .r 797 (3 t A & 1' Palace Theatre t1 ti Postoffice (Oakwood beginsl S11 I111liel. ;' F I�t. S1 R Wood c 1,,, Wood I.illi0 818 Sallacle J G IN20 W011IN'('1• I., A )SPITAL FAIRING Phone 6 ,14 try, ­R �slge a r�rq rl J -i'• ,t:l �1�•LS.ri�•1 i L 74t•tse r tf f tMitehelt avbc-c n*- ., L',,,tlurn �� H 1 Balsam► av be .66 N lcht, - l-un E 3 .f r i i,, rt„n H 1i (Clinton av t N.+rrks is H l,►1 i ltik.•t• 3 M, (Covington W-11 t':1r;Lnl 10V2 Nic•hnlsrltl ] Blue Ri W v SELL 5� iNU. A. CAl1+MPSE 1►r► hr,n►�..rnlx�ciunly.nrk B18 �av�nnD 8D Cunf.ln❑pd 39,i We.t Aylrnv f'u i, .St r1"r• 343 AU*h ar inlerseetsa 403 Vacant 407 Vacanr 412 vacant .,Westwood p egfnar ,Richwond ar begFnal 414 A & P Tea Co govmr 416 1 417 1 4184 420,1 424 s t23 S rkers Dept; (Hgnove dtserraft (Nobie begins) ev Ice Go- -5996 rpo a e pl begins) erson E J--545e-W rnonf; W F � F J CFO-- hev Feed Store— r 3andwlch- 9247 rB_Urton begins ' Store begins, 1n Frances 3 Market Feed & lieu! Co Mercan the Co Cafe--Wl T8g M Shop ,han & Son 12 a■ begims rat Homo— lhop -- 2IALP%P1N'y ANV Al V � 1" ,A-" 1, 1 5401 0MR11 J1lrlfsl.hltrr 647 Vac+++i1 &NJ (1rl11111 Afar -CIS Mi. it I. 4411.11 W wo "11FAIrlck A7 W 00 4.1:1.1 .i 568 Hllnf)k -S X 00 JulluSoll L A 574 Orr P 11 PI a 787 575 .`_+ & W Surv577 Mrirrl1i J L rL111 ©Ht - F1[l2:3 - J (p3;artin av begins) 579 Brower J R ir,) 584 Woodard D (7 1349 -� .. - r 1) "3 S 6W Sanitary Barber Shop 828 Moore's Cafe-9450 6281 Hipp .1 H 6M (r) Israel Hellen 631 6431 6451 Rooms )Southern Oil Stores, Inc (Nevada begins) (Majestic begins) Esso Service Sta--9289 Vacant Davis Parnell Vacant Wells Bldg IU-12 Davies A R R-261 Bell T J — Cook T E - Kelly Edith Rogers Mattie M Haywood rd continued Haywaad Cleaners-7933 662 Electric Ice Co-3477 665 St Ashev Real Estate Co (La av intersects) 6"ones B B �t Jects) 88S Rogers J H 685 Gaddy's Open Air Mkt 69h Minus Lois (Fairfax av intersects) W Jarrett J hr (0)--4913 (Jarrett ao hom„e� ,f(KI Ill, 711711 ltul N1r� 71:1 [111 ! W11r,r. 'NMI 71Fi [1 50"m.? ItKr1 717 1r1 `u] �, hr11 Ire'+, 71aL1•tUCK 1"l & . �'. 721 C71Ft1,,l fur 14 Call, ""At fill b 14l , 72.3 A dL .I113 %Hl � 72.'1724 Hilto 1 8aOL rri $ (bBr 4r`r 725 Diix e St itiIktu� ti 72(i Wells jj10rgq 1171. 728 Blbrofl variot N. 729 Cobble.nrug yC tAr 729; P3nl $ Daiit n e ` Rooms and B1dg�2g1 t°+ 9 Edwards 14 Tarbox 1) Sark��61 " 1raywood rd c°ntl 732 Atki(nu>awgll av beq�°d 73nsgervie 3 Pie -in Nun-suet, n S ela a 0 taaeha; -pen 735 Sussman S Q 737 Model Barber 8 e tt-at Bee°,ra- 9226 auty �ar1 7371 Ruble Peanut 741 Coates W $ProdUee I,(,743 H 4094- J Shoe S 744 Majestic Bo,,lin°�• 747 May J Ba7 _ 751 Horne Fu nit (4`7� 3800 ure St.,,. 7511 Au445er T C Ins aaey, Franklin r ❑ Ward Essig 755 Mutual Coal C10_243 Am Clnrs I11c-243 756 Dunn -Grose Ca undo takers-3210 (Herron av begin 757 Judd Furn C o 760 Motor Inn--12 765 Duttons Jwlr Am Clnrs Inc Ball JE 769 Edwards Cyntha 771.--83 Bledsoe Bldg 771 Palace Barber & Bea Shop 773 Jax-Pax 775 Woodberrys Gro 777 Great A & P Tea Co 779 Vacant 781 J G Stikeleather Re Ca 783 Palace Pharm 784 Brooks M A & Sons —5040 Beau Rea Rooms 1 Aiken L M--5394-J 3 'chales Fred 11KO" h1ili kV II'L: 1lf;, 17 pl.flf.lnl� A•1n', 1rll TA p �neI I' �A ay h+at[1r a 11n [r.. iM3s.? 1�1 17 �}r1r�lldr ;14y Win illy,( ffrgf w,4-T%f 1171, f"', l'►l9kralscl 1,olote zpw) 117% W u+ S XJ NYuaiiii-PAI 11G1:S s•a Ot 796 VacwR d vnoad Y�as[Snta1 �„r 91 k k r ry 1 �a {�} M $yer Y '� rr1, 1L1p. L 12'rr, it Ot nr w g 1Presu � W lrsP 1 5ia�jeg xe[Glnyeti begiai 12K 85 � � 173:., Feln'et>~ Jr k2sY, g8� guff L r gg3 Jorisf3n 7A T 1':-3; 864 Je k Ck W IT 866 Sa bur gpga rd begina) I'v. {Su Y, V a begins) Truitt Elizabeth 171 S67$91 M4%1neY W Ti-2v-1IP$-3 693 Criss°Verna 7132-a 1: 88995 $artier Kathleen rr- 1. 9 5359 Ridge av begins) r� iBoan of Arc 5ch g15 Brao s Te H G (6 -140 91S C curt F J- 6814 g19 �cD1ahan C A-574-R 9?2 Da1e J s �- 574-W 923 orderS L R Mitchell as begins) 925 Cogburn W H 0-2289-3 927 W amsley P 3 (Badaalm av intersects) g64 Vacant IT 966 NichQ(Clint n a begins) 976 Head X L 545Q -W 978 Morris G H 4- 980 Jones Eleura-2049-J f 985 Balls GoFl 311718 sJ 1014 Ball 3 11 1022 CommCoQington begin 1042 Riteway Garage-94,87 1050 West Ashev Gro--1808 im Nicholson GP [nj- 411 1058 Esso Sery Sta. 1q0 54 9412 (Belmont av beg) 1060 carter H N-5750--3 1061 Walker H H (Hammond av beg 1062 Frank R R (]--2269 1063 Sanders J P 1064 Ingle Claudia 00 R-2i 1065 Mellisehams NX.ar g� 2962 Gro 1066 Snelson F R 1070 Turner H E 1091 Whatley J L 0-68 1094 Arnhelter Mary E (Lucerne into 1095 Wi1Snn W n r",\ an IAP rlPll vnr:uu. [COMMUL1111 PF1i1I" Va��rtEtl- a1r�r nr,r:rr :;rl 13 Vpi.n;x rrt K+r 11 tie r:� riD•1 3 ot. ktr,y as ya-lrrrl+4 l�Jr I: fi[1R 1�'rfkr•r4ll,l'a r�is, Weil S Freight'i7 T1. /:. Bt ePvY 4ISD�i •!.s•:rnl .l•lnl,xe't• v rx ✓1lS Id.•„xuir¢xy r•irR r*4 1 ,�i~Ir I'rrtirr 1' M11, I J U (+Il icH �cf�'nntrl `' ` Sin+'n $ 61111_l 1•ir •er„r1r„v ['1s ml !� trs W'al �, yx,xL 1•: 1SrR �. 4I. 1':rru sr 5a„�• hr•ht it titl6 3+Fe 6::fY Fi rlal, �• l'{rr, `Ir Mti'h P 111,11 llA �r��I`r;� W'a p T,il1S,. �+} p�1nAi 4�D ;tiLlf1S" I'�;, ]tiirl•[ Ga•I�3r:,rr3zer,S�!'r�i+liiK�r`-^RhSr�1,s 74uI +Mr1.+;fUr rrrs� s3 lvlrn S 421 }pn U q r„r, nit lire ataro Inc T•.n>; 71:r r•r•[urr rr T rrx n.11� Rt �.N 1 •f {�t�{T'j { 1)"l,r�i+ TxnTc S Mrs Z :Rc:, 1x f. R'.', •l� L� r 1lrrrrrkl� jxi'H .T d Shy 71' r cttr is !i.-rr<s.. iav bex 4'� torn T,t ua•yCl nsa G3,1 , i 3irr•r•l I Sr, rl p ,y fytr� sr wnrz sr. 4a21h, l rxnt 1r 7'Ir rr Fi:irrlvr, Rllrrr[ r'tin. �1 7I+1 r SnrK LNr) �T34 b1Ta r r tihirl. i ] £iarurl u I n I'1S„h in ft 1 e Al uVarl'sitr,a L r,n (nftlCe] D IlQ�+ui°tr(++� 011 ut11lrifsi,a•Fc'1erH I,re•� L alPhfrt. 163 -4,si,s[,lr T''r'rull L f•sT,_ n1r N r 7l+. __{ lir>> t+sifs�tcfntln and ! F-`,, ` 1:41 GZG \I• (!'orr[] u N h pry r• e:lr•nn 1 K r1.l� 432 T 14J F,Ir,x 3I11K E:i tr L",l rti qf,G t4etis„r•r, r„tI nfi i-'ri'u hr:rs,.l 7 11 of rr'' 4 rS prPSS1C}' G3fi V:1r :sot Ata1c K1• k 1.r ir. n f Arrdr.r`'u'r [i�R4GIS:r!- +tila,tl, v1)FW TD-4 ' Irncrtn! G3R I¢ 1V ll1lH IkT1yj� qv is 76R Eli" ears,+ r !S„i FunerP Fr d•10-48vitcarit Sc:l,urtl 6:30 Autrey L'H+.ltr rite �kl 1]Spriri1, t4AYG 631 lei,eudt+130z fil W hl th t': -k-ii-`vscsnt s 1; � A. 1+[yii11 i rr„ Ef� i+sPPly Co .14•i vscl,nt xHq Spp r� !},I [srl`1 s: ruit at -and rrTr1� TINS, 44G -J, UeazTt 131.os 1381sel•Y g¢3x4b amU n t llr�vr++fn luij �t 7 r.ie6ll,snts1 t„m"trvq Ar In" tMil F i+ ► #4 S�Recu ��[ I eedss ��j 'pr:Lrs a aIj r lit, 7 • ls: �i l 4SSA. :{ Meet Cp beging G62a Ceervi Gas bI O rrlK�r aklhti 7i 7f 'RS'r r r- loss a1 �lrx �qar! 1'U42. y-er f3ledwcrr Islalrc S58-GD�itu tixrno vicJ Tt1C atl� 77S' Klst:v Seed Ln plc, 3 W' ■Ice Sta 665 Dermid ,Ter£ ibr n ah 47I��a,cis See 3.fattle�A ble be ins ersoh i r,rsT„ nn L'icern P 49J edLxett 4e Z1sc (bs) ins (1S3 LtWorleJar ett��igtrb � 1 eR 1Te s inn ii�n� <"has H Tce Sez"v r erarO 1Vea1S G89�Forre t 133e RobutIT ervlQe sLrtir,� 1 T, rrrje �' Tn .� ❑IrE �attersan Everreed Store T Y dal 3 1 confinned ahevslle G90 Wert Ash irl i111:°h �ttree a pax Stores Inc L�tv 493 s O Alex Jack Store gene 691 Dutton Clixfa d C11 tkjm� 773 meats sand HiYI Tac1c Cash 691a Sarlitar ate ouch o�d Stores g•ros Y ]3arUer N tench s Variety 5t 693aFator's Inc No 2 Sho 7 407 At�P'r Arl:et means resit 698 Quave G dr A A Ranmlt 499 Rawls SandN4Ch Sh p Maurlc tlg au 4' ° yac�nt 501 SazscY Harto>e> peps �' fi99aJarrett Jas nor Orgill blar 0ger s gal ma d E fiO3 Jax i'ax Stores Ine {bra a� a 11 3aYner ew„s E 503-05 I3sker Bldg 701 Act-P Food SJo3 rett av belSln treet coattnlaed 503 - yacarit Barnes Bay &T Ineea grog be 57r e,p,A&-p Food Stores calf's Market tarns 704 Vacant at$ 505 Vacant Y3ennett Gala R nz QVl'est Ash eV News news- 711 Franklin Ben trolleys inn rest 711a131ue Bird Ice Ct ea de t Rt '7g+iS ganm allard F r 506-08 aper West Ashev zit °r Xysxvn 507 V Sudaerth Johns 713 West Ashevi l gStEL tore e 77 �4gtiveti Lyle li &0$3� pnrkrnan heX11111 s 715 Pat's Cafe artier Sh g Tliller Roe P Jr & Carry Shoe Shop 71.7 Geer Ctothill� Co me , °p 9 Babb 7D Glerin 718 McCoy Lawton g n s cl 14 Smith H reprs 720 ParIttvay Cltirs street eDa►timed Sera gs JAS 1VT & I, ° pMiller-Farmer , an xadia Service rapes 72IaGtiV cTint Shoe Shop reprshr) 7834Palace511 pharma Ay1cI.ean AIbert O 7g4pRhudy Gerald b7 $ Wlt it 9 House Ice Cream Co 7E3 .�L1� P 1+'Dad Stares N1111 6I4 Painter Fred i2541 iY a Store, Zro$s lace Service 52.1QIt�han C Anrlis ex?) 785aPjas 5E6 Collins Barber Shop 7°S i728)Qi.nttie Lee Bea gros hap 7844-FalaC Th a b ut� Eea Y $ 789aPpictueseatr 529 Roberson John I. autos H140n, d A ut y BaptfSt Churrll purtments: 192 Reid Harry A11erl begins 1 ltilTllson Usc&r 794 Miller lei ❑sca linker a►• begins ❑1.3rown Vernon p 79510,US PC) West 1 Vacant 797 leaner, 3RudY's Wine Earbe 54pyj ,11hitz Horner D 4 Vacant 7ggDPalais 547 Clnn•ttzi & Ct•omptr+n Mator Street Coartinued $144gaier Geo F rj-1'€ce aljtra reprs 7'27aldeal Paint & 816aMiller M ❑s+ 4Pnjott Willis H filling stye 727-29 �¢ Pe:slttnd Bldg Co 8164Wood Chas 3 C g Wood P Lill; 5494.Ulison's greenhouse 737 %,a ibsoll lirrlry 13 dentist 818aA_ik'Loon( oon( ndrew G ❑❑��++�4. orley ja,, H plays 819 Pelmet Gay 560.00oodson Robt L T:'94LCobb1e's Dept Store 8204Anders-Rice 665 Hamrick Verney P Mrs Turn 7304First Natl Bank & Trust Co Anders -Ric( c 4.Ilaillrick Nicill Si' @ BreVard rd be Anders S B' 509,: oji1-er Oscar C 0 Dunwell av beg�U 8214LOakwood S s Earl J 732,aAtkins Service Sta 8224Anderson 57440rr Porter B Dr ® 733,OBilbro Drug Store 5754Pnrter's Texaco Service Q T Chemical Co 924 grown C C tljlltlg sta 7344Pig-In-Pen F3arbecue taste 829 Starnes Cl 577431a1'tin Jesse L real est L 7354�un Such Cafe 9254Eyerly Ch Martirn a►- begins 7 35 Bollin;er Eertie ;kits 840 Brown Na 5854-Varshali's morn Service Sta 737 Model Barber Shop 841 Wright 5 58 15864i1'aoaard CL71e C738 (7 40)4Haywood Clnrs 842a y d y -W ''', ems„'sire►'i11e Methodist Ch 743AIsis Theatre motion pictures Balm Grove are- begins 8514Starnes r 598 Vacff_ant � +44 Zindel's Cafe ersoh �'m P grist mill `'4oAHughes Shoe Shop reprs 80 Felmet C '7474May's Market Bros 862 Himes L �! Z it n;; r1f2�ry�C �n�n� �ps,ncr:,1 ]irrr,r• � ►;11 d 5s'�trc 1VIs11 Hiss ii,l Ar.�.fs rr4 a e a bt :! AnR�sj. 1;fri�t.]tiL �llrr►r hr Rlr r h1rR111% RV Irj �.t r f � {isllf}�„seki=� nutn relsr >'e 8 " $� s3'r pu tar tad:'c•►v��r Or IIVM]rt`�' Nil 141:, ti111) Pe to a`�' r1rx Mletrl W ,+,, 3 r4=•1cX O t t r C: 0" It 00 al eat ,I D Je qe L � e x bekrins Atiioeo 5er�fee ]R�'c �fA� C �o1��I7 Methodist Zia, A$Z1eville Grove arc begins a C1gn reprs �a Y -cis°n Blec Sery fliorlptonpLrr A �IOU caeler Shoe elv pod Stores (br) P 6�gros adia Sh State begins ! r be :a .. amY Shoe Shop reprs Sure - Drug der DaDrchester av begins s begins vMrs Br°wnSr4hanhcer Etta egg 01west Ashmaje tic av co begins fstgei Vacant �pua,Iity Flower Shop £�` e �elt,'i La wrrnen A Lemaster John W Nevada av begins l,,padgett's Esso L ery clo �ic g .rohnson Betty 643� Kenney Wm _g4 Red Diamond Service eta gpBall Ewart M photog 5V2 Johnson Arvil J ypiEvere F c10 Clnr 924Ice Service Inc (br) W Dermi efferson I] real est and notary r` 6, a,'Service Sto �4 Coxe Ave. •4Al yl � RAS,r.l, 19 ARGhj]k�r+M Vwkill t Arty 'rr•lsrt L' #�rlsl:. li�l4irnR 1'•IIf1r 3 Ili 1n sit" oo [i11[i�. w^R1 Aa1,iTylr ► 13 a[ �.,,� r1111 � I';ry AI Ahllhy 1�nR�IT'J ilw� WFl1 ry, , I r,1, I,rs.., Waw �� Aio fill 1 AKS �,�,1 lbttiSIVA �]1111'F'11t fiiullr €11srAll tl I' PKiC rr r .. i �mFb t x• [In. 7t11 Vsrlei, es,'islrr. l 704 Vlsl•zrr]t �t hs* .t}r, '707_11^f" • Rtflr @ ciF rq �7A rr, [lryr• 715 V cart sYye� Barber 717a0obble•s rc�atlrn�flroward HaSJpt S tore718 TSasDiwlr Delia, Vow Mrs720 Leas,Clarence rax�w4'.tii. 721 Jackn721aZabor HHawardE B elec a 7234 ante repr Ap11- DerbY H'r"'6.,i SL 725aIIdeal restr Tuit Store 726 (728) Sh❑ Lottie Lee Beauty aCannaa Music Co PianoShop The In Haywood Apts Apartments 1�Prir]ce•Edw S Rowland 2�$eyd .Blanche T Mrs 3 Alexander Wayne jr 4f-,Cagle Mora Street continued 7274�ldeal Paint & Hdtiv Co 727-7291/2 Penland Bldg 727 i,� Gibson Henry B dentist Pr anklin Willard Morgan 'Chas F Moofty Chas W Lawfence Amen P jr 7294�A & B Dept Store Dunwell are begins Brevard rd begins 7324' Standard Lunch restr 733�Ideal Drug Store 734 Frelich Broad Lndry (br) 735Z�Rawkins Robt L restr '7351/2 Ellis Ethel 737 Model Barber S'haP 7.4VLadd F M fish 7434LIsis Theatre Motion PiCt'L1ce eS ApPli'744 �llectric Sery & -hop 7454Hunter }S Market eras e�;<s 747-�,50JC0ay A. OUR "Business is a Pleasure" SALES MORTGAGE LOANS Property Magement wall yne 1144 cp .�.• _o m 0 0 a_°e7A ~o� ° W W �+ A nrz J P 01 a LU 1 c=C A. !k j II [� C-iuw uaLC'. I" ilE� , NAYWQO[] RQAp (WA) — it l;f,•htt t. t.l„ r p•T r , ;I;I i n: 1,ce•lurin lair:l F, L1l'rhl' .I,.t•tr11� [".❑ elc[: nl�ixlt' I' rnnlr� �. Michigan av inters i�tL (I)r: 40.1. Jnt-1':Fa Slorrs j;ruS fill 4D5Ia13ul1Lner dl•lL�l1"t'�[ .rl�}il' i'1,elrn7 —a4ichtnond av begins _Waynesville ev endI3 .al:,?1i11t tr skidrnoire Bldg , 15-•1154 TaYlol. LAIise S1Ies Sehrtfli h Is R lIcxdoll's C It pair 41t; Shoe Slx0i)s 417aSellers Cabt Shap il'r,'QSeI18rs Paul G O IV Costnn �In'i,,.roofer 41S.Coi V r epr SerV 100- --int t 4I9 Ira.cli nt 420 Z'acant t Sta No 3 4314CRY Fire ,UeP E, nI;ine L'n Na 4 —Argyle la begins 422-24a ul'niture Sls' Co 43234Tinsley Al'I~Yie Mrs Ll5rtlpes Joseph T DChristopher Merman L McClure Saml O 426 DeLusre Barber Shop 42S-304Ashv ii'illys co Autos Knight pi begins 4384Jones Clarence E 440-446 Austin Bldg 440,a%Vard Prntg Co QAsheville News The —Haywaad rd intersects 4401-4233-461 Apartments 14sloop Chas W 2aDavis Roberta L Mrs 3aDalton '",alterTa 4 Hamilton 011ie 11Tra elus D coal NPOPPIRrFerson Everette J O 493 Vest Ashv Feed Store 493r Calhoun Oscar L brklyr Davis Bynum X pntr Haney Chas C 495, .Jack's Cafe 4950(-ouch S Jack D 497 City A 13 C Bd Stare No •l;lpn�;l.u, � : ;Inc11y}tslt ;71wt, =n..I• begins _Btlrtan nv 13uilc11n19 tify:i-fl:, 6nkor [II'ttt�r'rY Hill {,os4\W I't"I��ilal Anlly Ht,l GILI-I}lil.111 til tiro r,t1G�11 u S 11't'li'I 1ir1,F'Ill t �;IK`I1ffl 110,10 FA [ fil7�ll.vhrrl:+ Ililst rill$ Atli r,U$5 1-Llslliiil•111 IIiiIR' ,1. [[Volt Ilur net �ppl•knlan �V r!t•t•1Ln1 Lila il'l3.sr� ut 614 r'n,nttiary lclu, 1llrrr ntlr:+r �Vrutnai, 1 Iri,• l' ,Ilt'll jlt,}, 13ir:n C TrnCknl' + 5�QA133�rn3i13lnunt 521QAnders-]:iiru 11unL1-411 l Tome Anders-RicO Mitt I3Fn'i0 Assn 4Anders J BILIV 1n i, 5234k lidwa•Y 011)ra 6314CELlvary 1,3s pti:st Church —Allen begins —Baker av begins 640aNatl Cleaners G404Crompton Date it Mrs 5474Super Gulf Sta 548 Reid Geo L 560.aTa•te Dai atl�Y� 565 Hainrlck Verney Al llirs furti rills 5684Pruett Dewitt C eQ 5744LOrr Eltrla C O 5754Tastec Diner restr 5774LBrown 3 Morris Q Martin av begins 555zLmarshall's AMOCO Servic Sta 5864I3uckner J Con1Cy p 5874West Ashv Methodist. Ch 588 Vacant rear-aDlckson ,Clarence H contr 5881 Lindsay C D --Balm Grove av begins 590 Vacant 596-98JIngle ):3•atyw a.rd used furn 600 No return 6024MoodY Jwlrs 4Smith W H Pr11t9 Co 6021 Vacant 6044Smitli Garland M 4LSnlith Bros Mfg Co leather gds 6084Kiser Plumbing Co 6093A&P Food Stores (br) !gyros Glp4AN',ade's Radio Sery —State begins G18ZLLlsenbee Dewey wll.tch repr 618a4'%VIlIto's Place beer 6194Pinner's Drug Store —❑orchester av begins 62114Super Barber Shop 6224Four Point Cafe rest G244kMaynard Carl T reardHolcombe Elmer W 624j41<yle John M 625QWest Ashv Purn Co —Ma.lestic av begins 626-284Keith's Quality Fl Wer Shop Keith Lawrence A ❑Asher isle Sch of Flor Design ,ear4Alien Norman, A 6261 Rice Cha9 I -I 628; Plemmons ?a:t 1. Hadden Max 11 630 Sparroly 'Cole 13 —Nevada av beclins 6314Padgett's Esso ,Servic 6434Wi19on's Quality Clnr, 6436 Pinkston E fterwoo WaRed Diamond Sery S 60N't,VI" 1 f'Fun,tr � nlVnnln,nrr.ln.µ4{l i111{tg� IiIG.t V,H�drill t•t„K� 111.g1'I`,t lil'i,Jl]Iw111V I}qtl��. li ltl itlll11111 Sin{,•11{ltel Ihl•) !!1'lve't•rat ,lr4µ 11 t101t "� 11t14,trti't''tt @$ kill lint, I'1}1+1x1!11 1Vft�nll °� i,t� fililiQil:'e'lln h'tltt'llt lili7}111 iN011l[t41 ll1Ff�'t t•It,,1. Itr[tljkt,l,,h � frl�,{ lili;Ull skit IIItl111! i'llt .l ns I,, Ili„ Sra, S� Ilti,[ �V11•[1i1t1"+ .1V ltAtly�µih� tt1�1 Tu[1VP ka t"1;1t1111 1, l II �y iW ill�l t'.i„tin .IIkKl-'r t iiti7 Q1� nr.l A M%v ['• l;lt4}n 11 t .,t. Aml,v 1ti �ll1S rPi'!r 6� fl01 A lq1 6130 l n t (1 Pt v I'r„R11y glrsq r+hot, roll,. l' f1'lin1++11,11, � if illrL+Cltif,.,11L'u•,y l[t,i•hn tTf fi!1;1A ktt t,lnirtll Kit,y, t4l'11i+'lr fS1� fi9AClJult,txtnl ['l,:tx 1; ry H'1■ G!1!1 A3ttrrn1l tiu1111' •1 in,u•lsrl:{ � ,tqp SS' —Fairfax av neuirrrt h —Jarrett beginn i1 70t/ �omos Auto itnrn 7[1'L4l srt 1t n 31"'k Alit' 4'.e ulre,I S' 707•C RVis„ 3 5(1 =toll tUt! ji 713A_ N`I`ve4 A411%, lillrltl+r 711iAIlfiftttru tituul ii�'tltt s•nitrn 7 i 7,1W'obblo' µ 11npt `horn 0 718 Gram llltpt ['1,tsrclt 715� f;l•:,.r•fr li;lilt l'11 ?tillttigY 5rls 721, 1'ltl,rnl•tl ti1111tt 'l'11l• s•nrsh 721.rt AkIkict, Iior, I i ii•,, 72:1a", .\ l: 1>t'y1t titt,rlli ll;osw .l an 7236A. Young I. n LIli+l.wlthitrlr l'I�•11n 72G4111t':ll 1 rstK Nloro grtli 7s6A- I-ytin 1•;dilli nirg elo tnfrn 7261 Haywood Apartments A.partnieltt:s: l4[ionil:[ 't'11nti 241�Ir,[ k1e[•1[l,'r llmy nl T a4c11rr'n 1;r;1nt 11` •fL11as[•l.trnt• l;[,11t,t 1, Street continllvd 7'27)'-\F rl nm,k ;a 1'Ittiit. & Hd17' i'.[1 h11t 7'37-729j Penland t3ullding 721AApartments I ('11bHolt doll". It lkll%tltt 2 1''ranklln Willard 32 34Cerpotling Aillas A •11 I31aaa.nketiship Robt 11 jr 5allorter oticttr C Street continued 72341.tt cads Ilht Mfrs rexkr 72N6A.I,oI,1.to lil,e 110Auty 81109 72941� first National 1111n1c snit Trust (70 (ln') r—ounwell AV beginli —Brevard rd begilin 732 Vitemil 7:3:341deltl l)1't11; ;lion TO Shake Tho 1•t-tr 7:16A.1-1FiwkIiw ltl}4�1. 1, rnRkr o- 7:3Gj413rooltmlllrr Nl:tt.tll' Alr1i Lindsey 3ohil 737 Modal 1l:i.l'11r1' Shn11 al 7.10 11'1r.13itilo 1V Arill Xrtt 7434I:411a 'I honlro 74.1A-Cromi,lun `hf1t+ llrl►r S h[ 111 rl�rir4l,nt.11t111'tlrl,rlt 'l'lsn 7.15 Brimif'1' lti'tri':111tsn1,k 81mill rr:+Ir 7'11,0 [!% AtI111' l'1'hn1 e 747-1514bliv'n hinrki'k 7ftA4Stn.rnen 1,111in I`' r>w d 7611 Kirl('nlh AMA n Will to Pranklin 1E'Orcy IS i+ DAIRY PR017UCTS �woM■ ++�aa HAY W44rttl nrlA if I5MA1 , r•1, ;. I. ll,,, a. f rh 1 Ir•1 0.1r.1If'r r'IIr •IA If1•Ir 4 N 5•I�' 'le,l 4. 1 1•.. r.1 r..r 15 --Irl.nrw .HwIAN --�Nf,Iw M+hllw RI L�RIw• alhi•11 n1/.11 �Nra1'eu.l...11 I.111r11r'rl � �A!{ brain} A+14 Al IIY H'r..T �1 aHa I�rvr,-d IIN,rw I jai �Fi�rinv 1H"mla N 4�11uA1" Aln• t' 111"Hrn nl 1+1'w+'" O,Ii i t 111' \ 11 1' 11.1 li {411T NAl N 11�1•_�r-.rr„ ,.r1.1„ 1, II Mhury ^rill^ Run to nasker. Rulldln■ eee-en IIt1R8Mr1rvndl� Ilrn ."I 'he jsni tl lieyn ni;`tAp`r.5151 Ttn At f 1 ap;ld t'hurCh ►Vm It jjLy�7ep l±.dlnApX V14 1jl 1' AI Al Hlsl•lenn Ilrntl'• T.,Iluell,n It Hflald H rl SGtA n=1.11 lal, nm kt Apl:�►` I111s13f jEthAllllila A ,parkman ar begilla 551 1�3Z rnimllt`n 1 ICIA 1 rirkno nurser 4Vrolnl[n ►Vm A l'ronl+cn hlsio C 11Irs ptab Steil 52p4Blue lilclge Tractor & IAl. pWin ell t F11110 5214Andc[:1-Rice r o A1ut Burial Ass^] 4 Andel's J Burgin Qo 52SAA3Sd%vay Clnrs 5314Ca1'cary $apt Ct —Allen begins —baker av begins 54o4Nat1 On 547ASuper Gulf Stu 548 vacant 553ilHines Andre►v G 56044ate Danl Al @) o Purn rms 5654btogers. Verlin S 5684rrilett Dewitt C Qo 57440rr N Emma Mrs 5754Tastee Diner restr 577,0�Brown Herman M Martin av begins gg5 pMarshan's Amoco Sery Eta 5864Buckner J Conley 9 5874West Ashv Meth Ch 588 5mit11 W H Prntg Co rear4Dlckson Contracting Co genl contr —Balm Grave av begins 5904W Ashv Sewing Shop BU44InL7 ls Plixerl Rtbrn ID leather hse) j gros 32 repr rer r 4, r. rr 1. 1...,. r r 1'rr`1•. t. r'1... N ., 1.1 yww _+I �.,r•r•wr �� CHI.• f■,l d �f j.� %!.. MN�+�• 111�IfA 1wa r+l• Aw.rlaraa!• 1• ..1+ M Y. 1. 1rr1 1.. 4 s r IIine arMVial.. 1fu•. Vlralna ■• Nlnl 1•• r1 ..1- nn, y Aa.•4Mi" 1 Ly,li„ W i14•rl „,�' �. +/ r, 11. 111 v1.t ! f5e••f •1w11wrd !w• f Av. I..wN•a1 I111....•n •.1 A-11, + wt•, r. wl/ II l•1+, 1t, ':'•:,• II tyW A- . n nnbnl•wl A.,I1. tl,•w.l+, „-!,•rl y / .irl. IOt' I 14'I-I •1 n114 1'r""I'• a I. � IPI 111r+! 111.14IS 1—' A 1 l+In,r. " .•...•r u111nh11nnllnry 11 rlr.r•r rllnrl• --. drr I . r.I..! .rn �• a1 r •• aF 114004 At h.41w1 f Ofl;4n it.•wu, not Flhnp 1!•In ns1s441.1uhnnnu !'hnl, \ien Nq 7w5� 1[•n.t•.1s•,• 5''r•• Illt •. 114111 LA-Ini nn•Il'. .I 7r.. .•a51A. .'• 7+-/a %t. , Illrllr dnrrl>tl. linnlll I. Inlra.• —Frllrfax elf bw+ln" Y!n 4.•-an4 71r'J. r+4rr•N.Y• t••+r{ ►{r. 'h1 flu.._ 415r•+.5•• ^✓Jarrett begin■ 7nnlall'IrIt Nnt1 F{nnk k 'I'nlwt 7.iz�r,yy.,.1 11, v Yl•nrraf 7u4 tit r•afl •• 1 ■f+ I•n (W Ashv llrl 74)t-0.i417emnsl Ill.rnn AAlai, . r I'A VIr w... A•he N4-t VIIyIyyl•.r[+nl t w r•i5[%% Wetre S{tnrr- 707Lt1inau's+ Glt nub 111e tlturrn l trr- ■1,yt 7117•1191's •mrr- M•.rf. iAk.-. {llrl 7la4tiL•it AR11Y liarl,ur flllnp nebidrx rt!l+rx 71 �Mcllstlley'4 uhale S l l A7t+4+, ril•,Ut+ fsynan. I< Partrnewtx 7174f nbhle's Dc1 IStore ini, .1t 2�hSnnry I'rrrltn.t Kra 718 Grace. Roadr'k. Sltn[iny 7184 Cirtt+'e liapt hArnarA A 1pWnnllarA 4'rrt• �' `� 7Lla,NInn(lv's jNvIrs 721a 1'ulra+nrn Shot, 'rho clntFr +KjrWreet �RFm,jmysn rin 7234A & 13 Dealt Meru Ross Ins 1) jW1I.S rltltL'r k Rla mallllne" 1Slhrrt A 9194Alken l.uraney M �j 72324Ballnrd L LaniS M;Lrk 'r R1paone Stnp wood Y Lsvr tt1413 Vacant Nelson Carl L 82p,aNelann Thnit l4 7$ y4lcieltl Fruit Store gr11" MU&Lynn Edith Mfg Co clo ilaClw Henry 9'33.¢14inrr[Itu'a c3hell t3esY R►a Mfrs 726 Haywood Apartments ' —oakwaad beelns 9'_12 �Andersoll i Wnll () Apartments 14Autry Ray J KZ4aurown Myrtle Mrs Ir� heotutn dim Fl 24Moore Mlle" 14I 3aWade Hermall H i3294Rf c.kiey Leads F 83 WIYi —rly Chas Vr a 4 Vacant R4()ajYlmen I`uclus t. Street continued 7E74Fnrtune's Paint & BdK Co K414,Ioyner Louis 16 Ralph G g Iue 842f1[".unntttgham acunninghltm Bessie Blurs 727-729.1 Penland Building real es1 727; Apartments- 141;;ibson Henry B dentist 851a.1.n1- LeL0011 tli Ashv diemarlal Z4Ct omllton Spears E post �35 851i4IIaticr Wrn C Qo marquetry 34Corpenitlg T111jus A 4 McCall 11 Buel 4 --Cloyes begins W Vacant S60 Soesbee Craver 8G41 Soesbee [3raver `V 3r Street continued 728aStd Designers Inc 862 Worley Horace P 728&4Lottie Lee Beauty Shop 13G aDean NvTft CO 729 Vacant _13unwell av begins Lbr 8C144D'Ior still Qssar I' —Brevard rd begins S65 Apartments : lAClark 13etty At Mr3 732 Vacant 733ZLIdeal Drug Store 24Mitchell Frances F 734a8teak Hsu The restr 3D11'IeD1a►►•e11 W Rabt 7354Hawkins Robt L restr Street continued 866aj,tlllsf ord Rlz> chrl 'll (oj 7351aWalsh Wm C L]tiledford 3 Willard Reid Ceo F —Lan► ille av begins 737 Model Barber Shop —Sulphur Springs rd begin! 74U McDade W Arth gra gno'Do-ALOZler Jahn C Q 7434Ists Theatre sgjj 1FoJ lr Pines Tourist H 7444LCrompton Shoe Repr Shop 4Ca5sady Lucretia Qa 745 Banner The restr Lndry aBannister R Jack 7464West Ashv Half Hour 891 Apartnients Z. ZMambrlek John B 14uelt Harry V 741-514May's Mkt gros 24Grissom Rol t, E Q 7504Starnes Lillie F Mrs 7511 Franklin Percy © 34Gard Lillian E Mrs 4 V acant 31 Street continued 8954Clarke VL'rlla B Mr --Herren av begins 752QLee's Gr❑ 899aEdgevortll Quida 7534Bon Ton Clnrs (br) 990 Church of Christ 4Home Insulation Co '—Blue Ridge av bepl 7554Super Beauty & Barber 915 StJoan of Are S( Shop • 91$L1Gardner Garrett 756 Vacant Schrum Edw P 757aJudd Furn & Sup Co 4Aridersan Wm T w e• Air M r`�4e-fi�a- Lit ,1.. , 1 1* P%lfr L, ,Atau IN, a"s r Clan uno f" M "Vwh FILM Mtivtn B �tl berg !r 1z 't1�Uria'�er o�p De Elmer IA M Yb iLa�-413 tea Lt+cY ale Ei W Furn C., used furry Pro t1'; c+ bexv gins ttrsilfieda 1W; K- eith'S Quality �lpWcr Shoji '4taq F� th Lawrence A 8416pn R L k James Ft e11�y Jarnes L e1 Mar CCa o �8ihaun Kzh�nMr s ker Ess❑ Serer Rome uzb*,zs! C19r8 Dress Steep The rs-Rice pgedrick Bert rBug I- t' Ial A&So rg J Buscit] � d Diamond Seri Sta B CIO f Shop The y�aseb vacantRY Bakery (br) a uelfty Bquip CO Printing Co rice Service Inc (br) ice and gr❑ Fisher Furn Exchg : a#fr 8 rSthe,..a =, Wells Sinclair Seri , ms aril M@ Verlin S @ ^n rms Dewitt C ;m ma Mrs G au� 4y04 ri 61 go ?GGardner's Shoe Hosp �10 2 t,Wal Radio & Telex Co t,Skyland Animal Hosp ;pixie Home Stores duper Mkt Inc gros - — heeina z i - •� Mt.�� . �.wr. ti_ . 3 Vol art 4 (;.,4 g F r r StrL'et C •t Mi1•Irw.t �r 0'Z 76 Fort u ��s x'atnt L Hdw 721C*i I nr 7271 Aps' penl�d Htt11 P�� eu#a 1{l h r e ris y i3 cl FLJI t 2^ Vacant ' ►►' 34Haldwl n T fielton , . .. • ,' 4 Kur Y John 54Crornpton S Street coxtu= d 17eyr' 728 Vocapt 728s4Lottie Lee Beauty nv ter Strop Knit . wrt.,n 4. �- 729 Vacant rca tit?+.r% v LUG" Dunwell Xv bevns ' + . WeVard rd begin$ � taaenta COAL 732 Vacant 733, ideal Drug Store ,, r-� .: _ . t 7344Steak Hse The restr u.., 60 7354�None Such Cafe 7352 Bronstette Leona Mrs Street ~cgo,mud 737 Model Barber $}t - 740 McDade W Arth 9ra g nl''-•fUt-fern-�,� ; rr 743,Isis Theatre 816: iViull Thad 7444r Crvmpton Shoe Re 818 _,ken Loon. i U • 815 P Shop Vacant 819A Vacant 745 Banner The rests 820i PNekson Thus L 7464,West Ash❑ Half Hour 821� Mu ruw's She" SO Lndry QHambrick John B S1. ,. Qtyj[wA be�in�+ 747-514}May's Mkt gros 621-1�Andor3wt J w 750/1Starnes Lillie F Mrs 8244Alro%n Mwrtiv .11 -RS 1. 2.4404 • Dean s Roe&" • FUM 3-5621 MCDowall 5t at FreiiM Dep iabUXhad 18,30 VICE - - DIL NG SE8 'Fe__y.,�ne 3371 � 474 z Thomas Bldg Rooms.- 2 - 3 Vacant 'Vacant 5AKeener Harold d dentist 6-7-84PattonchiChi ftreet Contin ed Practorr 4774W Ashv Cab 481 Boyd Cora Mrs Noble begin Brao)3shlre pl be_ 485 Vacant $ 492APatterrson Everette d 49231 Ramsey WE 493 2 m Davis Elix H Mr$ g5#] Tacks Cafe 4Jack's Radio g Refgr 95 z Couch S Jack p 497ACity ABC Bd Stare No 5 6444Red Diamond Sery 6454Harden Mercantile 1 Co hsehold appl 645s4Greer Eug L 647AQuality Bakery (br) 6 9 Hoke Equip Co r efgr sup 662-❑Ice Service Inc (br) 665AFisher Furn Exch used fern U664Weils Sinclair Sery Sta SS-7&Gardner's Shoe Hasp No 2 4Skyland Animal Hasp 669ADiicie home Stores Super Mkt Inc gros Louisiana av begins Virginia av begins 10chwo av In- t. Chakas — 'ry CO (Sewing rmfs,o�t west As e Sery Sta ­4 Ashv Pharm IiFa� villa av "ends ro •s Ajkt loop Chas W If Rnceley's Slioe Re- builders ellers Cabt Shop 3e1 leiya ul G OO acant am Sls & Appliance uu Inc ,cant ity Fire Dept Sta No 3 Engineses U No 4 Vacant cant Barber Shop ,Ashv Willys CO autos 'IV llyy's Co used car lot Austin Bldg A Prntg Co eeville News 1 e -46z Apartments iwater Addie Mrs Hilton 011ie I Mrs Jesse D int Aerie No 2533 (FOE) nt 68741deal Radio & lemons Nettie Television Co Mrs 6896West Ashv Beauty Nellie R Mrs Salon est Ashv Presby ued Ch 1 cock Elem 691 AWest Ashv Shoe Re- ich newery istin Frank Co 69laASanitary Barber Shop i & Jones 693aRemnant Shop dry 4o gds akrs 699ZJarrett Sad1e J fdrs akales Hosier 0 ,o m rs Fairfax av begin' y Chick Store Jarrett begins rst Natl Bank & Trust CO (W Pharmacy A shv br) g 701-054Demos Home & I 'Cxaco Sery Auto Store a is Sodas 7024Austins Atlantic Sta & Sery mdr" se's 5t and 10� vs Dry Goods Stores (br) IMPARTIAR 0 ■ST OF BUS f N"S 111- ent •_•,•�� $iitmoreNND slij- ' wA,I W ■ QALE R D� � r3 C❑ntd 547OSams I; E Co ryodp Ashv Barber 508 a Hyatt J Manuel gl 0115hlwe5 Shop Par�qA av be- $& Li$enoee Tl OO pu lders Be- 513AJohn'� place sty_ 619pp �r 5 q t5 ble's Dept Store dries Durchee ob t Ch 5144Compton ids Mrs 820 yaa ADC ce Bap 4l8pC,ra $apt Ch nurse g2 Pecant 714orac�day Sch Vroman Elsie C 622 ygai D, oodYrs JwlrsThe 520ABlue Mrs pub sten 624 Moore Le 10 corn shop Ridge Tractor 624Uliolca ,2100 �ta pop -onfr & implement Co W 8 ]Dept Store 41srael Mtr Co Used '& Cars Lu 7254 gers Wilburn R cars 62541]ixie Me 7a 2-31 gol ouit Store 521OAnders-Rice feral Q?ne H n ,,,,Moor, Ellen B 4Ander lealest1 tinued 8 O271DFo w Coalnc & 5284Ander ,,, nd Building5314Calv 727"729 721D140yle rank W H dentist 540 ASmith 2 Vacant Smith . 3p13ald, n T Belton 11 46Sanford Ben C 4Smith ,6Crampton Spears E 5474Jarvii 6t 728 Vacant 548t lNatl f 728 9aYwaod Apts 5534Hine[ pLvttie Lee 13eauty 560QTate Shop 56 54Roge Apartments: 16Morgan Jas W 5652' Blak 24Moore Geo W 5684Prus 3QGaines Ernest 574A0rr 4 Hyatt John B 5754Tas Street continued 729 Vacant 577 To, DunweU av begins l Srevard rd be- 5854Ma gins 7324Bon Ton Clns (br) 566aBu 73341deal Drug Store 5874Tr 734QSteak Hse The rests 5886D1 735QNone Such Cafe 7354 Bronstette Leone Mrs ) U7 Model Barber Shop 740 McDade W Arth gro 590AD 7436Isis Theatre 1444Crompton Shoe Re- 745 ]B pair Shop anner Cafe restr 746p592A1 West Ashv Laundro- mat 596 4U 7 747-514May's Mkt gro 50QStarnes Lillie F 59$4C 7541 Kincaid Julia Mrs 751 2 Franklin Percy p 600Q� 31 602 1 Ogg Herron av begins 602 z, QSauCY Sandwich Shop 60440 restr 608-1 r. 503a,;,"Urton av begins 504 505- $aM dlwayrClns 6094. 545z Raywaod Feed Store 484ker Building die Sinn Ethel M 618 Asan Jeley Mrs ILI� HOMAS' M. L 11a L 4546 IS-% �r P nA it Gont Ash�lle)— o" de �IIn n e- ruh _ _ reL; AgcY d ins eSt,ansprt . elec roll le H W Used 598QIng h 604QJenSen A Silt Mtl Wks Beauiy 5024Vivi Shop ��I.-Mman� s Hyy E608-04Wade's Radio Sery res so94 (br) gros 33 618 Lisenbee Dewey 618a Lisenbee Place confy 6194Pinner s Drug Store pmhester av 620 Vacant 6201, Scan 622 Variant 624 Hall Harold J 624=.6Holcomhe Elmer A 6254Dixie Mercantile "r 16jestic av be- gins 626-28 Vacant 628'Johnson Chas W Nevada av begins Center 6434Russell's Ins Agey ery Sta Co hsehold appliance b46AArcadia Dairy Farm Store fi494QualitY Bakery (br) on Clns (ofc 662 and plant) 665 Fisher Full rr n Exch Bed furn 666,�WeldSinclair Sery Sta 667 ap an trer s She Hose No 2 66xie d ."""A -- Dixie Horne Stores p Super Mkrt T- LUull us SLIM av laeg o 683 VVirgil" can� av begins S874Idea1 Radifl Tele_ Visi& onCei west Ashv geautY 6894 Salon s9o4u' est Ash. PresbY Ch hoe Re- t t,91AWesta 5 shV very 691a Sanitary Barber Shoe 69341Icmnant Shop dry gds die J Mrs 6994Jarrett Sa nirf&Z av begins Jarrett begilss 700QFirst Nat' Bank & Trust Co (W ,Ashv br) 701-05 Vacant tlantic 7o24Johnson A Sere Sta 707 Roseand 100 Stores (br) 713 WestSAahv Barber 715 Ownbey Shoe Rer buiVers 7174Cobble's Dept Store 7184Grace Bapt Ch 7181 Grace Bapt Ch Sunday Sch 7214Moody's Jwlrs 721a Popcorn Snop The confr 7234A & B Dept Store 723- Rogers Wilburn R 725GIdeal Fruit Store gro 726 Vacant 7274Fortune's Paint & Hdw Co Inc 727-7291 Penland Bldg 727- Apartments 16Hoyle Frank W dentist 34Baldwin T Belton 4 Vacant 54Crompton Spears E Street continued 728 Alumirtum Door & Window Co 7282 HayWDod Apts 4Lottie Lee Beauty Apartments; Shop 1 Vacant 24Moore Ellen B Mrs 34Gaines Ernest 4 Vacant Street continued 729 Vacant Dunwell aV begs Brevard rd begins 732 Vacant 73341deal Drug Store 7354Steak Hse The restr QE - Such Cafe 7372 Emery Ora L Mrs Model Barb er Shop 74 7434Mt �ade t e th gro Theatre 4 Crompton Shoe Re- 745 Banner Shop Cafe rent„ 746 West A hv L mat aun`lra. 747-514May's Mkt 7504Starnes Lillie gre Mrs p 750 Kincaid Julia 7512 Franklin Percyy ®e 31 Herman av be.,., 7524Lee's Gro 7534Home Insulation 75545uper Beauty & co Barber Sha 7564Jackson Mn arioC Rev West Side Christian Church 7574Judd Furn & Sup Cq 7604West Ashv Esso Sery Vermont av b cor Wachovia Bank Trust Co Sand Hill rd be. gins 767 Webb Fred D 769 Ingle Roy C 771-83 3ledsoe Bldg 4Handte's Seed Store 7 7 1 a Apartments 1 -- 2 Harding Hilda L Mrs 3 Brock Cecil T 4 Vacant Street continued 773-75 French's Va Store 775a4Carrell Geo H dentist Mays Jack 7774Central Htg & Co 7794,Harpe Billy L c 779a Apartments 1 Vacant 2 Vacant 3-6 Vacant Street continued 7816Roherts E B RE QGreen Hills Cemetery Inc (ofc) QWest Ashv Ins. 7834Palace Pharma QCrystal Pharm Co Mildred av N gins 7844Randolph's Pu Oil Sery 785 Vacant 791 Vacant 7924Brooks Pearl Mrs O nu DBrooks LawrE 792- Vacant 794 -- 795QUS PO (West . Sta) 797-994Home Furl Store 7071 y 00 RD -VG HA Asheville) —C gop4Morton Di house appli 814 Apartmen 14Liverett l 24Capps Ka 3 Black Isa 44W oodard 54Garrison Mrs Street ed 8154 Jot Eam- 8164Mull Tha 8184Aiken Lt 8194L & C A Wkl 819 a Vacant 820 Vacant 821 Vacant 82I z Gent Au' Oakwol A224Andersc 824 Vacant 829 Rackley QTate 'Do 5g8 Ingle H W Used Purn E- hr 4-177, 600 Jensen A Sht A tl Wks 3-2523`7712 602 Mewborne Vending S gall 602- Case Emma L Mrs Wade's Radio Sery 3-2g91 609 A&P Food Stores (br ) gros 3`1561 State begins 32 618 Lis albee D eweh & y watch repr 9704 Tavern - 619.Pinner's Drug Store 2 Dorchester av begins 546 622 No return 624 Jackson Wade H 6241 Vacant 625 Dixie jestic avgin Mere ant lle CObe in fern 3~5fi77 s 626 Vivian's Beauty Shop 2-3456 act Sales & Sery 628L Johnson Geo.L 630 Vac -ant Nevada av begins l B& M E sso Sery sta 643 Vacant 644 Red Diamond Sery Sta 9501 645 Harden Mercantile Co hsehold appliance 3-5073 Quality647 Bakery (br) 2-6766 649 Maintenance Mart elec repr 3-7840 650 Bon Ton Clns We and plant) 3-0251 651 Arcadia Dairy Farm 2-1991 662 Ice Service Inc (br) 665 Fisher Furn Exch used furn 666 Wells Sinclair Sery Sta 9509 661 ar ner's Shoe Hosp No 2 Skyland Animal Hosp 8940 669 Dixie Horne Stores Super Mkt Inc gros Louisiana av begins Virginia av begins 683 Warren Oliver L 2-3484 6$7Ideal Radio & Telev Co 689 West Ashv Beauty Salon 2-3112 690 West Ashv Presby Ch 691 West Ashv Shoe Renewery b,91a Sanitary Barber Shop 693 Remnant Shop dry gds 8562 699 jarrett Sadie J Mrs O 3--2780 Fairfax av begins ett begins 700 First Natl Bank & Trust Co (W Ashv br) 2-3571 701 Demos Home & Auto Supply 3301 702 Johnson Atlantic Sery Sta 9717 707 Rnco'v 5� and 10t Stores (br) < 2-2478 713 West A shv Barber Shop 715 Ownbey Shoe Rebuilders 717 Cobble's Dept Store 2252 718 Grace Bapt Ch 718'-z Grace Bapt Ch Sunday Sch 721 Moody's Jwlrs 2-0791 721a Popcorn Shop The confr S A&B Dept Store 2-6312 7232 Hyatt John M 724 West Asheville Half 14our Lndry 3-0351 72 . [gone �j.841 1 726 ideal ruit Store gro CrC ro pt., 727 F°rtune' Shoe Repair Shop s Paint & Ndw Co Inc 727-29 Pen 46 727-1 A�rtrnen d Building Hoyl as rank W dent 2 ist 2-1621 3 Painter C hirt Geo J azel Mrs 4 Wade Herman 1i 5 Crompton Spears E Street continued 728 Atkinson Luke Furn Co 7168 ?Purdue m j Justice of the peace 728- HaYwOod Louie Ai�artments Apartme Lee Beauty Shop 2-4161 nts; 1 Robinson Nora L Mrs 2 Moore Ellen B Mrs 7455 3.Gaines Ernest 2-4278 4 Buckner Verla M Mrs 2-3104 Dunwell av begins Brevard rd begins 732 Steak House The restr 9488 733 Ideal Drug Store 7636 734 Mayflower Cin 4-2583 735 None Such Cafe 9497 7352 Emery Ora L Mrs 737 Model Barber Shop 740 vacant 743 Isis Theatre 2-1241 744 Crompton Shoe Repair Shop 745 Banner Cafe restr 4-9158 746 Brookshire L Wayne 747-51 May's Mkt gro 750 Starnes Lillie F Mrs @ 3-7937 7501 Kincaid Julia Mrs 75112 Gillam Frank T Herron av begins 31 752 Lee's Gro 753 Home Insulation Co 3-5411 755 Super Beauty & Barber Shop 3-2249 756 Jackson Marion C Rev 3-3956 West Side Christian Church 757 Judd Sup Co 3-1371 760 West Ashv Esso Sery 3-6429 Vermont av begins Sand Hill rd begins 767 Webb Fred D 7 CZ n r.. -1 ELECTRIC- tESIDENTIAL 'OhM+fERCIAL n IFUNG )NTRACTORS for Hea tern 'el. Alpine -0111 114 *--BUTTER • CNQCOIATE DRINK ' • BUTTERMILK Sealtest Southern Dairies PraduetsDivis on 252-256 Patton Ave. National Dairy —HA WOOD RDWA)—Cantd Fairfax av began:: Jarrett begins 700 First Natl Bank & Tr l 3571 tW Ashv Br) Q 701 Demos Home & Auto Sup DA L2-3301 702 Johnson Atlantic Sery Sta QAL2-9717 707 Rose's 5� 10� & 25 Store QAL2-2478 713 Nest Ashv Barber Shop 715 Ownbey Shoe Rebldrs 717 Cobble's Dept Store QAL2-2521 718 Grace Bapt Ch QAL3-6268 718-x8 Grace Bapt Ch Sunday Sch 721 Moody's Jwlrs 4,AL2-0791 E21a Neighborhood Plant & Seed Co 723 A&B Discount Store dry gds QAL3-9347 Purdue Wm J justice of the peace QAL2-4720-QAL4-1624 723- Richardson F Erwin 724 Half Hour Lndry QAL3-0351 Crompton Shoe Repr Shop 725 Mewborne's Vending Sery QAL2-9811 Sweet Shop The confy 7 27 - 29 1 Penland Building 727 Fortune's Paint & Hdw Co Inc QAL3--5346 727'_ Apartments 1 Hoyle Frank W dentist 4,A1,2-1621 2 Chirtos Geo J 4,AL3-4358 3 Leverett Wm M 4,AL2-1972 4 Denny R obt L 5 Crompton Spears E QAL2-1730 Street c entinued 728 Atkinson Luke Furn Co QAL2--7168 1HANCE aywood Apartments Lottie Lee Beauty Shop QAL2-4161 Apartrnents: j r2 1 Burton Wilma E Mrs Swanger Annie Mrs 3 Gaines Ernest 4AL2-4278 rized Jones Chas N Patera Dmwell aV begins iCA Brevard rd begins 732 Hazel's Grill restr t Service l Makes 733 deal Drug Store ML2_7636 734 Mayflower Can 6,AL4-2583 t Act 735 None Such Cafe QAL2-9497 73521 Vacant le Servic, Model Barber Shop 740 Vacant • Ic> c— • MII,x M • cc.t.rAG£ Phone£ �.446G 755 Super Beauty Bar QA L3`2249 er Shop 756 Jackson Marion West Side Christi, R v 4,A 3�5r 757 Judd Sup Co hdw 4AL3_13�1 760 West Ashv Esso Vermont aV beg " QA1,3.64�g Sand Hill rd begin8 767 Conley Clara D Mrs 769 Wolfe Elmer V 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7E 7� 4 8( _I= I 058 L8ndc ���ee1 Leosin9 i ei. ALAine 2.560] Nevada av be�Mg 631 Gaddy Harry Esso Sery Owen Tailor Shop aAL3_AL2- 7°me 644 Red Diamond oil C❑ gas 27078701 4AL2-9501 atg ay's geni mdse it A�$n 1 47 Quality Bakery (]arf 4AL4_ Fisher Furn. ' tat Age Z'2�878 Oil 658 Borg Tory Clns & Lndryy Inm) 5 (ofc & plant) c 4AL3 -0251 7301 651 Arcadia Dairy Farm Store 4AL2-1991 662 Ice Sery Inc Ibrj 4AL2_6371 -1000 665 Hamlin -Rice Flowers Q st$ Furn Exch used furn-5265 666 Wells Sinclair Sery Sta 4AL2 -9509 Co 667 Gardner's Shoe Hosp NO 2 669 Winn -Dixie Stores gras ouisiana av begins zc Virginia av begins 689 West Ashv Be uty Salon4AL4'237g 6 4AL2-3112 no and 690 West Ashv Presby Ch 4AL2-114 691 West Ashv Shoe Renewery 1 4AL4-3615 1417 691a Sanitary Barber Shop Remnant693 Shop dry gds 4AL2-85S 218 699 Jarrett Sadie J Mrs p 2 4AL3-2780 Fairfax av begins Jarrett begins 700 First Union Natl Bank of NC (br) 4AL2-3571 t ome & Auto Sup 4AL2-3301 702 Johnson's Atlantic Sery Sta 4AL2-9717 707-71 Rose's 5� 10& 25� Store 4AL2-2478 3 713 West Ashv Barber Shop 715 Shoe Rebldrs 2212 717 Cobble's Dept Stare 4AL2-252I --Bapt Ch QAL3-6268 721 Moody's Jwlrs QAL2-0791 722 Half Hour Lndry 4AL3-0353 Self Sery Lndry 4 AL3 - 03 51 -2527 723 A&B Dis ount Store dry gds 4AL3-9347 Purdue Wm J justice of the peace 4AL4-1624 2991 7232Richardson Jessie Mrs Bransteller Leona Mrs Crompton Shoe Repr Shop orne's Vending Sery = QAL2-9811 nd Building Co Inc 46 727 Fortune's Faint & Hdw 727; pA L3 -5346 Apartments 03 l k W dentist QAI-'2-1s2I 3 Leverett Wm M QAL2-1972 59 4 Denny Robt L QAL4-2697 0 5 Crompton Spears E 4AL2"173 Street continued 72 Atkinson Luke Furn Co QAL2-7168 aRikIE�J�E TQ EAr n iWAy—Contd Yw mod Apartments A $ e Beauty Shop 4AL2-4161 ,201,ttie I `e art�eucs• er Varla M Mrs 6AL2-3104 AP 13,anger painie Mra I S . 2 es Ernest H 4AL2-4278 3 Gau' Fred 4 Ada�"sDtnwell av begins grevard rd begins ower Clns DAL4-2583 732 �eal Drug Store 4AL2-7636 733 Sherwood's ril6AL2-9487 13 nne Such Ca fe 735 s Model Barber Shop 73acant Ilaywood Road Used Furn 7404AL4-4191 3 Vacant 74 74{duality Radio & TV Sery 4AL2-3641 745 Banner Cafe restr 6AL4-9158 746 Vaclant s Mkt gros 4AL2-6481 750 747' Vacant 750z vacant 31 Herron av begins 752 Vacant 753 Brookshire D ra ery o curtains 755 Super Barber Shop 456 Jackson Marion C Rev 4AL3-3956 West Side Christian Ch 757 Judd Sup Co ndw QAL3-1371 756 West VermoL3-6429nt av begins Sand Hill rd begins 767 Warren Oliver L 4 AL3 -4041 769 Wolfe Elmer V 771 -83 Bledsoe Building Handte's Seed Store QAL3-7571 7 71 a Apartments 1 Herren Laura M DAL3-4588 2 Goolsby W L 3 Williams Mack C 4,AL3-1347 4 Vacant Street continued 773-75 French's Variety Store 775aCarrell Geo H dentist 4AL2-0441 777 Young Mercantile Co QAL3-7562 779 Harpe Billy L optom 4AL4-1821 779a Apartments 1 Vacant 2 Stepp Bynum J 0 3 Ferguson E J jr 4 V ac ant Street continued 781 Caustic Soda Trans Co C,AL2-111 7811 Young & Edge Ins Agcy 783 Palace Pharmacy QAL2-1818 Crystal Pharmacal Cd drug mfr QAL2-1818 Mildred av begins 784 Brooks Pure oil Sery gas 4 AL2-9598 785 Brooks Trucking Co (garage) QAL4-2667 791 Vacant 792 Brooks Pearl . 792zyacm Q AZ a 794 Vacant 795 US Post Ofc tl 4A 797-99 Home Furl 798 Telev Service 800 Morton Distr an. 814 Apartments 1 Liverett Phil 2 Hopkins Harc 3 Dowd Katie n 4 Woodard Col 5 Morgan Jack Street continued 815 Vacant rear Vacant 816 Mull Thadeu 817 Suggs Flori; Suggs Grace 818 Aiken Loom 819 Generator E 820 Gillen Albe: Gillen Mar, 821 (J2.Q --- o�cr.�u v MEMORIAL { Y w�- �,/A 6Liv�iv/, V Raad u[/saa[i. a %A, iaa/ 7 i V ;;#" r .$�Sapt) 8� �f� Box 5052, Tel ALpine 3-5661 IWAl o „rj Health Research Foundation 247 g19 H ellaS av Charlotte 011, V PIrl Mental Hygiene Clinic of Asheville & If (0$pt tt Buncombe County 403 -15 City Hall Court Plaza A 30 SlacLOOP W rd Occupational Health Services Inc 247 Vlire, 4Suva V Charlotte . A I Walton (get["la BeechwpO *CLINICS —HOSPITALS a R°y �nteora Blvd (0 MEMORIAL MISSION HOSPITAL OF erdam WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA INC, + L �Metn WA) 509 Biltmore av, Tel Alpine 2-5331 is 237 P� 240 AsyLv sheland dr FAirwayCLOTHES PRESSERS and 9 [het CLEANERS (Meth K (MIeWood rd ABC Cleaners 29 Montford av 48 Ing I -a= �Quth-iAa 2" Artistic Cleaners 273 Southside av J Chatham rd ASHEVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS, 230 t Merrimon av, Tel ALpine 4-2364 (See fSV) 145 Vermont av Yellow Page 33) Asheville One Hour Martinizing 121 Rapt) 24 Gervais Biltmore av � 134 NeIIJiv Biltmore. Cleaners & Laundry Inc 19 ter G (Bap 10].Brook [Silty ( Blue Ridge Cleaners 44 Woodfin tBapt) 216 Westwood pl Ban Ton Cleaners & Laundry Inc 650 Haywood rd (WA) (For Branches See B 102 Blanton Alphabetical Section) s L T 29 Taft av Keiths Super Cleaners 492 Merrimon av g (Bapt) 2 Woodland av Mayflower Cleaners 732 Haywood rd ,holic) 97 Haywood (WA) youths ide av Midway Cleaners 504 Haywood rd (WA) IBapt wild Cherry rd MINICO INC, 79-83 Broadway, Tel [eO 134 Broad ALpine 3-3636 (See Yellow Pages 32 15 Rneva r d rd (WA) and 35) .ollege Modern Cleaners 437 Biltmore av and T2r�,� . eir (WA) 418 McDowell P (Greek) 15C Edge- Mountain City Cleaners & Laundry 207 C oxe av ihy)50 Sheridan rd (K) National Cleaners 548 Haywood rd (WA) It) 40 ue t ge av One Hour Valet 16 Patton av Service Cleaners Inc 412 Depot (For I id Oakley rd (0 P) Branches See Alphabetical Section) (Presby) 40 Vermont Specialty Cleaners 264 Tunnel rd (L th) 71) W T n Superior Cleaners 269 Broadway and 47 T� iuerT y N 14'Iarket 76 Gertrude p1 (GP) Tuskegee Cleaners 67 Eagle z Gay ynmar av Uptown Cleaning & Laundry Service 233 �' Montford av UPHOLSTERING SHOP Mn ■ Dx%rarririhr* • ROOFING • Basements Driveways walks • TEL. ALpine 2-0781 23 Victoria Rd. z P w GL" iT1 r' �x 1� Contd -6201, ere US Cantr Ord Jas A AAL2-3417 ett Dewi 2-82 rce11 Robt W pAL OQAL2-0536 .nsKMrs str ee Diner No 1 re L2-9644 �s Sami martin ay begins hail's A moco Sery Sta 1,,2-4181 hall's Fuel Oil Co [,2-1bzUI,2_1445 hall Calvin W O - ...w r--h AAL3-5471 it 3alm Grove av begins Jas C Business tiervs Sery QAL4-3591 3-7130 Alec Co contrs 6AL3-0111 d's Used Furn Exch ie's Radio Sery AAL3-2991 :)od Stores g-ro AAL3-i 561 32 Ite begins .e Dewey watch repr -9704 rchesfer av begins erated Lndry 4,AL2-9503 f estic av begins . Beauty op 4AL2-3456 �s ;arfield ada av begins rry Esso Serv4AL2-9797 ti tond Oil CO gas s a as Co 4AL2-3423 akery brl n 1 2� _6766 — irn Ex' ch (stge rm) & Lndry Inc Wit)- L 0 251 airy Farm 6AL2-199 - 'ce Flowers rn Ex 4AL2-5265 � ea -turn lair Sery Sta is s oe Hasp No 2 ' Stores Inc is v wegi-ns as lia av begins ' Telex Co 73 'rome Salon - "`�°Y Ch QAL2-1141 Shoe l� Renewers, CQMM E1101" 3TA LLA SALES 1N 6g1a Sanitary Barbex Sl�o 693 Remnant Shopdry P 699 Jarrett SadieJ Mrs 0 �L2,8 4AL3-278Q SBg Fairfax av begins Jarrett begin$ 7Q0 First (br) QAL2-3571Hank of 11,C 701 Demos Home & Auto Sttp QAL2-3301 702 Johnson's Atlantic Sery Sta QAL2-9717 707-71QRos 2478 100 & 250 Stare AL2713 West A shv Barber Shop 715 Ownbey Shoe Rebldrs 717 Cobble's Dept S •ire 4AL2-252 718 Grace Bapt Ch QAL3-626$ 1 721 Moody's Jwlrs 4AL2-0791 722 Half Hour Lndry 4AL3-0351 Self Sery Lndry 4AL3-0351 723 A&B Discount Store dry gds AAL3-9347 Purdue Wm J justice of the peace QAL2-2874 723- Bransteller Leona Mrs 724 Crompton Shoe Repr Shop 725 Mewborne's Vending Sery QAL2-9811 727 Fortune's Paint & Hdw Co Inc 4AL3-5346 727. Apartments 1 Hoyle Frank W dentist 4AL2-1621 2 Vacant 3 Leverett Wm M 4,AL2-1972 4 Grasty Augusta E Mrs 5 Crompton Spears E 4AL2-1730 Street continued 728 Atkinson Luke Furn Co 4AL2-7168 728 Z Haywood Apartments Apartments; i Buckner Verla M Mrs QAL2- 2-3 Vacant 4 Adams Fred Dunwell av begins Brevard rd. begins 732 Mayflower Clns 4AL4-2583 733 Ideal Drug Store 41AL2-7636 734 J & R Grill 735 None Such Cafe 4AL2-9497 735, Vacant 737 Model Barber Shop 740 Haywood Road Used Furn 4AL4-4191 743 Vacant 744 Vacant 745 Banner Cafe restr 4,AL4-9158 746 Vacant 747-51 May's Mkt gros QAL2-6481 750 Dowdle David W 7501 Dowdle Raymond $1 Herron av begins 752 Vacant 753 Brookshire Drapery Co curtains 755 4AL3-9929 Super Barber 758 Jackson Marion nCpRev QAI-,0 6 West Side Christian Ch Fhona Apine 2-151 i !)Oq ly 14AVW0 0D RD (WA)—Cvntd 757 Judd sup Co hdw 4,AL3-1371 Vermont air begins Sand Hill rd begins 767 No. return 769 Wolfe Elmer V 771 Bledsoe Building 7 7 1 a Apartments I McNeely Florence _r Helen Mrs 176 n 7 -�-t q47 = L1V Ci Cp& a .— 2 Davis Joan - 3 Dowd Katie nurse AAL3-2919 # 4 Woodard Cole C @ AAL3-6265 5 Morgan Jack E QAL4-4182 Street continued 815 Vacant 816 Mull Thadeus B 4,AL2-7977 817-19 Home Furn Store Inc (stge) 818 Aiken Looney M 0 QAL2-7606 820 McGhee Jos R 821 Jasper's Sery The refuse remoVer Oak od $22 Anderson J Wall 4AL2-1855 824 Warlick Gilmer.A @ 4AL3-6606 82,9 Conley Clara M Mrs 835 Chambers Elton A O 4,AL2-7177 644 fed Diamond Cil Co; Sg 2707 Cantd AL2 -9501 8 Vacant ppgo{WAI ed asrs repro 645 647 West Ashevil a Quatlity 13 atd u5 0I Wr y rae 649 Fisher Furn Exch u$ed t'Y Ai 9_? e l of er n 0 Don Ton Clns & Lnd f� rr4-3517-Mut Btu' ASS 65 plant) AL4-43sg xne t ers»6ice 95 651 Arcadia Dairy Farm8 A F �a.37 662 Tee Sery Inc r) gro AL2 9 I Ilya $ S 865 Hamlin -Rice Flower & L2lat a I,a �1ot►tiaA 4 8431 .4301 t fi8 Vacant AL3-s�fi5 1 h 867 Gardner's Shoe Hos, No 2 y Salt 6B9 g'Rrin"wsit Avto Winn-DixieStores 1r a tbr)yr�av begins g � co AL Virginia begins Servgasg 687 Ideal Telev Inv (br) 2 ,_2611 687'1 Vacant 53_5373 s ,4L2-6351 252-3456 6S9 West Ashv Beauty Salon �eterY AL2-3112 Lawn Ce 69Q West Ashv Presby Ch A AI.4.3353 _3c,76 691 West Ashv Shoe Renewer r'2'1141 1 M A 4-0638 691a Sanitary Barber Shop y rank S @ AL36213 693 Remnant Shop dry ds era,.•g Mrs Nrn ro- 699 Jettett Sadie J Mrs ® Ai,L2`$8 ,UC ntr bldg AL2-6293 Fairfax av begins 3-270 FS Farris Jerreft begins @ AL2-3417 700 First Union Natl Bank of Vitt (br) AL2-3571 NC Rest Home 701 Demos Home & Auto Sup AL2-3301 �r Nn 1 res 702 Johnson's Atlantic Sery Sta 44 AL2-9717 707-71 Rose 50 & 25� Stores (br) Sery Sta AL2-2478 713 West Ashv Barber Shop II 715 Ownbey Shoe Rebldrs ueI oil Co 7I7 Cobble's Dept Store AL2-2521 B -Pilo W @ AL2-1445 718 Grace Bapt Ch AL3-6268 Ch AL3-5471 19 Vacant 721 Continental Tile Marble & gas Terrazo Inc 252-1562 zsiness Sery bkpg 722 Laundromat Half Flour Lndry 3-591 self sery AL2-9681 e Agcy ins Self Sery Lndry AL2-9681 3 A&B Discount Store dry gds Conditioning Co AL3-9347 ontrs AL3-0111 Purdue Wrn J justice of the Peace V.— ryh n xc AL4-1624 32 Ratliff Ann L Mrs Sery AL s gro AL3-1561 1561 724 Crompton Shoe R epr Shop 32 2,5 Mewhorne's Vending Sery AL2-9811 �a Fortune's Paint & Hdw Co Inc AL3-5346 Atkinson Luke Furn Co AL2-7168 Hoyle Frank W dentist AL2-1621 re 2-3546 Griffin John S acet AL4-2173 9503 AU-4528 Griffin -Wood Ins Agcy AI,2-1721 Leverett May B Mrs 252-1972 Crompton Gladys G AL2-1730 Dunwell av begins ward I�d begins• Mayilowe rC ns 733 Ideal Drug Store AL4-2583 AL2-7636 `/ D NVA)—Conte 7g Vw�DG iil re 252-0 s 94$5 73 i 194 t400 on Jahn w 795- 1 51 Igo el S re ,e rber Shop Shop15 ? � 1s7 Kr, A1,4-5051 7 14o Aia1 Homes Inc blcirs Co1°n 1231 8fl4 7q3 25 & Carry Lbr Co Cash 253-1231 814 Ch'�inn 51s & Sery htg contr 144 vacant Cafe restr AL4-9158 145 Vacs Ry'6 Mkt Inc gros 252-6481 146 - -Phillip H St: 147- 81 fl 150 H5] 75 751 7 5' 761 ve. Salo 76' 77 77 77 st 7' A INE At ke 211ni - — Ll�; 11T Conid OpD Rp_ we watch repr 738 Atkinson Luke Fu y,i wee 17e Y 729 Hoyle Frank urn C° 252-71 2911 61 Lx5@ y52 unch7D4 Griffin AarkGriffinsna ct 252_ 68 8 11fin J 5 St L2-1g21 [[ 1dar,On Robt L Le�erppett�Ma Ins A1;cy 25i 17�1 nn oo 61Bpi8 erg ars 252-1972 Dbeglnaore AL2-3546 Dunwe lrav bt ns Glay 13 dys AL2-1730 M�On ahe5t Son Eug L Brevard rd begins 64 ,If S v be n$erette 252-9503 732 1VlayflowergClns 254-2583 6, is 733 Ideal Drug Store AL2-7636 gj$St n 734 L&B Grill restr 252-9488 ,6 Vs�ant 735 Moody Jwlrs 252-0791 62$i11 wood J Irene Mrs 735 Calloway Mary S Mrs Sales 6a81da av begins 737 Model Barber Shop and y ­IraJOY.. Warren Esso Sery AL4-4528 740 Krispy Kreme Donut ShopService 631 JQwen Tailor Shop AL3-2707 AL4-5051 br) 643 Viannond Gil Co gas sta 743 Vacant 644 ed 252-9501 Sery Z52-5749 744 In Store Sery Co whol hobbies & Body '237 4p Prntg toys 252-3000 7 west Asheville Quality Bakery 745 Banner Cafe restr AL4-9158 Paint 64 252-6766 747-51 May's Mkt Inc gros 252-6481 and Furn Exch used furn me 750 Vacant •skier it Assn 6408an Ton Clns & Lndry Inc (ofc & 750-1 Vacant Trim Shc plant) AL4-4366 651 Arcadia Dairy Farms AL2-1991 Herron av begins 31 662Ice Sery Inc (br) gros 252-9353 752 Vacant PHONE 665 1i- Rice Flowers 252-5265 753 Your Fabric Shop dry gds ALpine 3-2 666 Vacant 755 Torn's Barber ShOp AL2-9182 dner's Shoe Hosp No 2 756 Jackson Marion C Rev 253-3956 325 eQ 569 W:Uin-Dixie Stores Inc (br) gros West Side Christian Ch sta LOtlislana av begins 757 Judd Sup Co hdw 253-0763 E31LTM❑ virgInrdav begins 760 West Ashv Esso Servicenter AVE 6S7 Vacant AL3-6429 456 z ant Euphie L Mrs Vermont av begins 3 6$9 West Ashv Beauty Salon AL2-3112 Sand Hill rd begins Westago Ashv Presby Ch 252-1141 767 Steen Claude E it phys 253-2367 rms 691 VVest Ashv Shoe Renewery 771-83 Bledsoe Building T� 2-623:1 B9la Sanitary Barber Shop 771-73 French's Variety Store 693 Remmant Shop dry gds AL2-8562 9234 699 Vacant 771a Apartments AL2- irfax-av begins 1 McNeely Florence 252-4658 6871 Jerrett begins 2 Williams Mack C 253-1347 `-9644 Inn First Union Natl Bank of NC 3-4 Alexander Jake C 253-8822 1163 (br) AL2-3571 Sel�sae 701 Demos Home & Auto Sup Street Drs hsehold appis AL2-3301 254-6949 702 Johnson's Atlantic Sery Sta W Ashv Radio & TV Sery AL2-9717 775a Apartments 707-11 Rose's 5�-10� & 25� Stores 1 Carrell Geo H dentist AL2-0441 (br) AL2-2478 2 Vacant 5 713 West Ashv Barber Shop 3 Vacant 7115-aw3b-ey Shoe Rebuilders 4 Waldrop Rosa 254-1468 717 Cobble's Dept Store AL2-2521 Street continued Grace 777 Vacant -� =awe Bapt Ch AL3-6268 g 719-21 Solesbee Repr Shop appl repr 779 Green Thumb Shop The plants 722 Latind-romat Half Hour Lndry 779a Apartments self sery AL2-9681 1 Kyle John M 723 A&B Discount Store dry gds 2 Stepp Bynum J Q 254-0340 253-9347 3 Allen Ernest -PurdueWm J justice of the peace 4 Vacant 254_6388 5 Vacant 7�3 z Lamb Margt L Mrs 6 Davis James C 1.14 Crompton Shoe Repr Shop 7 Vacant 252-9626 8 Vacant 725 Il'Mewborne Vending Sery Inc S re t conti lId L optozn AL4-1821 252-9811 Fortune's Paint & Hdw Co Inc 783 Palace Pharmacy 252-1818 25 3-5 396 rescrx aaa�� L� .Q414 Its 472 Heywood Rd. (WA) L.3 662 Ice Sery Inc (br) gros 252-9353 '5I1 Cos -Rice Flowers 252-5265 666 Vacant RO(IVAr - 11 667 Gardner's Shoe Hosp No 2 joy 1ert5 669 Winn -Dixie Stores Inc (br) gros ,,dcrXf53_73a1 Louisiana av begins pep Virginia av begins v 687 Tradin' Post Antiques it6fl6 Lu �FriA Auto Sery gas sta 687' Vacant 689 West Ashv Beauty Salon AL2-3112 690 West Ashv Presby Ch 252-1141 25AL2.6351 AL4-312fi 691 West Ashv Shoe Renewery f� a ii opcm -3456 691a Sanitary Barber Shop 1- s7g4 Is y 397fi p AL3" 693 Remmant Shop dry gds AL2-8562 Fairfax av begins -8653 M Car ling AL2- 293 Yer Jarrett begins 700 First UnionNatl Bank of NC (br) ictor 13 Mrs furs rms c 2-6293 3571 VSCon r 701 Demos Home & Auto Sup AL2-3301 :a I Barris L 1,2-3417 702 Johnson's Atlantic Sery Sta AL2-9717 Home 254-6871 707-11 Rose's 5q-10� & 25� Stores Inc en Rest L2-9644 (br) eepiner No 254-6289 713 West Ashv Barber Shop 715 Ownbey Shoe Rebuilders ld hse arl 717 Bottom Dollar Discount Furn Store Ir .hil's Sery Sta 254-6564 718 Grace Bapt Ch AL3-6268 AL2-41 Fuel Oil Co AL2-1828 719-21 Solesbee Repr Shop appl repr 722 Laundromat Half Hour Lndry 041 Calvin W © AL2-1445 I.o. meth Ch 253-5471 self sera AL2 -9681 723 A&B Discount Store dry gds L.41Calvin - 43 faaveay begins 253-9347 Purdue Wm J Justice of the Peace 2 as C Business Sery bkpg sery 254-3591 254-6388 72 31 z Lewis Helen H Mrs 43 M9 Smith Paul ;pan E ec Co contrs AL3-0111 724 Crompton Shoe Repr Shop krourn 252-9626 3 - 2 9 9 1 a1PFood Stores (br) gro 725 Vacant 727 Fortune's Paint & Hdw Co Inc 253- AL3-1561 5346 32 728 Atkinson Luke Furn Co 252-7168 729 Griffin J Sparks aect 252-1721 watch4ftee --repr Griffin -Woody Ins Agcy 252-1721 252.9704 Lunch Leverett May B Mrs 252-1972 Crompton Gladys G AL2-1730 • son Robt L s Drug Store Dunwell av begins plk 3546 Brevard rd begins sr�lahnp ns 732 Mayflower Clns 254-2583 l'SEr 733 Ideal Drug Store AL2-7836 av be r ete-252=9503 egins 735 Moody's Jwlrs 252-0791 �`t t 735' Davis Wm E 't 737 Model Barber Shop Donut Shop AL4-5051 lgne 740 Krispy Kreme P. AV beon&Mrs 743 Mewborne Vending Sery Inc JL SO enTauoery 254-5665 254-8853 744 In Store Sery Co whol hobbies & °hdail Co - 707 �Ip 252.950I gas sta toys 252-3000 745 Banner Cafe restr AL4-9158 Ashv ery Inc 252-5749 747-51 May's Mkt Inc gros 252-6481 p 252�ality l3ake 750Vacant 44 Ton �xch 7501 Vacant 31 Cin used furn �1°s Herron av begins 14� Qair4366 o c & plant) 752 Vacant dry Y Par 753 Your Fabric Shop gds -1991 755 Tom's Barber Shop AL2-9182 C0 m 7C C w =a M3 =CA r— �a r PC -4 O T Cl Z 1 r C o M lot � Z NvCWJ / 1`4,;' y LI7 Y Z rr% �l r � -�z N • s 44ss 545 A NL M %4zDr 2q S CANT. 3��5 LI LU�VTR C Y N a HA R DSwIT-C LLS��UA'u5243 l q UFc� T pt Vp�MS FIy MR5 34L r7i Nr�0 T HOMj, AML P.;,1 2g L Fri Fr 2g � I Ne �- g5ggoyt S AMD L g P-4 1 n T RvIcr Up $t L Oil, Cp L C'ALVIN yr Mr fiHDna 2' T 1 RCll 1 �S 5 Ra 0 4lulrS r M$G_CNS 4743 f�C g P • CTfi i C CnaC13 NTPS S US PC, FURNIr URF 'Ar)Tc SI=RVICF IOD ST or 253-2991 Szs3-1551 INS 'i DFWFY LATCH ac�pR NCH 252 -9704 DRUG STnOF 252-354A AV PFG7NS IPY 252-9503 ,V RrrYNS - FtEGINS ND OIL CC' GA' NC NT I NC' rtr BAKEQT rry V I LLF Qu HA to, �N I TVP E uNpar _EANFPS �plar FA 1IPY�1g91 �r 9� c :E INC fl eNLCE 'at- Rh cS�owtoorrz esatc�'Dot co('at Rrxd �Rttctre �e�ict[ona Yet. 253-6786 1wA1—CaroTD qFyw 7 �AFflNFIXIF5HOF HOSPITAL Aq 2 4Tf1PcgTNCGRO 669 (I ISIANA AV BFGINS ,-LnU AV tRFG I N. �r-VtaGTN�AMApy PAINT CTOPF gB7 C252�59?a rH e 254-7752 Ap7% �DeSHDVILL` BEAUTY T SALON Apo w�gg-3 i 1 2 hQ� WFSTnASH25?-L114LF pRrSF3YTFRIAN "Of, SHnc CHOP I'll Lo! HFFL PA PRFR CHOP # cQ, 4 TMNANT SHOP DRY GOV05 AQ' 2 AL?-956 Ag5 (JNDER coNSTN __FAIPFAx AV BFGIMS ~__.IAPaFTT 0'=GINS 70U FTRST UNION NATTGNAt BANK f3F NOOTH rApnLINA 84 252--3571 7OI {)EMOS HOMr-' g AUTO S(IDPL Y AUTn ACCE9Sf10 IFS AL 2-3301 70? joHNSr]N'S ATLANTIC SERVICE STATION PSP-9717 7n7 cg5r*S 5-10 & 25 rcNT STOoFS INC BR 71 3 we ST ASHcV I LLr RAPSFR SHOO 715 e)WNF3FY cHME RFF1UTI DERS 717 ATKI NSON ( UKF FURN Crl W HSE 713 GcACF 19APTTgT f-HUDCH 254-0841 719 SOL EcRECf S PFPA I R SHOP APPL wrap 254L-9187 7?? LAUNDPOMAT HALF HOUR LAUNDRY 252-9581 723 A F P DISCOUNT STORF DR Y G04DS 253-9347 7?3$ ANTINOPT JAMES G OwFNS L.DIS SMITH PAUL 724 DPnMPTI;N SHr..F O=PAIP CHOP 252-9626 725 WEST ASH-VTLLF FUANITUP- Cfl 254-6949 7�7 FnPTUNFs S PAINT 6 HARDW ARF CD INr 253-5345 727$ FUSro F3FSSIF A MpS 254-2177 728 ATKI NSON LUKF FLIQNI TUQF. C❑ 252.-7168 729 GRIFFIN J SPAPKS ACTT 252-1721 GRIFFIN WOODY INSURANCE AGENCY INC_ 252-1721 V AC A NT '-'OUNWFLL AV SFG I N5 "9c`VAPD Pr) RFGTN'S 712 MAYFL.nWFR C.LF#NFPS 254-2583 733 Tr)wAL DRUG -:�TVPF AL2-7636 775 Mrjpflys S JFWFLrPc 252-0791 735X VACANT �37 40DFL. BARBER 'HOP 74M1 KP ISPY KPcMF DONUT SHOP 254-9051 743 A, W9(`QNF VENDING SFRViCF INC 254-8853 �44 IN3Tn0E gcPVICF fO Tf}YS & 7 Hf)8RI FS WHDL 252-3000 4g 9ANNFR CAFE RF5T4 254-9158 133 747 4AY - S MARKFT 252-6481 INC GR❑5 ---H"QON AV f5EGTNq 753 3l T041 S & S El"LITY SHIP 252-3533 7 ;9 TOM+ $ 9ARBFR T'f NO S 252-9326 zHop �56 WFSTSIDE r4PTSTIAN rHURCH 253-395g JACKSON MAkION C PFV 253-3958 757 .JUDO DAN S 76f1 ACtT 253-0763 WEST ASHFVTL.LF FScn 5ERVIC1FMTFD AL3-6429 ---VcRMf]NT AV BFGINS -SAND HILL RO RFGINS 767 VACANT 771 RLFDSvF RUILOTNG FRFNCH, S VApIFTY STnoF 252-9234 771 A APARTMFFNTS ( MC NEELY FLnRFNCF M 252-4658 2 WILLIAMS DOVT- M mqs 253-i347 3 ALFXANDFR JAKF r 253-8822 775 KYL€ JOHN M ?54-9829 SANIWAY ❑ISTPTRUTDgg HOUF FHOLI} APPL 254-n'+" RO BFATc c 77 iq6 rl9 777 783 _--M 784 785 4 791 792 1 792'b 794 V 795 w 797 H 798 R I cYvr �Ni] REER DISI 1UTY SHOP 2S2-_345E 0 253-3976 INTRACTOR PNTRS 1 S e 252-16293 MRS FURN R_Mc F 253-8662 C • 252-3417 ST HOME 254-Ag7= NO 1 252-9644 L MRS 254-6ysag NS OCO SERVICE_ 4181 EL OI L CQ INC -41 81 IN W 6 252-144R DIST CHURCH A 3EGINS BUSINESS SERV 253-1601 CO CONTRS FURNITURE -7712 )RES 253-1561 )PLIANCE INC 132 WTCH REPR STORE 252-3546 EGINS ASHERETTE TY BUILDINGS INS N 4 S FARMS DAIRY 1991 L CO GAS STA SERVICE INC QUALITY BAKERY RE EXCHANGE USED 691 VACANT 691A TAR HEEL BARBER SHOP 693 REMNANT SHOP DRY GOODS AL2-8562 695 QWIK SHOP GROCETERIA NO 5 253-7338 697 SUTTLE AUTO PAINT S SUPPLIES 252-3622 ARBY'S BARBER SHOP 252-9723 FEMINIOUE BEAUTY SHOP INC 253-2293 CLOTHING CARE CENTER 254-9122 ---FAIRFAX AV BEGINS ---JARRETT BEGINS 700 FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH CAROLINA (SR1 252-3571 701 DEMOS FURNITURE S APPLIANCE STORE AL2-3301 702 JOHNSON'S ATLANTIC SERVICE STATION 252-9717 707 ROSE'S 5-10 S 25 CENT STORES INC 713 WEST ASHEVILLE BARBER SHOP 715 OWNBEY SHOE REBUILDERS 717 ATKINSON LUKE FURN CO WHSE 718 GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH 254-0841 719 SOLESBEE'S REPAIR SHOP HSE HOLD APPL REPR 254-3010 722 ATKINSON LUKE FURN OVERFLOW 723 LEWIS 6 SNIDER SHOE SHOP 252-3107 7239 ANTINORI JAMES G TAPPS LEROY SMITH PAUL 724 ATKINSON LUKE FURN [OVERFLOW] 725 GREEN BRAS FURN 252-4231 727 FORTUNE'S PAINT S HARDWARE CO INC 253-5346 7279 FUSC❑ BESS I E A MRS 254--2177 728 ATKINSON LUKE FURNITURE CO 252-7168 729 GRIFFIN J SPARKS ACCT 252-1721 GRIFFIN -WOODY INSURANCE AGENCY INC 252-1721 ---DUNWELL AV BEGINS ---BREVARD RD BEGINS 732 MAYFLOWER CLEANERS 254-2583 733 IDEAL DRUG STORE AL2-7636 735 MOODY'S JEWELERS 252-0791 735)5 VACANT 737 MODEL BARBER SHOP 254-9236 740 KRISPY DONUT SHOP 254-5051 743 VACANT 744 VACANT 745 BANNER CAFE RESTR 252-9253 747 MAY'S MARKET INC GRO 252-6481 ---HERRON AV BEGINS 31 753 BERNIE■S BEAUTY SHOP 252-3533 755 TOM'S BARBER SHOP NO 1 252-9326 mareriais Inc. 5R 1 �TI '4`4 ,I READY Ow, MIXED ' CONCRETE ;• for • Industrial ,.. • Residential • Farm ; N Construction ` 35 2 AO BE F IV LT1 v W D at Lin Cn CL CD Z C7 BEGINS 7351a Vacanr. 737 Model Barber Shop 254.9236 CH ,ST ER AV 740 y ispy Donut Shop 254.5051 Cat 254-2511 10 Claude 503 625Davis Rainbow W, SEGINS52r9 743 Daisy Queen Nu Way Vending Service Inc 254 $ 258 Sales , M Mrs MAJESTIC A 744 Georgia Carpet who! ret 253 3g19 Shop 254-9189 1674 lnc repr 253 626 Vacant enI mdse chR ,1 & N Shop stopher C Chri 745 Banner Cafe restr 254-7874 747 May's Market Inc 252-648I cy 252.2718 Blankens G° NS Ts- e�el,dld 1-Ierrnar+ 62812 Ratliff GINS AV BEGINS al NEVADA Esau ` I-iEItRON AV BEGINS roods 631 Rice Jack 341 Soda Shop 253-4 753 Bernie'- Beauty Shop 252.3533 flag u Arcadia 755 Tom's Barber Shop No 1 252-6542 No 3 254- 643 Vacant 643% Vacant @ as sta 252-9501 Clil Co 8 757 Westside Christian Church 760 West Asheville Esso Servicenter ;nixing r R 0 252�8309 Shell Service 252-9657 �.� Diamond 645 Vacant Quality Bakery Asheville Q 252-9223 VERMONT AV BEGINS y 25&1787 647 West 252-5766 Laundry '254-4366 Bon Ton Cleaners & SAND HILL R❑ BEGINS 771 Bledsoe Building 660 roducts Dairy Fauns dairy p French'- Variety Stare vering rvi 2�QSrj nc food brokers cadia 253-4341 662 Ice Service Inc gro 252-9353 Inc 2525265 771a Apartments 1 Mc Clure Blaine -a foe &Stockton Florist Hospital 252-1557 2 Williams Dovie M Mrs 253-1347 Virginia & Cakes 667 Gardner'- Shoe 3 Edwards 'E'INS 66,9 Winn -Dixie Stores Inc 773 J F G Coffee Warehse etor &Implement Co LOUISIANA AV BEGINS VIRGINIA AV BEGINS 775 Saniway Distributors household appl 254-0734 Carter Mary Paint Store 252.6928 Roberts Sewing Shop drsmkrs 6871I2 Vacant Salon 252 31 i2 Egg West Asheville Beauty 775a Apartments 1 Dean S C Real Estate 254-4834 :tor & Implement (Of1c) 890 West Asheville Presbyterian Church 2 Wyatt Nancy J 252-2265 Church 253-7301 252-1141 a"Wenby Shoe Shop shoe reprs 3 Vacant 4 Davis James C Jr NS 691a Tar Heel Barber Shop Shop dry goods 252$5B2 777 Ra s Home Improvement Co Inc 7,a �100Q oo Service 252-2611 n 693 Remnant �� -@wik Shop Groceteria No 25 252 9170 Beauty Shop Inc 253-2293 252-3176 7799a Shop Homes The int dec 254•t3T2 rs 252 G351 Co^ 697 Feminique Makaio Self Defense me nts 1 Keener Patsy Clothing Care 254-9122 2 Reese Clyde J Fr chiropractor Q Ball Lounge --Hughes Electronics Service 254-3254 3 Allen Ernest Haywood Plaza Barber Shop 4 Robinson Earlean RFAX AV BEGINS 5 Marlor Coy JARRETI' BEGINS 700 First Union National Bank Of North 6 Stepp Lucy 7 Stepp B J tractor pntrs 2526293 Carolina (Br) 253-6811 781 Harpe Billy L optometrist 254-1821 �52�298 701 Demos Furniture & Appliance Store 783 Allied T V & Electronics Service Co Jrs furn rms ie J 252-3301 toys 254-5762 p 702 Johnson's Arco Service Station MILDRED AV BEGINS 784 Wells Pure Service 252.9509 254-5854 t Home 252.9717 se's Stores Inc 253-8583 785 Vacant 791 A A A Parts Of Asheville Inc 252 7fi61 1 252-9644 713 West Asheville Barber Shop Schultz Shoe Shop 792 Brooks Pearl S Mrs O 253-7166 717 Atkinson Luke Furn Co whse 792112 Caustic Soda Transportation Co [NS 718 Grace Baptist Church 254-0841 252-1111 o Service Station 719 Vacant 794 Vacant 721 Gold Wire Rock Shop jwlry mfrs Atkinson Luke Furn Cu overflow 795 Vacant 797 Home Furniture Store Inc 263.1491 723 Snider's shoe reprs 252-3107 798 Vacant N @ 252-1445 723% Owensby Maude 800 Vacant ethodist Church 724 Atkinson Luke Furn Co (Overflow) 814 Apartments Mrs 253-2528 725 Snider Furniture Co 252.3107 1 Damphousse Pauline Fortune's Paint & Hardware Co Inc 2 Tannatley Joe BEGINS 253-5346 3 Smith Ruth 2544995 ccountants bkpg sere U S P 0 (Haywood Rd Contract Sta) 4 Woodard Cole C O 253-6265 253-5346 5 Spake Thelma contrs 253-0111 7271/2 Fusco Bessie A Mrs 254.2177 816 Summey Jerry D O 254-4481 urm ure c ge tkinson Luke Furniture Co 252-7168 818 Aiken Looney M D 252-7606 729 Griffin J Sparks acct 252-1721 820 Summe Dillon F @ 254-4166 y ea 25XI-5�61- Huebner Geo F acct 254.7188 Griffin Frank M 254-6910 Aiance Inc 253-6779 Roland Geo B acct. 2SM916 OAKWOOD ST BEGINS Griffin -Woody Insurance Agency Inc 822 Frady Josephine P Mrs O 253.7954 132 252.1721 824 Warlick Gilmer A ® 253- DUNWELL AV BEGINS 826 West Asheville Assembly Of God "' sa,oon 252 9704 s B sEVARD RD BEGINS 732 Mayflower Cleaners 254-2583 Church 254-5519 829 Day Ralph M 0 252.4050 're 2524546 Repair 252-9704 733 Ideal Drug Store 252-763f, 735 Moody's Jewelers 252-0791 835 Chambers Elton A D 252-7177 840 Me Ghee Joseph R 254-1707 Hpy W OOD RD--C 841 Cabe Glenn H ( 1342 Teague Charles Penland Gary 844 Jones R B Real Turner P Scott World Book Er. 856 Roberson Glen: CLOYES ST BEC 1360a Coulby M-gt 862 Ingle Claudia 1 863 Cooper, Ray 1J 864 Vann Lydia B 865 Dills Kay 1366 Lunsford Blac LANVALE AV SULPHUR SPR 8667 Brooks W ilfa 891 Apartments 1 Houts Roy :3 London Ger 4 Justice Part 5 Wolfe Amy 6 Morris Lan 891 % Woody Fla 892 Haywood Rc 253-7873 893 Apartments 1 parr Anne 2 Steele Mat 1 �� 959 L - 964 Vacant 966 Vacant 970 City F pack 3 ,1000 ice �351 Z Z Led r ^3976 on��252�3 -6289 Statio,a V CO Inc -1445 'xchange � �,p0D !{li—%_AA"Lu - �ISIANA AV BEGINS IN1A AV BEGINS V r Mary Paint Store 252-6928 601 Vacant 687west Asheville Beauty Salon 252-3112 609 west Asheville Presbyterian Church --6� 252-1141 ggl U,rareel nHby hBarber Shop oe Shop shoe Ceprs 6 ReantShop dry goods 252-8562 5 �wik Shop Groceteria No 25 252-9170 6g7 1jaywaod Plaza Feminique Beauty Shop Inc 253-2293 !Makaio Self Defense Studio 254-4993 Clothing Care 254-9122 @ Ball Lounge Hughes Electronics Service 254-3254 Ilaywood Plaza Barber Shop FAIRFAX AV BEGINS JAgRE-rT BEGINS First Union National Bank Of North Carolina (Br) 253-6811 701 gemos Furniture & Appliance Store 2.52-3301 7b2 Johnson's Arco Service Station 252-9717 707 Rose's Stores Inc 253-8583 __n3 West Asheville Barber Shop 715 Schultz Shoe Shop 717 Ruth Lee Fashions wimen's clo 254-0392 718 Grace Baptist Church 254-0841 --721 Gold Wire Rock Shop jwlry mfrs 722 Atkinson Luke Furn Co overflow _M Snider's shoe repra 252-3107 7231/2 Owensby Maude 724 Atkinson Luke Furn Co (Overflow) 725 Snider Furniture Co 252-3107 727 Fortune's Paint & Hardware Co Inc 253-5346 771a Apartments I Vacant (apts 1-3) 773 J F G Coffee Warehse 775 Saniway Distributors household appl 254-0734 Roberts Sewing Shop drsmkrs 775a Apartments 1 Vacant (Apts 1-4) 777 RaY's Home Improvement Co Inc 252-3176 779 Shop For Homes The int dec 254.1372 779a Apartments i Vacant (ants+ 1 '71 781 Vaca 783 254 1 54 I+ MILD' 784 We] 785 Vac 787 A A 791 A A 792 Broo: 792'h Cal 2,r U S Postal Sery (Haywood Rd Contract Sta) 253-5346 7271h Fusco Bessie A Mrs 254-2177 7-28 Atkinson Luke Furniture Co 252-7168 729 Griffin J Sparks acct 252-1721 Huebner Geo F acct 254-7188 Roland Geo B acct 254-7188 Griffin -Woody Insurance Agency Inc 252-1721 —DUNWELL AV BEGINS BREVARD RD BEGINS 732 '.Mayflower Cleaners 254-2583 733 Ideal Drug Store 252-7636 735 '.Moody's Jewelers 252-0791 7351I2 Vacant 737 :Model Barber Shop 254-9236 740 Krispy Donut Shop 254-5051 743 Dairy Queen Rear Nu Way Vending Service Inc 254-8259 744 Vacant 745 Banner Cafe restr 254-7874 747 ;May's Market Inc 252-6481 7471/2 *Tapes Leroy HERRON AV BEC-INS 252-3533 753 Bernie's Beauty Shop 755 Tom's Barber Shop No 1 252-6542 757 Westside Christian Church 253-3956 . _L__..;na 1Fsso Servicenter 3 794 Vaca 795 Vaca 797 Homi 798 Vaca 800 Disce 814 Apar 1 Dan 2*Hu 3*Aix 4 Woo 5*Smr� 816 Sum 818 Aikex 819 Rudy mp 820 Su Grifli DAKWC 822 Frady 824 Warli 826 West Chur 829 Day I 835 Charri, 840 Me Gl 841 Cabe 1 842 Vacan Pealar 844 Jones * Melt 856 Robers CLOYES 860a * Lane 862 Ingle C 863 Caldwe * Mash 864 Vann 1 865 Vacant 866 Lunsfor LANV ALl SULPHUI 867 Brooks 891 Apartmi I 1 Houts 3 * Bates 4 * Stame 51t Andre 6 * Noven 91 r/z Woody 4 Silver Mae K 895 Apartments 1 * Liles James C 2*Mathews Car Bonham Paul E 899 Hitchens Wrn . BLUE RIDGE Al 915 Saint Joan of 252-5850 918 Mc Curry Tory Mc Curry Ton 254-`a336 eauU buPP1Y Of Ashe-N-ill", F Co Inc food brokers 9 Howard T Co small engs s1s & AV BEGINS )err Television 254-06 o laptist Church 253-7301 ,INS AEG - iting Co 254-1000 V Auto Service 252-20— leaners 252-Q1 .iberty Mutual Iac:,2 ee C,o given G chirp res Jr chiropractor ContraCtor-nntrs 952 62 , n S @ 252-6293 F Mrs furor rms t 14 lernice R No--1--252.9644 ag House 252.9644 WlA5 loco Service Station d Oil & Ser,: Co Inc n W ^ 252-1445 -Method st Church �D BEGINS Accountants bkpg sere •fl nc contrs 253-0I11 Furniture Exchange gyres 2,53•IS6, 506-nCes- T. a r0 Ire 252,3546 tto �IN5 N" a epair 4her C ' 0 a4• 19 �� 1v gas eta 252.9`4l lit►• Baker► Enloe a UwLAIVll rivrlat inc 252.5265 Gardner's Shoe Hospital 25U428 v`estside Christian Church 760 West Asheville -1W rayl 4*Hya 667 Winn -Dixie Stores Inc Exxon Servicenter 252.9223 5 * Mill 6� WUISIANA AV BEGINS VER�iONT AV BEGINS 6*Nar VIRGINIA AV BEGINS SAND HILL RD BEGINS 89 �H Way 8g7 Carter Mary Paint Store 252-6928 771 Bledsoe Building 893 Apart 687'/, Vacant West Asheville Beauty Salon 252-3112 French's Variety Store 771a Apartments 1 Just 689 690 West Asheville Presbyterian Church 1 Vacant (apts 1-3) ��3 J F G 2*Car 3 Rice 252.1141 691 Owenby Shoe Shop Coffee Whse �75 Saniway Distributors vacuum tins 4 Silvi 895 Apar, 6 Ila Tar Heel Barber Shop 6g$ Remnant Shoe dry goods 2528562 254-0734 775a Apartments 1 Lile: 2 Vac 696 @wik Shop Groceteria No 25 252.9170 scant [Apra 1.41 3 Bon 697 Haywood Plaza 777 Y's Home Improvement Co Inc 899 Hitcl Femiruque Beauty Shop Inc 253.2293 Makai❑ Self Defense Studio 254 4993 252-3176 779 Shop For Homes The int dec 254 1372 BLUE 915 S252 Clothing Care 254-9122 779a Apartments 5 Carolina Enterprizes retail 254.0794 1 Vacant (apts 1-7) g1R V" MechanicInvestment Corp 254.3610 781 Barbara's Beauty R--- Keen Brothers Real Estate Co real eat 254-5283 7$3 All - M Haywood Plaza Barber Shop 784 l FAIRFAX AV BEGINS 785 JARRETT BEGINS 791 700 First Union National Bank Of North 792 Carolina (Br) 253-6811 792' 701 Demos Furniture & Appliance Store 252-3301 794 702 Johnson's Eblen Service Station 797 i 252.9717 798 1 707 Rose's Stores Inc 253-8583 800 1 713 Vacant 715 Schultz Shoe Shop $14 717 Ruth Lee Fashions women's clo 1 254-0392 2 718 Grace Baptist Church 254-0841 34 721 Gold Wire Rock Shop jwlry mfrs 4 722 Atkinson Luke Furn Co overflow 5 ! 723 Left Over Shop The £urn & clo 816 Sl 253-1946 818 A 7231A Owensby Maude R Mrs 253.9135 819 R: 724 Atkinson Luke Furn Co (Overflow) 820 St 725 Me Carson Used Appliance 252.5720 GI 727 Fortune's Paint & Hardware Co Inc OAR 253-5346 822 # N U S Postal Sery (Haywood Rd Contract 8244 Wi Sta) 253-5346 W1 C 7271/a Compton Sally 728 Atkinson Luke Furniture Co 252-7168 829 Da 729 Griffin J Sparks acct 252.1721 Insurance Agency Inc 835 Ch 840 We Griffin -Woody (0 252.1721 3#Buckner Ethel 84Cat 4 # Hall R,a1Ph `B 842 Liv bo DUNWELL AV BEGINS RD BEGINS 844 ChE BREVARD Cleaners 254-2583 Jon 732 Mayflower Store 252-7636 Mel 733 Ideal Drug Jewelers 252•0791 856 Rob 735 Mood Y's 7361/2 Vacant 254-9236 Barber Shop 860a Ev; 860b 737 Model 254-5051 Donut Shop Yol 862 740 KrisPy 743 Dairy Queen endinS service Inc Vac, 863 Robi Rear Nu Way 864 Jens, 254.8269 Thresholds Industries paper Medl erica. 744 Arn 252.3701 865 Vaca produc Cafe restr 254.7874 866# Meg 745 BMarket Inc 252.6481 # Rol 7471�'[ay'., a Leroy 747'TOPP LANVA SULPH 31 867 Brook r� L L 'ICES MARTIN AV BEGINS 05 Marshall's Amoco Service Station ]i Asheville vacuum clae 252-4181Marshali's Fuel Oil & Sery Cn Inc r Shop 25&9512 0 252.4181 ��-G � 254 5R1I 586 Marshall Calvin W @ 252-1445 roistering 587 Trinity United Methodist Church 253-6471 Cleaning Center lndry Na Ramsey 79 BALM ROVE RD BEGINS SW Parkway Business Machines Co pt Eng Co No 3 2,55WV 253-Mi 600 Hyatt Electric Co Inc contra 263,0111 EGINS s02 Penland's Used Furniture Exchange 253.7712 Shop 609 Mike's Auto Parts 25&1259 ide Agency 25441&% Dollar General Store 255-9629 era nc 6i0 a TV & Appliances Inc 2538779 (GINS STATE BEGINS 132 618 H&8Tavern. nary School 255,M71 619 Pinner's Drug Store 252-3546 ruty Shop 254-7192 Vacant DORCHESTER AV BEGINS ervice Paint & Body 04 Vacant r Planet 254 2511 in w Washerette 25Z9503 MAJESTIC AV BEGINS y 252.2718 Is 626 Lisenbee's Watch Repair 2&M217 ;hop 2533557 1128 Blankenship Christopher C coda 628'h Peek W R Q 253.0977 suranc@-Agcy-254 onNEVADA AV BEGINS - 631- Rice Jack Jack Exxon Service Station es Educational Carp 254.1319 rts-253-7= US Children Thrift Shop 643% No Return 'a O 252-5540 644 Red Diamond Oil Co gas sta 252-9501 R QL Z24309 645 Mi-Ni Craft 253.2045 ell Service 252-9657 647 West Asheville Quality Bakery YS 252-6766 2531787 650 Lockhart Auto Sales used autos 253-5146 ing Service 252.10M 6,51 Pentecostal Church Of Jesus Christ o-maeh parts 252-17&9 662 Ice Service Inc gro 252.9353 665 Smith'Floriat 252.5265 sad broke 667 `'ardner's Shoe Hospital 25"923 60 Wi-Dixie Stores Inc LOUISIANA AV BEGINS Of Asheville ine NIA - AV BEGINS - 2534442 687 Carter Mary Faint Store 252.6928 Is 687 %*Jacobe Steve Wei Ae rheville Beauty Salon 252.3112 ch =7301 690 West Asheville Presbyterian Church Cc 26345M 691 Sawyer Shoe Shop op 2271 'Sh683 1a Tar Heel Barber Shop Remnant Shop dry goods 25M662 07 p-Irr Food Stores 252-9170 I-IODD Haywood Plaza rice 252-261, Hair Master Styling Center 25X2293 tanta 25.31601 - - Makaio Self Defense Studio 254-4993 uai Insurance Co Clothing Care 255.9233 Carolina Enterprises Inc retail actor ax- ' �78- - 2U-0794 33976 1941 Haywood Plaza Barber Shop 254-59% FAIRFAX AV BEGINS Antes 4i293 E7T-8WINS 700 First Union National Bank Of North R rule Carolina (Br) 255-7411 �2- 701 Demos Furniture & Appliance Store 25&7989 Prartor 702 Jobrison Arco Service Station & Used 6114 Care 252-9717 707 Rose's Stores Inc 253-MM 713 Vacant 715 Schultz Shoe Shop I C K SALEIS, 1 N C. B an - d B p�AR �-r y'W00D RD. [WA] 288� SERVING wEsr �`� A11 ASHEVILLE" WOOD RD-Caritd ~ 717 Ruth Lee Fashions women's cio 718 Grace Baptist Church 254,0B41 721 His& Here Rock Shop rocks & jwiry 586 722 Atkinson Luke Furn Co overflow 7p Me Carson's Appi Sery (Stge) 723% pwenaby Maude R Mrs 2524" 724 Atkinson Luke Furn Co (Overflow) 7y5 Me Carson's Appliance Servi" 252.5720 727 Fortune's Paint & Hardware Co lnc 253-534 727LA Compton Sally D 7Z8 Atkinson Luke Furniture Co 252.7168 729 Griffin J Sparks bkpg sery 252.1721 Griffin -Woody Insurance Agency Inc 252.1721 729% Wyatt Nancy Buckner Ethel Clark Lola DUNWELL AV BEGINS BREVARD RD BEGINS 732 Mayflower Cleaners 254.2583 733 ideal Rexal. Drug Store 252.76M 735 Mnody's Jewelers Inc 252-0791 7351A Vacant 737 Model Barber Shop 253-6576 740 Pitney Bowes Inc (disc ofe) 253-5695 743 Daisy Queen 252.7709 Rear Nu Way Vending Service Inc 254S259 744 Debbie Furniture Barn 254.1215 745 Haywood Restaurant 254-7874 747 May's Market Inc 252-6481 747% Tapp Leroy 750 Salvation Army Community Center The organization 258-2267 S!I 8W Aiue Ridge Printing Co Inc 25 819 partmenta "431, 1 Shelton 2 Humphrey Sylvia M 252.5226 3 Franks Tempt 4#Woodard David a 5*Gossett Orla L Mrs 8!fi Summey Jerry D ® 254-4481 81Aiken Connie L Mrs Q 2524606 606 llaywoad Road Produce 820 Summey Dillon F ® Ma M7 Griffin Frank M 254-6919 821 Mitchell's i$ign'e & Crome Plating) 26&2726 821rh Weat Asheville Auto Repair 25&'L910 ❑Ai{WWD ST BEGINS 822*Airpatrick Tom F d 2524066 824 Warlick Gilmer A p 2,§SWW 826 West Asheville Asaembly Of God Church 254-M19 829 Day Ralph M 252-10M 835 Chambers Elton A p 252.7177 841 Cabe Glenn H p 254.7687 942 Chriatian Bookahop christian books 25383558 844 Pie-NZav Wallpaper 255.75i1 Jones R B Realty Co 2m-m5 Mavhuew $56 Roberson Glenn R @ 253.8910 Davis Penelope 254-SW2 CLOYFS ST BEGINS 8W No Return No Return 6600Young Peggy S Mrs 155-0•L44 862 Tres Chic Beauty Salon 2584505 863 Robinson Jean 864 No Return 8sa If_- 31 1977 HERRON AV BEGINS 753 Bernie's Beauty Shop 252-3533 755 Tom's Barber Shop No 1 253-9453 757 Dave'a Railroad Salvage 254.1670 760 West Asheville Exxon Servicenter 254-2760 VERMONT AV BEGINS SAND HILL RD BEGINS 771 Bledsoe Building Pinner's Fashions & Jeans 253.7 771a Apartments Vacant 773 J F G Coffee Why 775 Saniway Vacuum Cleaners 25401n 775a Apartments Vacant 777 Ray's Horne improvement Co 252.3176 779 Shop For Homes The int dec 264.1372 779a Apartments 1 Vacant 781 Barbara's Beautyrama 253.1344 783 Allied T V & Electronic Service Co 254-6162 MILDRED AV BEGINS 784 Wella Union 76 Service Station 252.9509 787 Faulkners Auto Radio 253-8�' 1 791 Al's Art Craft auto seat covers 253-3114 792*Sheltan Doris L 253-13Co 792tfr. Caustic Sods Transportation =1111 794 Vacant 1491 797 Home Furniture Store Inc 2&3 798 Vacant TEEN PJ � OEXPER1 922 W 923*G 923a* 9M C. 926 M HA 927 *' 940 c MY 942 943 947 urant I Meadows my Goods 253-4587 643ij V nc scant Me Cracken Insuranc 254 $4d Red nra and pil Co gne aid 254 t186 645 Vacant 5Uo ice kFy 647 West Asheville Quality fakery v>sI.>v BEGINSnant�y's Auto Parts 262-6766 25 4 Owen Willie A Mrs sso 'Popper Tom Auto axles Inc 264-1130 petal Church Of Jesus Christ a Greyhound Bus st-f-__C 252-SW9 WPON AV BEGINS'-2a3-8461 get Icen3e rvice Inc M 255-9494 666 Pish Tank The 253-5594 r Grocery 253-1787 ith pets 667 Mi.Ni Craft 265M 5-0669 Winn. Dixie F aniway Vacuum 'n8 rvice 252-1438 ,epr 254-0734 Cleaner Co a� Stores Inc gro LOUISIAN�A AV BEGINS VIRGINIA AV BEGINS & Y Inc food brokers 252 p4$9 ►b's Auto Service 687 Plton's paint Store 252-6928 687'i *orren I{ath Mrs 254 3675 sell Engine tee _Sae eta 2S s 3e 6$9 West Asheville Beauty Salon 252-3112 West Asheville Inc690 i3-4442 ev11Ze In Presbyterian Church {MAN AV BEGINS 691 P -NW903 Repair 46[]3 e e evision als & sery 691a Hearth Light Thrift Shop 254-6884 693 Asheville Music vary Baptist, Cthu__h 2 _ _301 ianwide Insurance Co 253_9500 Supply 25"721 697a Discount Mini Mart 258-2669 697 Haywood Plaza ' GF Capri beauty shop 258-22�1 BEGI Hainnasters Styling Center 253-2293 Rick's Gym 25"523 3 AV BEGINS Sisters Two Crafts & Supplies o nr 54-1000 s R N Auto Service 25&8890 Clothing Care 255-9233 KnoIlman-Pinner Florist 254-2511 James C Accountants Haywood Plaza Barber Shop 254-5906 Otte Liberty Mutual Insurance Co B19 FAIRFAX AV BEGINS JARRETT BEGINS -Fatk chiropractor 253-�378 700 First Union National Bank Of North ;va L Mrs p 25 78 Carolina (Br) 255-7411 7n1 D Rooming House 252-6293 Lucy F Mr-s(D ee Robt Rev 253-8149 eldt Robt C (o) 267.j 2 le Chiropractic Services ?nburg Kurt liner No 1 252-9644 Doming House 253-4391 ►V BEGINS 111oco Service Station War —shall e 1 rvice Mrs 253-73 cited Methodist Church Tiam T 258-8618 usiness Machines Co ric Co Inc contrs 253-0111 ues 255-7809 Parts 258-1259 -al Store gen) mdse Appliances Inc 253-6779 132 Store 252-3546 44V BEGINS photo fnshr 252-6404 emus Television & Appliances Inc 255-7989 Demos Appalachian Stove Outlet 255-7989 702 Vacant 707 Crazy Bill's Discount Furniture 252-1926 713 Vacant 715 Schultz Shoe Shop 717 Ruth Lee Fashions women's clo 254-0392 718 Grace Baptist Church 254-0841 721 His & Her Rock Shop rocks & jwlry 254-7586 722 Atkinson Luke Furn (overflow) 723 Mc Carson's Appl Sery (Stge) 723V2*Lands Garry 723%b Gwensby Maude R Mrs 723'/2c*Reynolds Tena B 724 Atkinson Luke Furn Co (Overflow) 725 Me Carson's Appliance Service hsehd 252-5720 727 Fortune's Paint & Hardware Co Inc 253-5346 728 Atkinson Luke Furniture Co 252.7168 729a Vacant 729b Vacant 729c*Gunning Dorothy L 3 Wyatt Nancy J 253-6253 729d Buckner Phillip 729e Compton Sally D DUNWELL AV BEGINS BREVARD RD BEGINS 732 Mayflower Cleaners 254-2583 733 Ideal Rexall Drug Store 252-7636 ao n Z Ln C r v 0 rn r- --4 C m M w � IV CT7 N CID N C w M aq ru cv w w w 41b a� K 50 0 m m C" co I i Mob, APPENDIX H Sanborn Map Report 700 Haywood Road 700 Haywood Road Asheville, NC 28806 Inquiry Number: 5082700.3 October 19, 2017 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor (rEDR� Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com Certified Sanborn® Map Report 10/19/17 Site Name: 700 Haywood Road 700 Haywood Road Asheville, NC 28806 EDR Inquiry # 5082700.3 Client Name: Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC 231 Haywood St. Asheville, NC 28801 Contact: Seth Goad Cr� The Sanborn Library has been searched by EDR and maps covering the target property location as provided by Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC were identified for the years listed below. The Sanborn Library is the largest, most complete collection of fire insurance maps. The collection includes maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow, and others. Only Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) is authorized to grant rights for commercial reproduction of maps by the Sanborn Library LLC, the copyright holder for the collection. Results can be authenticated by visiting www.edrnet.com/sanborn. The Sanborn Library is continually enhanced with newly identified map archives. This report accesses all maps in the collection as of the day this report was generated. Certified Sanborn Results: Certification # D3EC-4E82-B4A5 Po # Project Maps Provided: 1972 1963 1961 1957 1954 1950 1925 1917 NA 700 Haywood Road Limited Permission To Make Copies Sanborn® Library search results Certification #: D3EC-4E82-B4A5 The Sanborn Library includes more than 1.2 million fire insurance maps from Sanborn, Bromley, Perris & Browne, Hopkins, Barlow and others which track historical property usage in approximately 12,000 American cities and towns. Collections searched: f Library of Congress f University Publications of America f EDR Private Collection The Sanborn Library LLC Since 1866T^" Anchor QEA of North Carolina, PLLC (the client) is permitted to make up to FIVE photocopies of this Sanborn Map transmittal and each fire insurance map accompanying this report solely for the limited use of its customer. No one other than the client is authorized to make copies. Upon request made directly to an EDR Account Executive, the client may be permitted to make a limited number of additional photocopies. This permission is conditioned upon compliance by the client, its customer and their agents with EDR's copyright policy; a copy of which is available upon request. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2017 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. 5082700 - 3 page 2 Sanborn Sheet Key This Certified Sanborn Map Report is based upon the following Sanborn Fire Insurance map sheets. 1972 Source Sheets Volume 2, Sheet 301 1963 Source Shee Volume 2, Sheet 301 1961 Source Shee Is is ?, She( She( !, Sheet 301 Volume 2, She( ource Sheets .1 >, She( 349 e J ?, Shee Volume 2, SheE Volume 2, Sheet 301 Volume 2, Sheet 313 Volume 2, She 5082700 - 3 page 3 ?, Shee Volume 2, SheE Volume 2, Sheet 301 Volume 2, Sheet 313 Volume 2, She 5082700 - 3 page 3 t Sanborn Sheet Keye This Certified Sanborn Map Report is based upon the following Sanborn Fire Insurance map sheets. 1954 Source Sheets Volume 2, Sheet 73b 1950 Source Sheets Volume 2, Sheet 73b 1925 Source Sheets Volume 1, Sheet 74 •,F IF Volume 1, Sheet Volume 2, Sheet 74 Volume 2, Sheet F e3 '" e I Volume 1, Sheet f 1 Volume 2, Sheet 83 5082700 - 3 page 4 e' a � � � w.cr ;v gy A' -- >1 3 �,�,.--' � t � yv� � �� .����:• �' � 3�° •Z"1 LIr .a .4F• T E x { i - �9 '`�^ i g< �::J�� �� �''�T • 'sky � �= ji- fir•--�4-1 � � i�M � y_,��+• 1 .s"' ��x� �� � i { s�- 1 .F �" ���R yr• Q=Sj .,$LE ^�:••'' A, �'a r .�, �;" _'� r• � l�I.y �. � �"' j "°^ �ti-Sva' a. ,r � y t"r'� k 6- j�':" �. yA � i � t •, f rid, N r w, � �{ �'', ___ _ _ ' Amy, `�'.• �q `, � F - ¢p�e�-�����` �-`v'�vr'&� ,� � � . r�i Y� ��:.�..,x: � y.-�?.—=_`. o''c ron ••, � �� RAT ..-- r r °� 4F " ,fry rs UN tfJ A �� '. •y2'• } �a'Ez •�.�,,,p+ y� � � i ..�' � y � � „�-...ram. �y �. .� � i ■ �Tf � ` n } -�^' '^� sm�- C -- w.y _� r/I _M .._ -----"�.r.UT -- eL7— =gn� . aA �• � ism=,��7 �' �+�ar -- :3• �4�=-__• __- �� �: ii.5"r ��aa ri lei j__ { W''s,•::,••��i if-t i� :mac.:•+—».M,.-,�5.�.—� C ar - 177 .fit I ?i ,a �.w iC�•�•_'' �" e °C 3�'B�� low", �".--.�"'._.."_"�..y� .-..�_..__-_�."� j. $$$$$$_.LLL....LLL.....�i •�-.'.�-y}�� s� Jyka � � � � f.Y"�'.� ��,,¢k� e � ��r'�''s 44 L^,_r' ff13! yyT ty,� ;� � "[,�`�• d � . � . C-..� �'� b� i .� � T y 61 A .c 1� F. .� 6 �� � � �.�r �f• qq "'��; o. e+.^c . j$ �a � {ii.�`. .4- � � �,�Y /'o+ ��-T'y �__�' x.....:.•rr�.y.�__ a �$ �`,�� � � ��� ,-. •`fin.,,, _��.- *�'°" i � • � `� � y��„�—�-.a.�-------•_�--.....r.. 3s i i� 7-7 jl � `-��r'; ; a� d '^-.,�' � ;era=-� ��pA _� �,.•_:�-_��..,-_�-�.._�.._.��.�xy �° 33 i''s�LL 4r_:.w.�=—••�_ . �. r--._ =., .wry „� rr #�a p -•5 - ' _f.-ems.._.,. .-.r_ 43�...._.`.�l® '^8 ` IPI LEE Mr 45, 7.1 a 1 .9.0 Egg. L. E I . 9 - 7 , 71, A— V I A A., W '7NAY 1 0 A' PT Ll r-T AT. Lk 4' IIN 1.- 700 Hay—od Ro,d p 5 EI-17-bl AW al _..... Y.._.....--_•..J � i ^M� � R �i '. a .9 .+5'4' 1 111111 r 4 no ° f� viiv Y „4-7 p �� ,P R - 61'� ,�a }I; .] � F-�' /i' � i•�:.�f ,�a�:w-w � =''"aw .y`�a14�q Pf E-5 C I I I I E I •1 �' ,�.......-..--...-..._.a. � .� �Y9� ?�- {� S[ AYH ,I r �^ e" r s '" &NE Wes m Po Y,?4 Al On 15.1