HomeMy WebLinkAbout16036_PCA Inter ESA_2009.04.01 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction....................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Background....................................................................................................... 1 3.0 Field Activities................................................................................................... 2 3.1 Tile Samples........................................................................................................ 2 3.2 Setting Bed Samples........................................................................................... 2 3.3 Liner Samples ..................................................................................................... 2 3.4 Background Samples .......................................................................................... 3 3.5 Laboratory Analysis............................................................................................ 3 4.0 Air Monitoring.................................................................................................. 3 4.1 Procedures........................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Results................................................................................................................. 4 5.0 Decontamination and Waste Disposal............................................................. 5 6.0 Tile, Setting Bed and Liner Analytical Results.............................................. 5 6.1 Tile Samples........................................................................................................ 5 6.2 Setting Bed Samples........................................................................................... 5 6.3 Liner Samples ..................................................................................................... 6 7.0 Conclusions........................................................................................................ 6 7.1 Vapor Monitoring ............................................................................................... 6 7.2 Tile, Setting Bed and Liner Disposal.................................................................. 6 8.0 Recomendations................................................................................................ 6 8.1 During Material Removal................................................................................... 6 8.2 Waste Disposal.................................................................................................... 7 8.3 Post-Removal Concrete Condition Evaluation................................................... 7 Tables 1 Air Monitoring Results – Metals 2 Air Monitoring Results – Ammonia 3 Air Monitoring Results – Hydrogen Sulfide 4 Air Monitoring Results – Hydrogen Cyanide 5 Air Monitoring Results – Formaldehyde 6 Tile, Bedding and Liner Sampling Results Figures 1 Site Location Map 2a Lower Level Sample Location Plan 2b Upper Level Sample Location Plan Appendices I Laboratory Analytical Results of Air Monitoring II Laboratory Analytical Results of Tile, Bedding and Liner Samples Environmental Sampling Report Former PCA Facility 815 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Matthews, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 April 1, 2009 1.0 INTRODUCTION On February 4, 2009, Ms. Touchette with CPI and Mr. Haytham Kasem with S&ME met at the former PCA facility in Matthews, North Carolina regarding the planned removal and disposal of liner, tile and underlying tile setting bed located within two floor levels of the on-site buildings. The location of the facility is indicated on Figure 1. Mr. Neal McElveen and Mr. Mike Cashio with S&ME visited the facility on February 5, 2009 to tour the area with the liner, tile and setting bed to be removed. The purpose of the sampling was to 1) evaluate options for the disposal of the tile, setting bed, and liner material and 2) evaluate potential exposure of chemicals likely to be present in the tile and setting bed, during both the sampling and removal of the tile and setting bed. 2.0 BACKGROUND The tile is a red-brown quarry tile approximately 6-inches square. The tile is underlain by approximately 4 inches of cement/sand material. In addition, approximately 50% of the lower floor area is covered with a Rhino rubber liner, portions of which have no underlying tile. The liner, tile, and bedding material are located in areas of chemical storage and use in film processing. The upper floor drains to centrally located floor drains which are piped to the lower floor. The lower floor drains to a trench system that flows to a pretreatment system. Possible chemicals that could be present include silver, cadmium, chromium, lead, cyanide, ammonia, (from ammonium thiosulfate), sulfides, hydrogen sulfide, and formaldehyde. However, the use of liquids or material with cyanides could not be ruled out based on lack of information of past operations. Based on a February 18, 2009 site meeting with Mr. Ted Hellmann and others with CPI Corp, Mr. McElveen and Mr. Al Quarles with S&ME, and Mr. Malcolm Whitley with Concord Industrial Services Company, Inc., an extra area of the lower floor currently occupied by office space was discovered to have been previously part of the lower floor processing area. CPI Corp. personnel had uncovered the carpet VTI tile in several areas exposing the same quarry tile as in the processing area and two concrete-filled trenches that connect to the trenches in the current processing area. Thus, Mr. Hellmann requested that this area and the adjacent piping chase area be included in the sampling plan. We understand that a sample of the setting bed material was collected by CPI personnel on January 7, 2009 and analyzed for the eight RCRA metals following TCLP Extraction and for total sulfide. The concentrations of the RCRA metals were not above hazardous waste limits. Sulfide was not detected above the laboratory method detection limit of 10 milligrams per kilogram. Environmental Sampling Report S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 Former PCA Facility, Matthews, North Carolina April 1, 2009 2 3.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES The following field activities were performed on February 25, 2009 during the sample collection: • S&ME collected samples composite of the tile, setting bed, and liner from Areas A through F from the chemical mixing rooms on the upper and lower floors of the building, as indicated on the attached Figures 2a, and 2b. Lower and Upper Sample Location Plans. The tile and setting bed at each location were uncovered and removed by an S&ME employee using an electric jack hammer. In addition, background samples of tile and underlying concrete were collected in the upper floor shipping/receiving room. • The floor areas were divided into six areas. Samples of the tile, setting bed and liner (if present) were collected from five to six locations within each area. The five to six samples of each material type from each area were composited to form one laboratory sample per type per area. The setting bed samples were composited at the site. The tile and liner samples were returned to S&ME’s office and were crushed or cut with pre-cleaned equipment. • During sample collection, two large fans were provided by CPI personnel that moved air across the sampling areas. No apparent dust was generated during the sampling activities. 3.1 Tile Samples At each Area S&ME removed two tiles for access to the underlying setting bed material. Tile from each of the six locations within each area was placed in a plastic sealable bag and labeled with the area of collection. The tile from each area was crushed at S&ME’s office using material testing equipment and mixed to form one laboratory sample per area. From the mixed sample, the laboratory containers were filled and placed on ice prior to transport to the laboratory. 3.2 Setting Bed Samples After removing the tile, S&ME removed and collected a sample of the setting bed material to a depth of ~3 to 4 inches (without penetrating the underlying concrete floor). The samples from each area were placed in a stainless steel bowl and mixed. From the mixed sample, the laboratory containers were filled on site, and placed on ice prior to transport to the laboratory. 3.3 Liner Samples Samples of the Rhino rubber liner were composited from two areas (B and C) in the lower floor area, for laboratory analysis. The samples were cut into small pieces with tin snips, and placed in a plastic bag and mixed by shaking and rotating the bag. From the mixed sample, the laboratory containers were filled and placed on ice prior to transport to the laboratory. Environmental Sampling Report S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 Former PCA Facility, Matthews, North Carolina April 1, 2009 3 3.4 Background Samples One additional sample of the tile and setting bed material was be collected in the shipping/receiving area, a location not reported to have used chemicals, for the purposes of a background or baseline sample. Note that the material underlying the tile was concrete and not bedding material as was encountered in the processing areas. 3.5 Laboratory Analysis S&ME submitted the samples to Pace Analytical Services Inc., of Huntersville, North Carolina a state-certified laboratory for the analysis of the following parameters, as would be required for disposal acceptance by the Allied Waste into their Subtitle D landfill in Concord, North Carolina: • Total RCRA Metals (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, and silver). • Reactivity (Sulfide and Cyanide) • Corrosivity (aka: pH) • Ignitability (aka: flashpoint) • TCLP-silver (selected samples with total silver concentrations greater than 20 times the hazardous waste limits. 4.0 AIR MONITORING During the February 25, 2009 collection of the tile, bedding material and liner samples, S&ME collected samples of the breathing zone using various sampling methods to evaluate potential exposure to S&ME employees from contaminants potentially present in the sampling media. The contaminants selected for monitoring were based on information provided by CPI Corp. The locations of the samples are described in Tables 1 through 5 and are depicted on Figures 2A and 2B. The sampling included the following contaminants: • Lead • Cadmium • Soluble Barium • Chromium • Silver • Ammonia • Hydrogen Sulfide • Formaldehyde • Hydrogen Cyanide 4.1 Procedures 4.1.1 Lead, Cadmium, Chromium, and Silver One sample was collected from an S&ME employee’ breathing zone while operating a jackhammer during environmental sampling activities and one sample was collected from an S&ME employee’s breathing zone while collecting tile, setting bed, and liner samples. Environmental Sampling Report S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 Former PCA Facility, Matthews, North Carolina April 1, 2009 4 Air sampling pumps were calibrated to a flow rate of 2.0 liters per minute before and after the sampling event with suitable media (37 mm mixed cellulose ester filters in polystyrene cassettes) inline. 4.1.2 Soluble Barium One sample was collected from an S&ME employee’ breathing zone while operating a jackhammer during environmental sampling activities. The air sampling pump was calibrated to a flow rate of 2.0 liters per minute before and after the sampling event with suitable media (37 mm mixed cellulose ester filters in polystyrene cassettes) inline. 4.1.3 Silver Since multiple metals analysis frequently produces a low-biased result for silver, an additional sample was submitted for a separate silver (only) analysis. One sample was collected from an S&ME employee’s breathing zone while collecting tile, setting bed, and liner samples. The air sampling pump was calibrated to a flow rate of 2.0 liters per minute before and after the sampling event with suitable media (37 mm mixed cellulose ester filters in polystyrene cassettes) inline. Personnel air monitoring samples and corresponding blanks were then submitted under proper chain of custody to Galson Laboratories (Galson) in East Syracuse, New York for analysis. Galson is accredited in industrial hygiene analysis by the American Industrial Hygiene Association. 4.1.4 Ammonia, Hydrogen Sulfide, Hydrogen Cyanide, and Formaldehyde, Up to 14 samples were collected for each contaminant during initial flooring disturbance, sample collection, and subsequent tile crushing using Gastec detector tubes and a piston pump. Each sample was collected near breathing zone level. 4.2 Results Results of the analyses and detector tube readings are summarized in the Tables 1 through 5. Metals: The results of the metal analyses are summarized in Table 1. Silver was the only metal detected above laboratory method detection limits, with concentrations ranging from 0.0022 to 0.0031 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3). The North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Administration (NC OSHA) Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) over an 8-hour Time Weighted Average (TWA) is 0.01 mg/m3. Ammonia: The results of the ammonia analyses are summarized in Table 2. Ammonia was detected at a concentration of 1 ppm in two samples: during the collection of samples in area E (sample E3) and during the preparation of the tile sample Tile-D. The NC OSHA PEL over an 8-hour TWA is 50 parts per million. Hydrogen Sulfide and Hydrogen Cyanide: The results of the hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen cyanide are summarized in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. These contaminants were not detected. Environmental Sampling Report S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 Former PCA Facility, Matthews, North Carolina April 1, 2009 5 Formaldehyde: The results of the formaldehyde analyses are summarized in Table 5. Elevated levels of formaldehyde (0.2 ppm to 0.5 ppm) were detected during detector tube sampling. The NC OSHA levels as 8-hour TWAs are as follows: Action Level of 0.5 ppm as an 8-hour TWA; PEL of 0.75 ppm as an 8-hour TWA; and Short Term Exposure Limit (STEL) of 2 ppm as a 15-minute short-term exposure. S&ME staff members were instructed to stop work and wait outdoors until such levels dissipated. The area was later reevaluated and no detectible levels of formaldehyde were found to be present. S&ME personnel returned to work and completed the shift without further incident. 5.0 DECONTAMINATION AND WASTE DISPOSAL The sampling tools were cleaned prior to and following the collection of each composite sample by type using potable water, liquinox/water mixture and deionized water. New disposable nitrile gloves were used between each composite sample collection. The gloves, paper towels and excess tile and liner sample were placed in a plastic trash bag for later disposal with the tile, setting bed and liner material. 6.0 TILE, SETTING BED AND LINER ANALYTICAL RESULTS As a “rule of thumb,” total metal concentrations in units of milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) greater than 20 times the hazardous waste limits of leachable metals in units of milligrams per liter (mg/L), would be considered indicative of hazardous waste, unless the samples are also analyzed for actual leachable metal concentrations using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP). 6.1 Tile Samples Laboratory analytical results of the tile samples did not indicate the presence of metals in excess of 20 times the hazardous waste limits. Analysis of the samples for pH, Reactive Sulfide, Reactive Cyanide, and Flashpoint found these to be below hazardous limits for the purpose of disposal. Table 6 summarizes the analytical results of the tile samples. 6.2 Setting Bed Samples Samples obtained from the tile setting bed for sample areas B, C, and D were found to contain total silver at concentrations over the “20 times hazardous waste limit” value of 100 mg/kg. The samples were reported to contain 136 mg/kg for sample Bedding-B, 171 mg/kg for sample Bedding-C, and 223 mg/kg for sample Bedding-D. These samples were subsequently analyzed for leachable silver using TCLP, with results ranging from 0.15 to 0.23 mg/L, compared to the hazardous waste limit of 5 mg/kg. Analysis of the samples for pH, Reactive Sulfide, Reactive Cyanide, and Flashpoint found these to be below hazardous limits for the purpose of disposal. Table 6 summarizes the analytical results of the tile samples. Environmental Sampling Report S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 Former PCA Facility, Matthews, North Carolina April 1, 2009 6 6.3 Liner Samples Laboratory analytical results of the Liner samples indicated the presence of silver at a concentration in excess of the “20 times hazardous waste limit” value in sample Liner B (332 mg/kg). This sample was subsequently analyzed for leachable silver using TCLP, with a resulting concentration of 0.11 mg/kg, compared to the hazardous waste limit of 5 mg/L. Analysis of the samples for pH, Reactive Sulfide, Reactive Cyanide, and Flashpoint found these to be below hazardous limits for the purpose of disposal. Table 6 summarizes the analytical results of the tile samples. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS 7.1 Vapor Monitoring Personnel air sampling results did not indicate exposures above the NC OSHA PELs. Silver and formaldehyde were the only contaminants detected during the collection of the tile, setting bed and liner samples. Formaldehyde was detected at the NC OSHA Action Level of 0.5 ppm in one sample. The construction activities during the removal of the tile, setting bed and liner material from the upper and lower process areas are likely to be more aggressive than the sampling activities. Thus there is a potential that the contaminants of concern may be released into the breathing zone at higher concentrations that those detected during sampling activities, and concentrations may exceed the NC OSHA PELs. 7.2 Tile, Setting Bed and Liner Disposal The results of the tile, setting bed and liner sampling and analysis were below hazardous waste limits. Thus, the material may be disposed as a non-hazardous special waste, at a permitted facility such as the BFI Landfill in Concord, North Carolina. 8.0 RECOMENDATIONS 8.1 During Material Removal We understand that CPI plans to remove the tile, setting bed material and liner and dispose of these materials off-site. S&ME anticipates that the removal activities would be more aggressive than the sampling activities that could result in a greater emission of volatiles and the generation of dust, with the potential for higher concentrations of contaminants in the breathing zone than those detected during the sampling activities. Based on S&ME’s air and material sampling results and the possible contaminants present in the materials, we recommend the following actions during the removal of the tile, setting bed and liner materials: 1. Air monitoring of the breathing zone and workers to document potential or actual exposure levels compared to action levels, PELs or STELs. Since silver and the other metals are tested by laboratory methods, the exposure of workers above PELs would not be evident until after exposure has occurred. Thus, engineering Environmental Sampling Report S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 Former PCA Facility, Matthews, North Carolina April 1, 2009 7 controls as recommended below, would reduce the potential for exposure of these non-volatile contaminants during the removal activities. 2. Additional ventilation of the working areas during material removal and handling activities. Such ventilation may consist of additional fans moving outside air into the working area and moving inside air to the outside. 3. Moisture controls to reduce or eliminate the generation of dust. Such controls may include wetting the material during removal or using misting fans. 8.2 Waste Disposal S&ME recommends submitting the laboratory reports and a waste profile to Allied Waste for their approval for the disposal of the waste at their subtitle D BFI Landfill located in Concord, North Carolina. 8.3 Post-Removal Concrete Condition Evaluation Following removal of the tile, liner and bedding material, S&ME recommends a visual evaluation of the integrity of the underlying concrete floor. Based on the evaluation results, sampling of the concrete and possibly the soil beneath the concrete may be recommended. Tables Table 1Summary of Sampling ResultsEnvironmental SamplingFormer PCA Facility815 Matthews-Mint Hill RoadMatthews, Mecklenburg County, North CarolinaEPAEPAEPAEPAEAPSW60107471 9045 733C 735S 1010Sample LocationDateCollected(mm/dd/yy)Tile A2/25/2009 4.2 153 <0.11 45.2 5.3 <1.1 7.2 --- 0.0053 12.0 <1.0 <10 >140Bedding A2/25/2009 4.4 24 <0.094 11 1.1 1.2 2.1 --- 0.0098 12.1 <1.0 <10.1 >140Tile B2/25/2009 3.2 269 2.4 49.6 8.3 <0.76 34 --- 0.025 11.9 <1.0 <10 >140Bedding B2/25/2009 4 22.8 <0.096 10.7 1.4 <0.961360.15 0.043 11.9 <1.0 <10 >140Liner B2/25/2009 0.44 2.6 0.69 54 0.9 <0.763320.11 0.018 8.5 <0.99 <9.9 >140Tile C2/25/2009 4.3 41.9 0.3 12.2 0.81 <1.1 95.2 --- 0.008 10.9 <0.98 <9.8 >140Bedding C2/25/2009 6.1 37.5 0.26 16.2 2.3 1.61710.23 0.021 12.2 <0.99 <9.9 >140Liner C2/25/2009 <0.36 33.8 <0.072 0.53 <0.36 <0.72 62.3 --- 0.017 10.1 <0.99 <9.9 >140Tile D2/25/2009 1.4 16.1 1.1 3.4 0.89 0.58 27.3 --- 0.014 11.7 <1.0 <10 >140Bedding D2/25/2009 4.1 19.1 12.1 12.3 2.8 1.22230.22 0.033 12.1 <1.0 <10 >140Tile E2/25/2009 3.2 30.2 <0.089 3.7 0.79 <0.89 28.4 --- 0.021 11.9 <0.99 <9.9 >140Bedding E2/25/2009 3.8 19.3 <0.090 10.3 1.1 1 20.8 --- 0.042 12.0 <0.99 <9.9 >140Tile F2/25/2009 3.6 107 <0.099 5 2.3 <0.99 12.5 --- 0.011 11.8 <1.0 <10 >140Bedding F2/25/2009 3.4 16.2 <0.11 8.7 1.3 <1.1 97.8 --- 0.021 11.0 <1.0 <10 >140Background Tile2/25/2009 2.8 92.7 <0.10 6.4 1.3 <1.0 10.3 --- 0.071 11.5 <0.99 <9.9 >140Background Bedding2/25/2009 6.3 88.1 0.15 12.1 4.4 1.5 18.1 --- 0.2 12.1 <0.99 <9.9 >140Maximum Detected6.3 269 12.1 54 8.3 1.6 332 --- 0.2 12.2 <1.0 <10.1 >140Hazardous Waste Limit (mg/L)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5 NA≤2 or≥12.5NA NA <140Hazardous Waste Limit X 20100 2,000 20 100 100 20100NA 4 NANANANANotes:Values reported in milligams per kilogram, unless otherwise noted3/13/2009Pending - Analysis is pending--- : Not AnalyzedValueExceeds 20X Hazardous Waste Limit N/A : Not ApplicableSilver (Total)Analytical Method >>Contamiant of Concern >>ArsenicBariumReactiveSulfideReactiveCyanideFlash Point(°F)CadmiumpH(Standard Units)MercurySilver (TCLP)(mg/L)ChromiumLeadSelenium Table 2 Air Monitoring Results - Ammonia Former PCA Facility 815 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Matthews, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 Sample Result No. (ppm) 2-25-09/10:40/ Upper Level NH3 -1 1 2-25-09/10:44/ Upper Level NH3 - 2 None Detected 2-25-09/12:04/ Lower Level NH3 - 3 None Detected 2-25-09/12:07/ Lower Level NH3 - 4 None Detected 2-25-09/14:23/ Lower Level NH3 - 5 None Detected 2-25-09/14:59/ Lower Level NH3 - 6 None Detected 2-25-09/15:18/ Upper Level NH3 - 7 None Detected 2-25-09/15:45/ Lower Level NH3 - 8 None Detected 2-25-09/16:35/ Upper Level NH3 - 9 None Detected 2-26-09/13:30/ Indoors (S&ME Office)NH3 - 10 None Detected 2-26-09/13:57/ Outdoors (S&ME Office)NH3 - 11 None Detected 2-26-09/14:17/ Outdoors (S&ME Office)NH3 - 12 1 2-26-09/14:50/ Indoors (S&ME Office)NH3 - 13 None Detected 2-26-09/15:21/ Indoors (S&ME Office)NH3 - 14 None Detected Note: NC OSHA PEL is 50 parts per million ppm = parts per million parts (of air) Samples Collected on February 25 and 26, 2009 using Draeger Tubes Tile Crushing with Grinder/ D Sample Material Tile Crushing with Grinder/ A Sample Material Activity/Sample Location (Activity Location or Material Source Location) Sample Date/Time/ Area Flooring Materials Sampling/Various (During Clean-up) Manual Tile Crushing/ Background Material Manual Tile Crushing/ F Sample Material Manual Tile Crushing/ D Sample Material Flooring Materials Sampling/Location B3 Flooring Materials Sampling/Location C5 Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Background Location Flooring Materials Sampling/Mixing Station Flooring Materials Sampling/Location E3 Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Location E5 Flooring Materials Sampling/Location A1 Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Location A5 Table 3 Air Monitoring Results - Hydrogen Sulfide Former PCA Facility 815 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Matthews, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 Sample Date/Time/ Area Activity/Sample Location (Activity Location or Material Source Location) Sample No. Result (ppm) 2-25-09/10:48/ Upper Level H2S - 1 None Detected 2-25-09/11:03/ Upper Level H2S -2 None Detected 2-25-09/14:02/ Lower Level H2S - 3 None Detected 2-25-09/14:03/ Lower Level H2S - 4 None Detected 2-25-09/14:35/ Lower Level H2S - 5 None Detected 2-25-09/14:57/ Lower Level H2S - 6 None Detected 2-25-09/15:15/ Upper Level H2S - 7 None Detected 2-25-09/16:28/ Upper Level H2S - 8 None Detected 2-25-09/15:45/ Upper Level H2S - 9 None Detected 2-26-09/13:20/ Indoors (S&ME Office)H2S - 10 None Detected 2-26-09/14:03/ Outdoors (S&ME Office)H2S - 11 None Detected 2-26-09/14:15/ Outdoors (S&ME Office)H2S - 12 2-26-09/14:55/ Indoors (S&ME Office)H2S - 13 None Detected Note: ppm = parts per million parts (of air) Samples Collected on February 25 and 26, 2009 using Draeger Tubes Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Location E3 Flooring Materials Sampling/ Location E5 Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Location B3 Flooring Materials Sampling/ Location B1 Flooring Materials Sampling/ Mixing Station Flooring Materials Sampling/ Location C5 Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Background Location Flooring Materials Sampling/ Location F6 None Detected Tile Crushing with Grinder/ B Sample Material Flooring Materials Sampling/ Various (During Clean-up) Manual Tile Crushing/ Background Material Manual Tile Crushing/ E Sample Material Manual Tile Crushing/ D Sample Material Table 4 Air Monitoring Results - Hydrogen Cyanide Former PCA Facility 815 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Matthews, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 Sample Date/Time/ Area Activity/Sample Location (Activity Location or Material Source Location) Sample No. Result (ppm) 2-25-09/10:30/ Upper Level HCN - 1 None Detected 2-25-09/11:00/ Upper Level HCN -2 None Detected 2-25-09/11:09/ Upper Level HCN - 3 None Detected 2-25-09/12:11/ Lower Level HCN -4 None Detected 2-25-09/14:23/ Lower Level HCN - 5 None Detected 2-25-09/14:48/ Lower Level HCN - 6 None Detected 2-25-09/15:15/ Lower Level HCN - 7 None Detected 2-25-09/16:23/ Upper Level HCN - 8 None Detected 2-25-09/16:40/ Upper Level HCN - 9 None Detected 2-26-09/13:22/ Indoors (S&ME Office)HCN - 10 None Detected 2-26-09/14:00/ Outdoors (S&ME Office)HCN - 11 None Detected 2-26-09/14:13/ Outdoors (S&ME Office)HCN - 12 2-26-09/15:00/ Indoors (S&ME Office)HCN - 13 None Detected Note: ppm = parts per million parts (of air) Samples Collected on February 25 and 26, 2009 using Draeger Tubes None Detected Tile Crushing with Grinder/ B Sample Material Flooring Materials Sampling/ Various (During Clean-up) Manual Tile Crushing/ Background Material Manual Tile Crushing/ E Sample Material Manual Tile Crushing/ E Sample Material Flooring Materials Sampling/ Location B3 Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Location C5 Flooring Materials Sampling/ Location D1 Flooring Materials Sampling/ Location F5 Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Location E1 Flooring Materials Sampling/ Mixing Station Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Location E6 Flooring Materials Sampling/ Location A5 Table 5 Air Monitoring Results - Formaldehyde Former PCA Facility 815 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Matthews, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1354-09-016 Sample Date/Time/ Area Activity/Sample Location (Activity Location or Material Source Location) Sample No. Result (ppm) 2-25-09/10:53/ Upper Level HCHO - 1 None Detected 2-25-09/11:20/ Upper Level 0.2 2-25-09/11:30/ Upper Level 0.5 2-25-09/14:12/ Lower Level HCHO - 3 None Detected 2-25-09/14:16/ Lower Level HCHO -4 0.1 2-25-09/14:19/ Lower Level HCHO - 5 None Detected 2-25-09/14:51/ Lower Level HCHO - 6 None Detected 2-25-09/15:09/ Lower Level HCHO - 7 None Detected 2-25-09/16:16/ Upper Level HCHO - 8 None Detected 2-25-09/16:31/ Upper Level HCHO - 9 None Detected 2-26-09/13:28/ Indoors (S&ME Office) HCHO - 10 None Detected 2-26-09/13:50/ Outdoors (S&ME Office) HCHO - 11 None Detected 2-26-09/14:10/ Outdoors (S&ME Office) HCHO - 12 2-26-09/14:23/ Outdoors (S&ME Office) HCHO - 13 None Detected 2-26-09/15:07/ Indoors (S&ME Office) HCHO - 14 None Detected Note: NC OSHA Action Level is 0.5 parts per million ppm = parts per million parts (of air) Samples Collected on February 25 and 26, 2009 using Draeger Tubes Tile Crushing with Grinder/ B Sample Material Manual Tile Crushing/ F Sample Material Manual Tile Crushing/ E Sample Material None Detected Manual Tile Crushing/ D Sample Material Flooring Materials Sampling/Location C5 Flooring Materials Sampling/Location F3 Flooring Materials Sampling/Various (During Clean-up) Manual Tile Crushing/ Background Material Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Location B5 Flooring Materials Sampling/Location A5 Flooring Materials Sampling/Location B5 Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Location C6 Initial Flooring Disturbance (Jack Hammer)/Location E3 Flooring Materials Sampling/Location E1 HCHO -2 Ambient/Location E1 HCHO -2 Table 6Tile, Setting Bed and Liner Sampling ResultsFormer PCA Facility815 Matthews-Mint Hill RoadMatthews, Mecklenburg County, North CarolinaS&ME Project No. 1354-09-016EPAEPA EPA EPA EAP SW60107471 9045 733C 735S 1010Sample LocationDateCollected(mm/dd/yy)Tile A2/25/2009 4.2 153 <0.11 45.2 5.3 <1.1 7.2 --- 0.0053 12.0 <1.0 <10 >140Bedding A2/25/2009 4.4 24 <0.094 11 1.1 1.2 2.1 --- 0.0098 12.1 <1.0 <10.1 >140Tile B2/25/2009 3.2 269 2.4 49.6 8.3 <0.76 34 --- 0.025 11.9 <1.0 <10 >140Bedding B2/25/2009 4 22.8 <0.096 10.7 1.4 <0.961360.15 0.043 11.9 <1.0 <10 >140Liner B2/25/2009 0.44 2.6 0.69 54 0.9 <0.763320.11 0.018 8.5 <0.99 <9.9 >140Tile C2/25/2009 4.3 41.9 0.3 12.2 0.81 <1.1 95.2 --- 0.008 10.9 <0.98 <9.8 >140Bedding C2/25/2009 6.1 37.5 0.26 16.2 2.3 1.61710.23 0.021 12.2 <0.99 <9.9 >140Liner C2/25/2009 <0.36 33.8 <0.072 0.53 <0.36 <0.72 62.3 --- 0.017 10.1 <0.99 <9.9 >140Tile D2/25/2009 1.4 16.1 1.1 3.4 0.89 0.58 27.3 --- 0.014 11.7 <1.0 <10 >140Bedding D2/25/2009 4.1 19.1 12.1 12.3 2.8 1.22230.22 0.033 12.1 <1.0 <10 >140Tile E2/25/2009 3.2 30.2 <0.089 3.7 0.79 <0.89 28.4 --- 0.021 11.9 <0.99 <9.9 >140Bedding E2/25/2009 3.8 19.3 <0.090 10.3 1.1 1 20.8 --- 0.042 12.0 <0.99 <9.9 >140Tile F2/25/2009 3.6 107 <0.099 5 2.3 <0.99 12.5 --- 0.011 11.8 <1.0 <10 >140Bedding F2/25/2009 3.4 16.2 <0.11 8.7 1.3 <1.1 97.8 --- 0.021 11.0 <1.0 <10 >140Background Tile2/25/2009 2.8 92.7 <0.10 6.4 1.3 <1.0 10.3 --- 0.071 11.5 <0.99 <9.9 >140Background Bedding2/25/2009 6.3 88.1 0.15 12.1 4.4 1.5 18.1 --- 0.2 12.1 <0.99 <9.9 >140Maximum Detected6.3 269 12.1 54 8.3 1.6 332 --- 0.2 12.2 <1.0 <10.1 >140Hazardous Waste Limit (mg/L)NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5 NA≤2 or≥12.5NA NA <140Hazardous Waste Limit X 20100 2,000 20 100 100 20100NA 4 NANANANANotes:Values reported in milligams per kilogram, unless otherwise noted3/16/2009Pending - Analysis is pending--- : Not AnalyzedValueExceeds 20X Hazardous Waste LimitN/A : Not ApplicableSilver (Total)Analytical Method >>Contamiant of Concern >>ArsenicBariumReactiveSulfideReactiveCyanideFlash Point(°F)CadmiumpH(Standard Units)MercurySilver (TCLP)(mg/L)ChromiumLeadSelenium Figures Scale: As Shown Checked by: Drawn by: WAQ Date: 2-20-2009 SITE LOCATION MAP 815 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Matthews, North Carolina Figure: 1 Job No.: 1354-09-016 Source: Mapquest Approximate Location of Subject Property Scale: AS SHOWN Checked by: WAQ Drawn by: NAF Date: 03/13/2009 Lower Level Sample Location Plan CPI Corp 815 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd Matthews, North Carolina Figure 2a Project No.: 1354-09-016 Base map provided to S&ME by CPI Corp. D C B A LEGEND Approximate Sample Location Area for Composite Samples A B C 1 36 5 2 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 6 3 5 1 2 4 3 2 Scale: AS SHOWN Checked by: WAQ Drawn by: NAF Date: 03/13/2009 Upper Level Sample Location Plan CPI Corp 815 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd Matthews, North Carolina Figure 2b Project No.: 1354-09-016 Base map provided to S&ME by CPI Corp. UPPER LEVEL E LEGEND Approximate Sample Location Area for Composite Samples E F 4 1 2 4 3 5 6 1 3 2 6 5 3 Background Sample