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Facility Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-2012 Granville County Landfill Permit Approval to Operate March 18, 2019 FID 1285891 Page 1 of 27
1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone: 919-707-8200 Internet: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste-section An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer
is hereby issued a
Located at 6584 Land Fill Road, approximately 4 miles northwest of Oxford, Granville County, North
Carolina, in accordance with Article 9, Chapter 130A, of the General Statutes of North Carolina and all
rules promulgated thereunder and subject to the conditions set forth in this permit. The legal description
of the site is identified on the deeds recorded for this property listed in Attachment 1 of this permit.
__________________________ Sherri Stanley, Supervisor Permitting Branch, Solid Waste Section
Division of Waste Management
Facility Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-2012 Granville County Landfill Permit Approval to Operate March 18, 2019 FID 1285891
Permit Number Status Issuance Date Expiration Date FID
3901-MSWLF-2012 Active March 18, 2019 February 19, 2073a 1285891
3901-CDLF-1997 Closed March 18, 2019 NA 1285891
3901-MSWLF-1981 Closed March 18, 2019 NA 1285891
a. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a2), this life-of-site permit is issued to Granville County
to construct and operate Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF.
b. FID = File identification number.
1. This permit is issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality,
Division of Waste Management (Division), Solid Waste Section (Section). In accordance
with North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rule (Rule) 15A NCAC 13B .0201(d), a solid waste management facility permit shall have two parts: a Permit Approval to Construct and a Permit Approval to Operate. The Permit Approval to Construct must be
implemented in accordance with Attachment 2 of this permit. The Permit Approval to
Operate must be implemented in accordance with Attachment 3 of this permit.
2. The persons to whom this permit is issued (“permittee”) are the owners and operators of the solid waste management facility.
3. The Permit to Construct (DIN 16507) for the subtitle D MSWLF (unit 2) has been
registered in the Granville County Register of Deeds on June 01, 2012 in Deed Book
1430, Pages 67 through 82. The solid waste permit for the closed unlined MSWLF unit,
where is overlain by the C&DLF unit, dated January 21, 1987 was registered in the Granville County Register of Deeds; February 03, 1987 Deed Book 262, Pages 929 through 932 (DIN 8794).
4. When this property is sold, leased, conveyed, or transferred in any manner, the deed or
other instrument of transfer shall contain in the description section in no smaller type than
that used in the body of the deed or instrument, a statement that the property has been used as a sanitary landfill and a reference by book and page to the recordation of the permit in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0204(e).
5. By receiving waste at the facility, the permittee shall be considered to have accepted the
terms and conditions of this permit in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d).
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6. Construction or operation of this solid waste management facility must be in accordance
with the Solid Waste Management Rules (Rules), 15A NCAC 13B, Article 9 of the
Chapter 130A of the North Carolina General Statutes (N.C.G.S. 130A-290, et seq.), the
conditions contained in this permit; and the approved plan. Should the approved plan and the rules conflict, the rules shall take precedence unless specifically addressed by a permit condition. Failure to comply may result in compliance action or permit revocation.
7. This permit is issued based on the documents submitted in support of the application for
permitting the facility including those identified in the “List of Documents for the
Approved Plan” which constitute the approved plan for the facility. Where discrepancies
exist, the most recent submittals and the Conditions of Permit shall govern. 8. Per N.C.G.S.130A-294(a1) this permit may be transferred only with the approval of the
Section, through the issuance of a new or substantially amended permit in accordance
with N.C.G.S.130A-295.8(b).
9. In accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(g) the permittee shall notify the Section thirty (30) days prior to any significant change in the identity or business structure of either the owner or the operator, including but not limited to a proposed transfer of ownership of the
facility or a change in the parent company of the owner or a change in the operator of the
facility or parent company of the operator.
10. The permittee is responsible for obtaining all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project including, but not limited to, approval from appropriate agencies for a General or Individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(NPDES) Stormwater Discharge Permit, if applicable and a sedimentation and erosion
control permit. Issuance of this permit does not remove the permittee’s responsibilities
for compliance with any other local, state or federal rule, regulation or statute.
Granville County, N.C. Register of Deeds
Book Page Grantee Grantor Acres*
1314 324 - 326
Granville County, North
Granville County, North
397.73 Plat 37 161 Recombination Survey
Total Site Acreage: 397.73 acres
* The landfill facility property, including buffers, occupies approximately 397.73 acres. The C&DLF on top of the closed MSWLF – Unit 1 is approximately 29 acres. The waste footprints of
the Subtitle D MSWLF – Unit 2, Unit 3, & Unit 4 encompass 157.8 acres. PART II: MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL UNIT(S)
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Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-1981, closed unlined Granville County Landfill (Unit 1)
Permitting History
Permit Date Issued DIN
Permit to Operate (PTO) MSWLF July 27, 1981 8786
PTO amendment MSWLF January 21, 1987 8794
PTO amendment MSWLF March 27, 1991 8796
PTO C&DLF on top of MSWLF December 30, 1997 8803
Closure Permit March 18, 2019 1285891
DIN = Document identification number.
1. From 1976 to 1997, Guilford County operated the Granville County Municipal Solid
Waste Landfill (MSWLF) - Unit 1 under Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-1981, with an initial
disposal area of 21.9 acres. The landfill stopped receiving waste on or before January 1, 1998 (DIN 8803). The extent of the unlined closed MSWLF disposal area is 28.8 acres and the in-place waste volume of the closed MSWLF is approximately 690,261 tons or
1,380,522 cubic yards (DIN 8899). The landfill was not constructed with a liner beneath
the waste but was constructed with a landfill cover system consisting of 1.5-feet-thick
compacted soil layer with the permeability less than 1*10-5 cm/sec, which was overlain
by a 1.5-feet-thick erosive layer (FID 1280839).
2. In 1997, the transition plan for the unlined MSWLF included a permit modification request to construct and operate a Construction and Demolition Debris Landfill (C&DLF) unit on top
of the closed MSWLF- Unit 1. On January 1, 1998, this C&DLF unit began receiving waste.
The actual disposal area at the C&DLF was approximately 9.4 acres (DIN 22367). The
permit to operate this C&DLF under a separate Permit No. 3901-CDLF-1997 followed Rule
15A NCAC 13B .0547(4).
List of Documents for the Approved Plan
DIN/FID Document Description
- Transition Plan, Oxford Landfill, Granville County, North Carolina. Prepared for:
Granville County, North Carolina. Prepared by: Woodward Clyde Consultant. April
1280839 Construction Quality Assurance Report – Cohesive Soil Cap, “As-Built” Drawing,
and Certification, Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Closure. Granville County,
Oxford, North Carolina. Prepared by Municipal Engineering Services Company,
P.A. March 15, 1999.
Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-2012, Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF, Unit 2 Permitting History
Permit Date Issued DIN/FID
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Original Issue – Permit to Construct (PTC), Unit 2 – Phase 1 May 04, 2012 16507
Original Issue - PTO, Unit 2 – Phase 1 February 19, 2013 18421
PTO, Life-of-site permit, continued operating Unit
2 – Phase 1
March 18, 2019 1285891
1. Prior to 2006, Granville County purchased additional property which added over the years to
bring the total landfill property to its current size of 397.73 acres.
2. In 2009 Granville County submitted a site suitability report and requested an approval of the
expansion of landfill facility on the east side of the closed unlined MSWLF – Unit 1. The new Subtitle D MSWLF unit having approximately 157.8-acre waste footprint and containing three units – Unit 2, Unit 3, & Unit 4 was determined to be suitable for
development of a solid waste management facility on October 5, 2010 (DIN 11727).
3. The new Subtitle D MSWLF unit is constructed with liners and leachate collection systems
in accordance with Rules 15A NCAC 13B .1600 et seq. The Subtitle D MSWLF - Unit 1, Phase 1, encompassing 11-acre waste footprint, was constructed in 2012 and approved to receive wastes for disposal on February 19, 2013 under the Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-2012.
List of Documents for the Approved Plan
DIN/FID Document Description
8649 Volume 1 – Site Plan Application, Section I – General, Section II - Site Suitability, &
Section III – Facility Plan. Oxford Landfill, Granville County, North Carolina. Prepared by Joyce Engineering, Inc. June 2009.
8652 Volume 3- Hydrogeologic Reports, Section VIII –Site Hydrogeologic Report, Oxford
Landfill, Granville County, North Carolina. Prepared by Joyce Engineering, Inc. June 2009.
16510 Volume 1 - Site Plan Application, Volume 2 Construction Plan Application, Volume
3- Hydrogeologic Reports Oxford Landfill, Granville County, North Carolina. Prepared by Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated June 2009 and revised through April 2012.
16968 Monitoring Well & Gas Probe Installation Report and Piezometer Abandonment Report Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01. Prepared by Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated July 23, 2012.
18019 Groundwater Background Monitoring Report – Unit 2, Phase 1 MSWLF Expansion
Granville County Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01. Prepared by Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated January 4, 2013.
18422 Construction Quality Assurance and Certification Report - Unit 2, Phase 1, MSW
Landfill Expansion, Granville County Oxford Landfill. Prepared by Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated December 2012 and revised through February 2013.
26012 Request for Well and Piezometer Abandonment, Granville County – Oxford Landfill
Unit 2, Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-2012. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. April
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14, 2016. The request to abandon well PZ-14 was approved on August 1, 2016 (DIN 27892).
1286298 Permit to Operate Renewal Application, Oxford MSW Landfill, Granville County,
North Carolina, Permit No. 39-1. Prepared by Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated August
23, 2017 and revised through March 08, 2019. The application includes the Water Quality Monitoring Plan (FID1286115) and Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan (FID 1286119).
Permit No. 3901-CDLF-1997, closed Granville County C&DLF unit, on top of the closed
unlined Granville County Landfill (Unit 1)
Permitting History
Permit Date Issued DIN
PTO - C&DLF on top of MSWLF December 30, 1997 8803
PTO - C&DLF modification change to service area May 28, 1998 8803
PTO - C&DLF modification to add Phase 4 June 20, 2000 8805
PTO - C&DLF extension of operations December 30, 2002 8806
PTO - C&DLF extension of operations, Phase 1
and 2
January 26, 2005 5014
PTO - C&DLF in compliance with Rule .0547
December 1, 2009 8222
PTO - C&DLF – Permit amendment for a 5-year permit review December 1, 2014 22365
Closure Permit March 18, 2019 1285891
1. In 1997, the transition plan for the unlined MSWLF (Unit 1) included a permit
modification request to construct and operate a C&DLF unit on top of the closed
MSWLF- Unit 1. On January 1, 1998, this C&DLF unit began receiving waste under a separate Permit No. 3901-CDLF-1997.
2. In June 2008, to comply with the Rule15A NCAC 13B .0547(4), Granville County
requested an approval for continued operations of the C&DLF unit having the disposal
area of approximately 9.4 acres and an approved gross capacity of 536,938 cubic yards
with final fill elevation up to 606 feet above mean sea level (amsl) and a 4 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical) side slopes (DIN 22367).
3. The landfill ceased receiving permitted wastes in December 31, 2016 (FID 732198). The
in-place waste volume of the closed C&DLF unit is approximately 154,084 tons or
285,165 cubic yards according to the 2017 facility annual report. The landfill closure
construction was substantially completed on January 9, 2019. The final closure cover system of the C&DLF is approximately 12.48 acres which connects the underneath
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MSWLF cover system (FID 1285874). The rule-required 30-year post-closure activities
begin on March 18, 2019.
List of Documents for the Approved Plan
DIN/FID Document Description
- Transition Plan, Oxford Landfill, Granville County, North Carolina. Prepared for:
Granville County, North Carolina. Prepared by: Woodward Clyde Consultant. April
- Construction and Demolition Landfill. Prepared for: Granville County, North
Carolina. Prepared by: Municipal Engineering Services Co., PA. December 1, 1997.
8803 Minutes of the Granville County Commissioners meeting dated 16 February 1998.
Resolution approves increasing the service area of the landfill to allow receipt of
waste from counties adjacent to Granville County.
8805 Revisions to Granville County C&D Landfill, Layout of Phases 1 – 4, Municipal Services. June 15, 2000.
- Facility drawings dated 6 June 2000 illustrating the operation phases for the Granville-Oxford C&DLF Sheets 1 of 8 through 8 of 8.
- Permit document dated 23 December 2002, received 27 December 2002 for
extension of C&DLF operations for one year (until 1 January 2004).
1285889 Closure and Post-Closure Plan, Oxford C&D Landfill Vertical Expansion,
Granville County, North Carolina. Prepared by G.N Richardson & Associates, Inc.
Date December 2002.
- Letter dated 1 December 2004 addressing Granville-Oxford C&DLF operating
capacity and projected landfill capacity needs.
- Assessment of Corrective Measures Report, Quantitative Risk Assessment, and
Nature and extent Study Granville County C&D Landfill, Granville County, North
Carolina. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated May 2005.
5014 North Carolina Solid Waste Groundwater Corrective Action Permit Modification
Application for Oxford Landfill. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated June
24, 2008.
8899 Application for Continued Operations of a C&D on Top of a Closed MSW Landfill,
Granville County C&D Landfill, Granville County, North Carolina. Prepared by:
Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated June 2008, revised through November 2009.
7301 Corrective Action Plan, Oxford Landfill, Granville County. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated June 2008, revised through March 2009.
12803 1st Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report of 2010 and Corrective Action
Evaluation Report (CAER) with Alternative Source Demonstrations (ASDs),
Granville County – Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01. Prepared by: Joyce
Engineering, Inc. Dated November 29, 2010. DIN 12734. The alternate sampling
frequencies and new constituents of concerns were approved on January 27, 2011.
21176 Request for Changes in Well Designations and Analytical Requirements and Revised
Water Quality Monitoring Plan, Granville County – Oxford Landfill Unit 1, Permit
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No. 3901-CDLF-1997. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. Date May 2014. DINs 21175 & 21184. Letter from NC SWS to Granville County approving changes in well designations and analytical requirements dated June 3, 2014.
21703 Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan, Granville County – Oxford Landfill Unit 1, Permit
No. 3901. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated August 2014.
22367 C&D Landfill Permit Renewal Application, Oxford Landfill, Granville County,
North Carolina, Permit No. 39-01. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. May 2014,
revised through September 19, 2014. DIN 22367. The document complied applications (DIN 21154, 21703, & 21822).
24804 First Semiannual Water Quality Monitoring Report of 2015 and Corrective Action
Evaluation Report, Granville County – Oxford Landfill Unit 1, Permit No. 3901-CDLF-1997. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. July 10, 2015. The letter dated July 30, 2015 agreed that vinyl chloride is solely COC for remedy stated in the
report (DIN 24805).
26012 Request for Well and Piezometer Abandonment, Granville County – Oxford Landfill
Unit 1, Permit No. 3901-CDLF-1997. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. April 14,
2016. The request to abandon well NES-1D was approved on August 1, 2016 (DIN
732198 Closure Plan, Oxford Landfill, Granville County, North Carolina, Permit No. 39-01.
Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. June 2008, revised through October 2017. The
plan was approved on December 14, 2017 (FID 868080).
1285874 Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 1 C&D Closure Construction, Permit No.
3901-CDLF-1997. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. February 11, 2019 and
revised through March 05, 2019.
1286115 Water Quality Monitoring Plan, Granville County Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-
01. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated January 2018 and revised through
March 2019. Approved on March 12, 2019 (FID 1286205).
1286119 Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan, Granville County Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated January 2018 and revised through March
2019. Approved on March 12, 2019 (FID 1286207).
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Renewal Energy - Solar Farm Project Permitting History
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In 2015, Granville County proposed a solar energy project at the approximately 46-acre designated
area where is outside the landfill disposal boundaries but inside the landfill property. Granville
County constructed and operated the project by following the 30-year Solar Energy Site Lease
Agreement (DIN 25316), Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1604(b)(2), local building ordinances/codes for structures and utilities, and applicable state and federal regulations.
List of Documents for the Approved Plan
DIN/FID Document Description
25316 Permit Modification Application, Oxford Landfill, Granville County, North
Carolina, Permit No. 39-01. Prepared by: Joyce Engineering, Inc. November 2015.
The proposal of solar project was approved for construction on November 20, 2015 (DIN 25315). The special land use permit (Book No. 1479, Page Nos. 411-414 recorded in Granville County Office Register of Deeds. and the building permit were
issued by Granville County (DIN 25270).
1286298 Permit to Operate Renewal Application, Oxford MSW Landfill, Granville County,
North Carolina, Permit No. 39-1. Prepared by Joyce Engineering, Inc. Dated August
23, 2017 and revised through March 12, 2019. The application included the as-built
drawings and cost estimate for decommissioning the project.
- End of Section –
Not Applicable.
PART II: MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL UNIT(S) Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-2012, Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF 1. This permit approves the Facility Plan (FID 1286298) that defines the comprehensive development of the facility including the gross capacity of the lined MSWLF, the phased development for all units, all onsite solid waste management
facilities, and related infrastructure in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1619.
The landfill approved for development is summarized below:
Incremental Phase
Acreage Gross Capacity
(cubic yard)a
Unit 2
Phase 1
11.0 660,000
Constructed &
approved to operate
Phase 2 8.9 683,000 To be developed
Phase 3 5.6 700,000 To be developed
Phase 4 11.8 768,000 To be developed
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Phase 5 Vertical expansion 745,000 To be developed
Unit 2 Subtotal 37.3 3,556,000
Unit 3
Phase 1 14.6 788,000 To be developed
Phase 2 9.2 870,000 To be developed
Phase 3 6.6 860,000 To be developed
Phase 4 9.6 913,000 To be developed
Phase 5 9.5 960,000 To be developed
Phase 6 9.7 1,000,000 To be developed
Phase 7 6.0 1,100,000 To be developed
Phase 8 7.4 1,109,000 To be developed
Phase 9 7.4 1,200,000 To be developed
Phase 10 6.8 1,260,000 To be developed
Phase 11 Vertical
expansion 590,000
To be developed
Unit 3 Subtotal 86.8 10,650,000
Unit 4
Phase 1 19.1 1,280,000 To be developed
Phase 2 14.6 1,400,000 To be developed
Unit 4 Subtotal 33.7 2,680,000
Total 157.8 16,886,000
Note: a. Except for Unit 2, Phase 1 area, delineation of wetlands at the rest of the areas to be
incrementally developed has not been conducted by the US Army Corps of Engineers
(USACOE) at the time of this permit issuance. Should wetlands be identified in
accordance with USACOE Section 404 which impact the current approved MSWLF
footprints and are unable to be remediated; the permitted gross capacity of the
MSWLF shall be adjusted accordingly in the future permit conditions. 2. Pursuit to N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a3), the permittee must submit a permit approval to
construct application to the Section for a review and approval prior to construction of
future landfill cells, phases or units. The application must be prepared in accordance with
applicable statutes and rules in effect on that date.
3. At the time of issuance of this permit, no additional or new constructions of a waste management facility or a landfill unit are approved.
Not Applicable.
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Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
- End of Section –
1. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-309.09A(g), the permittee must not knowingly dispose of
solid wastes including municipal solid waste (MSW) and construction or demolition (C&D) solid waste that is generated within the boundaries of a unit of local government that by ordinance:
a. Prohibits generators or collectors of solid waste from disposing of that type or
form of solid waste.
b. Requires generators or collectors of solid waste to recycle that type or form of
solid waste. 2. This facility is permitted to receive non-hazardous solid waste, as defined in N.C.G.S.
130-290 (a)(35). The permitted wastes received at the facility must be generated within
the boundaries of Granville County (including the municipalities such as Oxford, Butner,
Creedmoor, Stem, and Stovall) and surrounding counties (including Durham, Franklin,
Person, Vance, and Wake Counties), except where prohibited by North Carolina General Statutes Article 9 of Chapter 130A and the 15A NCAC 13B rules.
3. The facility operator must complete an approved operator training course in compliance
with N.C.G.S. 130A-309.25. A responsible individual certified in landfill operations
must be on-site during all operating hours of the facility at all times while open for public
use. 4. The permittee must actively employ a training and screening program at the facility in
accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-295.6(g) for detecting and preventing the disposal of
excluded or unauthorized wastes. At a minimum, the program must include:
a. Random inspections of incoming loads or other comparable procedures.
b. Records of any inspections.
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c. Training of personnel to recognize hazardous, liquid, and other excluded waste
d. Development of a contingency plan to properly manage any identified hazardous, liquid, or other excluded or unauthorized wastes. The plan must address identification, removal, storage and final disposition of these wastes.
5. Open burning of solid waste is prohibited. Fires must be reported to the regional
Environmental Senior Specialist with 24 hours or the occurrence, followed by a written
notification within 15 calendar days of the occurrence according to the Operations Plan
(FID 1286298) and the 15A NCAC 13B rules 6. Closure and post-closure activities for any landfill unit at this facility must be conducted
in accordance with the approved Closure and Post-Closure Plans (FID 1286298) and the
15A NCAC 13B rules.
7. The final closure plan must be submitted for approval at least ninety (90) days prior to closure or partial closure of any landfill unit. The plan must include all steps and measures necessary to close and maintain the landfill unit in accordance with all rules in
effect at that time. At a minimum, the plan must address the following:
a. Design of a final cover system in accordance with the 15A NCAC 13B rules in
effect at the time of closure.
b. Construction and maintenance/operation of the final cover system and erosion control structures.
c. Surface water, ground water, and explosive gas monitoring.
8. Pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(f), the permittee must continuously maintain the required financial assurance for the duration of the life of the facility. The permittee must annually update and adjust closure and post-closure cost estimates and costs for potential
assessment and corrective action at the landfill facility for inflation according to the 15A
NCAC 13B rules and N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(h).
9. Facility construction, operations or practices must not cause or result in a discharge of
pollution, dredged material, and/or fill material into waters of the state in violation of the requirements under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, as amended.
10. All sedimentation and erosion control activities must be conducted in accordance with the
Sedimentation Control Act N.C.G.S. 113A-50, et seq. and rules promulgated under 15A
NCAC 4. All required sedimentation and erosion control measures must be installed and
operable to mitigate excessive on-site erosion and to prevent silt from leaving the area of
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the landfill unit during the service life of the facility. Modifications to the approved
sedimentation and erosion control activities require approval by the North Carolina Land
Quality Section. The Section must be notified of any sedimentation and erosion control
plan modifications. 11. The permittee must maintain permanent physical markers that accurately identify the edge
of the approved waste footprint for all active, inactive, and closed disposal units at the
landfill facility.
12. Groundwater, surface water, and landfill gas monitoring locations must be established and monitored as identified in the approved plans. Any proposed modification to an
approved plan must be submitted to the Section and approved prior to implementation.
13. A licensed geologist must be present to supervise the installation of groundwater and
landfill gas monitoring wells. The exact locations, screened intervals, and nesting of the
wells must be established after consultation with the Section Hydrogeologist at the time of well installation. Each groundwater and landfill gas monitoring well must be surveyed for location and elevation. Each groundwater and landfill gas monitoring well must have
an identification plate permanently attached to the well, in accordance with 15A NCAC
2C .0108(o). The permittee must maintain the integrity of all groundwater and landfill
gas monitoring wells, including making repairs to well heads, covers, and surface pads
and make sure all wells are locked. 14. Ground water monitoring wells and surface water sampling locations must be sampled for
Appendix I constituents at least semi-annually according to the specifications outlined in
the approved water quality monitoring plan and the current policies and guidelines of the
Section in effect at the time of sampling.
15. Reports of the analytical data for each monitoring event must be submitted to the Section within 120 days of the sample collection date. Analytical data must be submitted in a
manner prescribed by the Section. Records of all groundwater, surface water, and
leachate analytical data must be kept as part of the permanent facility record. The
monitoring report and the laboratory report must be submitted in electronic format (pdf)
and the analytical data must be submitted in a spreadsheet format in an Electronic Data
Deliverable (EDD) Template. All monitoring reports at a minimum must contain: a. A USGS topographic map,
b. A potentiometric surface map for the current sampling event that also includes
surface water sampling locations,
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c. NC certified analytical laboratory reports with QA/QC information and summary
d. A completed Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Data Form, e. Laboratory data and field data submitted in accordance with the EDD Template.
16. Groundwater quality is subject to 15A NCAC 2L – Groundwater Classifications
Standards and the Groundwater Protection Standards (GPS). Surface water is subject to
15A NCAC 2B – Surface Water and Wetlands Standards.
17. A readily accessible unobstructed path must be cleared and maintained so that groundwater monitoring well locations may be accessed at all times.
18. A field log book which details all development, sampling, repair, and all other pertinent
activities associated with each monitoring well and all sampling activities associated with
each surface water and leachate sampling location must be kept as part of the permanent facility record.
19. All well construction records and soil boring logs for new wells must be submitted to the
Solid Waste Section Hydrogeologist for review within 30 days of completion. All well
abandonment forms for abandoned wells must be submitted to the Solid Waste Section
Hydrogeologist within 30 days of well abandonment. 20. Landfill gas monitoring wells and on-site structures must be sampled for explosive gases
at least quarterly in accordance with the approved plans and current policies and
guidelines of the Section in effect at the time of sampling.
21. If constituents in groundwater migrate beyond the landfill property boundary, or it is suspected to have occurred based on sampling results near the property boundary, the permittee must immediately notify all persons in writing who own land or reside on land
that directly overlies any part of the contaminant plume with details of the migration.
22. The permittee is responsible to employ or contract with properly trained personnel to
conduct landfill gas monitoring utilizing the appropriate landfill gas monitoring
equipment. 23. A landfill gas monitoring event must include monitoring for all explosive gases and must
be conducted at the facility including interior monitoring of on-site structures in
accordance with the approved landfill gas monitoring plan and current Rules, policies and
guidelines of the Section in effect at the time of sampling. Any proposed modification to
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an approved plan must be submitted to the Section Hydrogeologist for a review and
approved prior to implementation.
24. Landfill gas monitoring reports must be placed to the facility’s operating record within 7 days of the monitoring event, and must include a description of the monitoring method used, the sampling results of each well and on-site structures in percent of the lower
explosive limit (LEL), date of monitoring, weather conditions, calibration report, and
signature of the sampling personnel using the Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form which
is available on the Section website.
RECORDING AND RECORDKEEPING 25. Copies of this permit, the approved plans, and all records required to be maintained by the
permittee must be maintained at the facility and made available to the Section upon
request during normal business hours according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1626(10) and
the approved plan (FID 1286298).
26. The permittee must maintain records of the following. Scales must be used to weigh the amount of waste received. The daily reports are to be summarized into a monthly report for use in the required annual reports.
a. The amount of all accepted solid waste materials as (i) MSW wastes, (ii) material
used as alternate periodic cover, and (iii) recyclable material.
b. Daily records of waste received, and origins of the loads. 27. On or before August 1 annually, the permittee must submit an annual facility report to the
Section, on forms prescribed by the Section.
a. The reporting period shall be for the previous year beginning July 1 and ending
June 30.
b. The annual facility report must list the amount of waste received and landfilled in tons and be compiled:
i) On a monthly basis.
ii) By county, city or transfer station of origin.
iii) By specific waste type.
iv) By disposal location within the facility.
v) By diversion to alternative management facilities. c. A measurement of volume utilized in the landfill cells must be performed during
the first quarter of the calendar year. The date and volumes, in cubic yards, must
be included in the report.
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d. The amount of waste, in tons from scale records, disposed in landfill cells from
February 19, 2013 through the date of the annual volume survey must be
included in the report. e. The tons of waste recycled, recovered or diverted from disposal including a
description of how and where the material was ultimately managed, as applicable,
must be included in the report.
f. The completed report must be forwarded to the Regional Environmental Senior Specialist for the facility by the date due on the prescribed annual facility report form.
g. A copy of the completed report must be forwarded to each county manager for
each county from which waste was received at the facility. Documentation that a
copy of the report has been forwarded to the county managers must be sent to the Regional Environmental Senior Specialist by the date due on the prescribed annual facility report form.
Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-2012, Oxford Subtitle D MSWLF 1. The life-of-site permit approval to operate for the lined MSWLF – Unit 2, Phase 1 shall
expire on February 19, 2073 per N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a2). The permittee must submit a
written request to the Section for continuing operations of the existing phase and/or for
developing subsequent phases of the landfill units set forth in Permit Condition No.1,
Part II, Attachment 2 of this permit in accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a3) or
applicable statutes and rules in effect on that date. 2. This permit approves the operation of onsite environmental management protection
facilities as described in the approved plans and the operation of MSWLF Unit 2, Phase 1
which encompasses approximate 11-acre waste footprints and has a gross capacity of
approximately 660,000 cubic yards (cy) with the final contours as shown on the Drawing
No. OP-3 (FID 1286298).
3. This landfill unit is approved to receive solid wastes, as defined in N.C.G.S. 130-290 (a)(35) for disposal consistent with the local government waste management plan and
with local government approval except where prohibited by the N.C.G.S. Article 9 of
Chapter 130A. The following, at a minimum, must not be accepted for disposal at the
facility: hazardous waste, yard trash, white goods, tire, recyclable rigid plastic bottle,
wooden pallets, motor vehicle oil filters, liquid wastes, regulated medical waste, sharps not properly packaged, PCB waste as defined in 40 CFR 761, and wastes banned from disposal in N.C.G.S. 130A-309.10(f).
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4. Spoiled food, animal carcasses, slaughterhouse or hatchery waste, or other animal waste
received must be immediately buried and covered with a layer of soil followed by non-
putrescible municipal solid waste in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1626(1)(c). 5. Regulated asbestos-containing material as defined in 40 CFR 61 must be managed in accordance with 40 CFR 61. Disposal of asbestos waste must be in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1626(1)(d).
6. Wastewater treatment sludges generated within the facility's approved service area are
permitted to be utilized as a soil conditioner and incorporated into or applied onto the
vegetative growth layer but, in no case greater than six inches in depth per Rule 15A
NCAC 13B .1626(1)(e)(i). 7. The facility may be permitted to co-dispose of wastewater treatment sludges generated
within the facility's approved service area, subject to the terms and procedures of the
approved plan and Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1626(1)(e)(ii).
8. In accordance with N.C.G.S. 130A-295.6 the landfill unit may use alternative daily cover (ADC) and pertinent applications have been previously approved at another sanitary landfill in North Carolina. The Section maintains a list of approved ADCs and its
appropriate use, which may be referred to, but is not required to be, in determining ADC
types and uses. A synthetic tarp is the approved ADC for this landfill unit.
9. The permittee must maintain records for all solid waste materials accepted and used as ADC. The records must include: the date of receipt, weight of material, general description of the material, identity of the generator and transporter, and county of origin.
Such records must be made available to the Section upon request. The application of
ADC materials in excess of normal application of daily cover of the material shall
constitute disposal.
10. The use of ADC that does not meet the requirements stated in N.C.G.S. 130A-295.6 requires approval, prior to implementation, by the Section. Requests for ADC approval
must include a plan detailing the comprehensive use and a demonstration of the
effectiveness of the alternative cover, developed according to Section guidelines. Plans
that are approved by the Section will be incorporated into, and made a part of, the
approved documents listed in Attachment 1.
11. The permittee must conduct routine inspections, cleaning, and monitoring of the leachate collection system including piping and sump, the leachate storage unit, and the leachate
loadout area according to the approved Leachate Management Plan (FID 1286298) and
Rules 15A NCAC 13B .1626(12)(a) & .1680 and N.C.G.S. 130A-295.6(h)(3). All
monitoring, maintenance, and inspection documentations must be retained in the
operating records of the facility which must be provided to the Section upon request.
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12. The use of leachate recirculation at the lined MSWLF unit is NOT APPROVED. The
use of leachate recirculation as a leachate management tool requires approval by the Section prior to implementation. Requests for leachate recirculation approval must include a comprehensive management plan. Leachate recirculation may take place only
in landfill areas equipped with a base liner that meets the design requirements of the Rule
15A NCAC 13B .1624(b)(1)(A)(i).
13. Untreated leachate must be sampled and analyzed at least semi-annually concurrently with the groundwater water and surface water sampling. The leachate must be analyzed for all Appendix I constituents, pH, specific conductance, BOD, COD, nitrates, sulfates,
and phosphates. Test results must be submitted to the Section along with groundwater
and surface water test results. In the event leachate is recirculated, additional leachate
sampling may be required.
14. Throughout the service life of this landfill unit, the permittee shall continuously provide necessary funding to support the five (5)-year-term “Corporative Service Agreement for a
wildlife management plan at the landfill facilities and amend the agreement as necessary
a. Reduce wildlife attractants,
b. Reduce the potential for aircraft/ human safety hazard, and
c. Alleviate property damage and/or threats to human health and safety resulting
from wildlife related activities.
d. Subject to the Section approval, the agreement can be terminated or amended by mutual agreement in writing between the permittee and the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service –
Wildlife Services according to the approved Operations Plan (FID 1286298).
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
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Renewal Energy - Solar Farm Project
1. The permittee is responsible for properly operating, maintain and decommissioning the
solar energy project, at the approximately 46-acre designated area inside the landfill
property as shown on Drawings No. FP-01 & P.02 (FID 1286298), according to the approved plan including Solar Energy Site Lease Agreement (FID 1286298), Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1604(b)(2), local building ordinances/codes for structures and utilities, and
applicable state and federal regulations.
2. The solar farm shall be adequately secured by means of gates, chains, berms, fences, and
other security measures to prevent unauthorized entry.
3. The written copy of the operation and maintenance plans of the solar project must be placed at the landfill operating record.
4. The permittee must ensure that the design, construction, installation, or operation of any
component of the solar project at the landfill shall not interfere with the current and future
landfill developments and operations. 5. Prior to initiating any additional site work or soil disturbance activities at this project site,
the permittee must install and maintain operable all required sedimentation and erosion
control measures and best management practices according to the approved erosion and
sedimentation control plan & permit (DIN 25316) and the Sedimentation Control Act
NCGS 113A-50, et seq., and rules promulgated under 15A NCAC 4. 6. Any waste including a damaged or discard solar panel generated from this solar project
must be properly managed and disposed of according to the Waste Disposal Plan (DIN
25316) and applicable state or federal laws.
7. The permittee may monitor landfill/explosive gas at the existing landfill gas wells adjacent to the project site and any enclosed structures or confined spaces/structures according to Permit Condition Nos. 19 through 23 of Part I, Attachment 3 of this permit.
8. The permittee must submit the Section a written request for an approval of the future
expansion of the solar project at this landfill facility prior to commencing any
construction activities. The design and construction of the future solar energy project
must be approved and supervised by a professional engineer registered in the State of North Carolina.
9. When the solar panel reaches the end-of-useful life, the permittee shall be ultimately
responsible for providing all necessary means and costs (FID 1286298) to decommission
the project including recycling or disposal of the solar panels and all pertaining apparatus
for the solar project including all electrical or mechanical components.
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Miscellaneous Non-Disposal Solid Waste Management Units
10. The landfill facility may accept “recovered material” or “recyclable material” as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a)(24) and (26), respectively that are generated within the service areas stated in the Permit Condition No. 2 of Part I, Attachment 3 of this permit must be
transferred to or disposed of at the facilities described in the approved plans (FID
11. Recovered or recyclable material shall be temporarily stockpiled in the designated area as
shown on Drawing Nos. FP-01 & OP-01 (FID 1286298) and managed as a valuable commodity in a manner consistent with the desired use or end use. The permittee must operate and manage received recyclables or recovered material at this facility according to
the requirements set forth in N.C.G.S. 130A-309.05(c), the approved plan (FID 1286298).
Any revisions to the approved plan shall be approved by the Section, prior to
12. Seventy-five present (75%), by weight, of the recovered material stored at the facility at the beginning of a calendar year commencing January 1, must be removed from the
facility through sale, use, or reuse by December 31 of the same year.
13. The permittee must conduct random waste screening processes according to the approved
Operations Plan (FID 1286298) to ensure that prohibited wastes are identified and removed to designated areas for proper disposal at the end of each working day.
14. Wastes received and product stored shall be maintained in reasonably sized piles with
adequate fire breaks and lanes in accordance with the approved operational plans and the
pertinent rules.
15. Surface water shall be diverted from all operational and storage areas to prevent standing water in operational areas and under or around storage piles. Water that comes in contact
with solid waste is deemed to be leachate and shall be contained on-site or properly
treated prior to discharge.
16. These units shall be operated and maintained with sufficient dust control measures to
minimize airborne emissions and to prevent dust from becoming a nuisance or safety hazard.
17. These units shall be operated and maintained in a manner so as to minimize odors,
prevent the creation of a nuisance, potential health hazard, or a potential fire hazard.
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18. Effective vector control measures shall be applied as necessary to control flies, rodents,
insects, and vermin.
19. The permittee must keep the contact information of the contract haulers and recyclers of the recyclables in the operating record according to the approved Operations Plan (FID 1286298).
20. The unit is a treatment and processing unit as defined in Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0101(49).
The operations consisting of collection, temporary storage, and process/treatment of land clearing and yard waste debris must follow the Rule 15A NCAC 13B. 0302.
21. The unit that is located on the southwest side of the lined MSWLF unit- Unit 2, Phase 1 is
permitted to receive land clearing debris, yard waste, and wooden pallets as defined in
Rules 15A NCAC 13B.0101(23) and (56) and N.C.G.S. 130A-290(44a), respectively.
22. No grinding of wastes shall be take place in the rain.
23. The maximum volume of wastes that can be allowed at the approximately 1.9-acre
collection and storage area is 540 tons per year (based on an average 45 tons per month of
the wastes).
24. Each windrow/stockpile shall be maintained at least 25-foot clear distance or perimeter from drainage ditches and swales, around the processing area, and other stockpiles of raw
wastes and ground material to allow for inspection, monitoring temperature, or
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS - TYPE I COMPOSTING FACILITY CONDITIONS 25. The unit that is located at the same1.9-acre area encompassing Land Clearing and Yard Waste Collection Unit is permitted to compost processed/treated yard waste or wooden
pallet. The maximum processed material storage volume that can be allowed at the 0.15-
acre composting facility is 43 tons per year. The facility must be operated in accordance
with the requirements of Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1406 and the Operations Plan (FID
26. The windrow dimensions are approximately four (4) feet high and 15-feet wide. 27. Each windrow/stockpile shall be maintained at least 25-foot clear distance or perimeter
from drainage ditches and swales, around the processing area, and other stockpiles of raw
wastes and ground material to allow for inspection, monitoring temperature, or
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28. The permittee must have a record to document that temperature monitoring of compost
process is conduct and temperatures are maintained at or above 55 degrees Celsius (131
degrees F) for three (3) consecutive days and aerated to maintain elevated temperatures
29. The unit is permitted to receive used tires and scrap tires as defined in NCGS 130A-
309.53(6) & (7) and must temporarily store the used tires inside trailer(s) at the
designated area.
30. This unit must be operated in accordance with the requirements of Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1107, other applicable statutes and rules, and the Operations Plan (FID 1286298).
31. Once one or more trailers are full, the permittee must contract a tire recycler/hauler to
transfer the tire trailer(s) to the permitted tire recycling/processing facility.
OPERATIONAL CONDITIONS - WHITE GOODS AND SCRAP METAL COLLECTION AREA CONDITIONS 32. The facility is permitted to receive white goods as defined in N.C.G.S. 130A-290(a)(44)
and scrap metal. The permittee must manage the white goods in accordance with the
approved operating plan and N.C.G.S.130A-309.80 through 309.87.
33. The permittee must provide for the proper removal of chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants (Freon) from white goods. The permittee must separately store the white goods containing Freon from the non-Freon white goods and scrap metal at this area.
34. The Convenience Center is located on the east side of scale house and permitted to
receive/collect small loads of household garbage or recyclables including aluminum cans, steel cans, scrap metal, newspaper, motor oil, vegetable oil, antifreeze, brown clean glass containers, HDPE & PET plastic, and cardboard box.
35. The maximum storage volume of the used oil is 350 gallons. The permittee must remove
the used oil to an off-site facility for treatment, recycle, or disposal.
36. A responsible individual certified in waste screening and operations must be on-site during all operating hours of the facility at all times while open for public use. 37. The household hazardous waste (HHW) and the prohibited wastes described in the Permit
Condition No. 3 of Part I, Attachment 3 of this permit shall not be received, collected or
temporary stored at this unit. The above-mentioned wastes inadvertently received at this
unit must be timely reported to Section, properly managed, and disposed of according to
the Operations Plan (FID 1286298).
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38. A visible label, marking, or sign for each collected recyclable must be posted on the
exterior surface of container or placed on a post next to the container or area.
39. Proper aisle spaces between waste containers, i.e., drums or roll-off boxes, must be maintained at all times for inspection of leakage, for firefighting, and for container
- End of Section-
Not Applicable.
PART II: MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL UNIT(S) Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-1981, closed unlined Granville County Landfill (Unit 1)
Permit No. 3901-CDLF-1997, closed Granville County C&DLF unit, on top of the closed
unlined Granville County Landfill (Unit 1)
1. The permitted constructed and operated the unlined MSWLF unit – Unit 1 from 1976 to
1997, under Permit No. 3901-MSWLF-1981. Pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 13B.
1617(d), the permittee constructed and operated a C&DLF unit on top of the closed unlined MSWLF unit – Unit 1 from 1997 to 2016, under Permit No. 3901-CDLF-1997. Pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0547(4)(d), the permittee substantially completed the
closure of the Landfill Unit 1 on March 06, 2019 (FID1285874) according to Rule 15A
NCAC 13B .1627(c) and the approved Closure Plan (FID 732198), which was prepared
according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1629(b).
2. Pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1627(d), on March 18, 2019, the permittee shall
a. Commence the post-closure cares at Landfill Unit 1, consisting of both closed
unlined MSWLF unit and the closed C&DLF unit for thirty (30) years. However,
this 30-year period may be increased or decreased as required by the Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1627(d)(2)(A) or (B); and b. Implement rule-required post-closure activities including maintenance and repair,
monitoring of environmental media, and corrective action at the Landfill Unit 1 in
accordance with approved Post-Closure Plans (FID 732198) and the Rules 15A
3. Pursuant to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1627(d)(1)(A), the permittee must maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the final cover systems of the closed Landfill Unite 1,
including making repairs to the cover as necessary to correct the effects of settlement,
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subsidence, erosion, or other events, and prevent surface water from impounding over
waste and run-on and run-off from eroding or otherwise damaging the final cover system.
In addition, a vegetative cover of native grasses must be maintained and mowed
regularly. 4. The permittee must maintain permanent markers that accurately identify the edge of the
waste disposal boundary of the closed Landfill Unite 1.
5. The permittee must conduct routine inspections at the closed Landfill Unite 1 and
implement the measures to prevent leachate release. In the event of a leachate release
from the contained unit is observed; the permittee must report the Section according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1604(b)(2)(L)(iii). Within 14 working days or a mutually-agreed time frame after the leachate release, the permittee must prepare a written incident report
and a sampling plan to identify the impacted area due to the release followed by
submitting a sampling result report to determine if the following-up correction action
should be taken.
6. Per Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1629(c)(3), for post closure use of the closed landfill units, the permittee must submit the Section a plan for a review and approval. Post-closure use of
the landfill must not disturb the integrity of the final cover system of the landfill units or
the function of the monitoring systems. The Section may approve any other disturbance if
the permittee demonstrates that disturbance of the final cover system, including any
removal of waste, will not increase the potential threat to human health or the environment. Institutional controls (deed recordation, land and groundwater use restrictions) must be implemented as part of any post closure use.
7. According to N.C.G.S. 130A-294(a3), any proposed expansion to the closed landfill units
shall be considered a new landfill for purposes of Solid Waste Management permitting.
8. Pursuant to Rules 15A NCAC 13B .1627(d)(1)(C) & (D), the permittee must conduct the rule-required monitoring events and maintain a record of the monitoring events and
analytical data during the post-closure periods. Reports of the sampling events and
analytical data must be submitted to the Section within 120 days of sample collection.
9. Pursuant to Rules 15A NCAC 13B .1634 through .1637, the permittee must implement
the approved assessment monitoring program and the corrective action program to remediate elevated constituents in groundwater underneath or adjacent to the Landfill Unit 1 in accordance with the approved Corrective Action Plan (CAP) dated March 2009
(DIN 7301), CAP amendments (DIN 21176 & FID 1286115), recommendations based on
the findings and conclusions of the Corrective Action Evaluation Report (CAER) (DIN
12803 & 24804), and any future amendment to the approved plans. The approved
corrective action program consists of Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) and a gas
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intercept trench to control decomposition gases. Enhanced bioremediation and extension
of the gas control system are selected as the contingency plan. Any proposed
modifications to the approved CAP must be submitted to the Section and approved prior
to implementation. 10. The monitoring network for the corrective action program must be consistent with that
described in the approved CAP and the CAP amendments, unless otherwise specified by
the Section. Sampling frequency and constituents to be analyzed must be conducted in
accordance with the approved CAP, the CAP amendments, the approved water quality
monitoring plans and the Rules 15A NCAC 13B .1634 through .1637.
11. An EPA approved MNA screening model is required at least annually to simulate the groundwater remediation at the facility and determine the mass flux and mass balance.
The model must be submitted annually with a monitoring report.
12. The permittee must provide a CAER to describe of the performance and effectiveness of
the implemented corrective action program, including a technical evaluation of MNA as a remedy at the facility. The subsequent CAERs are required according to the CAP and it
addendum until the Permit Condition No. 17 of this Part, Attachment 4 of this permit is
achieved unless otherwise specified by the Section. Subsequent CAER reports are
required every 5 (five) years unless otherwise specified by the Section. Failure to comply
may result in compliance action or permit revocation according to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0703 and N.C.G.S. 130A-23.
13. If the objectives of the corrective action program are not being met, as specified in the
approved CAP, Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1637, or as determined by the Section, the
permittee must immediately implement the Contingency Plan in the approved CAP and
the CAP amendments. 14. If constituents in groundwater migrate beyond the landfill property boundary, or it is
suspected to have occurred based on sampling results near the property boundary, the
permittee must immediately notify all persons in writing who own land or reside on land
that directly overlies any part of the contaminant plume with details of the migration. The
permittee must mitigate further releases to the groundwater, reduce threats to human health and the environment, and immediately implement the Contingency Plan in the approved CAP and the CAP amendments.
15. If the corrective action program is modified to include an active groundwater treatment
a. The permittee must operate the groundwater treatment system in a manner that will prevent spills, releases or other adverse effects to human health and the environment.
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b. The permittee must maintain an inspection schedule for the inspection of all parts
of the groundwater treatment system as outlined in the approved CAP and CAP
c. The permittee must train all personnel operating the groundwater treatment system as outlined in the approved CAP and CAP amendments.
d. The permittee must sample the groundwater in the impacted aquifer, the
groundwater as it enters and exits the groundwater treatment system and measure
the volume and rate of flow of groundwater through the groundwater treatment
system. The quarterly data must be submitted to the Section with a monitoring report.
16. Institutional controls (deed recordation, land and groundwater use restrictions) must be
implemented as part of a groundwater treatment system pursuant to N.C.G.S. 143B-279.9
and 143B-279.10. The land and groundwater use restrictions will be imposed on the
permitted facility and any buffer property that has been acquired to reduce or eliminate the danger to public health or the environment posed by the presence of contamination on the property. The permittee must submit to the Section, within 180 days of notified to do
so, a survey plat, in accordance with the requirements of N.C.G.S. 143B-279.10, and as
directed by the Section.
17. The permittee must continue to operate the corrective action program until the 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater standards and the GPS have been met at all points within the plume of contamination that lie beyond the relevant point of compliance for three (3)
consecutive year, in accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1637.
18. The permittee must maintain and operate the gas monitoring and collection systems
around or at the closed landfill units in accordance with to the Permit Condition Nos. 20 through 24, Part I Attachment 3 of this permit, the approved plans, and Rule 15A NCAC 13B .1626(4).
19. The permittee must annually update and adjust post-closure cost estimates and costs for
assessment and corrective action at the landfill units for inflation according to Rule 15A
NCAC 13B .1628 and N.C.G.S. 130A-295.2(h).
Not Applicable.
Not Applicable.
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Not Applicable.