HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9318_40776_CA_WSW_20190411_WSW Abandonment Record & Draft NORPBeverly, Trudy From: Beverly, Trudy Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 2:38 PM To: Maryse Speckner Cc: Scott Needham Subject: RE: [External] NORP - 1830 Old Salisbury -Concord Rd, Concord, NC - Incident # 40776 Thanks Maryse. Have a great day, Trudy Ile DE NORhI CAROLINA D"FhrKwd Of Environmental Quality Tll i*, L . T#�Not D MMOnnummqP� Nedh Cwollin Dqmmnm el! varsenoa mores R on= C" 23S-2l82 (on* Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Maryse Speckner [mailto:Speckner@pmenv.com] Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2019 2:23 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Scott Needham <bdc@infionline.net> Subject: RE: [External] NORP - 1830 Old Salisbury -Concord Rd, Concord, NC - Incident # 40776 External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to lort.spam@nc.gov Hi Trudy, The original document has been signed by the property owner and I am mailing it today. Attached is a pdf copy. Just giving you heads up. Thanks! " 141a7ee Maryse D. Speckner I Senior Project Consultant PM ENVIRONMENTAL, INC p: 865-329-71911 f:877-884-6775 1 c:865-323-1587 1 Speckner@pmenv.com From: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 11:06 AM To: Maryse Speckner <Speckner@pmenv.com> Subject: RE: [External] NORP - 1830 Old Salisbury -Concord Rd, Concord, NC - Incident # 40776 Good Morning Maryse, The notice and maps looks good. The only change that needs to be made is on page 3 on the total document (page 1 on the notice). The Book and Page sections (highlighted in yellow) should be left blank. Those will be determined and filled in by the Cabarrus County Register of deeds office when the document is filed with them after the regional office signature. Hope this helps, Trudy DEt1l) NORTH cAROLI IA Department of Environmental Duality 7 x1, Lam. Ws4 a'MM4�0= wank Offohn Ekpmu= dE --AdWdff4F-+ Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: hLps://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: hlt2s:Hdeq.nc.aov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-mana eg ment- ig s=maps File Review Procedures: https://deq.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https:Hfiles.nc. gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%20Action/Electronic%20Document%20Submittal%20Me mo%20Update.pdf hgps:Hfiles.nc. gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%20Action/UST%20file%20names%20for%20Laserfiche.d ocx PNI ENVIRONMENTAL Risk Well Managed April 10, 2019 Cookeville, Tennessee 1053 Oak Hill Drive Cookeville, TN 38501 f: 877.884.6775 t: 931,432.5552 Ms. Trudy Beverly, L.G. NCDEQ, Division of Waste Management, UST Section 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Tennessee Locations Murfreesboro Knoxville Chattanooga Re: Notice of Residual Petroleum Joyce Needham Residence — 3.010 AC — Old Salisbury -Concord Rd Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina Incident No. 40776 Dear Ms. Beverly, On behalf of Ms. Joyce Needham, the current owner and responsible party for the subject property, PM Environmental, Inc. (PM) is submitting the attached Notice of Residual Petroleum (NORP) to obtain case closure/no further action status. The document is being submitted to your office for review and signature. Once we receive the approved document from your office, we will have it recorded by the Cabarrus County Register of Deeds. Please return the approved/signed document to my attention at: PM Environmental, Inc. 333 Troy Circle, Suite M Knoxville, TN 37923 Please note that existing water supply well was abandoned on January 1, 2019 by Morgan Well &Pump, Inc. (NC Well Contractor Certification #3572-1) and replaced by a new water well installed ~250 feet from the source area. Attached are copies of the well abandonment record and water well construction permit. Please contact me at 865.329.7191 (direct) should you have any questions or comments concerning this submittal. Sincerely, PM Environmental, Inc. Maryse D. Speckner Senior Project Consultant Attachments: Notice of Residual Petroleum Copies of Well Abandonment Record and Water Well Construction Permit Cc: via email —Scott Needham ENVIRONMENTAL & ENGINEERING SERVICES NATIONWIDE I WWW.PMENV.COM I 1.800.313.2966 i 1 1' =t 1 1.:• � 1 1 1 '." .F• i,i ' r' . 1 1 . t...i ' • 1 i I FF '� r 'A i 111 •'t' 1 ��'�. I .r t'- 1•� r i •� +'i I 1 Tits 115,41111tor • 11MMMINIXIMINK 1 • i IPFF is I i. r., . 0 t 1 . 1 111111CTtq1 I /: 1 . ': t ?, escribed herein, and any other measures required by DEQ pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 14313� 79.9 and 143B�279.11, are strictly complied with. This "Notice of Residual Petroleum" is composed tf a description of - property, the location• • - and the land use restrictionson ite. The Notice has been approved and notarized by DEQ pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 143B�279.9 nd 143B�279.11 and has/shall be recorded at the Cabarrus Register of Deeds' office 3ook •,,_ Any map or plat required by DEQ has been/shall be recorded at the Cabarrus Register of (name o�'counry) Heeds' office Book Page and has been/shall be incorporated into the Notice by this reference. Ms. Joyce Needham of Concord, North Carolina is the owner in fee simple of all or a portion of (otinner's name) (city &state of homeowner) the Site, which is located in the County of Cabarrus, State of North Carolina, and is known and legally described as: Revised February 7, 2019 -• • • •-r • • !_ • • Cabarrus County Parcel Information Number 56319913810000 Property Real ID Number 05-016-0019,10 Legal Description: E/S Old Salisbury Concord Rd For protection of public health and the environment, the following land use restrictions required by N.C.G.S. Section 14313-279.9(b) shall apply to all of the above -described real property. These restrictions shall continue in effect as long as residual petroleum remains on the site in excess of unrestricted use standards and cannot be amended or cancelled unless and until the Cabarrus County Register of Deed receives and records the written concurrence of the Secretary (or his/her delegate) of DEQ (or its successor in function). Soil: Soil containing residual petroleum above applicable i^egulatory standards) remains on the site in the area identified in Figure 1, Attachment A. No soil shall be excavated or disturbed within 3 feet of the area identr.'liied in Figure 1, Exhibit B except to remediate the soil in accordance with all applicable state and federal statutes, regulations and guidelines. The above land use restrictions) shall be enforced by any owner, operator, or other party responsible for the Site. The above an use restrictions) may also be enforced by DEQ through any of the remedies provided by law or by means of a civil action, and may also be enforced by any unit of local government having jurisdiction over any part of the Site. Any attempt to cancel this Notice without the approval of DEQ (or its successor in function) shall be subject to enforcement by DEQ to the full extent of the law. Failure by any parry required or authorized to enforce any of the above restriction(s) shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter as to the same violation or as to one occurring prior or subsequent thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Joyce Needham has caused this Notice to be exearted pursuant tLODZ N.C.G.S. Sections 143B-279.9 and 143B-279.1 I, this day of � ° ; , � , 20 �. (signature of responsible party, alrorne), or other agent if there is one) (Mlle ofagent,for responsible party if there is one) Signatory's name typed or printed: � � I � t� t`f f i4 er Revised February 7, 2019 2 NORTIi CAROLINA �dC ag COUNTY (Name of county in which ackn wledgment was taken) I certify that the following persons) personally that he or she signed the foregoing document: Date: (Official Seal) expires: t ol Approved for the purposes of N.C.G.S. 143B-279.11 (signature of Regional Supervisor) Regional Supervisor (printed name of Regional Supervisor) h�Iooresville Regional Office UST Section Division of Waste Management Department of Environment Quality (Name of count), in which acknowledgment was talten) before me this day, each acknowledging to me Aagignature of Notary Public) printed or typed name of Notate Pu Ito Notary Public �, ��� 1' 1vly commission®�,j certify that the following persons) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document: Date: (Official Seal) expires: (firl7 prirued name of Regional Supervise) (signature of Notary Public) �pr�inted or Ivped Warne of Notary Public) Notary Public iVIy commission Revised Febr��ary 7, 2019 3 76ZZ J # 'O. I H £999 LZL 7OL Xed LS99 LZL VOL qd 9Z09Z ON `PJMUOO MN 189AS I18maN 8-ZSS `JNIA3AanS aNVI still a a - - - w�T C iVId 2JONIIN Alunoo snZiegeo a ON diysumoi P!j Paoouoo-AjngsijeS PIQ _ OV OLO'£ Z weypaaN aoRc� :Lod pa3eda�d Ae NOISM32i Ell a Q Q c v V m�� 2 E Y O p W Waj v 03 ._.._ _ vlEt:v �,�i R. - . � .� For IIitL'M-A Use ONLY: yen Contractor Information: tiJcii Cartractar anic ter Nell o nerersos NC NTV iuntraciar Ccr ficatiosr Number abandun9ng we39 on iuslue; prope ty) Za Str ell Constr€tctio a pars t;f m: List,al7 csppdicr#ile a ti evnt-trvctr"r�zs penniSs r e. u1cp G'art r4Pt mate. Mariance. elr' i rkno�vn 3. Well use (check wren ease): i? Agriculiairal �Geothermal (IieatingJCaotina Stipp'j) 7Indvstria /Caramercial ®n-ra4er SulaPly xC`+`@i$: 3monitoring C�quifer RechartYe ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery ElAquiler Test ]Experimental Technology t ,Geothermal (Closed Loop) CtGeothermal i NeatinarC ailing Recistn) �. Sate ways{s) �zlaandaa€nary. Sa. Well I eatior: FaciiatYlOwner Ninmc ?] i�rl.11iltCipal%ixtii7sic esidenuat Water Supply (single) Residential Water Supply (sharcd) E�Gresurtdtt�ater 32.emediation CSalinit., Barmier Stoatswate-Drainage Subsidence Control iracer C ther (explain under FeCilify i L L &BAMPOINMEN7 DFTAILS eoPr obelD€ T or Ctcssed-L,osop Geothermal €='ails hoc ine the same oralI constructimildepth, ably I GW-30 is needed. Indicate TOTAL ? i3Pv1P3ER of telIs abandoned: 7h, Approximate volume of water remaining in well(s): 44 i R I'VATER SUPPLY O -a Yv 7e_ Type of tlisieafectan4 used. q Amount of disiiefocta€ct €xsed° * 3 a� ie, Semite aateraais used (cheek ass Ph t apply}: LL i'eat Cement Groui entanite Chains or Peiietts Sand Cement Grout L� �'a3FCF2#etjiQtPi E� Specialty= Grout t� 3entonite Slurry 0 On Cray C Gravel La Ci2iser(exp?ain under?g) 7a Ear eac3a iraatsrazl seleeted abcave5 pr€s��4cie anatatint tt£ rrratcr'tals oscrl> `ig. sr4-viii& a s�rief Ceseralntaori of the ahattsioraraaeeet �rocedaare4 YPaYsuuai Address, City, and Zip i.t l� 9 ,ry 3/' I•'`�'' $ S iJ �`gn acute orcerfi iede?t ' Ca,a et r or Veil er Clete County rsi xzrrt> this jarnsa> 1 I:eaehv ett Tsar I�ze wells a4 ra s cze rh nrlanecl { Paget tdentifica ton No, (pt) r () {='� - } r coru'anc e fth 1_ A �i CAC 03C 10100 or 2C .0200 Mell Car structio); Slandards 5b. Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutostisea'ands or deeianal egrces: ai7d thae a copy of this record Jois bee,; p, ox>i�ec/ to lire careid oia rear. (9Favctt field, one tattiont_= issuf6cicnQ) 9. Site diagrarn or additional well details; 1 „; You may use the back of this pane to provide additional i.eii site ae2aiis or wail abandonment details. YOU may also attach additional pages if necessary. sitac7zri�elPca,astnrerimrreC4r,!j(;�fj`ertwila6?e Foa•na,rltlpler'nf¢ctianorno,iat�aiesszeppla�wel)s 8 s"4+L"i'AL.tiNT�i;3CTCiiF4S CJ:A'Ly avitlr sloe same ecnstr-nrt€orzlabandannrerit, vane anon srzbnaza ogre faros. saa. Well 3I�Tl: It Total t=•elI Gs, l3a?edealo daaere8er: iis.) Water fd, ater saves lneduty �ragroundgroundstirfate: 6e. Outerrasinglength (if£ssor°n)= {ft.) df. ici�.2a•caSEag/Izbiaxg length (if known): ftg. Screen lengthlength(if �nknown),known),: (fta) t . For A€i yveiis: Submit tins form ahaaeaanmeait to the failot:ing: tvitiiin 30 days aa` compietiota of >=re[l Division of Water Resources, information processing F7tiii; Ifi1'i ZbLall Service Cetnter, Ratefgh, i'�€: 27£sn�-d(L7 illln. Eon=n'sectiosi �y`afls: Ira addition to sending the font to the address ;n 1;}a above, also submi4 one copy of this foira taxiClx�n 3f} days of completion of reels abandai2trient is fhe follatrtra_ Oiti-isltaxt of Water Resources. Underground injection Control Irrogt-arax, 1636itfias3 Sersice Crater, Ralbigh,:�iC Z7699-1fa3cr tile. r'si'atcr Stauaivr & Iniect'aoaa SYetss. in addition to sending die farm to tine address(e;) wave, also suhmit one copy of this form��ithsn 30 dos of completionof well abarttionment to the coarzty hcaltfi departirieni of xiac cotntt} where bandaned. Par�Ct�-^,{s :varoCaaaiira ¢7c1'.nrunczitafEnvi: 'anta;aa,lal t�va,frtc - �iuuian of i5`atcr Rcsaurec' Re,s^_d-22-=f,i FIerm tl4 umber I t ®1 15 W I Date Issued _ 2 0 Yell Owner Information State W111"600901 IyiUST iV1AlNTA1N 100 foatminlmurrt separation from: a Any subsurface ground absorption waste dlsposnl system ® Animal barns, Animal feedlots, or manure plies - PERMIT FOR a Fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide or other chemical storage areas PERMITTED Non -hazardous waste storage, treatment or disposal lagoons a Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills WELL LOCATION Chemical or petroleum fuel underground storage tank systems regulated a under 15A NCAC 02M (without secondary containment) Call 704-926L1207zf ® All other petroleum or chemical storage tank systems - well cannot be MUST MAINTAIN 50 foot minimum separation from: surface water bodies which act as sources of groundwater recharge, such as located to proposed ponds, lakes and reservoirs area ® Chemical or petroleum fuel underground storage tank systems regulated under 15A NCAC 02N: (with secondary containment) Gravesites Above ground or underground storage tanks which contain petroleum fuels used for heating equipment, boilers or furnaces, with the exception of tanks used solely for storage of propane, natural gas, -or liquefied petroleum gas All other potential sources of groundwater contamination DUST MAINTAIN 25 foot minimum separation from ® Building perimeters, Including any attached structures 25•feet All other surface water bodies, such as brooks, creeks, streams, rivers For a water supply well on a tot serving a singla-family dwelling and Intended for domestic use, where lot size or other fixed conditions preclude the separation distances specified, the required horizontal separation distances shall be the maximum possible but shalt in no case he less than a 50 feet from aseptic tank and drainfield, or designated repair areas, except saprolfte systems Q 25 feet from sewage or liquldo,waste collection or transfer facility constructed to water main standards in accordance with 16ANCAC 02T.0305(g)(2) or 15A NCAG 18A-t950(e), a 50 feet frorn an animal barns .r y s t 1 i t nn per'` � rfY ow It 9 NVJKJ Property ReaB ID 05-016-0019.10 Parce€PIN Physical Address: 1830 OLD SALISBURY-CONCORD RD CONCORD NC 28025 Land Units Owner Name 1: Null Land Units Type Owner Name 2`> Null Land Value MailingAddress: Null Null Building Value Mail City: Null Assessed Value Mail State: Null Market Value Mail Zip: Null aarrus County shall not be held fableforanysrrorsin the Map Created By Cabarrus County IT Department a represented on this re=d. This Includes errors of omission, Data Sources: Caharrus County Land Records nmiss=.on, concerning the content of the data, and relative itional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to a legal document. Primary sources from which this datawas Sources: Esrt HERE, Gamtin, intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, �piled musibeconsukedforverificatbn FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Csd- �formation represented on this map document. Japan, METI, Esd China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, O OpenSUeetNap contributors, and the GIS User Community Pint Date: May 29, 2018 71cr a 563199'I 3810000 Null Nu II Null Nu13 Null Null 1:1,128 0 b0 100 0 15 30 200 ft I. well contractor Information: Wet! Contractor Name (or %vet€ owner senor -- NC Wv ContraclorCertifcation Nucn6.r Company abandoning we33 on €iis/her property) z- ��'elt Cotis�-aae€imaa Peranic �: 1.%rt a71 cpplicuhde Melt construction penriP.r r.e U1 Conn . State, I'nri nee err.) a f{ av om & Well use (check tvell use): Water am)orr Weltq QA�riculh3ral ❑iseotlaetmal {f-Ieatin�./Cooling SnPPIY) O rndustriali'Commercia i Dinlgation Nan-NIVater Supply Well: C]Agnifer Recharge QAquifer Storage and Recovery C aquifer Test ❑Experirneutal Technology ©Geothetrraal (Closed Loop) ClIViunicipallPtiblic esidential Water Supply (singe) QRcsidcntiat Water Supply (shared) CiRecovery ror Internal Use ONLI : 7a ar Cseoprca6elf L'i or CIased-f..aaia Geothermal ells havisan the same vreii construction/depth, only 1 CM-M is needed_ Indicate TOTAL, NUMBER of ve11s abandoned: 7ba Approximate volume of water remaining in well(s): {gat.) RW��TERSUPPLYWELLSOINT Y: 7e. Type of disinfectant used: i 7d. Amount t7s`' disinfectant €seeds 7e. Seat:tag rat:ateriats used (claec€: a$l that applt>). C7 Neat Cement Grout entonite Chins or pellets Q Sand Cement Grout Q Comets Grout fl Specialty Grout ❑ Bentonite Sturry Q Lint Clay Li Drill Cuttings C Gracei Q Other (explain under 76 laar eaets mate -sal selected above, pra�•lde aar€ssuayt at'materials uscda QSalinity a t l r metliatian 3 ❑Salinity Harrier Li QStarmwater Drainage QSubsidence Control QTracer t==�.��iagrt,uoting tzeturr�) E.eOther (ex rn d. Date sveli(s) abaudned: Sa Well I a ation: � I All Facility(owner Name Pisysira€ Rddress, City, and Zip County under Farce€ 3denBticatian No. (PI?4j Sb. i.2tif3ade sad longitude ira de�€•ecs/nainxnte=lsecor;ds o: deeise:at degrees.-(ifwcft Y3atd, one tat,'long is sut3icient} tg Prcrvede a brief description of the abandonment �Srucedui•e: r R 1 wl i $, 4:ertiaacatiosa: igna urt of certiE� ell Cr-° tracidr or � e1=r � Date { da signing this f¢trn, I hen?b1y cert�v that the ivell(s) was (were} abandoned in ceainaiice iiAith 15,1 AtCAC 02C.f1I00 or2C_0200 Well Consttztction Standards attd that a Capp afthis record has been provided to the hell alraer, 4. Slte dial aszt car additional sselt deta'sts: You may use the back of this page to provide additional Ex°etl si#e details ar v;ell abandonment details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Pi+fF3•'±".�i"€, $iV"S°t'$2�3E:TLG9NS APtncJt well cvustructevn recard(s) ifrtvrsilab/e. far ututtipfe it�ertivrr nr-nvn-isurersnpp%b yells O;VZY withthe scone caeutrttotionlabnttdnnnteret, yaa c¢n srtbnrif orrafarm._ 6a. «'eta t$3it- lua. Iror All % ells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the following: Division of Water Resources, Information Processing Unit, 6b_'£€ tal well depth: 1617 Mail Service center, Raleigh, NC'7ug9-i6I7 IGh_ dot' Lnieeaian 'events: in addition to sending the form to doe addrein 1(3ass tic, Borehole diameter, (in.) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion. of well abandonment to tlae folloj-.'in,: 6d. Water level he!ow ground surf2cce� ern, bee Outer casinglength(if ��rtaavtt): i�.} 6le Inner casing/tubang length {if known). 6g. Screen lengthCifknown),� " - (ft•} a�ivisian of Water Resources, Underground Injectiaaa Csanfa•cst t's•ogra i 63fs mail Service Center, Rate'sgfi, NC Z7599-163fs 1G�c. p'nr S%rater SutaTsiv LL Lreiectiars Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address{es} above, also su'arrit one copy of this foam Ivatirin 30 days of completion of well abandonment to the county healsh depaaL-neaat of the county tiahere abandoned, Foan G1V-,6 Nartb Carolina D r cps�riment o- Enviro�nseatrl Qnaii#y - Bivision of W atcr Resourcci (Permit B lres 5 Years hem Date Issued) clermftftmber VJDate Issued 51Z y I ffELL ISAEOULZED TO BE GROVTUD TOA -DEPTH OF35 FURT oYES rah, w Talepaone Nuinber State ` r - as # .s a■ • ` r ti fa.. a Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfills 0 Chemical or petroleum fuel underground storage tank systems regulated a under 15A NCAC 02N: (without secondary containment) 0 All other petroleum or f ..t. tank systems MUST MAINTAIN t foot^separationfrom:� Surface viater bodies which act as sourcesof groundwater t^ , such as ponds, t reservoirs underChemical or petroleum fuel underground storage tank systems regulated t secondary Above, ground or undeWound storage tanks which contain peti-oleum fuels use Gravesites C�J All other potential sources of groundwater contamination MUST MAINTAIN 26 foot minimum separation from Building perimeters, Including any attached structures25Pfeet All other bodies, such as brooks, creeks, streams, fivers For a water supply well on a lot serving a singlawfamily dwelling and Intended for domestic use, where lot size or other fixed conditions preclude the separation distances specified, the required horizontal separation distances hall = the maximi.1m possible but b. less than : 0 50 feet from aseptic tank and drainfield, or designated repair areas, axceptsaprofite systems 25 feet from sewage or liquld�wasts collection or transfer facility constructed to water main standards in 50 feet from barns IN I Lily Flille#! Property Real lil 05-016-0019.10 Parcel PihB Physical Address: 1830 OLD SALISBUR`r-CONCORD RD CONCORD NC 28025 Land Units Owner Name 1: Null Land Units Type Owner Name 2, Null Land Value Mailing Address: Null Null Building Value Mali City: Null Assessed Value Mail State; Null Market Value Mail Zip: Null 3atrus County shall not be held table foranyarrasIn the Map Created By Cabarrus County IT Department a represented on this rid. Th;s Includes arras of anlssbn, Data SOUiCeS: CabarrUS County Land Records omission, concemngth a contentof the data, and relative itional accuracy d the data. The data cannot be construed to a legal document, Primary sources from which this datawas Sources: Esr; HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment PCorp,, GESCO, USGS, plied mustbeconsutad fonradfrcatbn FAO, NPS, NRCAN, Geollase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri iformation represented on this reap document. Japan, METI, Esd China (Hong Kong), swisstopo, @ OpanStmetMap contributors, and the GIS War Community 56319813810004 Null Null Null Null Null Null 1:�,128 4 50 104 200 ft 0 15 30 60 in Date: May 29, 2018