HomeMy WebLinkAbout18067_Wurst Property_RS_20150803Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions 409 Rogers View Court Rai eigh, NC 27610 office 919,250-991a facsimile 919.250.9950 MAAONLINE.COM RECEPTOR SURVEY HENRY WURST PROPERTY 810 LUFKIN ROAD APEX, NORTH CAROLINA July 31, 2015 Mid -Atlantic Associates Job No. 00OR2482.01 Prepared For: Lufkin Rd, LLC D. McQueen Campbell III 8310 Brandford Way Raleigh, NC 27615 Prepared By: MID -ATLANTIC ASSOCIATES, INC. 4 1 h-A— Daniel H. Nielsen, PE Principal Engineer =Y- Gregory Hutchins Staff Scientist TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Brownfields Area Reconnaissance and Receptor Survey Guidance Form II. Attachment to Receptor Survey Form III. Drawings: Drawing 1: Topographic Site Map Drawing 2: Receptors, Features within 1,500 Foot Radius Drawing 3: Receptors, Features within 1,500 Foot Radius with Aerial Imagery Drawing 4: Public Utilities within 100 Foot Radius T�North Carolina Page Iof4 Department of Environment HCDENR Natural Resources BROWNFIELDS AREA RECONNAISSANCE AND RECEPTOR SURVEY GUIDANCE FORM This form was created to clarify and simplify preparing a receptor survey for a brownfield site. The form was designed to minimize unnecessary delays in processing brownfield applications. This is a guidance document only and Potential Developers may complete and submit their own receptor survey, if they desire. General Instructions 1.) Complete "Property Characteristics" Section and all portions of other sections where an "X" has been placed in the far left column under "Applicable to Site," as determined by the DENR Brownfields Project Manager on a site specific basis. 2.) The search -radius distances to potential receptors from the Property boundary will be determined by the DENR Brownfields Project Manager on a site by site basis. 3.) Search -radius distances are measured from the site Property Boundary unless otherwise indicated by the DENR Brownfield's Project Manager. Site: Henry Wurst Pr( Address: 810 Lufkin Road City: County: Apex Wake Property Characteristics Provide Information for the following potential receptors Current Usage Proposed Usage Size of Property (acres) 15.99 % of property that is wooded <5% % of property that is scrub/shrub 0% % of property that is open land 20 % % of property that is grass area 25% % of property that is agricultural crops 0% % of property that is barren 0% % of property that is used for commercial or industrial usage including paved areas 50% Surrounding Properties Applicable to Site (DENR Use Only) Surrounding Properties Zoning/Land Use Current Usage Proposed Usage X North (Zoned LI) Apex Tool Group X South (Zoned LI) Town of Apex Sewage Treatment X East (Zoned LI) Apex Tool Group X West (Zoned LI) Potters Industrial/Redimix Concrete Rev.06/05/02 Norte Carolina Department of Environment HCDEHR and Natural Resources Page 2 of 4 Potential Receptors - include depth to top, construction material and diameter of the utilities, if available Applicable to Site Provide Information for the Field Date Distance I Direction I Depth (DENR Use Only) following potential receptors YIN VerifiedVerified COm p p as Complete and attach ma appropriate Is a basement or subsurface X foundation within 500 ft of the N Y 6/24/2015 Property boundary? (Note 1) Is a school or daycare center X within 1000 ft of the Property N N 6/24/2015 boundary? Is a storm sewer within 100 ft of X the Property boundary? Y N 6/24/2015 0 To 100' West Unknown (Note 2) Is a sanitary sewer within 100 ft X of the Property boundary? Y Y 6/24/2015 0 To 100' West and Unknown (Note 2) South Is a septic system leach field X within 500 ft of the Property N N 6/24/2015 boundary? Is a water line main within 100 ft X of Property boundary? Y Y 6/24/2015 0 To 100' West and Unknown (Note 2) South Is a natural gas line main within X 100 ft of the Property boundary? Y Y 6/24/2015 0 To 100 South Unknown (NNote (Note 2) ) Is a buried telephone/ cable main X within 100 ft of the Property Y N 6 15 0 To 100' boundary? (NNoteote 2) ) Is a buried electrical cable main X within 100 ft of Property Y Y 6/24/2015 0 To 100' West Unknown boundary? I (Note 2) I Local Water Supply Public: Yes Potable Water Supplier Name: Potable Water Supply Source: Distance: Potable Water Source Intake: Distance: 10 miles Private: Town of Apex Utility Department Direction: Direction: Surface Water Jordan Lake West Rev.06/05/02 Norte Carolina Department of Environment HCDEHR and Natural Resources Water Supply Wells Page 3 of 4 Distance Direction Depth Applicable to Site Provide Information for the YIN Date Complete and attach ma p p as (DENR Use only) following potential receptors Verified Verified Verified appropriate Is a public water supply well X within 1 mile of the Property N Y 6 015 boundary? (NNoteote 3) Is a private water supply well X within 1500 feet of the Property N Y 6 015 boundary? (NNoteote 4) Is a irrigation supply well within X 1500 feet of the Property N Y 6 015 boundary? (NNoteote 4) Is a monitoring well within 1500 X ft of the Property boundary? Y N 15 6 ) (NNoteote 5 0 To 100 Northeast Unknown Water Bodies on Property Applicable to Site Provide Information for the Comments (DENR Use Only) following potential receptors Is water body naturally A stream was observed on the east side of the subject site, the X developed or man made? stream flows to the south into a man made retention pond located on the Dixie Pipe Line Company property. List the uses of the water body None before flowing into retention pond on southern adjacent X property. What is the source of the water X for the water body Stormwater/run-off. What is the nature of the bottom of the water body (e.g., rocky or X concrete bottom, drainage ways Rocky bottom, natural. or impoundments) Are there any wetlands present X on the property? No evidence of wetlands observed. Rev.06/05/02 Norte Carolina Department M Environment HCDEHR and Natural Resources Surface Water Body Page 4 of 4 Distance Direction Depth A to Site Applicable Provide Information for the y/N Name Type yp Complete and attach ma as p p Use (DENR Use Only) following potential receptors appropriate Are there surface waters located X within 500/1000 ft of the Y Unnamed Stream 0 To 100' East N/A Property boundary? (Note 6) Additional water bodies, if needed Additional Requests/ Observations Applicable to Site (DENR Use Only) Provide Information for the following potential receptors Comments Church located within 1,500 feet of property The Point Church, located approx 1,300 feet northwest (Note 7) Rev.06/05/02 Attachment to Brownfields Receptor Survey Guidance Form July 31, 2015 Wurst Property, Apex, North Carolina Page 1 II. ATTACHMENT TO RECEPTOR SURVEY FORM The Henry Wurst Property site is located at 810 Lufkin Road in Apex, Wake County, North Carolina (Drawing 1). The parcel is improved with a 81,748 square foot, 1- story warehouse structure and the remaining space consists of parking and landscaped areas. The property is currently vacant with the exception of limited warehouse storage. According to Wake County Geographic Information Services (Wake County GIS), the Apex tract is assigned parcel identification number (PIN) 0741942224, and is owned by the Henry Wurst Inc of Raleigh and is 15.99 acres in size. Contaminants of Concern Prior Phase I and Phase II environmental studies conducted by Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. indicate the subject site was previously a commercial printing facility. Additionally, volatile organic compounds have been detected in groundwater and sub -slab soil gas samples. The table below provides a summary of the contaminants of concern (COCs) detected in groundwater at the subject site. Table 1. Site -Specific Chemicals of Concern (COCs) found in groundwater at concentrations above NCDENR Groundwater (2L) Standards. Acetone, 1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,1- Volatile Organic Compounds dichloroethane, 1,1-Dichloroethylene, cis-1,2- (VOCs) Dichloroethylene, Trichloroethylene, Vinyl chloride Source - Mid Atlantic Phase II report dated March 2, 2015 Search distances used for the Receptor Survey Representatives of Mid -Atlantic visited the site on June 24, 2015 to complete the receptor survey. The area of inquiry for the receptor survey (RS) was established based on general guidelines of the Brownfields Program (see attached Brownfields Area Reconnaissance and Receptor Survey Guidance Form). Mid -Atlantic conducted a visual search for private wells, irrigation wells, monitoring wells and places of public assembly including schools, churches and daycare facilities within a 1,500 foot radius from the subject site. Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions Attachment to Brownfields Receptor Survey Guidance Form July 31, 2015 Wurst Property, Apex, North Carolina Page 2 Notes listed on the Receptor Survey Form: Note 1: Mid -Atlantic investigated whether buildings within 100 feet have basements by checking to see if buildings had floors below ground level. Based on field observations, no buildings with basements were identified. Note 2: Mid -Atlantic conducted a visual search for underground utilities within a 100 foot radius of the subject site. The approximate locations of the utilities have been mapped in Drawing 4 and a brief description of observations during the survey are provided below: Storm sewers: Several drop inlets were observed towards the western property boundary. Sanitary sewer: Sanitary sewer manholes were observed on the southern portion of the subject site and running along the western property line. Natural gas: On June 24, 2015 during the Receptor Survey Mid -Atlantic personnel were informed of the location of the natural gas supply line on the western edge of the property line by Mr. Julius Lee, the property manager. Natural Gas is provided to the site by PSNC. Waterline: Mid -Atlantic personnel obtained GIS data showing the location of backflow prevention valves in the 1,500 foot radius from the Town of Apex Public Works and Utility Department. In addition Mr. Julius Lee showed Mid -Atlantic personnel the location of the water supply lines on the subject site. Water is provided to the site by the Town of Apex Public Works and Utility Department. Pipeline: Mid -Atlantic personnel discovered that an underground Colonial Pipeline pipe runs along the southern property boundary. Telecommunication: During the Receptor Survey Mid -Atlantic personnel observed evidence of an underground line running to the telephone room on the northwest corner of the building. Mr. Julius Lee was unsure of the location of the telecommunication lines. Electrical: One pad -mount transformer and a pole mounted transformer were observed on the subject site. The pad mounted transformer was observed adjacent to the southern edge of the building, near the southeast corner and the pole mounted transformer was observed near the middle of the western property boundary. An underground electrical line was observed running from the pole mounted transformer near the western property line to the electrical room located near the northwestern corner of the building. Note 3: The GIS spatial data layer "Public Water Supply Sources", published by the Public Water Supply Section, N.C. Department of Environmental Health, NC DENR and Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions Attachment to Brownfields Receptor Survey Guidance Form July 31, 2015 Wurst Property, Apex, North Carolina Page 3 dated November 18, 20091 does not show public water supply (PWS) wells or surface water intakes within a one -mile radius of the site. Mid -Atlantic also queried the NCDENR Source Water Assessment Program's "SWAPinfo" mapping tool to identify public water supply wells, surface water intakes and wellhead protection areas (WHPA). The tool is available on-line at http://www.ncwater.orq/?page=63. The public water supply well facilities and WHPA's mapped by the SWAPinfo query were located in rural areas of the county outside of a 1 mile radius from the site. Additionally, Mid -Atlantic personnel performed a reconnaissance visit and looked for evidence of public water supply wells within a 1,500 foot search radius of the subject property. No public water supply wells were observed Note 4: Specific procedures used for the private well survey included the following: • Mid -Atlantic personnel performed a reconnaissance visit of the streets within a 1,500 foot radius of the subject site. During this reconnaissance, Mid -Atlantic personnel looked for well houses and water meters that might suggest the source for the domestic water supply. • Mid -Atlantic personnel obtained GIS data indicating the presence of flow back preventers located within 1,500 feet of the subject site from the Town of Apex Public Works and Utilities Department. The presence of a flow back preventer indicates that city water is provided to the site. • No private water supplies wells, including irrigation supply wells, were located within the 1,500 foot search radius. Note 5: Mid -Atlantic personnel performed a reconnaissance visit and looked for monitoring wells within a 1,500 foot radius of the subject site. Several monitoring wells were observed on the subject site. Additionally, Mid -Atlantic used the NCDENR Regional UST Geospatial GIS Data Layer (effective September 26, 2014), to identify registered Leaking UST sites and Inactive Hazardous sites based on a limited visual survey conducted from accessible roadways and paved areas open to the public. Note 6: Mid -Atlantic personnel performed a reconnaissance visit and looked for surface water bodies within a 1,500 foot radius of the subject site. Several unnamed tributaries were located within 1,500 feet of the subject site, the closest running south along the eastern property boundary towards an unnamed retention pond located on the Dixie Pipe Line Company property. Note 7: One church, The Point Church (1402 East Williams Street) was identified during the site visit and is located approximately 1,300 feet to the northwest from the subject site and is shown in Drawing 2 and Drawing 3. No public schools were identified within the 1,500 foot search radius. I Most recent available spatial data based on review of the download site for NC data "NC One Map". 46 Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions 1. APEX, NC DIGITAL RASTER GRAPHIC FILE, SCANNED SCALE: 1:12,000 FROM 1:24,000-SCALE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WITH THE SAME NAME, U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, 1993. Feet 2. INSET MAP DIGITAL DATA FROM 2002 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION ATLAS, BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS, WASHINGTON, D.C. 0 500 1,000 2,000 3. PARCEL BOUNDARY DATA FROM WAKE COUNTY GIS. DRAWN DATE: TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP BY: JUNE 2015 Mid Atlantic WURST PROPERTY DRAFT CHECK: JOB N00 OOOR2482.01 Engineering& Environmental Solutions 810 LUFKIN ROAD ENG. ./ GIS NO: APEX, NORTH CAROLINA CHECK: 1JRIV 03G-R2482.01-1 APPROVAL: 1>f V DWG NO: 1 � 11000 1005 1000 / 1130 1110 1088 1086 1080 1070 1050 1040 1030 1010 1000 N 1235 / 1109 -Li w 1075 / 1301 1006 0 1101 1091 1081 1071 0 1021 1009 1051 1303 p 11001 006 1000 Q 1041 2480 � 950 3111 1305 901 1010 1021 1031 2490 0 Im 1041 2500 GOO / 3151 1000 1010 1020 2510 0 \ 1030 Z 0 1040 2501 00 2511 900 , 1111 p 0 915 1401 p 1120 2026 Q / 930 1402\ 0 202 p �L THE POINT a CHURCH 820 , 1411 810 1400 2000 0 1406 451 �5 1415 gop 918 916 1414 1417 1501 920 1500 0 800 0 0 1421 Legend SUBJECT SITE 0 1537 300 300 0 401 � PROPERTY LINES 250 BUFFER PRISTINE— TER 0500 BUFFER 1528 21 1000 BUFFER 1:315 1500 BUFFER �j COLONIAL PIPELINE (OBSERVED) 1:6,000 j� p 500 LEAKING UST SITE REPORTED BY DENR 1538 � 156^��- STREAM 500 0 500 1,000 1,500 Feet 1548 1 APEX WATER LINE �N 0 DRAWN BY: =r';' DATE: JULY 2015 RECEPTORS, FEATURES WITHIN 1,500 FOOT RADIUS DRAFT CHECK JOB NO.: 00OR2482.01 •� Mid Atlantic WURST BUILDING BY: ��� ENGINEER CHECK 810 LUFKIN ROAD BY: GIS NO.: 04G-00OR2482.01-2 Engineering & Environmental Solutions APEX, NORTH CAROLINA APPROVED BY: DRAWING NO.: 2 REFERENCE: PARCEL BOUNDARY DATA FROM WAKE COUNTY GIS. MID -ATLANTIC FIELD NOTES. MID -ATLANTIC FIELD NOTES 1100p 70Q",,V7'1_ 005 IM 1130 1040 09111 Q7 :> .. �, . ,, _ • - , x. ,,::: .,. � ,�,:: "� ✓' :r era w 1081 <, a 1009 , ,. ..1303 1021 - ; 006 1041 M 2480 3111 t- ;1305 a \ � 1001 10, 950 r y ° 9 �� i'i r;, 1010 , A a �+ 1041 V V r,w Hq 000 1010`. st 3151 �Ifj '�.,,..,, fir* 0 �q. � >, ��. �,.,.,., y.^27111 ,. bs f t '•0�� p y1040' 2511� 2015 , 900 11110 0 ..�� 8 k 0 915 .: 1120 2026 _ 1401 930 1402i.' — s THEPOINT CHURCH810 - ,t, t 1400,0 " 2000'.` ' x 1 0 1406 �� > a t 451 1415 a918 14141fi7A .. w✓f� e:, / *` ' 1501 920 -1500 0, 800 0 0 n% 1421 3 xti:- Legend 300_ SUBJECT SITE p 1537 _ —F 300 - 0 401 PROPERTY LINES p 250 BUFFER S- -ER 500 BUFFER 1528 1521 �` l 1000 BUFFER "a � 1:3 1500 BUFFER COLONIAL PIPELINE (OBSERVED) 500 1:6,000� i^ p 1538 '`�= ' '�rs LEAKING UST SITE REPORTED BY DENR STREAM 500 0 500 1,000 1,500 Feet 1548 APEX WATER LINE , s 2 RECEPTORS, FEATURES WITHIN 1,500 FOOT RADIUS DRAWN BY: :'' DATE: JULY 2015 • WITH AERIAL IMAGERY DRAFT CHECK JOB NO.: 000R2482.00 • ,• Mid Atlantic WURST BUILDING ENGINEER CHECK 810 LUFKIN ROAD BY: GIS NO.: 04G-OOOR2482.01-2 Engineering & Environmental Solutions APEX, NORTH CAROLINA APBY: DRAWING NO.: 3 REFERENCE: PARCEL BOUNDARY DATA FROM WAKE COUNTY GIS. 2013 AERIAL IMAGERY FROM NC ONEMAP. MID -ATLANTIC FIELD NOTES. r n d s v G ;'a,•.'` t Lei ,'J'C7.F rep. 10, = s 7 �x Ali .^�_ � -K v t 1 !'.rr�IR�'.�t` �• ,� �.. ' 1E ="' � ... .. 1 � y dL Z �6L Y 4,v J:� :7✓ - Ij ,. J -; v J y 3F .' i a , : rof � ZM. r ,• i � A' 'C �,,.. - � - �� .,e � : ft tyf. � � 1. � - 4 Ar � I l;/ � v � m. � •-�: pc • r k S`e .yy < iY�, E z f.r . + art 0.0� ° f ? k ♦ j �zy ' ,- '..... ,. ply. - ♦ �, � �5i .. � ., -/ ...� � 4 �� - ad Legend 4,1 i, I SUBJECT SITE OBSERVED UTILITIES PROPERTY LINES O SEWER MANHOLES 100 FOOT RADIUS TELECOM LINE STREAM ELECTRIC LINE APEX WATER LINE GAS LINE WATER LINE SEWER LINE DROP INLET J 'S ++l l ., s' l "a'-, x j` n:,.. 4 : �., yr r ' �t7 t �r ` H •.?I� �*'Y"�'r� wns 1 "r` aY . �.. TRANSFORMERS 200 0 200 400 600 Feet a COLONIAL PIPELINE FN I I 1 11 " PUBLIC UTILITIES DRAWN BY: DATE: JULY 2015 WITHIN 100 FOOT RADIUS DRAFT CHECK JOB NO.: 00OR2482.01 • '' BY: b'� Id Atlantic WURST BUILDING ENGINEER CHECK Engineering & Environmental Solutions 810 LUFKIN ROAD BY: GIS NO.: 04G-00OR2482.01-4 APEX, NORTH CAROLINA APPROVED DRAWING NO.: 4 BY: REFERENCE: PARCEL BOUNDARY DATA FROM WAKE COUNTY GIS. 2013 AERIAL IMAGERY FROM NC ONEMAP. MID -ATLANTIC FIELD NOTES.