HomeMy WebLinkAbout3901-OxfordCDLF_comments_CQARpt_Closure_FID1280857_021920191
Chao, Ming-tai
From:Chao, Ming-tai
Sent:Tuesday, February 19, 2019 2:38 PM
To:'Jason Falls (jason.falls@granvillecounty.org)'
Cc:'Scott Phillips (scott.phillips@granvillecounty.org)'; 'Davis, Amy'; Stanley, Sherri; Conners,
Davis; 'Brown, Rich'
Subject:comments on Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 1 C&D Closure Certification and
CQA Report
Hi Jason:
I completed the scan of the certified CQA report for the closed unlined MSWLF Unit 1; the document is
uploaded to Laserfiche with a FID 1280839. The hard copy is in the process to return to your attention. Upon
sending it out, I will provide you date and tracking number.
The Solid Waste Section completes a review of the CQA report for the CDLF closure construction (FID
1280293). Below are the comments on the CQA report:
1. (Section 2.0)
a. The method to delineate the C&DLF waste footprint described in this section was not included in the
approved Closure Plan dated October 2017 (FID 732198). Therefore, the engineering judgement
should be stated in this section.
b. 55 test pits were excavated to confirm the CDLF waste footprint. Please describe (i) the test pit size
and depth, (ii) the established criteria for determine/confirm if the location is a waste boundary point
(please noted that the CDLF unit is located on top of the closed MSWLF, 3901-MSWLF-1982),
which was closed with a low-permeability clay cap, (iii) the restoration of the test pits.
c. 55 test pits designated WL-1 through 12, 15 through, and 37 through 58 were described in this
section; but WL-37 is not shown on the As-built Drawing VI. D-2 (Sheer 2 of 5). Please correct the
2. (Section 3.2)
a. The test pit designations TP 93 through TP 123 are missing in the first paragraph.
b. Th last paragraph. The thicknesses of the vegetative soil cover layer at two locations – GP37 &
GP216 are less than 12 inches (Drawing No. VI.D-5/ Sheet 5 of 5). Please explain why the survey
data is acceptable and describe the correct action, if any.
c. The last paragraph. The combine thickness of the closure cap ranges from 1.49 feet to 6.81 feet as
shown on Drawing No. VI.D-5/ Sheet 5 of 5. The statement in the last sentence is incorrect.
d. According to Specification Section 13315, Part 3.03D, this section should have a statement of the
subgrade receiving the GCL layer being certified and approved by the GCL installer. The
certification must be included in the Appendix II.A.
e. Specification Section 02200, Part 2.01 specifies that fill material shall have a minimum internal
friction angle of 26 degrees, and Table 1 of the CQA Plan dated February 2018 (FID 732198)
requires a shear strength test (by ASTM D 4767) per the fill material. Please provide the test data in
Appendix I and descriptions of the test results in this section.
f. Table 1 of the CQA Plan dated February 2018 (FID 732198) requires testing of undisturbed
hydraulic conductivity (by ASTM D5084) at a frequency one test per lift per acre. Please describe
the test results in this section and provide lab data in the Appendix I.
3. (Section 3.4) Please detail the connection of the GCL layer to the surrounding geocomposite drainage
material. A typical drawing of the connection will suffice.
4. (Appendix I.B)
a. Results of in-place density and moisture content for the sample DC-1 show on page I.B-1 are not
consistent with the lab data on page I.B-3. Please clarify.
b. The Proctor data for TP-1 that shows on summary table on page I-B.2 are those for the sample TP-
3. Please correct the typo.
c. The third paragraph of Section 3.2 (on page 2 of 4) reported that “Relevant to this construction are
the test results on samples from test pits TP-4, 5, 6 and 7.” If the Proctor data of TP-3 mentioned in
the Comment 4.b. are used for the project, the statement in Section 3.2 should be revised;
additionally, the reason why the borrow failed to pass the criteria (see page I-A.29) can be used for
this project is also required. The lab data for the sample TP-3 should be included in the Appendix
I.A as well.
d. On page 1.B-5. Proctor data (83.4 pcf /30.6%) are of the sample TP-4, not TP-5, TP-6, or TP-
7. Please correct the typos.
e. On page I.B-25. The lab Proctor data for the sample Quarry is not available in Appendix I.A.
5. (Appendix II.A) Specification Section 13315 -GCL, Part 2D specifies the minimum grab strength of
GCL- Claymax 200R shall be 40 lbs. MRV. The MQA test results of grab strength of Bentomat 200R-
SFT is ranging from 33.3 through 38.3 lbs./in (page II.A-9). Please explain why the material is
acceptable for using at this project.
6. (Appendix III) According to Specification Section 13302 Part 1.06, please provide a copy of the 10-yr
material warranty to Appendix III.
7. (Appendix VI, Drawing VI.D-4, Sheet 4 of 5) Please add hatch lines (light-weighted ones) or notes to
indicate the areas covered by geocomposite drainage material.
Please contact myself if you have any question of the comments. Thanks and have a wonderful evening.
From: Chao, Ming-tai
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 2:51 PM
To: 'Brown, Rich' <rbrown@joyceengineering.com>
Cc: 'Jason Falls (jason.falls@granvillecounty.org)' <jason.falls@granvillecounty.org>; 'Scott Phillips
(scott.phillips@granvillecounty.org)' <scott.phillips@granvillecounty.org>; Davis, Amy <adavis@joyceengineering.com>;
Stanley, Sherri <Sherri.Stanley@ncdenr.gov>; Conners, Davis <davis.conners@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: RE: [External] Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 1 C&D Closure Certification and CQA Report
Ming-Tai, Chao
Environmental Engineer, Solid Waste Section
Division of Waste Management
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
919.707-8251 (Office)
Hi Rich:
The Solid Waste Section (SWS) received the e-copy of the CQA Rpt for the closure construction of the
Granville County CDLF on top of the unlined closed MSWLF, Permit # 3901-CDLF-1997. This CQA Rpt is
uploaded to the DWM file system – Laserfiche with a FID 1280293. The SWS will starts a review of the report
today. Thanks for the submittal.
From: Brown, Rich <rbrown@joyceengineering.com>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 2:20 PM
To: Chao, Ming-tai <ming.chao@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: 'Jason Falls (jason.falls@granvillecounty.org)' <jason.falls@granvillecounty.org>; 'Scott Phillips
(scott.phillips@granvillecounty.org)' <scott.phillips@granvillecounty.org>; Davis, Amy <adavis@joyceengineering.com>
Subject: [External] Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 1 C&D Closure Certification and CQA Report
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
Attached are the three pdfs that comprise an electronic copy of the closure certification and CQA report, as you
Richard A. Brown, P.E. - Senior Technical Consultant
Richmond, VA – Greensboro, NC – Charlotte, NC – Charleston, SC - 1604 Ownby Lane, Richmond, VA 23220
tel: (804) 355-4520 - mobile: (804) 370-7460 - fax: (804) 355-4282 - www.JoyceEngineering.com
JOYCE Engineering has joined LaBella Associates! Read about our new partnership here. Our clients will continue to
work with the JOYCE team they know and trust, now with the support of a multi-disciplinary A/E firm.
From: Chao, Ming-tai [mailto:ming.chao@ncdenr.gov]
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2019 11:51 AM
To: Brown, Rich <rbrown@joyceengineering.com>
Cc: 'Jason Falls (jason.falls@granvillecounty.org)' <jason.falls@granvillecounty.org>; 'Scott Phillips
(scott.phillips@granvillecounty.org)' <scott.phillips@granvillecounty.org>; Davis, Amy <adavis@joyceengineering.com>;
Ming-Tai, Chao
Environmental Engineer, Solid Waste Section
Division of Waste Management
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
919.707-8251 (Office)
Hofmeister, Mike <mhofmeister@joyceengineering.com>; Stanley, Sherri <Sherri.Stanley@ncdenr.gov>; Conners, Davis
<davis.conners@ncdenr.gov>; Hammonds, Andrew <andrew.hammonds@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: RE: [External] Granville County Oxford Landfill Unit 1 C&D Closure Certification and CQA Report
Hi Rich:
Thanks for the update. Please also provide me an electronic copy (drop site for me to pick up the document) so
I can upload the document to the SWS file system – Laserfiche.
Thanks again.
Ming-Tai, Chao
Environmental Engineer, Solid Waste Section
Division of Waste Management
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
919.707-8251 (Office)