HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9406_40849_G_NORR_20181109_NORR LSA RequestROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secrerary MICHAEL SCOTT Director Adam Duerr Exeter 4100 Meadow Oak, LLC 6285 Barfield Road, Suite 224 Atlanta, GA 30328 Dear Mr. Duerr: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality November 09, 2018 Re: Notice of Regulatory Requirements 15A NCAC 2L .0405 Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Exeter Meadow Oak 4101 Meadow Oak Drive, Charlotte Mecklenburg County Incident number: 40849 Risk Classification: Unknown The UST Closure Report received by the UST Section, Division of Waste Management, Mooresville Regional Office on October 24, 2018 has been reviewed. The report indicates that soil contamination exceeds the lower of the residential or soil -to -groundwater maximum soil contaminant concentration (MSCCs) established in Title 15A NCAC 2L .0411. Therefore, the UST Section hereby confirms that you must comply with assessment and reporting requirements of Title 15A NCAC 2L .0405, within the timeframes specified in the attached rule. The requirements of Title 15A NCAC 2L .0405 include the preparation and submittal of a Limited Site Assessment (LSA) Report, in accordance with the rule and the most recent version of the Guidelines forAssessment and Corrective Action for UST Releases, within 120 days of discovery of the release. Because a release or discharge has been confirmed, a Licensed Geologist or a Professional Engineer, certified by the State of North Carolina, is required to prepare and certify all reports submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality in accordance with Title 15A NCAC 2L .0103(e) and 2L .0111(b). NORTH C+4RpL'Yn� Q�5 uf EmlmmYeHsl 9� r North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville. North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 Please note that before you sell, transfer, or request a "No Further Action" determination for a property that has not been remediated to below "unrestricted use" standards, you must file a Notice of Residual Petroleum ("Notice") with the Register of Deeds in the county where the property is located (NCGS 14313-279.9 and 14313-279.11). Failure to comply with the State's rules in the manner and time specified may result in the assessment of civil penalties and/or the use of other enforcement mechanisms. If you have any questions regarding trust fund eligibility or reimbursement from the Commercial or Noncommercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Funds, please contact the UST Section Trust Fund Branch at (919) 707-8171. If you have any questions regarding the actions that must be taken or the rules mentioned in this letter, please contact me by email at Trudy.Beverly@ncdenr.gov or telephone at (704) 235-2182. Sincerely, a �Je{�cl Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ cc: Shawna Caldwell, Mecklenburg County Health Department Joseph Nestor, Matt McDuffie, Michelle Forness, & Brandon Fulton, ECS Southeast, LLP (via email) NORTH C.4R0.'+1A�E Q� un of En- r,nn H-, 9Nor North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville. North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 Beverly, Trudy From: Joseph Patrick Nestor <JNestor@ecslimited.com> Sent: Friday, November 9, 2018 2:18 PM To: Beverly, Trudy Cc: Matthew H. McDuffie, P.G.; Michelle Forness; Brandon Fulton, LSS, PSC, PWS Subject: [External] Re: Exeter Meadow Oak #40849 — Notice of Regulatory Requirements Thanks Trudy. We will be submitting the paperwork for a Notice of Residual Petroleum soon. Sent from my iPhone JOSEPH PATRICK NESTOR I Environmental Senior Project Manager ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP T 704.525.5152 1 C 704.280.7422 www.ecslimited.com Confidential/proprietary message/attachments. Delete message/attachments if not intended recipient. On Nov 9, 2018, at 1:25 PM, Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> wrote: Good Afternoon Joe, Please see the attached Notice of Regulatory Requirements for Exeter Meadow Oak located at 4101 Meadow Oak Drive, Charlotte. Have a wonderful weekend, Trudy <image004.png><image007.jpg> <image008.png> Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste manaeement/ust/ast-Droeram INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httDS://dea.nc.eov/about/divisions/waste-manaeement/waste-manaeement-rules-data/waste- management-gis-maps File Review Procedures: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville- regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https://ddei3-0- ctp.trendmicro. com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2ffiles. nc.gov%2fncdeq%2fWaste%2 520Management%2fDWM%2fUST%2fCorrective%2520Action%2fElectron ic%2520Document%2520Sub mittal%2520Memo%2520Update.pdf&umid=A118FA65-7A3F-7A05-A7F6- EBCCC6AA5472&auth=4eb7d796d07f7b9ddfe4586012e53cda4ccf487f- 30b208bc24cab6d5a35b063c03bf142e1d279a5a https://ddei3-0- ctp.trendmicro. com:443/wis/clicktime/v 1 /query?url=https%3 a%2f%2ffiles.nc. gov%2fncdeq%2f Waste%2 520Manaizement%2fDWM%2f JST%2fCorrective%252OAction%2fLJST%2520file%2520names%2520f or%2520Laserfiche.docx&umid=A 118FA65-7A3F-7A05-A7F6- EBCCC6AA5472&auth=4eb7d796d07f7b9ddfe4586012e53cda4ccf487f- c8668ff8a93549a89ce019a04cb4le3a206da3c2 ------------------------------------------------------- This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector. <MO-9406_40849_G NORR 20181109 NORR LSA Request.pdf> ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector.