HomeMy WebLinkAbout22065_ATCO Rubber Products_LSA_20150917' TM PHASE I LIMITED SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT ATCO PROPERTY 2806 PATTERSON STREET GREENSBORO, GUILFORD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT 09.25395 PREPARED FOR: JE CAPITAL. LLC SUMMERFIELD, NORTH CAROLINA SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 ECS C A R O L! N A S, LLP "Setting the Standard for Service" 0� Geotechnicai • Construction Materials - Environmental • Facilities NCRepsteredEngineering Firm F-1078 September 17, 2015 Mr. Eddie Krusch JE Capital, LLC 3031 Pleasant Ridge Road Summerfield, North Carolina 27358 Reference: Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report ATCO Property 2806 Patterson Street Greensboro, North Carolina ECS Project 09.25395 Dear Mr. Krusch: As authorized by your acceptance of ECS proposal 09-23304-PR3 dated September 4, 2015, ECS Carolinas, LLP (ECS) has completed the Phase I Limited Site Assessment (LSA) Report for the above referenced site. Included in this report is a description of the field activities, the results obtained, and our conclusions and recommendations. ECS appreciates the opportunity to provide our environmental consulting services to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us at (336) 856-7150. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP IY� Ranvallier Senironmental Project Manager Sohn M. Stewart, P.G., CPG Principal Geologist cc: Mr. Gene Mao — Guilford County Department of Environmental Health 4811 Koger Blvd., Greensboro, NC 27407 • T: 336-856-7150 • F: 336-856-7160 • www.ecslimited.com ECS Capitol Services, PLLC • ECS Carolinas, LLP • ECS Cenhal, PLLC • ECS Florida, LLC • ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS N!"vesf, LLC • ECS Soulheasf, LLC • ECS Texas, LLP ATCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 SITE INFORMATION Site Name and Location: ATCO Property 2806 Patterson Street Greensboro, North Carolina 27407 UST Owner/Operator: Frito-Lay NCDENR Incident Number: Pending Land Owner Latitude and Longitude Date of Report: Land Use Category: Contacts JE Capital, LLC 3031 Pleasant Ridge Road Greensboro, North Carolina 27358 36.0574175 0 North, 79.8410260 West September 17, 2015 Commercial Primary Contact: Mr. Eddie Krusm JE Capital, LLC (Proper-, Owner) 3031 Pleasant Ridge P ad Greensboro, North Carolina 27358 (336) 644-2714 UST/Soil Removal: A-1 Salvage and Demolition P.O. Box 4787 Archdale, North Carolina 27263Darned Johnson Djohnson06l9@gmail.com Closure Contractor: Primary Consultant: A-1 Salvage and Demolition P.O. Box 4787 Archdale, North Carolina 27263 ECS Carolinas, LLP 4811 Koger Boulevard Greensboro, North Carolina 27407 (336) 856-7150 John M. Stewart, P.G. Laboratory: Research & Analytical Laboratory, Inc. 106 Short Street Kernersville, North Carolina 27284 (336) 996-2841 Laboratory I.D. # 34 ATCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 Release Information: In July 2015, ECS was contracted by Mr. Eddie Krusch to close by removal the heating oil underground storage tank (UST) at the ATCO property at 2806 Patterson Street, Greensboro, North Carolina. The UST consisted of one 2,000-gallon fuel oil UST. Following receipt of the laboratory analytical data, a release of petroleum was detected beneath the UST. The amount product lost is not known. Following removal of the UST system, approximately 90.75 tons of impacted soil was removed for off -site treatment. A gasoline UST of unknown size was removed from the site in the past. Sample analysis in the area of the gasoline UST detected total petroleum hydrocarbons above state action levels. A diesel UST was reportedly removed from the site in the past, though this could not be confirmed. Soil samples collected and analyzed in the area of the suspect diesel UST did not detect TPH above state action levels. Seal and Signature of Certifying Licensed Geolo ist I, John M. to aa"'%'W rased Geologist for ECS Carolinas, LLP, do certify that the information contained in t*, ;" ct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. ew rt, P .A" me Ni. 1 UAW)qJ1_1 I za ts- ECS CaroliihaV -O d to practice geology in North Ca ,olina. The Certification of the corporation is . -406, c } t tY4 A TCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 SITE HISTORY................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 UST Information............................................................................................................... 1 3.0 RECEPTOR INFORMATION.............................................................................................. 4 3.1 Water Supply Wells......................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Public Water Supplies...................................................................................................... 4 3.3 Surface Water.................................................................................................................. 4 3.4 Well -head Protected Areas.............................................................................................. 4 3.5 Subsurface Structures..................................................................................................... 4 3.6 Land Use......................................................................................................................... 5 3.7 Property Owners and Occupants..................................................................................... 5 4.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDRO 1EOLOGY......................................................................... 5 5.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES ............. ....................................................................................... 5 5.1 Soil Sampling ............................................................................................................... 5 5.2 Monitoring Well Construction........................................................................................... 6 5.3 Groundwater Sampling.................................................................................................... 6 6.0 LABORATORY ANALYTIGAL RESULTS............................................................................ 7 6.1 Soil Sample Analysis........................................................................................................ 7 6.2 Groundwater Sample Analysis......................................................................................... 7 7.0 CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................................7 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................................8 9.0 QUALIFICATIONS..............................................................................................................8 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 500 Foot Radius Map Figure 4 Sample Location Map TABLES Table 1 Site and Adjacent Property Ownership Table 2 Summary of Soil Analytical Results Table 3 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results (LSA) APPENDICIES Appendix A Certified Mail Receipts Appendix B Water Supply Well Questionnaires Appendix C Boring Logs Appendix D Laboratory Data Sheets and Chain of Custody Records ATCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 1.0 SITE HISTORY The site is the former ATCO Rubber Products, Inc. (ATCO) facility located at 2806 Patterson Street in Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Based on the records search, site reconnaissance and interviews, the building was originally constructed as a potato chip manufacturing facility. The potato chip manufacturing business operated at the site until the early 1980s. The building was reportedly vacant for several years. In the mid-1980s, ATCO moved into the building. ATCO reportedly manufactured flexible ductwork. There was is no evidence that hazardous chemicals were used at the site by ATCO. There was no evidence that underground storage tanks (USTs) were registered at the subject site with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). However, our review of records at the Greensboro Safety and Fire Prevention Bureau identified documentation of several petroleum USTs that were previously located at the site. During our site reconnaissance, an area north of the building contained a concrete area, adjacent to the asphalt pavement. This area is believed to be the former location of a diesel UST. A former gasoline UST was located near the northwest corner of the warehouse and a 2,000 gallon heating oil UST was located south of the warehouse, near the former boiler room. These USTs were considered recognized environmental conditions (RECs). Two properties (former Chemical & Solven- and former Ashland Chemical) that previously contained chemical manufacturing/storage cilities are located on adjoining properties east of the site. Based on proximity, the releases -om these properties were considered RECs of the site. Based on proximity and groundwater flow direction inferred from the surface topography, releases from these properties could impact the property. In April 2015, ECS completed a soil and groundwater assessment k _0S Project 25395, report dated May 15, 2015) to determine if the on -site and/or off -site RECs eve impacted the site. Laboratory analysis of soil samples collected in the vicinity of the former cline UST and fuel oil UST detected total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) at concentrate � tr, . exceed th State Action Level of 10 parts per million (ppm). On July 24, 2015, ECS was contracted to remove the 2,000 gallon heating oil UST. Following receipt of the laboratory analytical data, a release of petroleum was detected beneath the UST. Approximately 90.32 tons of petroleum -impacted soils were excavated and transported to Earthtec Environmental Inc. in Bear Creek, North Carolina for disposal and treatment. Laboratory analysis of two confirmation soil samples detected 1-methyl naphthalene and/or naphthalene above the Soil -to -Groundwater Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs). An Initial Abatement Report was completed on September 8, 2015. ECS recommended that a Phase I Limited Site Assessment (LSA), Notice of Residual Petroleum (NRP), and Public Notice be completed to obtain a Notice of No Further Action (NFA) for the gasoline and heating oil UST releases. 1.1 UST Information No records of the UST system(s) were discovered for the site; however, one 2,000-gallon heating oil UST was discovered and removed from the site in July 2015, one gasoline UST of unknown size was removed from the site at some time in the past, and a diesel UST of unknown size was removed from the site at some time in the past. ATCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 2.0 RISK CHARACTERIZATION The answers in the following questionnaire will help with the assignment of the risk classification for the site. Limited Site Assessment Risk Classification and Land Use Form Part I - Groundwater/Surface Water/Vapor Impacts High Risk 1. Has the discharge or release contaminated any water supply well including any used for non -drinking purposes? NO 2. Is a water supply well u_ A i, drinking water located within 1,000 feet of the source area of the discharge or release"? NO 3. Is a water supply well used for ar -pose (e.g., irrigation, washing cars, industrial cooling, filling swimming pools) located �, 'yin 250 feet of the source area of the release or discharge? NO 4. Does the groundwater within 500 feet of the source area of the discharge or release have the potential for future use in that there is no other source of water supply other than the groundwater? NO 5. Do vapors from the discharge or release I ase a tnre of explosion because of accumulation of the vapors in a confined space or pose a, iv other serious threat to public health, public safety, or the environment? NO 6. Are there any other factors that would cause the discharr it r,-:case to pose an imminent danger to public health, public safety, or the envir, nent? NO Intermediate Risk 7. Is a surface water body located within 500 feet of the source area of the discharge or release? NO 8. Is the source area of the discharge or release located within a designated wellhead protection area as defined in 42 USC 300h-7(e)? NO 9. Is the discharge or release located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic region as designated on a map entitled "Geology of North Carolina" published by the Department in 1985? NO 10. Do the levels of groundwater contamination for any contaminant exceed the gross contamination levels established by the Department? NO 2 ATCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 Part II - Land Use Property Containing Source Area of Discharge or Release 1. Does the property contain one or more primary or secondary residences (permanent or temporary)? NO 2. Does the property contain a school, daycare center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home, or other place of public assembly? NO 3. Does the property contain a commercial (e.g., retail, warehouse, office/business space, etc.) or industrial (e.g., manufacturing, utilities, industrial research and development, chemical/petroleum bulk qe, etc.) enterprise, an inactive commercial or industrial enterprise, or is the land ae. '-)ped? YES The property is currL 1v a vac, ind, -strial facility. 4. Do children visit the propel Ly ? NOR 5. Is access to the property reliably restricted consistent with its use (e.g., by fences, security personnel, or both)? YES Property access is restricted with locked fences. 6. Does pavement, buildings, or other structures cap the contaminated soil? NO If yes, what mechanisms are in place or can be put ...co place to ensure that the contaminated soil will remain capped in the foreseeable future? 7. What is the zoning status of the property? The property is zoned Commercial/Industrial. 8. Is the use of the property likely to change in the next 20 years? NO Property Surrounding Source Area of Discharge or Release 9. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest primary or secondary residence (permanent or temporary)? 1,800 feet to the northwest 10. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest school, daycare center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home or other place of public assembly? Lindley Jr. High School is located approximately 2,000 feet to the northwest. 3 ATCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 11. What is the zoning status of properties in the surrounding area? According to Guilford County, properties located in the vicinity of the site are comprised of retail/commercial and industrial properties. 12. Briefly characterize the use and activities of the land in the surrounding area. The vicinity of the site is comprised of retail/commercial and industrial properties. 3.0 RECEPTOR INFORMATION 3.1 Water Supply Wells Visual evidence of water su, y wells 3s not observed within 1,500 feet of the source area during the site reconnaissG e. On gust 24, 2015, water supply well questionnaires were sent via certified mail (Appenc, " ' .seven property owners representing twelve parcels within 500 feet of the site (Figure 3). 1 wo questionnaires have been completed and returned. Two questionnaires were returned unoper-A. The questionnaires that were returned did not indicate that water supply wells are present or in use at the properties. The completed water supply well questionnaires are included in Appendix B. 3.2 Public Water Supplies Information obtained from the area receptor sury ind; ates t. + the City of Greensboro provides municipal water to the site and the surrounding a. 3.3 Surface Water As determined from the USGS Topographic Map, Greensboro. ,th Carolina Quadrangles (Figure 1), elevations at the site range from approximately 860 feet above mean sea level (MSL) near the northwestern boundary to 850 feet above MSL near the southeastern boundary of the site. An unnamed tributary of South Buffalo Creek is located approximately 1,000 feet southeast of site. Surface runoff on the site is generally to the southeast. 3.4 Well -head Protected Areas There are no designated wellhead protection areas as defined by 42 USC 300h-7(e) located within 1,500 feet of the site. 3.5 Subsurface Structures There are no subsurface structures located in the vicinity of the release. 4 ATCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 3.6 Land Use Currently the site is a vacant commercial/industrial facility. A portion of the building is used by a used car dealer. 3.7 Property Owners and Occupants The names and addresses of the property owners of the site and adjacent properties are included in Table 1. A portion of a Guilford County GIS map with adjacent property locations is presented as Figure 3. 4.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY According to the Geologic Mar North Carolina (1985), the subject property is situated in the Milton Belt of the Piedmont F ,siographic Province. The soils encountered in this area are the residual product of in-placE ^hemir-' weathering of rock presently underlying the site. In general, shallow unconfined groundwater movement within the overlying soils is controlled largely by topographic gradients. However, as the groundwater percolates downward to the bedrock, it becomes controlled by the orientation of the rock fracture systems. Thus, the direction of groundwater movement may D, ►,e consistent with the reflecting topography. Recharge occurs primarily by infiltration E ig highe- ations and typically discharges into streams or other surface water bodies. The elevation of e shallow water table is transient and can vary with seasonal fluctuations in precipitation. Movement of groundwater under water table conditions is generally from higher to lower elevations.. , such, shallow groundwater would be expected to flow to the south-southwest beneath the site. 5.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES 5.1 Soil Sampling On August 12, 2015, ECS observed the drilling of soil borings TW ,n the vicinity of the former gasoline UST and TW-2 within the former fuel oil tank excavation (Figure 4). The soil borings were drilled using a track -mounted Geoprobe® drill rig. The Geoprobe® is capable of driving various forms of soil and groundwater sampling probes into the ground to depths equivalent to auger refusal. The Geoprobe® subcontractor used for this project was 3D Environmental Investigations, LLC (3D). The field activities were observed by an ECS professional. Prior to initiating the first boring and between each subsequent boring, the Geoprobe® drill rig and associated down -hole equipment were decontaminated with a high-pressure steam cleaner. Soil samples were collected continuously from the ground surface to the termination depth of the boring. The soil from the boring was screened for relative levels of volatile organic vapors using the probe of a Thermo Model 2020 toxic vapor analyzer flame ionization detector (FID). To screen the samples, the soil from the boring was placed in resealable plastic bags and placed in a warm location for approximately ten minutes to allow the headspace in the bag to equilibrate with the soil. The probe of the FID was then inserted into the bag and the reading recorded. Soil samples from the 5-foot and 10-foot intervals of boring TW-1 (TW1-5 and TW1- 10) were submitted for chemical analysis. Because soil beneath the fuel oil UST was excavated to the water table, no soil samples were collected from soil boring TW-2. Boring logs with FID readings are included in Appendix C. 5 A TCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 The sampler wearing a new pair of nitrile gloves for each sample placed the samples in laboratory prepared containers, labeled them, and placed them into a cooler with ice to maintain the samples at a temperature of 4°C. The samples were transported to Research and Analytical Laboratories, Inc. (R&A) for chemical analysis. Soil samples TW1-5 and TW1-10 were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using EPA Method 8260/5035 and volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) using the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Methods. A Chain -of -Custody (COC) Record was maintained during the sample collection and transportation process and is included in Appendix D. 5.2 Monitoring Well Construction Temporary monitoring wells TW-1 and TW-2 were installed in the soil borings (Figure 4). The wells were constructed with 1-inch .D. Schedule 40 PVC flushed -threaded casing and screen. The PVC screen and casing were lowered to the bottom of the borehole. A 10-foot length of slotted well screen with macnined 0.010-inch slot widths and threaded bottom plug was installed at the bottom of the well. A solid section of PVC casing was placed above the screened interval and extended to just above the ground surface. The top of the casing was fitted with an expandable lockable cap. The annular space around the well screen was filled with a washed, fine filter sand to approximately 2 f ;et above the top of the screen. A minimum 2-foot thick seal of bentonite pellets waE :ed immediately above the sand pack. The monitoring well construction diagrams can be round in Ar ndix E. 5.3 Groundwater Sampling On August 13, 2015, monitoring wells TW-1 and TW-2 were sarr,, '4d. The depth of the static water table was measured and is included on the boring logs. Prior to sampling, the wells were developed/purged by removing at least three well volume . The alls were developed/purged to remove sand, silt and other fine sediments which may have entered the well during construction and to promote communication between the surrounding forme' - , and the sand pack surrounding the well's screened interval. The wells were develop purged using a peristaltic pump and a new section of polyethylene tubing. After the purging was completed, a groundwater sample was collected from the well using the pump and transferred into sample containers provided by the laboratory. After being filled, the sample containers were appropriately labeled, placed into a cooler containing ice to maintain the samples at approximately 40C and transported to Research and Analytical Laboratories, Inc. (R&A). The groundwater sample collected from monitoring well TW-1 was analyzed for VOCs using EPA Method 6200B, VPH using the MADEP Method, ethylene dibromide (EDB) using Standard Method 504.1, and lead. The groundwater sample collected from monitoring well TW-2 was analyzed for VOCs using EPA Method 6200B, SVOCs using EPA Method 625BNA, and VPH and EPH using the MADEP Methods. 1.1 ATCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 6.0 LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS 6.1 Soil Sample Analysis Laboratory analysis of the soil sample TW1-5 detected several VOCs above the laboratory reporting limits but not above their soil -to -groundwater Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration (MSCC). Naphthalene was detected at a concentration above its soil -to - groundwater MSCC but not above its residential MSCC. Laboratory analysis of the soil sample TW1-10 did not detect VOCs or VPH compounds above the laboratory reporting limits. The sample results are summarized in Table 2. The laboratory data sheets are included in Appendix D. 6.2 Groundwater Sample Analysis Laboratory analysis of the gro, water sample collected from monitoring well TW-1 detected several VOCs above the la' atory reporting limits but not above their North Carolina 2L Groundwater Quality Stanc, i (NC21-GWQF). Tetrachloroethene (PCE) was detected above its NC2LGWQS; however tht ,~ �tratiu, i does not exceed its Gross Contamination Level (GCL). Laboratory analysis of we gre, 4water sample collected from monitoring well TW-2 detected several SVOCs above the Ir ,atury rep- rting limits but not above their NC2LGWQS. Naphthalene, 1-methyl naphthalene and C9-C2_2 aromatics were detected above their NC2LGWQS but not above their GCLs. A summary the groundwater laboratory analytical results is summarized in Table 3. The laboratory data s► 3ts are included in Appendix D. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the LSA, ECS concludes the ijllr g, • Laboratory analysis of the soil samples collected in the area of the gasoline and heating oil USTs detected naphthalene and 1-methyl naphthalene at a concer,,ration above their Soil -to -Groundwater Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration (MSCC): however, the concentration were not above the residential MSCC. Laboratory analysis of the groundwater samples collected from monitoring well in the vicinity of the former gasoline and heating oil USTs detected PCE, naphthalene, and 1- methyl naphthalene, respectively above their NC2LGWQS; however the concentrations do not exceed their GCLs. The property located on the adjoining property east of the site was formerly a wholesale industrial laundry and drycleaning supplies business (Sanborn fire insurance map information); and was later owned by Ashland Chemical. There are documented releases on this property. This off -site property is currently vacant but the location of a former solvent tank area was adjacent to the subject property. Based on the assumed groundwater flow direction, to the south-southwest, it is ECS's opinion that the PCE detected in TW-1 is from an off -site documented release. The concentration of PCE in the groundwater is below the North Carolina Division of Waste Management's Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Level. No water supply wells were observed within 1,500 feet of the source area. The property is currently supplied with municipal water. Water supply well questionnaires were 7 ATCO Property 2806 Patterson St. Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 September 17, 2015 mailed to 11 property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. No water supply wells were reported by the survey. 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ECS recommends that a copy of this report be submitted for review to the Guilford County Department of Environmental Health (GCDEH). The GCDEH is the implementing agency of the NCDENR in Guilford County. Based on the soil and groundwater analytical results and the absence of water supply wells within 1,000 feet of the release, ECS recommends that a Notice of No Further Action (NFA) be issued for the releases pending submittal and receipt of a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NRP) restricting groundwater use for the site. 0 QUALIFICATIONS The activities and evaluativF ,proad 3 used in this assessment are consistent with those normally employed in soil G ground, .er assessment projects of this type. Our evaluation of site conditions has been bas, ' ^r r Ur _'ers+anding of the site project information and the data obtained during our field aci,,,wes. E:3 FIGURES F � I`r� 11 �v�r 1 :•. _ - -�, � - � �' ���� :� _ .vim * � cunt -LFk :L SITE �• �,; i� �?� � _� � -_ � _'';;.:��; .. • "� .' =" � _�f�. � _ - -- ;gig. IN IT cotta ��. Elise i. _ _ � � ��• ' � � t LSth. rr Ji sue: r � � }r ' �•. --.. .jj � ._ 1 �r 892 "Past ■ .�� r= ' � _ ~� �j _g hit ilk klN xz tl •. .� � • r ! : !� . ��'`'mow_.. *' ❑ -' •�= _ • I ' L� + � • A. .:, r- �;�. :�i� L- _�:• tea -'�� � - - —�• i �"- -- l•,'r'k3 r� _� r ` 9YQ f + 1 % 4 '� t \ ..� 7 ,•'I'i .r ' a9 ,Peapiee $ihtC� ` � ('j c :� •� _� -� I �:.�= r _ � . • 1 SOURCE: FIGURE 1 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP s SITE LOCATION MAP GREENSBORO, NC QUADRANGLE ATCO PROPERTY DATED 1951 AND REVISED 1994 2806 PATTERSON STREET GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE 1"=2,000' ECS PROJECT NO. 09.25395 5 ink Ilk f * T > NO qr 'sh I ■ I i r� ' Ir z7iL yx pi 1# iAAA ii'fi 1'L�LYV�4 Rf� TIP fM1 SOURCE: w EFIGURE 2 S SITE MAP GUILFORD COUNTY GIS ATCO PROPERTY AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, DATED 2010 2806 PATTERSON STREET GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1" 200' TM ECS PROJECT NO. 09.25395 ' f � � _ - - .ter• 2 - . ' 70 F LJ 3 4e 5I 12 Q 6 _ Via. R i r L� r' r+� .� # x _ $ r ^9 10 fa d OFF SOURCE: w EF FIGURE 3 500 FOOT RADIUS MAP GUILFORD COUNTY GIS WEBSITE ATCO PROPERTY AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, DATED 2014 2806 PATTERSON STREET GREENSBORO, GUILFORD COUNTY, NC = 200' ECS PROJECT 09-25395 7M r i ti rye •' �J . PNI Y� -IF in 6. ti pti I , ' - t 1 r 1 ' 1 ■ fi a L � A L- J . I 1 SOURCE: w E F FIGURE 4 S SAMPLE LOCATION MAP GUILFORD COUNTY GIS ATCO PROPERTY AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH, DATED 2010 2806 PATTERSON STREET GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TM ECS PROJECT NO. 09.25395 TABLL Former ATCO Property 2806 Patterson Street Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina TABLE 1: SITE AND ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERSHIP ECS Project 09.25395 Parcel I.D. Owner/ Owner's Address Figure 3 Direction from Site Site JE Capital, LLC 3031 Pleasant Ridge Road NA Greensboro, NC 27358 1-2 Southern Railway Company 600 West Peachtree Street North of Site Atlanta, GA 30306 3 Ashland Inc. P.O. Box 14000 East of Site Lexington, KY 40512 5 Koury Corporation 2275 Vanstory Street East of Site Greensboro, NC 27403 6 Estelle B. Cranford 2 Bluff Ridge Court East of Site Greensboro, NC 27455 10 McKinney R: Biggerstaff Properties, LLC 2920 Martinsville Road South of Site Greensboro, NC 27408 11 Fowler MI\' 'nc. 4220 Neal Road Southwest of Site Durham, NC 27705 12 Double G Properties 8609 Cedar Hollow Road V " A of Site Greensboro, NC 27455 NOTE: Information obtained from the Guilford Cc ty GIS Former ATCO Facility 2806 Patterson Street Greensboro, North Carolina TABLE 2: SUMMARY OF SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS ECS Project 09.25395 Parameter Confirmation Sampling Sample ID TW1-5 TW1-10 Soil -to- Groundwater MSCC Residential MSCC Collection Depth (feet bgs) 5 10 Collection Date 4/28/15 Volatile Organic Compounds by 8260/5035 N-Butylbenzene 0.009 BQL 4.3 626 Sec -Butyl benzene 0.008 BQL J r—d". 0.005 3k..(, 3.3 4.9 626 1,560 Ethylbenzene -Propylbenzene 1.7 1,564 Naphthalene 0.222 L _ 0.16 313 N-Propylbenzene 0.013 BQL 1.7 626 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene 0.047 8.5 ? 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene 0.022 8.3 782 Total Xylenes 0.007 4.6 3,129 Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) by MADEP Method C5-C8 Aliphatics BQL BQL 68 939 C9-C12 Aliphatics 131 BQL 540 1,500 C9-C10 Aromatics 18.7 BQL 31 469 Notes: Results presented in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), analogous to parts per million (ppm) Feet bgs = Feet below ground surface BQL = Compound not detected at a concentration above the method quantitation limit MSCC = Maximum soil contamination concentration Bold = concentration exceeds Soil -to -Groundwater MSCC Former ATCO Facility 2806 Patterson Street Greensborn_ Nnrth Carnlina ECS Project 09.25395 TABLE 3: SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Parameter ANALYTICAL RESULTS NC2LGWQS GCL Location TW-1 TW-2 Date Sampled 8/13/15 Volatile Organic Compounds By Standard Method 6200B Benzene BQL 0.55 1 5,000 1,1-Dichloroethene 2.69 BQL 70 70,000 ethylbenzene 0.95 BQL 600 600 Naphthalene 4.60 4.82 6.0 6,000 Sec -Butyl benzene BQL 0.54 70 8,500 Tetrachlorethene 3.01 BQL 0.7 700 Trichloroethene .8 BQL 3.0 3,000 Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds By EPA Method 625 BNA Naphthalene 0.4 6 6,000 1-Methyl naphthalene "' " 2.. 1 1 1,000 2-Methyl naphthalene 1.6 30 12,500 Volatile and Extractable Petroleum Comp .,ands by MADF'o EPH & VPH 400 INS C5-C8 Aliphatics BQL C9-Cl8 Aliphatics NA 255 700 INS C19-C36 Aliphatics NA BQL 10,000 INS C9-C22 Aromatics NA 230 200 INS Ethylene Dibriomide by 504.1 EDB 0.02 50 Metals Lead 7.0 15 15,000 Notes: Concentrations are presented in micrograms per liter, analagous to parts per billion NC2LGWQS= 15 A NCAC 2L.0202 Water Quality Standard GCL = Gross Contamination Level NA = Sample Not Analyzed by this Method INS = No Applicable Standard Bold = Concentration exceeds the NC2LGWQS BQL = Below the reporting limit of the method of analysis APPENDIX A (Certified Mail Re. Apts) ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: MCKINNEY & BIGGERSTAFF PROP. 2920 MARTINSVILLE RD SUITE C GREENSBORO, NC 27408 A. ❑ Agent ❑ Addressee B. Received by (Printed Name) C. Data of EHMVerll- f< rX P�7 1 S- D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Tys - gGertified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise _❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? 'P_xtra Fee) ❑ YPs 2. Article Number m mnsfef from semc a tabeq 7 015 0 9 2 D 0 0 0 0 3570 313 2 ps Farm 3811, February 2004 Domestic Retum Receipt o25�5-02-M-1540 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. P' :mplete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is ue`ired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return t,-,e card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if - aemiits. 1. Article Addres, ..o: RJWSE HOLT)INGS 919 WARR7N STREET GREENSBORO, NC 27403 X ElAgent ed ❑ Addressee � �li� by (Pri � ' � Cr,9 Pf Delive� D. Is delivery address different from item 17 -Li Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: - 0 No 3. Service Type > e; tied Mail ❑ Express Mail i ❑ Registered ❑ Retum Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) a Yes 2. Article Number 7015 0920 0000 3570 3156 (rmnsfer from swvlce !abed Ps Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Ftetum Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. A. Si re X ❑ Agent ❑ Addressee R- A by(Prirged N) C. Date of Dell D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No 1. Article Addressed to: ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: MCKINNEY & BIGGERSTAFF PROP. 2920 MARTINSVILLE RD SUITE C GREENSBORO, NC 27408 A. ❑ Agent ❑ Addressee B. Received by (Printed Name) C. Data of EHMVerll- f< rX P�7 1 S- D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. Service Tys - gGertified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise _❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? 'P_xtra Fee) ❑ YPs 2. Article Number m mnsfef from semc a tabeq 7 015 0 9 2 D 0 0 0 0 3570 313 2 ps Farm 3811, February 2004 Domestic Retum Receipt o25�5-02-M-1540 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. P' :mplete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is ue`ired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return t,-,e card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if - aemiits. 1. Article Addres, ..o: RJWSE HOLT)INGS 919 WARR7N STREET GREENSBORO, NC 27403 X ElAgent ed ❑ Addressee � �li� by (Pri � ' � Cr,9 Pf Delive� D. Is delivery address different from item 17 -Li Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: - 0 No 3. Service Type > e; tied Mail ❑ Express Mail i ❑ Registered ❑ Retum Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) a Yes 2. Article Number 7015 0920 0000 3570 3156 (rmnsfer from swvlce !abed Ps Form 3811, February 2004 Domestic Ftetum Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. A. Si re X ❑ Agent ❑ Addressee R- A by(Prirged N) C. Date of Dell D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No 1. Article Addressed to: cc r:1 ra M Q40FEhj FM . 0. ri1) o Ej © Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) - Postmark Here $►�.00 0 © Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) ru $17 ■ Q' Total Popf- e a Gam. 08%24,201 1- 7 J )L ` VVY • ie 1 Rqn CedQtr C"1 A0V\I 2(:j — �. or PO Boy i:If}; Staff 11 '��L .Y f i fi f1, R')�' v ! v � L q � t7- r=l fU m M M 'v-r- . rru 0erun�i F� $0.00 0 Return Receipt Fea (Endorsement Required] $0.lfj(i fte°ofixed nU #c1. a— Total Pnctnnn P FAA- Q $6. LrI m rq m 10 Postmark Here 08/24l2015 ---- SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY ......-- 1 sL�6or a l or PO 600 WEST PEACHTREE ST. SUITE 1650 ---- ATLANTA, GA 30306 I `GREM- MCM, Nt 417 © w. �+ P 0411 M 10 Return Receipt Fee a (Endorsement Required) ' Postmark Here ;0, 00 0 ■ Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) DO McS110 Mall Only For dvlivarf Eftlormalkon. WrAt 4 1 1 ci idipd Fee 0 FWi--n €acelptFee 0 �e�arr�xrx�lt F4r�ulr$d? l7 RmBMW Delivery Fee © 4i "m,-tit Reautr#d-+ !U s o r El— A Fa o/�s lM $6.7TyI ly 7 r� 77- p r%-- ASHI & s6 POI 1,EXING D, Only ro rq For delivery information, visit our 1 GRE -tt Ln FtiE . m Certified Fee © Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) O Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) ru $0 ■ 0' Total Postage & Fees .r $6.74 Ln r`f KOURY CORPI 2275 VANSTOR' GREENSBORO 1711 Domestic Mail Only m For delivery information, visit our ri G 19S RF G 7465 0 s Ln m 0 Certified Fee s0 M Return Receipt Fee so (Endorsement Required) ' O 09-uWary Pea p FEndwwmea Rewm,! ru $0 . .a L0 r-q m M L- L1 m Rxw I Cei-Olec Fee a= C3 Retum Receipt Fee C3 (Endorsement Required) O — Restricted Delivery Fee O (Endorsement Required) Ili $0. Q' Total PmsdanA R FAA.,, . $6.74 Ln � f, f L'.` $0. CI0 PUTou Postmark Here 08/24/2015 o RJWSE HOLDINGS or PC 919 WARREN STREET C`i'' ' GREENSBORO, NC 27403 ru Domestic m g O E-ENS900 NC 270.9 Ln Q Certified Fee . I3 ED Retum Receipt F— (Endorsement Rer.:.: :; CIID C3+ Restricted D^+ very Fee — S . i lu (Endorsemr fU��. a— Tula 0 -- $6.74 Ln rq 0 ' MCIMNNEY & BIGGERSTAFF PROP. or PO -d;ry 2920 MARTINSVILLE RD SUITE C GREENSBORO, NC 27408 D, r-q rn O f�- Ln M 0 Certified Fee O Retum Receipt Fee IXU.UU C-3 (Endorsement Required) $0. 00 O Restricted Delivery Fee 50. (Endorsement Required) ru U 0411 10 Postmark Here 08/24/201` 0411 10 Postmark Here D C:N= Certified Fee I] Retum Receipt Fee M (Endorsement Required) O Restricted Delivery Fee © (Endorsement Required) ni $ 0 0 § 117 Total Postage & Fees C3 t6 74 IP 44 � o � a POTAU C3�teer"a dpi or PO lox 1 4 City, State, ; ITT RHA a" Domestic Mail Only rq LA�3TQXAVAY IW,21' o x. - u7 Postage m Certified Feel M M Retum Receipt Fee �I 0 (Endorsement Required) ED P.astnam gol,rm�r Fee fE,do �b?Mani �aqud} ru Q' Taw Pr C3 $6.74 U-' C3 7�-7�W FIR L � PQe LAKE TOXA► APPENDIX B (Water Supply Well Questionnaires) ECS C A R O L I N A S, LLP "Setting the Standard for Service" ® Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities NC Registered Engineenng Firm F-1078 DKL INVESTMENTS, LLC 2751 PATTERSON STREET GREENSBORO, NC 27407 CERTIFIED MAIL: 7015 0920 0000 3570 3163 Reference: Water Well Survey ECS Parcel ID.: 7 Greensboro, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 Dear Property Owner: ECS Carolinas, LLP is writing you to gather information regarding water usage in your area. In an effort to determine if a water supply wel- i currently located on the property which is reported to be owned by you, we request that you al : ever the following questions and return this survey to us for our records. A map is attached that includes the parcel reported to be owned by you. Your property can be identified by finding the parcel labeled on the attached map. If you do not believe this is your property, please note that at the bov- i of this page, identify your property, and complete the survey. Please completc, the survey to le best of your knowledge. 1) Does the property identified on the attached map contain . water supply well? Yes. {� No a. If so, how many wells are present on that property? _ b. Is the well(s) currently in use? _ Yes No c. What is the use of the well(s) (e.g., drinking water, irrigation, other explain) d. What is the depth of the well(s)? 1. ft. 2._ ft. 3. e, Is the well(s) a drilled well, bored well or hand dug well? L What is the depth of the well casing(s)? 1. ft. 2. h. 3. It. g. What is the well screen interval(s)? 1. ft. 2. ft. 3. h. What is a phone number we may contact you at for Further information? Ir -v- �t 2) Is municipal water available to the property? Yes No 3) Is the property connected to the municipal water supply? _ C�Yes_ No We ask that you complete this survey and mail to us in the self -address stamped envelope. If a well(s) is present on the property, we request that you mark the approximate location of the well(s) on the attached map and return to us with this survey. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Randy Cavallier at (336) 856-7150. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Ilan y Cavallier Project Manager .- to, - hn M Stewart, P.G. ief Geologist 4811 Koger Blvd., Greensboro, NC 27407 • T 336-856-7150 • F: 336-856-7160 • www.ecslimited.com ECS Capitol Services, PLLC • ECS Carolinas, LLP • ECS Central, PLLC • ECS Florida, LLC • ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS Midwest, LLC • ECS Southeast, LLC • ECS Texas, LLP ECS C A R O L I N A S, LLP "Setting the Standard for Service,, Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities NC Registered Engineering Firm F-1078 EUGENE JOHNSTON III 333 N. GREENE ST SUITE 500 GREENSBORO, NC 27401 CERTIFIED MAIL: 7015 0920 0000 3570 3194 Reference: Water Well Survey ECS Parcel ID.: 4 Greensboro, North Carolina ECS Project 09-25395 Dear Property Owner: ECS Carolinas, LLP is writing you to gather information regarding water usage in your area. In an effort to determine if a water supply well is currently located on the property which is reported to be owned by you, we request that you answer the following questions and return this survey to us for our records. A map is attached that includes the parcel reported to be owned by you. Your property can be identified by finding the parcel labeled on the attached map. If you do not believe this is your property, please note that at the bottom of this page, identify your property, and complete the survey. Please complete :1e survey to the best of your knowledge. 1) Does the prope Identified on the attacl d map contain . water supply well? Ye No a. If so, how many wells are present on that property? b. Is the well(s) currently in use? Yes No c. What is the use of the well(s) (e.g., drinking water, irrigation, other explain) d. What is the depth of the well(s)? 1. ft. 2. ft. 3.._ 11. e. Is the well(s) a drilled well, bored well or hand dug well? 1. What is the depth of the well casing(s)? 1. .ft. 2.. ft. 3, ft. g. What is the well screen interval(s)9 1. It. 2. ft. 3. i 1. h. What is a phone number we may contact you at for further information? 2) Is municipal water available to the property? Yr,s r- No 3! Is the property connected to the municipal water supply? Y No We ask that you complete this survey and mail to us in the self -address stamped envelope. If a well(s) is present on the property, we request that you mark the approximate location of the well(s) on the attached map and return to us with this survey. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Randy Cavallier at (336) 856-7150. Sincerely, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP 10 �.�--- Ran y Cavallier Project Manager Vi M Stewart, P.G. Geologist 4811 Koger Blvd., Greensboro, NC 27407 • T: 336-856-7150 • F: 336-856-7160 • www.ecslimited.com ECS Capitol Services, PLLC • ECS Carolinas, LLP • ECS Central, PLLC • ECS Florida, LLC • ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS Midwest, LLC • ECS Southeast, LLC • ECS Texas, LLP APPENDIX C (Boring Logs) PROJECT: ATCO Property CLIENT: JE Capital, LLC IIIIVIVI I Vr%lllvu YYCLL IYV{ TW-i PROJECT NO. 09-25395 LOCATION: ELEVATION: 2806 Patterson Street, Greensboro, Guilford County, N_ C _ DRILLER: DATE DRILLED: LOGGED BY: 3D Environmental Investigations 8/12/15 lRandy Cavallil DRILL RIG. q Elevation/ o c a n� ' -' o v EE E�Z t m Depth (fit) o in z' U) J S m m � W 1302 u 0 q o � x i m b pH A N �OO q 0 N q 0 O 90"8 DEPTH TO WATER: -t Push 12.56' ° SOIL DESCRIPTION WELL .N CONSTRUCTION co cC5 ML-CL f tan/brown clayey silt red/brown silt; wet at 1Z r Page 1 of 1 TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Project Former ATCO Facility Greensboro, NC 0-5 ft Casing Above Ground Owner JE Capital, LLC Well No. TW-1 GROUND SURFACE Location Greensboro, NC ERFAFAIMM MD Coordinators State Permit No. NA Temporary Well 3 inch diameter Topography Setting drilled hole Ground Elevation _ Drilled By 3D -- Well casing, Drilling Started 12-Aug-15 1 inch diameter, Drilling Completed 12-Aug-15 _ Method of Drilling Direct Push Type of Rig Geoprobe _ X Earth Backfill _ Grout _ MONITORING WELL DATA 6 ft top of bentonite . Bentonite Well No. TW-1 Hole Diameter 3 inches 8 ft top of sand Tole Depth 20.5 feet ;asing Diameter 1 inch Casing Length 10 ft. Screen i 'ameter 1 inch Screen Slot 0.01 10 °s Screen Type _ slot _ Surface Elevation No Data Screen Top El. No Data Well Screen, Screen Bottom El. �,Jo Data 1 inch diamter Well Status abandoned 0.01 slot i Sand Pack SWL = 12.56 All Measuring Points are from the Ground Surface Unless Otherwise Noted. REMARKS Temporary well constr Diagram TW-1 PROJECT: ATCO Property MONITORING WELL NOI TW_2 CLIENT: JE Capital, LLC PROJECT NO. 09-25395 LOCATION: ELEVATION: I� - 2806 Patterson Street Greensboro Guilford County, NC DRILLER: DATE DRILLED: LOGGED BY: 3D Environmental Investigations 8/12/15 Randy Cavalli� DRILL RIG: DEPTH TO WATER: •W v Elevation) Depth (Ft) c a(D a E E cn z' a c ' > ._ E oZ u> - >S m 0 c m � w Hp, l� q 7Q 0 x m yb pN A O N �Hy FL G O 25 I I 30 35 SOIL DESCRIPTION MI-11SVI FIII Soil is fill, red/brown, silty sand WELL CONSTRUCTION Page 1 of 1 TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM Project Former ATCO Facility f' Greensboro, NC 0.5 ft. Casing Above Ground Owner JE Capital, LLC Well No. TW-2 GROUND SURFACE Location Greensboro, NC MD Coordinators State Permit No. NA Temporary Well 3 inch diameter Topography Setting drilled hole Ground Elevation Drilled By 3D Well casing, Drilling Started 12-Aug-15 1 inch diameter, Drilling Completed 12-Aug-15 Method of Drilling Direct Push _ Type of Rig Geoprobe _ X Earth Backfill o Grout 6 ft Benton. 8 li HE MONITORING WELL DATA -,p of bei nite Well No. TW-1 _ Hole Diameter 3 inches top UT sar .. Well Screen, 1 inch diamter 0.01 slot Sand Pack 20 ft. 20.5 ft. II Measuring Points are from the Ground urface Unless Otherwise Noted. Hole Depth 20.5 feet f;asing Diameter 1 inch Casing Length 10 ft. Screen Diameter 1 inch Screen Slot 0.01 Screen Type slot Surface Elevation No Data Screen Top El. No Data Screen Bottom El. Ao Data Well Status abandoned = 13.36 REMARKS Temporary well constr Diagram T W -2 APPADIX D (Laboratory Data Sheets and Chain-uf-Custody Records RESEARCh & ANA1yTICA[ LABORATORIES? INC. Anclyticel/Process Consultations Chemical Analysis for Selected Parameters and Sampling Locations Identified as Patterson (An ECS Carolinas, LLP Project, collected 12 August 2015) If. Method MADEP 98-1 Quantitation TW1-5 TW1-10 VPH Limit Parameter (mow I ImOke C5-C8 Aliphatics IM) BQL BQL C9-C12 Aliphatics 10.0 131 BQL C9-C10 Aromatics t0.(1 18.7 BQL Dilution Factor Sample Number 7759-01 7759-02 Sample Date 08/12/15 08112/15 Sample Time (hrs) 0950 0953 Date Analyzed 08/19/15 08/13/15 Time Analyzed 2123 2152 JIADEP VPt1 98-1 - Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons via the Ivlassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Method mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram = parts per million (ppm) BQL = Below Quantitation Limits RESEARCH & ANAtyTICAI. LAbORATOR1ESt INC. �1 ArnlylW/Procan CoraAaff ns Chemical Analysis for Selected Parameters and Sampling Locations Identified as Patterson (An ECS Carolinas, LLP Project, collected 12 Au--ust 20 I- Volatile Organics Quantitation TWI-5 TWI-10 EPA Metbod SM B UrIM Wamm S1IIFi11k1 [Elea(h 111 Aoetono 0.100 BQL SOL Benzene 0.005 BQL BQL Hratnot lmle 0.005 BQL BQL Bromoehlommothme 0.005 BQL BQL Fk v 0di6rero11r<Jirte 0.005 BQL BQL Bromoform 0.005 BQL BQL B-10011- 0.010 BQL BQL 2-Bunmone 0.100 BQL BQL N-Butylbenune 0.005 0.009 BQL Sec-Butylbenmao 0.005 0.008 BQL Tat-Butylbenzaw 0.005 BQL BQL Carbon Te ichlodde 0.010 SOL BQL chlarokTacnc 0.005 13()1- BQL ptbtomoc6lg0111etIMM 0.005 BOY BQL QdunnMNne 0.010 P, BQL {tdarafmm 0.005 BQL Cbm lotaathaao 0.010 jL BQL 2-Chlorotolume 0.005 BQL SOL 4ialmtoluuu 0.005 BQL BQL 42-DAuomoedwo(SDB) 0.005 BQL BQL 1,2-Didlombaozene 0.005 BQL BQL 1,3-I)kWorobevmna 0.005 "` SOL 1,4-Dichlorobau me 0.005 BQL Dichlorodifluorometbero 0.005 SOL BQL 1,1-Dichloroethm 0.005 BQL BQL 1,2-Dichimoedwo 0.005 BQL BQL 1,I-Diehloroethene 0.005 BQL BQL Cis-1,2-Dichlotoelhwe 0.005 SOL SOL Trarw1,2-Dichloroedtene 0.005 BQL SOL U-Dichloropmwe 0.005 BQL BQL 1,3-Dichlompmpaae 0.005 WJL Pam' 2,2-131chlompropme 0.005 BQL l,l-Dichloropmpme 0.005 BQL BQL Cis-1,3-Diddmopropone 0.010 BQL BQL Trans-1,3-Diehlompropene 0.010 BQL BQL Etlryl Acetate 0.010 SOL BQL Ethyl gene 0.005 0.008 BQL 2-Hoxmpa 0.050 BQL BQL I-P,opylb- 0.005 0.005 BQL Isoptopylother (IPE) 0.010 BQL BQL p•40propyltolue a 0.005 BQL BQL Methyleno Chloride 0.020 BQL 13QI 4-Methyl-2-Pemmone 0.100 BQL SOL Methyl-Tat-Bmyl ether (MTBE) 0.010 BQL BQL Naphthalene 0.010 UP BQL N-Propylb- 0.005 0.013 BQL She 0.010 SOL BQL 1.1,2,2 Tetrarhloroehme 0.005 BQL BQL TehnthlwD&Ciie 0.005 BQL BQL Toluene 0.005 BQL BQL 1,1,1-Triddrooethane 0.005 BQL BQL 1,1,2-TYiddomethme 0.005 BQL SOL n1d2?0ruWer- 0.005 SQL BQL TrichloroBuoromethme 0.005 BQL SOL 1,2,3-Triddorobw=e 0.005 BQL BQL 1,2,4-Tdchlomberreae 0.005 BQL BQL 1,2,3-Triddotopropma 0.015 BQL BQL 1,2,4-Trimehylbeomno 0.005 0.047 BQL 1,3,5-Trimethy@tozene 0.005 0.022 BU1 Vinyl Acetate 0.050 BQL BQL Vinyl Chloride 0.010 SOL SOL Total Xylenes 0.003 a-4107 SOL Cafto DIAr18de 0.100 BQL BQL Acrylonitrile 0200 BQL BQL Tans-1,4-Dichloro-24utme 0.100 BQL SQL Mdhvllodide 0.010 BQL BQL Ile :atMUr-.Z1h= 0.010 BQL BQL 1,1,1,2-Tetrechloroodmo 0.005 BQL BQL 1,2-Drbromo-3.ChloroMYYue(DBCP) 0.023 BQL BQL Dilation Fedor I I Sample Number 7759-01 7759.02 Sample Date 08/12/15 08/12/15 Sample Time (bra) 0950 0953 Date Analysed 08/17/15 09/17/15 Time Analyzed 1542 1512 Surrogate Recovery (DBFM) Range (70-1309/6) 117% 113% Surrogate Recovery (Toluene-d8) Range(70-130%) 97% 100% Surrogate Recovery (4-BFB) Range (70-1300/9) 100% 101% mghg wjWg=perknogr=-partspermillion(ppm) BQL - Below QuandtadonLimits RESEARCh & ANA[yT[CAL LAboRATQRIES, INC. AnalyticaUPra7Cess CortsuRctlom Chemical Analysis for Selected Parameters and Water Sample Identified as ATCO Property (An ECS 1, VolstUc Orgsoics QUantitatiaa TW-1 TW-2 EPA Method 6200 B Limit Forgm= IPLhj illwu IBB.h.I Acc=c 25 BQL BQL Acmicto 100 BQL SQL Acrylonitrile 10a SQL BQL B=zcoc 0.5 BQL 0-55 BromobcT cc 0.5 BQL SQL Bromoch c=cfhaae 0,5 BQL BQL Brpmadi[:blOt=cdLRnC 0.5 BQL BQL Bromafavm 1.0 BQL BQL Hr�omethaae 1.0 BQL BQL 2 Butsnpnc 25 BQL BQL Cwbon Disulfide 5.0 SQL BQL Carbon Teftacw=de 0.5 BQL BQL Chamobearzenc 0.5 BQL BQL Chlorocd=e 1.0 SQL BQL 2-cwavclyl vinyl ether 3.0 13QL BQL Chloroform ❑ 5 SO, BQL Chlosamcth= 1.0 r BQL 2431orotaluene 0.5 BQL 4-Mcngolumc 0.5 QL BQL Ci3-1,2-Diddoroetheme 0.5 BQL BQL Cis4,3-DicMc.cFprapcne 0.5 BQL BQL 1,2-DihTmno-3-ChlproproWc(DBCP) 5.0 BQL BQL 1,2-Dibramoetwx (BOBI 0.5 8Q1 SQL Dibramochlaramedme 0.5 BQL Dibromomcd=c 05 8QL 1,2-Dichlarcbemenc 05 BQL BQL 1,3-Dichlomberrzenc 05 BQL BQL 1,4-Diddoroberumc 0.5 8QL BQL M-Dzworom[ =e 0.5 BQL BQL 1,2•Dic3laroctl=e 0.5 BQL BQL I,i-Dichlcnoethme 0.5 2.69 BQL Die cnAiflawomethene 0.5 BQL BQL 1,2•Dichlaopmpane 0.5 BQL BQL "-DichlcropfoD= 0.5 BQL BQL 2,2-DidiIc:raprupane 0.5 BQL BQL 1,1-Dichlompropeae 05 BQL BQL Ethyl Benzmc 0.5 0.95 BQL 2-Hcxmn .^. 5.0 HQL BQL 1PE 05 BQL SQL royyi 1-Pbcft=t. 0.5 HQL BQL 4-Methyl-2-Pentoacne 5.0 BQL BQL Methyl todidc 1.0 BQL BQL MetbylencChlaidc 5.0 BQL BQL MTBE 0.5 BQL SQL NapheW= 0.5 4.60 4.82 N-Butylbea=c 0.5 BQL BQL N-PrMamume 0.5 BQL SQL P-Istrpropyltarluatc CO BQL BQL Sdo-Butylbe UMI: 0.5 BQL 0,54 styrme 0.5 BQL BQL Tert•Sutylbenzene 0.5 BQL BQL 1,1,1,2-Tetackdometharc 0.5 BQL BQL 1, 1,2,2-TctmchIOmcd1uc 0.5 BQL BQL Tetradda roethene 0.5 3.01 BQL Toluene 0.5 SQL BQL Tntas-1.2-Dichlpmcdtcnc 0.5 BQL BQL Tram, 1,3-Diehlaropmpene 0.5 BQL BQL 7rsna4,4-Dichlcra-2-butcu 5.0 BQL BQL 11213-Trig cmbcazme 0.5 BQL SQL 1.24-Tria3tlacbwncac 0.5 BQL BQL 1,1,1•Trirhloroethane 0.5 BQL BQL 1,1,2-Trichlaraetbaac CO BQL BQL Trichlc•nedi= 0.5 1.81 BQL TriWcry iutucu vd=c 0.5 BQL BQL 1,2,3-Tncffiaroprop=c 0.5 BQL SQL i,2,4-Trimcthy1bmzme 0.5 BQL BQL 1,3,5-TrzMethytbenzcnc 0.5 BQL BQL VnylAcclute 1.0 BQL BQL V¢rylCLlalde 0.5 BQL BQL Total Xylen" 1.0 BQL SQL Di'utz= FacWT 1 1 Sample .Number 7870-01 7870-02 Sample Date 08/13115 08 IMS Sample Time (hrs) 1445 1530 Date Analyzed 08/14/15 08/14/15 Time Ae olyxed 1640 1712 Surrogate Recovery Range DBFM (70•I30%) 108% t03% Tolacce-d8 (70.130%) 102% 101% 4-8F13 (70-130%) 89% 92% l.f �flfff��� A BQL - Bckw Q tlzdn J - Er=rod coru==UOO, prcraar tra Inan PPb a Part P=!Halm RESEARCh & ANAtyTICAt LA ORATORIES, INC. Analytical/Process Consultations Chemical Analysis for Selected Parameters and Water Sample Identified as ATCO Property II. 5emi•V0181ile Organics Qua13ti(ati0n TW-2 EPA Method 625 BNA Limit Parameter fnpbl fppb) 4-Chloro-3-methylphenoi 10.0 BQL 2-Chiormhenol 10.0 BQL Z,4-Dichlorophenol 10,0 BQL 2,4- Dime thy 1phenal 10.0 BQL Z,4-Dinitrophenol 50.0 BQL 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol 50.0 BQL 2-Nitrophenol 10.0 BQL 4-Nitrmhenol 50.0 SOL Pentachlorophenol 50.0 BQL Phenol 10.0 BQL 2,4,6-Trichtorophenol 10.0 BQL Acenaphthene 10.0 BQL Acenaphthylene 10.0 BQL Anthmcene 10.0 BQL Benxidine 50.0 BQL Benzo(a)anthracene 10.0 3QL Senza(a)pyrenc 10.0 30L Benxo(h}fluorantherte 10.0 BQL Benzo(Rhilperylene 10.0 BQ' Senzo(k)fluoranthene ] 0.0 P Benzyl butyl phthalate 10.0 Bis(2-ch1Dmethoxy)methane 10.0 Bis(2-chloroahyl)ether 10.0 B(, Bis(2-chloroisopropybether 10.0 SQL Bis(2-ethyl-hexyl)phlhalate 10.0 SQL 4-8ramophenyl phenyl other 10.0 SQL 2-Chloronaphthalene 10.0 1301, 4-Chlarophenyl phenyl ether 10.0 BQ. Chrysene 10.0 SOL Dibenxo(ajt)an[hracene 10.0 BQL l,2-Dich1orobenzene 10.0 SQL 2,3-13ichlomben2ene 10.0 BQL 1,4-Dichlorober zene 10.0 BOL 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine 20.0 BQL Diethyl phthalate 10.0 BQL Dimethyi phthalate 10.0 SQL Di-N-Butyl phthalate 10.0 BQL 2,4-Dinitrotaluene 10.0 SOL 2,6-Dinitrotoluene i0.0 BQL Di-N-Octyl phthalate 10.0 BQL 1 2-Diphenylhydrazine 50.0 BQL Fluorenthene 10.0 SQL Fluorene 10.0 BQL Hexachlorobenxene 10.0 BQL Hexachlorobutadiene 10.0 BQL Hexachlorucyclopentadicne 10.0 BQL Hexachloroethane 10.0 BQL Indena{1.2,3-cd] pyrene 110 BQL Isophorone 10.0 BQL Naphthalene 10.0 10.4 Nitrobenzene 10.0 HQL N-Nitrosodimethylamine l0A BQL N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine 10.0 BQL N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 10.0 BQL Phenanthrene 10.0 SOL Pyrene 10.0 BQL 1,2.4-Trieh1arobenzene 10.0 BQL 2-Methy1naphthalene 10.0 26.6 1-Methylnapthalene 10.0 27.4 Dilution Factor 1 Sample Number 7870.02 Sample Date 08/13/15 Sample Time (hrs) 1530 Date Extrucaled 08/17/15 Date Analyzed 08/19/15 Time Analyzed 2058 Surrogate Recovery Range 2-Fluoropbenol (5-77%) 61% Phenol-D6 (7-64%) 46% Nitrobenzene-D5 (29-149%) 82% 2,4,6-Trf b romo pheno t (12-123 %) 76% 2•Fluorobiphenyl (10433%) 70% 4-Terphenyl-D14 (20-t33%) 73% aNA aue N'�tW Add Ertr abks 1- F.MirwRd macevday p� W b6- qU ffd --1-k OOL - a<low 0¢ 11wim Bola pph • pert per hatlan RESEARCh & ANAUYTiCA1 • �`'`�����, �+'-• ri4-t�+ "`- LAbOitATUR1E5 INC. Analy1#co1/ProCess Consultations C� EC[n;;. Chemical Analysis for Selected Parameters and Water Sample Identified as A TCO Property (An ECS Carolinas, LLP Project #09-25395, collected 13 Aueust 2015) Ill. Method MADEP 98-1 VPH Quantitation TW-1 TW-2 Limit Parameter (npb) (PAb) fii bl C5-C8 Aliphatics 100 BQL SQL C9-C12 Aliphatics 100 SQL BQL C9-C 10 Aromatics 100 SQL BQL Dilution Factor 1 1 Sample Number 7870-01 7870-02 Sample Date R/13115 08/13/15 Sample Time (hrs) 1445 1530 Date Analyzed 08/18/15 C;'/18115 Time Analyzed 1721 1749 IV. Method MADEP 98-1 EPH Quantitation TW-1 TV Limit Parameter �b� (ppb) (vvb) C9-C18 Aliphatics 100 NR 255 C19-05 Aliphatics i00 NR BQL C 11-C22 Aromatics 100 NR 230 Dilution Factor Sample Number Sample Date Sample Time (hrs) Date Analyzed Time Analyzed 7870-01 08/13/15 1445 7870-02 08/13/15 1530 08/ 19115 0554 BQL = Below Quantitation Limits ppb — parts per billion (ppb) NR = Not Requested ►11 a 0 c n �n G o � ¢ ¢ ¢rn zz z z z o n y. d a e_ c� e+� r o N Ll r � a ❑ C n/ F4 , aj rn CC Q 2, Q =o F R � E` M � � c° d � oG � � � r` ❑` � c o Z •� m CO m L^ P q+ T O •+ 09 C J O [� LE vi W � G _ CDa r- � 13 z z z z as m m ❑N W� � n C N � CQ m L � a O T Q w ❑ u e 15 ` rir U` C A C C v G7 D o ll U � m 0° n ¢ 0 O O C) N Q � C = h i a ❑ C p E E o y W 6L p`da m A c } m C ec cq C� C ❑ O uj �y b C3 L r!J y C C3 iJ U E R u t o a O ME a a a ,r a a a p p � Q L u ¢ u ¢ o u �Q Qa a ¢ a`a U is 3 D e � q z z a o o z z — Q Q e o R- Q G7 0 6 E! ¢ ¢ R Z z a � pp e d � n o0 z z U W V v � r m � F C l Q GG 2; 7 r a � G [A V7 q q O z vMi tom- F oo q ao C oa Cl oo O o C o ? u • x N SY CC rn o0 QV W G 0 CA G1 G7 ^ — a rn g a v@ e z Q o a c o q U FE W Q z z �. rn O G C G v C c 11 cli 10 a, t 4] x � c a ro � � � � o ° m � is [n m � � E AE ° a •��' ] � °� 044 6 W oWt E 6 °= ac ri1 d D 4c W n i cn a rn ton 7 N N �4 ffi � •r •v � •.v C Y C � i ` v � m`m [�•] Vl 4 C C � :n CL It c U aIm w¢ 4 w a Cl ECR•-M 3 inRESIEARCII&ANAlyTiCAI UboRATORiES� INC. `¢ NMw s`s+ c _ Analytical/Process Consultations Clientical Analysis for Selected Parameters and Water Sample Identified as ATCO Property (An ECS Carolinas, LLP Project #09-25395, collected 13 Attgust 2015) V. EPA Method 504.1 Quantitation TW-1 Parameter Limit 11W-121(ppb) EDB 0.0210 BQL Dilution Factor 1 Sample Number 7870-01 Sample Date OKI3/15 Sample Time (hrs) 1445 Date Analyzed (18/19/1 Time Analyzed 052 Surrogate Recovery (TCMX) 80% Range (70-130%) V1. Miscellaneous Quantitation TW-1 Parameter Limit ,Rpb)tm!il Lead, Total 5.0 7.0 Sample Number 7870-01 Sample Date 08/13/15 Sample Time (hrs) 1445 BQL = Below Quantitation Limits ppb = parts per billion (ppb) ram, a wx c M U U LL a� s- o a. 0 U 2 CD C) M CD 9.L L) LU a g 0 m LU ti O a Q H o =NMI U o Z U) U q W OD w CJ Cy U C6 .2 O aM Q \CD co W � 5 Cyr) W c s Q a. 1 a3 z i � t r 41 `T- wk; �1 L O tr RESEARCh & ANAlyTICAL LAbORATORlES, INC. Analytical/Process Consultations CASE NARRATIVE Two (2) water samples were received in good condition on 14 August 2015. The sample was analyzed without difficulties unless noted below. // a7--- }} Sidney L. Champion Director of Laboratory Services Date P.O. Box 473 • 106 Short Street • Kernersville> Forth Carolina 27284 • 336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com QA1QC Summary Method: 826016200B 5110120154150011000 PEa-QC-j T FILE NAME: WLCO814 CLIENT: ECS CAROLINAS PROJECT: ATCO PROPERT Sample ID: 7870 — 01-- 02 INSTUMENT: MS-2 Page I of 2 Extraction Method NIA Date Extracted NIA Weight Extracted 25ML Final Extract Volume 25ML Date Analyzed 08/14/15 % Surrogate Recovery 103 98 100 Acceptance Range (70-130) (70-130) (70-130) LCS Acceptance 70-130 MS MSD RPD QC LIMITS Compound MDL Method LCS % % Rec. % Rec. RPD % REC m Blank RecoveryRange DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE 0.12 ;4 L N❑ 87 CHLOROMETHANE 0.07 95 70-130 70_130 VINYL CHLORIDE 0, ND 102 BROMOMETHANE 0.18 ND 93 70-130 CHLOROETHANE 0.11 ND 104 70-130 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 0.09 NL 70-130 ACETONE 1,18 ND 81 70-130 ACRYLONITRILE 12.38 ND 11" 70 130 100 70-130 2-BUTANONE 0.88 N❑ 94 3 14 70-130 I,I-DICHLOROETHENE 0.09 ND 103 70-130 11 METHYL IODIDE 0.19 ND Ito 70-130 CARBON DISULFIDE 0.45 ND 102 -130 METHYLENE CHLORIDE 0.57 ND 101 70-130 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.10 ND 99 70-130 I,I-DICHLOROETHANE 0.17 ND 103 70-130 ISOPROPYLETHER(1PE) 0.12 ND 105 70-130 METHYL-TERT-BUTYLETHER(MTBE) 0.16 ND 90 70-130 VINYL ACETATE 0.24 ND 99 70-130 CiS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE 0.09 ND 97 70-130 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.09 ND 94 70-130 BROMOCHLOROMETHANE 0.12 ND 103 70-130 CHLOROFORM 0.05 ND 100 70-130 I,I,1-TRICHLOROETHANE 0.12 ND 101 70-130 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 0.10 ND 98 70-130 I,[-DICHLOROPROPENE 0.12 ND 103 70-130 BENZENE 0.05 N D 104 70-130 91 96 5 11 70-130 ETHYL ACETATE 0.35 ND 100 70-130 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE 0.09 ND 91 70-130 TRICHLOROETHFNE(TCE) 0.12 ND 96 70-130 88 90 2 14 70-130 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.10 ND 107 70-130 ❑1BROMOETHANE 0.25 N❑ 96 70-130 COMMENTS: QA1QC Summary Method: 8264f6200B(5110120150150011000 PPB OCR FILE NAME: WLC0814 Page 2 of 2 CLIENT: ECS CAROLINAS PROJECT: ATCO PROPERTY) SAMPLE ID: 7870 _ 01 _ 02 LCS Acceptr ange MS MSD RPD QC LIMITS Compoundmglkg MDL Method LCS % RPD o /o R1C Blank Recovery % Rec. % Rec. BRONIODICHLOROMETHANE 0,07 ND 97 70-130 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE 1.01 ND 101 707130 CIS•1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 0.10 ND 99 70-130 TOLUENE 0.26 ND 76 70-130 86 90 5 13 70-130 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE 0.12 ND 92 70-130 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE 0.20 ND 93 70-130 TETRACHLOROETHENE(PCE) 0.17 ND 95 70-130 2-HEXANONE 1.42 ND 95 70-130 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE 0.07 ND 90 70-130 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE 0.13 N17 1 96 70-130 70-130 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE(EDB) 0.15 N❑ 97 CHLOROBENZENE 0.10 ND v, 70-130 85 88 3 13 70-130 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.10 ND 91 99 95 97 70-130 ETHYLSENZENE 0.07 ND 70-130 TOTAL XYLENES(M&P, O) 0.29 ND 70-130 STYRENE 0.04 ND 70-130 BROMOFORM 0.29 ND 85 70-13r ' 70-1 4 1SOPROPYLBENZENE 0.08 ND 98 BROMOBENZENE 0.07 ND 95 70-130 70-130 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE 0.11 ND 98 TRANS-I,4-DICHLORO-2-BUTENE 0.52 ND 97 70-130 70-130 N-PROPYLBENZENE 0.08 ND 99 2-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.10 ND 100 70-130 4-CHLOROTOLUENE 0.09 ND 97 70-130 1,3,5•TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.07 ND 100 70-130 TERT-BUTYLBENZENE 0.08 N❑ 92 70-130 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 0.07 ND 95 70-130 SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 0.12 ND 97 70-130 1,3-❑ICHLOROSENZENE 0.12 ND 96 70-130 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE 0.08 ND 95 70-130 P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 0.09 N❑ 98 70-130 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.08 ND 95 70-130 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE 0.09 N❑ 96 70-130 N-BUTYLBENZENE 0.10 N❑ 100 70-130 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE(DPCP) 0.49 ND 88 70-130 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.47 N❑ 93 70-130 NAPHTHALENE 0.18 ND 100 70-130 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE 0.18 ND 90 70-130 COMMENTS: QA/QC Summary Method: 625 1001200 PPB C FILE NAME: WLC0819-MS1 Page 1 of 2 CLTENT:ECS GREENSBORD PROJECT:ATCO PROPERTY SAMPLE ID: 7870-02 INSTRUMENT:MS-1 Extraction Method 3510 Date Extracted 08/171lS Weight Extracted IL Final Extract Volume 1ML Date Analyzed 08/19/15 % Surrogate Recovery 59 38 74 80 74 82 Acceptance Range (5 - 77) (7 - 6A) (29 - 149) (12 - 123) (10 - 133) (20 - 133) LCS MS MSD Accept mange RPD QC LIMITS Compound MDL Mettlod LCS °/° % Rec. % Rec. UG/L Blank Recovery RPD % REC N-Nitmsodimethylamine 0.970 65 8-104 Sis(2-chioroethyl)ether 0.430 ND 81 45-111 Phenol 0.460 ND 45 D-76 26 31 16 42 12-110 2-Chlorophenol 0,300 ND 81 30-107 64 74 14 40 27-123 l,3-Dichlorobenaene 0.250 ND 71 48-90 14-Dichlorobenme 0,200 0.100 0.380 0.500 ND ND ND ND 69 68 72 81 50-90 45 52 50-93 50.107 47-11: 76 85 15 28 36--97 12 38 41-116 1,2-DichIorobeuene Sis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether N-nitrmdi-n•propylamine Hexachlamrthana 0.220 ND 66 36-90 2-Nitrophenol 0.670 ND 100 33-110 2,4-Dimethylpheaol 1.550 ND 66 43-100 Nitrobenzene 0.500 ND 79 46-112 Isophororne 0.510 ND 68 50-104 Sis(2-chloroethoxy)methnne 0.420 ND 64 49-105 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.540 ND 69 33-108 1,2,4-Trichlombenzcne 0.560 ND 67 47-95 63 74 17 28 39-98 4-Chloro-3-mc1hylphenol 1.830 ND 75 44-107 63 77 19 42 23 97 Naphthalene 0,710 ND 71 50-96 Hexmhlorobutadiene 0.770 ND 69 24-100 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.540 ND 79 22-124 2-Methy14,6-Dinitrophenol 3.250 ND 99 16-115 4-Nitrophenol 6.670 ND 41 1-69 24 28 16 50 10-80 Hexachlorocyclopentadicne 0.970 ND 61 16-85 NIA = Data Not Available " = FAILED Q IQC Summary Method: 625 100/200 PPB QQ I FILE NAME: WLC0819-MS1 Page 2 of 2 CLIENT: ECS GREENSBORO ffROJECTATCO PROPERTY LCS Acceptr ange QC LIMITS Compound MDL Method LCS % MS MSD RPD UGIL Blank Recovery % Rec. % Rec. 2•Chloronaphthalene 0.420 ND 71 1 51-100 RPD %RFC Dimdhyl phthalate 0.400 ND 76 47-107 Acemphihylene 0.150 ND 68 49-100 2,6-D4iitroto1uene 0,670 ND 84 49-106 Acenaphthene 0.280 IUD ND 80 48-102 50 58 15 31 46-118 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0,670 74 50-106 57 66 15 3$ 1 24-96 Diethyl phthalate 0.820 ND 77 49-107 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.730 ND 86 43-112 2,4-Dinitrophmol 4.190 5.220 1.150 0.670 ND w ND ND 109 `10 3a 85 D-118 15-123 43 35-121 48-10 54 22 50 9-103 Pentachlorophenol N-Nitrosodiphenylarnine 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Hexachlorobenaene 0.390 ND 83 5a-102 Phenanthrene 0.280 0.200 0.650 ND ND ND 77 80 71 42-105 44-104 44-1 Anthmcene Di-N-Butyl phthalate Benxidine 3.370 ND 10 D-48 Pyrene 1.920 ND 79 39-107 61 72 17 31 26-127 Beryl butyl phthalate 1.220 ND 78 39-116 Bmzo(a)anthracene 0,380 ND 85 36-114 3,3-Diehlorokmzidine 5,050 ND 29 6-52 Chrysene 0.700 ND 78 45-99 18is(2-ethy1-hexy1)ph1ha1ate 1.140 ND 80 30-134 Di-N-Qctyl phthalate 0.740 ND 79 37-131 Benxo(b)t;uoranthene 0.770 ND 91 49-107 Benze(k)fluoranthene 0.600 ND 64 37-112 B=o(a)pyrene 0.430 ND 79 49-105 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrcne 1.210 ND 88 38-122 Dibemo(a,h)anthracene 1.680 ND 82 43-118 Benzo(g,ki)perylene 1.780 ND 81 42-119 NIA = Data Not Available " = FAILED I & � k An m ~ / 2 \ � ■ � � & ■ % J � pro 2 � / - � .s v N G M ~ ~ v r nE C OHO o ; ona G p n � a m d ck o O O O � v'1 V1 V'1 L7 O a n Ln x � c 0 E o 0 0 ,� rn rn rn e 0 U ON Q z D I v O OT V't �--� 00 n v o � � � a i/2 Q o Q In a a o 0 P O v v � o i i i L a a a 0 V .No 00 Cq oa m� z z U y U 7 D � Q ao v � U d• N U V U U U RESEARCh & ANAlyTICAI LABORATORIES, INC. Analytical/Process Consultations Quality Control Summary Results for Project Identified as ATCO Property (An ECS Project l Prep Parameter Blank Lead, Total BDL COMMENTS: Corresponding Sample Numbers: 7870-01 % = Percent 1CV = Initial Calibration Verification ICV Spike Spike Duplicate �Ccovery % Recovery % Recovery 103 98 <1 P.O. Box 473 • 106 short Street • Kernersviile, [North Carolina 27284 • 336-996-2841 • Fax 336-996-0326 www.randalabs.com mczr CY) Ln O m O E) LLL R.- U) LL. x U MEW Q � o amid V n Q Z C Q N1 U q W cn OD p� . � fn CU U CC) .Z O ° rn co C �CY3 W O . C co W � m a o O Q O fr H a� _U O C � Z Z E EEO inn V 4 j r Q < a z 0 0-1