HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-6615_27296_CA_LSA_20030311_Phase2ERM NC, PC March 11, 2003 Reference: Phase II Limited Site Assessment Report Integris Metals Facility 527 Atando Avenue Mecklenburg County Incident #: Pending Mr. Steve Bograd NCDENR - Division of Waste Management UST Section 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr.Bograd: 7300 Carmel ExecutivePark Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 (704) 541-8345 (704) 541-8416 (fax) VIA FEDEX RECEIVFn ERMo MAR 1 2 2003 NCDEPi �: c,an�rcun�Wcn, AND NATURAL RESOURCES MOORESVW,REQ$(*K OFFICF On behalf of Integris Metals Inc., ERM is submitting a Phase II Limited Site Assessment Report for the above referenced site. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the report. Sincerely, 1.��- Rick Tarravechia, P.G. Project Manager RT enclosures: Phase II LSA Report cc: R. Giles - Integris A. Nash - Integris A. Site Identification DATE OF REPORT: Facility I.D.: Site Name: Site Location: Nearest City/Town: Limited Site Assessment Report March 11, 2003 NA UST Incident Number (if known): NA Inc. 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte County: Mecklenburg UST Owner: Integris Metals (formerly Rio Algom, Vincent Metal Goods, and Edgecomb Steel) _ Address: 455 85 Avenue NW, Minneapolis, MN 55433 Phone: 763-717-9000 UST Operator: Vincent Metal Goods Address: 527 Atando Avenue Phone: 704-372-9900 Charlotte, NC 28206 Property Owner: Integris Metals Address: 527 Atando Avenue Phone: _ 704-372-9900 Charlotte, NC 28206 Property Occupant: Integris Metals Address: 527 Atando Avenue Phone: 704-372-9900 Charlotte, NC 28206 Consultant/Contractor: ERM NC, PC Address: 7300 Carmel Executive Park, Ste. 200, Charlotte, NC 28226 Phone: 704-541-8345 Release Information: Date Discovered: November 13, 2002 Latitude: 350 18' 40" N Longitude: Estimated Quantity of Release: Unknown Source of Release (e.g., Piping/UST): Two fuel oil USTs Sizes and contents of UST system(s) from which the release occurred): 800 42' 44" W Tank Installation Closure Size in Tank Number Dates Date Gallons Construction Contents 1 1966 or earlier (possibly as Out of service since 1981 Est. 6,000 Steel Fuel oil 2 Est. 6,000 Steel Fuel oil early as 1949 Complete and include in report items B through J in the order listed. I, Rick Tarravechia a Professional Engineer( nginee icensed G�ined (circle one) for ERM NC, PC (firm or company of employment), do certify that the informs ' n this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. e. ,� 'I"Go"Ove � .� 0_� Rick Tarravechia, P.G. (Please Affix Seal and SEAL 1076 ERM NC, PC Page 2 of 8 Integris ISA Report.doc - 3/10/03 B. Risk Characterization Submit the following questionnaire in its entirety. Answer all questions completely. Attach additional pages as needed to fully explain answers. Base answers/explanations on information known, or required to be obtained, during the Limited Site Assessment. NOTE: Source area means point of release from a UST system. Limited Site Assessment Risk Classification and Land Use Form Part I — Groundwater/Surface WaterNaoor Impacts High Risk 1. Has the release contaminated any water supply well including any well used for non -drinking purposes? NO 2. Is a water supply well used for drinking water located within 1,000 feet of the source area of the release? NO 3. Is a water supply well not used for drinking water (e.g., irrigation, washing cars, industrial cooling water, filling swimming pools) located within 250 feet of the source area of the release? NO 4. Does groundwater within 500 feet of the source area of the release have the potential for future use (there is no other source of water supply other than the groundwater)? NO 5. Do vapors from the release pose a threat of explosion because of accumulation of the vapors in a confined space or pose any other serious threat to public health, public safety or the environment? NO If yes, describe. 6. Are there any other factors that would cause the release to pose an imminent danger to public health, public safety, or the environment? NO If yes, describe. Intermediate Risk 7. Is a surface water body located within 500 feet of the source area of the release? YES If YES, does the maximum groundwater contaminant concentration exceed the surface water quality standards and criteria found in 15A NCAC 2B .0200 by a factor of 10? YES 8. Is the source area of the release located within a approved or planned wellhead protection area as defined in 42 USC 300h-7(e)? NO If yes, describe. Is the release located in the Coastal Plain physiographic region as designated on a map entitled "Geology of North Carolina" published by the Department in 1985? NO If YES, is the source area of the release located in an area in which there is recharge to an unconfined or semi -confined deeper aquifer that is being used or may be used as a source of drinking water? NOT APPLICABLE If YES, describe. 9. Do the levels of groundwater contamination for any contaminant exceed the gross contamination levels (see Table 9 NCDENR, 4/2001) established by the Department? NO ERM NC, PC Page 3 of 8 Integris LSA Report.doc - 3/10/03 Part II - Land Use Property Containing Source Area of Release The questions below pertain to the property containing the source area of the release. 1. Does the property contain one or more primary or secondary residences (permanent or temporary)? NO Describe. Does the property contain a school, daycare center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home, or other place of public assembly? NO Describe. Does the property contain a commercial (e.g., retail, warehouse, office/business space, etc.) or industrial (e.g., manufacturing, utilities, industrial research and development, chemical/petroleum bulk storage, etc.) enterprise, an inactive commercial or industrial enterprise, or is the land undeveloped? YES Describe. The facility receives raw metal products, then levels (straightens), cuts, slits, and re -packages the metal to customer specifications. The final product is then distributed to fabricators and other end users. Do children visit the property? NO Explain. Is access to the property reliably restricted consistent with its use (e.g., by fences, security personnel or both)? NO Explain. There are no fences present along the subject property boundaries. 2. Do pavement, buildings, or other structures cap the contaminated soil? YES 3. Describe. Affected soils at the subject property are located beneath the concrete floor of the facility building (Both former USTs and underground piping are inside the building). (see Table B-3) If yes, what mechanisms are in place or can be put into place to ensure that the contaminated soil will remain capped in the foreseeable future? Affected soils at the subject property are located beneath the concrete floor of the facility building (Both former USTs and underground piping are inside the building). (see Table B-3) 4. What is the zoning status of the property? I-2: Industrial Is the use of the property likely to change in the next 20 years? NO Explain. The site is located in an older, commercial/industrial section of the city of Charlotte. or similar commercial use. ERM NC, PC Page 4 of 8 Integris LSA Report.doc - 3/10/03 Property Surrounding Source Area of Release The questions below pertain to the area within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release (excludes property containing source area of the release): 1. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest primary or secondary residence (permanent or temporary)? The nearest residence is approximately 300 feet west of the source of the release. 2. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest school, daycare center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home or other place of public assembly? With the exception of the residential houses west of the railroad tracks, the area surrounding the subject property is highly industrial. No day cares, hospitals, playgrounds, nursing homes, etc. are located within 1,500 feet of the release. However, the office of a church pastor is located within a multi -tenant office park approximately 550 feet northwest of the on -site source area. 3. What is the zoning status of properties in the surrounding area? SEE FIGURE 2 — All properties within a 1,500-foot radius of the source of the release are zoned for either Business, Industrial or Residential development. 4. Briefly characterize the use and activities of the land in the surrounding area. Surrounding properties include a diaper cleaning service, two trucking services, a restaurant, a railroad, and beyond the railroad a single family residential neighborhood. C. Receptor Information 1. Water Supply Wells (Complete and attach Table B-5 and attach map showing well locations) No water suDDly wells are within 1.500 feet of the site. SEE TABLE 5 AND FIGURE 2. 2. Public Water Supplies Are public water supplies available within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release? YES If yes, where is the location of the nearest public water lines and the source(s) of the public water supply.(indicate on map) Describe. Public water lines are present along all streets in the area. 3. Surface Water Identify all surface water bodies (e.g., ditch, pond, stream, lake, river) within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release. This information must be shown on the USGS topographic map. A small intermittent creek is located approximately 250 feet west of the source of the release. This intermittent creek runs parallel to the railroad (southeast), then veers to the southwest. During ERM's January 2003 site visit, the intermittent creek was dry. During early March 2003, the intermittent creek contained water. - SEE FIGURE 2. 4. Wellhead Protection Areas Identify all planned or approved wellhead protection areas (e.g., ditch, pond, stream, lake, river) within 1,500 feet of the source area of the release. This information must be shown on the USGS topographic map. Wellhead protection areas are defined in 42 USC 300h-7(e). No wellhead areas are present within 1,500 feet. ERM NC, PC Page 5 of 9 Integris LSA Report.doc - 3/10/03 5. Describe Deep Aquifers in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Region (rfer tome 19 of the guidelines NOTE: This requirement only pertains to releases in the Coastal Plain physiographic region as designated on a map entitled "Geology of North Carolina" published by the Department in 1985. 6. Describe Subsurface Structures (refer to page 4-14 of the guidelines): Subsurface structures located on or adjacent to the site include water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and natural gas lines. There are no basements at or adjacent to the site. Based on the generally non-volatile character of the affected soils (see Table 3), the potential for accumulation of hazardous vapors appears to be minimal. 7. Property Owners and Occupants Attach Table B-6, listing the names and addresses of property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area containing contamination and all property owners and occupants within or contiguous to the area where the contamination is expected to migrate. Discuss other relevant aspects of the site and nearby areas, including receptors. Provide data from available sources and/or site investigations concerning the following: Land use information, including the uses and activities (involving possible human exposure to contamination) that occur at the site and adjacent properties; Escobar Truck Equipment Corporation, which appears to be an automotive garage, is located north of the facility on the opposite side of Atando Avenue relative to the subject property. Dy-Dee Services, a commercial diaper laundering service, is located adjacent and north of the subject site (on the same side of Atando Avenue as the subject facility). Superior Mechanical Systems and Simpson Pallets Wood Products, Inc., a manufacturer of wood pallets, are located to the east. Moss Trucking is located south of the facility, and the railroad tracks are located to the southwest and west. The nearest residence is aooroximately 300 feet to the west. Indicate on the site map other possible routes of exposure to contamination such as sewers, utility lines, conduits, basements, septic tanks, drainfields, etc. — NONE. Underground utilities are routed along the property boundaries or beneath the interior of the property (services) and do not appear to intersect any areas of affected soil. Distance to nearest body of surface water (e.g., ditch, pond, stream, river, etc.). — NOTE: See the instructions for a water supply well survey on page 4-12: SEE FIGURE 2. An intermittent stream located approximately 250 feet west of the subject property (on the opposite side of the railroad tracks) is the nearest surface water body. During ERM's January 2003 site visit, the intermittent creek was dry. During early March 2003, the intermittent creek contained water. D. Site Geology and Hydrogeology Describe the soil and geology encountered at the site. Discuss the effects of soil and geological characteristics on the migration and attenuation of contaminants. Include information obtained during assessment activities (e.g., lithologic descriptions made during drilling, probe surveys, tank closure, etc). If a Phase II investigation is required include a discussion of groundwater flow direction and hydraulic gradient (vertical and horizontal). The Charlotte area, including the subject site, is located within the Piedmont physiographic province of North Carolina. The subject property is located within the Charlotte Belt, which is characterized by metamorphic rocks and igneous rocks of varying age. According to the Geologic Map of Charlotte (1988), the subject property is underlain predominantly by metamorphosed quartz diorites and tonalites. These metamorphosed igneous rocks are typically medium to coarse grained and foliated. These rocks are of late Proterozoic age (900 to 570 millions years old). Saprolite, a layer of weathered and variably decomposed bedrock, commonly mantles bedrock in this region. Saprolite has the appearance of compact clayey to sandy soil, with original bedrock textures and features preserved. Soils at the site are typically comprised of brown to red silty clay, based on field observations noted during the soil sampling operations. Partially weathered bedrock was not encountered during drilling operations at the site. PP RM NC, PC Page 6 of 8 Integris LSA Report.doc - 3/10/03 Groundwater occurs at depths ranging from 12 to 18 feet below grade, and flows to the south under a hydraulic gradient of 0.07, as measured between wells MW-1 (located at the UST source area) and downgradient well MW-4. E. Sampling Results Phase I Investigation NOTE: Responsible parties for all releases must perform a Phase 1 investigation. A Phase I investigation includes the installation of one monitoring well in the source area of a release. Soil samples are to be collected every five feet in the unsaturated zone and should be analyzed in accordance with the methods specified in Table 5 (NCDENR, 4/2001 - Analytical Methods for Petroleum Contaminated Soil). If the water table is encountered at 25 feet or greater from the land surface, samples for laboratory analysis should be collected every 10 feet in the unsaturated zone. Describe all soil sampling performed during the installation of the source well(s) (use maps and tables whenever possible) and include: location of soil samples; SEE FIGURES 3 and 4. type of soil samples (from excavation, borehole, geoprobe, etc.); Geoprobe and hollow stem auger (SEE TABLE B-3). Complete and attach Table B-3. If multiple source areas have been identified, use individual tables for each source well installation. 2. Describe any groundwater sampling from the source area monitoring well(s). Use maps and tables whenever possible and include: location of groundwater samples/monitoring wells/water supply wells; SEE FIGURE 4. Complete and attach Table B-4. (SEE TABLE B-4). If multiple source areas have been identified, use individual tables for each source well. Note: If free product is present, do not sample the monitoring well. Report the estimated thickness, type, and quantity of free product present. 0.05 feet (one half inch) of free product (apparently weathered fuel oil) was originally detected in well AM-1. Free product removal activities are on -going. SEE TABLE S. 3. Monitoring well construction information © Complete and attach Table B-7. (SEE TABLE B-7). F. Conclusions and Recommendations Discuss the risk criteria that apply to the release and identify any other site -specific factors related to the release that may pose a risk to human health and the environment. Also, discuss any site -specific conditions or possible actions that could result in lowering the level of risk posed by the release. The two on -site USTs located inside the building are the source of this release. The two USTs have not been in use at the site since 1981. Although the tank contents have been evacuated, they have not been closed in accordance with DENR procedures. In -place closure of the USTs (tanks foamed, lines capped, etc.) is planned pending DENR approval of the Phase II LSA and subsequent free product recovery activities at the site. The in - place closure has been selected because UST removal activities ( cutting concrete, excavation, dust, noise, etc.) inside the building would be excessively disruptive to the continued operation of the facility. The results of the sensitive receptor survey at the site indicate that there are no water supply wells within 1,500 feet of the site. A small, intermittent stream is located approximately 250 feet west of the UST source area, on the opposite side of the railroad tracks from the subject property. ERM's on -site observations indicate that this intermittent stream was dry during January 2003 but contained water during March 2003. Less than one-half inch of free product is present in one on -site monitor well. Free product gauging and recovery is on -going at the site. No other factors that may pose a risk to human health or the environment were identified at the site. In addition, land use at the site and in the surrounding area support an industrial/commercial land use designation for the site. In soils, industrial/commercial maximum soil contaminant concentrations (MSCCs) are not exceeded in the source area petroleum -affected soils. Based on the lack of receptors, the soil concentrations being below the industrial/commercial MSCCs, and because the affected soils are capped below the concrete floor of the building, no removal of the affected soils has been performed and none is plannedat this time. In groundwater, risk -based corrective action standards (GCLs) for the petroleum hydrocarbons detected at the site are ERM NC, PC Page 7 of 8 Integris LSA Report.doc - 3/10/03/ not exceeded. Because less than a half inch of free product is present, the site currently meets the criteria for classification as an Intermediate Risk site. G. Free Product Investigation/Recovery (if applicable): Free product recovery is ongoing on a monthly basis. Reports will be submitted to the Department on a quarterly basis. Free product removal activities to date are indicated in Table B- 8. The first Free Product Recovery Report will be submitted to the Department during July 2003. If free product is still present or is discovered during the limited site assessment, continue or begin free product recovery immediately in accordance with 15A NCAC 2N. 0705 and submit an up-to-date Free Product Recovery Report (Report 134). H. Site History: Update site history information provided in the 20-Day Report as necessary. Using the format in Table B-1, list all UST systems currently or previously located at the site including UST system number, product, capacity, date installed, date removed or closed, and whether a release was discovered. UST system numbers should correspond to the site map information requested below. (SEE TABLE B-1) Using the format in Table B-2, list the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and dates of ownership/operation of all previous UST owners and operators of the UST system(s). (SEE TABLE B-2). I. Figures (Please attach the following figures) 71/2 minute USGS topographic quadrangle map copy showing an area within a 1,500-foot radius of the source area of the release and depicting the site location, all water supply wells, public water supplies, surface water intakes, surface water bodies, designated well head protection areas, and areas of recharge to deeper aquifers in the Coastal Plan that are or may be used as a source for drinking water. SEE FIGURE 1. 71/2 minute USGS topographic quadrangle map copy showing an area within a 1,500-foot radius of the source area of the release and depicting the site location as well as all schools, daycare centers, hospitals, playgrounds, parks, recreation areas, churches, nursing homes, or other places of public assembly. Also identify the zoning status of the area within the 1,500-foot radius. SEE FIGURE 2. Site map with UST systems location(s) including piping and pump islands, site boundaries, buildings, named roads, subsurface utilities, basements, adjacent properties, scale, and north arrow. SEE FIGURE 3. © Site map showing the results of all soil sampling conducted. Indicate sample identifications, sample locations, sampling depths, and analytical results. SEE FIGURES 3 & 4; AND TABLE B-3. Site map showing the results of all groundwater sampling conducted. Indicate sample identifications, sample locations, monitoring well identifications, and analytical results. SEE FIGURE 4 AND TABLE 4. Site map showing the elevation of groundwater in the monitoring wells and the direction of groundwater flow. NOTE: This requirement applies to the Phase H investigation only. SEE FIGURE 5. NOTE: If possible, use a single base map to prepare site maps using a map scale of l inch = 40 feet (or a smaller scale for large sites, if necessary). Maps andfrgures should include conventional symbols, notations, labeling, legends, scales, and north arrows and should conform to generally accepted practices ofmap presentation such as those enumerated in the USGS Geological Survey pamphlet, "Topographic Maps." J. Other Information (Please attach the following information) © Boring logs and lithologic descriptions; SEE APPENDIX A. © Well construction records (Table B-7); SEE APPENDIX A. Field measurements (e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, temperature) made during groundwater sampling); NOT APPLICABLE. Standard procedures used for sampling, field equipment decontamination, field screening, etc.; SEE APPENDIX B. Disposal manifests; SEE APPENDIX C. © All laboratory reports and chain -of -custody documents. Laboratory analytical data sheets for initial soil sampling presented in Initial Abatement Measures Report prepared by ERM and submitted to DENR on December 2, 2002. LSA laboratory analytical data sheets are presented herein (SEE APPENDIX D). ERM NC, PC Page 8 of 8 Integris LSA Repon.doe - 3/10/03 Figures n 41 0 0 _ _FT•R, 0 ; = I-2 ; � I , ' o ' Ab¢ ,o o° ° �d p g C Intermittent Creek-' Q Or C3 {j a 0 V O 4�• o � Q �� ° o , ZZ Q6 O o MITTENT TR M I 4 O � n ' OP Trpn Kllb Qf ^ Q SCALE IN FEET mol•1, v MAP SOURCE: MECKLENBURG COUNTY ENGINEERING AND BUILDING STANDARDS DEPT. PLANIMETRIC MAPS 0 200 400 3 SENSITIVE RECEPTOR AND ZONING MAP FIGURE Environmental = Resources nvWIUs �rALS 2 ERM Management � 52���•H � UNA FILL PORT UfW VMG-6 OFFICES W VMG-9 / OLD FURNACE G-7 VMG-S VMG-B 51 VMG-4 II ®VMG-3 II VMG-10I ®VMC-15 II EDVMG-13 VMG-IEB t ® VMG-12 VMG-14 _II W U FILL PORT VMC-1 ® GEOPROBE SOIL BORING SCALE IN FEET 0 15 30 Environmental SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP Resources ]NTEORIS MATAI-S 3 Eglyj Management 527 ATANDO AVENUE CHARLOTTEi NORTH CAROUNA mm m� 00 �v r� Z O CA O i ~ 0 3 c m z Q 1J� p NORFOLK SOUTHERN RNLROAD rt � :E � (N I i ® �J N E j C I y N N N Z � m fv I A Nv N F I m � I D o LA r V N gig I O ATANDO AVENUE I 0 z I I 1 C m _ m g \ �� 1 P, it LEGEND PROPERtt BOUNDARY J MW-5 (89.84) INTEGRIS METALS UST-1 MW-1 (88.28) MW-4 DW 1 (84.05) MW-2 I (86.47) 3� US 2 I I MW-3 � kk (86.12) 0 6 .zi ® SHALLOW MONITO WELL 1. DEEP MONITOR p WELL \ J SCALE IN FEET 0 25®0 Environmental GROUNDWATER FLOW MAP E _ MMORM bMTAM Mans ement 527 ATANDO AVENUE Resoes ERM $ CHARLOTTE, NORTH MOUNA T Tables TABLE B-1 SITE HISTORY UST System Information Facility I.D.: NA Date: 03/10/03 Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - Pending ' UST ID Number Product - - Capacity (gallons) Date Installed Oa. ermanenty Closed; or Still In Use' -: Was Release -. Associated with UST Sys(am? (Yes/No) : 1 Fuel oil est. 6,000 1966 or earlier (possibly as early as 1949) Out of Service since approximately 1981 Yes 2 Fuel oil est. 6,000 1966 or earlier (possibly as early as 1949) Out of Service since approximately 1981 Yes - Still in use means not permanently closed. FRP = Fiberglass reinforced plastic TABLE B-2 SITE HISTORY UST Owner/Operator Information (most recent first) Facility I.D.: NA Date: March 10, 2003 Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - Pending UST ID Number IName of Owner or Operator jDates of Ownership/Operation Owner or Operator? 1 and 2 IIntegris Metals 12001-present (never operated USTs) owner Address - - - Telephone Number 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 704-372-9900 UST ID Number: Name of Owner or Operator I Dates of Ownership/Operatiori - Owner or Operator) 1 and 2 Rio Algom, Ltd. 1995.2001 (never operated USTs) owner Address - i.- :: - - - - : :- - Telephone Number 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 704-372-9900 UST ID Number •- Name of Owner or Operator jDates of Ownership/Operation Owner:or Operator? 1 and 2 lVincent Metal Goods 1976-1995 (operated UST until 1981) owner/operator Address - Telephone Number. 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 704.372-9900 UST ID Number ' - Name of Owner or Operator I Dates of Ownership/Operation Owner or Operator? 1 and 2 1 Edgecomb Steel 1949 - 1974 owner/operator Address - - Telephone Number 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 unknown Integris Tables.xls:8-1&B-2 History Page 1 of 1 TABLE B,3 Date: 03/10/03 SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - Pending Facility I.D.: NA Analytical Method.-' - `s -�.` U O> EPA 8015 (mglkg) VOCs - 8260 (mg/kg) - o o d m d m d d N N N � N N N C a (p 9 m 77 C L N C d C a C G p 1r y C C d C a d L N r N N O y m 0 it Z c a N W o L o Depth 32 E .= H S c S. v coS m Co n o H n o E c Sample ID Date . (ft. BGL) ? ° t FO w m C N .p. O 6 N z d N M UST Closure Samples VMG-1 10/19/02 1.5 NO NO NO -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- VMG-2 10/19/02 13 56 94 2,400 NO NO 0.95 3.40 NO NO 2.20 2.10 NO 0.90 1.50 9.50 1.60 7.40 3.40 VMG-3 10/19/02 14 64 140 2,500 NO NO 0.78 NO NO NO 2.60 1.20 NO 0.65 0.57 6.50 1.40 0.41 NO VMG-4 10/19/02 4 32 160 15,000 -- -- - -- - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- - -- VMG-5 10/19/02 15.5 89 110 1,700 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- -- - VMG-6 10/19/02 16 NO NO NO - -- -- -- -- - -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- - VMG-7 10/19/02 4 NO NO NO - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - VMG-8 10/19/02 4 NO NO NO - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - VMG-9 10/19/02 14 NO NO NO - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - VMG-10 10/19/02 4 NO NO NO -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- - - -- -- - VMG-11 10/19/02 16 23 100 8,100 - -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- VMG-12 10/19/02 16 62 120 2,100 NO NO 0.99 0.85 NO NO 4.20 2.70 0.43 1.40 2.70 11.0 3.90 19.0 4.50 VMG-13 10/19/02 6 45 480 12,000 NO NO NO NO NO NO 10.0 4.20 NO 3.20 5.70 32.0 7.80 16.0 9.60 VMG-14 10/19/02 4 NO NO NO -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- VMG-15 10/19/02 4 50 290 5,200 -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- LSA Samples MW-1 @ 5 1/2/03 5 -- -- 0.0056 NO NO 0.0073 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 0.015 0.0057 MW-1 @ 10 1/2/03 10 -- -- NO NO 0.310 0.210 NO NO 1.2 0.54 NO 0.230 0.560 11.0 0.540 1.6 0.55 MW-1 @ 15 1/2/03 15 -- -- NO NO 0.49 0.55 NO NO 1.1 0.71 NO 0.38 0.64 6.0 0.79 1.2 0.72 MW-1 @ 20 1/2/03 20 -- -- NO NO 0.22 NO NO NO 0.88 0.50 NO 0.23 0.45 3.1 0.46 NO NO MW-2 @ 5 1/3/03 5 -- -- NO NO 2.3 3.0 NO NO 5.4 4.0 NO 3.3 3.5 26.0 7.0 20.0 11.0 MW-2 @ 10 1/3/03 10 -- -- NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ND 0.63 NO 0.43 NO MW-2 @ 15 1/3/03 15 -- -- 0.0057 NO 0.018 0.019 NO NO NO NO NO 0.0061 NO 0.089 0.011 0.074 0.027 Soil -Groundwater MSCC 10 10 0.0056 7 0.24 5 0.92 0.37 4 3 3 2 NE 0.58 2 8 7 Residential MSCC, 22 3,200 1,560 32K 156 156 156 156 156 1,564 NE 63 156 782 120,440 782 Industrial/Commercial MSCC -- 200 82K 40K 200K 4,088 4,088 4,088 4,088 4,088 40,880 NE 1,63 i 4.088 20,440 Soil P--••'•- Pr^' -2 TABLE B-3 Date: 03/10/03 SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - Pending Facility I.D.: NA Analytical Method VPH/EPH (mg/kg) 8270 (mg/kg) 2 io m c @ c t a E d o yU c m a� Depth U U U U U o a Sample ID -Date (ft.,BGL) U 0 U U U o¢ LL N i a MW-1 @ 5 1/2/03 5 ND NO ND NO ND ND ND ND NO MW-1 @ 10 112/03 10 ND ND 2,200 190 61 760 1.2 17.0 4.0 MWA @ 15 1/2/03 15 ND ND 420 83 39 94 1.0 12.0 2.4 MWA @ 20 1/2/03 20 ND 17 330 60 41 150 ND 2.7 0.71 MW-2 @ 5 1/3/03 5 NO ND 2,200 460 210 1,600 5.0 78.0 15.0 MW-2 @ 10 113/03 10 ND ND ND NO ND ND ND ND ND MW-2 @ 15 1/3/03 15 ND NO ND NO ND ND ND ND ND Soil -Groundwater MSCC 72 3,255 Immobile 34 44 3 60 Residential MSCC 939 9,386 93,860 469 620 63 469 Industrial/Commerdial MSCC -- 24,528 245,280 >100% 12,264 16,400 1,635 12,264 Only detected compounds are shown in table. BGL = Below ground level NO = Not detected Results shown in bold exceed NE = Not established soil -groundwater MSCC. NA = Not Applicable Integris Tables.xls:B-3 Soil Results Page 2 of 2 TABLE B-4 SUMMARY OF GROUND WATER SAMPLING RESULTS Date: 03/10/03 Incident Number and NnmP-IntPr,rk Metal. - P.ndinc FacR !D'HA EPA Method 602 (ugA) MADEP VPHfEPH (ug/Q EPA 625 E x E < C0 n AS Monitor- Lu 2 0 :Well: 12 (Z Z 2: (3 .2 u- Z Q- MW-1 1/3/03 Not Sampled - Free product (fuel oil) present in well MW-2 1/3/03 168 55 NO 15 98 NO NO NO NO 1,100 NO 770 1,600 12 NO 18 92 39 MVV-3 1122103 3.6 1.6 2.0 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 11 NO NO NO MW4 1122103 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO MVV-5 1/22103 5.4 3.6 1.8 NO NO NO NO 3,500 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO OW-1 1/22103 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NG T. Md 1 1 1,000 1 29 1 530 1 200 1 70 PIN Ell 4,200 142,0001 2 IP 0::- 80 1� 3 1=78=0 =1 210 lGross Contamination Level 5,000 1257,500 1 29,000 187,500 1200,000 1 70,000 E NE I NE I NE E -41 2,120 1 3,000 1 950 �1 1 15,500 1 410 jSdHdceWatef.StandArd::: 71.4 1 11 1 29,0001 88.5 1 11.6 1 19,000 1 2,000 25,000 NE 1 118 1 32 1 2,700 1 5.9 114,— 1,134 210 "-"indicates not analyzed. NO = Not detected MTBE = Methyl tart butyl ether IPE = Isopropyl Ether Results shown in bold exceed T15A 2L standards. Only detected compounds are included in table. NE = Not Established NA = Not Applicable Intends Tables.xis-8-4 GW Data P-- I -f 1 Z 0 a 0 LL Z_ J J W } J a IL N K W F Q m `o TABLE B-7 Date: 10-Mar-03 WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION Incident Number and Name: Inte ris Metals - Pending Facility ID#: NA Monitor Well ID Date Installed Date Water Level Measured Well Casing Depth (feet BGS) Screened Interval (feet BGS) Bottom of Well (feet BGS) Top of Casing Elevation (feet*) Depth to Water from Top of Casing (ft.) Free Product 7hidrness (ft.) Ground Water Elevation' (ft.) Comments MW-1 1/2/03 1122/03 19 19-34 34 104.50 16.24 0.02 88.28 MW-2 1/3/03 1/22/03 19 19-34 34 104.50 18.03 0.00 86.47 MW-3 122/03 122/03 17 17-32 32 99.72 13.60 0.00 86.12 MW-4 121/03 122103 17 17-32 32 99.90 15.85 0.00 84.05 MW-5 122/03 122103 17 17-32 32 101.79 11.95 0.00 89.84 DW-1 121/03 1/22103 81 81-86 88 100.00 12.14 0.00 87.86 Reference point for elevation measurements: DW-1 TOC Assumed elevation: 100.00 ft. (DW-1 top -of -casing) If free product is present, ground water elevation should be calculated by: (top of casing elevation - depth to water) + I free product thickness x 0.8581) ft. BGS = feet below ground surface Intagris Tables.xls:B-7 Well Const Page 1 of 1 i 0 � �yF '.V: Y.'N� f✓! H "'/H i'f 9F /''• 4r fy �R �irDIF f'S : h �YJSII � S`?i,Y` /� F%' 3J !✓alC lb R� S S�� L ./� 1 p4iii'y( 'I.,3 F�j 5 )f .xw`�s. / / /.F Fk Y 'd/ %" WA ,I `�� ��C"B>1s )Ey J jqc' r� rJ ji: H'V'{-+H•�i371%f r l�rf'�b 3i/v' s 3'6 .. � S(J �� � f/s)J�y.is i�.k�:���A/��R�7"y �''r � �tttf?r?" y��r�3r6{�Lrw'✓Y Si #i i; i�r 9�"�`".«/Y it >/. 2 L z J r✓ �.'�, rr�eptyDidtL /' f`D x y FY dF! � > %y�`fyl,{6�rf n'.: %/ {i/!{,yl�y/5 r��fh.l{-NT ki t `lyASyY , .i✓• 3' ^'3/ -. � lH' /J/ ✓� f� Y': /»! l � ',di ,.6)f J { �+.. ��? Mom- F'✓ / r ��r ) '` !' A ✓' 5'S - C�r3 ttl7t915 tJ' s .^� s / )¢ � i k� a('Y k j�r✓Q y �j C�3 L3/'� �d l'��� �?bl��tl� ^j {ly'P//� r�i., _ // `r f > L f/ T �� Y j "..� o- > Y' . fk /��^�.���s'{ b / � uF, 'f l�.+t'�''✓Ya� L(, > Y� !> 6 L 7: f' �Y ����w�N E E > �A'[/i,'{�'� yYi� / c! � .: 2/Z�Y/ )h F d D/SF ;i 04• )i ( k kcc !M ��,q✓�{���.YRT.r��•✓YY .l�% �MI�NiI(�� /�� \�'4M f r ?� ���YCf Y��y)f� Fd, J/s Cj._l�}y%%'x//� �Y ;���(rAy f'.✓✓r✓.h�Y�..1 /�rY3Hdk,.i'��\ % �/` H )f3 /`Y� �j3 k.{` �u 3 �� ���' •q� �C ��'G wy �G .V'Y/ S <'` f F�JF {y/ Y£Y�� c A�Y'1z > - N/Fy/ !, 6J L iii3;' { Om61ttY Y -l/i c4fEDXdM FS i. f. j. � L� Y M �x y r/l I� r � k ���✓ sa/ y�gY / �� {. / ,. f J'•fr �y,s� � � (SI.fI.3 X�H < `� 3^��� < )`�' N yi) �3 i.5 fry ✓l J%k %�) l AA 5% � C P i �H `{ afY y C E N / I �i� C✓: �Y �' = }yJ" Cf�yC7Yf .� y ��ry hN E`�%4y GSf/5 ��� Y„!NS f d✓kWSDTME/`/ l i �y `p k•.*'t a_ !' ✓ . =Y,•. lh � J6� /y � S Y }/Sfr,A3 z' �'� lr` X' L<H fie"/ r: �3 / `rS S�ga %! 55 ✓y F c / r ,r'�k / �+dI ✓-�! tlsYMMS ✓''/n✓ i k �.'�v Y •y'G!w h K s j'R `✓ 3/ t m' � S`r F �!✓DSM4iDL.., _ f✓ 5 y .+`� oy �' l d '`L'��` ��. _ ! 3)s'.A/ fy/�cJ�/���Ji �>o� �"PS ck�°✓(lyx _F.= �j$�� 4� �/"'(✓`3'l�K✓ 1�yd b''1�� � r) / 5'xn k,,F l `: E 5 'i�61»✓ � 3 6� a) / . �y�6 y5 x'i/T> 3'!£W_ SIIG�'d$=- '$E ✓'r3�d> > x'rS i1- � ''l:� LY tlZ3sxtW '�j. k• � yy},s>;2y✓"� ���/:/?-.k, H ft�w.. �G%,�.Sj z�� y fib mD./pF✓ 'PS.,�„a rA a£ 'FR r l� r('{8 54/ y Sy/.W�.ef r ✓'v'�{� }✓s�F�' R f J m 1 y. /A�i. .. k H5� � �(� �5� ���{RJQ � ,�4 d0'�Dt. d�""YmxA%T�yLS Lh � �✓5 5figi4� � 3/ � 'Y Y W £i5�>,5✓ L. .+L' ... �} t Pt \ x // l' �d' � �) 3E F /3 `4•l -5 � r fu �,f' Y �y, DiC11N91F F Y r i+'' C ym j '"✓...}� _�]� S� f /�(' f 3' S SYL' I C� tl �Sb Y � ; Y T r�i,T �9Y �k' S"�uW�o`/� /QDSDS/Dt .!"?p L�. j �P �Ib��.;;Cc H✓hi r. �� 5' 3� E 'x �1 ��+'^� Y F V 'f U. � Y £"r�MadKLENBURaZCi11 IS xl�. Lc E�.33 c'P "W �lF @ i Ff rim •1 i� rA R'.'F,y .: 5 . NUmbeHMap ID f;:, Properly Address { '? 6wner/OdcummiiMailin Address-,- ` e 08505412 527 ATANDO AVE." INTEGRIS METALS 45585th Avenue NW CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 Minneapolis, MN 55433 08505413 611 ATANDO AVE.. DYDEE WASH, INC. 611 ATANDO AVE. CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 08505411 503 ATANDO AVE." MOSS TRUCKING CO., INC. P.O. BOX 790376 CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD THREE COMMERCIAL PLACE 08505502 RAILROAD CORPORATION NORFOLK VA 23510 CHARLOTTE, NC ESCOBAR TRUCK EQUIPMENT 4 08507331 618ATANDOAVE. CORPORATION P.O.B. 790403 CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 MAURICIO & ADAN ESCOBAR CHARLOTTE NC SUPERIOR MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 08507332 600ATANDOAVE. LEONARD& RUBY BURCH P.O.B. 560711 CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 MANAGER: PAM BURRIS ICHARLOTTE, NC 28256-0711 SIMPSON PALLETS WOOD PRODUCTS01 H 524 ATANDO AVE. MELVIN L. & BARBARA SIMPSON P.O.B. 790006 CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 1 CHARLOTTE, NO ADJACENT PROPERTY MAP TABLE Environmental', INTEORIS METALS Resources 527 ATANDO AVENUE D—� FIRM Management CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA D Integds Tables Tax Map.xls:6.6 Owners Page 1 of 1 TABLE B-7 Date: 10-Mar-03 WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION Incident Number and Name: Inte ris Metals - Pending Facility ID#: NA Monitor Well ID Date Installed Date Water level Measured Well Casing Depth (feet BGS) Screened Interval (feet BGS) Bottom of Well (feet BGS) Top of Casing Elevation (feet') Depth to Water from Top of Casing (ft.) Free Product Thickness (ft.) Ground Wate Elevation* (ft.) Comments MW-1 1/2/03 1122/03 19 19-34 34 104.50 16.24 0.02 88.28 0.02 feet of free product measured in well MW-1 MW-2 113/03 1/22/03 19 19-34 34 104.50 18.03 0.00 86.47 MW-3 1/22103 1/22/03 17 17-32 32 99.72 13.60 0.00 86.12 MW-4 1/21/03 1/22/03 17 17.32 32 99.90 15.85 0.00 84.05 MW-5 1/22103 1/22/03 17 17-32 32 101.79 11.95 0.00 89.84 DW-1 1/21/03 1/22/03 81 81.86 88 100.00 12.14 0.00 87.86 Reference point for elevation measurements: DW-1 TOC Assumed elevation: 100.00 ft. (DW-1 topof-casing) If free product is present, ground water elevation should be calculated by: [top of casing elevation - depth to water] + [ free product thickness x 0.8581] ft. BGS = feet below ground surface Integris Tables.xls:B-7 Well Const Page 1 of 1 TABLE B-8 FREE PRODUCT RECOVERY RESULTS Date: 10-Mar-03 Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - Pending Free Product Recovery Method: NA Facility ID#: NA Method of Measurement: Bailer Well 10 Product Type Date of Recovery Casing Diameter (inches) Product Thickness Before Recovery (ft.) Product Thickness After Recovery (ft.) Amount of Product Recovered (gallons) Depth to Water from Top of Casing (ft.) MW-1 Fuel Oil 01/032003 2 0.05 0.00 <0.25 21.32 MW-1 Fuel Oil 0122/2003 2 0.02 0.00 <0.25 16.23 MW-1 Fuel Oil 03/10/2003 2 0.04 0.00 <0.25 14.07 Total Gallons Recovered: Approximately 0.3 gallons Total Gallons Recovered to Date: Approximately 0.3 gallons Integris Tables.xis:8-8 FP Rec Page 1 of 1 Appendix A Lthologic Logs and Monitor Well Construction Diagrams a, 8" DIAMETER BOLT DOWN WELL COVER 2' X 2' CONCRETE PAD WATER TIGHT, LOCKABLE WELL CAP a n 6 NEAT CEMENT GROUT TOP OF BENTONITE (FT,) 13 BOTTOM OF BENTONITE (FT.) 15 2 "DIA. SCH. 40 PVC RISER PIPE, LENGTH TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) 19 DEPTH TO GROUND WATER (FT.) 21_32 SCHEDULE 40 PVC THREADED FLUSH JOINT 0.01" MILL SLOTTED — WELL SCREEN WASHED SAND PACK — BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 34 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING (FT.) 34 PVC END CAP BOREHOLE DIA. (IN.) 4.25 ERM-Southeast, Inc. DRILLING LOG MW-1 BPBp g IN or Date: 01/02/03 Project No. 49660 Project: Integns Metals Owner: lntegris Metals Location: 527 Atando Ave., Charlotte, NC Drilling CompanyGeologic Exploration Driller: Johnny Burr Logged By: Thomas Hedrick Drilling Methoddfollow-Stem Auger Surface Expression: Flush Mount Top of Casing Elevation: N/A Total Depth:34 Hole Diameter: 4.25-inch Sampling Method:Ditect push; continuous macro Comments: None. cores TLV Lithology Blow Depth Description/Soil Classification (ppm) Unit Count (feet) (Color, Texture, Structures) — NA Soil NA 0-4 Six inches concrete; Brown to green silty CLAY, feldspar present, no odor, plastic, slightly moist. — 30 Soil NA 4-8 Red to brown silty CLAY, no odor or staining, plastic, dry. — 32 Soil NA 8 - 12 Tan silty CLAY, gas odor, no staining, plastic, dry, crumbly. — 25 Soil NA 12 - 16 At 13 feet soil drastically changed to a gray, green, white, and orange clayey SILT, strong odor, stained, dry, slightly plastic, very crumbly. — 40 Soil NA 16 - 20 At 16 fat soil changed; Tan to brown silty CLAY, mild vo or, no staining, plastic, dry, vains throughout. — NA Soil NA 20 - 24 Dark brown to black silty CLAY, strong odor, no staining, slightly moist, plastic. — 32 Soil NA 24 - 28 At 25 feet soil change; gray, green and white silty clay with quartz sand parent, strong odor, staining, slightly moist, slightly plastic. NA=Not Applicable; ND=Not Detected INTEGRIS METALS MW-1 Environmental 527 ATANW AVENUE DRILLING LOG AND MONITOR WELL to Resources CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM ERM Management t_ 8" DIAMETER BOLT DOWN WELL COVER 2' X 2' CONCRETE PAD WATER TIGHT, LOCKABLE WELL CAP NEAT CEMENT GROUT TOP OF BENTONITE (FT.) 13 BOTTOM OF BENTONITE (FT.) 15 2'"DIA. SCH. 40 PVC RISER PIPE, LENGTH TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) 19 DEPTH TO GROUND WATER (FT.) 1895 gy SCHEDULE 40 .PVC THREADED FLUSH JOINT 0.01" MILL SLOTTED WELL SCREEN WASHED SAND PACK BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 34 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING (FT.) 34 �/ PVC END CAP BOREHOLE DIA. (IN.) 4.25 ERM-Southeast, Inc. FDPJLLING LOG Pegen "of Mw-2 Date: 01/03/03 Project No. 49660 Project: Integris Metals Owner: Integris Metals Location: 527 Aland. Ave.. Charlotte, NC Drilling CompanyGeologic Exploration Driller: Johnny Burt Logged By: Thomas Hedrick Drilling Method:Hollow-Stem Auger Surface Expression: Flush Mount Top of Casing Elevation: N/A Total Depth:34 Hole Diameter: 4.25-inch Sampling Method: Direct push; continuous macro Comments: None. cmes TLV Lithology Blow Depth Description/Soil Classification (ppen) Unit Count (feet) (Color, Texture, Structures) — NA Soil NA 0-2 Teat inches concrete; tan silty CLAY, no odor or staining, plastic, dry. — NA Soil NA 2-3 Gray to green silty CLAY, gas odor, no staining, dry, Plastic. — NA Soil NA 3-4 Tan silty CLAY, no odor or staining, plastic, dry. — 10 Soil NA 4-8 Dark brown to red silty CLAY, at 5 feet mild odor, plastic, no staining, slightly moist — 12 Soil NA 8 - 12 Same as above but is a lighter color and loses the red. — 10 Soil NA 12 - 16 At 13 feet soil change; Light can, orange to brown silty CLAY, very plastic, no odor, no staining, dry. — NA Soil NA 16 - 20 At 16 feet soil changed; soft grayish brown CLAY, very plastic, slightly moist, no staining, gas odor, quartz present. — NA Soil NA 20 - 24 Same as above but there is an additional red color. — NA Soil NA 24 - 28 Same as above; mica present, very moist. — 40 Soil NA 28 - 32 Same as above. NA=Not Applicable; NO = Not Detected INTEGRLS METALS Mw-2 Environmental 527 ATANDO AVENUE DMLING LOG AND MONITOR WELL to Resources CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM LRM Management sobumWaILM: z/14/os 1-1 8" DIAMETER BOLT DOWN WELL COVER 2' X 2' CONCRETE PAD WATER TIGHT, LOCKABLE WELL CAP NEAT CEMENT GROUT TOP OF BENTONITE (FT.) - 13 — — ICI BOTTOM OF BENTONITE (FT.) 15 — -22DIA. SCH. 40 PVC RISER '. PIPE, LENGTH TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) 17 DEPTH TO GROUND WATER (FT.) 1365 _ SCHEDULE 40 PVC THREADED FLUSH JOINT 0.01" MILL SLOTTED — WELL SCREEN WASHED SAND PACK — BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 32 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING (FT.) 33 �/ PVC END CAP BOREHOLE DIA. (IN.) 8.25 ERM-Southeast, Inc. DRILLING LOG Boring No. MW-3 Page 1 of I Date: 01/22/03 Project No. 49660 Project: Integris Metals Owner: Integris Metals - Location: 527 Atando Ave., Charlotte, NC Drilling CompanyGeologic Exploration Driller: Mark GeMs Logged By: Thomas Hedrick Drilling MethodAir/Hollow-Stem Auger Surface Expression: Flush Mount Top of Casing Elevation: N/A Total Depth.32 Hole Diameter: 5.25-inch Sampling Method:None. Comments: None. TLV Lithotogy Blow Depth Description/Soil Classification (ppm) Unit Count (feet) (Color, Texture, Structures) — NA Soil NA 0-5 Brown to red CLAY, no odor or staining, very plastic, moist. — NA Soil NA 5 - 10 Brown to red silty CLAY, mica and feldspar present (feldspar white clay), no odor or staining, moist, plastic. — NA Soil NA 10 - 15 Same as above. — NA Soil NA 15 - 20 Same as above. — NA Soil - NA 20 - 25 Same as above. — NA Soil NA 25 - 30 Same as above. NA=Not Applicable; ND=Not Detected INTEGRIS METALS MWW3 Environmental 527 ATANW AVENUE DRILLING LOG AND MONITOR WELL to Resources CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROU NA CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM ERM Management yooUMw4.Uwc [/14/W 1-1 2' X 2' CONCRETE PAD NEAT CEMENT GROUT TOP OF BENTONITE (FT.) 13 BOTTOM OF BENTONITE (FT.) 15 _'DIA. SCH. 40 PVC RISER PIPE, LENGTH TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) 17 8" DIAMETER BOLT DOWN WELL COVER WATER TIGHT, LOCKABLE WELL CAP " n o DEPTH TO GROUND WATER (FT.) 1585 SCHEDULE 40 PVC THREADED — FLUSH JOINT 0.01" MILL SLOTTED WELL SCREEN WASHED SAND PACK BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 32 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING (FT.) 32 BOREHOLE DIA. (IN.) 8.25 PVC END CAP ERM-Southeast, Inc. DRILLING LOG N MW -4 r. l" of Date: 01n1/03 Project No. 49660 Project: Integm Metals Owner•. Integris Metals London: 527 Atando Ave.. Charlotte NC Drilling ConpanySGwlogic Exploration Driller. Jason Mantak Logged By: Thomas Hedrick Drilling Method:Air Rotary Surface Expression: Flush Mount Top of Cuing Elevation: N/A Total DeptA:32 Hole Dlameter:8.25-inch Sampling Method: None. Comments: None. TLV I Litho1o0 Blow Depth DeschiptiaNSuB Clu,dicalio, (pp.) Unit Count (feet) (Color, Texture, Structures) — NA Soil NA 0.5 Bmwa to red CLAY, no odor or staining, very plastic, moist. — NA Soil NA 5.10 Brown to tan silty CLAY, dry, no odor or staining, plastic. — NA Soil NA 10- 15 Same as above. — NA Soil NA 15 - 20 Same as above with rock fragments 20- 30 too, schist. — NA Soil NA 20- 25 Same as above, no rock fragments. — NA Sail NA 25 - 30 Same as above. _ NA —Not Applicable; ND=Nat Detected INTEGRIS METALS MW-4 Environmental 527 ATANW AVENUE DRILLING LOG AND MONITOR WELL No Resources CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM ERM Management HppUMWJ.UW4 L/14/DS lal 2' X 2' CONCRETE PAD NEAT CEMENT GROUT TOP OF BENTONITE (FT.) 13 BOTTOM OF BENTONITE (FT.) 15 2 "DIA. SCH. 40 PVC RISER PIPE, LENGTH TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) 17 8" DIAMETER BOLT DOWN WELL COVER WATER TIGHT, LOCKABLE r-- WELL CAP 4 e V DEPTH TO GROUND WATER (FT.) 1195 1 SCHEDULE 40 PVC THREADED - FLUSH JOINT 0.01" MILL SLOTTED WELL SCREEN WASHED SAND PACK BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 32 TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING (FT.) 33 BOREHOLE DIA. (IN.) 8.25 PVC END CAP ERM-Southeast, Inc. r DRILLING LOG n N W-5 Pag of 1 Date: 01/22/03 project No. 49660 project: Integrls Metals Owner: Integris Metals Location: 527 Alando Ave. Charlotte NC Drilling Companys0cologic Exploration Driller: Mark Gettys Logged By: Thomas Hedrick Drilling Method: in`Hollow-Stem Auger Surface Expression: Flush Mount Top of Casing Elevation: N/A Total Depth:32 Hole Diameter: 8.25-inch Sampling Method: None. Comments• None. TLV Lithology Blow Depth Description/Soil Classification (ppm) Unit -Count (feet) (Color, Texture, Structures) — NA Soil NA 0-5 Brown to red CLAY, no odor or staining, very plastic, moist. — NA Soil NA S. 10 Brown to red silty CLAY, mica present, no odor or staining, dry, plastic. —NA Soil NA 10-15 Same as above but moist. — NA Soil NA 15 - 20 Same as above. —NA Soil NA 20-25 Some as above. —NA Soil I NA 1 25-30 Same as above. NA=Not Applicable; ND=Not Detected INTEGRIS METALS Mw-5 gj Environmental 527 ATANDO AVENUE DRMLING LOG AND MONITOR WELL Resources CHARLOTrrE, NORTH CAROLINA CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM ERM Management 2" WATER TIGHT LOCKABLE 8" DIAMETER BOLT WELL CAP /-DOWN WELL COVER 2' X 2' CONCRETE PAD NEAT CEMENT GROUT UPPER WELL — GORE DIA. (IN.) 8.25 6" PVC SURFACE - CASING TO (FT.) 80 DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER (Ff.)12.14 SCHEDULE 40 PVC RISER DIAMETER (IN.) 2 LOWER WELL BORE DIAMETER (IN.) 8.25 TOP OF BENTONITE (FT.) 77 BOTTOM OF BENTONITE (FT.) 79 WASHED SAND PACK TOP OF SCREEN (FT.) 81 — SCHEDULE 40 PVC THREADED FLUSH JOINT .010" MILL — SLOTTED WELL SCREEN BOTTOM OF SCREEN (FT.) 86 PVC END CAP BORING (FT.) OF (FT) 88 ERM-Southeast, Inc. DRILLING LOG Pa en¢ N of DI - I Date: 01/21/03 ProjectNo. 49660 Project: Integris Metals Owner: Integris Metals Location: 527 Atando Ave., Charlotte NC Drilling Companyf3eologic Exploration Driller: Jason Mantak Lagged By: Thomas Hedrick Drilling Method:Air Rotary Surface Expression: Flush Mount Top of Casing Elevation: N/A Total Depth:86 Hole Diameter: 8.25-inch Sampling Method:None. Comments: None. TLV Lithology Blow Depth Descriptiou/Soil Classification (ppm) Unit Count (feet) (Color, Texture, Structures) — NA Soil NA 0-5 Brown to red CLAY, no odor or staining, very plastic, moist. — NA Soil NA 5 - 10 Brown to tan silty CLAY, dry, no odor or staining, plastic. — NA Soil _ NA 10 - 15 Same as above. — NA Soil NA 15 - 20 Same as above with rock fragments 20 - 30 cm, schist. — NA Soil NA 20 - 25 Same as above, no rock fragments. — NA Soil NA 25 - 30 Same as above. — NA Soil NA 30 - 35 Same as above, rock fragments 5 - 10 can. — NA Soil NA 35 - 40 Gray to green soil, homblend, quartz, schist to gniess. — NA Soil NA 40 - 85 Same as above. NA=Not Applicable; ND=Not Detected INTEGRIS METALS DW-1 NJ Environmental 527 ATANDO AVENUE DRILLING LOG AND MONITOR WELL Resources CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAM ERM Management WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environmental and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) JOHNNY BURR CERTIFICATION # 3098 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANYNAvlE GEOLOGIC EXPI.ORATIoN INC. PHONE # (704) 972-7686 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ❑ MunicipaVPublic ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ® Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other[] If Other, list Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Neatest Town: CHARLOTTE County MECKLENBURG 527 ATANDO AVE. (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3.OWNER: wTEGRISMETALS.wC Address 527 ATANDO AVE. (Street or Route No.) CHARLOTTE NC Cm or Toxin State Zin Code Area Cade -Phone Number 4. DATE DRILLED 1-2-03 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 35.o FEET 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 21.0 FT. (Use "+- if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 0.o FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below laud surface requires a variance in accordance, with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): NSA METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 11. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 19.0 Ft 2INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. Grout: Depth Material Method From _ _ 0.0 To 13.0 FL Portland Beotoma, Slmry From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth From 19.0 To 35.0 F From To Fi 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth From I5.0 To 35.0 Ft From To Ft Diameter Slot Size Material 2.0 in. .010 in PVC N. N Size Material 2040 FINE SBJCA SAND Topographic/Land setting ❑ Ridge ❑ Slope ❑ Valley ® Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/mmutes/secaods) Latitude/longitude source: ❑ GPS ❑ Topographic map (check box) PEETH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 4.0 TAN CLAY WITH COBBLES 4.0 8.0 RED CLAY 8.0 21.0 TAN/RED CLAY 21.0 35.0 GREEN CLAY WITH COBBLES LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads, inculed the road numbers and common road names. 16. REMARKS: MW-1 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 13.0 TO 15.0 FEET I DO NEARBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARD/SS,, AND THAT . HAST A COPY OOFFyrTHIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROMDED TO THE WELL O` da,4 B (.4A1/ k Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 072001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environmental and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) jGHNNY BURR CERTIFICATION # 3098 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC. PHONE # (704) 872-7686 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (if applicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ® Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other[] If Other, list Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Topo&mPhic/L it setting Nearest Town: CHARLOTTE County MECKLENBURG ❑ Ridge LJ Slope ❑ Valley ® Flat 527 ATANDO AVE. (check appropriate box) (Strat N®, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Cade) Latitude/longitude of well location 3. OWNER: mTEGRis METALs, INC. Address 527 ATANDO AVE. (Street or Rare No.) CHARLOTTE NC ON Or Town Statc Tn Cade Arco Code -Phone Number 4. DATE DRILLED 1-3-03 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 35A FEET 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 21.0 FT. (Use-+ ifAbow Top ofCasimg) S. TOP OF CASING IS o.o FT. Above Land Surface* 'Top ofming teminated atIm below Imd surface regimes a waiame in aaordavice with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST WA 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 11. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft Material From 0.0 To 19.0 Ft 2INCH SCH 40 PVC From To FL From To Ft 13. Grout: Depth Material Method Fmm 0.0 To 13.0 FL Portland Bentnmite Slurry From To FL 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 19.o To 35.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in PVC From To Ft in. in 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 15.0 To 35.0 Ft 2040 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitudellongitude source: ❑ GPS ❑ Topographic map (chat box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 5.0 TAN CLAY WITH COBBLES 5.0 8.0 8.0 21.0 21.0 35.0 RED CLAY TAN/RED CLAY TAN CLAY LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads, inculed the road numbers and common road names. 16. REMARKS: MW-2 BENTONrrE SEAL FROM 13.0 TO 15.0 FEET r I DO NEARBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I SA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 072001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environmental and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME(print) MARKGETTYS CERTIFICATION# 2345 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Geologic Exploration, Inc. PHONE # (704) 872-7686 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (ifapplicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ® Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other❑ If Other, list Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: CHARLOTTE County MECKLENBURG 527 ATANDO AVENUE (Street Name, Numbers, Conn aunty, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3.OWNER: INTEGRiswTAL5 Roc. Address 527 ATANDO AVENUE (Sow or Route No.) CHARLOTTE NC CiwrnTnwn State Zin Code Area Cade -Phone Number 4. DATE DRILLED olrz2/o3 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 32.o FEET 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 15.0' FT. (Use "+^ if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS o.o FT. Above Land Surface* •Top Ofmtingterminated ayor below land surface requires a vmiaace in accordance with 15ANCAC 2C.oI18. 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 11. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 17.0 Ft 2INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft From To Ft. 13. Grout: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To Do Ft Pordandnentonite Slimy From To Ft 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot She Material From 17.0 To 32.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in PVC From To Ft in. ht 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 15.0 To 32.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. Topographic(Land setting ❑ Ridge ❑ Slope ❑ Valley ® Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seoonds) Latitude/longitude source: ❑ GPS ❑ Topographic map (cheek box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 32.0 TAN SANDY SILTY CLAY LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads, inculed the road numbers and common road nsmec. 16. REMARKS: MW-3 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 13.0 TO 15.0 FEET I DO HEARBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER UM Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-322I, within 30 days. GW-I REV. 072001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environmental and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) JASONMANTAK CERTIFICATION# 2580 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Ecologic Explorwoo, Inc. PHONE # (704) 872-7686 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (ifapplimble) (ifapplicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ® Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other[] If Other, list Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: CHARLOTTE County MECKLENBURG 527 ATANDO AVENUE (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Cade) 3. OWNER: DnEGRJS METALS, INC. Address 527ATANDOAVENUE (Street or Route No.) CHARLOTTE NC Ciwor`f w state Lo Code 1 ) Area Cade -Phone Number 4. DATE DRILLED olr2lro3 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 32.0 FEET 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 7.STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top o£Casing: ls.n FT. (Use-+ if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS o.o FT. Above Land Surface* -Top of cadngterminzted atlor below land surface requires a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C.0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): NIA 11. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or WeightlFt. Material From 0.0 To 17.0 Fr 2INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft From To Ft. 13. Grout: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 11.0 Ft. Portland Bentwite Slurry From To Ft 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 17.0 To 32.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in PVC From To Ft. in. in 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 15.0 To 32.0 Ft 2040 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft TopographiefLand setting ❑ Ridge ❑ Slope ❑ Valley ® Flat (check appropriate box) LatitudeAca gitude of well location (degrees/minutes/secmds) Latitudellongitude source: ❑ GPS ❑ Topographic map (checkbox) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 1.0 1.0 20.0 20.0 32.0 ASPHALT/GRAVEL YELLOW CLAY YELLOW CLAY WITH WEATHERED ROCK LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads, inculed the road ntanbers and common road names. �tv \eQ i Sx 16. REMARKS: MW4 13ENTOMITE SEAL FROM 11.0 TO 15.0 FEET I DO HEARBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCWN STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. - GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environmental and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) MARKGETTYS CERTIFICATION# 2345 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Geolope Exploration, lac. PHONE # (704) 872-7696 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (ifapplicable) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ® Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other[] If Other, list Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: CHARL077E County MECKLENBURG 527 ATANDO AVENUE (Shut Nmne, Ntanbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: wrEGRIS METALS, INC. Address 527 ATANDO AVENUE (Strut or Route No.) CHARLOTTE NC CiN orTmvn Stare Zin Co& Area Cade - Phone Number 4. DATE DRILLED o1/2yo3 - 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 32.0 FEET 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 7.STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top o£Casing: 15.0 FT. (Use .+.. ifAbove Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS o.o FT. Above Land Surface - *Top of casing to r ivated at/or below land s rf= requires a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 11. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 17.0 Ft 2INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft.. From To Ft 13. Grout: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 13.0 FL Portland Bmronite slurry Form To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 17.0 To 32.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in PVC From To Ft. in. in 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 15.0 To 32.0 FL 2040 FINE SILICA SAND Front -To Ft. Topographic(Land setting ❑ Ridge ❑ slope ❑ valley ® Flat (check appropriate box) LatitudeAongimde of well location (degees/mtnutes/secouds) Latitude/longitude source: ❑ GPS ❑ Topographic map (cheek box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 32.0 ORANGE SANDY CLAY LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads, inculed the road numbers and common road names. 16. REMARKS: MW-5 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 13.0 TO 15.0 FEET 1 DO HEARBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER 10CIL A4" Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733.3221, within 30 days. GW-1 REV. 07/2001 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina - Department of Environmental and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) JASON MANTAK CERTIFICATION # 2580 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Geologic Exploration, Inc. PHONE # (704) 872-7686 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if applicable) (ifapplimble) 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ® Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other❑ If Other, list Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: CHARLOTTE County MECKLENBURG 527 ATANDO AVENUE (Street Namc, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OWNER: INTEGRIs METALS, INc Address 527 ATANDO AVENUE (Street or Route No.) CHARLOTTE NC Ciwor Town State Zin Code ( ) Arta Code - Phone Number 4. DATE DRILLED 0120/03-0121103 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 86.o FEET 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: la.n Fr. (Use"+ if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS on FT. Above Land Surface* OTop of casing terminated Wor below land surface requires a vmiance in acwrdaoce with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A NIETHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 11. DISINFECTION: Type N/A Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weigbt/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 81.0 Ft 2INCH SCH 40 PVC From 0.0 To 78.0 Ft. 6518 INCH .188 GZV. From To FL 13. Grout: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 75.0 Ft. Portland Bentonite Slurry Fmm 0.0 To 78.0 Ft. Po land Bentonite Sluny 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Sim Material From 81.0 To 86.0 Ft. 2.0 m. .010 in PVC From To FL in. in 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 79.0 To 86.0 Ft. 2040 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. Topographic(Land setting ❑ Ridge ❑ Slope ❑ Valley ® Flat (check appropriate box) LatitudcAongitude of well location (degreestminuleshemnds) Latitude/longitude source: ❑ GPS ❑ Topographic map (check bar) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 1.0 Asphalt(Gravel LO 23.0 Red/Brown Clay 23.0 3 LO Brown Clay with Weathered Rock 31.0 52.0 Brown Weathered Rock 52.0 70.0 Grey Weathered Rock 70.0 86.0 Grey Fractured Rock LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads, inculed the road numbers and common road names. X 16. REMARKS: DW-I BENTONITE SEAL FROM 75.0 TO 79.0 FEET I DO NEARBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTJON STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. .. GW-1 REV. 072001 Appendix B Standard Operating Procedures SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Geoprobe Drilling/Sampling The uppermost 4 to 8 feet of each boring were advanced using a 3.5- inch stainless steel hand auger as a precaution against damaging underground structures. Geoprobe soil samples were collected using a 1.5-inch macro -core sampling tube lined with a plastic sleeve. Continuous samples were collected in 4-foot intervals. New plastic liners were used for each sample interval. Drilling and sampling equipment were decontaminated using steam cleaning equipment between borings. Hollow Stem Auger Drilling/Sampling Soil and saprolite aquifer monitor well borings at the site were advanced using hollow stem auger drilling equipment or using a hand auger. The sampling equipment was cleaned prior to, and between each use by scrubbing with phosphate -free detergent, rinsing in tap water, and rinsing again with distilled water. Hollow stem auger soil samples were collected using a 2-inch outside diameter stainless steel split spoon sampler. A 140 pound hammer was used to drive the sampler through the sampling interval and the blow count for each 6-inch interval was recorded. Standard penetration testing and soil sampling were conducted in accordance with ASTM D 1586 methods and procedures. Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals above the water table. Field Logging and Laboratory Analysis Soil samples were visually inspected and the physical characteristics logged upon retrieval of the sample from the soil boring. All of the soil samples were retained for laboratory analysis by the applicable methods specified in NCDENR soil and ground water assessment guidelines (1/2/1998). Laboratory analyses were conducted by Specialized Assays Environmental of Nashville, Tennessee. Specialized Assays Environmental is a North Carolina approved laboratory. Sample collection, handling, and preservation were conducted in accordance with accepted protocol, including chain -of -custody documentation. Exxon Mobi1\4-3524\LSA 2000\StdProcedures.doc Type III Monitor Well The upper portion of the Type III well boring was advanced using air hammer drilling equipment. A 6-inch diameter galvanized steel casing was installed within a 10-inch nominal diameter boring and tremie grouted in place. The casing grout was allowed to cure for a period of approximately 24 hours prior to continuing the well boring. The lower portion of the well boring was advanced using mud rotary drilling methods. Upon reaching the total depth of the well, 2-inch schedule 40 PVC well construction materials were placed in the boring and grouted in place. The bentonite slurry is displaced from the borehole during installation of the monitor well materials. The surface completion of the Type III well was as for the Type II monitor wells. The location and elevation of the each top of well casing was surveyed using a survey theodolite. Monitor Well Development/PurgingMethods Following installation, the monitor wells were developed by removing a minimum of five well bore volumes of water by pumping or bailing. For wells characterized by a slow recharge rate, the well was pumped/bailed dry prior to sampling. C il-IPIIl5'/YI$d&%'►AVIVA.)► it IIli'6Yh9 Following well development/purging, ground water samples were collected from the site monitor wells using disposable plastic bailers. The bailers were lowered into each well using new nylon rope. Ground water elevation data were obtained an electronic depth to water meter. Ground Water samples were analyzed by the appropriate methods specified in NCDENR soil and ground water assessment guidelines (March 1993 and January 1998). Laboratory analyses were conducted by Specialized Assays Environmental of Nashville, Tennessee. Sample collection, handling, and preservation were conducted in accordance with accepted protocol, including chain -of -custody documentation. Emmn Mobil\4-3524\LSA 2000\StdProcedures.doc Appendix C Disposal Manifests HAZ-MAT TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL P. O. BOX 37392 w CHARLOTTE, N,C. 2a237 f704 332-5600 FAX (704) 375-7183 NON -HAZARDOUS SPECIAL WASTE NAME V it i� ORIGINATING ADDRESS MAILING C ADDRESS�t � CITY l� 1 r STATE 1 (— ZIP DES. OF WASTE: WORK CONTRACTED By Bill To (If different from Irdoe arum at left) NAMI ADDF CRY PHOt CONI 1. WATER, OIL & COOLANT PUMPED FROM TANKS OR DRUMS 7- OFF SPEC LIGHT OIL, WATER & GAS PUMPED FROM TANKS OR DRUMS 3. 55 GALLON DRUMS REMOVED - SOLID 4. 55 GALLON DRUMS REMOVED - LIQUID S. s. 7. 8. 9. SERVICE CHARGE 10. TRANSPORTATION 13706 Manifest No. P.O. No. Job No. Qic -3,2 "'� GENERATORS CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the above named material is not a hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR Part 261 or any applicable state law, has been prepedy described, classified and packaged, and is in proper condition for transportation according to applicable regulations; AND, If the waste is a treatment residue of a previously restricted hazardous waste subject to the Land Disposal Restrictions, I certify and warrant that the waste has been treated in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 268 and is no longer a hazmtou�s waste as defined py 40 CFR Part 261. 1 Generator Authorized Agent Mach Signature 1/1 Shipment Data HAZ- MAT TRANSPORTER II TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL e. Name P. O. BOX 37392 • CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28237 f. Address a Driver Name //Thle - �c+/✓ ford � i (r £ b. Phone No.7��32 j� Oy c. Truck No.—S Hazardous Waste Transporter Permits EPA Site Name: Hez-Mat Transportation & Disposal. Inc. Physical Address: 210 Dalton Avenue Charlotte. N.C. 28237 e. Discrepancy Indication Space This Is to anOy, OW all nor -hazardous material removed from above location has been received and will be disoos¢d of am blended [ribs beneficial reusable fuel for use In large industrial burners. (2 Wade waters are to be treated with polyn GiantMta the CMUD sanitation sewer system under permit IUP/5012. (1) Sludges from treatment systems are (4) Our trail ent system operates on a first in, first out basis and product should be processed within seven days. g. Driver Name / Title— h. Phone No. j. Transporter II Permit Nos. a. Phone No. b. Maiing Address: proper I. Truck ORIGINAL. FIRALLS.D. - YELLOW-DIS OVER - PINK-18TLS.D. - SOLD -GENERATOR r' HAZ-MAT 1.3419 TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL ManBest No. P. O. BOX 37392 • CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28237 (704 332-5600 P.O. No. FAX (7�4) 375-7183 �j NON -HAZARDOUS SPECIAL WASTE Job No. C/� 3a[ 2� GENERATOR LOCATION�+ WORK CONTRACTED BY NAME ".���Jy! y'—l^ — ca /s`�i BIII To (If different from information at left) r ORIGINATING ADDRESS 1 iA&L'1:.� "_47y-C_ '— NAME C� 'r/�/,. MAILING ADDRESS �,��� ADDRESS D—CTIMl V Kam^',( CITY - —STATE ZIP `3 .l CITY r 1`o � sTT AATT'ErLP PHONE NO. ,l.=pU t' PHONE NO.1,,,,� CONTACTNAME - tL,� CONTACT NAME9=R=t= DES. OF WASTE: r(1� 6!%RTt/' C *- rJ�CJ.e.�:3'&SC N o. jiil ype j )[� ) n—Its' Quantity Y. WATER, OIL & COOLANT PUMPED FROM TANKS OR DRUMS 2 OFF SPEC LIGHT OIL, WATER & GAS PUMPED FROM TANKS OR DRUMS S. 55 GALLON DRUMS REMOVED - SOLID 4. 55 GALLON DRUMS REMOVED - LIQUID 8. 9. SERVICECHARGE 10. TRANSPORTATION GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the above named material is not a hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR Part 261 or any applicable state law, has been property described, classified and packaged, and is in proper condition for transportation according to applicable regulations; AND, If the waste is a treatment residue of a previously restricted hazardous waste subject to the Land Disposal Restrictions, 1 certfy and warrant that the waste has been treated in rdance with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 268 and is no longer a hazardous waste as define by 40 CFR Part 2e61. ou^1 1 I `ir � r� �t_Ae�YRe 4Y x � s!l� r O 1 Generator Aumodze0 Ag— enl�ame- J � . Signature Shipment Date HAZ-MAT TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL - P. O BOX 37392 • CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28237 & Driver Name / Title L -'g� b. Phone N - c. Truck No. Hazardous Waste Transporter Permits TRANSPORTER II e. Name g. Driver Name / h. Phone No. I. Truck No. 1. Transporter II Permit Nos. Site Name: Haz-Mat Transportation-& Disposal. Inc. a.'Phohe No. 704-332-5600, Physical Address: 210 Dalton Avenue b. Maiing Address: P.O. Box 37392 Charlotte, N.C. 28237 -:>` Charlotte. N.C. 28237 e. Discrepancy Indication Space This Is to mNty that all non -hazardous material removed from above location has been received and will be disposed of in acardance with applicable local, state and federal regulations In N8 following manner. (1) Petroleum produols' 8e blended Imo a beneficial reusable fuel for use in large Industrial burners. (2Waste waters am to be treated with polymers, oN adjusters, and a fldsulanL then flows through a dissohed air Rotation system for pmllretmem separdlon; than Into Me CMUD sanitation sewer system under permit IUPi5012. 11) Sludges from treatment systems are Muted to E.P.A. approved fzcittles for proper disposal. Marital and Carillons of disposal are on file. (4) Our keatmenl system operates on a firifin, first out basis and product should be processed within seven days. SIGNATURE OF FACILITY AGEINrT DATE �$y ORIGINAL -FINAL T.S.D. • YELLO ISPOSER • PINK-18TL8.0. • GOLD -GENERATOR Appendix D Limited Site Assessment Laboratory Analytical Data Sheets 4- ReOONNu Address: 9 > P rcTd6e.0[ma Na:(BIIIInD gblaret TO BE LLE11114CLtfNNSAMPLING PERSONNEL ` PM1orro:].v: rEaX (Yeast �No� flepb'esfetlV Db of DiY 4sb ywp9Ogya O/Dy tl5bapa VLeN(Icefibn NEGAC _-�pSACE FL_NO Sit<locatlon Name S % T 3 .. /. �� - D s-e bey O SlNwem l0 aeys y '+ , 3_•R pYNEfl WA-.�� SiteL lon PM1yaloal ADtlraes: servy'b! baa en is:ao wlle pbc<vab p`xiw l aay. ". Trla, L 1;1UEl�g Mar Clan e(bM YyS_NO [ eE on bug Faye wieFfMseMMIMrys (9 'VERSE MOE FOfl gOSNTUflKAHOUNDFEE3) r Sa PI IceCLpo0x0]i<'411OM1 YES_NpT ^ 'CYFNT ogTE -TME'- COLLEEIED LUlR1X 1801E 2,SAMPLE LOXlAINEq c. - ERrsvRVA Q ANALY -Ik Q SRE0UE6TED �'� BYB - uB PRIBL�w BAYPLE OEBCBIP110XI COIa�C}ED IXVLITAflY- WblEfl Op �,IVE6 '' A REMARKS ,1 ?TYPE•, ••.0. ';-170Ub3 6L000EI- EE BELOW NO. SGE J �" �Y �rl- - ID'N 4'26d I41 a3 12.13 a.: " .'L lt SemPleh 19naNre • '•- lil&18l�jPrint `. A. t� Ile }lab) AX IIM tt l m Tama as bRu atetl VaR . y cam a Ea �' s Upon rNbqulahln submMaM lfl w14tl PNeSl Dw xl M a ttWll Tel d an -chan aM ana ¢ee M1 bean lnXlelizea _ i,-:, 1 `:. Y �_ c M MX �, AnnRFgrAl 060"E 1 81e Anlwa_I Ti e BI DeE..a,Tma J t{�fJ nxe FmV ny Xq aY: v: "CFT IO TBCb p6e Ptlm kMLBy lak N 1 _ 03 MIIeaBa: W@i00f NTO,TNEUaO AAm.-. LeO�n rtp } L ueonrtom a '+. �%pN me 9 Y•pMa H ALLSA FLECODLEk n%ILOaETA E 9 e nen@r ccE EYenmmAwm O Fee biu6e XagaMlwne'':o Prk Ere smm,:o om •.. S145k �' �. - SOLIDWASTE:' RCRA: CERCLA: I14140111E q: NPOES fOS - GROUNDWATER.' OSCI OSC ORINKINGWATER: aNC OS�r OONG OONG OSC - OONG OSC I ONS O$�'OO NC ❑SCI OO NC OSG aNO OSO_.DTy Elue1 eeonvr rnuv 1C' ODES: A. gmbef C=CIeaYG=Glass P=Plesjic, TL TeOon-LinaN ap VOAy VolalNOrpanics gnelysis (Zero H@ad'Sye{'81 -.,� ♦ - A n -- - -- u m S oj\ TDU O O.n2 OYo 6 4 33a �mZ3 3E ��� �0000030O0m m �mn'OAmz HXR �N ra O �C1�0 V O O O O O m 3 3 1 O m m O n 3 r.i O mm y y O m m T m m O y o O O O y A y Z y Ig 3 3 0 �,i m n p s g p g m N m o o m m m o z A o xb xb m Ki z m i 6 i m m m 0 m i z m m 3; F! y S m n m y y o m z o 0 0 m I Nn ° r. o o m m b In s P m n , m m `m n z a n n 1 n m F n y T o 'm z y n m g ii w Y m y .o at a9 p o < O p F N ]J Z_Z Z 2 2 2z Z Z Z Z Zz z1m„ SY It o m b n Itn n m Ita F R 5 8 m m_ m A 6 6 mS 6 n Ar 6 6 x n y~ R 2 R 2 3 R 3 A A 3 R 3 R A R R R R o sasaaaaaaaa�aaa�� ooaaAt n o Z 6 N n oIt n y o x amKI m? xitlm m bl` m m mte m e m m b" ' m m m S ~ 0 N C C wa m m $ m 3 n 9 olo a F rn o v 3 A O d O O n m p 9 y R A A b m o va m o mat A, g m vi IS m'0 00mm e�j P N m m m m m o u u m u m m u u u u u m J zin N 's° m a m m Y m m N J i,r an u, ane o o a o a a o $ o 0 0 xx$$$s$x$�$tixx$$r$ N �m ^ mr m y Or T. T. T. x S S F x F F x x x S S S F Z m i rp n n O n n n O O (1 o o o o n n O O O O n n- O ESy Lab Report rin PRISM u eowm ms w s.nw � n D.menw sawom 1/16/03 Page 2 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tanavechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @ 5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sampfe ID: AC68589 Charlotte, NO 28226 Login Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date7Tlme: 1/2/03 11:00 Lab Submittal Dalerrime: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEITIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 8260815035 IN/0301:54 KC CIS-1,2-0ICHLOROETHENE Not detected ugAg 5.0 8260815035 10030154 KC TRANS-I,2-0ICHLOROETHENE Not tlelectetl u91kg 5.0 8260816035 100301:u KC 1.2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 8260815035 1M10301:54 KC 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 8260B15035 1/9/0301:54 KC 2,2-0ICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 8260BIW35 V9/0301:54 KC 1,1-0I0HLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 0MW5035 V9/0301:54 KC ETHYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 0280B/5035 1/910301:54 KC HEXACHLOROOUTADIENE Not detected ug/k9 5.0 826OW5035 11910301:54 KC ISOPROPYLBENZENE Not detected ugAg 5.0 8260B15035 11910301:54 KC P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg SO 8260815035 119/0301:54 KC _ METHYLENE CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 100,0 8260815035 1N10301:5,1 KC NAPHTHALENE 45 ug/kg 5.0 8260815035 1I9I0301:54 KC N-PROPYWENZENE Notdetected ug/kg 5.0 82608IW35 IV0301:51 KC STYRENE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 826DBIW35 1/9/0301:54 KC 1,1,12-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 82WW6036 IM0301:54 KC 1.12.2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 82KWW35 1MI0301:St KC TETRACHLOROETHENE NO detected ug/kg 5.0 0260&5035 11910301:54 KC TOLUENE Notdetectetl ug/kg 5.0 0280B/5035 119,0301:m KC 1,2,3TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected u9/xg 5c 6280915035 11910301:St KC 1.2,4-TRICHLOROSENZENE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 026OW5035 11910301:54 KC 1,1.1-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 0260815035 11910301:54 KC 1.1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE Notdetected ug/kg 5.0 8260W5035 11910301:54 KC TRICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 8260B15035 1I910301:54 KC TRICHLOROFWOROMETHANE Not detected ugBg So 8260B15035 11910301:u KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE Not detected uglk9 5.0 82BOB15035 119/0301:54 KC 1,2,4TRIMETHYLBENZENE 15 ug/kg tic 82600/5035 11910301 St KC 13,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 57 ug/kg 5.0 82BOBIS035 119/0301:51 KC VINYL CHLORIDE Notdetectetl ug/kg 10.0 8260BIW35 1/910301:54 KC TOTAL XYLENES 7.3 ug/kg 5.0 8260B15035 11910301:54 KC 2-BUTANONE(MEK) Not detcoxcl agAg 500 82MB15035 V9/0301:51 KC NO Certification No. 402 - SC Ceffica ian No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Sprivgbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ATM Free Numb,. 1.800 / 529-6364 A Fox: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report ,(f{J\ PRISM uaoAnronlas,mc _d r,x s.,w.MeMuml n arw�ul savme 1/16103 Page 3 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: NII @ 5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68589 Charlotte, NO 28226 'Login Group: 51491<7 Sample Collection Dale/Time: 112/03 11:00 - Lab Submittal Date(Tme: 1/6103 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory. TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD OATErhME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER Not detected ug/kg 10J1 8260W5035 1/9I0301:54 KO 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE(MIBK) Not detected ug/kg 50.0 826OW5035 1/9I0301:54 KC ACETONE 120 ug/kg 100.0 8260&5035 1/910301:54 KC CARBON DISULFIDE Notdetected! ag/kg 100,0 0250B15035 119I030154 KC VINYLACETATE NWdetected ug/kg 50.0 82608/5035 11910301:54 KC CIS-1,9-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ugAg 5.0 8260015035 1/910301:54 KC TRANS-1.SDICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ugAg 5.0 U60BIN35 11910301:64 KC 241EXANONE Not detected ug/kg 50.0 8260B15035 IM0301:54 KC IPE Not detected ug/kg 5.0 8260B15035 1/910301:54 KC MTBE Notdetected ug/kg 5.0 8260WS035 11910301:54 KC SURRDIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE 97 % 72-137 8260815035 VW0301:54 KC SURRITOLUENE-00 95 % 73-128 8260W5035 119N301:54 KC SURR:BROMOFLUOROBENZENE 103 % 69-131 826OW5035 11W0301:54 KC C5C8 Aliphdice NO detected! mglkg 7 MADEPVPH 11&032129 JMV C9-012 AIIphatics Not delecoxi mg/kg 6 MADEPVPH 11610321:29 JMV C9-010 Art.w. Not detected mg/kg 2 MADEPVPH 11610321:29 JMV Surrogate%Recovery-PID III % (70-130) MADEPVPH 11610321:29 JMV Surrogate%Rewvery-FID 98 % (70-130) MADEPVPH 1MI032129 JMV Dilution Factor 1 mglkg MADEPVPH 1/6/032129 JMV Dry Weight Received 17,08A mglkg MADEPVPH 1/6/032129 JMV EXTRACTION FOR EPH Completed MADEPVPH 1/6/0316:00 JMK C9Ci8 ALIPHATICS Not detected mg/kg 40 MADEP-EPH IM0318:52 GRR C19C36 ALIPHATICS Notdetected mg/kg 2D MADEP-EPH illI0318:52 GRR C11-C22 AROMATICS Not detected mg/kg 20 MADEP-EPH 1910318:52 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - ALIPHATIC 90 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 19/0318:52 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - AROMATIC 103 % (40.140) MADEP-EPH 1/l10318S2 GRR SURR:2-FLUOROBIPHENYL 92 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH IU10310:52 GRR SURR:2-RROMONAPH7HALENE 95 % (40.140) MADEP-EPH 1RI0310:S2 GRR DILUTION FACTOR 1 II MAOEP-EPH IU10310:52 GRR NO Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Cen, No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Nurober: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM uea.'se,Ia,. = rue s.,„<. n„µixm n E�mlwMooul sauw,. 1/16/03 Page 4 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @ 5 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: ACS8589 Charlotte, INC 28226 Login Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: I Z03 11:00 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 116/03 0800 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory. TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATERIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST DRYWEIGHT 8.2g mg/kg MADEP-EPH Inns 1852 GRR CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 62 %DRY WT. 001 SM 2540G 1181031"o CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 completed SW846-3550B IR10308:00 JOE ACENAPHTHENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW8488270C V9/0317:32 WAD ACENAPHTHYLENE Not detected ugBg 400 SW8468270C 11910317:32 WAD ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846412700 11910317:32 WAD BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW8468270C 11910317:32 WAD BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ugft "oO SWB468270C 1191031732 WAD BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/kg 40D SW8168270C 1/910317:32 WAD BENZOIA)PYRENE Not detected Ug/kg 600 SW846-8270C 11910317:32 WAD BENZO(GHI)PERYLENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846.9270G 15 317:32 WAD BIS(2-CHLOROETHOXY)METHANE Notdeteded ug/kg 400 SW846-8270C 1191031732 WAD BIS(2-0HLOROETHYL)ETHER Not detected ug/kg 400 SW84G8270C M0317:32 WAD BIS(2-0HLOROISOPROPYL)ETHER Net detected ugBg 400 SWS468270C V910317:32 WAD BIS(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHAL4TE Not detected ug/kg 400 SWUS4270C V9103 17:32 WAD 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected ug/kg 400 SW8468270C 1/91031732 WAD BUTYL BENZYL PHTHAIATE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW8468270C 1/010317:32 WAD 4-CHLOR03 ETHYLPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C 1/9/0317:32 WAD 2-CHLORONAPHTHALENE Not detected ugN 400 SW846A270C 1003 17 32 WAD 2-CHLOROPHENOL Not detected ugBg <00 SWB468270C 11910317:32 WAD 4OHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected ug/kg 40D SW846-8270C 119/0317:32 WAD CHRYSENE Not detected ug/kg 40D SW846-8270C 11910317:32 WAD DtBENZO(A,H)4NTHRACENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846-8270C 119N317:32 WAD DIBENZOFURAN Not detected ug/kg 400 SW84EB2700 IMM317:32 WAD DI-N-BUTYLPHTHAIATE Not detected ug/kg 400 SWa46-6270C IMM317:32 WAD 1,2-0IGHLOROSENZENE Not detected ugBg 400 SW846-8270C 1MI0317:32 WAD 1,3-0ICHLOROBENZENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SWUM270C 119/0317:32 WAD 1,4-OICHLOROBENZENE Net detected ug/kg 400 SW846-837DC 11910317S2 WAD 2,4-0ICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846A27oC 11910317:32 WAD DIETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW0464270C 1MI0317:32 WAD NO Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Celt. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 SMingbmok Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report '=\PRISM Put s.My Merytivel a Ertmw .sauEare 1/16/03 Page 5 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste, 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68589 Chadotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Tme: 1/2/03 1100 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6103 0800 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample Which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD OATERIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 2A-0IMETHYLPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 400 SWB4 8270C 11910317:32 WAD DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846-8270C 1/910317:32 WAD 2,4-DINITROPHENOL Not detected UI 20M SW846A270C 1/9I0317:32 WAD 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C 11910317:32 WAD 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SWS468270C 11910317:32 WAD DI-N-OCT PHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW84682700 11910317:32 WAD FLUORANTHENE Not delecetl ug/kg 400 SW846-8270C 1/910317:32 WAD FLUORENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SWW-8270C 1/910317:32 WAD HEXACHLOROSENZENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW8464270C V910317:32 WAD HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected ugAg 400 SW846A270C 11910317:32 WAD HEXACHLOROCYCLOPENTADIENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW6468270C 11910317:32 WAD HEXACHLOROETHANE Not detected u9/kg 400 SW546-8270C 11910317:32 WAD INOENO(1,2,3-0D)PYRENE. Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C 1/910317:32 WAD ISOPHORONE Net detected ugMg 400 SW846U= 11910317:32 WAD 2-METHYL4,6-DINITROPHENOL Not detected III 2D00 SWS4 8270C V9N31732 WAD 2-METHYL NAPHTHALENE Not detected ugBg 40o SW84S8270C 1191031732 WAD 2-METHYL-PHENOL Not detected ug/kg 400 SW8468270C 1191031732 WAD 4-METHYL-PHENOL Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C 11910317.32 WAD NAPHTHALENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SWM"2700 1,910317SZ WAD NITROBENZENE Not detected ugNg 400 SW846-8270C 15I0317:02 WAD 2-NITROPHENOL Not detected ugMg 400 SW846-8270C 1/9N317:32 WAD 4NITROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 200D SW846A270C 11910317:32 WAD N-NITROSODIPHENYIAMINE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C V9I0317:32 WAD N-NITROSODI-N-PROPYLAMINE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW84682700 119/031732 WAD PENTAOHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 2000 SW846-8270C 1/9/031732 WAD PHENANTHRENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846-8270C 1R10317S2 WAD PHENOL Not detected ug/kg 400 SW8468270C IKA317:32 WAD PYRENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846-0270C 1/910317:32 WAD 1,2,4TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 4M SW846A270C 1l9/11317:32 WAD 2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOL Not detected! ug/kg 400 SW8468270C 11910317:32 WAD 2,4,&TRIOHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 400 SW8468270C 11910317:32 WAD NC Certficaton No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Gen. No. 37735 - FL Certification ND E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report � PRISM �5= 1A80PAlnPIES, INC Ik FW Sn JvayaW a EMba.9d. 1116103 Page 6 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 ® 5 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste, 200 Priam Sample ID: AC68589 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lopin Group: 51491<7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/2/03 11:00 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 0800 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE?IME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST Sample Comments: Analysis Note for 8260: Acetone was detected in this sample. Acetone method blank Concentration was <l0 ppb. Laboratory ccoonnttaa/mJination is not suspected. e �-� l Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Cedi0cal No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cod. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbmok Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28226-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A TOU Fee Number. 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report _ �[ PRISM ORAIORIR,INC. �My FUA yrrla MaNlk¢I x Em1mmn„1¢I $M,qm¢ 1/16/03 Page 7 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarrevechia Customer Sample ID: MI 10 - 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: ACS8590 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lopin Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection DateRime: 1/2103 11:15 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6103 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE/TIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST TICS BY SEMIVOLATILE GCIMS 625I8270 1113V031802 WAD 625/8270 Tentatively Identified Compounds (10-largest TICa): <Ideatificaticn Claee> <Closest spectral Fib <Est. Cost- ................................. Unknown aliphatic ..............."`... hydrocarbon (Leconte) ............ 5700 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Tetradecane) 4400 ug/kg UNcnown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Heptadecane) 12000 ug/kg UIDorown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Hexadecane, tetramethyl) 2700 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Nonadecane) 5100 ug/kg - Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Ricosane) 3300 ug/kg Unknown aromatic hydrocarbon (Unknown) 4600 ug/kg Unknown aromatic hydrocarbon (Unknown) 2900 ug/kg Unknown (Unknown) 4600 ug/kg _ Unknown (Unknown) 4Son ug/kg BENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260B15035 118/0321:05 NO BROMOBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260B15035 11810321:05 KC BROMOCHLOROMETHANE Not detected uglkg 160 82603IW35 11810321:06 KC BROMODICHLOROMEDIANE Not detected! uglkg 160 82600,5035 1Runs 21:06 KC BROMOFORM Not detected ug/kg 160 8260WS035 1/8/0321:06 KC BROMOMETHANE Not detected ugBg 320 62608/5035 1/&0321:05 KC N-BIIIYLBENZENE 12N ug/kg 160 826OW5035 1/&0321:06 KC SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 540 ug/kg 160 3260W5035 11&0321:05 KC TERT-BUTYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg .160 8260B15035 100321:06 KC CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 160 826013I5035 100321:06 NO CHLOROSENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 826OB15035 100321:06 KC CHLORODISROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260D15035 11810321:06 NO CHLOROETHANE Not detected ugft 320 8260BI5035 11810321:06 KC CHLOROFORM Notdatected ugAg 160 8260B15035 1/8/0321:06 NO CHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 826OB/5035 1/810321:05 KC 24tHLOROTOLUENE NAmtected uglkg 160 82605IN35 100321:as KC 4CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected! ugA,9 160 8260SI5035 1IV0321:06 KC 1,2-DIBROM0-3-CHLOROPROPANE Not detected uglkg 320 8260B15035 11810321:06 KC 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE Not detected uglkg ISO 6260W5035 11&0321:BE KC DIBROMOMETHANE Not deteded uglkg 160 8260NS035 1/&0321:06 KC 1,2.DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ugAg 160 32608/5035 100321:06 KC NC CeNBcafion No. 402 - SC Cedfication No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Ced. No. 37735 - FL Cergfcation No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM I Ak 1ABORATOMES. INC. FA ServveN Mral 6 EnWrtnmenlel Wul-o 1116/03 Page 8 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tanavechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @ 10 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste, 200 Prism Sample ID: ACS8590 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 51491<7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/2/03 11:15 Lab Submittal DatelTime: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEFnME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1.3 ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg ISO 8260B15035 1/BI0321:06 KC 1,4-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260815035 11810321:06 KC DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 02MB/5035 11810321:06 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ugBg 160 026OWS035 1/810321:06 KC 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE Nottletected UgAg 160 8260WS035 1I810321:06 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE Notdeteted ug/kg 160 82600/$035 118/0321:06 KC CIS-1,2-0ICHLOROETHENE Not detected UgBg 160 82600I5035 1/8/0321:06 KC TRANS-I,2-0ICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260BM35 1/810321:06 KC 1.2-0ICHLOROPROPANE Not detected Ug0k9 160 8260BIK35 1/&0321:06 KC 1,3-DICHLOROPR0PANE Not detected ugBg 160 8260815035 1/W0321:06 KC 2,2-01CHLOROPRGFANE Not detected UgBg 160 826013I5035 l/&0321:06 KC 1,1.DIOHLOROPROPENE NO detected ugBg 160 8260815035 100321:05 KC ETHYLBENZENE 310 _ ug/kg 160 8260B15035 l/W0321:06 KC HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected ug/kg 160 0260W5035 100321:as KC ISOPROPYLBENZENE 230 ug/kg 160 826OB15035 11&032106 KC P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE MO ugBg 160 0 OW5035 11810321:06 KC METHYLENE CHLORIDE Not detected ugBg 32M 0260815035 10032106 KC NAPHTHALENE 11000 ugf 160 8260915035 11810321:06 KC N-PROPYLBENZENE 540 - ug/kg 160 82608/6035 11810321:06 KC STYRENE NotdateCwd ug/kg 160 8260B/5035 1181032196 KC 1.1,1,2-TE7TRACHLOROETHANE Noltleteded ug/kg 160 8260B15035 11=321:06 KC 1,12,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detectetl UgAog 160 8260BW35 1/8A0321:06 KC TETRACHLOROETHENE Not detected! ug/kg 160 8260B15035 1/W0321:06 KC TOLUENE - Not detected ugBg 160 82BOB15035 11810321:06 KC I.2a TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260W5035 1/810321:06 KC 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260W5035 1l&0321:CIE KC 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 150 8260W5035 100321:as KC 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 150 8260BI5035 10032106 KC TRICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg ISO 6260W5035 1IEI0321:05 KC TRIOHLOROFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ugBg 160 0260W5035 1/&032106 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ugBg 160 8260315035 100321:06 KC INC Certficadon No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart._ No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 • Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report till PRISM FAT S—xe AnaMlml x EWaInnaual Soutom 1116/03 Page 9 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarmvechia Customer Sample ID: MWA @ 10 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68590 Charlotte, INC 26226 Login Group: 51491<7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/2/03 11:15 Lab Submittal Daterrime: 1/6/03 - 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE IME STARTED ANALYST 12,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 1600 ug*g 160 8260BM35 1/810321:06 KC 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 650 ug/kg 150 8260B15035 1/W0321:0s KC / VINYLCHLORIDE Not detected Ug/kg 320 8260BIW35 1/810321:06 KC TOTALCYLENES 210 - ug/kg 160 8260WW35 1/810321:06 KC 2-BUTANONE IMEKI Not detected ug/kg 16W 8260WW35 1/810321:06 KC 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER Not detected ug/kg 320 826OW5035 11=321:06 KC 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE(MIBK) Not detected ugBg 1600 8260W5035 1IN0321:46 KC ACETONE NWdeacted ug/kg 3200 8260B15035 11W032106 KC CARBON DISULFIDE Not detected ug/kg 32W 8760815035 1IW0321:06 KC VINYLACETATE Not detected ug/kg 16N 8260W5035 1IW032106 KC CIS-I.3 ICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260B15035 1I810321:06 KC TRANS4,&DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 160 82602,5035 1/8N321:06 KC 2-HEXA14ONE Not detected ug/kg 16W 826OW5035 1IW0321:06 KC IRE Not detected ugBg 160 8260B/5035 100321:06 KC MTSE Not detected ug/kg 160 826OB15035 11810321:05 KC m BURR AIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE 147' % 72-137 8260W5035 I19I0321 U6 KC SURR:TOLUENE-08 140- % 73.128 826OW5035 11810321:06 KC - BURR:BROMOFLUOROBENZENE 141' % 69­131 82BOW5035 11810321:Oe KO C5-CBAllphatlos Not detected mgkkg 7 MADER VPH IH31032342 JMV C9-C12Atph,d. Not detected mglkg 6 MADER VPH 1/1&0323:42 JMV C9C10Arcuou. 61 mgBg 2 MADEP VPH IIINW23:42 JMV Surrogate %Recovery -PTO 01 % (70-130) MADEP VPH 1/1310323:42 JMV Sinogete%Recovery-FID 74 % (70-130) MADEP VPH 1/131W 2342 JMV Dilution Fedor 1 mgBg MAI EP VPH 111310323A2 JMV Dry Weight Recelod! 13.38a mg/kg MADER VPH 1/13/032342 JMV EXTRACTION FOR EPH Completed MADEP-EPH 180316:00 JMK C&C18 ALIPHATIC$ 2200 mgBg 40 MADEP-EPH 1RI0320:35 ORR ClaC36 ALIPHATICS 190 mg/kg 20 MADEP-EPH 19/0320:35 ORR C1 IZ22 AROMATIC$ 760 mgixg 20 MADEP-EPH 1R10320:35 ORR NC CerDFca0on No. 402 - SC CerINicatlon No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Con. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28226-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll P. Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report ; PRISM d ueoR4malERdc. Fx15—ke MwlNcW a Emitmmxttl SaMbns 1/16/03 Page 10 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mc Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-t @ 10 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68590 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection.Daterrime: 12/03 11:15 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6103 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATMME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST SURROGATE RECOVERY -ALIPHATIC 'MI % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 19/032035 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY -AROMATIC 'MI % (40-140) MADEP-EPH lUI0320:35 GRR SURR:2-FLUOROBIPHENYL 'MI % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 1M0320:35 GRR SURR:2-BROMONAFHTHALENE -MI % H4 140) MADEP£PH 1Z0320:35 GRR DILUTION FACTOR 1 mglkg MADEP.EPH 199320:35 GRR DRY WEIGHT 7A9 mg/kg MA➢EP-EPH 1910320:35 GRR CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 74 %DRY WT. 0.01 SM2540G 11810310:20 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW0463550B 19/0308:00 JDP ACENAPHTHENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846A2700 1191W 23:14 WAD ACENAPHTHYLENE Not detected UgAg 450 SW846-8270C 119/032314 WAD ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW84&8270C 11910323:14 WAD BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW546.0270C IN10323:14 WAD BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Notdetectetl ug/kg 450 SWUM270C 199323:14 WAD BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SWM427K 11W0323:14 WAD BENZO(A)PYRENE Not detected UgAg 450 SW846-82700 11W0323:14 WAD BENZO(GHI)PERYLENE Not detected ugAg 450 SW8468270C 11910323:14 WAD BIS(2-CHLOROETHOW)METHANE Not detected UgAg 450 SW846A27QC 11910323:14 WAD BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL)ETHER Not detected ug/kg 450 SWW4 82700 11910323:14 WAD BIS(2-CHLOROISOPROPYL)E7HER Nottleteded UgAg 450 SW8468270C 1191032314 WAD 8IS(2-ETHYLHE"1-)PHTHA1-ATE Not detected ugAg 450 SW846-8270C 1MI0323:14 WAD 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected! UgAg 450 SW846-8270C 1/910323/4 WAD BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE Not detected UgAg 450 SW84682700 199323:14 WAD 0.CHLORG-3-METHYLPHENOL . Not detected ug/kg 450 SWMM270C 19N323:14 WAD 2CHLORONAPHTHALENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SWM427X 1/9N323:14 WAD 2CHLOROPHENOL Not detected ugAg 460 SWM427W 1199323:14 WAD 4CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not tletected ug/kg 450 SWW-827W VMS 23:14 WAD CHRYSENE Notdetected UgAg 450 SW846-8270C 1/910323:14 WAD DIBENZO(A.H)ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846A270C 11910323:14 WAD DIBENZOFURAN Nottleteded ugkg 450 SW846-8270C 119/0323:14 WAD DIN-BUTYLPHTHAL4TE Not detected ugAg 450 SW846-8270C 1910323:14 WAD NC Confession No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbro0k Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM _ L/.eOflleOltlEe.pG Fitl Smite NWyYul6 Emlron„wlelSdWdn 1/16/03 Page 11 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @ 10 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68590 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lapin Group: 5149K7 . Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/2/03 11:15 . Lab Submittal DateRme: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE?IME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ugAg 450 SW016-8270C 1M0323:14 WAD 1,3-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SWS468270C 1910323:14 WAD, 1,4DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected UgAg 450 SWW4270C 11910323:14 WAD E,4-DICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 450 SWBW3270C IM0323:14 WAD DIETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ugAg 450 SW8458270C 1&0323:14 WAD 2,4-DIMETHYLPHENOL Net detected ug/kg 450 SWM4270C IM0323:14 WAD DIMETHYLPHTHAIATE Not detected UgAg 450 SWW4210C 119/0323:14 WAD 2,4-DINITROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 2250 SW846-8270C 119/0323:14 WAD 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW0a68270C 1910323:14 WAD 2,&DINITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 460 SW8468270C 1199323:14 WAD, OIN-0CTYLPHTHALATE Nottletected UgAg 450 SW8464270C 119/0323:14 WAD FLUORANTHENE Notdeteded UgAg 450 SWM4270C 1910323:14 WAD FLUORENE 12W ug/kg 450 SW846-6270C 1910323:14 WAD HEXACHLOROBENZENE Noldelected ug/kg 450 SW8463270C 19/0323:14 WAD HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Notdolected ugAg 450 SW6468270C 1I9/0323:14 WAD HEXACHLOROCYCLOPENTADIENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW8463270C 1/910323:14 WAD HEXACHLOROETHANE Nottletected ug/kg 450 SW846.8270C 1MI0323:14 WAD INDENO(1,2,3CD)PYRENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW8468270C 1IW0323:14 WAD ISOPHORONE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846-8270C 11W0323:14 WAD 2-METHYLAB-DINITROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 2250 SW8468270C 1/910323:14 WAD 2-METHYL NAPHTHALENE 170p0 ugAg 450 SW(46.8270C 19I0323:14 WAD 2-METHYL-PHENOL Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846-8270C IM10323:14 WAD 4-ME7HYL-PHENOL Not detected ug/kg 4$0 SW84682700 1910323:14 WAD NAPHTHALENE 3500 ugAg 450 SW84&82700 1910323:14 WAD NITROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846-82700 1199323:14 WAD 2-NITROPHENOL Not detected UgAg 450 SW846-8270C 1910323:14 WAD 4-NITROPHENOL Not detected Ug)kg 2250 SW846-8270C 19I0323:14 WAD N-NITROSODIPHENYLAMINE Not detected ugAg 450 SW84&0270C ISM 23:14 WAD N-NITROSODIN-PROPYLAMINE Not detected ugAg 40) SW84&0270C 1191032314 WAD PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detected ugAg 2250 SW546-0270C 1910323:14 WAD PHENANTHRENE 4000, ugAg 450 SWW-6270C 11910323:14 WAD NC Cedfication No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbro0k Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number. 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Pax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM sur smte rm.pvw a anwmrvnemel sdeuxta 1/16103 Page 12 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 ®10 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68590 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection DateFrime: 112103 11:15 Lab Submittal Daterrme: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEmME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST PHENOL Not detected uglkg 450 SWUO-8270C 1/910323:14 WAD PYRENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW84648270C 119M 23:14 WAD 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE NO detected uglkg 450 SW846-8270C 11910321:14 WAD 2A,STRICHLOROPHENOL NO detected ug/kg 450 SW848A270C 1I910323:14 WAD 2A,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846A270C IM10323:14 WAD Sample Comments: Analysis note for EPH:' - The surrogate recovery was outside the control limit due to matrix interference. Analysis note for 8260; - - The surrogate recoveries were above the control limits. The analysis was repeated at a 1:500 dilution, but the surrogates were diluted out. Matrix interference is suspected. Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certificston No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Ced. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springlarook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 5296364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ F. 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report ueoa4mmas, ixc. �\ PRISM LWI $qwy r.reMlmi 6 Emilcnme„pl etlWons 1116/03 Page 13 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tanavechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @ 15 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68591 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lopin Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Dale/Time: 1/2/03 11:30 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEITIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST TICS BY SEMIVOIATILE GCIMS - 625M270 111=317:47. WAD 625/8270 Tentatively Identified Compounds (10-largest TICS): <Identification Class, <Closeet Spectral Fib 'Est. COnc— .«e--e-.-'---------------------- Unknown aliphatic <-............... hydrocarbon (Nonans) ----- _.--------__ 2000 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Unknown) 4400 ug/kg Umknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Unknown) 2100 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Decane, 2-methyl) 2100 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon Moderate) 2000 ug/kg UNcnown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Heptadecane) 5000 u9/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Nonadecane) 1900 ug/kg - UNcnown ATOMILiC hydrocarbon (unknown) 38DO ug/kg Unknown (Unknown) 1800 u9/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Decane) 48DO ug/kg BENZENE Nctdetechd ug/kg 160 826OB15035 118A0303:14 KC BROMOBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260BI5035 100303:14 KC BROMOCHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260BI5035 VW0303:14 KC BROMODICHLOROMETHANE Not coated ug/kg 160 826OWW35 118/0303:14 KC BROMOFORM Not detected ugBg -160 826OW5035 100303:14 KC BROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260WS035 100303:14 KC N-BMWENZENE 1100 ug/kg 160 8260515035 100303:14 KC SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 710 ug/kg 160 8260W5035 1/610303:14 KC TERT-BUTYLBENZENE Not detected Vg/kg 160 826OW5035 1I8I0303:14 KC CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Not detected ugBg 160 826ON5035 1181030314 KC CHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg - 160 _ 825OB15035 1181030314 KC CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE NOdetected ugAg 160 8260815035 11810303.14 KC CHLOROETHANE Nadeteded uglkg 320 826OB/5035 11&0303:14 KC CHLOROFORM Not detected uglkg 160 0260B/5035 11&0303:14 KC CHLOROMETHANE Not detected ugBg 320 82608/5035 1l&0303:14 KC 2LCHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 160 826OB15035 1IBUG 03:14 KC 4CHLOROTOLUENE Notdeteded ug/kg 160 8250BIN35 100303:14l KC 1,2-0IBROMO-3-0HLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 320 826OB15035 1/&0303:14 KC 1R-0IBROMOETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 82601y5035 11910303A4 KC' DIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ugBg 160 826OB15035 1l&0303:14 KC 1,2-OICHLOROBENZENE Nadetected ugBg 160 8260815035 VadG 03:14 KC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Cerlifcabon No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cad. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ueo6Aroelra, Ixa AA 1. e.. Malylktl d Emim. StlWmf 1116/03 Page 14 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tanavechie Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @ 15 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste, 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68591 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lopin Group: 51491<7 Sample Collection DateTme: 1/2/03 11:30 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 116/03 0800 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE OATEMME STARTED ANALYST 1.bDICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 82608I5035 IWO W:14 KC 1,4-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 82WWW35 100303:14 KC DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260B15035 vsrotl0a14 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected uglkg 160 6260W505 1I810303:14 KC 1,2-0ICHLOROE7HANE Not detected uglkg 160 8260W5035 1181030314 KC 1,1-0ICHLOROETHENE Not detected uglkg 160 82WBI5035 1I910303:14 KC CISS12-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg ISO 626081503E 11810303:14 KC TRANS4,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 160 B260WSOM 11810303:14 KC 1,243ICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 160 5260WS035 1I11I0303:14 KC 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected Upg 160 8260815035 1I810303:14 KC 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ughy 160 8260B/5035 1181030314 KC t,1-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg ISO 62601515035 1/810303:14 KC ETHYLBENZENE 490 ug/kg 160 82BOB15035 1/810303:14 KC HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260W5035 V810303:14 KC ISOPROPYWENZENE 300 UgAg 160 8260W5035 1181030314 NO P-tSOPROPYLTOLUENE 640 Ug/kg 160 8260B15035 1181030314 KC METHYLENE CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 32M 8260B/5035 1/80303:14 KC NAPHTHALENE 6"' ug/kg 160 8260B15035 11810303:14 KC N-PROPYLBENZENE 790 - ugAg 160 8260W5035 1I8I0303:14 KC STYRENE Not detected Ug/kg 160 82608/5035 1/80303:14 KC 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected LOAD 160 8260B/5035 V8/0303:14 KC 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 82601V5035 1/8/0303:14 KC TETRACHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260BSO35 11=303:14 KC TOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260915035 1181030314 KC 1,2.lTRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected LOAD 160 826031503E 1181030314 KC 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260B15035 1181030114 KC 1,1,1-TRICHLOROE1HANE Not detected ug/kg 160 82609/5035 11810303:14 KC 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 02608/5035 118/0303:14 KC TRICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260W5035 11810303:14 KC TRICHUCROFWOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 8280W5035 1181030314 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE Not detected oglkg 160 8260B15035 11810303:14 KC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Spdngbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report uaavAroelas,ma =\PRISM Re Service "'woxe d emhorrtantal SMNtp 1/16/03 Page 15 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @ 15 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68591 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Dateriime: 1/2/03 11:30 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 08:00 The fallowing analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD OATEITIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 12W ug/kg 160 8260815035 1/810303:14 KC 1,3.5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 720 ug/kg 160 8260815035 118O3 D3:14 KC VINYL CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 320 82WB15035 1/8I0303.14 KC TOTALXYLENES 5" uglkg 160 8260B15035 1/810303;14 KC 2-BUTANONE(MEN) Not detected Uglkg 1600 8260B15035 1/810303:14 KC 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER Not detected Ug/kg 320 8280B15035 1IN0303:14 KC 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE(MIBK) Not deeded! Uglkg 1600 82605/5035 IIN0303:14 KC ACETONE Not deteclei uglkg 3200 0260W5035 100303:14 KC CARBON DISULFIDE Not detected ug/kg 3200 826OW5035 1I8/0303:14 KC VINYL ACETATE Not detected ug/kg 1600 8260815035 11=303:14 KC CIS-1.1DICHLOROPROPENE Net deeded uglkg 160 8260815035 1/8/0303:14 KC TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 160 82608/5035 11810303:14 KC 2-HEXANONE Not detected uglkg 1600 8260B15035 IIN0303:14 KC IPE Not deleded uglkg 160 826013I5035 11W030:14 KC MTBE NedeteRed uglkg 160 8260W5035 180303:14 KC SURROIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE 159' % 72-137 8260B15035 1I610303:14 KC SURR:TOLUENE.D8 160- % 73-128 8260W5035 11&0303:14 KC SURR:BROMOFLUOROBENZENE 183- % 6P131 8260915035 11810303:14 KC CS Mtphados Not detected mglkg 35 MADEPVPH 1111103 De02 JMV C9 12MIdatioe Not detected mg/kg 30 MADEPVPH 111110 ":02 JMV C9C10Amma6ce 39 mg/kg 10 MADEPVPH 1I11I0304:02 JMV Sumgale% Recovery-PID DO % (70-130) MADEPVPH V11/0304:02 JMV Surrogate%Recovery-PD DO % (70-130) MADEPVPH 1111/0304:02 JMV Dilution Fedor 5 ngft MADEPVPH 111110304:02 JMV Dry Welpht Reoelved 14.71g mglkg MADEPVPH 1/1110304:02 JMV EXTRACTION FOR EPH Completed MADEP-EPH 1I61031600 JMK C9 18 ALIPHATICS 420 mg/kg 40 MADEP-EPH 1M0322:18 GRR C19-C36 ALIPHATIOS 83 mglkg 20 MADEP-EPH IU10322:18 GRR C11-C22AROMATICS 64 mg/kg 20 MADEP-EPH 1rrIW22:18 GRR NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No, 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box U0543 A Charlotte, NC 28226-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number. 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PR ,,ISM LABORATORICS, INC RN a4nke NaMbl a EnN,m.I tke.x 1/16103 Page 16 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW4 @ 15 7300 Cannel Exec, Park Ste, 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68591 Charlotte, INC 28226 Lopin Group: 51491<7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/2/03 11:30 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE71ME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST SURROGATE RECOVERY - ALIPHATIC 'MI % 140-140) MADEP-EPH IR10322:18 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - AROMATIC 'MI % (40.140) MADEP-EPH IRRIG22:18 GRR SURR2-FLUOROBIPHENYL 64 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 1910322AU GRR SURR:2-BROMONAPHTHALENE 51 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 1RI0322:18 GRR DILUTION FACTOR 1 mgfkg MADEP-EPH 1910322:18 GRR DRY WEIGHT 7.8g mg/kg MADEP-EPH IMIN MAN GRR CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 78 %DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540G 1/9/0310:20 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SWM-35508 1910308:00 JDP ACENAPHTHENE Not detected ug/kg 430 SW84B-8270C 1110103 WAD ACENAPHTHYLENE Not detected ug/kg 430 SWS46A270C 1110/03 WAD ANTHRACENE Not detected uglkg 430 SW046.8270C 1110103 WAD BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE Not detedetl ugBg 430 SW846A270C 1I1=3 WAD BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Not detected! ug/kg 430 SW8464t270C 111WO WAD BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ugBg 430 SW846A270C 1110103 WAD BENZO(A)PYRENE Not detected uglkg 430 SW845d270C 1IIW03 WAD BENZO(GHI)PERYLENE Notdetected ug/kg 430 SW846-8270C 1110103 WAD SIS(Z-CHLOROETHOXY)METHANE Not detected ugBg 430 SWE4 8270C 1I10I03 WAD 13IS(2-0HLOROETHYL)ETHER Not detected ugBg 430 SWW-8270C 1110103 WAD BISI2-0HLOROISOPROPYOETHER Not detected ug/kg 430 SWM-8270C 1110'03 WAD 3ISI2-5THYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg d30 SW8464270C 1/10103 WAD bBROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detedetl ug/kg 430 SW846.8270C 111=3 WAD BUTYL BENZYL PHTHAIATE Not detected uglkg 430 SW846-8270C 1I1M WAD 4 HLORO-o-METHYLPHENOL Not detedetl ugBg 430 SWIPI A270C 1/10813 WAD 2-0HLORONAPHTHALENE Not detected uglkg 430 SW848-8270C 1I1Nm WAD 2-0HLOROPHENOL Notdetected ug/kg 430 SWM"270C 111010 WAD 4CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected ug/kg 430 SWUM270C 1110103 WAD CHRYSENE Not detected ugBg 430 SWMM270C 1I1w03 WAD DISENZO(AH)ANTHRACENE Not detected ugBg 430 SW846A270C 111WO WAD DISENZOFURAN Not detedetl uglkg 430 SW846-8270C 111WM WAD DI-N-BUTYLPHTHALATE Nat detected uglkg 430 SW845A270C 1110103 WAD NO Certification No. 402 - SC Cedifoa6on No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Can. No. 37735 - FL Certification No, E87519 449 Springbrcok Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 29224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report `\ PRISM ueoRMRIr5,INc. Fud Se EnNranirenW eoM1nbne 1/16/03 Page 17 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @ 15 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68591 Charlotte, NC 26226 Low Group: 51491<7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/2/03 11:30 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 116/03 0800 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEITIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,2-DICHLOROSENZENE Not detected ug/kg 430 SW846-9270C 1/10/03 WAD 1$DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 430 SW846A2700 1110/03 WAD 1.4DICHLOROBENZENE Not detedetl ugBg 430 SWS46-8270C 1110103 WAD 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ugBg 430 SW846-82700 1110103 WAD DIETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ugBg 430 SWS45-8270C 1I10/03 WAD A4AIMETHYLPHENOL Notdetected uglkg 430 SW84641270C 1/10103 WAD DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Not detedetl ug/kg 430 SWed6-8270C 1110103 WAD 2,4DINITROPHENOL Not detected uglkg 2150 SWe96-8270C 1/101W WAD 2.4DINITROTOLUENE Not detected uglkg 430 SW846-8270C 1/10/03 WAD 2,6-0INITROTOLUENE Not detected ugBg 430 SW8464270C 111W03 WAD DI-N-0CTYLPHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg 430 SW846-8370C 1110103 WAD FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/kg 430 SW846-8270C 1110/03 WAD FLUORENE low ugBg 430 SW846-8270C 1110103 WAD HEXACHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 430 SWS48b270C 1/10A03 WAD HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not tletected ugBg 430 SWa48-6270C 1110103 WAD HEXACHLOROCYCLOPENTADIENE Not tletecetl ugBg 4 O SW645-E270C 11101M WAD HEXACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 430 SW8 270C 1/10103 WAD INDENO(1,2,3-00)PYRENE Not detected ugBg 430 SW846-9270C 1110A3 WAD ISOPHORONE Not detected ug/kg 430 SW846-8270C 111NO3 WAD 2-METHYL4,6-DINITR0PHENOL Not detedetl ugBg 2150 SW646-8270C 1110103 WAD 2-METHYL NAPHTHALENE 12000 ugBg 430 SW646A270C 1110103 WAD 2-METHYL-PHENOL Not detected ug/kg 430 SW846.8270C 1I10103 WAD 4-METHYL-PHENOL Not detected ugBg 430 SW846-8270C 1110/03 WAD NAPHTHALENE 38W ugBg 430 SW048-5270C 1110103 WAD NITROBENZENE Not detected ugBg 430 SWW-8270C 1110I03 WAD 2-NITROPHENOL Not tletected ugBg 430 SW84fi-8270C 111W03 WAD d-NITROPHENOL Not detected uglkg 2150 SW846-8270C 1H0103 WAD N-NITROSODIPHENYLAMINE Not detected uglkg 430 SW846-8270C 1110103 WAD N-NITROSODI-N-PROPYIAMINE Not detected ug/kg 430 SWMB-8270C 1/10/03 WAD PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 2150 SW646-8270C 1/10103 WAD PHENANTHRENE 24M ugft 430 SW846-8270C 1110103 WAD NO Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 282240543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-900 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 1/16/03 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, INC 28226 \PRISM FNI Sewn MuMkeld 5-a—ett edu4am Page 18 of 42 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: MINA ®15 Prism Sample ID: AC68591 Lopin Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date[Time: V2/03 11:30 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6103 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DAMITIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST PHENOL Not detected uglkg 430 SW846-020C 11IO/W WAD PYRENE Not detected ug/kg 430 SW046.82700 111W03 WAD 1,2+TRICHLOROSENZENE Not deteced uP%g 430 SW846-82702 1I10103 WAD 2,4.STRICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 430 SWUS-S270C 1110103 WAD 2.4,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 430 SWS4M270C 1I10103 WAD Sample Comments: Analysis note for EPH: `- Surrogate recovery was outside the control limits due to matrix interference. Analysis note for 8260: - The surrogate recoveries Were above the control limits. The analysis was repeated at a 1:500 dilution, but the surrogates were diluted out. Matrix Interference is suspected. Analysis note for VPH: `- Surrogates were diluted out. Angela D. Overman, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certificabon No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Can. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-900 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report\ PRISM uao6ATaeas. uw. FW SeM[e.4ary4-al a Emhwmentll $dNlm¢ 1/16103 Page 19 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tanavechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @ 20 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68592 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection DateTme: 1/2/03 11.45 Lab Submittal Date[Time: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEMME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST TICa BY SEMIVOtATILE GUMS 62518270 119/031618 WAD 625/8270 Tentatively Identified Compounds (10-largest TICs): <Identification Classy <Closest Spectral Fib 'Set. Cone— -----------------••---- ---------------------- ------------ Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Undecane) 2700 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Tetradecane) 5900 ug/kq Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Pentadecane) 5300 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (aeptadecane) 6300 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Pentadecane, tat ethyl) 4600 ug/kg Urtk:mrn aliphatic hydrocarbon (Nonadecane) 3200 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Bicoeane) 2300 ug/kg Unknown aromatic hydrocarbon (Naphthalene, dimethyl) 3200 ug/kg Unknown aromatic hydrocarbon (Naphthalene, trimethyl) 2800 ug/kg Uh]kaotn aromatic hydrocarbon (Naphthalene, trimethyl) 2400 ug/kq BENZENE Not detected uglkg 160 8260B15W5 111010312:03 INC BROMOSENZENE Not detected uglkg 160 02608/5035 fIVO 12:0S KC BROMOCHLOROMETHANE Not detected uglkg 160 8260B15035 111010312:03 KC BROMOOICHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 82600N35 1HW031203 KC BROMOFORM Not detected uglkg 160 8260B15035 111W0312S3 KC SROMOMETHANE Not detested uglkg 320 82608/5035 1I1010312:03 KC N-BUTYMENZENE 880 uglkg 160 82608/5035 1110/0312:03 KC SEC-BUTYLBENZENE -500 ug/kg 160 8260W5035 111010312:03 KC TERT-BUTYLBENZENE Not detected uglkg 160 8260W5035 111W0312:03 KC CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Not detected uglkg 1B0 0260W5035 111W0312:03 KC CHLOROBENZENE NO deteced uglkg 150 8260W5035 111010312:03 KC CHLOROOSROMOMETHANE Not detained uglkg 160 0260SIS035 V1W0312.03 KC CHLOROETHANE Not deeced uglkg 320 526OW5035 111W0312S3 KC CHLOROFORM Not detected uglkg 160 0260B15035 111010312:03 KC CHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 0260B15035 1110I0312o03 KC 2-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected uglkg 100 8260a15035 1I1W0312:03 INC 4-CHLOROTOLUENE NO deeded ug/kg 160 0260B15035 1I101031203 KC 1,2-0IBROMO.3-CHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B15035 1/1010312:03 KC 1.2-0IBROMOETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 82BOWS035 IIIW0312:03 KC DIBROMOMETHANE Not detected Uglkg 160 02e01315035 MW0312:03 KC 1,2.DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ugBg 160 8260B15035 1I1W0312:03 KC NC CerMca50n No. 402 - SC Certglcabon No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Can, No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll I. Number 1400 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report }� \ PRISM _..-,ueoBeroBl6s, Ixc. Full3erv'm M¢x0¢tl 8 EmlrtnmenYl StluConS 1/16/03 Page 20 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tanavechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1@20 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68592 Charlotte, NC 28226 Low Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/2/03 11:45 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATErIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,8-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected Ug/kg 160 826OB150M 1110103 12:03 KC 1,4AIOHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 826OW5035 1I1N0312:03 KC DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE Not detected Ug/kg 16U 82KW5035 1I1010312:03 KC 1.1-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug*g 180 826OB15035 1/101M 12:03 KC 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE Notdeteded ug/kg 180 8260515035 111010312:03 KC L1-DICHLOROETHENE Notdetected ug/kg 160 8260815035 1110/0312:03 KC CIS-1.2-DiCHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260BIW35 111010312:03 KC TRANS-I,2-0ICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260615035 IM0103 12:03 KC 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260BIWW Motto 12:03 KC 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 160 826OW5035 111010312:03 KC 2,2-0ICHLOROPROPANE NO detected ug4cg 160 8260W5035 1I1010312d3 KC 1,1-0ICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 160 82608/5035 1I101W 12:03 KC ETHYLBENZENE 2Z0 ug/kg 160 826OWS035 111010312:03 KC HERACHLOROBUTAOIENE Notdeteded ug/kg 150 8260B5035 11101W 12:03 KC ISOPROPYLBENZENE 230 ug/kg 160 826OW5035 111010312:03 KC P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 450 ug/kg 160 8260WW35 1110/0312:03 KC METHYLENE CHLORIDE NO detected ug/kg 3200 8260BM35 V1010312:03 KC NAPHTHALENE 3100 ug/kg 160 8260B/5035 1I1010312:03 KC NPROPYLBENZENE 460 ugft 160 8260B15035 111W031203 KC STYRENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260W5035 1I10I031203 KC 1,1,1.2-TETRACHLOROETHANE NO detected Og)kg 160 8260W5035 1/1010312'.03 KC 1, 1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Notdetected ug/kg 160 8260SIM35 111010312:03 KC TETRACHLOROETHENE Nat detected ug/kg 160 OMOBI5035 111010312:03 KC TOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260815035 1I10I0312:03 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260815035 111010312:03 KC 1.2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 826OB15035 1110I0312:03 KC Ltd-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected Uglkg 160 8260SM35 MODS 12:03 KC 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected Uglkg 160 8260815035 111010312:03 KC TRICHLOROETHENE Not deteced ugAg 160 8260615035 111010312:03 KC TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 160 6260615035 1/1010312:03 KC 1,2.YTRIOHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 1B0 8260815035 Malta 12:03 KO NC CergfceJon No. 402 - SC Cengicaeod No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Con, No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 282240543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report �\ PRISM wuroslss, lxc FUII aeMrolreMiuld 6,rbdvnenlel$o'iin¢ 1116103 Page 21 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-1 @ 20 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68592 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lopin Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Daterrime: 112/03 11:45 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 116/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory. TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE/TIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1.2.4TRIMETHYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260SIM35 1/1010312:03 KC 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 160 8260W5035 1/10/0312:03 KC VINYL CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260WS035 111=312:03 KC TOTAL%YLENES Not detected ug/kg 160 8260W5035 Made 12:03 KC 2-BUTANONE(MEK) NO detected Ug/kg law 8260815035 1110M 12:03 KC 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER Not detected UgAg - 320 8MB15035 1/10I0312:03 KC FMETHYL-2PENTANONE(MIBK) Not detected ug/kg 16W 8263815035 11100312:03 KC ACETONE Notdetected ug/kg 3200 826OB15035 111010312:03 KC CARBON DISULFIDE Not detttled ug/kg 3200 8260B15035 111010312:03 KO VINYLACETATE Notcutected ug/kg 1500 8260BI5036 111010312:03 KO CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 160 6260015035 111010312:03 KC TRANS-I,3-0ICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ugBg 160 8260815035 III W0312,03 KC 2-HE%ANONE Not detected ug/kg 1600 8260B15035 Ill ON31203 KC IPE Not detected uglk9 160 8260B15035 1I10/0312:03 KC MITRE Not detected! ug/kg 160 826OB15035 111W0312:03 KC SURROIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE 14P % 72-137 8260815035 111W0312:03 KC SURR:TOLUENE-D8 13r % 73-128 8260815035 1110/0312:03 KC SURR:BROMOFLUOROBENZENE 133- % 69-031 82606/5035 111010 12:03 KC CS-C8 Aliphatice Not detected mglkg 14 MADEP VPH Ill1IN 04:54 JMV C9-C12 AIlph.t. 17 mg/kg 12 MADEP VPH 1/111030454 JMV C9-Cl0 Ammadm 41 mg/kg 4 MADEP VPH 111110304:54 JMV Smmgate%Recovery-PID 86 % (70.130) MADEP VPH 1/1110304:54 JMV Surmgete% Recovery - FIG 08 % (70.130) MADEP VPH 1111103 o4:54 JMV DilutJon Factor 2 mg/kg MADEP VPH 111110304:56 JMV Cry Weight Received 12,60a mglkg MADEP VPH 1/1110304:54 JMV EXTRACTION FOR EPH Completed MADEP-EPH 1/610316:00 JMK C9 18ALIPHATICS - 330 mpg 40 MADEP-EPH 118103 GRR C19-035 ALIPHATICS 60 mgAg 20 MADEP£PH 118103 GRR C11C22 AROMATICS 150 mg/kg 20 MADEP-EPH 118103 GRR NC Certification No. 402 - SC CeNficaBon No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-63M ♦ Tall Free Number 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM p\ Fu18eMv PneN4al4 ErtArtnmmbl9dNwu 1116/03 Page 22 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: II @ 20 7300 Camlel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68592 Charlotte, NC 28226 Loon Group: 5149K7 _ Sample Collection Date[Time: 1/2/03 1145 Lab Submittal Date/rime: 1/6103 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory. TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE/TIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST SURROGATE RECOVERY -ALIPHATIC 'MI % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 1003 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - AROMATIC 'MI % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 118N3 GRR SURR:2-FLUOROBIPHENYL 125 % - (40.140) MADEP-EPH 118103 GRR SURR:2-BROMONAPHTHAIENE 107 % (40.140) MADEP-EPH V8103 GRR DILUTION FACTOR 1 mpg MADEP-EPH 1/8103 GRR ORYWEIGHT 7.6It mglkg MADEP-EPH 11BN3 GRR CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT, 76 %DRY WT. 0.01 SM210G 11810310:20 CWC PREP, METHOD 3550 Comeleted SW846-35508 1910308:00 JDP ACENAPHTHENE Not detected ug/kg N0 SW846-827W 1910318:18 WAD ACENAPHTHYLENE Not tletedetl ug/kg 440 SW846-8270C 119/0318:18 WAD ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846-8270C 11910318:18 WAD BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE Net detected ug/kg 440 SWU642700 IM10318:10 WAD BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/kg "o SW846-8270C 1NW3 IS 18 WAD BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846d270G V91031818 WAD SENZO(AIPYRENE Not detected ug/kg 4W SWM"270C 11W03 Isla WAD BENZO(GHI)PERYLENE Not detected Ug/kg 440 SWS4 8270C 11910318:18 WAD BIS(2-CHLOROETHOXY)METHANE Not detected ug/kg 44o SW84G82703 11W031818 WAD BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL)ETHER Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846-8270C 11910318:18 WAD BIS(2-CHLOR0ISOPROPYL)ETHER Not detected Uglkg 440 SWW4270C 1MI0318:18 WAD BIS(2-ETHYL1EXYL)PHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846.8270C 119/031818 WAD 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Notddected ug/kg MO SW846-8270C 1MI0318:18 WAD BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg Mc SW848-8270C 11910318:18 WAD 4-CHLOR08METHYLPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846-82700 119I0318:10 WAD 2LHLORONAPHTHALENE Not detected Uglkg "0 SW846-8270C 11910318:18 WAD 2-CHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846A270C 1NN318:18 WAD 4CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not tletedetl ug/kg 440 SW846-B270C 119103 IS 10 WAD CHRYSENE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846-8270C 1Nr0318:18 WAD DIBENZO(A,H)ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/kg "It SW840A270C IM10310:18 WAD DIBENZOFURAN Not detected ug&g MO SW846-8270C 119103 late WAD DIN-BUTYLPHTHALATE Not detected Ug)kg "o SW846A270C 1)9)0316:18 WAD NO Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL CertRicetion No. E87519 449 Spdngbmok Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlene, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM uaoBATewlS.lxc. FWI aertY Melyllml6 Emiro-m�melSduene 1/16/03 Page 23 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MWIA@20 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste, 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68592 Charlotte, NC 28226 Looin Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 112/03 11:45 Lab Submittal Date[Time: 116/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEMME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1.2-DICHLOROSENZENE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846-8270C 1/9/0318:10 WAD 1,3-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846A2700 '119)0318:18 WAD 1,4DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg "0 SW846-8270C 1I8/0318:18 WAD 2,4.DICHLOROPHENOL NotdoWded ug/kg 440 SW84"270C 1191031818 WAD DIETHYL PHTHALATE Notdeleded ug/kg "It SWMM270C 1/91031818 WAD 2.0.DIMETHYLPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 440 SW046-0270C 1I9103 IS 18 WAD DIMETHYLPHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW046-8270C 119/0310:10 WAD 2,0.DINITROPHENOL Not detected upit 2200 SW0M270C AMOS late WAD 2A-DINITROTOLUENE Notdeteded ug/kg 440 SW846-0270C 119/0318:10 WAD 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW845-8270C 1/91031818 WAD OIN-0CTYLPHT 1ALATE Not detected ug/kg 4W SWB4 8270C 1/910318:18 WAD FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/kg "It SW846-8270C M0318:18 WAD FLUORENE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846-8270C 119/0318:18 WAD HEXACHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/k9 "0 SW646.8270C 1NN318:18 WAD HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected upg 440 SW846-8270C IM/0318:16 WAD HEXACHLOROCYCLOPENTADIENE Notdeteded upg "0 SW846A270C 119N318:18 WAD HEXACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 6W SW846-8270C 1191031818 WAD INDENO(1,2,3-0D)PYRENE Not tletedetl ugBg 440 SW846.8270C 1/9103 IS18 WAD ISOPHORONE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846-8270C 11910310:18 WAD 2METHYL4,6-0INITR0PHENOL Not detected uipg 2200 SW846-0270C VW0318:18 WAD 2-METHYLNAPHTHAI_ENE 27N upg 440 SW04041270C 1191031818 WAD 2-METHYL-PHENOL Not detected ug/kg 44o SW04641270C 11910318:10 WAD 0.METHYL-PHENOL Not detected upg bdo SW848-0270C 11910310:18 WAD NAPHTHALENE 1000 ug/kg "It SWS4 8270C 11WO318:13 WAD NITROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846-82700 1*10318:10 WAD 2NITROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 44o SW84041210C 119I03 is 18 WAD 4NITROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 2200 SWWA270C IM10310:10 WAD N-NITROSODIPHENYIAMINE Not detected Ug/kg 440 SWW4270C IM10310:10 WAD NNITROSODI-N-PROPYLAMINE Not detected Ug/kg 440 SWW4270C 11910310:10 WAD PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detected ugAg 2200 SWSWA270C 1/910310:18 WAD PHENANTHRENE 710 ugfcg 440 SW846-8270C 1NI0310:18 WAD NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certifcahon No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbmok Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Fro , Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fact 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 1116103 ERM Southeast, Inc. Alm: Mr. Rick Tamevechta 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste, 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM s, ueoanroelrs,lxc FWI ServWV McMkelnEmi,wrtanalsduCons Page 24 of 42 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: MWA@20 Prism Sample ID: AC68592 Looin Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time; 1/2103 11:45 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEhTIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST PHENOL Not detected ug/kg "a SW846-8270C 11910318:18 WAD PYRENE Not detected ug/kg 440 SW84641270C 119103 ISIS WAD 1,2,4-TRIOHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 4W SW8468270C bs/0310:18 WAD 2A.5-TRICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 440 SW84E827DC 119103 18 18 WAD 2,46-TRICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 440 SW846d270C 1191031818 WAD Sample Comments: Analysis note for SICK Surrogate recovery was outside the Control limits due to matrix interference. Analysis note for 8260:- The surrogate recovery was outside of the control limits. The analysis was repeated at a 1:500 dilution, but the surrogates were diluted out. Matrix interference is suspected. Angela D. Overeash, V.P. Laboratory Services INC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Can. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Spongbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report ' j��;L uaoaeromEs,wo. FWI eeMce/.reMl®In EnNrtnmeMal SOMcns 1116103 Page 25 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2@5 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68593 Charlotte, NC 28226 Looin Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/3/03 12:15 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEIrIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST TIC. BY SEMNOIATILE GC/MS 62UK70 1113r0317:00 WAD 625/6270 Tentatively Identified Compounds (10-largest TIC6): ,Identification Class, Cloeeet Spectral Fib cEat. Cann — Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Pentadecane) 61000 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Hexadecane) 54000 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Heptadecane) 62000 ug/kq unionown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Pentadecane,tetramethyl) 33000 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Nonadecane) 46000 ug/kg Unknown aliphatic hydrocarbon (Eic.... a) 32000 ug/kg ouldnown aromatic hydrocarbon (Naphthalene, dimethyl) 60000 ug/kg Unknown a ma[ic hydrocarbon (Unknown) 33000 ug/kg Unknown accost hydrocarbon (Naphthalene, trimethyl) 30000 ug/kg Unknown aromatic hydrocarbon (Naphthalene, trimethyl) 28000 ug/kg BENZENE - Not detected ug/kg 1500 8260W5035 Vales 03:52 KC BROMOSENZENE Not detected ug/kg 1500 8260W5035 115I0303:52 KC BROMOCHLOROMETHANE NMdetected ugdcg 1500 8260W5035 11810303:52 KC BROMODICHLOROMETHANE Notdetected ugAg 1500 8260815035 11810303B2 KC BROMOFORM Not detected ug/kg Iwo 8260W5035 118/0303:52 KC BROMOMETHANE Not retested ug/kg 30M 8260B/5035 1I8I0303:52 KC N-BUTYLBENZENE 54W ug/kg 1500 8260B15035 11810303:52 KC SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 4000 ug/kg 1500 8260W5035 bales 03:52 KC TERT-BUTYLBENZENE Nottletected ug/kg 1500 82609/5035 1/810303S2 KC CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg less 82600S035 1/8M303:52 KC CHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 1500 8260W5035 11810303S2 KC CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE Not detested ug/kg 1600 8260815035 Idly, 03:52 KC CHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 3" 82509/5035 11810303:52 KC CHLOROFORM Not detectetl ug/kg 1500 8260915035 1I8I0303:52 KC CHLOROMETHANE Notdetected ug/kg 3000 8260815035 1181030352 KC 2-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 1500 8260015035 1I810303:52 KC 4-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 1500 0260015035 1/810303:52 KC 1,2-DiBROMOaCHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 3000 8260815035 118/0303A2 KC 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE Notdetected ug/kg 1500 0260915035 1/81030352 NO DIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 1500 82603/5035 1I8/0303:52 KC 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected Ug1kg 1500 8260915035 1181030362 NO NC Cafficalmn No. 402 - SC Cedification No. 99D12 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Fee Number. 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report f�\ PRISM d� ueaaAroe¢s.wc. fW ServY.a.4uM4aa EnNmrvneMe.POxffiK 1/16/03 Page 26 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG . Attn: Mr. Rick Tamavechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2 rig 5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste, 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68593 Charlotte, INC 28226 Lopin Group: 51491<7 Sample Collection DateMme: 1/3/03 12:15 Lab Submittal Date/rime: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATETIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,3-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected Ug/kg 15M 026013I5035 11W0303:52 KC 1,4DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 1500 02608/5035 1I8I0303:52 KC DICHLOROOIFLUOROMETHANE Not detected UgAg 1500 8280B15035 11610303:52 KC 11-0ICHLOROETHANE Net detected Ug/kg ISoo U60WW35 1I8I030352 KC 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected Ug/kg 1500 026OWS035 1181030352 KC 1,1-DICHLOROE7HENE Not detected ug/kg 150D 02mB15035 1181030352 KC CIS-1,2-DICHLOROE7HENE Not detected ug/kg 1Sm 8260W5035 11810303:52 KC TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 15M 826OW5035 11810303:52 KC 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected Ug/kg 150) 8260B/5035 1/810303:52 KC 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg ISM 02608/5035 1161030352 KC 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg ism 8260WS035 118I0303:52 KC IJ-DICHLOROPROPENE Not dielectetl ug/kg 1500 8260W5035 11810303:52 KC ETHYLBENZENE 23M Ug/kg 1500 826OW5035 1/OI0303:52 KO HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected Ug/kg 15W 826081503E 1I810303:52 KC tSOPROPYLBENZENE 33M ug/kg 1500 826OWS035 11810303:52 KC PASOPROPYLTOLUENE 35W ug/kg 1500 826OW5035 VIV0303:52 KC METHYLENE CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 30000 e260B/5035 11810303:52 KC NAPHTHALENE 25000 ug/kg 1500 8260W5035 1/8/0303:52 KC N-PROPYLBENZENE 700D ug/kg Ism 82608I5035 400303:52 KC STYRENE Not detected ug/kg 1500 82609/5035 1I8/0303:52 KC 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected UgAg 1500 8260W5035 IISM303:52 KC IA2,2-TETRACHLOROE7HANE Not detected ug/kg 15M 826OW5035 11810303:52 KC TETRkCHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg ism 8260W5035 11810303:52 KC TOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 15M 826081503E 11810303:52 KC 1,2,1TRICHLOROBENZENE Net detected ug/kg 1500 8260W5035 11=303:62 KC 1,2,4TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected Ug/kg 1500 826OW5035 TWO 03:52 KC 1,1,1.TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 1500 825OW5035 11810303:52 KC IA2-TRICHLOROETHANE Net detected ug/kg 1500 02508/5035 1/010303:52 KC TRICHLOROETHENE Notdeleoted ug/kg 1500 8260W5035 11910303:62 KC TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE Net detected UgAg 1500 0260BIS035 1IM303:52 KC 1,23TRICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg ism 026OB15035 11W0303:52 NO NC Cediecation No. 402 - SC Codification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 A Charlene, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ TOB Free Number: 1-80D / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM _ ueoaAroxlFs,rac. FLII sour a seN,o�maow saMio,� 1/16/03 Page 27 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tanevechia Customer Sample ID: M1W4 5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68593 Chadotte, INC 28226 Lopin Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/3103 12:15 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted W this laboratory: TEST TEST - REPORTING METHOD DATEMME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,2.4TRIMETHYLBENZENE 20000 Wft 1500 8260BIW35 - 1/SI0303:52 KC 1,3,5-TRIME7HY1-BENZENE 11000 Ughog 1500 8260B15035 11=303:52 KC VINYL CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 3000 8260B15035 V810303:52 KC TOTALXYLENES- Soon ug/kg 15M 8260B15035 1810303:52 KC 2-8UTANONE(MEK) Not dialectic UgAg 15000 8260W5035 1I0/0303:52 KC 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER Not detected ug/kg 3000 8260B/5035 1I8m303:52 KC LMETHYL-2-PENTANONE(MIBK) Not detected ug/kg 15000 8260B15035 11=303:52 KC ACETONE Not detected UgAg 30000 8260B/5035 ISV030352 KC CARBON DISULFIDE Not detected ugiRg 30000 0260W5035 1I910303:52 KC VINYLACETATE Not detected ug/kg 15000 02BOW5035 IIN0303:52 KC CIS-1,3-DICKLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 1500 82603I5035 1I8I0303S2 KC TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Net detected ug/kg 1500 0250815035 11810303:52 NO 2496XANONE Not detected! ug/kg 15000 8260BI5035 1I810303:52 KC IPE Net detected ugft ISO B2601315035 11810303:52 KC WEE Not detected ug/kg 1500 82608I5035 1/BI0303:52 KC SURR:DIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE DO % 72-137 8NOW5035 118I0303ZI! KC SURR:TOLUENE-D8 DO % 73-128 8260BIW35 V8I0303:52 KC SURR:BROMOFLUOROSENZENE DO % 69-131 8260BM35 11WO303:52 KC C5-CS Nipmaos Net detected mgAg- 140 MADEPVPH 111410312:55 JMV C9-012 AllphaOes Net detected! mglkg 120 MADEPVPH 11141W 12:55 JMV C8-010 Aromatics 210 mpg 40 MADEPVPH 111410312:55 JMV SvHgate%Recovery-PID DO % (70-130) MADEPVPH 111410312:55 JMV Surrogate%Recovery -FID DO % (70-130) MADEPVPH 1114/0312:55 JMV Dilution Factor 20 mg/kg MADEPVPH 111410312:55 JMV Dry Weight Received IB.49B mglkg MADEPVPH 1114/0312ES JMV EXTRACTIONFOREPH Completed MADEP-EPH 1IN0316:00 JMK 09-018ALIPHATICS 22W mg/kg 40 MADEP-EPH 1IN0301:42 GRR 019-036ALIPHATICS 460 mglkg 20 MADEP-EPH 1I8I0301:42 GRR Ctt-C22AROMATICS 16M mg/kg 20 MADEP-EPH 11810301:42 GRR NO Certifcaton No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Tat Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report koftism FWI SeMce.Ye! lIEnnvvtpnW SdWme 1116/03 Page 28 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tam vechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2 @ 5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68593 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 113/03 12:15 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 116/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory'. TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATETIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST SURROGATE RECOVERY -ALIPHATIC -MI % (40-140) MADEP£PH 11810301:42 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - AROMATIC 'MI % (40.140) MADEP-EPH 11&0301:42 GRR SURR:2-FLUOROBIPHENYL -MI % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 118I030164 GRR SURR:2-BROMONAPHTHALENE -MI % - (40-140) MADEP-EPH 11&0301:42 GRR DILUTION FACTOR 1 mg/kg MADEP-EPH Vans 01:42 GRR DRY WEIGHT 8.59 mg/kg MADEP-EPH 1I60301:42 GRR CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 85 %DRY WT. 0.01 SM2UOG 1181031020 CWC PREP, METHOD 35W Completed SWa1635508 1R10308:00 JDP ACENAPHTHENE Not detected uglkg 3900 SW846 70C 111WWITA0 WAD ACENAPHTHYLENE Not detected uglkg 3900 SVAW6-8270C 11IY031700 WAD ANTHRACENE Not tleteded upiq 3900 SW846-8270C 1I13I0317:00 WAD BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE Notdetected UgBg 3900 SWM(E8270C 111310317g0 WAD BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Not detestd U9B9 3900 SW8463270C 1113I0317:00 WAD BENZOUQFLUORANTHENE Not detected uglkg 3900 SW846-8270C IIIW 317:00 WAD BENZO(A)"RENE Not detected ugBg 3900 SW846-8270C 1I1W0317:00 WAD BENZOtGHUPERYLENE Net tleteded ug/kg 3900 SWS488270C 1I1 W0317:00 WAD BIS(2-CHLOROETHOXY)METHANE Not detected uglkg 3900 SWW-8270C 1HW0317.00 WAD 8I8(2-CHLOROETHYL)ETHER Notdetected Uglkg 3900 SW846-8270C 111310317:00 WAD B15(2-CHLOROISOPROPYL)ETHER Not detected uglkg 390D SW846-8270C lh310317:W WAD BIS(2£THYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE Not tleteded ugAkg 3000 SW846-8270C 111W0317:00 WAD 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected! uglkg 39M SW8463270C 1NW0317gO WAD BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE Not tleteded ug/kg 3900 SW848-8270C 111310317:00 WAD 4-CHLORO-3-METHYLPHENOL Not tleteded UgBg 3900 SWM-8270C 111W0317:00 WAD 2-CHLORONAPHTHALENE Not tleteded VgAg 39N SW846d270C l/IW03 ITO WAD 2CHLOROPHENOL Not detected UgBg 3900 SW846-8270C VIM 17A0 WAD 4-CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detect" ug/kg 3900 SW6463270C Ill 10317:00 WAD CHRYSENE Not detected ug/kg 3900 SW846-8270C 1I13:N 17:00 WAD OIBENZO(A,HANTHRACENE Not tleteded .UgBg 3900 SWMZ-8270C 1I13I0317:00 WAD DIBENZOFURAN Not tleteded UgBg 39M SWa468270C VIWC317:00 WAD DI-N-BUTYLPHTHALATE Not detected UgNg 3900 SW846-8270C 111W0317:00 WAD NC Certification No. 402 - SC CeNfcaeon No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Can. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-900 / 529-6364 ♦ F. 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM �- ueoeAroelsgtxc Fov semreAreNnea n se.Im�meoW slow,.. 1A 6/03 Page 29 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Alm Mr. Rick Tanavechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2 @ 5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste, 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68593 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 51491<7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/3103 12:15 Lab Submittal Dale/Time: 1/6103 0800 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATETIME 'PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected uglkg 3900 SW048-8270C IIIW0317:00 WAD 1,3-DICHLOR09ENZENE Not detected UgBg 3900 SW8463270C 111&'0317:00 WAD 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected UgBg 3900 SWUM270C l/l W0317:00 WAD 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL Notcetected Ug/kg 3900 SW846-8270C 111W0317:00 WAD DIETHYL PHTHALATE Neltletected ugBg 3900 SW846-8270C 111W0317:00 WAD 2,4-DIMETHYLPHENOL Not detected UgBg 3900 SWU64270C 111W0317:00 WAD DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Noldeteded ug/kg 3900 SWUS4270C 111W0317:00 WAD 2,4-DINITROPHENOL Not detected uglkg 19500 SW846-6270C VISI0317:00 WAD 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected UgAg 3900 SW846-8270C 111W0317:00 WAD 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected Ug/kg 3900 SW846-8270C 111W031700 WAD DI-N-OCTYLPHTHAIATE Not tleteded uglkg 3900 SW846-8270C 1I1W0317:00 WAD FLUORANTHENE Not tleteded Uglkg 3900 SW846-8270C 1H&W 17:00 WAD FLUORENE Saw ug/kg ' 3900 SWB6-8270C 111&031700 WAD HEXACHLOROBENZENE Not tleteded UgBg 3900 SW846-6270C 111W031700 WAD HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Nottletected ugtkg 3900 SW8,t"270C 111WW 1700 WAD HEXACHLOROOYCLOPENTADIENE Not deleoted UgBg 3900 SWUS4270C 111W0317:00 WAD HEXACHLOROETHANE Not detected UgBg 3900 SW8463270C 111W0317:00 WAD INDENO(1,2,3-CD)PYRENE Not tleteded uglkg 3900 SW84S45270C 111&0317:00 WAD ISOPHORONE Not detected ug/kg 39W SWS4 lx?70C 111SIO 17:00 WAD 2-METHYL4,6-DINITROPHENOL Not detected UgBg 19500 SWW-8270C 111W0317:00 WAD 2-METHYL NAPHTHALENE 76M ug/kg 39M SW066-8270C 111W0317:00 WAD 2-METHYL-PHENOL Not detected' ugIkg 3900 SW846-8270C I/l W0317aO WAD 4-METHYL-PHENOL Net tleteded UgBg 3900 SW846-8270C WW03 P:00 WAD NAPHTHALENE 7100 UgBg 3800 SW846.8270C 1I1W0317gO WAD NITROBENZENE Not detected UgBg 3900 SWINiM270C 1I1&0317:00 WAD 2-NITROPHENOL Nottletected uglkg 3900 SW846-8270C 111W0317:0 WAD 4-NITROPHENOL Not detected Uglkg 195M SW846-8270C 1/l S/%17:00 WAD N-NITROSODIPHENYIAMINE Not detected UgBg 3900 SW846-8270C VIVO Ill= WAD N-NITROSODI-N-PROPYLAMINE Not tleteded UgBg 3900 SW846-8270C 1/1310317:00 WAD PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detected uglkg 19500 SW846-8270C Ill W0317:00 WAD PHENANTHRENE 15000 uglkg 3900 SW846-8270C 1I1W031700 WAD NO Certfication No. 402 - SC Ccr i8cabon No. 99012 - NO Dunking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte. NC 2822,1-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-63M ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ F.: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ueowroeice, INC FW Sr 16 EnWrnmenW Stluhm 1/16/03 Page 30 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2 a 5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68593 Charlotte, NC 28226 Logtn Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/3/03 12:15 Lab Submittal Date77ime: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATITIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST PHENOL Not detected ug/kg 3900 SW046A270C 111310317:00 WAD PYRENE Not detected ug/kg 3900 SW846-8270C 1113103 Wad WAD 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE NMdetected ug/kg 3900 SW846-827OC 1113N31TAO WAD 2,4.5-TmCHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 3900 SW846-0270C 1113103 17:00 WAD 2,4,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ugfK9 3900 SW846-8270C 1/1310317:00 WAD Sample Comments: Analysis note for EPH:'- Surrogate recovery was outside the control limits due to matrix interference. Analysis note for 8260: '- The surrogates were diluted out at a 1:500 dilution. Analysis note for VPH: The surrogates were diluted out at a 1:20 dilution. Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NO Certification No. 402 - SC Certifmation No. 99012 - NO Dunking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Spdngbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28214-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 1 525-0409 Lab Report 1/16103 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tanavechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 ChadoBe, NC 28226 The following analytical results have PRISM uaow,roniEs.mc Put Emho,menel SaM1,Nne Page 31 of 42 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: MW-2 @ 10 Prism Sample ID: AC68594 Login Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/3/03 12:25 Lab Submittal DatefTime: 1/6/03 08:00 been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATETIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST TIC48YSEMIVOLATILEGGMS 62518270 t/910312:05 WAD 625/8270 Tentatively Identified Compounds (30-largest TICS): <Identification Class> <Closest Spectral Fit> <Est. Onto— .. — ....................... No TIC'S were detected. ==.=. ...................... ............ BENZENE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260N5035 1I8103 o4:30 KC BROMOBENZENE Not detected ug/kg. 290 B260W5035 100303:30 NO BROMOCHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 29D U60BI5035 11810304:30 KC BROMODICHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 290 82600I5035 VIV0304:30 KC BROMOFORM Not detected ug/kg 290 8250B/5035 11810304:30 KC BROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 580 U606/5035 11&0304:30 KC N-6UTYWENZENE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260815035 1AV0304:30 KC SEO-BUTYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260615035 118,0304:30 KC TERT-BUTYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260B15035 11810304:30 KC CARBON TETRACHLORIDE - Not detected ugAg 290 8260D/5035 11&0304:30 KC CHLOROBENZENE Not detected ugAg 290 8260BIW35 11&03(W30 KC CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260B/W35 1189304:30 KC CHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 580 8260B15035 100304:30 KC CHLOROFORM Not detected ug/kg 290 8260B15035 11810304SO KC CHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 580 8260B/5035 118103 O,1SO KC 2-0HLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260W5035 1I8ID304:30 KC 4-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ugAg 290 8260B15035 1/&0304:30 KC 1,2-0IBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 580 8260B15035 1/8/0304:30 KC 1,2.DIBROMOETHANE Not detected ug/kg 290 B260W5035 118/03 DC30 KC DIBROMOMETHANE Not detected Uglkg 290 8260015035 11810304:30 KC 1.2.DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ugBg 290 826OB15035 11810304:30 KC 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 290 62SOB15035 11810304:30 KC 1.4-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260B15035 1/810y 04:30 KC DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 290 826OB15035 1/803 oa30 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260B15035 118/0304:30 KC 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260WS035 1/81030430 KC NC Ceft icatlan No. 402 - SC Cedlficabon No. 99012 - NO Onnong Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 7041529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM f "_ ueoxxroelea, mc. FPutl Servo MxMMky a EnvhmmaMSl SOWloiu 1/16/03 Page 32 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarrevechla Customer Sample ID: MW-2 ®10 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68594 Charlotte, NC 28226 Loan Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/3103 12:25 Lab Submittal Date7Tene: 1/6/03 0800 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATERIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 11-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ugft 290 826OW5035 1I810304:30 KC CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ugMg 290 826OB15035 1/8103":so KC TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE Notdeteced ugft 290 8260B/5035 V810304:30 KC 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260WS035 11810304:30 KC 1,SDICHLOROPROPANE Not detected u1 290 8260BIK35 118/0304:30 KC 2,2-0ICHLOROPROPANE Not detected upg 290 82601115035 118/0304:30 KC 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ugAg 290 826OB15035 1I8/0304:30 KC ETHYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 290 826OB15035 1I8/0 NSO KC HEMCHLOR08UTADIENE Not detected ugft 290 025OW5035 1181030430 KC ISOPROPYLBENZENE Noldeteded ug/kg 290 8260915035 11810304:30 KC PASOPROPYLTOLUENE Notdeteced uglkg 2W 826OWS035 11810306:30 KC METHYLENE CHLORI OE Notdetacted uglkg 5800 82608IW35 11W030,120 KC NAPHTHALENE 630 Li 290 82608IW35 118103 N:30 KC N-PROPYLBENZENE Notdetacted ug)kg 290 826OBW35 1/8I0304:30 KC STYRENE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260B15035 11810304:30 KC 1, 1, 1.2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260B15035 11810304SO KC 1, 1,22-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 290 8260BIS035 1/W03a4:3o KC TETRACHLOROETHENE Not deluded ugAg 290 OMB15035 1/81030430 KC TOLUENE Not deteded ug/kg 290 3260815035 11810'104:30 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ugAg 290 enOW5035 11810304:30 KC 1,2.0.TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 290 826OW5035 1I8I0304:30 KC 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETRANE Not detected ug/kg 290 82609I5035 1ISM304:30 KC 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHARE Not detected uglkg 290 82608/5035 11810306:30 KC TRICHLOROETHENE Not deteded ugNg 290 82608/5035 100304:30 KC TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE Not detected uglkg 290 8260815035 100304:30 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE Not deduced ug/kg 290 826OB15035 1/6IO304:30 KC 1,2,4TRIMETHYLBENZENE 430 ug/kg 290 826OB15035 1I8I0304:30 KC 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE Not deeded ug/kg 290 62BOW5035 110I03(Mal) KC VINYL CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 580 02SOBI5035 1I810304:30 KC TOTALXYLENES Not detected ugNg 290 02WBI5035 118,0304:30 KC 2-BUTANONE(MEK) Not detected aglkg 2900 826OW5035 1AW?04:30 KC NC Codification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road 4 P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number. 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ F. 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ueaxAroBlas.mc. Fw � M.ySa a ama_w sdwoia 1/16/03 Page 33 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tanavechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2 @ 10 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Samole ID: AC68594 Charlotte, NC 28M Lupin Group: 51491<7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 113/03 1225 Lab Submittal Date7Time: 116/03 0800 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DA=IME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 2-0HLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER Notdeaced ug/kg sea 8260315035 11810304:30 KC 4-METHYL-2-PENTMONE took) Not detected uglkg 2900 826OD15035 11810304:30 KC ACETONE Not detected ug/kg 5800 826OW5035 1,810304:30 KC CARBON DISULFIDE Not deter4ed ugft 5800 8260H/5035 118I0304:30 KC VINYLACETATE Not detected ugft 2900 826OW5035 V810304:30 KC CISI,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 290 8MR15035 11=304:30 KC TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 290 826OW5035 118103 G4:30 KC 2-HEXANONE Not detected ug/kg 2900 82501315035 11810304:30 KC IPE Not detected ug/kg 290 826OD15035 1/8,0304:30 KC MTBE Not detected uglkg 290 82600IM35 11W03(NiSo KC SURRDIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE 105 % 72-137 8260B15035 1/810304:30 KC SURR:TOWENE-D8 119 % 73-128 826OB15035 118I0304:30 KC SURR:BROMOFLUOROBENZENE 121 % 69.131 826OB1035 1I810304:30 KC CS-08 AIIp1Ha60.1 Not detected! mg/kg 7 MADEPVPH 1113,0322:51 JMV 0& 12AIIVhtuds Not detected mg/kg 6 MADEPVPH 1I1310322:51 JMV 09C10 Af0matlas - Not detected mglkg 2 MADEPVPH 111310322:51 JMV Sumogate%Recovery -PID 80 % (70-130) MADEPVPH 11131WM51 JMV Surrogate%Recovery - FIG 83 % (70-130) MADEPVPH 1113I0322:51 JMV Dilution Factor 1 mg/kg MADEPVPH 111310322:51 JMV cry Weight Received 16,119 mglkg MADEPVPH 111V0322:51 JMV EXTRACTION FOR EPH Completed MADEPVPH 11610316:00 JMK C9-C18 ALIPHATICS Not detected mg/kg 40 MADEP-EPH 11810303:24 GRR CIfrC36 ALIPHATIC$ Not detected mg/kg 20 MADEP-EPH 11WOS 03:24 GRR C11L22 AROMATICS Not detected mg/kg 20 MADEP-EPH 1I81030324 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY -ALIPHATIC 89 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 11810303:24 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY -AROMATIC 105 % (4 140) MADEP-EPH 11810303:24 GRR SURR:2-FLUOROBIPHENYL 89 % (40-140) MAOEP-EPH 1I81030324 GRR SURR:2-BROMONAPHTHALENE 92 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 100303:24 GRR DILUTION FACTOR 1 mg/kg MADEP-EPH VEM 03:24 GRR NC Cedification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 4 Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ueo64Tomes,Wc. ��_ ' - FW SnNx MuMkN d EMrmmeNel $Mutisu . 1116103 Page 34 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tanavechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2 10 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68594 Charlotte, INC 28226 Lapin Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection DalaTime: 1/3103 12:25 Lab Submittal Date[Time: 1/6103 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory. TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATENIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST ORYWEIGHT 8.5It mg/kg MADEP-EPH 11B1030324 GRR CALCUTATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 85 %DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540G lIV6310:20 cwc PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846J5500 117103"po JDP ACENAPHTHENE Not detected waft 400 SW846A270C 119I0312:05 WAD ACENAPHTHYLENE Notdetected ugBg 400 SW846A270G 19I0312:05 WAD ANTHRACENE Not detected ugkg 400 SWS4 8270C 100312:05 WAD BENZO(A)AN ARACENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846A2700 1NI0312:05 WAD BENZOIB)FLUORANTHENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW646A270C 119N312:05 WAD BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE Notdetected UgAg 400 SW846-6270C 1MM312:05 WAD BENZO(A)PYRENE Notdetected ugAg 400 SW046A270C IMM31205 WAD BENZO(GHUPERYLENE Notdetected Uglkg 400 SWB46A270C 1I9/0312:05 WAD BIS(2LHLOROETHOXY)METHANE Notdetected UgAg 400 SW846-8Z70C V9/0S 12:05 WAD BIS(2LHLOR0ETHYL)ETHER Not detected ug/kg 400 SWUM270C 11W0312:05 WAD BIS(2-CHLOROISOPROPYL)ETHER Notdetected ug/kg 400 SWS4 8270C M)0312:05 WAD BIS(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PH7HALATE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW048.8270C 100312:05 WAD 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Notdetected ug/kg 400 SWB4 8270C 1191031205 WAD BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE Notdetected ug/kg t00 SW846-8270C 11910312:05 WAD 4CHLOROdMETHYLPHENOL Notdetected ug/kg 400 SWB4 8270C 11910312:05 WAD 2-CHLORONAPHTHALENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SWB468270C IM10312:05 WAD 2L11LOROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 400 SW0468270C 119/0312:05 WAD 4-CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Notdetected ug/kg 400 SWI4 8270C IG/0312:05 WAD CHRYSENE Not dotected ug/kg 400 SW& 270C 1191012:05 WAD DIBENZO(A,H)ANTHRACENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW846-8270C 11910312:05 WAD DIBENZOFURAN Not detected ug/kg 40 SWB46-8270C 119/031205 WAD DINAUTYLPH7HALATE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW048-8270C 1191012:05 WAD 1,2.DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected Uglkg 400 SWB4 8270C 1MM312:05 WAD 1,3DICHLOROBENZENE Notdetected UgAg 400 SW848-82700 11910312:05 WAD 1,4-DICHLOROSENZENE Net detected UgAg 400 SWW-6270C 11910312:05 WAD 2,4DIGHLOROPHENOL Not detMed ug/kg 400 SWIPI"270C 11W0312:05 WAD DIETHYL PHTHALATE Notdetected UgAg 400 SW& 270C 1191012:05 WAD NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cent. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number. 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ueoRxToalEs,txc. FW eervlm Melyli'el d Emimrvnmel ealWma 1/16/03 Page 35 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2 @ 10 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: ACS8594 Charlotte, INC 28226 Login Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 113103 12:25 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEITIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 2,4DIMETHYLPHENOL Not detected ug41g 400 SWB46A270C 1/9/0312:05 WAD DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C 1/9/0312:05 WAD 2,4-DINITROPHENOL Notdetected ug/kg 2000 SW846-8270C 1MI0312:05 WAD 2,4DINITROTOLUENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW846-82700 11910312:05 WAD 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE Not detodod ug/kg 400 SW046A270C 11910012:05 WAD DI-N-OCTYLPHTHALATE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW046.0270C 119/0312:05 WAD FLUORANTHENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SWW-8270C 1191031205 WAD FLUORENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW8468270C 11910312:05 WAD HEXACHLOROBENZENE Notdetected Uglkg 400 SWB46-8270C 1191031205 WAD HEXACHLOROBUTAOIENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C 1I9I0312:05 WAD HEMCHLOROCYCLOPENTADIENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SWB46A270C 100212:05 WAD HEXACHLOROETHANE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SWMA270C 119/0312:05 WAD INDENO(1.2,3 D)PYRENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW& 270C IM0312:05 WAD ISOPHORONE Not detecetl ug/kg 400 SWB46A270C IM10312:05 WAD 2-METHYL4,6-DINITROPHENOL Not Bete Aol ug/kg 2000 SW846A270C 1/9/0312o5 WAD 2-METHYL NAPHTHALENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SWB46A270C IM10312:05 WAD 2-METHYL-PHENOL Notdetected UgAg 400 SWMA2700 1I9I03 12:05 WAD 44ETHYL-PHENOL Not detected ug/kg 400 SW845-82700 1/9I0312.05 WAD NAPHTHALENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C 11910312:05 WAD NITROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C 11910312O5 WAD 2-NITROPHENOL Notdetected ug&g 400 SWW-8270C 1/9/0312:05 WAD 4-NITROPHENOL Notdetected Ug/kg 2000 SW846A270C 1/91W 12:06 WAD N-NITROSODIPHENYLAMINE Notdetected ug4tg 400 SW846A270C 1/9/031295 WAD NNITROSODI-N-PROPYIAMINE Not detected ug/kg 400 SWS4 8270C 1/9*312:05 WAD PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detected UgAg 2000 SWUM270C 1510312:05 WAD PHENANTHRENE Notdetected UgAg 4D0 SWU64270C IM0312:05 WAD PHENOL Notdetected ug1k9 400 SW846427X 1/9/0312:05 WAD PYRENE Not detected ug*g 400 SW846d270C M0312:05 WAD 1.2,4TRIOHLOROBENZENE Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C 11910312:05 WAD 2.4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOL Notdetected ug/kg 400 SW846A270C 11910312:05 WAD 2,4,6TRICHLOROPHENOL Notdetected ug/kg 400 SWa46-0270C 11WO312:05 WAD NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 1/16/03 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NO 28226 A\PRISM Full&x I.,uMtsl a sonmmmmMl SdAmns Page 36 of 42 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: MW-2@10 Prism Sample ID: ACS8594 Login Grand: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Tme: 1/3/03 12:25 Lab Submittal Date/rime: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory. TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE71ME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST Sample Comments: Angela D. Overcesh, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certifi..t.r No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Ced. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charisma, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 1 529-63CA ♦ Toll Ford Number. 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fart 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ONNttIPIEa,INF Full So. ao.10.1. EnA.aoel So.. 1116/03 Page 37 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2@15 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC66595 Login Group: 5149K7 Charlade. NC 28226 Sample Collection Date7Time: 1/3/03 1240 Lab Submittal Dale/rime: 1/6103 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the Indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATETIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST TICS BY SEMIVOLATILE GCIMS 6298270 1191032008 WAD 625/6270 Tentatively Identified Compounds (10-largest TICe): cIdentification Clas S> dl0eest Spectral sib cE.t. Conc.> ---------- ---------------___—..--______-- No TIC'. were detected. ------------ BENZENE 5.7 UgAg 5.0 82601315035 11910302:37 KC BROMOBENZENE Not detected upkg SA 8260BIN35 1191030237 KC BROMOCHLOROMETHANE Not detected UgAg 5.o 8260BM35 1191030237 KC BROMODICHLOROMETHANE Not detected Ug/kg 5.0 8260BM35 1/91030237 KC BROMOFORM Not detected Ug/k9 50 82WBI5035 1/210302:37 KC BROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 10.0 82WO15035 1/910302:37 KC N-BUTYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 50 8260B/5035 119/0302:37 KC SEC-BUTYWENZENE Notdetetted uglkg Se 8260BIB035 19/0302:37 INC TERT-BUTYLBENZENE Not detested UgAg $.a 8260BM35 1910302:37 KC CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Not Interest UgAg 5.0 e260B15035 1M10302S7 KC CHLOROBENZENE Not detected UgAg 5.0 8260B/5035 19I0302:37 KC CHLOROOIBROMOMETHANE Not detetted ug/kg 5.o 826oB/5035 191W 02:37 KC OHLOROETHANE Not detected Ug/kg 10.0 8260BM35 1910302:37 KC CHLOROFORM Not detected UgAg 5.0 6260B/5035 1910302:37 KC CHLOROMETHANE Not detected ugft too 826OB15035 1Islas 02:37 KC 2-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected UgMg 5.0 8260B/5035 IM10302:37 KC 4CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected Ug/kg 5.0 8260B15035 1I9N302:37 KC 1.2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE Not detected UgAg 10,0 8260B15035 1/910:,02:37 KC 1.2-DIBROMOETHANE Not detered uglkg 5.0 826OB15035 11910302:37 KC DIBROMOMETHANE Not detected UgAg 5.0 8260B15035 IN10302:37 KC 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected uglkg So 826OB15035 191W 02:37 KC 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected UgAg 5.0 8260W50M IN10302:37 KC 1.4DICHLOROBENZENE Not detested uglkg 5.0 8260B15035 IN10302:37 KC DICHLORODIFLUCROMETHANE Notdetetted ug/k9 5.0 8260B15035 1910302:37 KC 1,1-DIOHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/k9 5.0 8260W5035 1/910302:37 KC 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE Not detetted UgAg So 8260B15035 1/91030237 KC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Gen. No. 37735 - FL Cenifcation No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-900 / 529-6364 1 Fax: 704 / 525-0409 60W-SZS / VOL :wA • 49£9-6Z5 / 008-1 uagwnN 4014 901 V 99E9-6Z5 / YOL :aoogd E9S0-OZZSZ JN'znolmgJ v E950VL xo9'O'd • peog M0wgZ pdS 6" 64SL93'ON uopeo9w00 Id - 5£LLE "ON'POO 1649M B-IM-PO ON - ZL066*ON vopee!ppe00S - ZOV"ON--4pNwe00N Hdo 0:50018IL Hd3-d38VW 6,VBw 4 HOI3Vd N0110I10 HHO Loso EORn Hd3-dBWW (09469) % 06 3N3 VHIH"NONoPe-Z:HHns HHO LOW COIBIL Hda-d!KVW (O9✓01) % LOL IAN3HdmO8Onld-L:H8OS HHO 10:90EORIL Hd3-d30VW (M-00 % LZL 011VW08V AH3A003H 31VO08HnS HHO LOW BORA Hd3-d3OVW (001,'01) % 98 OIIVH811V ANIA0038 31VOOHHns HHO LO:90EORA Hd3-d30YN OZ ft5aa papalaPWN So11VWOHVZZO-44O HHO 1050 EORIL Hd3-d30VW OL BN/6w paPeleP I-N SOI1VHdlW9EO64O HHO LO:SOEORIL H83�d30VW OV 6NIBW MPalaploN SOI1VHd nV 8406O NWf 0091. Conn Hd3-d30VW palaldwoO Hd3 HOd NOIIOWIX3 AWf 694Z E05LI1, HdA d30 - 6,16. aZE'ZL pel.p 14BI6M do AWf 694Z EU6L14 HdAd30 5w6w 4 Iape, uopnl!0 AWf 69:4Z On 111 HdAd30VW (OELOU % 9L Old-�ancaSP%eleBounS AWf 694Z EORLII HdAd30VW (OEL6L) % LL Old -wanoaeH%eleOOIIS AWf fig: LZ Mn LII HdAd30VW Z B)/BW PWMaP I-N -11-wwolO60 AWf 69:4Z FOR 11L HdAd30VW 9 BW6W PapeleP 4-N aa0e4d!N ZLO-60 AWf 69:1Z COX LII HdA d3OVW L 6N/6W pep%ep1oN »ONdlw 9O90 ON LEZO E016IL 9E05/909Z8 LEL69 % 004 3N32N3908OMdonoua:HHns ON Le:zO EWen SEOSI9one BZLSL % 86 80-3143morbuOS ON LEZO EO/84 SE031809Z8 LEVU % 66 3NVH13WOHOOIdOWOHSIO:HHOS ON LEZO EO/611 9E09190na 09 6N16n papelep loN 3S1W ON LEZO E01611, SEOSI909ze 0'5 6N16n pepelep I-N 3d1 ON LEZO EO/6IL SEOSIa09Z9 009 6MB0 pepelep I-N 3NON H-Z ON LEZO EORn 9E091909Z8 0'5 6VOn pepelep I-N 3143dOHdOHOIHOIO5'L-SNVHl ON LEZO EO/66 gemm09Z9 0'9 61V6n pePelepioN 3N3dOHdO8OIHOlP'l-SI0 ON LEZO W/S6 SEOgmon9 0'OS BVBn pep@eP ION 31V13OV IANIA ON LE:ZO EOIfiIL SE091909Z0 0'001, 6NL6n pepgeP ION 3wd1n810 NOSHVO ON LE:ZO E01611, SE05Ioone O'OOL BVBn pepePP WN 3NO130V ON LEZO E01611 SEOSIoone 0'0S 60n PW-I-P WN (NBIW) 3NOWIN3&Z'1AH13" ON LE:ZO COWL nosm09Z8 0'01, BVB palaalaP ION H3H13 IANIA 1AH130H0IHO-Z 1SANNV 031HVIS 3ON3H3d3H PNI1 S11Nn lInS3H H31314 H d 31,4IL31Va OOH13W ONUUOd3H 1531 1531 :dNolelogel slql of paUiwgns seam 4olgm eldwes peleolptg e411ol peulelgo ueaq eAeq sllnsal IeollAleue Bupaollo} a41 00:80 E0/9R :ew!1R7e0 lagPwgnS qej 04:ZL eo/S/L :ewLLj9leO uoll0eilOO oldweS LN64LS :onWO uldol 9ZZ9Z ON •eUope40 969890V :Ol elaweS wsldd OOZ'elS Nled'Oex3 IQw O00£L 9Z-MW :Ol eldweS Lewolsn3 el4oeneuel NOM'1N:uUV OWA :al /oefcud lewo)sn0 'Oul jseslWOS NN3 ZY 10 6E e6ed co/91,4 :WNp6 Muuumur3 91sMNW aR•�S II^d 'JNI b311gt1e0911 WSI2Id podaa Qel 6090-SZS / LOL sed V 49£9-6Z5 / 008-1 :12q=N �d RO1.99E9-6Z5 / "L aoogd E450-CZZSZ ON •aH01Le40 • E450YL xo9'O'd v paog NomgBoudS 60t 6 LSL93'ON uo6eo91Pe0 Id - SELLE'ON'POO IOIOM BulMVpO ON - Zloge 'ON u04MUP90 OS - Zot'ON U049OBWOO ON ON LE:ZO EO/61L Monona 009 6M16n p.Petep ION (NOW 3Nowine2 ON LEZOE016I1. SEOSIS09L8 09 6N16n 61, S3NMU WIO1 ON LEZOE0164 SEOSIoo9L8 POL BVBn PaPslaP WN 3OIHOIHO IANIA ON LEZO01614 SE05I909L8 09 6W6n LZ 3N3ZN3MAHI3W1HI-SVL ON LEZO E05IL SE05/Sone 09 B1V6n W 3NnN32IAH13WIUI YVI ON XZO'0164 SEOSIS0918 09 6N16n PapalaP WN 3NVdOHdOHOIH0IHI-E'Z'L ON LEZOW/6I1, SEOSIH09L9 09 BVBn paPalap loN 31 V IsNOHOOIdOHOIHOIHI ON LEZO E01611 SEOSIS09LS 09 6fVBn pepelep loN 3N3HI30HOIH0IHI ON LEZOEOl614 909IS09Z8 09 BVBn pepelep I-N 3NVH130HOIHOIHI-LTL ON LEZO E01611, SEOS/809ZS 09 50n PsVM-p WN 3NVH13OHOIHOIHI-lTl, ON LEZOEOI64 SE09MMZB 09 BVBn PsNOl-P WN 3NMN380HOIHOlNI+Z'L ON LE:ZO WWI, SE05I9008 09 ftBn pePeteP loN 3N3ZN380HO1HOlVIC'Z'4 ON LEZOE01611, SEO9IMU 09 6MBn PapelaP WN 3N3nI01 ON LEZOE016n 5£051909Z9 0'S ftbB Wa M-P ION 3N3H130H01HOV III ON LELO E01611 SODS/809Z8 09 6N6n NMI.plpN 3NVH130HOIH3tl 131-ZZ'L'L ON LEZO E0164 9EOSI9ane 09 BVen NPeleP WN 3NVH130HOIHOVH131-Z'4'4'L ON LEZO COWL S£09I9one 0'S BNBn Psp I-P ION 3N3HA15 ON LEZO EORIL 9EOSI909Z9 0'S BNl6n LL 3N3ZN39IAdOdd-N ON Lem eml. nosmone 0'9 BVBn 68 3N31VH1Hd ON LCZO SOMA SEO9I609Z8 0'004 6Ml6n Papalap I-N 30WCIHO 3NMAH13W ON LEW EORII 5 smo9Z8 0'9 61l6n pepePP ION 3N3nI01IAdOHdOSI-8 ON LEZO EOR/L SEOSI809Z8 0'9 BNI6n L'9 3N3ZN3SIAdOHdOS1 ON LEZO EOR/L 9E09mon8 0'9 5V6n pepe4ep I.N 3N310V1nSOHOIHOW9H ON LEZO EOR/t Wo9n09L9 05 BIVBn BL 3NMN39IAH13 ON LEZO EOIPI SE051sone 0'9 fiMlBn pepelep laN 3N3dOHdOHOIHOIO-Vl, ON LVZO eM6 SEOS1909Z8 0'9 BN/Bn PaPelaploN 3NVdOHdOHOIHOIO-Z'Z ON LEZO EOI6IL 9E09I909L9 0'9 6NIBn PapalaploN 3NVdOHdOHOIHOl"'4 ON 1"0 EORn SEoemOne 0"5 BVBn PaloaIBP ION 3NVdOHdOHO1HO10-Z'4 ON LEZO E0161L SEOSIe08L8 0"9 6NI6n Papalep loN 3N314130H0114010-Z'L-SNVHl ON 1"0 SWBII SEOSIOone 0'9 BV6n paPapp loN 3N3H130H0111010-Z1-Sw ON LEZO EOn/L SEOS/Sone 0'9 BVBn pepelep loN 3N3H130HOIH0IO-VI ISAIVNV O:RLW 3 30N3H3d38 11W11 S11N0 LInS3H H313WVHVd 314131Vo OOH13W ONIINOd3H 1S31 IS31 :Aolwogel s!Lp of pappugns seam 4o14m eldwes peleollaul alp 1ol poulelgo uaaq ene4 sllnsel leo!Kleue Bulmollol a41 0790 EO/94 :ewll/aleO leUlwgnS qel OP:ZL EO/E/L :ewll/'ele0 uo9oell00 eldweS 9ZZ9Z ON'eUOpe40 LN64LS :dnW0 ul0ol 969993V :Al elaweS Wspd OOZ'OIS M1ed'oaX31ew2000EL si>@r-MW :OIBIOWeSlewolsn'O e1,LI0aAPJlel Mola "1N:uUV OWA :OI)Oefad Lewolsn0 'Oul'IseeLgmS MB ZV io 9E eBed Comm �A�PS RIuo�✓niN�3➢MNRW MMSAM ']NI b31tlo11tl L1ISI2Id liodaa Qal Lab Report AL y PRISM L.R OP IOPIEa, INe. FNI So. M9 . A Emimnmanrel Sdulbne 1/16/03 Page 40 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Atthn Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: 1,1111IF-2@15 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 - Prism Sample ID: AC68595 ' Charlotte, NC 28226 Loon Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 113/03 12:40 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 08:0D The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEFTIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST DRYWEIGHT 7.5g mglkg MADEP-EPH 1/810305:07 GRR CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 75 %DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540G 118N31010 cWC PREP. METHOD 35M Completed SW646-35508 1UN300:00 JDP ACENAPHTHENE Not detected Ug/kg 450 SW8468270C 11910320:08 WAD ACENAPHTHYLENE Not detected Uglk9 450 SW846-8270C 11910320:08 WAD ANTHRACENE Net detected! ugAg 450 SW846A270C 1/E0320:08 WAD BENZO(A)AWTHRACENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846A270C 11910320:08 WAD BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SWW-8270C INN320:08 WAD BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SWB4682700 IM10320CS WAD BENZO(A)PYRENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846827X IM10320M WAD BENZO(GHI)PERYLENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW848-82711C 1191032008 WAD SIS(2-CHLOROETHOYY)METHANE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW8468270C 1/91)320:08 WAD BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL)ETHER Net detected Ug/kg 450 Sw848A270C 1/9N320:08 WAD BIS(2CHLOROISOPROPYL)ETHER Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846A270C 1/91032008 WAD BIS(2-ETHY1-HEXYL)PHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg 460 SW846A270C 1/910320:08 WAD 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected ugkg 450 SW8468270C 11910320:08 WAD BUYL BENZYL PHTHAIATE Not detected Uglk9 450 SW8468270G IR1032008 WAD 4-0HLORO-3-METHYLPHENOL Not detected Ug/kg 450 SW8468270C 1191032008 WAD 2-CHLORONAPHTHALENE Not detected Ug/kg 450 SWW-8270C 119/0,. 20:08 WAD 2-CHLOROPHENOL NMdetecled ug/xg 450 SWM-8270C 11910320:OB WAD 4-CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected UPI;; 450 SW846-8270C 119/0320:08 WAD CHRYSENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846-82700 1/910320:08 WAD DIBENZO(A,H)AHTHRACENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846-027DC 1W0320:08 WAD DISENZOFURAN Not detected ug/kg 450 SWB45-8270C IM10320:08 WAD DbN-DUTYLPHTHAIATE Not detected Ug/kg 450 SWUM270C 1/9/0320:08 WAD 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected uglkg 450 SW846A270C 1/9/0320:08 WAD 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE Net detected Ug/kg 450 SW846A270C 119/0320:08 WAD 1,4DICHLOROBENZENE Net detected UgAg 450 SW846A270C 11910320:08 WAD 2,4-DGHLOROPHENOL Notdetected UgAg 450 SW846.8270C 1/91032008 WAD DIETHYL PHTHALATE Notdetected ug/kg 450 SW646A270C 11910320:08 WAD NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Can. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbmok Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ueowmBras.INc. FNI $eMce AmNllml It EmirnmeMel 6cMons 1116/03 Page 41 of 42 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2 @ 15 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68595 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lapin Group: 5149K7 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/3/03 12:40 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 116103 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATETIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 2,4-DIME1-HYLPHENOL Not detected Ug/kg 450 SW846A270C 11910320:08 WAD DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846-8270C 119/032008 WAD 2,4DINITROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 2250 SWMB-8270C 119/0320:N WAD 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW845-82700 119/0320:08 WAD 2,6-0INITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW8468270C 119/0320:08 WAD DI-N-OCTYtPHTHAIATE Not detected Upg 450 sW846A2703 11910320:08 WAD FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/xg 450 SW046A2mC 1191M 2008 WAD FLUORENE Not detected Ug/kg 450 SW846A270C 11910320:08 WAD HEXACHLOROBENZENE Not detected ugkg 450 SW845.8270C 1191032008 WAD HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected UgAg 450 SWW-8270C 1N10320:08 WAD HEXACHLOROCYCLOPENTADIENE Not detected ug/xg 450 SW846-8270C 1N10320:08 WAD HEXACHLOROETHANE Net detected ugkg 450 SWW-8270C IN/0320:03 WAD INDENO(1.2,3-CD)PYRENE Notdetected ug/kg 450 SW846A270C 1MI0320:08 WAD ISOPHORONE Not detected ug/kg 450 SWW-8270C IM10320:08 WAD 2-METHYL4,6-DINITROPHENOL Not detected Ug/kg 2250 SW846A270C I910320:08 WAD 2-MITWL NAPHTHALENE Notdetected Ug/kg 450 SW8WA270C Taos 20:00 WAD 2-METHYL-PHENOL Not detected Ug/kg 450 SWB46A2700 1191W20:08 WAD "ETHYL -PHENOL Net detected ug/kg 450 SW846-6270C 119N320:08 WAD NAPHTHALENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846A270C 1/91032008 WAD NITROBENZENE Not detected uglkg 450 Si 1/910320:08 WAD 2-NITROPHENOL Not detected uglkg 450 SWM6-8270C 119/0320:08 WAD 4NITROPHENOL Not detected ug/kg 2250 SW846.8270C 1191032008 WAD NWTROSODIPHENYL4MINE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846A27oC 119N[I 20:08 WAD N-NITROSODI-N-PROPYLAMINE Not detected Ug/kg 450 SW84682703 1I910320:08 WAD PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detected Ug/kg U50 SW84662703 1/91032008 WAD PHENANTHRENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846-8270C 1/91032008 WAD PHENOL Not detected ug/kg 450 SWW-8270C 1191032008 WAD PYRENE Not detected ug/kg 450 SW846-8270C 1191032008 WAD 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ugAg 450 SWUS-8270C 1191W20:08 WAD 2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHENOL Net detected ug/kg 450 SW8464270C 119/0320:08 WAD 2,4,6-TRICHLOROPMENOL Not detected Ug/kg 450 SW84682700 IKY0320:08 WAD NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Gen. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name ERM Southeast, Inc. Laboratory Name Prism Laboratories, Inc. Project Name VMG NC Certification # (Lab) 402 Site Location Charlotte, NC Sample Matnx Soil Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Sample Identification AC68589 Collection Option (for soil)" 1 Date Collected 1/2/03 Date Received 1/6/03 Date Extracted 1/6/03 Date Analyzed 1/6/03 % Dry Solids 82 % Dilution Factor 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank Sample Results CS - C8 Aliphatics" mg/kg 2.0 7.0 <7.0 -7.0 C9 - CI Aliphatics" mg/kg 1.3 6.0 <6.0 <6.0 C9-CIO Aromatics" mg/kg 0.4 2.0 <2.0 <2.0 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70.130% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery - FID 94% 98% Aromatic Surrogate%Recovery -PID 116% 111% - ' Option 1 = Established fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnCorew) Option 3 = Field weight of soil Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any sunagate(5), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL= Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate, type) VPH rev. ll/UU Were all performancefacceptance standards for required QA/QC procedures achieved? Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made? Page 1 of 3 No trip blank was submitted. Yes No- Details Attached No Yes - Details Attached �R m s e = a d zZ N O co F% F a n m od o ar pw ii re z 53 Uen f 3 oa $ >E ¢ins c ,=u ODOomm i¢ ZU i u I ie z Z I E E., o E E °'m E 3 6 tit 41-0 a, m am EJ E o x� E N o y U c x< m U 9 E i ar 0 v N 0 D7 O Z m u ti o F y N Z y tO m m pZS O L 12 0 oep M m O T N h NiE m w o m w m `m 6 i a y 121 m a o= o - m m -wa�� 1 Ia N tr_ . z VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name ERM Southeast, Inc. - Laboratory Name Prism Laboratories, Inc. Project Name VMG NC Certification # (Lab) 402 Site Location Charlotte, NC Sample Matrix Soil Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Sample Identification AC68591 AC68592 Collection Option (for soil)* 1 i Date Collected 1/2/03 112/03 Date Received 1/6/03 1/6/03 Date Extracted 1110103 1/10103 Date Analyzed 1/11/03 1111/03 % Dry Solids 78% 76% Dilution Factor 5 2 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank Sample Results Sample Results C5-C8 Aliphatics•' mg/kg 2.0 7.0 <7.0 <35 <14 C9 - C12 Aliphatics•• mglkg 1.3 6.0 <6.0 <30 17 C9 - C10 Aromatics- mg/kg 0.4 2.0 <2.0 39 41 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery - FID 95% "DO 88% Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery - PID 119% `DO 86% ' Option 1 = Established fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnCorew) Option 3 = Field weight of soil " Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL= Method Detection Limit RL=Reporting Limit Blank= Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate type) VPH rev. 11/00 Were all performance/acceptance standards for required QA/QC procedures achieved? Yes No -Details Attached Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made? No Yes • Details Attached Page 3 of 3 • The surrogates were diluted out No rap blank was submitted. VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name ERM Southeast, Inc. Laboratory Name Prism Laboratories, Inc. Project Name VMG NC Certification # (Lab) 402 Site Location Charlotte, NC Sample Matrix Soil Sample Information and Analytical Results - Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Sample Identification AC68590 AC68593 AC68594 AC68595 Collection Option (for soil)* 1 1 1 1 Date Collected 12/03 113/03 1/3/03 113/03 Date Received 1/6/03 1/6103 1/6103 1/6103 Date Extracted 1/13/03 1113103 1113/03 1113/03 Date Analyzed 1/13/03 1114103 1/13/03 1/13/03 %Dry Solids 74% 85% 85% 75% Dilution Factor 1 20 1 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank Sample Results Sample Results Sample Results Sample Results C5-C8 Aliphatics•• mg/kg 2.0 7.0 <7.0 <7.0 <140 <7.0 <7.0 C9 - C12 Aliphatics•` mg/kg 1.3 6.0 <6.0 <6.0 <120 <6.0 <6.0 C9 - C10 Aromatics- mg/kg 0.4 2.0 <2.0g74% 210.0 <2.0 <2.0 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70-130% 70-130 % 70-130% Aliphatic Surrogate %Recovery -FID 92 % `DO 83% 76% Aromatic Surrogate%Recovery-PID - 94% `DO 88% 77% ' Option 1 = Established fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnCorew) Option 3 = Field weight of soil " Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute wahin the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank= Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate type) VPH rev. 11/00 Were all pertormance/acceptance standards for required ILUQC procedures achieved? Yes No - Details Attached Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made] Q No Yes - Details Attached Page 2 of 3 `The surrogates were diluted out No trip blank was submitted. EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name ERM Southeast, Inc. Laboratory Name Prism Laboratories, Inc. Project Name VMG NC Certification # (Lab) 402 Site Location Charlotte, NC Sample Matrix Soil Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-Chloro-octadecane Aromatic: o-Terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-Bromonaphthalene #2: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Sample Identification AC68593 I AC68594 AC68595 Date Collected 1l3/03 113/03 1/3/03 Date Received 1/6/03 116/03 1/6103 Date Extracted 116/03 116103 1/6103 Date Analyzed 118/03 118/03 1/8103 % Dry Solids 85% 85% 75% Dilution Factor 1 1 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank Sample Results C9-C18 Aliphatics' mg/kg 10 40 <40 2200 <40 <40 C19-C36 Aliphatics' mg/kg 5.7 20 <20 460 <20 <20 C11-C22 Aromatics' mg/kg 16 20 <20 1600 <20 <20 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 88% -MI(HIGH) 89% 86% Aromatic surrogate % Recovery 109% `MI(HIGH) 105% 121% Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 72% -MI(HIGH) 92% 90% Fractionation Surrogate #2 % Recovery 1 90% 'MI(HIGH) 89% 107% 'Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any sunogale(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute Within the specified range. MDL= Method Detection Umil RL=Reporting Limit Blank= Laboratory Method Blank EPH rev. 11/00 Were all performance/acceptance standards for required DA/DC procedures achieved? Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method 7 Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? Page 2 of 2 ' surrogate recovery outside of the control limit due to matrix Interference. Yes No - Details Attached Yes No No Yes - Details Attached EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name ERM Southeast, Inc. Laboratory Name Prism Laboratories, Inc. Project Name VMG NC Certification#(Lab) 402 Site Location Charlotte, NC Sample Matrix Soil Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-Chloro-octadecane Aromatic: c-Terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-Bromonaphthalene #2: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Sample Identification AC68589 AC68590 AC68591 AC68592 Date Collected 112/03 1/2103 1/2/03 1/2/03 Date Received 1/6103 1/6/03 1/6103 1/6103 Date Extracted 116133 1/6/03 1/6103 116/03 Date Analyzed 117103 117/03 V!7/03 118103 %Dry Solids 82% 74% 78% 76% Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank Sample Results C9-C18AIiphall. mg/kg 10 40 <40 <40 2200 420 330 C19 - C36 Aliphatics' mg/kg 5.7 20 <20 1 <20 190 - 83 60 C11-C22Aromatics- mg/kg 16 20 <201VMJ111(7H4110GH) 60 94 150 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140%140% 40-140% 40.140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 88%HIGH) -MI(HIGH) 'MI(HIGH) Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 109%(HIGH) -MI(HIGH) 'MI(HIGH) Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40.140%140% 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery- 72%(HIGH) 51 % 107% Fractionation Surrogate #2 %Recovery 90%(HIGH) 64% 125% ' Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any sum gate(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL= Method Detection Limit RL=Reporting Limit Blank= Laboratory Method Blank EPH rev. 11/00 Were all performance/acceptance standards for required DA/DC procedures achieved? Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method 7 Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? Page 1 of 2 ' Surrogate recovery outside of the control limit due to matrix interference. Yes No- Details Attached Yes CiOD No Yes -Details Attached 0 m a ss 0 Doc E m m e -a o E E.r � g u`mW N"SRO e `; E o E n > > V N U U m a EE N N L� U 6 N < m z Y m z L 0 z m M w Q$ 10 d �o J S H E M m aaaaaa g��er�gR g "•aua paaaaaa W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W o! 4 — _ g z < V n y T 3 V u uooa.�r <g o e � m q33 0 i 6X FL+'C66GG ' Ol 3 Z V-------- G � 8 a�sEaB 8o a gs� T i TT�lgq ggq'}1• F N � yV�VUUGG G G G GG F W G �o�.ppeEpp.pEEEp.pEEEp.p a g € cC6b Cd6b CbC6pC6Cb z y1 �Sy�i���900�� M. u €€ g i i D CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD ® fFiSM r� N eeMw A/+aYlla D.a..�.r aaee. p,� f,Wp�� BIM HqM ApaNale f/e) WDI UBTp Jp (�Qb) MaapYy.00A lbtl.i.0.lmaNMa.tlWIb, NC'dL.N1a Nvh:7aNB'mDH•i¢1DU645010 - 'FM... ATTACH my go)wR ywilk"pw4q ppWlani..-{{,,.�.�,22II eerTC iemWei CBeK[Gomp�Y NeTW: MDIc+Tcl, 42*gP}�y1cw • A+W.f tp/�mUct Nam.: /�rwc .; flptttlpp AE As: �L�Y/.� [a_ ww.w wa. Naepxo fl.�«We• PI)ollw Yl$i (Ya)Me): sftq �b^�yR xNp��Dvi�w.:.yy A"��Y nwlN w. ar olDw o:Dw. oapw. Df an oapw. oep Den ,j�Slw.e Dew. BnaY n\a1.tW1SOJJbWaAw.epN beaeW hY. Tunuaarl Yie Y a:..a m a W H� ewa eGuJq wrtM etl I W Y. YEB_NO— ;•p - � •••r•f ,+,p' :xc�fioBbn wEnA ai�RlnDaa "Tna m�� SwnpWb Upm C0&0Cd-YEB_NO- � ' _..T •.' F DATE- . CDl12LRD YATpn- (aD.l .. BAYPIECOIITAWE{I < "� •' NRSEPVM - - AMLLYeE6 BkLVARD /� - , DI° i �)1 iN?r 4J)' +IYR' ¢[a4UW �'' .• a4E yAI1pI'g PSN:'�DB :{ V'. DOULCIED 'YMITMY NDUpf WA1E11 Op Y4DDE) 1ryEa �J{�-'�✓ 4{/ pO1AIW 17 D110. DND. vA ell ml, le ), : a7+:4 ai t: :y . 1.•iY.]!'t'';'�" N - 3 AIIYYon IRWn N - yy peiwq ��NN 'Arm ~Iiin Wa�W�xIa N M� wN NV ab�et+a��W�mWIG. x - NPH.MCs:"" U PRQUND TEB:. WKWOW, N sowwASjE4 RCRA CEHCA�- "NDNU. OTHER: 9$4 O "CIOO NC OSCI OONC OfiC OS(i. IO , Ups O���IO ONC 40 `10 r rnrrAaw=R TVOE CDnpx. .�w.. r.: a.. O OYu'p.vY wn.TNen.11W ro VOA. vr4IY Go.xo AruN.Y rz.m N�tlSmt �A,G� Lab Report � PRISM IABORATOPIE; INC. ' FUA evMcf AraMY'el6 Emirovnmlvl edullons 1/16103 Page 2 of 4 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarmvechia Customer Sample ON MW-2 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68598 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 51501<1 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/3103 16:00 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6103 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE OATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 11S/0319:29 LAC BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA625 1/9/0319:29 LAC 4-CHLORO3-METHYLPIHENOL Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA625 119I0319:29 111 2-CHLORONAPHTHALENE Net detected ug1L 10 EPA625 11910319:29 IAC 2-CHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 IM10319:29 IAC 4-0HLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 IN10319:29 IAC CHRYSENE Not detected Ug/L 10 EPA625 1I9/031929 IAC DIBENZO(A.H}ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 1191031929 IAC DI-N-BUTYLPHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 1MI031929 IAC 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Nal detected Ug/L 10 EPA625 1MI0319:29 IAC 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE Notdetected uglL 10 EPA625 1I9/031a29 LAC 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 1/9/031929 IAC 3.3'-0ICHLOROBENZIDINE Not detected ug/L 50 EPA 625 1MIC319:29 LAC 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug11- 10 EPA625 1/910319:29 LAC DIETHYL PHTHALATE Notde1e01ed ug/L 10 EPA625 1A9/0319:29 IAC 2+13IMETHYLPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA 625 1MI0319:29 LAC DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 1I9I031929 LAC 2,4-OINITROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 50 EPA625 1M10319:29 LAC 2p-0INfTROTOLUENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 19(0319:29 LAC 2,6-0INQROTOLUENE Not detected uglL 10 EPA625 100319'.29 LAC 01-N-OCTYLPHTHAIATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 IaoG 19:29 LAC FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 IM1031a29 LAC FLUORENE 16 ug/L 10 EPA625 IM0319:29 IAC HExACHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 1M1031a29 IAC HEXACHLOROBIITADIENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 1I9/0319:29 IAO HEXACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 1W031923 IAC INDENO(1,2,3-CD)PYRENE Not detected Ug1L 10 EPA625 119/031a29 IAC ISOPHORONE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 IM1031929 LAG 2-METHYL4,6-DINITROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 50 EPA625 11910319:29 LAC NAPHTHALENE 92 ug/L 10 EPA625 11910319:29 LAC NITROBENZENE NCtdetectad ug/L 10 EPA625 1MI0319:29 LAC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certificatlon No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number 1-900 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report wk PRISM ueoR.F.I[s, IRc. Funs nArerrcml A F,,t—mel Wa cos 1/16/03 Page 3 of ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarrdvechia Customer Sample ID: MW-2 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC68598 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lopin Group: 5150KI Sample Collection DateTme: 113103 1600 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/6/03 08:00 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEIRME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 2-NITROPHENOL Not detected Ug/L 10 EPA625 1191031a29 IAC 4-NITROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 50 EPA625 1I910319:29 LAC N-NITROSODI-N-PROPYIAMINE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 1MM31929 IAC PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 50 EPA625 1191031929 IAC PHENAI,HRENE 39 ug/L 10 EPA 525 11910319:29 LAC PHENOL Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA625 11910319:29 LAC PYRENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 11910319:29 LAC 1.2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 11910319:29 LAC 2A,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA625 11910319:29 LAC CS BAIPM1atip Not detected ug/L 150 MADEP VPH IM0323:50 JMV CS-C12 AIiphatim Not detected ug/L 100 MADEP VPH VD0323:50 JMV C9-010 Aromatics 770 ug/L 30 MAGER VPH IR10323:50 JMV Surrogate%Recovery -PIO 85 % - 170430) MADER VPH tO/0323:50 JMV Surrogate% Recovery-FID 74 % (70-130) NADER VPH 1910323:50 JMV OIINIon Factor 1 ug/L MADEP VPH 19/0323:% JMV EXTRACTION FOR EPH Completed MADEP-EPH V13/0308:0o SM Ca-C18 ALIPHATICS 1100 ug/L 250 MADEP-EPH 111410310:08 GRR C19L36 ALIPHATICS Not detected ug/L 250 MADEP-EPH 111410310:08 - GRR C11-C22 AROMATICS 1600 uglL 180 MADEP-EPH V1410310:08 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - ALIPHATIC 88 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 1/IV0310:08 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY -AROMATIC •MI % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 1114/0310:08 GRR SURR:2-FLUOROSIPHENYL 11M % (4a140) MADEP-EPH VIV0310:08 GRR SURR:2-SROMONAPHTHALENE 91 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH VIV0310:08 GRR DILUTION FACTOR 1 ug/L MADEP-EPH 1/1V0310:08 GRR NO CertMcabon No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Ceri. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87619 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 210543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number. 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name ERM Southeast, Inc. Laboratory Name Prism Laboratories, Inc. Project Name VMG NC Certification If (Lab) 402 Site Location Charlotte, NC Sample Matrix Water Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Allphatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,5-Dibromotoluene Sample Identification AC68598 Collection Option (for soil)` NA Date Collected 113/03 Date Received 116103 Date Extracted NA Date Analyzed lr7103 %Dry Solids NA Dilution Factor 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank Sample Results C6-CB Aliphatics" ug/L 47 150 <150 <150 C9-C12 Aliphatics" ug/L 28 100 <100 <100 C9-Cie Aromatics" ug/L 10 30 <30 770 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70-130% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery - FID 115% 74% Aromatic Surrogate%Recovery -PID 87% 85% Option 1 = Established fill line on vial Option 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnCorerN) Option 3 = Field weight of soil " unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any surrogate(s), internal standards, andfor concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL= Method Detection Limit RL=Repading Limit Blank= Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate type) VPH rev. 11/00 Were all performance/acceptance standards for required DA/OC procedures achieved? Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made? No VPH Trip Blank was submitted. Page i of 1 VPH 0dy moo m >f avr� o o o o E E m m w E nU v m o m E c m a`y noo 0 `m E J `o E E m = .E B o a a s o do U U U m E rn L7w O CL ;4 J Yes No - Details Attached No Yes -Details Attached E OSO ONO OSO ONO OSO ONO ❑ONO OSO ONO 0 OSO ONO OS❑ ONO OSO ONO O ONO I,yj. r/ M a3N10 TLiONtlI tl'10630 :WOtl :313YMOnos a31tlMDNDINAR] :63LWAV31M tlO :an :S30dN �x - 7 rrSly M O corn N+J'Wdo �X sdno e3Wao wwrxoenawdr aMeeas ----— -- yseaoiv�'g° toy / `--"'�"✓✓6� X 000,a:rnrawMdneur aa,BeorloxmrrKrdww —_ :- n d %e wMd<f 1 IAH awu of"waoa als a:P M1m:451�Pvwx w i�Q £O� � -- �� — .vw11b^wti%19 :wuewwoOleuoP!gM �/ / 'PvativqulrowvaeN�oFlare,e4e+e wllFv o,e41 "=eer•w aeeley rrt,.d awweuPw, Pv,liW9ev. w lmwvea::ew Fur'vAwer:vlvvnnv,v vecgeK Ya wM mwvPa,quoPealW4we WwFa FPwvnowdlwn ww'egw?�Plw uean n/u ' Oeaa!I!Ntl /.-F/+ c .f (aureN luud) ASPaI loss .-../ asow !S.11d., o.rnlMpA 3.. b �n IC7 t :y /d .",4w ses 'IXI OI 'ONO 'lNaa A'^pe C U A, 5 d o , 3S1$ ON MOT3a 339 (30PmS StlnON t»1 BxtlM3tl \(" f a \�' r/'C � A 81 -VA8353ad 3dAL tlO N3ItlM AtltlIf11N 031031100 N011gtla53031dnK M31av1NOa 3ltlMYe N61tla gyl am SrO3L63n03e 83SA1VNv ! a 11O81 xltllm O3 mloa 3na, 3Ltla 1N3M ON S3A woaosm dodo PearepweS Ou3nooametauo<rImaumdFemva.- _ saoww omauman sxauaxmvenm,umaeanrabnm ON-53A :PeaNNNN40,aleM �FeAdv4 Pre wuayveM euPeP+e'vFWmr!WOWPWW 4aW PwnmrnL 'FW mulary lreupnusod ey NN min M. pvnlwe,eMwa3 aulw PPtlle:...IN YOn¢00'1 aus tlM 63NL0' 'J$ vFWol wWuwskf xedseo —7�0N M �.y. i'+1, :eweN -IIqlS V 30ysn Oy13N wopr eseo so NeOvo ✓+c eo eFpxo FeOIO we l:NVWletl :(orD Iaa,Oxei -i ho :e0°4d ' l3S113d DNndWVS/1H3nO AB N103111i3001 390rrur+rlrtl 6ulnl9/'oN,ewOKPyaoy 13NNO 17 - Z � 4 -��F�vrd$ObH Vedei 93111YIt1A � ' - i xrd,-, sdlatl�lr�slv3S""k'+Snb 8,111 )„ONIOIbH NII4IIMP d 4BI4aIRP S3AlLtlAb353tld F13dQtld - •�y d it3aI d3MNO Pe�eab ' VM � t'' L Ere�r uotln yOylNl saltlwua j—��,gnnlerdom Jam' 'ol evWFul quawe4nNotl aO,eryue Wo!suo,a BuP»av, alaaeav wlwd Aue NOvuv aaeWa. (� (wN y�elo,d Lan (eN( (n/f 'maFle:p geHYw3 �J 1'✓ Ii .vWeN 3avkN mns,o oiveuneF � p � sous 4!l0031H A401Sf10 d0 Hmo > DEL seuPPtl auN,oeaa •t'�Rwn/'r r�:eureN PWu�roll+�etl wY 3 :eweN AuedwoO wea0 6oroszsna.'zvd O d. P-evtllow4°W.81-01l:euwa g9PrZL8x aN bneNVO. CSUIL zo8 da 8M .wr�misAm'•• W un•re v lv+::Nw •=I...s m.d 4 YYS� EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name ERM Southeast, Inc. Laboratory Name Prism Laboratories, Inc Project Name VMG NC Certification # (Lab) 402 Site Location Charlotte, NC Sample Matrix Water Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-Chloro-octaderane Aromatic: o-Terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-Bromonaphthalene #2: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Sample Identification AC68598 Date Collected 1/3/03 Date Received 116/03 Date Extracted 1/13/03 Date Analyzed 1/14/03 %Dry Solids NA Dilution Factor 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank Sample Results C9-C18 Aliphatics' ug/L 130 250 <250 1100 C19 - C36 Aliphatics` ug/L 120 250 <250 Q50 C11 - C22 Aromatics' ug/L 78 180 <180 1600 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 50% 88% Aromatic Surrogate %Recovery 133% `MI(high) Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 126% 91% Fractionation Surrogate #2 % Recovery I 1 1 127% 104% ' Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any sumogate(s), internal standards, andlor concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL= Reporting Limit Blank= Laboratory Method Blank EPH rev. 11/00 Were all performance/acceptance standards for required Q IDC procedures achieved? Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? Page 1 of 1 EPH ' Surrogate recovery outside control limits due to matrix interference. - OED No - Details Attached Yes No No Yes - Details Attached Lab Report 2/6/03 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarrevechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM ueoeAToelse, INC. Fur ae,Na McMIM a E—mental SW.Mmv Page i of 16 ustomer Project ID: Integris Metals Customer Sample tD: MW43 Prism Sample ID: AC70820 Login Group: 5594K4 Sample Callection Date/Time: 1122/03 17:00 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1124103 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEmME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST BENZENE 1.6 ug/L 1.0 EPA602 11291031037 KTE ETHYLBENZENE Not detected ug& 1.0 EPA 602 11291031837 KTE IPE Not detected ug/L So EPA 602 V2910318:37 KTE WRE Not detected ug/L 5.0 EPA 602 112910318:37 KTE TOLUENE 2.0 ug/L 1.0 EPA 602 1129031IX KTE xYLENES Not detected ug/L 3.0 EPA 602 11291031837 KTE PREP. METHOD 625 Completed - EPA 625 112910311do SM ACENAPHTHENE Not detected ug1L 10 EPA625 ZIV0303:43 LAC ACENAPHTHYLENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V1103 MAD LAC ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC BENZO(A)AWHRACENE Not detected ugA- 10 EPA625 2111030343 IAC BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21V0303:43 LAC BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAc BENZO(A)PYRENE - Not detected ug1L 10 EPA625 2111030343 LAC BENZO(GHHPERYLENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC BIS(2-0HLOROETHOxY)METHANE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 IAC BIS(2-0HLOROETHYL)ETHER Notdetected ug1L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC BIS(2- 11LOROISOPROPYL(ETHER Not detected ugA 10 EPA625 V110303.43 LAC BIS(2-ETHYLHE%YL(PHTHALATE 11 ugA 10 EPA625 21110303:43 LAC 443ROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110303:43 LAC BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC 0-CHLORO-3-METHYLPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC 2CHLORONAPHTHALENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC 2-CHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 tAC 4-CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC CHRYSENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC DIBENZO(A,HIANTHRACENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC DI-N-BUTYLPHTHAIATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 D110303:43 LAC 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAD NO Certification No. 402 - SC Certificaton No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Can. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Spdngbmok Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28226-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-63M ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ F. 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM 4'F ueo6Aronres,INc. Full aeMw aruM'ml a EmYmnmenhl $dWore 2/6I03 Page 2 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-3 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70820 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 55941<4 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/22/03 17:00 Lab Submittal DatefTime: 1124/03 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEITIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,3-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ugl- 10 EPA625 V110303,43 LAC 3,3'-DICHLOROBENZIOINE Not detected ug/L 50 EPA 625 V110303M3 LAC 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC DIETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 W110303:43 LAC 2.4-0IMETHYLPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110303:43 LAC DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 IAC 2,4DINITROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 50 EPA625 - VI/0303:43 LAC 2,4-0INITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC DI-N-OCTYLPHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAG FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC FLUORENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC HEYACHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC HE%ACHLOROBUTAOIENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC HEXACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 - VIA)303:43 LAO INDENON,2,3-CO)PYRENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC ISOPHORONE Net detected ug/L 10 EPA 625 D110303:43 tAC 2-METHYL4,6-0INITROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 50 EPA625 D110303:43 LAC NAPHTHALENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA 625 V1103 03 43 LAC NITROBENZENE Not detected uglL 10 EPA625 V1I0303:43 LAC 2-NITROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC 4-NITROPHENOL Not detected ug1L 50 EPA 625 V110303:43 LAC N-NRROSOOI-R-PROPYLAMINE Not detected uglL 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 50 EPA625 2111030343 LAC PHENANTHRENE Noldetected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC PHENOL Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA625 VV0303:43 IAC PYRENE Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA625 V1103 03 43 LAC 12,LTRICHLOROSENZENE Notdetected uql 10 EPA625 D11030343 LAC 2,4,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL Not detected UgA- 10 EPA625 V110303:43 LAC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certificabion No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrock Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 a Chariot, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-63M ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 • Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM f- ueoaxroalFs,INe. FW $erv4a.Wlytlnl6 EmlrnmeMtl Stlubv 2/6103 Page 3 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Terravechia Customer Sample ID: MWJ 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70820 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lopin Group: 5594K4 Sample Collection Date?ime: 1/22/03 17:00 Lab Submittal DalerTime: 1/24103 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE?IME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST C5 Il Aflpbaem Not detucled ug/L 150 MADEP VPH V310318:00 JMV C9-012A4phatice Not deleeted ug/L 100 MADEP VPH M/03 is:00 JMV C9-Cto Aromatics Not delecled ug/L 30 MAGER VPH VW0318:00 JMV Senopate%Recovery-PID 94 % (70-130) MADEP VPH D3103 16 00 JMV Suvo9ale%Recovery-FID 90 % (70-130) MADEP VPH VW031500 JMV Dilution Factor 1 ug/L MADEP VPH V3/0318:00 JMV EMRACTION FOR EPH CCmpleted MADEP-EPH 1130)0311:00 am C9-C18 AUPHATICS Notdeleoled ug/L 250 MADEP-EPH =03III GRR C19-C36 ALIPHATICS Not detected ug/L 250 MADEP.EPH 2/10310:34 GRR C11-C22AROMATICS Net detected ug/L 180 MADEP-EPH VW0310:34 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY -ALIPHATIC 86 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH VW0310:34 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - AROMATIC 131 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 2/10310:34 GRR SURR12-FLUOROBIPHENYL 123 % (40.140) MADEP-EPH VW0310:34 GRR SURR:2-2ROMONAPiiTHALENE 118 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH WY0310:34 GRR DILUTION FACTOR 1 ug/L MADEP-EPH 2J10310:34 GRR NO CertMcatlon No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28226-0543 Phony 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 1 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ,F- L4eoluroalEs,lxc. FUAaervY McMIu16 EmlMnmenlel9dulme 2/6/03 Page 4 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integra Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechis Customer Sample ID: Ml 7300 Carmel Exec, Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70820 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lopin Group: 55941<4 Sample Collection Dale/Time: 1122/03 17:00 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1124/03 08:15 The fallowing analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEaIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST Sample Comments: Sample for EPH preserved upon receipt. Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Cemication No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlooe, NC 28221-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 2/6/03 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tamavechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 f.kPRISM ueo64roxlas lnc Full $eriee4reblkN a BM,mmanYl SMubnf Page 5 of 16 Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Customer Sample ID: MW4 Prism Sample ID: AC70821 Loom Group: 5594K4 Sample Collection DaleMme: 1122/03 1330 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1124/03 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEmME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST BENZENE Not detected UgIL 1.0 EPA 602 112910319: 11 KTE ETIIYLBENZENE Not detectetl UgIL 1.0 EPA 602 112910319: 11 KTE IPE Not detected ug/L 5.0 EPA 602 112910319: 11 KTE MTBE Not detected ugl 5.0 EPA 602 1/2910319: 11 KTE TOLUENE Net detected UgIL 1.0 EPA 602 112910319: 11 KTE XYLENES Not detected ug/L 3.0 EPA 602 1129/0319: 11 KTE PREP. METHOD 625 Completed EPA 625 V29/0307:00 SM ACENAPHTHENE Not detected ugA- 10 EPA 625 V11030432 LAC ACENAPHTHYLENE Not detected ugr- 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC ANTHRACENE Not detected Ugr- 10 EPA 625 V110304:32 LAC EIRWO(A)AJTHRACENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC BENZO(K)FLUORAHTHENE Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA625 VV0304:32 LAC BENZO(A)PYRENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V1103 M:32 LAC BENZO(GHI)PERYLENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V1103 M:32 LAC 3IS(2-CHLOROET)1OXY)METHANE Notdateced ug/L 10 EPA625 21110304:32 LAC BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL)ETHER Not detected ugf- 10 EPA625 2I110304:32 LAC BIS(2-CHLOROISOPROPYL)ETHER Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 211103 M:32 LAC Bls(2-ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 2I110304:32 LAC 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected uglL 10 EPA625 2/l/0304:32 LAC BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE- Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC 4-CHLORO3-METHYLPHENOL Not detected uglL 10 EPA625 V11030432 LAC 2L111UORONAPHTHALENE Net detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC 2-CHLOROPHENOL Net detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC 4L11LOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not deected ug/L 10 EPA 625 V1103 M:32 LAC CHRYSENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC DIBENZO(A,H}ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 Z11I0304:32 LAC DI-N-BUTYLPHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC 1,2-DICHLOROSENZENE Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA 525 V110304:32 LAC 1.3-DICHLOROSENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 2J1103 M:32 LAC NC Certification No. 402 - SC CerUication No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Can. Na 37735 - FL Cenficatton No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte. NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report ,' j\ PRISM 1 Luda4rom0% INC. -. FNI SeINx Metfical6 EnNrnmenYlStluCo� 216/03 Page 6 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Tanavechia - Customer Sample ID: MW4 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70821 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: 5594K4 Sample Collection DatelTime: 1122/03 13:30 Lab Submittal Dale/Time: 1124/03 08:15 The fallowing analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DAT ITIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1p-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 211103 M:32 LAC 3,3'-DICHLOROBENZIOINE Not detected Ug1L 50 EPA 525 W110304:32 LAC 2,0.DICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 VIAL 04:32 LAC DIETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 VVIO 04:32 LAC 2A-DIMETHYLPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 2/110304:32 LAC DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 2/110304:32 LAC 2,4-DINITROPHENOL Not detected uglL So EPA625 2/1I0304:32 LAC 2,4DINITROTOLUENE Not detected ugA- 10 EPA625 2/1I0304:32 LAC 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC DIN-0CTYLPHTHALATE Nottleteced ug/L 10 EPA625 211/0304:32 LAC FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC FLUORENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 VV0304s2 LAC HEXACHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected ugf- 10 EPA 625 21110304:32 LAC HEXACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 2A 10304:32 LAC INDENO(1,2,3-CD)PYRENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110304:32 LAC ISOPHORONE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 211103 M:32 LAC 2-METHY446-DINITROPHENOL Net detected uglL 50 EPA 525 2I11030432 LAC NAPHTHALENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 VIAO 04:32 LAC NITROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 2J110304:32 LAC 2-NITROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC 4-NITROPHENOL Not detected ug4- 50 EPA625 ZJ1/0304S2 LAC N-NITROSODI-N-PROPYIAMINE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 4I1I0304:32 LAC PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detectetl ugf- 50 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC PHENANTHRENE Not detected ugf- 10 EPA625 Z110304:32 LAC PHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 tYlKa 04:32 LAC PYRENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA 625 VI(0304:32 LAC 1,2,STRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 2/1/030432 LAC 2.4.6-TRICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110304:32 LAC 25-08 Aliphatics Notti.xot l ug/L 150 MADEPVPH W310316:15 JMV NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrock Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 2822 0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ueoa4loelas, INc FA Serviro MYylbi a Emi,ommenW eGNlwu 2/6/03 Page 7 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Atm- Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID:. MWA 7300 Camtel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70821 Loath Group: 5594K4 Charlotte, NO 28226 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/22/03 13:30 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1124/03 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory. TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEmME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST C9-C12 A Iphatice Noldetected ug(L 100 MADEPVPH 2/3/0316:15 JMV C9-C10Aarmdca Not detected ug/L 30 MADEPVPH V3N316:15 JMV SumNI%Recovery-IND 125 % (70-130) MADEPVPH M10316:15 JMV Sumpeta%Recovery -FIO 117 % (70-130) MADEPVPH M0316:15 JMV DIIWon Factor 1 ugA- MADEPVPH W10316:15 JMV EXTRACTION FOR EPH Completed MADEPVPH 113010311:00 SM 29-016 ALIPHATICS Not detected Ug/L 250 MADEPVPH VW0311:25 GRR C19-036 ALIPHATICS Not detected MI 250 MADEPVPH V310311:25 GRR C11-C22 AROMATICS Not detected ug/L 160 MADEP-EPH VV0311:25 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - ALIPHATIC 103 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH V310311:25 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - AROMATIC 125 % (40.140) MADEP-EPH VW031125 GRR SURR:2-FLUOROBIPHENYL 122 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH D310311:25 GRR SURR:2-BROMONAPHTHALENE 122 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH V310311:25 GRR DILUTION FACTOR t ug/L MADEP-EPH 2/W0311:25 GRR NO Certification No 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NO 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-63M A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report !\ PRISM ueoBAroeres, Ixc. Fee sem•.4„eyaw a Hmmnmmmal saeeo,n 2/6/03 Page 8 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MP/4 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: ACT0821 Charlotte, NC 28226 Lonin Group: 5594K4 Sample Collection DateRme: 1/22/03 13:30 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1124103 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATENIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST Sample Comments: Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NO Certification No. 402 - SC CeNfwlion No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Codification No. E87519 449 Springbmok Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Tall Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ F.: 70 t / 525-0409 Lab Report <\ PRISM ,� uao6AroBlax,lnc Ful Servlm AmlylheltEmbonmeMeladuti:rn 2/6103 Page 9 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70822 Charlotte, INC 28226 Loqin Group: 55941<4 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/22/03 18:00 - Lab Submittal Dalerrime: 1/24103 0815 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory -TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATERIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST BENZENE 3.6 ug/L 1.0 EPA602 112910319:46 KTE ETHYLBENZENE Not detected ug/L 1.0 EPA 602 112910319:46 KTE IPE Not detected ug/L 5.0 EPA602 1I29/0319:46 KTE MTBE Not tletectetl uglL 5.0 EPA602 112910319:46 KTE TOLUENE is ugA- 1.0 EPA602 1/2910319:46 KTE XYLENES Not detected uglL 3.0 EPA602 V2910319A6 KTE PREP. METHOD 625 Completed EPA625 11291031100 BM ACENAPHTHENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA 625 V11030520 LAO ACENAPHTHYLENE Not detected ug& 10 EPA625 Z1/0305:20 LAC ANTHRACENE Not detected add- 10 EPA625 V110305:20 LAC BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V11030520 LAC BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Not detected ugA- 10 EPA625 V110305:20 LAC BENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 21110305:20 LAC BENZO(A)PYRENE Not detected UgIL 10- EPA625 Z110305:20 LAC BENZO(GHI)PERYLENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 211I0305.20 LAC BIS(2-CHLOROETHOXY)METHANE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110305:20 IAC BIS(2-CHLOROETHYL)ETHER Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 W110305'.20 LAC SIS(DCHLOROtSOPROPYL)ETHER Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110305:20 IAC BIS(2-ETHYLHEx L)PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110305:20 IAC 4-BROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110305:20 LAC BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 D110305:20 LAC 4-CHLOR03METHYLPHENOL Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA625 D11030520 LAC 2-CHLORONAPHTHALENE Notdetectdt UgIL 10 EPA625 2111030520 LAC 2-CHLOROPHENOL - Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110305:20 LAC 4CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110305:20 IAc OHRYSENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 V110305:20 LAC DIBENZOIA.HIANTHRACENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 Z1/0305:20 LAC DI-N-BUTYLPHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA 625 Z1/0305:20 LAC 1,2-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110305:20 t c 1.3-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 2/1/030520 LAC NO Certifiwdon No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NO Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Spongbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report a` PRISM £.:. , uaoxAlaaFa,lxc. Fu115¢Mv MCFAkal6 Emlmrmenlel $dWan¢ 2/6/03 Page 10 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. - Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Tarrevechia Customer Sample ID: MW-5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70822 Login Group: 5594K4 Charlotte, NC 28226 Sample Collection Dale/Time: 1122/03 18:00 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/24/03 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the Indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATERIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,4-0ICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110305:20 LAC 3.£-DICHLOROBENZIDINE Not detected ug/L 50 EPA 625 2111030520 LAC 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL Not detected Dg& 10 EPA625 Z11D305a0 LAC DIETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA 625 V110305:20 LAC 2.4-DIMETHYLPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110305:20 LAC DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110305:20 LAG 2,4-DINITROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 50 EPA625 V110305:20 IAC 2,4-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110305:20 LAC 26-0INITROTOLUENE Not detected ugl 10 EPA625 V1103 05 20 IAC DI-N-0C7Y1-PHTHALATE Not detected ugl 10 EPA625 V110305:20 LAC FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 VV030520 LAC FLUORENE Notdetected UgIL 10 EPA625 2/11030520 LAC HEXACHLOROBENZENE Notdetected UgIL 10 EPA625 V1103 05 20 LAC HEXACHLOROBUTAOIENE - Notdetected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110305:20 IAC HEXACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 W110305:20 LAO INOEN0(1,2,3-CO)PYRENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110305:20 LAC ISOPHORONE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110305:20 IAC 2-METHYU.6-DINITROPHENOL Not detected! ug/L 50 EPA 625 VI10305:20 LAC NAPHTHALENE Not tletected uglL 10 EPA 625 V110305:20 LAC NITROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA 625 21110305:20 LAC 2-NITROPHENOL Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 2111030520 LAC 4-NITROPHENOL Not detected UgIL 50 EPA625 2/110305:20 LAC N-NITROSODI-N-PROPYLAMINE Notdetected UgIL 10 EPA625 Z110305:20 IAC PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 5D EPA625 V110305:20 LAC PHENANTHRENE Not detected ug/L - 10 EPA625 VIAo 05:20 IAO PHENOL Not detected ugk 10 EPA625 V110305:20 LAC PYRENE Not detected ug/L 10 - EPA625 Z1103 05 20 LAC 1.2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110305,20 LAC 2,4,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 211I030520 IAC C5-C8 Allphatka 3500 ug/L 150 MADEP VPH VV0313:17 JMV NO Cenlfication No. 402 - SC Certiflnation No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Con. No. 37735 - FL Cenfication No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report , ` \ PRISM LABONJ DRiEe, INC. F,d same Ane�I a E,rnmmmmmi swuvo . 2/6103 Page 11 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MW-5 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste, 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70822 Login Group: 55941<4 Chadotte, NC 28226 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/22103 1800 Lab Submittal Dale/Time: 1/24103 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD OATEITME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST C& 12 Aliphallm Notdetected ug/L 100 MADEP VPH V410313:17 JMV 09-C10 Aromatic Not detected ug/L 30 MADEP VPH VV031317 JMV Surrogate%Recovery-PID 124 % (70-130) MADEP VPH V410313:17 JMV Sumgale%Recovery-FID 122 % (70-130) MADEP VPH 2410313:17 JMV 'DIINIon Factor 1 ug/L MADEP VPH VV0313:17 JMV EXTRACTION FOR EPH Completed MADEP-EPH 113010311:0o SM C9-C18 ALIPHATICS Not detected ug/L 250 MADEP-EPH VN0312:17 GRR C19-C36 ALIPHATICS Not detected uglL 250 MADEP-EPH VN0312:17 GRR C11-C22 AROMATICS Not deto Aad ug/L 180 MADEP-EPH V310312:17 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - ALIPHATIC 97 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH V310312:17 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY -AROMATIC I % (40-14C) MADEP-EPH VV0312:17 GRR SURR:2-FLUCROBIPHENYL 127 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH VW0312:17 GRR SURR:2-BROMONAPHTHALENE 123 % (40.140) MADEP-EPH VTO312:17 GRR DILUTION FACTOR 1 ug/L MADEP-EPH W310312:17 GRR NO Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - INC Drinking Water Can. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Spdngbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-81)0 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report !.4\ PRISM ueoaAmelFs, mc. FWI SeMce MflfYal a Emi,mmmbl eoFNMs 2/6/03 Page 12 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: MI 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70822 Login Group: 5594K4 Charlotte, NC 28226 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/22/03 18:00 Lab Submittal Daterrime: 1/24103 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory, TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEFTIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST Sample C0mments: Sample for EPH pprrees/eerved upon receipt. Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Codification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Con. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, INC 2822A-0543 Phone: 704 / 5296364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 5296364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 2/6/03 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarmvechia 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 ;\PRISM ueo6eroelEs, Ixc. FUX aerviwx,W/4u16 Emmm�menbl5dutim¢ Page 13 of 16 Customer Project ID: Integrls Metals Customer Sample ID: DW-1 Prism Sample ID: AC70823 Login Group: 55941<4 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/22103 14:15 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1/24/03 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEMNE PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST BENZENE Not detected U91 10 EPA 602 1I2910320:20 KTE ETHYLBENZENE Not detected Ug1L 10 EPA$02 1@9/032020 KTE IPE Not detected ug/L 5.0 EPA602 V29I0320:20 KTE MTBE Not detected Ug/L 5o EPA602 1129I032D:20 KTE TOLUENE Notdeteded UgIL 1.0 EPA602 112910320:20 KTE XYLENES Not detected ugfL 3.0 EPA 602 11291032020 KTE PREP. METHOD 625 Completed EPA625 1/2910311:00 SM ACENAPHTHENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 V1I0306:07 LAC ACENAPHTHYLENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 V11030c07 LAG ANTHRACENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 2111030607 LAC BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110306:07 LAC BENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE Not detected Ug1L 10 EPA625 V1I0306:07 LAC BENZO(OFLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 W110306:07 LAC BENZO(A)PYRENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 V110306:07 LAC BENZO(GHI)PERYLENE Not detected Ug/L 10 EPA625 V110306:07 LAC BIS(2-CHLOROETHOXY)METHANE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 211103 Oem LAC BIS(211LOROETHYL)ETHER Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 211103 M:07 LAC BIS(2- 11LOROISOPROPYQ[FTHER Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110306:07 LAC BIS(2-ETHYLHExYL)PHTHA1,ATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110306:07 LAC d-OROMOPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Notdeteded ug/L 10 EPA625 Y1 10306:07 LAC BUTYL BENZYL PHTHALATE Notdeteded UgIL 10 EPA625 W110306:07 LAC 4-CHLORO-3-METHYLPHENOL Notdeteded ug/L 10 EPA625 W110306:07 LAC 2CHLORONAPHTHALENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110306:07 LAC 2-CHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 211103 M 07 LAC 4-CHLOROPHENYL PHENYL ETHER Notdeteded ug/L 10 EPA625 211I0306:07 LAC CHRYSENE Notdeteded ug/L 10 EPA625 VV0306:07 LAC OIBENZO(A,HIANTHRACENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 VV0306:07 LAC 01-N-BUT(LPHTHALATE Nat doodled UgIL 10 EPA625 W1103 M07 LAC 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 D1103 OS07 lAC 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 W110306:07 LAC NC Certifcabon No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Cadlf ca on No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Fred Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report € PRISM 4BORATORIELINe. k FUA $ervim Nat,To16 Emi,cnrenNl SdNwm 2/6103 Page 14 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integrls Metals ..Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: DW-1 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70823 Lapin Group: 5594K4 Charlotte, NC 28226 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/22103 1415 Lab Submittal Date7Time: 1/24103 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE/TIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1.4-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 W110306:07 LAC 3,3'-DICHLOROBENZIDINE Not detected ug/L So EPA625 V110306:07 LAC 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110306:07 LAC DIETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 211103 Do 07 LAC 2,4-DIMETHYLPHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110306:07 LAC DIMETHYL PHTHALATE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA 625 V1103 M 07 IAG 2,4-DINITROPHENOL Not tletectetl ug/L 50 EPA625 V11030607 LAD 2p-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected uglL 10 EPA625 V110306:07 LAC 2,6-DINITROTOLUENE Not detected uglL 10 EPA625 2111D306:07 LAC DI-N-OCTYLPHTHALATE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 2/110 M07 LAC FLUORANTHENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110306:07 LAC FLUORENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V1103%D7 LAC HEXACHLOROBENZENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 V110306o7 LAC HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Nat detected UgIL 10 EPA625 V110306:07 LAO HEXACHLOROETHANE Notdeteded ug/L 10 EPA625 VV0306:07 LAC INDENO(1.2.3-CD)PYRENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 2N10306:07 LAC ISOPHORONE Notdeteded ug1L 10 EPA625 21110306:07 LAC 2-METHYL4,6-DINITROPHENOL Not detected uglL 50 EPA625 W1103 06 07 LAC NAPHTHALENE Not detected uglL 10 EPA625 VV0306:07 LAC NITROBENZENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 V110306:07 LAC 2-NITROPHENOL Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 21110306:07 LAC 4-NITROPHENOL Not detected ug/L 50 EPA625 V110306:07 LAC N-NITROSODI-N-PROPYLAMINE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V11030S 07 LAC PENTACHLOROPHENOL Not detected ugf- 50 EPA625 V11030 07 LAD PHENANTI-RENE Not detected UgIL 10 EPA625 211103 US OT lAC PHENOL Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 21110306:07 LAC PYRENE Notdeteded ug/L 10 EPA625 V110306:07 LAC 1,2.4-TRICHLOROSENZENE Not detected ug/L 10 EPA625 V110306:07 LAC 24,6-TRICHLOROPHENOL Notdeteded Ug/L 10 EPA625 V1103 06 07 LAG CS SAIIph0ce Not detected Ug/L 150 MADEPVPH =10317:08 JM\ NC Certification No. 402 - SC Cenifcabon No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Coo. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbmok Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ueosxroales, Ixc. ' FJ sa.w AreMxd a eimm�aoul soiwore 2/6103 Page 15 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: DW-1 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70823 Login Group: 55941<4 Charlotte, NC 28226 Sample Collection Daterrime: 1122103 14:15 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 1124/03 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATERIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST C9C13 Aliphatice Notdetected uglL 100 MADEP VPH 2 0317:08 JMV Cg-C10Aromalica Not detected ug/L 30 MADEP VPH 2/3/0317:08 JMV SUmpate% Recovery -ED 119 % (70-130) MADEP VPH V310317:08 JMV Surrogate% ReCAvery -FID 120 % (70-130) MADEP VPH =0317:08 JMV Dilution Factor 1 ug4- MADEP VPH 23/0317:08 JMV EXTRACTION FOR EPH Completed MADEP£PH 113010311:00 SM C9-C18 ALIPHATICS Not detected uglL 250 MADEP£PH 23I0313:08 GRR C19-C36 ALIPHATICS Not deeded ug/L 250 MADEP-EPH V310313:08 GRR CI 1C22 AROMATICS Not detected ug/L 180 MADEP-EPH 2W0313:08 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - ALIPHATIC 94 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH 2W031308 GRR SURROGATE RECOVERY - AROMATIC 132 % (40.140) MADEP-EPH VW0313:08 GRR SURR:2-FWOROBIPHENYL 121 % (40-140) MADEP-EPH VW0313:08 GRR SURR:2-BROMONAPHTHALENE 116 to (40-140) MADEP-EPH VW0313:08 GAR DILUTION FACTOR 1 ug/l MADEP-EPH V310313:08 GRR NC Certification No. 402 - SC Cedifcation No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Carl. N0. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbiock Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529.6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM ueonxromrs, INC. Full $e,Nce MwMIgI a Enrrtmn.l SdMw 2/6/03 Page 16 of 16 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: Integris Metals Attn: Mr. Rick Tamavechia Customer Sample ID: DW-1 7300 Cannel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC70823 Charlotte, INC 28226 lapin GrouD: 5594K4 Sample Collection Date/Time: 1/22/03 14:15 Lab Submittal Dale/Time: 1/24/03 08:15 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DAT WE PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST Sample Comments: L� Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cen. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28221-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 VPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Form Client Name ERM Southeast, Inc. Laboratory Name Prism Laboratories, Inc. Project Name Integra Metals NC Certification # (Lab) 402 Site Location Atando Ave., Charlotte, NC Sample Matrix Water Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP VPH VPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 2,5-0ibromotoluene Aromatic: 2,6-0ibromotoluene Sample Identification AC70820 AC70821 AC70822 AC70823 Collection Option (for soil)` NA NA NA NA Date Collected 1IM03 1/22/03 1/22/03 1/22/03 Date Received 1/24/03 1/24/03 1/24/03 1124/03 Date Extracted NA NA NA NA Date Analyzed 2/3/03 2/3/03 2/4/03 213/03 % Dry Solids NA NA NA NA Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank Sample Results C6 -CB Aliphatics"' ug/L 47 150 <150 <150 1150 1 3500 1 <150 C9-C12 Aliphatics" ug/L 28 100 Q00 <100 <100 <100 <100 C9 -C10 Aromatics— ug/L 10 30 <30 <30 <30 <30 <30 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% Aliphatic Surrogate%Recovery -FID 108% 90% 117% 122% 120% Aromatic Surrogate%Recovery -PID 112% 94% 125% 124% 119% Option 1 = Established fill line on vial OPtion 2 = Sampling Device (indicate brand, e.g. EnGOMTM) Option 3 = Field weight of soil "Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any sunogate(s), internal standards, antllor concentrations of other ranges Mat elute within the speufied range. MDL= Method Detection Limit RL=Reponing Limit Blank= Laboratory Method Blank or Trip Blank whichever is higher (indicate type) VPH rev. 11/00 Were all performance/acceptance standards for required QA/QC procedures achieved? Were any significant modifications to the VPH method made? No VPH Trip Blank was submitted. Page 1 of 1 VPH EPH (Aliphatics/Aromatics) Laboratory Reporting Fore Client Name ERM Southeast, Inc. Laboratory Name Project Name Integris Metals NC Certification # (Lab) Site Location Atando Ave., Charlotte, NC Sample Matrix Yes No- Details Attached No Yes- Details Attached Prism Laboratories, Inc 402 Water Sample Information and Analytical Results Method for Ranges: MADEP EPH EPH Surrogate Standards Aliphatic: 1-Chloro-octadecane Aromatic: o-Terphenyl EPH Fractionation Surrogates #1: 2-Bromonaphthalene #2: 2-Fluorobiphenyl Sample Identification AC70820 AC70821 I AC70822 I AC70823 Date Collected 1122/03 1/22103 1/22103 1122103 Date Received 1124103 1/24103 124/03 1124/03 Date Extracted 1130103 1/30103 1/30/03 1/30/03 Date Analyzed 2/3/03 213/03 2/3/03 213103 % Dry Solids NA NA NA NA Dilution Factor 1 1 1 1 Hydrocarbon Ranges Units of Measure MDL RL Blank Sample Results C9-CIS Aliphatics' ug/L 130 250 250 <250 <250 <250 <250 C19-C36 Aliphatics' ug/L 120 250 <250 1 <250 <250 <250 <250 C11 - C22 Aromatics" ug/L 78 180 <180 <180 <180 <180 <180 Sample Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Aliphatic Surrogate % Recovery 49% 86% 103% 97% 94% Aromatic Surrogate % Recovery 138% 131% 125% 134% 132% Fractionation Surrogate Acceptance Range 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% 40-140% Fractionation Surrogate #1 % Recovery 134% 118% 122% 123% 116% Fractionation Surrogate #2 % Recovery 1 130% 123% 122% 127% 121% Unadjusted value. Should exclude the concentration of any sumogme(s), internal standards, and/or concentrations of other ranges that elute within the specified range. MDL = Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit Blank = Laboratory Method Blank EPH rev. 11100 Were all performance/acceptance standards for required QA/QC procedures achieved? Was blank correction applied as a significant modification of the method ? Were any significant modifications to the EPH method made? Page 1 of 1 EPH as No- Details Attached Yes No No Yes -Details Attached