HomeMy WebLinkAbout21008_Peace St Rev OAR_20190104L(ttAPTUSManagement, PLLC January 4, 2018 Sharon Eckard Brownfields Program Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Subject: REVISED SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT PEACE STREET PHASE II SITE NCBP PROJECT NO. 21008-17-92 Dear Ms. Eckard: Provided below is our revised site assessment report for the Peace Street Phase II Brownfields Site in Raleigh. This report revises our earlier report on the assessment findings provided to you in April 2018 (Brownfields Baseline Assessment Report, Peace Street Phase 11 Site, Aptus Management, April 16, 2018). This revised report also addresses the comments and questions you provided to us on October 30, 2018. The assessment work was conducted in accordance with Aptus' December 21, 2017 Revised Brownfields Baseline Assessment Workplan, which was conditionally approved by the NCDEQ on January 16, 2018. As indicated in more detail below, we did not encounter much contamination in either soil or groundwater. We measured low levels of some SVOCs and arsenic in soil above their Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). In groundwater, we measured tetrachloroethylene (PCE) in one sample collected near the former Rollins Dry Cleaners above its 2L water quality standard and some elevated chromium (in turbid samples), but otherwise no other contamination. This assessment did not include the area in and around the former Rollins Dry Cleaners where significant assessment work has been completed and where an active cleanup is underway to remove heavily contaminated soil (Dry -Cleaning Solvent Cleanup Act (DCSA) Program, Site ID: DC920048). BACKGROUND A site location map, site plan and maps showing the areas we investigated are attached as Figures 1 through 4. The Site consisted of the eight parcels shown on Figure 2 located in a commercial and light industrial area north of downtown Raleigh. By 1914, the Site was developed with homes and by the mid-1950s it had transitioned to commercial uses. The entire Site is slated for high -density mixed -use redevelopment much like the Smokey Hollow development located next door that is under construction. All the existing buildings and improvements have been demolished. Peace St Phase II Revised Site Assessment Report In addition, approximately 0.9 acres of the Site, mostly around its perimeter, is being utilized by the NCDOT for right-of-way easements for the Capital Blvd corridor improvement program and roadway work on Johnson and Harrington Streets. The following recognized environmental conditions were identified in the Phase I ESA prepared by Aptus Management and Proctor Environmental Services (Aptus/PES, Jan. 15, 2017). The REC numbers shown below correspond with the sample locations on Figures 3 and 4: Sample RECs and Potential RECs Objectives Location # Seaboard Lubricating & Mfg., 303 W. Assess potential impact from off -site 1 Johnson St. (1957 — 1962 city historical source located south of the site directory report) and used oil -stained and on -site soil related to Harrison's Auto soil near Harrison's Auto Service Service. 2 None known Assess potential impact from historical on - site and off -site sources located south and west of the site. None known Assess potential impact from historical on - 3 site and off -site sources located south and west of the site. 4 Furniture repair operation behind Assess potential impact from historical on - dwelling on W. Johnson St. (1950 site source. Sanborn) 5 Harrison's Auto Service Assess potential impact from historical on - site source. 6 Former towel & laundry operation Assess potential impact from historical on- (1950 Sanborn) site source. 7 None known Provide assessment information from central portion of the site. 8 Former Rollins dry cleaners Assess potential impact from historical on - site source. 9 Electronics sales and service Assess potential impact from historical on - operation (1950 Sanborn) site source. Page 12 Peace St Phase II Revised Site Assessment Report SAMPLING ACTIVITIES On March 1, 2018, a day prior to starting the assessment, Tom Proctor walked the property and verified the parcels and property boundaries. Based on the results of the previously conducted REC location measurement, he also marked the nine sample locations based on their distance from and orientation to the southwest corner of the boiler room at the former Rollins Dry Cleaners. Mr. Proctor conducted the field work on March 2, 2018. Regional Probing, Inc. conducted the GeoProbe work. Photographs of the site and assessment areas are provided in Appendix A. Field notes, along with the previous measurements taken to memorialize the locations and orientations of the RECs, are provided in Appendix B. Soil Sampling Activities Nine (9) soil borings (B-1 S through B-9S) were advanced and continuously sampled at the locations shown on Figure 3 using direct -push technology sampling with a GeoProbe into saturated soil, indicating groundwater had been encountered, or to refusal. This sampling approach allowed us to inspect the soil for staining and to check for petroleum or solvent odors. In addition, a photoionization device (PID) equipped with a 10.6eV lamp was used to screen the soil for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) typically associated with petroleum and volatile off -vapors and to select the soil interval most likely impacted for laboratory analysis. The PID, unit number 4337, was rented from Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. It was calibrated by a certified Geotech technician on February 27, 2018 and delivered on February 28, 2018. A calibration certificate for the unit can be found in Appendix B. Boring logs and temporary well construction details are provided in Appendix C. The table below summarizes the findings in the field and the soil samples chosen for laboratory analysis. We followed the sampling convention as noted in the December 20, 2017 Revised Limited Phase 11 Assessment Work Plan, "If either staining or elevated PID readings are encountered, a sample will be collected from the depth interval of the boring exhibiting those characteristics for laboratory analysis. If no indications of adversely impacted soil are encountered, the sample interval collected from three (3) to four (4) feet below land surface (bls) will be submitted for analysis." The "In -Situ Soil PID Reading" column in the table below refers to the PID reading recorded directly from the soil core removed from the boring soon after collection. As the plastic -encased soil samples were removed from the boring, they were marked for depth - intervals at each end and laid on the ground near the borehole. After collecting the samples, the driller then used a GeoProbe razor -knife to slice a small section from the plastic liner tube so that the soil could be directly examined and PID readings collected. Mr. Proctor inserted a field -decontaminated screwdriver directly into the soil sample to Page 13 Peace St Phase II Revised Site Assessment Report create a hole and subsequently inserted the PID probe into the hole to collect a reading directly from the extracted soil. The "Borehole PID" column refers to the reading collected by inserting the PID directly into the top of the borehole after its completion and subsequent to removal of the sampling equipment. Boring No. DPT Refusal? Boring Termination Depth (ft. bls) In -Situ Soil PID Reading Borehole PID (ppm) Comment Laboratory Sample Depth (ft. bls B-1 S No 18' 3.5 @ 5' 0 No Odors or Staining 4.5' — 5.5'* B-2S No 12' 0 0 No Odors or Staining T — 4' B-3S No 20' 0 0 No Odors or Staining T — 4' B-4S Yes @ 14' 14' 0 0 No Odors or Staining T — 4' B-5S No 17' 0 0 No Odors or Staining T — 4' B-6S No 16' 35 @ 5' 20 Heating Oil Odor @ 4' 4.5' — 5.5' B-7S Yes @ 11.5' 11.5' 0 0 No Odors or Staining T — 4' B-8S Yes @ 10' 10, 0 0 No Odors or Stainin T — 4' B-9S No 16' 0 0 No Odors or Stainin T — 4' Ft. bls: feet below land surface ppm: parts per million Duplicate soil and groundwater sample collected at this location Soil samples were collected for laboratory testing from borings at the depths below land surface (bls) noted in the table above. The sample portion from each boring was collected directly from the plastic -lined soil core immediately after the PID readings were collected to minimize VOC loss. Prior to collecting the sample, the soil in the plastic liner was never allowed to contact the ground. The samples were placed directly in laboratory -provided glass sampling jars which were placed in insulated coolers containing ice for sample preservation. Mr. Proctor wore new, disposable nitrile gloves at each sampling location and when collecting samples. The samples were either placed directly into the laboratory bottles by hand or by using laboratory -provided T-samplers for the five -gram samples placed into the VOA bottles. The soil samples were transported under chain -of -custody protocols overnight to Prism Laboratories in Charlotte. Soil samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by Method 8260B, semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by Method 8270, and the eight RCRA metals. A duplicate QA/QC was collected from location B-1 for the same analytical suite. The laboratory was instructed that their detection limits needed to be less than the applicable Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). The soil analytical results are summarized in the attached Table 1 and a copy of the laboratory report is provided in Appendix D. The soil laboratory results are discussed below. Groundwater Sampling Activities After collecting the soil samples, where possible the borings were advanced to the Page 14 Peace St Phase II Revised Site Assessment Report terminal depths noted in the table above such that the extracted soil was saturated, indicating that groundwater had been encountered. New, disposable polyethylene tubing was placed into the GeoProbe boring rods at each location and a peristaltic pump was used to slowly remove a minimum of three volumes of groundwater or until the sample location failed to generate groundwater due to extremely slow recovery. For borings B-1, B-4, B-5, and B-7, temporary PVC wells were constructed due to the very slow recovery of groundwater. At these locations, the groundwater samples were also collected from the temporary wells using new, disposable polyethylene tubing inserted directly into the temporary well and a peristaltic pump. This allowed the GeoProbe rig to move to the next sample location while groundwater recovered in the temporary well. Except for borings B-7 and B-8, groundwater samples were collected and decanted directly into laboratory -provided glassware beginning with two, one -liter bottles for SVOC analysis to remove as much water from the wells as possible to reduce turbidity. This was followed by collecting the samples for VOC analysis into 40 ml HCL-preserved vials and finishing with collection of 250 ml samples into HNO3-preserved plastic bottles for metals analysis. This process resulted in the clearest samples possible for the metals analysis. No groundwater sampling was conducted at boring location B-8 due to boring refusal above the saturated zone. Due to the extremely slow recovery of groundwater at boring B-7, only a partial one -liter bottle and two 40 ml vials could be filled from this location and no sample for metals analysis was collected. A duplicate groundwater sample was collected from location B-1 for the same analytical suite as the other samples. The groundwater samples were transported under chain -of -custody protocols and shipped overnight to Prism Laboratories. The samples were analyzed for VOCs by Method 826013, SVOCs by Method 8270, and the eight RCRA metals, except as noted above. The laboratory was instructed that their analytical procedures' detection limits needed to be less than the NC 2L Groundwater Quality Standards and the IHSB residential VISLs. The groundwater laboratory analytical results are summarized in Table 2 and a copy of the laboratory report is contained in Appendix D. The groundwater laboratory results are discussed below. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Soil Analytical Results As summarized in Table 1, no VOCs in soil were reported in excess of the IHSB Residential, Industrial/Commercial or Protection of Groundwater PSRGs. In five soil samples, B-1 S, B-3S, B-6S, B-9S and the B-1 S duplicate, low levels of SVOCs were detected in excess of Protection of Groundwater PSRGs for the following: 1- methyl naphthalene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(b)pyrene and naphthalene. Also, Page 15 Peace St Phase II Revised Site Assessment Report benzo(b)pyrene was detected above its Residential PSRG in one sample, B-3S. However, no SVOCs were reported above their respective Industrial/Commercial PSRGs. Arsenic was detected in soil samples at concentrations indicative of naturally occurring background levels, but that exceeded one or more of its PSRGs. Groundwater Analytical Results As summarized in Table 2, no VOCs or SVOCs were reported in excess of 2L standards except for sample B-9W that had tetrachloroethylene (PCE) at a concentration of 4.4 ug/L, which exceeds its 2L standard of 0.7 ug/L. B-9W is located just south of the former Rollins Dry Cleaners were a significant release of PCE occurred. In addition, chromium was detected over its 2L standard of 10 ug/L in samples B-2W, 13- 3W and B-6W at concentrations of 71, 18, and 20 ug/L, respectively. The groundwater samples were not field -filtered, and some were turbid, which may account for the elevated chromium. Sincerely, APTUS Management, PLLC GARO��� SEAL a 024199 a John Gallagher, PE Principle Engineer Thomas A. Proctor, P.G., RSM Senior Environmental Geologist Attachments: Figures, Tables, and Appendices Page 16 FIGURES Figure 1 — Site Location Ma Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Raleigh West, Scale: 1:24,000 9 p North Carolina Quadrangle 2013 Peace Street Phase II Site PESPROCTOR Peace Street and Capital Boulevard ENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, North Carolina `1 SERVICES, INC. NCBP Project No. 21008-17-92 • Gentle - Touch Car Wash t UST HISTORIC TOWEL & s - LAUNDRY LOCATION P. �r f r HISTORIC 4 FURNITURE REPAIR LOCATION 5 wood Ta Products c STAINED SOIL Parcel No. Address PIN No. Acreage 1 401 W. Peace St. 1704517934 0.65 2 407 W. Peace St. 1704516902 0.53 3 523 Capital Blvd. 1704517312 0.48 4 506 N. Harrington St. 1704515724 0.48 5 312 W.Jonson St. 1704515652 0.41 6 304 W. Johnson St. 1704516670 0.22 7 517 Capital Blvd. 1704516781 0.40 8 501 N. Dawson St. 1704517632 0.15 —r. ROLLINS' CLEANERS _. 4 1 7 Dollar Fifty Dry Clean FORMER ELECTRONICS SALES & SVC. Fairway and Naegele ' Advertising _-fir HISTORIC DRY ' CLEANERS LOCATION 70 HARRISON'S AUTO SERVICE 4F ---LLL Smith Alignment Notes: 2 Parcel Location and ID # Potential REC Location (see table on page 2 REC description) Figure 2 — Site Plan Source: Wake County Naps, 2016 Scale: 1" = 100' Peace Street Phase II Site f� PROCTOR Peace Street and Capital Boulevard PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, North Carolina %-� SERVICES, INC. NCBP Project No. 21008-17-92 I LEGEND x 4 i I ® PRCP= NT;­OF W-Y_OUTIDUM `r�,. � � � ,a�.ac' s 0025 oe' w I SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION ID # { k and 0- I NCDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY B-2S T ¢ S{pA 0D +kllwx � .1 e S�xSipY w' • 5 a�T'5S N 8�yg• x w \' N U2'3 I' i T.2 I' B-4S I 5 6&3e'S8' E - SQOd _ . 7 f 1.1 g• - N s�R u B-1S iv"ter` t s aas�v3• 96.97• E '� I NCDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY 2Ags TT.3 r JJ + Y ~GRAPHIC SCALE__ Figure 3 — Soil Sample Location Map, March 2, 2018 Source: Withers & Ravenal, Smokey Hollow Take -Off Scale: 1" = 75' Peace Street Phase II Site Peace Street and Capital Boulevard PESPROCTOR ENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, North Carolina �� SERVICES, INC. NCBP Project No. 21008-17-92 � ` f� w s co-so'is r 4 LEGEND �res I r� I se.,a — — I GROUNDWATER SAMPLE LOCATION and ID # is * INDICATES NO WATER SAMPLE COLLECTED- �~ k • _� � f J li f �— - _ � ✓ � 7q I I NCDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY • id ` _ i I — ON N lavp'so' I.� E S 6dl YSS Wmvv ! 023 I' 7 T 2 JN J/ R I � � 15. � � & 8d5]'�3• �F_ a I NCDOT RIGHT-OF-WAY Zags TI3 '�-� J ~GRAPHIC SCALE Figure 4 — Groundwater Sample Location Map, March 2, 2018 Source: Withers & Ravenal, Smokey Hollow Take -Off Scale: 1" = 75' Peace Street Phase II Site Peace Street and Capital Boulevard PESPROCTOR ENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, North Carolina \,,�� SERVICES, INC. NCBP Project No. 21008-17-92 TABLES Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results Peace Street Phase II Site Peace Street, Capital Boulevard, and West Johnson Street Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Brownfield Project Number: 21008-17-92 Sample ID IHSB Residential Basetl IHSB Intlustrial/Commercial Health Basetl PSRG (mg/Kg) protection of Grounchus:r PSRG[sc®r-,,'P-16 (mg/Kg)Sample B-15 B-25 B-35 B-45 B-5S B-6S B-75 B-85 B-95 Dupe -Soil Location SW Corner, Parcel5 Center, Parcel4 NW Corner, Parcel6 S Central, Parcel7 S Central, Parcel2 W Central, Parcel 3 E Central, Parcel3 SW Comer, Parcel 1 SE Corner, Parcel 6Health DePlh (ft bgs)PSRG(mg/Kg) 4.5'-.5' 3'-4' 3'-4' 3'-4' 3'-4' 4.5'-5.5- 3'-4- 3'-4' 3'-4' 4.5'-5.5' VOCs by 8260B Acetone 12,000 100,000 25 0.019 J 0.066 0.023 J <0.0056 <0.0055 0.062 <0.0047 0.024 J <0.0048 <0.0043 1,3,5-Tdmethylbenzene 56 180 11 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 <0.0062 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 Benzene 1.2 5.4 0.01 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 0.0064 <0.0055 <0.0062 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 Bromomethane 1.4 6.4 0.05 <0.0051 0.0024 J <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 <0.0062 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 Chlorobenzene 58 280 0.68 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 <0.0062 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 380 380 0.39 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 0.013 <0.0055 <0.0062 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 Ethylbenzene 6.1 27 13 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.0066 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) NS NS NS <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.031 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 m,p-Xylenee 120 390 9.8 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.0043 J <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) NS 150 NS <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.014 J <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 n-Bulylbenzene 110 110 4.5 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.67 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 n-Propylbenzene 260 260 2.6 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.11 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 o-Xylene 140 430 9.8 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.0065 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 sec-Butlybenzene 150 150 4.1 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.22 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 tert-Butlybenzene 180 180 3.1 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.020 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 Tetrachloroethylene 17 82 0.0063 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 <0.0062 <0.0047 <0.0041 0.19 <0.0043 Toluene 820 820 8.3 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 <0.0062 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 Xylenes, total 120 260 9.9 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.0111 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 Naphthalene 4.1 18 0.39 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 0.076 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 1,2,4-Tdmethylbenzene 6.3 220 1.2 <0.0051 <0.0054 <0.0047 <0.0056 <0.0055 <0.0062 <0.0047 <0.0041 <0.0048 <0.0043 SVOCs by 8270D 1-Methylnaphthalene 18 73 0.11 0.27 J <0.42 <0.40 <0.47 <0.45 0.95 <0.38 <0.39 0.13 J 0.43 2-Methylnaphthalene 48 600 3.1 0.38 J <0.42 <0.40 <0.47 <0.45 1.3 <0.38 <0.39 0.16 J 0.68 Acenaphthene 720 9,000 16 <0.39 <0.42 <0.40 <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 <0.38 <0.40 Anthracene 3,600 45,000 1,300 <0.39 <0.42 0.16 J <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 <0.38 <0.40 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.1 21 0.35 0.10 J <0.42 0.53 <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 0.111 <0.40 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.11 2.1 0.12 <0.39 <0.42 0.43 <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 <0.38 <0.40 Benzo(bduoranthene 1.1 21 1.2 0.22 J <0.42 0.63 <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 0.15 J <0.40 Benzo(g,h,bpeMene NS NS NS <0.39 <0.42 0.27 J <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 <0.38 <0.40 Benzo(k)Ouoranthene 11 210 0.12 <0.39 <0.42 0.25 J <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 <0.38 <0.40 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalale 39 160 14 <0.39 <0.42 <0.40 <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 <0.38 0.29 J Chrysene 110 2100 36 0.16 J <0.42 0.53 <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 0.12 J <0.40 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene NS NS NS <0.39 <0.42 <0.40 <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 <0.38 <0.40 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 380 380 0.39 <0.39 <0.42 <0.40 0.191 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 <0.38 <0.40 Fluomnthene 480 6,000 670 0.19 J <0.42 1.2 0.14 J <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 0.18 J 0.12 J Fluorene 480 6,000 110 <0.39 <0.42 <0.40 <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 <0.38 <0.40 Indeno(1,2,3cd)pyrene 1.1 21 3.9 <0.39 <0.42 0.31 <0.47 <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 <0.38 <0.40 Naphthalene 4.1 18 0.39 0.22 J <0.42 <0.40 <0.47 <0.45 0.40 J <0.38 <0.39 0.13 J 0.25 J Phenanthrene NS NS NS 0.17 J <0.42 0.56 <0.47 <0.45 0.55 <0.38 <0.39 0.19 J 0.16 J Pyrene 360 4,500 440 0.17 J <0.42 0.98 0.13 J <0.45 <0.43 <0.38 <0.39 0.17 J 0.13 J Metals Mercury 2.3 3.1 1.0 0.059 0.012 J 0.058 0.073 0.059 0.27 0.079 0.024 0.23 0.075 Arsenic 0.68 3 5.8 10 0.51 1.3 J 4.9 .6 1.9 1.11 Barium 3100 47,000 580 110 77 85 110 46 59 22 96 97 130 Cadmium 14 20 3 0.3 <0.32 0.076 J 0.16 J <0.34 0.063 J 0.027 J 0.083 J 0.41 0.18 J Chromium NS NS 360,000 29 25 23 25 37 12 8.1 15 17 30 Lead 400 800 270 81 5.2 32 110 11 52 16 32 120 55 Selenium 78 1,200 2.1 1.4 0.75 J 0.86 J 1.1 J 1.2 J 0.93 J 0.56 J 0.92 J 1.2 1.5 Sil- 78 1,200 3.4 0.058 J <0.32 0.034 J 0.094 0.027 J 0.074 J 0.024 J 0.033 J 0.090 J 0.048 J TF%wnoentredonsere in ma. or pensper million(ppm) L- Below Lab-w OuandWlon Limi- No Applicable IHSB PSRG StendeN gs -feet below grund su- ided and Shaded cpncernratl- exceed 9 least one IHSB PSRG Table 2 Groundwater Sample Analytical Results Peace Street Phase II Site Peace Street, Capital Boulevard, and West Johnson Street Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Brownfield Project Number: 21008-17-92 Sample ID North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standard (ug/L) BAW B-2W B-3W B-4W B-5W B-6W B-7W B-8W B-9W Dupe-Water(B-1W) Location SE Corner, Parcel 6 SW Corner, Parcel 5 Center, Parcel 4 NW Corner, Parcel 6 S Central, Parcel 7 S Central, Parcel 2 W Central, Parcel 3 E Central, Parcel 3 SW Corner, Parcel 1 SE Corner, Parcel 6 ample Depth(ft bgs) 13'-18' 7'-11' 16'-20' 9'-14' 12'-17' 16'-20' 7.5'-11.5' Refusal at 10' 16'-20' 13'-18' VOCs by 8260B Acetone 6,000 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 19 <5.0 <5.0 14 NS <5.0 <5.0 Tetmchloroethylene 0.7 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 NS 4.4 <0.50 SVOCs by 8270D Diethyl phthalate 67000 <10 <10 <10 12 <11 <10 <22 NS <10 <10 Metals Mercury 1 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 NS NS <0.20 <0.20 Arsenic 10 0.38 J 0.86 J 0.82 J 0.55 J 0.36 J 0.85 J NS NS 0.19 J 0.35 J Barium 700 78 180 140 110 65 210 NS NS 43 78 Cadmium 2 0.151 <1.0 <1.0 0.12 J <1.0 <1.0 NS NS <1.0 0.14 J Chromium 10 1.9 3.4 1.7 NS NS 2.6 1.6 Lead 15 7.1 4.5 1.5 4.1 0.35 J 5.6 NS NS 0.18 J 6.3 Selenium 20 <5.0 0.70 J <5.0 <5.0 2.8 J 0.63 J NS NS 1.4 J <5.0 Silver 20 0.12 J 0.076 J 0.064 J 0.080 J TW4 J 0.075 J NS NS <5.0 0.10 J NOTES' All concentrations are in ug/L a parts per billion (ppb) SQL - Below Laboratory Quwtitation Limit NS - No Applicable IHSB PSRG Standard ft bgs - feet below ground surface Bold,d and Shaded concentrations eaoeeE NC Groundwater Quality Standard APPENDICES APPENDIX A SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Photolog of Phase I ESA Activities Peace Street Phase II Site Raleigh, North Carolina 1 #1— Sample Location B-1 1 #2 - Sample Location B-2 #3 - Sample Location B-3 #4 - Sample Location B-4 I #5 - Sample Location B-5 I #6 - Sample Location B-6 March 2, 2018 Page 1 n PES Photolog of Phase I ESA Activities Peace Street Phase II Site Raleigh, North Carolina 1 #7 - Sample Location B-7 1 #8 - Sample Location B-8 1 #9 - Sample Location B-9 1 #10 — Typical Site Soils (B-9) March 2, 2018 Page 2 1 #11— Typical Site Soils (B-S) 1 #12 - Typical Site Soils (B-6) I n PES APPENDIX B REC and SAMPLE LOCATION MAP, FIELD NOTES AND PID CERTIFICATION O /441 "P A ;11 1 m rWA L e- 5�26 �3 rn Ile C 3, 14 13 l �} 3 17.,fi q� 113 *I elL NOW" CLCj Calibrated at Geotech's N Carolina service center 2517 Noblin Road, Suite 103 geotechRaleigh, NC 27604 (800)293-5325 Fax: (919)878-1269 MiniRae 3000 Calibration Certificate Unit Number: 4337 Serial Number: 592-912339 0 Cleaned PID and Case 0 Visually inspect for damage and missing part ❑d Manual is in case. ❑d Unit display is showing fully charged Raw Readings 10A Zero 58693 Span 40755 Delta 17938 I- rCalibration Calibration Zero 0 ppm Span 100 ppm Pass Pass Pass Reading Variance 0 ppm 0.00% 100 ppm 0.00% Pass Pass Lamp Type ❑d 10.6eV ❑ 11.7eV Calibration Gas Nitrogen Isobutylene Calibration Date 2/27/2018 Technician: Brandon Hurley Charger (V) Spare Battery (V) Lamp Serial # Sensor Serial # Pump Flow (ml/min) Gas Lot # 132-400806556-1 17-5966 12.06 Pass 4.13 Pass 2R116017 23030181R4 475 Pass Exp. Date 8/20 Pass Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. takes pride in ensuring this instrument is tested to function as specified by the manufacturer and was calibrated in accordance to manufacturer specifications. All calibration standards used are NIST traceable. With the provided lot numbers we can provide NIST documents on request. Call us at (800) 833-7958 and we will be glad to help. APPENDIX C BORING LOGS AND TEMPORARY WELL CONSTRUTION DETAILS 9--1 LOG OF BORING: B-6 PROCTOR 5113 YachtsmanCt PES' ENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Peace St. Phase H LSA Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 12 Project Number: R188 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): 16 - 20 Date Started: 3/2/2018 Driller: Larry Opper Approx. DTW (11): 12 Date Completed: 3/2/2018 Monitoring E ui ment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor � E o Sampling a Q L SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors E w 0 1 1 0 Reddish brown orange CLAY. Heating oil odors from soil at around 4 0 feet bls. Soil sample from 4 to 6 feet with highest PID 5 1 I I ' I 5 35 I i 1 i 5 12 1 I 14 1 Grey to Grey Black SAND, saturated at about 12 to 14 feet BLS. Probe s driven to 20' his and screened from 16 - 20'. Sampled through rods with 10 peristaltic pump. ; 6 1 I 10 i ; 10 6 1 I 1 1 5 1 1 t I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I i 1 1- 1 15 1 ; I I I I 1 --- - 1 ; I 1 1 I I 15 20 I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 - __- 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 20 25 1 1 1 1 1 I i I I I I I I I 1 i 1 I I I 1 1 i I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 25 30 Boring Terminated at 12 ft. DPT well screen pushed to 20' bis TD = 20 ft. 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million V Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory r_' LOG OF BORING: B-3 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Peace St. Phase II LSA Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 20 Project Number: R188 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): 14 -18 Date Started: 312/2018 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): 15 Date Completed: 3/2/2018 Monitorin E ui ment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor o � a Sampling a n. L SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors E 0 0 i 0 i ° Brownish Black Clayey SAND. No odors or staining noted. 0 5 i i 5 0 0 0 0 ° Grey Stiff Clay, Saturated at about 12 to 14 feet BLS. Sampled through l0 0 rods with peristaltic pump. 10 0 ' 0 ° � 1 15 0 15 0 � i 0 0 20 i i --- t i 20 25 i i 25 30 Boring Terminated at 12 ft. DPT well screen pushed to 20' bls TD = 20 ft. 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million V Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory n LOG OF BORING: B-2 PROCTOR 5113 YachtsmanCt PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC27615 ' ., SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Peace St. Phase II LSA Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (11): 12 Project Number: R188 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): 8' -12' Date Started: 3/2/2018 Driller: Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): 8 Date Completed: 3/2/2018 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor ing SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w IntervallOdors o I 1 0 1 I 0 Q ' Orange Brown Clayey SAND to Sandy CLAY. No odors or staining I 1 1 o noted. I 1 ' 5 I 5 ° 1 I 1 1 ° 1 1 I 1 1 I ° t I 1 I I I � 0 1 1 Grey Clayey Sand, Saturated at about 8 to 10 feet BLS. Probe driven to -- 10 ° 12' his and screened from 8 - 12'. Sampled through rods with peristaltic -- 1 10 ° pump. ' o I I I I I 1 I 1 o 1 I I 1 1 1 ° I 1 15 15 o I 1 1 1 0 I 1 o I I I 1 1 1 20 I I 1 1 1 1 I I 1 i 1 1 1 I I 1 20 25 I 1 1 f 1 I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 t 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 25 30 Boring Terminated at 12 ft. DPT well screen pushed to 12' his TD =12 ft. 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million T Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory LOG OF BORING: B-9 T;tn PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct SENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Peace St. Phase II LSA DrillingBoring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 20 Project Number: R188 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): 16 - 20 Date Started: 3/2/2018 Driller: Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): 15 Date Completed: 3/2/2018 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor � g � Sampling a a L SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details .0w Interval, Odors A 8 °Q w 0 o Orange Brown to Grey Sandy CLAY. No odors or staining noted. o 0 5 0 5 0 ' 0 ' o Orange Brown CLAY ' o 0 10 10 0 ' 0 ' 0 o Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) 15 ' -- '-- 15 20 -- 20 25 ; ; 25 30 Boring Terminated at 17 ft. bls and DPT screen set at 16 to 20' bls. TD = 20 ft. 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million T Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Samphng The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory n LOG OF BORING: B-7 5113 Yachtsman Ct PESPROCTOR ENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC27615 `,J SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Peace St. Phase H LSA Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 11.5 Project Number: R188 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): 11.5 Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (11): 7.5 -11.5 Date Started: 3/2/2018 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): 11 Date Completed: 3/2/2018 Monitoring E ui mcm: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor Samo o SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w IntervallOdors A E 0 w a, z a 0 Orange Brown to Grey CLAY. No odors or staining noted. 0 o ' 5 5 0 0 Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) to Refusal at 11.5' bls. Temp well set at ; -- 0 11.5 with only several inches of water. Collected 2 40-m1 VOA bottles and -- 0 about 200 ml into 1L SVOC bottle before well went dry. 0 10 -- 10 0 Lv 0 15 15 20 20 25 ; ; 25 30 Boring Terminated at 11.5 ft. Temp well set from 6.5' to 11.5' TD =11.5 ft. 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million T Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory ell°" LOG OF BORING: B-4 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct PES ENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page:1 of 1 Site Name: Peace St. Phase II Site Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 14 Project Number: R188 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): 14 Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (11): 9' -14' Date Started: 3/2/2018 Driller: Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): 12 Date Completed: 3/2/2018 Monitoring Equipment. PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor Sampling a c L SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors S �° w rg 0 0 Orange Brown to Grey CLAY. No odors or staining noted. 0 0 5 i i 5 0 0 ' Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) to. Refusal at 14' bls. Temp well set at 0 14'. Collected 3 40-ml VOA bottles and about 200 ml into 1L SVOC bottle 0 before well went dry. ; --- o 10 --- 10 0 0 15 ; ; 15 20 20 25 i i 25 30 Boring Terminated at 14 ft. Temp well set from 9 to 14 feet bls. TD =14 ft 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million V Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory r'-' LOG OF BORING: B-8 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page:1 of 1 Site Name: Peace St. Phase I1 Site Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): AR at 10' Project Number: R188 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/2/2018 Driller: Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): None Date Completed: 3/2/2018 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor ing SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details .0 w IntervallOdors 0 aDark Orange Brown CLAY. No odors or staining noted. 0 0 ' 5 5 0 ' i ' r 0 Brown to tannish brown coarse sandy Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) 0 to Refusal at 10' bls. No well set and no water encountered. o ' o 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 Boring Terminated at 10 ft.on PWR TD =10 ft 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million V Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory n. LOG OF BORING: B-5 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 `�,, SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Peace St. Phase II LSA Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 17 Project Number: R188 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): 17 Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): 12' -17' Date Started: 3/2/2018 Driller: Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): 13 Date Completed: 3/2/2018 Monitorin E ui ment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor � o ing SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w w IntervallOdors 0 0 0 0 0 5 i i 5 0 0 0 ' Orange Brown CLAY to 16'. No odors or staining noted. Saturated at o about 13' bls. Temp well set at 17' bls. 10 o ; 10 0 0 0 --- 0 o 1s --- 15 0 , 20 20 25 ; 25 30 Boring Terminated at 17 ft. Temp well set from 12 to 17' b(s. TD =17 ft. 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches NIA - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per milhon V Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory ^' LOG OF BORING: B-1 PROCTOR 5113 YachtsmanCt PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 2761E SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Peace St. Phase II Site Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 18 Project Number: R188 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (11): 18 Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (11): 13' -18' Date Started: 3/2/2018 Driller: Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): 15 Date Completed: 3/2/2018 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff. Tom Proctor SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w w IntSampling 0 0 i i Stone and Fill Material 0 0 ' ' 35 5 i i 5 40 t 0.5 ' 0.5 Reddish Brown Orange Clay Material. No odors or staining noted. PWR encountered at about 16' his. Moist soil encountered at about 14 feet BLS. Duplicate soil and 0 groundwater samples collected from this location. 0 10 i 10 0 0 15 Partially Weathered Rock. Temp well screen set from 13 to 18 feet his ; -- 15 20 20 25 i i 25 30 Boring Terminated at 18 ft his and tempi well set with five feet screen. TD =18 ft. 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches NIA - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million V Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory APPENDIX D LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT Case Narrative PRISM Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions `,. LABORATORIES, INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 NC Certification No. 402 NC Drinking Water Cent No. 37735 SC Certification No. 99012 Project: Peace St. Site Lab Submittal Date: 03/06/2018 Prism Work Order: 8030081 03/20/2018 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Sample Results and Chain of Custody. Unless otherwise noted, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed according to the referenced methods. Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report. Respectfully, PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. a,j Angela D. Overcash VP Laboratory Services Reviewed By Terri W. Cole For Angela D. Overcash Project Manager Data Qualifiers Key Reference: CCV CCV result is above the control limits. Analyte not detected in the sample. No further action taken. D RPD value outside of the control limits. J Detected but below the Reporting Limit; therefore, result is an estimated concentration (CLP J-Flag). M Matrix spike outside of the control limits. MC Sample concentration too high for recovery evaluation. BRL Below Reporting Limit MDL Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference * Results reported to the reporting limit. All other results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit indicated with a J. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Pagel of 126 /P R I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Sample Receipt Summary 03/20/2018 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received B-7W 8030081-01 Water 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-8S 8030081-02 Solid 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-5W 8030081-03 Water 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-5S 8030081-04 Solid 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-4W 8030081-05 Water 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-4S 8030081-06 Solid 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-1W 8030081-07 Water 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-1S 8030081-08 Solid 03/02/18 03/06/18 Dupe-W 8030081-09 Water 03/02/18 03/06/18 Dupe-S 8030081-10 Solid 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-6S 8030081-11 Solid 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-6W 8030081-12 Water 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-3S 8030081-13 Solid 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-3W 8030081-14 Water 03/02/18 03/06/18 13-2S 8030081-15 Solid 03/02/18 03/06/18 13-2W 8030081-16 Water 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-9S 8030081-17 Solid 03/02/18 03/06/18 13-9W 8030081-18 Water 03/02/18 03/06/18 B-7S 8030081-19 Solid 03/02/18 03/06/18 Samples were received in good condition at 4.1 degrees C unless otherwise noted. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 2 of 126 A&P R I S M Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions 1LABORATORIES, INC. Summary of Detections 03/20/2018 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Prism ID Client ID Parameter Method Result Units 8030081-01 B-7W Acetone 8260E 14 ug/L 8030081-02 B-8S Mercury 7471B 0.024 mg/kg dry 8030081-02 B-8S Arsenic 6020B 1.4 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-02 B-8S Barium 6020B 96 mg/kg dry 8030081-02 B-8S Cadmium 6020E 0.083 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-02 B-8S Chromium 6020E 15 mg/kg dry 8030081-02 B-8S Lead 6020B 32 mg/kg dry 8030081-02 B-8S Selenium 6020E 0.92 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-02 B-8S Silver 6020E 0.033 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-02 B-8S Acetone 8260E 0.024 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-03 B-5W Arsenic 6020B 0.36 1 ug/L 8030081-03 B-5W Barium 6020E 65 ug/L 8030081-03 B-5W Chromium 6020E 1.7 ug/L 8030081-03 B-5W Lead 6020B 0.35 J ug/L 8030081-03 B-5W Selenium 6020E 2.8 1 ug/L 8030081-03 B-5W Silver 6020E 0.094 1 ug/L 8030081-04 B-5S Mercury 7471B 0.059 mg/kg dry 8030081-04 B-5S Arsenic 6020B 2.6 mg/kg dry 8030081-04 B-5S Barium 6020E 46 mg/kg dry 8030081-04 B-5S Chromium 6020E 37 mg/kg dry 8030081-04 B-5S Lead 6020B 11 mg/kg dry 8030081-04 B-5S Selenium 6020E 1.2 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-04 B-5S Silver 6020E 0.027 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-05 B-4W Diethyl phthalate 8270D 12 ug/L 8030081-05 B-4W Arsenic 6020E 0.55 .1 ug/L 8030081-05 B-4W Barium 6020B 110 ug/L 8030081-05 B-4W Cadmium 6020B 0.12 1 ug/L 8030081-05 B-4W Chromium 6020B 3.4 ug/L 8030081-05 B-4W Lead 6020E 4.1 ug/L 8030081-05 B-4W Silver 6020E 0.080 1 ug/L 8030081-05 B-4W Acetone 8260B 19 ug/L 8030081-06 B-4S 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 8270D 0.19 J mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Fluoranthene 8270D 0.14 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Pyrene 8270D 0.13 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Mercury 7471B 0.073 mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Arsenic 6020E 4.9 mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Barium 6020E 110 mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Cadmium 6020B 0.16 J mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Chromium 6020E 25 mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Lead 6020E 110 mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Selenium 6020B 1.1 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Silver 6020B 0.094 J mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 8260E 0.013 mg/kg dry 8030081-06 B-4S Benzene 8260E 0.0064 mg/kg dry This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 3 of 126 ,/AGIR R I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, ING Summary of Detections 03/20/2018 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Prism ID Client ID Parameter Method Result Units 8030081-06 B-4S Chlorobenzene 8260E 0.0056 mg/kg dry 8030081-07 B-1W Arsenic 6020E 0.38 1 ug/L 8030081-07 B-1W Barium 6020E 78 ug/L 8030081-07 B-1W Cadmium 6020E 0.15 1 ug/L 8030081-07 B-1W Chromium 6020E 1.9 ug/L 8030081-07 B-1W Lead 6020B 7.1 ug/L 8030081-07 B-1W Silver 6020E 0.12 J ug/L 8030081-08 B-1S 1-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 0.27 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 0.38 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Benzo(a)anthracene 8270D 0.10 J mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8270D 0.22 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Chrysene 8270D 0.16 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Fluoranthene 8270D 0.19 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Naphthalene 8270D 0.22 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Phenanthrene 8270D 0.17 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Pyrene 8270D 0.17 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Mercury 7471E 0.059 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Arsenic 6020B 10 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Barium 6020B 110 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Cadmium 6020B 0.30 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Chromium 6020E 29 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Lead 6020E 81 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Selenium 6020B 1.4 mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Silver 6020E 0.058 J mg/kg dry 8030081-08 B-1S Acetone 8260E 0.019 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-09 Dupe-W Arsenic 6020B 0.35 1 ug/L 8030081-09 Dupe-W Barium 6020B 78 ug/L 8030081-09 Dupe-W Cadmium 6020E 0.14 1 ug/L 8030081-09 Dupe-W Chromium 6020E 1.6 ug/L 8030081-09 Dupe-W Lead 6020B 6.3 ug/L 8030081-09 Dupe-W Silver 6020E 0.10 1 ug/L 8030081-10 Dupe-S 1-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 0.43 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 0.68 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Bis(2- Ethyl hexyl)phthalate 8270D 0.29 .1 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Fluoranthene 8270D 0.12 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Naphthalene 8270D 0.25 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Phenanthrene 8270D 0.16 J mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Pyrene 8270D 0.13 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Mercury 7471E 0.075 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Arsenic 6020B 2.9 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Barium 6020B 130 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Cadmium 6020B 0.18 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Chromium 6020E 30 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Lead 6020B 55 mg/kg dry 8030081-10 Dupe-S Selenium 6020E 1.5 mg/kg dry This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 4 of 126 ,/AGIR R I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, ING Summary of Detections 03/20/2018 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Prism ID Client ID Parameter Method Result Units 8030081-10 Dupe-S Silver 6020E 0.048 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S 1-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 0.95 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 1.3 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Naphthalene 8270D 0.40 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Phenanthrene 8270D 0.55 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Mercury 7471B 0.27 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Arsenic 6020E 1.9 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Barium 6020E 59 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Cadmium 6020B 0.063 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Chromium 6020B 12 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Lead 6020E 52 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Selenium 6020E 0.93 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Silver 6020B 0.074 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Acetone 8260E 0.062 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Ethylbenzene 8260E 0.0066 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Isopropyl benzene (Cumene) 8260B 0.031 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S m,p-Xylenes 8260B 0.0043 J mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 8260B 0.014 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Naphthalene 8260B 0.076 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S n-Propylbenzene 8260B 0.11 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S o-Xylene 8260E 0.0065 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S sec -Butyl benzene 8260E 0.22 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S tert-Butylbenzene 8260B 0.020 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S Xylenes, total 8260E 0.011 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-11 B-6S n-Butylbenzene 8260E 0.67 mg/kg dry 8030081-12 B-6W Arsenic 6020B 0.85 1 ug/L 8030081-12 B-6W Barium 6020B 210 ug/L 8030081-12 B-6W Chromium 6020E 20 ug/L 8030081-12 B-6W Lead 6020E 5.6 ug/L 8030081-12 B-6W Selenium 6020B 0.63 J ug/L 8030081-12 B-6W Silver 6020E 0.075 1 ug/L 8030081-13 B-3S Anthracene 8270D 0.16 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Benzo(a)anthracene 8270D 0.53 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Benzo(a)pyrene 8270D 0.43 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8270D 0.63 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 8270D 0.27 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Benzo(k)fluoranthene 8270D 0.25 J mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Chrysene 8270D 0.53 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Fluoranthene 8270D 1.2 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 8270D 0.31 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Phenanthrene 8270D 0.56 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Pyrene 8270D 0.98 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Mercury 7471E 0.058 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Arsenic 6020B 1.3 J mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Barium 6020E 85 mg/kg dry This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 5 of 126 ,/AGIR R I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, ING Summary of Detections 03/20/2018 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Prism ID Client ID Parameter Method Result Units 8030081-13 B-3S Cadmium 6020E 0.076 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Chromium 6020B 23 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Lead 6020B 32 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Selenium 6020E 0.86 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Silver 6020E 0.034 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-13 B-3S Acetone 8260B 0.023 J mg/kg dry 8030081-14 B-3W Arsenic 6020E 0.82 1 ug/L 8030081-14 B-3W Barium 6020E 140 ug/L 8030081-14 B-3W Chromium 6020B 18 ug/L 8030081-14 B-3W Lead 6020E 1.5 ug/L 8030081-14 B-3W Silver 6020E 0.064 1 ug/L 8030081-15 B-2S Mercury 7471E 0.012 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-15 B-2S Arsenic 6020B 0.51 J mg/kg dry 8030081-15 B-2S Barium 6020E 77 mg/kg dry 8030081-15 B-2S Chromium 6020E 25 mg/kg dry 8030081-15 B-2S Lead 6020B 5.2 mg/kg dry 8030081-15 B-2S Selenium 6020E 0.75 .1 mg/kg dry 8030081-15 B-2S Acetone 8260B 0.066 mg/kg dry 8030081-15 B-2S Bromomethane 8260B 0.0024 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-16 B-2W Arsenic 6020B 0.86 J ug/L 8030081-16 B-2W Barium 6020E 180 ug/L 8030081-16 B-2W Chromium 6020E 71 ug/L 8030081-16 B-2W Lead 6020B 4.5 ug/L 8030081-16 B-2W Selenium 6020E 0.70 J ug/L 8030081-16 B-2W Silver 6020E 0.076 1 ug/L 8030081-17 B-9S 1-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 0.13 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 0.16 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Benzo(a)anthracene 8270D 0.11 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8270D 0.15 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Chrysene 8270D 0.12 J mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Fluoranthene 8270D 0.18 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Naphthalene 8270D 0.13 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Phenanthrene 8270D 0.19 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Pyrene 8270D 0.17 J mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Mercury 7471E 0.23 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Arsenic 6020E 2.1 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Barium 6020B 97 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Cadmium 6020E 0.41 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Chromium 6020E 17 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Lead 6020B 120 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Selenium 6020B 1.2 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Silver 6020B 0.090 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-17 B-9S Tetrachloroethylene 8260B 0.19 mg/kg dry 8030081-18 B-9W Arsenic 6020B 0.19 1 ug/L 8030081-18 B-9W Barium 6020E 43 ug/L This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 6 of 126 ,/AGIR R I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, ING Summary of Detections 03/20/2018 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Prism ID Client ID Parameter Method Result Units 8030081-18 B-9W Chromium 6020E 2.6 ug/L 8030081-18 B-9W Lead 6020E 0.18 1 ug/L 8030081-18 B-9W Selenium 6020B 1.4 1 ug/L 8030081-18 B-9W Tetrachloroethylene 8260E 4.4 ug/L 8030081-19 B-7S Mercury 7471E 0.079 mg/kg dry 8030081-19 B-7S Arsenic 6020B 1.1 J mg/kg dry 8030081-19 B-7S Barium 6020E 22 mg/kg dry 8030081-19 B-7S Cadmium 6020E 0.027 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-19 B-7S Chromium 6020B 8.1 mg/kg dry 8030081-19 B-7S Lead 6020E 16 mg/kg dry 8030081-19 B-7S Selenium 6020E 0.56 1 mg/kg dry 8030081-19 B-7S Silver 6020E 0.024 1 mg/kg dry This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 7 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-7W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-01 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 22 3.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 22 3.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 22 4.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 22 3.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 22 5.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 22 3.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 22 4.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 22 5.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 22 7.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 22 6.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 22 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 22 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 22 6.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 22 4.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 22 5.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 22 4.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 22 3.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 22 5.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 22 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 22 3.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 22 3.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 22 3.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 22 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 22 5.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 22 5.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 22 2.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 22 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 22 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 22 4.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 22 4.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Aniline BRL ug/L 22 5.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Anthracene BRL ug/L 22 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 22 4.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 22 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 22 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 22 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 22 3.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 22 3.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 220 10 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 22 4.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 22 5.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 22 5.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 8 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-7W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-01 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 22 4.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL ug/L 22 2.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 22 3.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Chrysene BRL ug/L 22 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 22 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 22 3.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 22 7.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 22 3.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 22 3.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 22 2.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 22 3.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Fluorene BRL ug/L 22 3.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 22 2.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 22 4.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 22 3.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 22 3.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 22 8.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Isophorone BRL ug/L 22 5.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 22 5.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 22 5.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 22 4.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 22 2.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 22 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 22 3.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Phenol BRL ug/L 22 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Pyrene BRL ug/L 22 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 16:31 JMV P8C0109 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 82 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 72 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 55 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 59 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 45 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 89 % 50-134 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 9 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Water Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: B-7W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-01 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Acetone 14 ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Bromochloromethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 10 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-7W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-01 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:31 KDM P8CO254 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 99 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 80 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 11 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-8S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-02 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 12:40 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 84.1 % by 0.100 0.100 1 SM2540 G 3/6/18 16:00 BJC P8C0100 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.076 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.074 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.076 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.077 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.042 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.045 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.043 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.033 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 12 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: 13-8S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-02 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 12:40 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.070 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.070 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.045 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 19:08 JMV P8C0166 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 54 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 53 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 51 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 43 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 51 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 59 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.024 mg/kg dry 0.023 0.0022 1 7471B 3/12/18 11:37 JAB P8C0170 Arsenic 1.4 J mg/kg dry 1.8 0.16 10 6020B 3/12/18 19:56 PJF P8C0113 Barium 96 mg/kg dry 12 0.072 10 6020B 3/12/18 19:56 PJF P8C0113 Cadmium 0.083 J mg/kg dry 0.30 0.022 10 6020B 3/12/18 19:56 PJF P8C0113 Chromium 15 mg/kg dry 0.59 0.033 10 6020B 3/12/18 19:56 PJF P8C0113 Lead 32 mg/kg dry 0.30 0.067 10 6020B 3/12/18 19:56 PJF P8C0113 Selenium 0.92 J mg/kg dry 1.2 0.24 10 6020B 3/12/18 19:56 PJF P8C0113 Silver 0.033 J mg/kg dry 0.30 0.022 10 6020B 3/12/18 19:56 PJF P8C0113 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 13 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: B-8S Prism Sample ID: 8030081-02 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 12:40 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00011 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00052 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Acetone 0.024 J mg/kg dry 0.041 0.00099 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0024 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00034 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00046 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0081 0.00050 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0081 0.00034 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00014 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.0081 0.00038 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.041 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 14 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-8S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-02 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 12:40 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.081 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.041 0.00035 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0081 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0081 0.00013 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0081 0.00013 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00014 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.020 0.00056 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0041 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.012 0.00076 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:07 ANG P8C0183 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 108 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 102 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 108 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 15 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-5W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-03 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 13:25 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 11 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 11 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 11 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 11 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 11 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 11 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 11 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 11 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 11 3.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 11 2.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 11 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 11 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 11 2.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 11 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 11 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 11 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 11 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 11 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 11 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 11 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 11 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 11 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 11 1.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 11 0.65 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 11 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 11 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Aniline BRL ug/L 11 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Anthracene BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 11 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 11 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 110 5.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 11 2.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 11 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 11 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 16 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-5W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-03 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 13:25 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 11 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthaIate BRL ug/L 11 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Chrysene BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 11 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 11 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 11 3.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 11 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 11 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 11 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Fluorene BRL ug/L 11 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 11 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 11 2.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 11 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 11 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 11 4.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Isophorone BRL ug/L 11 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 11 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 11 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 11 2.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 11 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 11 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 11 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Phenol BRL ug/L 11 1.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Pyrene BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 17:40 JMV P8C0109 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 74 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 72 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 46 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 68 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 29 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 81 % 50-134 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 7470A 3/8/18 12:46 JAB P8C0117 Arsenic 0.36 J ug/L 1.0 0.031 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:34 PJF PBC0193 Barium 65 ug/L 5.0 0.97 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:34 PJF P8C0193 Cadmium BRL ug/L 1.0 0.078 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:34 PJF P8C0193 Chromium 1.7 ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:34 PJF P8C0193 Lead 0.35 J ug/L 1.0 0.093 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:34 PJF P8C0193 Selenium 2.8 J ug/L 5.0 0.63 1 6020B 3114/18 14:34 PJF P8C0193 Silver 0.094 J ug/L 5.0 0.063 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:34 PJF P8C0193 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 17 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-5W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-03 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 13:25 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Bromochloromethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 18 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-5W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-03 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 13:25 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/15/18 17:57 KDM P8CO254 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 102 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 83 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 19 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-5S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-04 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 13:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 73.6 % by 0.100 0.100 1 SM2540 G 3/6/18 16:00 BJC P8C0100 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.070 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.086 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.084 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.087 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.072 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.082 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.089 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.077 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.072 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.038 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.078 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.077 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 20 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-5S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-04 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 13:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.081 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.080 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.075 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.072 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:26 JMV P8C0166 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 60 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 54 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 54 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 45 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 55 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 66 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.059 mg/kg dry 0.026 0.0025 1 7471B 3/12/18 11:42 JAB P8C0170 Arsenic 2.6 mg/kg dry 2.0 0.18 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:20 PJF P8C0113 Barium 46 mg/kg dry 14 0.083 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:20 PJF P8C0113 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.34 0.026 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:20 PJF P8C0113 Chromium 37 mg/kg dry 0.68 0.038 10 6020B 3112/18 20:20 PJF P8C0113 Lead 11 mg/kg dry 0.34 0.077 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:20 PJF P8C0113 Selenium 1.2 J mg/kg dry 1.4 0.28 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:20 PJF P8C0113 Silver 0.027 J mg/kg dry 0.34 0.026 10 6020B 3112/18 20:20 PJF P8C0113 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00045 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 21 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: B-5S Prism Sample ID: 8030081-04 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 13:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00049 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00070 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00041 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00042 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00034 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00042 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.055 0.0013 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0033 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00046 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00063 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00068 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00046 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00051 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.055 0.00050 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 22 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-5S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-04 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 13:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.11 0.00050 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.055 0.00047 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.028 0.00076 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.017 0.0010 1 8260B 3/12/18 14:35 ANG P8C0183 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 106 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 102 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 106 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 23 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-4W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-05 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 12 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 12 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 12 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 12 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 12 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 12 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 12 2.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 12 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 12 4.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 12 3.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 12 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 12 3.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 12 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 12 3.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 12 2.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 12 3.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 12 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 12 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 12 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 12 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 12 3.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 12 3.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 12 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 12 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 12 0.75 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 12 2.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 12 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Aniline BRL ug/L 12 3.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Anthracene BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 12 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 12 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 12 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 120 5.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 12 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 12 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 12 2.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 24 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-4W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-05 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 12 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL ug/L 12 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 12 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Chrysene BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 12 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 12 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Diethyl phthalate 12 ug/L 12 4.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 12 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 12 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 12 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Fluorene BRL ug/L 12 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 12 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 12 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 12 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 12 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 12 4.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Isophorone BRL ug/L 12 3.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 12 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 12 3.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 12 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 12 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 12 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Phenol BRL ug/L 12 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Pyrene BRL ug/L 12 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:02 JMV P8C0109 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 83 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 74 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 53 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 63 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 36 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 86 % 50-134 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 7470A 3/8/18 12:57 JAB P8C0117 Arsenic 0.55 J ug/L 1.0 0.031 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:58 PJF P8C0193 Barium 110 ug/L 5.0 0.97 1 6020B 3114/18 14:58 PJF P8C0193 Cadmium 0.12 J ug/L 1.0 0.078 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:58 PJF P8C0193 Chromium 3.4 ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:58 PJF P8C0193 Lead 4.1 ug/L 1.0 0.093 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:58 PJF P8C0193 Selenium BRL ug/L 5.0 0.63 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:58 PJF P8C0193 Silver 0.080 J ug/L 5.0 0.063 1 6020B 3/14/18 14:58 PJF P8C0193 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 25 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-4W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-05 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Acetone 19 ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Bromochloromethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 26 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-4W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-05 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:22 KDM P8CO254 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 91 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 102 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 80 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 27 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-4S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-06 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 70.3 % by 0.100 0.100 1 SM2540 G 3/6/18 16:00 BJC P8C0100 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.073 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.19 J mg/kg dry 0.47 0.071 1 8270D 3112/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.090 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.088 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.091 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.072 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.075 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.085 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.093 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.081 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.072 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.076 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.040 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.081 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.080 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.070 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 28 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-4S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-06 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Fluoranthene 0.14 J mg/kg dry 0.47 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.074 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.084 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.084 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.079 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.075 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.074 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.47 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Pyrene 0.13 J mg/kg dry 0.47 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:22 JMV P8C0166 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 65 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 64 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 67 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 56 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 63 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 70 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.073 mg/kg dry 0.028 0.0027 1 7471B 3112/18 11:46 JAB P8C0170 Arsenic 4.9 mg/kg dry 2.1 0.19 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:28 PJF P8C0113 Barium 110 mg/kg dry 14 0.087 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:28 PJF P8C0113 Cadmium 0.16 J mg/kg dry 0.36 0.027 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:28 PJF P8C0113 Chromium 25 mg/kg dry 0.71 0.040 10 6020B 3112/18 20:28 PJF P8C0113 Lead 110 mg/kg dry 0.36 0.081 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:28 PJF P8C0113 Selenium 1.1 J mg/kg dry 1.4 0.29 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:28 PJF P8C0113 Silver 0.094 J mg/kg dry 0.36 0.027 10 6020B 3112/18 20:28 PJF P8C0113 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00046 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 29 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: B-4S Prism Sample ID: 8030081-06 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00038 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00049 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00071 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00041 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00043 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.013 mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00035 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00042 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 II A-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.056 0.0014 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Benzene 0.0064 mg/kg dry 0.0033 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00046 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00063 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00069 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Chlorobenzene 0.0056 mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00046 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00051 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.056 0.00050 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 30 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-4S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-06 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.11 0.00050 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.056 0.00047 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00034 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.028 0.00076 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0056 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.017 0.0010 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:50 ANG P8C0183 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 105 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 106 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 107 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 31 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-1 W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-07 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 15:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 10 3.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 0.94 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 0.61 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Aniline BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 100 4.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 32 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-1 W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-07 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 15:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthaIate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Chrysene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Fluorene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 3.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Isophorone BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Phenol BRL ug/L 10 0.99 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 18:25 JMV P8C0109 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 79 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 79 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 52 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 75 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 33 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 86 % 50-134 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 7470A 3/8/18 13:01 JAB P8C0117 Arsenic 0.38 J ug/L 1.0 0.031 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:05 PJF PBC0193 Barium 78 ug/L 5.0 0.97 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:05 PJF P8C0193 Cadmium 0.15 J ug/L 1.0 0.078 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:05 PJF P8C0193 Chromium 1.9 ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 6020B 3114/18 15:05 PJF P8C0193 Lead 7.1 ug/L 1.0 0.093 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:05 PJF P8C0193 Selenium BRL ug/L 5.0 0.63 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:05 PJF P8C0193 Silver 0.12 J ug/L 5.0 0.063 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:05 PJF P8C0193 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 33 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-1 W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-07 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 15:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Bromochloromethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 34 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-1 W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-07 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 15:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/15/18 18:48 KDM P8CO254 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 89 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 97 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 79 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 35 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-1S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-08 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 84.3 % by 0.100 0.100 1 SM2540 G 3/6/18 16:00 BJC P8C0100 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 1-Methyl naphthalene 0.27 J mg/kg dry 0.39 0.075 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.073 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.076 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2-Methyl naphthalene 0.38 J mg/kg dry 0.39 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.077 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.10 J mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.042 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.22 J mg/kg dry 0.39 0.045 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.043 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.033 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 36 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-1S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-08 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Chrysene 0.16 J mg/kg dry 0.39 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Fluoranthene 0.19 J mg/kg dry 0.39 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.070 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.070 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.045 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Naphthalene 0.22 J mg/kg dry 0.39 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Phenanthrene 0.17 J mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Pyrene 0.17 J mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:39 JMV P8C0166 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 67 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 70 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 68 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 60 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 66 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 68 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.059 mg/kg dry 0.023 0.0022 1 7471B 3112/18 11:51 JAB P8C0170 Arsenic 10 mg/kg dry 1.8 0.16 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:35 PJF P8C0113 Barium 110 mg/kg dry 12 0.072 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:35 PJF P8C0113 Cadmium 0.30 mg/kg dry 0.30 0.022 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:35 PJF P8C0113 Chromium 29 mg/kg dry 0.59 0.033 10 6020B 3112/18 20:35 PJF P8C0113 Lead 81 mg/kg dry 0.30 0.067 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:35 PJF P8C0113 Selenium 1.4 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.24 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:35 PJF P8C0113 Silver 0.058 J mg/kg dry 0.30 0.022 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:35 PJF P8C0113 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00042 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 37 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: B-1S Prism Sample ID: 8030081-08 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00035 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00045 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00014 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00065 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00038 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00039 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00039 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00034 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Acetone 0.019 J mg/kg dry 0.051 0.0013 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0031 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00043 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00058 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00063 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00043 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00034 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00047 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.051 0.00046 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 38 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-1S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-08 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.10 0.00046 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.051 0.00044 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.026 0.00070 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.015 0.00096 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:03 ANG P8C0183 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 107 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 103 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 106 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 39 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: Dupe-W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-09 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 15:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 0.93 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 0.60 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 10 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Aniline BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 100 4.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 40 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: Dupe-W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-09 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 15:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthaIate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Chrysene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 3.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Fluorene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 3.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Isophorone BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Phenol BRL ug/L 10 0.98 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:11 JMV P8C0109 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 77 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 77 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 53 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 72 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 34 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 84 % 50-134 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 7470A 3/8/18 13:05 JAB P8C0117 Arsenic 0.35 J ug/L 1.0 0.031 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:13 PJF PBC0193 Barium 78 ug/L 5.0 0.97 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:13 PJF P8C0193 Cadmium 0.14 J ug/L 1.0 0.078 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:13 PJF P8C0193 Chromium 1.6 ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 6020B 3114/18 15:13 PJF P8C0193 Lead 6.3 ug/L 1.0 0.093 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:13 PJF P8C0193 Selenium BRL ug/L 5.0 0.63 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:13 PJF P8C0193 Silver 0.10 J ug/L 5.0 0.063 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:13 PJF P8C0193 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 41 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: Dupe-W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-09 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 15:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Bromochloromethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 42 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: Dupe-W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-09 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 15:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:13 KDM P8CO254 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 101 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 82 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 43 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: Dupe-S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-10 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 83.4 % by 0.100 0.100 1 SM2540 G 3/6/18 16:00 BJC P8C0100 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 1-Methyl naphthalene 0.43 mg/kg dry 0.40 0.076 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.074 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.076 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2-Methyl naphthalene 0.68 mg/kg dry 0.40 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.072 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.078 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.043 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.043 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.033 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.29 J mg/kg dry 0.40 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 44 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: Dupe-S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-10 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Fluoranthene 0.12 J mg/kg dry 0.40 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.045 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Naphthalene 0.25 J mg/kg dry 0.40 0.064 1 8270D 3112/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Phenanthrene 0.16 J mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Pyrene 0.13 J mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:45 JMV P8C0166 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 57 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 56 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 55 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 48 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 53 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 54 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.075 mg/kg dry 0.024 0.0023 1 7471B 3/12/18 12:04 JAB P8C0170 Arsenic 2.9 mg/kg dry 1.8 0.16 10 6020B 3112/18 20:43 PJF P8C0113 Barium 130 mg/kg dry 12 0.073 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:43 PJF P8C0113 Cadmium 0.18 J mg/kg dry 0.30 0.023 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:43 PJF P8C0113 Chromium 30 mg/kg dry 0.60 0.034 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:43 PJF P8C0113 Lead 55 mg/kg dry 0.30 0.068 10 6020B 3112/18 20:43 PJF P8C0113 Selenium 1.5 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.25 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:43 PJF P8C0113 Silver 0.048 J mg/kg dry 0.30 0.023 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:43 PJF P8C0113 Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 45 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: Dupe-S Prism Sample ID: 8030081-10 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00038 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00012 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00055 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.043 0.0011 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0026 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00049 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00054 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.043 0.00039 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 46 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: Dupe-S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-10 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.087 0.00039 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.043 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00014 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00014 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.022 0.00059 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.013 0.00081 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:31 ANG P8C0183 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 108 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 103 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 107 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 47 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-6S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-11 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 08:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 77.0 % by 0.100 0.100 1 SM2540 G 3/6/18 16:00 BJC P8C0100 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 1-Methyl naphthalene 0.95 mg/kg dry 0.43 0.082 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.080 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.083 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2-Methyl naphthalene 1.3 mg/kg dry 0.43 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.078 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.085 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.074 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.036 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.074 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.073 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 48 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-6S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-11 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 08:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.077 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.076 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.072 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Naphthalene 0.40 J mg/kg dry 0.43 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Phenanthrene 0.55 mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 13:49 JMV P8C0166 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 71 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 61 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 65 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 56 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 63 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 71 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.27 mg/kg dry 0.026 0.0024 1 7471B 3112/18 12:09 JAB P8C0170 Arsenic 1.9 mg/kg dry 1.9 0.17 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:51 PJF P8C0113 Barium 59 mg/kg dry 13 0.078 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:51 PJF P8C0113 Cadmium 0.063 J mg/kg dry 0.32 0.024 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:51 PJF P8C0113 Chromium 12 mg/kg dry 0.64 0.036 10 6020B 3112/18 20:51 PJF P8C0113 Lead 52 mg/kg dry 0.32 0.073 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:51 PJF P8C0113 Selenium 0.93 J mg/kg dry 1.3 0.26 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:51 PJF P8C0113 Silver 0.074 J mg/kg dry 0.32 0.024 10 6020B 3112/18 20:51 PJF P8C0113 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00051 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 49 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: B-6S Prism Sample ID: 8030081-11 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 08:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00030 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00042 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00055 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00017 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00027 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00034 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00035 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00079 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00046 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00047 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00025 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00029 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00037 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00038 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00047 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00041 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00031 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00024 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00029 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00032 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00037 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00030 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Acetone 0.062 mg/kg dry 0.062 0.0015 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0037 0.00036 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00052 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00034 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00035 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00070 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.012 0.00076 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00031 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00033 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Chloroethane BRL CCV mg/kg dry 0.012 0.00052 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00045 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00042 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00026 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00021 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00025 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00028 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Ethylbenzene 0.0066 mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00024 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00025 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Isopropyl benzene (Cumene) 0.031 mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00037 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 m,p-Xylenes 0.0043 J mg/kg dry 0.012 0.00057 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.062 0.00056 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 50 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-6S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-11 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 08:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 0.014 J mg/kg dry 0.12 0.00056 1 8260B 3113/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.062 0.00053 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.012 0.00035 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.012 0.00020 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Naphthalene 0.076 mg/kg dry 0.012 0.00020 1 8260B 3113/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 n-Butylbenzene See 8260ML mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00032 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 n-Propylbenzene 0.11 mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00037 1 8260B 3113/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 o-Xylene 0.0065 mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00025 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 sec-Butylbenzene 0.22 mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00030 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00037 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 tert-Butylbenzene 0.020 mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00021 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00029 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00036 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00037 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00033 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00040 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00040 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.031 0.00085 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0062 0.00030 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Xylenes, total 0.011 J mg/kg dry 0.019 0.0012 1 8260B 3/13/18 15:12 ANG P8CO225 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 81 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 109 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 108 % 76-129 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Medium Level) n-Butylbenzene 0.67 mg/kg dry 0.32 0.063 50 8260B 3/12/18 18:18 ANG P8CO208 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 102 % 70-130 Toluene-d8 104 % 70-130 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 51 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-6W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-12 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 08:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 10 3.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 0.94 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 0.61 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Aniline BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 100 4.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 52 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-6W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-12 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 08:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthaIate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Chrysene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Fluorene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 3.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Isophorone BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Phenol BRL ug/L 10 0.99 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:33 JMV P8C0109 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 73 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 72 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 45 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 66 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 30 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 80 % 50-134 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 7470A 3/8/18 13:08 JAB P8C0117 Arsenic 0.85 J ug/L 1.0 0.031 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:21 PJF PBC0193 Barium 210 ug/L 5.0 0.97 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:21 PJF P8C0193 Cadmium BRL ug/L 1.0 0.078 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:21 PJF P8C0193 Chromium 20 ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:21 PJF P8C0193 Lead 5.6 ug/L 1.0 0.093 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:21 PJF P8C0193 Selenium 0.63 J ug/L 5.0 0.63 1 6020B 3114/18 15:21 PJF P8C0193 Silver 0.075 J ug/L 5.0 0.063 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:21 PJF P8C0193 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 53 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-6W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-12 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 08:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Bromochloromethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 54 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-6W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-12 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 08:20 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/15/18 19:39 KDM P8CO254 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 100 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 82 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 55 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-3S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-13 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 82.8 % by 0.100 0.100 1 SM2540 G 3/6/18 16:00 BJC P8C0100 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.077 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.075 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.077 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.073 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.079 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Anthracene 0.16 J mg/kg dry 0.40 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.53 mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.43 mg/kg dry 0.40 0.043 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.63 mg/kg dry 0.40 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.27 J mg/kg dry 0.40 0.044 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV 138C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.25 J mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.034 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 56 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-3S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-13 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Chrysene 0.53 mg/kg dry 0.40 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Fluoranthene 1.2 mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.072 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.31 J mg/kg dry 0.40 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Phenanthrene 0.56 mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Pyrene 0.98 mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 20:16 JMV P8C0166 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 66 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 65 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 66 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 55 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 63 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 73 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.058 mg/kg dry 0.024 0.0023 1 7471B 3112/18 12:13 JAB P8C0170 Arsenic 1.3 J mg/kg dry 1.8 0.16 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:58 PJF P8C0113 Barium 85 mg/kg dry 12 0.073 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:58 PJF P8C0113 Cadmium 0.076 J mg/kg dry 0.30 0.023 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:58 PJF P8C0113 Chromium 23 mg/kg dry 0.60 0.033 10 6020B 3112/18 20:58 PJF P8C0113 Lead 32 mg/kg dry 0.30 0.068 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:58 PJF P8C0113 Selenium 0.86 J mg/kg dry 1.2 0.25 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:58 PJF P8C0113 Silver 0.034 J mg/kg dry 0.30 0.023 10 6020B 3/12/18 20:58 PJF P8C0113 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00039 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 57 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: B-3S Prism Sample ID: 8030081-13 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00042 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00013 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00061 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00035 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Acetone 0.023 J mg/kg dry 0.047 0.0012 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0028 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00054 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00059 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00034 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00044 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.047 0.00043 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 58 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-3S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-13 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:00 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.095 0.00043 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.047 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.024 0.00065 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.014 0.00089 1 8260B 3/12/18 15:59 ANG P8C0183 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 109 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 105 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 107 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 59 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-3W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-14 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:15 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 10 3.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 0.95 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 0.61 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Aniline BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 100 4.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 60 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-3W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-14 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:15 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthaIate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Chrysene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Fluorene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 4.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Isophorone BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Phenol BRL ug/L 10 1.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 19:56 JMV P8C0109 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 82 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 82 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 57 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 73 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 36 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 88 % 50-134 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 7470A 3/8/18 13:12 JAB P8C0117 Arsenic 0.82 J ug/L 1.0 0.031 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:29 PJF PBC0193 Barium 140 ug/L 5.0 0.97 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:29 PJF P8C0193 Cadmium BRL ug/L 1.0 0.078 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:29 PJF P8C0193 Chromium 18 ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:29 PJF P8C0193 Lead 1.5 ug/L 1.0 0.093 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:29 PJF P8C0193 Selenium BRL ug/L 5.0 0.63 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:29 PJF P8C0193 Silver 0.064 J ug/L 5.0 0.063 1 6020B 3114/18 15:29 PJF P8C0193 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 61 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-3W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-14 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:15 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Bromochloromethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 62 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-3W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-14 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:15 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:04 KDM P8CO254 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 92 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 99 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 81 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 63 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-2S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-15 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 78.1 % by 0.100 0.100 1 SM2540 G 3/6/18 16:00 BJC P8C0100 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.081 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.079 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.082 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.077 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.083 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.073 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.036 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.073 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.072 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 64 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: 13-2S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-15 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.076 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.075 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.42 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 14:12 JMV P8C0166 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 70 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 67 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 71 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 59 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 68 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 73 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.012 J mg/kg dry 0.025 0.0024 1 7471B 3/12/18 12:18 JAB P8C0170 Arsenic 0.51 J mg/kg dry 1.9 0.17 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:06 PJF P8C0113 Barium 77 mg/kg dry 13 0.078 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:06 PJF P8C0113 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.32 0.024 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:06 PJF P8C0113 Chromium 25 mg/kg dry 0.64 0.036 10 6020B 3112/18 21:06 PJF P8C0113 Lead 5.2 mg/kg dry 0.32 0.073 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:06 PJF P8C0113 Selenium 0.75 J mg/kg dry 1.3 0.26 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:06 PJF P8C0113 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.32 0.024 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:06 PJF P8C0113 Volatile Organic Compounds by GUMS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00044 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 65 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: B-2S Prism Sample ID: 8030081-15 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00048 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00069 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00041 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00041 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Acetone 0.066 mg/kg dry 0.054 0.0013 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0032 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00045 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00061 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Bromomethane 0.0024 J mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00066 1 8260B 3112/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00045 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00039 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00050 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.054 0.00049 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 66 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-2S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-15 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 09:50 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.11 0.00049 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.054 0.00046 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00017 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00035 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00035 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.027 0.00074 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0054 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.016 0.0010 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:26 ANG P8C0183 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 104 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 106 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 67 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-2W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-16 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 10:15 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 10 3.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 0.94 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 0.61 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Aniline BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 100 4.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 68 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-2W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-16 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 10:15 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthaIate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Chrysene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Fluorene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 3.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Isophorone BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Phenol BRL ug/L 10 0.99 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:19 JMV P8C0109 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 80 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 79 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 54 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 73 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 34 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 85 % 50-134 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 7470A 3/8/18 13:16 JAB P8C0117 Arsenic 0.86 J ug/L 1.0 0.031 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:37 PJF PBC0193 Barium 180 ug/L 5.0 0.97 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:37 PJF P8C0193 Cadmium BRL ug/L 1.0 0.078 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:37 PJF P8C0193 Chromium 71 ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:37 PJF P8C0193 Lead 4.5 ug/L 1.0 0.093 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:37 PJF P8C0193 Selenium 0.70 J ug/L 5.0 0.63 1 6020B 3114/18 15:37 PJF P8C0193 Silver 0.076 J ug/L 5.0 0.063 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:37 PJF P8C0193 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 69 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-2W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-16 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 10:15 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Bromochloromethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 70 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-2W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-16 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 10:15 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:30 KDM P8CO254 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 103 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 84 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 71 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-9S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-17 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 11:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 85.8 % by 0.100 0.100 1 SM2540 G 3/6/18 16:00 BJC P8C0100 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 1-Methyl naphthalene 0.13 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.074 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.072 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.074 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2-Methyl naphthalene 0.16 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.070 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.076 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.11 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.042 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 0.15 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.045 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.042 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.032 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.066 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 72 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-9S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-17 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 11:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Chrysene 0.12 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Fluoranthene 0.18 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Naphthalene 0.13 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.062 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.045 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Phenanthrene 0.19 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Pyrene 0.17 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 18:00 JMV P8C0166 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 70 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 68 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 66 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 56 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 64 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 73 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.23 mg/kg dry 0.023 0.0022 1 7471B 3112/18 12:22 JAB P8C0170 Arsenic 2.1 mg/kg dry 1.7 0.16 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:14 PJF P8C0113 Barium 97 mg/kg dry 12 0.071 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:14 PJF P8C0113 Cadmium 0.41 mg/kg dry 0.29 0.022 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:14 PJF P8C0113 Chromium 17 mg/kg dry 0.58 0.033 10 6020B 3112/18 21:14 PJF P8C0113 Lead 120 mg/kg dry 0.29 0.066 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:14 PJF P8C0113 Selenium 1.2 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.24 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:14 PJF P8C0113 Silver 0.090 J mg/kg dry 0.29 0.022 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:14 PJF P8C0113 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 73 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: B-9S Prism Sample ID: 8030081-17 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 11:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00043 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00013 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00062 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00030 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00037 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.048 0.0012 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0029 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00055 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0097 0.00060 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0097 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00035 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00033 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.0097 0.00045 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.048 0.00044 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 74 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-9S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-17 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 11:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.097 0.00044 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.048 0.00041 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0097 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0097 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0097 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Tetrachloroethylene 0.19 mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.024 0.00066 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.015 0.00091 1 8260B 3/12/18 16:54 ANG P8C0183 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 109 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 102 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 108 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 75 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-9W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-18 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 11:30 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 10 3.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 0.96 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 0.62 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Aniline BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 100 4.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 76 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-9W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-18 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 11:30 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthaIate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Chrysene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Fluorene BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 4.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Isophorone BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 1.3 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Phenol BRL ug/L 10 1.0 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Pyrene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/8/18 20:41 JMV P8C0109 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 74 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 78 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 53 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 72 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 34 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 87 % 50-134 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 7470A 3/8/18 13:20 JAB P8C0117 Arsenic 0.19 J ug/L 1.0 0.031 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:44 PJF PBC0193 Barium 43 ug/L 5.0 0.97 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:44 PJF P8C0193 Cadmium BRL ug/L 1.0 0.078 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:44 PJF P8C0193 Chromium 2.6 ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:44 PJF P8C0193 Lead 0.18 J ug/L 1.0 0.093 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:44 PJF P8C0193 Selenium 1.4 J ug/L 5.0 0.63 1 6020B 3114/18 15:44 PJF P8C0193 Silver BRL ug/L 5.0 0.063 1 6020B 3/14/18 15:44 PJF P8C0193 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 77 of 126 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-9W Prism Sample ID: 8030081-18 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 11:30 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Bromochloromethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Chloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 78 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-9W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-18 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/02/18 11:30 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Tetrachloroethylene 4.4 ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/15/18 20:55 KDM P8CO254 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 90 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 105 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 84 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 79 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-7S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-19 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 12:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 87.5 % by 0.100 0.100 1 SM2540 G 3/6/18 16:00 BJC P8C0100 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.073 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.071 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.073 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.069 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.074 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.045 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.041 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.041 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.032 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.065 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.064 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 80 of 126 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 03/20/2018 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: 13-7S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-19 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 12:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.068 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.067 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.063 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.043 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.045 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/12/18 17:37 JMV P8C0166 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 73 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 73 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 76 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 63 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 73 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 79 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.079 mg/kg dry 0.022 0.0021 1 7471B 3/12/18 12:27 JAB P8C0170 Arsenic 1.1 J mg/kg dry 1.7 0.16 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:22 PJF P8C0113 Barium 22 mg/kg dry 11 0.070 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:22 PJF P8C0113 Cadmium 0.027 J mg/kg dry 0.29 0.022 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:22 PJF P8C0113 Chromium 8.1 mg/kg dry 0.57 0.032 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:22 PJF P8C0113 Lead 16 mg/kg dry 0.29 0.065 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:22 PJF P8C0113 Selenium 0.56 J mg/kg dry 1.1 0.23 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:22 PJF P8C0113 Silver 0.024 J mg/kg dry 0.29 0.022 10 6020B 3/12/18 21:22 PJF P8C0113 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00039 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 81 of 126 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/20/2018 Client Sample ID: B-7S Prism Sample ID: 8030081-19 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Collected: 03/02/18 12:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00042 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00013 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00060 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00035 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00022 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00029 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00036 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.047 0.0012 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0028 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00039 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00026 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00054 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00058 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00039 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00034 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00032 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00020 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00021 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00018 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00044 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.047 0.00043 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 82 of 126 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/20/2018 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Client Sample ID: B-7S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 8030081-19 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 8030081 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/02/18 12:10 Time Submitted: 03/06/18 08:20 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.095 0.00043 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.047 0.00040 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00015 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00016 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00027 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00025 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.024 0.00065 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.014 0.00089 1 8260B 3/12/18 17:22 ANG P8C0183 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 104 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 102 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 106 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 83 of 126 /r E P R I IS M Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch MOM - 5035 Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P8C0183-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 2-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 4-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Acetone BRL 0.050 mg/kg wet Benzene BRL 0.0030 mg/kg wet Bromobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromochloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromodichloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromoform BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromomethane BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Carbon Tetrachloride BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Chlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Chloroethane BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Chloroform BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Chloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Dibromochloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Ethylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Isopropyl Ether BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet m,p-Xylenes BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL 0.050 mg/kg wet Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL 0.10 mg/kg wet Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL 0.050 mg/kg wet This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 84 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch HUM - 5035 Blank (P8C0183-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 Methylene Chloride BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Naphthalene BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet n-Butylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet n-Propylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet o-Xylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet sec-Butylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Styrene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet tert-Butylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Tetrachloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Toluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Trichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Trichlorofluoromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Vinyl acetate BRL 0.025 mg/kg wet Vinyl chloride BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Xylenes, total BRL 0.015 mg/kg wet Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 53.3 ug/L 50.00 107 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.3 ug/L 50.00 99 84-123 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 53.1 ug/L 50.00 106 76-129 LCS (P8C0183-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0494 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 99 72-115 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0433 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 67-131 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0540 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 56-126 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0463 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 70-133 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0406 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 74-127 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.0458 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 67-149 1,1-Dichloropropylene 0.0449 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 71-130 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0538 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 68-130 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0548 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 110 60-137 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0551 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 110 66-125 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene 0.0572 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 114 69-129 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0454 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 70-132 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0550 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 110 72-123 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0429 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 86 68-128 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0440 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 88 73-130 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene 0.0562 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 112 69-128 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0554 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 ill 71-120 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0466 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 75-124 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0556 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 ill 71-123 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0422 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 84 50-142 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0537 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 107 67-124 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0561 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 112 71-126 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.0554 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 ill 68-129 Acetone 0.0769 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.1000 77 29-198 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 85 of 126 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO183 - 5035 LCS (P8C0183-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 Benzene 0.0444 0.0030 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 74-127 Bromobenzene 0.0530 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 106 73-125 Bromochloromethane 0.0427 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 85 72-134 Bromodichloromethane 0.0459 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 75-122 Bromoform 0.0530 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 106 66-135 Bromomethane 0.0505 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 20-180 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.0455 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 64-143 Chlorobenzene 0.0473 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 74-118 Chloroethane 0.0584 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 117 33-149 Chloroform 0.0452 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 73-127 Chloromethane 0.0407 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 45-143 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0424 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 85 76-134 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0435 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 71-125 Dibromochloromethane 0.0504 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 73-122 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0503 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 26-146 Ethylbenzene 0.0484 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 74-128 Isopropyl Ether 0.0420 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 84 59-159 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 0.0569 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 114 68-126 m,p-Xylenes 0.0973 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.1000 97 75-124 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 0.0406 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 61-157 J Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 0.0374 0.10 mg/kg wet 0.05000 75 63-149 J Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0.0401 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 80 57-162 J Methylene Chloride 0.0403 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 74-129 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 0.0453 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 70-130 Naphthalene 0.0508 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 102 57-157 n-Butylbenzene 0.0566 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 113 65-135 n-Propylbenzene 0.0575 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 115 67-130 o-Xylene 0.0474 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 74-126 sec-Butylbenzene 0.0573 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 115 66-131 Styrene 0.0479 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 77-121 tert-Butyl benzene 0.0561 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 112 67-132 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0428 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 86 68-130 Toluene 0.0476 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 71-129 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0438 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 88 73-132 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0435 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 68-123 Trichloroethylene 0.0451 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 75-133 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0600 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 120 44-146 Vinyl acetate 0.0478 0.025 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 85-161 Vinyl chloride 0.0521 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 104 48-147 Xylenes, total 0.145 0.015 mg/kg wet 0.1500 97 74-126 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 52.1 ug/L 50.00 104 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.6 ug/L 50.00 99 84-123 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 53.7 ug/L 50.00 107 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 86 of 126 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO183 - 5035 LCS Dup (P8C0183-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0486 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 72-115 2 20 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0410 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 67-131 6 20 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0552 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 110 56-126 2 20 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0469 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 70-133 1 20 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0386 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 77 74-127 5 20 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.0432 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 86 67-149 6 20 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 0.0424 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 85 71-130 6 20 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0529 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 106 68-130 2 20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0552 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 110 60-137 0.7 20 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0533 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 107 66-125 3 20 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0543 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 109 69-129 5 20 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0458 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 70-132 0.8 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0542 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 72-123 2 20 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0426 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 85 68-128 0.7 20 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0436 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 73-130 1 20 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0530 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 106 69-128 6 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0534 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 107 71-120 4 20 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0467 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 75-124 0.2 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0535 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 107 71-123 4 20 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0401 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 80 50-142 5 20 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0518 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 104 67-124 4 20 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0543 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 109 71-126 3 20 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.0528 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 106 68-129 5 20 Acetone 0.0845 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.1000 85 29-198 9 20 Benzene 0.0425 0.0030 mg/kg wet 0.05000 85 74-127 4 20 Bromobenzene 0.0518 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 104 73-125 2 20 Bromochloromethane 0.0423 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 85 72-134 0.8 20 Bromodichloromethane 0.0449 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 75-122 2 20 Bromoform 0.0528 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 106 66-135 0.3 20 Bromomethane 0.0478 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 20-180 5 20 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.0434 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 64-143 5 20 Chlorobenzene 0.0460 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 74-118 3 20 Chloroethane 0.0550 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 110 33-149 6 20 Chloroform 0.0437 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 73-127 3 20 Chloromethane 0.0440 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 88 45-143 8 20 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0408 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 76-134 4 20 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0430 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 86 71-125 1 20 Dibromochloromethane 0.0504 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 73-122 0 20 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0474 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 26-146 6 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0463 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 74-128 4 20 Isopropyl Ether 0.0413 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 83 59-159 2 20 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 0.0539 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 68-126 5 20 m,p-Xylenes 0.0936 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.1000 94 75-124 4 20 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 0.0423 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 85 61-157 4 20 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 0.0389 0.10 mg/kg wet 0.05000 78 63-149 4 20 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0.0412 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 57-162 3 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, INC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 87 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch HUM - 5035 LCS Dup (P8C0183-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 Methylene Chloride 0.0396 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 79 74-129 2 20 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 0.0446 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 70-130 2 20 Naphthalene 0.0517 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 57-157 2 20 n-Butylbenzene 0.0539 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 65-135 5 20 n-Propylbenzene 0.0545 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 109 67-130 5 20 o-Xylene 0.0460 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 74-126 3 20 sec-Butylbenzene 0.0544 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 109 66-131 5 20 Styrene 0.0466 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 77-121 3 20 tert-Butylbenzene 0.0537 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 107 67-132 4 20 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0412 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 68-130 4 20 Toluene 0.0452 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 71-129 5 20 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0418 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 84 73-132 5 20 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0436 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 68-123 0.3 20 Trichloroethylene 0.0424 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 85 75-133 6 20 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0565 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 113 44-146 6 20 Vinyl acetate 0.0478 0.025 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 85-161 0.1 20 Vinyl chloride 0.0492 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 48-147 6 20 Xylenes, total 0.140 0.015 mg/kg wet 0.1500 93 74-126 4 20 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 52.4 ug/L 50.00 105 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.8 ug/L 50.00 100 84-123 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 53.0 ug/L 50.00 106 76-129 Batch MOM - 5035 Blank (PBCO225-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/13/18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 2-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 4-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 88 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch MOM - 5035 Blank (P8CO225-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/13/18 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Acetone BRL 0.050 mg/kg wet Benzene BRL 0.0030 mg/kg wet Bromobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromochloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromodichloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromoform BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromomethane BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Carbon Tetrachloride BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Chlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Chloroethane BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet CCV Chloroform BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Chloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Dibromochloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Ethylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Isopropyl Ether BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet m,p-Xylenes BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL 0.050 mg/kg wet Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL 0.10 mg/kg wet Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL 0.050 mg/kg wet Methylene Chloride BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Naphthalene BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet n-Butylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet n-Propylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet o-Xylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet sec-Butylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Styrene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet tert-Butylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Tetrachloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Toluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Trichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Trichlorofluoromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Vinyl acetate BRL 0.025 mg/kg wet Vinyl chloride BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Xylenes, total BRL 0.015 mg/kg wet Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 53.9 ug/L 50.00 108 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 51.8 ug/L 50.00 104 84-123 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 53.0 ug/L 50.00 106 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 89 of 126 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO225 - 5035 LCS (P8CO225-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/13/18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0461 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 72-115 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0410 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 67-131 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0506 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 56-126 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0446 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 70-133 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0377 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 75 74-127 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.0429 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 86 67-149 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 0.0420 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 84 71-130 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0502 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 100 68-130 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0507 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 60-137 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0515 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 66-125 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0533 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 107 69-129 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0431 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 86 70-132 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0513 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 72-123 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0415 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 83 68-128 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0409 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 73-130 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0525 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 105 69-128 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0513 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 71-120 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0446 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 75-124 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0517 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 71-123 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0404 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 50-142 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0504 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 67-124 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0527 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 105 71-126 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.0520 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 104 68-129 Acetone 0.0758 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.1000 76 29-198 Benzene 0.0415 0.0030 mg/kg wet 0.05000 83 74-127 Bromobenzene 0.0497 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 99 73-125 Bromochloromethane 0.0405 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 72-134 Bromodichloromethane 0.0436 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 75-122 Bromoform 0.0492 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 66-135 Bromomethane 0.0567 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 113 20-180 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.0418 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 84 64-143 Chlorobenzene 0.0450 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 74-118 Chloroethane 0.0625 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 125 33-149 CCV Chloroform 0.0429 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 86 73-127 Chloromethane 0.0416 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 83 45-143 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0397 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 79 76-134 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0403 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 71-125 Dibromochloromethane 0.0476 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 73-122 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0384 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 77 26-146 Ethylbenzene 0.0464 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 74-128 Isopropyl Ether 0.0397 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 79 59-159 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 0.0530 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 106 68-126 m,p-Xylenes 0.0931 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.1000 93 75-124 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 0.0392 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 78 61-157 J Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 0.0355 0.10 mg/kg wet 0.05000 71 63-149 J Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0.0385 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 77 57-162 J This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, INC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 90 of 126 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO225 - 5035 LCS (P8CO225-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/13/18 Methylene Chloride 0.0381 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 76 74-129 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 0.0428 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 86 70-130 Naphthalene 0.0476 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 57-157 n-Butylbenzene 0.0535 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 107 65-135 n-Propylbenzene 0.0540 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 67-130 o-Xylene 0.0448 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 74-126 sec-Butylbenzene 0.0538 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 66-131 Styrene 0.0457 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 77-121 tert-Butyl benzene 0.0527 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 105 67-132 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0410 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 68-130 Toluene 0.0440 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 88 71-129 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0406 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 73-132 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0412 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 68-123 Trichloroethylene 0.0422 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 84 75-133 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0625 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 125 44-146 Vinyl acetate 0.0473 0.025 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 85-161 Vinyl chloride 0.0486 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 48-147 Xylenes, total 0.138 0.015 mg/kg wet 0.1500 92 74-126 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 51.7 ug/L 50.00 103 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.6 ug/L 50.00 99 84-123 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 52.7 ug/L 50.00 105 76-129 LCS Dup (P8CO225-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/13/18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0450 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 72-115 2 20 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0391 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 78 67-131 5 20 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0517 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 56-126 2 20 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0445 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 70-133 0.3 20 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0368 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 74 74-127 2 20 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.0407 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 67-149 5 20 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 0.0402 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 80 71-130 4 20 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0504 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 68-130 0.5 20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0510 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 102 60-137 0.6 20 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0510 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 102 66-125 1 20 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0515 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 69-129 3 20 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0433 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 70-132 0.3 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0512 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 102 72-123 0.1 20 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0414 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 83 68-128 0.4 20 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0409 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 73-130 0.05 20 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0504 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 69-128 4 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0505 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 71-120 1 20 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0442 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 88 75-124 0.7 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0512 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 102 71-123 1 20 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0380 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 76 50-142 6 20 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0490 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 67-124 3 20 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0515 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 71-126 2 20 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.0502 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 100 68-129 4 20 Acetone 0.0793 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.1000 79 29-198 5 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 91 of 126 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO225 - 5035 LCS Dup (P8CO225-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/13/18 Benzene 0.0402 0.0030 mg/kg wet 0.05000 80 74-127 3 20 Bromobenzene 0.0487 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 73-125 2 20 Bromochloromethane 0.0409 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 72-134 1 20 Bromodichloromethane 0.0434 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 75-122 0.5 20 Bromoform 0.0492 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 66-135 0.04 20 Bromomethane 0.0547 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 109 20-180 4 20 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.0401 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 80 64-143 4 20 Chlorobenzene 0.0438 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 88 74-118 3 20 Chloroethane 0.0596 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 119 33-149 5 20 CCV Chloroform 0.0419 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 84 73-127 2 20 Chloromethane 0.0412 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 45-143 1 20 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0385 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 77 76-134 3 20 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0400 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 80 71-125 0.7 20 Dibromochloromethane 0.0468 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 73-122 2 20 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0358 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 72 26-146 7 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0437 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 74-128 6 20 Isopropyl Ether 0.0391 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 78 59-159 2 20 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 0.0509 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 102 68-126 4 20 m,p-Xylenes 0.0890 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.1000 89 75-124 5 20 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 0.0405 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 61-157 3 20 J Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 0.0373 0.10 mg/kg wet 0.05000 75 63-149 5 20 J Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0.0398 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 80 57-162 3 20 J Methylene Chloride 0.0376 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 75 74-129 1 20 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 0.0415 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 83 70-130 3 20 Naphthalene 0.0483 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 57-157 1 20 n-Butylbenzene 0.0513 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 65-135 4 20 n-Propylbenzene 0.0522 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 104 67-130 3 20 o-Xylene 0.0435 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 87 74-126 3 20 sec-Butylbenzene 0.0516 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 66-131 4 20 Styrene 0.0444 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 77-121 3 20 tert-Butyl benzene 0.0505 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 67-132 4 20 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0388 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 78 68-130 6 20 Toluene 0.0427 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 85 71-129 3 20 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0390 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 78 73-132 4 20 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0412 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 82 68-123 0.05 20 Trichloroethylene 0.0404 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 81 75-133 4 20 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0582 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 116 44-146 7 20 Vinyl acetate 0.0485 0.025 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 85-161 2 20 Vinyl chloride 0.0454 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 48-147 7 20 Xylenes, total 0.132 0.015 mg/kg wet 0.1500 88 74-126 4 20 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 51.7 ug/L 50.00 103 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 50.1 ug/L 50.00 100 84-123 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 53.0 ug/L 50.00 106 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 92 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO254 - 5030B Blank (P8CO254-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL 2.0 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL 1.0 ug/L 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 1.0 ug/L 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL 2.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL 2.0 ug/L 2-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.50 ug/L 4-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.50 ug/L 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL 0.50 ug/L Acetone BRL 5.0 ug/L Acrolein BRL 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile BRL 20 ug/L Benzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromochloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromodichloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromoform BRL 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane BRL 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide BRL 5.0 ug/L Carbon Tetrachloride BRL 0.50 ug/L Chlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Chloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Chloroform BRL 0.50 ug/L Chloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Dibromochloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Dibromomethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 2.0 ug/L This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 93 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Prism Work Order: 8030081 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO254 - 5030B Blank (P8CO254-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/18 Isopropyl Ether BRL 0.50 ug/L Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL 0.50 ug/L m,p-Xylenes BRL 1.0 ug/L Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL 5.0 ug/L Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL 5.0 ug/L Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL 5.0 ug/L Methylene Chloride BRL 1.0 ug/L Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL 0.50 ug/L Naphthalene BRL 1.0 ug/L n-Butylbenzene BRL 1.0 ug/L n-Propylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L o-Xylene BRL 0.50 ug/L sec-Butylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Styrene BRL 0.50 ug/L tert-Butylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Tetrachloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Toluene BRL 0.50 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Trichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Vinyl acetate BRL 2.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride BRL 0.50 ug/L Heptane 0.00 ug/L Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 44.6 ug/L 50.00 89 80-124 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 52.3 ug/L 50.00 105 75-129 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 40.2 ug/L 50.00 80 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 94 of 126 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Prism Work Order: 8030081 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO254 - 5030B LCS (P8CO254-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 79-134 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 24.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 123 75-136 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 14.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 73 62-127 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 23.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 117 70-140 1,1-Dichloroethane 21.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 78-130 1,1-Dichloroethylene 20.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 70-154 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 23.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 119 71-136 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 17.7 2.0 ug/L 20.00 88 58-144 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 15.9 1.0 ug/L 20.00 80 71-127 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 18.9 1.0 ug/L 20.00 94 66-139 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 15.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 80 75-133 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 19.1 2.0 ug/L 20.00 95 63-134 1,2-Dibromoethane 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 77-135 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 17.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 89 78-128 1,2-Dichloroethane 21.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 109 68-131 1,2-Dichloropropane 21.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 108 77-130 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 15.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 78 75-131 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 17.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 89 77-125 1,3-Dichloropropane 19.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 96 76-132 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 17.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 88 75-126 2,2-Dichloropropane 23.0 2.0 ug/L 20.00 115 29-149 2-Chlorotoluene 15.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 79 74-126 4-Chlorotoluene 16.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 85 78-129 4-Isopropyltoluene 17.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 86 69-132 Acetone 39.3 5.0 ug/L 40.00 98 40-166 Acrolein 42.8 20 ug/L 40.00 107 70-130 Acrylonitrile 42.0 20 ug/L 40.00 105 81-127 Benzene 22.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 112 77-128 Bromobenzene 16.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 81 78-129 Bromochloromethane 26.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 132 78-135 Bromodichloromethane 23.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 117 76-138 Bromoform 17.3 1.0 ug/L 20.00 87 71-135 Bromomethane 20.8 1.0 ug/L 20.00 104 41-168 Carbon disulfide 22.6 5.0 ug/L 20.00 113 59-135 Carbon Tetrachloride 23.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 117 72-142 Chlorobenzene 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 78-119 Chloroethane 19.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 57-142 Chloroform 23.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 115 77-130 Chloromethane 22.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 47-145 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 22.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 111 76-141 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 22.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 113 65-140 Dibromochloromethane 22.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 114 75-134 Dibromomethane 22.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 114 76-138 Dichlorodifluoromethane 20.9 1.0 ug/L 20.00 105 28-163 Ethylbenzene 19.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 95 80-127 Hexachlorobutadiene 18.7 2.0 ug/L 20.00 94 61-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 95 of 126 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P8CO254 - 5030B Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P8CO254-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/18 Isopropyl Ether 21.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 60-154 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 16.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 81 70-130 m,p-Xylenes 37.5 1.0 ug/L 40.00 94 77-133 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 15.6 5.0 ug/L 20.00 78 64-137 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 20.6 5.0 ug/L 20.00 103 71-134 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 20.1 5.0 ug/L 20.00 100 69-134 Methylene Chloride 21.3 1.0 ug/L 20.00 107 73-131 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 22.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 ill 68-135 Naphthalene 17.3 1.0 ug/L 20.00 86 64-136 n-Butylbenzene 16.5 1.0 ug/L 20.00 82 68-134 n-Propylbenzene 15.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 76 72-132 o-Xylene 18.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 92 78-128 sec-Butylbenzene 17.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 88 71-131 Styrene 17.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 89 78-129 tert-Butyl benzene 17.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 89 70-132 Tetrachloroethylene 21.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 80-129 Toluene 22.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 113 76-131 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene 22.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 111 76-135 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 23.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 115 67-140 Trichloroethylene 25.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 126 77-133 Trichlorofluoromethane 20.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 103 62-148 Vinyl acetate 23.8 2.0 ug/L 20.00 119 34-167 Vinyl chloride 21.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 57-141 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 41.9 ug/L 50.00 84 80-124 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 48.0 ug/L 50.00 96 75-129 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 41.0 ug/L 50.00 82 77-123 LCS Dup (P8CO254-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/18 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 79-134 3 20 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 24.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 120 75-136 2 20 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 15.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 75 62-127 3 20 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 22.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 114 70-140 2 20 1,1-Dichloroethane 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 78-130 5 20 1,1-Dichloroethylene 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 70-154 1 20 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 22.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 114 71-136 5 20 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 18.0 2.0 ug/L 20.00 90 58-144 2 20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 15.8 1.0 ug/L 20.00 79 71-127 1 20 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 18.1 1.0 ug/L 20.00 90 66-139 4 20 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 15.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 77 75-133 3 20 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 20.1 2.0 ug/L 20.00 100 63-134 5 20 1,2-Dibromoethane 19.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 77-135 1 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 17.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 88 78-128 1 20 1,2-Dichloroethane 21.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 105 68-131 4 20 1,2-Dichloropropane 20.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 77-130 5 20 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 15.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 76 75-131 2 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 17.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 86 77-125 3 20 1,3-Dichloropropane 18.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 92 76-132 4 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 96 of 126 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Prism Work Order: 8030081 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO254 - 5030B LCS Dup (P8CO254-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/18 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 17.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 87 75-126 1 20 2,2-Dichloropropane 22.3 2.0 ug/L 20.00 112 29-149 3 20 2-Chlorotoluene 15.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 77 74-126 2 20 4-Chlorotoluene 16.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 83 78-129 2 20 4-Isopropyltoluene 17.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 85 69-132 0.9 20 Acetone 39.2 5.0 ug/L 40.00 98 40-166 0.5 20 Acrolein 41.9 20 ug/L 40.00 105 70-130 2 20 Acrylonitrile 40.5 20 ug/L 40.00 101 81-127 4 20 Benzene 21.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 77-128 5 20 Bromobenzene 15.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 80 78-129 2 20 Bromochloromethane 24.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 125 78-135 6 20 Bromodichloromethane 22.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 76-138 6 20 Bromoform 16.4 1.0 ug/L 20.00 82 71-135 6 20 Bromomethane 18.3 1.0 ug/L 20.00 91 41-168 13 20 Carbon disulfide 21.4 5.0 ug/L 20.00 107 59-135 5 20 Carbon Tetrachloride 21.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 108 72-142 8 20 Chlorobenzene 18.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 95 78-119 4 20 Chloroethane 17.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 89 57-142 10 20 Chloroform 21.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 107 77-130 7 20 Chloromethane 20.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 103 47-145 6 20 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 20.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 76-141 8 20 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 21.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 108 65-140 4 20 Dibromochloromethane 21.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 107 75-134 6 20 Dibromomethane 22.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 112 76-138 2 20 Dichlorodifluoromethane 20.1 1.0 ug/L 20.00 101 28-163 4 20 Ethylbenzene 18.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 91 80-127 4 20 Hexachlorobutadiene 17.8 2.0 ug/L 20.00 89 61-134 5 20 Isopropyl Ether 20.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 104 60-154 6 20 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 15.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 80 70-130 1 20 m,p-Xylenes 35.4 1.0 ug/L 40.00 89 77-133 6 20 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 15.6 5.0 ug/L 20.00 78 64-137 0.06 20 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 20.2 5.0 ug/L 20.00 101 71-134 2 20 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 19.4 5.0 ug/L 20.00 97 69-134 3 20 Methylene Chloride 20.0 1.0 ug/L 20.00 100 73-131 6 20 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 21.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 68-135 4 20 Naphthalene 17.3 1.0 ug/L 20.00 87 64-136 0.3 20 n-Butylbenzene 16.1 1.0 ug/L 20.00 80 68-134 2 20 n-Propylbenzene 15.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 75 72-132 0.3 20 o-Xylene 17.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 88 78-128 4 20 sec-Butylbenzene 17.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 87 71-131 1 20 Styrene 17.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 85 78-129 4 20 tert-Butyl benzene 17.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 89 70-132 0.7 20 Tetrachloroethylene 20.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 80-129 8 20 Toluene 21.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 76-131 6 20 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene 21.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 105 76-135 6 20 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 22.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 111 67-140 4 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 97 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO254 - 5030B LCS Dup (P8CO254-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/15/18 Trichloroethylene 24.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 121 77-133 4 20 Trichlorofluoromethane 20.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 62-148 3 20 Vinyl acetate 22.9 2.0 ug/L 20.00 115 34-167 4 20 Vinyl chloride 19.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 57-141 8 20 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 43.2 ug/L 50.00 86 80-124 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.3 ug/L 50.00 99 75-129 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 41.8 ug/L 50.00 84 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 98 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (Medium Level) - Quality Control Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Batch P8CO208 - 5035 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P8CO208-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 n-Butylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 53.3 ug/L 50.00 107 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.3 ug/L 50.00 99 70-130 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 53.1 ug/L 50.00 106 70-130 LCS (P8CO208-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 n-Butylbenzene 0.0566 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 113 71-126 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 52.1 ug/L 50.00 104 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.6 ug/L 50.00 99 70-130 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 53.7 ug/L 50.00 107 70-130 LCS Dup (P8CO208-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 n-Butylbenzene 0.0539 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 71-126 5 20 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 52.4 ug/L 50.00 105 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.8 ug/L 50.00 100 70-130 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 53.0 ug/L 50.00 106 70-130 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 99 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch HUM - 3510C MS Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P8C0109-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 10 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 10 ug/L 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 10 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 10 ug/L 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL 10 ug/L 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL 10 ug/L 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL 10 ug/L 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL 10 ug/L 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL 10 ug/L 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL 10 ug/L 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL 10 ug/L 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL 10 ug/L 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL 10 ug/L 2-Chlorophenol BRL 10 ug/L 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL 10 ug/L 2-Methylphenol BRL 10 ug/L 2-Nitroaniline BRL 10 ug/L 2-Nitrophenol BRL 10 ug/L 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL 10 ug/L 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL 10 ug/L 3-Nitroaniline BRL 10 ug/L 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL 10 ug/L 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL 10 ug/L 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL 10 ug/L 4-Chloroaniline BRL 10 ug/L 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL 10 ug/L 4-Nitroaniline BRL 10 ug/L 4-Nitrophenol BRL 10 ug/L Acenaphthene BRL 10 ug/L Acenaphthylene BRL 10 ug/L Aniline BRL 10 ug/L Anthracene BRL 10 ug/L Azobenzene BRL 10 ug/L Benzo(a)anthracene BRL 10 ug/L Benzo(a)pyrene BRL 10 ug/L Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL 10 ug/L Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL 10 ug/L Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL 10 ug/L Benzoic Acid BRL 100 ug/L Benzyl alcohol BRL 10 ug/L bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL 10 ug/L Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL 10 ug/L Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL 10 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL 10 ug/L Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL 10 ug/L Chrysene BRL 10 ug/L This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 100 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Prism Work Order: 8030081 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch HUM - 3510C MS Blank (P8C0109-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL 10 ug/L Dibenzofuran BRL 10 ug/L Diethyl phthalate BRL 10 ug/L Dimethyl phthalate BRL 10 ug/L Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL 10 ug/L Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL 10 ug/L Fluoranthene BRL 10 ug/L Fluorene BRL 10 ug/L Hexachlorobenzene BRL 10 ug/L Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 10 ug/L Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL 10 ug/L Hexachloroethane BRL 10 ug/L Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL 10 ug/L Isophorone BRL 10 ug/L Naphthalene BRL 10 ug/L Nitrobenzene BRL 10 ug/L N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL 10 ug/L N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL 10 ug/L Pentachlorophenol BRL 10 ug/L Phenanthrene BRL 10 ug/L Phenol BRL 10 ug/L Pyrene BRL 10 ug/L Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 86.3 ug/L 100.0 86 43-140 Surrogate:2-Fluorobiphenyl 39.8 ug/L 50.00 80 44-119 Surrogate:2-Fluorophenol 52.9 ug/L 100.0 53 19-119 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 36.2 ug/L 50.00 72 44-120 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 33.8 ug/L 100.0 34 11-52 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 45.1 ug/L 50.00 90 50-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 101 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch HUM - 3510C MS Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P8C0109-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 31.4 10 ug/L 50.00 63 29-126 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 29.8 10 ug/L 50.00 60 32-111 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 28.4 10 ug/L 50.00 57 28-110 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 28.6 10 ug/L 50.00 57 29-112 1-Methyl naphthalene 36.1 10 ug/L 50.00 72 41-119 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 39.4 10 ug/L 50.00 79 53-123 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 37.4 10 ug/L 50.00 75 50-125 2,4-Dichlorophenol 37.1 10 ug/L 50.00 74 47-121 2,4-Dimethylphenol 43.0 10 ug/L 50.00 86 31-124 2,4-Dinitrophenol 35.8 10 ug/L 50.00 72 23-143 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 36.9 10 ug/L 50.00 74 57-128 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 38.3 10 ug/L 50.00 77 57-124 2-Chloronaphthalene 35.6 10 ug/L 50.00 71 40-116 2-Chlorophenol 34.8 10 ug/L 50.00 70 38-117 2-Methyl naphthalene 34.3 10 ug/L 50.00 69 40-121 2-Methylphenol 34.3 10 ug/L 50.00 69 30-117 2-Nitroaniline 36.1 10 ug/L 50.00 72 55-127 2-Nitrophenol 37.1 10 ug/L 50.00 74 47-123 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 47.6 10 ug/L 50.00 95 27-129 3/4-Methyl phenol 26.5 10 ug/L 50.00 53 29-110 3-Nitroaniline 37.1 10 ug/L 50.00 74 41-128 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 36.7 10 ug/L 50.00 73 44-137 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 36.8 10 ug/L 50.00 74 55-124 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 35.7 10 ug/L 50.00 71 52-119 4-Chloroaniline 40.2 10 ug/L 50.00 80 33-117 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 35.4 10 ug/L 50.00 71 53-121 4-Nitroaniline 35.5 10 ug/L 50.00 71 45-135 4-Nitrophenol 18.7 10 ug/L 50.00 37 10-77 Acenaphthene 37.5 10 ug/L 50.00 75 47-122 Acenaphthylene 38.9 10 ug/L 50.00 78 41-130 Aniline 66.1 10 ug/L 50.00 132 12-197 Anthracene 40.7 10 ug/L 50.00 81 57-123 Azobenzene 37.0 10 ug/L 50.00 74 61-116 Benzo(a)anthracene 42.1 10 ug/L 50.00 84 58-125 Benzo(a)pyrene 40.9 10 ug/L 50.00 82 54-128 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 39.2 10 ug/L 50.00 78 53-131 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene 40.1 10 ug/L 50.00 80 50-134 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 41.8 10 ug/L 50.00 84 57-129 Benzoic Acid 14.2 100 ug/L 50.00 28 10-125 J Benzyl alcohol 29.9 10 ug/L 50.00 60 31-112 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 36.8 10 ug/L 50.00 74 48-120 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 35.0 10 ug/L 50.00 70 43-118 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 33.0 10 ug/L 50.00 66 37-130 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 40.0 10 ug/L 50.00 80 55-135 Butyl benzyl phthalate 38.7 10 ug/L 50.00 77 53-134 Chrysene 43.4 10 ug/L 50.00 87 59-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 102 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch HUM - 3510C MS Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P8C0109-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 27.3 10 ug/L 50.00 55 51-134 Dibenzofuran 36.3 10 ug/L 50.00 73 53-118 Diethyl phthalate 36.8 10 ug/L 50.00 74 56-125 Dimethyl phthalate 36.9 10 ug/L 50.00 74 45-127 Di-n-butyl phthalate 38.7 10 ug/L 50.00 77 59-127 Di-n-octyl phthalate 40.0 10 ug/L 50.00 80 51-140 Fluoranthene 40.4 10 ug/L 50.00 81 57-128 Fluorene 37.3 10 ug/L 50.00 75 52-124 Hexachlorobenzene 38.4 10 ug/L 50.00 77 53-125 Hexachlorobutadiene 30.3 10 ug/L 50.00 61 22-124 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 29.7 10 ug/L 50.00 59 32-117 Hexachloroethane 25.8 10 ug/L 50.00 52 21-115 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 45.9 10 ug/L 50.00 92 52-134 Isophorone 35.8 10 ug/L 50.00 72 42-124 Naphthalene 35.0 10 ug/L 50.00 70 40-121 Nitrobenzene 31.3 10 ug/L 50.00 63 45-121 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 33.6 10 ug/L 50.00 67 49-119 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 46.4 10 ug/L 50.00 93 51-123 Pentachlorophenol 43.4 10 ug/L 50.00 87 35-138 Phenanthrene 41.0 10 ug/L 50.00 82 59-120 Phenol 17.8 10 ug/L 50.00 36 12-58 Pyrene 41.9 10 ug/L 50.00 84 57-126 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 83.7 ug/L 100.0 84 43-140 Surrogate:2-Fluorobiphenyl 39.1 ug/L 50.00 78 44-119 Surrogate:2-Fluorophenol 49.1 ug/L 100.0 49 19-119 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 35.0 ug/L 50.00 70 44-120 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 31.7 ug/L 100.0 32 11-52 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 42.9 ug/L 50.00 86 50-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 103 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch HUM - 3510C MS Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS Dup (P8C0109-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 32.9 10 ug/L 50.00 66 29-126 5 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 31.6 10 ug/L 50.00 63 32-111 6 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 30.2 10 ug/L 50.00 60 28-110 6 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 29.8 10 ug/L 50.00 60 29-112 4 20 1-Methyl naphthalene 37.5 10 ug/L 50.00 75 41-119 4 20 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 39.4 10 ug/L 50.00 79 53-123 0.03 20 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 37.9 10 ug/L 50.00 76 50-125 1 20 2,4-Dichlorophenol 39.2 10 ug/L 50.00 78 47-121 5 20 2,4-Dimethylphenol 45.2 10 ug/L 50.00 90 31-124 5 20 2,4-Dinitrophenol 35.1 10 ug/L 50.00 70 23-143 2 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 35.3 10 ug/L 50.00 71 57-128 4 20 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 38.0 10 ug/L 50.00 76 57-124 0.9 20 2-Chloronaphthalene 36.0 10 ug/L 50.00 72 40-116 1 20 2-Chlorophenol 37.3 10 ug/L 50.00 75 38-117 7 20 2-Methyl naphthalene 36.3 10 ug/L 50.00 73 40-121 6 20 2-Methylphenol 36.1 10 ug/L 50.00 72 30-117 5 20 2-Nitroaniline 36.4 10 ug/L 50.00 73 55-127 1 20 2-Nitrophenol 38.6 10 ug/L 50.00 77 47-123 4 20 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 44.7 10 ug/L 50.00 89 27-129 6 20 3/4-Methyl phenol 28.4 10 ug/L 50.00 57 29-110 7 20 3-Nitroaniline 36.8 10 ug/L 50.00 74 41-128 0.6 20 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 37.1 10 ug/L 50.00 74 44-137 1 20 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 37.1 10 ug/L 50.00 74 55-124 0.7 20 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 37.5 10 ug/L 50.00 75 52-119 5 20 4-Chloroaniline 42.8 10 ug/L 50.00 86 33-117 6 20 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 36.1 10 ug/L 50.00 72 53-121 2 20 4-Nitroaniline 35.0 10 ug/L 50.00 70 45-135 1 20 4-Nitrophenol 18.3 10 ug/L 50.00 37 10-77 2 20 Acenaphthene 37.5 10 ug/L 50.00 75 47-122 0.05 20 Acenaphthylene 38.5 10 ug/L 50.00 77 41-130 1 20 Aniline 71.4 10 ug/L 50.00 143 12-197 8 20 Anthracene 40.8 10 ug/L 50.00 82 57-123 0.2 20 Azobenzene 37.6 10 ug/L 50.00 75 61-116 1 20 Benzo(a)anthracene 41.7 10 ug/L 50.00 83 58-125 1 20 Benzo(a)pyrene 40.1 10 ug/L 50.00 80 54-128 2 20 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 38.4 10 ug/L 50.00 77 53-131 2 20 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene 39.5 10 ug/L 50.00 79 50-134 1 20 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 41.1 10 ug/L 50.00 82 57-129 2 20 Benzoic Acid 7.43 100 ug/L 50.00 15 10-125 63 20 D, J Benzyl alcohol 31.1 10 ug/L 50.00 62 31-112 4 20 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 39.1 10 ug/L 50.00 78 48-120 6 20 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 36.3 10 ug/L 50.00 73 43-118 4 20 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 34.5 10 ug/L 50.00 69 37-130 5 20 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 40.2 10 ug/L 50.00 80 55-135 0.4 20 Butyl benzyl phthalate 37.4 10 ug/L 50.00 75 53-134 3 20 Chrysene 42.8 10 ug/L 50.00 86 59-123 1 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 104 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch HUM - 3510C MS Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS Dup (P8C0109-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 27.5 10 ug/L 50.00 55 51-134 0.9 20 Dibenzofuran 35.9 10 ug/L 50.00 72 53-118 1 20 Diethyl phthalate 35.8 10 ug/L 50.00 72 56-125 3 20 Dimethyl phthalate 36.4 10 ug/L 50.00 73 45-127 1 20 Di-n-butyl phthalate 38.6 10 ug/L 50.00 77 59-127 0.1 20 Di-n-octyl phthalate 39.8 10 ug/L 50.00 80 51-140 0.6 20 Fluoranthene 40.3 10 ug/L 50.00 81 57-128 0.1 20 Fluorene 37.5 10 ug/L 50.00 75 52-124 0.5 20 Hexachlorobenzene 38.2 10 ug/L 50.00 76 53-125 0.5 20 Hexachlorobutadiene 30.9 10 ug/L 50.00 62 22-124 2 20 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 30.7 10 ug/L 50.00 61 32-117 3 20 Hexachloroethane 27.2 10 ug/L 50.00 54 21-115 5 20 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 45.7 10 ug/L 50.00 91 52-134 0.4 20 Isophorone 37.2 10 ug/L 50.00 74 42-124 4 20 Naphthalene 36.3 10 ug/L 50.00 73 40-121 4 20 Nitrobenzene 32.6 10 ug/L 50.00 65 45-121 4 20 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 34.6 10 ug/L 50.00 69 49-119 3 20 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 45.2 10 ug/L 50.00 90 51-123 3 20 Pentachlorophenol 43.4 10 ug/L 50.00 87 35-138 0.07 20 Phenanthrene 41.1 10 ug/L 50.00 82 59-120 0.2 20 Phenol 19.3 10 ug/L 50.00 39 12-58 8 20 Pyrene 41.0 10 ug/L 50.00 82 57-126 2 20 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 83.0 ug/L 100.0 83 43-140 Surrogate:2-Fluorobiphenyl 40.4 ug/L 50.00 81 44-119 Surrogate:2-Fluorophenol 56.0 ug/L 100.0 56 19-119 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 37.9 ug/L 50.00 76 44-120 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 34.2 ug/L 100.0 34 11-52 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 41.8 ug/L 50.00 84 50-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 105 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch HUM - 3510C MS Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike (P8C0109-MS1) Source: 8030081-03 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 61.2 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 61 29-116 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 58.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 58 32-111 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 54.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 55 28-110 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 54.6 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 55 29-112 1-Methyl naphthalene 69.6 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 70 41-119 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 72.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 73 53-123 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 68.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 68 50-125 2,4-Dichlorophenol 70.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 70 47-121 2,4-Dimethylphenol 63.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 63 31-124 2,4-Dinitrophenol 65.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 65 23-143 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 67.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 68 57-128 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 70.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 71 57-124 2-Chloronaphthalene 66.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 66 40-116 2-Chlorophenol 65.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 66 38-117 2-Methyl naphthalene 66.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 67 40-121 2-Methylphenol 66.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 66 30-117 2-Nitroaniline 58.6 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 59 55-127 2-Nitrophenol 69.6 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 70 47-123 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 19.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 19 27-129 M, J 3/4-Methyl phenol 56.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 57 29-110 3-Nitroaniline 62.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 63 41-128 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 68.2 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 68 44-137 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 69.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 69 55-124 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 68.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 68 52-119 4-Chloroaniline 71.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 71 33-117 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 66.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 66 53-121 4-Nitroaniline 54.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 55 45-135 4-Nitrophenol 50.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 50 10-105 Acenaphthene 70.0 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 70 47-122 Acenaphthylene 71.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 72 41-130 Aniline 123 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 123 11-124 Anthracene 75.2 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 75 57-123 Azobenzene 70.0 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 70 61-116 Benzo(a)anthracene 78.2 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 78 58-125 Benzo(a)pyrene 73.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 74 54-128 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 73.0 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 73 53-131 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 74.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 74 50-134 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 77.2 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 77 57-129 Benzoic Acid 35.2 200 ug/L 100.0 BRL 35 10-125 J Benzyl alcohol 60.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 61 31-112 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 70.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 71 48-120 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 65.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 66 43-118 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 61.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 61 37-130 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 75.2 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 75 55-135 Butyl benzyl phthalate 71.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 71 53-134 Chrysene 81.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 82 59-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 106 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch HUM - 3510C MS Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike (P8C0109-MS1) Source: 8030081-03 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 50.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 50 51-134 M Dibenzofuran 67.0 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 67 53-118 Diethyl phthalate 66.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 67 56-125 Dimethyl phthalate 67.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 68 45-127 Di-n-butyl phthalate 72.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 72 59-127 Di-n-octyl phthalate 75.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 75 51-140 Fluoranthene 74.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 74 57-128 Fluorene 68.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 69 52-124 Hexachlorobenzene 70.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 71 53-125 Hexachlorobutadiene 59.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 60 22-124 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 60.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 60 26-122 Hexachloroethane 51.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 52 21-115 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 84.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 85 52-134 Isophorone 68.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 69 42-124 Naphthalene 68.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 68 40-121 Nitrobenzene 64.2 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 64 45-121 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 64.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 65 49-119 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 80.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 81 51-123 Pentachlorophenol 82.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 82 35-138 Phenanthrene 75.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 76 59-120 Phenol 48.0 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 48 10-68 Pyrene 77.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 78 57-126 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 151 ug/L 200.0 76 43-140 Surrogate:2-Fluorobiphenyl 74.4 ug/L 100.0 74 44-119 Surrogate:2-Fluorophenol 117 ug/L 200.0 59 19-119 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 68.7 ug/L 100.0 69 44-120 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 90.2 ug/L 200.0 45 11-52 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 79.6 ug/L 100.0 80 50-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 107 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch HUM - 3510C MS Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike Dup (P8C0109-MSD1) Source: 8030081-03 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 64.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 64 29-116 5 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 63.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 63 32-111 9 50 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 58.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 58 28-110 7 50 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 58.6 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 59 29-112 7 50 1-Methyl naphthalene 73.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 74 41-119 6 50 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 77.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 77 53-123 6 50 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 74.6 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 75 50-125 8 50 2,4-Dichlorophenol 76.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 76 47-121 9 50 2,4-Dimethylphenol 62.6 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 63 31-124 1 50 2,4-Dinitrophenol 73.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 74 23-143 12 50 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 72.0 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 72 57-128 6 50 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 75.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 76 57-124 7 50 2-Chloronaphthalene 71.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 71 40-116 7 50 2-Chlorophenol 73.2 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 73 38-117 10 50 2-Methyl naphthalene 70.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 70 40-121 5 50 2-Methylphenol 72.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 73 30-117 9 50 2-Nitroaniline 62.6 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 63 55-127 7 50 2-Nitrophenol 74.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 75 47-123 7 50 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 7.42 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 7 27-129 88 50 D, M, J 3/4-Methyl phenol 60.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 60 29-110 7 50 3-Nitroaniline 65.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 66 41-128 4 50 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 75.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 76 44-137 11 50 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 72.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 73 55-124 5 50 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 73.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 73 52-119 7 50 4-Chloroaniline 72.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 73 33-117 2 50 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 71.0 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 71 53-121 7 50 4-Nitroaniline 57.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 57 45-135 4 50 4-Nitrophenol 52.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 53 10-105 4 50 Acenaphthene 74.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 74 47-122 6 50 Acenaphthylene 78.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 78 41-130 9 50 Aniline 122 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 122 11-124 0.2 50 Anthracene 81.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 81 57-123 8 50 Azobenzene 74.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 75 61-116 7 50 Benzo(a)anthracene 81.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 82 58-125 5 50 Benzo(a)pyrene 77.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 77 54-128 4 50 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 78.2 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 78 53-131 7 50 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 78.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 78 50-134 6 50 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 82.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 83 57-129 7 50 Benzoic Acid 47.0 200 ug/L 100.0 BRL 47 10-125 29 50 J Benzyl alcohol 65.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 66 31-112 8 50 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 75.6 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 76 48-120 6 50 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 71.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 71 43-118 8 50 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 68.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 68 37-130 10 50 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 80.6 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 81 55-135 7 50 Butyl benzyl phthalate 76.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 77 53-134 7 50 Chrysene 85.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 85 59-123 5 50 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 108 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch HUM - 3510C MS Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike Dup (P8C0109-MSD1) Source: 8030081-03 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 55.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 55 51-134 9 50 Dibenzofuran 71.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 72 53-118 7 50 Diethyl phthalate 71.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 72 56-125 8 50 Dimethyl phthalate 72.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 73 45-127 7 50 Di-n-butyl phthalate 76.9 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 77 59-127 6 50 Di-n-octyl phthalate 80.0 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 80 51-140 6 50 Fluoranthene 80.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 80 57-128 8 50 Fluorene 73.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 74 52-124 7 50 Hexachlorobenzene 75.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 75 53-125 6 50 Hexachlorobutadiene 62.1 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 62 22-124 3 50 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 63.5 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 64 26-122 5 50 Hexachloroethane 55.0 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 55 21-115 6 50 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 90.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 90 52-134 6 50 Isophorone 72.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 73 42-124 6 50 Naphthalene 70.8 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 71 40-121 4 50 Nitrobenzene 69.0 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 69 45-121 7 50 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 70.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 70 49-119 8 50 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 89.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 89 51-123 10 50 Pentachlorophenol 88.2 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 88 35-138 7 50 Phenanthrene 81.7 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 82 59-120 8 50 Phenol 51.3 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 51 10-68 7 50 Pyrene 83.4 20 ug/L 100.0 BRL 83 57-126 7 50 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 163 ug/L 200.0 81 43-140 Surrogate:2-Fluorobiphenyl 80.0 ug/L 100.0 80 44-119 Surrogate:2-Fluorophenol 130 ug/L 200.0 65 19-119 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 72.8 ug/L 100.0 73 44-120 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 96.8 ug/L 200.0 48 11-52 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 85.4 ug/L 100.0 85 50-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 109 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Prism Work Order: 8030081 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO166 - 3546 Blank (P8C0166-BLK1) Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Chlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Methylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Nitrophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Chloroaniline BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Nitrophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Acenaphthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Acenaphthylene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Anthracene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Azobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(a)anthracene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(a)pyrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzoic Acid BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzyl alcohol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Chrysene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Dibenzofuran BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Diethyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Dimethyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 110 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P8CO166 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P8C0166-BLK1) Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Fluoranthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Fluorene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachloroethane BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Isophorone BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Naphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Nitrobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Pentachlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Phenanthrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Phenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Pyrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2.32 mg/kg wet 3.333 69 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.19 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 2.59 mg/kg wet 3.333 78 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 1.11 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 2.46 mg/kg wet 3.333 74 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.30 mg/kg wet 1.667 78 54-127 LCS (P8130166-113S1) Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.05 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 63 34-118 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.992 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 33-117 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.946 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 57 30-115 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.969 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 31-115 1-Methyl naphthalene 1.18 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 40-119 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.19 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 39-126 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.21 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 40-122 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.47 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 88 30-127 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.941 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 56 27-129 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.15 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 48-126 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.22 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 46-124 2-Chloronaphthalene 1.12 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 41-114 2-Chlorophenol 1.17 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 34-121 2-Methyl naphthalene 1.13 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 68 38-122 2-Methylphenol 1.28 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 77 32-122 2-Nitrophenol 1.11 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 36-123 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.37 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 82 22-121 3/4-Methyl phenol 1.07 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 64 34-119 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1.05 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 63 29-132 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1.17 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 46-124 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.26 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 76 45-122 4-Chloroaniline 1.22 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 17-106 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 111 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P8CO166 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P8C0166-BSI) Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.13 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 68 45-121 4-Nitrophenol 1.26 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 76 30-132 Acenaphthene 1.19 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 40-123 Acenaphthylene 1.25 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 32-132 Anthracene 1.33 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 80 47-123 Azobenzene 1.25 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 39-125 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.33 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 80 49-126 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.28 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 77 45-129 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.23 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 74 45-132 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.26 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 43-134 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.30 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 78 47-132 Benzoic Acid 0.982 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 10-83 Benzyl alcohol 1.05 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 63 29-122 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1.14 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 36-121 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1.05 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 63 31-120 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 1.03 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 62 33-131 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1.26 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 51-133 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.26 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 48-132 Chrysene 1.35 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 81 50-124 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.932 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 56 45-134 Dibenzofuran 1.15 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 44-120 Diethyl phthalate 1.18 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 50-124 Dimethyl phthalate 1.18 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 48-124 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.25 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 51-128 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1.26 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 76 45-140 Fluoranthene 1.28 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 77 50-127 Fluorene 1.18 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 43-125 Hexachlorobenzene 1.15 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 45-122 Hexachlorobutadiene 1.05 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 63 32-123 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.990 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 32-117 Hexachloroethane 0.936 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 56 28-117 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.46 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 87 45-133 Isophorone 1.13 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 68 30-122 Naphthalene 1.12 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 35-123 Nitrobenzene 0.960 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 34-122 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1.10 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 36-120 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.51 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 90 38-127 Pentachlorophenol 1.14 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 25-133 Phenanthrene 1.32 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 79 50-121 Phenol 1.26 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 76 34-121 Pyrene 1.30 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 78 47-127 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2.58 mg/kg wet 3.333 77 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.25 mg/kg wet 1,667 75 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 2.59 mg/kg wet 3.333 78 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 1.11 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 2.54 mg/kg wet 3,333 76 34-121 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 112 of 126 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P8CO166 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P8C0166-BSI) Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.34 mg/kg wet 1.667 81 54-127 LCS Dup (P8C0166-BSD1) Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.807 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 48 34-118 26 20 D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.764 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 46 33-117 26 20 D 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.722 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 43 30-115 27 20 D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.742 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 44 31-115 27 20 D 1-Methyl naphthalene 0.953 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 57 40-119 21 20 D 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.01 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 39-126 17 20 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.989 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 40-122 20 20 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.18 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 30-127 22 20 D 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.815 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 49 27-129 14 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.993 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 48-126 15 20 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.03 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 62 46-124 16 20 2-Chloronaphthalene 0.932 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 56 41-114 19 20 2-Chlorophenol 0.899 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 54 34-121 27 20 D 2-Methyl naphthalene 0.906 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 54 38-122 22 20 D 2-Methylphenol 1.02 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 61 32-122 23 20 D 2-Nitrophenol 0.863 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 52 36-123 25 20 D 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.20 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 22-121 13 20 3/4-Methyl phenol 0.877 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 53 34-119 20 20 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.914 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 55 29-132 14 20 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.972 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 46-124 18 20 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.04 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 62 45-122 20 20 4-Chloroaniline 1.00 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 17-106 20 20 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.953 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 57 45-121 17 20 4-Nitrophenol 1.05 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 63 30-132 18 20 Acenaphthene 0.988 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 40-123 18 20 Acenaphthylene 1.06 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 64 32-132 16 20 Anthracene 1.11 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 47-123 18 20 Azobenzene 1.05 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 63 39-125 17 20 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.15 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 49-126 14 20 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.11 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 45-129 14 20 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.07 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 64 45-132 15 20 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.09 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 43-134 14 20 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.12 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 47-132 15 20 Benzoic Acid 0.769 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 46 10-83 24 20 D Benzyl alcohol 0.837 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 50 29-122 23 20 D bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 0.915 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 55 36-121 22 20 D Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.751 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 45 31-120 34 20 D Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.782 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 47 33-131 28 20 D Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1.09 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 65 51-133 15 20 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.10 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 48-132 14 20 Chrysene 1.19 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 50-124 13 20 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.16 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 45-134 22 20 D Dibenzofuran 0.969 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 44-120 17 20 Diethyl phthalate 0.992 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 50-124 17 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 113 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO166 - 3546 LCS Dup (P8C0166-BSD1) Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 Dimethyl phthalate 0.994 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 48-124 17 20 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.09 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 65 51-128 14 20 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1.10 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 45-140 14 20 Fluoranthene 1.09 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 65 50-127 16 20 Fluorene 1.00 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 43-125 16 20 Hexachlorobenzene 0.997 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 45-122 15 20 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.810 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 49 32-123 26 20 D Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.801 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 48 32-117 21 20 D Hexachloroethane 0.708 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 42 28-117 28 20 D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.08 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 65 45-133 29 20 D Isophorone 0.913 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 55 30-122 21 20 D Naphthalene 0.869 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 52 35-123 25 20 D Nitrobenzene 0.741 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 44 34-122 26 20 D N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 0.864 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 52 36-120 24 20 D N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.27 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 76 38-127 17 20 Pentachlorophenol 1.01 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 61 25-133 12 20 Phenanthrene 1.11 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 50-121 17 20 Phenol 0.989 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 34-121 24 20 D Pyrene 1.14 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 68 47-127 13 20 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2.16 mg/kg wet 3.333 65 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.02 mg/kg wet 1.667 61 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 1.98 mg/kg wet 3.333 59 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 0.853 mg/kg wet 1.667 51 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 2.01 mg/kg wet 3.333 60 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.16 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 54-127 Matrix Spike (P8C0166-MS1) Source: 8030081-02 Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.00 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 51 34-118 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.892 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 45 33-117 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.859 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 43 30-115 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.857 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 43 31-115 1-Methyl naphthalene 1.10 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 55 40-119 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.12 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 57 39-126 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.16 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 58 40-122 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.40 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 71 30-127 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.645 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 33 27-129 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.04 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 53 48-126 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.14 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 58 46-124 2-Chloronaphthalene 1.08 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 55 41-114 2-Chlorophenol 1.07 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 54 34-121 2-Methyl naphthalene 1.05 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 53 38-122 2-Methylphenol 1.17 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 59 32-122 2-Nitrophenol 1.00 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 51 36-123 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.30 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 66 22-121 3/4-Methyl phenol 0.991 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 50 34-119 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.700 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 35 29-132 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1.11 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 56 46-124 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 114 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P8CO166 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike (P8C0166-MS1) Source: 8030081-02 Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 1.12 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 57 45-122 4-Chloroaniline 1.09 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 55 17-106 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.06 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 54 45-121 4-Nitrophenol 1.09 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 55 30-132 Acenaphthene 1.13 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 57 40-123 Acenaphthylene 1.19 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 60 32-132 Anthracene 1.24 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 63 47-123 Azobenzene 1.10 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 55 39-125 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.26 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 64 49-126 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.22 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 61 45-129 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.24 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 62 45-132 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.14 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 57 43-134 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.18 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 59 47-132 Benzoic Acid 0.382 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 19 10-83 Benzyl alcohol 0.947 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 48 29-122 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1.02 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 52 36-121 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.897 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 45 31-120 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.844 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 43 33-131 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1.18 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 59 51-133 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.13 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 57 48-132 Chrysene 1.31 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 66 50-124 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 0.862 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 44 45-134 Dibenzofuran 1.08 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 55 44-120 Diethyl phthalate 1.07 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 54 50-124 Dimethyl phthalate 1.07 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 54 48-124 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.16 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 58 51-128 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1.20 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 61 45-140 Fluoranthene 1.29 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 65 50-127 Fluorene 1.11 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 56 43-125 Hexachlorobenzene 1.12 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 57 45-122 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.989 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 50 32-123 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.396 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 20 32-117 Hexachloroethane 0.808 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 41 28-117 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.34 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 68 45-133 Isophorone 1.00 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 51 30-122 Naphthalene 1.04 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 53 35-123 Nitrobenzene 0.818 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 41 34-122 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 0.920 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 46 36-120 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.44 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 73 38-127 Pentachlorophenol 1.31 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 66 25-133 Phenanthrene 1.28 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 65 50-121 Phenol 1.11 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 56 34-121 Pyrene 1.33 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.980 BRL 67 47-127 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2.39 mg/kg dry 3.961 60 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.17 mg/kg dry 1.980 59 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 2.26 mg/kg dry 3.961 57 35-115 M M This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 115 of 126 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Peace St. Site Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO166 - 3546 Matrix Spike (P8C0166-MS1) Source: 8030081-02 Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 0.934 mg/kg dry 1.980 47 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 2.21 mg/kg dry 3.961 56 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.23 mg/kg dry 1.980 62 54-127 Matrix Spike Dup (P8C0166-MSD1) Source: 8030081-02 Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.869 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 44 34-118 14 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.784 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 40 33-117 13 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.754 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 38 30-115 13 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.766 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 39 31-115 11 20 1-Methyl naphthalene 0.948 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 48 40-119 14 20 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.04 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 52 39-126 8 20 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.02 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 51 40-122 13 20 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.22 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 61 30-127 14 20 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.539 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 27 27-129 18 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.989 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 50 48-126 5 20 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.03 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 52 46-124 11 20 2-Chloronaphthalene 0.963 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 49 41-114 12 20 2-Chlorophenol 0.931 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 47 34-121 14 20 2-Methyl naphthalene 0.907 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 46 38-122 15 20 2-Methylphenol 1.00 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 51 32-122 16 20 2-Nitrophenol 0.861 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 43 36-123 15 20 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.26 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 64 22-121 3 20 3/4-Methyl phenol 0.851 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 43 34-119 15 20 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.591 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 30 29-132 17 20 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1.04 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 52 46-124 7 20 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.02 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 52 45-122 9 20 4-Chloroaniline 0.969 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 49 17-106 12 20 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.957 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 48 45-121 10 20 4-Nitrophenol 1.06 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 53 30-132 3 20 Acenaphthene 0.998 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 50 40-123 12 20 Acenaphthylene 1.07 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 54 32-132 11 20 Anthracene 1.16 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 59 47-123 7 20 Azobenzene 1.00 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 51 39-125 9 20 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.24 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 62 49-126 2 20 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.18 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 60 45-129 3 20 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.20 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 61 45-132 3 20 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.11 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 56 43-134 2 20 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.14 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 57 47-132 3 20 Benzoic Acid 0.221 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 11 10-83 53 20 D, J Benzyl alcohol 0.845 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 43 29-122 11 20 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 0.900 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 45 36-121 12 20 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.753 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 38 31-120 17 20 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.745 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 38 33-131 12 20 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1.15 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 58 51-133 2 20 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.09 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 55 48-132 4 20 Chrysene 1.28 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 64 50-124 3 20 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.72 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 87 45-134 67 20 D This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, INC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 116 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Prism Work Order: 8030081 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8CO166 - 3546 Matrix Spike Dup (P8C0166-MSD1) Source: 8030081-02 Prepared: 03/09/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 Dibenzofuran 0.973 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 49 44-120 11 20 Diethyl phthalate 1.01 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 51 50-124 6 20 Dimethyl phthalate 1.00 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 51 48-124 7 20 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.12 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 56 51-128 4 20 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1.17 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 59 45-140 3 20 Fluoranthene 1.23 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 62 50-127 4 20 Fluorene 1.00 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 51 43-125 10 20 Hexachlorobenzene 1.04 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 53 45-122 7 20 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.853 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 43 32-123 15 20 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.323 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 16 32-117 20 20 M, J Hexachloroethane 0.705 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 36 28-117 14 20 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.12 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 57 45-133 18 20 Isophorone 0.866 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 44 30-122 14 20 Naphthalene 0.921 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 47 35-123 12 20 Nitrobenzene 0.739 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 37 34-122 10 20 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 0.798 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 40 36-120 14 20 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.35 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 68 38-127 6 20 Pentachlorophenol 1.20 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 61 25-133 8 20 Phenanthrene 1.20 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 61 50-121 6 20 Phenol 0.972 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 49 34-121 13 20 Pyrene 1.29 0.39 mg/kg dry 1.979 BRL 65 47-127 3 20 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2.27 mg/kg dry 3.958 57 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.04 mg/kg dry 1.979 53 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 2.02 mg/kg dry 3.958 51 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 0.844 mg/kg dry 1.979 43 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 1.93 mg/kg dry 3.958 49 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.22 mg/kg dry 1.979 61 54-127 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 117 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Analyte Batch P8C0113 - 3050B Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P8C0113-BLK1) Prepared: 03/08/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 Arsenic BRL 1.5 mg/kg wet Barium 0.0980 10 mg/kg wet J Cadmium 0.0230 0.25 mg/kg wet J Chromium 0.0480 0.50 mg/kg wet J Lead BRL 0.25 mg/kg wet Selenium BRL 1.0 mg/kg wet Silver 0.0258 0.25 mg/kg wet J LCS (P8C0113-BS1) Prepared: 03/08/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 Arsenic 11.8 1.5 mg/kg wet 12.50 95 80-120 Barium 12.3 10 mg/kg wet 12.50 98 80-120 Cadmium 12.2 0.25 mg/kg wet 12.50 98 80-120 Chromium 12.3 0.50 mg/kg wet 12.50 99 80-120 Lead 12.8 0.25 mg/kg wet 12.50 103 80-120 Selenium 12.3 1.0 mg/kg wet 12.50 98 80-120 Silver 5.08 0.25 mg/kg wet 5.000 102 80-120 Matrix Spike (P8C0113-MS1) Source: 8030081-02 Prepared: 03/08/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 Arsenic 14.6 1.8 mg/kg dry 14.72 1.37 90 75-125 Barium 97.0 12 mg/kg dry 14.72 95.6 10 75-125 MC Cadmium 14.6 0.29 mg/kg dry 14.72 0.0826 98 75-125 Chromium 36.2 0.59 mg/kg dry 14.72 14.8 145 75-125 M Lead 43.7 0.29 mg/kg dry 14.72 31.8 81 75-125 Selenium 14.7 1.2 mg/kg dry 14.72 0.915 94 75-125 Silver 5.93 0.29 mg/kg dry 5.889 0.0334 100 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (P8C0113-MSD1) Source: 8030081-02 Prepared: 03/08/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 Arsenic 14.5 1.8 mg/kg dry 14.87 1.37 88 75-125 0.2 20 Barium 111 12 mg/kg dry 14.87 95.6 105 75-125 14 20 Cadmium 14.7 0.30 mg/kg dry 14.87 0.0826 98 75-125 0.6 20 Chromium 32.6 0.59 mg/kg dry 14.87 14.8 119 75-125 10 20 Lead 46.8 0.30 mg/kg dry 14.87 31.8 101 75-125 7 20 Selenium 14.8 1.2 mg/kg dry 14.87 0.915 93 75-125 0.4 20 Silver 5.98 0.30 mg/kg dry 5.947 0.0334 100 75-125 0.9 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 118 of 126 Level II QC Report P R I S M Full -Service Analytical & 3/20/18 Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Peace St. Site Prism Work Order: 8030081 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8C0113 - 3050B Post Spike (P8C0113-PS1) Source: 8030081-02 Prepared: 03/08/18 Analyzed: 03/12/18 Arsenic 86.7 ug/L 100.0 4.61 82 80-120 Barium 427 ug/L 100.0 322 106 80-120 Cadmium 82.7 ug/L 100.0 0.278 82 80-120 Chromium 135 ug/L 100.0 49.9 85 80-120 Lead 195 ug/L 100.0 107 88 80-120 Selenium 85.0 ug/L 100.0 3.08 82 80-120 Silver 84.2 ug/L 100.0 0.112 84 80-120 Batch P8C0117 - 7470A Blank (P8C0117-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 Mercury BRL 0.00020 mg/L LCS (P8C0117-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 Mercury 0.00941 0.00020 mg/L 0.009375 100 80-120 Matrix Spike (P8C0117-MS1) Source: 8030081-03 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 Mercury 0.00913 0.00020 mg/L 0.009375 BRL 97 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (P8C0117-MSD1) Source: 8030081-03 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/08/18 Mercury 0.00905 0.00020 mg/L 0.009375 BRL 97 80-120 0.9 20 Batch P8C0170 - 7471 B Blank (P8C0170-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 Mercury BRL 0.020 mg/kg wet This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 119 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Analyte Batch P8C0170 - 7471 B Project: Peace St. Site Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P8C0170-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/12/18 Mercury 0.464 0.020 mg/kg wet 0.4167 111 80-120 Batch HUM - 3005A Blank (P8C0193-BLK1) Prepared: 03/13/18 Analyzed: 03/14/18 Arsenic 0.0900 1.0 ug/L J Barium BRL 5.0 ug/L Cadmium 0.0900 1.0 ug/L J Chromium BRL 1.0 ug/L Lead 0.173 1.0 ug/L J Selenium BRL 5.0 ug/L Silver 0.200 5.0 ug/L J LCS (P8C0193-BS1) Prepared: 03/13/18 Analyzed: 03/14/18 Arsenic 100 1.0 ug/L 100.0 100 80-120 Barium 96.6 5.0 ug/L 100.0 97 80-120 Cadmium 104 1.0 ug/L 100.0 104 80-120 Chromium 103 1.0 ug/L 100.0 103 80-120 Lead 103 1.0 ug/L 100.0 103 80-120 Selenium 101 5.0 ug/L 100.0 101 80-120 Silver 109 5.0 ug/L 100.0 109 80-120 Matrix Spike (P8C0193-MS1) Source: 8030081-03 Prepared: 03/13/18 Analyzed: 03/14/18 Arsenic 100 1.0 ug/L 100.0 0.359 100 75-125 Barium 156 5.0 ug/L 100.0 64.5 92 75-125 Cadmium 104 1.0 ug/L 100.0 BRL 104 75-125 Chromium 103 1.0 ug/L 100.0 1.67 102 75-125 Lead 103 1.0 ug/L 100.0 0.349 103 75-125 Selenium 101 5.0 ug/L 100.0 2.80 98 75-125 Silver 106 5.0 ug/L 100.0 0.0940 106 75-125 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 120 of 126 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Analyte Batch P8UM - 3005A Project: Peace St. Site Level II QC Report 3/20/18 Prism Work Order: 8030081 Time Submitted: 3/6/2018 8:20:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike Dup (P8C0193-MSD1) Source: 8030081-03 Prepared: 03/13/18 Analyzed: 03/14/18 Arsenic 102 1.0 ug/L 100.0 0.359 101 75-125 2 20 Barium 159 5.0 ug/L 100.0 64.5 94 75-125 2 20 Cadmium 105 1.0 ug/L 100.0 BRL 105 75-125 1 20 Chromium 106 1.0 ug/L 100.0 1.67 104 75-125 3 20 Lead 104 1.0 ug/L 100.0 0.349 104 75-125 0.7 20 Selenium 102 5.0 ug/L 100.0 2.80 99 75-125 0.4 20 Silver 108 5.0 ug/L 100.0 0.0940 108 75-125 2 20 Post Spike (P8C0193-PS1) Source: 8030081-03 Prepared: 03/13/18 Analyzed: 03/14/18 Arsenic 100 ug/L 100.0 0.359 100 80-120 Barium 154 ug/L 100.0 64.5 90 80-120 Cadmium 102 ug/L 100.0 0.0740 102 80-120 Chromium 103 ug/L 100.0 1.67 101 80-120 Lead 101 ug/L 100.0 0.349 101 80-120 Selenium 100 ug/L 100.0 2.80 97 80-120 Silver 105 ug/L 100.0 0.0940 105 80-120 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 121 of 126 Sample Extraction Data Prep Method: Solids, Dry Weight Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-02 P8C0100 30 g 30 g 03/06/18 16:00 8030081-04 P8C0100 30 g 30 g 03/06/18 16:00 8030081-06 P8C0100 30 g 30 g 03/06/18 16:00 8030081-08 P8C0100 30 g 30 g 03/06/18 16:00 8030081-10 P8C0100 30 g 30 g 03/06/18 16:00 8030081-11 P8C0100 30 g 30 g 03/06/18 16:00 8030081-13 P8C0100 30 g 30 g 03/06/18 16:00 8030081-15 P8C0100 30 g 30 g 03/06/18 16:00 8030081-17 P8C0100 30 g 30 g 03/06/18 16:00 8030081-19 P8C0100 30 g 30 g 03/06/18 16:00 Prep Method: 3510C MS Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-01 P8C0109 450 mL 1 mL 03/08/18 8:40 8030081-03 P8C0109 930 mL 1 mL 03/08/18 8:40 8030081-05 P8C0109 800 mL 1 mL 03/08/18 8:40 8030081-07 P8C0109 990 mL 1 mL 03/08/18 8:40 8030081-09 P8C0109 1000 mL 1 mL 03/08/18 13:15 8030081-12 P8C0109 990 mL 1 mL 03/08/18 13:15 8030081-14 P8C0109 980 mL 1 mL 03/08/18 13:15 8030081-16 P8C0109 990 mL 1 mL 03/08/18 13:15 8030081-18 P8C0109 970 mL 1 mL 03/08/18 13:15 Prep Method: 3546 Lab Number Batch Initial Final DatelTime 8030081-02 P8C0166 30.05 g 1 mL 03/09/18 15:08 8030081-04 P8C0166 30.01 g 1 mL 03/09/18 15:08 8030081-06 P8C0166 30.04 g 1 mL 03/09/18 15:08 8030081-08 P8C0166 30.06 g 1 mL 03/09/18 15:08 8030081-10 P8C0166 30.02 g 1 mL 03/09/18 15:08 8030081-11 P8C0166 30.06 g 1 mL 03/09/18 15:08 8030081-13 P8C0166 30.01 g 1 mL 03/09/18 15:08 8030081-15 P8C0166 30.04 g 1 mL 03/09/18 15:08 8030081-17 P8C0166 30.06 g 1 mL 03/09/18 15:08 8030081-19 P8C0166 30.05 g 1 mL 03/09/18 15:08 Prep Method: 3005A Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-03 P8C0193 50 mL 50 mL 03/13/18 8:10 8030081-05 P8C0193 50 mL 50 mL 03/13/18 8:10 8030081-07 P8C0193 50 mL 50 mL 03/13/18 8:10 8030081-09 P8C0193 50 mL 50 mL 03/13/18 8:10 8030081-12 P8C0193 50 mL 50 mL 03/13/18 8:10 8030081-14 P8C0193 50 mL 50 mL 03/13/18 8:10 8030081-16 P8C0193 50 mL 50 mL 03/13/18 8:10 8030081-18 P8C0193 50 mL 50 mL 03/13/18 8:10 Prep Method: 3050E Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-02 P8C0113 2.01 g 50 mL 03/08/18 8:55 8030081-04 P8C0113 2 g 50 mL 03/08/18 8:55 8030081-06 P8C0113 2 g 50 mL 03/08/18 8:55 8030081-08 P8C0113 2.01 g 50 mL 03/08/18 8:55 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 122 of 126 Sample Extraction Data Prep Method: 3050E Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-10 P8C0113 2 g 50 mL 03/08/18 8:55 8030081-11 P8C0113 2.02 g 50 mL 03/08/18 8:55 8030081-13 P8C0113 2.02 g 50 mL 03/08/18 8:55 8030081-15 P8C0113 2 g 50 mL 03/08/18 8:55 8030081-17 P8C0113 2 g 50 mL 03/08/18 8:55 8030081-19 P8C0113 2 g 50 mL 03/08/18 8:55 Prep Method: 7470A Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-03 P8C0117 20 mL 30 mL 03/08/18 8:20 8030081-05 P8C0117 20 mL 30 mL 03/08/18 8:20 8030081-07 P8C0117 20 mL 30 mL 03/08/18 8:20 8030081-09 P8C0117 20 mL 30 mL 03/08/18 8:20 8030081-12 P8C0117 20 mL 30 mL 03/08/18 8:20 8030081-14 P8C0117 20 mL 30 mL 03/08/18 8:20 8030081-16 P8C0117 20 mL 30 mL 03/08/18 8:20 8030081-18 P8C0117 20 mL 30 mL 03/08/18 8:20 Prep Method: 7471E Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-02 P8C0170 0.61 g 50 mL 03/12/18 9:30 8030081-04 P8C0170 0.62 g 50 mL 03/12/18 9:30 8030081-06 P8C0170 0.6 g 50 mL 03/12/18 9:30 8030081-08 P8C0170 0.61 g 50 mL 03/12/18 9:30 8030081-10 P8C0170 0.6 g 50 mL 03/12/18 9:30 8030081-11 P8C0170 0.61 g 50 mL 03/12/18 9:30 8030081-13 P8C0170 0.6 g 50 mL 03/12/18 9:30 8030081-15 P8C0170 0.62 g 50 mL 03/12/18 9:30 8030081-17 P8C0170 0.61 g 50 mL 03/12/18 9:30 8030081-19 P8C0170 0.61 g 50 mL 03/12/18 9:30 Prep Method: 5030E Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-01 P8CO254 10 mL 10 mL 03/15/18 9:07 8030081-03 P8CO254 10 mL 10 mL 03/15/18 9:07 8030081-05 P8CO254 10 mL 10 mL 03/15/18 9:07 8030081-07 P8CO254 10 mL 10 mL 03/15/18 9:07 8030081-09 P8CO254 10 mL 10 mL 03/15/18 9:07 8030081-12 P8CO254 10 mL 10 mL 03/15/18 9:07 8030081-14 P8CO254 10 mL 10 mL 03/15/18 9:07 8030081-16 P8CO254 10 mL 10 mL 03/15/18 9:07 8030081-18 P8CO254 10 mL 10 mL 03/15/18 9:07 Prep Method: 5035 Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-02 P8C0183 7.31 g 5 mL 03/12/18 8:04 8030081-04 P8C0183 6.16 g 5 mL 03/12/18 8:04 8030081-06 P8C0183 6.39 g 5 mL 03/12/18 8:04 8030081-08 P8C0183 5.78 g 5 mL 03/12/18 8:04 8030081-10 P8C0183 6.91 g 5 mL 03/12/18 8:04 8030081-11 P8CO225 5.25 g 5 mL 03/13/18 8:56 8030081-13 P8C0183 6.36 g 5 mL 03/12/18 8:04 8030081-15 P8C0183 5.95 g 5 mL 03/12/18 8:04 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 123 of 126 Sample Extraction Data Prep Method: 5035 Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-17 P8C0183 6.02 g 5 mL 03/12/18 8:04 8030081-19 P8C0183 6.04 g 5 mL 03/12/18 8:04 Prep Method: 5035 Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8030081-11 P8CO208 5.11 g 5 mL 03/12/18 13:52 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 124 of 126 cio ❑Z z 0M D ❑� Cl) m n ❑ � Z m o ❑ cn m n N O❑GI D ZQ u n 3 �O Q CD coa n n dpp� Z n� mZ C, C (n D_ u R III � CD m r C7 e u o CN] IT r O ID ❑ ` 0Z -o n G O .. 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