HomeMy WebLinkAbout13019_Planters Oil Mill_GQAPP_20101118City of Rocky Mount, North Carolina Cleanup Grant BF — 95414908-0 ti Hart & Hickman 2923 South Tryon Street Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704-586-0007 3334 Hillsborough Road Raleigh, NC 27607 919-847-4241 #C-1269 Engineering #C-245 Geology Generic QAPP Former Planter's Oil Mill Site 1004 Cokey Road Rocky Mount, North Carolina r CITY OF �rh YJ RC�CI�Y u O � MOUNT T44 ARflI`G�`o N Q R T N C A R O L I N A Prepared by: Hart & Hickman, PC Project No. CRM-008 Prepared for: City of Rocky Mount NC November 18, 2010 City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site Al. TITLE AIND APPROVAL PAGE City of Rocky Mount North Carolina Generic Quality Assurance Project Plan Former Planter's Oil Mill Site City of Rocky MountNC Program Administrator/Project Manager f l — /b'�/D Peter Varney, Assistant ity Manager Date Revision 0 November. 18, 2010 Page 1 On behalf of the City of Rocky Mount, North Carolina, Hart & Hickman, PC prepared this Generic QAPP, which is a modification of the Quality Assurance Praject Plaulsite Sampling Plan (Revision 1) preparedbyT N & Associates, Inc. (November 26, 2008) Hart & Hickman, PC 3334 Hillsborough Road Raleigh, NC 27607 919-847-4241 Hart & Hickman. Project Manager Leonard 1>Ioretz, PG Projec" Manager Date Hart & Hickman, QA Manager Matt Bramblett, PE QA Manager Date 1111r/ S. Ric/man, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Approvals: Margaret Olson - US EPA, Region 4 — Project Officer US EPA, Region 4 - Designated Approving Official Date Date Revision 0 November 18, 2010 Page 2 Per guidance from the EPA Region 4's Brownfields Program, the November 2008 QAPP/Site Sampling Plan prepared by TN&A and previously approved by EPA Region 4 has been revised to provide an updated Generic QAPP prepared in general accordance with EPA Region 4 Brownfields Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) Interim Instructions, Generic QAPP and Site -Specific QAPP Addendum for Brownfield Site Assessments and/or Cleanup, February 2010. This document is valid for the subject project and is meant to be used in conjunction with the City of Rocky Mount, NC Brownfields Cleanup Grant BF 95414908. The work described herein will be performed in accordance with the processes described in this Generic QAPP. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 3 A2. TABLE OF CONTENTS Al. TITLE AND APPROVAL PAGE......................................................................................................1 A2. TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................3 A3. DISTRIBUTION LIST FOR GENERIC QAPP.............................................................................. 5 A4. PROJECT / TASK ORGANIZATION.............................................................................................6 A5. PROBLEM DEFINITION / BACKGROUND...............................................................................11 A6. PROJECT / TASK DESCRIPTION / TIMELINE........................................................................20 A7. SPECIAL TRAINING / CERTIFICATION.................................................................................. 22 A8. DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS..........................................................................................23 B1. SAMPLE PROCESS DESIGN & SITE FIGURES.......................................................................26 B2. SAMPLING & ANALYTICAL METHOD REQUIREMENTS.................................................. 27 B3. SAMPLE HANDLING AND CUSTODY REQUIREMENTS.....................................................30 B4. ANALYTICAL METHODS AND REQUIREMENTS.................................................................34 B5. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS......................................................................36 B6. LABORATORY QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS......................................................38 B7. FIELD EQUIPMENT AND CORRECTIVE ACTION................................................................40 B8. LAB EQUIPMENT & CORRECTIVE ACTION..........................................................................41 B9. ANALYTICAL SENSITIVITY & PROJECT CRITERIA.......................................................... 42 B10. DATA MANAGEMENT AND DOCUMENTS............................................................................44 C1. ASSESSMENTS AND RESPONSE ACTIONS.............................................................................46 C2. PROJECT REPORTS......................................................................................................................48 D1. FIELD DATA EVALUATION........................................................................................................49 D2 LABORATORY DATA EVALUATION.........................................................................................51 D3. DATA USABILITY AND PROJECT EVALUATION................................................................. 53 ELREFERENCES..................................................................................................................................55 Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 4 FIGURES 1 Topographic Map 2 Site Layout Map TABLES 1 Example Sample Summary Table 2 Sampling and Analytical Methods Requirements Table 3 Laboratory Analytical Quality Control — Prism Laboratories 4 Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria — Prism Laboratories APPENDICES Where specified below, the following Appendices of this Generic QAPP are provided in electronic format on a CD that is included in an insert within the bound document. APPENDIX A Hart & Hickman's Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) (SOPS are provided on the enclosed CD) APPENDIX B Prism Laboratories, Inc. QA Manual (Laboratory manual is provided on the enclosed CD) Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site A3. DISTRIBUTION LIST FOR GENERIC QAPP City of Rocky Mount North Carolina Generic QAPP Former Planter's Oil Mill Site Ms. Margaret Olson EPA Region 4 Project Officer RCRA Management Division Restoration and UST Branch 61 Forsyth Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30303 404-562-8601 olson.mar ag retkepa.gov Mr. Peter Varney Assistant City Manager City of Rocky Mount P.O. Box 1180 Rocky Mount, NC 27802 (252) 972-1330 petenvameynro ckymountnc. gov Mr. Leonard Moretz, PG Project Manager Hart & Hickman, PC 3334 Hillsborough Street Raleigh, NC 27607 919-847-4241 lmoretz(a,harthickman.com Mr. Matt Bramblett, PE QA Manager Hart & Hickman, PC 2923 South Tryon Street Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28203 704-586-0007 mbramblettkharthickman. com Revision 0 November 18, 2010 Page 5 All personnel will receive and will follow applicable sections of this Generic QAPP and subsequent revisions. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 6 A4. PROJECT / TASK ORGANIZATION A Project Organization Chart depicting the organization hierarchy is provided below. City of Rocky Mount Program Administrator/Project Manager The Program Administrator and Project Manager roles are assigned to Mr. Peter Varney who is the Assistant City Manager. Mr. Varney is responsible for the objectives set forth to be accomplished in the grant. Mr. Varney will be responsible for the following tasks: • daily management of the project to ensure that it complies with quality assurance/quality control requirements as set forth in the EPA Cleanup Grant terms and conditions • ensuring that environmental activities are performed in accordance with applicable plans and procedures • facilitating site assessment/cleanup activities and reports related to assessment/cleanup activities • reviewing documents and data reports for accuracy and completeness prior to distributing the reports to the end users • ensuring that work completed and requisitioned is consistent with the terms and conditions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Cleanup Grant. State Brownfields Program The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) State Brownfields Program has the lead regulatory role in any Brownfields site investigation or cleanup. Therefore, the site assessment and cleanup of a Brownfields property must conform to the state's procedures and meet all their appropriate rules and regulations. Ms. Sharon Eckerd serves as the NCDENR Project Manager overseeing the City's Brownfields activities. EPA Region 4 Project Organization Project Officer/Manager Ms. Margaret Olson serves as the EPA Region 4 Project Officer/Manager and has the responsibility to oversee and monitor the grant. As part of that responsibility she must ensure the process described in the work plan is followed and the terms and conditions of the grant are met. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 7 EPA Region 4 Brownfields Project Officer Ms. Margaret Olson (404) 562-8601 EPA Region 4 Quality Assurance Manager's Designated Approving Official Hart & Hickman Designated Field Team Leader PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART City of Rocky Mount Program Administrator/Project Manager Mr. Peter Varney (252) 972-1330 Prism Laboratories, Inc. Ms. Robbie Jones President Prism Laboratories, Inc. Mr. Helmuth Janssen QA Officer Hart & Hickman Leonard Moretz, PG Project Manager (919) 847-4241 L----------- Hart & Hickman Ed Stephens, PG Senior Project Geologist State Brownfields Program Ms. Sharon Eckerd (919) 508-8425 The QA Manager has independent authority and is separate from those who generate the data Hart & Hickman Matt Bramblett, PE QA Manager (704) 586-0007 Hart & Hickman QA Manager's Designated Reviewer Drilling Contractor NC Licensed Driller Brownfields Region 4 Quality Assurance Manager's Designated Approving Official (DAO) The Brownfields Region 4 Quality Assurance Manager's DAO provides a technical assistance role to the EPA Region 4 Project Officer/Manager working on Brownfields sites. The DAO's Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 8 role is to provide technical reviews of the Generic QAPPs, Site -Specific QAPP Addendum and Addenda that are generated. This includes the approval of the Generic QAPP and Site -Specific QAPP Addendum and Addenda QAPPs, respectively, and any revisions. Environmental Professional The City has contracted with Hart & Hickman, PC, (H&H) an environmental consulting firm that specializes in Brownfields to implement quality assurance activities, conduct data collection, assist with cleanup planning and provide oversight of cleanup efforts for the EPA Brownfields cleanup grant. H&H will be assigned various tasks by the City which may include preparation of documents such as QAPPs, ABCAs, site remediation and redevelopment plans, assist with stakeholder and community outreach, and prepare other grant -related reports. H&H will be responsible for procuring services such as environmental drilling, laboratory analysis, geophysical surveys, land surveying, etc. for specific projects. H&H has assigned Mr. Leonard Moretz as the Project Manager, Mr. Matt Bramblett as the QA Manager, and Mr. Ed Stephens as the Senior Project Geologist for the City's Brownfields project. Mr. Moretz or his designees will be responsible for implementing the appropriate quality assurance processes and data review and verification for the specified projects. Mr. Bramblett or his designee will be responsible for data validation. Also, H&H will designate a qualified Field Team Leader/Technician to manage project field activities in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum for the specific project. Analytical Laborato Analytical laboratory services for the project will be provided by Prism Laboratories, Inc. The Laboratory PM will be responsible for the following: • Efficient delivery of the daily services and support necessary to accommodate the analytical demands of this project; • Coordination between the network of laboratories for this investigation, if more than one laboratory is procured; • Coordinating laboratory analyses; Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 9 • Supervising in-house chain -of -custody (COC); • Scheduling sample analyses; • Overseeing data review and completeness; • Overseeing preparation of analytical reports; and, • Approving final analytical reports prior to distribution. Laboratory QA Officers will be responsible for the following: • Overview laboratory QA; • Overview QA/QC documentation; • Determining whether to implement laboratory corrective actions, if required; • Conducting detailed data review, if corrective action warrants; • Defining appropriate laboratory QA procedures; and, • Preparing laboratory SOPS. Laboratory Sample Custodian responsibilities will include: • Receiving and inspecting the incoming sample containers; • Recording the condition of the incoming sample containers; • Signing appropriate documents; • Verifying COC and its correctness; • Notifying laboratory manager and laboratory supervisor of sample receipt and inspection; • Assigning a unique identification number and customer number, and entering each into the sample receiving log; • Facilitating sample transfer to analysts who are retrieving and documenting their removal for use in analysis. The sample custodian is also in charge of restocking the sample after they are returned by the analysts, and documents its arrival to keep a record of custody; and, • Controlling and monitoring access/storage of samples and extracts. Laboratory Technical Staff will be responsible for sample analysis and identification of corrective actions. The laboratory will have a Level I/II review process where the analyst Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 10 reviews the initial data, followed by a Level II review from a senior analyst. The Laboratory PM reviews for completeness. The QA Officer will handle any corrective action necessary. The analytical laboratory will also be responsible for properly disposing of unused sample aliquots. The Laboratory Data Validation Manager is responsible for ensuring that analytical laboratory data are reviewed and validated in accordance with the project objectives outlined in this QAPP/SSP. The following items summarize principle areas of responsibility: • Reviews compliance of the analytical laboratory to methods and analytical requirements as outlined in the QAPP/SSP and laboratory specification; • Ensures completeness of analytical deliverables both electronic and hardcopy; • Ensures data validation qualification is conducted in accordance with the EPA National Functional Guidelines (NFG) for Organic and Inorganic analysis requirements; • Performs a QA review of all validation reports and validated analytical data; • Reviews and approves all validation qualifications entered into the electronic database; • Conducts verification and accounting for all samples, analyte fractions, and analytical parameters; and, • Approves final qualified analytical database. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 11 A5. PROBLEM DEFINITION / BACKGROUND The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) engaged T N & Associates, Inc., (TN&A) Superfund Technical Assessment Response Team (START) to provide technical expertise and field personnel to perform a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at the former Planter's Oil Mill site, located in Rocky Mount, Edgecombe County, North Carolina under Contract Number (No.) EP-W-05-053. This work was completed for the EPA in May 2009 on behalf of the City of Rocky Mount, North Carolina as part of a Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA). The general purpose of the sampling event was to collect information to confirm the existence of contamination in potential or known areas of contamination identified in a 2007 Phase I ESA conducted by Hart & Hickman, and to the extent possible with the sampling proposed, determine the nature, degree, and extent of contamination. The analytical data gathered during the sampling event was used to prepare a Phase II ESA report (Ref. 4) for the site and to develop a site Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA; Ref 3) describing cleanup alternatives and cost estimates for cleanup. To perform this assessment work, TN&A prepared a Quality Assurance Project Plan/Site Sampling Plan - Revision 1 (Ref. 5) in November 2008. The QAPP/SSP R1 was previously approved by EPA Region 4 under QAPP guidance that has since been significantly modified to require Generic and Site -Specific QAPPs for EPA Region 4 Brownfields grant projects. Following a review of TN&A's Phase II ESA and ABCA reports, the NCDENR Brownfields Program requested the City of Rocky Mount acquire additional remedial design data to re- evaluate cleanup options for the site. The City has engaged Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) to conduct the remedial design data collection. As a consequence, a Generic QAPP is currently required for each contracted lead consultant to conduct the additional data collection activities. The EPA Region 4 Brownfields Program Project Officer has suggested that H&H modify the existing TN&A's QAPP/SSP Revision 1 where needed to serve as a Generic QAPP for H&H's project work. We have revised the existing QAPP/SSP to conform to H&H's Quality Assurance procedures. H&H will conduct the additional data collection activities in accordance with the Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 12 approved Generic QAPP and the EPA Region 4 Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD) Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures (FBQSTP; Ref. 6). This Generic QAPP documents the policies, the project organization, quality assurance (QA) requirements, and quality control (QC) procedures to be implemented for the additional data collection event to ensure that the data are valid for use. It defines the QA/QC methods that must be implemented to ensure that data meets the requirements of the Data Quality Objectives (DQOs). The Health and Safety Plan (HASP), which is issued as a separate document, defines the preventative and protective procedures that will be implemented during the field investigation to ensure the safety of the field team. Field activities will include the collection of environmental samples documenting the presence or absence of hazardous materials on site. Analytical services will be provided by Prism Laboratories, Inc. (Prism) and will comply with the laboratory's Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) and the applicable analytical methods required for this project. The findings of this sampling event will be used to generate an Analysis of Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) Addendum, or other deliverable as needed to meet NCDENR requirements for a Brownfields Agreement, that specifies the recommended cleanup approach and provides an estimated cost. SITE DESCRIPTION The site is a 7.3 acre property located in Rocky Mount, Edgecombe County, North Carolina. The geographic coordinates of the center of the site are 35' 55' 44" North latitude and 77' 47' 26" West longitude (see Figure 1). The site property is bounded to the north by Short Street (formerly Henna Street), to the east by Cokey Road (SR-1164), to the south by the CSX Railroad right-of-way and Norfolk Street, and to the west by Branch Street. The surrounding area is mixed commercial and residential. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 13 The site is currently an unoccupied grassy field and is surrounded by a 6-foot tall chain link fence. Several gates and openings are found along the periphery of the fence. Site entry is along the western side of the property along Branch Street and on the eastern side of the property along Cokey Road. There are no existing structures on the site. The structures described in the 2007 Phase I ESA report prepared by H&H have all been razed (Ref. 2). The structures were razed under the direction of the City of Rocky Mount in 2008. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING Relatively mild winters, hot summers, and abundant rainfall characterize the Rocky Mount area. The average yearly temperature in Rocky Mount is 60 degrees Fahrenheit (°F). The average annual precipitation is approximately 47 inches. REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The site is located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province of North Carolina. Sedimentary rocks of the Coastal Plain consist of sediment eroded from the Piedmont over the last 100 million years and limestone generated by marine organisms and processes at sea. Sediments overlying bedrock in the subject site vicinity are typically composed of sands, silts, and clays that were fluvially deposited. Rocks underlying the site belong to the Yorktown and Dublin Formations of the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province. In the vicinity of the site, the Yorktown Formation is typically comprised of fossiliferous sand with silt and clay. The underlying Dublin Formation is comprised of medium- to coarse -grained sand and limestone. The hydrogeology of the Coastal Plan is characterized by aquifers consisting of permeable sands, silts, or limestone, which are confined and separated by units of clay and silts or low permeability limestone. SITE OPERATIONS The site was developed prior to 1907 and was operated through 1983 as the Planter's Cotton Oil & Fertilizer Company or Planter's Oil Mill, Inc. The mill produced cottonseed oil and later, soybean oil and fertilizer. Oil was extracted from cottonseed and soybeans until approximately Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 14 1959 or 1960 when the owners switched to a solvent extraction process using hexane. Cottonseed and soybean oil were manufactured in the eastern portion of the property. Fertilizer manufacturing operations were conducted by Kaiser Agricultural Chemical in the western portion of the property beginning in the 1970s until 1983. All site operations ceased in 1983 after a major fire resulted in the total loss of several on -site buildings. The fire is believed to have resulted in a release of a significant volume of hexane to the subsurface in the southeastern oil processing area. The current owner of the site is the City of Rocky Mount. The on -site buildings and other facility structures constituting the former Planter's Oil Mill were razed under the direction of the City of Rocky Mount in 2008. The property is currently inactive. REGULATORY HISTORY North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) regulatory files include correspondence between the site owner (dated March 6, 1991) and North Carolina Department of Environmental Management (NCDEM). The correspondence indicates that six underground storage tanks (USTs) were registered at the site in 1991 and were intended to be removed from the site in June 1991. However, there is no documentation to confirm that the USTs were removed. The six tanks are listed as one 10,000-gallon fuel oil UST, two 1,000- gallon (empty) diesel USTs, two 1,000-gallon kerosene USTs ranging from an estimated 200 gallons to 400 gallons residual fluid, and a 10,000-gallon (empty) hexane tank. The tanks were estimated to have been last used in 1983. No other regulatory information is available in the file material. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS On July 24, 2007, Hart and Hickman, PC (H&H) conducted a Phase I ESA at the site on behalf of the City of Rocky Mount under the requirements of the City of Rocky Mount's Brownfield Assessment Grant BF-96432205-0. The Phase I ESA consisted of a review of file material including Sanborn maps and aerial photographs, interviews with former employees, and a site Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 15 reconnaissance. The Phase I ESA identified the following Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) that are areas of potential concern at the site: • The release of hexane, a highly flammable liquid, to shallow soil and potentially to shallow groundwater in the area under the former hull house, solvent extraction tower, and hexane UST. • The potential release of petroleum compounds from six on -site petroleum USTs to shallow soil and groundwater at the site. • The manufacture and potential release of fertilizer compounds, which can contain elevated metals, to the shallow soil. • The on -site use of parathion and potentially other organophosphate or organochlorine pesticides and its potential impact on site soil. • Certain site structures were found to contain asbestos containing material (ACM). On August 27, 2007, Hart & Hickman conducted an asbestos survey at the site. The survey indicated that ACM was present at the site including linoleum floor material and window glazing in the former truck scale building, transite ceiling panels in the former boiler room building, and sealant around the base of the grain storage tanks. All of the site structures were razed under the direction of the City of Rocky Mount in 2008. No visual evidence of suspect asbestos containing materials (SACM) has been observed at the site following the demolition of site structures. A Phase II ESA Report for the subject site was prepared by T N & Associates, Inc. (TNA) in May 2009. The Phase II ESA was completed as part of a Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) conducted on behalf of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 (USEPA) — Region 4 Brownfields Program to assist the City of Rocky Mount with further assessing the redevelopment potential and cleanup options for the property. The Phase II ESA focused on assessing surface soil, subsurface soil, and/or groundwater contamination at selected locations on the site property. Soil and groundwater samples were collected for VOC, SVOC, TAL metals, TPH-DRO, TPH-GRO, organochlorine pesticides (OCP), organophosphate pesticides (OPP), and PCB analyses. The report conclusions are presented below. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 16 • Evidence of arsenic contamination was found primarily in surface soil samples; but, extended into the subsurface soil and groundwater samples • Evidence of lead contamination was found in two groundwater samples at concentrations exceeding the MCL and NCAC 2L Standard • Evidence of TPH-DRO contamination was found primarily in surface soil samples; but, was also detected in subsurface soil and groundwater samples. TPH-GRO contamination was also identified in a groundwater sample • Evidence of contamination of two OCPs (dieldrin and toxaphene) was found in surface soil samples. • Evidence of VOC contamination was found in groundwater samples • Evidence of SVOC contamination primarily from PAHs was found in surface soil, subsurface soil, and groundwater samples. • No evidence of PCB contamination was found in the surface soils samples in which it was analyzed. SOURCE AREAS Known or suspected on -site contaminant sources include: • A release of hexane to shallow soil and potentially to shallow ground water in the area under the former hull house, solvent extraction tower, and hexane UST. • The potential release of petroleum compounds from five on -site petroleum USTs (other than the hexane UST) to shallow soil and ground water at the site. • The manufacture and potential release of fertilizer compounds, which can contain elevated metals, to the shallow soil. • The on -site use of parathion and potentially other organophosphate or organochlorine pesticides and its potential impact on site soil. • Certain site structures were found to contain asbestos containing material. • Several sumps Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 17 DATA QUALITY OBJECTIVES and CRITERIA H&H has identified DQOs for the site in accordance with the EPA Guidance for the DQO Process, (U.S. EPA QA/G-4, 2000b), that will define study objectives, decisions to be made, and the criteria by which the data will be assessed. These data will then be used for decision making. Upon completion of the work, the data collected will be compared to the established DQOs to ensure that the information collected meets the intended goal of the work. DQOs have been developed following these seven steps: • Problem statement • Identify the decisions • Identify the inputs into the decision • Define the boundaries of the study • Develop decision rules • Specify tolerable limits on decision errors • Optimize the design for obtaining data The information presented in the next several sections describes the DQOs identified for this investigation. Problem Statement Previous investigations suggest that surface and subsurface soil contamination and ground water concerns may be present at the site. This supplemental investigation will focus on the collection of environmental samples to confirm whether contamination is present in on -site soils and groundwater in potential or known areas of concern. The data will be used to generate an ABCA Addendum or other deliverable as needed to meet NCDENR requirements for a Brownfields Agreement. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 18 Identify the Decisions Based on previous investigations conducted at the site, evidence suggests that on -site soils are likely contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pesticides, and arsenic. This additional remedial design data gathering will focus on determining the presence or absence of contamination in the surface soil, subsurface soil, and groundwater at the property to evaluate the following primary decisions: (1) Are elevated contaminants of concern present in the surface soil, subsurface soil, or groundwater at the property? (2) Based on the findings, what cleanup options are feasible for the site and its future use? Decision Inputs The primary input needed to support the decision making process is reported analytical concentrations of contamination in surface soil, subsurface soil, and groundwater samples collected from the property. Analytical results used in the decision -making process will come from VOC analysis (including hexane) by SW846 Method 8260B), Semi -Volatile Organic Compound (SVOC) or PAH analysis by SW846 Method 8270C, Organophosphorus Pesticide analysis by SW846-8141, Organochlorine Pesticide analysis by SW846 Method 8081, Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) as Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) and TPH as Diesel Range Organics (DRO) by SW846-8015/8015-MOD, Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) by Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Method, and arsenic by SW846-6010. Analysis of surface soil samples, subsurface soil samples, and groundwater samples collected on site will be performed by an EPA -approved private laboratory. Study Boundaries The media of interest include on -site surface soils, subsurface soils, and groundwater. The study boundaries include the study area, sample depth, temporal boundaries such as field investigation dates and turnaround times on analytical results, and physical boundaries. • The study area is the boundary of the site as shown in Figure 2. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 19 • For purposes of this investigation, surface soil samples will be collected from zero to 24 inches below ground surface (bgs). Subsurface soil samples will be collected from locations where previous investigations and geophysical surveys have identified areas of concern and from a depth where Photo Ionization Detection (PID) organic vapor screening results are highest. Groundwater samples will be collected from permanent monitoring wells installed in the surficial aquifer beneath the property. • Field investigation activities are scheduled to commence after approval of the Generic QAPP and Site -Specific QAPP Addendum by the EPA Region 4 Project Officer. • The physical boundaries of the site are Short Street to the north; Cokey Road to the east; CSX Railroad to the south; and Branch Street to the west. Decision Rule The primary decisions in the DQO process for the site relating to soils are: (1) Do surface soil, subsurface soil, and groundwater sample results indicate contamination at the property? (2) What soils or groundwaters, if any, exceed the associated EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) and/or the associated North Carolina Inactive Hazardous Site Branch Soil Remediation Goals (SRGs)? All soil and groundwater samples collected will be submitted to an EPA -approved laboratory for the specified analyses. Table 4 presents the RSLs and SRGs for the target compounds to be analyzed for at the site. Error Limits This sampling effort is designed to sample in areas of suspected contamination based on evidence gathered during previous studies. Therefore, the data are thought to detect the worst case scenario for the site. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 20 A6. PROJECT / TASK DESCRIPTION / TIMELINE The following subsections discuss tasks that H&H will perform to complete project requirements allowing for modifications, as needed. Task 1 - Develop Generic QAPP Task 2 - Develop Site -Specific QAPP Addendum Task 3 - Perform Additional Remedial Design Data Collection Task 4 - Evaluate Data and Prepare an ABCA Addendum or Other Deliverable Approved by NCDENR Task 1 - Develop Generic QAPP This Generic QAPP has been developed to outline activities to be conducted in support of the remedial design data gathering. The document identifies the DQOs and ensures that QA/QC measures are conducted to fulfill DQOs. H&H has reviewed available background documents relevant to the investigation, as provided by the EPA, in order to achieve a familiarity with the site and support the development of the tasks. All efforts will be made to provide the most cost- effective approach to supporting the City and EPA in this work assignment. The Generic QAPP will be amended as necessary to incorporate unforeseen future activities or changes in the scope of the work assignment. Task 2 - Develop Site -Specific QAPP Addendum A Site -Specific QAPP Addendum will be developed to outline the specific project activities to be conducted in support of the remedial design data gathering. All efforts will be made to provide the most cost-effective approach to supporting the City and EPA in this work assignment. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 21 Task 3 - Perform Additional Remedial Design Data Collection H&H will perform additional data collection to aid in the preparation of an ABCA Addendum or other deliverable as needed to meet NCDENR requirements for a Brownfields Agreement. This task will require the collection of environmental samples and gathering information required to support the investigation in order to document the presence or absence of site -attributable contamination in the surface and subsurface soil and ground water at the site. This task will begin with EPA Region 4 approval of the Generic QAPP and Site -Specific QAPP Addendum and will end with the demobilization of field personnel and equipment from the site. Task 4 — Evaluate Data and Prepare an ABCA Addendum or Other Deliverable Approved by DENR H&H will tabulate and evaluate the additional remedial design data and develop an ABCA Addendum or other deliverable as needed to meet NCDENR requirements for a Brownfields Agreement, which DNER will use to assist the City of Rocky Mount in deciding the best cleanup alternatives for reuse of the site. Project Timeline We anticipate EPA Region 4 approval of the Generic QAPP and Site -Specific QAPP Addendum by December 1, 2010. Following approval of the QAPPs, additional data collection activities will be scheduled and completed within 30 days by January 1, 2011. A final ABCA Addendum or other deliverable as needed to meet NCDENR requirements for a Brownfields Agreement will be prepared by February 1, 2010. Total estimated project time from approval of QAPPs to final ABCA Addendum is anticipated to be approximately 90 days. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 22 A7. SPECIAL TRAINING / CERTIFICATION Documented training is required for each individual performing activities in support of environmental data collection or analysis. H&H maintains an individual file for each H&H employee which includes training records. The laboratory performing analytical services must hold certification by the State of North Carolina Division of Quality for the Organic and Inorganic analysis as a requirement for this project. In addition, the laboratory manager is responsible for ensuring that personnel training are current and documented as defined in the laboratory's SOPS. It is the laboratory's manager's responsibility to determine specific training and certification needs, and for ensuring that any required training is documented. Individuals implementing this Generic QAPP must receive, at a minimum, orientation to the project's purpose, scope, and methods of implementation. This orientation is the responsibility of the Project Manager or designee. Any field team members involved with sample collection or handling will have received 40-hour hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER — 29 CFR 1910.120) training. The Health and Safety Officer will have received 8-hour supervisor training course (HAZWOPER — 29 CFR 1910.120). Any other safety -related training defined in the project HASP. Drill rig operations will be conducted by a driller licensed in the State of North Carolina, experienced in the use of a truck -mounted Geoprobe . Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 23 A8. DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS This section defines the specific records and data that must be maintained for each field activity to ensure that samples and data are traceable and defensible. Field data reporting shall be conducted principally through the transmission of the information written in bound, paginated field logbooks to provide a secure record of field activities; and data sheets containing tabulated results of measurements made in the field. Field Data Site conditions during sampling and the care with which samples are handled may factor into the degree to which samples represent the media from which they are collected. This, in turn, could affect the ability of decision makers to make accurate and timely decisions concerning the contamination status of the site. As appropriate, logbooks are assigned to, and maintained by, key field team personnel. Information to be recorded and retained in the logbook during this assessment includes: • Name of laboratory and contacts to which the samples were sent, turnaround time (TAT) requested, and data results, when possible • Termination of a sample point or parameter and reasons • Unusual appearance or odor of a sample • Measurements, volume of flow, temperature, and weather conditions • Additional samples and reasons for obtaining them • Eliminated samples and reasons for elimination • Levels of personal protection equipment used (with justification) • Meetings and telephone conversations held with regulatory agencies, project manager, or supervisor • Details concerning any samples split with another party • Details of QC samples obtained • Sample collection equipment and containers, including their serial or lot numbers Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 24 • Field analytical equipment, and equipment utilized to make physical measurements • Calculations, results, and calibration data for field sampling, field analytical, and field physical measurement equipment • Property numbers of any sampling equipment used, if available • Sampling station identification • Date and time of sample collection • Description of the sample location • Description of the sample • Sampler(s) name(s) and company • How the sample was collected • Diagrams of processes • Maps/sketches of sampling locations • Weather conditions that may affect the sample (e.g., rain, extreme heat or cold, wind, etc.) Field logbook assignments shall be recorded in the Site Logbook or other central file whose location is known by the FPL and the PM. Together, field logbooks and sample documentation including COC forms provide a record that should allow a technically qualified individual to reconstruct significant field activities for a particular day without resorting to memory. Laboratory Data Case narratives will be prepared which will include information concerning data that fell outside laboratory acceptance limits, and any other anomalous conditions encountered during sample analysis. The lab data package shall include the following data elements: Case Narrative: • Any deviations from intended analytical strategy • Laboratory lot number/sample delivery group (SDG) Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 25 • Numbers of samples and respective matrices • QC procedures utilized and also references to the acceptance criteria • Laboratory report contents • Project name and number • Condition of samples 'as -received' • Discussion of whether or not sample holding times were met • Discussion of technical problems or other observations which may have created analytical difficulties • Discussion of any laboratory QC checks which failed to meet project criteria • Signature of the laboratory QA Manager Chemistry Data Package: • Case narrative for each analyzed batch of samples • Summary page indicating dates of analyses for samples and laboratory QC checks • Cross referencing of laboratory sample to project sample identification numbers • Data qualifiers to be used should be adequately described • Sample preparation and analyses for samples • Sample results • Raw data for sample results and laboratory QC samples • MS and MS duplicate recoveries, laboratory control samples, method blank results, calibration check compound, and system performance check compound results For this project, the laboratory will provide a standard or 14-day turn -around time for the analytical data package. The 14-day timeframe begins the day the laboratory receives a given sample for analysis. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 26 B1. SAMPLE PROCESS DESIGN & SITE FIGURES H&H will develop a sampling design in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum for the project. This sampling design will be in accordance with the EPA Guidance on Choosing a Sampling Design for Environmental Data Collection (QA/G-5S) to ensure that DQOs are fulfilled for the sampling investigation. Specifically, the design will take into account additional data needs, key decisions, and environmental variables, such as physical and site constraints, and how the spatial and temporal boundaries of the contamination and population at risk will be identified. The sampling design will be developed based on the results of H&H's Phase I ESA, TN&A's Phase lI ESA, and review comments received from the NCDENR Brownfields Program Project Manager. Specific sample collection methods and sampling locations will be defined in the Site - Specific QAPP Addendum for the additional data gathering event. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 27 B2. SAMPLING & ANALYTICAL METHOD REQUIREMENTS Information required by this section is project -specific and will be discussed in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum prepared for the particular individual assessment project. The following subsections provide some guidance for preparing the Sampling & Analytical Method Requirements section of the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. Please refer to EPA Region 4 Brownfields Quality Assurance Project Plans (QAPPs) Interim Instructions: Generic and Site -Specific QAPPs for Brownfields Site Assessments and/or Cleanups (revised February 25, 2010) for additional guidance. Sample Summary Table Most information required by this section will be summarized in a detailed sample summary table that clarifies and reflects the sampling design in the text. The sample summary table may be organized by sample matrix, analytical parameter or by a defined site -specific field sampling/analytical program, whichever is most logical for the project. This table will include: • Sample designation • Sample location (also provide a scaled site map showing proposed sampling locations relative to site features) • Sampling objective • Sample matrix • Analytical parameter/preparation method • Number of environmental samples • Number of QC samples An example sample summary table that will be used in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum is included as Table 1. This table may be used in the future as a template that can be edited for the individual Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 28 Sampling and Analytical Methods Requirements Table A table listing sampling and analytical methods requirements is attached as Table 2, which identifies analytical parameters and their required sample containers, sample volumes, preservatives, and holding times. This table may be used in the future as a template that can be edited for an individual Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. Prepared sample containers will be provided by Prism Laboratories or other qualified subcontracted laboratory identified in the Site - Specific QAPP Addendum. Required Sample Collection Procedures Environmental media that may be sampled during Brownfields assessments include soil, sediment, ground water, surface water, soil vapors, air, and waste materials. Protocols for sample collection and investigation -derived waste management will follow federal and State rules and guidelines where applicable. Each sampling procedure for each medium will be described in detail including sample collection; equipment, materials, and supplies; decontamination procedures; and disposal of waste by-products in written SOPS that will be attached (on a CD) to a Site -Specific QAPP Addendum for a particular project. Written SOPS are included as an attachment to this Generic QAPP (on a CD) for typical soil and ground water sample collection, field measurements and field analytical procedures, equipment preparation, and equipment decontamination. If other environmental media are to be sampled for a specific project, detailed procedures for sample collection of these media will be provided in the SOPs for the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. Any additions and modifications to the SOPs that are necessary for a specific project will be described in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. List of Sample Collection Equipment A list of sample collection equipment (including make and model of equipment) to be used on a particular Brownfields assessment project will be provided in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. The list will indicate whether sampling equipment is dedicated or non -dedicated. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 29 On -Site Support Facilities On -site support facilities that are available to field personnel will be identified in the Site - Specific QAPP Addendum. Key Personnel Overseeing Sample Collection Activities Key personnel in charge of or overseeing sample collection activities for the particular Brownfields project are H&H's Project Manager and the On -Site Project Coordinator (a.k.a. Field Project Leader). These specific individuals will be identified in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. Equipment Decontamination Procedures and Requirements Decontamination procedures and requirements for non -dedicated sample collection equipment typically used on Brownfields assessment projects are described in detail in the SOPs in Appendix A. These procedures will be followed by field personnel for the City's Brownfields project. A list of dedicated and non -dedicated sampling equipment for a specific project will be provided in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. Containerization and disposal of investigation -derived waste will comply with federal and State laws and guidelines. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 30 B3. SAMPLE HANDLING AND CUSTODY REQUIREMENTS Sample Processing and Custody All samples will be collected, containerized, preserved, handled, and documented in accordance with H&H's SOPs. Any deviations in sampling procedures specified in this Generic QAPP will be documented, including the reason for the deviation, in the field logbooks. Sampling Equipment and Sample Containers Sampling equipment used during the field investigation will include a Geoprobe° drill rig (and all associated equipment), dedicated stainless steel spoons, stainless steel bowls, disposable tubing for groundwater sampling, and disposable acetate liners for subsurface soil sampling,. Spoons and bowls will be decontaminated in accordance with H&H SOPS. The Geoprobe drill rig and all associated non-dedicated/reusable (augers, pipes, bits, tools, etc) equipment will be decontaminated before drilling begins, between each soil boring, and after work is complete. Sample containers used for sample collection will be provided by the private laboratory. This document specifies the acceptable types of containers, the specific cleaning procedures to be used before samples are collected, and QA/QC requirements relevant to the containers and cleaning procedures. Station and Sample Identification Station IDs will be assigned as follows: • SS-1 - for surface soil sample at station number land the stations are numbered sequentially • SB-1 - for subsurface soil sample at station number land the stations are numbered sequentially • MW-1 - for ground water sample at station number land the stations are numbered sequentially Sample identification numbers will be assigned using the following format: • SS-## (xl — x2), where xl to x2 defines the sample depth interval in ft bgs Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 31 • SB-## (xl- x2), where xl to x2 defines the sample depth interval in ft bgs ►�EIE Sample Labels Sample labels will be prepared and affixed to each sample container sent to the private laboratory. The labels will be prepared using waterproof, non -erasable ink. Sample Custody Seals The samples collected and containerized will be sealed as soon as possible following collection. The sample custodian will write the date and their signature or initials on the seal. Chain of Custody (COC) All COC and record keeping procedures will be in accordance with H&H's SOPs. COC procedures are comprised of the following elements: 1) maintaining sample custody and 2) documentation of samples for evidence. The field COC Record is used to record the custody of all samples sent to the laboratory. All samples shall be accompanied by a COC Record,. The COC Record documents transfer of custody of samples from the sample custodian to another person, the laboratory, or other organizational elements. To simplify the COC Record and eliminate potential litigation problems, as few people as possible will have custody of the samples or physical evidence during the investigation. The COC Record also serves as a sample logging mechanism for the laboratory sample custodian. A separate COC Record will be used for each final destination or laboratory utilized during the investigation. Custody Procedures Documented sample custody is one of several factors that is necessary for the admissibility of environmental data as evidence in a court of law. Custody procedures help to satisfy the two major requirements for admissibility: relevance and authenticity. Sample custody is addressed Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 32 in three parts: field sample collection, laboratory analysis, and final evidence files. A sample file is under custody when any one of the following conditions is satisfied: • The item is in the actual physical possession of an authorized person. • The item is in view of the person after being in his or her possession. • The item was placed in a secure area to prevent tampering. • The item is in a designated and identified secure area with access restricted to authorized personnel only. Field Custody Procedures The FPL (or designee) is responsible for the care and custody of the samples collected until they are relinquished to the laboratory or entrusted to a commercial courier. Custody procedures apply to all environmental and associated field QC samples obtained as part of the data collection system. When transferring samples, the individuals relinquishing and receiving the samples will sign, date, and note the time on the COC record. The original record will accompany the shipment and the field sampler will retain a copy. This record documents the sample custody transfer from the sampler to the laboratory, often through another person or agency (common courier). After COC records have been placed within sealed shipping coolers, the signed courier airbills will serve to document COC. Upon arrival at the laboratory, internal laboratory sample custody procedures will be followed. Laboratory Custody Procedures Laboratory custody procedures will ensure that sample integrity is not compromised from the time of receipt at the laboratory until final data are reported to H&H. This requires that the laboratory control all sample handling and storage conditions and circumstances. Laboratory custody procedures for sample receiving and log -in; sample storage and numbering; tracking during sample preparation and analysis; and storage of data are described in Prism's QA Manual. In general, upon laboratory receipt of a shipment of samples, the laboratory's sample custodian will verify that the correct number of coolers has been received. The custodian will Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 33 examine each cooler's custody seal to verify that it is intact and that the integrity of the environmental samples has been maintained. The custodian will then open each cooler and measure its internal temperature by measuring the temperature of the temperature blank. The temperature reading will be documented in the "comments" column of the COC form or on an internal laboratory form. The sample custodian will then sign the COC form and examine the contents of the cooler. Identification of broken sample containers or discrepancies between the COC form and sample labels will be recorded. The laboratory will retain the original field COC forms, providing copies of the forms with the final data package deliverable. All problems or discrepancies noted during this process will be promptly reported to H&H's PM. Samples will be logged into the laboratory information management system. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 34 B4. ANALYTICAL METHODS AND REQUIREMENTS Field Analytical Methods The following instruments will be used to collect field measurements while collecting soil and groundwater samples: • Soil: Organic vapors will be measured using a PID. • Groundwater: Specific conductance, temperature, and pH will be measured using a Horiba U-55 or equivalent meter; turbidity will be measured with a turbidity meter (HF Scientific Model DRT-15C or equivalent). The QA information and calibration procedures for field measurements are described in Sections B5 and B7 of this Generic QAPP. Laboratory Analytical Methods Soil and groundwater samples will be submitted to Prism Laboratories for the following analyses: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs plus hexane) by EPA 8260B Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by EPA 8270C (soil) and EPA 625 (water) Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270C Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) by EPA 8081 Organophosphorous Pesticides (OPPs) by EPA 8141A Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons — Diesel Range Organics by EPA Method 8015C Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (EPH) by Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Method Arsenic by EPA 6010B Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 35 All samples will be analyzed according to the methods outlined in Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical Methods (SW-846) and Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes or as otherwise specified. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 36 B5. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS QC procedures for the pH, temperature, conductivity meter, the turbidity meter, and PID meter will include calibrating the instruments according to the manufacturer's specifications included in the Operations Manuals for each piece of equipment. Additionally, measuring duplicate samples and checking the reproducibility of the measurements by taking multiple readings on a single sample or reference standard will be completed. Assessment of field sampling precision and bias will be made by collecting field duplicates and field blanks for laboratory analysis. QA procedures must begin in the planning stage and continue through sample collection, analyses, reporting, and final review. The methods used to ensure field data quality are discussed below. Organization and Responsibilities The FPL has overall responsibility for field QA. Off -site laboratory analyses for samples collected will be conducted by a private laboratory. Field QA Samples The following sections describe the number and types of QC samples that will be collected and submitted to the private laboratory during the field investigation. Temperature Blanks A temperature blank will be placed in a cooler so that the temperature of each cooler can be measured accurately upon receipt at the laboratory without compromising sample integrity. Temperature blanks are not assigned a unique field sample identification number. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 37 Trip Blank Trip blank samples, consisting of organic-free/laboratory grade blank water poured into VOC sample vials and preserved with hydrochloric acid off -site under contaminant -free conditions prior to commencing field investigation activities, will be by the laboratory. Trip blank samples will be handled in a manner consistent with actual field samples, but will not be opened and will be shipped to the laboratory with the samples. Trip blank samples will provide a measure of potential cross -contamination of samples by VOCs during shipment and handling. Private laboratories do not require soil trip blanks; therefore, they will not be submitted. Duplicate Samples Field duplicates will be collected and analyzed for chemical constituents to measure the cumulative uncertainty (i.e., precision) of the sample collection, splitting, handling, storage, preparation and analysis operations, as well as natural sample heterogeneity that is not eliminated through simple mixing in the field. Field duplicates are two samples prepared by mixing a volume of sample and splitting it into two separate sample containers that are labeled as individual field samples. Co -located duplicate samples will be collected at 10% of the soil and groundwater sample locations. Following collection of the initial sample, the duplicate sample will be re -collected from the same location using clean equipment. Field duplicates are labeled as individual environmental samples and are not identified to the laboratory as duplicate samples. The duplicate sample will be identified with a sequential sample number and identified on the regional copy of the chain of custody so that there is no indication to the laboratory that the sample is a duplicate. The sample will be submitted to the private laboratory for analysis along with the other soil and groundwater samples collected during the investigation. Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Samples for laboratory QC analyses such as the matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) will be designated as specified in SESDPROC-011-R2. One MS/MSD sample will be designated for every 20 samples submitted to the private laboratory. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 38 B6. LABORATORY QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS The analytical laboratory will have a QC program to ensure the reliability and validity of the analyses performed at the laboratory. The laboratory's QA Manual will describe the policies, organization, objectives, QC activities, and specific QA functions used by the laboratory. All analytical procedures are documented in writing in writing as SOPS and each SOP will include a QC section that addresses the minimum QC requirements for the procedure. The internal QC checks might differ slightly for each individual procedure but in general the QC requirements include the following elements: • Field/Trip blanks • Method blanks • Reagent/preparation blanks (applicable to inorganic analysis) • Instrument blanks • Calibration verifications • MS/MSDs • Surrogate (or SMC) spikes • Analytical spikes • Field duplicates • Laboratory duplicates • Laboratory control standards • Internal standard areas for GC/MS analysis; control limits • Mass tuning for GC/MS analysis • Endrin/dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) degradation checks for Gas Chromatography using Electron Capture (GC/EC) analysis, and • Dissimilar column confirmation for GC/EC analysis Data obtained will be properly recorded. The data package will include a full deliverable package capable of allowing the recipient to reconstruct QC information and compare it to QC criteria. The laboratory will reanalyze any samples analyzed in nonconformance with the QC Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 39 criteria, if sufficient volume is available. It is expected that sufficient volumes/weights of samples will be collected to allow for reanalysis when necessary. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 40 B7. FIELD EQUIPMENT AND CORRECTIVE ACTION Field equipment will be calibrated in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. Field equipment refers to articles used for on -site screening and testing. The following instruments will be utilized in the field: pH/temperature/conductivity meter, turbidity meter and PID. Field instrumentation will be operated and calibrated according to the manufacturers' specifications. Field equipment calibration will be completed according to the frequency schedule outlined by the equipment manufacturer. The PID will be calibrated daily, or as field conditions change, with calibration gases and the results of calibration will be recorded in the field logbook. If this identification is not feasible, then calibration records for the equipment will be readily available for reference. Should any of the field equipment become inoperable, it will be removed from service and tagged to indicate that repair, recalibration, or replacement is needed. Calibration documentation procedures, at a minimum, will include the following: • Entries to the field logbooks will be made at least daily whenever the instrument is in use; and, • Calibration records that include: Calibrator's name; Standard(s) used; Date/time of calibration; and Corrective actions taken • Additionally, multiple readings on one sample or standard, as well as readings on replicate samples, will likewise be documented. The H&H Raleigh office will be notified so that prompt service or substitute equipment can be obtained. Backup systems will be available for each instrument in use and will be calibrated prior to use in the field. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 41 B8. LAB EQUIPMENT & CORRECTIVE ACTION Laboratory equipment will be calibrated in accordance with laboratory SOPs. Laboratory equipment refers to articles used in the laboratory in support of data collection (e.g., refrigerators) and instruments used for sample analysis (e.g., GC/ECD). Laboratory instrument calibration procedures and preventive maintenance are defined in Sections 9.0 and 10.0, respectively, in Prism's QA Manual. The SOP for each analysis performed in the laboratory describes the calibration procedures, their frequency, acceptance criteria and the conditions that will require recalibration. The laboratory maintains a sample logbook for each instrument which will contain the following information: instrument identification, serial number, date of calibration, analyst, calibration solutions run and the samples associated with these calibrations. Records of calibration, repairs, or replacement will be filed and maintained by the designated laboratory personnel performing QC activities. These records will be filed at the location where the work is performed and will be subject to QA audit. All analyses will be governed by the appropriate laboratory SOPs, and appropriate calibration procedures and frequencies can be found in each SOP. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 42 B9. ANALYTICAL SENSITIVITY & PROJECT CRITERIA Table 4 provides a comparison of the routine reporting limits and method detection limits of the laboratory analytical methods performed by Prism Laboratories to routinely used project criteria. If needed, this table will be amended in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum for each different laboratory and to meet the target analytical parameters for each individual project, and it should include the following laboratory -specific information: • Analytical method reference • Matrix • Analyte list • Method detection limit • Reporting limit • Relevant state/federal criteria or standard associated with each analyte and matrix Project criteria are the relevant state/federal regulatory standards or screening levels to which sample analyte concentrations are compared to evaluate risk at a target site. When the project criteria are less than the laboratory reporting limit or the method detection limit, it is possible than undetected sample analyte concentrations may actually exceed the project criteria. This condition needs to be identified in the planning stage of the project to communicate with the laboratory to discuss alternatives. Depending on the situation, H&H may elect to seek an alternate method with a lower limit of detection. If alternatives are not available, the resulting data should be discussed in terms of data usability in the project evaluation process (see Section C2). For the City's Brownfields project, one or more of the following regulatory standards/screening levels will be used. If specific cleanup levels or other regulatory criteria are identified for specific projects, they will be included in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. • Soil Data — Compounds detected in soil will be screened against the NCDENR Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) soil remediation goals (SRGs) found in the IHSB's Soil Remediation Goals (SRGs) Table (updated January 2010) and the USEPA Regional Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 43 Screening Levels for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites (updated May 2010), whichever is more stringent. Naturally occurring metals in site soil samples will be compared to background soil sample concentrations and/or literature values. • UST Related Data - Compounds detected in soil and ground water will be compared with the respective screening levels established by the NCDENR UST Section to evaluate the need for UST corrective action. Applicable screening criteria are established in NCDENR's Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure and Initial Response and Abatement for UST Releases (rev. 11/26/2008) and Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action for UST Releases (rev. 11/26/2008); Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration (MSCC) Table (1/2010); and Gross Contamination Level (GCL) Table (1 /2010). • Ground Water Data — Constituents detected in ground water will be screened against the NCAC Title 15A Subchapter 2L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina (2L Stds) Qualitatively, the results will be compared to the above applicable screening levels to determine if remedial activities are warranted to protect future site occupants. Because there are no known groundwater users in the immediate vicinity of the site, the potential for potable use exposure pathways are incomplete. Because the future land use may include occupied site buildings, indoor air vapor intrusion will be anticipated as a potential exposure pathway. Therefore, a vapor intrusion screening approach will be used in accordance with NCDENR Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Structural Vapor Intrusion Potential for Site Assessments and Remedial Actions Under the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (October 6, 2010). Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 44 B10. DATA MANAGEMENT AND DOCUMENTS H&H will maintain logbook notes and collect digital photographs during the sampling event. H&H will document field data in an ABCA Addendum or other deliverable as needed to meet NCDENR requirements for a Brownfields Agreement summarizing the existing conditions at the site; describing the data collection activities; and describing the nature of contamination at the site. Environmental and QA/QC analytical data will be evaluated and data tables will be attached to the report. Significant QA/QC issues regarding sample collection, handling, and analysis will be identified in the report. The H&H internal QC process requires that all project deliverables be reviewed to promote technical adequacy and completeness. The H&H QA Manager or designee will perform internal QC checks of work assignment activities. Internal QC checks will address adherence to this Generic QAPP. H&H will retain all file information related to the site in H&H's Raleigh, NC office. H&H will archive the hard -copy documents, field notes, data, reports, drawings, photographs, maps, tables, and records it generates and receives from other project -related sources in its office file system or secured off -site storage for a minimum of three years. H&H will maintain a database of stored projects and log checkouts from any off -site storage facility. Electronic documents will be organized by specific project and task into secure network system files, folders and subfolders on H&H's file server for a minimum of three years following the completion of the project. The subcontracted analytical laboratory for each individual project will typically generate laboratory analytical data reports and QA/QC reports and completed chain -of -custody records. These data and documents are stored in electronic format on the laboratory's file server for a minimum of three years following project completion. Text reports, correspondence, document transmittals, and meeting notes will be generated using Microsoft Word or compatible word processing software and may be converted to Adobe Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 45 Portable Document Format (PDF) files. Lab data will be managed and compiled using Microsoft Excel and/or Access software. Summary data tables will be generated using Microsoft Excel or compatible spreadsheet software. Photographs will be taken in digital format and will be stored and accessed using PC -available photograph organizing software. Figures and drawings will be generated using AutoCad software and Microsoft PowerPoint. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 46 C1. ASSESSMENTS AND RESPONSE ACTIONS Assessment If the City's Project Manager believes data collection activities do not meet quality assurance requirements specified in the Quality Assurance Management Plan, the City's Project Manager may suspend environmental data collection projects and request corrective action. To assess overall quality in the City's Brownfields Project, the City's Project Manager or H&H's QA Manager or his/her designee may conduct periodic audits. More typically, project -specific audits will be conducted that may consist of technical systems reviews, readiness reviews, surveillance, performance evaluations, and/or data quality assessments. H&H's QA Manager will serve in a role independent from the project sampling team, is not affiliated with the analytical laboratory, and is responsible for communicating deficiencies to H&H's Project Manager. QA audits may include site visits during field activities or of the off -site laboratory by the QA Manager. The QA Manager will determine the frequency of audits but given the short duration of the subject work it is unlikely that more than one audit will be conducted. The role and responsibility of H&H's Project Manager in the assessment plan is to determine whether the work is being performed in accordance with the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. Potential types of problems and examples of corrective actions are listed in the table below. Potential Audit Concerns Examples of Corrective Action Improper use of field equipment Instruct on proper methods Poor sample collection techniques Collect additional samples properly Improper decontamination procedures Consider cross contamination potential and resample if deemed necessary Wrong sample locations Contact EPA and determine if additional samples will be required Improper use of personal protective Consider cross -contamination potential and resample if equipment (PPE) deemed necessary; instruct on proper use Poorly written field notes Advise on proper techniques per QAPP requirements and re -write if necessary Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 47 Laboratory sample prep area dirty Report incident to Lab Supervisor, consider whether re - sampling is required Laboratory does not check sample Report incident to Lab Supervisor, determine whether temperatures when they arrive samples will be adversely affected and if re -sampling is required H&H's Project Manager is responsible for ensuring the variances and corrective actions are communicated at the time of the incident to the project team, laboratory, and EPA. The Project Manager is responsible for documenting pertinent facts in an assessment report. The assessment report will be provided to the EPA Region 4 Project Officer. H&H's Project Manager or his/her field staff designee is responsible for ensuring the corrective action is effective in resolving the problem. Oversight Given the relatively short-term duration of most Brownfields field efforts, the assessment plan also includes the oversight of the field team and field subcontractors at a point early in the project by an experienced field supervisor familiar with the project objectives. This oversight means verifying that the project is progressing as planned and field procedures are in place. Should problems arise, the field supervisor may request that the Project Manager or QA Manager conduct a field audit. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 48 C2. PROJECT REPORTS ABCA Addendum or Other Deliverable Approved by DENR The field sampling activities and collected data will be documented in an Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA) Addendum or other deliverable as needed to meet NCDENR requirements for a Brownfields Agreement. This document will include a description of field activities, a tabular summary of the results of soil and ground water samples compared to potential regulatory target levels, figures depicting site structures and sample locations, laboratory analytical report, and conclusions based upon our pre -design data collection activities. The report will also provide a recommendation for the cleanup approach and an estimated cost(s). A selected remedy will be developed based upon commercial/industrial as the anticipated future site use. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 49 D1. FIELD DATA EVALUATION Data evaluation is the process of verifying that qualitative and quantitative information generated relative to a given sample is complete and accurate. Data evaluation procedures shall be performed for field operations as described below. Procedures to evaluate field data for this project primarily include checking for transcription errors and review of field logbooks/field data sheets, on the part of field crewmembers. At the end of each field event, H&H's FPL will review the field logbooks to check that tasks were performed as specified in the Site -Specific QAPP Addendum. Specific items to be reviewed include: • Samples collected in proper locations • Field equipment calibration procedures documented in field book and in accordance with acceptance criteria • Proper sampling techniques used • Field QA/QC requirements followed • Samples analyzed for correct parameters Further, results of all field instrument calibration will be reviewed by H&H's FPL to ensure that all criteria that are specified in this Generic QAPP are followed. Data collected from instruments not meeting calibration standards will be re -measured once the calibration problem has been solved. The FPL will be the responsible for ensuring that these measurements are re -taken. The evaluation of field QC samples will provide definitive indications of the data quality. If a problem arises, it should be able to be isolated via the complete sample tracking and documentation procedures that will be performed. If such a problem does arise, corrective action can be instituted, documented, and reported. If data are compromised due to a problem, appropriate data qualifications will be used to identify the data. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 50 The handling, preservation and storage of samples collected during the sampling program will be monitored on an on -going basis. The project laboratories will document sample receipt including proper containers and preservation at the time samples are logged into their individual laboratory. The sample receipt records (a required data package deliverable) as well as the COC documentation will also be assessed during data validation. Sample handling, storage or preservation problems identified during data validation will result in appropriate qualification of data. Data Quality Review Field data will be reviewed and verified to ensure that the data collected are of sufficient quantity and quality to support the project -specific DQOs. Raw data and data -entry errors will be detected by standard QA review consisting of 1) an initial review by the technician generating the data; and 2) a second review by H&H's Project Manager or his/her senior level designee. Reduced data will be checked in the same manner by manual calculations on a spot-check basis in a like manner. Equations, calculations, data transfers, consistent units, and significant figures will be subject to the quality assurance review. Results of the above field data quality review will be documented in the final report. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 51 D2. LABORATORY DATA EVALUATION Data evaluation validation is the process of verifying that qualitative and quantitative information generated relative to a given sample is complete and accurate. Data evaluation procedures shall be performed laboratory operations as described below. Data Reduction The laboratory's data reduction process in outlined in Section 12.1 of Prism's QA Manual. Initial data reduction will be performed by the laboratory's primary analyst or technician making the measurement in accordance with Section 12.1. Data Review and Validation Each final laboratory analytical data report and supporting data will be reviewed by the lab's Project Manager and portions of each report reviewed by the lab's QA Manager in accordance with Sections 12.2 and 12.3 of Prism's QA Manual. The laboratory data package review will basically include: Field and Laboratory Raw Data ■ Transcription Errors ■ Calculation Errors ■ Calibration Data ■ Mass Spectral Interpretation ■ Times and Dates of Analyses Chain -of -Custody Holding Times Anomalies Concerning Interdepartmental Data H&H's QA Manager, who is independent from the project sampling team and he is not affiliated with the analytical laboratory, will review the final draft report for completeness and compliance Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 52 with overall project goals. The QA Manager will review and evaluate field and laboratory QC data to determine what data are judged to be valid for use as intended, and what data must be used with qualifications or eliminated altogether. H&H's QA Manager will communicate the deficiencies to H&H's Project Manager. These determinations will be documented fully in the assessment report and associated remediation planning documents. H&H's Review and Documentation of Laboratory QC Data H&H's Project Manager will perform a final data evaluation on the laboratory data package for each Brownfields project to ensure it is compliant with the Generic QAPP and Site -Specific QAPP Addendum requirements. H&H's Project Manager will document any problems with laboratory QC results in the final report. Any pertinent sample data that may be impacted by problems with laboratory QC sample results will be noted in the final report. Where applicable, data will be flagged with the data qualifiers explained in the footnotes of the data summary table. H&H's Project Manager will address missing information or questions concerning the data package with the laboratory's QA Officer. H&H's Project Manager will document any missing information, unresolved questions, non -compliant issues, and variations from the analytical protocols by the laboratory in the final report. Any pertinent sample data that may be impacted by non-compliance with required QA protocols will be noted in the final report. In addition, H&H's Project Manager will interpret observations, trends, and limitations discovered in the field and/or laboratory QC data and document these interpretations in the final report. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 53 D3. DATA USABILITY AND PROJECT EVALUATION Data review efforts described in this QAPP will culminate in a determination of what data are judged to be valid for use as intended, and what data must be used with qualifications or eliminated altogether. These determinations will be documented fully in the assessment report and associated remediation planning documents. An overall project evaluation process is presented below that will be routinely used to determine data usability, update the conceptual site model, and to determine if the project objectives have been met. The basic steps of this process include: 1) Compare Field Data with State/Federal Standards Tabulate the field data together with the applicable state/federal standards, regulatory screening levels and/or background concentrations for presentation on the final report. Highlight any sample results exceeding the criteria. Check the table for completeness, correctness, and accuracy. 2) Prepare Site Figures/Maps and Other Graphical Representations Generated figures and maps as appropriate to show geologic and hydrogeologic conditions and the distribution of contaminants with respect to site features. Check the figures for completeness, correctness, and accuracy. 3) Evaluate Usability Using the summary table in Step 1 and the graphical presentations in Step 2, evaluate the usability of the individual field sample results at the parameter level. Document any limitations on how the data should be used and/or interpreted. Consider the following criteria • Sensitivity (is sample concentration near the reporting limit or method detection limit?) • Results of field data evaluation (see Section DI) Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 54 • Results of laboratory data evaluation (see Section D2) Evaluate the following data quality issues: Where contaminants of concern are at concentrations near the project criteria and reportinglimits imits Are there sufficient surrounding data points to support a trend if real contamination? Is more data needed to support a conclusion? Evaluate the heterogeneity of a particular matrix by evaluating the field duplicate results Variability in the duplicate results can impact the usability of low level results near the project criteria. Are more data points needed to support a conclusion? Evaluate sample results that are reported at elevated reporting limits due to dilution of the sample during anal Is the usability of the data compromised because the reporting limit is greater than the project criteria? Can cleanup and reanalysis be performed to salvage the data? Evaluate low flow ground water quality Does the turbidity data impact the use of the SVOC, PCB or metals data where the concentration is near the project criteria and reporting limits? Based upon the data usability evaluation described in Step 3 above, H&H's Project Manager will perform an overall project evaluation and will document observations, trends, anomalies, or data gaps that may exist. Further, H&H's Project Manager will evaluate how the sample results impact the conceptual site model and whether the project objectives have been met. The above evaluations, observations, and conclusions will be documented in the final report. Hart & Hickman, PC City of Rocky Mount NC Generic QAPP Revision 0 BF-95414908 Former Planter's Oil Mill Site November 18, 2010 Page 55 EL REFERENCES 1. EPA. Guidance on Choosing a Sampling Design for Environmental Data Collection. EPA QA-GSS. December 2002. 2. Hart & Hickman. Phase I ESA Report. October 2007. 3. NCDENR. Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Structural Vapor Intrusion Potential for Site Assessments and Remedial Actions under the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch. October 2010. 4. T N & Associates, Inc. (TN&A). Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA). August 2009. 5. T N & Associates, Inc. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment — Revision 1. May 2009. 6. T N & Associates, Inc. (TN&A). Quality Assurance Program Plan/Site Sampling Plan. November 2008. 7. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD), Region 4. Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures (FBQSTP). November 2007. Hart & Hickman, PC FIGURES Figure 1 - Topographic Map Figure 2 - Site Layout Map 11 - fo 0 - ?:!; ll- .. J�. . li e on fig or a APPROXIMATE 0 2000 4000 SCALE IN FEET U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP ROCKY MOUNT, NC 1977 QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) S:\AAA-Master Projects\City of Rocky Mount - CRM\CRM-008 POM Cleanup Grant\SSQAPP\Planters Mill QAPP-2000.dwg, Figure 3A, 11/10/2010 11:50:17 AM, sbloom HARGROVE -STREET 1 I III I I I I r I I I r I CYPRESS STREET I r r I I D W i I r D i N L I m I I I r I O C7 0 O Z 00 m 4 0OZ O -<�a K�Cn MOO O 0 r O Z r 4 r Z n I ao ............ t j► k I I �Z �0 I ICI I I _t r� .............. . . � m I A\ j- ::'::•:: o :::::::::::: 0� :::::::: rn m O I 0 Ln r '•' ':':':':':':':':':':':' D t WX o �3 �.� II D+I -n I mmm N >*rn =F_- f O m XO I N om� n I- m ao { I m, I mCID Z -� o z f tD I I rn m N D+ m A I O c:K D O t)o< I m......:. o oX N — _v1 m I i m I rn aW w m m W:�:�:�•�•� m:::::'::: O 0 m to m:::�:� o N D� �M to I� I I i� .._..N.N .....I m r,Zj I r 1 �i� -0,I _W —'I— I A I t III So o ®®® I , OO m Izm N 0 FDA �c ® c IOZc m toll ml ®®® m U) � o I Imo_ r O u l cDiz I 00 m Icn II z z� ? I I Aczi I jo Am _0 m I-- L----I -ku W cn 10, cmK I zmm� m om I 771 Imo_,---- w I m —� Dm Zm r, o T, i■ 1 ■ p I■ • an� we I No ■■ an 11 ii ii i El O D D x0 0 D N Ln m O O O m m AO O A � O nOC m m my m I D 0 _0 N = 0 O op a, z on W mA m m Co z D N (On -0 0 D 0 00 Z D m m NO mr U) O O O D ;1 o m c0 �qm m vZ -4 rD m� D Or z r N c _z -D >0 z oP � 1j � m I m ®t X + o W D X O O o O � z o N 0 . Z F D r O c O r Z A v Do o m W A X N O r Z G7 Lin m z mr o 0 m 0 Nr m Z 0 zo mDm O O -0Z TABLES Table 1 - Example Sample Summary Table Table 2 - Sampling and Analytical Methods Requirements Table Table 3 - Laboratory Analytical Quality Control — Prism Laboratories Table 4 - Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria — Prism Laboratories Table 1 Sample Summary Table Brownfield Cleanup Grant - Remedial Design Data Gathering Former Planter's Oil Mill Site Rocky Mount, North Carolina H&H Job No. CRM-008 Proposed Sample ID Proposed Sample Depth Intervals (ft bgs) Sample Objective ANALYSES' VOCs3 EPA-8260B PAHs EPA-8270C Arsenic SM 6010B OCPs/OPPs SM 8081/8141A SVOCs + 10 TICS EPA 625/8270 MADEP EPH Samples: NW Truck Scales S13-1 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 S13-1 4-6 Subsurface Soil Sample 1 1 MW-1 GW Shallow Groundwater Sample 1 1 Former Drum Storage Area/Maintenance Shop S13-2 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 1 S13-2 4-6 Subsurface Soil Sample 1 1 MW-2 GW Subsurface Soil Sample 1 1 SB-13 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 1 1 1 Previous POM-2 Sampling Location S13-3 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 S13-3 4-6 Subsurface Soil Sample 1 1 MW-3 GW Shallow Groundwater Sample 1 1 No. 6 Fuel Oil UST Area - Limited Site Assessment S13-4 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 S13-4 4-6 Subsurface Soil Sample 1 1 S13-4 9-11 Subsurface Soil Sample 1 1 S13-4 14-16 Subsurface Soil Sample 1 1 MW-4 GW Shallow Groundwater Sample 1 1 Hexane Tank/Solvent Extraction Area 3 S13-5 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 S13-5 4-6 Hexane Tank/Solvent Extraction Area 1 1 MW-5 GW Shallow Groundwater Sample 1 1 S13-6 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 S13-6 4-6 Hexane Tank/Solvent Extraction Area 1 1 SB-14 0-2 Sump 1 SB-14 4-6 Sump 1 1 1 Arsenic in Surface Soils S13-7 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 S13-8 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 S13-9 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 SB-10 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 SB-11 0-2 Surface Soil Sample 1 SB-12 0-2 1 Surface Soil Sample 1 Quality Control Samples Duplicate I Data Quality Assurance 1 1 1 MS/MSD jData Quality Assurance 1 1 1 TOTALS:j 13 113 117 2 4 4 Notes: 1. VOCs - Volatile Organic Compounds; PAHs - Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons; OPPs - Organophosphorous Pesticides; OCPs - Organochlorine Pesticides; SVOCs - Semi-VOCs; TICs - Tentatively Identified Compounds; MADEP - Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection; EPH - Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons; SM-Standard Method; MS/MSD - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate 2. Laboratory QA Level II Requested on all data packages. 3. For S13-5, S13-6 and S13-14, hexane will be added to the VOC analyte list. SAAAA-Master Projects\City of Rocky Mount - CRM\CRM-008 POM Cleanup Grant\SSQAPP\QAPP Tables December 19, 2007 Hart Hickman, PC Table 2 Sampling and Analytical Methods Requirements Table Brownfield Assessment Former Planter's Oil Mill Site Rocky Mount, North Carolina H&H Job No. CRM-008 Sample Holding Time Preservation Procedures Container Type Analysis Water I Soil Water Soil IT Water Soil Volatile Organic Compounds 14 days - Advance 14 days- Advance notice 4°C, 5 mL 20% (3) 40 ml, VOA glass; (3) 40 mL VOA glass + stir bar, (including hexane) notice required to lab required to lab 4°C; HCL to PH <2 NaHSO4 Teflon lined septum 2oz. glass for dry wt. 7 days until extraction, 14 days until extraction, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons 40 days after extraction 40 days after extraction 0.0080/oNa2S202; 4°C 4°C (2) l liter glass (amber) 8 oz glass - 200 gm 7 days until extraction, 14 days until extraction, Polychlorinated Biphenyls 40 days after extraction 40 days after extraction 0.0080/.Na2S202; 4°C 4°C (2) l liter glass (amber) 8 oz glass - 200 gm Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Gas (3) 40 ml, VOA glass; Range Organics 14 days 14 days HCl to H<2; 4°C OC Teflon lined septum 4 oz glass - 100 gin Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Diesel Range Organics 14 days 14 days 4°C OC 2 1 liter glass (amber) 8 oz glass - 200 Rm 7 days to extract; 40 7 days to extract; 40 days Organochlorine Pesticides days post -extraction post -extraction 0.0080/.Na2S202; 4°C OC (2) l liter glass (amber) 8 oz glass - 200 gm 7 days to extract; 40 7 days to extract; 40 days Organophosphoms Compounds days post -extraction post -extraction 0.0080/.Na2S202; 4°C 4°C (2) l liter glass (amber) 8 oz glass - 200 gm Target Metals 180 days; Hg-28 days 180 days; Hg-28 days pH<2 w/HNO3. 4°C 4°C 1 liter plastic 4 oz glass - 100 gm Nitrates 48 hours 48 hours Cool to <6°C 4°C 100 ml plastic 4 oz glass - 50 gin Temperature, field pH, Conductivity, Immediately after Turbidity, ORP, and D.O. sample collected Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Note: EPA Method 8260B for soils will be collected using 5035 Field Prep Method This procedure involves the following tools: 1. laboratory provided easydraw syringe(s) 2. (1) 2 oz jar for dry weight 3. (2) 40 ml VOA vials with stir bars filled with 5 mis of Sodium Bisulfate and tare weight 4. (1) 40 ml VOA vial with 5 mis of Methanol and tare weight The sample proceedure for the 5035 Field Prep Method includes the following: 1. fill the 2 ozjar with soil for dry weight 2. using the provided laboratory provided syringe fill the (3) VOA vials with approximately 5 grams of soil (as indicated on the easydraw syringe) 3. secure lids SA\AAA-Master Projects\City of Rocky Mount - CRM\CRM-008 POM Cleanup Grant\SSQAPP\QAPP Tables December 19, 2007 H. Hka.,.,,x Table 3 Summary of Primary Compounds of Concern and QA/QC Requirements Brownfield Assessment Former Planter's Oil Mill Site Page 1 of 2 Rocky Mount, North Carolina H&H Job No. CRM-008 Range of Analytical Extraction/ Primary Compounds of Concern Laboratory Method Digestion Method Reporting Limits Laboratory MS Percent MSD RPD Method Blank Control Percent Recovery Percent Acceptance Limits Recovery VOCs by Method 8260/SM6210 8260B 5035 ug/kg or ug/l 3 46-136 22 <1/2 RL 62-119 Benzene soil Benzene water 8260B 0.5 62-129 19 <1/2 RL 70-141 Ethylbenzene soil 8260B 5035 5 51-135 23 <1/2 RL 57-128 Ethylbenzene water 8260B 0.5 58-133 20 <1/2 RL 80-139 Hexane soil 8260B 5035 NA NA NA <1/2 RL NA Hexane water 8260B 10 70-130* 20* <1/2 RL 70-130* m,p-Xylenes soil 8260B 5035 10 51-136 20 <1/2 RL 54-132 m,p-Xylenes water 8260B 1 59-137 20 <1/2 RL 82-136 Methyl-t-butyl ether soil 8260B 5035 5 50-146 20 <1/2 RL 66-129 Methyl-t-butyl ether water 8260B 0.5 70-130* 20* <1/2 RL 70-130* Naphthalene soil 8260B 5035 5 45-147 24 <1/2 RL 48-140 Naphthalene water 8260B 1 54-127 24 <1/2 RL 40-136 o-Xylenes soil 8260B 5035 5 49-137 22 <1/2 RL 57-131 o-Xylenes water 8260B 0.5 65-129 21 <1/2 RL 73-134 Tetrachloroethene soil 8260B 5035 5 50-136 24 <1/2 RL 53-129 Tetrachloroethene water 8260B 0.5 55-130 22 <1/2 RL 67-124 Toluene soil 8260B 5035 1 60-131 21 <1/2 RL 78-130 Toluene water 8260B 0.5 60-131 21 <1/2 RL 78-130 Trichloroethene soil 8260B 5035 1 45-141 23 <1/2 RL 59-129 Trichloroethene water 8260B 0.5 52-128 18 <1/2 RL 78-124 TPH by EPA Method 8015 TPH - GRO soil 8015 5035 5 mg/kg 57-113 23 <1/2 RL 67-116 TPH - GRO water 8015 0.2 mg/L 69-130 24 <1/2 RL 60-138 TPH - DRO soil 8015 3550 10 mg/kg 52-119 25 <1/2 RL 53-118 TPH - DRO water 8015 1 m 51-145 22 <1/2 RL 53-135 EPH by MADEP Method C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP 10 mg/kg 40-140 50 <1/2 RL 40-140 C19 - C36 Aliphatics 10 mg/kg 40-140 50 <1/2 RL 40-140 C11 - C22 Aromatics 10 m 40-140 50 <1/2 RL 40-140 SVOCs and PAHs by EPA Method 8270C 8270C 3550B ug/kg or ug/I 330 36-107 32 <1/2 RL 44-110 Acenaphthene soil Acenaphthene water 8270C 3510C 10 47-145 17 <1/2 RL 47-145 Acenaphthylenesoil 8270C 3550B 330 33-110 32 <1/2 RL 43-114 Acenaphthylene water 8270C 3510C 10 33-145 17 <1/2 RL 33-145 Anthracene soil 8270C 3550B 330 48-120 25 <1/2 RL 59-120 Anthracene water 8270C 3510C 10 27-133 12 <1/2 RL 27-133 Benzo(a)anthracenesoil 8270C 3550B 330 31-128 31 <1/2 RL 46-125 Benzo(a)anthracene water 8270C 3510C 10 33-143 12 <1/2 RL 33-143 Benzo(a)pyrenesoil 8270C 3550B 330 50-123 23 <1/2 RL 60-124 Benzo(a)pyrene water 8270C 3510C 10 17-163 22 <1/2 RL 17-163 Benzo(b)fluoranthenesoil 8270C 3550B 330 45-125 25 <1/2 RL 55-125 Benzo(b)fluoranthene water 8270C 3510C 10 24-159 18 <1/2 RL 24-159 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene soil 8270C 3550B 330 38-124 25 <1/2 RL 41-133 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene water 8270C 3510C 10 10-219 22 <1/2 RL 10-219 Benzo(k)fluoranthenesoil 8270C 3550B 330 48-121 27 <1/2 RL 58-124 Benzo(k)fluoranthene water 8270C 3510C 10 11-162 27 <1/2 RL 11-162 Chrysene soil 8270C 3550B 330 29-129 32 <1/2 RL 44-128 Chrysene water 8270C 3510C 10 17-168 19 <1/2 RL 17-168 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracenesoil 8270C 3550B 330 34-130 25 <1/2 RL 46-129 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene water 8270C 3510C 10 10-227 33 <1/2 RL 10-227 Fluoranthene soil 8270C 3550B 330 47-121 23 <1/2 RL 57-120 Fluoranthene water 8270C 3510C 10 26-137 11 <1/2 RL 26-137 Flumene soil 8270C 3550B 330 38-117 30 <1/2 RL 52-113 Flumene water 8270C 3510C 10 59-121 13 <1/2 RL 59-121 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene soil 8270C 3550B 330 34-131 28 <1/2 RL 44-133 Indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene water 8270C 3510C 10 10-171 22 <1/2 RL 10-171 Naphthalene soil 8270C 3550B 330 25-101 38 <1/2 RL 36-104 Naphthalene water 8270C 3510C 10 21-133 10 <1/2 RL 21-133 Phenanthrene soil 8270C 3550B 330 47-121 23 <1/2 RL 58-117 Phenanthrene water 8270C 3510C 10 54-120 10 <1/2 RL 54-120 Pyrene soil 8270C 3550B 330 45-133 27 <1/2 RL 54-131 Pyrene 8270C 3510C 10 52-115 10 <1/2 RL 52-115 Metals by EPA Method 6010 6010B 3050B mg/kg or mg/L 0.5 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 arsenic soil arsenic water 6010B 3010A 0.01 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 barium soil 6010B 3050B 0.5 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 barium water 6010B 3010A 0.01 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 cadmium soil 6010B 3050B 0.25 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 cadmium water 6010B 3010A 0.001 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 silver soil 6010B 3050B 0.25 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 silver water 6010B 3010A 0.005 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 mercury soil 7471 0.02 80-120 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 mercury water 7470A 0.0002 80-120 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 selenium soil 6010B 3050B 0.5 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 selenium water 6010B 3010A 0.02 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 chromium soil 6010B 3050B 0.25 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 chromium water 6010B 3010A 0.005 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 lead soil 6010B 3050B 0.25 75-125 20 :51/2 RL 80-120 lead water I 6010B 1 3010A 1 0.005 1 75-125 1 20 1 :51/2 RL 1 80-120 S:\AAA-Master Projects\City of Rocky Mount - CRM\CRM-008 POM Cleanup Grant\SSQAPP\QAPP Tables December 11, 2007 xon xkk.a„, x Table 3 Summary of Primary Compounds of Concern and QA/QC Requirements Brownfield Assessment Former Planter's Oil Mill Site Page 2 of 2 Rocky Mount, North Carolina H&H Job No. CRM-008 Range of Analytical Extraction/ Primary Compounds of Concern Laboratory Method Digestion Method Reporting Limits Laboratory MS Percent MSD RPD Method Blank Control Percent Recovery Percent Acceptance Limits Recovery Pesticides - Oraanochorine 8081A ug/kg or pg/I 2 ug/kg or pg/1 62-134 24 :51/2 RL 72-126 a-BHC soil a-BHC water 8081A 50 52-130 31 :51/2RL 63-125 P-BHC soil 8081A 2 67-144 17 :51/2 RL 79-134 R-BHC water 8081A 50 31-166 29 :51/2RL 65-137 5-BHC soil 8081A 2 70-138 18 :51/2 RL 74-132 5-BHC water 8081A 50 20-171 27 :51/2RL 65-132 y-BHC (Lindane) soil 8081A 2 62-137 22 :51/2 RL 71-129 y-BHC (Lindane) water 8081A 50 45-140 32 :51/2 RL 66-129 a -chlordane soil 8081A 2 59-138 25 :51/2 RL 71-132 a -chlordane water 8081A 50 18-147 40 :51/2 RL 68-126 y-chlordane soil 8081A 2 59-139 27 :51/2 RL 71-132 y-chlordane water 8081A 50 35-136 34 :51/2 RL 66-126 4,4-DDD soil 8081A 2 57-152 29 :51/2 RL 72-142 4,4-DDD water 8081A 50 17-160 29 :51/2 RL 66-138 4,4-DDE soil 8081A 2 61-143 36 :51/2 RL 74-129 4,4-DDE water 8081A 50 10-158 38 :51/2 RL 67-127 4,4-DDT soil 8081A 2 56-163 38 :51/2RL 75-141 4,4-DDT water 8081A 50 15-171 30 :51/2RL 66-142 aldrin soil 8081A 2 57-137 29 :51/2 RL 66-132 aldrin water 8081A 50 24-142 35 :51/2 RL 62-124 chlordane soil 8081A 50 50-150 40 :51/2 RL 50-150 chlordane water 8081A 500 50-150 40 :51/2RL 50-150 dieldrin soil 8081A 2 60-141 30 :51/2 RL 72-136 dieldrin water 8081A 50 27-148 28 :51/2 RL 69-130 endosulfan I soil 8081A 2 66-137 32 :51/2 RL 74-134 endosulfan I water 8081A 50 40-141 40 :51/2 RL 71-129 endosulfan 11 soil 8081A 2 70-141 20 :51/2 RL 79-134 endosulfan 11 water 8081A 50 43-146 32 :51/2 RL 73-135 endosulfan sulfate soil 8081A 2 65-153 24 :51/2 RL 73-147 endosulfan sulfate water 8081A 50 37-153 36 :51/2 RL 72-137 endrin soil 8081A 2 65-164 21 :51/2 RL 74-147 endrin water 8081A 50 35-165 27 :51/2 RL 69-144 endrin aldehyde soil 8081A 2 63-147 35 :51/2 RL 73-138 endrin aldehyde water 8081A 50 15-165 33 :51/2 RL 68-139 endrin ketone soil 8081A 2 65-152 18 :51/2 RL 84-135 endrin ketone water 8081A 50 36-172 29 :51/2 RL 68-150 heptachlor soil 8081A 2 63-142 27 :51/2 RL 72-134 heptachlor water 8081A 50 38-150 36 :51/2 RL 61-136 heptachlor epoxide soil 8081A 2 63-136 18 :51/2 RL 73-132 heptachlor epoxide water 8081A 50 40-141 36 :51/2 RL 69-131 methoxychlor soil 8081A 2 60-179 30 :51/2RL 91-138 methoxychlor water 8081A 50 37-187 34 :51/2 RL 70-157 toxaphene soil 8081A 50 50-150 40 :51/2 RL 50-150 toxaphene water 8081A 500 50-150 40 :51/2 RL 50-150 Pesticides - Oraanophospherous' 8141A ug/kg or pg/I 70 ug/kg or pg/l 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 0,0,0-triethylphosphorothioate soil 0,0,0-triethylphosphorothioate water 8141A 2 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 atrazine (Aatrex) soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 atrazine (Aatrex) water 8141A 1 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 Azinphos methyl soil 8141A 450 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 Azinphos methyl water 8141A 15 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 bolstar soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 bolstar water 8141A 1 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 chloropyrifos soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 chloropyrifos water 8141A 3 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 coumaphos soil 8141A 250 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 coumaphos water 8141A 15 40-140 40 :51/2RL 40-140 demeton soil 8141A 200 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 demeton water 8141A 6 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 diazinon soil 8141A 250 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 diazinon water 8141A 6 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 dichlorovos soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 dichlorovos water 8141A 1 40-140 40 :51/2RL 40-140 dimethoate soil 8141A 50 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 dimethoate water 8141A 5 40-140 40 :51/2RL 40-140 disulfoton soil 8141A 50 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 disulfoton water 8141A 2 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 EPN soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 EPN water 8141A 2 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 ethoprop soil 8141A 250 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 ethoprop water 8141A 3 40-140 40 :51/2RL 40-140 ethyl parathion soil 8141A 50 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 ethyl parathion water 8141A 2 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 famphur soil 8141A 50 40-140 40 :51/2RL 40-140 famphur water 8141A 2 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 fensulfothion soil 8141A 250 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 fensulfothion water 8141A 15 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 fenthion soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 fenthion water 8141A 1 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 malathion soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 malathion water 8141A 1 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 merphos soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 merphos water 8141A 13 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 methyl parathion soil 8141A 50 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 methyl parathion water 8141A 2 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 mevinphos soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 mevinphos water 8141A 3 40-140 40 :51/2RL 40-140 naled soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 naled water 8141A 1 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 phorate soil 8141A 50 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 phorate water 8141A 2 40-140 40 :51/2RL 40-140 ronnel soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 ronnel water 8141A 3 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 sulfotep soil 8141A 50 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 sulfotep water 8141A 2 40-140 40 :51/2RL 40-140 tetrachlorvinphos (stirofos) soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 tetrachlorvinphos (stirofos) water 8141A 50 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 thionazine soil 8141A 70 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 thionazine water 8141A 2 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 tokuthion (prothiophos) soil 8141A 150 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 tokuthion (prothiophos) water 8141A 5 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 trichloronate soil 8141A 100 40-140 40 :51/2 RL 40-140 trichloronate water 1 8141A 1 1 2 1 40-140 1 40 1 :51/2RL 1 40-140 Notes: QC data presented in this table are provided by Prism Laboratories, Inc. The laboratory precision requirements for laboratory method blanks, rinsate blanks and trip blanks is Non -Detect. MS — Matrix spike MSD - Matrix spike duplicate RPD - Relative percent difference ' - Initial start-up limits (Prism Lab QAP For additional QA/QC requirements and laboratory procedures for additional compounds refer to the Prism Laboratories QA Manual in Appendix B. S:\AAA-Master Projects\City of Rocky Mount - CRM\CRM-008 POM Cleanup Grant\SSQAPP\QAPP Tables December 11, 2007 a.n xwt. x Table 4 Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria - Prism Laboratories Brownfields Assessment Former Planter's Oil Mill Rocky Mount, NC H Job No. CRM-008 Page 1 of 2 Project Criteria Extraction) DENR IHSB Primary Compounds of Concern Analytical Digestion Method Reporting Method Detection Limit Limit EPA RSL for DENR IHSB Method EPA RSL for of 15A 2L GW Residential Industrial Soil Health -Based Ground Water Standards Soil SRGsProtection SRGs PSRGs Volatile Organics Compounds 8260B 5035 ug/kg or ug/I 1.3 ug/kg or ug/I 5.0 ug/kg 550 ug/kg 2,600 ug/kg 550 ug/kg 5 ug/L tetrachloroethene soil tetrachloroethene water 8260E 5030 0.12 0.50 0.7 trichloroethene soil 8260B 5035 1.4 5.0 2,800 14,000 2,800 18 trichloroethene water 8260E 5030 0.073 0.500 3 cis- 1,2-dichloroethene soil 8260B 5035 1.2 5.0 780,000 10,000,000 160,000 360 cis- 1,2-dichloroethene water 8260E 5030 0.054 0.500 70 trans- 1,2-dichloroethene soil 8260B 5035 0.99 5.0 150,000 690,000 31,000 510 trans- 1,2-dichloroethene water 8260E 5030 0.066 0.500 100 1,1-dichloroethane soil 8260B 5035 1.3 5.0 3,300 17,000 3,300 30.0 1,1-dichloroethane water 8260B 5030 0.053 0.500 6 1,2-dichloroethane soil 8260B 5035 1.3 5.0 430 2,200 430 2 1,2-dichloroethane water 8260B 5030 0.11 0.50 0.4 1,1-dichloroethene soil 8260E 5035 1.2 5.0 240,000 1,100,000 49,000 46 1,1-dichloroethene water 8260E 5030 0.046 0.500 7 1,1,1-trichloroethane soil 8260E 5035 1.2 5.0 8,700,000 38,000,000 640,000 1,200 1,1,1-trichloroethane water 8260E 5030 0.053 0.500 200 benzene soil 8260E 5035 1.3 3.0 1,100 5,400 1,100 7.3 benzene water 8260E 5030 0.044 0.500 1 toluene soil 8260E 5035 1.2 5.0 5,000,000 45,000,000 820,000 5,500 toluene water 8260E 5030 0.064 0.500 600 ethylbenzene soil 8260E 5035 1.0 5.0 5,400 27,000 5,400 8,100 ethylbenzene water 8260B 5030 0.085 0.500 600 xylenes (total) soil 8260B 5035 3.8 15 630,000 2,700,000 130,000 6,000 xylenes (total) water 8260B 5030 0.189 1.50 500 methyl-tert-butyl ether soil 8260B 5035 1.0 5.0 43,000 220,000 43,000 85 methyl-tert-butyl ether water 8260B 5030 0.11 0.50 20 vinyl chloride soil 8260B 5035 1.3 10 60 1,700 60 0.19 vinyl chloride water 8260B 5030 0.28 1.00 0.03 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 8270D 3540 ug/kg or ug/I 12 ug/kg or ug/I 330 ug/kg 3,400,000 ug/kg 33,000,000 ug/kg 690,000 ug/kg 8,400 ug/L acenaphthene soil acenaphthene water 8270D 3510 2.3 10 80 anthracene soil 8270D 3540 13 331 17,000,000 170,000,000 3,400,000 660,000 anthracene water 8270D 3510 0.62 10 2,000 benzo(a)anthracene soil 8270D 3540 12 330 150 2,100 150 180 benzo(a)anthracene water 8270D 3510 2.0 10 0.05 benzo(b)fluoranthene soil 8270D 3540 22 330 150 2,100 150 600 benzo(b)fluoranthene water 8270D 3510 1.2 10 0.05 benzo(g,h,i)perylene soil 8270D 3540 22 330 NS NS NS 360,000 benzo(g,h,i)perylene water 8270D 3510 1.5 10 200 benzo(k)fluoranthene soil 8270D 3540 29 330 1,500 21,000 1,500 5,900 benzo(k)fluoranthene water 8270D 3510 1.4 10 0.5 benzo(a)pyrene soil 8270D 3540 18 330 15 210 15 59 benzo(a)pyrene water 8270D 3510 1.2 10 0.005 chrysene soil 8270D 3540 18 330 15,000 210,000 15,000 18,000 chrysene water 8270D 3510 1.9 10 5 dibenz(a,h)anthracene soil 8270D 3540 25 330 15 210 15 190 dibenz(a,h)anthracene water 8270D 3510 1.5 10 0.005 fluoranthene soil 8270D 3540 18 330 2,300,000 22,000,000 460,000 330,000 fluoranthene water 8270D 3510 0.76 10 300 fluorene soil 8270D 3540 10 330 2,300,000 22,000,000 460,000 56,000 fluorene water 8270D 3510 1.7 10 300 indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene soil 8270D 3540 25 330 150 2,100 150 2,000 indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene water 8270D 3510 1.5 10 0.05 naphthalene soil 8270D 3540 26 330 3,600 18,000 3,600 210 naphthalene water 8270D 3510 3.2 10 6 pyrene soil 8270D 3540 26 330 1,700,000 17,000,000 340,000 220,000 pyrene water 8270D 3510 1.4 10 200 Pesticides - Oraanochorine 8081A ug/kg or pg/I 0.18 ug/kg or pg/I 2 ug/kg or pg/I 77 270 77 NS a-BHC soil a-BHC water 8081A 0.0074 0.05 0.02 R-BHC soil 8081A 0.51 2 270 960 270 NS R-BHC water 8081A 0.012 0 0.02 6-BHC soil 8081A 0.28 2 NS NS 270 1.2 6-BHC water 8081A 0.0077 0.05 0.02 y-BHC (Lindane) soil 8081A 0.23 2 520 2,100 520 1.8 y-BHC (Lindane) water 8081A 0.0082 0.05 0.03 a -chlordane soil 8081A 0.35 2 NS NS 1,600 68 a -chlordane water 8081A 0.0071 0.05 0.1 y-chlordane soil 8081A 0.32 2 NS NS 1,600 68 y-chlordane water 8081A 0.0089 0.05 0.1 4,4-DDD soil 8081A 0.61 2 2,000 7,200 2,000 240 4,4-DDD water 8081A 0.014 0.05 0.1 4,4-DDE soil 8081A 0.43 2 1,400 5,100 1,400 NS 4,4-DDE water 8081A 0.0086 0.05 NS 4,4-DDT soil 8081A 0.72 2 1,700 7,000 1,700 340 4,4-DDT water 8081A 0.014 0.05 0.1 aldrin soil 8081A 0.4 2 29 100 29 NS aldrin water 8081A 0.015 0.05 NS chlordane soil 8081A 11.3 50 1,600 6,500 1,600 68 chlordane water 8081A 0.14 0.50 0.1 dieldrin soil 8081A 0.42 2 30 110 30 0.8 dieldrin water 8081A 0.0084 0.05 0.002 endosulfan I soil 8081A 0.36 2 NS NS 73,000 5,600 endosulfan I water 8081A 0.0076 0.05 40 endosulfan II soil 8081A 0.45 2 NS NS 73,000 5,600 endosulfan II water 8081A 0.0071 0.05 40 endosulfan sulfate soil 8081A 0.52 2 NS NS 73,000 5,600 endosulfan sulfate water 8081A 0.0086 0.05 40 endrin soil 8081A 0.6 2 18,000 180,000 3,700 810 endrin water 8081A 0.0082 0.05 2 endrin aldehyde soil 8081A 0.56 2 NS NS 3,700 810 endrin aldehyde water 8081A 0.016 0.05 2 endrin ketone soil 8081A 0.4 2 NS NS 3,700 810 endrin ketone water 8081A 0.0094 0.05 2 heptachlor soil 8081A 0.47 2 110 380 110 6.6 heptachlor water 8081A 0.016 0.05 0.008 heptachlor epoxide soil 8081A 0.37 2 53 190 53 0.82 heptachlor epoxide water 8081A 0.0088 0.05 0.004 methoxychlor soil 8081A 1.4 2 310,000 3,100,000 NS NS methoxychlor water 8081A 0.017 0.05 40 toxaphene soil 8081A 11.2 50 440 1,600 440 46 toxaphene water 8081A 0.15 0.50 0.03 S:WAA-Master Projects\City of Rocky Mount- CRM\CRM-008 POM Cleanup Grant\SSOAPP\OAPP Tables Table 4 Analytical Sensitivity and Project Criteria - Prism Laboratories Brownfields Assessment Former Planter's Oil Mill Rocky Mount, NC H Job No. CRM-008 Page 2 of 2 Pesticides - Organophospherous' 8141A ug/kg or pg/1 14.6 ug/kg or pg/I 70 ug/kg or pg/1 NS NS NS NS 0,0,0-triethylphosphorothioate soil 0,0,0-triethylphosphorothioate water 8141A 0.621 2 NS atrazine (Aatrex) soil 8141A 33 100 2,100 7,500 2,100 25 atrazine (Aatrex) water 8141A 0.38 1 3 Azinphos methyl soil 8141A 33 450 180,000 1,800,000 NS NS Azinphos methyl water 8141A 0.164 15 NS bolstar soil 8141A 33 100 NS NS NS NS bolstar water 8141 A 0.074 1 NS chlorpyrifos soil 8141A 33 100 NS NS 37,000 NS chlorpyrifos water 8141A 0.18 3 NS coumaphos soil 8141A 33 250 NS NS NS NS coumaphos water 8141 A 0.303 15 NS demeton soil 8141A 66 200 2,400 25,000 490 NS demeton water 8141A 2.48 6 NS diazinon soil 8141A 33 250 43,000 430,000 8,600 NS diazinon water 8141A 0.126 6 NS dichlorovos soil 8141A 33 100 1,700 5,900 1,700 NS dichlorovos water 8141 A 0.863 1 NS dimethoate soil 8141A 24.9 50 12,000 120,000 2,400 NS dimethoate water 8141A 1.25 5 NS disulfoton soil 8141A 14.8 50 NS NS 490 6.2 disulfoton water 8141A 0.5638 2 0.3 EPN soil 8141A 33 100 610 6,200 120 NS EPN water 8141A 0.18 2 NS ethoprop soil 8141A 33 250 NS NS NS NS ethoprop water 8141A 0.22 3 NS ethyl parathion soil 8141A 11.9 50 15,000 150,000 73,000 NS ethyl parathion water 8141A 0.267 2 NS famphur soil 8141A 9.8 50 NS NS NS NS famphur water 8141A 0.6985 2 NS fensulfothion soil 8141A 83.3 250 NS NS NS NS fensulfothion water 8141A 0.264 15 NS fenthion soil 8141A 33 100 NS NS NS NS fenthion water 8141A 0.19 1 NS malathion soil 8141A 33 100 1,200,000 12,000,000 24,000 NS malathion water 8141A 0.05 1 NS merphos soil 8141A 33 100 1,800 18,000 370 NS merphos water 8141A 0.59 13 NS methyl parathion soil 8141A 12.6 50 15,000 150,000 73,000 NS methyl parathion water 8141A 0.484 2 NS mevinphos soil 8141A 33 100 NS NS NS NS mevinphos water 8141A 0.58 3 NS naled soil 8141A 33 100 120,000 1,200,000 24,000 NS naled water 8141A 0.614 1 NS phorate soil 8141A 20.6 50 12,000 120,000 2,400 13 phorate water 8141A 1.18 2 1 ronnel soil 8141A 33 100 3,100,000 31,000,000 610,000 NS ronnel water 8141A 0.317 3 NS sulfotep soil 8141A 15.8 50 31,000 310,000 NS NS sulfotep water 8141A 0.589 2 NS tetrachlorvinphos (stirofos) soil 8141A 33 100 20,000 72,000 20,000 NS tetrachlorvinphos (stirofos) water 8141A 0.059 50 NS thionazine soil 8141A 21.9 70 NS NS NS NS thionazine water 8141A 0.691 2 NS tokuthion (prothiophos) soil 8141A 33 150 NS NS NS NS tokuthion (prothiophos) water 8141A 0.27 5 NS trichloronate soil 8141A 33 100 NS NS NS NS trichloronate water 8141A 0.59 2 NS TPH by EPA Method 8015 8015C 5035 0.61 mg/kg 5 mg/kg DENR UST Section Action Level (mg/kq) TPH - GRO soil 10 TPH - GRO water 8015C 0.016 mg/L 0.2 mg/L NS NS TPH - DRO soil 8015C 3550B 1.7 mg/kg 10 mg/kg 10 TPH - DRO water 8015C 3510C 0.039 mg/L 1 m /L NS NS DENR UST Section MCSS (mq/kg) EPHbvMADEPMethod Residential Industrial Soil-to-GW C9 - C18 Aliphatics MADEP 10 mg/kg 1,500 40,000 540 700 C19 - C36 Aliphatics 10 mg/kg 31,000 810,000 NS NS 10,000 C9 - C22 Aromatics 10 m 469 12,264 31 NS 200 TAL Metals ug/kg or ug/L ug/kg or ug/L ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/L arsenic soil 6010E 3050B 50 500 0.39 1.6 4.4 5.8 arsenic water 6010B 3010A 1.2 10 10 Notes: Analytical and extraction/digestion method, method detection limit, and reporting limit data presented in this table are provided by Prism Laboratories, Inc. DENR IHSB SRGs = NC Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources, Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Soil Remediation Goals updated January 2010. EPA RSL = Regional Screening Level (from USEPA Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for Chemical Contaminants at Superfund Sites. RSL Master Table Update (May 2010). 15A 2L GW Standards = NCAC Title 15A Subchapter 2L Groundwater Quality Standards TAL = Target Analyte List; NA = Not Applicable; NS= Not Specified For additional QA/QC requirements and laboratory procedures for additional compounds refer to the Prism Laboratories QA Manual in Appendix B. For petroleum matters, appropriate NCDENR guidance will be followed and referenced in the site -specific QAPP. S:WAA-Master Projects\City of Rocky Mount- CRM\CRM-008 POM Cleanup Grant\SSQAPP\QAPP Tables APPENDIX A Hart & Hickman's Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (SOPS are provided on the enclosed CD) APPENDIX B Prism Laboratories, Inc. QA Manual (Laboratory manual is provided on the enclosed CD)