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June 11, 2008 Buxton Environmental, Inc. 1101 South Blvd., Suite 101 - Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 Phone: (704) 344-1450 - Fax: (704) 344-1451 - e-mail: buxtonenv@bellsouth.net IN C 141 Ilk Mr. Brett Morris AN I ; NCDENR-UST Section ` 610 E. Center Ave., Suite 301 Di vlsiitay o "Awe 41sirage"ient Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 UST Section Mooresvifie Regional Office Subject: 20 Day Report and Initial Abatement Action Report Ficklen Property 519 Merwick Circle Charlotte, North Carolina Incident No.: 36503 Dear Mr. Morris, As requested by Mrs. Bennie Ficklen (owner), Buxton Environmental, Inc, respectfully submits a copy of the 20-Day Report and Initial Abatement Action Report, which was prepared for the subject site. If you have any further questions concerning these matters, please call me at (704) 344-1450. Sincerely, Buxton Environmental, Inc. Ross Klingman, P.G. President cc: Mrs. Bennie Ficklen - owner 20-Day Report and Initial Abatement Action Report In addition to reporting initial response and abatement actions and assessment actions and pr 'ia) g)) characterization, this newly -created Initial Abatement Action Report must fulfill the requireme#og )se has been discovered, for the following individual reports: ❑ Site Check Report (Section C) ❑ UST Closure Report (UST-12) with UST-2 Form (Section D) ijw� ' '- )) Post -Excavation Soil Contamination Assessment Report (Section IT) ❑ Free Product Recovery Report (Section E) ivi3ioii a f r'as¢r Manageloent Se t on Check the applicable report(s). Complete Sections A-L, as required, including the secti� s eci Il cesh t for the reports you have indicated. The Initial Abatement Action Report must be submid & iv] , ' Mice regional office within 90 days following discovery of release. A. Site Information 1. Site Identification ®Date of Report: May 31, 2008 ®Facility I.D.: NA UST Incident Number (if known): 36503 Site Name: Ficklen Property ®Site Street Address: 519 Merwick Circle 'City/Town: Charlotte, NC Zip Code: 28211 County: Mecklenburg ©Description of Geographical Data Point (e.g., diesel fill port): address Location Method (GPS, topographical map, other): other 'Latitude (decimal degrees): 35.1784 Longitude (decimal degrees): 80.7936 2. Information about Contacts Associated with the Leaking UST System (Addresses must include street, city, state, zip code and mailing address, if d�ftrent) 'UST Owner: Mrs Bennie J Ficklen Address: 519 Merwick Circle. Charlotte NC 28211 IUST Operator: Mrs. Bennie J Ficklen Address: S19 Merwick Circle, Charlotte, NC 28211 'Property Owner: Mrs. Bennie J. Ficklen Address: 519 Merwick Circle, Charlotte NC 28211 ®Property Occupant: Mrs. Bennie J. Ficklen Address: 519 Merwick Circle, Charlotte NC 28211 Consultant/Contractor: Buxton Environmental, Inc. Address: 1101 South Blvd, Suite 101 ©Analytical Laboratory: Prism Laboratories, Inc. Address: 449 Springbrook Road, Charlotte NC 28224 Information about Release Tel: 704-366-1816 Tel: 704-366-1816 Tel: 704-366-1816 Tel: 704-366-1816 Tel: 704-344-1450 State Certification No. 402 Tel: 704-529-6364 ®Date Discovered: Con>trmed on May 27, 2008 ®Estimated Quantity of Release: Unknown ®Cause of Release: 560-Gallon UST overflowed during rain event & 550 & 560-Gallon UST's corroded I�OSource of Release (Dispenser/Piping/UST): Heating Oil UST's ®Sizes and contents of UST system(s) from which the release occurred): 550 & 560-GaL Heating Oil USTs 4. Certification (The title page must display the seal and signature of the certifying P.E. or L.G and the name and certification number of the company or corporation, if applicable [See 1 SA NCAC 2L .0103(e)J.) I, 1cc 's VJfu ,ts Q(. , a Professional Enginee icensed Geologist circle one) for (Buxton Environmental ), do certify that the information contained in is re r orrect and accurate to the best of my kno S-z1-a (Please A ix and Signature) Date M Buxton Environmental, Inc. is licensed to pra74 ctice eolo engineering (circle one/Oijf a The certification number of the company or corporation isI(Ir hk C - a -4? , SEAL, tFBQ O f ©100' . as�OSS Y1V nnii MW B. Site History and Characterization 1. Provide UST owner and operator information. © List the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and dates of ownership/operation of all previous UST owners and operators of the UST system(s). Present in table form (Use Reporting Table B-2, Site History, UST Owner/Operator Information, from the Guidelines, Appendix B.). Table B-2 Attached 2. Provide UST information (inclusive of all USTs, currently and historically in place at facility). For each UST, provide the following information in table form (Use Reporting Table B-1, Site History, UST/AST System Information, from the Guidelines, Appendix B.): Table B-1 Attached Tank identification number (keyed to a site map showing the locations of all UST systems); o Last contents of tank; o Previous contents of tank (if any); o Capacity of tank in gallons; ® Construction (material and structure); ® Tank dimensions; o Installation date; o Description of piping and pump(s) associated with each UST; o Status of UST (in use or not in use, closed in place, closed by removal; date of last use, date of closure); and o Indication of a release Provide discussion to supplement Table 13-1 and the UST location map in order to clarify the spatial and historical relationships among tanks and between tanks and piping and dispensers and a brief description of all historical compliance issues and releases: See Figure 2 for spatial relationships of the 550 and 560- gallon heating oil UST's: See Tables B-1 and B-2 for historical relationships of UST's • Buxton Environmental, Inc. not aware of any compliance issues 3. Provide non -UST information. Not Applicable o List, describe, and indicate location of ASTs and associated piping and pump(s) currently and historically in place at facility) and describe historical releases. For each AST, present the information in table form (Use Reporting Table B-1, Site History, UST/AST System Information, from the Guidelines, Appendix B.); and o List, describe, and indicate location and date of spills which have occurred at facility. 4. Provide a comprehensive description of the release, including date discovered, cause and source (including tank identification number and contents), and the relationship of historical UST releases, non -UST releases, and off -site releases (indicate incident number) to contamination from current release. During a March 17, 2008 site visit by Buxton Environmental Mrs Bennie Ficklen (owner) indicated that Salem Environmental had recently conducted an assessment of the approximately 560 gallon heating oil underground storage tank (UST). During the Salem Environmental assessment several soil borings were advanced around the UST and one boring was drilled through the top of the UST The purpose for drilling through the too of the tank appears to have been to determine the contents of the UST since no obvious rill or vent pipes were available. The soil boring leading to the hole drilled through the top of the tank was Plugged with rolled plastic bags by Salem Environmental, The remaining soil borings advanced adiacent to the UST were not abandoned and were left open. Mrs. Ficklen was notiried by Salem Environmental that a suspected release had occurred from the UST, however, confirmation soil samples were not collected A surface release subsequently occurred from the 560-gallon UST during a heavy rain event which took place from April 26 through 28, 2008. On May 1 2008 Buxton Environmental Inc visited the site to inspect the surface release The surface release appears to have originated from the hole that was drilled in the 560 gallon UST. The surface release ran from the 560-2allon UST to the fence line located along the eastern Property boundary and to the southern Property boundary onto the adjacent property located at 525 Merwick Circle (Parcel No.: 15718214 owned by Mr. Hugh Humphreys) The extent of the surface release was determined by visual (distressed vegetation) and olfactory observation Buxton Environmental, Inc. understands that Salem Environmental visited the site on May 2 2008 in order to attempt to secure the 560-gallon UST and the surface release area. The hole in the UST was again secured by stuffing more rolled plastic bags in the soil boring above the tank Wheat straw was placed along the southern Property boundary (surface release area) to help Prevent further heating oil migration should rain occur. According to Mrs. Ficklen Salem Environmental indicated that they would remediate the surface release area with fertilizer. The suspected releases at the 560-gallon UST and surface release area were reported to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) by Buxton Environmental Inc. by faxing a "24 Hour Release and UST Leak RenoaWk Form" on May 2 2008 A "Health MiL Safety Plan" was submitted to the NCDENR by Buxton Environmental Inc. on Mar 2 2008 (Appendix D). On May 3, 2008, approximately 560 gallons of heating oCUwater mixture were pumped from the 560 gallon UST by Safety Kleen, in order to prevent further surface release (should a rain event occur) and to prepare the UST or removal scheduled for May 5 2008) The pumping of the UST was contracted by Mrs Ficklen. Following the pumping activities Buxton Environmental Inc.installed an expandable plumber's cap in the hole created by Salem Environmental to further secure the tank A second leaking heating oil UST, which was 550-24llons in size was discovered during the removal of the 560 gallon UST and soil excavation activities conducted on May 5 2008 In order to confirm releases from the 560 gallon UST. 550-gallon UST and the surface release Buxton Environmental, Inc collected soil samples UST-1 5.5' UST-2 (S') and SRC- 1(0') respectively, on Ma S 2008 for analvses by SW 846 Methods 3550 (diesel range total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH)) and 5030 (gasoline range TPH) The soil samples were analyzed by Prism Laboratories Inc. in Charlotte North Carolina. Soil sam le UST-1(5.5).indicated the presence of 1400 Milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) diesel range TPH and 85 m"Ik gasoline range TPH Soil sample UST 2 (S') indicated the presence of 2,600 mg/kg diesel range TPH and 75 mn/kg gasoline range TPH and SRC-1 (0') indicated the presence of 11.000 mg/kg diesel range TPH and 120 mg/kg gasoline range TPH which are above the North Carolina General Action Level (NCGAL) of 10 in (Table 1) Laboratory data sheets were faxed to Mr. Brett Morris with the NCDENR in order to con irm releases and to su lement the "24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form" previously submitted Ed See Tables B-1 and B-2 for UST and historical information and Figure 2 for spatial relationship of the tanks According to information obtained on Mav 28 2008 from the Mecklenburg Coun Well Information System website, no contamination sites were located within a 1500 foot radius of the site . ty5. Provide a brief description of site characteristics (including status of facility (active or inactive), land use of site and surrounding area, water supply, topography, vegetation, surface water, wells, buildings, surface cover, soil type, depth to and nature of bedrock, depth to groundwater, direction of groundwater flow, etc.) The subiect site is currently owned and occupied by Mrs Bennie T FiMen. The subiect site and immediately surrounding area is zoned R-3 for residential use. The subiect site and surrounding area have access to municipal water supply. The subject site is connected to municipal water. Surface topography at the site xenerally slopes to the southeast toward a drainage ditch located alongtheeastepropertyoundaryThrn e surface of the site is covered by the residence asphalt driveway, grass and trees No water supply wells were observed at the subiect site. Soil type is Helena sandy clay loam (HeB). The depth the groundwater is 8 feet below grade. The depth to competent bedrock is unknown. ShaClow eroundwater flow direction is anticipated to be to the southeast: Summarize initial abatement actions, assessment activities, and corrective actions performed to date and list all reports previously submitted. (See Section B 4. above) C. Site Check Report (if applicable) (Not Applicable) Incorporate the minimum requirements of a Site Check Report, as outlined in the Guidelines, Appendix A, p. 43, if a site check revealed a release and initiated the initial response and abatement action. 1. Present and summarize the results of tank and line tightness testing (Refer to Section L, Appendix A, Tightness testing results and supporting documentation). If theses tightness testing results did not indicate a release, and if, instead, environmental contamination was the basis for suspecting a release, describe th6 environmental contamination. 2. Describe the site check procedure. (For guidance refer to the Guidelines, Section 4.3, Site Check Requirements). Reference site and sample location maps provided in Section J, Figures, and summaries of soil and groundwater analytical results provided in Section K, Tables. Explain how the selection of sample types and locations was influenced by the nature of the stored substance, the type of initial alarm or cause for suspicion, the type of backfill, the depth to groundwater, and other factors appropriate for identifying the presence and source of a release. Describe the condition of the UST system (i.e., pitting, holes, etc.) where it can be observed. 3. If a release is determined, document initial response actions (submittal of 24-Hour Release and Report Form; repair, replacement, or upgrading of system to prevent fiirther release; mitigation of hazards) and initial abatement actions (free product removal; submittal of 20-Day Report) performed in Section G, Initial Response and Abatement Actions; 4. Document any soil excavation activities in Section H, Excavation of Contaminated Soil. 5. Document site investigation. ® Describe field screening, including: o Physical characteristics of the soil samples, as observed during collection; o Field instrumentation used to screen soils; © Field instrument calibration procedures; and o Screening results (Refer to table provided in Section K.). ® Document soil sampling information (Refer to figures, tables, and appendices provided in Sections J, K, and L.), including: Lithological descriptions from logs for borings, excavations; Type of samples (from excavation, borehole, geoprobe boring, stockpiled soil, etc.); Sample collection procedures (grab, split spoon, hand auger, etc.); o Location of soil samples; o Depth of soil samples ( feet below land surface); © Time/date collected; o Sample identification; and ® Method(s) of soil sample analysis. ® Document groundwater and surface water sampling information (Refer to figures, tables, and appendices provided in Sections J, K, and L.), including: ® Location of water samples (e.g., of monitoring well, water supply well, stream sampling point); ® Field measurements (e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, temperature) ® Sample collection procedures (grab, bailer, etc.); ® Time/date collected. ® Sample identification; and ® Method(s) of water sample analysis. ® Document quality -control measures information (Refer to tables and appendices provided in Sections K and L.), including: o Sample handling procedures including sample preservation techniques and sample transport procedures; Decontamination procedures; ® Time and date samples were submitted to lab; and © Collection of samples for quality control purposes (e.g., duplicates, field blanks, trip blanks). ® Describe soil and groundwater investigation results, including: ® Presentation of analytical results for soil and groundwater samples (Refer to table(s) provided in Section K. and to appendix with laboratory analytical results provided in Section L.) and discussion of the results in relation to the cleanup levels or action levels, as appropriate; and ® Discussion pertaining to the effect of quality control sample results on the interpretation of soil, groundwater, or surface water analytical results. 6. Present conclusions and recommendations, referencing maps and cross -sections in Section J, as follows: ® Describe source and estimated extent of soil contamination (If there are multiple sources of release, then describe the extent of contamination from each source); ® Indicate if groundwater or bedrock was encountered during investigation and at what depth below land surface; ® Indicate if groundwater assessment was necessary due to the proximity of the UST system to groundwater or bedrock (or to the presence of a slab or tank for which removal was determined to be economically or technologically unfeasible), thereby preventing the reliable determination of a release by soil assessment alone; ® Describe source(s) and estimated extent of any groundwater or surface water contamination; ® Describe source(s) and estimated thickness and extent of any free product; ® Indicate what initial response and abatement actions are required; and ® Discuss the need for further investigation or remediation. D. UST Closure Report following UST-12 Format) and Site Investigation Report for Permanent Closure or Change -in -Service of UST (UST-2 Form) (if applicable). (Not Applicable) Incorporate the minimum requirements of a UST Closure Report, as outlined in Appendix A, p.55, and complete the UST-2 Form, found in Appendix A, p. 60 of the Guidelines), if UST closure indicated a release and initiated the initial response and abatement action. 1. Describe preparations for closure including steps taken to notify authorities, permits obtained, and steps taken to clean and purge the tanks. 2. Describe the closure procedure (For guidance, refer to the Guidelines, Section 5.), referencing site and sampling location maps and cross -sections presented in Section J of this report. Clearly state how the selection of sample types and locations was influenced by the nature of the stored substance, the type of initial alarm or cause for suspicion, the type of backfill, the depth to groundwater, and other factors appropriate for identifying the presence and source of a release. If presence of groundwater or bedrock require the installation and sampling of monitoring well(s), describe the process. 1. Note the amount of residual material pumped from the tank and describe the storage, sampling and disposal of the residual material and the disposal of the tank, pumps and piping (Refer to appendices with disposal manifests and certificate of tank disposal in Section L.). 2. If a release is determined, document initial response actions (submittal of 24-Hour Release and Report Form; repair, replacement, or upgrading of system to prevent further release; mitigation of hazards) and initial abatement actions (free product removal; submittal of 20-Day Report) performed in Section G, Initial Response and Abatement Actions. 3. Document any soil excavation activities in Section H, Excavation of Contaminated Soil. 4. Document site investigation. o Describe field screening, including: ® Physical characteristics of the soil samples, as observed during collection; a Field instrumentation used to screen soils; o Field instrument calibration procedures; and d Screening results (Refer to table provided in Section J.). o Document soil sampling information (Refer to figures, tables, and appendices provided in Sections J, K and L.), including: o Lithological descriptions from logs for borings, excavations; o Type of samples (from excavation, borehole, geoprobe boring, stockpiled soil, etc.); ® Sample collection procedures (grab, split spoon, hand auger, etc.); ® Location of soil samples; ® Depth of soil samples ( feet below land surface); ® Time/date collected; © Sample identification; and ® Method(s) of soil sample analysis. Document groundwater and surface water sampling information (Refer to figures, tables, and appendices provided in Sections J, K, and L.), including: ® Location of water samples (e.g., of monitoring well, water supply well, stream sampling point); ® Field measurements (e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, ,temperature) © Sample collection procedures (grab, bailer, etc.); © Time/date collected. ® Sample identification; and ® Method(s) of water sample analysis. ® Document quality -control measures information (Refer to tables and appendices provided in Sections K and L, including: ® Sample handling procedures including sample preservation techniques and sample transport procedures; ® Decontamination procedures; ® Time and date samples were submitted to lab; and ® Collection of samples for quality control purposes (e.g., duplicates, field blanks, trip blanks). Describe soil and groundwater investigation results, including: ® Presentation of analytical results for soil and groundwater samples (Refer to table(s) provided in Section K and to appendix with laboratory analytical results provided in Section L.) and discussion of the results in relation to the cleanup levels or action levels, as appropriate; and o Discussion pertaining to the effect of quality control sample results on the interpretation of soil, groundwater, or surface water analytical results. Present conclusions and recommendations, referencing maps and cross -sections in Section J as follows: ® Describe source and estimated extent of soil contamination, referencing maps and cross -sections in Section J (If there are multiple sources of release, then describe the extent of contamination from each source.); ® Indicate if groundwater or bedrock was encountered during investigation and at what depth below land surface; © Indicate if groundwater assessment was necessary due to the proximity of the UST system to groundwater or bedrock (or to the presence of a slab or tank for which removal was determined to be economically or technologically unfeasible), thereby preventing the reliable determination of a release by soil assessment alone; o Describe source(s) and estimated extent of any groundwater or surface water contamination; o Describe source(s) and estimated thickness and extent of any free product; o Indicate what initial response and abatement actions are required; and o Discuss the need for further investigation or remediation. E. Free Product Investigation and Recovery Report (if applicable)1Not Applicable) Discuss the status of free product at the site, as follows: 1. If free product is, or has been, present at the site, describe its current and historical status (product distribution, thickness, recovery activities). Refer to tables in Section K: Table B-7, Monitoring and Remediation Well Construction Information; and Table B-8A, Free Product Recovery Information; Table B-813, Cumulative Volume of Free Product Recovered from Site; and Table B-9, Current and Historical Groundwater Elevations and Free Product Thickness. Also refer to map(s) showing extent of free product in Section J; 2. Identify any on -site or off -site effluent discharges, treatment used, effluent quality, permitting actions taken, and location of such discharges and identify the disposition of recovered free product ( refer to attached product disposal manifests); 3. Document the performance, total cost, and cost per gallon to date of each method of free product recovery used at site. Justify why the technology is or was used; and 4. Provide conclusions and recommendations concerning historical, current, and future recovery activities, including: ® Any proposal to change the current method of free product recovery to a better or more cost-effective technology; ® A justification for continued product recovery, if planned; and ® Any determination that free product has been eliminated from the site with a recommendation to reclassify the risk posed by the release, if applicable. F. Groundwater and Surface Water Investigation (if applicable) 1. If groundwater or bedrock was encountered in pits, trenches or shallow boring during site check, UST system closure, or initial abatement investigation, if monitoring or water supply wells were found to be contaminated, or if surface water is present nearby, then indicate actions taken to investigate suspected contamination from a release (e.g., installation of monitoring wells, groundwater or surface sampling and analysis). Document groundwater investigation (or, if applicable, refer to groundwater investigations under Section C, Site Check Report, or Section D, UST Closure Report), as follows: © Present groundwater and surface water sampling information (Refer to tables and appendices provided in Sections K and L.), including: ® Location of water samples (e.g., of monitoring well, water supply well, stream sampling point); ® Field measurements (e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, temperature) ® Sample collection procedures (grab, bailer, etc.); © Time/date collected. ® Sample identification; and © Method(s) of water sample analysis. o Document quality -control measure information (Refer to tables and appendices provided in Sections K and L), including: o Sample handling procedures including sample preservation techniques and sample transport procedures; ® Decontamination procedures; ® Time and date samples were submitted to lab; and ® Collection of samples for quality control purposes (e.g., duplicates, field blanks, trip blanks). o Describe groundwater or surface water investigation results, including: ® Presentation of analytical results (Refer to table(s) provided in Section K and to appendix with laboratory analytical results provided in Section L.) and discussion of the results in relation to the cleanup levels (groundwater quality or surface water quality standards); and © Discussion of the effect of quality control sample results on the interpretation of groundwater or surface water analytical results. The kroundwater table was intersected at an a proximate depth of 8 feet below krade during the excavation o Petroleum affected soil at the 550 and 560-gallon heating oil UST's Based on this observation, monitor well installation and groundwater samplinff were re uired b the NCDENR "Under round Stora a Tank Section Guidelines for Site Checks Tank Closure and Initial Response and Abatement" Change I Effective July 1 2007 to version 1 ectaveMarch 1 2007. Prior to conductinz the well installation activities a Subsurface Investi ation Permit SIP Permit # 70001217 was obtained from Mecklenburg County (Appendix M) On May 9, 2008, one shallow Tvve H monitor well (MW 1) was installed in the former UST basin by Probe Technoloky, Inc. of Concord North Carolina The well was installed to a depth of 17 feet below grade utili 'n hollow -stem au er drillin technolo . The well was constructed with a 10 foot section of two-inch diameter PVC mill slotted screen attached to a 7 footsection of two-inch diameter PVC riser Pipe. The well was completed at rrade with a lockable well cav and flush mount cover. The drill cuttings were spread on-site.Well construction information is provided in Table B-7 and a Well Construction Record is provided to Appendix M. Following installation the monitor well was developed to the fullest extent possible by purging approximately 12 allons of water with a disposable PVC bailer attached to new nylon rope The development water was poured on the ground surface at the site Groundwater samplink activities were conducted at monitor well MW-1 on Ma 9 2008. Prior to conductin the sampling activities the groundwater level was determined to be 8 feet below rade MWng a de th-to-water electrode The well was then purred of three well bore volumes of water with a disposable PVC bailer attached to new nylon rope. The groundwater samples were placed into laboratory supplied containers and were analvzed or NCDENR Risk -Based Parameters including -EPA Methods 602 volatile Manic compounds OC's and 625 (semi-VOC's) (including 10 tentatively identified compounds (tic's)) and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Methods for volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) and extractable petroleum hvdrocarbons (EPH) by Prism Laboratories Inc. The groundwater samples were collected in general accordance with accepted nrotocol. inungdlately Placed in laboratory supplied containers appropriately labeled with sample identification, sample depth date and time placed in a cooler with wet ice and transferred to Prism Laboratories. Inc. with chain -of -custody documentation No quality control trip blanks duplicates or field blanks were collected Free Product was not encountered at monitor well MW-1 durinff the assessment. The Risk -Based groundwater analvtical results are provided in Table 2 Laboratory data sheets are provided in Appendix J. Groundwater sample MW--1 dad not indicate the presence oftar— constituents above method detection )nuts. G. Initial Response and Abatement Action I. Describe initial response actions performed within 24 hours of discovery of the release, including: See Section H L below) ® Submittal of 24-Hour Release Report and UST Leak Reporting Form (UST-61); Action to prevent further release and to determine source of the release; Identification and mitigation of hazards due to exposure to pollutants (e.g. Responsible party must identify and sample water supply wells at risk of impact by the release and provide supply of alternate water, if wells are impacted.); and ® Identification and mitigation of hazards due to fire, explosion, and vapor hazards. 2. Describe initial abatement actions performed, including: (See Section H 1. below) d Completion of investigation to confirm presence and determine source of the release; Investigation and recovery of free product; .Continued mitigation and monitoring of fire, explosion, and vapor hazards; Remediation of hazards posed by exposed contaminated soil; Submittal of 20-Day Report summarizing the progress of the initial actions performed within the 20- day period following discovery of the release; and Soil excavation activities (Document in Section H, Excavation of Contaminated soil.). H. Excavation of Contaminated Soil Describe source and estimated extent of soil contamination determined in initial investigations (e.g., site check, UST system closure), referencing maps and cross -sections in Section J and tables presenting soil sampling information and results in Section K (If there are multiple sources of release, then describe the extent of contamination from each source.), including: o Sampling location and depths; locations of tanks, piping dispensers, sumps, areas of staining (indicate if above or below tank); utility lines; potential receptors; buildings; relationship of area(s) of contaminated soil to groundwater and bedrock; and o If part or all of UST system was removed, indicate dimensions of resulting pits and trenches. A Site Location Man and Site Layout Map are provided in Figures I and 2 respectively. See Table B 1 and B 2 for historical data on the heating oil UST's During a March 17, 2008 site visit by Buxton Environmental Mrs Bennie Ficklen (owner) indicated that Salem Environmental had recently conducted an assessment of the approximately 560 gallon heating oil underground storage tank (UST). During the Salem Environmental assessment several soil borings were advanced around the UST and one boring was drilled through the top of the UST The purpose for drilling through the top of the tank appears to have been to determine the contents of the UST since no obvious fill or vent pipes were available The soil bornng leading to the hole drilled through the top of the tank was plugged with rolled plastic bags by Salem EnvironmentaG The remaining soil borings advanced adjacent to the UST were not abandoned and were left open. Mrs. Ficklen was notified by Salem Environmental that a suspected release had occurred from the UST, however, confirmation soil samples were not collected A surface release subsequently occurred from the 560-gallon UST during a heavy rain event which took place from April 26 through 28, 2008. On May], 2008 Buxton Environmental Inc visited the site to inspect the sur ace release The surface release qpPears to have on inated from the hole that was drilled in the S60- allon UST. The surface release ran from the 560-gallon UST to the fence line located along the eastern property boundary and to the southern property boundary onto the adiacent property located at 525 Merwick Circle Parcel No.: 15718214 owned by Mr. Hugh Humphreys) The extent of the surface release was determined by visual distressed ve etation and olfactory observation. Buxton Environmental Inc. understands that Salem Environmental visited the site on May 2 2008 in order to attempt to secure the 560-gallon UST and the surface release area. The hole in the UST was again secured by stuffing more rolled plastic bags in the soil boring above the tank Wheat straw was placed along the southern ROOM boundary (surface release area) to help prevent further heating oil migration should rain occur. According to Mrs. Ficklen, Salem Environmental indicated that they would remediate the surface release area with fertilizer. The suspected releases at the 560-gallon UST and surface release area were reported to the NCDENR by Buxton Environmental, Inc by faxing a "24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reportdu Form" on Mav 2 2008 A "Health and Safety Plan" was submitted to the NCDENR by Buxton Environmental Inc on May 2 2008 (Appendix D). On May 3. 2008, approximately 560 gallons ofheadng oiUwater mbdure were pumped from the 560-gallon UST by Safety Kleen, in order to prevent further surface release (should a rain event occur) and to prepare the UST for removal (scheduled for May S 2008) The pumping of the UST was contracted by Mrs Fickler Following the pumping activities, Buxton Environmental Inc installed an expandable plumber's cap in the hole created by Salem Environmental to further secure the tank. On May 5, 2008, Mr. Hugh Humphreys owner of the adiacent property located at 525 Merwick Circle authorized Buxton Environmental Inc access his property to excavate the surface release area that migrated onto his property. From May S through 7, 2008 Mr. Ross Klingman P. G. with Buxton Environmental Inc. conducted the oversight of the removal of the 550 and 560-gallon healing oil DST's and the excavation of associated petroleum affected soil, and the excavation of the surface release area The 550-gallon tank was discovered duriny the removal of the 560-gallon tank and associated soil excavation activities The UST removal and soil excavation activities were conducted uttlizine an extend -a -hoe backhoe by DeBruhl Environmental Excavating Inc of Charlotte, North Carolina. Prior to removal of the 550-gallon UST approximately 400 Qallon of water was Pumped from the tank and appropriately disposed at an off -site facility by Safety Kleen The 560 gallon UST was determined to be 92 inches (7.67 feet) in length 42 inches (3.5 feet) in diameter, the top of the tank was 2 feet below grade and the base of the tank was located 5.5 feet below grade The 560 Qallon UST contained two copper product lines that were located approximately 2 feet below grade and were cut at the edge of the UST basin The 560 ,aalon UST was corroded and contained numerous dime sized holes in the side of the tank The 550 Qallon UST was determined to be 75 inches (6.25') in length, 45 inches (3.75) in diameter, the top of the lank was 1.25 foot below grade and the base of the tank was located 5 feet below grade No obvious product lines were observed at the 550-Qallon tank. The 550-salon UST was corroded and contained numerous dime to baseball sized holes in the side and base of the tank. No rill or vent pipes were located on the UST's A Certificate of Tank Disposal for the 550 and 560-gallon UST's was issued by U.S. T. Disposal Company of Charlotte NC (Appendix E) Photographic documentation is provided in Appendix K. Prior to conducting the soil excavation activities confirmation soil samples UST-2 (5') and UST-1 (5 5') and SRC-1 (0) were collected at the 550 and 560 gallon UST's, and the surface release area respectfully for analyses by SW-846 Methods 3550 (diesel range TPH) and 5030 (gasoline range TPH). The soil samples were analyzed by Prism Laboratories Inc in Charlotte North Carolina. A total of 59.98 tons ofpetroleum affected soils were removed in area of 18 feet by 9 feet to a maximum depth of 8 feet below grade at the UST basin The groundwater table was intersected at depth of 8 feet below zade in the UST excavation basin. A total of 49.9 tons of petroleum affected soil were removed from the ground surface to a maximum depth of 2 feet below grade at the surface release area In order to determine the extent of petroleum affected soils during the excavation activities soils were screened in the field with a photoionization detector (PID). The excavation boundary at the UST basin did not exceed 5 horizontal feet from any lateral side of the tanks and did not exceed 17 feet below grade Petroleum affected soils were temporarily stockpiled ad acent to the UST basin then immediately transported with the front end loader of the backhoe and placed into a dump truck for off -site disposal The petroleum -affected soils were disposed at the Environmental Soils Inc land application facility in Lattimore North Carolina Transportation manifests weight tickets and disposal manifests are provided in Appendix H. Followine the excavation activities confirmation soil sampling was conducted at the UST basin and the surface release area Four confirmation soil samples CS-1 (P) CS-2 (5') CS-3 (5') and CS-4 (5') were collected from the sidewalls of the UST excavation basin and four confirmation soil samples SR-1 (11). SR-2 (12SR-3 (P) and SR-4 (2) were collected along the axis of the surface release area at the base of the excavation (as requested by Mr. Brett Morris with NCDENR) for NCDENR Risk Based analyses includine EPA Methods 8260 (VOC's) (plus methyl-tert-butyl-ether (MTBE) isopropyl ether (IPE) and ethvlene dibromide (EDB)) and 8270 (semi-VOC's) and MADEP-VPH and EPH A soil sample was not collected at the base of the UST excavation basin since the groundwater table was encountered One confirmation soil sample PIPE-1 (2') was collected beneath product piping for the 560 gallon UST and was analyzed by SW 846 Methods 3550 (diesel range TPH) and 5030 (gasoline range TPH) The soil samples were either collected with a decontaminated shovel or the backhoe bucket The soil samples were analyzed by Prism Laboratories Inc. in Charlotte, North Carolina. The soil samples were collected in general accordance with accepted protocol immediately placed in laboratory supplied containers, appropriately labeled (with sample identification, sample depth date and time), placed in a cooler with wet ice and transferred to Prism Laboratories, Inc. with chain -of - custody documentation. No quality control trip blanks duplicates or field blanks were collected Lithologic descriptions of the soil samples are provided in Appendix L. The excavation areas were backrilled to grade with clean rill dirt and were compacted with the backhoe bucket Followine the backrilling activities the excavation areas were covered with seed and straw. The soil analytical results are presented in Table 1 Laboratory data sheets are provided in Appendix J. Soil sample UST-1 (5.5') indicated the presence of 1.400 mQ/kQ diesel range TPH and 85 mQ/kQ gasoline range TPH- Soil sample UST-2 (S') indicated the presence of 2 600 mg/kQ diesel range TPH and 75 mg/ke gasoline range TPH, • SRC-1 (0) indicated the presence of 11,000 mg/ke diesel range TPH and 120 mg/kQ gasoline ranee TPH, • and PIPE-1 (2') indicated the presence of 110 mg/kg diesel range TPH, which are above the NCGAL of 10 mg/kg (Table 1) Conrirmation soil sample CS 3 (S') indicated the presence of 111 mQ/kg C9-C22 aromatics which is above the lesser of the North Carolina Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration (NCMSCC) Soil -to -Groundwater (STG) or Residential (R) standards The remaining Risk -Based soil samples (CS-1 (P) CS-2 (5') CS-4 (51 SR-1 (1 ') SR-2 09SR 3 (1 ') and SR-4 (2')) did not indicted the presence oftarget constituents above the lesser of NCMSCC STG or R standards A cursory receptor survey was conducted on May 7 2008 to identify obvious potential receptors (See Table B 5) No obvious fire, explosion or vapor hazards were observed at the site The subject site is currently owned and occupied by Mrs. Bennie J. Ficklen The subiect site and immediately surroundine area is zoned R 3 for residential use. The subiect site and surrounding area have access to municipal water supply. The subiect site is connected to municipal water. Surface topography at the site generally slopes to the southeast toward a drainage ditch located along the eastern property boundary, The surface of the site is covered by the residence asphalt driveway, grass and trees. No water supply wells were observed at the subiect site. Soil type is Helena sandy clay loam (Heft The depth to competent bedrock is unknown Shallow groundwater flow direction is anticipated to be to the southeast. 2. Describe excavation process, referencing maps and cross -sections in Section J, tables presenting soil sampling information and results in section K and disposal manifests and geological logs in Section J, as follows: See Section H L above) ® Describe type of equipment used (e.g., back hoe, track hoe, dump truck); © Describe field screening, if used to determine limits of excavation, including: o Physical characteristics of the soil samples, as observed during collection; ® Field instrumentation used to screen soils; ® Field instrument calibration procedures; o Screening results (Refer to table provided in Section K.); o Indicate the final dimensions of the excavation(s); o Indicate the volume (in cubic yards) and weight (in tons) of soil excavated from each excavation (show calculations); o Describe relationship of final excavation pit to former UST system, to groundwater, to bedrock, and to structures; and o Indicate if the excavation operation ceased on encountering clean soil, groundwater, or bedrock OR if excavation ceased 5 feet from tank(s), dispenser(s), and/or piping and at a depth of 17 feet below land surface. 1. Describe post -excavation confirmation soil sampling , referencing maps and cross -sections in Section J, tables presenting soil sampling information and results in Section K, and geological logs in Section L as follows: (See Section H 1. above) o Describe sample location and depth, and methods of collection and analysis for each excavation; © Note if multiple excavations were performed sequentially in an area of contaminated soil„ i.e., if confirmatory sampling following primary excavation indicated that contaminated soil remained, so that further excavation was performed and a second set of confirmatory samples was collected and analyzed; and ® If contaminated soil was allowed to remain after final excavation, indicate precisely the location and depth of the residual contamination and explain why it was not removed, i.e., why it was not economically and/or technologically feasible to excavate it 2. Document Soil Investigation. (See Section H 1. above) ® Provide soil sampling information for all samples collected following excavation and during previous investigations. Refer to table provided in Section K: Table B-3, Summary of Soil Sampling Results; to figures, in Section J; and to appendices, in Section L. Information should include ® Lithologic descriptions from logs for borings, excavations; ® Type of samples (from excavation, borehole, geoprobe boring, stockpiled soil, etc.); ® Sample collection procedures (grab, split spoon, hand auger, etc.); ® Location of soil samples; ® Depth of soil samples ( feet below land surface); ® Time/date collected; ® Sample identification; ® Indication of phase of sampling: , site check; closure, IAA, etc.; and ® Method(s) of soil sample analysis. ® Document quality -control measures information (Refer to tables and appendices provided in Sections K and L.), including: o Sample handling procedures including sample preservation techniques and sample transport procedures; ® Decontamination procedures; ® Time and date samples were submitted to lab; and ® Collection of samples for quality control purposes (e.g., duplicates, field blanks, trip blanks). ® Describe soil investigation results, including: ® Presentation of analytical results for soil samples (Refer to table provided in Section K and to appendix with laboratory analytical results provided in Section L.); o Discussion of the results in relation to the appropriate cleanup levels, identifying the samples that exceed the lower of. (a) the residential MSCCs or (b) the soil -to -groundwater MSCCs. ® Discussion of effect of quality control sample results on the interpretation of soil analytical results. 3. Describe disposal of contaminated soil, referencing tables presenting soil sampling information and results in Section K and disposal manifests in Section L as follows: (See Section H 1. above) ® Indicate volume and weight of contaminated soil removed from each excavation at site; ® Describe construction of any stockpile of contaminated soil, describe collection and analysis of stockpile samples; o Indicate if soil was treated onsite (Reference permit in Section L.); ® Indicate if soil was transported offsite for disposal and, if so, by whom and to what destination; and o Confirm that excavation was back -filled with clean soil. 4. Present conclusions, as follows; (See Section H 1. above) ® Briefly summarize excavation process; o Describe extent of final excavation(s) and collection of confirmatory samples; o Indicate if excavation ceased on encountering groundwater or bedrock; and o Indicate whether soil contaminant levels in exceedance of the lowest MSCCs remain in the excavation(s), further excavation being determined infeasible by the UST Section, or soil contaminant levels in final excavation confirmatory soil samples were equal to below the lowest MSCCs I. Conclusions (See Section M. for Recommendations) 1. If soil contaminant levels in exceedance of the lowest MSCCs remain in the excavation(s) (further excavation being determined infeasible by the UST Section), if groundwater or bedrock has been encountered in proximity to contamination, or if free product is present, it should be concluded that a Limited Site Assessment must be performed and a report submitted within 120 days of discovery of the release; but 2. If soil contaminant levels in final excavation confirmatory soil samples were equal to or below the lowest MSCCs and if groundwater, bedrock, and free product were not encountered in the excavation(s), then no further action should be requested. Confirmation soil sample CS-3 (S') (collected on the eastern sidewall of the UST excavation basin) indicated the Presence of III mg/kg C9-C22 aromatics, which is above the lesser of the NCMSCGSTG or R standards The remaining Risk -Based soil samples (CS--1 (S') CS-2 (S') CS-4 (S') SR-1 (1') SR-2 (1') SR-3 (1') and SR-4 (2')) dad not indicted the presence of target constituents above the lesser ofNCMSCC-STG or R standards Based on these findings, the surface release area at the subiect site and the adiacent property (525 Merwick Circle) appears to have been effectively remediated A Phase I Limited Site Assessment (LSA) will be required at the site since Risk -Based confirmation soil samples collected following soil excavation activities at the UST basin indicated petroleum constituents above the lesser of the NCMSCGSTG or NCMSCC-R. J. Figures Provide the following: L Provide an topographic map illustrating the area within 1500-foot radius of the source of the relbase, showing: (See Figure 1) ® Topographic contours; ® Site location; o Buildings; © Adjacent streets, roads, highways (identified by street names and numbers); o Surface water bodies; © Groundwater flow direction (if determined); and ® North arrow and scale. 2. Provide a site map* and cross -sections illustrating the UST system location(s) and drawn to scale, showing: (See Figure 2; geologic cross -sections did not appear warranted therefore were not prepared) o Buildings and property boundaries; © Underground utilities, such as sewer lines and other conduits; basements; and vaults; o Water supply wells, surface water bodies o Location and orientation of current and former UST(s), pumps, product lines, sumps, etc.; ® Length, diameter and volume of current and former UST(s); o Type of material(s) stored in UST(s) (currently and formerly); ® Soil sample identification (unique letter and/or numerical code), location, and depth; © Groundwater monitoring locations, if applicable; ® Groundwater flow direction, if determined; ® Final limits of any excavation on site; and o North arrow and scale. Provide map(s)* and geological cross -sections, drawn to scale, depicting any soil analytical results obtained to date, including: (See Figure2: geologic cross -sections did not appear warranted therefore were not prepared) ® Description of soil and bedrock lithology (as determined by investigation to date); o Location and orientation of UST(s), pumps, piping, sumps, etc.(current and former); o Soil sample identification (unique letter and/or numerical code), location, and depth; ® Soil sample analytical results; and o North arrow and scale. Provide map(s)* and geological cross -sections, drawn to scale, depicting any groundwater and surface water analytical results, * * to include; (Not Applicable) Location and orientation of UST(s), pumps, piping, sumps, etc.(current and former); o Groundwater sample identification (unique letter and/or numerical code referencing monitoring or water supply well)and location; o Surface water sample identification (unique letter and/or numerical code) and location; and o Groundwater and surface water sample analytical results. 5. Provide a free product map* showing thickness (in feet) and extent of free product** using contour lines. (Not Applicable) 6. Provide a potential receptor map that clearly identifies water supply wells (municipal or public/private wells, *Note: If possible, use a single base map to prepare site plans using a map scale of I inch = 40 feet (or a smaller scale for large sites, if necessary). Maps and figures should include conventional symbols, notations, labeling, legends, scales, and north arrows and should conform to generally accepted practices of map presentation such as those enumerated in the USGS Geological Survey pamphlet, "Topographic Maps. " * *If applicable (See Figure 2) K Tables Provide the following: I. Confirmation Analytical Results 13-1 and 2. Site History (Complete Tables 13-1 and B-2 from Guidelines, Appendix B); Attached B-3. Summary of Soil Sampling Results (Complete Table B-3 from Guidelines, Appendix B); (See Table 1) B-4. Summary of Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Results *( Complete Table B-4 from Guidelines, Appendix B); (Attached. See Table 2) B-5. Public and Private Water Supply Well and Other Receptor Information (Complete Table B-5 from Guidelines, Appendix B); Attached B-6. Property Owners/Occupants Attached B-7. Monitoring and Remediation Well Construction Information (Complete Table B-7 from Guidelines, Appendix B)*; Attached B-8A. Free Product Recovery Information (Complete Table B-8A from Guidelines, Appendix B)*• (NotApplicable. Form Attached) B-9 Current and Historical Groundwater Elevations and Free Product Thickness (Complete Table B-9 from Guidelines, Appendix B)*. Not Applicable. Form Attached) *If applicable L. Appendices Provide the following:* Appendix A Tightness testing results and supporting documentation* (Not Applicable) Appendix B Notification of Intent: UST Permanent Closure or Change -in -Service (UST-3 Form) (Not Applicable) Appendix C Site Investigation Report for Permanent Closure or Change -in -Service of UST (UST-2 Form)* (Not Applicable) Appendix D Site Specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) Attached Appendix E Certificate of UST disposal* Attached Appendix F Groundwater field measurements (pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, temperature)* Not Applicable) Appendix G Standard procedures (sampling, field equipment decontamination, field screening, etc.) See Section Hl.) Appendix H Soil, water, free product, and sludge disposal manifests and soil treatment permits* Attached Appendix I Complete chain -of -custody records (Attached in Appendix J) Appendix J Copy of all laboratory analytical records Attached Appendix K Photographs of site check, closure, and excavation activities (optional) Attached Appendix L Geologic logs for excavation(s)/borings (related to IAA investigation only) Attached Appendix M Monitoring Well Construction Forms (for all wells constructed to date) Attached * If applicable M. Recommendations Based on the findings of these activities, Buxton Environmental, Inc. makes the following recommendations. • A Phase I LSA should be conducted to determine the risk of the release. The NCDENR will require that a LSA be conducted at site, since Risk -Based confirmation soil samples collected following soil excavation activities at the UST basin indicated petroleum constituents above the lesser of the NCMSCC-STG or NCMSCC-R. • A copy of this report should be submitted to the NCDENR for their review. If you have any questions concerning these matters, please contact me at (704) 344-1450. Sincerely, Buxton Environmental, Inc. RoYKlingman, P.G. President cc: Mr. Brett Morris — NCDENR FIGURES i .'iL Ak NEEEE-'= 0 Feet 2,000 Ficklen Property 519 Merwick Circle Charlotte, North Carolina Buxton Environmental, Inc. �N Source: 1988 USGS Charlotte East, NC Topographic Quadrangle Figure 1. Site Location Map N K X X as UST Excavation Boundary (to matdmum 8'deptW 560-Gallon PIPE MW-1 fkahm Oil UST piping nm— CS-1 UST-2 UST-1 ........ 550-Gallon Surface Release >( Heating ()H UST CS-4 ..... Excavation Boundary (to a-- 2'depth) 15 hole drilled in tank by :SRC-J: Salem Ernwonmer" Residence !P grass covered backyard .............. JVR-J SR-3 T'-wry X X SR-4 .......... Scale NOMMU:= 0 Feet 30 Ficklen Property 519 Merwick Circle Charlotte, North Carolina Adjacent Property Owner: Hugh Humphreys 525 Merwick Circle Parcel No.: 15718214 Buxton Environmental, Inc. 1 Figure 2. Site Layout Map TABLES b b 0 k � � U � U z 4 a o � 53 o b a o v CIO > R C 4 0 >, on O U Cd . v V1 0.0 N o ,a UP vUi b N E- C b� Na u0 214, in— >�U Nb o C n� 5 c.avz:: N 2U P E o ac5 �°' °a oQ 5r� o O >+ cd Z,- cn p ai SC a N N p '� U Q •N �� U '� p0 .� U �O N 0 U z z Nts Oil o zr9 o °u � a as lay �l VUA ial UU p z �v p q ... p„Cy�7 . �t!'oU R1RR:, . MM,'d o y: u(n TABLE 2 GRONDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FICKLEN PROPERTY 519 MEW WICK CIRCLE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Notes: Groundwater sample MW-1 collected on May 9, 2008 and analyzed for above parameters by Prism Laboratories, Inc. MADEP = Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection; VPH = volatile petroleum hydrocarbons; EPH = extractable petroleum hydrocarbons NCGQS = North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards NCGCLG = North Carolina Gross Contamination Levels for Groundwater BDL = below detection limit; NA = not applicable tic = tentatively identified compound bold and shade denotes above the NCGQS Data presented in micrograms per liter (ug/1) Appendix B Reporting Tables Appendix B — Reporting Tables 1. Table B-1 Site History- UST/AST System Information 2. Table B-2 Site History — UST Owner and Operator Information 3. Table B-3 Summary of Soil Sampling Results 4. Table B-4 Summary of Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Results 5. Table B-5 Public and Private Water Supply Well and Other Receptor Information 2. Table B-6 Property Owners/ Occupants 3. Table B-7 Monitoring and Remediation Well Construction Information 4. Table B-8A Free Product Recovery Information 5. Table B-813 Cumulative Volume of Free Product Recovered from Site 6. Table 9 Current and Historical Groundwater Elevations and Free Product Thickness 0 bA O o � U w wi w E 9 00 > 00 OD O O Eikn O CD 3-i Vl 2 kn 00 F ee kn 00 w vi CL o o N a d C:8 cd aQaQ H� s .Q * u * U v n pip O O U 110 tn * q d � N .c. rAz r-+ N i s� 3 �w� w * O * a * � H cC t/j V� d' C � F� a � b Awa 0 a H� a o* e� P4 C � UA q 'v y U >w a° v �Vi * �U U C% I 0 b Appendix B Reporting Tables Table B-2: Site History - UST Owner and Operator Information Revision Date: Incident Number and Name: Incident No.: 36503; Ficklen Propertry UST ID Number 1 Facility ID Number NA Name of Owner Dates of Operation (mm/dd/yy to mm/dd/yy) Mrs. Bennie J. Ficklen (original owner of residence) post 1958 through —1980 Street Address 519 Merwick Circle City State Zip Telephone Number Charlotte NC 28211 704-366-1816 Name of Operator Dates of Operation (mm/dd/yy to mm/dd/yy) Mrs. Bennie J. Ficklen post 1958 through 1980 Street Address 5 99 Merwick Circle City State Zip Telephone Number Charlotte NC 28211 704-366-1816 Add additional records as necessary c� Fo R U ` U 0 v �• c as 'ti H z Q U cd N O a> U M O M O z b U Ac ,Q vNa a 90 w � c e U ., tC C tV k � � H w � bA Y O Y � N U� o� Y O o a 0 O b /H a o o 'Cd � o •� to � o W— ti tr A i9 a� a a� a O 41 fir+^y juOTPU Bunnop .to do U v 0 ?IC% 3VAc� p� N ^+ �0 N �03 30S 3 o a z 3 �U+ O ,� O 3� � •o a� a� o o z ot�l 0 0 .. COi � cqs o U Y .di ^" O L. t� t'i d cd Q 0 az b U p o a a U O "O A" OD cn A 0 w Q .� Appendix B Reporting Tables Table B-6 Revision Date: Ficklen Property Property Owners/ Occupants Incident No. and Name: Incident No Facilitv ID#: NA 36503; Tag Parcel Number/ Map ID Owner/ Occupant Name (Last, First MI) Address 15718213 Mrs. Bennie J. Ficklen 519 Merwick Circle Charlotte, NC 28211 rn a� � H N � 0 � Q H a � � N U 3 0 L U ^ o =' o W rrL�� V a+ H U ^ V V w O O p O ^ a� R� HV,a? W y GO a3� w 0 b� ^ O R >l cn y L 00 L b^ 00 o A3a cl rn 00 Q 4-4 y 0 E o O U Ln it � 4-4 � o _ 4., � •sue � o a o on a GM 4.0 G u v as a E,, P 04 PC o DTI as r E� �A A� z~ Q� z APPENDIX D HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN FICKLENPROPERTY 519 MER WICK CIRCLE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA INCIDENT NO.: Pending May 2, 2008 Prepared By: (7X oss groan, P.G. Buxton Environmental, Inc. I have read and understand the contents of this Health and Safety Plan: Name Date Buxton Environmental, Inc. 1101 South Blvd., Suite.101 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 Phone: (704) 344-1450 Fax: (704) 344-1451 E-Mail. buxtonenv@bellsouth. net SECTION I 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Health and Safety Plan presented herein as prepared by Buxton Environmental, Inc. will be implemented and followed by all company site personnel. Buxton Environmental's policy is to conduct all activities in the manner required to protect the health and safety of the project personnel and the public. All work is in general accordance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations, including the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and requirements of 29 CFR 1910. The Buxton Environmental Site Manager is responsible, for insuring the adherence to safety procedures during the field work. Routine site inspections are conducted to verify conformity. In no case may work be performed in a manner that conflicts with the intent of the safety and environmental concerns expressed in this plan. Personnel violating safety procedures will be disciplined or removed from the job site. It is the objective of this Health and Safety Plan to provide safe working conditions for personnel at the site. The establishment of the safety organization and procedures, as well as the selection of personnel protection measures, were based on an analysis of the known potential hazards. This Health and Safety Plan was prepared based upon the projections of the site work. On -site job tasks will consist of the removal of an approximately 550 gallon heating oil underground storage tank (UST) and the excavation of petroleum affected soil at the subject site. Duration of these activities is expected to be two days. If additional phases become necessary, this plan will be amended to include site -specific requirements and/or information. 1.1 Safety Organization The Health and Safety Program for the investigation at the site was developed primarily for Buxton Environmental, Inc. personnel. Information copies are being provided to subcontractor and other interested parties. The Site Manager is the on -site Health and Safety Officer. Thus, the Site Manager supervises all site operations including health and safety operations and training, and decontamination of workers and equipment. The on -site Health and Safety Officer conducts, orients, audits, and insures the safety and health requirements of this plan are followed. He also assists in supervising the proper day-to-day execution of the personnel protection program and prohibiting improperly prepared personnel from entering or working in the site areas which require use of protective equipment and clothing. 1.2 Site History During a March 17, 2008 site visit by Buxton Environmental, Mrs. Bennie Ficklen (owner) indicated that Salem Environmental had recently conducted an assessment of the approximately 550 gallon heating oil underground storage tank (UST). During Salem Environmental's assessment, several soil borings were advanced around the UST and one boring was advanced through the top of the UST. The boring that was advanced through the top of the tank was plugged at grade with rolled plastic bags. Mrs. Ficklen was notified by Salem Environmental that a suspected release had occurred from the UST, however, confirmation soil samples were not collected. A surface release subsequently occurred from the UST during a heavy rain event which took place from April 26 through 28, 2008. The suspected releases were reported to the NCDENR by Buxton Environmental, Inc. by faxing a completed 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form on May 2, 2008. 1.3 Hazard Analysis The following hazard analysis was conducted to ensure that site activities, personnel protection, and emergency response are consistent with the tasks to be performed and the potential for exposure to specific contaminants expected to be encountered. The hazard analysis forms the foundation for this Health and Safety Plan. Potential exposure to the petroleum products is minimal. SECTION 2 2.0 PERSONNEL PROTECTION The personnel protection program for the project includes provision of protective equipment, administrative control for personal hygiene, and training of employees working on the project. 2.1 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) The following PPE will be worn by employees conducting soil sampling: Initial activities will be carried out in Level D protective attire: coveralls, boots, steel toe boots, and gloves. Tyvek suits and respirators equipped with organic vapor cartridges must be kept on hand by all personnel in case of sudden occurrence of volatile organic vapors (as demonstrated by OVA readings in the breathing zone of ten ppm above background level). Long-sleeved shirts and long pants must be worn. 2.2 Safety Practices The following safe work practices are followed on -site. These practices establish general precautionary measures for reducing the risks associated with work site operations and minimizing the exposure to contaminants. Heat stress is not anticipated with the minimal protection clothing required. Personal Hygiene The following procedure is practiced by all Buxton Environmental personnel entering the work areas of the site: 1. Eating, drinking, chewing gum or tobacco, taking medication and smoking is prohibited in the contaminated or potentially contaminated area or where the possibility for the transfer of contamination exists. 2. Upon leaving contaminated or suspected contaminated areas, boots must be thoroughly washed and protective clothing removed and discarded in a designated trash bag. Then the hands and face must be thoroughly washed before eating or drinking. A thorough shower and washing of the body will be undertaken at the end of each working day upon return to hotel facilities. 3. While working in contaminated areas, avoid contact with potentially contaminated substances. Do not walk through puddles, pools, mud, etc. Avoid, whenever possible, kneeling on the ground. Do not place equipment on potentially contaminated surfaces. 4. When respirators are worn, no beard or facial hair which interferes with a satisfactory qualitative fit is allowed. The Site Manager performs inspections and documents variations. Violators are to be disciplined or removed from the job site. Personnel Protection 1. Be familiar with and knowledgeable about standard operating safety procedures. 2. Be familiar with, knowledgeable of and adhere to all instructions in the site safety plan. 3. Be familiar with arrangements for emergency medical assistance. The location and telephone number of the nearest emergency medical facilities are provided in Section 6. 4. Consider fatigue and other environmental factors influencing efficiency of personnel. 5. Wear appropriate or designated, approved protective clothing. Operations and Communications 1. In the event of emergencies, verbal commands are used to enforce the site safety plan. 2. Buxton Environmental personnel going on -site are to be thoroughly briefed on the anticipated hazards, equipment requirements, safety practices, emergency procedures and communication methods. 3. Unfamiliar operations are rehearsed prior to implementation. 4. The number of personnel and equipment in the work areas are minimized consistent with site operations. 5. Appropriate decontamination procedures for leaving the site are established and are discussed in Section 3. 2.3 Training All site personnel have fulfilled the training requirements specified in 29 CFR 1910.120: All employees, initial instruction of 40 hours All employees, 8 hour annual refresher The Health and Safety Officer or alternate will review the following with all employees prior to their working on the site: 1. On -site training requirements for employees 2. Site safety and health hazards and appropriate precautions such as: Proper materials handling Preventive maintenance of safety equipment Requirements for, and use of personal protective equipment Methods used for decontamination Areas of the site that have restricted access Required personal hygiene practices 3. Effective response to any emergency 4. Responses to fires and explosions 5. Shutdown of operations 6. General safety precautions A log of site personnel having completed this review is maintained by the Health and Safety Officer. Everyone on the site attends a pre -entry briefing prior to the start of site activities to insure their familiarity with this plan. Follow-up meetings will be held if this plan is amended or if on -site activities necessitate this action. Each Buxton Environmental, Inc. employee working on the site has been provided a copy of this plan prior to their site visit. They are responsible for becoming familiar with and adhering to the requirements and information contained in this plan. Each Buxton Environmental, Inc. subcontractor was provided a copy of this plan prior to site entry. SECTION 3 3.0 SITE CONTROL Site control involves two major activities: (1) physical arrangements and control of the site work area; and (2) methods for the removal of contaminants from equipment and people, which are discussed in Section 3.1 and 3.2. Site control can be accomplished in a number of ways including: 1. Physical barriers to exclude unnecessary personnel. 2. Checkpoints with limited access to the site or areas within the site. 3. Minimizing personnel and equipment on -site consistent with effective operations. 4. Establishment of work areas. 5. Decontamination procedures. 6. Conducting operations in a manner to reduce possibility of contamination. To reduce the potential for transfer of contamination off -site, work zones are delineated based upon expected contamination. Within these zones prescribed operations would occur utilizing appropriate personal protective equipment. Movement between areas would be controlled at checkpoints. Three continuous zones are recommended: 1. The specific work areas assumed to be contaminated 2. Decontamination area 3. Support area (non -contaminated) Work Area The work area at the subject site will be located in the immediate area of the UST and the two off -site soil stockpiles. An informal entry checkpoint is established at the periphery of the work areas to control the flow of personnel and equipment. Support Area The support area is considered a non -contaminated or clean area. It contains the command post for field operations and other elements necessary to support site activities. The support area must be compatible with prevailing site conditions. Decontamination Areas The purpose of the decontamination area is to provide an area to prevent or reduce the transfer of contaminants which may have been picked up by personnel or equipment returning from the work area. All decontamination activities occur in this area. As with the support area, the location of decontamination areas must be compatible with prevailing site conditions. Entry into the decontamination area from the clean area is through an access control point. Personnel entering this station from the work area are wearing the prescribed personal protective equipment. Access to the clean area requires the removal of any suspected or known contaminated personal protection equipment and compliance with decontamination procedures. 3.1 Equipment Decontamination Heavy equipment to be used at the site will primarily include a backhoe. At the end of each work shift, operators park this equipment either in its work area or in the decontamination area. Before leaving the site, the equipment will be brushed and then thoroughly washed using high-pressure water or steam to remove all visible dust and dirt. 3.2 Personnel Decontamination After completion of each shift, personnel decontamination will consist of the following sequence of actions: - Thoroughly wash exposed portion of boots with water. If the site is muddy, a wash tub with soapy water and a scrub brush will be provided in addition to prearranged water. - Remove chemical resistant suit and boots. Dispose of suite and gloves in designated trash bag. - Advance to wash station and thoroughly wash hands and forearms with soap and water, then wash face and neck. - Proceed to off -site shower. Routinely used respirators are cleaned and inspected by employees at the end of a day's use or whenever cartridges are changed to help assure proper protection. The Health and Safety Officer or alternate will inspect respirators on a non -routine basis. If, in the cleaning or inspection of the respirators by the users, broken or non-functioning parts are discovered, a replacement part will be installed by the Health and Safety Officer or a new respirator issued. Respirators are stored in an area where they will be protected against damage by dust, heat, extreme cold, excessive moisture, or damage by chemical contact. The storage area for the respirators is in a readily accessible location at the site. Respirators are to be inspected before and after each use. Those respiratory protective devices not in routine use at the site will be inspected at least weekly. The manufacturer's limits for the use of respiratory cartridges and filters exposed to measurable contaminant levels is followed. Respirator cartridges and filters that have exceeded their period of use will be replaced. SECTION 4 4.0 CONTAMINATION MIGRATION CONTROL 4.1 Perimeter Controls No unauthorized personnel are allowed on the site. The work areas will be marked off with stakes and flagging tape. 4.2 Wash Water Control All wash water from the heavy equipment wash area and the personnel wash area will be disposed of in accordance with regulations. SECTION S 5.0 CONTINGENCYPLAN The Health and Safety Plan for these site actions has been established to allow site operations to be conducted without adverse impacts on worker health and safety. In addition, 'supplementary emergency response procedures have been developed to cover extraordinary conditions that might possibly occur at the site. 5.1 General All accidents and unusual events are dealt with in a manner to minimize continued health risk of site workers. In the event that an accident or other unusual events occur, the following procedure will be utilized. First aid or other appropriate initial action will be administered by those closest to the accident/event. This assistance will be conducted in a manner to assure that those rendering assistance are not placed in a situation of unacceptable risk. All accidents/unusual events must be reported to the Site Manager. The Site Manager is responsible for conducting the emergency response in an efficient, rapid, and safe manner. The Site Manager decides if off -site assistance and/or medical treatment is required and arranges assistance. All workers on site are responsible for conducting themselves in a mature, calm manner in the event of an accident/unusual event. All personnel must conduct themselves so as to avoid danger to themselves and to surrounding workers. The following emergency equipment is available at the site: First aid kit Fire extinguisher 5.2 Work Injury If an employee working in a contaminated area is physically injured, Red Cross first aid procedures are followed. Depending on the severity of the injury, emergency medical response may be sought. If the employee can be moved, he is taken to the edge of the work area where contaminated chemical resistant coveralls are removed and any emergency first aid administered. Next, transport the worker to a local emergency medical facility. If the worker injury is chemical in nature, the first aid procedures described below are to be instituted: Skin Exposure - If contaminated solids or corrosive liquids get on the skin, promptly wash the contaminated skin using soap or mild detergent and water. Obtain medical attention immediately if the exposure is to a material that has affected the skin, or for which this is the prescribed procedure, is suspected. Wash face and hands prior to eating or leaving the site. Breathing - If a person is exposed to excessive amounts of contaminants, move the exposed person to fresh air at once. If breathing has stopped, perform artificial respiration. Keep the affected person warm and at rest. Obtain medical attention as soon as possible. Swallowing - When large quantities of contaminated solids have been swallowed and the person is conscious, give the person large quantities of water immediately. After the water has been swallowed, try to get the person to vomit by having him touch the back of this throat with the previously washed finger. Do not make an unconscious person vomit. Obtain medical attention immediately. 5.2.1 Fires Fire extinguishers are provided with the heavy equipment. If a localized fire breaks out, use chemical fire extinguishers to bring the occurrence under control. If necessary and feasible, place soil or other inert materials on the burning area to extinguish the flames and minimize the potential for spreading. If appropriate, contact the local fire fighting authorities for notification and/or assistance. If an uncontrolled fire develops, the Site Manager or his designated assistant alerts the Fire Department. 5.3 Unusual Objects or Events Although highly unlikely, unusual objects (i.e., gas cylinders, bulging drums, fuming containers) or unknown contaminants or unsuspected levels of pesticides could be encountered during the investigation. If such conditions are encountered, the Site Manager will halt operations and notify the Technical Committee. Further instructions will be instituted before work is resumed. 5.4 Emergency Horn Signal All personnel are informed of an emergency situation which requires suspension of site operations; egress from the work area; emergency responses; and if necessary, site evacuation via method defined during employee training. The type of horn will be specified during the pre - entry briefing. 5.5 Notification and Documentation Checklist The names and phone numbers of all personnel and agencies that could be involved in emergency response are provided in this plan and posted at the site by the site manager. Procedures In the event of an on -site emergency requiring notification of off -site personnel, the Site Manager is responsible for immediately notifying the personnel. If for some reason the Site Manager is unavailable, the alternate must perform this function. Documentation The Site Manager provides a report of the emergency to the Project Manager describing the following: The event (including date and time) that necessitated the notification and the basis for that decision Date, time, and names of all person/agencies notified and their response Resolution of the incident (including duration) and the method/corrective action involved This report is submitted within five working days of the resolution of the event. 5.6 Evacuation Plan Although very unlikely, it is possible that a site emergency could necessitate evacuating all personnel from the site. If such a situation arises, the Site Manager gives the appropriate signal for site evacuation. It is the responsibility of all individuals to evacuate in a calm, controlled manner. All available vehicles located outside of the work zone are used in the evacuation. All personnel exit the site and go to rendezvous points selected by the Site Manger depending on wind direction, severity and type of incident, etc. The Site Manager's log of on -site personnel is used to ensure that all individuals are accounted for. Control of personnel at the rendezvous point is the responsibility of the Site Manager or his designated assistant. TABLE I NOTIFICATION CHECKLIST The event of fire, uncontrollable chemical spill, explosion, severe earthquake, or any occurrence that might be damaging to personnel or adjacent property requires the immediate notification of the proper emergency service. The proper emergency service is determined by the nature of the emergency. EMERGENCY OF DISASTER NOTIFICATION PROCEDURE Presbyterian Hospital, 200 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC; Phone: (704) 384-4000 Fire Department: 911 PROCEDURE FOR REPORTING ACCIDENTS IMMEDIATELY CALL: (1) Ross Klingman (704) 344-1450 mobile: (704) 906-4994 After notification of the proper emergency service or services, proceed to deal with the emergency at hand. KEY PERSONNEL Project Manger Ross Klingman (704) 344-1450 Site Manager Ross Klingman (704) 344-1450 1st Alternate Ross Klingman (704) 344-1450 Safety & Health Coordinator Ross Klingman (704) 344-1450 MAP FROM SITE TO HOSPITAL A copy of the map is attached. L 11VVI.LV IIJ 1V V111L11V 11V, 1\\/ LVLVT-L✓1✓ Directions to Charlotte, NC 28204-2515 Summary and Notes START 519 Merwick Cir, Charlotte, NC 28211- j 2321 i FINISH 200 Hawthorne Ln, Charlotte, NC I 28204-2616 Total Distance: 3.6 miles, Total Time: 9 mins (approx.) -AI400► LOCAL maps Distar Add your notes here... ce i arc; i Vi G P 519 MERWICK CIR, CHARLOTTE, NC 28211-2321 1. Start at 519 MERWICK CIR, CHARLOTTE going toward go 0.1 mi BARWICK RD 2- Turn I on BARWICK RD go < 0.1 mi 3 TurnAwk on N SHARON AMITY RD go 0.3 mi 4. Turn 0on RANDOLPH RD go 3 mi 5. Continue on E 4TH ST go 0.1 mi 6. Turn on HAWTHORNE LN go 0.1 mi 7-Arrive at 200 HAWTHORNE LN, CHARLOTTE, on the go < 0.1 mi 200 HAWTHORNE LN, CHARLOTTE, NC 28204-2516 Distance: 3.6 miles, Time: 9 mins When using any driving directions or map, it's a good idea to do a reality check and make sure the road still exists, watch out for construction, and follow all traffic safety precautions. This is only to be used as an aid in planning. http://maps.yahoo.com/print?ard=1 &v3=0&.intl=us&&mvt=m&tp=1 &stx=&clat=35.19444... 5/2/2008 APPENDIX E CER TIFICA TION OF TANK DISPOSAL DeBruhl Environmental Excavating, Inc. 4921 Hoover Drive Charlotte, NC 28269 704.598.2681 CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL Certificate Number: 20080508 Contractor: DeBruhl Environmental Excavating, Inc 4921 Hoover Drive Charlotte, NC 28269 TYPE OF TANK SIZE UST 75" X 45" UST 42" X 92" Date: 05/08/2008 Address: Bennie Ficklen 519 Merwick Circle Charlotte, NC 28211 GALLONS 550 560 U.S.T. Disposal Company certifies that the above mentioned tank(s) have been properly disposed of and the contents and sludges processed in full c4mp.Iance with local, state and federal regulations. 1 U.S'T--jMsP6Sw Corn 4921 Hoover Drive Charlotte, NC 28269 APPENDIX H DISPOSAL MANIFESTS S wJ DEBRUHL ENVIRONMENTAL EXCAVATING, INC. 4921 HOOVER DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 704/598-2681 - OFFICE 704/598-2988 - FAX NON -HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST DATE G j LOAD NUMBER _ Z ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT: Buxton Environmental Contact: Ross Klingman Phone: 704/906-4994 GENERATOR: Bennie Ficklen Address:519 Merwick Circle, Charlotte, NC 28211 Contact: Ross Klingman Phone: TRANSPORTER: DeBruhl Environmental Excavating, Inc. Contact: Randy DeBruhl Phone: 704/598-2681 DESTINATION: Environmental Soils, Inc., Dedicated Land Application Site CLASS & TYPE OF CONTAMINATE IN SOIL: Class II - heating oil WASTE ORIGINATION POINT: 519 Merwick Cirlce, Charlotte, NC 28211 COUNTY: Mecklenburg TRUCK#: I 2 2-- DRIVER SIGNATURE: SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION: UST of 7 ,7 VOLUME: ATE GENERATORS CE TIFI ATION OF WASTE CONSTITUENTS: In lieu of submitting anAtylfical data (methods 8240 and 8270) verifying that the waste in question does not contain organic constituents other than those which would normally appear in analysis of virgin petroleum product residue, I am submitting this Certificate of Waste Constituents. I certify that I am familiar with the source of contamination of the soil and further certify the source, to the best of my knowledge, contains no contaminants other than that listed above. Date 87,L0 Company Name -1%-> 4-1-43zJ Title Tal�- I DEBRUHL ENVIRONMENTAL EXCAVATING, INC. 4921 HOOVER DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 704/598-2681- OFFICE 704/598-2988 — FAX NON -HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST DATE S� tO ` i) LOAD NUMBER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT: Buxton Environmental Contact: Ross Klingman Phone: 704/906-4994 GENERATOR: Bennie Ficklen Address:519 Merwick Circle, Charlotte, NC 28211 Contact: Ross Klingman Phone: TRANSPORTER: DeBruhl Environmental Excavating, Inc. Contact: Randy DeBruhl Phone: 704/598-2681 DESTINATION: Environmental Soils, Inc., Dedicated Land Application Site CLASS & TYPE OF CONTAMINATE IN SOIL: Class II — heating oil WASTE ORIGINATION POINT: 519 Merwick Cirlce, Charlotte, NC 28211 COUNTY: Mecklenburg SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION: UST y00 TRUCK#: VOLUME: DRIVER SIGNATURE: '' DATE Co "61 GENERATORS CERTIFICATION OF WASTE CONSTITUENTS: In lieu of submitting analytical data (methods 8240 and 8270) verifying that the waste in question does not contain organic constituents other than those which would normally appear in analysis of virgin petroleum product residue, I am submitting this Certificate of Waste Constituents. I certify that I am familiar with the source of contamination of the soil and further certify the source, to the best of my knowledge, contains no contaminants other than that listed above. Company Date Title I>e,- 2G 3,? Z-,le DEBRUHL ENVIRONMENTAL EXCAVATING, INC. G 4921 HOOVER DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 704/598-2681 - OFFICE 7041598-2988 - FAX NON -HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST DATE ,- 7 - 6 3 LOAD NUMBER 5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT: Buxton Environmental Contact: Ross Klingman Phone: 704/906-4994 GENERATOR: Bennie Fickler. Address:519 Merwick Circle, Charlotte, NC 28211 Contact: Ross Klingman Phone: TRANSPORTER: DeBruhl Environmental Excavating, Inc. Contact: Randy DeBruhl Phone: 704/598-2681 DESTINATION: Environmental Soils, Inc., Dedicated Land Application Site CLASS & TYPE OF CONTAMINATE IN SOIL: Class II - heating oil WASTE ORIGINATION POINT: 519 Merwick Cirlce, Charlotte, NC 28211 COUNTY: Mecklenburg SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION: UST 90 3 6 0 a ?. 9 TRUCK#: VOLUME: �p0 - a $, 3 0 DRIVER SIGNATURE: _ DATE GENERATORS CERTIFICATION OF WASTE CONSTITUENTS: In lieu of submitting analytical data (methods 8240 and 8270) verifying that the waste in question does not contain organic constituents other than those which would normally appear in analysis of virgin petroleum product residue, I am submitting this Certificate of Waste Constituents. I certify that I am familiar with the source of contamination of the soil and further certify the source, to the best of my knowledge, contains no contaminants other than that lured above. Signature Date Company Wwne 7��->J F_.v-,T4,(- Title �k dv DEBRUHL ENVIRONMENTAL EXCAVATING, INC. G<ti 4921 HOOVER DRIVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 704/598-2681- OFFICE 704/598-2988 — FAX NON-HAZARDOUS.WASTE MANIFEST DATE b� LOAD NUMBER_ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT: Buxton Environmental Contact: Ross Klingman Phone: 704/906-4994 GENERATOR: Bennie Ficklen Address:519 Merwick Circle, Charlotte, NC 28211 Contact: Ross Klingman Phone: TRANSPORTER: DeBruhl Environmental Excavating, Inc. Contact: Randy DeBruhl Phone: 704/598-2681 DESTINATION: Environmental Soils, Inc., Dedicated Land Application Site CLASS & TYPE OF CONTAMINATE IN SOIL: Class Ii — heating oil WASTE ORIGINATION POINT: 519 Merwick Cirlce, Charlotte, NC 28211 COUNTY: Mecklenburg SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION: USTVa TRUCK#: VOLUME: DRIVER SIGNATURE: t tJ t DATE S�d o 08' GENERATORS CERTIFICATION OF WASTE CONSTITUENTS: In lieu of submitting analytical data (methods 8240 and 8270) verifying that the waste in question does not contain organic constituents other than those which would normally appear in analysis of virgin petroleum product residue, I am submitting this Certificate of Waste Constituents. I certify that I am familiar with the source of contamination of the soil and further certify the source, to the best of my knowledge, contains no contaminants other than that listed above. Date v Company Name %,Ak k-oJ �.�� . �� ..SZ Title \�>_t `' F", b.O ENVIRONMENTAL SOILS, INC. P.q. SOX 295 LATTIMo• N.C. 7M.dae_Aft-,t NONHAZARDOUS PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL. .. APPROVAL# MANIFEST LOCATION OF SOIL: TRANSPORTER: TIME: -, ' G DATE: DRIVER SIGNATURE �.• i TIME: DATE: .S I DRIVER SIGNATURE TIME: Qi .3•�/�'p� DATE: DRIVER SIGNA TIME: DATE: DRIVER SIGNATU IN$PECTEb I!i ACCEPTED BY ENVIRC SUPERVISOR'S SIGNATURe _4 TRUCK #1 T". i- TRUCK # Z� LICENSE # .� TRUCKsY $ LICENSE N TRUCK# LICENSE #� INC. oRoss wT._! 7_ . TARE wT. l L.Bs 0T 'd 886Z 869 VO4 3X3 AN3 1HnNa3Q Wd VZ: S0 80OZ-8Z-AVW 0 ENVIRONMENTAL SOILS, INC. P.O. SOX 296 LATWO 9, N.C. �eoes-o4es 7W4344WS ON) 4U-9= FAX Job Nam.: 1� Sry4� TnwW 722- Grow wile.; TWO Wgt NW WUL.- AM 29740 lb 11123AN 03/m/2008 Tons: •, RAY *WAI RY &3WII' WN011ad by " ; EN . �o u.s TT'd cesavev*04 S1I08 1d1W3WW0HlAN3 WdTT12 8002 8Z AQw L0'd 886Z 869 VO4 3X3 AN3 1HnNa3Q Wd ZZ: S0 800Z-8Z-Avw EIM- NMEN TAB Mrs, INC. P.O. BOX 205 LATTIMORE, N.C. 2A0660+{tl4 704MS4.0075 (M) 4 8 FAX .dab Nsms: b Tntokri T"• SIM 97M!b Wpt: 31: f 3MM 05/06/2= Tarr Wpt: Nolt WgL: Tons: LJGR RAY'101A�,j� .lwe SOW WWVhW by, 'T '? B'd 69'd 886Z 869 VOL OX3 AN3 iHnua3Q Wd £Z: S9 808Z-8Z-Avw ENVIRONMENTAL SOILS, INC. PA Box m L911WRE, N.C.280964" 7W4JUM00TS (TU) 443"533 FAX Job Norm: Truck# Qrosa W9t. : Tor* W Nrt Wit,: AM 82404 lb 1AM 3976o lk tiYip Wf 52640 lib - Tons: lEd,JUM 30, an MY'ii'yilVEl;1f� T 317e8 W�lilod t..c.5 � �tL��♦u sv -i- d �6SBtiEitiOG S�YOS 1d1N3WIJ021IAN3 Wdi.0:9 9002 RP r+RW S0'd 886Z 869 VOL 3X3 AN3 7HnNg3Q Wd TZ: S8 800Z-8Z-Avw 11N oNt LcNTAL SOILS, INC. �BOXY ORE� N.C. 2800a.040 (704) 484 33 FAX Job Nmw: Truow Qre*& Wpt; 6R�S3 BOW lb � .�i060p Ib Toni Mere WqL If �Je 9 6C4" 4A "n' 9 d EEsG*c**oL S-1 I OS lW l W'4WMn3, T A►17 11 - - - 88'd 886Z 869 VOL 3X3 AH3 1HnNa3Q Wd £Z: S6 800Z-8Z-Avw ENVIROMMINTALISOILS, INC. P.O. sox am LATIIIAORit,, ma. 7O4M3440FAx (704) 04-95W Job ftme: Truckir om" w9t.: VMS 79M lb TARE2W lb REYM Two WgL. by 4M lb W07/2008 02114F" Not Wgt.: _ • Liz 010d EESS*Elpoat SIXOS 1UiW3WWOU1AW3 Wdalts 9002 82 Rew 901d 886Z 869 Vol OX3 AN3 1HnNa3a Wd zz:so sooz-az-Avw APPENDIX J LABORATORYDATA SHEETS Certification No.402 Laboratory Report AIMINC SC Certification No. 99012 ' 7 f� NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 06/23/08 wn suwce �n.Mrcr a F,m�eemend sahBo� Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: USIA (5.5') Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213680 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05//08 17:30 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 - Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids 74.6 % 1 SM2540 G 06109M 14:30 rnbarber Diesel Range Organics (ORO) by GC-FID Diesel Range Organics (DRO) 1400 Sample Preparation: mg/kg 190 30 20 8015B 25.43 g / 1 m L. 3545 Surrogate o-Terphenyl 06/13/08 23:11 ivogel Q32474 05/09/08 17:00 wcorMer P21561 % Recovery Control Limits DO # 49 -124 Sample Weiaht Determination Weight 1 5.71 g 1 GRID 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Weight 2 5.82 g 1 GRO 05/09/08' 0:00 (brawn Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) by GC-FID Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) 85 mg/kg 6.7 4.2 50 8015E 05/16/08 21:31 wbradley Q32564 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits aaa-TFT 103 55 -129 Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Lk*t J- Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submffted for analysts and meet state cerfdreation, requirements other than NELA 0 certification except for those instances k0cated In the case narratfve aWor test comments. AN results are reported on a dry -weight basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report shouk(.not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC28224-0543 Phone: 704152"364 - Toll Free Number. l-tiM29-6364 - Few 704=5-0409 Page 1 of 31 ' NC Certification N.990 Laboratory Report 402 SC Certification No. 990 . 12 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/27/08 Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: UST-2 (51) Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213681 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 17:40 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst DatefTime Batch ID Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids 75.7 % 1 SW540 G 05/09/08 14:30 mbarber Diesel Range Organics (DRO) by GC-FID Diesel Range Organics (DRO) 2600 mg/kg 460 75 50 8015B 05/13/08 23:47 Ivogel Q32474 Sample Preparation: 25.57 g / 1 mL 3545 05/09/08 17:00 wconder P21561 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl DO # 49 -124 Sample Weight Determination Weight 1 6.42 g 1 GRO 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Weight 2 6.60 g 1 GRO 05/09/08 0:00 lbrown Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) by GC -Fin Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) 75 mg/kg 6.6 4.1 50 80158 05/17/08 12:59 wbradley 032564 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits aaa-TFT 82 55 -129 Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Llmit .- Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certifrcatbh requirements other than NELAC certification except for those instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments. All results are reported on a dry -weight basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NO, 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 .- Toil Free Number:1-8001529-6364 - Film 7041525-0409 Page 2 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 Poe Swim Ma1Y&* 5 E+ry =wntat Sakd1ma Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: PIPE-1 (2') Prism Sample ID: 213682 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/06/08 18:30 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/rime ID Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids 82 4 % 1 SM2540 G 05/09108 14:30 mbarber Diesel Range Organics (DRO) by GC-FID Diesel Range Organics (DRO) 110 mg/kg 8.3 1.3 1 8015B 05/13/08 14:50 ivogel Q32474 Sample Preparation: 25.46 g / 1 mL 3545 05/09/08 17:00 wconder P21561 Surrogate %Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 62 49 -124 Sample Weight Determination! Weight 1 6.11 g 1 ORO 05(09108 0:00 (brown Weight 2 5.54 g 1 ORO 05/09/08 0:00 (brown ggeoline Range Organics (GRO) by GC-FID Gasoline Range Organics (ORO) BRL mgikg 6.1 3.8 50 8015B 05N 6/W 19-56 wbradley 032564 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits aaa-TFT 65 55 -129 Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Limit .b E-Stimated value between the Reporting Umit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state oertitication requirements other than NELAC OW08 ion except for those instances Indicated In the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on a dry -weight basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529.6364 - Toll Free Number:1-800152M64 - Fax: 70415254409 . Page 3 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 'Al NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 irAtBcrvke ArtirytlealBEmGoarn�SoluBom - Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Kiingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-1(5') Prism Sample ID: 213683 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 17:50 Time Submitted, 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDi_ Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids 71.5 % 1 SM25Q G 05109/08 14:30 mbarber Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate 1 5.57 g 1 5035 05/09108 0:00 Ibrown Weight Bisulfate 2 6.04 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 brown Weight Methanol 5.00 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 Ibrown Volatile Organic Compounds by G /Ms 1,1.1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00074 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 KUY Q32382 1,1,22-Tetrachloroe1hane BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00045 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 twiby 032382 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00067 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Iwitry Q32382 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00072 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Iwiby Q32382 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.0011 1 8260B 05/12(08 17:07 haitry 032382 1,1-Dichforopropene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00074 1 8260B 05112/08 17:07 hNtrY Q32382 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00072 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 by try Q32382 1,2,3-Tdchioropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00084 1 82609 05/12/08 17:07 Why 032382 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mgft 0.0063 0.00082 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 twitry Q32382 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00031 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 lwitry Q32382 1,2-Dibromoetha7e (EDB) BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00078 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Wry Q32382 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.0004 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 h4tY Q32382 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg&g 0.0063 0.0D07 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 kwitry 032382 1,2-0ichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.0015 1 826DB 05/12/08 17.07 Eby Q32382 1,3,5 Trimethyibenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0D63 0.00053 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.07 NATY 032382 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00041 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 M" Q32382 1,3-0ichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00026 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 hNitry Q32382 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.0008 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Iwitry Q32382 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.0009 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Ww" 032382 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mq/kq 0.0063 0.00035 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 khry .032382 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-t1X43 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toil Free Number 1-8001529-6364 - Fax: T04/525.04119 Page 4 of 31 FO Unke Ma"cal & Erekon"w[am Buxton Environmental, Inc Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 89012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 Project ID: 519 MervAck Ct. Sample Matrix: Soil Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-1 (5) Prism Sample ID: 213683 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 17:50 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID 2-Hexanone BRL mglkg 0.063 0.0054 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 kvY `Q32382 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.00046 1 82608 05/12/08 17.07 M*y Q32382 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIRK) BRL mg/kg 0.063 0.0065 1 8260E 05112/08 17:07 Wry 032382 Acetone BRL mglkg 0.063 0.019 1 8260B 0511210817:071witry 032382 Benzene BRL mglkg 0.0038 0.00053 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 wtry Q32382 Bromobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.0008 1 8260B 05/12/08 17,07 Wry Q32382 Bromochloromethane BRL mglkg 0,0063 0.00051 1 8260B 05/12/08 17b7 M" 032382 Bromodichloromethane BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.00068 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 M4try Q32382 Bromoform BRL mglkg 0.0063. 0,00056 1 8260B 05/1210817:07 Iwitry 032382 Bromomethane BRL mglkg 0.013 0.0014 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 twitry Q32382 Carbon tetrachloride BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.00041 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Why Q32382 Chlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.00064 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Nft Q32382 Ctrlorodtbromomethane BRL mglkg 0,0063 0.00058 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Q32382 Chloroethane BRL mglkg 0.013 0.0021 1 8260B 05/12/08 1707 K%" 032382 Chloroform BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.0010 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Nvft Q32382 Chtoromethane BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.0015 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.07 Wiry Q32382 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.0010 1 9260B 05/12/08 17:07 hN" C=82 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.00083 1 8260B 05112/08 17:07 lw try 032382 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.0017 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 K%ty Q32382 Ethylbenzene BRL mgft 0.0063 0.00029 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Why Q32382 Isopropyl ether (IPE) BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.00058 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 May Q323S2 isopropylbenzene BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.00036 1 82608 002108 17:07 Wiry 032382 m,p-Xylenes BRL mglkg 0.013 0.0010 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.07 Mft Q32382 Methyt ethyl ketone (MEK) BRL mglkg 0.13 0.019 1 8260E 05/12M 17:07 paltry Q32382 Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) BRL mglkg 0.013 0.00053 1 8260B 05/12M8 17.07 Wits Q32382 Methylene chloride BRL mgtKg 0.0063 0.0010 1 8260B 05/12/08 1T:07 MY Q32382 n-Butyibenzene BRL mglkg 0.0063 0.00045 1 82WB 05/12/08 1T:07 W#y Q32382 This report should not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc, 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Chadotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529.6364 - Toil Free Number 1-8001620-6364 - Fax: 704152541409 Page 6 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 sC CertFflcaflon No. 99012 Laboratory Report NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 05/23/08 f� saMee wtirynem a em�raxnvrtal sauuon, Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct Client Sample ID: CS-1 (5) Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Sail Prism Sample ID: 213683 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 17:50 Charlotte, NIC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15,23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Batch DateTme ID n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00041 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 hv" 032382 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.013 0.00075 1 82MB 05/12/08 17:07 Way Q32382 o-Xyiene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00026 1 82608 05/12/08 17.07 m try Q32382 p-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.0005 1 82608 05/12/08 17:07 M" 032382 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00043 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.07 h try Q32382 Styrene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.0007 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Mft Q32382 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00053 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 hv" Q32382 Tetrachloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00056 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 Why 032382 Toluene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00046 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 hvitry Q32382 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.0008 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 kvtry Q32382 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00074 1 82608 05/12/08 17:07 kft 032382 Trichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.00092 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:07 IwiW 032382 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.0011 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.07 Wiry 032382 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg 0.031 0.0018 1 8260B 05/12/08 1707 Wtry Q32382 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0063 0.0011 1 82008 OW12/08 17:07 h ift Q32382 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Toluene-8 96 81-128 Dibromofluoromethane 100 67 -143 Bromofluombenzene 95 77 -128 Semi -volatile -Organic Compounds by GCIMS 1,2,4-Tridlkxobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.051 1 8270C 05/20108 4:59 -1ph Q32611 1,2-Dichimbenzene BRL mgft 0.46 0.051 1 8270C 0$20/08 4*69 rselph 032611 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.46 0.045 1 8270C 05J20/08 4:59 rselph 032611 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.055 1 8270C 05120/08 4:59 mdph 032611 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.055 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph 032611 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.050 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rsalph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except In Its entirety, without the vxitten =Mg of prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 282M643 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number:1-8001529.6364 - I = 70415264409 Page 6 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 Laboratory Report SC Certification No. 99012 1" AME NC Drinking Water Cart No. 37735 05/23108 Fuu sowka On*dc if Enrkawn rMsuwuons Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: CS-1 (51 Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix. Soil Prism Sample ID: 213683 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 17:50 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15.23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.030 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph Q32611 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mgA 9 0.46 0.069 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rrdph Q32611 2,4-Dinitrophenoi BRL mg/kg 2.3 0.13 1 8270C 05/20M 4:59 rselph Q32611 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg&g 0.46 0.061 1 82700 05=108 4:59 rselph 032611 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.084 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 r-qph 032611 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.058 1 8270C 05/20/08 4.59 rselph 032611 2-Chlorophenol BRL mgft 0.46 0.019 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph Q32611 2-Mefhyinaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.062 1 8270C 05/20/08 4M rselph Q32611 2-Methylphenol BRL mgft 0.46 0.037 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rsdph 032611 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.065 1 8270C 05/200 4:69 mph Q32611 3&4-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.054 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph Q32611 3,T-Dichforobenzidine BRL mg&g 0.93 0.084 1 8270C 05/20/08 4.59 rselph Q32611 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg 2.3 0.040 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:69 -lph 032611 4-Bromophenylphenyiether BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.058 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph Q32611 4- hloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.93 0.055 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:69 rselph Q32611 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.034 1 6270C 05/20108 4:59 r8dph Q32611 4-Chlorophenylphenylether SRL mgft 0.46 0.058 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph 032611 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 2.3 0.059 1 8270C 05120A)8 4.59 rsdph Q32611 Aoenaphthene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.063 1 8270C 05/20/08 "9 rselph Q32611 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.044 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph 032611 Anthracene BRL mg&g 0.46 0.034 1 8270C 05/20/06 4:59 rselph Q32611 Azobermene BRL mgft 2.3 0.068 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 melph 032611 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg&q 0.46 0.052 1 8270C 05/20l08 4:59 rWPh Q32611 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mgft 0.46 0.059 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph Q32611 Benzo(b)tluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.095 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 melph Q32611 Benzo(g,h,l)rerylene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.059 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph Q32611 Benzo(k)fiuoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.12 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rsdph Q32611 This report should not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, w bout the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc, 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240%3 - Charlotte, NC 2tZ224-0543 Phone: 7041529.6364 - Toll Free Number:14100/529.OM - Fax: 704/52"M Page 7 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 .4AIM NC Drinking Water Cart No. 37735 f,a semoeMayredaEmiranoema�s Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-1 (5') Prism Sample ID: 213683 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 17:50 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Datelrime Analyst Batch ID Benzoic acid BRL mg/kg 2.3 0.20 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rseiph Q32611 Benzyi alcohol BRL mg/kg 0.93 0.037 1 8270C 05/20/08 4.59 rselph 032611 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.078 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph 032611 131s(2-ch1oroefhyi)ether BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.057 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 melph Q32611 Bis(2-ch(orolsopropyl)ether BRL mglkg 0.46 0.047 1 82700 05/20/08 4:59 rselph 032611 Bis(2-ethylhexyQphthaiate BRL molt 0.46 0.036 1 8270C 05=108 4:59 rsetph 032611 Butylbei z phthalate BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.057 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rsetph Q32611 Chrysene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.031 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rsetph Q32611 Di-n-butylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.074 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 melph Q32611 Di-n-ooMphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.13 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 mph Q32611 Dibmwo(a,h)anthracene BRL mgAcg 0.46 0.043 1 8270C 05120/08 4:59 rselph Q32611 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.057 1 8270C 05t20/08 4.59 mdph Q32611 Diethylphthalate BRL mgA g 0.46 0.12 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rWph 032611 Dimethylphthalate BRL mg1kg 0.46 0.069 1 8270C 05/20/08 4,59 rselph Q32611 Fiuoranthene BRL mglkg 0.46 0.082 1 8270C 05/20/08 *59 rselph Q32611 Fluorene BRL mgft 0.46 0.066 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph 032611 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mgfkg 0.46 0.064 1 8270C 05/20108 4:59 rselph 032611 Heicachiorobutadiene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.046 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 melph Q32611 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.069 1 8270C 000/08 4:59 rselph 032611 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.019 1 8270C 05/20108 4:59 rselph 032611 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mgft 0.46 0.044 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:69 rseiph Q32611 isophorone BRL mgft 0.46 0.044 1 8270C 05/20108 4:59 melph Q32611 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine BRL mglkg 0.46 0.027 1 8270C 05/20A}8 4:59 rsetph Q32611 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mgft 0.46 0.067 1 8270C 05/20108 4:59, rselph Q32611 Naphthalene BRL mog 0.46 0.055 1 8270C 05/20/08 4.59 rselph 032611 Nitrobenzene 8111. mg/kg 0.46 0.058 1 8270C 05/20/08 *59 rselph 032611 Pentachlorophenol 8RL mgAcg 2.3 0.071 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 mph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 440 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 78224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number 1-800/529.6364 - Fax: 7041525.0409 Page 8 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SG Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No. 37735 Fli 8M1rkiAMilytlgr S EnNrorWY11Gi SWu6pM Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-1 (5) Prism Sample ID: 213683 COC Group: G0608218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 17:50 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Method Factor Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Phenanthrene BRL mglkg 0.46 0.039 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph 032611 Phenol BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.082 1 8270C 05/20/08 4.59 rselph 032611 Pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.46 0.089 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:59 rselph 032611 Sample Preparation: 29.86 g / 1 mL 3550E 05/15/08 14:00 pbarr P21602 Surrogate %Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-d14 106 41 -136 Phenol-d5 56 13 - 95 Nitrobenzene-0 57 14 -103 2-Fluorophenol 48 14 - 89 2-Ruorobipherryl 63 21 -108 2,4,6-Tritxomophenol 86 25 -123 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID C11-C22 Aromatics BRL mg/kg 14 2.4 1 MADEP EPH 05/20/08 0:15 orappaoddl 032630 C19-C36 Aliphatits BRL mg/kg 14 1.8 1 MADEP EPH 05/19/08 23:23 9rappaccloll 032630 C9-C18 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 14 1.2 1 MADEP EPH 05/19M8 23:23 grappaccioll Q32630 Sample Preparation: 10.29 g / 2 mL EPH 05/16MB 9.00 pbarr P21629 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 75 40 -140 2-Fiuoroblphenyl 84 40 -140 2-Bromonaphthalene 41 40 -140 1-Chioro-octadecane 93 40 -140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbon by GC PlD1RD CS-C8 AiiphaUcs BRL mg&g 7.0 1.3 1 MADEP VPH 05123/08 1:10 wbradley Q32782 C9-Cl0 Aromatics BRL mg/kg 7.0 0,042 1 MADEP VPH 05/23/08 1:10 wbradley 032782 CO-C12 Aliphatics BRL mglkg 7.0 2.2 1 MADEP VPH OW3108 1:10 wbradley Q32782 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, vNiout the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 24OS43 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529.6364 - Toll Free Number 14W529-6364 - Fax: 70415254)409 Page 9 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 Laboratory Report NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/23/08 ra SaMce Anary6cN & Emfiromme�t,l SW Woro Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick CL Client Sample ID: CS-1 (51 Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213683 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 17:50 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Limit Factor Analysis DateMme Analyst Batch ID Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits 2,5-Dibromotoiuene-PID 106 70 -130 2,5-Dibromotoiuene-FID 95 70 - 130 Sample Weight Determination Weight 1 16.18 g 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 Ibm m Weight 2 16.24 g 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 lbrown Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Limit J- Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate onty to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other than NELAC certification except for those instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments. All results are reported on a dry -weight basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should riot be reproduced, except in Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 440 Sprtngbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-M - Toll Free Number:1.8001529.6384 - Fax: 70415254409 Page 10 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 Laboratory Report NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 05/23/08 � fi!lllrlE AMrydcal � F11Yr19f1111[nrd� 30111UoRt Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct Client Sample ID: CS-2 (5') Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213684 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 18:00 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids 82-3 % 1 SM2540 G 05/09/08 14:30 mbarber Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate 1 6.41 9 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 lbown Weight Bisulfate 2 5.84 9 1 5035 05109/08 0:00 (brown Weight Methanol 6.53 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Volatile Oroanic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00056 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.51 kvft Q32382 1,1,2,2-Tetrachforoethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00034 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Why 032382 1,1,2 Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0005 1 8260B 05/12108 17:51 Mitry Q32382 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00054 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.51 Mdtry Q32382 1,1-Dichlorcethene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00082 1 8260B 05/12/08 17'51 hMtry 032382 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL mog 0.0047 0.00056 1 8260B 05/12/08 17*51 Iwltry Q32382 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00054 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 twttry Q32382 1,2,34tichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00064 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Wry Q32382 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL, mg/kg 0.0047 0.00062 1 8260B 05/12/08 1751 Wry Q32382 1,2,4-Tdmethylbenzene 0.0021 J mg/kg 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Nvty 032382 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00059 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 twitrr 032382 1,2-Dichiorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0003 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Wary 032382 1,24Dichloroethene BRL mg&g 0.0047 0.00053 1 82609 05/12/08 17:51 NAY Q32382 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0011 1 8260B 05112/08 17.51 lWtry Q32382 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0004 1 8260B 05112/08 17-51 1witry 032382 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.51 Wtry 032382 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0002 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Mdtry 032382 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00061 1 8260B 002108 17:51 twitryy 032382 2,2-Dichlonopropane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00068 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.51 W*y 032382 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00027 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Miry Q32382 This report should not be reproduced, except in its etfirety, vrithout the written consent of prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 70029-6364 - Toll Free Nurnber. l4W5294364 - Fax: 704/525.0409 Page 111 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 06/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-2 (5) Prism Sample ID: 213684 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 18:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID 2-Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0.047 0.0041 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Wry Q32382 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00035 1 8260B 06/12/08 17:51 Iwiby Q32382 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) BRL mg/kg 0.047 0.0049 1 82608 05/12/08 17:51 1w" Q32382 Acetone BRL mg/kg 0.047 0.014 1 82608 05/12/08 17:51 hvitry 032382 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0028 0.0004 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Iwitry Q32382 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00061 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Iwiay Q32382 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00039 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 hvitry Q32382 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00051 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Iwitry Q32382 Bromoform BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00043 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Witry Q32382 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0095 0.0011 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.51 M" Q32382 Carbon tetrachloride BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.51 h%" Q32382 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00048 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 hvttry Q32382 Chlorodibromomethane BRL mpg 0.0047 0.00044 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Wiry Q32382 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0095 0.0016 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 hvity Q32382 Chloroform BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00079 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 hvihy 032382 Chloromethane BRL mgft 0.0047 0.0011 1 8260B 05112/08 17:51 hNitry Q32382 cis-1,2-Dlchloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00076 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Iwihy Q32382 ds-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00063 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Iwtt y Q32382 Dtchlowd"rftuoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0013 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 lwitry Q32382 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00022 1 8260B 06/12/08 17:61 hvitry Q32382 Isopropyl ether (IPE) BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00044 1 8260B 06/12108 17:51 KAY Q32382 Isopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00027 1 8260E 05/12/08 17:51 twttry 032382 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg 0.0095 0.00078 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 twftry Q32382 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) BRL mg/kg 0.095 0.014 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Iwttry Q32382 Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) BRL mg/kg 0.0095 0.0004 1 8260E 05/12/08 17:51 hviitry Q32382 Methylene chloride BRL mgft(g 0.0047 0.00078 1 8260B 05/12/0B 17.51 twiny Q32382 n-Butyibenzene 0.0024 J mg/kg 0.0047 0.00034 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.51 twilry Q32382 This report should not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.Q. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-M - Toll Free Number:1-800/529.6364 - Fax: 7041-,Q&0409 Page 12 of 31 NC Certification No.402 Laboratory Report SC Certification No. M12 rY p A�J NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/23/08 ww 8antae Awyun� a emrnnmeofai sdu6ons Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: CS-2 (5') Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213684 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: 00508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 18:00 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/rime Batch ID n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 05/12/08 1751 Wiry 032382 Naphthalene 0.0051 J mg/kg 0.0095 0.00057 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Wiry 032382 o-Xylene BRL mgft 0.0047 0.0002 1 82608 05/12/08 17:51 K%*y Q32382 p-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00038 1 8260B 05112/O8 17:51 iwiby 032382 sec-Butyibenzene 0.0020 J mg/kg 0.0047 0.00032 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Why 032382 Styrene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00053 1 82608 05/12/08 17:51 Wtry 032382 tert Butylbenzene . BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.0004 1 82608 05/12/08 17:51 twltry 032382 Tetrachloroethene BRL mglkg 0.0047 0.00043 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 wiry Q32382 Toluene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00035 1 82606 05/12/08 17:51 Wry Q32382 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00061 1 8260B 05/12108 17:51 twitry Q32382 trans-1,3-Dichioropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00056 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:61 Wry 032382 Trichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00069 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Wry Q32382 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00084 1 8260B 05/12/08 17:51 Wry Q32382 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg 0.024 0.0013 1 8260E 05/12/08 17:51 Nvitry 0.32382 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0047 0.00082 1 8260B 05/12/08 17.51 Wtfy Q32382 §2MI-volatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS 1,2,441richlorobenzene BRL 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL 2,4,6-Trichlorophenoi BRL Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Toluene-d8 97 81 -128 Dibromofluoromethane 101 67 - M Bromofluorobenzene 96 77 -128 mg/kg 0.40 0.044 1 8270C 05120016:23 rselph Q32611 mgikg 0.40 0.046 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 mglkg 0.40 0.039 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rsdph Q32611 mg/kg 0.40 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 mglkg 0.40 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rwlph Q32611 mg/kg 0.40 0.043 1 8270C 05120106 6:23 rsdph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism l aborabrles, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.Q. Box 240643 - Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Tall Free Number 14001629-M - For 7041525-0409 Page 13 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 wrra.r>Q Mwyu�,i s �� sawnw� Buxton Environmental, Inc Project 1D: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-2 (5) Prism Sample ID: 213684 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 18:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 16:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.026 1 8270C 05/20/08 6.23 rwlph Q32611 2,4-Dimethyfphenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.060 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph 032611 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.12 1 8270C 0512=8 6:23 rselph 032611 2,4-Dmitrotoluene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.053 1 8270C 05/20M 6:23 rselph Q32611 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.073 1 8270C 05J20108 6:23 rselph Q32611 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rsdph Q32611 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.017 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph 032611 2-Methylnaphthalens BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.045 1 8270C 05/20/D8 6:23 rselph Q32611 2-Methylphenol BRL mg&g 0.40 0.032 1 8270C 05/20/08 6.23 rselph Q32611 2-Nitrophenoi BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.057 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 3&4-Methylphenoi BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.047 1 8270C 0=0108 6:23 rselph Q32611 3,3=Dichlorobenzidine BRL mgft 0.80 0.073 1 8270C 05120IU8 6:23 melph Q32611 4,6-0initro-2-medVphenoi BRL mgIkg 2.0 0.035 1 8270C 0=0108 6:23 m0ph Q32611 4-Bromophenylphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 827OG 05/20/08 6:23 rsdph 032611 4-Chioro•3-meihylphenol BRL mglkg 0.80 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 6.23 rsdph 032611 4-Chloroaniiine BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.030 1 8270C 05120/08 6:23 rselph 032611 4-Chlorophenylphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph 032611 4-Nitnophenol BRL mg(kg 2.0 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 melph 032611 Acenaphthene BRL mgft 0.40 0.055 1 8270C 05120= 6:23 rselph 032611 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 melph 032611 Anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.029 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 melph Q32611 Azobenzene BRL. mg/kg 2.0 0.059 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.045 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 mdph Q32611 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mgft 0.40 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 redph Q32611 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.082 1 8270C =0108 &23 rsdph Q32611 Benzo(g,hJ)peryfene BRL mg(Kg 0.40 0.051 1 8270C 05/20= 6.23 rselph 032611 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.11 1 8270C 05/201t)8 6:23 rselph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7CW529-6364 -'loll Free Number. 7-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/5254)M Page 14:of 31 NC Cer6Bcatfon No. 402 SC Certilication No. M12 Laboratory Report ,AIM NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/23/08 FwBenieeAnahr�aEnwmm�nlsorwimrs Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick CL Client Sample ID: CS-2 (6) Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213684 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 18:00 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted. 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis DateTme Analyst Batch ID Benzoic add BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.17 1 8270C - _ 05/20/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 Benzyl aloohol BRL mg/kg 0.80 0.032 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph 032611 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)nethane BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.068 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rseiph 032611 Bis(2-chioroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.060 1 8270C OW0108 6:23 rselph Q32611 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)eMer BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.040 1 8270C 05/20M 6:23 rselph Q32611 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.031 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph 032611 Butylbenzylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05120/08 6:23 melph Q32611 ChrySene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.027 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 Di-n-butylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.065 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 Di-n-octylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.12 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 D1benzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 05/20/08 6.23 rsdph 032611 Dibenzofuran BRL mglkg 0.40 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 0:23 rselph Q32611 Diethylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.10 1 8270C 05120/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 Dimethylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.060 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 melph Q32611 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.071 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph 032611 Fluorene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.057 1 8270C 05120/08 6:23 rselph 032611 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.055 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 raelph 032611 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mgAg 0.40 0.040 1 8270C OW0108 6:23 rseiph Q32611 Hexachlorocydopentadiene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.060 1 8270C 0512=8 623 rselph Q32611 Hexachloroethane BRL rng/kg 0.40 0.017 1 8270C 05120/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mgtkg 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 leophorone BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.038 1 82700 05/20/08 6:23 rselph 032611 N-Nibosodi-n-propylamine BRL m mglkg 0.40 0.023 1 82 70C 05/20/08 623 reel h p Q32611 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.058 1 8270C 05120/08 623 rselph Q32611 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.048 1 8270C 05/2OM 6:23 rselph 032611 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05f20108 6.23 rseiph Q32611 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.061 1 8270C 05/20/08 623 melph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entrety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte. NC 282M543 Phone: 70M529-M - Toll Free Number:1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 70415254M Page 15 of 31 Ajk=NC Certification No. 402 SC Certificatlon No. 99012 Laboratory Report NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 05/23/08 ru s.Mo a,m�rr sausas Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: CS-2 (5') Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213684 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COG Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 18:00 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Method Factor Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.034 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph 032611 Phenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.071 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 rselph Q32611 Pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.077 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:23 melph Q32611 Sample Preparation: 29.89 g / 1 mL 3550B 05/15/08 14:00 pbarr P21602 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-d14 109 41 -136 Phenol-d5 49 13 - 95 Nitrobenzene-l5 46 14 -103 2-Fluorophenol 37 14 - 89 2-Fluorobiphenyl 68 21 -108 2,4,6-Tribromophenoi 87 25 -123 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by QC-FID C11-C22 Aromatics BRL mg/kg 12 2.2 1 MADEP EPH 05PL0/08 18:29 9rappaccioli 032630 C19-C36 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 12 1.7 1 MADEP EPH 05/20/08 17:37 grappaccioli Q32630 C9-018 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 12 1.1 1 MADEP EPH 05/20/08 17:37 grappaccioll Q32630 Sample Preparation: 9.91 g / 2 mL EPH 05/16/08 9:00 pbarr P21629 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 74 40 -140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 93 40 -140 2-Bromonaphthalene 82 40 -140 i-Chionroctadecane 94 40 -140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by QC-PiDIFID C5-C8 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 6.1 1.2 1 MADEP VPH 05(23/08 1:53 %tradley Q32782 C9-C10 Aromatics 7.5 mgft 6.1 0.036 1 MADEP VPH 05/23/08 1:53 wbradiey 032782 C9-C12 Aliphatics 10 moft 6.1 1.9 1 MADEP VPH 05/23/08 1:53 wbradley Q32782 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224.OM Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toil Free Nrrmber.14100IM63U - Fax: 704t525-Mg Page 16 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 I= SC Certification No. 99012 '6J NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 _461gl Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 MerWck Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-2 (5) Prism Sample ID: 213684 COC Group: 00508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 18:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 1523 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor DatefTime ID Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits 2,5-Dibromotoiuene•PID 126 70 -130 25-Dibromotoluene-FID 97 70 -130 Sample Weight Determination_ Weight 1 20.50 g 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 Ibrmm Weight 22.32 g 1 MADEP VPH 06/09/08 0:00 (brown Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Limit J- Estimated value between the Reporting limit and the MDL The results In this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state oertlfication requirements other than NELAC certification except for those instances Indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments. All results are reported on a dry -weight basis rdawmA J�'� Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number 1-8001529-M - Fax: 70415254409 Page 17 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No.99012 Laboratory Report !VC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 06/23/08 Fua twdw a w"c* a Ewi m "SWuS s Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: CS-3 (5) Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213685 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 10:45 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Percent Solids Determinati�n Percent Solids 83.6 % 1 SM2540 G 05/09/08 14:30 mbarber Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate 1 6.27 g 1 5035 05109M 0:00 (brown Weight Bisulfate 2 6.28 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Weight Methanol 5.87 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0.00 Ibr- Volatile Organic Compounds byGC/MS 1,1.1 Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0,00056 1 8260B 05/12108 18:34 Mitry Q32382 1.1,2,2 Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00034 1 8260B 05/12108 18:34 [witry 032382 1,1,2-Tdchloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00051 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 h-,ft 032382 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mgft 0.0048 0.00054 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Why Q32382 1,1-Dlchloroethene BRL mg&g 0.0048 0.00082 1 82608 05/12/08 18:34 Wiry 032382 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0,00056 1 8260B 05/12M 18:34 why Q32382 1,2,3-Trichiorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00054 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wry Q32382 1,2,3-Tdchloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00064 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 K% y Q32382 1,2,4-Trichforobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00062 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wtry Q32382 1,2,4-Tdmethylbenzene 0.0066 mg/kg 0.0048 0.00024 1 8260E 05/12/08 18:34 Wit Q32382 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00059 1 8260E 05J12/08 18:34 Wry Q32382 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0,0048 0.00031 1 82608 05/12tO8 18:34 Iwitry Q32382 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00053 1 82608 05112/08 18:34 Mft 032382 1.2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0012 1 8260E 05/12/08 18:34 M4try 032382 1,3,5-TrimetiVbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0004 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wtry 032382 1,3-01chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00031 1 8260E 05/12/08 18:34 1%ft 032382 1,3-0ichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0002 1 826013 05/12/08 18:34 Mtry 032382 1,4-0ichlorobenzene BRL mgft 0.0048 0.00061 1 8260E 05/12/08 18:34 Mfty 032382 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00069 1 8260B 05/12/08 18*34 Mft 032382 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00027 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Mft Q32382 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041629-6364 - Toll Free Number 1-80015294364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 18 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 Laboratory Report AM NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/23/08 FIB fi-dw An-"CW a &WkMMeWW Sokofam Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: CS-3 (5') Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213685 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 10:45 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID 2-Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0.048 0.0041 1 8260B 05/12/08 18.34 Wry Q32382 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mgkg 0.0048 0.00035 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Ntry Q32382 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) BRL mgtkg 0.048 0.0050 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wry Q32382 Acetone BRL mglkg 0.048 0.014 1 8260B 05/12/0818:341witry Q32382 Benzene BRL mglkg 0.0029 0.0004 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 My Q32382 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00061 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wiry 032382 Bromochioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00039 1 82608 05/12/08 18:34 Wry Q32382 Bromodichloromethane BRL mglkg 0.0048 0.000522 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wry Q32382 Bromofwm BRL mglkg 0.0048 0.00043 1 8260B 05(12/08 18:34 Iwitry 032382 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0095 0.0011 1 82608 05/12/08 18:341witry Q32382 Carbon tetrachloride BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00031 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 iwitry Q32382 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00049 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wtry Q32382 Chlorodibromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00044 1 8260B 05/12108 18:34 Wry Q32382 Chloroethane BRL mgft 0.0095 0.0016 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wry 032382 Chloroform 0.0036 J mg/kg 0.0048 0.00079 1 8260B 05M201 18:34 hvitry Q32382 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0011 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 W04 Q32382 ds-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00076 1 8260B 05/12/08 18.34 W" 032382 ds-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00063 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Why 032382 Didilorodi8uoromethane BRL mglkg 0.0048 0.0013 1 82608 05/12/08 18:34 Wiry 032382 Ethylbenzene BRL mglkg 0.0048 0.00022 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wtry 032382 Isopropyl ether (IPE) BRL mgfkg 0.0048 0.00044 1 82608 05/12/08 18:34 Wiry 032382 Isopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00028 1 8260B 05112/08 18:34 h0iry 032382 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg(kg 0.0095 0.00078 1 82608 05/12/08 18:34 by try 032382 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) BRL mgtkg 0.095 0.014 1 82605 05(12/08 18:34 fwft 032382 Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) BRL mglkg 0.0095 0.0004 1 82603 05/12/08 18.34 Mritry Q32382 Methylene chloride BRL mgft 0.0048 0.00078 1 82608 05/12/08 18.34 Mtnr Q32382 n-Butylbenzene 0.014 mg/kg 0.0048 0.00034 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wry Q32382 This report should not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, witiwut the written oonsent of Prism laboratories, Inc. 440 5pringbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: 7041529.6364 - Toll Free Number.1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 7041825-0409 Page 19 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 Ilk NC Drinking Water Cent, No. 37735 An Ftdl Sallee ArAV&d & Emd,am unWi Sakftns Buxton Environmental, Inc Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11660 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Project ID: 519 Merwick CL Sample Matrix: Soil Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-3 (5') Prism Sample ID: 213685 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 10:45 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst DatefTime Batch ID n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00031 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:34 twdry 032382 Naphthalene 0.020 mg/kg 0.0095 0.00057 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wiry 032382 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0002 1 8260B 05/12108 18:34 twiny 032382 p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0046 J mg/kg 0.0048 0.00038 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wry W2382 sec-Butylbenzene 0.0094 mg/kg 0.0048 0.00032 1 8260B 06/12/08 18:34 twtrY Q32382 Styrene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00053 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Iwliry Q32382 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0004 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wtry Q32382 Tetrachloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00043 1 8260B 05112/08 18:34 Wtry Q32382 Toluene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00035 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 wvitry Q32M trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00061 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 wy Q32382 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00056 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Wry 032382 Triehloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.0007 1 8260B 05/12/08 18*34 Wry Q32382 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00085 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 (wiry 032382 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg 0.024 0.0013 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 Mvttryy 032382 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0048 0.00083 1 8260B 05/12/08 18:34 WUY Q32382 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Toluene-d8 97 81-128 Dibromofluoromethane 100 67 -143 Bromofluombenzene 102 77 -128 fieml-volatile Organic Compounds by OCtMS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg*g 0.39 0.043 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph Q32611 1,24)ichlorobenzone BRL mg ft 0.39 0.043 1 8270C 05120/08 6.57 rselph 032611 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mgft 0.39 0.038 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 melph Q32611 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.047 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:67 rselph 032611 2,4,5-Trichforophenoi BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.047 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph 032611 2,4,6-Tdchlorophenol BRL mglky 0.39 0.042 1 8270C 05/20/08 6.57 rselph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except In Its entirety, vulthout the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529.6364 - Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 7041=4409 Page 20 of 31 NC Certification No. Laboratory Report rY p SC Certification No. 990 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No. 37735 05/23/08 Ra Swim ftwY& r & &Mrw w "wom Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: CS-3 (51 Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213685 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 10:45 Charlotte, NG 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mglkg 0.39 0.026 1 8270C 05/20108 6:57 rseiph Q32611 2,4-Dimeth)4pheno1 BRL mglkg 0.39 0.058 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselpn Q32611 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mglkg 2.0 0.11 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph Q32611 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mglkg 0.39 0.052 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 raeiph 032611 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.071 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rseiph Q32611 2-Chloronaphthatene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rseiph Q32611 2-Chlorophenol BRL mglkg 0.39 0.016 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph 032611 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.27 J mglkg 0.39 0.044 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph Q32611 2-Methyiphenol BRL mglkg 0.39 0.032 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 radph Q32611 2-Nitrophenol BRL mglkg 0.39 0.055 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph Q32611 3&4-Methylphenol BRL mglkg 0.39 0.046 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph Q32611 3,3"-Dichlorober¢idine BRL mglkg 0.79 0.071 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph 032611 4,"Inilro-2-methylphenot BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.034 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph Q32611 4-Bromophenylphenylether BRL mglkg 0.39 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 raelph Q32611 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ORL mglkg 0.79 0.046 1 8270C 06/20/08 6:57 rsdph 032611 4-Chioroaniline BRL mglkg 0.39 0.029 1 8270C 05120M 6:57 melph Q32611 4-Chlorophenylphenylether BRL mglkg 0.39 0.060 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 melph Q32611 4-Nitrophenol BRL mglkg 2.0 0.050 1 8270C 000108 6:57 rsetph 032611 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.053 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph Q32611 Acensphlhylene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.037 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 redph 032611 Anthracene BRL mglkg 0.39 0.029 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph Q32611 Azobenzene BRL mglkg 2.0 0.057 1 82700 0=0/08 6.57 radph 032611 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/tr9 0.39 0.044 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph Q32611 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mglkg 0.39 0.050 1 8270C 05120/08 6:57 rselph 032611 Benzo(b)iuoranthene BRL mglkg 0.39 0.080 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph 032611 l3enzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mglkg 0.39 0.050 1 8270C 05/20/08 6.57 rselph 032611 Benzo(k)ffuoranthene BRL m&'kq 0.39 0.11 1 8270C 05/20/08 6.57 rselph Q32611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: 70415294364 - Toll Free Number 1-80015294VA - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 21 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No.99012 Laboratory Report , r NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 06/23/08 rWl danree Rnalytlwl & Emrronsmntal SoMtons Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: CS-3 (5') Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213685 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P_O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 10:45 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Benzoic acid BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.17 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph Q32611 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg 0.79 0.031 1 82700 05/20/08 6:57 rselph 032611 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)nethane BRL mg&g 0.39 0.066 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:67 rselph 032611 81s(2-ch1nroethyi)ether BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph 032611 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.039 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:67 rselph 032611 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg&g 0.39 0.030 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph 032611 Butylbenzylphthalate SRL mg/kg 0.39 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph Q32611 Chrysene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.026 1 8270C OW0108 6:57 rWph 032611 Di n-butyiphthaiate BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.063 1 8270C 05120/08 6:57 rsdph Q32611 Di-n-octyiphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.11 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 mph 032611 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.037 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph 032611 Dibenzoluran BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph Q32611 Dlethylphthatate BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.10 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph 032611 Dimethylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.058 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph Q32611 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.069 1 8270C 05/20I08 6:57 rsdph 032611 Fluorene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.056 1 8270C 05/20/08 6,57 rselph Q32611 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.054 1 8270C 05/20/08 &57 rselph 032611 Hexaohlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.039 1 8270C 05/20/08 6.57 rselph 032611 Hexachtorocydopentadiene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.058 1 8270C 05/20/0& 6:57 rsdph Q32611 Hexachtoroethane BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.016 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph 032611 lndeno(1,2.3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.037 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rWph 032811 Isophorone BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.038 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:67 rselph 032611 N-Nitrosodi-n-propyiamine BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.023 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph Q32611 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.057 1 8270C OW0108 6:57 mdph 032611 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.047 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rsdph Q32611 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.049 1 8270C 05/2=8 6:57 rselph 032611 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.060 1 8270C 05/201i08 6:57 rsdph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28ZU41543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number:1-8001529-064 - For. 70415254M Page 22 of 31 we Sw41m AnWy" a Emkonm, Wu w Buxton Environmental, Inc Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No.99012 Laboratory Report Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/23/08 Project ID: 519 Merw€ck Ct. Client Sample ID: CS-3(5) Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213685 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 10:45 Time Submitted: 05/07108 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Phenanthrene 0.62 mg/kg 0.39 0.033 1 8270C OS/20/08 6:57 rselph Q32611 Phenol BRL mglkg 0.39 0.069 1 8270C 05/20/08 6:57 rselph Q32611 Pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.075 1 8270C 05/20108 6:57 rselph Q32611 Sample Preparation: 30,12 g / 1 mL 3550E 05/15/08 14:00 pbarr P21602 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-dl4 108 41 -136 Phenol-0 72 13 - 95 Nitrobenzene-d5 71 14 -103 2-Fluorophenol 59 14 - 89 2-Fluorobiphenyl 77 21 -108 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 79 25 - 123 Extraetable Petroleum H rocarbons by GC FID C11-C22 Aromatics 92 mg/kg 12 2.0 1 MADEP EPH 05/20/08 20:12 grappaodoli Q32630 C19-CM Aliphatics 81 mglkg 12 1.6 1 MADEP EPH 05I20/08 19:20 grappacxioli Q32630 C9-C18 Allphatics 120 mg ft 12 1.0 1 MADEP EPH OS/20/08 19:20 grappac doll 032630 Sample Preparation: 10.35 g / 2 mL EPH 05/16/08 9:00 pbarr P21629 Surrogate %Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 124 40 -140 2-Pluombiphenyl 100 40 -140 2-Bromonaphthalens 135 40 -140 1-Chioro-octadecane 113 40 -140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PID/FID C5-C8 Aliphatics BRL _ _ mg*g 6.0 1.1 1 MADEP VPH 05/15/08 0:53 wbradley 032490 C9-C10 Aromatics 19 mgrl&q 6.0 0.036 1 MADEP VPH 05/15/08 0:53 wbradley Q32490 C9-C12 Al€pha6cs 51 mg/kg 6.0 1.8 1 MADEP VPH 05115/08 0:53 wbradley 032490 This report should rat be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0643 Phone: 7041529.6364 - Toll Free Number: l-ti0M529-6364 - Fax: 704152S-Mg Page 23 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 AsNC Drinking Water CerL No. 37735 a �kffi = Fmi swree A nsl � s &WronwaM S kXwn Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Marwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11560 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-3 (5) Prism Sample ID: 213685 CDC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 06/05/08 10:45 Time Submitted: 05/07108 1523 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Sample Weight Determination Weight 1 Weight 2 17.68 g 19.88 g Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits 2,5-Dibromatoluene-PID 126 70 -130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 121 70 -130 1 MADEP VPH 05M9/08 0:00 (brown 1 "MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Limit J- Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate w* to the samples submitted for analgsls and meet state cwrliffcatron requirements other than NELAC certification except for thaw instances indicated in the case narraftve and/or test comments AAresults are reported on a dry -might basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced, except In Its entirety, without the written Consent of Prism Laboratories, Ina 449 Sprtngbrook Road - P.O. Box 240643 - Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: 704/529.6364 -Toll Free Number1-8001529-M - Fax: 704t525-0409 Page 24 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 . ,V.A Buxton Environmental, Inc Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Project ID: 519 Menvick Ct. Sample Matrix: Soil Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: C8 4 (5') Prism Sample ID: 213686 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 B-30 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids 76.1 % 1 SM2540 G 05/09/08 14:30 mbarber Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate 1 5.56 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 ibrown Weight Bisulfate 2 5.83 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 lbrown Weight Methanol 6.15 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0.00 rbrown Volatile QManic Compounds bV GC/MS 10.1 Trichloroethane BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.0007 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 Wry . Q32382 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00043 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 w try Q32382 1,1,2 Trichkxnethane BRL mgfkq 0.0059 0.00063 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 Wry Q32382 1,1-Dichloroethans BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00067 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 N&Y 032382 1,1-0ichloroethene BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.0010 1 8260B 05/12/08 1623 K%*Y 032382 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.0007 1 8260B 06/12/08 16:23 Mtry 032382 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00067 1 82608 05/12108 16.23 Mft 032382 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00079 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 waq Q32382 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00077 1 8260B 05/12/08 16.23 wry 032382 1,2,4-Tdmethylbenzene 0.057 mglkg 0.0059 0.0003 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 why Q32382 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BRL mglkg . 0.0059 0.00073 1 8260B 05/12/08 16.23 why Q32382 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00038 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 Wdry Q32382 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00066 1 8260E 05/12/08 16:23 kvftfY Q32382 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.0014 1 8260B 05/12M8 16:23 1w*Y Q32382 1,3,5-Tdmethylbenzene 0.0030 d mglkg 0.0059 0.0005 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 why 032382 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00039 1 8260E 05/12/08 16:23 KvwY Q32382 1,3-131chloropropane BRL mg&g 0.0059 0.00025 1 8260B 05/12108 16•.23 M*y Q32382 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00076 1 8260B 05/12108 16.23 twy Q32382 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00085 1 82608 05/12/08 %.23 Wry Q32382 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00033 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 W" Q32382 This report should not be re(xoduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 3pringbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704152% 0364 - Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 25 of 31 NC Certification No.Laboratory Report SC Certification No. 990 99012 rY p ..rI EN = NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/23/08 wa«waa�+yaceraeabd sauam,s Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick CL Client Sample ID: CS-4 (51 Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213686 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05105/08 8:30 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 06/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst DatelTrne Batch ID 2-Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0.059 0.0051 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 wy Q32382 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00044 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 hwY 032382 4-Methyl 2-pentanone (MIRK) BRL mg/kg 0.059 0.0061 1 8260B 06/12/08 16:23 hNy Q32382 Acetone BRL mglkg 0.059 0.018 1 8260D 05/12/08 16:23 Wry Q32382 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0035 0.0005 1 8260B 05112/08 16:23 Wry Q32382 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00076 1 8260B 0511ZW 16:23 Wry Q32382 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00048 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 Wry Q32382 Bromodichlorom ethane BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00064 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 mft 032382 Bromofonn BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00053 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 twitry Q32382 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.012 0.0013 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 Wry Q32382 Carbon tetrachloride BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00039 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 twiay 032382 Chiorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.0006 1 82608 05/12/08 16:23 Iwihy Q32382 Chlorodibromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00054 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 Wry 032382 Chloroethane BRL mgft 0.012 0.0020 1 8260B 06/12/08 16:23 mft 032382 Chloroiorm BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00098 1 8260B 05112/08 16:23 Wtry 032382 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.0014 1 8200B 05/12/08 16:23 WtrY 032382 ds-1,2-DichioroaMene BRL mg/kg 0.0069 0.00095 1 8260B 05/12/08 16.23 lwlby 032382 ds-1,3-Didtloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00078 1 82608 05/12/08 16.23 Wby 032382 Dichioroditiuoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.0016 1 82608 05/12108 16:23 K%*y 032382 EOrylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00027 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 W(+y 032382 Isopropyl ether (IPE) BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00054 1 8260B 05/12108 16:23 N' 032382 Isopropylbenzene 0.0032 J mg/kg 0.0059 0.00034 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 M4hy 032382 m,p-Xylenes 0.0027 J mg% 0.012 0.00097 1 8260B 05112/08 16:23 Wft 032382 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) BRL mg/kg 0.12 0.017 1 8260E 05/12= 16:23 Nwft 032382 Methyl 1-butyl ether (MTBE) BRL mg/kg 0.012 0.0005 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 lwitry 032382 Methylene chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00097 1 8260E 05/12/08 16,23 Nwtry Q32382 n-Butylbenzene 0.012 mg/kg 0.0059 0.00043 1 8260B 05/12/08 16.23 Wy 032382 This retort should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the vaiften consent of Prism, Laboratories, Inc. 449 3pringbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: 7041TA4 64 - Toll Free Number 1-8001629-M - Pax: 7041525.0409 Page 26 of 31 MW A ISM NC Certification No.402Laboratory Report SC Certification No. 99012 AAMMM NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/23/08 wi a eamtr a mi Sduft s Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: CS-4 (5') Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213686 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 8:30 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst DateFfime Batch ID n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00039 1 8260B 05/12108 16.23 Wft Q32382 Naphthalene 0.017 mglkg 0.012 0.00071 1 8260B 05/12108 16.23 WtrY 032382 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00025 1 8260B 05/12M 16:23 Witry 032382 p-lsopropyitoluene BRL mg(kg 0.0059 0.00047 1 8260B 05/12M8 16:23 Wry Q32382 seo-Butyibenzene 0.026 mg/kg 0.0059 0.0004 1 8260B 0511210816:23 1wtry Q32382 Styrene BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00066 1 82608 05/12108 16:23 Wbry Q32382 tort Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.0005 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 Iwitry Q32382 Tetrachloroethene BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.00053 1 8260B 05112M 16,23 WAVY Q32382 Toluene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00044 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 Witry 032382 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.00076 1 8260B 0511210E 16:23 Wiry 032382 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.0007 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 wtry 032382 Trichloroethene BRL mgkg 0.0059 0.00086 1 8260B 05/12I08 16:23 t.%" Q32382 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mglkg 0.0059 0.0011 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 May Q32382 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg 0.030 0.0017 1 8260B 05/12/08 16:23 My 032382 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0059 0.0010 1 8260B 05112/08 16:23 Iwitry Q32382 Surrogate °Yo Recovery Control Limits Toluene-d8 100 81 -128 Dibromofluoromethane 99 67 -143 Bromofluorobenzene 109 77 -128 Semi -volatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.43 0.048 1 8270C 05120/08 T30 rselph Q32611 1,2-Dichloroberizene BRL mglkg 0.43 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 7,30 melph 032611 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.042 1 8270C 05120/08 7,30 rwlph Q32611 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mgNg 0.43 0.062 1 8270C 05/20/08 7*30 melph 032611 2,4,5 Trichlorophenol BRL mglkg 0.43 0.051 1 8270C OSM0108 7:30 m1ph Q32611 2,4,6-Tdchlorophenol BRL mglkg 0.43 0.047 1 8270C 05/20/08 7.30 melph Q32611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc, 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: 704(529-6364 - Toll Free Number.11-800/529-ti3ti4 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 27 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 ryasdwoeAmwdwa fnVk0WMftWUU66M Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23(08 Client Sample ID: CS-4 (5') Prism Sample ID: 213686 COC Group; G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 8:30 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID 2,4-Dichlorophencl BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.028 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph Q32811 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.064 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rWph Q32611 2,4-Dinitrophenoi BRL mg/kg 2.2 0.13 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph Q32611 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.057 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph 032611 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.078 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rWph Q32611 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.054 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rWph 032611 2-Chtorophenoi BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.018 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rsdph 032611 2-Methylnaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rs*h 032611 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.035 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph 032611 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.061 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph 032611 3&4-Methylphenoi BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph 032611 3.3"-Dichloroben2ldine BRL mg/kg 0.87 0.078 1 8270C 05120108 7:30 rsdPh Q32611 4,6-Diniho-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg 2.2 0.037 1 8270C 05/20/08 730 rselph 032611 4-Bromophenylphenylether BRL mgft 0.43 0.054 1 8270C 000108 7:30 melph Q32611 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg&g 0.87 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph Q32611 4-Chioroaniline BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.032 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rseiph 032611 4-Chlorophenyiphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.055 1 82MC 0512008 7:30 melph 032611 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 2.2 0.055 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph 032611 Acenaphthene 8111. mg/kg 0.43 0.069 1 8270C 05120/08 7:30 melph 032611 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.041 1 8270C 05120/08 7:30 rselph 032611 Anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.031 1 8270C 05120M 7:30 rselph Q32611 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg 2.2 0.063 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rodph Q32611 Benzo(a)anthracene B[tl. mg/kg 0.43 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rsdPh 032611 Benzo(a)pyfene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.055 1 8270C 0=0108 7.30 rselph Q32611 Senzo(b)fiuoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.088 1 8270C 05/20/08 7.30 melph Q32611 Benzo(g,h,i)perytene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.055 1 8270C 05/20/08 T30 rselph Q32611 Benzo(k)tiuoranthene 8RL mg/kg 0.43 0.12 1 8270C 000M 7.30 rselph Q32611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 262244M Phone: 7041529.6364 - Toll Free Number:1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 70415254M Page 28 of 31 NC Certification No.402 LaboratoryReport SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 05/23/08 FW 8vr[ceMuhro�=i ErtWroronet�F 6oFffiam Btndon Environmental, Inc Project ID: 619 Merwlck Ct Client Sample ID: CS-4 (5) Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213686 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508218 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/05/08 8:30 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis DatefTime Analyst Batch ID Benzoic acid BRL mglkg 22 0.18 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph Q32611 Benzyl alcohol BRL mgtkg 0.87 0.035 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rsdph Q32611 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg1g 0.43 0.073 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 melph Q32611 Bis(2-chloroethy0ether 8RL mgfkg 0.43 0.054 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rsdph Q32611 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mgfkg 0.43 0.043 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rsdph Q32611 Bis(2-ethyihexyl)phthalate BRL mglkg 0.43 0.033 1 8270C 05i20/08 T30 rselph 032611 Butylbenzylphthalate BRL mgfkg 0.43 0.053 1 8270C 0=0108 7.30 rselph Q32611 Chrysene BRL mgfkg 0.43 0.029 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rseiph Q32611 Di-n-butylphthalate BRL mglkg 0.43 0.069 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rseiph Q32611 Di-n-octylphthafate BRL mgNcg 0.43 0.12 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph 032611 Dibermo(a,h)anthracene BRL mglkg 0.43 0.040 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph 032611 Dibenzofuran BRL mgfkg 0.43 0.053 1 8270C 05/20/08 7,30 melph 032611 Diethylphthalate BRL mg&g 0.43 0.11 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rsdph 032611 Dimethylphthalate BRL mglkg 0.43 0.064 1 8270C 05t20/08 7:30 rselph 032611 Fluoranthene BRL mglkg 0.43 0.077 1 8270C 05/20/08 7.30 rselph Q32611 Fluorene BRL mgfkg 0.43 0.062 1 8270C 05/20/08 P30 rselph Q32611 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mgfkg 0.43 0.059 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 melph Q32611 He)achlorobutadiene BRL mglkg 0.43 0.043 1 82700 05t20108 7:30 rselph Q32611 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.064 1 8270C 05/20/08 7.30 rselph Q32611 Hoschloroethane BRL mglkg 0.43 0.018 1 82700 0520/08 7:30 melph Q32611 Indeno(1,2,3-od)pyrene BRL mglkg 0.43 0.041 1 8270C 05/20/08 7.30 rselph Q32611 lsophorone BRL mgfkg 0.43 0.041 1 8270C 05/20/08 T30 rselph 032611 N-Nitmsodi-rrpropylamine BRL mgtkg 0.43 0.025 1 8270C 05/20/08 7.30 rselph Q32611 N-Nitmsodiphenylamine BRL mglkg 0.43 0.063 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rsdph Q32611 Naphthalene BRL mgfkg 0.43 0.052 1 8270C 05f20/08 7.30 melph 032611 Nitrobenzene BRL mg&g 0.43 0.054 1 8270C 000/08 7:30 rselph 032611 Pentachlorophenol BRL mgfkq 2.2 0.066 1 8270C 05/20/08 7:30 rselph 032611 This report shook! not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 24050 - Charlotte, NC 22224-0543 Phone: 704152M64 - Toll Free Number.1-8001529-6364 - Fair. 7041525-0409 Page 29 of 31 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 amr se.i« An "CA a EovirWMwbr sous.: ' Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-15W Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-4 (5') Prism Sample ID: 213686 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 8:30 Time Submitted: 05107/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution _ Method Factor Analysis Datel Time Analyst Batch ID Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.037 1 8270C W/20/08 7:30 rsdph Q32611 Phenol BRL mglkg 0.43 0.076 1 8270C 05/20/08 7.30 rselph 032611 Pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.43 0.083 1 8270C 05120M 7.30 melph 032611 Sample Preparation: 30.04 g / 1 ml- 3550E 05/15/08 14:00 pbarr P21602 Surrogate %. Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-d14 95 41-136 Phenol-d5 57 13 - 95 Nitrobenzene-d5 44 14 -103 2-Fluorophenol 37 14 - 89 2-Fiuorobiphenyi 66 21 -108 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 85 25 -123 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-RD C11-C22 Aromatics 11 J mg/kg 13 2.4 1 MADEP EPH 05/20/08 21:56 grappacdoli 032630 C19-C36 Aiiphatics 12 J mg/kg 13 1.8 1 MADEP EPH 0512001 21:04 grappacdoli Q32630 C9-C18 Aliphatics 36 mg/kg 13 1.2 1 MADEP EPH 05120M8 21:04 grappacckAl Q32630 Sample Preparation: 9.74 g / 2 mL EPH 05116M 9:00 pbarr P21629 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits o-TerpherPA 98 40 -140 2-Fluorobiphenyt 106 40 -140 2-Bromonaphthalene 108 40 -140 1-Chkuo-ociadecane 107 40 -140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PID/FlD CS -CS Aliphatics BRL mg" 6.6 1.3 1 MADEP VPH 05/15/08 0:11 wbradley Q32490 C9-C10 Aromatics 8.0 mg/kg 6.6 0.039 1 MADEP VPH 05/15/08 0:11 wbraaley 032490 CO-C12 AI'iphatics 18 - mg/kg 6.6 2.0 1 MADEP VPH 05/15/08 0:11 wbramey Q32490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 26224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number:1-8001529-6364 - Fax: T041525-0409 Page 30 of 31 Am�mNC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 Wl swft A' Ay- a ErMmnmwW . Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 06/23/08 Client Sample ID: CS-4 (5) Prism Sample ID: 213686 COC Group: G0508218 Time Collected: 05/05/08 8:30 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Dateffime ID Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene-PID 123 70 -130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 100 70 -130 Sample Weight Determination Weight 1 17.60 g 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Weight 2 17.02 g 1 MADEP VPH MOM 0:00 (brown Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Limit J- Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL 771e results in this report Miele only to the samples subinitted for analysis and meet state eertiflcation requtnements other than NEIAC cerfificabon except for those instances Indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments All results are reported on a dry -weight basis Angela D. Over+cash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529.6364 - Toll Free Number:14001529-M - Fax: 704152540409 Page 31 of 31 0 0 ff t S . Im A t 0 CL J- U) 0 um :0 z 0 z 0 -go .0 -0 as , = r IL 0) CL - < 0 z Z rc .0 F6 1 a Z. 0 z it CZ co co Ly 0 W2 Ir < i i I i moo}w IS ILI . w z z I WE So O I E z UZ, wo 40, 'co Lu fou t ic 0 40 6 w w YOF ru ca m 2 �uo 0 0 a 3: RX m ca v am C, >: 0 zi LE CL i I i i s c ro 0LLI 00 0. -a. >: A C6 .00 Vu d z 0 !"M z -0 M .0 Wu i 101-0 CL 9) E A aaSS w CL z Q.,w f E CL 0 E p M ! luu, W I I I CL amp m cc a, w Ma0a = Z, CL E Ir cr LP 00 ffi m lu w do 01) ul OR 02 40 - 43 lu w j 0 z x z 0 tu lu -10 9L k LL z IL %J ri 0x a 0 0 w -i j Ors • 3 im Q w 1 % 80 ." 0 c 'S 9 0 rE '6 0 E o A I pJ C E IL W W 0) CO. IM LU C3 0 2 4 C) ILL 00 75 z -100 M e 0 0 W Z 0 000> It ICA 0 0 It Q 0 z a) cl cl (L ON z 0 ZU OpQm z 0 ID Z coo UJI, ca G. S'a IWL 00� IM C) ai w 0 LU 06 Z zoos NC Certification No. 402 A Oil= SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 wflServlce Malypwt s � sokAons Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 MerMck Ct Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SRC-1 (0') Prism Sample ID: 213675 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/06/08 8:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids 69.0 % 1 SM2540 G 05/09/08 14:30 mbarber Diesel Rance Organics (DRO) by GC-FID Diesel Range Organics (DRO) 11000 mg/kg 2000 330 200 8015E 05/13/08 22:35 ivo9B Q32474 Sample Preparation: 25.04 g / 1 mL 3545 05/09/08 17:00 woonder P21561 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl DO # 49 -124 Sample Weight Determination Weight 1 3.56 g 1 GRO 05/09/08 0:00 ibrow n Weight 2 4.87 g 1 GRO 05/09/08 0:00 ibro m Gasoline Range ftanics (GROI by GC-FID Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) 120 mg/kg 7.2 4.5 50 8015B 05/17/08 5:57 wbradley Q32564 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits aaa-TFT 79 55 -129 Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Limit J- Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements o9w than NELAC cer(fficafion except for Mose instances fndcatedin the case narrative and/or test comments. All results are repotted on a dry -weight basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, wMout the written consent of Prism Laboratories. Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number.1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-W9 Page 1 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 ® NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 Fd SeM'IAsw tln f E Sdurfa,c Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Kiingman Sample Matrix: Soil i 101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Parameter Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate 1 Weight Bisulfate 2 Weight Methanol Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-1 (V) Prism Sample ID: 213676 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor DatelTime ID 82.2 % 1 SM2540 G 05/13/08 12:25 mbarber 6.66 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 (brown 5.75 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 (brown 6.95 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1 Trichloroethane BRL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 1,1achloroethene BRL 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL 1,2,3-Trichiorobenzene BRL 1,2,3-Tdchloropropane BRL 1,2,4 Trichlorobenzene BRL 1,2.4-Tdmethylbenzene 0.012 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BRL 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL I "Ichloropropane BRL 1,3,5-Trimethyibenzene 0.0038 J 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 1,3-Dichioropropane BRL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00054 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell 032508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00033 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00048 1 8260B 05/16= 5.45 ewssell Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00052 1 8260B 05/16108 5:46 ewsserl Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00079 1 8260E 05/16M8 5:46 erussell Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00054 1 82608 05/16J08 5:45 enmell Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00052 1 8260B 05/16/08 5.45 erusseli Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00061 1 82608 05/16/08 5:45 enfsseil Q32508 mgft 0.0046 0.00069 1 8260B 05/16M8 5:45 erussell Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00023 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00057 1 8260B 05116/08 5:45 enmell 032508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00029 1 8260B 05116M 5:45 eamseil Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0,00051 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.0011 1 8260B 05116/08 5:45 mussed 032508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00038 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell 032508 mg/kg 0.0046 0.0003 1 8260B 05/16/08 5.45 eruesell Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00019 1 8260B 05/16/08 5.45 wussell 032508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00058 1 8260B OW16M 5:45 erussell Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00066 1 826M 06/16/08 6:45 erussell Q32508 mglkg 0.0046 0.00026 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell Q32508 This report should not be reproduced, except In its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number 1-8001529-M - Fax: 7041526.0409 Page 2 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 Full SmokrAnarrtlui 6 Em rGfU=nW Sohdlo Buxton Environmental, Inc Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Project ID: 519 MerwMck Ct. Sample Matrix: Soil Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-1 (1) Prism Sample ID: 213676 COC Group: G0608217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID 2-Hexanone BRL mglkg 0.046 0.0039 1 8260B 05/16/08 5,45 ennsell Q32508 4-Chiorotoluene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00034 1 8260B 05/16108 5:45 erussell Q32508 4-Methyt-2-pentanone (MIBK) BRL mglkg 0.046 0.0047 1 8260B 05/16108 5:45 enr 11 032508 Acetone 0.080 mglkg 0.046 0.014 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 enrssell Q32608 Benzene BRL mglkg 0.0027 0.00038 1 8260B 05d16/08"5:45 erusserl Q32508 Bromobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00058 1 8260B 05/16/08 5,45 enrssell Q32508 Bromochlorom ethane BRL mg/kq 0.0046 0.00037 1 82608 05/16f08 5:46 erusmil 032508 Bromodichloromethane BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00049 1 8260B 05/16r08 5:46 erusseil Q32508 Bromoform BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00041 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell Q32508 Bromomethane BRL mglkg 0.0091 0.0010 1 8260B 05116/08 5:45 er -U Q32608 Carbon tetrachloride BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.0003 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:46 erussell Q32508 Chlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00047 1 8260B 05/16108 6:45 eru-11 032508 Chlorodibromomethane BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00042 1 8260D 05/16/08 5:45 erussell Q32508 ' Chtoroethane BRL mglkg 0.0091 0.0015 1 8260E 05/16/08 5:45 er -ll Q32508 Chloroform BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00076 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell Q32608 Chloromethane BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.0011 1 8260B 05/16= 5.45 enrssell Q32508 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00073 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.45 enrssell Q32508 ds-1.3-Dichloropropene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.0006 1 8260B 05/16= 5:45 en -sell Q325M Dichiorodifiuororrieihane BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.0013 1 8260B 06/16/08 5:45 erussell Q32508 Efhyibenzene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00021 1 8260B 05/16108 5:46 erussell Q32508 Isopropyl ether (IPE) BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00042 1 8260B 05/16108 5.45 erussell Q32508 Isopropylbenzene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00026 1 8260B 05/1601 5.45 erussell 032508 m,p-Xylenes 0.0027 J mglkg 0.0091 0.00075 1 82608 05116d08 5:45 enxm(l Q32508 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) BRL mglkg 0.091 0.013 1 8260B 05/16108 5,45 erussell Q32508 Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) BRL mglkg 0.0091 0.00038 1 8260B 05/16/08 5,45 erassell Q32508 Methylene chloride BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00075 1 8260B W16M 5*45 enrssell Q32508 n-Butylbenzene 0.0060 mglkg 0.0046 0.00033 1 8260B 0611601 5:45 en -ell Q32508 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28Z24-0543 Phone: 704IM6364 - Toll Free Number. t-80=29.6364 - Fax: 704IS25-0409 Page 3 of 29 NC Certification No.402 SC Certification No. 9909012 Laboratory Report Mod NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 06/23/08 F�s.rykeawynwaasa Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: SR-1 (1) Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213676 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508217 P.O. Box 11650 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:00 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID n-Propylberrzene BRL mg/kg 0.0046 0.0003 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell 032508 Naphthalene 0.019 mg/kg 0.0091 0.00055 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 ewssell Q32508 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg 0.0046 0.00019 1 8260E 05/16/08 5:45 enmell Q32508 p-isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0046 0.00037 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 enwell Q32508 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0046 0.00031 1 8260B 05/16/08 545 erussell Q32508 Styrene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00051 1 8260B 05/16/08 5.45 erusWl 032508 tert Butylbenzene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00038 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell 032508 Tetrachloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0046 0.00041 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell 032508 Toluene BRL mg/kg 0.0046 0.00034 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 erussell 032508 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00058 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:46 erussell 032508 trans-1,3-Diduoropropene BRL mglkg 0.0046 0.00054 1 8260B 0&16/08 5:45 erusmil 032508 Trichloroethene BRL mg/I(g 0.0046 0.00067 1 8260B 05/16(08 5:45 erussell Q32508 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0046 0.00081 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:46 erussell 032508 Vinyl acetate BRL mgft 0.023 0.0013 1 8260B 05/16/08 5:45 eamell 032508 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0046 0.00079 1 8260B OU16/08 5:45 erussell 032508 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Toluene-d8 91 81 -128 Dibromofluoromethane 106 67 -143 Bromofluoroberrzene 97 77 -128 Semi -volatile Organic Compounds by OCIMS 1,2,4-Trlchlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.044 1 8270C 0512=8 2.44 rsdph 032611 1.2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.044 1 8270C 05/20/08 2.44 mph Q32611 1,3-Dichlorobenzone BRL mg1kg 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 05f20/08 244 rsdph 032611 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.047 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph 032611 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg(cg 0.40 0.047 1 8270C 05/20108 2.44 rselph 032611 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mgft 0.40 0.043 1 8270C 05J20108 2:44 rsdph Q32611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirely, without the written consent of Prism laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 211224-0543 Phone: 704109-6364 - Toll Free Number:1-6001528.6364 - Fax: 70415254M Page 4 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 bkb 1w w fueserviceM.yuataErntm . sakdkm Buxton Environmental, Inc Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11560 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Project ID: 519 Merwidc Ct. Sample Matrix: Soil Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-1 (1') Prism Sample ID: 213676 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.026 1 8270C 05/20108 2:44 rseiph Q32611 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL rng/kg 0.40 0.059 1 8270C OWNS 2:44 rselph Q32611 2,4-Dinib oenol BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.11 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph 032611 2,4-Dinitrotoiuene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.052 1 8270C 0&20/08 2:44 rselph 032611 2.6-Diniirotoluene BRL mg&g 0.40 0.072 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.017 1 8270C 05120/08 2:44 rselph 032611 2-Methylnaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.044 1 8270C 05/20/08 2,44 melph Q32611 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.032 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rWph Q32611 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.056 1 8270C 05/20012:44 rselph 032611 3&4-Methyiphenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.046 1 8270C 05/20/08 2.44 rselph 032611 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg 0.79 0.072 1 8270C 05/20/6 2:44 rselph Q32611 4,6-Dintho-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.034 1 8270C 05/20/06 2A4 mph Q32611 4-Bromophenylphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.79 0.047 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph 032611 4-Chlomaniline BRL mg&g 0.40 0.029 1 8270C 05d20/08 2.44 melph Q32611 4-Chlorophenylphenylether BRL mpg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 2.44 rselph Q32611 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.054 1 8270C 06/20/08 2.44 rselph 032611 Aor naphthylene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.037 1 8270C 05/20/08 2,44 rseiph Q32611 Anthrac:ene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.029 1 8270C 05/20/08 2.44 rselph 032611 Azobenrene BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.058 1 8270C 05120/08 2.44 rsdph 032611 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.045 1 8270C 05/20/08 2.44 rselph Q32611 Berrzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05120/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.081 1 8270C 05/20M 2:44 nwiph Q32611 Benzo(g,KI)peryiene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 Benzo(k)f[uoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.11 1 8270C 050108 2:44 reelph Q32611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Sox 240543 - Chadotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529.6364 - Toll Free Number.1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 5 of 29 NC Certification L1ip990 No.990 Laboratory y Report 402 SC Cer tion No. 12 ' NC Drinking Water Cart No. 37735 05/23/08 Fu4 Sevin Mtlytled 3 &w rmawvmi SWW6 Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merrick Ct. Client Sample ID: SR-1 (1') Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213676 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508217 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:00 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Datemme Analyst Batch ID Benzoic add BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.17 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph 032611 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg 0.79 0.032 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 Bis(2-chioroethoxy)methane BRL mglkg 0.40 0.067 1 8270C 05120/08 2:44 rselph 032611 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 Bis(2-chloroisopropyi)ether BRL mglkg 0.40 0.040 1 8270C 05/20/08 2.44 rsdph Q32611 Bis(2-e"hexyl)phthalate BRL mglkg 0.40 0.031 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 Butylbenzylphthalate BRL mgtkg 0.40 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rsdph 032611 Chrysene BRL mgtkg o.40 0.027 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph 032611 Di-n-bublphthalate BRL mglkg 0.40 0.064 1 8270C 05120/08 2:44 rseiph 032611 DI-n-adylphthatate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.11 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 raelph Q32611 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.037 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 Dibenzofuran BRL mg&g 0.40 0.048 1 8270C 0512=8 2:44 melph Q32611 Diethylphthalate BRL mglkg 0.40 0.10 1 8270C 05/20/08 2.44 rselph Q32611 Dimethylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.059 1 8270C 05/20108 2:44 rselph Q32611 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.070 1 8270C 05120/08 2:44 raelph Q32011 Fluorene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.057 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.054 1 8270C 05/20/08 2.44 rsdph Q32611 Hexachiorobutadiene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.039 1 8270C 05120/08 2:44 rselph 032611 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.059 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph 032611 Hexachkrroethane BRL mglkg 0.40 0.016 1 8270C 05Q0/08 2:44 rselph 032611 Indeno(1,2,3-0d)pymne BRL mglkg 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 raelph 032611 (sophorone BRL mglkg 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph C132611 N-Nihvsodi-n-propyiamine BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.023 1 8270C 0=0108 2.44 rsdph Q32611 N-Nitiosodiphenylamine BRL mglkg 0.40 0.057 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.047 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 melph Q32611 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 Pentachlorophenol BRL mglkg 2.0 0,061 1 8270C 05/20/08 2,44 rselph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, witlwut the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlottes NC 28224.0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number 1-8001529-B364 - Fa)c 7041525.0409 Page 6 of 29 AV NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 .Aage1w, R� swwo.N,.haer a Emiromm�hl Sblutioas Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct, Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-1 (1) Prism Sample ID: 213676 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 16:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis DatefTime Analyst Batch ID Phenanthrenne BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.034 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph Q32611 Phenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.070 1 8270C 05/20/08 2-44 rselph Q32611 Pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.076 1 8270C 05/20/08 2:44 rselph 032611 Sample Preparation: 30.359 / 1 mL 3550B 05/15/08 14:00 pbarr P21602 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-d14 101 41 -136 Phenol-d5 58 13 - 95 Nitrobenzene-d5 54 14 -103 2-Fluorophenol 50 14 - 89 2-Fluorobiphenyl 57 21 -108 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 78 25 -123 Ex Mcfab1e Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-RD C11-CV Aromatics BRL rrglkg 12 2.1 1 MADEP EPH 05a0/08 8,56 grappacciou Q32630 019-M Allphatfcs BRL mg/kg 12 1.6 1 MADEP EPH 05/20/08 8:04 grappacdoli 032630 C9-C18 Aiiphatics BRL mg/kg 12 1.1 1 MADEP EPH 05/20/08 8:04 grappaceiod Q32630 Sample Preparation: log / 2 mL EPH 05/16/08 9:00 pbarr P21629 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 85 40 -140 2-Fluorob1phe%1 103 40 -140 2-Bromonaphthalene 118 40 -140 1-Chloro-oc tadecane 95 40 -140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PID/FID CZ-C8 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 6.1 1.2 1 MADEP VPH 05/22108 20:57 wbradleY Q32782 CS -CID Aromatics BRL mg/kg 6.1 0.036 1 MADEP VPH 05IY1108 20.57 wbradleY 032782 C9-C12 Allphatics BRL mg/kg 6.1 1.9 1 MADEP VPH 05/2 M 20.57 wbradley Q32782 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 70415254M - Toll Free Number 140015294364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 7 of 29 IMNC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 FNI service Am"Cal i Emtrmrewro1 sW Wimu Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick CL Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P:O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample 1D: SR-1 (I) Prism Sample ID: 213676 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID One surrogate recovery was outside the control limits. No target compounds were detected in this sample. No further action was taken. Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits 25-131bromotoluene-P1D 134 # 70 -130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 106 70 -130 Sample Weight Determination Weight 1 18.17 g 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Weight 2 22.56 g 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Limit ,h Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this repot relate only to Me samples submitted for analysis and meet state cerfdication requirements other Man NELAC cerhfica6on except for those instances indicated in the case narrative an&or test comments All results are reported on a dry -weight basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report shotdd not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224.050 Phone: 704152M64 - Toll Free Number 1-800152946384 - Fax: 704/s254409 Page 8 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 .-..III ruB SYviee J1mrra9 a Emtronorental Salutiae Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Kiingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-2 (1'j Prism Sample ID: 213677 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:15 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids Sample Weight Determination Weight Sisuffate 1 Weight Bisulfate 2 Weight Methanol 82.2 % 1 SM2540 G 05/13/08 12:25 mbarber 6.07 g 1 5036 05/0" 0.,00 (brown 6.36 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0.00 (brown 6.59 g 1 5035 OSM9108 0:00 (brown Volatile Organic ComooundS by GC/MS 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL 1,1-Dichloropropene BRL 1,2,3-Tdchlorobenzene BRL 1,2,3-Tdchloropropane BRL 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 1,2,4-Trimethyibenzene BRL 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) BRL 1,2-Dichlorober¢ene BRL 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL 1,3,5-Trimethylberrzene BRL 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 1,3-Dichlompropane BRL 1,4-131chlorobenzene BRL 2,2-Dichlorapropane BRL 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00059 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell Q32508 mg/kg 0.00W 0.00036 1 82608 05/16/08 6:17 erussell Q32508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00053 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell Q32508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00057 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell 032508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00086 1 8260B 05/16J08 617 enwell Q32W8 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00059 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 enamll Q32508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00057 1 8260B 05/16108 6:17 enasell Q32508 mg*g 0.0050 0.00067 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.17 msmll 032508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00065 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.17 erusWI 032508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00025 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 enasell Q32508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00062 1 82608 05/16/08 6:17 erusWl Q32508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00032 1 8260D 05/16/08 6.17 erussell Q32608 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00056 1 8200B 05116M 6:17 ear-mll Q32508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.0012 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.17 erussell Q32508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00042 1 8260B 05MM8 6.17 aussdi 032508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00033 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell Q32508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00021 1 8260E 05116/08 6:17 eassell 032508 mg&g 0.0050 0.00064 1 8260B 05/16)08 6.17 erussell Q32508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00072 1 8260B 05/16= 6.17 erussell Q32508 mg/kg 0.0050 0.00028 1 8260B 05/16108 6:17 enoWl 032508 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Chariot%, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704152M364 - Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 704 625-04M Page 9 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 A_ �go�M� NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 WR SeMn Metytical h Emimnmentl W Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: SR-2 (1'} Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213677 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508217 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:15 Chariotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07108 15:23 Parameter Result knits Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Dateffime Analyst Batch ID 2-Hexanone BRL mg/kg 0.050 0.0043 1 8260B 05116f08 6:17 enmell Q32508 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0060 0.00037 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 enrssell 032508 4-Methyl-21pentanone (MIBK) BRL mg/kg 0.050 0.0052 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 enrssell 032508 Acetone 0.16 mg/kg 0.050 0.015 1 82608 05116/08 6:17 erussell Q32508 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0030 0.00042 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell Q32508 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00064 1 8260B 05116MB 6:17 earsseti 032508 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00041 1 8260B 05116/O8 6:17 erusWl 032508 Brom odichlorom ethane BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00054 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell Q32508 Bromoforrn BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00045 1 8260B 05116/08 6:17 erussell 032508 Bromomethane BRL mgft 0.010 0.0011 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erumell Q32508 Carbon tetrachloride BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00033 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 en,ssell Q32508 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00051 1 8260B 051161W 6:17 erussell Q32508 Chlorodibromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0060 0.00046 1 82608 05/16/08 6.17 erundl Q32508 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.010 0.0017 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.17 enusell Q32508 Chloroform BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00083 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell Q32508 Chloromethane BRL mglkg 0.0050 0.0012 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell Q32508 ds-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.0008 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell 032508 ds-1,3-Dichlaropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00066 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell 032508 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.0014 1 82608 05/16/08 6:17 erussell Q32508 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00023 1 8260B 006/08 6.17 erussell Q32508 Isopropyl ether (IPE) BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00046 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.17 erusmlt 0325M Isopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00029 1 8260B 05/16= 6:17 erussell Q32508 m,p•Xylenes BRL mg/kg 0.010 0.00082 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 eruswll 032508 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) BRL mg/kg 0.10 0.015 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell Q32608 Methyl 1-butyl ether (MTBE) BRL mg/kg 0.010 0.00042 1 6260B 05/16J08 6*17 erussell 032508 Methylene chloride BRL m9ft 0.0050 0.00082 1 8260B 05/16108 6.17 enusell Q32508 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00036 1 8260E 0511N8 6:17 enrssell Q32508 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism laboratories, Ina 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, HC 282Z44M Phone: 7041528-8364 - Toll Free Number 1-8001529-6364 - Far. 7041525-0409 Page 10 of 29 Ceffmfion No. 402 Laboratory Report SC Certification No. 99012 ' J I lomNC NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/23/08 Fun n«vb. Aw"cW i EwA a "Soa,Gan Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID: SR-2 (1') Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213677 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508217 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:15 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 1523 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Datemme Analyst Batch ID n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0,00033 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erussell 032508 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.010 0.0006 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 erusseen Q32508 o Xylene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00021 1 8260B 05M63108 6:17 enssell Q32508 p-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.0004 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 enuseil 032508 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00034 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 enissell 032508 Styrene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00056 4 82608 05/16/08 6:17 enmell 032508 tert-Butytbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00042 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 enk%d 032608 Tetrachloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00045 1 82608 05/16/08 6:17 enrssefl 032508 Toluene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00037 1 82608 05/16/08 6:17 erusseli Q32608 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00064 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 ayssell Q32508 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00059 1 8260B 0&16/08 6.17 erussell 032508 Trichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00073 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.17 enusa 032508 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00089 1 8260B 05/16108 6:17 emwW Q32508 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg 0.025 0.0014 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:17 enrmll Q32508 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0050 0.00087 1 8260B 05/16108 6:17 enwell 032508 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Toluene-d8 99 81 -128 Dibromofluoromethane 101 67 -143 Bromotluorobenzene 99 77-128 3eml-volatile Organic Compounds by OCIMS 1,2.4-Tdchlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.045 1 8270C 05120/08 3:18 rselph 032611 1,2-Didtlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0,045 1 8270C 05/20/08 3.18 rsdph 032611 1,3-Didilorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.039 1 8270C 05/20/08 3.18 rselph 032611 1,4-Didrlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph . Q32611 2,4,5-Trichlorophend BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rwiph Q32611 2,4,6-Trichlorophenoi BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.043 1 8270C 000108 3:18 rselph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7095294364 - Toll Free Number.1-800/529.6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 11 of 29 NC certification W. 402 Laboratory Report SC certificaeW on W. 990,2 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05123108 ttia sa ks Ar&4 m a EwArwwo,m soWlin Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 619 Merwiek CL Client Sample ID: SR-2 (1) Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213677 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508217 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11'15 Charlotte, NC 28220-1560 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Dateffime ID 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mcftg 0.40 0.026 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 2,4-Dimethyfphenol BRL mgtkg 0.40 0.060 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph 032611 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.12 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 mdph 032611 24-Dinftrotoluene BRL mg&g 0.40 0.053 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mgft 0.40 0.073 1 8270C 05120M 3:18 rselph Q32611 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mgft 0.40 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph 032611 2-Chlorophenol BRL mgtkg 0.40 0.017 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 2-Methylnaphthalene BRL mg&g 0.40 0.045 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.033 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.057 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 3&4-Mothyiphenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.047 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg 0.81 0.073 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 4,6•Dinitro-2-methylphenof BRL mgtkg 2.0 0.035 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 443romophenyfphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05120/08 3:18 rselph 032611 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg1kg 0.81 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph 032611 4-Chloroanifine BRL mgtkg 0.40 0.030 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph 032611 4-Chlorophenyiphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.051 1 8270C 000/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.051 1 8270C 05120/O8 3:18 rselph 032611 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.055 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph 032611 Acenaphthyfene BRL mog 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 05/2O/O8 3:18 rselph 032611 Anthraaene BRL mgfkg 0.40 0.029 1 8270C 05120/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.059 1 8270C 05/2W8 3:18 rselph Q32611 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.045 1 82700 05120/08 3.18 rselph 032611 Senzo(a)pyrene BRL mg&g 0.40 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 3.18 rselph 032611 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg. 0.40 0.082 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.051 1 8270C 05/20f08 3:18 rselph 032611 Benzo(k)lluoranthene BRL mg/kg OAO 0.11 1 8270C Q5120/08 3:18 rselph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except In its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc, 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number 1-800WO-6364- - Fax: 7Q41525-O404 Page 12 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 Fug BaWuMw1y11W 3 Eiurlromnml Schdiorm Buxton Environmental, Inc . Project ID: 619 MerMck Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23108 Client Sample ID: SR-2 (11 Prism Sample ID: 213677 COC Group: G0608217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:15 Time Submitted: 05107/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis DatelTme Analyst Batch ID Benzoic acid BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.17 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg 0.81 0.032 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph 032611 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.068 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 -'Ph Q32611 Sis(2-chloroethyt)ether BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05/20/O8 3:18 rseiph 032611 Bis(2-chloroisopropyi)ether BRL mglkg 0.40 0.040 1 8270C 05/20I08 3:18 -JPh Q32611 Bis(2-ethylhexyWhthalate BRL mglkg 0.40 0.031 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 Butylbenzylphthalate BRL mglkg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05Q0108 3:18 melph 032611 Chrysene SRL mg/kg 0.40 0.027 1 8270C o5/20/08 3.18 rselph Q32611 Di-n-butylphthalate BRL mglkg 0.40 0.065 1 8270C 05/20108 3:18 rselph 032611 Di-n-octylphthalate BRL mg&g 0.40 0.12 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 -'Ph Q32611 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kq 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 fWPh Q32611 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rsWPh 032611 Diethylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.10 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph 032611 Dimethylphthalate BRL mgAcg 0.40 0.060 1 8270C 05/20M 3:18 rselph Q32611 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.071 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 Fluorene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.057 1 8270C 05/20108 3:18 rselPh Q32611 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.055 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph Q32611 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.040 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rsetph 032611 Hexachtorocyciopentadiene BRL mgft 0.40 0.060 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 mdph Q32611 Hexachloroethane BRL mg1kg 0.40 0.017 1 8270C 0512OW 3:18 rselph Q32611 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mgft 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph 032611 Isophorone BRL mg&g 0.40 0.039 1 8270C 05I20/08 3:18 raelph 032611 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine BRL mgft 0.40 0.023 1 82700 05/20/08 3:18 r-Adph 032611 N-Nkrosodiphenyiamine BRL mglkg 0.40 0.058 1 8270C 05/20108 3:18 meO 032611 Naphthalene BRL mgft 0.40 0.048 1 8270C 0&2008 3:18 melph 032611 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rselph 032611 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg&g 2.0 0.062 1 8270C 05/200 3:18 rselph Q32611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0843 Phone: 7041529.5364 - Toll Free Number.141001529-M - Fax 70415254409 Page 13 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 -,OA-..a,SM rye s.nrw �wyu ,a s Emkw�naiho s Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Mermick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550- Laboratory Report 06/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-2 (1) Prism Sample ID: 213677 COG Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:15 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis DateTJme Analyst Batch ID Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.034 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rsetph Q32611 Phenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.071 1 8270C 0520108 3:18 —Jph Q32611 Pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.077 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:18 rserPh 032611 Sample Preparation: 29.85 g / 1 mL 35WB 05115/09 14:00 pbarr P21602 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-d% 96 41 - 136 PhenoW5 63 13 - 95 NitrobenzeneA5 65 14 -103 2Fluorophenol 55 14 - 89 2-Fluorobiphenyl 55 21 -108 2,4,6-Tribromophenot 66 25 -123 g2ftctabie Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID C11-CEP Aromatics BRL mglkg 12 2.2 1 MADEP EPH 06/20/08 13:16 grappaccktl Q32630 C19-C36 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 12 1.7 1 MADEP EPH 05/20/08 12:24 gmPpaock)[t Q32630 C9-C18 Aliphatics BRL mglkg 12 1.1 1 MADEP EPH 05/20108 12:24 grappwdoli 032630 Sample Preparation: 9.9 g / 2 mL EPH 05/16/08 9:00 pbaR P21629 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits o-Terpherryt 84 40 -140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 103 40 -140 2-Bromonaphthalene 117 40 -140 1-Chloro-oc tadecane 78 40 -140 volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDIFID C5-C8 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 6.1 1.2 1 MADEP VPH OW2108 23:04 wbrad* 032782 C9-Cl0 Aromatics BRL mglkg 6.1 0.036 1 MADEP VPH 05/22/08 23:04 wbradleY Q32782 C9-C12 Aliphatics BRL mgft 6.1 1.9 1 MADEP VPH 05122108 23:04 wbradleY Q32782 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the mitten consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number. I.OW5294M - Fax: T04/5254MW Page 14 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 -� NC Drinking Water Cart No. 37735 ruN SarviteAndy" i Ew*w mef" Sakdons Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 MervAck Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-2 (V) Prism Sample ID: 213677 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:15 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Datefrime ID Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene-PID 117 70 -130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 92 70 - 130 Sample Wefaht Determination Weight 1 16.84 g 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 lbrown Weight 2 24.60 g 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 ]brown Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Limit J- Estimated value between the Reporting limit and the MDL The results In this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet stale certification requirements other than NELAC certification except for those instances indicated in the case narrative andlor test comments. All results are reported on a dry -weight basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirely, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704PJ29-M - Toll Free Number:1-tW529.6364 - Fix 70415254409 Page 15 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 Fwt swvtes Amyuea� a r:�rro�m.mr sawaa Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-3 (1') Prism Sample ID: 213678 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:45 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids 84.2 % 1 SM2540 G 05/13/08 12:25 mbarber Sample Weiaht Determination Weight Bisulfate 1 6.68 g 1 5035 06/09/08 0:00 Ibmwn Weight Bisulfate 2 6.89 g 1 5035 05109M 0:00 lbrown Weight Methanol 6.82 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 lbrown Volatile Organic Compounds bX GC M3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00052 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 twit Q32455 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00032 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Iwitry Q32465 1,1,2-Tdchloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.00" 0.00047 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Iwitry Q32455 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00051 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 K&*y Q32455 1,1-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00076 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 NAy 032455 1.1-Dichloropropene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00052 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 kvwy Q32455 1,2,3-Trichiorobenzene BRL mg&g 0.0044 0.00051 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 harfry 032455 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mgfkg 0.0044 0.0006 1 826M 05116M 6:07 twitry Q32455 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00058 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 wy 032455 1,2,4-Trimethyibenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00022 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 hNft 032455 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDBI BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00055 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 h%try 032455 1,2-Dichiorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00028 1 8260D 05/161'08 6.07 Wdry Q32455 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.0005 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 twiny 032455 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.0011 1 82608 05/16= 6:07 twiny 032455 1,3,5-Ttimethylbenzene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00037 1 8260B 05/16/08 6-07 Why 032455 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00029 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 tw*y 032455 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00019 1 82608 05/16/08 6:07 "Y 032455 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00067 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 hk*y 032455 2,2-Dic hicropropane BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00064 1 8260B 05116= 6:07 K%*y Q32456 2-Chbnoboluene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00025 1 8260B 05116f08 6:07 h*y Q32455 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Chadotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529.OW - Toll Free Number: 14WS29-6364 - Fax: 70415254409 Page 16 of 29 NC Certification No.402 Laboratory Report It SC Certification No. 99012 ' J 1" _"gdM NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/23/08 FWI Service MNrdei t Emlrp�M SWutieis Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick CL Client Sample ID: SR-3 (V) Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213678 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508217 P.Q. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:45 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Daterfime Analyst Batch ID 2-Hexanone BRL mglkg 0.044 0.0038 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Wtry 032455 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00033 1 8260B 06/16/08 6:07 hviby 032455 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) BRL mglkg 0.044 0.0046 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Wbry 032455 Acetone 0,063 mg/kg 0.044 0.013 1 8260B 05/16/06 6:07 hwiay 032455 Benzene BRL mg/kg 0.0027 0.00037 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 hvitry 032455 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00067 1 8260B 05/16t08 6:07 Mitry Q32455 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00036 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 NNitry Q32455 Bromodichloromethane BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00048 1 8260B 05/16108 &07 hvitry 032455 Bromoform BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.0004 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 hvity Q32455 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0089 0.0010 1 8260B 05//16108 6:07 Wiry 032455 Carbon tetrachloride BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00029 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Witry Q32455 Chlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00045 1 8260B 05/16l08 6:07 W" 032455 Chlorodibromomethane BRL mg/kg 0,0044 0.00041 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.07 hvitry Q32455 Chloroethane BRL mglkg 0.0089 0.0015 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Mntryy 032456 Chloroform 0.0034 d mglkg 0.0044 0.00074 1 8260E 05/16/08 6:07 iwitry 032455 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.0011 1 8260B 05/16108 6:07 h9try 032455 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00071 1 8260B 05/16M 6:07 Why Q32455 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00059 1 8260B 05/INS 6:07 hNitry Q32455 Dichiorodifluoromethane BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.0012 1 8260B 05116/08 6.07 Wiry Q32455 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.0002 1 8260B 05/16108 6.07 KAY Q32455 lsopropyl ether (lPE) BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00041 1 82608 W16/08 6:07 twitry 032455 Isopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00026 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 lwtrY 032455 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg 0.0089 0.00073 1 8260B 05/16108 6*07 hvitry 032455 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) BRL mg&g 0.089 0.013 1 8260B 05/16108 6:07 hNitry 032455 Methyl 1-butyl ether (MME) BRL mgft 0.0089 0.00037 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Wiry Q32455 Methylene chloride BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00073 1 8260B 05/16108 6:07 hviiry 032455 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00032 1 8260B 05/16108 6:07 M*y Q32455 This report should not be reproduced, except in Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number I.800/529-ti364 - Fax: 704152"M Page 17 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 s n ae wQ nayaew a En.h" otal sowams Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1560 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID. SR-3(1) Prism Sample ID: 213678 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:45 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis DatefTime Analyst Batch ID n-Propylbenzene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00029 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 hvft Q32455 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.0089 0.00053 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 wtrY Q32455 o-Xylene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.00019 1 8260E 05/16/08 6:07 twitry Q32455 p-lsopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00036 1 8260E 05/16/08 6:07 Mdtry 032455 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.0003 1 8260B 05116= 6:07 hvitry 032455 Styrene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.0005 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Why 032455 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00037 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Wtry 032455 Tetrachloroethene BRL mglkg 0.0044 0.0004 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.07 twitry 032455 Toluene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00033 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.07 Nvffiy 032455 trans-1,2-Diahlo oethene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00057 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Iwitry Q32455 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00052 1 8260B 06/16/08 6:07 wiry Q32455 Trichtoroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00065 1 8260B 05116MB 6:07 K%4ry Q32455 Tdchlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0,0044 0.00079 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Mritry Q32455 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg 0.022 0.0013 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 MAtry 032455 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg 0.0044 0.00077 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:07 Mttry Q32455 Surrogate Toluene-d8 Dibromofluoromethane Bromofluorobermene % Recovery 93 99 97 Control Limits 81 -128 67 -143 77 -128 Semi volatile Otnganic Compounds by GCIMS 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.39 0.043 1 8270C 05n=8 3:52 rsetph Q32611 1,2-0khlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.39 0.043 1 8270C 05/20/O8 3.52 rselph Q32611 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.038 1 8270C 0WOM8 3:52 melph Q32611 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.39 0.046 1 8270C 05/20/08 3.62 mph Q32611 2,4,5-Tdchlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.046 1 8270C 05120/08 3:52 ►selph Q32611 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mgkg 0.39 0.042 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph Q32611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, withart the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-OW Phone: 7041529-8364 - Toil Free Number.1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 709525-0409 Page 18 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 tj NC Drinking Water Cert. Na. 37735 _w6JJ1M w. sevic�na.yud s Emeon„r,ml sah9io,a Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlofte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-3 (1') Prism Sample ID: 213678 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:45 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID 2,4-Dichtorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.025 1 8270C 05120M 3:52 rselph Q32611 2.4-Dimethyiphenol BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.058 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph 032611 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.11 1 8270C MOM 3:52 rselph 032611 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph 032611 2,6-Dinrtrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.070 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 mdph 032611 2-Chkuonaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 mdph 032611 2-Chlorophenoi BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.016 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rwph Q32611 2-Methyinaphthatene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.043 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph Q32611 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.031 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph Q32611 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.055 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph 032611 3&4-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.045 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph 032611 3,3'-Dichlorober¢idine BRL mg/kg 0.78 0.070 1 8270C 05/20/W 3:52 rserph Q32611 4,6-Dinitro-2-methytphenol BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.033 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 radph Q32611 4-Bromophenylphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselptr Q32611 4-Chioro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.78 0.046 1 8270C 0512=8 3:52 melph Q32611 4-Chloroaniline BRL mglkg 0.39 0.029 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 melph Q32611 4-Chlorophenylphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.049 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 raelph 032611 4-N€trophenoi BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.050 1 8270C 05NAM 3:52 rselph 032611 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.053 1 8270C 05120Po8 3:52 rseiph 032611 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.036 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rsdph 032611 Anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.028 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph 032611 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.057 1 8270C 05/20/08 3.52 rselph 032611 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mglkg 0.39 0.044 1 8270C 0=0108 3:52 rselph Q32611 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.049 1 8270C =0108 3:52 melph 032611 Benzo(b) luorenthene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.079 1 8270C 05)2083.52 melph Q32611 Benzo(g,h,l)petyiene BRL mglkg 0.39 0.050 1 8270C 05/20108 3:52 rselph 032611 Ben*k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.10 1 8270C 05/20/08 3.52 melph Q32611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 SprEngbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: 70415294364 - Toll Free Number:1-8001529.6364 - Fax: 704/5254409 Page 19 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 Laboratory Report 0, 1 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 05123108 . + , r dr smoe n�.yrtw a ernra�.�ni saw Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Mervvick Ct. Client Sample ID: SR-3 (1 Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix Soil Prism Sample ID: 213678 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508217 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:45 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis DatefTlme Analyst Batch ID Benzoic add BRL mg/kg 1.9 0.16 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph 032611 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg 0.78 0.031 1 8270C 0520/08 3:52 rselph Q32611 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.066 1 8270C 05J20108 3:52 rselph Q32611 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.048 1 8270C 05120/08 3:52 rsdph 032611 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.039 1 8270C 05f20/08 3:52 rselph Q32611 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.030 1 8270C 05/20108 3:52 rselph 032611 Butylbenzyiphthatate BRL mg&g 0.39 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph Q32611 Chrysene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.026 1 8270C 0520/08 3:52 rselph Q32611 Di-n-butylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.39 0A62 1 8270C 0520/08 3:52 rselph 032611 Di-n-octylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.11 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rsdph 032611 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.036 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rsdph 032611 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.047 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 melph 032611 Diethylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.10 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph 032611 Dimethylphthalate BRL mg*g 0.39 0.058 1 8270C 05/20/OS 3.52 rselph 032611 Fluoranthene BRL mglisg 0.39 0.069 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rsdph Q32611 Fluorene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.055 1 8270C 0520/08 3:62 rsdph 032611 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.053 1 8270C 0520/08 3:52 melph 032611 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.039 1 8270C 0520/08 3:52 rselph Q32611 Hexachlorocydopentadiene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.068 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph Q32611 Hexadrloroethane BRL mg&g 0.39 0.016 1 8270C 0520108 3:52 rselph 032611 Weno(1,2,3-od)pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.037 1 8270C 0520/08 3:52 rse" Q32611 tsophorone BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.037 1 8270C 052=8 3,52 roe" Q32611 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.023 1 8270C 0520/08 3:52 rselph 032611 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.056 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rsdph 032611 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.046 1 8270C 0520/08 3:52 rsdph 032611 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.049 1 8270C 0520/08 3:52 rsdph Q32611 Pentachiorophenol BRL mcj&g 1.9 0.059 1 8270C 0520/08 3:52 rsetph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 21i224-0543 Phone: 70415284M - Toll Free Nrmber:1-8001529-0364 - Fwr: 704/525-0405 Page 20 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 R s.rvrx ti,.yuam a EwftwXn W soxrtiona Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Kiingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-3 (V) Prism Sample ID: 213678 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:45 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.033 1 8270C 05/20/08 3:52 rselph Q32611 Phenol BRL mglkg 0.39 0.068 1 8270C 05/20108 3:52 rselph 032611 Pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.39 0.074 1 8270C 05120/08 3:52 rs*h 032611 Sample Preparation: 30.289 1 1 mL 3550E 05/15/08 14.00 pbarr P21602 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Terphenyi-d14 110 41 -136 Phenol-d5 61 13 - 95 Nitrobenzene-0 56 14 -103 2-Fluorophenoi 47 14 - 89 2-Fiuorobiphenyl 74 21 -108 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 93 25 -123 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID C11-C22 Aromatics BRL mglkg 11 2.0 1 MADEP EPH 05/20/08 16:00 grappaccioli Q32630 C19-C36 Aliphatics BRL mgtkg 11 1.5 1 MADEP EPH 05/20/08 14,08 "Paccioli 032630 09-018 Ailphatics BRL mg/kg 11 1.0 1 MADEP EPH 0520108 14:08 grappaccloli 032630 Sample Preparation: 10.43 g / 2 mL EPH 05/16/08 9:00 Pharr P21629 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 94 40 -140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 102 40 -140 2-Bromonaphthalene 105 40 -140 1-Chioro-octadecane 76 40 - M Vslatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDiFID C5-C8 Aliphatics BRL mglkg 5.9 1.1 1 MADEP VPH 0522/08 23:46 wbradley 032782 C9-C10 Aromatics BRL mgikg 5.9 0.036 1 MADEP VPH 0522108 23:46 wbradley Q32782 C9-C12 Aliphatics BRL mgfkg 6.9 1.8 1 MADEP VPH 05/22/08 23:46 wbradley 032782 This report should not be reproduced, accept in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Sprtngbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number:1-MIS20-M - Fax: 70415254M Page 21 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 hk1W NC Drinking Water Cert No. 3TT35 lb— wn s.Mce Amgaer a Emirom�m� sa�uaw Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-3 (1') Prism Sample ID: 213678 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 11:45 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Dateffime ID Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene-PID 117 70- 130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 100 70 -130 Sample Weight Determination Weight 1 19.09 g 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 Ibrown Weight 2 16.89 g 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 IN -own Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Limit J- Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other than NELAC certification except for those instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments. All results are reported on a dry -weight basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduced, except In Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704t529-6364 - Toll Free Number.1-MI52941M - Fax: 7041525-Mg Page 22 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No.99012 NC Drinking Water Cart No. 3T735 wa swwe rs.yac�r a ra,.rrv„�aax SOMMM Buxton Environmental, Inc Proiect ID: 519 MerMck Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suit-101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR4 (2') Prism Sample ID: 213679 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 12:00 Time Submitted: 05/07108 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Tme ID Percent Solids Determination Percent Solids 83.1 % 1 SM2540 G 05/13M 12:25 mbarber Sample Weight Determination Weight Bisulfate 1 6.75 9 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Weight Bisulfate 2 6.93 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 (brown Weight Methanol 6.94 g 1 5035 05/09/08 0:00 lbrom Volatile Organic Comoounds by GC/MS 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00053 1 8260E 05/16/08 6:50 Nvitry Q32455 1,1,2.2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00032 1 8260E 05/16108 6:50 wft Q32455 1.1,2-Tilchforoethane BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00048 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Nvitry 032465 1.1-0fchloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00051 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 twiny Q32455 1.1-Dichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0A045 0.00077 1 8260B 05/16108 6:50 twitry 032455 1,1-Dichioroprope ne BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00053 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Mft Q32455 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg1kg 0.0045 0.00051 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Mft Q32455 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.0006 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 wft Q32455 1,2,4-Trlchlorobenzene BRL mg&g 0.0045 0.00058 1 8260B 05116/08 6:50 KvWY 032455 1,2,4-Tdmed*benzene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00022 1 8260B 05116/08 6:50 Wtry 032455 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB; BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00056 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 bulgy Q32455 1,2-131chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00029 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 hvft 032455 1,24)ichloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.0005 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 W*y 032455 1,2-Dichlonopropane BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.0011 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.50 M*Y 032465 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene BRL mg1kg 0.0045 0.00038 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Witry Q32455 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.0003 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 ►witry 032455 1,3-Dichlonopropane BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00019 1 8260B 05/16108 6:50 ► iry 032455 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00058 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 M*ry 032455 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg1kg 0.0045 0.00065 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Wry Q32455 2-Chforotoluene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00025 1 82008 05116/08 6:50 lwl�y 032455 This report should not be reproduced, excerpt in its entirely, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. .449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 70415294i364 - Toll Free Number:1-8001529.6364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 23 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 NO 9.MxAnalynr�l a rnwm,�m aa,ma„: Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11650 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-4 (2') Prism Sample ID: 213679 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 12:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Oate/Time Analyst Batch ID 2-Hexanone BRL mglkg 0.045 0.0039 1 8260B 05/16108 6:50 Mary 032455 4-Chlorotoiuene BRL mgtkg 0.0045 0.00033 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Mtn Q32455 4-Methy1-2-pentanone (MIBK) BRL. mgikg 0.045 0.0047 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 MRtry Q32455 Acetone 0.13 mg/kg 0.045 0.013 1 8260B 05116/08 6:50 N-ty 032455 Benzene BRL mgft 0.0027 0.00038 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Wry 032455 Bromobenzene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00058 1 8260B 05t16/08 6:50 Wry Q32455 Bromochloromethane BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00037 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 WAtry 032465 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00049 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 twitry Q32455 Bromoform BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.0004 1 82606 05/16/08 6:50 WAry Q32455 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg 0.0090 0.0010 1 8260B 05/16108 6:50 W" Q32455 Carbon tetrachloride BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.0003 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.50 twiby 032455 Ctdorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00046 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Wry Q32455 Chtorodibromomethane BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00041 1 8260B 05/16108 6:50 Mntry 032455 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg 0.0090 0.0016 1 8260B 05/16108 6:50 iw" Q32455 Chloroform 0.0059 mg/kg 0.0045 0.00075 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 MNy 032455 Chioromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0046 0.0011 1 82608 05116/08 6:50 Ndity 032455 cis-1,2-Oichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00072 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Wtry Q32455 cis-1.3-Dichloropropene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00059 1 8260B 05/16108 6:50 Metry 032455 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.0012 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 kAW Q32455 Ethylbenzene BRL mgikg 0.0045 0.00021 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Miry 032455 Isopropyl ether (IPE) BRL mgfkg 0.0045 0.00041 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 MAW 032455 Isopropylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00026 1 8260B 06/16/08 6:50 Mary Q32455 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg 0.0090 0.00074 1 8260B 05/16J08 6:50 Mttry 032455 Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) BRL mglkg 0.090 0.013 1 82608 05116/08 6.50 W" 032455 Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) BRL mg/kg 0.0090 0.00038 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Wry Q32455 Methyiene chloride BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00074 1 8260B 05/16108 6:50 Iwitry 032455 n-Bu4ibenzene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00032 1 8260B 05M6/08 6:50 k try 032465 This report should not be reproduced, except In Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 282Td40543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - 76111 Free Nwnber.1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 24 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 Laboratory Report SC Certification No. 99012 ' J ,rr NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 05/23/08 FuuaaviaN„r aEmban,s, swunom Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 MerMck Ct. Client Sample ID: SR-4 (2') Attn: Ross Mingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213679 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508217 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/07/08 12:00 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Limit Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID n-Propylbenzene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.0003 1 8260B 05116/08 6:50 twy Q32455 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.0090 0.00054 1 8260B 05116t08 6:50 hhft Q32455 o-Xylene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00019 1 8260B 05M6108 6:50 h'wy Q32455 p4sopropyltoluene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00036 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 Mvby Q32455 seo-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00031 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 haft Q32455 Styrene BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.0005 1 8260B 05/1 W08 6:50 May Q32455 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg&g 0.0045 0.00038 1 82608 05/16/08 6:50 Murry 032455 Tetrachforoethene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.0004 1 8260E 05/16/08 6:50 kvitrY Q32455 Toluene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00033 1 8260B 06/16M 6:50 h'WY 032455 trams-1.2-Dichloroethene BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.00058 1 8260B 05/16/08 6.50 WMY Q32455 trans-1,3-131chforopropene BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00053 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 hwy Q32466 Trichloroethene BRL mg/kg 0.0045 0.00066. 1 8260B 05/16108 6:50 MdtrY 032455 Tdchlorofluoromethane BRL mglkg 0.0045 0.0008 1 8260B 05/16/08 6:50 May Q32455 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg 0.022 0.0013 1 8260B 05116/08 6:50 hWtrY 032455 Vinyl chloride BRL ' mglkg 0.0045 0.00078 1 8260B 05/1sm 6:50 hVY 032455 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Toluene-& 92 81 -128 Dibromofluoromethane 101 67 -143 Bromofluorobenzene 97 77 -128 Semi -volatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.044 1 8270C 05MO108 4:26 r dph 032611 1,24)ichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.044 1 8270C 05/20/08 426 mefph 032611 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.039 1 8270C 05/20/08 4,26 rselph 032611 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.048 1 8270C 05/20/08 426 melPh Q32611 2,4,5-Trichiorophenol BRL mglkg 0.40 0.047 . 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rsdph 032611 2,4,6-Tdchlorophenol BRL mglkg 0.40 0.043 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 mdPh 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the wdtten consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road. - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 2104-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 25 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 r wa sevloe Arairew s Eovho mr" SOM10m Buxton Environmental, Inc Project 1D: 519 Mennick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05f23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-4(2) Prism Sample ID: 213679 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 12:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis DatelTime Analyst Batch ID 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.026 1 8270C 05120/08 4:26 rselph Q32611 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.059 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rselph 032611 2,4-Dinitrophenoi BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.12 1 8270C 05/20108 4:26 rWph 032611 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.052 1 8270C 000/08 4:26 melph 032611 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.072 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rselph 032611 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C MOM 4:26 rseiph Q32611 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.017 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 nelph 032611 2-Methyinaphtha1ene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.044 1 8270C 05120M 4:26 rWph Q32611 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.032 1 8270C 05/20/08 4.26 rselph Q32611 2-NibWhenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.056 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rselph Q32611 38r4-Methyiphenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.047 1 8270C 05/20V08 4:26 rselph Q32611 3,3'-Dichiorobenzidine BRL mg/kg 0.80 0.072 1 8270C 0512M8 4:26 rsdph Q32611 4,6-Dinitm-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.034 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 mph Q32611 4-Bromophenyiphenylether BRL mg&g 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rselph Q32611 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg 0.80 0.047 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rselph Q32611 4-Chioroaniiine BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.029 1 8270C 05f20/08 4:26 ►sdph Q32611 4-Chlorophenylphenylether BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05/2M 4:26 rselph Q32611 4-Nitrophenot BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.051 1 8270C 05f10/08 426 rselph 032611 Aoenaphthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.054 1 8270C 050/08 4,26 rselph Q32611 Acenaphthylene BRL mgft 0.40 0.037 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 mph Q32611 Anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.029 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rselph Q32611 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.058 1 8270C 05/20014.26 rselph Q32611 Benzo(a)antbraoene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.045 1 8270C 05/20108 4:26 mselph 032611 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05/20108 4:26 rselph 032611 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.081 1 8270C 05/201t18 4:26 rselph 032611 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.051 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rselph 032611 8enzo(k)€luoranthene BRL mg/icg 0.40 0.11 1 8270C 000/08 4:26' rselph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road '- P.C. Box 240543 - Chartotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number 14WS20-6364 - Fwa 7041525.0409 Page 26 of 29 IMNC Certification No. 402 Laboratory Report SC Certification No. 99012 • J I NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 05=08 Fup SsMce Nnirtical � Emrronaimhl Solutions Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Mervaick Ct Client Sample ID: SR-4 (2) AtIn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil Prism Sample ID: 213679 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508217 P.O_ Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/07/08 12:00 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Ber¢oic acid BRL mg/kg 2.0 0.17 1 8270C 0520108 4:26 rselph 032611 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg 0.80 0.032 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rselph Q32611 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.067 1 8270C 0520/08 4:26 rselph 032611 Bis(2-chlomethyi)ether BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.049 1 8270C 0520/08 4:26 rWph 032611 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mglkg 0:40 0.040 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 melph Q32611 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthaiate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.031 1 8270C 0520M 426 rWph 032611 Butylbenzyfphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.049 1 8270C 0520/08 4:26 rselph Q32611 Chrysene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.027 1 8270C 0520/08 4:26 rselph 032611 Di-n-bulylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.064 1 8270C 0520/08 4.26 melph 032611 Di-n-octylphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.11 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 mph Q32611 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.037 1 8270C 0520/08 4:26 rselph Q32611 Dibenzof Iran BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.049 1 8270C 05120/08 4:26 melph 032611 Diethylphthafate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.10 1 8270C 0=0108 4.26 rseiph 032611 Dimethyiphthalate BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.059 1 8270C 05=108 *26 rselph Q32611 Fluoranthene BRL mgArg 0.40 0.070 1 8270C 0520/08 4:26 rselph Q32611 Fluorene BRL mog 0.40 0.057 1 8270C 05/20= 4:26 reelph Q32611 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.055 1 8270C 0520108 4:26 rselph Q32611 Hexachlorobuladlene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.040 1 8270C 000/08 4:26 melph Q32611 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.059 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 melph 032611 Hexachloroeihane BRL mgAcg 0.40 0.016 1 8270C 0520= 4:26 rselph Q32611 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL McAg 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 0520/08 4:26 rselph Q32611 Isophorone BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.038 1 8270C 05/20N8 4:26 rselph 032611 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine BRL mgflcg 0.40 0.023 1 8270C 0520= 4:26 rselph 032611 N-Nitrosodiphenyiamine BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.058 1 8270C 05QOM 426 rselph Q32611 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.048 1 8270C 0520/08 *26 melph 032611 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.050 1 8270C 05/20108 4:26 rselph Q32611 Pentachiorophenol BRL mg&g 2.0 0.061 1 8270C 05/20108 4:26 mdph 032611 This report should not be reproduced, emept in Its entirety, without the written consent of Prim Laboratories, Inc. 449 Spdngbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: T0415294384 - Toll Free Number 1-80015294364 - Fax: 70415254M9 Page 27 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 F's s� nn.N� a E��er sonitio,s Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S- Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-4 (2) Prism Sample ID: 213679 COG Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05107/08 12,00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 15:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.034 1 8270C 05/201118 4:26 rselph Q32611 Phenol BRL mg/kg 0.40 0.070 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rselph 032611 Pyrene BRL mglkg 0.40 0.076 1 8270C 05/20/08 4:26 rselph 032611 Sample Preparation: 29.94 g / 1 mL 3550E 05/15/08 14:00 pbarr P21602 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-d14 99 41 -136 Phenol-d5 48 13 - 95 Nibobenzeneil5 49 14- 103 2-Fluorophenol 29 14 - 89 2+1uorobiphenyl 43 21 -108 2,4,6-Tribromophenoi 70 25 -123 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID C11-C22 Aromatics BRL mglkg 12 2.1 1 MADEP EPH 05120/08 16:52 grappaccK Q32630 C19-C36 Allphatics BRL mg/kg 12 1.6 1 MADEP EPH 05/20108 15:52 9mPPaaAar+ Q32630 C9-CIS Aliphatics BRL mg/kg 12 1.1 1 MADEP EPH 050/08 15:52 grawwxJoli 032630 Sample Preparation: 10.11 g / 2 mL EPH 05/16/08 9:00 pbarr P21629 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 85 40 -140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 123 40 -140 2-Bromonaphthalene 135 40 -140 1-Chloro-octadecane 60 40 -140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PIDIFID CS-C8 Alrphatics BRL mg" 6.0 12 1 MADEP VPH 05/23/08 0:28 wbradley Q32782 C9-C10 Aromatics BRL mglkg 6.0 0.036 1 MADEP VPH 05/23/08 0:28 wbradley Q32782 C9-C12 Aliphabcs BRL mglkg 6.0 1.9 1 MADEP VPH 05123/08 0:28 wbradley Q32782 This report should not be reproduced. except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number.1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-MO Page 28 of 29 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Ceit. No. 37735 lam sm.w. i a �„rrmn�.onr sauuona Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Marwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Soil 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID: SR-4 (21 Prism Sample ID: 213679 COC Group: G0508217 Time Collected: 05/07/08 12:00 Time Submitted: 05/07/08 16:23 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/1-ime ID Sample Weight Determination Weight 1 20.32 g Weight 2 24.16 g Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits 2.5-0Ibromotoluene-PID ill 70 -130 2,5-Dibromototuene-FID 97 70 -130 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 Ibrown 1 MADEP VPH 05/09/08 0:00 ibrown Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting limit :l- Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and ft MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitled for analysis and meet state certification requirements other than NELAC certification except for Mose instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments. AN results are reported on a dry -weight basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should riot be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240643 - Charlotte, NC 29224-0543 Phone: 7041529-M - Toll Free Number.1-8001529-63" - Fax: 704152"M Page 29 of 29 YE 10 W W . C J z i U O G O O 6 n O Q CQ to Z � a���a=o >ti OQa� z0 � � vIL t CL Z• V dJQ 5 G Z Z C75 Cb�I a a u' Z Z z i al � �d a lW 42 �N ¢o>. uj z z �f T c � lod � }� I�� <UiN W Z Z cc C Z 7 aC�L � W 0 s w I W r0 U m �� { E rc td � V 3 as > � >�d i J _J'L) a m T mw a:,:,,2 p �p-.8o z 'S ; Q I=A 0 � 0Wj o ¢ W ~ UA -0 I v w ° C3 3 ° i � each a og a-C�.l N e a p i�0 W Z O ttl p p ma m W� O Z Itl CC W W lyIC alm I m E E w i a arc 3 (mn I-- �" I L ¢ x S 09 — I ¢ I yQ� N _. 3. N W c`- Ul ¢ rJ 4 4j 0 J' gig s 7 I � x U, mm Q Q 4 4 O � '0 'o 0 r E Z w I t acc ` 0 c c s E0 a, IV-)� C.W W(0w E 0 U m c 0 a o rr) 'P-)A o C O 7. ..t O�O io �v o� ac JA �L Je 0 mz 0 LLp WE ¢2 W� U Ul W r Wf WC �W N d U � � � Gl Q U W U N Z = �{ C) Cl ojN. � U) Q rn v Z 4 JOO� � tS 413 O aZ !A Q o >. U a Z ¢QOm a = �J J I- o m Q (00 3 C) Q � Z NQQt a 4 ul u o a L3 z� o c5 MIMZ tl C3to G Q cl & a � �Z0 Q p � n tom- z i Q C's0o . Lij CL o z o (D z al in ya o d z �O oz00� _ PRISM __• � IABORATORIES,INC. Date: 05/23/08 Company: Buxton Environmental, Inc Contact: Ross Klingman Address: 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Client Project ID: Prism COC Group No: Collection Date(s): Lab Submittal Dates): Case Narrative 519 Merwick Ct G0508327 05/09/08 05/09/08 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Laboratory Report and Quality Control Data totaling 16 pages. A chain -of -custody is also attached for the samples submitted to Prism for this project Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. Quality control statements and/or sample specific remarks are included in the sample comments section of the laboratory report for each sample affected. Semi VotatileAnalvsis Analysis Note for Q32576 MS C11-C22 Aromatics: MS recovery outside the control limits, Matrix interference is suspected. Analysis Note for Q32576 MSD C114322 Aromatics: MSD recovery outside the control limits. Matrix interference is suspected. Analysis Note for Q32610 MS 2,4arnethylphenol: MS recovery outside the control limits. Analysis Note for Q32610 MS Hexachlorocyclopentadiene: MS recovery outside the control limits. Analysis Note for 032610 MSD 2,4-0imethylphenol: RPD value outside the control limits. Analysis Note for Q32610 MSD 2,4-Dinitrophenol: RPD value outside the control limits. Analysis Note for Q32610 MSD 4,6-DiniDD-2-methylphenol: RPD value outside the control limits. Analysis Note for Q32610 MSD Hexachlorocyclopentadiene: MSD recovery outside the control limits. Analysis Note for Q32610 MSD Pentachlorophenol: RPD value outside the control limits. Volatile Analysis No Anomalies Reported Metals Analysis N/A Wet Lab and Micro Analysis N/A Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report Date Reviewed by: Robbi A Jones Project Manager: Signature: Signature: Review Date: 05/23/08 Approval Date: Data Qualifiers Key Reference: 13: Compound also deteded In the method blank. #: Result outside of the QC limits. DO: Compound diluted out. E: Estimated concentration, calibration range exceeded. J: The analyte was positively identified but the value is estimated below the reporting limit. H: Estimated concentration with a high bias. L: Estimated concentration with a low bias. M: A matrix effect is present. An a .Overcash l 05/23/08 Notes: This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the writtten consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis. 449 Springbrook Road, P.O. Box 240543, Charlotte NC 28224-0403 Phone: 704/52 a64 Top Free: 80M-6364 Fax: 7041525-W9 NC Certification No. Laboratory Report 9402 SC Certification No. 9012 90 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735. 05/23/08 w1 s«wo@ aoysw a &Mmnmw some s Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID MW-1 Attn Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Water Prism Sample ID 214133 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508327 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/09/08 15:30 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/09/08 16:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Purneable Aromatics by GC-PID Benzene BRL Ng/L 0.50 0.19 1 601/602 05/14/08 3:55 erussell 032420 Ethylbenzene BRL pgtL 1.0 0.28 1 601/602 05/14/08 3:55 erusseil 032420 Isopropyl ether (iPE) BRL pg/L 5.0 0.18 1 6011602 05/14/08 3:55 erusseil Q32420 rn,p-Xylenes BRL p91L 2.0 0.51 1 6011602 05/14108 3:55 ewssell Q32420 Methyl t-butyi ether (MTBE) BRL pg/L 5.0 0.17 1 601/602 05/14/08 3:55 enissell 032420 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.63 1 601/602 05/14/08 3:55 erusseli 032420 o-Xylene BRL }rg/L 1.0 0.31 1 601/602 05/14/08 3:55 en-lell Q32420 Toluene BRL pg/L 1.0 0.23 1 601/602 05/14/08 3:55 en,ssell Q32420 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits 1,4-Difluorobenzene-PID 105 69- 140 §gmivolatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS 1,2,4-Trichiorobenzene BRL vg/L 11 1.5 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 1.2-Dichlorobenzene BRL pg1L . 11 1.2 1 625 05120/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 11 1.2 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph 032610 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL pg/L 11 1.3 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 2.4,5-Trlchlorophenol BRL ug/L 11 2.1 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph 032610 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 11 2.2 1 625 05/20/08 424 rsetph Q32610 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL pg/L 11 1.7 1 625 05120/08 424 rselph Q32610 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL pg/L 11 2.2 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 2,4-Dinitropherai BRL pg/L 53 4.2 1 625 05/20/08 424 melph Q32610 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL pg/L 11 1.1 1 625 05/20/08 424 rselph 032610 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL pg/L 11 1.9 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph 032610 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL pg/L 11 2.2 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rsetph 032610 2-Chlorophenol BRL pg/L 11 1.4 1 625 05/20/08 424 rselph 032610 2-Methylpherwl BRL p91L 11 1.6 1 625 05/20/08 424 rselph Q32610 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 1 of 5 NC Certification No.402 Laboratory Report SC Certification No. 99012 ' 7 NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 05123/08 ran swia aoaiyeaf s Ernkoiwnenw sohroons Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Client Sample ID MW-1 Attn Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Water Prism Sample ID 214133 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508327 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/09/08 15:30 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/09/08 16:00 . Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis DatelTtne Analyst Batch ID 2-Nitrophenol BRL µg/L 11 1.9 1 625 0520/08 4:24 melph 032610 3&4-Methylphenol BRL µg/L 11 1.7 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 melph 032610 3,X-Dichloroben7ldine BRL µg/L 53 0.83 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL µg/L 53 1.6 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 4-Bromophenylphenylether BRL µg/L 11 1.7 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL µg/L 11 2.3 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph 032610 4-Chlorophenylphenylether BRL µg/L 11 2.4 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 4-Nitrophenol BRL µg/L 53 1.1 1 625 06/20/08 4:24 melph Q32610 Acenaphthene BRL µg/L 11 2.2 1 625 05/20/08 *24 rsetph Q32610 Acenaphthylene BRL µA 11 2.1 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 Anthracene BRL ug/L 11 1.2 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 melph 032610 Senw(a)anthracene BRL pg/L 11. 2.6 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 P-;dph Q32610 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL pg/L 11 0.61 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph 032610 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL µg/L : 11 0.95 1 625 05/20/08 424 rselph Q32610 Benzo(g,W)perylene BRL µg/L 11 0.41 • 1 625 05/20/o8 4:24 rselph. Q32610 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL pg/L 11 1.0 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph 032610 Bis(2-cMoroethoxy)nethane BRL pg/L 11 2.1 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rsdph 032610 Bis(2-chloroethyt)ether BRL µg/L 11 1.6 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 raetph 032610 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph 032610 Bis(2-ethylheW)phthalate BRL pg/L 11 1.1 1 625 0520/08 4:24 mdph 032610 Butylbenzyiphthalate BRL µg/L 11 0.83 1 625 05/20/08 4.24 melph Q32610 Chrysene BRL µg/L 11 2.2 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph 032610 Di-n-butylphthalate BRL Ng/L 11 1.3 1 625 0520/08 424 rselph Q32610 Di-n-octylphthalate BRL Ng/L 11 1.3 1 625 0520/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL µg/L 11 1.1 1 625 05/20/08 4.24 rselph 032610 Dibenzofuran BRL pg/L 11 1.9 1 625 0520108 424 rselph 032610 Diethylphthalate BRL Pg/L 11 1.5 1 625 0520108 4:24 rselph Q32610 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.Q. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: T041529-6364 - Toll Free Number.14W528-6354 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 2 of 5 NC Certification No, Laboratory Report SC Certification No. M 99012 a_ NC Drinking Water Cert. No, 37735 05/23/08 ".4jag, r„H ScAm a„ely&W a Eaw, ne.wSoko— Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 MerMck CL Client Sample ID MW-1 Attn Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Water Prism Sample ID 214133 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 COC Group: G0508327 P.O. Box 11550 Time Collected: 05/09/08 15:30 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Time Submitted: 05/09/08 16:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis DateTme Analyst Batch ID Dimethyiphthalate BRL µg1L 11 1.9 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 Fluoranthene BRL µg(L 11 1.3 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rseiph Q32610 Fluorene BRL µg(L 11 2.3 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rseiph Q32610 Hexachlorobenzene BRL µg(L 11 1.5 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 melph 032610 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL µg(L 11 1.6 1 625 05120/08 4:24 rsWph 032610 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL µg1L 11 2.2 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph 032610 Hexachloroethane BRL µg/L 11 1.1 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL µg/L 11 0.44 1 625 05/20/08 4,24 rsdph 032610 isophorone BRL µg/L 11 2.3 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph 032610 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine BRL µg/L 11 1.9 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 Naphthalene BRL µglL . 11 1.7 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 Nitrobenzene BRL µg/L 11 1.3 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 "ph Q32610 Pentachlorophenol BRL µg/L 11 1.0 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 Phenanthrene BRL µg/L 11 1.2 1 625 05/20/08 4:24 TWO 032610 Phenol BRL µg/L 11 0.97 1 625 06/20/08 4:24 rselph Q32610 Pyrene BRL µg/L 11 1.6 1 625 05120/08 4:24 rselph 032610 Sample Preparation: 950 mL / 1 mL 625 05/16M 12:00 smanivanh P21624 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits Terphenyl-04 111 10- 164 Phenol-d5 12 10 - 48 Nitrobenzene-d5 74 22 -103 2-Fluorophenol 21 10 - 59 2-Fluorobiphenyi 76 29 -112 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 81 27 -125 TIC's By 625 Est.Conc Units No TICs were detected. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road. - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: TW5294364 - Toll Free Number: 1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 70415254409 Page 3 of 5 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 "4AWOMIM.- NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 RM So ke Arm"C f a Emkww W S&FdOm - Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Water 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID MWA Prism Sample ID 214133 COC Group: G0508327 Time Collected: 05/09/08 15:30 Time Submitted: 05/09/08 16:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Method Factor, Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID C11-C22 Aromatics BRL Nall- 100 49 1 MADEP EPH 05/19/08 3:57 grappaccioli Q32576 C19-C36 Aliphatics BRL ug/L 100 45 1 MADEP EPH 05/19/08 3:05 grappaccioli Q32576 C9-C18 Aliphatics BRL pg/L 100 17 1 MADEP EPH 05/19/08 3:05 grappaccioli Q32576 Sample Preparation: 1000 mL I 2 mL EPH 05/16/08 11:00 —iv-h P21620 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits o-Terphenyl 71 40 -140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 104 40 -140 2-Bromonaphthalene 105 40 - 140 1-Chlonroctadecane 50 40 - 140 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PID/FID C5-C8 Aliphatics BRL pg/L 50 2.2 1 MADEP VPH 05/15/08 21:27 wbradley 032512 C9-Cl0 Aromatics BRL {ig/L 50 0.70 1 MADEP VPH 05/15/08 21:27 wbradley Q32512 C9-C12 Aliphatics BRL hall- 50 3.9 1 MADEP VPH 05/15= 21:27 wbradley Q32512 Surrogate % Recovery Control Limits 2,5-Dibromotoluene-PID 87 70 -130 2,5-Dibromotoluene-FID 88 70 -130 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240643 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 70415254409 Page 4 of 5 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 n� NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 AO Savi eAm"CA a 5WkWXWMW WtMM Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn Ross Klingman Sample Matrix: Water 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Report 05/23/08 Client Sample ID MW-1 Prism Sample ID 214133 COC Group: G0508327 Time Collected: 06/09/08 15:30 Time Submitted: 05/09/08 16:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Sample Comment(s): BRL = Below Reporting Limit J- Estimated value between the Reporting Limit and the MDL The results in this report relate only to the samples submitted for analysis and meet state certification requirements other than IVELAC certification except for those instances indicated in the case narrative and/or test comments. All results are reported on a wet -weight basis Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services This report should not be reproduoed, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Sprtngbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-8001529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 5 of 6 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 �� NC Drinking Water Cat No. 37735 rya senr1w A dyenl a fiwtonnm SaRaooe Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Mervvick Cl. Attn: Ross 10ingman 1101 S. Blvd. Sufte 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Puraeable Halocarbons and Aromatics by GC-PIDIEWD. method 6011602 Method Blank Result RL Control Limit Units Benzene ND 0.5 <0.25 p91L Ethylbenzene ND 1 <0.5 p91L. Isopropylether (IPE) ND 5 <2.5 14111- m,p-Xylenes ND 2 <1 pg/L Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) ND 5 <2.5 PA Naphthalene ND 1 <0.5 P9/L o-Xylene ND 1 <0.5 pg/L Toluene ND 1 <0.5 W& Level II QC Report 5/23108 COC Group Number: G0508327 Date/Time Submitted: 5/9108 16:00 QC Batch ID Q32420 032420 Q32420 032420 Q32420 Q32420 Q32420 Q32420 Laboratory Control Sample y Rec..y R QC Bad Result Spike Amount Units % % S4 ID Benzene 18.308 20 pg/L 92 39-150 Q32420 Ethylbenzene 20.321 20 p9/L 102 32-160 Q32420 lsopropyl ether (IPE) 21.408 20 Pg/L 107 61-134 Q32420 m.p-Xylenes 39.848 40 1.90. 100 69-130 032420 Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 18.167 20 VA 91 74-130 032420 Naphthalene 14.753 20 pg/L 74 60-136 Q32420 o-Xylene %899 20 pg/L 94 66-129 032420 Toluene 19.083 20 PA 95 46-M Q32420 Matrix Spike Rew wy Remy R QC each SamplelD: Result Spike Amomt Units % to 213580 Benzene 73.596 80 pg/L 92 39-160 Q32420 Ethyibenzene 81.732 80 ug/L 102 32-160 Q32420 lsopropyl ether (IPE) 86.512 80 P91L 108 60-132 032420 m,p-Xy{enes 158.972 160 I& 99 59-126 032420 Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 78.324 80 pgA- 94 73-130 Q32420 Naphthalene 68.168 80 pg/L 85 %132 032420 o-Xylene 91.04 80 pg/L 114 62-125 032420 Toluene 78.408 80 pg/L 98 46-W 032420 Matrix Spike Duplicate Rey - RPD Range RPD Sample 113: Result Spike Amount Unft % % % % ID 213580 Benzene 73.148 80 P91L 91 39-150 1 0 -12 Q32420 Ethylbenzene 79244 80 pgn. 99 32-160 3 0 -10 032420 Isopropyl ether (IPE) 86.032 80 pg1L 108 60.132 1 0 -15 Q32420 m,p-Xylenes 154.836 160 pg/L 97 59-126 3 0 -11 Q32420 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 282244543 Phone: 7041529-M - Toil Free Number.141001529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 1 of 10. NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 AwaffillmNC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 Fun Senloe An*i*al S. Bwhw mrobl solutions Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample In, Result Spike Amount units 213580 Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) 78.716 80 01 Naphthalene 69.092 80 P91 o-Xyiene 82.696 80 4L Toluene 76.66 80 pg1L Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-PID/FID. method MADEP VPH Method Blank Result RL Control Umlt Units Level II QC Report 5123/08 COC Group Number. G0508327 DatelFme Submitted: 519/08 16:00 Recovery � RPDRange FPO QC Batch ID 94 73-130 0 0 -16 Q32420 86 58-132 1 0 -17 032420 103 62-125 10 0 -13 Q32420 96 46-148 2 0 -11 032420 QC Batch ID C5-C8 Aliphatics ND 50 <25 W& 032512 C9-Cl0 Aromatics ND 50 <25 NgIL 032512 C9-C12 Ahphatics ND 50 <25 PA Q32512 Laboratory Control Sample RecoveryRecoWy ac Be" Recut Spike Amount Units % Ranges% ID C5-C8 Allphatics 340.15 300 m& 113 70-130 Q32512 Cg-CIO Aromatics 64.25 50 PA 129 70-130 032512 C9-C12 Aliphatics 418.62 400 u91L 105 70-130 Q32512 Matrix Spike Recovery Rewyer' aCBetch Sample to: Result Spike Amount Units % Ranges % ID 214330 C5-C8 Aliphatics 1158.28 1200 tXYL 94 70-130 G32512 CO-C10 Aromatics 232.36 200 P91L 74 70-130 032512 C9-C12 Aliphatics 1554.36 1600 wA- 82 70-130 032512 Matrix Spike Duplicate Reoorery Rao--y Ranges RPD RPD acealat Sample Ill t2eWt 5plCe Amount units % %ge 1D 214330 C5-CS Aliphatics 1116.28 1200 tot 90 70-130 4 0 - 25 Q32512 C9-C10 Aromatics 240.12 200 PWL 78 70-130 3 0 - 25 032512 C9-C12 Aliphatics 1625.8 1600 PA 87 70-130 4 0 - 25 Q32512 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism laboratories, Inc. 449 Sprlingbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: 70415294M4 - Toll Free Number 1-80015294M - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 2 of 10 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 "oAaamm'.— NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 s,ss caIm�yaalaoV+omK+,msmufi� Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11560 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC-FID, method MADEP EPH Method Blank Resuh RL control Lint Units C11-C22 Aromatics ND 100 <50 pgtL C19-C36 Ahphatics ND 100 <50 pg/L C9-C18 Aliphatics ND 100 <50 1411E Laboratory Control Sample C11-C22 Aromatics C19-C36 Aliphatics C9-C18 Aliphatics Matrix Spike Sample ID: 214602 C11-C22 Aromatics C19-C36 Aiiphatics C9-C18 Aiiphatics Level II QC Report W3108 COC Group Number. G0508327 Date/Time Submitted: 5/9108 16:00 QC Bata, ID Q32576 Q32576 Q32576 Result Spike Amount Units Recovery % X QC Batch ID 1498.8 1700 it9& 88 40-140 Q32576 809.6 800 11911. 101 40-M Q32576 422.8 600 p9/L 70 40-140 Q32576 Result Spike Amount Units Recovery % te ,V QC Batch ID 1588.8 1700 I19/L -16 # 40-140 Q32576 594.4 800 PO& 74 40-140 Q32576 502.4 600 p9& 69 40-140 032576 Matrix Spike Duplicate emery Re0 omy Rang-% R%PD R'D QC Batch Sample ID: Resat Spike Amount Units % ID 214602 C11-C22 Aromatics 1769.2 1700 pg/L -9 # 40-140 7 0 - 50 032576 C19-C36 Allphatics 718.4 800 p9/1- 90 40-140 19 0 - 50 032676 C9-C18 Aliphatics 579 600 M& 81 40-140 14 0 - 50 032576 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 2822"543 Phone: 704152941364 - Toll Free Number I-800/529.6364 - Fax: T041525-0409 Page 3 of 10 NC Certification No.402 Level II QC Report SC Certification No. 99012 dag kbl,- M 4— NC Drinking Water Cerl No. 37735 g 503/08 Full S-1w Amlrtlnl & EukownwUl Sak6m Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID' 519 Merwick Ct COC Group Number: G0508327 Attn: Ross Klingman Datefrime Submitted: 5/9108 16:00 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by 09MS. method 6255 Method Blank QC Bata, Result RL Control limit units tU 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO 10 <5 pg/L Q32610 1,2-Dichlorobenzene NO 10 <5 Pgf 032610 1,3-Dichiorobenzene NO 10 <5 pg/t 032610 1,4-Dichlorobenzene NO 10 <5 peA 032610 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol NO 10 <5 ug/. 032610 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol NO 10 <5 P91L Q32610 2.4-Dichlorophenol NO 10 <5 Imo- 032610 2,4-Dimethylphenol NO 10 <5 Pg/L Q32610 2,4-Dinitrophenol NO 50 <25 4L 032610 2,4-Dinihototuene NO 10 <5 pgA_ Q32610 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND 10 <5 Pell 032610 2-Chloronaphthalene NO 10 <5 P91L 032610 2-Chlorophenoi NO 10 <5 tQL 032610 2-Methyiphenol NO 10 <5 Pg/L 032610 2-Nitrophertol NO 10 <5 P91L 032610 3&4-Meth1Aphenol NO 10 <5 PA Q32610 3,3'-Didhlorobenzidine NO 50 <25 pgA- Q32610 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol NO 50 <25 W& Q32610 4 3romophenylphenylether NO 10 <5 pg/L 032610 4-Chkmo3-methylphenol NO 10 <5 PA 032610 4-Chlorophenyiphenylether NO 10 <5 pgll 032610 4Nitrophenol NO 50 <25 PA 032610 Acenaphthene NO 10 <5 PgfL 032610 Acenaphthylene ND 10 <5 P91L 032610 Anthracene NO 10 <5 Pg/L Q32610 Benzo(a)anthracene NO 10 <5 pelt Q32610 Benzo(a)pyrene NO 10 <5 VA 032610 Benzo(b)luoranthene NO 10 <5 10911- 032610 Senzo(g,h,ilperylene NO 10 <5 PA Q32610 Berizo(k)Nuoranthene NO 10 <5 M& 032610 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane NO 10 <5 POL 032610 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether NO 10 <5 PA 032610 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether NO 10 <5 Pg/L 032610 Bls(2-ethylhexyQph1hala1e ND 10 <5 Pe& 032610 This report should not be reproduced. except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 26224-0543 Phone: 7041529.8364 - Toll Free Number. 1-MM29-8364 - Fax: 7041525.0409 .Page 4 of 10 NC Certification No. 402 Level II QC Report SC Certification No. M12 Awo�m NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 5123/08 Fua SMIDe Ana"rat&bw1MftwM lSdutlafs Buxton Environmental, Inc Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Method Blank Butylbenzylphthalate Chrysene Di-n-butylphthalate Di-n-octyiphthalate Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Dibenzofuran Diethyfphthalate Dimethylphthalate Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Hexachloroethane Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Isophomne N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine Naphthalene Nitrobenzene Pentachlorophenot Phenanthrene Phenol Pyrene Laboratory Control Sample Project ID: 519 Merwick CL COC Group Number: G0508327 Date/Time Submitted: 519/08 16:00 Result RL ConW Umit Units oc sa" ID ND 10 <5 per- Q32610 ND 10 <5 pgA- Q32610 ND 10 <5 pg/L 032610 ND 10 <5 pg/L Q32610 ND 10 <5 p91L Q32610 ND 10 <5 pgfL Q32610 ND 10 <5 V91L Q32610 ND 10 <5 pgtL 032610 ND 10 <5 pg/L Q32610 ND 10 <5 pglL Q32610 ND 10 45 pg/L 032610 ND 10 <5 p91L 032610 ND 10 <5 p9A. Q32610 ND 10 45 p9A- Q32610 ND 10 45 119/1- 032610 ND 10 <5 pglL Q32610 ND 10 <5 pg/L Q32610 ND 10 <5 pg/L 032610 ND 10 <5 pgA. Q32610 ND 10 <5 pgA. 032610 ND 10 <5 pg/L Q32610 ND 10 <5 pgA- 032610 ND 10 <5 p9/L Q32610 Reoo,e,Y Rwo-YRang- QC Batch Result Spike Amount Units % ID 1,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene 88.41 100 pg/L 88 44-142 032610 1,2-Dichtorobe amen 83.86 100 tKYL 84 32-129 032610 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 84.09 100 pg/L 84 20-124 032610 1,4-Dichlorobetuene 84.15 100 pg/1- 84 20-124 032610 2,4,6-Trichiorophenol 104.06 100 pgA- 104 37-144. • Q32610 2,4-Dichlorophenol 93.31 100 pg/L 93 39-135 032610 2,4-Dimethylphenof 86.58 100 pgA- 87 32-119 Q32610 2,4-Dinllrophenol 1182 100 pg/L 118 10-191 032610 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 117.52 100 pg/L 118 39-139 032610 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 118.62 100 W& 119 50.158 032610 2-Chloronaphthatene 94.81 100 - pgA- 95 60-118 Q32610 This report should not be reproduced, except In Its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 440 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529- M - Toll Free Number 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 5 of 10 NC Certification No. 402 Level 11 QC Report SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 5/23/08 RA 15 , A,."W A Fmko mewl soiud" Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. COC Group Number: G0508327 Attn: Ross Klingman Date/Time Submitted: 519/08 16:00 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Control Sample Rey Rec-YRanges ac eaten Result Spike Amount Units % ID 2-Chlorophenol 75.94 100 tl9A- 76 23-134 Q32610 2-Nitrophenol 100.18 100 PgiL 100 29-182 Q32610 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 214.58 100 Vg/L 215 10-262 Q32610 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 118.64 100 NglL 119 10-181 Q32610 4-13romophenylphenylether 106.39 100 Vg/L 106 53-127 Q32610 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 91.59 100 m& 92 22-147 Q32610 4-Chlorophenyiphenylether 103.26 100 PA 103 25-158 032610 4-Nitrophenol 29.23 100 mA- 29 10-132 032610 Acenaphthene 97.01 100 M& 97 47-145 032610 Acenaphthylene 97.19 100 tQ& 97 33-145 Q32610 Anthracene 107.84 100 M& 108 27-133 032610 Benzo(a)anthracene 113.51 100 PA 114 33-143 Q32610 Benzo(a)pyrene 121.64 100 ug& 122 17-163 Q32610 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 118.89 100 PA 119 24-159 032610 Benzo(g,h,t)perylene 106.97 100 NgrL 107 10-219 Q32610 Benzo(k) luoranthene 118.1 100 ugA- 118 11-162 032610 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 97.19 100 Ng/L 97 33-184 Q32610 Sis(2-chloroethyl)ether 92.51 100 ug/L 93 12-158 Q32610 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 92.12 100 ML 92 36-166 032610 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 125.69 100 tgVL 126 10-158 Q32610 Butyibenzylphthalate 120.04 100 w& 120 10-152 Q32610 Chrysene 108.3 100 Poo 108 17-168 Q32610 Dl-"utyiphthalate 115.15 100 PA 115 10-118 Q32610 Di-n-octylphthalate 111.89 100 POL 112 10-146 Q32610 Diberizo(a,h)anthracene 110.81 100 NgA. 111 10-227 Q32610 Diethylphthalate 109.4 100 NgA- 109 10-114 032610 Dimethylphthalate 102.18 100 wit- 102 10-112 032610 Fluoranthene 108.41 100 M& 108 26-137 Q32610 Fluorene 102.53 100 m/L 103 59-121 Q32610 Hexachlotobenzene 102.17 100 l91- 102 10-152 Q32610 Hexachlotnbutadiene 88.79 100 4L 89 24-116 Q32610 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 94.56 100 PA 95 32-103 Q32610 Hexachloroethane 87.23 100 Ite/L 87 40-113 Q32610 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 109.62 100 llg/L 110 10-171 Q32610 Isophorone 101.39 100 pgA. 101 21496 032610 N-Nihmodi-n-propylamine 99.48 100 M& 99 10-230 Q32610 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte. NC 282244M Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number. 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Page 6 of 10 NC Certification No. 402 Leve 111 QC Report SC Certification No. M12 "4jagam1w, NC Drinking Water Cert No. 37735 5/23/08 f W Smim Maganl s Firvi MW sauliaK Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct COC Group Number. G0508327 Attn: Ross Klingman Date/Time Submitted: 5/9108 16:00 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Laboratory Control Sample Recovery >rRea OC eatdi R=At SpaeMxw ni Uts % % 10 Naphthalene 86.83 100 P91L 87 21-133 032610 Nitrobenzene 94.22 100 Pg/L 94 35-180 032610 Pentachlorophenol 129.57 100 Pg/L 130 14-176 032610 Phenanthrene 101.16 100 Pg/L 101 54-120 032610 Phenol 24.65 100 Pg/L 25 10-112 Q32610 Pyrene 102.49 100 Pg/L 102 52-115 032610 Matrix Spike r Y Re-veryRarops QCeatch Sara* ID: Result Spike NnDmt Units % t0 2143301,2,4-Tdchlorobenzene 154.019 196.07 Pg/L 79 44-142 032610 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 144.313 196.07 PGVL 74 32-129 032610 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 144.529 196.07 tr9/L 74 20-124 032610 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 144.901 19.6.07 Pg/L 74 20-124 032610 2,4,6-Trichlorophenot 122.549 196.07 Ng/- 63 37-144 032610 2,4-Dichlorophenol 131.235 196.07 Pg/L 67 39-135 032610 2,4-Dimethylphenol 20.6078 196.07 w& 11 # 32-119 Q32610 2,4-Dinitrophenol 40.5686 196.07 Pg/L 21 W191 032610 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 207.176 196.07 PA 106 39-139 Q32610 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 202.882 196.07 tom- 103 50-158 032610 2-Chloronaphthalene 172.627 196.07 Pg/L 88 60-118 032610 2-Chlorophenol 109.196 196.07 Pg/L 56 23-134 Q32610 2-Nitrophenoi 164.215 196.07 Pg/L 84 29-182 Q32610 3,T-Dichlorobenzidine 351.039 196.07 w& 179 10-262 Q32610 4,6-Diniiro-2-methylphenol 96.9607 196.07 tt94- 49 10-181 032610 4-Bromophenylphenylether 195.588 196.07 W& 100 53-127 032610 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 109.803 196.07 trg/L 56 22-147 Q32610 4-Chlorophenylphenylether 182.294 196.07 Ng11- 93 25-158 032610 4-Nitrophenol 35.3333 196,07 P91L 18 10-132 Q32610 Acensphthene 175 196.07 P9/L 89 47-145 032610 AcenaphtlMene 175.607 196.07 tr9/L 90 33-145 032610 Anthracene 191.411 196.07 ttwt 98 27-133 Q32610 Benzo(a)anthracene 206.078 196.07 W& 105 33-143 032610 Benzo(a)pyrene 222.607 196.07 VWL 114 17-163 Q32610 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 222.745 196.07 PWL 114 24-159 032610 Benzo(g,h,ilperylene 202.705 196.07 w& 103 10-219 032610 Benzo(k) luoranthene 223.627 196.07 PA 114 11-162 Q32610 Sis(2-chlarcethoxy)methane 171.431 196.07 Pg/L 87 33-184 Q32610 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratorles, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - F.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: 704/529-M - Toll Free Number.1-8001529-M - Fax: 70MS254MO Page 7 of 10 NC Certification No.402 Level 11 QC Report SC Certification No. 99012 5/23108 A&IMNC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 Fw swA-A.*UW s En b- wt9 Sdudws Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 MeryAck Ct COC Group Number: G0508327 Attn: Ross Mingman DatelTme Submitted: 5/9108 16:00 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Matrix Spike -Recovery Ranges QC Bata, Sample ID Result Spike Amount Units % ID 214330 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 158.725 196.07 W& 81 12-158 Q32610 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 156.490 196.07 p91L 80 36-166 Q32610 Bis(2-ethylhexc rl)phthalate 228.431 196.07 Ng& 117 10-158 032610 Butylbenzylphthalate 222.274 196.07 Ixft 113 10-152 Q32610 Chrysene 197.529 196.07 PA 101 17-168 Q32610 Di-n-butylphthalate 207.294 196.07 u91L 106 10-118 Q32610 Di-n-octylphthalate 203.529 196.07 pgti 104 10-146 Q32610 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 209.078 196.07 pg1l. 107 10-227 Q32610 Diethylphthalate 196.215 196.07 P91- 100 10-114 Q32610 Dimetttylphthalate 187.176 196.07 pgn- 95 10-112 032610 Fluoranthene 193.725 196.07 p91- 99 26-137 Q32610 Fluorene 182.176 196.07 WA 93 59-121 Q32610 Hexachlorobenzene 189.764 196.07 W& 97 10-152 032610 Hexachlorobutadiene 152.058 196.07 PA 78 24-116 Q32610 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 192.588 196.07 pgn 98 # 48-94 032610 Hexachloroethane 154.823 196.07 t>g/L 79 40-113 Q32610 Inderw(1,2,3-W)pyrene 197.607 196.07 p91L 101 10-171 Q32610 Isophorone 177.688 196.07 P91L 91 21-196 032610 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 171.725 196.07 W& 88 10-230 Q32610 Naphthalene 160.784 196.07 tv/L 82 21-133 032610 Nitrobenzene 163.529 196.07 t g/L 83 35-180 032610 Penthchlorophenol 67.8823 196.07 pgti 35 14-176 032610 Phenanthrene 181.333 196.07 WL 92 54-120 .032610 Phenol 50.3529 196.07 pWL 26 10-112 032610 Pyrene 178.960 196.07 p91L 91 52-115 032610 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery Ranges �D RPD Range ac Batch Sample ID: Result S ikeAmount P Units % % % % ID 214330 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 154.960 196.07 PA 79 44-142 1 0 - 36 Q32610 1.2-Dichlorobenzene 149.156 196.07 w& 76 32-129 3 0 - 38 032610 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 149.647 196.07 pgIL 76 20-124 3 0 - 41 Q32610 IA-Dichlorobenzene 149.411 196.07 to- 76 20-124 3 0 - 36 Q32610 2,4,6-Trichbrophenol 117.411 196.07 PA 60 37-144 4 0 - 30 032610 2,4-Diehlorophenol 138.450 196.07 l4l. 71 39-135 5 0 - 31 C132610 2,4-Dimethylphenol 32.9019 196.07 pgn 17 # 32-119 46 # 0 - 26 032610 2,4-Dinitmphenol 21.7647 196.07 PA 11 10-191 60 # 0 - 30 Q32610 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 211274 196.07 PA 108 39-139 2 0 - 29 Q32610 This report should not be reproduced. except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Si ringbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 2822A4M Phone: 7041529.6364 - Toll Free Number. 140015A411 4 - Fax: 7041525-0409 Rd9e 8 of 10 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 ."Aiagamim, NC Drinking Water Celt No. 37735 Full Service Nu"mi h Emko mM! So tOmm Buxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Level 11 QC Report 5123108 COC Group Number: G0508327 Daterrime Submitted: 519108 16:00 Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery R`owery Ranges RPD RPD Range tact�atrn Sample ID, Result Spike Arnot" Units i6 % % % ID 214330 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 212.764 196.07 P91L 109 50-158 5 0 -15 Q32610 2-Chloronaphthalene 173.666 196.07 PA 89 60-118 1 0 - 21 032610 2-Chlorophenol 119.294 196.07 P91L 61 23-134 9 0 - 35 Q32610 2-Ndrophenol 165.235 196.07 p91- 84 29-182 1 0 - 34 Q32610 3,3"-Dichlorobenzidine 374.254 196.07 lig2 191 10-262 6 0 - 50 Q32610 4.6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 72.5098 196.07 Pg/L 37 10-181 29 # 0 -19 032610 4-Bromophenylphenylether 199.058 196.07 p911 102 53-127 2 0 -18 032610 4-Chloro-3- methylphenol 136.333 196.07 tagll. 70 22-147 22 0 - 33 Q32610 4-Chlorophenylphenylether 186.647 196.07 PA 95 25-158 2 0 -19 032610 4-Nitrophenol 29.0196 196.07 p91- 15 10-132 20 0 - 50 032610 Acenaphthene 177.588 196.07 tig/L 91 47-M 1 0 - 20 032610 Acenaphthylene 178.9W 196.07 M& 91 33-145 2 0 - 24 Q32610 Anthracene 198.215 196.07 M& 101 27-133 3 0 - 30 Q32610 Benzo(a)anthraoene 209.215 196.07 pgn. 107 33-143 2 0-26 032610 Benzo(a)pyrene 230.745 196.07 PA 118 17-163 4 0 - 25 032610 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 220.764 196.07 Pg1L 113 24-159 1 0 - 29 Q32610 Benzo(g,h,i)pexylene 203.803 196.07 P91I- 104 10-219 1 0 - 27 Q32610 Berno(k)fluoranthene 223.176 196.07 mt 114 11-162 0 0 -11 Q32610 Bis(2-chkxoethoxy)methane 172 196.07 P91L 88 33-184 0 0 - 31 032610 Bis(2-chlomethyl)ether 161.254 196.07 m& 82 12-158 2 0 - 36 Q32610 Bls(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 161.235 196.07 pgn- 82 36-166 3 0 - 40 Q32610 Bis(2-ethy1he*)phthafate 240.509 196.07 m& 123 10-158 5 0 -17 Q32610 ButyibenzylpMhalate 226.882 196.07 m& 116 10-152 2 0 -16 Q32610 Chrysene 202.470 196.07 PA 103 17-168 2 0 - 25 Q32610 Di-n-butytphthalate 212.450 196.07 142 108 10-118 2 0 - 27 Q32610 Di-n-octylphthalate 207.392 196.07 m& 106 10-146 2 0 -17 032610 D1benzo(a,h)artthraoene 213.509 196.07 K& 109 10-227 2 0 - 28 032610 Diethylphthalate 204.176 196.07 PA 104 10-114 4 0 -16 032610 Dimethylphthalate 192 196.07 VWL 98 10412 3 0 -15 Q32610 Fluoranthene 193.882 196.07 K& 99 26437 0 0 - 24 Q32610 Fluorene 184.901 196.07 wk 94 %121 1 0 -15 032610 Hezachtombenzene 192.176 196.07 M& 98 10-152 1 0 -18 032610 Hexachlorobutadiene 152.705 196.07 pglL 78 24-116 0 0 - 34 032610 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 191.196 196.07 IWL 98 # 48-04 1 0 - 30 Q32610 -Hexachloroethane 162.588 196.07 pgA- 83 40-113 5 0 - 38 Q32610 indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 217.196 196.07 VOL 1i1 10-171 9 0-29 Q32610 This report should not be reproduced, exoept in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 282240943 Phone: 7041529-tt364 - Toil Free Number 1-8001529-M - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 9 of 10 NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 'AgdWiffim NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 Fdl Service Ana"c l A Mwk6 enht Sdutiam Braxton Environmental, Inc Project ID: 519 Merwick Ct. Attn: Ross Klingman 1101 S. Blvd. Suite 101 P.O. Box 11550 Charlotte, NC 28220-1550 Matrix Spike Duplicate Sample ID: Result Spike Mount 214330 Isophorone 178.960 196.07 N-Nitrosodi-n-propytamine 175.823 196.07 Naphthalene 158.862 196.07 Nitrobenzene 164.392 196.07 Pentachlorophenol 42.2156 196.07 Phenanthrene 186.705 196.07 Phenol 56.8039 196.07 Pyrene 188.901 196.07 #-See Case Narrative units P91� P91- P9� PgA- P91 P9n- tKYL Level 11 QC Report 5/23/08 COC Group Number: G0508327 Daterfime Submitted: 519108 16:00 Recovery Revery Ranges 91 21-196 90 10-230 81 21-133 84 35-180 22 14-176 95 54-120 29 10-112 96 52-115 RPD RPD Range QC Batch % % ID 1 0 - 32 032610 2 0-36 Q32610 1 0 - 42 Q32610 1 0-25 Q32610 47 # 0-21 Q32610 3 0-29 Q32610 12 0-39 032610 5 0-15 032610 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Sox 240543 - Chartot:te, NC 28224.0643 Phone: 7041529-6364 - Toll Free Number..1-SM29-M - Fax: 7041525-M Page 10 of 10 yrt M ( w Q Z U ago ' z z z d1 v Iz..<�!? = to O ¢ Z C }IS z; C z .. 8 c w C O Go. - 0 - o w m a¢ �C? p m fa w _ m T lit ° .w v ad Yr J .Lamas 3 s aCa �c a Q, Q � p I 0 m F' re Cc, 3Zw 11 d m m oaO CO c^ d ¢ O 01 m Hmz= a a'ID G m m:rw '• z o.E m p n8z? ooasWE ZZ OO _ � ! Z ai cp p a ° a¢ Z-� m O c mq0 J �t di Car p m. �m�w 4 v E Q r m �_ tg�j 3 ca-�Qm O O.m— ao Q wO CD o a`acia$ SQ a'¢ n.0 w oCD fu o Q dl F J a � lu T A Lu N ` LL O 1 a �• z w E�m zo LWL 8 € H a �Ua- zao`o Lw w too 0 _j rz J J CL 4) 0 .G E Cl A* c�MIr awwwow m E E U m oQ L m Q Q'O c>. L g ,w �a m c10 a� s M Y4 mm aI -0 pz 0 OF WE Oz ¢O WU W� 1 UE WX VfW t- v u w n do ° v o.p a o :U .J U tole, LL c9 a; � Q Z Q Jop� o �p 0. z � cwipa> it � Q p > QU fl Uz U � aCOaz� J O W' w Q � o Z. w,aa U L a u � a a Z zp �i c) z Cl iaU 3� aE p a c ° : U tl WO z Q q 0ClD 0 o� • v ?a a� a D U u7 o � z ma a A az C zao�: APPENDIX K PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTATION Photograph 1. View of the surface release area (note distressed vegetation) that originated at the 560-gallon heating oil UST during a recent rain event. Note the rolled plastic bags that were utilized to plug the soil boring which was drilled in the tank by Salem Environmental. Photograph 2. Another view of the surface release area looking to the south from the site. Note the distressed vegetation. Photograph 3. View of the surface release area along the southern property boundary. The surface release ran across the fence line onto the adjacent property located at 525 Merwick Circle. Note the wheat straw placed by Salem Environmental to help prevent further heating oil migration. Photograph 4. View of the surface release area that ran to the fence line on the eastern properly boundary. Note the distressed vegetation in the dark area. Photograph 5. View of the hole that was drilled in the 560-gallon UST and the rolled plastic bags that were stuffed into the soil boring Salem Environmental to attempt to secure the tank. Note the heating oil in the boringjust below the ground surface. This photograph was taken on May 3, 2005 immediately prior to pumping the fluids by Safety Kleen. Photograph 6. View of the pumping of Juids from the 560-gallon I IS I by Safety Kleen. Photograph 7. View of the removal of the >60-gallon UST. Photograph R. View of several corroded holes located in the side of the 560-gallon UST. Photograph 9. View of the removal of the 550-gallon he.n in-,,�,i] I;ST. Note the large corroded holes located in the end of the tank. Photograph 10. View of the 550 and 560-gallon UST's following removal. Photograph 11. View of the UST basin following soil excavation activities. Note groundwater at the base of the excavation. Photograph 12. % icy% of the surface release excavation area located innnCIIMtc k downgradient of the 560-gallon UST. Photograph 13. View of the surface release excavation area located near the Mice line along the eastern property boundary. Photograph 14. View of the surface release excavation area located along the southern property boundary. The excavation on the other side of the fence was conducted at the adjacent property located at 525 Merwick Circle. _�;� �w h \- ���� _ 's... 1.� � `i .J N` j` t SS M'_ - �. �a� .+C.. 1 _ 1, � � Photograph 17. Viac of the .urtace release area located along the southem property boundary following backlill activities. APPENDIX L LITHOLOGIC LOGS LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTIONS FICKLENPROPERTY 519 MER WICK CIRCLE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Sample ID UST-1 (5.5') PID (ppm) 20 Lithology very moist, dark gray, coarse sandy silty clay, strong petroleum odor UST-2 (5) 18 very moist, dark gray, coarse sandy silty clay, strong petroleum odor PIPE-1 (2') 0 moist, orna a tan, coarse sandy silty clay, no odor CS-1 (5') 0 moist, tan, silt, no odor CS-2 (5') 5 moist, brown with gray streaks, blocky silt, mild petroleum odor CS-3 (5') 8 moist, light gray, clayey silt, medium petroleum odor CS-4 (5) 4 moist, gray green, clayey silt, mild petroleum odor SRC-1 (0) 5 moist, orange brown, sandy clayey silt with grass roots, mild petroleum odor SR-1 (1') 0 moist, orange tan, sandy clay, no odor SR-2 (1') 0.5 moist, tan brown, medium sandy clay, no odor SR-3 (1') 0 very moist, orange tan, silty clayey sand, no odor SR-4 (2') 0 very moist, orange tan, sli tl clayey silty medium sand, no odor Notes: Soil samples collected by Buxton Environmental, Inc. from May 5-7, 2008. PID = photoionization detector, HNU PI-101 ppm = parts per million APPENDIX M MOINITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION FORMS Mecklenburg County Health Department Groundwater & Wastewater Services 700 N. Tryon St, Suite 211 Charlotte, NC 28202 Phone: (704) 336-5103 Fax: (704) 336-6894 *� "P SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION APPLICATION AND PERMIT Application Information Well Owner Information owners Name of Well Owner: ( Bill To bennie ficklen Telephone #: 704-366-1816 ------ -- --- --- -- --------- - — — -- -- ..._ _ ----- Well Owner Mailing city,-- -- - -- - - -- 519 merwick cr CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 Address: State ZIP: Agent Information (if different than Well Owner) - — — ---._ -- - ----- -- - -- - — Agent's _... --.._..-.------------- Name of Agent: `_' Bill To Buxton Environmental, Inc Telephone #. 704-344-1450 _ _.._..- . ___-___. ._------ .___. _----. _-.-_.._ Agent 1101 SOUTH BLVD 101 City, CHARLOTTE, NC Fax #: 704-344-1451 Address: State ZIP: 28203 Location Investigated: being Ficklen Property Address of 519 MERWICK CIR Site: Permit General Conditions of This Permit: Parcel lo: 157-182-13 cam, CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 State ZIP: • This permit shall be VALID for a period not to exceed 12 months from the date of issuance. • This permit is VALID for the site specified in the above application and must be on -site during the course of the investigation and made available to a Department representative upon request. • A Certified Well Contractor that is currently registered with the Department must perform any well contractor activites associated with this permit. • All wells shall be constructed to the standards of Chapter VI, Section V of the Mecklenburg County Groundwater Well Rules. • All temporary wells must be abondoned to the standards of Chapter VI, Section VI of the Mecklenburg County Groundwater Well Rules. • Registration information for all wells must be submitted to the Department within thirty (30) days of well completion. Specific Conditions of This Permit: Date of Issuance: 5/9/2008 Permit Number: 70001217 Your permit has been submitted. Please print a copy for your records. Go Tt} V1(�il Rstratlor http://ntplanweb.co.mecklenburg.nc.us/groundwater/SIFForm.aspx?sipnum--70001217 5/9/2005 NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2725 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Mike Tynan Well Contractor (Individual) Name Probe Technology, Inc. W ell Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 4537 Orphanage Rd Concord, NC 28026 City or Town State Zip Code 70( 4 y 933-5538 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #(if applicable) MW-1 STATE WELL PERMIT#(ifapplicable) DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if applicable) WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring 8} Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 05/09/08 TIME COMPLETED 11:00 AM ❑ PM ❑ 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY. Charlotte COUNTY Mecklenburg 519 Marwick Circle 28211 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: ❑ Slope ❑ Valley ® Flat ❑ Ridge ❑ Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 35 10 45.24 May be in degrees, minutes, seconds or LONGITUDE 80 47 33.06 in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: ® GPS ❑ Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form if not using GPS) 4. FACILITY- Is the name of the business where the well is located. FACILITY ID #(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY Ficklen Residence STREET ADDRESS 519 Marwick Circle Charlotte NC 28211 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON Bennie Ficklen MAILING ADDRESS 519 Marwick Circle Charlotte NC 28211 City or Town State Zip Code Area code - Phone number 5. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 17 ft b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 91 c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 9 T. (Use "+° if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0 FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST none f. DISINFECTION: Type none Amount N/A g. WATER ZONES (depth): From 9 To 17 From To From To From To From To From To 6. CASING: Thickness/ From 0 DToth7 Ft. Diameter Wsda�au Material PVC From To Ft. From To Ft, 7. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0 To 1 Ft. concrete gravity From 1 Tom— Ft. bentonite gravity From To Ft. 8. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 7 To 17 Ft.2- in. 0.010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From Tc Ft_ in. in. 9. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 6 To 17 Ft. #2 silica sand From To Ft. From To Ft. 10. DRILLING LOG From To See Geologist's Lon 11. REMARKS: Formation Description 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A Nr* ^ ^^ —STANDARDS, AND THAT COPY OF THIS RECO E WV_V6RWN signed by Michael Tynan Date: 2008.05.18 07:38:19-04'00' SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality Within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center— Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 568. Rev. 7/05