HomeMy WebLinkAbout3901_OxfordMSWLF_PTO_Unit2_phase1_application_FID1279806_20190201Granville RTC 9731-F Southern Pine Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28273 tel: 704/817-2037 fax: 704/837-2010 www.JoyceEngineering.com February 1, 2019 Mr. Ming-Tai Chao, P.E. NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 RE: Permit to Operate Renewal Application Oxford MSW Landfill Granville County, North Carolina Permit # 39-01 Project No. 2180176 Phase 02 Dear Mr. Chao: On behalf of Granville County (Granville), Joyce Engineering, Inc. (JOYCE) is submitting this response to your comments for the above-referenced project, dated December 21, 2017. For your reference, your comments are repeated below in italicized print, with our responses provided in bold print. Facility Plan 1. Please add the landfill gas monitoring locations and surface water monitoring points for the MSWLF - Unit 2, Phase 1 to the Facility Plan Drawing FP-01. The landfill gas monitoring locations and surface water monitoring points have been added to Drawing FP-01. 2. The flow direction for the leachate system at the MSWLF - Unit 2, Phase 1 shall be based on the as-built drawing in the CQA Report (DIN 18422). Please make necessary corrections on FP- 05. The flow direction arrows has been revised and is shown correctly on Drawing FP-05. 3. If the County plans to use the Convenience Center as a permanent collection site to receive, collect, and store household hazardous waste (HHW), the Operations Plan must have a section to detail the management of HHW at this area including waste acceptance and screening, handling and managing the collected HHW at this area, temporary storage requirements, final disposal and Mr. Ming-Tai Chao, P.E. February 1, 2019 Page 2 of 5 treatment facilities. The on-site personnel training and contingency plans should be also included in the Operations Plan. Additionally, the facility must obtain an Identification Number from the Solid Waste Section by completing the attached application form which can also be downloaded from the following web link: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/hhw The county does not accept Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) at the convenience center located on the facility. Section 3.1 of the Facility Plan has been revised to remove language indicating the collection of HHW at the facility’s convenience center. 4. (Section 4.0 of Facility Plan) Please provide the following info to this section: i. The descriptions of the status of the on-site solar project such as the date of construction completion, the date of initial operation, the project duration, the operator’s contact information, the responsibilities of the County and the solar operator etc. A table containing the above listed information has been added to Section 4.1, Solar Project Development, of the Facility Plan. A detailed breakdown of the responsibilities of the County and Solar Operator is provided in the Solar Energy leasing agreement. A copy of the leasing agreement is included in the attachments. ii. As-built of the solar project site such as solar panel layout, security devices, invertors, power connections, surface drainage system, on-site infrastructures, etc. Please find attached as-built drawings of the solar project site. iii. According to the approved plan (DIN 25258) and the conditional approve letter (DIN 25136) for the solar project, the County should provide the following items in the revised Post-Closure Plan: a. Land use of the solar project site after the project is decommissioned. Once the solar project is decommissioned, the site will be returned to its pre-development use. This information has also been included in Section 2.7 of the Closure/Post Closure Plan and Section 4.1 of the Facility Plan. b. Descriptions of the approaches to dispose of wastes associated with the solar project and of the responsible party (s) to determine and conduct the project decommission. From the Cornwall Waste Disposal Plan dated October 14, 2015, included in the attachments, there will be no waste generated by the operation of the solar facility. Mr. Ming-Tai Chao, P.E. February 1, 2019 Page 3 of 5 c. Revised post-closure cost estimates including the costs of decommissioning the solar project Attached is the revised post-closure cost estimate including the cost of decommissioning the solar project. 5. Drawing FP-06 must show the current fill grades of the MSWLF – Unit 2, Phase 1. The current fiill grades, as of June 12, 2009, are shown on FP-06 in the first window: “UNIT 2 PHASE 1-CURRENT CONDITIONS” Operations Plan 6. The ADC-Tarp info placed in Appendix 3 should be referenced in this section. Additionally, per NCGS 130A-295.6(h1), the landfill can use an ADC that have previously been approved to use at any sanitary landfill in the State of North Carolina. If the County intends to apply any ADC in the approved list, please add a paragraph to this section. The approved ADC and the application method can be found in the web link: http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/0/edoc/723214/ApprovedACM_Rev1_GDE_2017072 1.pdf?searchid=f7d5b34c-664b-4338-930a-d1db93f0272f A paragraph stating the intended use of an approved ADC material has been added to Section 5.1.6 of the Operations Plan. 7. The narratives of both sections may have to revised according to request from the SWS Hydrogeologist stated in December 18, 2017 e-mail message - “Even if nothing is changed in the WQMP and LFGMP, the County needs to submit both of those plans with new cover pages with the current date and new PG seals with the current dates.” The narratives of the WQMP and LFGMP were not revised because both plans have been approved and only needed an updated PG seal. The cover pages of the WQMP and LFGMP have been updated with the January 2018 date and new PG seals with the January 2018 dates. Please find attached both plans with revised cover pages. 8. Per NCGS 130A 295.6(h)(3), the leachate collection and removal (LCR) piping shall be cleaned and inspected by a remote camera at least once every five years. The LCR inspection and cleaning record must be placed in the operating record. Please add the requirements to the Section. The above referenced language has been added to Section 9.1 of the Operations Plan. Mr. Ming-Tai Chao, P.E. February 1, 2019 Page 4 of 5 9. The service agreement expired on January 25, 2012. The Operation Plan should discuss if the agreement is required in the future landfill operations to execute a management plan reducing wildlife attraction and the potential for aircraft/human safety hazard. A new Cooperative Service Agreement was signed between Granville County and USDA APHIS Wildlife Services on December 12, 2018. The signed agreement is provided in the attachments. Section 2.1 of the Operations Plan has also been revised. 10. Should the Phasing Plan drawings be revised according the present in-place waste volume, the remaining Phase 1 capacity, and the revised annual disposal rate? The attached Drawing No. OP-03 (Phasing Plan) shows the remaining Phase 1 capacity and the estimated annual disposal rate based on a capacity study performed in July 20, 2017. The capacity study was performed a month prior to the permit renewal application submittal in August 2017. As a result, we did not revise the phasing plan drawings because the drawings show the estimated capacity and projected annual disposal rate as at the time of the August 2017 submittal. A note has been added to Drawing OP-03 to this effect. Please do not hesitate to contact us during the review process with any additional questions or comments you may have. We look forward to working with you to get the County’s permit renewal approved. Sincerely, JOYCE ENGINEERING, INC. Amy Davis, P.E. Carolinas Regional Manager Attachments: Revised Facility Plan Revised Drawings Nos. FP-01 and FP-05 Revised Operations Plan Revised Drawing No. OP-3 (Phasing Plan) Revised Post-Closure Plan Updated Post Closure Cost Estimate Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Mr. Ming-Tai Chao, P.E. February 1, 2019 Page 5 of 5 Water Quality Monitoring Plan As-Built Drawings of Solar Project Cornwall Waste Disposal Plan Cooperative Service Agreement Solar Energy Site Lease Agreement Cc: Jason Falls, Granville County PREPARED FOR: GRANVILLE COUNTY 6584 LANDFILL ROAD OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27565 OXFORD LANDFILL GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT NO. 39-01 MSW LANDFILL PERMIT RENEWAL FACILITY PLAN JUNE 2009, REVISED JANUARY 2012 REVISED AUGUST 2017, REVISED JANUARY 2019 PREPARED BY: 9731-F SOUTHERN PINE BLVD CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28273 PHONE: 704.817.2037 FAX: 704.837.2010 WWW.JOYCEENGINEERING.COM JEI PROJECT NO 660.1801.11 NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATE LIC: C-0782 Section III - Facility Plan i Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 VOLUME 1, SECTION III FACILITY PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW .............................................................................. 1 2.0 FACILITY DRAWINGS .................................................................................................... 1 2.1.Site Development ............................................................................................................ 1 2.2.Landfill Construction ...................................................................................................... 2 2.3 Landfill Operation ........................................................................................................... 2 3.0 FACILITY REPORT .......................................................................................................... 2 3.1 Waste Stream .................................................................................................................. 2 3.2 Landfill Capacity ............................................................................................................. 4 3.3 Containment and Environmental Control Systems ......................................................... 5 3.4 Special Engineering Features .......................................................................................... 8 4.0 SOLAR PROJECT.............................................................................................................. 8 4.1.Solar Project Development ............................................................................................. 8 Tables Table No. 1 Yearly Disposal Rates Table No. 2 Unit 2 Actual and Projected Yearly Disposal Rates Table No. 3 Unit 3 Projected Yearly Disposal Rates Table No. 4 Unit 4 Projected Yearly Disposal Rates Table No. 5 Soil Balance Figures Figure No. 1 Site Location Map Figure No. 2 Airport Location Map Drawings Drawing No. FP-T Title Sheet Drawing No. FP-L Legend and General Notes Drawing No. FP-01 Site Development: All Facilities Drawing No. FP-02 Site Development: Landfill Units and Leachate Facilities Drawing No. FP-03 Landfill Construction: Base Grades Drawing No. FP-04 Landfill Construction: Final Contours Drawing No. FP-05 Landfill Operations: Drainage Plan Drawing No. FP-06 Landfill Operations: Unit 2 Phasing Plan Drawing No. FP-07 Landfill Operations: Unit 3 Phasing Plan Drawing No. FP-08 Landfill Operations: Unit 3 Phasing Plan Section III - Facility Plan ii Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Drawing No. FP-09 Landfill Operations: Unit 3 Phasing Plan Drawing No. FP-10 Landfill Operations: Unit 4 Phasing Plan Section III - Facility Plan 1 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW The facility plan describes the comprehensive development of the Granville County Oxford Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfill as required by Subsection .1619 of the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules. The plan includes drawings and a report that present the long- term conceptual design for the landfill facility. The Oxford Landfill is owned and operated by Granville County. The landfill property is located at 6584 Landfill Road, Oxford, North Carolina, approximately 4 miles north of Oxford, North Carolina. The facility is north of the Oxford Outer Loop between Little Satterwhite Road and Highway 15 off of Sterl Carrington Road. The property boundary and disposal area is indicated on an excerpt from an enlarged USGS topographic map combining the quadrangle maps of Oxford, Stovall, Satterwhite, and Berea in North Carolina (Figure No. 1). The disposal area is located on a slight topographic high that slopes downward in all directions. Surface water flow is towards drainage features which eventually flow north to the Little Grassy Creek. The existing C&D landfill (Permit No. 39-01) is on top of a closed MSW landfill covering approximately 29 acres. The C&D landfill ceased accepting waste in December 2016, and Granville County is currently waiting on the Closure Plan approval to initiate bidding and closure construction activities to officially close the landfill. The MSW facility consists of 3 Units and approximately 157.8 acres. Currently, Unit 2, Phase 1 of the MSW landfill is active. The Subtitle D lined facility provides MSW disposal capacity for Granville County. 2.0 FACILITY DRAWINGS 2.1. Site Development The Site Development Plan is presented on Drawings No. FP-01 and FP-02. Drawing No. FP-01 shows the property boundaries, limits of the existing waste disposal areas, limits of the proposed waste disposal areas, the existing environmental monitoring system, the landfill entrance road, landfill access and perimeter roads, scalehouse and office, and the convenience center. Current topography for the property is shown, as well as the 300-foot buffer from the property line and other site features. In addition to showing many of the site features on Drawing No. FP-01, Drawing FP-02 shows the phase limits of the proposed disposal areas for Units 2, 3, and 4 as well as the proposed location for the leachate force main and storage facility. Section II - Site Suitability, of the original Permit to Construct application prepared by Joyce Engineering in June 2009, and revised in January 2012, details compliance with location restrictions such as wetlands and floodplains. If future development involves the relocation of streams or the construction of stream crossings, these may be authorized by Nationwide Permit Nos. 26 and 14, respectively. At present, no stream channels on the property are proposed to be relocated, and no stream crossings are planned. If the subsequent design of future phases involves Section III - Facility Plan 2 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 the relocation of streams or the construction of stream crossings, the plans will be forwarded to the Corps of Engineers for review and approval. The landfill property is located within the area shown on Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel No. 3720191500J, Community No. 37077C, issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, effective date June 4, 2007. The property is outside the limits shown on the map for special flood hazard areas inundated by the 100-year flood. Additionally, it was confirmed that the landfill is outside the radius of concern regarding airports. A portion of the North Carolina aeronautical chart that shows the project site and surrounding area is included as Figure 2. 2.2. Landfill Construction Drawings No. FP-03, and FP-04 depict on-site grading activities relating to the construction and operation of the proposed MSW landfill facility. Base grades for the development in relation to seasonal high groundwater and bedrock are shown on Drawing No. FP-03. Base grades are designed to be a minimum of four feet above groundwater and bedrock. Additional information and drawings related to groundwater and bedrock can be found in the original Permit to Construct Application Volume 3, Hydrogeologic Report, submitted by Joyce Engineering in June 2009, revised in January 2012. Drawing No. FP-04 shows final grades which were developed for fill slopes of 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3H:1V). Drawing FP-04 includes proposed features for facility closure. 2.3 Landfill Operation Drawing No. FP-05 includes the general drainage grade and flow direction for the leachate system and pipelines to the leachate management facility. Phasing for the facility is included on Drawings No. FP-06 through FP-10. The phasing plans include transitional contours for each phase of development and the location of stormwater segregation features. Stormwater control features are included in the Erosion and Sediment Control plans and Engineering Plan (included with the original Permit to Construct prepared by Joyce Engineering in 2009, revised in January 2012). 3.0 FACILITY REPORT 3.1 Waste Stream Types of Waste Specified for Disposal: The facility will accept residential, commercial, and industrial waste, wastewater treatment sludges, and construction and demolition (C&D) debris for disposal. Hazardous waste as defined within 15A NCAC 13A, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) wastes as defined in 40 CFR 761, and liquid waste will be prohibited from disposal in the landfill nor will it be accepted at the convenience center. Liquid waste is defined as any waste material that is determined to contain “free liquids” as defined by Method 9095 Paint Filter Liquids Test (SW-846), unless the waste is household waste other than septic waste, waste oil, leachate, or gas condensate derived from the landfill. Waste acceptance is further discussed in the Operations Plan. Section III - Facility Plan 3 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Disposal Rates and Estimated Variances: Table 1 presents the Oxford Landfill’s annual MSW disposal quantities for FY2013 through FY2017. As indicated in the table, MSW annual disposal quantities have increased annually since the landfill started accepting waste in May 2013 from 3,006 tons in FY2013 to 48,966 tons in FY2017. Granville County ceased accepting C&D waste in Unit 1 in December 2016. As of December 2016, all C&D waste is being disposed in Unit 2, Phase 1 of the MSW landfill. For planning purposes, the base annual waste stream in FY2018 is assumed equal to 48,966 tons (194 tons per day, assuming a 5 day workweek TPD5 and seven observed annual holidays), the quantity received in FY2017. A steady growth rate of 2% per year has been assumed to represent the change in the waste stream over the future life of the facility. Using this growth rate, the projected disposal rate per year and cumulative totals of each Phase are given for Units 2, 3, and 4 in Tables 2, 3, and 4. Facility Service Area: The area to be served by the facility includes Granville County, including without limitation the municipalities of Oxford, Butner, Creedmoor, Stem, and Stovall. The surrounding counties of Durham, Franklin, Person, Vance, and Wake will also be served by the facility. According to US Census Bureau, the 2016 estimated population of Granville County is 59,031 and the combined population of the aforementioned surrounding counties is 1,573,476. Waste Management Procedures: The following procedures are in use at the existing MSWLF unit. During operating hours, traffic is routed from the entrance gate to the scalehouse along a paved road. From the scalehouse, traffic is routed to a gravel road leading to the disposal area. Employees at the landfill are trained in the safety procedures for handling and detection of unapproved waste. The screening of unacceptable waste is done through the random checking of incoming loads by a landfill employee at the scalehouse and at the active tipping area. When unacceptable waste is detected at the scalehouse, the load is rejected and not permitted into the landfill. If unapproved waste is found at the tipping area, identification of the truck or persons is made (if possible) and documented. The waste is then identified and placed into an appropriate container and taken to a facility specifically approved to accept that type of waste for proper disposal. When this occurs, the event is reported to the appropriate authorities. A convenience center is located near the scalehouse. This facility enables residential users to dispose waste without having to drive to the working face of the landfill. White goods are collected in a separate area southwest of the landfill, and are removed by a metal recycling contractor, which is handled through a bid process. Tires are disposed of by customers onto the ground in the designated tire disposal area as shown on Drawing No. FP-02. At the end of each work week, usually Friday (but no more than 10 days), landfill personnel load the tires into an open-top trailer located adjacent to the tire disposal area. Granville County contracts with a private hauler (currently Central Carolina Holdings) to transport the tires to Cameron, North Carolina. The following materials are collected for recycling at the landfill: old corrugated cardboard, newspaper, motor oil, vegetable oil, antifreeze, clear and brown glass containers, HDPE and PET plastics, aluminum cans, steel cans, and scrap steel. The approximate locations of these features are indicated on Drawing No. FP-02. Section III - Facility Plan 4 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Equipment Requirements: The Oxford landfill personnel will maintain on-site equipment required to perform the necessary landfill activities. Periodic maintenance of all landfilling equipment will either be performed on-site or at designated maintenance facilities outside of the landfill. A list of the equipment on site is provided in the following table. Please note that equipment type and quantity may fluctuate based on incoming waste and equipment maintenance needs. Type Status Quantity Compactor (826 D) Active 1 Compactor (3-55 Rex) Backup 1 Dozer Active 4 Excavator Active 2 Loader Active 2 Loader Backup 1 Motor Grader Active 1 Tractor Active 1 Water Truck Active 1 Pickups Active 3 Lowboy Active 1 Terex Truck Active 1 TS-14 Pan Active 1 Assuming the growth rate discussed above, the average waste stream would grow to approximately 210 tons per day by the time the storage capacity of the landfill nears depletion at the end of Unit 2, Phase 1 (approximately 5 years). During the operational life of the facility, equipment needs will be reviewed annually, and additional equipment purchased or leased as needed. New equipment will be phased in as older equipment is retired. 3.2 Landfill Capacity Landfill capacity, by phase, was calculated using airspace volumes obtained using AutoDesk Civil3D/Survey software. The data and assumptions used are consistent with the disposal rates discussed in the preceding section, and are representative of the operational requirements and conditions anticipated for the new facility. Operating Capacity: The operating gross capacities, by Unit and Phase, are shown in Tables 2, 3, 4, and listed below. The estimated remaining operating life of the facility is approximately 75 years. Section III - Facility Plan 5 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 MSW Phase Unit Projected Gross Capacity (cy) Unit Gross Capacity (cy) 1 2 660,000 Unit 2 3,556,000 2 2 683,000 3 2 700,000 4 2 768,000 5 2 745,000 1 3 788,000 Unit 3 10,650,000 2 3 870,000 3 3 860,000 4 3 913,000 5 3 960,000 6 3 1,000,000 7 3 1,100,000 8 3 1,109,000 9 3 1,200,000 10 3 1,260,000 11 3 590,000 1 4 1,280,000 Unit 4 2,680,000 2 4 1,400,000 MSW Landfill Gross Capacity 16,886,000 Soil Resources: The soils required to construct and operate the proposed landfill will be obtained from on-site borrow sources. The soils removed from the on-site borrow area will be used for structural fill, unclassified fill, periodic cover, and/or final cover. The in-place ratio of waste to soil used to calculate the operating soil requirements was assumed to be 7 to 1, based on the findings of capacity studies conducted for the facility. This assumes an operating plan designed to minimize soil usage, and use of an alternate daily cover. The on-site soil resources, usage, and balances are shown by Unit in Table 5 with Unit 2, Phase 1 detailed for this permit application. The deficit of soil during the operation, construction, and closure of Unit 2 Phase 1 is approximately 52,995 cubic yards. Based on the conceptual design volumes for Units 2, 3, and 4, the total soil deficit over the life of the facility is approximately 2,089,032 cubic yards. The property totals 397.73 acres in size with 157.8 acres permitted for landfill use (the C&DLF on top of the closed MSWLF –Unit 1 is approximately 29 acres and is no longer accepting waste. The waste footprints of the Subtitle D MSWLF – Unit 2, Unit 3, & Unit 4 encompass 157.8 acres). The deficit can be satisfied by borrowing soil from other locations within the limits of the facility property. 3.3 Containment and Environmental Control Systems Base Liner Systems: The proposed liner system will consist of the following components from top to bottom: x 24-inch granular protective and/or drainage layer; x Non-woven geosynthetic cushion; Section III - Facility Plan 6 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 x 60 mil high density polyethylene (HDPE) textured geomembrane; x Geosynthetic clay liner (GCL); and x 18-inch compacted soil layer having a permeability no greater than 1x10-5cm/sec. Leachate Management System: The leachate collection and removal system (LCRS) is designed to meet the requirements of the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Regulations. The LCRS will include the following components: x Drainage layer; x Leachate collector and header pipes; x Leachate storage tank. Leachate will be conveyed through the drainage layer consisting of at least 24 inches of free- draining granular material. Within the drainage layer, a network of perforated collector pipes will intercept the leachate, conveying the leachate by gravity to the leachate header pipe. The header pipe will discharge to a sump at the downgradient end of the landfill cell. Cleanouts will be provided for all leachate collector lines and leachate header pipe to provide access for video inspection and cleaning of the pipes. Leachate will be pumped from the sump to an on-site storage tank. Leachate from the tank will be periodically transported by tanker truck to the local wastewater treatment plant. More details on the leachate collection system are included in Volume 2 - Engineering Plan of the original Permit to Construct application prepared by Joyce Engineering in June 2009 and revised in January 2012. Cap System: The cap system is described from bottom to top in the following paragraphs. Subgrade: Additional soil will be placed as needed over the 12 inches of intermediate cover to provide a uniform base for construction of the final cap. Gas Collection Layer: A geonet composite (geonet with geotextile fabric heat-bonded to both sides) will be placed directly on the intermediate cover. The geonet composite will serve as a migration zone for the lateral movement of landfill gas. The geotextile component will prevent the migration of soil into the geonet so that gas migration will not be impeded. Infiltration Barrier: A composite infiltration barrier will consist of a textured 40 mil flexible membrane cap (FMC) placed on top of an 18-inch low-permeability soil layer compacted to achieve a hydraulic conductivity no greater than 1 x 10-5 cm/sec. The 18-inch low permeability soil layer may be replaced with a geosynthetic clay layer (GCL), as discussed in the Engineering Plan. The low-permeability soil layer, or the GCL, will lie directly above the gas collection layer. The FMC will consist of a linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) or PVC membrane. Section III - Facility Plan 7 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Drainage Layer: A geonet composite will be placed directly on top of the flexible membrane cap. The geonet will promote drainage away from the infiltration barrier and towards the perimeter ditches. It will also help to protect the FMC from puncture. Erosion Control Components (Protective Layer and Erosion Layer): A protective layer consisting of at least 18 inches of local soil will be placed on top of the drainage layer. A layer of topsoil material or organically amended local soil at least 6 inches in thickness will be placed on top of the protective layer. The erosion and protective layers will not be heavily compacted so that vegetative growth will be promoted. Soil tests will be conducted prior to seeding to determine if amendments to the soil are needed to establish a healthy stand of vegetation. Vegetative Cover: After placement of the erosion layer, the area that has been closed will be seeded with a grass mixture. Mulch and erosion control matting will be used as needed to further minimize erosion. Gas Management System: To protect public health and safety in the vicinity of the landfill, landfill gas produced by the decomposition of refuse will be controlled and monitored during the operational, closure, and post- closure periods. A gas management plan and gas monitoring program will be implemented for the purpose of maintaining the concentration of methane gas below the following regulatory levels: x The concentration of methane gas generated is not to exceed 25 percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL) for methane in on-site structures (excluding gas control or recovery system components); and x The concentration of methane gas is not to exceed the LEL for methane at the facility property boundary. Landfill gas is a by-product from the decomposition of organic waste in a sanitary landfill. The major components of landfill gas are methane and carbon dioxide. Other gases, such as volatile organic compounds, are present in trace quantities. The landfill gas is proposed to be managed by a passive gas collection system. The gas may be recovered in the future with an active system if generation rates are sufficient to justify the additional costs. Gas monitoring will be conducted during the active life of the landfill and throughout the closure and post-closure periods. At a minimum, quarterly monitoring of explosive gases will be conducted at all gas detection probes and in structures at the landfill. If additional structures are built, the monitoring program will be expanded to include the new structures. Gas detection probes will be installed around the boundary of the waste disposal unit. Probes should not be needed where site topography permits gas to be released to the atmosphere before it migrates to the property boundaries, or where the site is bounded by water. The Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan was revised in August 2014. Section III - Facility Plan 8 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 3.4 Special Engineering Features Stormwater Management System: Unmanaged stormwater can contribute significantly to the amount of leachate collected, stored and treated. High intensity storms can cause temporary flooding and hinder operations in active cells. To minimize these effects, features will be provided to segregate stormwater and leachate during operation of the MSWLF units. Within each landfill phase, a temporary system consisting of a rainflap, berms, and/or one or more pumps and hoses will be used to divert uncontaminated stormwater from coming into contact with waste and entering the leachate collection system. Inactive areas will have temporary berms constructed to allow uncontaminated runoff to pond at the downgradient end of the segregated area. The uncontaminated stormwater will be pumped or siphoned from the impoundment area to a drainage ditch that flows to an on-site sediment basin. The diversion will prevent the burden and added expense of having to collect, store, and treat the additional volume of rainwater that would otherwise have become leachate through contact with waste. As filling progresses from one subcell to the next, the berms will be removed. Waste will be placed on the drainage layer, continuing until the capacity of the subcell has been depleted and the opening of a subsequent subcell is required. 4.0 SOLAR PROJECT 4.1. Solar Project Development The approximate limits of the solar project is shown on Drawings No. FP-01 through FP-05. Drawing No. FP-01 shows the property boundaries, limits of the existing waste disposal areas, limits of the proposed waste disposal areas, the existing environmental monitoring system, the landfill entrance road, landfill access and perimeter roads, scalehouse and office, convenience center, and the solar project. Current topography for the property is shown, as well as the 300- foot buffer from the property line and other site features. The following table outlines details provided by Granville County related to the on-site project. Date of Construction Completion 2/13/2017 Date of Initial Operation 11/23/2016 Project duration Approximately 14 months Operator’s Contact Heelstone Energy; operations@heelstoneenrgy.com; 919-679-9015 The solar project is located at the southwest end of the property as shown on Drawing No. FP-01. The solar project is surrounded by a fence to prevent illegal trespassing. The white goods containers are placed northeast of the solar project, outside the fenced solar farm parameters. White goods are removed by a metal recycling contractor, which is handled through a bid process. Tires are disposed of by customers onto the ground in the designated tire disposal area as shown on Section III - Facility Plan 9 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Drawing No. FP-01. From the Cornwall Waste Disposal Plan, dated October 14, 2015, operation of the solar project will not generate waste. Once the solar project is decommissioned, the solar array system will be removed from the solar farm area and the area will be reverted to its pre-development use. Prior to the solar project, the County used the solar farm area to receive, process, and temporarily stockpile yard waste and land clearing debris, and to conduct active composting activities. Additionally, the solar farm area was used as a soil-borrow area to meet the facility soil needs. Due to the solar project, the County had to relocate the composting area and yard waste and land clearing debris area to Unit 2, south of Phase 1. Moreover, Unit 2 is now being used to serve as a soil-borrow area to sustain the site soil needs instead of the solar farm area. The new locations for displaced municipal solid waste management units are within the landfill property (Drawings No. FP-01 through FP-05). Finally, the County discontinued the disposal of animal carcass in the solar farm area in 2013. (End) UNIT 16" LINE8" TRUNK 6" LINE 6" LINE 6" LINE 6" LINE 6" LINE 6" L I N E8" TRUNK6" L I N E 6" L I N E 6" L I N E 8" TRUNK6" LINE 6" LINE STERL CARRINGTON ROADOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAPPROXIMATEMSW LANDFILLLIMITS OF WASTECONVENIENCE CENTER/RECYCLINGSCALEHOUSESEDIMENTBASIN SB-2SEDIMENTBASIN SB-3SB-7OH OH OHOHOHOH OH OH OH OH O H COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO525550 525 500 475 475500 PHASE 2PHASE 3PHASE 4PHASE 5PHASE 6PHASE 7PHASE 8PHASE 9PHASE 10PHASE 2PHASE 1PHASE 1PHASE 1PHASE 2PHASE 3PHASE 4 PHASE 1UNIT 2UNIT 4UNIT 3SB-4SB-5SB-6FM FM FM FM LEWIS ROADCOCO8" LINEP-11MW-7P-7P-19P-16MW-1MW-1AMW-9MW-11NES-2SNES-2DGP-2GP-4GP-5GP-6GP-7GP-8GP-9MW-2MW-6MW-6RMW-4MW-4RMW-5MW-5RMW-3RMW-3GP-3GP-1GP-10P-23MW-10575500 SOLAR FARM460 460 460 470 470 470470470470 48 0 480480480480 480 480 480 490490490490500500500 500510510510510 510510510510510510 510510510 510 51051052052052052052052 0520520520520520520 520520 530530530530 530530 530 530 5 3 0 540540540 540 5405405 4 0 5505505 5 0 550 5505605605605605 6 0 5705705 7 0 5705705 8 0 5805805805 8 0 58059059059059060 0 600600600610610620620 630630LEACHATE STORAGE FACILITY3" Ø LEACHATEFORCEMAINLEACHATE LINE(TYP)WHITE GOODSUTILITY EASEMENTOVERHEAD POWERACCESS ROAD (TYP)PROPERTY LINECLEAN OUT (TYP)SUMP AREASUMP AREAFUTURE BORROW AREAPHASE 11(VERTICAL)SUMP AREAPHASE 5(VERTICAL)TIREDISPOSAL AREAC & D LIMITS OF WASTE(ACTIVE LANDFILL AREA)FENCEWETLAND (TYP)FM FM COCOEXISTINGLEACHATECOLLECTIONSYSTEM 3PROJECT NO.APPROVED CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED DATE DATE REVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUE BYNO APPCKSCALE All rights reserved. Ó Joyce Engineering, Inc.DRAWING NO.L:\Granville\2017OXFORD RENEWAL\FACILITY PLAN\FP-05 LF Operation Drainage Plan.dwg Layout=Layout10(FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE600300150NOTE:CONTOURS SHOWN ON PLAN REPRESENT TOP OFDRAINAGE LAYER ELEVATIONS. LEACHATE INVERTELEVATIONS ARE 2' BELOW DRAINAGE LAYERELEVATIONS.GRANVILLE COUNTY OXFORD LANDFILL OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 2017FP-05AS SHOWNLANDFILL OPERATIONS LEACHATE DRAINAGE PLAN KWB RWH/RFB KWB EEA 06/12/09 NC CORP LIC: C-0782 RH LB MMREVISED TO SHOW SOLAR FARM ADDITION10/19/15 08/23/17 SUBMIT PERMIT RENEWAL RWH LBB MM 9731-F SOUTHERN PINE BLVD CHARLOTTE, NC 28273 PHONE: (704) 817-2037 1 2660.1801.111/10/19 REVISED PER NCDEQ COMMENTS RWH LBB MM3 300'-0"300' PROPERTY BUFFER50' STREAM BUFFER( WASTE BUFFER TYPEACH SIDE OF STREAM)STERL CARRINGTON ROADOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAPPROXIMATECLOSED MSWLANDFILL LIMITSOF WASTECONVENIENCE CENTER/RECYCLINGSEDIMENTBASIN SB-1SCALEHOUSESEDIMENTBASIN SB-2SEDIMENTBASIN SB-3S89° 19' 20.44"W61.32S3° 01' 09.32"W264.91N87° 12' 38.13"W744.89N13° 12' 45.76"W1812.36 N75° 51' 40.44"E511.04N74° 29' 39.08"W48.16N2° 57' 55.28"W1197.77 N86° 33' 11.63"E294.93N5° 40' 51.22"W886.44 N2° 54' 02.17"W539.86 N79° 20' 14.86"E444.07N68° 11' 29.64"E199.62N88° 43' 35.29"E202.55N72° 15' 06.94"E61.20N72° 48' 58.05"E153.05S89° 11' 30.63"E194.58S85° 05' 23.01"E496.02S78° 59' 24.65"E327.93S78° 15' 12.44"E472.62S85° 37' 58.01"E196.39S67° 54' 00.81"E293.36S38° 09' 31.21"E108.44S62° 01' 21.64"E743.93S89° 42' 14.57"E273.01N0° 40' 31.49"W148.18N89° 37' 12.28"E517.26S2° 14' 45.10"E 1358.97 S2° 55' 22.02"W 328.68 S9° 08' 03. 5 4 " W 1738.58N89° 22' 38.01"W2840.45S2° 18' 34.03"W 359.31N88° 23' 07.03"W471.93S3° 55' 04.06"W 460.84350.59R=369'LEACHATE STORAGE FACILITYUNIT 137.3 ACRES(CURRENT BORROWAREA)87.4 ACRES33.7 ACRESSB-7WHITE GOODSUTILITY EASEMENTACCESS ROAD (TYP)PROPERTY LINE/ FACILITY BOUNDARYLEWIS ROADFUTURE BORROW AREAEDGE OF LINER/LIMITS OF WASTE (TYP)UNIT 2UNIT 4UNIT 3SB-4SB-5SB-6EXISTING FACILITY BOUNDARYOVERHEAD POWERLAND CLEARING DEBRISCOLLECTION ANDCOMPOST AREAPHASE 1(ACTIVE)PASSIVE LFG (790 LF)INTERCEPTION TRENCHMW-7P-7P-19P-18P-15MW-9MW-11NES-1DABDNES-1SNES-2SNES-2DGP-2GP-4GP-5GP-6GP-7GP-8GP-9GP-3GP-1GP-10MW-10GP-11GP-12P-6GP-3AGP-1ATIRE COLLECTIONAREAFENCESOLAR FARMOH OH OH OHOHOH OH OH OH OH O H 490490490 490 500FM FM F M MW P-18MW-1MW-1A460460 4704704 8 0480480 480 490 4 9 0 4 9 0 490500500 5 0 0500 5005005 0 0 500 500500 5005 0 0 500 510510 51 0 510 510510510510 510 5105105105205205 2 0 52 0 520520520520 5205205205205 2 0 52 0 53 053 0 53 0 53053 0 53 0 53053053 0530540540 5 4 0540550550550 5 5 0560560 5605605705705705 7 0580580580580 5 8 0590590 590600600 600 WETLANDS (TYP)APPROXIMATEC&D LIMITSMW-2MW-6MW-6RMW-4MW-4RMW-5MW-5RMW-3RMW-3MW-8MW-12SW-1SW-2SW-3SW-4SURFACE WATERMONITORING POINT(TYP) 4PROJECT NO.APPROVED CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED DATE DATE REVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUE BYNO APPCKSCALE All rights reserved. Ó Joyce Engineering, Inc.DRAWING NO.L:\Granville\2017OXFORD RENEWAL\FACILITY PLAN\FP-01 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN revised.dwg Layout=Layout10(FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE600300150NC CORP LIC: C-0782 GRANVILLE COUNTY OXFORD LANDFILL OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 2009FP-01AS SHOWNSITE DEVELOPMENT ALL FACILITIES RH LB MMREVISED TO SHOW SOLAR FARM ADDITION11/12/15 KWB RWH/RFB KWB EEA 06/12/09 08/23/17 SUBMIT PERMIT RENEWAL RWH LBB MM9731-F SOUTHERN PINE BLVD CHARLOTTE, NC 28273 PHONE: (704) 817-2037 RH LB MASUPDATED MAPPING WITH 2014 SURVEY09/4/14 1 2 3660.1801.111/10/19 REVISED PER NCDEQ COMMENTS RWH LBB MM4 PREPARED FOR: GRANVILLE COUNTY 6584 LANDFILL ROAD OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27565 OXFORD LANDFILL GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT NO. 39-01 MSW LANDFILL PERMIT RENEWAL OPERATIONS PLAN JUNE 2009, REVISED JANUARY 2012 REVISED AUGUST 2017, REVISED JANUARY 2019 PREPARED BY: 9731-F SOUTHERN PINE BLVD CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28273 PHONE: 704.817.2037 FAX: 704.837.2010 WWW.JOYCEENGINEERING.COM JEI PROJECT NO 660.1801.11 NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATE LIC: C-0782 Operations Plan i Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 OPERATIONS PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 GENERAL ...........................................................................................................................1 2.0 OPERATIONS DRAWINGS ..............................................................................................1 2.1 Existing Conditions ..............................................................................................................1 3.0 GENERAL OPERATING CONDITIONS ..........................................................................2 3.1 Hours of Operation ..............................................................................................................2 3.2 Site Access and Safety .........................................................................................................2 3.3 Waste Acceptance ................................................................................................................3 3.3.1 MSW Landfill ................................................................................................................3 3.4 Prohibited Waste ..................................................................................................................4 3.5 Special Wastes .....................................................................................................................5 3.6 Litter Control .......................................................................................................................7 3.7 Equipment ............................................................................................................................7 3.8 Air Quality ...........................................................................................................................7 3.9 Dust, Odor, Fire and Vector Control ...................................................................................8 3.10 Scavenging/Salvaging ....................................................................................................8 3.11 Type 1 Composting Facility ............................................................................................8 3.11.1 Waste Quantities ............................................................................................................8 3.11.2 Design Considerations ...................................................................................................9 3.11.3 Operations ......................................................................................................................9 3.11.4 Waste Acceptance Rule .1406 (6) .............................................................................10 3.11.5 Monitoring Requirements Rule .1406 (9) ...................................................................11 3.11.6 Temperature Parameters Rule .1406 (10) ..................................................................11 3.11.7 Addition of Nitrogen Bearing Materials Rule .1406 (13) ............................................11 3.11.8 Classification/Distribution of MSW Compost Products Rule .1407 ..........................11 4.0 RANDOM WASTE SCREENING PROGRAM ...............................................................12 4.1 Authority ............................................................................................................................12 4.2 Random Selection ..............................................................................................................13 4.3 Record Keeping .................................................................................................................13 4.4 Training ..............................................................................................................................13 4.5 Inspection Site Location ....................................................................................................13 4.6 Action Plan.........................................................................................................................13 5.0 SUBCELL PROGRESSION AND WASTE PLACEMENT ............................................14 5.1 MSW Landfill ....................................................................................................................14 5.1.1 Subcell Progression ......................................................................................................14 5.1.2 Waste Placement and Compaction ...............................................................................15 5.1.3 Filling Operations ........................................................................................................15 5.1.4 Daily Cover ..................................................................................................................15 5.1.5 Intermediate Cover.......................................................................................................15 5.1.6 Alternate Cover Material .............................................................................................16 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMS ......................................................16 6.1 Water Quality .....................................................................................................................16 Operations Plan ii Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 6.2 Landfill Gas .......................................................................................................................16 7.0 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS........................................16 8.0 RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................17 9.0 LEACHATE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR UNIT 2, PHASE 1 MSW LANDFILL ......17 9.1 Maintenance of the Leachate Collection System ...............................................................17 9.2 Leachate Generation Records ............................................................................................17 9.3 Leachate Monitoring ..........................................................................................................18 9.4 Leachate Disposal ..............................................................................................................18 9.5 Contingency Plan for Extreme Conditions ........................................................................18 9.6 Handling Leaks and Stormwater in the Leachate Collection Tank Area ...........................19 9.7 Operations in the Leachate Loadout Area .........................................................................19 10.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN ...................................................................................................19 10.1 Implementation..............................................................................................................19 10.2 Inoperable Periods .........................................................................................................20 10.3 Emergency Response Procedures ..................................................................................20 10.4 SEVERE WEATHER CONDITIONS ..........................................................................22 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Random Waste Screening Program Forms Appendix 2 POTW Approval Documentation Appendix 3 Tarp Data Sheet Appendix 4 Temperature Log Data Sheet Appendix 5 Compost End User Brochure Appendix 6 USDA Work Plan from Cooperative Service Agreement Appendix 7 Fire Occurrence Notification Form DRAWINGS Drawing No. OP-T Title Sheet Drawing No. OP-L Legend and General Notes Drawing No. OP-01 Existing Conditions Drawing No. OP-02 Site Development Plan Drawing No. OP-03 Phasing Plan Operations Plan 1 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 1.0 GENERAL The Operation Plan describes how the design and construction plans will be implemented during the life of the facility. The plan consists of drawings and accompanying text which illustrate existing conditions, cell progression, waste placement and daily operations, leachate management, special waste management, buffer zones and soil borrow procedures. The Oxford Landfill is owned and operated by Granville County. The landfill property is located at 6584 Landfill Road, Oxford, North Carolina, approximately 4 miles north of Oxford, North Carolina. The facility is north of the Oxford Outer Loop between Little Satterwhite Road and Highway 15 off of Sterl Carrington Road. The disposal area is located on a slight topographic high that slopes downward in all directions. Surface water flow is towards drainage features which eventually flow north to the Little Grassy Creek. The area to be served by the facility includes Granville County and the surrounding counties of Durham, Franklin, Person, Vance and Wake. The municipalities of Oxford, Butner, Creedmoor, Stem and Stovall will also be served. The intent of this facility is to accommodate waste from Granville County and minor overflow waste from the surrounding counties. Therefore, waste generation trends solely from Granville County were used to develop projected disposal rates. The landfill property is approximately 397.73 acres. The site consists of an existing C&D landfill (Permit No. 39-01) on top of a closed MSW landfill covering approximately 29 acres, and an existing MSW Landfill (Unit 2, Phase 1) covering approximately 11 acres. Granville County ceased accepting C&D waste in Unit 1 (C&D Landfill) in December 2016. Other areas at the facility include a convenience center, collection of scrap tires, and white goods for off-site recycling or disposal. Ancillary facilities such as a scale house and maintenance building are also located on the site. The MSW facility consists of 3 Units (157.8 acres). Unit 2 contains 5 phases, Unit 3 contains 11 phases, and Unit 4 contains 2 phases. This application is for a renewal of the Permit to Operate Unit 2, Phase 1 of the MSW landfill. Currently, an average of 194 tons of MSW is managed daily at the landfill, based on a five-day week and 7 holidays, or 253 days per year. This includes the C&D waste being disposed in Unit 2, Phase 1 of the MSW landfill. 2.0 OPERATIONS DRAWINGS 2.1 Existing Conditions The site existing conditions is presented on Drawing No. OP-01 and currently includes the following components: y A C&D landfill over closed unlined MSW landfill (Permit No. 39-01-1997). The C&D landfill ceased accepting waste in December 2016, and Granville County is currently waiting on the Closure Plan approval to initiate bidding and closure construction activities to officially close the landfill. y Active MSW landfill Unit 2, Phase 1 (Permit No. 39-01-2012). y Convenience center (drop-off area for recyclables and waste). Operations Plan 2 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 y Office and maintenance building. y Weighing scales. y Tire collection area. y White goods collection area. y Land clearing debris collection area. y Yard trash collection and compost area. y Solar farm. The drawing also shows the limits of the existing waste disposal area, the environmental monitoring system, the landfill entrance road, landfill access and perimeter roads, scalehouse, and office. Current topography for the property is shown, as well as the neighboring residence and wells, the 300-foot buffer from the property line, and other site features. Borrow areas will be located in future Units 2, 3, & 4. The county recognizes that the surrounding wildlife needs to be protected, hence the Cooperative Service Agreement between the USDA APHIS Wildlife Services and the County was renewed on December 12, 2018. The new Cooperative Service Agreement is provided in Appendix 6. 3.0 GENERAL OPERATING CONDITIONS 3.1 Hours of Operation The MSWLF will operate Monday through Friday. The operation hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., but may be adjusted slightly due to fluctuations in the waste stream, or other unforeseen conditions. Brush, metal, and tires are accepted Monday through Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday unless altered by the County Board of Commissioners. The MSWLF will be closed on the following major holidays: New Year’s Day, Good Friday (close at 12:00 pm), Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. An entrance sign has been posted noting operating hours. Holiday closings are advertised in the local paper and notices posted at the entrance ten days prior to the holiday. 3.2 Site Access and Safety Limiting access to the landfill facility is important for the following reasons: x Unauthorized and illegal dumping of wasted materials is prevented; x Trespassing, and injury resulting there from, is discouraged; and x The risk of vandalism is greatly reduced. Access to active areas of the landfill will be controlled by a combination of fences and natural barriers such as the creeks. Access to the facility is controlled through one entrance along Landfill Road, which has secure gates to prevent access after operating hours. A large sign containing the information required in Rule .1626(6) (i.e. dumping procedures, hours, permit number, etc.) is posted at the facility entrance. Waste collection vehicles are weighed in (and out if tare weights are not on file for the vehicle) at the existing scale. Operations Plan 3 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Signs have been posted directing traffic to separate areas for the collection of tires, white goods, yard waste, and other recyclable goods, and the MSW active landfill area. During the hours of operation, traffic is routed from the entrance gate and scale house via a gravel access road to the MSWLF. The roads shall be maintained to remain passable during all weather conditions. The cell access roads will change in location as the working face moves both horizontally and vertically with the progression of waste fill. The slopes of cell access roads at maximum fill heights should not exceed 10%. An attendant is on duty at the scalehouse at all times during the operating hours. Frequent inspections of the access roads, gates and fences will be performed by landfill personnel. Landfill personnel will maintain the approved access road conditions, as well as, monitor the accessibility to monitoring points. Evidence of trespassing, vandalism, or illegal operation will be reported to the County Sheriff. 3.3 Waste Acceptance The landfills will accept only those solid wastes included in their current permits, including household, commercial, construction and demolition debris, land clearing and inert debris, and industrial solid wastes. These are defined in Rule .1602 for the MSW landfill as follows: 3.3.1 MSW Landfill x Household waste means any solid waste derived from households including single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas. x Commercial solid waste means all types of solid waste generated by stores, offices, restaurants, warehouses, and other nonmanufacturing activities, excluding residential and industrial wastes. x Construction and Demolition Debris Waste means solid waste generated solely from the construction, remodeling, repair, or demolition operations on pavement and building structures. x Land Clearing and Inert Debris means solid waste created during land clearing including untreated wood, yard trash, uncontaminated soils and rock. x Solid waste generated by mobile or modular home manufacturers and asphalt shingle manufacturers in Granville County. x Industrial solid waste means solid waste generated by manufacturing or industrial processes that is not a hazardous waste regulated under Subtitle C of RCRA. Such waste may include, but is not limited to, waste resulting from the following manufacturing processes: electric Operations Plan 4 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 power generation; fertilizer/agricultural chemicals; food and related products/by-products; inorganic chemicals; iron and steel manufacturing; leather and leather products; nonferrous metals manufacturing/ foundries; organic chemicals; plastics and resins manufacturing; pulp and paper industry; rubber and miscellaneous plastic products; stone, glass, clay, and concrete products; textile manufacturing; transportation equipment; and water treatment. This term does not include mining waste or oil and gas waste. Neither spoiled food, hatchery waste, nor other animal waste is intended to be received in quantities large enough to be problematic for operations. In the event that such wastes are received, they will be immediately buried and covered with a thick layer of soil followed by non-putrescible municipal solid waste. If asbestos waste is received, it will be managed in accordance with 40 CFR 61. The waste will be disposed at the bottom of the working face and covered immediately with soil in a manner that will not cause asbestos particles to become airborne. 3.4 Prohibited Waste A sign is posted at the landfill gate (see Section 3.2 above) that reads "No hazardous or liquid waste accepted without written permission from the Division of Solid Waste Management". The MSW landfill will not accept: x Hazardous waste as defined within 15A NCAC 13A, including hazardous waste from conditionally exempt small quantity generators; x Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) wastes as defined in 40 CFR 761; x Liquid wastes (i.e., any waste material that is determined to contain "free liquids" as defined by SW-846 Method 9095 (Paint Filter Liquids Test), unless the waste is household waste other than septic waste or waste oil, or leachate or gas condensate derived from the landfill managed in accordance with Rule .1626(9); x Barrels and drums unless they are empty and sufficiently perforated, except fiber drums containing asbestos; x Wooden pallets (applies to MSW landfill only); x Discarded computer equipment and televisions (effective July 1, 2011) x Other wastes specifically banned from landfill disposal by rule or statute for MSW landfill, such as lead acid batteries, whole tires, used oil, oyster shells, or aluminum cans. In addition to the prohibited waste, the landfills will not dispose of yard waste, white goods, antifreeze, whole scrap tires, recyclable plastic and beverage containers, and motor vehicle oil filters. Operations Plan 5 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 The County will notify the Division within 24 hours of attempted disposal of any waste the landfill is not permitted to receive, including waste from outside the area the landfill is permitted to serve. The waste screening program is described later in this Operation Plan. 3.5 Special Wastes The facility accepts “special wastes” such as tires and white goods but separates these wastes from the general disposal area. Tires Tires are received from residential and commercial customers. Tire counts are verified by observation and/or North Carolina Tire Certification Form (for customers with 6 or more tires). Customers are directed to the tire disposal area located north of the scale house as noted on Drawing No. OP-01. Tires are disposed of by customers on to the ground. Weekly, the tires are loaded into an open top trailer. The County contracts with Central Carolina Holdings for recycling and/or disposal of the tires that are collected on-site. Central Carolina Holdings changes out the trailer as needed with a maximum time of 10 calendar days between trailers. Tires are currently hauled to and processed in Cameron, North Carolina. White Goods Customers with white goods and/or scrap metal are directed to the white goods area located north of the scale house as shown on Drawing No. OP-01. Customers place white goods and scrap metal in the unloading area. Freon containing devices are off loaded to the northwest corner of the pad where a licensed contractor, Huff’s Soil Conservation, for Freon removal performs the recovery of Freon. The contractor marks appliances that have undergone Freon removal with an “X”. Records of Freon removal or damaged Freon lines are kept at the scalehouse. The appliance is then stockpiled with the other metals. The metals are stored on-site until they are removed to a recycling facility. Removal of white goods and scrap metal are usually bid out on a $/ton basis. Market conditions and the contractor determine the scrap yard which can range from Winston Salem, NC to Norfolk, Va. The County handles approximately 4 tons of metals for recycling per month. Land Clearing Debris The County receives land clearing debris from Granville County and the surrounding counties of Durham, Franklin, Person, Vance and Wake. The municipalities of Oxford, Butner, Creedmoor, Stem and Stovall will also be served. Land clearing debris consists of solid waste generated solely from land clearing activities. The facility receives on average 45 tons of this type of waste per month. This material is stockpiled and ground as needed. Once ground, the material is used on site for erosion control. The land clearing debris area is located east of Unit 1 and south of Unit 2 as shown on Drawing No. OP-01. Operations Plan 6 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Asbestos Waste Management The Oxford facility may dispose of asbestos within the MSW landfill. Asbestos will only be accepted if it has been processed and packaged in accordance with State and Federal (40 CFR 61) regulations. Asbestos will arrive at the site during morning operating hours in vehicles that contain only the asbestos waste and only after a minimum 24-hour advance notification by the generator. Once the hauler brings the asbestos to the landfill, the hauler will be directed to the designated asbestos disposal area by operating personnel. The designated disposal area will be prepared by operations personnel by leveling a small area using a dozer or loader. Prior to disposal, the landfill operators will stockpile cover soil near the designated asbestos disposal area. The volume of soil stockpile will be sufficient to cover the waste and provide any berms, etc. to maintain temporary separation from other landfill traffic. Once placed in the prepared area, the asbestos will be covered with a minimum of 18 inches of daily cover soil placed in a single lift. The surface of the cover will be compacted and graded using a track dozer or loader. The landfill compactor will be prohibited from operating over asbestos disposal areas until at least 18 inches of cover are in place. The landfill staff will visually record the approximate location and elevation of asbestos waste once cover is in-place. The Solid Waste Director will then review pertinent disposal and location information to assure compliance with regulatory requirements and enter the information into the Operating Record. Asbestos location information is known by landfill staff and available to the Department upon request. Once disposal is completed, the area may be covered with waste. No excavation into designated asbestos disposal areas will be permitted. Recyclables The landfill’s convenience center also collects household recyclables such as aluminum cans, steel cans, newspaper, motor oil, vegetable oil, antifreeze, glass, PET Plastics, and cardboard. Used oil is picked up by Noble Oil when the facility has collected 350 gallons. The facility name, physical address, permit number (if applicable), phone number and/or email address for current contractors being used for transporting, treating, processing, and/or disposing of recyclable material will be maintained in the facility Operating Record. Sludge The landfill may accept wastewater treatment sludges in accordance with the following conditions: x Co-disposal with waste in a permitted MSW landfill facility; or x Utilized as a soil conditioner and incorporated into or applied onto the vegetative growth layer but in no case greater than six inches; Additional information about the facility’s management of special waste can be found in the Granville County Solid Waste Management Plan. Operations Plan 7 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 3.6 Litter Control Prompt compaction of the waste at the working face will be the first method used to control blowing litter. Temporary fences and/or dikes may be constructed to contain windblown material during operations. In addition, landfill personnel will pick up windblown litter as necessary each working day and return it to the working face. 3.7 Equipment Equipment will be needed for spreading and compacting wastes, hauling, spreading and compacting cover material, for support functions such as access road construction and maintenance, dust control, mud control and drainage channel excavation. The following table outlines the equipment, personnel, and working face requirements necessary for the proper operation of the facility, based on average waste intake rates. TABLE 1 EQUIPMENT AND PERSONNEL GUIDE Average Waste Intake Range (tons/day*) Required Equipment Type and Use Minimum Operating Units Required Minimum Personnel Required per Shift 0-500 Water Dispersion Equipment Dozer (spread refuse and cover, compact waste, berm construction) Compactor (compact waste and cover material) Truck and or scraper pans (haul refuse and cover material) Excavator (optional - excavate soil if pan not used) Scales 1 1 1 2 1 1 Scale Operators: 1 Equipment Operators: 3 Maintenance Workers: 1 Laborers: 1 500-1,000 Water Dispersion Equipment Dozer (spread refuse and cover, compact waste, berm construction) Compactor (compact waste and cover material) Truck and or scraper pans (haul refuse and cover material) Excavator (optional - excavate soil if pan not used) Scales 1 2 2 2 1 1 Scale Operators: 1 Equipment Operators: 4 Maintenance Workers: 1 Laborers: 1 Notes: 1. Dozer, Compactor, Truck, and Excavator (or Loader), and Water Dispersion Equipment sizes will vary to match operating needs. Each piece of equipment is matched with one or more operators to meet personnel needs over the daily operating period. 2. Equipment calculations are based on 10-hour operations and Bomag 671 Compactor (weight 70,000 lbs. min.), and CAT Track-Type Tractor (dozer) type D-7 (55,000 lbs. min) in combination with CAT tracked loader model 973 (58,000 lbs. min.) typical. 3. In the event that operations are for other than 10 hours, equipment needs will be adjusted proportionally. The amount of equipment on site should provide the necessary backup in the event of an emergency situation. 3.8 Air Quality The facility will maintain all necessary compliance with the Division of Air Quality. Open burning of waste, including yard waste and brush, is prohibited at the landfill. Operations Plan 8 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 3.9 Dust, Odor, Fire and Vector Control To minimize dust related to waste hauler traffic, road surfaces are sprayed with water from a water truck as needed during windy, dry weather. Odors and disease vectors will be controlled by promptly covering the waste at the working face, and by use of the daily cover. Daily cover is described in more detail in a subsequent section. Incoming loads of waste are observed by site operators and scalehouse attendants for evidence of fire such as flames, smoke, or the odor of burning material. Inspections will be conducted in a designated area near the working face of the landfill. Burning loads will be extinguished before dumping if possible. The waste will be removed or segregated from other waste in the disposal area. The landfill operator will perform an evaluation of the situation to determine whether the fire can be extinguished using fire extinguishers or other equipment present at the site, or if off- site equipment will be needed. If necessary, the local fire department will be called to render assistance in extinguishing the fire. Fires that occur at the landfill will be reported verbally to the Division within 24 hours and in writing within 15 days. A copy of the Fire Occurrence Notification Form is in Appendix 7. If a fire occurs at the waste disposal area, the operator first observing the fire will immediately radio the landfill office to report the size of the fire and request backup. If possible, the waste will be removed or segregated from other waste in the disposal area. Following segregation, the situation will again be evaluated to determine whether or not additional assistance will be necessary from off-site emergency personnel and handled as described above. Fire extinguishers are located on each piece of equipment on site. Equipment operators are trained annually in the use of these extinguishers. Fire extinguishers will be used for small, localized fires. A stockpile of soil is maintained near the working face to be used for extinguishing small surface fires that may be too large to control with the fire extinguishers carried on the landfill equipment. Emergency personnel will be notified in the case of fires too large to be extinguished with fire extinguishers or soil as described above. Water contained in sedimentation ponds can serve as emergency reservoirs to aid local firefighters in the extinguishing of larger fires. 3.10 Scavenging/Salvaging The unauthorized removal of waste, or scavenging, is prohibited at the landfill. Landfill personnel may remove recyclable salvageable materials and process them through the County’s recycling program. 3.11 Type 1 Composting Facility 3.11.1 Waste Quantities The County receives yard trash from Granville County and the surrounding counties of Durham, Franklin, Person, Vance and Wake. The municipalities of Oxford, Butner, Creedmoor, Stem and Operations Plan 9 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Stovall will also be served. This waste consists of solid waste resulting from landscaping and yard maintenance such as brush, grass, tree limbs, and similar vegetative material. The composting facility covers approximately 1.9 acres. Accurate records of incoming waste should be kept at the scalehouse. These records should differentiate between loads of brush, clean wood, and loads of leaves or grass clippings. 3.11.2 Design Considerations Design Capacities and Product Quality The facility currently receives an average of 43 tons per year of yard trash. This material is windrowed as received. The following table summarizes the design criteria used to verify adequate space at the facility for the composting operation. As a factor of safety, it was assumed that the density of the product remains the same as the incoming waste stream. Total waste stream (by weight) 43 tons (annual) Density (assumed average) 500 lb/cubic yard Composting waste stream (by volume) 172 cubic yards Cross-section windrow 2' (top) x 15' (base) x 4' (ht) 34 square feet Total length windrow required 10 feet At 10' length 1 windrow needed annually With 15' base and 10' aisle, total acreage required 0.006 acres maximum (running 1 windrow at a time) The site is designed with a working area for the Type 1 facility of approximately 0.15 acres as illustrated on Drawing No. OP-01. Sufficient room is available for the operation of 2 windrows. Site Plan The composting facility is located north of the scalehouse. The location is shown on Drawing No. OP-01. 3.11.3 Operations General Description Incoming yard trash is weighed and directed to the yard trash collection and composting area. The yard trash is stockpiled and moved by landfill personnel into the windrow. The yard trash is formed into windrows using a front end loader. The windrows are spaced approximately 10 feet apart and each has a east/west orientation and the following geometry: 4 feet high x 15 feet wide at base x 2 feet wide at top. An aisle of 25’ is maintained on the east side of the windrows for emergency access. Operations Plan 10 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Once the windrow is formed, it will be turned several times using a front end loader to mix the materials. If necessary, water will be added as the windrow is constructed and then periodically during the stabilization process. The pile will be sprayed as it is turned on an as needed basis. For optimum composting the moisture should be maintained between 45% and 60%. Dryer than 45% and the microbial action is slowed; higher than 60% and the material becomes difficult to handle and difficult to aerate. The temperatures are taken at a minimum of each third (3 separate places) of the windrow. It is suggested that the temperature be controlled by turning (aerating) to assure that the compostable material is maintained at an optimum range for decomposition (between 104oF and 113oF) and then allowed to elevate to 131oF where it must be maintained for a period of 3 consecutive days as required by Rule .1406(10). When the temperature within the windrow falls below 120oF – 130oF during the final stages of composting, the windrow is turned. Windrow construction and turning frequency will be sufficient to maintain aerobic conditions to produce a compost product in the desired time frame. Separate records are kept for each windrow. Once a windrow is constructed, it is assigned an I.D. number and folder which are used over the lifespan of the windrow. Every time windrow data is taken, it is documented and logged in the folder. A nitrogen source may be added to the yard waste as needed to promote the compost process. The County uses calcium nitrate when necessary. The calcium nitrate is spread by hand and mechanically mixed. The process of stabilization is expected to take 3 days. The final time frame is a function of material density, material type, moisture and operational controls. Once the windrow begins to cool indicating stabilization, the County screens the material and the larger particles are reused in the process or used as woodchips or mulch. By keeping the coarser materials in the compost, it enables more oxygen to get into the windrows and produces more compost in the finished product. The compost is now stockpiled. Depending on the end use requirements, the compost may be screened again prior to stockpiling if a finer screen is available. The larger particles would be either reused in the process or used as a coarser product. If the material is free of sharp particles, has no offensive odor, and has minimal pathogens, it may be used in an unrestricted way. Once the compost meets the regulatory requirements for distribution to the public, it can be released for use. As the public obtains the material they must be given the information indicated in Section 3.11.8. 3.11.4 Waste Acceptance Rule .1406 (6) The Type 1 compost facility will accept only grass, leaves, brush, tree limbs, and similar vegetative material. No municipal solid waste (MSW), hazardous waste, asbestos containing waste, land clearing debris, or medical waste shall be accepted at the facility. The County accepts yard trash in a non-bagged state or in approved biodegradable bags. Deliveries are monitored at the site. The County anticipates little contamination of the material. Operations Plan 11 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 3.11.5 Monitoring Requirements Rule .1406 (9) The windrows are monitored for temperature daily. A log will be kept of all temperature readings, which includes the location of the probes. A copy of the temperature log is contained in Appendix 4. Moisture should be kept in the range of 45% - 60%. Water should be added as required to stay within this range. Temperature will be monitored daily until readings of 131°F are achieved for three (3) consecutive days. To monitor temperature, the probe should be inserted 12"- 24" every 50' along the windrow at a 45° - 90° angle. 3.11.6 Temperature Parameters Rule .1406 (10) For Type I facilities, the compost process must be maintained at or above 55°C (131°F) for 3 consecutive days and aerated to maintain elevated temperatures. 3.11.7 Addition of Nitrogen Bearing Materials Rule .1406 (13) Nitrogen compounds may be added as necessary to adjust the nutrient balance for optimum product development. Only approved waste materials (i.e. grass clippings, leaves) or chemical compounds may be added. Nitrogen rich materials can decompose rapidly and cause odor problems. Materials such as grass clippings must be incorporated into the process as soon as possible. To determine if nitrogen is necessary, the carbon to nitrogen ratio should be calculated. For proper composting, this ratio should be greater than 25:1, but less than 40:1 at the start of composting. Incoming materials have the following estimated ratios: x Grass clippings 12 - 15:1 x Dry leaves 40:1 x Paper and wood 200:1 x Sawdust 200 - 500:1 Thus, adjustment may be necessary after grinding, screening and blending the feedstock materials. 3.11.8 Classification/Distribution of MSW Compost Products Rule .1407 Requirements For unrestricted use, the finished Type I compost must meet the following criteria: x Minimal pathogenic organisms x Free from offensive odors x Containing no sharp particles x Man-made inerts do not exceed 1 inch in size Operations Plan 12 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 If these criteria are met then the finished compost material will be marketed to residents of the County and surrounding areas with directions provided. Labeling When the Type 1 compost material is to be marketed to the public, sufficient information should be provided to the public to: x Inform users of the benefits of using compost x Advise users on suggested uses of product x Inform users of cautions in using product x Inform users of composition of the material including nutrients and contaminants x Inform users of source of feedstock Appendix 5 includes samples of informative brochures that may be provided to the end user. 4.0 RANDOM WASTE SCREENING PROGRAM 4.1 Authority The following “Random Waste Screening Program” has been developed in accordance with North Carolina's Solid Waste Management Regulations, Rule .0544(e) and .1626(1)(f) for the landfill. The program is primarily used to detect hazardous waste that is mixed with waste. However, the same methodology can be used to keep hazardous wastes and prohibited wastes out of the landfill. Key elements addressing waste screening are as follows: No hazardous or liquid wastes as defined in 15A NCAC 13A, municipal solid waste, or materials offering an undue hazard to landfill personnel or the landfill operations shall be accepted at the landfill except as specifically authorized by the facility permit or by the Division. The owner or operator has implemented an inspection program to detect and prevent disposal of unpermitted wastes, hazardous and liquid wastes, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB). This program includes, at a minimum: y Random inspections of incoming loads, unless the owner or operator takes other steps to ensure that incoming loads do not contain municipal solid waste, regulated hazardous or liquid wastes, or PCB wastes; y Records of any inspections; y Training of facility personnel to recognize municipal solid waste, regulated hazardous or liquid wastes, or PCB wastes; and y A contingency plan to properly manage any identified unpermitted or hazardous and/or liquid wastes. Operations Plan 13 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 4.2 Random Selection Random selection of vehicles to be inspected will be conducted on a regular basis, depending on personnel available. At least one vehicle per week, but not less than one percent by weight of the waste stream (based on the previous week’s total) will be randomly selected at the working face by the personnel conducting the inspection. A random truck number and time will be selected (i.e., the tenth load after 10:00 a.m.) on the day of inspections. 4.3 Record Keeping Report forms for record keeping purposes are included in Appendix 1. These forms will be completed at each inspection. All reports and resulting correspondence will be maintained at the County Landfill office for the life of the landfill and during the post-closure period. 4.4 Training The Landfill Operations Manager and/or staff from the Department of Solid Waste who are trained to identify and manage MSW waste and hazardous and liquid waste will supervise inspections. Landfill operators, recycling attendants, and landfill clerks responsible for screening waste will be properly trained to identify hazardous and liquid waste. 4.5 Inspection Site Location Inspections will be conducted in a designated area near the working face of the landfill. 4.6 Action Plan The following action plan details the procedure to follow for conducting the random waste inspections. 1) Dump single load in prepared area. Detain truck and driver until inspection is completed. 2) Spread waste with compactor and/or hand tools as appropriate. Hand rake loads that include items such as large closed containers to avoid possible rupturing of the containers. Have appropriate safety equipment present. Minimum safety equipment will include: x Rubber gloves; x Rubber boots; x Safety glasses; and x Long handled hoe 3) Examine waste for excluded waste and/or safety hazards: x Containers labeled hazardous; x Excessive or unusual moisture; Operations Plan 14 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 x Regulated biomedical (red bag) waste; x Powders, dusts, smoke, vapors, or chemical odors; x Sludges, pastes, slurries, or bright colors (such as dyes); and x Unauthorized out-of-County waste 4) Take appropriate action(s) as follows: x Incorporate acceptable waste into working face. Facility personnel, especially the landfill operator and scalehouse attendant, should be familiar with the acceptable and unacceptable waste materials and the control measures necessary to prevent unacceptable wastes from being disposed of at this facility. x Hold suspect waste for identification by on-site personnel and, if necessary, confirmation by others such as a contract laboratory, hazardous waste management firm, or state and/or federal regulator; x Interview driver and hauler to identify the source of suspect waste in the load; x Hold rejected hazardous or liquid waste for generator; and x Arrange for hazardous or liquid waste collection by a collector licensed to store, transport, and dispose of hazardous waste according to federal and state requirements. 5) Document Actions: x Record Inspection; x Retain Reports; and x Report hazardous, liquid or PCB wastes to Solid Waste Section – NCDEQ. A verbal notice to the Division within 24 hours and a written notice shall be submitted within 15 days. In the event hazardous, liquid, and/or PCB wastes is placed on the working face. The hauler will be retained and requested to remove the waste from the facility. However, if the hauler is unable to be retained or identified the landfill operator will immediately act to contain the area. A hazardous waste management firm will be contacted to remove and properly dispose of the waste. 5.0 SUBCELL PROGRESSION AND WASTE PLACEMENT 5.1 MSW Landfill 5.1.1 Subcell Progression The method of filling shall be the area method in accordance with the previously submitted and approved plans. Phase 1 was constructed with stormwater segregation features to limit the potential of stormwater runoff to become leachate. Future phases inactive areas will be separated from the active area by the use of a temporary berms and a rainflap to segregate the uncontaminated runoff. Stormwater will be removed from the cell with electric and portable pumps and placed into a drainage area leading to sediment basin SB-4 located north of Unit 2. As filling progresses to the remaining Phase area, the rainflap and berms Operations Plan 15 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 will be removed. The date of the rainflap and berm removal will be documented and kept with the facility’s operating records. 5.1.2 Waste Placement and Compaction The waste will be tipped in the active area as closely as possible to the working face, and pushed if necessary to the desired area. The length of the daily working face will be maintained at approximately 100 feet in order to provide adequate space for several trucks to dump at the same time. The width of the working face varies somewhat depending on the rate of waste acceptance on a given day, weather conditions and other factors, but should be maintained as small as possible. The waste shall be compacted as described below with steel-wheeled compactors (see equipment list earlier in section 3.7). To minimize the chance of damage to the liner in any new subcell, the initial lift of waste will be at least 5 feet thick, and will consist of only residential, non-bulky waste. Compaction will be minimal because later lifts will surcharge the initial lift so that there is no net loss of density. Typical compaction procedures above the initial lift will involve placement of waste in thin layers (1-2 feet thick) on 4H:1V slope and not to exceed 3H:1V. The compactor will roll a minimum of three times across the waste. The compaction effort will extend slightly past the waste to prevent wind-blown material leaving from the edge of the lift. Calculations have determined that the approximate in-place density of waste and soil combined is around 1,000 pounds per cubic yard. The waste density calculation will be reviewed periodically. Operational procedures may be revised to improve the efficiency of the site. 5.1.3 Filling Operations The waste will be compacted according to the procedures described above. Each lift of waste shall be approximately 10 feet thick, including an allowance for weekly cover. The proposed waste to total soil volume ratio is approximately 7:1. The size of the working face will be maintained as small as possible. The width of the working face will vary, depending on the rate of waste acceptance on a given day and weather conditions. 5.1.4 Daily Cover At the end of each day's operation, compacted waste in the subcell will be covered with a tarp using two bulldozers and two men. Every Friday, a minimum of six inches of soil is used to cover the waste. The cover soil shall be compacted with minimum of two passes with the compactor. Waste may be covered more frequently than once per day if necessary to control fires, odors, or blowing litter. 5.1.5 Intermediate Cover In areas where another lift of waste will not be placed for at least 12 months, an additional 6 inches of soil shall be placed over the daily cover for a total of 12 inches of intermediate cover. Provisions Operations Plan 16 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 for a vegetative ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion shall be accomplished within 30 working days or 120 calendar days following completion of each phase of development. 5.1.6 Alternate Cover Material Granville County plans to use a synthetic tarp, an approved alternative daily cover (ADC) material listed in the Solid Waste Section’s Document # 723214, as the ADC for the active area of the landfill. The synthetic tarp will consist of high density polyethylene tapes coated on each side with a low density polyethylene. The specifications of the ADC-Tarp are provided in Appendix 3 of this section. The tarp will be applied by hand or landfill equipment. 6.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAMS 6.1 Water Quality The Water Quality Monitoring Plan for the MSW Landfill was prepared by Joyce Engineering in June 2009. A more recent Water Quality Monitoring Plan for the Oxford Landfill Unit 1 was prepared by Joyce Engineering and submitted to NCDEQ in May 2014. 6.2 Landfill Gas The Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan for the facility was submitted by Joyce Engineering to NCDEQ in August 2014. 7.0 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS Erosion and sediment control features have been designed in accordance with all applicable requirements, as will all future structures. The erosion and sediment control features will prevent silt from leaving the facility, as well as, prevent excessive on-site erosion. As required, the facility will be operated in a manner which will not cause a discharge of pollutants into waters of the United States, including wetlands, that violates any requirements of the Clean Water Act, including, but not limited to, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements, pursuant to Section 402. The facility will not cause the discharge of a nonpoint source of pollution to waters of the United States, including wetlands, that violates any requirement of an area-wide or State-wide water quality management plan that has been approved under Section 208 or 319 of the Clean Water Act, as amended. Surface water shall be diverted from the operational area and shall not be impounded over or in waste. Drainage structures and embankment slopes are regularly inspected for erosion, and maintained as needed. The vegetation on the slopes is mowed at least once a year. These slopes are maintained with reseeding, fertilizer, and other means, as necessary, to promote a healthy stand of vegetation. Operations Plan 17 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 8.0 RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS The following Operating Records are maintained at the landfill office and made available to the Division upon request: y Operating Permit and pertinent correspondence; y Operation Plan; y Emergency Response Plan; y Inspection records, waste determination records, and waste screening programs training procedures; y Amounts by weight of all waste received at the facility including source of generation; y All financial assurance documentation including detailed cost estimates submitted to the Division for closure, post-closure care and any corrective action programs; y Water Quality Monitoring Plan and any demonstration, certification, finding, monitoring, testing, or analytical data required by the approved water quality monitoring program at the site; y Gas monitoring plan, monitoring results and remediation plans developed in accordance with Division requirements if required in response to elevated gas concentrations; y Documentation of stormwater segregation devices removal and leachate piping y Leachate disposal documentation, generation records, and monitoring sample results; y Safety training records. 9.0 LEACHATE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR UNIT 2, PHASE 1 MSW LANDFILL 9.1 Maintenance of the Leachate Collection System The operator will conduct weekly inspections of the leachate collection and storage system. The weekly inspection will consist of inspecting the forcemain and its appurtenances, overfill prevention equipment, the truck filling station, and the exterior of the tank for leaks, corrosion, and maintenance deficiencies. If there are any deficiencies, remedial measures will immediately be taken to correct the deficiencies. At least once every five years, the leachate collection and removal (LCR) piping shall be cleaned and inspected by a remote camera. The LCR inspection and cleaning record will be placed in the operating record. Inspection reports will be maintained and made available throughout the lifetime of the storage system. Leachate levels in the storage tank will be monitored daily and recorded. Cleanouts are provided to allow access to the leachate collection system. In accordance with state law, water under pressure and mechanical methods through these cleanouts are periodically used as preventive maintenance of the piping system. Only certified explosion-proof equipment will be used for video inspections in accordance with OSHA requirements. Maintenance needs will be re-evaluated if there is an unexpected change in leachate production rates. 9.2 Leachate Generation Records The volume of leachate in the tank is monitored daily. Flow meters in the side slope riser and the pumping station will be used to record daily flows. Leachate is anticipated to be hauled at least Operations Plan 18 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 once a week from the facility. The frequency may change depending on the amount of leachate generated, but per the agreement with City of Oxford, the monthly average amount of leachate disposed of cannot exceed 15,000 gallons per day. The County maintains records of leachate hauled from the leachate tank at the landfill to a wastewater treatment plant. Records will be maintained at the landfill throughout the operating life and during the post-closure care period. In addition to leachate generation quantities, the County maintains analytical data from leachate sampling events. 9.3 Leachate Monitoring The chemical composition of untreated leachate will be analyzed as required by the treatment facility. The leachate will be collected into laboratory provided containers directly from a sampling port on the piping connected to the storage tank. The leachate will be analyzed semi- annually for the Detection Monitoring constituents (EPA Appendix I list from Subtitle D) required by Rule.1633, and for pH, specific conductance, BOD, COD, phosphate, nitrate and sulfate. Test results will be submitted to the Solid Waste Section as required. 9.4 Leachate Disposal Leachate from Unit 2, Phase 1 flows by gravity to a sump located in the northwest corner of Unit 2. Leachate from the Unit 2, Phase 1 sump is pumped from the landfill area via side-slope riser directly to the leachate storage tank. The leachate will be periodically removed from the tank by pumping into a tanker truck for transport to the City of Oxford wastewater plant for treatment and disposal. An agreement with the City of Oxford is in place for the discharge of wastewater from the landfill to the plant (see Appendix 2). Although no pretreatment of the leachate is currently required, the new tank is designed so that a pretreatment system can be retrofitted if necessary for future treatment. 9.5 Contingency Plan for Extreme Conditions The landfill staff hauls leachate from the tank to the wastewater treatment plant using three dedicated tanker trucks by a private hauler. If required, additional hauling capacity will be obtained from subcontract haulers or by the rental of additional tanker trucks. Truck drivers shall remain with their vehicle during loading to provide continuous visual inspection to prevent overfilling or accidental release. For any observed leak, action is taken to properly contain or remove accumulations of leachate. If the leak is sufficiently large enough to cause accumulation in a contained area, the leak will be promptly corrected or repaired. To prevent overflow at the storage area, the leachate collection tank is accompanied with a high level alarm and the tank is surrounded by a secondary storage tank to prevent spills due to tank failure. If for some reason the receiving facility no longer accepts the leachate, it will be pre-treated to facilitate acceptance, or hauled to another POTW or commercial pretreatment facility. Operations Plan 19 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 9.6 Handling Leaks and Stormwater in the Leachate Collection Tank Area Being an above ground tank, any leaks in the primary containment system will be readily apparent during routine operations and inspections. If a leak develops in either the primary containment tank, or piping leading to or from the tank, any water (stormwater or otherwise) that has accumulated in the secondary containment area will be treated as leachate and pumped back into the primary containment area for disposal. For normal storm events in which rainwater accumulates in the secondary containment area, the Operator will verify that there are no visible leaks in the system and then may discharge the rainwater into the surface stormwater management system. 9.7 Operations in the Leachate Loadout Area Appropriate warning signs will be posted in the filling station that relate to safe operations around the loading area. Smoking is not allowed on the landfill property. Site speed limits will be posted, although not necessarily in the leachate loading area. The facility does have traffic signs and markers to promote orderly traffic patterns and to maintain safe and efficient operating conditions. The capacity of the loadout area spill containment collection basin is approximately 186 ft3 or approximately 1,400 gallons. Small spills will be allowed to evaporate from the concrete basin, and a dedicated pump for this area will load larger spills into the tanker truck or a vacuum truck may be used. In the event that the system is inundated and leachate leaves the area, the County will follow spill response procedures as outlined in the site NPDES permit. 10.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN This section details the Contingency Plan for the Oxford Landfill facility. This plan has been developed to protect human health and the environment from fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous waste to the air, soil, or surface water. The Landfill Manager and serves as the Primary Emergency Coordinator (PEC). He can be reached at the following numbers: PHONE: (919) 603-1355 Depending on the type of emergency, all or some of the following agencies will be notified as soon as possible: County Emergency Preparedness Agency 911 Fire Department 911 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 911 10.1 Implementation If an emergency situation develops at the facility, the person discovering the emergency should contact the emergency coordinator immediately. The decision to implement the Contingency Plan depends upon whether or not a situation exists which presents a threat to human health or the environment. The Contingency Plan should be implemented due to any of the following situations: Operations Plan 20 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Personnel Injury Fire Explosion Spills Potential Hazardous Waste 10.2 Inoperable Periods In the event of equipment breakdown, adequate backup equipment will be available onsite to maintain operations, or replacement equipment will be brought onsite within 24 hours. Routine preventative maintenance will be performed on equipment, including: routine inspections, following manufacturer’s recommendations, and keeping accurate maintenance records. The landfill will maintain a soil stockpile onsite to be used to repair and maintain roads to ensure that all-weather access is maintained. 10.3 Emergency Response Procedures In the event of an imminent or actual emergency situation, the emergency coordinator will immediately implement the emergency response procedures as discussed below. Accident/Injury Response In the event of an accident or injury, the following procedure will be observed: 1) Notify the PEC immediately; 2) Take action to prevent further injury/damage to personnel or property; 3) Provide emergency first aid; 4) If the injury is deemed serious, obtain additional medical assistance by notifying EMS. If medical attention is required but ambulance service is not needed, the injured party should be transported to a nearby medical facility; and 5) The PEC will investigate the accident to gather the facts and determines the causes of the accident. Fire in the Waste In the event of fire in the waste, the following procedure will be observed: 1) Notify the PEC immediately; 2) If the fire is deemed manageable, the fire will be extinguished by covering the burning waste with soil; 3) If the fire is deemed unmanageable, the area will be evacuated and the fire department notified; and 4) Incoming solid waste haulers will not be allowed entrance to the landfill until the fire is extinguished. Operations Plan 21 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Equipment Fire In the event of an equipment fire, the following procedure will be observed: 1) The equipment will be evacuated as quickly and safely as possible; 2) Notify the PEC immediately; 3) If there are injured personnel, implement the procedures discussed in the Accident/Injury Response section; 4) If the fire is deemed manageable, the fire will be extinguished; 5) If the fire is deemed unmanageable, the area will be evacuated and the fire department notified; 6) Incoming solid waste haulers will not be allowed entrance to the landfill until the fire is extinguished; and 7) The PEC will investigate the incident to gather the facts and determine suspected causes of the fire. Explosions In the event of an explosion, the following procedure will be observed: 1) Evacuate the area; 2) Notify the PEC immediately; 3) If there are injured personnel, implement the procedures discussed the Accident/Injury Response section; 4) If there is a resulting fire, implementation of the procedures discussed in the Fire in the Waste or Equipment Fire sections; 5) The PEC will investigate the incident to gather the facts and determine suspected causes of the explosion. Hazardous and Infectious Waste in Landfill No hazardous or infectious wastes will be accepted at the site. Vehicles are inspected as stated in Section 4 – Waste Screening Program. Explosive Gas Detection In the event that methane gas levels exceed the limits described in section 1.3 Regulatory Limits of the Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan, the following procedure will be observed: 1) Put out all smoking materials and turn off all ignition sources; 2) Evacuate all personnel; 3) Vent the structure; 4) Do not allow personnel to reenter the building except to perform gas monitoring until the results of additional monitoring indicate that methane concentrations are sustained or stabilized below 25% of the LEL; Operations Plan 22 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 5) Begin continuous monitoring within the structure; 6) Undertake an assessment to determine the origin and pathways of the gas migration; and 7) Prepare and implement a remediation plan for methane gas exceedances within 60 days Spills or Release In the event of a spill or release, the following procedure will be observed: 1) Notify the PEC immediately; 2) Immediate action will be taken to control/limit the spread of the spill or release; 3) The County Emergency Preparedness Agency will be notified; 4) Perform appropriate cleanup procedures; and 5) The PEC will investigate the incident to gather the facts and causes of the spill or release. Evacuation Plan The PEC is responsible for determining whether or not an emergency situation warrants evacuation of the facility. If conditions warrant, the following actions will be taken: 1) The PEC gives the evacuation alarm; 2) All personnel (visitors, contractors, and employees) will be assembled at the main gate; 3) Only qualified personnel may reenter the affected area after approval by the emergency coordinator; 4) The PEC will make a tally of all facility employees, visitors, and contractors; 5) The PEC or a designated representative will notify the County Emergency Preparedness Agency; and 6) Reentry to the affected area will be allowed only after the clear signal is given by the PEC. Report Requirements A written report detailing the event will be placed in the landfill record and a copy will be sent to the Department within fifteen days of the incident. 10.4 SEVERE WEATHER CONDITIONS Ice Storms An ice storm can make access to the landfill dangerous, prevent movement or placement of periodic cover, and thus, may require closure of the landfill until the ice is removed or melted. Heavy Rains Exposed soil surfaces can create a muddy situation in some portions of the landfill during rainy periods. The control of drainage and use of crushed stone on unpaved roads should provide all- Operations Plan 23 Joyce Engineering Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev. September 2014, Rev. November 2015 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 weather access for the site and promote drainage away from critical areas. In areas where the aggregate surface is washed away or otherwise damaged, new aggregate should be used for repair. Intense rains can affect newly constructed drainage structures such as swales, diversions, cover soils, and vegetation. After such a rain event, inspection by landfill personnel will be initiated and corrective measures taken to repair any damage found before the next rainfall. Electrical Storms The open area of a landfill is susceptible to the hazards of an electrical storm. If necessary, landfilling activities will be temporarily suspended during such an event. To guarantee the safety of all field personnel, refuge will be taken in the on-site buildings or in rubber-tired vehicles. Windy Conditions The proposed operational sequence minimizes the occurrence of unsheltered operations relative to prevailing winds. If this is not adequate during a particularly windy period, work will be temporarily shifted to a more sheltered area. When this is done, the previously exposed face will be immediately covered with daily cover. Violent Storms In the event of hurricane, tornado, or severe winter storm warning issued by the National Weather Service, landfill operations may be temporarily suspended until the warning is lifted. Daily cover will be placed on exposed waste and buildings and equipment will be properly secured. [End] 5105304805004904905005 1 0 500510 52047 0 49 0 480 OHOHOHOHOHFMFMFM500510P-14 MW-9MW-11 NES-2S NES-2D GP-6 GP-7 GP-8 MW-5 MW-5R MW-3R MW-3 P-23 MW-10 P-215%5%5%5% APPROXIMATE MSW LANDFILL LIMITS OF WASTE CULVERT ACCESS ROAD CULVERT SB-4 LIMITS OF WASTE / EDGE OF LINER OUTLET PROTECTION (TYP) INLET PROTECTION (TYP)5105304805004904905005 1 0 500510 52047 0 49 0 480 OHOHOHOHOHFMFMFM500510520P-14 MW-9MW-11 NES-2S NES-2D GP-6 GP-7 GP-8 MW-5 MW-5R MW-3R MW-3 P-23 MW-10 P-215%5%5%5% APPROXIMATE MSW LANDFILL LIMITS OF WASTE ACCESS ROAD SB-4 LIMITS OF WASTE / EDGE OF LINER CULVERT CULVERT OUTLET PROTECTION (TYP) INLET PROTECTION (TYP)5104805004904905005 1 0 500510 52047 0 480 OHOHOHOHOHOHFMFMFM500510500 510 510520520530530 530 540 550 540 550 540550520 P-14 MW-9MW-11 NES-2S NES-2D GP-7 GP-8 GP-9 MW-5 MW-5R MW-3R MW-3 P-23 MW-10 P-215%5%5%5% APPROXIMATE MSW LANDFILL LIMITS OF WASTE ACCESS ROAD SB-4 LIMITS OF WASTE / EDGE OF LINER CULVERT CULVERT OUTLET PROTECTION (TYP) INLET PROTECTION (TYP)5105304805004904905005 1 0 500510 52047 0 49 0 480 OHOHOHOHOHFMFMFM500510500 510 510520520530530 530 540 550 540 550 540550520 540 550 540 550 P-14 MW-9MW-11 NES-2S NES-2D GP-7 GP-8 MW-5 MW-5R MW-3R MW-3 P-23 MW-10 P-21 APPROXIMATE MSW LANDFILL LIMITS OF WASTE ACCESS ROAD SB-4 LIMITS OF WASTE / EDGE OF LINER CULVERT CULVERT OUTLET PROTECTION (TYP) INLET PROTECTION (TYP)5105304805004904905005 1 0 500510 52047 0 49 0 480 OHOHOHOHOHFMFMFM500510500 510 510520520530530 530 P-14 MW-9MW-11 NES-2S NES-2D GP-7 GP-8 MW-5 MW-5R MW-3R MW-3 P-23 MW-10 P-215%5%5%5% APPROXIMATE MSW LANDFILL LIMITS OF WASTE ACCESS ROAD SB-4 LIMITS OF WASTE / EDGE OF LINER CULVERT CULVERT OUTLET PROTECTION (TYP) INLET PROTECTION (TYP) PROJECT NO.APPROVEDCHECKEDDRAWNDESIGNEDDATEDATEREVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUEBYNOAPPCKSCALE All rights reserved.Ó Joyce Engineering, Inc.DRAWING NO.L:\Granville\2017OXFORD RENEWAL\OPS PLAN\OP-03 STORMWATER SEGREGATION AND PHASING.dwg Layout=Layout1UNIT 2 PHASE 1 YEAR 1 = APPROX. 105,000 CY 0 (FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 400200100 0 (FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 400200100 0 (FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 400200100 UNIT 2 PHASE 1 YEAR 2 = APPROX. 105,000 CY 0 (FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 400200100 0 (FEET) GRAPHIC SCALE 400200100 UNIT 2 PHASE 1 YEAR 5 = APPROX. 107,000 CY UNIT 2 PHASE 1 YEAR 4 = APPROX. 105,000 CY UNIT 2 PHASE 1 YEAR 3 = APPROX. 105,000 CY NC CORP LIC: C-0782GRANVILLE COUNTY OXFORD LANDFILLOXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA2009OP-03 AS SHOWNUNIT 2 PHASE 1PHASING PLANKWBRWHKWBEEA06/12/0910/26/11REVISED PER NCDENR COMMENTS1CDEEAEEA08/23/17SUBMIT PERMIT RENEWALRWHLBBMM9731-F SOUTHERN PINE BLVDCHARLOTTE, NC 28273PHONE: (704) 817-2037660.1801.111/10/19REVISED PER NCDEQ COMMENTSRWHLBBMM32NOTE: BASED ON A CAPACITY STUDY PERFORMED ON JULY 20, 2017, THE REMAINING CAPACITY OF UNIT 2 PHASE 1 WAS ESTIMATED TO BE 527,000 CY. THIS PHASING PLAN SHOWS THE ESTIMATED ANNUAL DISPOSAL RATE IN UNIT 2 PHASE 1 BASED ON THE REMAINING CAPACITY AS OF AUGUST 2017.. PREPARED FOR: GRANVILLE COUNTY 6584 LANDFILL ROAD OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27565 OXFORD LANDFILL GRANVILLE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT NO. 39-01 MSW LANDFILL PERMIT RENEWAL CLOSURE AND POST-CLOSURE PLAN JUNE 2009, REVISED JANUARY 2012 REVISED AUGUST 2017, REVISED JANUARY 2019 PREPARED BY: 9731-F SOUTHERN PINE BLVD CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28273 PHONE: 704.817.2037 FAX: 704.837.2010 WWW.JOYCEENGINEERING.COM JEI PROJECT NO 660.1801.11 NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATE LIC: C-0782 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII- Closure and Post Closure Care Plan 1 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 VOLUME 2, SECTION VII CLOSURE AND POST CLOSURE PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 CLOSURE ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Closure of Disposal Units ................................................................................................... 2 1.1.1 Cap Design .............................................................................................................. 2 1.1.2 Area to Be Capped .................................................................................................. 3 1.1.3 Cap Settlement and Stability ................................................................................... 4 1.1.4 Drainage and Erosion .............................................................................................. 4 1.1.5 Freeze/Thaw Effects ............................................................................................... 4 1.2 Waste Volume ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Closure Plan Schedule ........................................................................................................ 5 1.4 Posting and Baiting ............................................................................................................. 6 1.5 Notification ......................................................................................................................... 6 1.6 Certification ........................................................................................................................ 6 1.7 Closure Cost Estimate ......................................................................................................... 7 2.0 POST-CLOSURE ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................ 7 2.1 Contact ................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 Security ............................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Post-Closure Maintenance .................................................................................................. 7 2.4 Inspection Plan .................................................................................................................... 8 2.5 Monitoring Plan .................................................................................................................. 8 2.5.1 Groundwater Monitoring ........................................................................................ 8 2.5.2 Surface Water Monitoring ...................................................................................... 9 2.5.3 Landfill Gas Monitoring ......................................................................................... 9 2.5.4 Stormwater, Erosion, and Sedimentation Control Facilities ................................... 9 2.5.5 Leachate Management and Closure Plan ................................................................ 9 2.6 Training ............................................................................................................................. 10 2.7 Post-Closure Land Use ..................................................................................................... 10 2.8 Post-Closure Cost Estimate............................................................................................... 10 APPENDICES Appendix VII-1 Waste Inventory Calculations Appendix VII-2 Closure Cost Estimates Appendix VII-3 Post Closure Inspection Record Appendix VII-4 Groundwater Monitoring Well Maintenance Record Appendix VII-5 Methane Monitoring Test Report Appendix VII-6 Post Closure Cost Estimate _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII- Closure and Post Closure Care Plan 2 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 1.0 CLOSURE ACTIVITIES Pursuant to the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules (15A NCAC 13B .1627), this Closure and Post-Closure Plan is submitted as part of the permit application to construct Unit 2, Phase 1 of the Oxford Landfill near Oxford, North Carolina. Currently the landfill operates a C&D Unit on top of a closed MSW landfill. This plan describes proposed closure and post- closure activities for the proposed Unit 2, Phase 1 MSW facility, site modifications, and site characteristics. Please note that references are made herein to information and drawings found in the Facility, Operation, and Engineering Plans in an effort to reduce redundancy in this report. Grading plans, cap sections, and other aspects related to closure, including phased development, stormwater management, and erosion and sediment control are discussed in the Facility, Engineering, and Operations Plans, and are illustrated in the drawings. The Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan submitted with the Permit to Construct Application in June 2009 by Joyce Engineering (JOYCE) and revised in January 2012 describes methods and procedures used in monitoring construction of the closure cap, which can be found Volume 2 Section V of the Permit to Construct Application. Detailed drawings, specifications, and other documents will be prepared prior to closure for bidding and construction purposes. The facility will be closed in accordance with the requirements of EPA's Subtitle D regulations (40 CFR 258.60) and Rule .1627 of the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules (15A NCAC 13 B). The waste disposal areas are proposed to be closed incrementally as described in the following paragraphs. 1.1 Closure of Disposal Units 1.1.1 Cap Design Proposed final grading contours for the entire facility are provided on Drawing No. FP-04 of the Facility Plan. Final contours have been designed with post-settlement surface slopes of at least five percent on top of the cell. Cross-sectional details of the proposed closure cap are provided on Drawing No. EP-06. The following components are proposed as shown on the details: a. Intermediate Cover and Leveling Course - Local soil will be placed over the daily cover soil to provide at least 12 inches of intermediate cover and a uniform base for construction of the cap. b. Passive Gas Vents – Passive gas vents will be installed at a frequency of one per acre. A typical passive gas vent is detailed on Drawing No. EP-15. Passive venting of landfill gasses will protect the integrity of the cap by preventing excessive pressure buildup beneath the cap. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII- Closure and Post Closure Care Plan 3 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 c. Gas Collection/Migration Layer – A geonet composite will be installed between the intermediate cover and the overlying infiltration layer. The geonet composite will provide a pathway for accumulated gas to move laterally to the gas vents. d. Infiltration Layer: Clay component: - The infiltration layer is proposed to consist of a geosynthetic clay liner. This layer will be constructed over the geonet composite that will serve as the gas migration layer. Installation and testing requirements for the cap are provided in the Specifications appendix of the Engineering Plan and the CQA Plan. e. Infiltration Layer: Geomembrane Component - The geomembrane component of the infiltration layer will consist of a textured 40 mil flexible membrane cap (FMC). The membrane will be in direct contact with the underlying layer. The testing program and quality assurance requirements for the geomembrane are described in the CQA Plan. f. Geocomposite Drainage Layer - A drainage layer consisting of a geonet and geotextile composite will be placed directly over the geomembrane to promote drainage. g. Protective Layer - A layer consisting of at least 18 inches of local soil will be placed above the drainage layer to provide a protective cover for the underlying cap components. Compaction of the layer will be limited to about 90 percent (plus or minus three percent) of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density so that the vegetation can develop a strong root system, and to avoid damage to the underlying synthetic components. h. Erosion Layer - A layer of topsoil material or organically amended local soil will be placed above the protective layer. This soil layer will be at least 6 inches in thickness. The topsoil material will be lightly compacted so that a good stand of vegetation can be established. Soil tests will be conducted prior to seeding to determine if soil additives are needed to establish vegetation. i. Vegetation - After placement of the erosion layer, the area will be seeded. Seeding will be accomplished in accordance with the "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual", and recommendations from local agricultural specialists. Mulch and erosion matting will be used as needed to control erosion and promote vegetative growth. The vegetative cover will be inspected regularly. Areas found to be sparsely covered will be revegetated. 1.1.2 Area to Be Capped The landfill is designed so that closure can occur in stages. Partial closure can occur when final contours are reached, and the waste appears reasonably stabilized, in a given area. Once an area of sufficient size to make construction cost-effective has reach final elevations, closure activities _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII- Closure and Post Closure Care Plan 4 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 will be carried out according to the schedule presented later in this section. With the construction of Unit 2 Phase 1 it is anticipated to be partially closed and a section will be incorporated into Unit 2 Phase 2. However if Unit 2 Phase 2 is not approved for construction the total area for Unit 2 Phase 1 (11 acres) will need to be capped. A cost estimate for closure for this area is provided as Appendix VII-2. 1.1.3 Cap Settlement and Stability Non-uniform settlement can be expected over the entire area. The primary mechanism of settlement is waste consolidation due to decomposition of the landfilled material. According to Daniel et al, long-term settlement is typically 5 to 15 percent over 20 to 30 years; however, settlement of about 5 percent can be expected in the first few months following waste placement. A significant amount of waste consolidation will likely have occurred by the time each portion of the landfill is closed. The stability of the proposed cap design under static and seismic conditions has been evaluated and is included in the Engineering Plan. The standard regulatory cap design was found to be stable at a slope of 3H:1V. After the final cap is completed, monthly inspections of the final cover will be conducted to look for areas of the cap that might have experienced displacement. Should these inspections indicate problem areas (ponding, exposure of the geomembrane, deep cracks, etc.) repairs will be initiated as soon as practical. 1.1.4 Drainage and Erosion A combination of drainage ditches, diversion berms, vegetative cover, and sediment traps and basins will control drainage and erosion. Construction and design of sediment and erosion control features will be in accordance with applicable sections of the "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual." Drainage will be directed to perimeter ditches that either exist now or will be constructed. These ditches will receive runoff from the final cap, conveying the flow to sediment control features. For a detailed discussion regarding stormwater management and erosion and sediment control, please refer to the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan submitted under separate cover. 1.1.5 Freeze/Thaw Effects Based on a published map of frost depths throughout the United States (US Army Corps of Engineers EM 1110-1-1905, October 1992), the anticipated maximum depth of freeze/thaw effects on the site is approximately 16 inches. Since the upper 18 inches of final cover soil is not the low-permeability component of the cap, the effects of freeze/thaw cycles on the closure cap should not be detrimental to its function. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII- Closure and Post Closure Care Plan 5 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 1.2 Waste Volume An estimate of the quantity of waste to be disposed in Unit 2, Phase 1 is provided in Table 2 of the Facility Plan. The calculation is based on the airspace provided by proposed base and final grades, and assumptions regarding the density of waste and the amount of cover soil in the fill. Allowances for the airspace occupied by the bottom liner and cap were made. The estimate was determined using the following steps: 1. Estimate the total airspace in cubic yards using AutoDesk Civil3D software. The total airspace is considered to be the total volume between the bottom of the liner and the top of the cap system. 2. Estimate the volume (cubic yards) occupied by the liner and cap. 3. Subtract the liner and cap volume from the total airspace volume to estimate the net airspace available for waste disposal. 4. Assume a waste density of 1,100 pounds per cubic yard (0.55 tons per cubic yard); multiply the waste volume by 0.55 to convert the waste volume to tons of waste to be disposed. Using the above procedure, the estimated total volume of waste that can be disposed in proposed Unit 2, Phase 1 is approximately 660,000 cubic yards, or approximately 363,000 tons. 1.3 Closure Plan Schedule As discussed in the Facility Plan, Unit 2 has a projected operating life of approximately 24 years. Thus, closure of the entire landfill is not anticipated until 2045 assuming waste disposal in Phase begins in 2021. However, the landfill is designed so that it can be closed incrementally as final contours are reached in various areas. Prior to beginning final closure, Granville County will notify the Division that a notice of intent to close the facility has been placed in the operating record. An itemized list of closure milestones and a proposed schedule follow. Closure activities are proposed to begin within 30 days of final receipt of waste. Construction of the closure cap is to be completed within 180 days following the initiation of closure activities. The total length of the proposed closure period is 210 days following the final receipt of waste. The approximate closure milestones shown in Table 1 below are proposed for use in tracking the progress of closure activities. A detailed schedule will be established prior to construction. Table 1 Proposed Closure Milestones and Schedule Milestone Proposed Schedule from the Date of Final Receipt of Waste Testing of borrow sources Within 6 months prior to closure Grading of intermediate cover Within 30 to 60 days _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII- Closure and Post Closure Care Plan 6 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 Milestone Proposed Schedule from the Date of Final Receipt of Waste Placement of soil cap 30 to 150 days Final inspection of cap by P.E. 150 to 180 days Construction of stormwater controls 90 to 180 days Seeding and mulching 150 to 180 days Preparation of survey plat 180 to 210 days Submittal of closure certification 180 to 210 days 1.4 Posting and Baiting At least one sign will remain posted at the entrance to the facility notifying persons of the facility closing. Also, a notice prohibiting further receipt of waste materials will remain posted at the entrance. The site will be secured through the use of gates equipped with locks, fencing, and/or natural barriers. The site will be baited for rodent and vector control before final closure is initiated. 1.5 Notification Once closure is complete, a survey plat will be prepared by a registered land surveyor showing the locations and dimensions of the landfill disposal areas, the locations of groundwater monitoring wells and gas probes, and the restrictions on future disturbance of the site. A notation will be recorded on the property deed stating that the land has been used to dispose solid waste and that its use is restricted under the Closure Plan as required by Rule .1627(c)(8). Copies of the deed notations as recorded will be placed in the Operating Record and forwarded to the Division. 1.6 Certification Upon completion of closure, a licensed professional engineer acting on behalf of the owner will submit a Certification of Closure to the Division. This Certification will state that the site was closed in accordance with the Closure Plan and applicable solid waste regulations and laws as required by Rule .1627(c)(7). The owner must record a notation on the deed to the landfill facility property at the local county Registrar of Deeds office, or some other instrument that is normally examined during title search, and notify the division that the notation has been recorded and a copy has been placed in the operating record. The notation shall in perpetuity notify any potential purchaser of the property that the land has been used as a MSW facility and its use is restricted under the closure plan approved by the Division. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII- Closure and Post Closure Care Plan 7 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 1.7 Closure Cost Estimate An estimate of closure costs is provided in Appendix VII-2. All costs are given in 2017 dollars. 2.0 POST-CLOSURE ACTIVITIES Post-closure activities will be conducted at the landfill in accordance with Rule .1627 for a period of 30 years following closure of the landfill. The length of the period can be increased or decreased in accordance with Division directives. 2.1 Contact The Granville County Solid Waste Department will handle questions and/or problems which might occur during the post-closure care period. CONTACT PERSON: Mr. Jason Falls OWNER: Granville County, North Carolina ADDRESS: 6584 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27375 PHONE NUMBER: (919) 603-1355 FAX: (919) 690-8610 2.2 Security Access to the site will be controlled by the use of barriers and gates at roadway entrances. These control devices will be maintained throughout the post-closure care period, and inspected as part of the monthly inspection program. All barriers and gates will be clearly marked with signs stating the name and nature of the facility and the person to contact in case of emergency or breach of security. 2.3 Post-Closure Maintenance Post-closure maintenance and monitoring will be conducted at the Oxford Landfill for a period of 30 years after final closure. The Division may decrease the length of the post-closure period if the owner or operator demonstrates that the reduced period is sufficient to protect human health and the environment, and the Division approves this demonstration. The period might be increased by the Division if the Division determines that the lengthened period is necessary to protect human health and the environment. Access roads extending from the public road towards the closed unit and monitoring points will be all-weather and conditions will be monitored. Additional maintenance will be performed as needed to ensure access is maintained at all times. Monitoring will include semi-annual sampling of groundwater and surface water, quarterly gas monitoring, and monthly inspection of the final cover and monitoring and control systems. Maintenance needs identified through the monitoring program will be initiated no later than 60 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII- Closure and Post Closure Care Plan 8 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 days after the discovery, and within 24 hours if a danger or eminent threat to human health or the environment is indicated. Minor cap maintenance may be deferred until there is a sufficient amount of work to justify the mobilization of equipment and personnel. Unusual or extreme maintenance needs due to calamities or vandalism might require the implementation of emergency contract service procedures established by Granville County. 2.4 Inspection Plan Routine inspections will be conducted throughout the post-closure care period. These inspections will be carried out monthly unless problems are detected that indicate that more frequent visits are warranted. Potential impacts to the public and environment will be considered in determining the inspection frequency. The landfill cover will be inspected throughout the post-closure care period. It is not expected that the landfill will experience significant settlement. However, if any areas appear to have settled and standing water is observed, these areas will be re-graded to promote positive drainage and will be reseeded. Edge-of-waste markers that were installed during the operation of the landfill will be inspected for preservation. Additional items to be included in the monthly inspection will be as follows: x Access and security control x Final cover settlement, subsidence, and displacement x Integrity of edge-of-waste markers x Leachate management and storage systems x Stormwater management x Erosion and sediment control x Gas management x Groundwater, surface water, and landfill gas monitoring systems x Vector control Inspection forms have been prepared for use during each inspection (see Appendix VII-3). Completed copies of the inspection forms will be kept by the owner, and copies will be forwarded to the Division for its records. 2.5 Monitoring Plan 2.5.1 Groundwater Monitoring Groundwater monitoring will occur semi-annually throughout the post-closure care period. The monitoring schedule will continue as established during the active life of the facility. The applicable procedures outlined in Rules .1633 through .1637 will be followed through post- closure as required by site findings. Refer to the Water Quality Monitoring Plan in Section X, Volume 3 of the original Permit to Construct Application submitted by Joyce Engineering (JOYCE) in 2009, revised in January 2012, for details regarding the monitoring program. The post-closure care period for the site is 30 years unless modified by the Division. If the statistical analysis of the groundwater monitoring data does not indicate degradation to the _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII- Closure and Post Closure Care Plan 9 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 quality of the groundwater after the 30-year post-closure care period, a request will be made to terminate the groundwater monitoring program. All groundwater-monitoring wells will be maintained so that future monitoring can be resumed if desired. A blank groundwater monitoring well maintenance record form is provided in Appendix VII-4. 2.5.2 Surface Water Monitoring Surface water will be monitored according to the Water Quality Monitoring Plan provided in Section X, Volume 3 of the original Permit to Construct Application submitted by Joyce Engineering (JOYCE) in 2009, revised in January 2012. 2.5.3 Landfill Gas Monitoring Landfill gas will be monitored quarterly at permanent gas probes and in all on-site structures. A typical landfill gas monitoring probe is shown on Drawing No. EP-15. The monitoring schedule will continue as established during the active life of the facility. Refer to the Operation Plan for details regarding the landfill gas monitoring program. A blank methane monitoring test report form is provided in Appendix VII-5. 2.5.4 Stormwater, Erosion, and Sedimentation Control Facilities Stormwater management features proposed in the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan are designed to function throughout the post-closure care period. Drainage ditches and sediment control features will be inspected and maintained as needed to control surface water runoff and erosion. 2.5.5 Leachate Management and Closure Plan Leachate management will continue according to the approved practices at the facility during the post-closure period as long as leachate continues to be generated. The leachate collection system will be checked periodically and maintained to prevent clogging. Tanker trucks will be used as needed to haul leachate to the wastewater treatment plant for disposal. When leachate collection ceases, the following closure activities will be completed within 180 days: Leachate removal pipes will be securely plugged, and liquid and solid waste will be removed from the storage facilities and associated piping. In accordance with Rule .1680(f)(3)(B), the double-walled leachate containment tank will be securely fasten to prevent unauthorized access. The tank will be stenciled with the date of removal. Contaminated subsoils, structures, and equipment will also be removed. Material that is removed will be disposed in accordance with applicable requirements. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VII- Closure and Post Closure Care Plan 10 Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal June 2009, Revised January 2012 Granville County, North Carolina Revised August 2017, Revised January 2019 2.6 Training Personnel responsible for conducting monitoring activities, site inspections and maintenance will be competent individuals trained in the skills needed for their job. Personnel will continue to receive training as new programs become available. Groundwater and surface water monitoring will be performed by a qualified firm, and laboratory analysis will be conducted by a certified environmental laboratory. 2.7 Post-Closure Land Use The primary land use for the site after closure of the landfill will be open dormant green space. Limited passive recreational uses may be proposed at a later time. Also, at the end of the solar project’s life, the solar project will be decommissioned. The solar project site will be returned to pre-development use, which includes receive, process, and temporarily stockpile yard waste and land clearing debris, and to conduct active composting activities, with the removal of the solar array system. 2.8 Post-Closure Cost Estimate An estimate of post-closure care costs is provided in Appendix VII-6. All costs are given in 2018 dollars. (End) Table 2 Estimate of Post-Closure Care Costs: Oxford Landfill Unit 2, Phase 1 ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST ANNUAL COST INSPECTIONS/ RECORD KEEPING per trip 4 $500 $2,000 MONITORING Explosive gases (quarterly) per trip 4 $1,000 $4,000 Groundwater/Surfacewater (semi-annually) Sampling per trip 2 $4,000 $8,000 Analysis per trip 2 $2,500 $5,000 Reporting per trip 2 $2,500 $5,000 Surface Water (semi-annually) per trip 2 $2,100 $4,200 Leachate sampling and analysis per trip 2 $500 $1,000 Subtotal $27,200 LEACHATE COLLECTION AND TREATMENT allowance 1 $3,600 $3,600 Closure of Leachate Tank allowance 1 $0 $0 Subtotal $3,600 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Mowing acre 20 $150 $3,000 Fertilizing (once every 3 years) acre 6.7 $255 $1,700 Reseeding (once every 3 years) acre 6.7 $1,600 $10,667 Vector and Rodent Control acre 20 $30 $600 Subtotal $15,967 WELL MAINTENANCE Groundwater Wells lump sum 1 $1,000 $1,000 Gas Detection Probes lump sum 1 $500 $500 Subtotal $1,500 CAP REPAIR lump sum 1 $6,000 $6,000 DECOMMISSIONING COST OF SOLAR PROJECT lump sum 1 $117,944 $117,944 (FROM HYPOWER, INC.) TOTAL OF ABOVE ITEMS $174,211 ENGINEERING - - 3% $5,226 CONTINGENCY - - 5% $8,711 TOTAL ANNUAL POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2009 DOLLARS)=$188,148 TOTAL ANNUAL POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2010 DOLLARS)=ANNUAL 2009 COST ESTIMATE * 1.012 (INFLATION MULTIPLIER) $190,405 TOTAL ANNUAL POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2011 DOLLARS)=ANNUAL 2010 COST ESTIMATE * 1.011 (INFLATION MULTIPLIER) $192,500 TOTAL ANNUAL POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2012 DOLLARS)=ANNUAL 2011 COST ESTIMATE * 1.021 (INFLATION MULTIPLIER) $196,542 TOTAL ANNUAL POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2013 DOLLARS)=ANNUAL 2012 COST ESTIMATE * 1.018 (INFLATION MULTIPLIER) $200,080 TOTAL ANNUAL POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2014 DOLLARS)=ANNUAL 2013 COST ESTIMATE * 1.015 (INFLATION MULTIPLIER) $203,081 TOTAL ANNUAL POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2015 DOLLARS)=ANNUAL 2014 COST ESTIMATE * 1.014 (INFLATION MULTIPLIER) $205,924 TOTAL ANNUAL POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2016 DOLLARS)=ANNUAL 2015 COST ESTIMATE * 1.010 (INFLATION MULTIPLIER) $207,984 TOTAL ANNUAL POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2017 DOLLARS)=ANNUAL 2016 COST ESTIMATE * 1.013 (INFLATION MULTIPLIER) $210,687 TOTAL ANNUAL POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2018 DOLLARS)=ANNUAL 2017 COST ESTIMATE * 1.018 (INFLATION MULTIPLIER) $214,480 TOTAL 30 YEAR POST-CLOSURE COST (IN 2018 DOLLARS)=$6,434,392.29 Notes: 1. All costs include labor by a third party. 2. Water quality monitoring and leachate management costs are estimated. 3. Cost for groundwater wells assumes maintenance of each well during the period. 4. Cost for the gas probes assumes maintenance of each probe during the period. 5. Inflation multipliers source: Division of Compliance & Enforcement, Bureau of Land & Waste Management, NCDEQ. 6. Leachate tank closure assumes salvage or resale value to equal cost to plug leachate lines and remove tank. Closure and Post Closure Joyce Engineering, Inc. Oxford MSW Landfill Permit Renewal Rev.January 2019 Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Granville County Oxford Landfills, Permit No. 39-01 August 2014 (Rev. January 2018) i LANDFILL GAS MONITORING PLAN Granville County Oxford Landfills Permit No. 39-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................1  1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................1  1.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology .......................................................................................1  1.3 Regulatory Limits .............................................................................................................2  2.0 LANDFILL GAS MONITORING ...................................................................................2  2.1 Landfill Gas Monitoring Network ....................................................................................2  2.2 Structure Sampling............................................................................................................3  2.3 Landfill Gas Monitoring Frequency .................................................................................3  3.0 LANDFILL GAS SAMPLING PROCEDURES..............................................................3  3.1  Detection Equipment ........................................................................................................3  3.2  Landfill Gas Sampling Procedure .....................................................................................4  4.0 RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING .......................................................................4  4.1  Notifications ......................................................................................................................4  4.2  Sampling Reports ..............................................................................................................4  4.3  Permanent Record Keeping ..............................................................................................5  5.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN ..................................................................................................5  6.0 CERTIFICATION OF PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST OR ENGINEER .....................6  7.0 CERTIFICATION OF REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR ..........................................6  8.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................6    Drawing Drawing 1 Landfill Gas Monitoring Network Map Appendices Appendix I Solid Waste Section – Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance Appendix II Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form Appendix III Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Detail Appendix IV Certification of Professional Geologist or Engineer Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Granville County Oxford Landfills, Permit No. 39-01 August 2014 (Rev. January 2018) 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION This Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan (LFGMP) will serve as a guidance document for collecting and monitoring of landfill gas at the Granville County Oxford Landfill Permit No. 39-01. Landfill gas will be monitored quarterly to ensure that methane concentrations do not exceed the regulatory limit at the facility boundary or in facility structures. The LFGMP was prepared in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NC DENR) Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section (SWS) Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance document, to assure performance standards are met and to protect human health and the environment. 1.1 Background The Oxford Landfill is located at 6584 Landfill Road, Oxford, Granville County, North Carolina, near the town of Kinton Fork. The facility is owned and operated by Granville County under Permit Number 39-01, issued by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Solid Waste Section (SWS). The Oxford Landfill consists of two separate waste disposal units. Unit 1(Permit Number 3901-CDLF-1997) is a former unlined municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill originally permitted for disposal of domestic, institutional, industrial, agricultural, and demolition wastes, with an active C&D landfill on top. The Unit 2 landfill (Permit Number 3901-MSWLF-2012) is a Subtitle-D MSW landfill. Granville County received the Unit 2 Permit to Operate from DENR on February 19, 2013. The county began placing waste in Unit 2 on May 1, 2013. 1.2 Site Geology and Hydrogeology The Oxford Landfill is located in the Carolina Slate Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The geologic province is characterized by rolling topography with a thick mantle of saprolite overlying late-Proterozoic and Paleozoic igneous and metamorphic bedrock. The Carolina Slate Belt is comprised of 550 to 650 million year old, metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks, intruded by granitic rocks. The Oxford Landfill is underlain by the Flat River Complex, a shallow intrusive complex of granitic composition, which comprises a large portion of the northern Carolina Slate Belt (Butler, 1991). The landfill is approximately 18 miles east of the Virgilina Synclinorium, approximately 10 miles west of the Nutbush Creek Fault Zone, and approximately 4 miles northwest of the Durham Basin (Butler, 1991). Previous investigations discovered limited exposures in the borrow area of a competent, massive, gray to greenish gray meta-volcanic rock that is moderately fractured with prominent fractures with near vertical dips and striking approximately N25o to 30oW (Woodward-Clyde, 1994). Boring logs indicate that the depth to bedrock at Oxford Landfill ranges from 5 to 30 feet below ground surface. The overlying saprolite consists of brownish sandy to clayey silt (Woodward- Clyde, 1994). Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Granville County Oxford Landfills, Permit No. 39-01 August 2014 (Rev. January 2018) 2 Groundwater in the Piedmont can occur in substantial volumes where soils and regolith are thick, but groundwater is typically found in minimal volumes in bedrock, primarily restricted to fractures. The water table under the area landfill was encountered in the unconfined aquifer that is mostly in the transition zone that consists of saprolite and highly fractured bedrock. This unconfined aquifer is pervasive across the site and generally mimics the surface topography. The saturated portion of the uppermost aquifer beneath the landfill is vertically continuous to bedrock, and no confining layers have been encountered during permitting. There is a high degree of connectivity between the saprolite and underlying fractured bedrock such that they behave as a single continuous aquifer. Depth to water ranged from 3 to 22 feet below grade. 1.3 Regulatory Limits North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules 15A NCAC 13B require quarterly monitoring of methane gas at MSW landfills and quarterly monitoring of methane and other explosive landfill gasses at C&D landfills to ensure that landfill gas does not exceed the lower explosive limit (LEL) at the facility boundary or 25 percent of the LEL in facility structures. The LEL for methane equals 5% by volume at standard temperature and pressure. This LFGMP prescribes a routine methane monitoring program to ensure standards are met and actions to be taken if methane concentrations exceed specified limits. 2.0 LANDFILL GAS MONITORING Gas monitoring at the Granville County, Oxford Landfills will be performed throughout the active and post-closure care period for the facility. At a minimum, quarterly monitoring will be conducted at all subsurface gas detection probes and facility structures. 2.1 Landfill Gas Monitoring Network The locations of the network of landfill gas monitoring probes are shown on Drawing 1. The landfill gas monitoring network consists of 10 compliance boundary gas probes (GP-1A, GP -2, GP-3A, GP-4, GP-5, GP-6, GP-7, GP-10, GP-11, and GP-12), 4 voluntary gas probes (GP-1, GP-3, GP-8, and GP-9), and 2 structures (scale house and shop). As part of the groundwater corrective action, a landfill gas intercept trench was installed with 6 vents along the northeast corner of the Unit 1 landfill. The landfill gas intercept trench vents will be voluntarily monitored in conjunction with the quarterly compliance monitoring. The following table summarizing the landfill gas monitoring network. In addition, the locations of all of the monitoring probes, structures and trench vents are shown on Drawing 1. Monitoring Probe Monitoring status Monitoring Unit Total Depth GP-1 Voluntary Unit 1 Unknown GP-1A Compliance Unit 1 8.5’ GP-2 Compliance Unit 1 Unknown GP-3 Voluntary Unit 1 Unknown GP-3A Compliance Unit 1 10’ Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Granville County Oxford Landfills, Permit No. 39-01 August 2014 (Rev. January 2018) 3 Monitoring Probe Monitoring status Monitoring Unit Total Depth GP-4 Compliance Unit 1 Unknown GP-5 Compliance Unit 1 Unknown GP-6 Compliance Unit 1 Unknown GP-7 Compliance Unit 1 Unknown GP-8 Voluntary Unit 1 Unknown GP-9 Voluntary Unit 1 Unknown GP-10 Compliance Unit 1 Unknown GP-11 Compliance Units 1 & 2 15’ GP-12 Compliance Unit 2 18.5’ Scale House Compliance Units 1 & 2 N/A Shop Compliance Units 1 & 2 N/A TV-1 Voluntary Unit 1 N/A TV-2 Voluntary Unit 1 N/A TV-3 Voluntary Unit 1 N/A TV-4 Voluntary Unit 1 N/A TV-5 Voluntary Unit 1 N/A TV-6 Voluntary Unit 1 N/A 2.2 Structure Sampling There are currently two structures (scale house and shop) on the facility property that will be monitored for landfill gas. The scale house and shop are shown on Drawing 1. 2.3 Landfill Gas Monitoring Frequency The landfill gas compliance probes included in this LFGMP will be monitored at least quarterly in accordance to current regulations. 3.0 LANDFILL GAS SAMPLING PROCEDURES Landfill gas samples will be collected in accordance with Solid Waste Section’s (SWS) Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance document. Details of detection equipment and sampling procedures are outlined below. 3.1 Detection Equipment A portable combustible gas monitor, measuring the concentration of combustible gases in units of percent of LEL, shall be used to conduct gas monitoring. The LEL is the lowest percent by volume of a mixture of combustible gas in air that will propagate a flame at 25 degrees Celsius and atmospheric pressure. The LEL for methane is 5%. Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Granville County Oxford Landfills, Permit No. 39-01 August 2014 (Rev. January 2018) 4 The gas monitor shall be calibrated to methane using the manufacturer's calibration kit and procedure before the monitoring activities begin. The calibration gas to be used depends on the expected levels of methane in landfill gas monitoring probes. If low levels of methane are expected, 15% CO2/15% CH4 calibration gas should be used. If high levels of methane are expected, 35% CO2/ 50% CH4 calibration gas should be used. Verification that the equipment was calibrated in accordance with the manufacture’s specifications is required. Calibration information must be recorded on the Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form. 3.2 Landfill Gas Sampling Procedure The portable combustible gas monitor will be turned on and allowed to warm up prior to gas sampling. The static pressure should show a reading of zero before taking the initial sample. The sample tube shall be purged for at least one minute prior to connecting the sample tube to the detection well, and then the initial concentration will be recorded. Gas monitoring will continue until the reading has stabilized. A stable reading is considered to be +/- 0.5% by volume on the instrument’s scale. Once the reading has stabilized for 5 seconds, the reading will be recorded and the tubing will be disconnected from the valve. These steps will be repeated for each landfill gas monitoring well. Gas monitoring in on-site structures will attempt to identify the "worst case" concentrations. The monitoring locations will be in corners along floors and ceilings, at cracks in the floor, and at other areas likely to accumulate gas. Gas monitoring will also be conducted in any confined space requiring the entry of personnel for maintenance or inspection. The monitoring will take place prior to entry by personnel in accordance with OSHA regulations. 4.0 RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING The landfill gas data will be recorded in accordance to the SWS’s Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance document included as Appendix I. The records will be maintained in the landfill operating record. An example landfill gas monitoring data form is included as Appendix II. 4.1 Notifications In the event that an exceedance of the regulatory levels is observed, the DENR shall be notified within 24 hours of the observation, and the monitoring results and a description of the steps taken to protect human health, shall be placed in the facility’s operating record within seven calendar days of the observation. 4.2 Sampling Reports The landfill gas monitoring report will be prepared in accordance with the NC DENR Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance document. The report will describe the method of sampling, the date, time, location, sampling personnel, atmospheric temperature, reported barometric pressure, equipment calibration information, exceptions noted during sampling, and general weather conditions at the time of sampling, in addition to the concentration of combustible gases. Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Granville County Oxford Landfills, Permit No. 39-01 August 2014 (Rev. January 2018) 5 4.3 Permanent Record Keeping A copy of the landfill gas monitoring results and any remediation plans will be maintained in the landfill operating record. The reports will be maintained at an alternative location near the facility approved by the Division of Waste Management (Division). 5.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN If methane gas levels that exceed the regulatory limits are detected, the results shall be reported to Granville County immediately. The County shall immediately take all necessary steps to insure protection of human health. Granville County will notify the SWS in via phone or email within 24 hours and in writing (fax and email are acceptable) within 7 calendar days. If methane levels exceed the LEL in existing gas probes, the need for additional gas probes will be evaluated, as well as the need for monitoring within any nearby structures in the direction of the gas migration. If the exceedance is in a gas well not located at or near a property boundary, additional investigation including use of bar-hole probes or temporary gas probes may be implemented to determine whether or not the exceedance extends to the property boundary. If necessary, additional permanent gas probes may be installed between the exceeding well(s) and the property boundary to demonstrate that the site is in compliance. If the compliance level (25% LEL) is exceeded in an on-site structure, options will be evaluated to reduce the current methane levels and to prevent further migration of methane into the structure. At a minimum, the following actions will be taken if the methane concentration exceeds 25% of the LEL in any structure:  Put out all smoking materials and turn off all ignition sources;  Evacuate all personnel;  Vent the structure;  Do not allow personnel to reenter the building except to perform gas monitoring until the results of additional monitoring indicate that methane concentrations are sustained or stabilized below 25% of the LEL;  Begin continuous monitoring within the structure; and  Undertake an assessment to determine the origin and pathways of the gas migration Within seven calendar days of detection, the monitoring results will be placed in the operating record and Granville County will indicate actions taken and actions proposed to resolve the problem. Within 60 days of detection, Granville County will develop and implement a landfill gas remediation plan for the combustible gas releases and notify the Division that the plan has been implemented. The plan will describe the nature and extent of the problem and the proposed remedy. Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Granville County Oxford Landfills, Permit No. 39-01 August 2014 (Rev. January 2018) 6 6.0 CERTIFICATION OF PROFESSIONAL GEOLOGIST OR ENGINEER The landfill gas monitoring plan for this facility must be prepared by a qualified geologist or engineer who is licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina. The Certification of Professional Geologist or Engineer form is included as Appendix IV. 7.0 CERTIFICATION OF REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR Each constructed landfill gas monitoring well must be surveyed for location and elevation by a North Carolina Registered Land Surveyor. 8.0 REFERENCES Brown, Philip M., Chief Geologist, 1985, Geologic Map of North Carolina, The North Carolina Geologic Survey, scale 1:500,000. Fetter, C.W., 2001, Applied Hydrogeology, Fourth Edition: Prentice-Hall, Inc.. Johnson, A.I., 1967, Specific Yield - Compilation of Specific Yields For Various Materials: U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1662-D. Butler, J. Robert, and Secor, Jr., Donald T., 1991, The Central Piedmont, in Horton, J. W., Jr., and Zullo, V. A., eds., The Geology of the Carolinas: The University of Tennessee Press, p. 59- 78. Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1994. Transition Plan, Oxford Landfill Granville County, North Carolina. April 1994. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 1990-2011, Solid Waste Management Regulations. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, November 2010, Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance. Drawing Appendix I Solid Waste Section – Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance                                                           Appendix II Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form Facility Name: ____________________ Permit Number: ___________________ Date of Sampling: ____________________ Personnel: ___________________ Gas Monitor Type & Serial No: ____________________ Calibration Date: ___________________ Field Calibration Date & Time: ____________________ Calibration Gas Type: ___________________ General Weather Conditions: ____________________ Barometer : ___________________ Location or LFG GP ID Instr. purged Time Well Pressure (InWg) Time Pumped (sec.) CH4 (%LEL) CH4 (%Vol) Notes Abbreviations: GW = Gas Well LEL = Lower Explosive Limit Appendix III Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Detail Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Detail Appendix IV Certification of Professional Geologist or Engineer PREPARED FOR: GRANVILLE COUNTY SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 906 OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 27565 GRANVILLE COUNTY OXFORD LANDFILL PERMIT NO. 39-01 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN JANUARY 2018 PREPARED BY: 2211 WEST MEADOWVIEW ROAD, SUITE 101 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 27407 NC LICENSE NUMBER C-0782 PHONE: (336) 323-0092 FAX: (336) 323-0093 PROJECT NO. 2180176 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN Oxford Landfill Units 1 & 2 - Granville County Permit No. 39-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................. 1  1.1 Site Background .................................................................................................................. 1  1.2 Site Geology and Hydrology .............................................................................................. 1  1.2.1 Site Geology ............................................................................................................ 1  1.2.2 Site Hydrogeology ................................................................................................... 2  1.3 Aquifer Characteristics & Groundwater Flow Regime ...................................................... 2  1.4 Monitoring History and Regulatory Status ......................................................................... 3  1.4.1 Monitoring History ................................................................................................. 3  1.4.2 Regulatory Status .................................................................................................... 4  2.1 Groundwater Monitoring Program ..................................................................................... 6  2.1.1 Unit 1 Monitoring Program .................................................................................... 6  2.1.2 Unit 2 Monitoring Program .................................................................................... 7  2.2 Surface Water Monitoring Program .................................................................................... 7  3.0 SAMPLING PROTOCOLS ................................................................................................. 7  3.1 Groundwater Sampling Methodology ................................................................................. 7  3.2 Surface Water Sampling Methodology.............................................................................. 11  3.3 Sample Analytical Requirements ....................................................................................... 11  3.3.1 Analytical Requirements ............................................................................................ 11  3.3.2 Reporting and Record Keeping ................................................................................. 12  3.4 Comparison to GPS........................................................................................................... 12  3.5 Statistical Analyses ........................................................................................................... 12  3.5.1 Treatment of Censored Data ..................................................................................... 13  3.5.2 Assumption of Normality ........................................................................................... 13  3.5.3 Parametric Upper Tolerance Limit ........................................................................... 13  3.5.4 Aitchison’s Adjusted Parametric Upper Prediction Limit ........................................ 13  3.5.5 Non-parametric Upper Tolerance Limit ................................................................... 13  3.5.6 Poisson Upper Prediction Limit ................................................................................ 14  3.6 Surface Water Monitoring ................................................................................................ 14  4.0 ABILITY TO EFFECTIVELY MONITOR RELEASES .............................................. 14  5.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 14  6.0 ACRONYMS ....................................................................................................................... 15  WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN Oxford Landfill Units 1 & 2 - Granville County Permit No. 39-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 iii TABLES Table 1 Monitoring Well Construction Details Table 2 Historical Groundwater Elevations Table 3 Groundwater Velocity Calculations FIGURE Figure 1 Site Location Map DRAWING Drawing 1 Water Quality Monitoring Plan APPENDICES Appendix A NC Appendix I & II Constituents with NC2L Standards and GWPS Appendix B NC-2B Surface Water Standards Appendix C Example Field Logs and Chain of Custody WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN Oxford Landfill Units 1 & 2 - Granville County Permit No. 39-01 Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION On behalf of Granville County, Joyce Engineering (JOYCE) has prepared this Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) for the Oxford Landfill Units 1 & 2 (facility) in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B.1632-.1637 of the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules (NCSWMR). The Unit 1 of the facility is currently in Assessment Monitoring (§.1634) and Corrective Action. Unit 2 of the facility is currently in Detection Monitoring. 1.1 Site Background The Oxford Landfill is located at 6584 Landfill Road, Oxford, Granville County, North Carolina, near the town of Kinton Fork (Figure 1). The facility is owned and operated by Granville County under Permit Numbers 3901-CDLF-1997 (Unit 1) and 3901-MSWlLF-2012 (Unit 2), issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) [formerly the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)] Solid Waste Section (SWS). The Oxford Landfill consists of two separate waste disposal units: Unit 1 is a former unlined municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill with a C&D landfill on top; and Unit 2 is a Subtitle-D MSW landfill. The permitted facility consists of approximately 283 acres, of which approximately 29 acres constitutes the Unit 1 waste unit and 37.3 acres constitutes Unit 2. Unit 1 was originally permitted for disposal of domestic, institutional, industrial, agricultural, and demolition wastes in 1981. The Unit 1 MSW landfill was closed in 1997. Between 1997 and 2017, the facility disposed of construction and demolition (C&D) waste on top of the closed Unit 1 MSW landfill in accordance with the facility’s Transition Plan dated 1994. The facility stopped disposing of C&D waste in this unit in the summer of 2017 and closure of the Unit 1 C&D landfill is expected to begin in spring 2018. Unit 1 is currently in Assessment Monitoring and Corrective Action. Unit 2 is a Subtitle-D MSW landfill permitted for disposal of domestic, institutional, industrial, agricultural, and demolition wastes. Granville County received the Unit 2 Permit to Operate from the NCDEQ on February 19, 2013. The County began placing waste in Phase 1 of Unit 2 on May 1, 2013. Unit 2 is currently in Detection Monitoring. 1.2 Site Geology and Hydrology 1.2.1 Site Geology The Oxford Landfill is located in the Carolina Slate Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The geologic province is characterized by a rolling topography with a thick mantle of saprolite overlying Late Proterozoic and Paleozoic igneous and metamorphic bedrock. Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 2 The Carolina Slate Belt is comprised of 550 to 650 million year old, metamorphosed sedimentary and volcanic rocks, intruded by granitic rocks. The Oxford Landfill is underlain by the Flat River Complex, which is a shallow intrusive complex of granitic composition, which comprises a large portion of the northern Carolina Slate Belt (Butler, 1991). The landfill is approximately 18 miles east of the Virgilina Synclinorium, approximately 10 miles west of the Nutbush Creek Fault Zone, and approximately 4 miles northwest of the Durham Basin (Butler, 1991). Previous investigations discovered limited exposures in the borrow area of a competent, massive, gray to greenish gray meta-volcanic rock that is moderately fractured with prominent fractures with near vertical dips and striking approximately N25o to 30oW (Woodward-Clyde, 1994). Boring logs indicate that the depth to bedrock at Oxford Landfill ranges from 5 to 30 feet below ground surface. The overlying saprolite consists of brownish sandy to clayey silt (Woodward- Clyde, 1994). 1.2.2 Site Hydrogeology Groundwater in the Piedmont can occur in substantial volumes where soils and regolith are thick, but groundwater is typically found in minimal volumes in bedrock, primarily restricted to fractures. The water table under the area of investigation was encountered in the unconfined aquifer that is mostly in the transition zone that consists of saprolite and highly fractured bedrock. This unconfined aquifer is pervasive across the site and generally mimics the surface topography. The saturated portion of the uppermost aquifer beneath the site is vertically continuous to bedrock, and no confining layers have been encountered during previous site investigations. There is a high degree of connectivity between the saprolite and underlying fractured bedrock such that they behave as a single continuous aquifer. Depth to water ranged from 5 to 10 feet below grade in wells MW-4R, MW-6R, NES-2S, and NES-2D; and 10 to 25 feet below grade in MW-1A, MW-2, MW-3R, MW-5R, MW-7, NES-1S, and NES-1D. In general, the water table is near the saprolite/bedrock interface. Well construction details for the facility’s monitoring wells are summarized in Table 1, and historical groundwater elevations are presented in Table 2. Groundwater in the saprolite feeds the fractures in the bedrock and is expected to discharge into creeks located northeast of the landfill. Groundwater flow at deeper levels within the fractured bedrock is controlled by fractures. A groundwater potentiometric surface map, based on static water level data obtained on August 23, 2017, is presented as Drawing 1. The groundwater map depicts groundwater flow to the north. 1.3 Aquifer Characteristics & Groundwater Flow Regime Depth to groundwater is measured in all compliance monitoring wells at the site prior to each sampling event. The groundwater elevations calculated relative to the surveyed measuring point (top of casing) for each monitoring well are summarized in Table 2. The groundwater elevation contours shown in Drawing 1 are based on data from the August 2017 sampling event. Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 3 Groundwater flow beneath the Landfill is primarily to the north. Horizontal groundwater gradients were estimated from the August 2017 groundwater levels and are summarized in Table 3. Horizontal gradients across the site ranged from 0.0185 to 0.0220. These values are consistent with previous estimates. Linear groundwater flow velocities for wells screened in saprolite were computed using the following modified Darcy equation: V = Ki/n , where V = average linear velocity (feet/year), K = hydraulic conductivity (feet/day), i = horizontal hydraulic gradient, and n = effective porosity. The arithmetic mean of hydraulic conductivities from slug-tests conducted in 1995, 1999 and 2004 (K = 2.54 ft/day) were used in these calculations, along with an estimated effective porosity of 0.45 based on 85% of the average of laboratory-determined porosities for site soil (0.53). The average estimated linear groundwater flow velocity under the facility was calculated at 42.6 ft/year (Table 3). The linear velocity equation makes the simplifying assumptions of a homogeneous and isotropic aquifer. 1.4 Monitoring History and Regulatory Status 1.4.1 Monitoring History  1995: Oxford Unit 1 entered Assessment Monitoring due to detections of organic constituents in several monitoring wells.  1998: Monitoring wells MW-3R, MW-4R, MW-5R, and MW-6R replaced MW-3, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6, respectively.  2003: Assessment of Corrective Measures (ACM) and Nature and Extent Study (NES) initiated due to 15A NCAC 2L.0202(NC2L) Groundwater Standard exceedances of benzene in MW-4R and vinyl chloride in MW-5R.  May 2004: Nature and Extent wells NES-1S&D and NES-2S&D installed.  May 2005: NES, ACM, & Risk Assessment submitted to DENR-SWS.  August 21, 2006: ACM Public Meeting held in Oxford, NC.  June 2008: Corrective Action Plan (CAP) submitted to NCDEQ-SWS.  December 2008: First Baseline sampling event for MNA  March 2009: Final Revision of CAP submitted to NCDEQ-SWS.  April 23, 2009: CAP Approved by NCDEQ-SWS.  June 2010: Final Baseline sampling event for MNA.  December 23, 2010: Request for Background Well Replacement approved by NCDEQ- SWS makes MW-7 (formerly P-2) the new site background monitoring well.  January 27, 2011: Corrective Action Evaluation Report (CAER) reviewed and approved by NCDEQ-SWS with an updated list of constituents of concern (COCs), along with the Alternate Source Demonstration (ASD) for Chromium, Thallium and TDS in MW-1A. NCDEQ-SWS denied the request to remove selected MNA parameters but allowed a modified monitoring frequency for some MNA parameters beginning in June 2011.  January 27, 2011: 1,1-dichloroethane was added to the COC list and benzene and cis- 1,2-dichloroethylene were dropped from the COC list following NCDEQ-SWS approval.  June 9, 2011: ASD for Iron and Manganese approved as described by NCDEQ-SWS. Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 4  February 2012: Beta-BHC added to COC list due to confirmed exceedance in MW-5R during the December 2011 sampling event.  May 22, 2014: Granville County requested changes to the designations and monitoring requirements for some of the facility’s monitoring wells.  June 3, 2014: The SWS approved the following: Monitoring wells MW-2, MW-3R, MW-4R, and MW-6R reverted back to detection monitoring (Appendix I) from assessment monitoring (Appendix II). NES-1S and NES-1D were removed from the groundwater corrective action monitoring network. Sampling for Monitored Natural Attenuation parameters in monitoring wells MW-3R and MW-4R was discontinued.  July 30, 2015: Corrective Action Evaluation Report (CAER) reviewed and approved by the SWS with an updated list of COCs, removing 1,1-dichloroethane and beta-BHC from the COC list.  July 8, 2016: Well NES-1D was abandoned. 1.4.2 Regulatory Status The Oxford Unit 1 Landfill has remained in Assessment Monitoring since 1995 due to detections of organic constituents. There were NC2L Standard exceedances of benzene in MW-4R in 2003, which have not been detected since, and there have been persistent NC2L exceedances of vinyl chloride in MW-5R from 2003 to present, but with generally decreasing trends. The County received a letter from the SWS dated August 20, 2003, that requested the County to proceed with assessment activities at Oxford Unit 1 Landfill. A meeting between JOYCE and the SWS was held on February 11, 2004, to discuss the SWS’s requirements for a Nature and Extent Study (NES) and an Assessment of Corrective Measures (ACM). In May 2005, Granville County submitted a NES (JOYCE, 2005a), and an ACM (JOYCE, 2005b) and a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) (JOYCE, 2005c) to the NCDEQ in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B.1634. Granville County held a public meeting for the ACM on August 21, 2006. A CAP was submitted in June 2008, with revisions in October 2008 and March 2009 (JOYCE, 2009). The CAP proposed Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) as the primary remedy, supplemented with Control of Decomposition Gasses as a secondary remedy. The CAP was approved in a letter from NCDEQ- SWS dated April 23, 2009. The gas interception trench proposed in the Control of Decomposition Gasses was installed July 2009. The last sampling event for the Baseline MNA was completed in December 2010. An Alternate Source Demonstration for Iron and Manganese was submitted to the SWS October 26, 2010, after the requirements for additional constituent monitoring for C&D facilities showed elevated concentrations of iron and manganese across multiple site wells in June 2010. The ASD showed that the concentrations of iron and manganese were a result of natural occurrence in site soil and not a release from the landfill. The ASD for Iron and Manganese was approved as described by the SWS on June 9, 2011. The first CAER was submitted to the SWS on November 29, 2010, and in a letter dated January 27, 2011, the SWS reviewed and approved the CAER. The SWS denied a request to remove some of the MNA parameters made on behalf of the county, but did approve a reduced alternate Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 5 monitoring frequency as follows; carbon dioxide, ferrous iron, volatile fatty acids, total organic carbon (TOC), sulfide, and dissolved ethane and ethene for every third year on a semiannual basis. NCDEQ-SWS also approved removing benzene and cis-1,2-dichloroethylene from the COC list and adding 1,1-dichloroethane. As a result, the current COC list includes vinyl chloride and 1,1- dichloroethane. The ASD for chromium, thallium, and total dissolved solids in MW-1A was also approved. The Oxford Unit 1 landfill continues in Assessment Monitoring, with additional C&D indicator parameters and selected MNA parameters and COC monitored at designated wells at frequencies presented in the January 27, 2011 SWS review of the CAER and ASD and summarized in the next section. 1.4.3 Monitoring Well History The original background well, MW-1, was replaced by MW-1A as the background well in 1999 and MW-1 was abandoned in 2001 after being damaged by a vehicle. MW-1 and MW-1A were located near the scale house south of Unit 1, off of the Drawing 1 map area. A Request for Background Well Replacement was submitted to the SWS October 25, 2010 because the background monitoring well, MW-1A, was dry or affected by low water levels and excessive sediment as well as possible bore seal damage. The request proposed piezometer P-2 to be upgraded and re-named MW-7 to become the facility background monitoring well. NCDEQ- SWS approved the request on December 23, 2010, and MW-7 became the background monitoring well for the first semiannual sampling event of 2011. MW-1A is still monitored for static water level. Monitoring wells MW-3R, MW-4R, MW-5R, and MW-6R replaced MW-3, MW-4, MW-5, and MW-6, respectively, in August 1999, due to the close proximity to waste of the original wells. Monitoring wells NES-1S, NES-1D, NES-2S, and NES-2D were installed as part of the NES in May 2004 and were designated as corrective action performance/sentinel wells in the facility’s CAP approved in April 2009. MW-9, MW-10, MW-11 were originally installed in 2008 as piezometers PZ-9, PZ-10, PZ-13, and PZ-21, respectively, for hydrogeological investigations; however they were converted to permanent monitoring wells in 2012 to monitor Unit 2, Phase 1. MW-8 was installed in 2012 to monitor the Unit 2 leachate tank area. MW-12 was originally installed in 2008 as piezometer PZ-21 and it was converted to a monitoring well in 2012 to be used as a background well for Phase 1 of Unit 2; however, it was later decided the MW-7 would be the background well for both Units, so MW-12 has never been a part of the compliance network. In May 2014, Granville County requested several changes to the designations and monitoring requirements for some of the facility’s monitoring wells. The requested changes included: MW-2R, MW-3R, MW-4R, and MW-6R will revert to detection monitoring; NES-1S and NES-1D will be removed from the corrective action monitoring network; and MNA parameters will no longer be required for MW-3R and MW-4R. These changes were approved by the NCDEQ in June 2014. NES-1D was abandoned in July 2016 after being damaged. Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 6 2.1 Groundwater Monitoring Program 2.1.1 Unit 1 Monitoring Program Six groundwater monitoring wells comprise the current compliance monitoring network at the Oxford Unit 1 Landfill. The compliance network includes monitoring wells MW-7 (the current facility background well), MW-2, MW-3R, MW-4R, MW-5R, and MW-6R. In addition, one performance well (NES-2S) and one sentinel well (NES 2D) are sampled under the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the facility. The locations of these wells are shown on Drawing 1. The following table summarizes the Unit 1 monitoring network and required analytical parameters for the first and second semiannual sampling events. Unit 1 Groundwater Monitoring Network Monitoring Well Date Installed Classification Monitoring Program TD Lithology of Screened Interval 1st SA Event Analyses 2nd SA Event Analyses MW-1A unknown Observation Water Level 28.77 Saprolite NS NS MW-2 unknown Compliance Detection 29.34 Saprolite/Bedrock App. I, C&D App. I , C&D MW-3R 8/25/99 Compliance Detection 27.12 Partially Weathered Rock App. I, C&D App. I , C&D MW-4R 8/26/99 Compliance Detection 63.22 Bedrock App. I, C&D App. I , C&D MW-5R 8/25/99 Compliance Assessment 40.25 Bedrock App. II, C&D, MNA App. I + Det., C&D, MNA MW-6R 8/25/99 Compliance Detection 42.90 Bedrock App. I, C&D App. I , C&D MW-7 7/28/08 Background Assessment 34.50 Partially Weathered Rock App. II, C&D, MNA App. I + Det., C&D, MNA NES-2S 5/11/04 Performance* CAMP 21.5 Saprolite COCs, MNA COCs, MNA NES-2D 5/11/04 Sentinel CAMP 66.5 Bedrock COCs, MNA NS App. I = NCSWMR Appendix I list of constituents. COCs = Constituents of concern. App. II = NCSWMR Appendix II list of constituents. MNA = Monitoring Natural Attenuation parameters. App. I + Det. = App. I list plus detected App. II constituents. C&D = C&D indicator parameters. NS = Not Sampled (After baseline period, sentinel wells are sampled annually). CAMP = Corrective Action Monitoring Plan. *NES-2S is also a compliance well for Unit 2. Appendix I & II: Appendix I and II of 40 CFR Part 258, also known as the North Carolina Appendix I and II lists, as they have been incorporated into the NCSWMR by reference. C&D indicator parameters: mercury, manganese, iron, sulfate, chloride, alkalinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), temperature, pH, and specific conductance. Current Appendix II detected constituents: mercury, sulfide, endosulfan I, and beta- BHC. Current Constituent of Concern: vinyl chloride. MNA Field Parameters: Temperature, pH, specific conductance, oxidation reduction potential, turbidity, dissolved oxygen on a semiannual basis. [Dissolved carbon dioxide, and ferrous iron are sampled for both sampling events every third year.] Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 7 MNA Laboratory Parameters: Dissolved hydrogen, dissolved methane, nitrate, sulfate, chloride, alkalinity on a semiannual basis. [Sulfide, TOC, ethane, ethene, and volatile fatty acids are sampled for both sampling events every third year.] 2.1.2 Unit 2 Monitoring Program Six groundwater monitoring wells comprise the compliance monitoring network at the Oxford Unit 2 Landfill. The compliance network includes monitoring wells MW-7 (the current facility background well), MW-8 (which monitors the leachate tank area), MW-9, MW-10, MW-11, and NES-2S. The locations of these wells are shown on Drawing 1. All monitoring wells are sampled for the North Carolina Appendix I list of constituents during both semiannual sampling events. 2.2 Surface Water Monitoring Program There are two surface water sampling points associated with Unit 1, SW-1 and SW-2; and there are two surface water sampling points associated with Unit 2, SW-3 and SW-4. Sampling point SW-1 is located in a sedimentation basin near the southeast corner of Unit 1, upgradient of the waste. Sampling point SW-2 is located northeast of Unit 1, along a tributary of Little Grassy Creek, down-gradient of the waste. SW-3 is located upstream of Unit 2, on the perennial creek that runs along the east side of Unit 2. SW-4 is located on the same perennial creek downstream of the Unit 2, but before the confluence of the perennial creek and the drainage channel from the west side of Unit 2, between Units 1 and 2. The surface water samples are analyzed for the Appendix I list of constituents during both semiannual events. 3.0 SAMPLING PROTOCOLS 3.1 Groundwater Sampling Methodology Groundwater samples will be collected in accordance with Solid Waste Management Rules 15A NCAC 13B .1630 through .1633 and guidance provided in the Draft North Carolina Water Quality Monitoring Guidance Document for Solid Waste Facilities; Solid Waste Section, Division of Solid Waste Management; Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources (March 1995). Details of well purging, sample withdrawal, and decontamination methods, as well as chain-of- custody procedures are outlined below. Static water elevations and the total well depth will be measured to the nearest 0.01 of a foot in each well prior to the sampling of each well. An electronic water level meter will be used for the measurements, or other methods if they provide similar accuracy and precision. The distance from the top of the well casing to the water surface and to the bottom of the well will be measured using the tape attached to the probe. Reference elevations of the proposed wells have been obtained from a North Carolina registered land surveyor. A low-yield well (one that is incapable of yielding three well volumes within a reasonable time) will be purged so that water is removed from the bottom of the screened interval. Low-yield wells Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 8 will be evacuated to dryness. Within 24 hours of purging, the first sample will be field tested for pH, temperature, and specific conductance. Samples will then be collected and containerized in the order of the parameters' volatilization sensitivity (i.e., volatile organics then total metals). A high-yield well (one that is capable of yielding more than three well volumes during purging) will be purged so that water is drawn down from the uppermost part of the water column to ensure that fresh water from the formation will move upward in the screen. At no time will a well be evacuated to dryness if the recharge rate causes the formation water to vigorously cascade down the sides of the screen, which could cause an accelerated loss of volatiles. A minimum of three well volumes will be evacuated from high-yield wells prior to sampling. A well volume is defined as the water contained within the well casing and pore spaces of the surrounding filter pack. The well volume will be calculated using the following formulas: Vc = (dc2/4) x3.14 x hw x (7.48 gallons/cubic foot) Vc (gallons) = 0.163 x hw (for a 2-inch well) where: Vc = volume in the well casing in gallons dc = casing diameter in feet (dc = 0.167 for a 2-inch well) hw = height of the water column in feet (i.e., well depth minus depth to water) Each well will be evacuated (purged) and sampled with a disposable bailer or a sampling pump. The bailer or pump will be lowered gently into the well to minimize the possibility of causing degassing of the water. If sampled with a pump, flow rates will be regulated to minimize turbidity and degassing of the water. All equipment used for sampling will be handled in such a manner to ensure that the equipment remains decontaminated prior to use. In between wells and following completion of the field sampling, water level meters, sampling pumps, or any other reusable sampling equipment will be properly decontaminated. Clean disposable gloves will be worn by sampling personnel and changed between wells. The upgradient/background well will be sampled first, followed by the downgradient wells. The order of sampling of the downgradient wells will be evaluated each sampling event to provide a sequence going from less contaminated to more contaminated, if applicable, based on the previous sampling event. Field measurements of temperature, pH, and specific conductance will be made before sample collection. The direct reading equipment used at each well will be calibrated according to the manufacturer's specifications prior to each sampling event and the calibrations shall be documented in the field logs. Groundwater samples will be collected and containerized in the order of the volatilization sensitivity (i.e., VOCs first, followed by the metals). Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 9 Pre-preserved sample containers will be supplied by the laboratory. The VOC vials will be filled in such a manner that no headspace remains after filling. Immediately upon collection, all samples will be placed in coolers on ice where they will be stored prior to/and during transit to the laboratory. In between wells and following completion of the field sampling, the electronic depth meter will be decontaminated using the following procedure. 1) Phosphate-free soap and distilled water wash; 2) Distilled water rinse; 3) Air dry. Samples collected will be properly containerized, packed into pre-cooled coolers, and either hand- delivered or shipped via overnight courier to the laboratory for analysis. The chain-of-custody program will allow for tracing of possession and handling of samples from the time of field collection through laboratory analysis. The chain-of-custody program will include sample labels and seals, field logs, commercial carrier’s parcel bills, chains-of-custody, and laboratory logs. Example field logs and an example chain of custody are included in Appendix C. Labels sufficiently durable to remain legible when wet will contain the following information:  Job and sample identification;  Monitoring well number or other location;  Date and time of collection;  Name of collector;  Parameter to be analyzed; and  Preservative, if applicable. The shipping container will be sealed to ensure that the samples have not been disturbed during transport to the laboratory. If the sample cannot be analyzed because of damage or disturbance, whenever possible, the damaged sample will be replaced during the same compliance period. The field logs will , at a minimum, document the following information:  Identification of the well;  Well depth;  Static water level depth;  Presence of immiscible layers, odors or other indications of potential contamination;  Purge volume (given in gallons or number of bailers);  Time well was purged;  Date and time of sample collection;  Field analysis data and methods;  Name of collector(s);  Climatic conditions (temperature, precipitation). Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 10 The chain-of-custody record is required to establish the documentation necessary to trace sample possession from time of collection to time of receipt at destination. A chain-of-custody record will accompany each individual shipment. The record will contain the following information:  Sample destination and transporter;  Sample identification numbers;  Signature of collector;  Date and time of collection;  Sample type(s);  Identification of well(s);  Number of sample containers in shipping container;  Parameters requested for analysis;  Signature of person(s) involved in the chain of possession;  Inclusive dates of possession; and  Internal temperature of shipping container upon opening (noted by the laboratory). A copy of the completed chain-of-custody will accompany the shipment and will be returned to the shipper with the analytical results. The chain of custody record will also be used as the analysis request sheet. A field/equipment blank will be collected and analyzed during each sampling event to verify that the sample collection and handling processes have not affected the integrity of the field samples. The field/equipment blank will be prepared in the field from lab pure water (Type II reagent grade water) supplied by the laboratory. One field/equipment blank will be prepared for each sampling event. The field/equipment blank will be generated by exposing the lab pure water to the sampling environment and sampling equipment/media in the same manner as actual field samples being collected. The lab will provide appropriate sample containers for generation of the field/equipment blank(s). The field/equipment blank will be subjected to the same analyses as the groundwater samples. As with all other samples, the time(s) of the field/equipment blank collection will be recorded so that the sampling sequence is documented. The field/equipment blank monitors for contamination from the sampling equipment/media, or from cross-contamination that might occur between samples and sample containers as they are opened and exposed to the sampling environment. Whenever groundwater samples are being collected for volatiles analysis, a trip blank will be generated by the laboratory prior to shipment of sampling containers and coolers to the field. The same lab pure water as above shall be used. The trip blank shall be transported with the empty sampling containers to the field, but will not be opened at any time prior to analysis at the laboratory. The trip blank will accompany the groundwater samples in the cooler(s) with the samples collected for VOC analyses back to the laboratory and will be analyzed by the same volatile methods as the associated field samples. The trip blank monitors for potential cross- contamination that might occur between samples or that may be a result of the shipping environment. Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 11 Detectable levels of contaminants found in the field/equipment blanks or trip blanks will not be used to correct the groundwater data, but will be noted accordingly. Contaminants present in trip blanks or field/equipment blanks at concentrations within an order of magnitude of those observed in the corresponding groundwater samples may be cause for resampling. 3.2 Surface Water Sampling Methodology Surface water samples will be collected from flowing water at the designated sample locations in conjunction with the semiannual groundwater sampling events. Surface water can be sampled either by: 1) collecting the sample using a properly-decontaminated graduated dipper and filling laboratory-prepared sample containers from the dipper; or 2) by dipping laboratory-prepared sampled containers directly into the stream flow. If using the direct sampling method, great care should be taken to not overflow containers containing preservatives to prevent loss of preservative. Use of an unpreserved laboratory container to collect the sample and then carefully dispense it into the preserved container is acceptable. For unpreserved containers, it is preferable to completely submerge the closed container, removing the lid underwater, and then replacing the lid when the container is full before removing it from the water; however, this method is only acceptable if there is sufficient depth of flowing water. No matter what method is used to collect samples, great care should be taken to not disturb creek bed sediment during sampling, and to obtain samples from the least turbid location available. Downstream samples should be collected first and upstream samples second. Samplers should wear clean, dedicated sampling gloves at all times while collecting or handling samples. Field parameters, including temperature, pH, and turbidity, shall be monitored at each sample location using the same sample collection technique used to collect the laboratory samples, as appropriate. Sampling techniques and protocols describe above for groundwater, including sample labeling, field log entry, and chain-of-custody procedures, shall also be followed for surface water samples. 3.3 Sample Analytical Requirements 3.3.1 Analytical Requirements Analysis of groundwater and surface water samples from the facility will be conducted by a laboratory certified by the NCDEQ for the required analytical methods (15A NCAC 2H.0800). Analyses will be performed in accordance with U.S. EPA SW-846 methods. Both groundwater and surface water samples will be analyzed for the constituents listed in 40 CFR Part 258, Appendix I. In addition, field analyses for temperature, pH, and specific conductance will be performed for each sample. Samples from wells in Assessment Monitoring will also be sampled for all 40 CFR Part 258 Appendix II constituents during the first semiannual sampling event each year and for previously detected Appendix II parameters during the second semiannual sampling event. Appendix A includes a table of all Appendix I and Appendix II constituents with their respective analytical methods, CAS numbers, NCDEQ Solid Waste Section Limits (SWSL), 15A NCAC 2L (NC2L) groundwater standards, and Solid Waste Section groundwater protection standards (GWPS). Appendix B includes a summary of 15A NCAC 2B (NC-2B) Surface Water Standards. Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 12 3.3.2 Reporting and Record Keeping The laboratory analytical results will be submitted to the Solid Waste Section at least semiannually. The following measurements, analytical data, calculations, and other relevant groundwater monitoring records will be kept throughout the active life of the facility and the post-closure care period:  Records of all groundwater quality data;  Associated sample collection field logs and measurements, such as static water level measured in compliance wells at the time of sample collection; and  Notices and reports of GPS exceedances, reporting or data error, missing data, etc. 3.4 Groundwater Comparison to GPS Constituents detected in the samples collected from either the compliance network or the sentinel well shall be compared to the appropriate Groundwater Protection Standard (GPS) for that constituent in accordance with NCSWMR §.1634.g. The comparison will be performed using a value-to-value procedure. If a suspect GPS exceedance is noted during the value-to-value comparison, a confirmation sample may be collected. The results from a confirmation sample will be compared to the GPS in a value-to-value comparison, or the value may be statistically compared to background. In most cases, the GPS will be equal to the Groundwater Standard established for a given constituent in 15A NCAC 2L.0202 (NC2L Standards). For constituents without listed NC2L Standards, the groundwater protection standards (GWPS) established by the NCDEQ Solid Waste Section may be used. In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L.202, if the quantitation limit (SWSL) is higher that the listed standard, the standard is the quantitation limit; therefore, estimated concertations below the SWSL are not considered GPS exceedances even of the estimated value is greater than the listed GPS. In the event that a site-specific statistical background value can be established for a given constituent which is higher that the NC2L standard, GWPS, or other appropriate listed standard, the background may be used as the GPS with NCDEQ approval. 3.5 Statistical Analyses With the April 2011 revision to the NCSWMR, routine statistical comparison to background for all detected constituents is no longer required; however, statistical analyses may be used to establish an alternate GPS for constituents with the approval of the NCDEQ if desired by the facility. The following guidelines will be used to determine statistical background values. The background data are to be evaluated through the use of Parametric Prediction Limits, Parametric Tolerance Intervals, Non-Parametric Prediction Limits, or Poisson Prediction Limits as appropriate. Tests for normality, outliers, Aitchison’s adjustment, tolerance intervals, or prediction limits are to be included as appropriate based on the background data. Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 13 The statistical test by which downgradient data are compared to facility background data is based upon the nature of the data and the number of data values that are less than the laboratory limit of detection. All statistical tests are evaluated at the 0.05 level of significance, 95% confidence level, and are conducted as one-tailed tests. These methods and the criteria for their use are discussed below. 3.5.1 Treatment of Censored Data Generally, background data are censored as follows. When less than or equal to 15% of the background data values are less than the applicable reporting limit (SWSL), any data reported less than the SWSL will be treated as one-half the SWSL. 3.5.2 Assumption of Normality Prior to conducting statistical tests that are based on the assumption of normally distributed data, normality of the background data is evaluated using the Shapiro-Wilk statistic (W). Normality is assessed at the 95% confidence level. In the event that the raw data fail to follow a normal distribution, the data are transformed using a base-10 logarithm. The transformed data are then tested for normality using the Shapiro-Wilk statistic. In the event that the log-transformed data also fail to follow a normal distribution, a non-parametric approach is applied. 3.5.3 Parametric Upper Tolerance Limit In some cases the background data consist of a minimum of eight independent data values and less than or equal to 15% of the background data values are less than the RL for a given analyte. The downgradient values are then compared to the parametric upper tolerance limit in accordance with the procedure summarized in the USEPA guidance documents, Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Unified Guidance (US-EPA, 2009). 3.5.4 Aitchison’s Adjusted Parametric Upper Prediction Limit In those cases where the background data consist of a minimum of eight independent data values and more than 15%, but less than or equal to 50%, of the background data values are less than the RL for a given analyte, the mean and standard deviation are adjusted. This is done in accordance with the procedure described by Aitchison and summarized in the USEPA guidance document (US-EPA, 2009). After the adjustments are made, the downgradient values are compared to the Aitchison’s adjusted parametric upper prediction limit in accordance with the procedures summarized in the USEPA guidance document (US-EPA, 2009). 3.5.5 Non-parametric Upper Tolerance Limit In those cases where more than 50%, but less than or equal to 90%, of the background data values are less than the RL for a given analyte or the background data fail to follow a normal or log- normal distribution, downgradient values are compared to the non-parametric upper tolerance Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 14 limit. This procedure is done in accordance with the procedures summarized in the USEPA guidance document (US-EPA, 2009). 3.5.6 Poisson Upper Prediction Limit In those cases where more than 90% of the background data values are less than the RL for a given analyte, the downgradient values are compared to the Poisson upper prediction limit. These comparisons are made in accordance with the procedure summarized in the USEPA guidance document (US-EPA, 2009). 3.6 Surface Water Comparison to Standards Surface water at the facility is currently monitored semiannually in conjunction with the groundwater sampling events. Samples are collected from four surface water monitoring points, SW-1, SW-2, SW-3, and SW-4. Surface water samples will be collected and analyzed for the NCSWMR Appendix I list of constituents during both semiannual monitoring events. The results will be compared to 15A NCAC 2B (NC2B) Surface Water Standards in a value-to-value comparison. Some of the NC2B standards for metals are hardness-based, so the standards can be adjusted based on the hardness of the surface water samples. If no hardness data are available, the standards based on a presumed hardness of 25 mg/l will be used. 4.0 ABILITY TO EFFECTIVELY MONITOR RELEASES Based on the hydrogeologic data available for the Oxford Landfill, no geological or hydrological conditions have been identified which will interfere with effective monitoring of groundwater beneath the facility. The existing monitoring network is considered adequate to monitor this facility. This Water Quality Monitoring Plan will be effective in providing detection of any release of landfill constituents to the uppermost aquifer beneath the facility as well as monitoring of existing releases, so as to be protective of public health and the environment. 5.0 REFERENCES The references cited herein were used to prepare this document and may or may not be cited in the text of this report. Butler, J. Robert, and Secor, Jr., Donald T., 1991, The Central Piedmont, in Horton, J. W., Jr., and Zullo, V. A., eds., The Geology of the Carolinas: The University of Tennessee Press, p. 59-78. Joyce Engineering, Inc. (JOYCE), 2005a. Nature and Extent Study, Granville County Oxford Landfill. May 2005. JOYCE, 2005b. Assessment of Corrective Measures, Granville County Oxford Landfill. May 2005. Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 15 JOYCE, 2005c. Quantitative Risk Assessment, Granville County Oxford Landfill. May 2005. JOYCE, 2009. Corrective Action Plan, Granville County Oxford Landfill. March 2009. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NC-NCDEQ), 2011. North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules. 15 NCAC 13B. Amended April 2011. NC-NCDEQ, 2007. North Carolina Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Corrective Action at Solid Waste Management Facilities. March 2007. North Carolina Geological Survey, 1985, Geologic Map of North Carolina: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, scale 1:500000. US-EPA, 2009. Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Unified Guidance. March 2009. Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1994. Transition Plan, Oxford Landfill Granville County, North Carolina. April 1994. 6.0 ACRONYMS ACM Assessment of Corrective Measures (report) AOC Area of Concern C&D Construction and Demolition Waste CAP Corrective Action Plan (report) CAER Corrective Action Evaluation Report (report) CDLF Construction and Demolition Debris Landfill CPVC Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride COC Contaminant of Concern or Constituent of Concern COC Chain of Custody (for samples to laboratory) DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources (now the NCDEQ) DEQ See NCDEQ. DL Detection Limit (for laboratory data) DO Dissolved Oxygen EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency GEU Gas Extraction Unit GPS Groundwater Protection Standard (per §.1604.g-h of the NCSWMR) GWPS Groundwater Protection Standard (issued by the SWS) HASP Site-specific Health and Safety Plan HDPE High-density Polyethylene JEI Joyce Engineering, Inc. LFG Landfill Gas LEL Lower Explosive Limit Water Quality Monitoring Plan Joyce Engineering Oxford Landfill, Permit No. 39-01 January 2018 16 MNA Monitored Natural Attenuation MSW Municipal Solid Waste MW Monitoring Well NC-2B North Carolina Surface Water Standards found in 15A NCAC 2B.0101 NC2L North Carolina Groundwater Standards found in 15A NCAC 2L.0202 NCAC North Carolina Administrative Code NCDEQ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (formerly DENR) NCSWMR North Carolina Solid Waste Management Regulations (15A NCAC 13B.1600) ND Not Detected (for laboratory data) NES Nature and Extent Study (report) O&M Operations and Maintenance OSHA Occupational Health and Safety Association PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride QL Quantitation Limit (for laboratory data) QRA Quantitative Risk Assessment (report) RL Reporting Limit (for laboratory data) SWQS Surface Water Quality Standards SWS NCDEQ Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section SWSL North Carolina Solid Waste Section Reporting Limits (for laboratory data) VOC Volatile Organic Compound WQMP Water Quality Monitoring Plan (report) TABLES TABLE 1: Monitoring Well Construction DataWell ID Date Installed Northing EastingGS Elev. (Ft-AMSL)TOC Elev. (Ft-AMSL)AR (Bedrock) (Feet BGS)TD (Boring) (Feet BGS)TD (Well) (Feet TOC)TOC Stick-up (Feet AGS)Top Screen (Feet BGS)Top Screen (Feet TOC)Bottom Screen (Feet BGS)Bottom Screen (Feet TOC)Screened LithologyDTW (Feet TOC)CommentsMW-1A--- 952141.6930 2110755.3908 535.18 538.18 > 22 22.00 25.00 3* 7.00 10.00 22.00 25.00 Saprolite 20.02Former Unit 1 Background Well, No longer Sampled, Stick-up Estimated MW-2--- 953940.0174 2110351.7384 517.00 518.62 21.00 27.50 29.12 1.62 12.50 14.12 27.50 29.12 Sap/BR 10.66 Unit 1 ComplianceMW-3R08/25/99 954025.5824 2111681.3905 501.32* 503.82 25.00 25.00 32.97 2.5*14.00 21.97 24.00 31.97 Saprolite 20.24 Unit 1 ComplianceMW-4--- --- --- --- --- --- --- 22.00 --- 7.00 --- 22.00 --- Bedrock --- Not SampledMW-4R08/26/99 954975.1334 2110797.9991 504.90 507.34 17.50 60.00 62.44 2.44 50.00 52.44 60.00 62.44 Bedrock 10.28 Unit 1 ComplianceMW-5--- --- --- --- --- --- --- 27.50 --- 12.50 --- 27.50 --- Sap/BR --- Not SampledMW-5R08/25/99 954947.2480 2111685.6720 487.24 489.95 22.00 37.00 39.71 2.71 27.00 29.71 37.00 39.71 Bedrock 21.96 Unit 1 ComplianceMW-6R08/25/99 954725.8325 2110287.6108 504.42 506.81 13.00 40.00 42.39 2.39 30.00 32.39 40.00 42.39 Bedrock 9.25 Unit 1 ComplianceNES-1S05/01/04 955167.9708 2111057.1915 514.35 516.93 27.00 34.00 36.58 2.58 18.50 21.08 33.50 36.08 Sap/BR 29.90 Not SampledNES-1D05/01/04 955177.3548 2111054.7005 514.38 516.62 27.00 79.00 81.24 2.24 63.50 65.74 78.50 80.74 Bedrock 30.03 AbanondedNES-2S05/01/04 955091.2902 2111945.3411 474.53 477.20 9.00 21.50 24.17 2.67 11.00 13.67 21.00 23.67 Saprolite 9.14Unit 1 Perfomance & Unit 2 ComplianceNES-2D05/01/04 955081.7805 2111946.7398 474.72 477.43 21.50 66.50 69.21 2.71 51.00 53.71 66.00 68.71 Bedrock 5.00 Unit 1 SentinelMW-7 (former P-2)07/28/08 953292.1160 2112043.4480 531.24 534.24 34.50 34.50 37.50 3.00 19.50 22.50 34.50 37.50 Saprolite 23.91 Units 1 & 2 Background WellMW-805/05/12 07/18/12953360.2000 2111527.6910 500.57 503.31 1.00 25.00 20.00 2.74 10.00 12.7420.00 22.74 Bedrock ArtesianUnit 2 Compliance (Leachate Tank Area)MW-9 (former P-9)10/06/08 954799.7410 2112842.3890 485.05 487.51 1.50 40.00 43.00 2.46 20.00 22.46 40.00 42.46 Bedrock 8.30 Unit 2 ComplianceMW-10 (former P-10)10/02/08 955136.0000 2112571.1750 481.81 484.92 6.00 30.00 32.90 3.11 15.00 18.11 30.00 33.11 Bedrock 8.15 Unit 2 ComplianceMW-11 (former P-13)10/05/08 954795.8510 2111957.0410 476.43 478.72 6.00 20.00 22.90 2.30 5.00 7.30 20.00 22.30 Bedrock 6.80 Unit 2 ComplianceMW-12 (former P-21)08/01/08 954077.4350 2112567.4920 519.29 521.30 31.00 50.00 52.30 2.00 40.00 42.00 50.00 52.00 Bedrock 30.75 Not SampledNOTES:AR = Auger Refusal (Estimate of depth to bedrock). GS = Ground Surface. * = estimated TOC Stickup, or estimated GS Elev.TD = Total Depth (of boring or well/piezometer). BGS = Below ground surface. MW-3R survey data are after MW-3R was raised and resurveyed in 2012.TOC = Top of Casing (or deoth measured from TOC). AGS = Above ground surface. MW-3R depths relative to TOC have been adjusted to the new TOC, DTW = Depth to Water (as measured on 11/20/08). AMSL = Above mean sea level. but depths BGS have not been adjusted.Granville County, Oxford LandfillPermit # 39-01Joyce Engineering TABLE 2: Historical Groundwater ElevationsWell ID:MW-1A MW-7 MW-2 MW-3R MW-4R MW-5R MW-6R NES-1S NES-1D NES-2S NES-2D MW-8 MW-9 MW-10 MW-11 NES-2SWell TOC Elev.: 538.18 534.24 518.62 503.82 507.34 489.95 506.81 516.93516.62 477.20 477.43503.31 487.51 484.92 478.72 477.20Well Total Depth: 28.77 34.50 29.34 31.63 63.22 40.25 42.90 36.10 57.75 24.20 69.2028.00 43.00 32.90 22.90 24.2010-Sep-99 517.91 - 507.76 481.40 493.62 467.65 496.53---------16-Nov-99 522.86 - 506.32 483.55 494.83 468.75 498.24---------10-May-00 527.66 - 507.89 487.20 499.63 470.65 500.59---------26-Oct-00 518.89 - 504.12 480.86 495.21 467.39 496.95---------18-Apr-01 526.23 - 508.01 486.62 498.50 470.79 500.21---------27-Oct-01 514.65 - 501.42 478.79 494.79 466.70 494.92---------10-Jun-02 515.06 - 502.91 480.10 495.19 467.06 496.26---------19-Nov-02 518.61 - 512.08 489.84 498.82 471.80 498.70---------27-Jun-03 529.42 - 508.76 488.69 500.79 471.72 501.38---------29-Dec-03 528.91 - 509.06 488.06 499.94 471.10 501.21---------29-Jun-04 520.03 - 505.24 481.10 497.84 467.72 499.21---------28-Dec-04 526.73 - 509.09 485.27 499.14 469.51 500.76---------29-Jun-05 520.37 - 504.64 481.10 497.60 467.63 499.15---------29-Dec-05 519.54 - 509.66 482.69 498.33 468.57 499.25---------27-Jun-06 517.93 - 507.85 481.85 497.64 468.00 498.63---------27-Dec-06 523.00 - 511.07 489.81 499.43 471.76 500.83 493.70 - 469.82------12-Jul-07 516.94 - 502.49 479.84 497.17 467.18 497.59---------18-Dec-07 510.35 - 501.46 477.54 495.40 464.09 493.14---------7-Jul-08 515.96 - 501.99 479.52 497.04 466.79 496.71---------16-Dec-08 532.53 - 509.80 487.98 498.08 470.11 499.29 489.19 488.63 469.47472.71-----7-Jul-09 518.28 - 505.37 481.57 497.43 467.88 499.36 490.38 490.07 467.73470.91-----14-Dec-09 533.10 - 511.89 491.93 500.61 473.65 501.48 494.70 493.21 470.98467.14-----22-Jun-10 518.45 - 506.72 485.92 499.94 469.67 499.68 493.47 493.07 468.97471.53-----13-Dec-10 509.41 - 507.89 482.82 498.20 467.87 496.65 488.89 - 468.03------20-Jun-11 515.17 513.91 504.60 482.72 499.96 467.76 498.63 492.11 491.51468.03474.35-----5-Dec-11 513.35 507.92 507.44 484.94 498.29 468.45 497.17 488.15 487.45 468.25464.93-----13-Jun-12 514.08 513.48 507.48 485.36 499.29 468.04 498.85 487.08 490.33468.81 467.64 503.31 479.7 477.42 473.20 468.8122-Aug-12- - ---------500.82477.97475.31471.50469.3625-Sep-12- - ---------499.85478.1475.06471.86469.3017-Oct-12- - ---------499.90478474.23471.04467.9812-Dec-12 511.34 506.86 503.10 481.55 497.24 466.90 494.83 486.84 486.26467.26461.41-----29-Apr-13 515.88 513.26 509.38 485.47 500.82 469.60 501.15 492.31 491.64470.45455.26-----5-Aug-13 517.21 514.33 505.98 484.47 500.29 468.65 500.83 494.12 - 469.29- 499.92 478.81 475.32 472.80 469.2925-Feb-14 514.06 511.75 509.82 486.32 501.50 473.05 501.99 491.83 491.54470.28 461.18 499.91 480.34 476.26 473.47 470.2812-Aug-14 519.34 511.98 507.52 485.44 499.25 468.90 499.30 491.92 491.41470.29 460.31 500.16 479.91 476.54 473.42 470.2911-Mar-15 524.32 516.39 510.37 487.12 502.94 474.18 504.41 500.98 500.12470.63 473.63 499.99 479.73 476.47 473.66 470.6318-Aug-15 516.53 512.39 503.47 482.97 500.94 466.45 498.81 492.38 - 469.25 449.71 499.86 478.41 474.92 472.17 469.2516-Feb-16 526.03 515.79 510.07 486.93 501.84 475.45 503.66 500.23 - 471.15 469.18 499.90 481.44 476.37 474.12 471.1510-Aug-16 520.07 514.29 507.08 484.07 500.34 468.20 500.89 491.95 - 470.40 453.23 499.82 478.86 475.51 472.91 470.4014-Feb-17 524.14 510.89 507.72 484.44 500.34 468.86 501.06 491.73 - 468.85 453.13 496.36 479.36 475.97 472.77 468.8523-Aug-17 523.08 508.84 506.59 482.82 497.02 467.19 498.16 491.68 - 469.80 452.94 499.61 477.86 474.74 472.02 469.80 Notes:TOC = top of casing. All elevations are in feet above mean sea level (ft-amsl). MW-7 added to monitoring network in early 2011.Water levels are measured from TOC. - = data not available. Prior to December 2012, the TOC elevation for MW-3R was 498.35 ft-amsl.Unit 1 Downgradient Unit 1 Performance/Sentinel Unit 2 DowngradientBackgroundGranville County, Oxford LandfillPermit # 39-01Joyce Engineering TABLE 3: Groundwater Velocity CalculationsDate of Water Table Measurements: SEGMENT HORIZ. HYDRAULIC EFFECTIVE LINEARFLOW BEGIN & END GRADIENT CONDUCTIVITY POROSITY VELOCITYDIRECTION GW ELEVATIONiKneV(feet-AMSL) (ft/day) (ft/year)505475505470510470Average 0.0207 Average 42.56Notes:Linear flow velocity: V = Ki/ne (modified Darcy equation).Hydraulic conductivity (K) is based on the arithmetic mean of values from slug tests conducted at the facility.Effective porosity (ne) value is estimated at 85% of the laboratory-determined porosity for soil samples from the facility (ne = .53 x 85% = .45).Refer to Drawing 1 for flow line segments. August 23, 2017FLOW LINE SEGMENTSEGMENT LENGTH (feet)i11395 N 0.0215 2.54E+00 0.45 44.31i21591 N 0.0220 2.54E+00 0.45 45.32i32165 N 0.0185 2.54E+00 0.45 38.06Granville County, Oxford LandfillPermit # 39-01Joyce Engineering FIGURE DRAWING OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHACCESS ROAD ACCESS ROADACCESS ROADSEDIMENTBASIN SB-1APPROXIMATE MSW LANDFILLLIMITS OF WASTEUNIT 2PHASE 1GP-2GP-4GP-5GP-6GP-7GP-8GP-9MW-2506.59MW-6MW-6R498.16MW-4MW-5GP-3GP-1GP-10P-23P-12P-21GP-3AMW-9477.86MW-11472.02MW-12MW-7508.84MW-5R467.19MW-3APPROXIMATE MSW LANDFILLLIMITS OF WASTE480480480480480480 48 0 480480480480480480480490 490 4 9 0 49 0 490 490 490 490490490490500500500500500500500500 50050050050050050 0 500 500 500 500500 500 500 500 500 510 510 510 510 5105 1 0 510510510520 520 5 2 0 520520 520530530530540540 5 6 0 5 5 0 540530520 5 1 0 5 1 053053 0510 510510520510510520530540540530520500510540530520 490 490500 510 520 530 54051050050049051047050049050 0 490500480 49 0 50 0 510AREA SURVEYED WITHINTHIS BOUNDARY CONSISTSOF GROUND SURVEY DATED JUNE 2013UNIT 1AREA SURVEYED WITHINTHIS BOUNDARY CONSISTSOF GROUND SURVEY DATED MARCH 201348548 0 47547 0 470 475 48 0 48 5 490495500505 MW-10474.74MW-4R497.02MW-8499.61MW-3R482.82iiiSW-1SW-2SW-3SW-4321505500495490(ABANDONED)510NES-1DNMNES-1S491.68NES-2S469.80NES-2D453.13510MW-XSW-XEXISTING 10' TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUREXISTING 2' TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUREXISTING ROADGROUNDWATER SURFACE CONTOUR[FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL 8/23/17 (AMSL)]GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTIONGROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATIONAND IDENTIFICATIONSURFACE MONITORING POINT LOCATION ANDIDENTIFICATIONSEGMENT USED FOR GRADIENT CALCULATION1.TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2 FEET2.GROUNDWATER CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10 FEET3.GROUNDWATER CONTOURS BASED ON LINEARINTERPOLATION BETWEEN AND EXTRAPOLATIONFROM KNOWN DATA, TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS,AND KNOWN FIELD CONDITIONS. THEREFORE,GROUNDWATER CONTOURS MAY NOT REFLECTACTUAL GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS.4. STATIC WATER LEVELS MEASURED ON 08/23/17.iLEGEND490NOTESiiiFLOW PATH LENGTH1,395 LF1,591 LF2,165 LFPROJECT NO.APPROVED CHECKED DRAWN DESIGNED DATE DATE REVISIONS AND RECORD OF ISSUE BYNO APPCKSCALE All rights reserved. Ó Joyce Engineering, Inc.DRAWING NO.L:\Granville\dwg\2018 OXFORD WQMP\WQMP 2018.dwg Layout=Layout1 2211 W. MEADOWVIEW ROAD GREENSBORO, NC 27407 PHONE: (336) 323-00920(FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE20010050NC CORP LIC: C-07822180176GRANVILLE COUNTY OXFORD LANDFILL OXFORD, NORTH CAROLINA 20181AS SHOWNMONITORING PLAN GE RWH GVB GVB 1/22/18WATER QUALITY APPENDIX A Appendix I and Appendix II Constituents with NC2L Standards and GWPS NCSWMR Appendix I + II Constituents with NC-2L Standards NC SWSL NC 2L SWS-GWPS 1 App. I Antimony metal 7440-36-0 6010 6-1 2 App. I Arsenic metal 7440-38-2 6010 10 10 -(RCRA METAL) 3 App. I Barium metal 7440-39-3 6010 100 700 -(RCRA METAL) 4 App. I Beryllium metal 7440-41-7 6010 1-4 5 App. I Cadmium metal 7440-43-9 6010 12-(RCRA METAL) 6 App. I Chromium metal 7440-47-3 6010 10 10 -(RCRA METAL) 7 App. I Cobalt metal 7440-48-4 6010 10 - 1 8 App. I Copper metal 7440-50-8 6010 10 1,000 -EPA MCL is a secondary standard. 9 App. I Lead metal 7439-92-1 6010 10 15 -EPA MCL is an action level. (RCRA METAL) 10 App. I Nickel metal 7440-02-0 6010 50 100 - 11 App. I Selenium metal 7782-49-2 6010 10 20 -(RCRA METAL) 12 App. I Silver metal 7440-22-4 6010 10 20 -EPA MCL is a secondary standard. (RCRA METAL). 13 App. I Thallium metal 7440-28-0 6010 5.5 - 0.28 14 App. I Vanadium metal 7440-62-2 6010 25 - 0.3 15 App. I Zinc metal 7440-66-6 6010 10 1,000 -EPA MCL is a secondary standard. (AL)= NC2B Action Level 16 App. II Mercury metal 7439-97-6 7470 0.2 1 -(RCRA METAL) 17 App. II Tin metal 7440-31-5 6010 100 - 2,000 NC SWSL NC 2L SWS-GWPS 1 App. II Cyanide inorganic 57-12-5 9012A 10 70 - 2 App. II Sulfide inorganic 18496-25-8 9030B 1,000 - - NC SWSL NC 2L SWS-GWPS 1 C&D Alkalinity inorganic SW337 SM 2320B --- 2 C&D Chloride inorganic SW301 SM 4500-Cl-E - 250,000 - 3 C&D Iron metal 7439-89-6 6010 300 300 - 4 C&D Manganese metal 7439-96-5 6010 50 50 - 5 C&D Mercury metal 7439-97-6 7470 0.2 1 -(RCRA Metal) 6 C&D Sulfate inorganic 14808-79-8 300.0 250,000 250,000 - 7 C&D Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)inorganic SW311 SM 2540C - 500,000 - 8 C&D Tetrahydrofuran (THF)volatile 109-99-9 8260B ---Per NCDEQ Memo dated June 25, 2010. 6 C&D pH SW-320 Field Test --- 7 C&D Temperature SW-325 Field Test --- 8 C&D Specific Conductance SW-323 Field Test --- NC SWSL NC 2L SWS-GWPS 1 App. I Acetone volatile 67-64-1 8260B 100 6,000 - 2 App. I Acrylonitrile volatile 107-13-1 8260B 200 - - 3 App. I Benzene volatile 71-43-2 8260B 11- 4 App. I Bromochloromethane volatile 74-97-5 8260B 3-0.6 5 App. I Bromodichloromethane volatile 75-27-4 8260B 10.6-*MCL for total trihalomethanes 6 App. I Bromoform volatile 75-25-2 8260B 34-*MCL for total trihalomethanes 7 App. I Carbon disulfide volatile 75-15-0 8260B 100 700 - 8 App. I Carbon tetrachloride volatile 56-23-5 8260B 10.3- 9 App. I Chlorobenzene volatile 108-90-7 8260B 350- 10 App. I Chloroethane volatile 75-00-3 8260B 10 3,000 - 11 App. I Chloroform volatile 67-66-3 8260B 570-*MCL for total trihalomethanes 12 App. I Dibromochloromethane volatile 124-48-1 8260B 3 0.4 0.41 *MCL for total trihalomethanes 13 App. I 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP)volatile 96-12-8 8260B 13 0.04 - 14 App. I 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)volatile 106-93-4 8260B 10.02- 15 App. I o-Dichlorobenzene / 1,2-Dichlorobenzene volatile 95-50-1 8260B 520- 16 App. I p-Dichlorobenzene / 1,4-Dichlorobenzene volatile 106-46-7 8260B 16- 17 App. I trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene volatile 110-57-6 8260B 100 - - 18 App. I 1,1-Dichloroethane volatile 75-34-3 8260B 56- 19 App. I 1,2-Dichloroethane volatile 107-06-2 8260B 10.4- 20 App. I 1,1-Dichloroethylene volatile 75-35-4 8260B 5 350 - Changed from 7 (MCL) to 350 µg/L in April 2013 (for public water supplies or drinking wells, the MCL = 7 µg/L still applies.) 21 App. I cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene volatile 156-59-2 8260B 570- 22 App. I trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene volatile 156-60-5 8260B 5 100 - 23 App. I 1,2-Dichloropropane volatile 78-87-5 8260B 10.6- 24 App. I cis-1,3-Dichloropropene volatile 10061-01-5 8260B 10.4- 25 App. I trans-1,3-Dichloropropene volatile 10061-02-6 8260B 10.4- 26 App. I Ethylbenzene volatile 100-41-4 8260B 1 600 - 27 App. I 2-Hexanone / Methyl butyl ketone (MBK)volatile 591-78-6 8260B 50 - 280 28 App. I Methyl bromide / Bromomethane volatile 74-83-9 8260B 10 - 10 29 App. I Methyl chloride / Chloromethane volatile 74-87-3 8260B 13- 30 App. I Methylene bromide / Dibromomethane volatile 74-95-3 8260B 10 - 70 31 App. I Methylene chloride / Dichloromethane volatile 75-09-2 8260B 15- 32 App. I Methyl ethyl ketone / 2-Butanone (MEK)volatile 78-93-3 8260B 100 4,000 - 33 App. I Methyl iodide / Iodomethane volatile 74-88-4 8260B 10 - - 34 App. I 4-Methyl-2-pentanone / Methyl isobutyl ketone volatile 108-10-1 8260B 100 - 560 35 App. I Styrene volatile 100-42-5 8260B 170- 36 App. I 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane volatile 630-20-6 8260B 5-1 37 App. I 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane volatile 79-34-5 8260B 3 0.2 0.18 38 App. I Tetrachloroethylene (PCE)volatile 127-18-4 8260B 10.7- 39 App. I Toluene volatile 108-88-3 8260B 1 600 - 40 App. I 1,1,1-Trichloroethane volatile 71-55-6 8260B 1 200 - 41 App. I 1,1,2-Trichloroethane volatile 79-00-5 8260B 1-0.6 42 App. I Trichloroethylene volatile 79-01-6 8260B 13- 43 App. I Trichlorofluoromethane (CFC-11) volatile 75-69-4 8260B 1 2,000 - 44 App. I 1,2,3-Trichloropropane volatile 96-18-4 8260B 1 0.005 - 45 App. I Vinyl acetate volatile 108-05-4 8260B 50 - 88 46 App. I Vinyl chloride volatile 75-01-4 8260B 10.03- 47 App. I Xylenes (total) volatile see note 8260B 5 500 - Includes o-xylene, p-xylene, and unspecified xylenes [dimethyl benzenes (CAS RN 1330-20-7]. NC SWSL NC 2L SWS-GWPS 48 App. II Acetonitrile (methyl cyanide)volatile 75-05-8 8260B 55 - 42 49 App. II Acrolein volatile 107-02-8 8260B 53 - 4 50 App. II Allyl chloride (3-chloroprene)volatile 107-05-1 8260B 10 - - 51 App. II Chloroprene volatile 126-99-8 8260B 20 - - 52 App. II m-Dichlorobenzene / 1,3-Dichlorobenzene volatile 541-73-1 8260B 5 200 - 53 App. II Dichlorodifluoromethane volatile 75-71-8 8260B 5 1,000 - 54 App. II 1,3-Dichloropropane volatile 142-28-9 8260B 1-- 55 App. II 2,2-Dichloropropane volatile 594-20-7 8260B 15 - - 56 App. II 1,1-Dichloropropene volatile 563-58-6 8260B 5-- 57 App. II Isobutyl alcohol volatile 78-83-1 8260B 100 - - 58 App. II Methacrylonitrile volatile 126-98-7 8260B 100 - - 59 App. II Methyl methacrylate volatile 80-62-6 8260B 30 - 25 60 App. II Propionitrile volatile 107-12-0 8260B 150 - - 61 App. II 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene volatile 120-82-1 8260B 10 70 70 62 App. II Naphthalene volatile 91-20-3 8260B or 8270C 10 6 - 63 App. II Hexachlorobutadiene semivolatile 87-68-3 8270C or 8260B 10 0.4 0.44 64 App. II Ethyl methacrylate semivolatile 97-63-2 8270C or 8260B 10 - - NC App. I & II - Total Metals NC App. II - Cyanide/ Sulfide NC App. I & II - Method 8260 GROUNDWATER STANDARDS (µg/L) GROUNDWATER STANDARDS (µg/L) NC App. II - Method 8260 GROUNDWATER STANDARDS (µg/L)NC App. # NOTES NOTESNumber ANALYTICAL METHOD CLASS CAS RN Number NOTES Number NC App. # ANALYTE CLASS CAS RN ANALYTICAL METHOD NOTES Number NC App. # ANALYTE CLASS CAS RN ANALYTICAL METHOD NC - Additional Constituents for C&D Landfills NOTESNumber ANALYTE CLASS CAS RN ANALYTICAL METHOD GROUNDWATER STANDARDS (µg/L)NC App. # ANALYTE GROUNDWATER STANDARDS (µg/L)ANALYTE CLASS CAS RNNC App. # ANALYTICAL METHOD Joyce Engineering Page 1 of 3 Revised: May 2016 NCSWMR Appendix I + II Constituents with NC-2L Standards NC SWSL NC 2L SWS-GWPS 1 App. II Acenaphthene semivolatile 83-32-9 8270C 10 80 - 2 App. II Acenaphthylene semivolatile 208-96-8 8270C 10 200 - 3 App. II Acetophenone semivolatile 98-86-2 8270C 10 - 700 4 App. II 2-Acetylaminofluorene semivolatile 53-96-3 8270C 20 - - 5 App. II 4-Aminobiphenyl semivolatile 92-67-1 8270C 20 - - 6 App. II Anthracene PAH 120-12-7 8270C 10 2,000 - 7 App. II Benz[a]anthracene; Benzanthracene PAH 56-55-3 8270C 10 0.05 - 8 App. II Benzo[b]fluoranthene PAH 205-99-2 8270C 10 0.05 - 9 App. II Benzo[k]fluoranthene PAH 207-08-9 8270C 10 0.5 - 10 App. II Benzo[g,h,i]perylene PAH 191-24-2 8270C 10 200 - 11 App. II Benzo[a]pyrene PAH 50-32-8 8270C 10 0.005 - 12 App. II Benzyl alcohol semivolatile 100-51-6 8270C 20 - 700 13 App. II Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane semivolatile 111-91-1 8270C 10 - - 14 App. II Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether semivolatile 111-44-4 8270C 10 - 0.031 15 App. II Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl)ether semivolatile 108-60-1 8270C 10 - -Bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether 16 App. II Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate semivolatile 117-81-7 8270C 15 3 - 17 App. II 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether semivolatile 101-55-3 8270C 10 - - 18 App. II Butyl benzyl phthalate semivolatile 85-68-7 8270C 10 1,000 - 19 App. II p-Chloroaniline (4-Chloroaniline)semivolatile 106-47-8 8270C 20 - - 20 App. II Chlorobenzilate semivolatile 510-15-6 8270C 10 - - 21 App. II p-Chloro-m-cresol (4-chloro-3-methylphenol)semivolatile 59-50-7 8270C 20 - - 22 App. II 2-Chloronaphthalene semivolatile 91-58-7 8270C 10 - - 23 App. II 2-Chlorophenol semivolatile 95-57-8 8270C 10 0.4 - 24 App. II 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether semivolatile 7005-72-3 8270C 10 - - 25 App. II Chrysene PAH 218-01-9 8270C 10 5 - 26 App. II m-Cresol (3-Methylphenol)semivolatile 108-39-4 8270C 10 400 - 27 App. II o-Cresol semivolatile 95-48-7 8270C 10 - 400 28 App. II p-Cresol (4-Methylphenol)semivolatile 106-44-5 8270C 10 40 - 29 App. II Diallate semivolatile 2303-16-4 8270C 10 - - 30 App. II Dibenz[a,h]anthracene PAH 53-70-3 8270C 10 0.005 - 31 App. II Dibenzofuran semivolatile 132-64-9 8270C 10 - 28 32 App. II Di-n-butyl phthalate semivolatile 84-74-2 8270C 10 700 - 33 App. II 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine semivolatile 91-94-1 8270C 20 - - 34 App. II 2,4-Dichlorophenol semivolatile 120-83-2 8270C 10 - 0.98 35 App. II 2,6-Dichlorophenol semivolatile 87-65-0 8270C 10 - - 36 App. II Diethyl phthalate semivolatile 84-66-2 8270C 6,000 6,000 - 37 App. II O,O-Diethyl O-2-pyrazinyl phosphorothioate OP pesticide 297-97-2 8270C 20 - -Thionazine 38 App. II Dimethoate OP pesticide 60-51-5 8270C 20 - - 39 App. II p-(Dimethylamino)azobenzene semivolatile 60-11-7 8270C 10 - - 40 App. II 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene semivolatile 57-97-6 8270C 10 - - 41 App. II 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine semivolatile 119-93-7 8270C 10 - - 42 App. II 2,4-Dimethylphenol (M-xylenol)semivolatile 105-67-9 8270C 10 100 - 43 App. II Dimethyl phthalate semivolatile 131-11-3 8270C 10 - - 44 App. II m-Dinitrobenzene semivolatile 99-65-0 8270C 20 - - 45 App. II 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol (2-methyl 4,6-dinitrolphenol)semivolatile 534-52-1 8270C 50 - - 46 App. II 2,4-Dinitrophenol semivolatile 51-28-5 8270C 50 - - 47 App. II 2,4-Dinitrotoluene semivolatile 121-14-2 8270C 10 - 0.1 48 App. II 2,6-Dinitrotoluene semivolatile 606-20-2 8270C 10 - - 49 App. II Di-n-octyl phthalate semivolatile 117-84-0 8270C 10 100 - 50 App. II Diphenylamine semivolatile 122-39-4 8270C 10 - - 51 App. II Disulfoton OP pesticide 298-04-4 8270C 10 0.3 - 52 App. II Ethyl methanesulfonate semivolatile 62-50-0 8270C 20 - - 53 App. II Famphur semivolatile 52-85-7 8270C 20 - - 54 App. II Fluoranthene PAH 206-44-0 8270C 10 300 - 55 App. II Fluorene PAH 86-73-7 8270C 10 300 - NC SWSL NC 2L SWS-GWPS 56 App. II Hexachlorobenzene semivolatile 118-74-1 8270C 10 0.02 - 57 App. II Hexachlorocylopentadiene semivolatile 77-47-4 8270C 10 - 50 58 App. II Hexachloroethane semivolatile 67-72-1 8270C 10 - 2.5 59 App. II Hexachloropropene semivolatile 1888-71-7 8270C 10 - - 60 App. II Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene PAH 193-39-5 8270C 10 0.05 - 61 App. II Isodrin semivolatile 465-73-6 8270C 20 - - 62 App. II Isophorone semivolatile 78-59-1 8270C 10 40 - 63 App. II Isosafrole semivolatile 120-58-1 8270C 10 - - 64 App. II Kepone pesticide 143-50-0 8270C 20 - - 65 App. II Methapyrilene semivolatile 91-80-5 8270C 100 - - 66 App. II 3-Methylcholanthrene semivolatile 56-49-5 8270C 10 - - 67 App. II Methyl methanesulfonate semivolatile 66-27-3 8270C 10 - - 68 App. II 2-Methylnaphthalene semivolatile 91-57-6 8270C 10 30 - 69 App. II Methyl parathion semivolatile 298-00-0 8270C 10 - - 70 App. II 1,4-Naphthoquinone semivolatile 130-15-4 8270C 10 - - 71 App. II 1-Naphthylamine semivolatile 134-32-7 8270C 10 - - 72 App. II 2-Naphthylamine semivolatile 91-59-8 8270C 10 - - 73 App. II o-Nitroaniline (2-Nitroaniline)semivolatile 88-74-4 8270C 50 - - 74 App. II m-Nitroaniline (3-Nitroaniline)semivolatile 99-09-2 8270C 50 - - 75 App. II p-Nitroaniline (4-Nitroaniline)semivolatile 100-01-6 8270C 20 - - 76 App. II Nitrobenzene semivolatile 98-95-3 8270C 10 - - 77 App. II 5-Nitro-o-toluidine semivolatile 99-55-8 8270C 10 - - 78 App. II o-Nitrophenol (2-Nitrophenol)semivolatile 88-75-5 8270C 10 - - 79 App. II p-Nitrophenol (4-Nitrophenol)semivolatile 100-02-7 8270C 50 - - 80 App. II N-Nitrosodiethylamine semivolatile 55-18-5 8270C 20 - - 81 App. II N-Nitrosodimethylamine semivolatile 62-75-9 8270C 10 0.0007 - 82 App. II N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine semivolatile 924-16-3 8270C 10 - - 83 App. II N-Nitrosodiphenylamine semivolatile 86-30-6 8270C 10 - - 84 App. II N-Nitrosodipropylamine semivolatile 621-64-7 8270C 10 - - 85 App. II N-Nitrosomethylethylamine semivolatile 10595-95-6 8270C 10 - - 86 App. II N-Nitrosopiperidine semivolatile 100-75-4 8270C 20 - - 87 App. II N-Nitrosopyrrolidine semivolatile 930-55-2 8270C 10 - - 88 App. II Parathion OP pesticide 56-38-2 8270C 10 - - 89 App. II Pentachlorobenzene semivolatile 608-93-5 8270C 10 - - 90 App. II Pentachloronitrobenzene semivolatile 82-68-8 8270C 20 - - 91 App. II Phenacetin semivolatile 62-44-2 8270C 20 - - 92 App. II Phenanthrene PAH 85-01-8 8270C 10 200 - 93 App. II Phenol semivolatile 108-95-2 8270C 10 30 - 94 App. II p-Phenylenediamine semivolatile 106-50-3 8270C 10 - - 95 App. II Phorate OP pesticide 298-02-2 8270C 10 1 - 96 App. II Pronamide semivolatile 23950-58-5 8270C 10 - - 97 App. II Pyrene PAH 129-00-0 8270C 10 200 - 98 App. II Safrole semivolatile 94-59-7 8270C 10 - - 99 App. II 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene semivolatile 95-94-3 8270C 10 - 2 100 App. II 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol semivolatile 58-90-2 8270C 10 200 - 101 App. II o-Toluidine semivolatile 95-53-4 8270C 10 - - 102 App. II 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol semivolatile 95-95-4 8270C 10 - 63 103 App. II 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol semivolatile 88-06-2 8270C 10 - 4 104 App. II O,O,O-Triethyl phosphorothioate semivolatile 126-68-1 8270C 10 - - 105 App. II 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene semivolatile 99-35-4 8270C 10 - - 106 App. II Hexachlorobutadiene semivolatile 87-68-3 8270C or 8260 10 0.4 0.44 107 App. II Ethyl methacrylate semivolatile 97-63-2 8270C or 8270 10 - - 108 App. II Naphthalene volatile 91-20-3 8260B or 8270 10 6 - 109 App. II Pentachlorophenol herbicide 87-86-5 8151 or 8270 25 0.3 - GROUNDWATER STANDARDS (µg/L) GROUNDWATER STANDARDS (µg/L) NOTES NC App. II - Method 8270 ANALYTICAL METHOD NOTES Number NC App. # ANALYTICAL METHOD NC App. II - Method 8270 Number NC App. # ANALYTE CLASS CAS RN ANALYTE CLASS CAS RN Joyce Engineering Page 2 of 3 Revised: May 2016 NCSWMR Appendix I + II Constituents with NC-2L Standards NC SWSL NC 2L SWS-GWPS 1 App. II Aldrin pesticide 309-00-2 8081A 0.05 - 0.002 2 App. II alpha-BHC pesticide 319-84-6 8081A 0.05 - 0.006 3 App. II beta-BHC pesticide 319-85-7 8081A 0.05 - 0.019 4 App. II delta-BHC pesticide 319-86-8 8081A 0.05 - 0.019 5 App. II gamma-BHC (Lindane)pesticide 58-89-9 8081A 0.05 0.03 - 6 App. II Chlordane pesticide see note 8081A 0.5 0.1 - This entry includes alpha-chlordane (CAS RN 5103-71-9), beta chlordane (CAS RN 5103-74-2), gamma-chlordane (CAS RN 566- 34-7), and constituents of chlordane (CAS RN 57-74-9 and 12672- 29 6)7 App. II 4,4'-DDD pesticide 72-54-8 8081A 0.1 0.1 - 8 App. II 4,4'-DDE pesticide 72-55-9 8081A 0.1 - - 9 App. II 4-4'-DDT pesticide 50-29-3 8081A 0.1 0.1 - 10 App. II Dieldrin pesticide 60-57-1 8081A 0.075 0.002 - 11 App. II Endosulfan I pesticide 959-96-8 8081A 0.1 40 - 12 App. II Endosulfan II pesticide 33213-65-9 8081A 0.1 42 - 13 App. II Endosulfan sulfate pesticide 1031-07-8 8081A 0.1 - 40 14 App. II Endrin pesticide 72-20-8 8081A 0.1 2 - 15 App. II Endrin aldehyde pesticide 7421-93-4 8081A 0.1 2 - 16 App. II Heptachlor pesticide 76-44-8 8081A 0.05 0.008 - 17 App. II Heptachlor epoxide pesticide 1024-57-3 8081A 0.075 0.004 - 18 App. II Methoxychlor pesticide 72-43-5 8081A 140- 19 App. II Toxaphene pesticide see note 8081A 1.5 0.03 - Includes congener chemicals contained in technical toxaphene (CAS RN 8001-35-2) such as chlorinated camphene. NC SWSL NC 2L SWS-GWPS 1-6 App. II Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) PCB 1336-36-3 8082 2 - 0.09 This category contains congener chemicals, including constituents of Aroclor 1016 (CAS RN 12674-11-2), Aroclor 1221 (CAS RN 11104-28-2), Aroclor 1232 (CAS RN 11141-16-5), Aroclor 1242 (CAS RN 53469-21-9), Aroclor 1248 (CAS RN 12672-29-6), Aroclor 1254 (CAS RN 11097-69-1)). NC SWSL NC 2L SWS-GWPS 1 App. II 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)herbicide 94-75-7 8151A 270- 2 App. II Dinoseb (DNBP); 2-sec-Butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol herbicide 86-85-7 8151A 1-7 3 App. II Silvex (2,4,5-TP)herbicide 93-72-1 8151A 250- 4 App. II 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T)herbicide 93-76-5 8151A 2-- 5 App. II Pentachlorophenol herbicide 87-86-5 8151 or 8270 25 0.3 - Notes: Color denotes NC App. I Constituents.All concentrations in micrograms per liter (µg/L) = parts per bilion (ppb). Color denotes remaining NC App. II Constituents.NC-SWSL = NC-DENR Solid Wastre Section Reporting Limits NC 2L = NC Groundwater Protection Standards from 15A NCAC 2l.0202. Color denotes C&D Constituents.SWS-GWPS = Groundwater Protection Standards established by the NC-DENR Solid Waste Section for constituents with no NC 2L Standard. App. I & App. II = Solid Waste Constituent Lists incorporated into NC Solid Waste Management Rules from CFR-40 Appendix I and Appendix II. Color denotes constituents that can be analyzed by more than one method.C&D = Construction & Demolition Debris (referencing Landfills). CAS RN: Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number. Where 'Total' is entered, all species that contain the element are included. Class: General type of compound. OP = orthophosphate. PAH = polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon. Volatile EQL of 1 µg/L is based on a 25-mL purge per SW-846, Final Update III, Revision 2, December 1996, page 8260B-35 (most recent revision to method 8260 in SW-846). " - " = not available/not applicable Referenced from North Carolina Division of Waste Management website (http://www.wastenotnc.org/sw/swenvmonitoringlist.asp) as of 4/16/2015. NC App. II - PCB's Method 8082 GROUNDWATER STANDARDS (µg/L) NC App. II - Pesticides Method 8081 GROUNDWATER STANDARDS (µg/L) GROUNDWATER STANDARDS (µg/L) NC App. II - Herbicides 8151 NOTES Number NC App. # NOTESNumber NC App. # ANALYTE CLASS CAS RN ANALYTICAL METHOD Number NC App. # ANALYTE CLASS ANALYTICAL METHODCAS RN ANALYTE CLASS CAS RN ANALYTICAL METHOD NOTES Joyce Engineering Page 3 of 3 Revised: May 2016 APPENDIX B NC 2B Surface Water Standards CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference Source83‐32‐9602920 201,2‐Dihydro‐acenaphthylene (non‐carcinogen PAH)NoNRWQC 06, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0775‐07‐0 970 1.4 mg/L Acetic Aldehyde, Ethanal YesECOTOX 6/05; IRIS & RAIS 2/0730560‐19‐1 70 (LD) 3.9 140 Yes ECOTOX & RAIS 2/0734256‐82‐1 (LD) 510 1.9 mg/L NoIRIS & RAIS 1/07; HHWSSA67‐64‐12.0 mg/L 300 mg/L 31 mg/L 1100 mg/L 2‐Propanone NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0798‐86‐2(LD) 3.5 mg/L 850 mg/L NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 8/07107‐02‐83 (LD) 2‐Propenal No NRWQC 0679‐06‐12800(LD) 0.008 0.3 YesIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 10/07107‐13‐1420 (LD)0.051 0.252‐Propenenitrile; ACN; AN; Acrylonitrile; Cyanoethylene; Fumigrain; Vinyl CyanideYes NRWQC 06; RAIS 2/07309‐00‐20.002 0.003 0.05 ng/L0.05 ng/L Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/07C5‐C8                           (n‐hexane as surrogate)(LD) 830 1.4 mg/L NAECOTOX & RAIS 1/10; MADEP toxicity studiesC9‐C12 (s) (s) (s) NA NCC9‐C18                         (n‐nonane as surrogate)(s) (s) (s) NA NCC18‐C32               (Eclosane as surrogate)(s) (s) (s) NA NC7429‐90‐587 6.5 mg/L 8.0 mg/L No NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/0910043‐01‐312 (LD)No ECOTOX 2/07Aluminum SulfateAcenaphtheneAlphalicsAll values in ug/L unless noted below. Values in red are 15A NCAC 02B Water Quality Standards.North Carolina 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA Nationally Recommended Water Quality CriteriaAluminum                          (at a pH of 6.5‐9.0)AcrylamideAcrylonotrileAldrinAcetaldehydeAcephateAcetochlorAcetoneAcetophenoneAcroleinPollutant or Parameter Updated 3/2016 ‐ Click here for most recent version.Page 1 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter35572‐78‐2 (LD) 6.7 150 2A‐DNT No ECOTOX & RAIS 2/0719406‐51‐0 350 6.7 150 4A‐DNT No ECOTOX & RAIS 2/077783‐20‐2 1900 (LD)No ECOTOX 2/07; EPIWIN120‐12‐7 0.05 8.3 mg/L 40 mg/L Non‐carcinogen PAH NoNRWQC 06; ECOTOX 3/05; RAIS 1/077440‐36‐0 (LD) 5.6 640 NoNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 6/12830 4.0 mg/L NoRAIS 2/07; surrogate from MADEP studies7440‐38‐2Acute:       340 (d) Chronic:     150 (d)Acute:       69 (d) Chronic:     36(d)10 (t)10 (t) Yes NC1332‐21‐47000000 Fibers/LYes NRWQC 061912‐24‐9 640 8.2 mg/L No OPPT 2003; RAIS 3/09See Enterococcusand fecal coliforms.NA7440‐39‐3 (LD) (LD)1.0 mg/L (t) 200 mg/L (t) NoNC; IRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 11/081861‐40‐1 (LD) 340 350 NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0725057‐89‐0 (LD) (LD) 920 7.4 mg/L NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 10/1071‐43‐21.19 51Yes NC92‐87‐6 0.086 ng/L 0.2 ng/L 4,4’‐Biphenyldiamine Yes NRWQC 0665‐85‐0(LD)‐140 mg/L 5000 mg/L No ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07100‐51‐6 (LD) (LD) 3.5 mg/L 290 mg/L Benzene Methanol No ECOTOX & RAIS 6/12100‐44‐70.192Alpha‐chlorotoluene, Chloromethyl BenzeneYes IRIS & RAIS 1/077440‐41‐7Acute:       65 (d) Chronic:     6.5 (d)No NC92‐52‐4 18 (LD) 580 860Diphenyl, Phenylbenzene, BibenzeneNoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 7/091,1‐Biphenyl BenzidineBenzoic AcidBenzyl AlcoholBenzyl ChlorideBerylliumBacterial Indicators2‐Amino‐4,6‐Dinitrotoluene4‐Amino‐4,6‐DinitrotolueneAmmonium SulfateAnthraceneAntimonyAromatic C9‐C32              (Pyrene as surrogate)ArsenicAsbestosAtrazineBenefinBentazonBenzeneBariumPage 2 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter111‐44‐4‐0.03 0.53 BCEE Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/07111‐91‐1 100 6.0 mg/L Dichloromethoxy Ethane No RAIS 1/07108‐60‐11.4 mg/L 65 mg/L No NRWQC 06117‐81‐7 (LD) (LD) 1.2 2.2 DEHP Yes NRWQC 06542‐88‐10.1 ng/L 0.29 ng/L Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/077440‐42‐8NA ECOTOX 11/08101‐55‐3 (LD) (LD) 4‐Bromo‐diphenyl Ether No ECOTOX & RAIS 6/1275‐25‐2 4.3 140 Tribromomethane Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/0778‐93‐3 (LD) (LD) 20 mg/L 750 mg/L Methyl Ethyl Ketone, MEK NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 7/112008‐41‐5 610 470 650 Sutan No ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07104‐51‐8 (LD) 420 550 1‐Phenylbutane No ECOTOX & RAIS 2/1185‐68‐7 19 8.2 5.1 Butylbenzyl Phthalate No NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/077440‐43‐9Acute:       0.82 (d,h) Chronic:     0.15 (d,h)Acute: 0.51 (d,h)Acute:       40 (d) Chronic:      8.8(d)No NC63‐25‐20.67 (LD)Formerly Sevin 1‐Naphtalenol, MethylcarbamateNoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0786‐74‐80.71.2 YesIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 8/121563‐66‐2 9.7 0.46NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0775‐15‐0 (LD) (LD) 3.0 mg/L 20.0 mg/L Dithiocarbonic Anhydride No ECOTOX & RAIS 6/1256‐23‐50.254 1.6Benzinoform, Carbon Chloride Yes NC 57‐74‐90.004 0.004 0.8 ng/L0.8 ng/L Yes NCBromoform2‐ButanoneButylaten‐Butyl BenzeneButylbenzene PhthalateCarbon TetrachlorideChlordaneBis(2‐Ethylhexyl)PhthalateBis(chloromethyl)EtherBoronp‐Bromo‐diphenyl EtherBis(2‐Chloroethyl) EtherBis(2‐Chloroethoxy)MethaneBis(2‐Chloroisopropyl)EtherCarbofuranCarbon disulfideCadmiumCarbarylCarbazolePage 3 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter16887‐00‐6230 mg/L (AL)250 mg/LSee 15A NCAC 02B .0211 for information on Action LevelsNo NC7782‐50‐5177.5 TRC No NC; NRWQC 06Chlorobenzene 108‐90‐7 140 (LD)488 (total) 1.6 mg/LChlorinated Benzene, Phenyl ChlorideNoNC; NRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 2/111,2‐(o)‐Dichlorobenzene95‐50‐1 470 79 370488 (total) 1.3 mg/L Chlorinated Benzene NoNC; NRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 1/071,3‐(m)‐Dichlorobenzene541‐73‐1 390 390488 (total) 960 Chlorinated Benzene NoNC; NRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 1/071,4‐(p)‐Dichlorobenzene541‐73‐1 100 56488 (total) 190 Chlorinated Benzene NoNC; NRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07Hexachlorobenzene118‐74‐1‐488 (total) 0.29 ng/L Chlorinated Benzene YesNC, NRWQC 06; RAIS 01/07Pentachlorobenzene 608‐93‐50.51488 (total) 1.5 Chlorinated Benzene NoNC; NRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 2/071,2,4,5‐Tetrachlorobenzene95‐94‐3‐488 (total) 1.1 Chlorinated Benzene NoNC; NRWQC 06; RAIS 2/071,2,4‐Trichlorobenzene120‐82‐161 27488 (total) 70 Chlorinated Benzene NoNC; NRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 2/071.0 (N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0212NA NC124‐48‐1 0.4 13 Dibromochloromethane Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/0767‐66‐3 5.6 170 Trichloromethane Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/0791‐58‐7(LD) 1.0 mg/L 1.6 mg/L NoNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0740 (N)15 (N)40 (N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220NA NC1897‐45‐6 1.3 0.8 1.6 7 20 YesIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 10/1016065‐83‐1Acute:       180 (d,h) Chronic:     24 (d,h)Trivalent Chromium No NC18540‐29‐9Acute:       16 (d,h) Chronic:     11 (d,h)Acute:       1100 (d) Chronic:      3.1(d,h)Hexavalent Chromium No NC7440‐48‐434 NoECOTOX & RAIS 6/09NA NCChlorodibromomethaneChloroform2‐ChloronaphthaleneChlorophyll‐a, CorrectedChlorothalonilCobaltColiform BacteriaChlorinated BenzenesChlorinated Phenols ChlorideChlorine, Total ResidualSee “Enterococcus & Fecal Coliforms”Chromium IIIChromium VIPage 4 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter7440‐50‐8Acute:       3.6 (d,h) Chronic:     2.7(d)Acute:       4.8 (d) Chronic:      3.1(d)Also see EPA Copper 2007 Revision (EPA‐822‐R‐07‐01)No NC57‐12‐55 (N)1 (N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220 No NC110‐82‐7 230 12NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0794‐75‐760 (LD)702.5 mg/L2,4‐Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid, Chlorophenoxy HerbicideNoNC; ECOTOX & RAIS 3/091861‐32‐1 (LD) 79 100 NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 7/0794‐82‐6 (LD) 270 10.0 mg/L NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 8/0772‐54‐80.31 ng/L 0.31 ng/L4,4’DichlorodiphenyldichloroethaneYesNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0772‐55‐90.22 ng/L 0.22 ng/LP,p’‐DichlorodiphenyldochloroethyleneYesNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07 50‐29‐30.001 0.001 0.2 ng/L0.2 ng/LDichlorodiphenyltrichloroethaneYes NC8065‐48‐30.1 0.1No NC333‐41‐5 0.17 0.82NoEPA final AWQC for Diazinon (12/2005)96‐12‐8 0.033 0.13 Nemagon YesIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07106‐93‐4 0.02 0.1 EDB, Ethylene Dibromide YesIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 8/101918‐00‐9 200 (LD) 1.0 mg/L 38 mg/L2,5‐Dichloro‐6‐methoxybenzoic acidNoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 3/0979‐43‐6 0.68 25 DCAA, DCA Yes IRIS & RAIS 1/0791‐94‐1 0.021 0.028 YesNC; NRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0775‐27‐40.5517 YesNRWQC 06; RAIS 1/071,2 –Dibromomethane Dicamba4,4’‐DDTDemetonDiazinon1,2‐Dibromo‐3‐chloropropaneDacthal2,4‐DB 4,4’‐DDD 4,4’‐DDE Cyclohexane2,4‐DCopperCyanide, TotalDichloroacetic Acid3,3’‐Dichlorobenzidine DichlorobromomethanePage 5 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter75‐34‐3 (LD) 6 100 YesHandbook of Environmental Data‐Vershauen/RAIS 6/10107‐06‐20.3837Ethylene Dichloride YesNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 4/0975‐35‐41.5 mg/L (LD) 330 7.1 mg/L1,1‐DCE, Vinylidene Chloride, 1,1‐DichloroetheneNoNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 5/10156‐60‐5 140 10 mg/LTrans‐1,2‐DCE, Trans‐acetylene DichlorideNoNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07156‐59‐2 60 720 Cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene No IRIS & RAIS 7/11540‐59‐0 290 3.2 mg/L No ECOTOX & RAIS 8/1278‐87‐50.515 YesNRWQC 06542‐75‐612 0.31 21Cis and Trans 1,3‐DichloropropyleneYesNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0762‐73‐7(LD) 0.12 Breakdown Product of Naled YesIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07 60‐57‐10.002 0.002 0.05 ng/L0.05 ng/L Yes NC 60‐29‐7 130 mg/L 6.8 mg/L 250 mg/L Ethyl Ether NAIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0784‐66‐21.2 mg/L 600 15 mg/L DEP No ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0760‐51‐50.3 1.6Cygon, o,o‐Dimethyl s‐(N‐methyl)‐carbamoylmethyl DithiophosphateNoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 10/1095‐47‐6No108‐38‐3No106‐42‐3No131‐11‐33.4 mg/L2.8 mg/L2.9 mg/L DMP, Benzenedicarboxylic Acid, Dimethyl EsterNo ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07 66‐12‐2(LD)3.4 mg/L 130 mg/L DMF, DMFA No ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07105‐67‐9 320 (N)66 (N)Phenolic compound, orthanolepticNoDimethyl PhthalateDimethylformamide1,1‐Dichloroethane1,2‐Dichloroethane1,1‐Dichloroethylene 1,2‐Dimethylbenzene 1,3‐Dimethylbenzene 1,4‐Dimethylbenzene 2,4‐DimethylphenolSee o‐Xylene See p‐Xylene See m‐Xylene Diethyl EtherDiethyl PhthalateDimethoate1,2‐Dichloropropane 1,3‐Dichloropropene DichlorvosDieldrin1,2‐ trans‐Dichloroethylene1,2‐cis‐Dichloroethylene 1,2‐Dichloroethylene Mixed IsomersPage 6 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter 84‐74‐2 9.5 4.5 DBP No ECOTOX & RAIS 1/0799‐65‐0 (LD) 3.4 140 No ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07121‐14‐2 0.11 3.4 2,4‐DNT YesNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 2/07606‐20‐2 0.048 0.71 2,6‐DNT Yes ECOTOX & RAIS 2/07117‐84‐0 900 2.5 mg/L No RAIS 1/0788‐85‐7 3 12 20 65 NoIRIS,ECOTOX & RAIS 6/12123‐91‐10.35801,4‐Diethylene Dioxide YesIRIS,ECOTOX & RAIS 8/101746‐01‐60.000005 ng/L0.000005 ng/L2,3,7,8‐Tetrachlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxinYes NC122‐66‐7 0.036 0.2 1,2‐DPH YesNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 2/07110% sat (N)110% sat (N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220 NA NC≥5.0 mg/L (N)≥6.0 mg/L (N)≥5.0 mg/L (N)(N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220 NA NC115‐29‐7 0.05 0.009 Endosulfan No NC33213‐65‐9 0.05 0.009No NC1031‐07‐8 0.05 0.009No NC145‐73‐33.9 mg/L 12 mg/L 680NoIRIS,ECOTOX & RAIS 2/0772‐20‐8 0.002 0.002No NC7421‐93‐4 0.29 0.3 No NRWQC 06; RAIS 2/07≤ 200/100 mL See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 for ≤ 35/100mL See 15A NCAC 02B .0220 for See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220 for details.NA NC759‐94‐4 580 1.7 mg/L s‐Ethyl Propylthiocarbamate NA IRIS & RAIS 4/0764‐17‐5 (LD) (LD) Ethyl Alcohol No ECOTOX & RAIS 12/10100‐41‐4 97 25 Phenyl Ethane No ECOTOX & RAIS 8/1060‐29‐7No206‐44‐0 0.11 0.22 1,2‐Benzacenaphthene No ECOTOX & RAIS 2/07FluorantheneEPTCEthanolEthylbenzeneSee Diethyl EtherEthyl EtherEndothallEndrinEndrin AldehydeEnterococcus & Fecal Coliforms1,2‐Diphenylhydrazine Dissolved GasesDissolved OxygenEndosulfan, alphaDioxin (2,3,7,8‐TCDD)Endosulfan, betaEndosulfan Sulfate2,4‐Dinitrotoluene 2,6‐DinitrotolueneDi‐n‐octyl PhthalateDinoseb1,4‐Dioxane Di‐n‐butyl Pthalate1,3‐Dinitrobenzene Page 7 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter86‐73‐730 (LD) (LD) 1.1 mg/L 5.3 mg/L NoNRWQC 06, ECOTOX & RAIS 9/1016984‐48‐81.8 mg/L (LD)NANC, ECOTOX & KOWWIN 3/0859756‐60‐4 90 170 Avast, Sonar NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 4/07944‐22‐90.27 17NAIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 4/0750‐00‐01.2 mg/L 620 Formalin NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 2/0786‐68‐30.01 0.01No NC100 mg/L CaCO3 or Ca+MgNA NC76‐44‐80.004 0.004 0.08 ng/L0.08 ng/L Yes NC1024‐57‐3 0.039 ng/L 0.039 ng/L Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/0787‐68‐30.44 18HCBD Yes NCa‐BHC 319‐84‐6 (LD) (LD) 0.0026 0.0049 Alpha‐BHC, a‐HCH Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/07b‐BHC 319‐85‐7 (LD) 0.0091 0.017 Beta‐BHC, b‐HCH Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/07d‐BHC 319‐86‐8 (LD) (LD) Delta‐BHC, d‐HCH No ECOTOX & RAIS 1/07g‐BHC 58‐89‐90.01 0.004Lindane, gamma‐BHC, g‐HCH No NC; PAN 3/07608‐73‐1 0.005 0.008 HCH YesIRI, ECOTOX & RAIS 6/1277‐47‐40.071 Organoleptic1.1 mg/LHCCP, PerchlorocyclopentadieneNoNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 2/0767‐72‐11.43.3 HCEYesNRWQC 06; RAIS 1/07121‐82‐40.3111 RDXYesRAIS 2/07100‐97‐02.5 mg/L 2.5 mg/LNoECOTOX & EPIWIN 2/072691‐41‐01.4 mg/L 1.7 mg/L 63 mg/LOctahydro‐1,3,5,7‐tetranitro‐1,3,5,7‐tetrazocineNo ECOTOX & RAIS 2/07Hexahydro‐1,3,5‐Trinitro‐1,3,5‐TriazineHexamineHMXHexachlorocyclo‐pentadieneHexachloroethaneHardness, TotalHeptachlorHeptachlor EpoxideHexachlorobutadieneHexachlorocyclohexane TechnicalFormaldehydeGuthionHexachlorocyclohexanesFluoreneFluorideFluridoneFonofosPage 8 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter6/4/7783 0.21 (LD)No ECOTOX & RAIS 2/07755‐35‐62 35 27No ECOTX & RAIS 12/201578‐59‐1 35 9601,1,3‐Trimethyl‐3‐cyclohexane‐5‐oneYes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/0798‐82‐8 250 135 (LD) 2.7 mg/L 11 mg/L Cumene, Cumol NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 8/10108‐20‐3 (LD) (LD) 2,2’‐Oxybispropane No ECOTOX & RAIS 8/1099‐87‐6 (LD) (LD) 4‐Cymene No ECOTOX & RAIS 1/107439‐92‐1Acute:       14 (d,h) Chronic:     0.54 (d,h)Acute:       210 (d) Chronic:      8.1(d)No NC58‐89‐90.01 0.004Gamma‐BHC, g‐HCH No121‐75‐50.1 0.1No NRWQC 061/7/8018 (LD) 1.0 mg/L 38 mg/L Carbamic Acid, Ethylene‐bis No ECOTOX & RAIS 2/0761‐73‐4500 (N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0212, .0214, .0215, .0216, and .0218NA NC7439‐97‐60.012 (t)0.025 (t)No NC67‐56‐117 mg/L 630 mg/L Methyl Alcohol No RAIS 12/0872‐43‐50.03 0.03No NC79‐20‐919 mg/LNo ECOTOX & RAIS 3/0874‐83‐9 (LD) (LD) 47 1.5 mg/L Bromomethane NoNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAISE 2/0774‐87‐32.696ChloromethaneNoIRIS & RAIS 2/0780‐62‐69.6 mg/LNoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 2/0975‐09‐2 11000 17000 4.6 590 Dichloromethane Yes NRWQC 06;, RAIS 1/0790‐12‐0 0.8 2.6 Yes ECOTOX & RAIS 4/1091‐57‐6(LD)5080 NAIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/08108‐10‐126 mg/L 2.8 mg/L 160 mg/L Methyl Isobutyl Ketone No ECOTOX & RAIS 2/0751218‐45‐2 240 200 (LD)NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 10/10MethoxychlorMalathionMancozebMethylene‐blue Active Substances (MBAS)MercuryMethanolIsopropyl BenzeneIsopropyl Ether4‐Methyl‐2‐pentinoneMetolochlor1‐Methylnaphthalene2‐Methylnaphthalene Methyl AcetateMethyl BromideMethyl ChlorideMethyl MethacrylateMethylene ChlorideIsopropyl Toluene, pLeadLindane, g‐BHCHydrogen SulfideIsophoroneIodinePage 9 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter21087‐64‐9 (LD) 840 24 mg/L NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 2/072385‐85‐50.001 0.001No NC7439‐98‐7 (LD) 160 2.0 mg/L NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 6/091634‐04‐4 (LD) (LD) 19 1.5 mg/L Methyl Tertiary‐butyl Ether NAIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 1/1091‐20‐3 12 52 Mothballs NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 8/107440‐20‐3Acute:       140 (d,h)     Chronic:     16 (d,h)Acute:       74 (d)     Chronic:     8.2(d)25 (t)No NC14797‐55‐810 mg/LNutrient parameters may be regulated in nutrient sensitive waters (NSW). See 15A NCAC 02B .0223.No NC14797‐65‐02.72.7 NoIRIS & RAISE 1/0798‐95‐3 4600 LD 1730 OrganolepticMirbane Oil No NRWQC 06; RAIS 2/0755‐63‐0 84 2 67 1,2,3‐Propanetriol Trinitrate YesLD 0.8 ng/L 0.46(N‐nitrosodiethyl‐amine as surrogate)YesNRWQC 06;, IRIS & RAIS 2/07, EPA 440/5‐924‐16‐36.3 ng/L 0.22 Yes NRWQC 0655‐18‐50.8 ng/L 0.46 YesNRWQC 06; IRIS & RAIS 2/07621‐64‐7 0.005 0.51 Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/0762‐75‐90.69 ng/L 3 YesNRWQC 06; IRIS &RAIS 1/0786‐30‐63.36 YesNRWQC 06; IRIS &RAIS 1/07930‐55‐2 0.016 34 Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/0788‐72‐2 0.14 1.5 o‐Nitrotoluene NA RAIS 2/0799‐08‐1 (LD) 620 5.3 ng/L m‐Nitrotoluene NA ECOTOX & RAIS 2/0799‐99‐01.818p‐Nitrotoluene NA RAIS 2/07103‐65‐1 (LD) (LD) 1.7 mg/L 3.2 mg/L NA ECOTOX & RAIS 1/10MTBEMetribuzinMirexMolybdenumNitrobenzeneNitroglycerinNitrosaminesNaphthaleneNickelNitrate nitrogenNitriteN‐NitrosodibutylamineN‐Nitrosodiethyl‐amineN‐Nitroso‐di‐n‐propylamineN‐Nitrosodimethyl‐amineN‐NitrosodiphenylamineN‐Nitrosopyrrolidine2‐Nitrotoluene3‐Nitrotoluene4‐Nitrotoluenen‐Propyl BenzenePage 10 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter(N) (N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220.NA NC56‐38‐20.013 0.178‐No0.001 (N)0.001 (N) 0.064 ng/L0.064 ng/LTotal of all polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and all Yes14797‐73‐02.52.8 NoIRIS & RAIS 4/076.0‐9.0 (N)6.8‐8.5 (N)(N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220 NA85‐01‐80.70.3No ECOTOX & RAIS 4/10300 (P)300 (P) (P) = public policy document.  NA NCBenz(a)Anthracene 56‐55‐3(LD)0.0028 (Total)0.0311 (Total)PAH Yes NCBenzo(a)Pyrene 50‐32‐8 (LD) (LD)0.0028 (Total)0.0311 (Total)PAH Yes NC3,4‐Benzo(b)flouranthene205‐99‐20.0028 (Total)0.0311 (Total)PAH Yes NCBenzo(k)fluoranthene 207‐08‐90.0028 (Total)0.0311 (Total)PAH Yes NCChrysene 218‐01‐9(LD)0.0028 (Total)0.0311 (Total)PAH Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 1/07Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 53‐70‐3(LD)0.0028 (Total)0.0311 (Total)PAH Yes NCIndeno(1,2,3‐cd) Pyrene 193‐39‐50.0028 (Total)0.0311 (Total)PAH Yes NC79‐10‐7(LD) 17 mg/L 630 mg/L Acrylic Acid NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 11/09129‐00‐0 830 4.0 mg/L Non carcinogenic PAH No NRWQC 06; RAIS 2/07110‐86‐15.0 mg/L (LD) 34 1.3 mg/L NAIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 8/07(N) (N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220 NA NC(N)See 15A NCAC 02B.0220 NA NC7782‐49‐25 (t)71 (t)No NC(N) (N) (N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211, .0212 and .0220 NA NC7440‐22‐4Acute:       30 (d,h)      Chronic:     0.06 (d,h) Acute:       1.9 (d) Chronic:      0.1(d)No NCTotal PAHsParathionPCB, TotalPerchlorate & SaltspHPhenanthrenePhenolic CompoundsOil and GreaseSilverPropenoic AcidPyrenePyridineRadioactive SubstancesSalinitySeleniumSewagePage 11 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter93‐72‐1(LD) 1.5 mg/L102,4,5‐TP, 2,4,5‐Trichlorophenoxypropionoic AcidNoNC; ECOTOX & RAIS 2/07(N) (N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220.Also includes floating NA NC500 mg/L‐NA NC10 mg/L (E)20 mg/L (E) See 15A NCAC 02B .0224 NA NC7440‐24‐614 mg/L 40 mg/L No IRIS & RAIS 2/07250 mg/LNo NC6/4/7783 0.21 2NoNRWQC 06; ECOTOX & RAIS 2/07(N) (N) (N)NCAC 02B .0208, .0211, and .0220NA NC5902‐51‐2 430 9.1 mg/L NA IRIS & RAIS 4/0779‐34‐5 1000 (LD)0.17 4Acetosol, Acetylene TetrachlorideYes NC127‐18‐4 120 650.7 3.3PERC, PCE, Perchloroethylene Yes NC7440‐28‐0 0.24 0.47 NoNRWQC 06; IRIS & RAIS 2/077440‐31‐5 770 800 NA ECOTOX & RAIS 8/07108‐88‐311 0.36370Methyl Benzene, Phenyl MethaneNoNC; ECOTOX & RAIS 8/078001‐35‐20.2 ng/L0.2 ng/LYes NC93‐76‐51.4 mg/L 68 2.5 mg/L 2,4,5‐TNoECOTOX & RAIS 2/07Varies0.07 0.007No NC71‐55‐6 2500 (LD)Ethane Trichloride, Vinyl TrichlorideNo IRIS & RAIS 4/0979‐00‐5 2300 9500 0.59 16 Yes NRWQC 06; RAIS 2/0779‐01‐62.53 TCEYesNC75‐69‐49.1 mg/L 67 mg/L Freon 11, Frigen 11, Arcton 11 No IRIS & RAIS 2/0776‐13‐1 710 mg/L 2200 mg/L Freon 113 No IRIS & RAIS 1/07ToxapheneSilvexSolids, SettleableSolids, Total DissolvedSolids, Total SuspendedStrontiumSulfatesSulfide‐Hydrogen SulfideTemperatureTerbacilTetrachloroethaneTetrachloroethyleneThalliumTinToluene1,1,2‐TrichloroethaneTrichloroethyleneTrichlorofluoromethane1,1,2‐Trichloro‐1,2,2,‐trifluoroethane2,4,5‐Trichlorophenoxyacteic AcidTrialkyltin & Tributyltin1,1,1‐TrichloroethanePage 12 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter96‐16‐4 0.001 0.01 1,2,3‐TCP YesIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 6/1295‐63‐6 (LD) (LD)No ECOTOX & RAIS 8/10108‐67‐8 (LD) (LD) 130 215 Mesitylene No ECOTOX & RAIS 8/10479‐45‐8 140 4.3 mg/LMethyl‐2,4,6‐trinitrophenylnitramine(tetryl)No ECOTOX & RAIS 2/07118‐96‐7 1.1 39 TNT Yes ECOTOX & RAIS 2/0750/25 NTU (N)10 NTU (N)25 NTU (N)See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 and .0220. NTU = Nephelometric Turbidity UnitsNA NC75‐01‐40.025 2.4Chloroethylene Yes NC1330‐20‐7 670 450 (LD)NAIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 6/12108‐38‐3 (LD) 420 (LD) 1,3‐Dimethylbenzene NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 6/12106‐42‐3 (LD) 130 (LD) 1,4‐Dimethylbenzene NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 6/1295‐47‐6 600 400 (LD) 1,2‐Dimethylbenzene NoIRIS, ECOTOX & RAIS 6/127440‐66‐6Acute:       36 (d,h) Chronic:     36 (d,h)Acute:       90 (d) Chronic:     81(d)No NCm‐Xylenep‐Xyleneo‐XyleneZincTrinitrophenylmethylnitramine2,4,6‐TrinitrotolueneTurbidityVinyl ChlorideXylenes, Mixture1,2,3‐Trichloropropane1,2,4‐Trimethylbenzene1,3,5‐ TrimethylbenzenePage 13 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or Parameter(d) = dissolved metal standard.  See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 for more information.(E) = effluent limit for High Quality Waters. See 15A NCAC 02B .0224.(LD) = limited data.(N) = narrative standard.(P) = public policy document.(s) = toxicity exceeds solubility, no visible sheen or free product in water or on sediment or shoreline per 15A NCAC 02B .0211 & .0220(t) = based upon measurement of total recoverable metal. See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 for more information.                                                        The standards in this table are developed per section 15A NCAC 02B of the North Carolina Administrative Code. To determine the appropriate standard, use the most stringent of all applicable columns as described below.  For Class C waters, use the most stringent of Freshwater and Human Health. For Class SC waters, use the most stringent of Saltwater and Human Health.For Water Supply waters, use the most stringent of Freshwater, Water Supply, and Human Health.For Swamp Waters, use the most stringent of Freshwater or Swamp for freshwaters or Saltwater or Swamp for tidal waters.(1) Trout Waters are protected for natural trout propagation and survival of stocked trout.  See 15A NCAC 02B .0101 and .0301(3) Human Health standards are based on the consumption of fish only unless dermal contact studies are available.  See 15A NCAC 02B .0208.(4) High Quality Waters are a subset of waters with quality higher than the standards and are described in 15A NCAC 02B .0101 and .0224.(5) Swamp Waters have low velocities and other natural characteristics which are different from adjacent streams. See 15A NCAC 02B .0101.(6) Carcinogens are listed in 15A NCAC 02B .0208.For High Quality Waters, use the most stringent of Freshwater, Water Supply, Trout, and High Quality or the most stringent of Saltwater and High Quality.(2) Water Supply standards are applicable to all Water Supply Classifications and are based on consumption of fish and water. See 15A NCAC 02B .0208, .0212, .0214, .0215, .0216, and .0218.Footnotes, Codes and Additional Information with Reference to Classifications & StandardsValues in red font are 15A NCAC 02B standards(h) = hardness‐dependent dissolved metal standard.  All hardness‐dependent dissolved metal standards in this table assume ≤ 25 mg/L in‐stream hardness.  See page 16 for hardness‐dependent dissolved metal guidelines and equations. See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 for more information.For Trout Waters, use the most stringent of Freshwater, Human Health, and Trout.  If Trout Waters are located within a Water Supply, use the most stringent of Freshwater, Human Health, Water Supply, and Trout.Page 14 of 15 CAS #Freshwater Aquatic LifeTrout1Saltwater Aquatic LifeWater Supply2Human Health3High Quality Waters4Swamp Waters5Synonyms & Other InformationCarcinogen6Data Reference SourcePollutant or ParameterHardness‐Dependent Dissolved Metal Standard Guidelines and EquationsUse the guidelines and equations below for determining hardness‐dependent dissolved metal standards:If in‐stream hardness ≤25 mg/L, calculate at 25 mg/L hardnessIf in‐stream hardness >25, but <400 mg/L, calculate at actual stream hardnessIf in‐stream hardness ≥400, calculate at 400 mg/L hardnessStandard @ 25 mg/L in‐stream hardness (ug/L)Enter in‐stream hardness (mg/L)Claculated standard at in‐stream hardness (ug/L)0.82250.820.15250.150.51250.5118025183.07242523.813.6253.642.7252.74142513.880.54250.5414025144.92162516.100.3250.30362536.20362536.50Lead, acuteLead, chronicNickel, acuteNickel, chronicSilver, acuteZinc, acuteZinc, chronicWER*[{1.136672‐[ln hardness](0.041838)}*e^{0.9151[ln hardness]‐3.1485}]WER*[{1.101672‐[ln hardness](0.041838)}*e^{0.7998[ln hardness]‐4.4451}]WER*[{1.136672‐[ln hardness](0.041838)}*e^{0.9151[ln hardness]‐ 3.6236}]WER*[0.316*e^{0.8190[ln hardness]+3.7256}]WER*[0.860*e^{0.8190[ln hardness]+0.6848}]WER*[0.960*e^{0.9422[ln hardness]‐1.700}]WER*[0.960*e^{0.8545[ln hardness]‐1.702}]WER*[{1.46203‐[ln hardness](0.145712)}*e^{1.273[ln hardness]‐1.460}]WER*[{1.46203‐[ln hardness](0.145712)}*e^{1.273[ln hardness]‐4.705}]WER*[0.998*e^{0.8460[ln hardness]+2.255}]WER*[0.997*e^{0.8460[ln hardness]+0.0584}]WER*[0.85*e^{1.72[ln hardness]‐6.59}]WER*[0.978*e^{0.8473[ln hardness]+0.884}]WER*[0.986*e^{0.8473[ln hardness]+0.884}]Copper, chronicEquations for Hardness‐Dependent Metals (ug/L)MetalThe Water Effects Ratio (WER) in the equations below = 1. See 15A NCAC 02B .0211 & .0220 for more information.Cadmium, acuteCadmium, chronicCadmium, acute, trout watersChromium III, acuteChromium III, chronicCopper, acutePage 15 of 15 APPENDIX C Example Field Logs and Chain of Custody DATE: GROUND WATER SAMPLING LOG Project Name: Oxford Unit 1, Granville Co. Project No. /Task No.: _____________ Well ID: Sampler(s): Well Location: Well Diameter: inches Initial Depth to Water (DTW): feet Depth to Bottom (DTB): feet Water Column Thickness (WCT): feet [DTB-DTW] Calculation for One Well Volume (WV): For 2” Well: WCT X 0.163 = gallons For 4” Well: WCT X 0.653 = gallons For THREE Well Volumes: WV X 3 = gallons Actual Amount Purged/Bailed: gallons Purged with: Sampled with: Depth to Water before Sampling: - feet Gallons Purged Time pH Temp. °C Cond. µS/m Dis. O2 mg/l Turb. ntu ORP mv Initials Before Sampling Comments (weather conditions, odor, color, silt, etc.): Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________________ QA/QC Sign Off: __________________________ Date: ________________________ DATE: SURFACE WATER MONITORING LOG Project Name: Oxford, Unit 1, Granville Co. Project/Task No.: Surface Point ID: Sampler(s): Location: Field Parameters: Time of Sampling: pH: Temperature: (°C) Conductivity: (S/m) Turbidity: (ntu) Comments/Sample Description (weather conditions, odor, color, silt, etc.): Signature:________________________________ Date:_________________________ QA/QC Sign Off:__________________________ Date:_________________________ Sketch of Sample Location (include flow direction, drainage pathways, etc.). GREENSBORO, NC CHARLESTON, SC RICHMOND, VA2211 West Meadowview Rd. Suite 101 3251 Landmark Drive #240 1604 Ownby LaneGreensboro, NC 27407 North Charleston, SC 29418 Richmond, VA 23220Phone: (336) 323-0092 Phone: (843) 207-1373 Phone: (804) 355-4520Fax: (336) 323-0093 Fax: (843) 207-9029 Fax: (804) 355-4282SAMPLE ID DATE TIME GRAB COMP12345678910111213MATRIX TYPE REQUIRED ANALYSISSAMPLEPROJECT NAME:PROJECT NUMBER:PROJECT MANAGER:SURFACE WATERGROUND WATERDRINKING WATERSOIL/SOLID/SEDIMENTAIRLEACHATEOTHERREMARKSCHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORDSAMPLERS:NOPAGE _____ OF _____YESCUSTODY INTACTLEVEL ILEVEL IILEVEL IIILEVEL IVDATA REPORT LEVELRECEIVED BY (SIGNATURE): DATE: TIME:LABORATORY:STANDARD REPORT DELIVERYEXPEDITED REPORT DELIVERYDATE DUE:RELINQUISHED BY (SIGNATURE): DATE: TIME:RECEIVED BY (SIGNATURE): DATE: TIME:RELINQUISHED BY (SIGNATURE): DATE: TIME:ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:RELINQUISHED BY (SIGNATURE):RECEIVED BY (SIGNATURE):DATE:DATE:TIME:TIME:Created: 11/5/07Version: 1.01 VICINITY MAPSITE LOCATION MAPOWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630DWG. TITLEDWG.COVER SHEETPROJECT SUMMARY:SITE LAYOUTSINGLE LINE DIAGRAMPLOT PLAN SUB-ARRAY AWIRING & GROUNDING DETAILSP.01P.06P.02P.03P.07AAPPLICABLE CODES2011 NEC (NFPA-70)2012 NORTH CAROLINA STATE BUILDING CODE (2009 IBC WITH NORTHCAROLINA AMENDMENTS)UL 1703 - SOLAR MODULESUL 1741 - INVERTERSTHIS PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION SHALL BE INSTALLED INACCORDANCE WITH THE EDITIONS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE(UBC), THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC), AND ANY LOCALBUILDING CODES CURRENTLY BEING ENFORCED BY THE AUTHORITYHAVING JURISDICTION (AHJ).EQUIPMENT PLAN & ELEVATION DETAILS & TRENCH DETAILS P.08PLOT PLAN SUB-ARRAY BP.04P.05PLOT PLAN SUB-ARRAY CDC WIRING & VOLTAGE DROP SCHEDULESSTRUCTURAL PIER FOUNDATION DETAILS23 KV MEDIUM VOLTAGE DETAILSP.11P.10PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DETAILS SHEET2P.09PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM LABELING SHEETPLOT PLAN STRINGING OVERVIEWP.07S.01P.12GENERAL NOTES1.ALL WORK SHALL BE INSTALLED AND COMPLETED BY QUALIFIED LICENSED CONTRACTOR.2.CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE ALL SPECIFICATIONS AND UTILITY METERING FORMS PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION, IFAPPLICABLE.3.NO PANELS SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT MODULES WILL BE PREDICTABLY SHADED FROM 10AM-2PM DECEMBER 21.4.INSTALLATION OF PV PANEL ARRAYS SHOULD RESIST SLIDING AND POP-UP RESULTING FROM SEISMIC EVENTS AND SHOULDCOMPLY WITH CBC SECTION 1613A AND ASCE STANDARD 7-05, CHAPTER 13.5.PV SYSTEM INSTALLER WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLATION OF ALL RELATED EQUIPMENT, CABLES,ADDITIONAL CONDUITS, BOXES, WIRE TRAYS AND OTHER ACCESSORIES NECESSARY FOR COMPLETE AND OPERATIONALPHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM.6.PV SYSTEM CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL THE WORK WITH THE ENGINEER OF RECORD, PROJECT ENGINEERS, THECONSTRUCTION MANAGER AND ALL OTHER CONTRACTORS TO INSURE THAT PV SYSTEM IS INSTALLED AS SPECIFIED IN THESE DESIGNDRAWINGS.7. THE USE OF TOP ENTRY ENCLOSURES IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE PV ARRAY FIELD.8.THE USE OF WIRE SPLICES AT ANY POINT IN THE DC SYSTEM INSTALLATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.9.FIELD VERIFICATION OF EXACT AIC RATING REQUIRED OF THE MAIN SWITCHBOARD FROM LOCAL UTILITY COMPANY, IFAPPLICABLE.10.ALL CONDUITS RUN ON RACKING OR EQUIPMENT RACKS IN OUTDOOR EXPOSED AREAS SHALL BE EMT OR LFNMC WITHWEATHER TIGHT COMPRESSION FITTINGS.ELECTRICAL NOTES1.ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE, LOCAL MUNICIPAL CODE ANDLOCAL FIRE DISTRICT REGULATIONS.2.ALL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE USED AND LABELED PER NATIONALY RECOGNIZED ELECTRICAL TESTING LABORATORY (NRTL) ANDINSTALLED PER THE LISTING REQUIREMENTS AND THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS.3.ALL INVERTERS SHALL BE UL1741 LISTED AND IEEE 1547 & IEEE 929 COMPLIANT AND SHALL BE INSPECTED BY INVERTERMANUFACTURER TECHNICIAN BEFORE COMMISSIONING, TESTING AND OPERATION OF THE SYSTEM.4.ALL OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE MINIMUM NEMA 3R, INCLUDING OUTDOOR MOUNTED TRANSITION BOXES, STRINGCOMBINER BOXES AND DISCONNECT SWITCHES.5.NEC ARTICLE 690.18: DUE TO THE FACT THAT THE PV MODULES ARE ENERGIZED WHENEVER THOSE ARE EXPOSED TOSUNLIGHT, PV CONTRACTOR SHALL DISABLE THE ARRAY DURING INSTALLATION AND SERVICE BY SHORT CIRCUITING, OPENCIRCUITING OR COVERING THE ARRAY WITH AN OPAQUE COVERING.6.DRAWINGS IN GENERAL ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND INDICATE GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE EQUIPMENT AND WORKINCLUDED. THE INTENTION OF THE DRAWINGS IS TO INDICATE SIZE, CAPACITY, APPROXIMATE LOCATION AND GENERALRELATIONSHIP, BUT NOT EXACT DETAIL OR PHYSICAL PLACEMENT.WIRING AND WIRING METHODS1.>>/EKKZKEhdKZ^EdZD/Ed/KE^^,>>Zd&KZϳϱΣD/E/DhD͘>>KhdKKZt/Z/E'DdZ/>^^,>>tdZd͕&>DZdZEd͕^hEͲ>/',dZ^/^dEdEZd&KZKEd/EhKh^h^ddDWZdhZ^hWdKϵϬΣ͘2.PHOTOVOLTAIC SOURCE CURRENTS MUST BE RATED AT BOTH 125% OF THE PARALLEL MODULE AND AT A CONTINUOUS LOADOF ANOTHER 125%FOR A TOTAL OF 156% OF THE LOAD.GROUNDING1.ALL GROUNDING/BONDING TERMINATIONS/CONNECTIONS MADE OUTSIDE OF EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE SHALL BE MADE USINGIRREVERSIBLE/EXOTHERMIC METHODS.2.ALL GROUNDING ELECTRODES SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL AND COPPER/ZINC CLAD AND SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 8 FT INLENGTH AND 5/8 IN IN DIAMETER. GROUND RESISTANCE MUST BE MEASURED BEFORE FINAL COMMISSIONING. THE RESISTANCEVALUE MUST BE ACCORDING TO NEC REQUIREMENTS. IF THE VALUE CAN NOT BE ACHIEVED, SUPPLEMENTAL ELECTRODE SHALL BEINSTALLED AS PER NEC 250.53 (A)(3).3.EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS SIZED ACCORDING TO NEC REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL RACEWAYS.4.NON-CURRENT CARRYING METAL PARTS OF EQUIPMENTS SHALL BE TREATED FOR PROPER GROUNDING. THE TERMINAL LUGSBOLTED ON AN EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE'S OUTER SURFACE MAY BE INSULATED BECAUSE OF PAINT.THIS PAINT SHALL BE PROPERLYREMOVED TO ENSURE EFFECTIVE GROUNDING OF EQUIPMENT.GROUND FAULT PROTECTION1.PROPOSED INVERTERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH GROUND FAULT PROTECTION TO DETECT ANY POSSIBLE GROUND FAULT INUNGROUNDED CONDUCTORS TO REDUCE FIRE HAZARDS.2.THE FAULT PROTECTION CIRCUIT AT THE INVERTER SHALL BE TESTED BY MANUFACTURER'S TECHNICIAN BEFORE FINALCOMMISSIONING, IF POSSIBLE.DISCONNECTING MEANS1.DISCONNECTING MEANS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO DISCONNECT A FUSE FROM ALL SOURCES OF SUPPLY IF THE FUSE ISENERGIZED FROM BOTH DIRECTIONS AND IS ACCESSIBLE TO OTHER THAN QUALIFIED PERSONS. SUCH A FUSE IN A PHOTOVOLTAICSOURCE CIRCUIT SHALL BE CAPABLE OF BEING DISCONNECTED INDEPENDENTLY OF FUSES IN OTHER PHOTOVOLTAIC SOURCECIRCUITS.2.ALL COMBINER WITH INTEGRATED DISCONNECT SWITCHES SHALL BE RATED FOR 125% CONTINUOUS DUTY.3.WZKs/E^^/>/^KEEds/d,d/^>K<>/EKWEWK^/d/KEE/^>Kdt/d,/EϭϬΖͲϬ͟K&d,METER PER LOCAL ELECTRICAL UTILITY REGULATIONS, IF APPLICABLE.INTERCONNECTION1.THIS SOLAR GENERATING FACILITY IS COMPOSED OF SINGLE INTERCONNECTION, WILL CONNECT DIRECTLY TO 23000VACDISTRIBUTION NETWORK PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS (DEP) AS SPECIFIED BY THE POINT OF DELIVERY (POD).2.THE SYSTEM WILL CONNECT WITH THE 23000 VAC, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE UTILITY DISTRIBUTION NETWORK THROUGH POLEMOUNTED R-GW RECLOSER AND SWITCH. THIS SWITCH WILL SERVE AS A UTILITY DISCONNECT FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ANDDURING CONTINGENCY.3.THE ENERGY METERING WILL BE INSTALLED ON POLE ON PV SYSTEM SIDE OF THE RE-CLOSER PROVIDED BY DEP.4.CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH THE UTILITY COMPANY FOR ALL METERING AND INTERCONNECTION PRIOR TO START OFCONSTRUCTION/ COMMISSIONING.COVERPAGENONEMLWJRADKP.01CORNWALL SOLAR CENTER, LLC6595 LANDFILL ROAD, OXFORDGRANVILLE COUNTY, NC 275654.998MWAC/6.40MWDCSOLAR PV FACILITYP.07BDAS MONITORING SINGLE LINE SITELAYOUTNONEMLWJRADKP.02OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630CORNWALL SOLAR CENTER, LLC ~ 24.5 acres6.40MWDC / 5.0MWACSYSTEM VOLTAGE:DC: 1000VINVERTER OUTPUT: 418VDCINTERCONNECTION: 23KVMODULES: Hareonsolar HRA-320P-24/Ba - QTY: 20,634TOTAL STRINGS: 1,086 (19 MODULE STRINGS)INVERTERS (SKIDS): TMEiC - 1,666kW - QTY: 33 BLOCKS (SUB-ARRAYS A, B and C)6,878 MODULES PER BLOCK362 STRINGS PER BLOCK1 INVERTER SKID 1666kW PER BLOCKSITE LAYOUTSCALE: 1" = 100'INVERTER SKID C & METER LOCATIONSCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0"PV SYSTEM CONFIGURATION:$=,087+758(6287+ ƒ 7,/7$1*/(ƒDISTANCE BETWEEN ROWS: 12'-10"LEADING EDGE TO EDGE ROW DISTANCE: 24'-5"GROUND CLEARANCE: MINIMUM 2.0'STRING SIZE: 19 MODULES PER STRINGRACKING SYSTEM: GAMECHANGE MAX-SPAN2-MODULES IN PORTRAITSYSTEM SUMMARYLOCATION INFO:/$7/21*ƒ 1ƒ :ELEVATION: 62 FTTIME ZONE: EASTERN (EST)TYPICAL ELEVATIONPV ARRAY CONFIGURATION SITE ARRAYDIMENSION PLANNONEMLWJRADKP.02AOWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630SYSTEM SUMMARYSITE ARRAY DIMENSION PLANSCALE: 1" = 100' SITE FENCE DIMENSIONPLANNONEMLWJRADKP.02BOWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630SYSTEM SUMMARYSITE FENCE DIMENSION PLANSCALE: 1" = 100' CB-A -1 (2 0 S TRING S) [S-A- 1-1 TO S -A-1 -2 0]CB-A-2 ( 21 STR INGS)[S-A-2- 1 TO S -A- 2- 21]CB-A- 3 (21 STR INGS ) [S-A -3 -1 TO S-A -3 -21 ]CB-A-4 (2 0 S TRINGS ) [S-A- 4-1 TO S- A-4 -20 ]CB-A-5 (2 0 ST RINGS ) [S- A-5 -1 TO S-A -5 -20 ]CB-A- 6 (24 STR INGS ) [S-A -6 -1 TO S-A -6 -24 ]CB-A-7 (24 STR INGS )[S-A -7 -1 TO S -A -7- 24 ]CB-A-8 (24 STR INGS )[S-A -8 -1 TO S -A -8- 24 ]CB-A-11 (24 STR INGS )[S-A-11 -1 TO S -A -11 -24 ]CB-A-13 (24 STR INGS )[S-A-13 -1 TO S -A -13 -24 ]CB-A-14 (24 STR INGS )[S-A-14 -1 TO S-A -14 -24 ]CB-A-15 (24 STR INGS )[S-A-15 -1 TO S-A -15 -24 ]CB-A-1 6 (24 STR INGS )[S-A -16 -1 TO S-A -16 -2 4]CB-B-9 (2 4 S TRINGS ) [S- B-9 -1 TO S-B -9 -24 ]CB-B-1 1 (24 STR INGS )[S-B -11 -1 TO S-B -11 -2 4]CB-B-13 ( 23 STR INGS) [S-B- 13- 1 TO S -B- 13- 23 ]CB-B-1 4 (23 STR INGS )[S-B-14 -1 TO S-B -14 -23 ]CB-B- 15 (2 3 S TRINGS ) [S-B -15 -1 TO S-B -1 5-2 3]CB-C -5 (2 3 S TRING S) [S-C- 5-1 TO S -C-5 -2 3]CB-B-1 6 (23 STR INGS )[S-B -16 -1 TO S-B -16 -2 3]CB-C- 6 (23 STR INGS ) [S-C -6 -1 TO S -C -6- 23 ]CB-C- 8 (23 STR INGS ) [S-C -8 -1 TO S-C -8 -23 ]CB-C-9 (22 STR INGS) [S-C -9 -1 TO S -C -9- 22 ]CB-C- 12 (2 2 ST RINGS ) [S-C -1 2-1 TO S-C -1 2-2 2]CB-C- 15 (2 2 S TRINGS ) [S-C -15 -1 TO S-C -1 5-2 2]CB-A-12 (24 STR INGS )[S-A-12 -1 TO S -A -12 -24 ] OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630STRINGINGPLANOVERVIEWNONEMLWJRADKP.03STRINGING/ PLOT PLAN- SYSTEM OVERVIEWSCALE: 1" = 75' CB-A-1 (20 STRINGS) [S-A-1-1 TO S-A-1-20]CB-A-2 (21 STR INGS )[S-A-2-1 TO S-A-2-21]CB-A-3 (21 STRINGS) [S-A-3-1 TO S-A-3-21 ]CB-A-4 (20 STR INGS)[S-A-4-1 TO S-A-4-20]CB-A-5 (20 STRINGS) [S-A-5-1 TO S-A-5-20 ]CB-A-6 (24 STR INGS)[S-A-6-1 TO S-A-6-24]CB-A-7 (24 STR INGS )[S-A-7-1 TO S-A-7-24]CB-A-8 (24 STRINGS)[S-A-8-1 TO S-A-8-24]CB-A-11 (24 STRINGS)[S-A-11-1 TO S-A-11 -24]CB-A-13 (24 STRINGS)[S-A-13-1 TO S-A-13 -24]CB-A-14 (24 STRINGS)[S-A-14-1 TO S -A-14-24]CB-A-15 (24 STRINGS )[S-A-15-1 TO S -A-15-24]CB-A-16 (24 STR INGS) [S-A-16-1 TO S-A -16-24 ]CB-A-12 (24 STRINGS)[S-A-12-1 TO S-A-12 -24] OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O RTH CAROLINASEAL034630STRINGINGPLANSUB-ARRAY ANONEMLWJRADKP.04CB-A-1COMBINER BOX NOTATIONINVERTER NOTATIONCOMBINER BOXNUMBERS-A-1-1STRING NOTATIONINVERTER NOTATIONSTRING NUMBERCOMBINER BOX NUMBERSTRINGCOMBINER BOX NUMBERSTRING NUMBERCOMB TO INV TRENCH NOTATIONWHERE:CB-A-1S-A-1-1CT-1CT-1COMBINER TRENCH NOTATIONNUMBER OFCOMBINER CABLE SETS.(2) CONDUCTORS AND(1)GROUND PER SETSTRINGING/ PLOT PLAN- SUB- ARRAY ASCALE: 1" = 40' CB-A-15 (24 STR INGS) [S-A-15-1 TO S-A -15-24 ]CB-A-16 (24 STRINGS)[S-A-16-1 TO S-A-16-24]CB-B-9 (24 STRINGS)[S-B-9-1 TO S -B-9-24 ]CB-B-11 (24 STRINGS)[S-B-11-1 TO S-B-11-24]CB-B-13 (23 STRINGS) [S-B-13 -1 TO S-B-13-23]CB-B-14 (23 STR INGS) [S-B-14-1 TO S-B -14-23 ]CB-B-15 (23 STRINGS)[S-B-15-1 TO S-B-15 -23]CB-B-16 (23 STRINGS)[S-B-16-1 TO S-B-16-23] OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630STRINGINGPLANSUB-ARRAY BNONEMLWJRADKP.05CB-A-1COMBINER BOX NOTATIONINVERTER NOTATIONCOMBINER BOXNUMBERS-A-1-1STRING NOTATIONINVERTER NOTATIONSTRING NUMBERCOMBINER BOX NUMBERSTRINGCOMBINER BOX NUMBERSTRING NUMBERCOMB TO INV TRENCH NOTATIONWHERE:CB-A-1S-A-1-1CT-1CT-1COMBINER TRENCH NOTATIONNUMBER OFCOMBINER CABLE SETS.(2) CONDUCTORS AND(1)GROUND PER SETSTRINGING/ PLOT PLAN- SUB- ARRAY BSCALE: 1" = 40' CB-C-5 (23 STRINGS) [S-C-5 -1 TO S-C-5 -23]CB-C-6 (23 STRINGS) [S-C -6 -1 TO S-C -6-23]CB-C-8 (23 STRINGS)[S-C-8-1 TO S-C-8-23]CB-C-9 (22 STRINGS) [S-C -9 -1 TO S-C -9-22]CB-C-12 (22 STRINGS)[S-C-12 -1 TO S-C -12-22]CB-C-15 (22 STRINGS)[S-C-15 -1 TO S-C -15-22 ]STRINGINGPLANSUB-ARRAY CNONEMLWJRADKP.06OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O RTH CAROLINASEAL034630CB-A-1COMBINER BOX NOTATIONINVERTER NOTATIONCOMBINER BOXNUMBERS-A-1-1STRING NOTATIONINVERTER NOTATIONSTRING NUMBERCOMBINER BOX NUMBERSTRINGCOMBINER BOX NUMBERSTRING NUMBERCOMB TO INV TRENCH NOTATIONWHERE:CB-A-1S-A-1-1CT-1CT-1COMBINER TRENCH NOTATIONNUMBER OFCOMBINER CABLE SETS.(2) CONDUCTORS AND(1)GROUND PER SETSTRINGING/ PLOT PLAN- SUB- ARRAY CSCALE: 1" = 40' CABLE LENGTH/SIZES AND DC VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONS:OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623COMBINERSCHEDULESNONEMLWJRADKP.07A DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYOWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630DASMONITORING NONEMLWJRADKP.07B STRING WIRING NOTE: WIRING SCHEME SHOWN INDETAIL-1/PV201 AND 2/PV201 IS INDICATIVE ONLY.IT IS FIELD DETERMINED HOW TO WIRE THE STRINGS DEPEND ONEASE OF INSTALLATION AND AVAILABILITYOF SKILLED LABOR TO REDUCE THE CHANCES OF ERRORS INSTRING WIRING.INVERTER-A-1667KW1850 KVASTEP-UP XFMRRE-COMBINERBOXSTRINGCOMBINERBOXSOLARPV ARRAYSOLAR PV MODULEPV MODULEMOUNTING RAILINVERTER-B-1667KW1850 KVASTEP-UP XFMRRE-COMBINERBOXSTRINGCOMBINERBOXSOLARPV ARRAYINVERTER-C-1667KW1850 KVASTEP-UP XFMRRE-COMBINERBOXSTRINGCOMBINERBOXSOLARPV ARRAYMODULES TO BE ATTACHED TO PURLINS USINGNUT,BOLT AND SERRATED STAR WASHERPER GAMECHANGE INSTALLATIONMANUAL AND UL LISTING.#6 AWG BARE CU BONDING JUMPERFROM RAIL CONNECTED TO EQUIPMENTGROUNDING TERMINAL ATSTRING COMBINER BOXGAMECHANGE RECOMMENDS UP TO 16 STRINGS MAY BEGROUNDED ON ONE GROUNDING LUG WHICH SHOULD BE ATTACHED AT THE HOLE PROVIDED NEXT TO7+(0$5.,1*³*5281'´,167$//&223(5%851'<25($7218/$33529('*5281',1*/8*WITH 1/4-INCH BOLTS AS IN ACCORDANCE WITH NEC ARTICLE 690 TO THE END OF THE LAST EWPURLIN WHICH HAS PANELS ATTACHED TO IT WHICH ARE TO BE BONDED, USING 8 GAUGE COPPERWIRE. REPEAT FOR EACH 16 STRINGS.COPPER CLADSTEEL DRIVENGROUND ROD, 5/8" DIAMETER,8' MIN. LENGTHCOPPER CLADSTEEL DRIVENGROUND ROD, 5/8" DIAMETER,8' MIN. LENGTH#2/0 BARE CUGROUNDINGELECTRODECONDUCTOR#2/0 BARE CUGROUNDINGELECTRODECONDUCTOR#2/0 BARE CUGROUNDINGELECTRODECONDUCTOR#2/0 BARE CUGROUNDINGELECTRODECONDUCTOR#2/0 BARE CUGROUNDINGELECTRODECONDUCTORRE-COMBINER BOX1667 kW INVERTER(1) 4" SCH 40PVCLVSECTIONMVSECTION1850 kVAXFMRAUX.POWERCENTER#2/0 BARE CUGROUNDINGELECTRODECONDUCTOR(16) 3" SCH 40PVCLVSECTIONMVSECTION1850 kVAXFMRRE-COMBINER BOX1667 kW INVERTER(1) 4" SCH 40PVCAUX.POWERCENTEROWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630WIRING &NONEMLWJRADKP.08#2/0 BARE CUGROUNDINGELECTRODECONDUCTORINVERTERS PAD CONDUIT ROUTING DETAILSSCALE: NTSSOLAR PN STRING WIRING SCHEMESCALE: NTSSOLAR PV ARRAY EQUIPMENT GROUNDING SCHEME-310 WATT MODULESSCALE: NTSOVERALL EQUIPMENT GROUDNING SCHEME- INVERTERS- A,B & CSCALE: NTSINVERTERS PAD EQUIPMENT GROUNDING DETAILS- PLAN VIEWSCALE: NTS INVERTERDC DISCONNECTDANGERHIGH VOLTAGEKEEP AWAYAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLYDC DISCONNECTCAUTIONWARNING!ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDTHE DC CONDUCTORS OFTHE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMARE UNGROUNDED ANDMAY BE ENERGIZED.WARNING!ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDIF GROUND FAULT IS INDICATEDTHEN NORMALLY GROUNDCONDUCTORS MAY BEUNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZEDDANGERAC DISCONNECTHIGH VOLTAGE - KEEP AWAYAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLYTURN OFF INVERTER PRIOR TO OPERATING AC DISCONNECTPHOTOVOLTAICAC DISCONNECTPHOTOVOLTAICCOMBINER BOXDANGERHIGH VOLTAGEKEEP AWAYAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLYDC FUSEDCOMBINER BOXTRANSFORMER - "X"GENERAL NOTESPHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM LABELSSCALE: NTSAC DISONNECT LABELINGSCALE: NTSDC SYSTEM LABELINGSCALE: NTSTRANSFORMER LABELINGSCALE: NTSTURN OF DC CIRCUIT BREAKER BEFORE WORKING INSIDE THE PANELWARNING!ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARDDO NOT TOUCH TERMINALSTERMINALS ON BOTH THELINE AND LOAD SIDE MAYBE ENERGIZED IN THEOPEN POSITIONDANGER23.0KV AC DISCONNECTHIGH VOLTAGE - KEEP AWAYAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLYTURN OFF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM PRIOR TO OPERATING AC DISCONNECTWARNING!POINT OF INTERCONNECTION ISCONNECTED TO MULTIPLE ACPOWER SOURCESTURN OFF PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM PRIOR TOOPERATING THIS SWITCHGEARLABEL & MARKING LEGENDOWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O RTH CAROLINASEAL034630PHOTOVOLTAICNONEMLWJRADKP.09 DC INPUTTERMINALSLVSECTIONMVSECTION1850 kVAXFMRRE-COMBINER BOX1667 kW INVERTERDC INPUTTERMINALSOWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O RTH CAROLINASEAL034630NONEMLWJRADKP.10480VDISCAUXLOADCENTERALSOENERGYDAS OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630PHOTOVOLTAICNONEMLWJRADKP.11 THREE PHASE TERMINAL RISER POLE W/ GOAB CUTOUTS & ARRESTORSSCALE: NTSSINGLE SUPPORT ON CROSSARMSCALE: NTSSINGLE DEADEND ON CROSSARM ASSEMBLYSCALE: NTSUSDA RUS DETAIL#: VC1.11, VC1.12USDA RUS DETAIL#: VC5.71.LMETER ENCLOSURE & DAS COMMUNICATIONS RISERSCALE: NTS12.47KVNONEMLWJRADKP.12OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O RTH CAROLINASEAL034630PHASEAPHASEBPHASECGROUNDX2 TOI11WATTSONUniversal Power TransducerxxxxI12I21I22I31I32GROUNDX2 TOMETERING ENCLOSURE - CT & PT WIRINGSCALE: NTS SITEDIMENSION PLANNONEMLWJRADKP.13OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630PV SYSTEM CONFIGURATION:$=,087+758(6287+ ƒ 7,/7$1*/(ƒEDGE TO EDGE ROW DISTANCE: 24.5ftDISTANCE BETWEEN ROWS: 12.8ftROW SPACING DESIGNED FORDec. 21st 10am - 2pm UNSHADED WINDOWGROUND CLEARANCE: MINIMUM 2.0'STRING SIZE: 19 MODULES PER STRINGCORNWALL SOLAR CENTER, LLC ~ 24.5 acres6.40MWDC / 5.0MWACSYSTEM VOLTAGE:DC: 1000VINVERTER OUTPUT: 418VDCINTERCONNECTION: 23KVMODULES: Hareonsolar HRA-320P-24/Ba - QTY: 20,634TOTAL STRINGS: 1,086 (19 MODULE STRINGS)INVERTERS (SKIDS): TMEiC - 1,666kW - QTY: 33 BLOCKS (SUB-ARRAYS A, B and C)6,878 MODULES PER BLOCK362 STRINGS PER BLOCK1 INVERTER SKID 1666kW PER BLOCKRACKING: GAMECHANGE RACKING2 MODULES IN PORTRAITBALLASTED FOUNDATIONSSYSTEM SUMMARYPV ARRAY CONFIGURATIONSITE DIMENSION PLAN SCALE: 1" = 100'INVERTER SKID C & METER LOCATIONSCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" EQUIPMENT PLANSCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES:1.This set of plans has been prepared for the purposes ofmunicipal and agency review and approval. This set of plansshall not be utilized as construction documents until all drawingshave been revised to indicate "ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION."Contractor shall e-mail plans@kmbdg.com to ensure that theyhave the latest set of construction drawings prior to commencingany work whatsoever.2.ADA compliance: The facility is a normally unoccupied solarfacility.3.These plans are intended to be used to direct the proposedlayout. Drawings should not be scaled unless otherwise noted.Plans, elevations and details are intended to show the end resultof design. Minor modifications may be required to suit jobdimensions or conditions.4.The contractor shall verify all dimensions and conditions andnotify the Project Manager of any discrepancies before startingany work.5.These plans are designed to reflect observed field conditions.Certain conditions are assumed to comply with general standardconstruction design methods and principles, and the Contractorshall note that not all areas of structural attachment have beenopened or specifically verified. The Contractor is thereforerequested to notify the Engineer immediately should encounteredfield conditions vary from those depicted on the drawings. KMBDesign Group, LLC will issue field change direction if required.The Project Manager is referenced on the cover sheet.6.All equipment and materials shall be installed in accordance withthe manufacturer's recommendations unless otherwise noted bythe Engineer of Record.7.The Contractor shall be responsible for all work performed andmaterials installed to be in strict conformance, as a minimumstandard, with all applicable codes, regulations and ordinanceshaving jurisdiction. Electrical systems shall be installed inconformance with the National Electrical Code, and all other localand state jurisdictional codes, ordinances, and with local utilitycompany specifications, whichever is more stringent.8.The Contractor shall keep contract area clean, hazard free anddispose of all dirt, stumps, stones, rubbish or debris inaccordance with all local and environmental laws. Uponcompletion, repair any damage that may have occurred duringconstruction.9.The Contractor shall be solely responsible and have control overconstruction means, methods, techniques, sequences, andprocedures.DIVISION 2 - SITE WORK1.The Contractor shall call utilities prior to the start ofconstruction.2.All existing active sewer, water, gas, electric, and otherutilities where encountered in the work, shall be protectedat all times, and where required for the proper executionof the work, shall be relocated as directed by Engineers.Extreme caution should be used by the Contractor whenexcavating or pier drilling around or near utilities. TheContractor shall provide safety training for the workingcrew. This will include but not limited to:A.Fall protectionB.Confined spaceC.Electrical safetyD.Trenching & excavation3.All site work shall be as indicated on the drawing andstipulated in the specification project summary.4.If necessary, rubbish, stumps, debris, sticks, stones, andother refuse shall be removed from the site and disposedof legally.5.The site shall be graded to cause surface water flow awayfrom equipment.6.No fill or embankment material shall be placed on frozenground. Frozen materials, snow or ice shall not be placedin any fill or embankment.7.The sub grade shall be compacted and brought to asmooth uniform grade prior to finished surface application.8.All existing inactive sewer, water, gas, electric and otherutilities, which interfere with the execution of the work,shall be removed and/or capped, plugged or otherwisediscontinued at points which will not interfere with theexecution of the work, subject to the approval ofengineering.9.The areas of the Owners property disturbed by the workand not covered by the building or driveway, shall begraded to a uniform slope, fertilized, seeded, and coveredwith mulch as specified in the specification of landscapework.10.The Contractor shall minimize disturbance to existing siteduring construction. Erosion control measures, shall be inconformance with the local guidelines for erosion andsediment control.11.All back fill shall be compacted to 95% modified proctordensity as determined by ASTM standard test procedures.DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE1.Design and construction of all concrete elements shallconform to the latest editions of the following applicablecodes: ACI 301 "Specifications for Structural Concrete forBuildings"; ACI 318 "Building Code Requirements forReinforced Concrete".2.Mix design shall be approved by Owner's representativeprior to placing concrete.3.Concrete shall be normal weight, 6% air entrained “ ZLWKDPD[LPXPVOXPSDQGKDYHDPLQLPXP28-day compressive strength of 3000 psi unlessotherwise noted.4.Maximum aggregate size shall be 1".5.The following materials shall be used: Portland cement:ASTM C 150, TYPE I Reinforcement:ASTM A 185 Normal weight aggregate:ASTM C 33 Water:Drinkable Admixtures:Non-chloride containing6.Reinforcing details shall be in accordance with the latestedition of ACI 315.7.Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A 615, grade 60,deformed unless noted otherwise. Welded wire fabricshall conform to ASTM A 185 welded steel wire fabricunless noted otherwise. Splices shall be class "B" and allhooks shall be standard, unless otherwise noted.8.The following minimum concrete cover shall be providedfor reinforcing steel unless shown otherwise on drawings:xConcrete cast against earth ......... 3''xConcrete exposed to earth or weather:#6 and larger ...................................... 2''#5 and smaller .................................... 1 1/2''xConcrete not exposed to earth or weather or notcast against the ground:Slab and wall .......................................... 3/4''Beams and columns ............................ 1 1/2''9.A 1" chamfer shall be provided at all exposed edges ofconcrete, unless otherwise noted, in accordance with ACI30 section of concrete anchor, shall be per manufacturerswritten recommended procedure, the anchor bolt, dowelor rod shall conform to manufacturer's recommendationfor embedment depth or as shown on the drawing. Norebar shall be cut without prior engineering approval whendrilling holes in concrete.DIVISION 5 - METALSSECTION 05120 - STRUCTURAL STEEL1.Codes and specifications:A.The fabrication/erection shall conform to therequirements of the following codes and specifications,latest edition, unless otherwise noted:xThe local building code.xAISC-specification for structural steel buildings,allowable stress design, 1989.xASTM A992 structural steel (for all w sections only).xASTM A36 structural steel (all other sections).xASTM A53, type E, grade B, electric resistancewelded steel pipe.xASTM 123 zinc (hot-dip galvanized) coatings oniron and steel products.xASTM 153 zinc coated (hot-dip) iron and steelhardware.xAWS D1.1 structural welding code.xEIA/TIA-222 structural standards for steel antennatowers and antenna supporting structures.2.Design parameters:A.The structural steel antenna mounting frames aredesigned to provide support for antennas and allhardware and accessories associated with antennas.3.Fabrication and installation requirements:A.The antenna supports, antennas and mountinghardware shall be constructed plumb, level and true.B.All structural elements and fasteners shall begalvanized in accordance with ASTM A123 and A153.C.Welds should be shop made wherever possible,conforming to AISC specification and AWSrequirements. All welds are to be of the size and typeindicated. Contractor shall employ a licensed welderand shall provide the engineer with their name and acopy of their license prior to commencing any fieldwelding.D.Contractor shall provide fire watch during all weldingoperations, brazing and soldering and other workrequiring the use of an open flame. Two (2) hand held30 lb fire extinguishers and adequate water supplyshall be maintained on site. Fire watch plan shall besubmitted to the client for approval prior to welding.E.All bolted connections shall be A325 high strengthbolts 5/8'' diameter minimum size unless otherwisenoted. Bolts shall be supplied with flat washers. Boltsshall be tightened in accordance with the AISC snugtight condition, unless otherwise noted.F.Protective galvanized coatings which were damagedor removed during erection or transportation shall berestored by painting with zinc-rich primer.11. Curing compounds shall conform to ASTM C-309.12.Admixtures shall conform to the appropriate ASTM standard as referenced in ACI-301.13.Do not weld or tack weld reinforcing steel.14.All dowels, anchor bolts, embedded steel, electricalconduits, pipe sleeves, grounds and all other embeddeditems and formed details shall be in place before start ofconcrete placement.15.Locate additional construction joints required to facilitateconstruction as acceptable to Engineer. Place reinforcement continuously through joint.16.Reinforcement shall be cold bent whenever bending isrequired.17.Place concrete in a uniform manner to prevent the formation of cold joints and other planes of weakness.Vibrate the concrete to fully embed reinforcing. Do notuse vibrators to transport concrete thorough chutes orformwork.18.Do not place concrete in water, ice, or on frozen ground.19.Do not allow concrete sub base to freeze during concrete curing and setting period, or a minimum of 14days after placement.20.For cold -weather and hot-weather concrete placement,conform to applicable ACI codes and recommendations.In either case, materials containing chloride, calcium,salts, etc. shall not be used. Protect fresh concrete fromweather for 7 days minimum.All threaded rods shall be 1/2'' diameter A36 steel unlessotherwise noted.A.Temporary structures for staging and constructionshall be capable of withstanding forces specified bythe local building code current edition.4.Inspections:A.All structural steel antenna frames, and connectionsshall be inspected prior to installation of antennas.B.All antenna cable trays, supports, channels andclamps shall be inspected prior to installation ofantenna cables.C.Coordinate all inspections with the client'sConstruction Manager.D.Contractor to make notifications 72 hours prior to anyrequired inspections.FOUNDATION SECTION ELEVATIONSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"DRAWN BY:DWG No.:OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: THIS DOCUMENT AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS IN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, ARE THE PROPERTY OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC AND ARE NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOROTHER PROJECTS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF KMB DESIGN GROUP, LLC. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO AMEND ANY ASPECT OF THESE DRAWINGS UNLESS THEY HAVE THE APPROVAL OF THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN WRITING.DATE:DRAWN BY:DWG No.:DRAWING TITLEKMB PROJECT No: DATEREV.REVISIONDESCRIPTIONDRAWNBYCHKD.BYCHECKED BY:DRAWING SCALE:6595 Landfill Road Oxford, NC 27565 Granville County732.0316.00105.12.2015009-16-15ISSUED FORPERMITKMBKMB1110915REVISION 1MLWJRKMB-12.09.16ASBUILT MLWJRADKFOR ALL QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACTALLISON D. KIMBALL - SR PROJECT MANAGERStephen A. BrayPROFESSIONAL ENGINEER12/09/16NC LICENSE: 034630FIRM LICENSE: P-0841kmbdg.comDESIGN GROUP1800 ROUTE 34, SUITE 209WALL, NJ 07719(732) 280-5623N O R TH CAROLINASEAL034630STRUCTURAL NONEMLWJRADKS.01 SCALE: DATE: FILE: LOT # WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN 10-14-2015 N/A' WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN: WASTE GENERATED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: 1.NO ON-SITE BURIAL FOR DEBRIS. 2.WASTE GENERATED FROM GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY INCLUDE: 2.1.CARDBOARD AND PLASTIC BANDING, PALETTES 2.2. VEGETATION FROM CLEARING OPERATION. 2.3.COPPER AND ALUMINUM CABLE 2.4.CONCRETE WASH CONTAINED WITHIN NCDENR APPROVED WASHOUT. 2.5.LANDSCAPE PACKING MATERIALS 2.6.MATERIALS INTERNAL TO SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASINS: SCHEDULE 40 PLASTIC, POROUS BAFFLES, METALAND WOODEN STAKES, SILT FENCE FILTER FABRIC. 3.GRANVILLE COUNTY LANDFILL CAN ACCOMMODATE CONSTRUCTION WASTE. WASTE HAULING WILL HAVE TO BE ROUTED THROUGH THE PROPER CHANNELS WITHIN THE LANDFILL OPERATION. 4.BURNING PERMIT OBTAINED FOR VEGETATION THAT WAS REMOVED. 5.GRANVILLE COUNTY LANDFILL ACCEPTS RECYCLABLE MATERIAL. 6.SOLAR PANELS CONTAIN HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. IN THE EVENT A PANEL IS DAMAGED BEYOND USEDEVELOPER RETURNS PANEL TO MANUFACTURER FOR RECYCLING. WASTE GENERATED BY OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES: 1. NO WASTE IS GENERATED BY THE OPERATION OF THE SOLAR FACILITY. CORNWALL SOLAR ELECTRIC POWER PLANTLANDFILL ROAD, GRANVILLE CO, NC