HomeMy WebLinkAbout04004_National Textiles_Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality and Sub-Slab Soil Gas Report_2016.06.01Delivering sustainable solutions in a more competitive world National Textiles, LLC Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality and Sub-Slab Soil Gas – April 2016 Former National Textiles Facility 100 Reep Drive Morganton, Burke County, North Carolina Brownfields Agreement Site No: 04004-00-12 June 2016 National Textiles, LLC Evaluation of Indoor Air Quality and Sub-Slab Soil Gas – April 2016 Former National Textiles Facility 100 Reep Drive Morganton, Burke County, North Carolina Brownfields Agreement Site No: 04004-00-12 June 1, 2016 Project No. 0346670 Corey League Project Manager Alan Martin, P.G. Technical Manager Thomas M. Wilson, P.G. Principal-in-Charge ERM NC, Inc. 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue Suite 120 Charlotte, North Carolina 28277 (704) 541-8345 ERM i NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1  1.1 BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................. 1  1.2 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS SAMPLE ANALYSES ................................................... 2  1.2.1 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Soil ........................................................................ 2  1.2.2 Vapor Intrusion Assessment & Limited Indoor Air Quality Evaluation .................... 2  2.0 FLOOR AND SUBTERRANEAN WALL SEALING ..................................................... 3  3.0 VAPOR INTRUSION EVALUATION ............................................................................ 4  3.1 FACILITY VENTILATION EQUIPMENT................................................................... 4  3.2 CHEMICAL INVENTORY ............................................................................................ 4  3.3 SAMPLE METHODS ..................................................................................................... 5  3.4 INDOOR AIR SAMPLING ............................................................................................ 6  3.5 SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS SAMPLING .............................................................................. 7  4.0 INDOOR AIR QUALTIY AND SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS ANALYTICAL RESULTS .... 7  4.1 INDOOR AIR QUALITY ANALYTICAL RESULTS .................................................. 7  4.2 SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS ANALYTICAL RESULTS ....................................................... 8  4.3 ANALYTICAL RESULTS COMPARISON .................................................................. 8  5.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 9  6.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 11  LIST OF FIGURES 1 Site Location Map 2 Soil & Groundwater Summary Map 3 Vapor Intrusion Assessment & Limited Indoor Air Quality Evaluation - 2007 4 Extent of Floor & Subterranean Wall Sealing 5 Sample Location Map - 2016 6 Indoor Air Quality Summary Map - 2016 7 Sub-Slab Soil Gas Summary Map - 2016 LIST OF TABLES 1 Historical Soil & Groundwater Summaries 2 Vapor Intrusion Assessment & Limited Indoor Air Quality Evaluation - 2007 3 Sub-Slab Vapor and Indoor Air Quality Summary - 2016 4 Quality Analysis / Quality Control Results 5 Analyte Attenuation Factors ERM ii NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) LIST OF APPENDICES A Manufacturer’s Sheets – Sealants B Photo Log C Field Notes & Indoor Air Building Survey D Laboratory Report – Indoor Air Quality E Laboratory Report – Sub-slab Soil Gas ERM 1 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND This report presents the results of the April 2016 floor and subterranean wall sealing plus the indoor air quality and sub-slab soil gas sampling conducted at the former National Textiles LLC (National Textiles) facility. These activities were completed in accordance with the Revised Indoor Air Quality Evaluation Work Plan (ERM NC, Inc.) as well as the Foundation and Wall Sealing Work Plan (ERM NC, Inc.) dated February 16, 2016, and April 8, 2016, respectively and approved by NCDEQ March 23, 2016 and April 12, 2016, respectively. The facility is located at 100 Reep Drive in Morganton, Burke County, North Carolina, referred to as the “Site”. The Site location is depicted in Figure 1. Based on previously reported information, the property was originally developed in 1967 as a textile manufacturing plant and was operated by Highlander Ltd (Highlander) until approximately 1980. Highlander used chlorinated solvents in its production process. Subsequent owners including Sara Lee Corporation and National Textiles manufactured knitted fabrics at this location from February 1997 until August 1998, and did not use chlorinated solvents in their production. National Textiles began leasing the property to Ferguson Copeland, LLC (Ferguson Copeland), the current occupant, in 2001 and sold the property in March 2007. The Site is currently owned by Reep Drive LLC and is operated by Ferguson Copeland, a furniture manufacturer. Ferguson Copeland currently operates one shift Monday through Friday. Site operations by Ferguson Copeland include wood cutting, sanding and assembly, furniture finishing using volatile organic compounds (VOCs), upholstering and shipping. Ferguson Copeland has historically used tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and trichloroethylene (TCE) in its production process. Prior to 1997, two dry cleaning machines were operated within the facility. PCE and other chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) were identified in subsurface soil and groundwater at the Site in the 1990s. National Textiles entered into a Brownfields Agreement (the Agreement) with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) on September 10, 2007 for the Site. In accordance with Section V, paragraph 14 of the Agreement, National Textiles completed three annual groundwater and surface water monitoring events in 2010. In addition to the groundwater monitoring, Section V, paragraph 13 of the Agreement required sealing of all penetrations through the concrete floor slab in the part of the building designated as the “Area of Potential Vapor Concern”, which covers a portion of the east side of the building including parts of the basement and upper floor. Additionally, the mechanical ventilation system was to be evaluated to ensure it was providing outdoor air in compliance with the applicable version of the Mechanical Ventilation section of the North Carolina State Building Code. A Report of Limited Facility Inspection by ECS Carolinas, LLP documenting the completion of these activities was submitted to NCDEQ on July 17, 2007. ERM 2 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX 1.2 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS SAMPLE ANALYSES 1.2.1 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Soil In accordance with the Agreement, Mineral Springs Environmental (MSE) conducted three annual water quality monitoring events on behalf of National Textiles. During each event, MSE collected samples of groundwater from monitor wells MW-1, MW-5, MW-6, TW-1, and TW-2 and samples of surface water from a spring and two locations from the adjacent creek for VOC analysis. The analytical results indicated concentrations of PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-dichloroethylene (DCE) that exceeded the North Carolina 2L groundwater standards and/or the North Carolina 2B surface water standards. Groundwater and soil sample analytical results have been previously provided to NCDEQ. The existing monitor well and surface water sample locations, as well as a summary of groundwater analytical results, are shown on Figure 2. Also summarized on Figure 2 are the locations and results of the soil analyses that were included in the Agreement. The groundwater and soil sample analytical results are provided in Table 1. PCE was detected above the applicable standards in surficial soil (0.5 feet) in Geoprobe® boring GP-1 and hand auger locations HA-1 and HA-3. The soil sample collected from 30 feet below ground surface (bgs) at boring GP-3 also contained PCE at a concentration that was greater than the standard. 1.2.2 Vapor Intrusion Assessment & Limited Indoor Air Quality Evaluation The initial vapor intrusion assessment was conducted by MSE at the facility in 2007 in accordance with the NCDEQ-approved work plan, dated October 22, 2007. Prior to conducting the sampling, cracks or voids in the concrete floor and interior perimeter block walls in the “Area of Potential Vapor Concern” were repaired using Custom Building Products’ Pre-Mixed Concrete Patch. The “Area of Potential Vapor Concern” is depicted in Figures 2 and 3 and encompasses approximately 35,000 square feet of floor space in the basement and upper floor. The floor trench drain within this area was sealed by applying DAP Painter Acrylic Latex caulk between the metal plates covering the trench and adjacent metal lip. Four sub-slab soil vapor samples were collected to evaluate sub-slab soil gas conditions of CVOCs. The results of the laboratory analysis showed elevated concentrations of PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-DCE in soil gas. The approximate locations of the sub-slab soil gas samples are shown on Figure 3 along with the summarized results. The results are compared to the Inactive Hazardous Site Branch (IHSB) preliminary acceptable soil gas concentrations for industrial/commercial sites (revised March 2016) in Table 2. Following the soil gas evaluation, two indoor air samples were collected from the Area of Potential Vapor Intrusion. The results of the laboratory analysis showed concentrations of PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-DCE in indoor air. The approximate locations of the indoor air samples are shown on Figure 3 along with the summarized results. Additionally, the results of the initial vapor intrusion assessment are provided in Table 2. Comparison of the results to the IHSB preliminary acceptable indoor air concentrations for industrial/ commercial sites indicated that concentrations of PCE and TCE exceeded the risk-based standards. ERM 3 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX 2.0 FLOOR AND SUBTERRANEAN WALL SEALING On March 29, 2016, ERM conducted an inspection of the floor cracks and penetrations that were sealed in 2007 as well as additional potential vapor migration pathways in the “Area of Potential Vapor Concern”. Results of the inspection are summarized in the Foundation and Wall Sealing Work Plan (ERM) dated April 8, 2016. The Foundation and Wall Sealing Work Plan presented a plan for sealing cracks and other voids in both the foundation for the basement and upper floor as well as subterranean walls to mitigate potential vapor migration pathways from the subsurface. Crack sealing was completed on April 15 and 16, 2016 in accordance with the Foundation and Wall Sealing Work Plan which was approved by NCDEQ on April 12, 2016. The focus area of the sealing extended from the eastern wall approximately 20 feet west and south beyond the existing “Area of Potential Vapor Concern”. Within this additional 20-foot zone, the sealing activities focused on visibly significant cracks, gaps or unsealed penetrations as well any enclosed areas that are routinely occupied by facility personnel such as offices and work rooms. Additionally, the previously sealed cracks as well as any other void that manifested itself at the surface of either the foundation or subterranean walls were cleaned using a stiff bristle brush and vacuumed to reveal the severity of the crack or void. The extent of the sealing in the interior basement and upper floor is shown on Figure 4. In total an area consisting of approximately 46,000 square feet was inspected and sealed. Sakrete’s Top ‘n Bond Concrete Patcher was utilized on larger floor cracks and voids in block walls. Smaller floor cracks or voids as well as gaps and penetrations between the metal plate covering the trenching were sealed using one-part polyurethane by Sika, Sikaflex-1A. The manufacturer’s sheets for the two sealants used are included in Appendix A. These materials were installed in accordance with manufacturer’s application instructions. Upon cleaning and inspection of the numerous cracks and voids, the number requiring sealant was found to be greater than initially anticipated. In total two 10 pound pails of Top ‘n Bond and 75 cartridges (10.1 fluid ounces) of Sikaflex-1A were used to seal cracks and voids in the foundations and subterranean walls. Photographs documenting the general initial condition of the cracks and voids, the extent to which sealant was used, and general final conditions are included in Appendix B. Floor drains in the basement level were left unsealed in accordance with the Foundation and Wall Sealing Work Plan. Ferguson Copeland representatives indicated these floor drains may be utilized in the future and requested the drains be left open. ERM 4 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX 3.0 VAPOR INTRUSION EVALUATION 3.1 FACILITY VENTILATION EQUIPMENT Information provided in the Report of Limited Facility Inspection (ECS, July 2007) indicates the following air handling equipment was historically utilized at the facility:  Four 5-ton package heat pump systems, three 4-ton pack heat pump systems, one 3-ton package heat pump system, one 7.5-ton package air conditioning system, one 3-ton split system heat pump, and one 1.5 ton split system heat pump that are each roof-mounted and provide climate control for the offices along the southern portion of the facility;  Two 20-ton package air conditioning systems and three 10-ton package air conditioning systems that are each roof-mounted and provide climate control for the upholstery application area along the northern portion of the facility, on the upper floor;  One roof-mounted 3-ton air conditioning system that provides climate control for the plant’s offices;  One roof-mounted 10-ton air conditioning system that provides climate control for the plant’s cafeteria;  12 paint spray ventilation booths located on the upper floor, each with an air velocity of 30.5 ft/sec and a flow volume of 17,600 cubic feet per minute (cfm), with roof-mounted exhaust. Only 11 paint booths were observed by ERM in April 2016;  Outdoor air make-up equipment to assist with balancing of the air removed by the paint booths capable of 90,000 cfm;  Four roof-mounted exhaust ventilation units utilized in areas where pre-finish operations occur;  Manufacturing process ventilation systems in various areas of the upper floor with ventilation directed outside the plant; and,  Numerous portable fans in both the basement and upper floor plus process ventilation systems and small steam units in the basement. This air handling equipment was not verified by ERM however the DWM Indoor Air Building Survey was completed as part of the evaluation. The survey provides a summary of building construction and operational characteristics as well as other information. The completed Indoor Air Building Survey is included in Appendix C. 3.2 CHEMICAL INVENTORY An inventory of chemicals currently in use at the facility by Ferguson Copeland was not conducted by ERM in advance of the indoor air quality sampling in accordance with NCDEQ Brownfields Program (NCBP) direction in its March 23, 2016 approval letter of ERM’s Revised Indoor Air Quality Evaluation Work Plan. The purpose of the detailed chemical inventory is to identify background sources of indoor air ERM 5 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX contamination that may interfere with the vapor intrusion evaluation as recommended in the NCDEQ Division Waste Management’s Vapor Intrusion Guidance (April 2014) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Technical Guide For Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway From Subsurface Vapor Sources to Indoor Air (June 2015). The NCBP received two letters from Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) dated January 20, 2014 and February 16, 2016 regarding two reviews of chemicals conducted at the Site by H&H on behalf of the property owner. Both letters state that at the time of each review no chlorinated VOCs (CVOCs) were being utilized by Ferguson Copeland. H&H also reported that fabrics are not dry cleaned prior to delivery to the Site. A detailed chemical inventory was not provided. As previously stated, Ferguson Copeland has historically used PCE and TCE in its production process. At the request of the property Owner and over the objections of National Textiles, the NCBP determined that no chemical inventory by ERM was necessary. 3.3 SAMPLE METHODS Both indoor air and sub-slab soil gas sampling was conducted during the weekend of April 23 and 24 when site operations were idle to minimize the impact of VOCs currently in use by Ferguson Copeland on the sample results. During the sampling events, the HVAC system and the ventilation systems of the eleven paint spray ventilation booths, located on the upper floor, were operated normally to simulate routine work day conditions. The booths were energized approximately 24 hours prior to the start of the indoor air sampling and operated continuously until the completion of both sampling events. Additionally, a rollup door situated adjacent to sample location IAQ-7L/SS-7L, along the northern basement wall, was left open during sampling to represent common facility operating conditions for the time of year when sampling was conducted. Both indoor air and sub-slab soil gas samples were collected in specially passivated, polished, stainless steel canisters (e.g., Summa canisters) provided by the analytical laboratory. Canister sizes were 6 liters for indoor air samples and 1 liter for sub-slab soil gas samples. Indoor air sample canisters were equipped with 8-hour flow controllers to estimate concentrations over an entire work day. Each indoor air canister was placed within the breathing zone, between four and six feet above the ground. Flow controllers for the sub-slab soil gas sample canisters were set to collect a sample at a rate of 150 ml/min. This allowed for sample collection in approximately 6 minutes, with minor variations in collection times due to vacuum differences. All sample canisters were batch-certified clean by the laboratory and were evacuated and shipped ready for sample collection. Sampling duration, canister volume, and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method TO-15 detection limits were provided to the laboratory prior to the sampling event to ensure the correct equipment was provided and the desired detection limits were achieved with the selected canisters. EPA Method TO-15 with Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) was utilized for indoor air sample analysis, while standard TO-15 was utilized for sub-slab soil gas sample ERM 6 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX analysis. The samples were analyzed specifically for PCE, TCE, DCE, and vinyl chloride (VC). Vacuum levels within each canister were measured using a provided vacuum gauge upon receipt from the laboratory, then prior to and at the completion of sampling. Vacuum readings were compared to the laboratory pre-shipment values. No significant vacuum losses (more than 10%) were noted and it was determined the canisters were suitable for sampling. Canister tags were completed and the appropriate information documented on field forms. Each canister was connected to an appropriate laboratory-calibrated flow controller using Swagelok® fittings. Fittings were tightened until air-tight using adjustable wrenches. Sample collection forms that were populated in the field at the time of sampling are included in Appendix C. Photographs of typical canister configurations for the indoor air and sub-slab soil gas samples are presented in Appendix B. 3.4 INDOOR AIR SAMPLING On April 23, 2016, fourteen indoor air samples were collected throughout the facility from thirteen locations (plus one duplicate) to evaluate the impacts of potential vapor intrusion of CVOCs to indoor air quality. The samples were designated with either a U or L to represent the floor the canister was situated on, with U identifying the upper floor samples and L identifying the lower or basement samples. Seven indoor air samples were collected within the area designated as the Area of Potential Vapor Concern in the Brownfields Agreement, including two from the basement level and five additional samples in the upper floor of the building. The remaining indoor air samples were collected concurrent with the sub-slab soil gas samples with a bias towards the Area of Potential Vapor Concern. Sample collection locations are shown on Figure 5. For comparison with indoor air results, an outdoor air sample was collected during the indoor air sampling event. The outdoor air sample was collected from an upwind direction from the building and functions as a background sample. The location of the ambient air sample is shown on Figure 5. During sampling vacuum levels in the canisters associated with sample locations IAQ- 7L and IAQ-9L approached zero prior to the eight-hour sample period and faster than anticipated. The IAQ-7L and IAQ-9L samples were stopped after approximately four hours and two hours of collection, respectively. Upon receipt of the samples, the laboratory confirmed the integrity of each canister and determined the samples were still considered valid although the samples did not run for the desired eight hour period. The expedited sample collection rate for each of these canisters was attributed to faulty regulators that allowed indoor air to enter the canister faster than the standard 8-hour flow rate. ERM 7 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX 3.5 SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS SAMPLING On April 24, 2016, ten sub-slab soil gas samples were collected across the facility from nine locations (plus one duplicate), with a slight geographic bias towards the Area of Potential Vapor Concern. The sampling locations were co-located with indoor air quality sample locations that were situated directly on the slabs of the upper floor and basement. Sample locations are shown on Figure 5. In the area of the basement, sub- slab soil gas samples were collected from the basement floor and not from the upper floor space. Sub-slab soil gas samples were collected using the Vapor PinTM technology and in general accordance with the manufacturer’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The Vapor Pins were installed flush with the concrete surface with a steel cover and left in place to allow for future sampling if necessary. The Vapor Pins can be removed and the concrete floor patched in the future. To ensure safe installation of these points, sub-slab utilities and other subsurface conduits were identified. Locations where the Vapor Pins were to be installed were scanned using electromagnetic locating equipment as well as ground penetrating radar. No subsurface structures were encountered or compromised during the Vapor Pin installations. Prior to sampling the sub-slab soil gas, a leak-down test consisting of a water dam was conducted to ensure the proper installation and sealing of the sub-slab soil gas points in accordance with the manufacturer’s SOPs. Additionally, three times the volume of each boring was purged immediately prior to the collection of a sample, after waiting at least twenty minutes following boring completion. A 6 liter vacuum canister was utilized to draw a vacuum to purge each boring. The contents of this purge canister were not analyzed by the laboratory. 4.0 INDOOR AIR QUALTIY AND SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS ANALYTICAL RESULTS 4.1 INDOOR AIR QUALITY ANALYTICAL RESULTS Laboratory results from the indoor air quality sampling yielded values that were below the Indoor Air Screening Concentrations (IASL) for non-residential sites in all locations and for each of the constituents with the exception of TCE at sample location IAQ-10U. TCE was detected at a concentration of 3.1 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) at sample location IAQ-10U, compared to the IASL value of 1.75 µg/m3. TCE was detected in six other samples at concentrations below the IASL, with the remaining detection values ranging from 0.26 to 1.2 µg/m3. PCE was detected below the IASL of 35 µg/m3 in each of the 13 samples, with values ranging from 2.4 to 25 µg/m3. Neither DCE nor VC was detected in any of the indoor air quality samples. PCE was reported ERM 8 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX in the background sample BG-1 at a concentration of 0.51 µg/m3 though this concentration does not result in a loss of data validity. The laboratory results and their respective sample locations are show on Figure 6 with the results also included in Table 3. The laboratory report associated with the indoor air quality sampling is included in Appendix D. Quality analysis and quality control of the duplicate sample collected during the indoor air sampling event is included in Table 4. 4.2 SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS ANALYTICAL RESULTS Laboratory results from the sub-slab soil gas sampling yielded values that exceeded the Sub-Slab Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) for non-residential sites at numerous locations for PCE as well as a single exceedance for TCE. PCE was detected in each sample location with six of the nine locations having values greater than the SGSL of 3,500 µg/m3. The overall range of PCE detections was from 77 to 150,000 µg/m3. TCE was detected at three sample locations with a single location, SS-6L, having a value greater than the SGSL of 175 µg/m3. TCE concentrations ranged from 10 to 250 µg/m3. DCE was detected at a single sample location, SS-6L; however, there is currently no established SGSL for this chemical. VC was not detected in any of the sub-slab soil gas samples. The laboratory results and their respective sample locations are show on Figure 7 with the results also included in Table 3. The laboratory report associated with the sub-slab soil gas sampling is included in Appendix E. Quality analysis and quality control of the duplicate sample collected during the sub-slab soil gas sampling event is included in Table 4. 4.3 ANALYTICAL RESULTS COMPARISON The data results for sub-slab soil gas and indoor air, as presented in Table 3, confirm that although PCE is present below the slab at elevated levels, indoor air concentrations are below IASLs. These results clearly demonstrate that the sealing of cracks has been effective in limiting the migration of VOCs present in the subsurface into indoor air. Based on these results, all PCE concentrations are below a cancer risk level of 1 x 10-6 as well as have a non-cancer hazard index of less than 1 and no further action is needed to address PCE. Although TCE was detected in indoor air above the IASL at one location, this result appears unrelated to an exceedance in sub-slab soil gas. The detection above the IASL for TCE at sample location IAQ-10U was one floor above and one room over from the former dry cleaning station and former dye pit where the expected exceedance would be, if there were to be one. Additionally, at the one location (SS-6L) where TCE was detected in the soil gas above the SGSL, there was no corresponding detection in the co-located indoor air quality sample. ERM 9 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX A specific source of TCE in indoor air has not been identified. The 2016 chemical review by H&H indicates no chemicals containing TCE were utilized at the facility at the time of the review and no previously dry cleaned fabrics were delivered to the facility. As stated previously, a chemical inventory was not conducted by ERM prior to the sampling. Several lines of evidence are available to indicate that TCE detected in indoor air is not subsurface-related but is instead related to a background source. First, an attenuation factor (AF) was calculated for the one location where TCE was detected in both sub- slab soil gas and indoor air and for all the locations where PCE was detected in both media. As shown in Table 5, AFs for PCE range from 2.5x10-5 to 2.9x10-2, while only a single AF could be calculated for TCE at 3.0x10-2. The much higher AF for TCE clearly indicates that there is likely an indoor contribution to the detection at IAQ-10U. There is no reason to expect TCE to migrate into indoor air at a significantly higher rate compared to PCE, especially since the TCE concentrations in sub-slab soil gas are much lower than those detected for PCE. Additionally, TCE was detected much less frequently in sub-slab soil gas compared to PCE. In contrast, for PCE, the data confirm that the slab is acting as an excellent barrier to vapor migration into indoor air. Second, a comparison of the indoor air data from 2007 to the current sampling results confirms that only PCE concentrations were effectively reduced with sealing. If TCE was also subsurface-related a similar reduction in indoor air concentrations would be expected. As shown in Figure 3, PCE indoor air concentrations in 2007 were 304 µg/m3 and 691 µg/m3. After further crack sealing in 2016 these concentrations, although not the exact same locations, dropped to 25 µg/m3 or less. In contrast, TCE concentrations in 2007 were 2.1 µg/m3 and 3.1 µg/m3. After sealing, the maximum TCE concentration in 2016 was unchanged compared to the 2007 maximum value. These lines of evidence indicate that the TCE detected in indoor air is not subsurface- related. As noted above, although a specific source of TCE was not identified, the detection of TCE in the upper level above the basement in absence of a nearby subsurface source, the high attenuation factors, and the lack of concentration declines for TCE with sealing all indicate that the TCE is associated with a background source. Under these conditions, no further evaluation is necessary for TCE as this detection is likely associated with the current building operations. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS A vapor intrusion study was conducted at the Site to determine if site-related CVOCs present below the concrete slab are migrating into indoor air above conservative screening levels. The results of the sampling and data analysis indicate that site- related CVOCs are not present in indoor air above IASLs. Although TCE was reported in one sample above the IASLs, the data indicate that this detection is not related to sub-surface concentrations. Factors supporting this include: the detection of TCE in the upper level above the basement and the absence of a nearby subsurface source; ERM 10 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX TCE’s much higher AF compared to PCE; and, most importantly, TCE concentrations in indoor air have not decreased with floor and crack sealing as was observed with PCE. Excluding TCE, all other VOC detections in indoor air are less than IASLs at a cancer risk of less than 1 x 10-6, indicating that no further action is necessary. ERM 11 NATIONAL TEXTILES IAQ AND SUB-SLAB 2016-05.DOCX 6.0 REFERENCES Date Title Source 1999–11-12 Report of textile manufacturing companies which operated at 100 Reep Road, Morganton, NC Schatzman & Associates L.L.C. 2007-07-17 Report of Limited Facility Inspection ECS LLP Carolinas 2007-09-10 Brownfield Agreement NCDENR 2008-02-05 Vapor Intrusion Assessment and Limited Indoor Air Quality Report Mineral Springs Environmental, P.C. 2010-09-10 Groundwater and Surface Water Report Mineral Springs Environmental, P.C. 2012-03-16 EPA’s Vapor Intrusion Database: Evaluation and Characterization of Attenuation Factors for Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds and Residential Buildings US EPA 2012-12-20 Letter correspondence to NCDENR DWM regarding PCE and TCE usage at Ferguson Copeland Bell, Davis & Pitt 2013-01-23 Air Permit No. 08920R04, Ferguson Copeland, LLC NCDENR 2013-01-23 Letter correspondence to NCDENR DWM regarding PCE and TCE usage at Ferguson Copeland Kilpatrick Townsend 2013-04-24 Letter correspondence to NCDENR DWM regarding Indoor Air Quality Evaluation Work Plan Bell, Davis & Pitt 2013-05-16 Indoor Air Quality Evaluation Work Plan ERM 2013-05-24 Letter correspondence to NCDENR DWM regarding Review of ERM Indoor Air Quality Evaluation Work Plan Bell, Davis & Pitt 2013-08-20 Letter correspondence to NCDENR DWM regarding Chemical Inventory at Ferguson Copeland Kilpatrick Townsend 2014-01-20 Letter correspondence to NCDENR DWM regarding Review of Chemical Inventory at Ferguson Copeland Hart & Hickman, P.C. 2014-03-14 Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Structural Vapor Intrusion Potential for Site Assessments and Remedial Actions Under the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch NCDENR 2014-04 Vapor Intrusion Guidance NCDENR 2015-04-03 Standard Operating Procedure Installation and Extraction of the VAPOR PIN® Cox-Colvin & Associates, Inc. 2015-04-24 Air Permit No. 08920R05, Ferguson Copeland, LLC NCDENR 2015-06 OSWER Technical Guide for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway From Subsurface Vapor Sources to Indoor Air US EPA 2015-12-23 Letter correspondence to NCDEQ DWM regarding additional indoor air testing at Ferguson Copeland Kilpatrick Townsend, Attorneys at Law 2016-02-16 Revised Indoor Air Quality Evaluation Work Plan ERM 2016-02-16 Letter correspondence to NCDEQ DWM regarding Chemical Review Update at Ferguson Copeland Hart & Hickman, P.C. 2016-02-22 Letter correspondence to NCDEQ DWM regarding Revised Indoor Air Quality Evaluation Work Plan at Former National Textiles Facility Bell, Davis & Pitt 2016-03-23 Regulatory approval of Revised Indoor Air Quality Evaluation Work Plan NCDEQ 2016-04-08 Foundation and Wall Sealing Work Plan ERM 2016-04-12 Regulatory approval of Foundation and Wall Sealing Work Plan NCDEQ FIGURES SOURCE: USGS 7.5 MINUTE TOPOGRAPHIC QUADRANGLE: GLEN ALPINE, NC 1994 01000 1000 2000 3000 50004000 6000 7000 FEET 0 1 MILE1/21 FIGURE 1 NATIONAL TEXTILES_MORGANTON.DWG 04/15/13 1=2000 ABF ADMN SCALE 1:24000 ERM CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET DOTTED LINES REPRESENT 40-FOOT CONTOURS NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 SITE LOCATION MAP FORMER NATIONAL TEXTILES FACILITY MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA ERM NC, Inc. CS-2CS-3MW-4MW-5MW-6MW-7TW-1TW-2MW-8MW-1SPRINGMW-2MW-3Interstate 40Reep DriveGP-1GP-3HA-3HA-12FIGURENSCALE IN FEET0 50 100 200HAND AUGER SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONMONITOR WELL LOCATIONSURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATIONLEGENDGEOPROBE SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONERMERM NC, Inc.AREA OF POTENTIAL VAPOR CONCERN(BASED ON THE SURVEY PLAT RECORDED WITH THE BROWNFIELDSAGREEMENT, SEPT. 2007)POTENTIAL SOURCE AREASApproximate Source AreaElevatorFormer Dry Cleaning StationFormer Dry Cleaning StationFormer Dye Pit VIS-1VIS-2VIS-3VIS-4IA-1IA-23FIGURENSCALE IN FEET0 10 20 40SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATIONINDOOR AIR SAMPLE LOCATIONLEGENDERMERM NC, Inc.AREA OF POTENTIAL VAPOR CONCERN(BASED ON THE SURVEY PLAT RECORDED WITHTHE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT, SEPT. 2007)AREA OF VAPOR INTRUSION ASSESSMENT ANDLIMITED INDOOR AIR QUALITY EVALUATION - 2007Approximate Source AreaElevatorFormer Dry Cleaning StationFormer Dry Cleaning StationFormer Dye PitPOTENTIAL SOURCE AREAS Inters ta te 404FIGURENSCALE IN FEET0 25 50 100LEGENDERMERM NC, Inc.Approximate Source AreaElevatorBoiler RoomOfficesShippingBreak RoomUpholstery (Main Floor)Storage (Lower Level)Paint Booth AreaSandingOutdoor Air Location (TBD)FinishingFormerServiceStation(Colonel'sPantry #3)Former BristolElectronics, Inc.Waste Water BasinFormer Chemical Storage AreaEXTENT OF SUBTERRANEAN FOUNDATION ANDWALL SEALINGEXTENT OF GROUND LEVEL FOUNDATION SEALINGAREA OF POTENTIAL VAPOR CONCERN(BASED ON THE SURVEY PLAT RECORDED WITHTHE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT, SEPT. 2007) Inters ta te 40IAQ/SS-2UIAQ/SS-1UIAQ/SS-3UIAQ/SS-4UIAQ/SS-5UIAQ-12UIAQ-13UIAQ-10UIAQ-11UIAQ/SS-7LIAQ/SS-8LIAQ/SS-9LIAQ/SS-6LBG-15FIGURENSCALE IN FEET0 25 50 100LEGENDERMERM NC, Inc.Approximate Source AreaElevatorBoiler RoomOfficesShippingBreak RoomUpholstery (Main Floor)Storage (Lower Level)Paint Booth AreaSandingOutdoor Air Location (TBD)FinishingFormerServiceStation(Colonel'sPantry #3)Former BristolElectronics, Inc.Waste Water BasinPOTENTIAL SOURCE AREASFormer Dry Cleaning StationFormer Dry Cleaning StationFormer Dye PitFormer Chemical Storage AreaAREA OF POTENTIAL VAPOR CONCERN(BASED ON THE SURVEY PLAT RECORDED WITHTHE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT, SEPT. 2007)PAIRED SAMPLE LOCATIONINDOOR AIR & BACKGROUND SAMPLE (UPPER LEVEL ONLY)Note: A background air sample will be collected at the exterior and upwind of thebuilding. The location will be determined based on the prevailing wind directionat the time of sampling.EXTENT OF BASEMENT/LOWER LEVELLOCATION OF PAINT BOOTH Inters ta te 40IAQ/SS-2UIAQ/SS-1UIAQ/SS-3UIAQ/SS-4UIAQ/SS-5UIAQ-12UIAQ-13UIAQ-10UIAQ-11UIAQ/SS-7LIAQ/SS-8LIAQ/SS-9LIAQ/SS-6LBG-16FIGURENSCALE IN FEET0 25 50 100LEGENDERMERM NC, Inc.Approximate Source AreaElevatorBoiler RoomOfficesShippingBreak RoomUpholstery (Main Floor)Storage (Lower Level)Paint Booth AreaSandingFinishingFormerServiceStation(Colonel'sPantry #3)Former BristolElectronics, Inc.Waste Water BasinPOTENTIAL SOURCE AREASFormer Dry Cleaning StationFormer Dry Cleaning StationFormer Dye PitFormer Chemical Storage AreaAREA OF POTENTIAL VAPOR CONCERN(BASED ON THE SURVEY PLAT RECORDED WITHTHE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT, SEPT. 2007)PAIRED SAMPLE LOCATIONINDOOR AIR & BACKGROUND SAMPLE (UPPER LEVEL ONLY)EXTENT OF BASEMENT/LOWER LEVELLOCATION OF PAINT BOOTH Inters ta te 40IAQ/SS-2UIAQ/SS-1UIAQ/SS-3UIAQ/SS-4UIAQ/SS-5UIAQ-12UIAQ-13UIAQ-10UIAQ-11UIAQ/SS-7LIAQ/SS-8LIAQ/SS-9LIAQ/SS-6LBG-17FIGURENSCALE IN FEET0 25 50 100LEGENDERMERM NC, Inc.Approximate Source AreaElevatorBoiler RoomOfficesShippingBreak RoomUpholstery (Main Floor)Storage (Lower Level)Paint Booth AreaSandingFinishingFormerServiceStation(Colonel'sPantry #3)Former BristolElectronics, Inc.Waste Water BasinPOTENTIAL SOURCE AREASFormer Dry Cleaning StationFormer Dry Cleaning StationFormer Dye PitFormer Chemical Storage AreaAREA OF POTENTIAL VAPOR CONCERN(BASED ON THE SURVEY PLAT RECORDED WITHTHE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT, SEPT. 2007)PAIRED SAMPLE LOCATIONINDOOR AIR & BACKGROUND SAMPLE (UPPER LEVEL ONLY)EXTENT OF BASEMENT/LOWER LEVELLOCATION OF PAINT BOOTH TABLES Sample Location Date cis-1,2- Dichloroethylene Tetrachloroetheylene Trichloroethylene NE 48.4 4.35 MW-1 10/22/1999 B2L 4,400 B2L 11/3/2003 150 2,500 28 J 8/25/2008 110 3,890 34 J 7/29/2009 69 J 2,000 26 J 7/28/2010 49 J 1,710 25 J MW-2 10/22/1999 B2L 9 B2L 11/3/2003 B2L 24 B2L MW-4 10/22/1999 B2L 100 19 11/3/2003 B2L 3 B2L MW-5 10/22/1999 550 B2L B2L 11/3/2003 1900 B2L 28 J 8/25/2008 300 BQL BQL 7/29/2009 274 BQL 9.80 J 7/28/2010 65.6 BQL BQL MW-6 10/22/1999 95 1,200 11/3/2003 1200 1,500 120 8/25/2008 74.7 150 17.3 7/29/2009 149 665 75.2 7/28/2010 31.5 439 26.3 MW-8 10/22/1999 B2L 500 B2L 11/3/2003 B2L 31 B2L TW-1 9/22/1999 1400 5,400 B2L 11/3/2003 370 740 37 8/25/2008 Dry Dry Dry 7/29/2009 125 2,150 145 7/28/2010 Dry Dry Dry TW-2 12/8/1999 B2L 47,000 B2L 11/3/2003 B2L 2,700 15 J 8/25/2008 280 J 59,600 250 J 7/29/2009 440 J 72,800 800 J 7/28/2010 BQL 32,300 BQL CS-2 10/22/1999 NM NM NM 11/3/2003 NM NM NM 8/25/2008 2.33 5.19 0.71 J 7/29/2009 1.22 4.30 0.46 J 7/28/2010 0.51 J 3.07 0.29 J CS-3 10/22/1999 NM NM NM 11/3/2003 NM NM NM 8/25/2008 2.09 4.30 0.57 J 7/29/2009 3.69 6.32 1.38 7/28/2010 0.98 J 2.54 0.31 J Spring 10/22/1999 NM NM NM 11/3/2003 NM NM NM 8/25/2008 Dry Dry Dry 7/29/2009 BQL 1,010 BQL 7/28/2010 0.88 J 95.70 BQL Notes: Sample Location (Depth)Date Tetrachloroetheylene GP-1 (0.5') 10/12/1999 7.4 BQL = Below Quantitation Limit GP-3 (30') 10/12/1999 0.65 B2L = Below 2L Standard HA-1 (0.5') 10/18/1999 5.6 NM = Not Monitored HA-2 (0.5') 10/18/1999 0.60 IHSB = Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Note: Soil results are in mg/kg (miligrams per kilogram) FORMER NATIONAL TEXTILES FACILITY HISTORICAL SOIL & GROUNDWATER SUMMARIES TABLE 1 Summary of Ground Water Analytical Results Summary of Soil Analytical Results IHSB GWSL, March 2016 Results are in µg/L (micrograms per liter) J = Estimated Concentration GWSL = Groundwater Screening Level (Based on November 2015 USEPA Regional Screening Level Target Air Concentrations and the USEPA VI Screening Level Calculator.) MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis-NE 6,058.75 2,988.98 ND ND NE 1.45 0.48 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 3,500 2,349,258 594,224 566,586 386,937 35 691 304 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 175 ND 2,354 ND ND 1.75 3.07 2.08 1.00E-04 1.00E-04 1.00 1.00 Notes: VOCs by EPA Method TO-15 (results in µg/m3)Bolded values exceed the EPA Regional Screening Levels J = Estimated Value Bolded values exceed the IHSB Acceptable Soil Gas Concentrations ND= Not Detected Bolded values exceed the IHSB Acceptable Indoor Air Concentrations IHSB Vapor Intrustion Screening Table Acceptable Concentrations, revised March 2016. VIS = Sub Slab Soil Gas Samples IA = Indoor Air Samples IHSB Acceptable Soil Gas Concentration for Industrial / Commercial Sites VIS-2 VIS-3 VIS-4 11/12/2007 11/12/2007 11/12/2007 12/13/2007 TABLE 2 VAPOR INTRUSION ASSESSMENT & LIMITED INDOOR AIR QUALITY EVALUATION - 2007 FORMER NATIONAL TEXTILES FACILITY MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT NUMBER: 0346670 Hazard Index for Non-carcinogenic Risk: Contaminants of Concern IHSB Acceptable Indoor Air Concentration for Industrial / Commercial Sites Cumulative Carcinogenic Risk: 12/13/2007 VIS-1 11/12/2007 5.00E-02 1.34E-02 1.21E-02 8.23E-03 IA-1 1.57E-05 13,051 3,569 3,148 2,150 IA-2 7.16E-06 4.19 1.93 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis- Tetrachloroethylene Trichloroethylene Vinyl Chloride 156-59-2 127-18-4 79-01-6 75-01-4 NE 35 1.75 2.79 IAQ-1U 4/23/2016 <0.14 2.2 0.26 <0.018 IAQ-2U 4/23/2016 <0.13 2.3 0.3 <0.043 IAQ-3U 4/23/2016 <0.14 6.8 0.3 <0.044 IAQ-4U 4/23/2016 <0.13 12 1.2 <0.042 IAQ-5U 4/23/2016 <0.13 25 0.23 <0.042 IAQ-6L 4/23/2016 <0.13 19 <0.18 <0.042 DUP 4/23/2016 <0.14 15 <0.18 <0.044 IAQ-7L 4/23/2016 <0.12 2.4 <0.16 <0.039 IAQ-8L 4/23/2016 <0.14 12 <0.18 <0.044 IAQ-9L 4/23/2016 <0.11 20 <0.15 <0.036 IAQ-10U 4/23/2016 <0.13 12 3.1 <0.042 IAQ-11U 4/23/2016 <0.12 13 0.53 <0.040 IAQ-12U 4/23/2016 <0.12 14 <0.16 <0.039 IAQ-13U 4/23/2016 <0.14 24 <0.19 <0.044 BG-1 (background)4/23/2016 <0.12 0.51 <0.16 <0.039 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis- Tetrachloroethylene Trichloroethylene Vinyl Chloride 156-59-2 127-18-4 79-01-6 75-01-4 NE 3,500 175 2,790 SS-1U 4/24/2016 <5.0 77 <6.8 <3.2 SS-2U 4/24/2016 <5.0 1,200 10 <3.2 SS-3U 4/24/2016 <5.2 880 <7.0 <3.2 SS-4U 4/24/2016 <20 9,000 <27 <13 SS-5U 4/24/2016 <100 42,000 <140 <66 SS-6L 4/24/2016 240 150,000 250 <33 DUP 4/24/2016 180 120,000 200 <32 SS-7L 4/24/2016 <50 95,000 110 <32 SS-8L 4/24/2016 <18 8,200 <24 <30 SS-9L 4/24/2016 <10 4,900 <14 <6.8 Notes: <= Not Detected Above Reporting Limit NE = Not Established IHSB Vapor Intrustion Screening Table Acceptable Concentrations, Revised March 2016. Bolded Values Exceed the IHSB Screening Levels TABLE 3 Indoor Air Screening Concentrations (IASL) for Non-residential Sites DateSample ID Sample ID Date SUB-SLAB VAPOR AND INDOOR AIR SAMPLE SUMMARY - 2016 FORMER NATIONAL TEXTILES FACILITY MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT NUMBER: 0346670 Indoor Air Quailty Samples Analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method TO-15 SIM (results in µg/m3) Sub-Slab Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) for Non-residential Sites Sub-Slab Soil Gas Samples Analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method TO-15 (results in µg/m3) Report ID 1604534: Analytical Notes There were no analytical discrepancies. Report ID 1604542: Analytical Notes Completeness Analysis Comparability Analysis Precision Analysis NE 35 1.75 2.79 IAQ-6L Sample 04/23/16 <0.13 19 <0.18 <0.042 DUP-IAQ Field Duplicate 04/23/16 <0.14 15 <0.18 <0.044 --24%---- NE 3,500 175 2,790 SS-6L Sample 04/24/16 240 150,000 250 <33 DUP-SS Field Duplicate 04/24/16 180 120,000 200 <32 29%22%22%-- Sensitivity Analysis Data is considered VALID. μg/m3 = Micrograms per cubic meter < = Not Detected Above Reporting Limit TABLE 4 PROJECT NUMBER: 0346670 Indoor Air Screening Concentrations (IASL) Sub-slab Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) VOCs by EPA Method TO-15 (results in µg/m3) VOCs by EPA Method TO-15 SIM (results in µg/m3) Sample ID Type Date Collected Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis-TetrachloroethyleneTrichloroethyleneVinyl ChlorideQUALITY ANALYSIS/QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS FORMER NATIONAL TEXTILES FACILITY MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA The following exceptions were noted on the listed Laboratory Analytical Reports: Review of the dataset for this project indicate that an adequate number of monitoring locations exist to define and monitor the indoor air quality and sub-slab soil gas footprint. Calculated RPDs <30% are preferred. Calculated RPDs are within the acceptable range. The detection limits listed for each analyte are less than or equal to the respective applicable regulatory limit. No exceptions due to dilution of samples were noted. Dilution was performed on samples SS-4U, SS-5U, SS-8L, and SS-9L due to the presence of high level target species. Review of the dataset for this project indicate that results for each sample were analyzed using the same methods and are presented using consistent units. Calculated RPD Calculated RPD Sub-Slab Soil Gas Concentrations Indoor Air Concentrations Attenuation Factor SS-1U / IAQ-1U 77 2.2 2.86E-02 SS-2U / IAQ-2U 1,200 2.3 1.92E-03 SS-3U / IAQ-3U 880 6.8 7.73E-03 SS-4U / IAQ-4U 9,000 12 1.33E-03 SS-5U / IAQ-5U 42,000 25 5.95E-04 SS-6L / IAQ-6L 150,000 19 1.27E-04 SS-7L / IAQ-7L 95,000 2.4 2.53E-05 SS-8L / IAQ-8L 8,200 12 1.46E-03 SS-9L / IAQ-9L 4,900 20 4.08E-03 Sub-Slab Soil Gas Concentrations Indoor Air Concentrations Attenuation Factor SS-1U / IAQ-1U <6.8 0.26 NA SS-2U / IAQ-2U 10 0.3 3.00E-02 SS-3U / IAQ-3U <7.0 0.3 NA SS-4U / IAQ-4U <27 1.2 NA SS-5U / IAQ-5U <140 0.23 NA SS-6L / IAQ-6L 250 <0.18 NA SS-7L / IAQ-7L 110 <0.16 NA SS-8L / IAQ-8L <24 <0.18 NA SS-9L / IAQ-9L <14 <0.15 NA Notes: <= Not Detected Above Reporting Limit IHSB Vapor Intrustion Screening Table Acceptable Concentrations, Revised March 2016. Attenuation Factors Calucated by Dividing Sub-Slab Soil Gas Concentrations by Indoor Air Quality Concentrations Attenuation Factors Only Applicable for Paired Sample Locations 1/2 of laboratory PQL used to calculate attenuation factor for non-detected values TABLE 5 ANALYTE ATTENUATION FACTORS FORMER NATIONAL TEXTILES FACILITY MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA PROJECT NUMBER: 0346670 Sample Location Trichloroethylene Sample Location Tetrachloroethylene APPENDIX A MANUFACTURER’S SHEETS – FLOOR AND WALL SEALANTS The Pro’s Choice Since 1936 sakrete.com • 1-866-725-7383 Sakrete Top ‘n Bond Concrete Patcher is a polymer modified sand cement repair mortar requiring only the addition of clean potable water. For applications from 1/2 inch (13 mm) to feather edge. For refinishing, patching and general repairs to concrete/masonry. FEATURES: • High Strength 5,000 psi • Applications feather edge to 1/2 inch (13 mm) • Open to foot traffic in 24 hours and vehicular traffic in 72 hours • Interior/exterior applications • Superior abrasion resistance USE FOR: • Repairing cracks in concrete slabs, driveways and sidewalks • Leveling uneven concrete surfaces • Curbs • Stairs • Ramps • Concrete overlays • Large masonry crack repairs YIELD/WATER/COVERAGE: To determine coverage: Multiply Length (feet) x Width (feet) x Thickness (inches) and divide by 12. Then divide by the yield in the chart above to determine the numbers of bags needed. See Calculator on Sakrete.com for assistance. Yield and water are approximate. TEChnICAL DATA: Compressive Strength ASTM C 109 7 day = 4,000 psi (28 MPa) 28 days = 5, 000 psi (34 MPa) Bond Strength ASTM C 882 28 days = 1200 psi (8 MPa) DIVISION 3 Concrete Topping – 03 53 00 COLOR: Gray PREPARATIOn/APPLICATIOn: Remove all loose concrete from the repair area by chipping with hammer and chisel. For a successful project, proper preparation is required. Air, mix and substrate temperatures should be a minimum of 40ºF (10ºC). Surfaces to be repaired must be sound and clean. Remove all loose and foreign matter and any material such as sealers, paints, oil, tree sap or glues that will interfere with bonding. Dampen concrete surface just prior to applying Top ‘n Bond. DO NOT USE A BONDING AGENT. COnCRETE REPAIR: Top n Bond can be used either as a trowel applied material to repair cracks or level uneven surfaces or as a thin brush coat to blend existing repairs to a uniform color. TROWEL APPLIED: For a superior bond mix Top ‘n Bond to a wet soupy consistency and smear (using a gloved hand) or brush the material onto the entire surface to be repaired working the mix into cracks. Allow to dry a few minutes before continuing. Then mix Top n Bond to the correct consistency (see water chart) and place and consolidate the mix. Work into voids and level with a trowel. Do not overwork as this may lead to dusting or cracking. For applications thicker than 1/2” apply in layers allowing material to harden between applications. BRUSh COAT APPLICATIOn: Using a soft paint brush or masonry brush, apply mix no more than 1/8” thick. Refer to: - ACI 305R Guide to Hot Weather Concreting - ACI 306R Guide to Cold Weather Concreting MIxInG: • Add approximately half of the water (see table for water amount) to an empty pail, then add material and mix. Add additional water as needed but AVOID A SOUPY MIX. • When mixing less than the entire bag, mix 4.5 parts material with 1 part water or enough to achieve a workable mix. • Excess water reduces strength and durability and can cause cracking, dusting or scaling. • For improved mixing, mix in a 5 gallon pail using a power drill and a mortar or paint mixing paddle. Add half of the required water to the empty pail, then add material and mix. Add the remainder of water as needed. • If using in a “brush coat” application, mix 5.5 parts material with 1 part water or until a stiff paint consistency is achieved. Top ‘n Bond Concrete Patcher Bag/Pail Size Yield Water Coverage 10 lb (4.5 kg) pail 0.09 ft 3 (.003 m3)0.75 qt (0.7 L) 4.5 sq ft (0.41 m 2) at 1/4 (6.3 mm) in thick 20 lb (9.0 kg) pail 0.18 ft 3 (.005m3)1.5 qt (1.4 L) 9 sq ft (0.83 m 2) at 1/4 in (6.3 mm) thick 40 lb (18.1 kg) bag 0.37 ft 3 (.01 m3)3 qt (2.8 L) 18 sq ft (1.6 m 2) at 1/4 in (6.3 mm) thick The Pro’s Choice Since 1936 sakrete.com • 1-866-725-7383 CURInG: Curing is not required when using Top ‘n Bond to repair small cracks. When us- ing Top n Bond to surface coat a large area, follow instructions below. 1. Proper curing is critical for sound results. Curing means maintaining proper moisture and temperature. The material must be kept continuously moist for several days. 2. Covering the material with plastic is a practical way to help retain moisture. Place plastic after material has set. 3. If surface begins to appear dry remove the plastic moisten the surface and replace the plastic. 4. New repaired areas can be opened to foot traffic in 24 hours and vehicular traffic in 72 hours. 5. Keep from freezing for 24 hours. PRECAUTIOnS: Air, mix and substrate temperatures should be between 40°F (4°C) and 100°F (38°C) and no rain in the forecast within 24 hours of application. For applications outside this range of temperatures and conditions, contact Sakrete Technical Service. • Colder temperatures or higher humidity conditions will retard set times • Use only clean mixing container and tools • Do not over trowel • Do not overwater • Do not add any materials other than clean potable water. See Technical Data Sheet for mixing instructions. NOTE: Proper application and installation of all Sakrete products are the responsibility of the end user. SAFETY: READ and UNDERSTAND the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) before using this product. WARNING: Wear protective clothing and equipment. For emergency information, call CHEMTREC at 800-424-9300 or 703-527-3887 (outside USA). KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. LIMITED PRODUCT WARRAnTY: The manufacturer warrants that this product shall be of merchantable quality when used or applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This product is not warranted as suitable for any purpose other than the general purpose for which it is intended. This warranty runs for one (1) year from the dates the product is purchased. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON THIS PRODUCT IS LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY. Liability under this warranty is limited to replacement or defective products or, at the manufacturer’s option, refund of the purchase price. CONSEQUENTIAL AND INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARE NOT RECOVERABLE UNDER THIS WARRANTY. SAKRETE® and the background design are registered trademarks of SAKRETE of North America LLC, Charlotte, NC 28273 • ©2006. SAKRETE® is manufactured under license from SAKRETE of North America LLC. For current and complete product information, contact SAKRETE Technical Services toll-free at 866-725-7383 or visit sakrete.com. 10/14 PRIOR TO EACH USE OF ANY SIKA PRODUCT, THE USER MUST ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PRODUCT’S MOST CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT USA.SARNAFIL.SIKA.COM OR BY CALLING SIKA SARNAFIL’S TECHNICAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT 800-451-2504. NOTHING CONTAINED IN ANY SIKA MATERIALS RELIEVES THE USER OF THE OBLIGATION TO READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH SIKA PRODUCT AS SET FORTH IN THE CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET PRIOR TO PRODUCT USE. 1/4 10-01-14 Version # 1 PRODUCT DATA SHEET SIKAFLEX®-1a Sikaflex®-1a is a premium-grade, high-performance, moisture-cured, one-component polyurethane-based, non-sag elastomeric sealant used in certain Sarnafil® and Sikaplan® roofing or waterproofing system details. Typical applications include wall, curb and drain terminations. It is also used as a sealant at pipe penetrations and under certain metal flashings. Sikaflex-1a can be used as a pourable sealer pocket filler. PRODUCT INFORMATION USES For Sarnafil and Sikaplan roofing and waterproofing system details. AREAS OF APPLICATION  Wall, curb and drain terminations  Pipe penetrations  Certain metal flashings  Pourable sealer pocket filler FEATURES / BENEFITS  Bonds well to primed Sika PVC membranes and to common building materials  High elasticity, cures to a tough, durable, flexible consistency with exceptional cut and tear resistance  Easy to apply from the cartridge and has excellent workability characteristics  Excellent resistance to aging and weathering  Odorless, non-staining TESTS APPROVAL / STANDARDS  Meets Federal Specification TT-S-0023C, Type II, Class A  Meets ASTM C-920, Type S, Grade NS, Class 35  Certified to the NSF/ANSI Standard 61 for potable water PRODUCT DATA FORM COMPOSITION Sealant COLOR White or Limestone VOC CONTENT 40 g/l PRIOR TO EACH USE OF ANY SIKA PRODUCT, THE USER MUST ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PRODUCT’S MOST CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT USA.SARNAFIL.SIKA.COM OR BY CALLING SIKA SARNAFIL’S TECHNICAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT 800-451-2504. NOTHING CONTAINED IN ANY SIKA MATERIALS RELIEVES THE USER OF THE OBLIGATION TO READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH SIKA PRODUCT AS SET FORTH IN THE CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET PRIOR TO PRODUCT USE. 2/4 10-01-14 Version # 1 Sikaflex-1a PACKAGING 10.1 fluid ounce (300 ml) disposable cartridge (24 cartridges per case), 25 lbs (11.3 kg) per case STORAGE STORAGE CONDITIONS Store at 40°F-90°F (4°C-35°C) in a dry, well-ventilated area. Condition material to 65°F-75°F (18°C-24°C) before using. SHELF LIFE 12 months in an unopened cartridge TECHNICAL DATA TYPICAL PHYSICAL PROPERTIES* Shelf Life: 12 months Service Range: -40°F (-40°C) to 170°F (77°C) Curing Rate: Tack-free Time: 4 hours Tack-free to Touch: 3 hours Final Cure: 4 to 7 days Tear Strength, ASTM D624: 55 lb./in. (9.63 N/mm) Shore A Hardness, ASTM D2240: 40±5 @ 21 days Tensile Properties, ASTM D412: Tensile Stress @ 21 days: 175 psi (1.21 MPa) Elongation at Break: 550% Chemical Resistance: Good resistance to water, diluted acids, and diluted alkalines *Results may differ based upon statistical variations depending upon mixing methods and equipment, temperature, application methods, test methods, actual site conditions and curing conditions. SYSTEM INFORMATION APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS SURFACE PREPARATION Clean all surfaces. Surfaces must be sound, clean, dry, frost-free, and free of oil and grease. Residues and any other foreign matter must be thoroughly removed. If rust is present on the penetration it must be wire brushed down to clean metal. A roughened surface will enhance the bond. APPLICATION METHOD / TOOLS The recommended application temperature for Sikaflex-1a is between 40°F (4°C) and 100°F (38°C). For cold weather applications, condition cartridges at approximately 70°F (21°C) and maintain that temperature until just prior to use. Do not apply over damp surfaces as this will affect adhesion and may lead to bubbling within the sealant. Whenever the Sikaflex-1a will come in contact with PVC membrane, solvent wipe the membrane and prime with Sarnacol 2170. This includes the walls of the pourable sealer pocket and the PVC membrane around the penetration below the pocket. When used as a pourable sealer pocket filler, dispense the Sikaflex-1a into the pocket and tool it with a paint stirrer to work out entrapped air. Fill PRIOR TO EACH USE OF ANY SIKA PRODUCT, THE USER MUST ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PRODUCT’S MOST CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT USA.SARNAFIL.SIKA.COM OR BY CALLING SIKA SARNAFIL’S TECHNICAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT 800-451-2504. NOTHING CONTAINED IN ANY SIKA MATERIALS RELIEVES THE USER OF THE OBLIGATION TO READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH SIKA PRODUCT AS SET FORTH IN THE CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET PRIOR TO PRODUCT USE. 3/4 10-01-14 Version # 1 Sikaflex-1a the pocket completely without using any filler material. Mound the Sikaflex-1a sufficiently to prevent water from collecting and ponding in the pocket. There must be a minimum of 1 inch (25 mm) between the walls of the pocket and the penetration to allow the sealant to be worked into any gaps or voids. Use with adequate ventilation. Sikaflex-1a is easy to apply with conventional caulking equipment. Avoid air entrapment when applying sealant. Do not tool with detergent or soap solutions. Avoid contact with alcohol and other solvent cleaners during cure. Use open cartridges the same day. COVERAGE 15 linear feet (4.6 m) of 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) bead per cartridge. PRODUCT LIMITATIONS LIMITATIONS • Since system is moisture-cured, permit sufficient exposure to air. • White color tends to yellow slightly when exposed to ultraviolet rays. • Light colors can yellow if exposed to direct gas fired heating element. • Do not use in contact with bituminous/asphaltic materials. • Do not apply when a moisture vapor transmission condition exists from the substrate as this can cause bubbling within the sealant. • Do not tool with detergent or soap solutions. • Avoid contact with alcohol and other solvent cleaners during cure. • Avoid exposure to high levels of chlorine. AVAILABILITY From Authorized Applicators when used within Sarnafil or Sikaplan roofing and waterproofing systems. MAINTENANCE Standard maintenance of roofs should include regular inspection of flashings, drains and termination sealants as well as pourable sealer pockets at least twice a year and after each storm. WARRANTY Sika will replace defective Sikaflex-1a material provided the defect is identified by the Sika Authorized Applicator and acknowledged by Sika during the time of original installation and application. Maintenance of this sealant or of any other sealant after the original installation and application is not covered by the Sika Corporation Warrantees. LEGAL NOTES All information provided by Sika Corporation (“Sika”) concerning Sika products, including but not limited to, any recommendations and advice relating to the application and use of Sika products, is given in good faith based on Sika’s current experience and knowledge of its products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Sika’s instructions. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates, storage and handling conditions, actual site conditions and other factors outside of Sika’s control are such that Sika assumes no liability for the provision of such information, advice, recommendations or instructions related to its products, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or arise from the provision of such information, advice, recommendations or instructions related to its products. The user of the Sika product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended application and purpose before proceeding with the full application of the product(s). Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its products without notice. All sales of Sika product(s) are subject to its current terms and conditions of sale which are available at usa.sarnafil.sika.com or by calling 800- 451-2504. Prior to each use of any Sika product, the user must always read and follow the warnings and instructions on the product’s most current Product Data Sheet, product label and Safety Data Sheet which are available online at usa.sarnafil.sika.com or by calling Sika's Technical Service Department at 800-451-2504. Nothing contained in any Sika materials relieves the user of the obligation to read and follow the warnings and instruction for each Sika product as set forth in the current Product Data Sheet, product label and Safety Data Sheet prior to product use. Sika warrants this product for one year from date of installation to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Product Data Sheet if used as directed within shelf life. User determines suitability of product for intended use and assumes all risks. Buyer’s sole remedy shall be limited to the purchase price or replacement of product exclusive of labor or cost of labor. NO OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR IMPLIED SHALL APPLY INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SIKA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER ANY LEGAL THEORY FOR SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SIKA SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER TO INFRINGE ON ANY PATENT OR ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS HELD BY OTHERS. PRIOR TO EACH USE OF ANY SIKA PRODUCT, THE USER MUST ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PRODUCT’S MOST CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET WHICH ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE AT USA.SARNAFIL.SIKA.COM OR BY CALLING SIKA SARNAFIL’S TECHNICAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT AT 800-451-2504. NOTHING CONTAINED IN ANY SIKA MATERIALS RELIEVES THE USER OF THE OBLIGATION TO READ AND FOLLOW THE WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH SIKA PRODUCT AS SET FORTH IN THE CURRENT PRODUCT DATA SHEET, PRODUCT LABEL AND SAFETY DATA SHEET PRIOR TO PRODUCT USE. 4/4 10-01-14 Version # 1 Sikaflex-1a SIKA CORPORATION – ROOFING UNITED STATES 100 Dan Road Canton, MA 02021 800-451-2504 (p) 781-828-5365 (f) usa.sarnafil.sika.com webmaster.sarnafil@us.sika.com SIKA CANADA INC. 6915 Davand Drive Mississauga, ON L5T 1L5 905-795-3177 (p) 905-795-3192 (f) can.sika.com marketing.construction@ca.sika.com APPENDIX B PHOTO LOG   1. General condition of the previously sealed concrete floor cracks prior to 2016 sealing. 2. Additional view showing general condition of previously sealed concrete floor cracks and prior to 2016 sealing. 3. Generalized crack severity after debris removal and prior to 2016 sealing. Minor crack  observed in joint   4. Additional view showing generalized crack severity after debris removal and prior to 2016 sealing. 5. Floor drain adjacent to the eastern subterranean wall. 6. Piping along eastern subterranean wall prior to 2016 sealing. Unsealed void  between sleeved  pipe and block wall    7. Voids between seal and eastern subterranean wall surrounding fire suppression system prior to 2016 sealing. 8. Piping along eastern subterranean wall, following 2016 application of polyurethane sealant.   9. Fire suppression system, following 2016 application of concrete patch sealant. 10. Generalized extent of floor sealant following 2016 application.   11. Additional view showing generalized extent of floor sealant following 2016 application. 12. Additional view showing generalized extent of floor sealant following 2016 application. 13. Additional view showing generalized extent of floor sealant following 2016 application.   14. Generalized indoor air sampling canister set-up (IAQ-10U). 15. Generalized indoor air sampling canister set-up (IAQ-6L) showing duplicate manifold. 16. Generalized soil gas sampling canister set-up (SS-6L) showing duplicate manifold and pre-sample vacuum purge canister (left). Blue tape depicts approximate grid of reinforcing bar/mesh mapped during subsurface utility scan. Manifold used to collect duplicate sample Manifold used to  collect duplicate  sample Vacuum canister for purging subsurface  void prior to sample collection  APPENDIX C FIELD NOTES & INDOOR AIR BUILDING SURVEY APPENDIX D LABORATORY REPORT – INDOOR AIR 5/4/2016Mr. Alan MartinERM-Southeast15720 Brixham Hill AvenueSuite 120Charlotte NC 28277Project Name: Former National TextilesProject #: 0346670Dear Mr. Alan MartinThe following report includes the data for the above referenced project for sample(s) received on 4/26/2016 at Air Toxics Ltd.The data and associated QC analyzed by Modified TO-15 SIM are compliant with the project requirements or laboratory criteria with the exception of the deviations noted in the attached case narrative.Thank you for choosing Eurofins Air Toxics Inc. for your air analysis needs. Eurofins Air Toxics Inc. is committed to providing accurate data of the highest quality. Please feel free tttthe Project Manager: Ausha Scott at 916-985-1000 if you have any questions regarding the data in this report.Regards,Ausha ScottProject ManagerWorkorder #: 1604534Page 1 of 26Mr. Alan MartinERM-Southeast15720 Brixham Hill AvenueSuite 120Charlotte, NC 28277WORK ORDER #: 1604534CLIENT:BILL TO:PHONE: Accounts Payable-RaleighERM-Southeast1130 Situs CourtSuite 250Raleigh, NC 27606704-541-8345704-541-841604/26/2016DATE COMPLETED:05/04/2016P.O. #0346670PROJECT #0346670 Former National TextilesWork Order SummaryFAX:DATE RECEIVED:CONTACT:Ausha ScottNAMEFRACTION #TESTVAC./PRES.RECEIPTPRESSUREFINAL01AIAQ-1UModified TO-15 SIM7.1 "Hg 5 psi02A IAQ-2U Modified TO-15 SIM 5.9 "Hg 5.1 psi03A IAQ-3U Modified TO-15 SIM 6.5 "Hg 5.1 psi04A IAQ-4U Modified TO-15 SIM 5.7 "Hg 5.1 psi05A IAQ-5U Modified TO-15 SIM 5.3 "Hg 5.1 psi06A IAQ-6L Modified TO-15 SIM 5.3 "Hg 5 psi07A IAQ-7L Modified TO-15 SIM 3.7 "Hg 5 psi08A IAQ-8L Modified TO-15 SIM 6.5 "Hg 5.1 psi09A IAQ-9L Modified TO-15 SIM 1.2 "Hg 4.9 psi10A DUP-IAQ Modified TO-15 SIM 6.5 "Hg 5 psi11A IAQ-10U Modified TO-15 SIM 5.5 "Hg 5 psi12A IAQ-11U Modified TO-15 SIM 4.1 "Hg 5.1 psi13A IAQ-12U Modified TO-15 SIM 3.9 "Hg 4.9 psi14A IAQ-13U Modified TO-15 SIM 6.7 "Hg 5.1 psi15A BG-01 Modified TO-15 SIM 3.7 "Hg 5.1 psi16A Lab Blank Modified TO-15 SIM NANA17A CCV Modified TO-15 SIM NANA18A LCS Modified TO-15 SIM NANA18AA LCSD Modified TO-15 SIM NANACERTIFIED BY:Technical DirectorDATE:Name of Accreditation Body: NELAP/ORELAP (Oregon Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program)Accreditation number: CA300005, Effective date: 10/18/2015, Expiration date: 10/17/2016.180 BLUE RAVINE ROAD, SUITE B FOLSOM, CA - 95630(916) 985-1000 . (800) 985-5955 . FAX (916) 985-102005/04/16Page 2 of 26This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Eurofins Air Toxics, Inc.Eurofins Air Toxics Inc.. certifies that the test results contained in this report meet all requirements of the NELAC standardsCertification numbers: AZ Licensure AZ0775, NJ NELAP - CA016, NY NELAP - 11291, TX NELAP - T104704434-15-9, UT NELAP CA0093332015-6, VA NELAP - 8113, WA NELAP - C935 LABORATORY NARRATIVEModified TO-15 SIMERM-SoutheastWorkorder# 1604534Fifteen 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified) samples were received on April 26,2016. Thelaboratory performed analysis via modified EPA Method TO-15 using GC/MS in the SIM acquisitionmode.This workorder was independently validated prior to submittal using 'USEPA National FunctionalGuidelines' as generally applied to the analysis of volatile organic compounds in air. A rules-based,logic driven, independent validation engine was employed to assess completeness, evaluate pass/fail ofrelevantproject qualitycontrol requirements and verificationof all quantified amounts.Method modifications taken to run these samples are summarized in the table below. Specificprojectrequirements may over-ridethe ATL modifications.RequirementATL ModificationsTO-15ICAL %RSD acceptance criteria</=30% RSD with 2 compounds allowed out to < 40% RSDProject specific; default criteria is </=30% RSD with 10% of compounds allowed out to < 40% RSDDaily Calibration+- 30% Difference Project specific; default criteria is </= 30% Difference with 10% of compounds allowed out up to </=40%.; flag and narrate outliersBlank and standardsZero airNitrogenMethod Detection Limit Follow 40CFR Pt.136 App. BThe MDL met all relevant requirements in Method TO-15 (statistical MDL less than the LOQ). The concentration of the spiked replicate may have exceeded 10X the calculated MDL in some casesReceiving NotesThere were no receiving discrepancies.There were no analytical discrepancies.Analytical NotesEight qualifiers may have been used on the data analysis sheetsand indicates as follows:B - Compound present in laboratory blank greater than reportinglimit (background subtractionnot performed).J - Estimated value.E - Exceeds instrument calibration range.S - Saturated peak.Q - Exceeds qualitycontrollimits.U - Compound analyzed forbut not detected above the reportinglimit, LOD, or MDL value. Seedata page for project specific U-flag definition.UJ- Non-detected compound associated with low bias in the CCVN - The identification is based on presumptive evidence.Definition of Data Qualifying FlagsPage 3 of 26File extensions may have been used on the data analysis sheets and indicatesas follows:a-File was requantifiedb-File was quantified by a second column and detectorr1-File was requantified for thepurpose of reissuePage 4 of 26 MODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMSummary of Detected CompoundsClient Sample ID: IAQ-1ULab ID#: 1604534-01A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0350.0480.190.26Trichloroethene0.0350.320.242.2TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: IAQ-2ULab ID#: 1604534-02A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0340.0570.180.30Trichloroethene0.0340.340.232.3TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: IAQ-3ULab ID#: 1604534-03A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0340.0560.180.30Trichloroethene0.0341.00.236.8TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: IAQ-4ULab ID#: 1604534-04A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0330.220.181.2Trichloroethene0.0331.70.2212TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: IAQ-5ULab ID#: 1604534-05A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0330.0430.180.23Trichloroethene0.0333.60.2225TetrachloroethenePage 5 of 26MODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMSummary of Detected CompoundsClient Sample ID: IAQ-6LLab ID#: 1604534-06A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0332.80.2219TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: IAQ-7LLab ID#: 1604534-07A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0310.350.212.4TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: IAQ-8LLab ID#: 1604534-08A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0341.80.2312TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: IAQ-9LLab ID#: 1604534-09A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0282.90.1920TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: DUP-IAQLab ID#: 1604534-10A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0342.30.2315TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: IAQ-10ULab ID#: 1604534-11A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0330.580.183.1Trichloroethene0.0331.80.2212TetrachloroethenePage 6 of 26 MODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMSummary of Detected CompoundsClient Sample ID: IAQ-11ULab ID#: 1604534-12A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0310.0980.170.53Trichloroethene0.0311.90.2113TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: IAQ-12ULab ID#: 1604534-13A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0312.20.2114TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: IAQ-13ULab ID#: 1604534-14A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0353.60.2424TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: BG-01Lab ID#: 1604534-15A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.0310.0750.210.51TetrachloroethenePage 7 of 26Client Sample ID: IAQ-1ULab ID#: 1604534-01AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042710simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.76Date of Collection: 4/23/16 5:30:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 01:35 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.018Not Detected0.045Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.035Not Detected0.14Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.0350.0480.190.26Trichloroethene0.0350.320.242.2TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49970-130Toluene-d810370-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 8 of 26 Client Sample ID: IAQ-2ULab ID#: 1604534-02AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042711simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.68Date of Collection: 4/23/16 5:33:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 02:11 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.017Not Detected0.043Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.034Not Detected0.13Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.0340.0570.180.30Trichloroethene0.0340.340.232.3TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10370-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410070-130Toluene-d810770-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 9 of 26Client Sample ID: IAQ-3ULab ID#: 1604534-03AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042712simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.72Date of Collection: 4/23/16 5:17:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 02:46 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.017Not Detected0.044Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.034Not Detected0.14Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.0340.0560.180.30Trichloroethene0.0341.00.236.8TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10370-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410170-130Toluene-d810670-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 10 of 26 Client Sample ID: IAQ-4ULab ID#: 1604534-04AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042713simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.66Date of Collection: 4/23/16 5:10:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 03:22 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.017Not Detected0.042Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.033Not Detected0.13Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.0330.220.181.2Trichloroethene0.0331.70.2212TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410170-130Toluene-d810770-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 11 of 26Client Sample ID: IAQ-5ULab ID#: 1604534-05AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042714simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.64Date of Collection: 4/23/16 2:30:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 03:58 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.016Not Detected0.042Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.033Not Detected0.13Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.0330.0430.180.23Trichloroethene0.0333.60.2225TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10370-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410170-130Toluene-d810670-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 12 of 26 Client Sample ID: IAQ-6LLab ID#: 1604534-06AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042715simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.63Date of Collection: 4/23/16 4:48:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 04:33 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.016Not Detected0.042Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.033Not Detected0.13Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.033Not Detected0.18Not DetectedTrichloroethene0.0332.80.2219TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410170-130Toluene-d810770-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 13 of 26Client Sample ID: IAQ-7LLab ID#: 1604534-07AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042716simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.53Date of Collection: 4/23/16 12:50:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 05:08 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.015Not Detected0.039Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.031Not Detected0.12Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.031Not Detected0.16Not DetectedTrichloroethene0.0310.350.212.4TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410170-130Toluene-d810870-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 14 of 26 Client Sample ID: IAQ-8LLab ID#: 1604534-08AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042717simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.72Date of Collection: 4/23/16 5:16:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 05:44 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.017Not Detected0.044Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.034Not Detected0.14Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.034Not Detected0.18Not DetectedTrichloroethene0.0341.80.2312TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10270-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410170-130Toluene-d810570-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 15 of 26Client Sample ID: IAQ-9LLab ID#: 1604534-09AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042718simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.39Date of Collection: 4/23/16 11:10:00 AMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 06:20 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.014Not Detected0.036Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.028Not Detected0.11Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.028Not Detected0.15Not DetectedTrichloroethene0.0282.90.1920TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10570-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410170-130Toluene-d810570-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 16 of 26 Client Sample ID: DUP-IAQLab ID#: 1604534-10AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042719simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.71Date of Collection: 4/23/16 Date of Analysis: 4/27/16 06:55 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.017Not Detected0.044Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.034Not Detected0.14Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.034Not Detected0.18Not DetectedTrichloroethene0.0342.30.2315TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10270-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410170-130Toluene-d810770-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 17 of 26Client Sample ID: IAQ-10ULab ID#: 1604534-11AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042720simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.64Date of Collection: 4/23/16 5:43:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 07:31 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.016Not Detected0.042Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.033Not Detected0.13Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.0330.580.183.1Trichloroethene0.0331.80.2212TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410070-130Toluene-d810870-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 18 of 26 Client Sample ID: IAQ-11ULab ID#: 1604534-12AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042721simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.56Date of Collection: 4/23/16 5:45:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 08:06 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.016Not Detected0.040Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.031Not Detected0.12Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.0310.0980.170.53Trichloroethene0.0311.90.2113TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410070-130Toluene-d810670-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 19 of 26Client Sample ID: IAQ-12ULab ID#: 1604534-13AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042722simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.53Date of Collection: 4/23/16 4:55:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 08:48 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.015Not Detected0.039Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.031Not Detected0.12Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.031Not Detected0.16Not DetectedTrichloroethene0.0312.20.2114TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10570-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410170-130Toluene-d810670-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 20 of 26 Client Sample ID: IAQ-13ULab ID#: 1604534-14AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042723simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.74Date of Collection: 4/23/16 5:06:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 09:23 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.017Not Detected0.044Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.035Not Detected0.14Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.035Not Detected0.19Not DetectedTrichloroethene0.0353.60.2424TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10370-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410070-130Toluene-d810370-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 21 of 26Client Sample ID: BG-01Lab ID#: 1604534-15AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042724simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.53Date of Collection: 4/23/16 5:43:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/27/16 09:58 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.015Not Detected0.039Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.031Not Detected0.12Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.031Not Detected0.16Not DetectedTrichloroethene0.0310.0750.210.51TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 6 Liter Summa Canister (SIM Certified)Limits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410070-130Toluene-d810670-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 22 of 26 Client Sample ID: Lab BlankLab ID#: 1604534-16AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042706simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/27/16 10:38 AM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.010Not Detected0.026Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.020Not Detected0.079Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.020Not Detected0.11Not DetectedTrichloroethene0.020Not Detected0.14Not DetectedTetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49970-130Toluene-d810170-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 23 of 26Client Sample ID: CCVLab ID#: 1604534-17AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042702simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/27/16 07:20 AM%RecoveryCompound114Vinyl Chloride110cis-1,2-Dichloroethene106Trichloroethene103TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10670-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410370-130Toluene-d811070-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 24 of 26 Client Sample ID: LCSLab ID#: 1604534-18AMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042703simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/27/16 08:40 AMLimits%RecoveryCompoundMethod10370-130Vinyl Chloride9470-130cis-1,2-Dichloroethene9470-130Trichloroethene9270-130TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410370-130Toluene-d810970-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 25 of 26Client Sample ID: LCSDLab ID#: 1604534-18AAMODIFIED EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS SIMv042704simFile Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/27/16 09:27 AMLimits%RecoveryCompoundMethod101 70-130Vinyl Chloride93 70-130cis-1,2-Dichloroethene93 70-130Trichloroethene92 70-130TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10570-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410470-130Toluene-d811070-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 26 of 26 APPENDIX E LABORATORY REPORT – SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS 5/5/2016Mr. Alan MartinERM-Southeast15720 Brixham Hill AvenueSuite 120Charlotte NC 28277Project Name: Former National TextilesProject #: 0346670Dear Mr. Alan MartinThe following report includes the data for the above referenced project for sample(s) received on 4/26/2016 at Air Toxics Ltd.The data and associated QC analyzed by TO-15 are compliant with the project requirements or laboratory criteria with the exception of the deviations noted in the attached case narrative.Thank you for choosing Eurofins Air Toxics Inc. for your air analysis needs. Eurofins Air Toxics Inc. is committed to providing accurate data of the highest quality. Please feel free tttthe Project Manager: Ausha Scott at 916-985-1000 if you have any questions regarding the data in this report.Regards,Ausha ScottProject ManagerWorkorder #: 1604542Page 1 of 23Mr. Alan MartinERM-Southeast15720 Brixham Hill AvenueSuite 120Charlotte, NC 28277WORK ORDER #: 1604542CLIENT:BILL TO:PHONE: Accounts Payable-RaleighERM-Southeast1130 Situs CourtSuite 250Raleigh, NC 27606704-541-8345704-541-841604/26/2016DATE COMPLETED:05/05/2016P.O. #0346670PROJECT #0346670 Former National TextilesWork Order SummaryFAX:DATE RECEIVED:CONTACT:Ausha ScottNAMEFRACTION #TESTVAC./PRES.RECEIPTPRESSUREFINAL01ASS-1uTO-156.1 "Hg 15.1 psi02A SS-2u TO-15 5.9 "Hg 15.1 psi03A SS-3u TO-15 6.7 "Hg 15.2 psi04A SS-4u TO-15 5.9 "Hg 15.1 psi05A SS-5u TO-15 6.5 "Hg 15.1 psi06A SS-6L TO-15 6.3 "Hg 15.1 psi07A SS-7L TO-15 5.9 "Hg 14.9 psi08A SS-8L TO-15 7.3 "Hg 15.1 psi09A SS-9L TO-15 7.3 "Hg 14.9 psi10A DUP-SS TO-15 6.3 "Hg 14.9 psi11A Lab Blank TO-15 NANA11B Lab Blank TO-15 NANA12A CCV TO-15 NANA12B CCV TO-15 NANA13A LCS TO-15 NANA13AA LCSD TO-15 NANA13B LCS TO-15 NANA13BB LCSD TO-15 NANACERTIFIED BY:Technical DirectorDATE:Name of Accreditation Body: NELAP/ORELAP (Oregon Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program)Accreditation number: CA300005, Effective date: 10/18/2015, Expiration date: 10/17/2016.180 BLUE RAVINE ROAD, SUITE B FOLSOM, CA - 95630(916) 985-1000 . (800) 985-5955 . FAX (916) 985-102005/05/16Page 2 of 23This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of Eurofins Air Toxics, Inc.Eurofins Air Toxics Inc.. certifies that the test results contained in this report meet all requirements of the NELAC standardsCertification numbers: AZ Licensure AZ0775, NJ NELAP - CA016, NY NELAP - 11291, TX NELAP - T104704434-15-9, UT NELAP CA0093332015-6, VA NELAP - 8113, WA NELAP - C935 LABORATORY NARRATIVEEPA Method TO-15ERM-SoutheastWorkorder# 1604542Ten 1 Liter Summa Canister samples were received on April 26,2016. The laboratory performed analysisvia EPA Method TO-15 using GC/MS in the full scan mode.This workorder was independently validated prior to submittal using 'USEPA National FunctionalGuidelines' as generally applied to the analysis of volatile organic compounds in air. A rules-based, logicdriven, independent validation engine was employed to assess completeness, evaluate pass/fail of relevantproject qualitycontrol requirements and verification of all quantified amounts.There were no receiving discrepancies.Receiving NotesDilution was performed on samples SS-4u, SS-5u, SS-8L, and SS-9L due to the presence of high level target species. Analytical NotesEight qualifiers may have been used on the data analysis sheets and indicates as follows: B - Compound present in laboratory blank greater than reporting limit (background subtraction not performed). J - Estimated value. E - Exceeds instrument calibration range. S - Saturated peak. Q - Exceeds quality control limits. U - Compound analyzed for but not detected above the reporting limit, LOD, or MDL value. See data page for project specific U-flag definition. UJ- Non-detected compound associated with low bias in the CCV N - The identification is based on presumptive evidence.File extensions may have been used on the data analysis sheets and indicates as follows: a-File was requantified b-File was quantified by a second column and detector r1-File was requantified for the purpose of reissueDefinition of Data Qualifying FlagsPage 3 of 23EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCANSummary of Detected CompoundsClient Sample ID: SS-1uLab ID#: 1604542-01A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit1.3118.677TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: SS-2uLab ID#: 1604542-02A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit1.31.96.810Trichloroethene1.31808.51200TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: SS-3uLab ID#: 1604542-03A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit1.31308.9880TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: SS-4uLab ID#: 1604542-04A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit5.01300349000TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: SS-5uLab ID#: 1604542-05A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit26620018042000TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: SS-6LLab ID#: 1604542-06A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit135951240cis-1,2-DichloroethenePage 4 of 23 EPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MSSummary of Detected CompoundsClient Sample ID: SS-6LLab ID#: 1604542-06A134669250Trichloroethene132200087150000TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: SS-7LLab ID#: 1604542-07A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit122167110Trichloroethene12140008595000TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: SS-8LLab ID#: 1604542-08A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit4.51200308200TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: SS-9LLab ID#: 1604542-09A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit2.7720184900TetrachloroetheneClient Sample ID: DUP-SSLab ID#: 1604542-10A(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit134650180cis-1,2-Dichloroethene133768200Trichloroethene131800086120000TetrachloroethenePage 5 of 23Client Sample ID: SS-1uLab ID#: 1604542-01AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042812File Name:Dil. Factor:2.54Date of Collection: 4/24/16 12:35:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/28/16 06:40 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit1.3Not Detected3.2Not DetectedVinyl Chloride1.3Not Detected5.0Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene1.3Not Detected6.8Not DetectedTrichloroethene1.3118.677TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 1 Liter Summa CanisterLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10070-130Toluene-d810470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49470-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 6 of 23 Client Sample ID: SS-2uLab ID#: 1604542-02AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042813File Name:Dil. Factor:2.52Date of Collection: 4/24/16 12:50:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/28/16 07:06 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit1.3Not Detected3.2Not DetectedVinyl Chloride1.3Not Detected5.0Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene1.31.96.810Trichloroethene1.31808.51200TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 1 Liter Summa CanisterLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10370-130Toluene-d810270-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49470-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 7 of 23Client Sample ID: SS-3uLab ID#: 1604542-03AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042814File Name:Dil. Factor:2.62Date of Collection: 4/24/16 12:18:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/28/16 07:33 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit1.3Not Detected3.3Not DetectedVinyl Chloride1.3Not Detected5.2Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene1.3Not Detected7.0Not DetectedTrichloroethene1.31308.9880TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 1 Liter Summa CanisterLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10170-130Toluene-d810770-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49470-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 8 of 23 Client Sample ID: SS-4uLab ID#: 1604542-04AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042815File Name:Dil. Factor:10.1Date of Collection: 4/24/16 1:58:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/28/16 10:14 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit5.0Not Detected13Not DetectedVinyl Chloride5.0Not Detected20Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene5.0Not Detected27Not DetectedTrichloroethene5.01300349000TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 1 Liter Summa CanisterLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10170-130Toluene-d810570-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49370-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 9 of 23Client Sample ID: SS-5uLab ID#: 1604542-05AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042825File Name:Dil. Factor:51.8Date of Collection: 4/24/16 12:00:00 PMDate of Analysis: 4/29/16 02:21 AM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit26Not Detected66Not DetectedVinyl Chloride26Not Detected100Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene26Not Detected140Not DetectedTrichloroethene26620018042000TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 1 Liter Summa CanisterLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10070-130Toluene-d810370-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49670-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 10 of 23 Client Sample ID: SS-6LLab ID#: 1604542-06AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS14042812File Name:Dil. Factor:2.57Date of Collection: 4/24/16 10:56:00 AMDate of Analysis: 4/28/16 04:49 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit13Not Detected33Not DetectedVinyl Chloride135951240cis-1,2-Dichloroethene134669250Trichloroethene132200087150000TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 1 Liter Summa CanisterLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10270-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410070-130Toluene-d89770-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 11 of 23Client Sample ID: SS-7LLab ID#: 1604542-07AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS14042813File Name:Dil. Factor:2.51Date of Collection: 4/24/16 10:25:00 AMDate of Analysis: 4/28/16 05:25 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit12Not Detected32Not DetectedVinyl Chloride12Not Detected50Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene122167110Trichloroethene12140008595000TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 1 Liter Summa CanisterLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10270-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410070-130Toluene-d89770-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 12 of 23 Client Sample ID: SS-8LLab ID#: 1604542-08AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042816File Name:Dil. Factor:8.93Date of Collection: 4/24/16 11:38:00 AMDate of Analysis: 4/28/16 10:38 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit4.5Not Detected11Not DetectedVinyl Chloride4.5Not Detected18Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene4.5Not Detected24Not DetectedTrichloroethene4.51200308200TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 1 Liter Summa CanisterLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10170-130Toluene-d810470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49470-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 13 of 23Client Sample ID: SS-9LLab ID#: 1604542-09AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042817File Name:Dil. Factor:5.32Date of Collection: 4/24/16 11:20:00 AMDate of Analysis: 4/28/16 11:05 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit2.7Not Detected6.8Not DetectedVinyl Chloride2.7Not Detected10Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene2.7Not Detected14Not DetectedTrichloroethene2.7720184900TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 1 Liter Summa CanisterLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10070-130Toluene-d810670-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49370-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 14 of 23 Client Sample ID: DUP-SSLab ID#: 1604542-10AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS14042814File Name:Dil. Factor:2.55Date of Collection: 4/24/16 Date of Analysis: 4/28/16 05:46 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit13Not Detected32Not DetectedVinyl Chloride134650180cis-1,2-Dichloroethene133768200Trichloroethene131800086120000TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: 1 Liter Summa CanisterLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10070-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49970-130Toluene-d89770-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 15 of 23Client Sample ID: Lab BlankLab ID#: 1604542-11AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042808File Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/28/16 02:43 PM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit0.50Not Detected1.3Not DetectedVinyl Chloride0.50Not Detected2.0Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene0.50Not Detected2.7Not DetectedTrichloroethene0.50Not Detected3.4Not DetectedTetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10170-130Toluene-d810770-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49470-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 16 of 23 Client Sample ID: Lab BlankLab ID#: 1604542-11BEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS14042805File Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/28/16 11:20 AM(ug/m3)(ug/m3)(ppbv)(ppbv)CompoundAmountRpt. LimitAmountRpt. Limit5.0Not Detected13Not DetectedVinyl Chloride5.0Not Detected20Not Detectedcis-1,2-Dichloroethene5.0Not Detected27Not DetectedTrichloroethene5.0Not Detected34Not DetectedTetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10170-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49870-130Toluene-d89970-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 17 of 23Client Sample ID: CCVLab ID#: 1604542-12AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042804File Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/28/16 12:21 PM%RecoveryCompound116Vinyl Chloride111cis-1,2-Dichloroethene111Trichloroethene98TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10270-130Toluene-d810970-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49670-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 18 of 23 Client Sample ID: CCVLab ID#: 1604542-12BEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS14042802File Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/28/16 08:39 AM%RecoveryCompound77Vinyl Chloride96cis-1,2-Dichloroethene89Trichloroethene87TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10470-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410070-130Toluene-d89870-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 19 of 23Client Sample ID: LCSLab ID#: 1604542-13AEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042805File Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/28/16 12:58 PMLimits%RecoveryCompoundMethod109 70-130Vinyl Chloride100 70-130cis-1,2-Dichloroethene96 70-130Trichloroethene92 70-130TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10170-130Toluene-d810670-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49570-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 20 of 23 Client Sample ID: LCSDLab ID#: 1604542-13AAEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS FULL SCAN17042806File Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/28/16 01:23 PMLimits%RecoveryCompoundMethod10970-130Vinyl Chloride10270-130cis-1,2-Dichloroethene9570-130Trichloroethene9470-130TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10170-130Toluene-d810270-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49670-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 21 of 23Client Sample ID: LCSLab ID#: 1604542-13BEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS14042803File Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/28/16 09:46 AMLimits%RecoveryCompoundMethod93 70-130Vinyl Chloride104 70-130cis-1,2-Dichloroethene99 70-130Trichloroethene100 70-130TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10270-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d410070-130Toluene-d89770-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 22 of 23 Client Sample ID: LCSDLab ID#: 1604542-13BBEPA METHOD TO-15 GC/MS14042804File Name:Dil. Factor:1.00Date of Collection: NA Date of Analysis: 4/28/16 10:31 AMLimits%RecoveryCompoundMethod86 70-130Vinyl Chloride100 70-130cis-1,2-Dichloroethene101 70-130Trichloroethene98 70-130TetrachloroetheneContainer Type: NA - Not ApplicableLimits%RecoverySurrogatesMethod10070-1301,2-Dichloroethane-d49870-130Toluene-d89870-1304-BromofluorobenzenePage 23 of 23 ERM consulting services worldwide www.erm.com  ERM has over 150 offices across the following countries worldwide ERM’s Charlotte, North Carolina Office ERM NC, Inc. 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 120 Charlotte, North Carolina 28277 T: 704-541-8345 F: 704-624-7928 www.erm.com Argentina New Zealand Australia Panama Belgium Peru Brazil Poland Canada Portugal China Puerto Rico Colombia Romania France Russia Germany Singapore Hong Kong South Africa India South Korea Indonesia Spain Ireland Sweden Italy Taiwan Japan Thailand Kazakhstan The Netherlands Kenya United Arab Emirates Malaysia United Kingdom Mexico United States Mozambique Vietnam