HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9406_40849_G_C_20181206_Site Discussion EmailBeverly, Trudy From: Beverly, Trudy Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2018 7:49 AM To: 'Joseph Patrick Nestor' Cc: Matthew H. McDuffie, P.G.; Brandon Fulton, LSS, PSC, PWS Subject: RE: [External] Meadow Oaks Industrial - Charlotte - Incident No. 40849 Hi Joe, Please submit document in accordance with the February 2018 policies. Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%20Action/Electronic%20Document%20Submi ttal%20Memo%20Update. Pdf https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM[UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST°/`2Ofile°/`20names%20for°/`20 Laserfiche.docx Trudy Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environment Quality Underground Storage Tanks Section Co rre cti ve Acti on B ra nch Mooresville Regional Office (704) 235-2182 (Office) Trudy.Beve rly(@ncdenr.eov Ffm ad Cerra* porden o to and from thiS adcfres.S is sut)00 to lhe� N31h Carot+rta Pubic Records Law and may be cfwOsed to third parties. Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-gis-maps File Review Procedures: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresviIle-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/Electronic%2ODocument%2OSubmi ttaI%20Memo%20Update.pdf https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Manaaement/DWM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%20file%20names%20for%20 Laserfiche.docx From: Joseph Patrick Nestor [mailto:JNestor@ecslimited.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2018 5:21 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Matthew H. McDuffie, P.G. <MMcDuff ie@ecslimited.com>; Brandon Fulton, LSS, PSC, PWS <WFuIto n@ecslimited.com> Subject: [External] Meadow Oaks Industrial - Charlotte - Incident No. 40849 Trudy Per our discussion today, a Phase I Limited Site Assessment has not been performed in strict conformance with the latest NCDEQ guidelines. (The latest version I have available is from July 15, 2008 —The NCDEQ webpage has indicated for some time that the most current version is under revision.) ECS did perform some assessment activities (Phase 11 ESA) previously at the location of the UST in May of 2018. The work was performed for the prospective purchaser of this state-owned property. A copy of this report is attached. As indicted in the report, ECS advanced three soil borings immediately adjacent to the UST and another boring — 20 to 25 feet north of the UST. Soil samples from each boring were screened with a PID and the sample with the highest PID reading from each boring was submitted for laboratory analyses (TPH-GRO/DRO). The soil borings were advanced to a depth of 15 feet bgs. ECS attempted to collect a groundwater sample immediately adjacent to the UST (Location GW-3) with Geoprobe sampling equipment; however, refusal was met at 35 feet bgs before groundwater was encountered. ECS is hopeful that the attached assessment can answer your questions so that a risk classification may be assigned to this site and a NFA letter may be issued. The prospective buyer intends to use the site for commercial/industrial purposes and recognizes that groundwater extraction will likely be prohibited. We are also attaching a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NORP) which has been executed by the property owner (The NC Department of Administration for The State of North Carolina) in order to expedite the process. The NORP includes land use restrictions limiting site use to industrial/commercial purposes and prohibits groundwater use. Please give us call if you have questions or wish to discuss. Thanks JOSEPH PATRICK NESTOR I Environmental Senior Project Manager T 704.525.5152 1 C 704.280.7422 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D I Charlotte I NC 1 28217 ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP www.ecslimited.com CELEBRATING 30 YEARS - ENR 2018 Top 500 Firms #75 Linkedln I Facebook I Twitter Confidential/proprietary message/attachments. Delete message/attachments if not intended recipient. ------------------------------------------------------- This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector. TM REPORT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT MEADOW OAK INDUSTRIAL 4101 MEADOW OAK DRIVE CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT 49:6535-B PREPARED FOR: EXETER PROPERTY GROUP MAY 10, 2018 0 ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP "Setting the Standard for Service" Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities NC Registered Engineering Firm F-1078 NC Registered Geologists Firm C-406 SC Registered Engineering Firm 3239 May 10, 2018 Adam Duerr Exeter Property Group 6285 Barfield Road, Suite 225 Atlanta, Georgia 30328 Reference: Report of Environmental Assessment Meadow Oak Industrial 4101 Meadow Oak Drive Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49:6535-B Dear Mr. Duerr: ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) is pleased to present Exeter Property Group with the results of our Environmental Assessment for the above -referenced site. ECS's services were provided in accordance with ECS proposal No. 49:8411P dated April 11, 2018 and authorized on April 13, 2018. ECS appreciates the opportunity to provide our services to you. If there are questions regarding this report, or a need for further information, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP Shaun Andrew Brewer Assistant Staff Project Manager sabrewer@ecslimited.com 704-525-5152 A, tL John S. Lair, P. G. Principal Geologist flair@ecslimited.com 910-726-3035 P. t -?,/, -; k � �— A, e L, - Matthew H. M`Duffie, P.G. Senior Environmental Project Manager MMcDuffie(@ecslimited.com 704-525-5152 ECS Capitol Services, PLLC • ECS Florida, LLC • ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS Midwest, LLC • ECS Southeast, LLP • ECS Texas, LLP www.ecslimited.com Report of Environmental Assessment Meadow Oak Industrial ECS Project No. 49:6535-8 May 10, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION....................................................................................................................1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES............................................................................................................................1 3.0 RESULTS..............................................................................................................................................3 4.0 CONCLUSIONS....................................................................................................................................3 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS.........................................................................................................................3 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Groundwater Boring Location Map Figure 4 Sample Location Map TABLES Table 1 Summary of Soil Analytical Results APPENDIX Appendix A Photograph Log Appendix B Monitoring Well Permits Appendix C Boring Logs Appendix D Laboratory Analytical Data and Chain of Custody Record 1 Report of Environmental Assessment Meadow Oak Industrial ECS Project No. 49:6535-8 May 10, 2018 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION The subject property is located at 4101 Meadow Oak Drive in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Figures 1 and 2) and is identified by Mecklenburg County GIS as Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 14326112. The 46.81 acre site is currently vacant and contains several structures associated with the former Charlotte correctional facility located in the southeast portion of the subject property. The subject property is predominately undeveloped wooded land, with Taggart Creek in the center of the property that flows east to west. ECS conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the site dated April 6, 2018 (ECS Project Number 49-6535). As a part of the historical and regulatory research conducted during the Phase I ESA, the following recognized environmental conditions (RECs) were identified: • ECS considers the potential for an undocumented release from the on -site reportedly 5,000-gallon heating oil underground storage tank (UST) to be a REC of the subject property; • ECS considers the potential for the documented tetrachloroethlene (PCE) contamination on the west adjoining property, Salvista Trading LLC, to impact the subject property to be a REC of the subject property. In an effort to determine if the subject property has been impacted by the RECs identified during the Phase I ESA, ECS was contracted to conduct an environmental assessment. Project information is based on correspondence between Mr. Adam Duerr with Exeter Property Group, Mr. Matthew McDuffie and Mr. David Valentine with ECS, and the previously cited Phase I ESA. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES The environmental assessment consisted of the collection of soil samples. Drilling activities were conducted using a Geoprobe® drill rig. The subcontractor used for this project was 3D Environmental Investigations (3D). Drilling and sampling activities were conducted on April 23, 2018. A photographic log documenting the field sampling activities is provided in Appendix A. 2.1 Public Utility Locate Prior to implementing the field activities, ECS contacted North Carolina public utility locate service (811) to locate/mark public utilities at the site. Required separation distances between subsurface activities and marked utilities (typically 30-inches) were maintained during the field activities. 2.2 Monitoring Well Permit Prior to commencing with field activities, ECS obtained a temporary monitoring well permit from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) and a subsurface investigation permit from Mecklenburg County. A copy of the temporary monitoring well permit and the subsurface investigation permit is included in Appendix B. In accordance with the NCDEQ permit, the well construction and well abandonment forms for each temporary monitoring well were submitted to the NCDEQ. The forms were completed by the North Carolina licensed well driller. Report of Environmental Assessment Meadow Oak Industrial ECS Project No. 49:6535-8 May 10, 2018 2.3 Soil Boring Activities Four soil borings, SB-1 through SB-4, were advanced at the site. The borings were advanced in the vicinity of previously identified heating oil UST. The boring/sample locations are depicted on Figure 4. The soil borings were advanced by hydraulically driving a five-foot long, 1.5-inch diameter soil sampling probe into the soil to a depth of 15 feet below ground surface (bgs). Prior to advancing each boring, the down -hole equipment was decontaminated utilizing a pressure washer and municipal water. The down - hole equipment was decontaminated to prevent cross -contamination between boring locations. Continuous soil samples were collected from each of the soil boring locations using a soil sampling probe lined with a dedicated disposable clear plastic tube. After the soil sampling probe was driven, the clear plastic tube filled with soil was removed from the probe and cut open to expose the soil. ECS visually classified the soil collected from each boring and screened the soil samples for relative levels of volatile organic vapors using a photoionization detector (PID). Soil samples were collected from the depth that showed evidence of impact (i.e. odor, staining, and/or elevated PID readings). If no evidence of impact was observed, then samples were collected above the water table at bottom of the boring for laboratory analysis. Boring logs depicting the lithology, PID readings, and sample depths are included as Appendix C. 2.4 Groundwater Boring Activities Three groundwater borings (GW-1 through GW-3) were advanced for the attempted collection of groundwater samples. Groundwater borings GW-1 and GW-2 were drilled along the northwestern property boundary adjacent to the previously identified off -site environmental concern. Groundwater boring GW-3 was drilling in the immediate vicinity of the heating oil UST. The locations of the groundwater borings are depicted on Figure 3. The groundwater borings were drilled by hydraulically driving a four -foot long, one -inch diameter water - sampling probe into the soil to an approximate depth of five feet beneath the water table as estimated during drilling or until rock refusal. Drilling refusal was encountered above the water table at each of the groundwater boring locations. Groundwater boring GW-1 encounter rock refusal at approximately 30 feet below ground surface (bgs); groundwater boring GW-2 encountered rock refusal at approximately 18.5 feet bgs; and groundwater boring GW-3 encountered rock refusal at approximately 35 feet bgs. Temporary monitoring wells were set with 1-inch slotted PVC screen and riser and allowed to sit overnight to allow groundwater to come into the borings. ECS personnel returned to the subject property the following day (April 24, 2018) with a water level meter to gauge the temporary monitoring wells. Recoverable amounts of groundwater were not detected in each of the temporary monitoring wells. Therefore, no groundwater samples were collected. Following the completion of the groundwater gauging activities, the downhole equipment was removed and the borings were properly abandoned. 2 E&� Report of Environmental Assessment Meadow Oak Industrial ECS Project No. 49:6535-8 May 10, 2018 2.5 Soil Sample Collection Soil samples were collected by ECS personnel wearing a dedicated pair of disposable nitrile gloves. Soil samples were retrieved from the Geoprobe® in five-foot clear plastic sleeves. New sleeves were used for each sample to ensure no cross contamination. The soil samples were placed directly into laboratory provided containers. The soil sample containers were labeled with ECS project number, sample identification, sample date and time, and requested analytical analysis. The containers were placed into a cooler with ice to maintain the samples at approximately 4° Celsius (C°). The soil samples were submitted to REDlab located in Wilmington, North Carolina for chemical analysis for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) using ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF). ECS maintained proper chain -of -custody (COC) procedures throughout the sample collection and transportation process. Copies of the COCs are included in Appendix D. 3.0 RESULTS 3.1 Soil Sample Results Laboratory analysis of soil samples (SB-1, SB-2, and SB-4) did not detect concentrations of TPH above laboratory reporting limits. The laboratory analytical report is included in Appendix D. Laboratory analysis of soil sample SB-3 detected concentrations of TPH Diesel Range Organic (TPH-DRO) compounds (3,149 mg/kg) and Gasoline Range Organic (TPH-GRO) compounds (24,639 mg/kg) above NCDEQ state action levels. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the results of the field activities and laboratory analysis, ECS concludes the following: • Petroleum -related compounds were detected at concentrations above their applicable state action levels in soil sample SB-3 indicating that there has been a release from the heating oil UST, impacting the soil at the site. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of the environmental assessment, ECS recommends the following: • ECS considers the detection of petroleum -related compounds above the NCDEQ state action levels to be reportable. ECS recommends that a copy of this report be submitted to the property owner and that they consult legal counsel regarding their reporting obligation. • ECS recommends the proper closure and removal of the heating oil UST and petroleum - impacted soil in accordance with the NCDEQ UST Closure Guidelines prior to purchasing the subject property. 3 E&� Report of Environmental Assessment Meadow Oak Industrial ECS Project No. 49:6535-8 May 10, 2018 • Prior to commencing site redevelopment activities, ECS recommends consultation with NCDEQ regarding management of petroleum impacted soil, if encountered, during grading or site redevelopment. There is potential that the documented off -site PCE impacts at the adjacent Salvista Trading LLC facility could have impacted the northwestern portion of the subject property. ECS was unable to collect groundwater samples at time of drilling, therefore, it is recommended that monitoring wells be installed in the areas that encountered rock refusal before the water table using an air rig to obtain groundwater samples and/or that soil gas testing be completed in the northwest portion of the subject property to address possible vapor intrusion risk associated with proposed redevelopment plan. 6.0 QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT The activities and evaluative approaches used in this assessment are consistent with those normally employed in environmental assessment projects of this type. Our evaluation of site conditions has been based on our understanding of the site project information and the data obtained during our field activities. This report was prepared for the express use of Exeter Property Group. Use of this report by other individuals or companies implies their acceptance of the General Conditions of Service of the original contract. 4 E&� FIGURES I 1 5 1 � I f IL � �� -� 5 • r � - L � 'I �r i Al Lf 5 ' L -k � � I • �5k � j 5.• - r, ti 1 L - 4 - � 1 �� � II { L � 7 � 5• ' 'f � 'l_ _•J� � - r' � I III - 5 1 � k I rn '• j _ r {�I ' I4 I� III _•_ - 4 titi Th a A t `- Inr tUte Of 11 gal• I&tte SOURCE: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP CHARLOTTE WEST, NC 2016 1 FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP MEADOW OAK INDUSTRIAL 4101 MEADOW OAK DRIVE CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-6535-B sfidm".O. 4. I t � t u LEGEND ® Approximate Sample Location 0 Approximate UST Location SOURCE: FIGURE 4 SAMPLE LOCATION MAP GOGGLE EARTH 2018 MEADOW OAK INDUSTRIAL 4101 MEADOW OAK DRIVE SCALE AS SHOWN CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-6535-B TABLES TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS MEADOW OAK INDUSTRIAL 4101 MEADOW OAK DRIVE CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-6535-B Parameter ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample ID SB-1 SB-2 SB-3 SB-4 Sample Depth (ft) 0-5' 10'-15' 5'-10' 10'-15' NCDEQ State Action PID Readings 0.4 0.1 600 0.1 Level(mg/kg) Collection Date 4/20/18 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Ultraviolet Fluorescence (UVF) Gasoline Range Organics (GRO) <0.28 <0.26 3,149 <0.27 50 Diesel Range Organics (DRO) <0.28 <0.26 24,639 <0.27 100 Notes: Results presented in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), analogous to parts per million (ppm) NCDEQ= North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality APPENDIX A -- \\\� yam• - � 4 Photograph 1: General view of soil borings S13-4 prior to drilling activities Photograph 2: View of groundwater boring S13-3 during drilling activities PHOTOGRAPHIC LOG MEADOW OAK INDUSTRIAL 4101 MEADOW OAK DRIVE CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO 49-6535-B APPENDIX 6 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY - DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT A MONITORING OR RECOVERY WELL SYSTEM PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY - In accordance with the provisions of Article 7, Chapter 87, General Statutes of North Carolina and regulations pursuant thereto, application is hereby made fora permit to construct monitoring or recovery wells. 1. Date: 4/17l18 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 2. County: Mecklenburq PERMIT NO, ISSUED DATE 3. What type of well are you applying for? (monitoring or recovery): 4. Applicant: Adam Duerr — Exeter Prone dy Group Telephone: 404.427-9313 Applicant's Mailing Address: 6285 Barfield Road.. Sulte 225, Atlanta Georgia 30328 Applicant's Email Address (if available): aduerrcOexeterpq,com 5. Contact Person (if different than Applicant): Chris Orrell Telephone: 7042003436 Contact Person's Mailing Address: 1812 Center Park Drive.Suite D, Charlotte, NC 28217 Contact Person's Email Address (if available): 6. Property Owner (if different than Applicant): Property Owner's Mailing Address: Property Owner's Email Address (if available): 7. Property Physical Address (Including PIN Number) 4101 Meadow Oak Drive — PIN-14326112 Telephone: -1Pr4 349.8844 Rullcd4-, , IJc� City Charlotte County Mocklenburg Zip Code 28208 8. Reason for Welts): Assessment (ex: non -discharge permit requirements, suspected contamination, assessment, groundwater contamination, remediation, etc.) 9. Type of facility or site for which the well(s) is(are) needed: Heating Oil UST and off -site Brownfields (ex: non -discharge facility, waste disposal site, landfill, UST, etc.) 10. Are there any current water quality permits or incidents associated with this facility or site? If so, list permit and/or incident no(s). 11. Type of contaminants being monitored or recovered: (ex: organics, nutrients, heavy metals, etc.) 12. Are there any existing wells associated with the proposed well(s)? If yes, how many? No Existing Monitoring or Recovery Well Construction Permit No(s), No 13. Distance from proposed well(s) to nearest known waste or pollution source (in feet): 14, Are there any water supply wells located less than 500 feel from the proposed well(s)? If yes, give distance(s) 15. Well Contractor 3-D Environnlentel Investigations LLC Certification No Well Contractor Address: 2157 Mocksville Highway. Statesville, NC PROPOSED WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION As required by 15A NCAC 02C .0105(f)(7). attach a well construction diagram of each well showing the following: a. Borehole and well diameter e Type of casing material and thickness b. Estimated well depth I. Grout horizons c Screen intervals g. Well head completion details d Sand/gravel pack intervals Continued on Reverse PROPOSED WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION (Continued) 2. Number of wells to be constructed in unconsolidated material: 3 3. Number of wells to be constructed in bedrock: 0 4. Total Number of wells to be constructed: 3 (add answers from 2 and 3) How will the well(s) be secured? Expanding Cao & 6. Estimated beginning construction date: 4/23/18 Estimated construction completion date: _ 4123/'18 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION As required by 15A NCAC 02C .0105(f)(5), attach a scaled map of the site showing the locations of the following a. All properly boundaries, at least one of which is referenced to a minimum of two landmarks such as identified roads, intersections, streams, or lakes within 500 feet of the proposed well or well system. b. All existing wells, identified by type of use, within 500 feet of the proposed well or well system. C. The proposed well or well system. d. Any lest borings within 500 feet of proposed well or well system. e. All sources of known or potential groundwater contamination (such as septic tank systems, pesticide, chemical or fuel storage areas, animal feedlots as defined in G.S. 143-215.10B(5), landfills, or other waste disposal areas) within 500 feet of the proposed well or well system. SIGNATURES The Applicant hereby agrees that the proposed well(s) will be constructed in accordance with approved specifications and conditions of this Well Construction Permit as regulated under the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, ��% l�Subchapter 2C) and accepts full responsibility for compliance with these rules '�Jl%l/f,�'i �/, ._G..'r— %�l� /=Xr,'!-ram f//OL• /41fi>Gla.� I:r1</ LLC Signature of Applic .e A ent Title of Applicant or *Agent AGI G, In 1) w 6 vr-- * If signing as Agent, attach authorization agreement staling Printed name of Applicant or *Agent that you have the authority to act as the Agent. If the property is owned by someone other than the applicant, the property owner hereby consents to allow the applicant to construct wells as outlined in this Well Construction Permit application and that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the we I s conform to the Well Construction Slandards Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C).. OeTd L7n/A 2DF7��4CTl�1O✓>pI� P1�/�t7rl/S�c 0^6 3TilTfi' dl xTfrQF�/cam Signature of Properly Owner (if different than Applicant) Printed name of Property Owner (if different than Applicant) DIRECTIONS - T. Please send the completed application to the appropriate Division of Water Resources' Regional Office: Asheville Regional Office Raleigh Regional Office Wilmington Regional Office 2090 U S Highway 70 3800 Barrett Drive 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Swamlanoa, NC 28778 Raleigh, NC 27609 Wilmington, NC 2840.5 Phone: (828)296-4500 Phone: (919)791-4200 Phone: (910)796-7215 Fax: (828) 299-7043 Fax: (919) 571-4718 Fax: (910) 350-2004 Fayetteville Regional Office 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5094 Phone (910)433-3300 Fax: (910) 486-0707 Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704)663-1699 Fax: (704)663-6040 Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Phone: (252)946-6481 Fax: (252) 975-3716 Winston-Salem Regional Office 450 W. Hanes Mill Road Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Phone. (336)776-9800 Fax: (336) 776-9797 GW-2"AjR Rcv 3-1-2016 I •� l I 1 M1� • 1 �I I � �y f. � 1 r' IJ JL SITE +1� i1'I!; IIM •t .'r� it � f� icy - f 1 ' The Art 1 Ins-btutc t# • L'a'"! iir- - _ _-�I � — r .ill' �• 104{}tt I F :1 1'�:!; 1.1 1 { 1- i rl S111 SOURCE: FIGURE 1 USGS Topographic Map TOPOGRAPHIC LOCATION MAP Charlotte West Quadrangle 2017 Meadow Oak Drive Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina SCALE: AS SHOWN ECS Project Number 49-6535-B TM GROUND CI IRrArF TOP OF DIRECT PUSH STEEL RODS ABOVE THE LAND SURFACE 30 FEET 1.5-INCH STEEL DIRECT NATURAL FORMATION PUSH RISER BACKFILL 2--INCH BORE HOLE GROUNDWATER SLOTTED STEEL SCREEN 0.01-INCH SLOT WIDTHS SET TO INTERSECT GROUNDWA7 17 ESTIMATED 4 FEET IN LENGTH WELL CONTRUCTION DIAGRAM H REPRESENTATIVE OF DIRECT PUSH SC Df11AIT CAMDI GD NOT TO SCALE 'ER :REEN FIGURE 3 PROPOSED TEMPORARY SCREEN POINT SAMPLER Meadow Oak Drive Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project Number 49-6535-B APPENDIX C PROJECT: Meadow Oak Industrial BORING NUM. SB-4 r_ , CLIENT: Exeter Property Group PROJECT NO. 6535-B E LOCATION: ELEVATION: O In the vicinity of the heating oil UST k DRILLER: DATE DRILLED: LOGGED BY: 3-D Environmental 4-23-18 SAB DRILL RIG: DEPTH TO WATER: Geo robe Elevation/ o c n a 0) _ o Z o 0 C `" .N SOIL DESCRIPTION Depth (Ft) m (D U 0 Tops il 2.5 0.1 CH Slightly moist, stiff, red and orange clay 5 7.5 0 1 CH/SC Slightly moist, slightly stiff, orange sandy clay 10 12.5 0.1 S113-4 CH/SC PWR Tan sandy clay and PWR 15 Bottom of the boring 17. Paae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Meadow Oak Industrial BORING NUM. SB-3 r: , CLIENT: Exeter Property Group PROJECT NO. 6535-B E LOCATION: ELEVATION: O In the vicinity of the heating oil UST k DRILLER: DATE DRILLED: LOGGED BY: 3-D Environmental 4-23-18 SAB DRILL RIG: DEPTH TO WATER: Geo robe Elevation/ o c n a 0) _ o Z o 0 C `" .N SOIL DESCRIPTION Depth (Ft) m (D U 0 Tops il 2.5 391 CH Slightly moist, stiff, red and orange clay PHC Odor 5 7.5 600 SB-3 CH/SC Slightly moist, slightly stiff, greenish -brown sandy clay Strong PHC odor 10 12. 400 CH/SC PW Tan sandy clay and PWR PHC odor 15 Bottom of the boring 17. Paae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Meadow Oak Industrial BORING NUM. SB_2 r: , CLIENT: Exeter Property Group PROJECT NO. 6535-B E LOCATION: ELEVATION: O In the vicinity of the heating oil UST k DRILLER: DATE DRILLED: LOGGED BY: 3-D Environmental 4-23-18 SAB DRILL RIG: DEPTH TO WATER: Geo robe Elevation/ o c n a 0) _ o Z o 0 C `" .N SOIL DESCRIPTION Depth (Ft) m (D U 0 Tops il 2.5 0.2 CH Slightly moist, stiff, red and orange clay 5 7.5 0 1 CH/SC Slightly moist, slightly stiff, orange sandy clay 10 12.5 0.2 S113-2 CH/SC PWR Tan sandy clay and PWR 15 Bottom of the boring 17. Paae 1 of 1 PROJECT: Meadow Oak Industrial BORING NUM. S13-1 r_ , CLIENT: Exeter Property Group PROJECT NO. 6535-B E LOCATION: ELEVATION: O In the vicinity of the heating oil UST k DRILLER: DATE DRILLED: LOGGED BY: 3-D Environmental 4-23-18 SAB DRILL RIG: DEPTH TO WATER: Geo robe Elevation/ o c n a 0) _ o Z o 0 C `" .N SOIL DESCRIPTION Depth (Ft) m (D U ° Topsoil 2.5 0.4 S113-1 CH Slightly moist, stiff, red and orange clay 5 7.5 0 1 CH/SC Slightly moist, slightly stiff, orange sandy clay 10 12.5 0.0 CH/SC PWR Tan sandy clay and PWR 15 Bottom of the boring 17. Paae 1 of 1 APPENDIX D REOL.AB- Q-ED- RAPID iN YIR�NMS NTAL CIAO- STtCB Hydrocarbon Analysis Results -.Ao..POS Client: ECS Samples taken Monday, April 23, 2018 Address: 1812 CENTER PARK DR Samples extracted Monday, April 23, 2018 SUITE D Samples analysed Wednesday, April 25, 2018 CHARLOTTE, NC 28217 Contact: CHRIS ORRELL Operator PANTESCO Project: MEADOW OAKS H09382 Matrix Sample ID Dilution BTEX GRO DRO TPH Total Aromatics 16 EPA BaP % Ratios HC Fingerprint Match used (C6 - C9) (C5 - C10) (C10 - C35) (c5 - C35) (C10-C35) PAHs C5- C10- C18 C10 C18 s SB-1 11.2 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 0.33 0.33 <0.09 <0.011 0 60.9 39.1 Residual HC,(BO),(P) S S13-2 10.2 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.26 <0.05 <0.08 <0.01 0 33.7 66.3 Residual HC,(BO),(P) S SB-3 4394.0 <109.9 3149 24639 27788 11968 438.7 <4.4 74.5 23.8 1.7 Deg.Diesel 78.1 %,(FCM) S S13-4 11.0 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <0.27 <0.05 <0.09 <0.011 0 0 0 ,(FCM),(BO) Concentration values in mg/kg for soil samples and mg/L for water samples. Soil values uncorrected for moisture or stone content. Fingerprints provide a tentative hydrocarbon identification. Abbreviations :- FCM = Results calculated using Fundamental Calibration Mode: % = confidence of hydrocarbon identification : (PFM) = Poor Fingerprint Match : (T) = Turbid : (P) = Particulate detected B = Blank Drift: (SBS)/(LBS) = Site Specific or Library Background Subtraction applied to result: (BO) = Background Organics detected : (OCR) = Outside cal range : (M) = Modifed Result. % Ratios estimated aromatic carbon number proportions : HC = Hydrocarbon : PHC = Petroleum HC : FP = Fingerprint only. Data generated by HC-1 Analyser rD 0 rD CD rD rD 00 CD 0 (D 0- -A 0 w LA rD rD 3 rD 3 rD rD ID Ln 10- 3 m rD 3 m j rD o I �` r+ \� J"j n 0 -V =- m 3 -0 - n 0 > cL r) = rD 0 =5 (D 2. rD r) :3 a) 0- (D (D (D 0- :Z (D --e � �� � \ \ I r�l /\/ \� Cl r) X > z m 0 z -n < c m 0 C z 0 :K M m Z -n 0 > z r a > Z > > L) > Z 0 > �Ull CO rn � \ � � / ej 0 =zz 3 r—D F' cr r,i 00 0 D rD a- m (D r— rj > 0 (D (D 0 NOTICE OF RESIDUAL PETROLEUM Exeter Meadow Oak, Incident Number: 40849, 4101 Meadow Oak Drive, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Current Property Owner's Deed: Book 605 Page 143 The property that is the subject of this Notice (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") contains residual petroleum and is an Underground Storage Tank (UST) incident under North Carolina's Statutes and Regulations, which consist of N.C.G.S. 143-215.94 and regulations adopted thereunder. This Notice is part of a remedial action for the Site that has been approved by the Secretary (or his/her delegate) of the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (or its successor in function), as authorized by N.C.G.S. Section 143B-279.9 and 143B-279.11. The North Carolina Department of Environment Quality shall hereinafter be referred to as "DEQ". NOTICE Petroleum product was released and/or discharged at the Site. Petroleum constituents remain on the site, but are not a danger to public health and the environment, provided that the restrictions described herein, and any other measures required by DEQ pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 143B- 279.9 and 143B-279.11, are strictly complied with. This "Notice of Residual Petroleum" is composed of a description of the property, the location of the residual petroleum and the land use restrictions on the Site. The Notice has been approved and notarized by DEQ pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 143B-279.9 and 143B-279.11 and has/shall be recorded at the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds' office Book , Page . Any map or plat required by DEQ has been/shall be recorded at the Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds' office Book , Page , and has been/shall be incorporated into the Notice by this reference. 1 of 4 Source Property The State of North Carolina is the owner in fee simple of all or a portion of the Site, which is located in the County of Mecklenburg, State of North Carolina, and is known and legally described as: BEING ALL OF LOT 35 IN BLOCK 4 AS SHOWN ON MAP OF CLAIREBORNE WOODS, MAP 4 SUBDIVISION WHICH IS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 24, AT PAGE 509 IN THE MECKLENBURG COUNTY PUBLIC REGISTRY, REFERENCE TO SAID MAP BEING HEREBY MADE FOR A PARTICULAR DESCRIPTION THEREOF. PERPETUAL LAND USE RESTRICTIONS Soil: The Site shall be used for industrial/commercial use only. Industrial/commercial use means a use where exposure to soil contamination is limited in time and does not involve exposure to children or other sensitive populations such as the elderly or sick. The real property shall not be developed or utilized for residential purposes including but not limited to: primary or secondary residences (permanent or temporary), schools, daycare centers, nursing homes, playgrounds, parks, recreation areas and/or picnic areas. Groundwater: Groundwater from the site is prohibited from use as a water supply. Water supply wells of any kind shall not be installed or operated on the site. ENFORCEMENT The above land use restriction(s) shall be enforced by any owner, operator, or other party responsible for the Site. The above land use restriction(s) may also be enforced by DEQ through any of the remedies provided by law or by means of a civil action, and may also be enforced by any unit of local government having jurisdiction over any part of the Site. Any attempt to cancel this Notice without the approval of DEQ (or its successor in function) shall be subject to enforcement by DEQ to the full extent of the law. Failure by any party required or authorized to enforce any of the above restriction(s) shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter as to the same violation or as to one occurring prior or subsequent thereto. 2of4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Tim Walton has cause this No 'cc to be executedpursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 143B-279.9 and 143B-279.11, this '"day of re�k-,20/Y State of North Carolina, Dept. of Administration By: jLt,.-AiZ,e4-t--- Title: Director, State Property Office Signatory's name typed or printed: T.►n (4)k1-Ty/1 NORTVRQLINA _ �' COUNTY (Name of counm in which acknowledgment was taken) I certify that the following person personallppre me this day, acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document: .f Date: /'Z (Official Seal) expires: 7a/� 2— (Signarur of No ryPu lie) (Printed or typed name of Notan Public) Notary Public My commission ```%%II I I III//., sLL Z: 01191 t 110% 3of4 Approved for the purposes of N.C.G.S. 14313-279.1 1 (Signatnre of Regional Sapemisor) Regional Supervisor (Printed name of Regional Snpemisor) Mooresville Regional Office UST Section Division of Waste Management Department of Environment Quality NORTH CAROLINA (Name of roam in vrhi, h acknavledgmew uas taken) I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document: (fidl prituedname ofRegional Supervisor) Date: (Official Seal) expires: (signature of Notan= Public) (printed or typed name ofNotar}• Public) Notary Public My commission 4 of