HomeMy WebLinkAbout21008_Peace St_OAR_20181115Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc. 8410-D Falls ofNeuse Road; Raleigh, NC 27615 Phone: 919-848-3155/Fax: 919-848-42651w .HESfast.com November 15, 2018 Mr. John Gallagher Aptus Management, PLLC 109 Amber Court Carrboro, NC 27510 Subject: Release Abatement Report - Detergent Release Incident Former Rollins Cleaners — 407 W. Peace Street; Raleigh, North Carolina HES Project #466001 Dear Mr. Gallagher Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc. (HES) hereby submits this Release Abatement Report for the above referenced incident. The former Rollins Cleaners site is a former drycleaners located at 407 W. Peace Street in Raleigh, North Carolina. The dry-cleaning operation is no longer in service, and the site is being re -developed under the North Carolina Brownfields Program. In November 2018, a release of a non -hazardous spot cleaning product was discovered at the site. The release originated from a small drum of the cleaning product, and impacted surface soils at the site. The location of the release at the site is depicted on Figure 1, included in Attachment A. Photographs of the site are included in Attachment B. A copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the product is included in Attachment C. Based on information included on the MSDS, the released material consisted of Royaltone Detergent Plus, manufactured by Royaltone Company. Per the MSDS, the product does not contain "perchloroethene, petroleum product, or other hazardous materials." Personnel from HES visited the site on November 9, 2018. The product impacted a small area of surficial soils on the South side of the subject site, and neither impacted nor threatened surface water bodies. The pH of the released product was tested using pH (Litmus) paper, and the pH of the product was determined to be slightly less than 10. The source drum (approximately 15 gallon capacity) was found to be nearly empty, and was placed into a new, lined 55-gallon drum. The area of impacted soil was excavated using hand tools, and the recovered soil was containerized in the lined, 55-gallon drum. The excavated area was raked to recover small fragments of the released product that had solidified, which were then recovered and containerized in the 55-gallon drum. Groundwater was not encountered during soil excavation activities. The waste drum was then sealed, labeled, and removed from the site by Chase Environmental, Inc. (Chase) for disposal. A copy of the waste disposal documentation is included in Attachment D. Based on information included on the product MSDS, the release does not constitute a release of hazardous materials. The estimated volume of the release was less than 10 gallons. As such, HES concludes that the subject release does not trigger regulatory reporting requirements. Mr. John Gallaher November 15, 2018 Non -Hazardous Release Abatement Activities: Fortner Rollins Cleaners Raleigh NC Page 2 Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to assist you with this project. If there are any questions regarding this correspondence, or the project in general, please contact me at 919-848-3155. Sincerely, High Environmental Solutions, Inc. a, Joe Beaman, P.G., RSM Principal Geologist Attachments. ATTACHMENT A " IL Re/ease L� ` .y _ - Location aft. y� 4' 'Tt r 1 - r ldki Jr - •JIMtLOp r I j J f . # R. OF r - " . ::. — ... / — Approximate Scale 0 60 120 Feet Base diagram from Google Earth (02-2018 aerial image). Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc. N Release Location Diagram Project Name Detergent Release Remediation Former Rollins Cleaners; Raleigh, NC Client Aptus Management, PLLC Project # Drawn by 466001 JB Scale Date Fig. # As Shown November 2018 001-, " IL Re/ease L� ` .y _ - Location aft. y� 4' 'Tt r 1 - r ldki Jr - •JIMtLOp r I j J f . # R. OF r - " . ::. — ... / — Approximate Scale 0 60 120 Feet Base diagram from Google Earth (02-2018 aerial image). Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc. N Release Location Diagram Project Name Detergent Release Remediation Former Rollins Cleaners; Raleigh, NC Client Aptus Management, PLLC Project # Drawn by 466001 JB Scale Date Fig. # As Shown November 2018 001-, Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc. � W- tiff •' .... je. Photoaranh Number 2: Release area nrinr to ahatement Photograph Number 3: Release area after abatement. .. qk' �- i k I-notograpn Ivumper 4: Keiease area arier abatement. Highlands Environmental Solutions, Inc. ZK* L s nmental tions, Inc. Material Safety Data Sheet U.S. Department of Labor May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Occupational Safety and Health Administration Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910 1200. Standard (Non -Mandatory Form) must be consulted for specific requirements. Form Approved OMB No. 1218-0072 HMIS H-1, F-1, R-0 IDENTITY (as Used on Label and List) Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not ROYALTONE DETERGENT PLUS applicable or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. Section I Manufacturer's name ROYALTONE Emergency Telephone Number 918-663-9666 Address (Number, Street, City, State and ZIP Code)e 9504 East 55th Street ep one Number Tor Intormation 918-622-6677 Tulsa, OK 74145 DatePrepared: Signature of PreFarer(optional) Section II —Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information Hazardous Components (Specific Chemical Identity, Common Name(s)) Other Limits OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Recommended % (optional) This product does not contain any hazardous materials based on current Department Of Labor regulations as we interpret them. This product does not contain any halogenated solvents like perch loroethylene (perc) or any petroleum solvents. Section III—Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point 625F Specific Gravity (H20 = 1) 0.87 Vapor Pressure mm Hg) 0.0001 Melting Point 1.0 Vapor Density AIR = 1) 10 Evaporation Rate Butyl Acetate = 1 ethylether 1000 x slower Solubility in Water form emulsion Appearance and Odor light amber liquid with little odor Section IV —Fire and Explosion Hazard Data 380 COC I Flammable Limits NA I LEL unK I UEL un txunguisning iviema water fog, CO2, dry chemical and foam Special Fire Fighting Procedures wear self contained breathing apparatus in contained spaces Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards estimated auto ignition temperature 670F can be made to burn (flash point greater than 200F) (Reproduce locally) 7 ept. 1985 Section V—Reactivity Data Contact with strong oxidizers i-..,,,..,,,.., 11-1.1 strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts none Section VI —Health Hazard Data Routes of Entry Inhalation? no Skin? no Ingestion? no Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) none Carcinogenicity n0hs? ono NTP? no IARC Monographs? no g p OSHA Regulated? n0 Signs and Symptoms ot Exposure INGESTION: Diarrhea EYES: contact causes moderate irritation and discomfort. SKIN: slight irritation Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure none Emergency and First Aid Procedures EYES: flush with water for 15 min. call doctor. SKIN: wipe, wash with soap and water. INGESTION: see a physician, induce vomiting if conscious Section VII—Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to Be Taken in Case Material Is Released or Spilled wash with water containing detergent or absorb with, clay, diatomaceous earth, or other inert absorbent. Waste Disposal Method drum and dump or incinerate as governed by Federal, State, and Local regulations on chemical waste Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing avoid contact with eyes, do not swallow Other Precautions keep out of eyes and off skin Section VII—Control Measures Respiratory Protection (Specify Type) heated or misted, then NIOSH respiratory protection iwiic Work Hygienic Practices keep out of eyes and off skin. DO NOT SWALLOW. Material Safety Data Sheet U.S. Department of Labor May be used to comply with OSHA's Hazard Occupational Safety and Health Administration Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910 1200. Standard (Non -Mandatory Form) must be consulted for specific requirements. Form Approved OMB No. 1218-0072 HMIS H-1, F-1, R-0 IDENTITY (as Used on Label and List) Note: Blank spaces are not permitted. If any item is not ROYALTONE DETERGENT PLUS applicable or no information is available, the space must be marked to indicate that. Section I Manufacturer's name ROYALTONE Emergency Telephone Number 918-663-9666 Address (Number, Street, City, State and ZIP Code)e 9504 East 55th Street ep one Number Tor Intormation 918-622-6677 Tulsa, OK 74145 DatePrepared: Signature of PreFarer(optional) Section II —Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information Hazardous Components (Specific Chemical Identity, Common Name(s)) Other Limits OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Recommended % (optional) This product does not contain any hazardous materials based on current Department Of Labor regulations as we interpret them. This product does not contain any halogenated solvents like perch loroethylene (perc) or any petroleum solvents. Section III—Physical/Chemical Characteristics Boiling Point 625F Specific Gravity (H20 = 1) 0.87 Vapor Pressure mm Hg) 0.0001 Melting Point 1.0 Vapor Density AIR = 1) 10 Evaporation Rate Butyl Acetate = 1 ethylether 1000 x slower Solubility in Water form emulsion Appearance and Odor light amber liquid with little odor Section IV —Fire and Explosion Hazard Data 380 COC I Flammable Limits NA I LEL unK I UEL un txunguisning iviema water fog, CO2, dry chemical and foam Special Fire Fighting Procedures wear self contained breathing apparatus in contained spaces Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards estimated auto ignition temperature 670F can be made to burn (flash point greater than 200F) (Reproduce locally) 7 ept. 1985 Section V—Reactivity Data Contact with strong oxidizers i-..,,,..,,,.., 11-1.1 strong oxidizers Hazardous Decomposition or Byproducts none Section VI —Health Hazard Data Routes of Entry Inhalation? no Skin? no Ingestion? no Health Hazards (Acute and Chronic) none Carcinogenicity n0hs? ono NTP? no IARC Monographs? no g p OSHA Regulated? n0 Signs and Symptoms ot Exposure INGESTION: Diarrhea EYES: contact causes moderate irritation and discomfort. SKIN: slight irritation Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure none Emergency and First Aid Procedures EYES: flush with water for 15 min. call doctor. SKIN: wipe, wash with soap and water. INGESTION: see a physician, induce vomiting if conscious Section VII—Precautions for Safe Handling and Use Steps to Be Taken in Case Material Is Released or Spilled wash with water containing detergent or absorb with, clay, diatomaceous earth, or other inert absorbent. Waste Disposal Method drum and dump or incinerate as governed by Federal, State, and Local regulations on chemical waste Precautions to Be Taken in Handling and Storing avoid contact with eyes, do not swallow Other Precautions keep out of eyes and off skin Section VII—Control Measures Respiratory Protection (Specify Type) heated or misted, then NIOSH respiratory protection iwiic Work Hygienic Practices keep out of eyes and off skin. DO NOT SWALLOW. NON -HAZARDOUS 1, Generator ID Number WASTE MANIFEST 5. rioratcr's Name and Mailing Address aI//J75 1 ,Cer—eSIM -1 fS/�tti 1107 ill CQG-.1' Generator's Phon6: 6, Transporter 1 Company Name 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 9. Designated Facility Name and Site Address Ey41.-11yd P1 Wt -* /o0a `ueJa-C 2 �33 Facilit' a : 14 9. Waste Shipping Name and Description 13. Special Handling Instructions and Additional information 2, Page i of 3. Emergency Response Phone 4. Waste Tracking Number Generator's Site Address (it ditterent than mailing address) U.S. EPA ID Number n c oav /5 7V U.S. EPA ID Number U.S. EPA ID Number h-'/?004 10.Ccntainers it.Total 12.Unit No. Type Quantity Wt.Nol, Cs ATOR'SIOFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are,,fully and accurately described above by the proper skipping name, and are classified, packaged, international and national governmentai regulations.Month and labeVedlplacarded, and are in all respects in proper condition tar transport according to applicable Day Year Lmarked lOfiero's PrintedlTyped NameSignature15, ❑ Export irom U.S. Port of enirylexit Vntemalonai Shipments El Import to U.S. Date leavin U.S,: z Transportier Signature for exports only) 16. Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials Month Day Year cc F Trait otter rintedrTyped Name Signat e /Ll I U M nth Day Year z Transporter 2 PrinledlTyped Name En Signature € l i I rI)iscrepancy ncy Indication Space Quantity ❑ Type ❑ Residue Manliest Releren >-e Facility (or Generator) r U LL Facility's Phone: m 17c. Signature of Alternate Facility (or Generator) LU a z c� y lL 16. Designated Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 17a Signature Printed,Typed Name 169-BLS-C 5 11979 (Rev. 9109) ❑ Partial Reoctien U.S. EPA ID Number ❑ Full Rejection Month Day Year E Month Day Year ® � / )f DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR