HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-6615_27296_CA_IAR_20021202ERM NC, PC December 2, 2002 Mr. Allen Schiff NCDENR - Division of Waste Management UST Section 919 N. Main Street Mooresville NC 28115 Re: Initial Abatement Report (20-Day Report) Integris Metals facility 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina Dear Allen: RECEIVED DEC 0 32002 NC DEPT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE On behalf of Integris Metals, ERM is submitting one copy of the Initial. Abatement Report (20-Day Report) prepared for the underground storage tank (UST) release incident at the above referenced facility. A 24-hour notification was submitted to you regarding this incident on November 13, 2002. Integris Metals is currently preparing to conduct a Phase I LSA. Please do not hesitate to call' me at 704-541-8345 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Rick Tarravechia, P.G. Project Manager cc: Ms. Aimee Nash, Integris Metals 7300 Carmel Executive Park Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 (704)541-8345 (704)541-8416 (Fax) 9 Integris Metals, Inc. Initial Abatement Measures Report Integris Metals 527AtandoAvenue RECEIVED Charlotte, North Carolina , [DEC .0 3 2002 NC DEFT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES. MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE December 2, 2002 A. Site Identification DATE OF REPORT: Facility I.D.: Site Name: Site Location: Nearest City/Town: UST Owner: Address: UST Operator: Address: Property Owner: Address: Property Occupant: Address: Consultant/Contractor: Address: Release Information: Initial Abatement Measures Report December 2. 2002 0-003949 UST Incident Number (if known): Unknown Integris Metals 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte County: Mecklenburg Integrisetals (formerly Rio Algom, Vincent Metal Goods, and Edgecomb Steel) 455 85 MAvenue NW Phone: 763-717-9000 Minneapolis, MN 55433 Vincent Metal Goods 527 Atando Avenue Phone: 704-372-9900 Charlotte, NC 28206 Integris Metals 527 Atando Avenue Phone: 704-372-9900 Charlotte, NC 28206 Integris Metals 527 Atando Avenue Phone: 704-372-9900 Charlotte, NC 28206 ERM NC, PC 7300 Carmel Executive Park, Ste. 200, Charlotte, NC 28226 Phone: 704-541-8345 Date Discovered: November 13, 2002 Latitude: 350 18' 40" N Longitude: Estimated Quantity of Release: Unknown Source of Release (e.g., Piping/UST): Two fuel oil USTs contents of UST system(s) from which the release occurred): 800 42' 44" W Tank Installation Closure Size in Tank Number Dates Date Gallons Construction Contents 1 1966 or earlier (possibly as Out of service since 1981 Est. 6,000 Steel Fuel oil 2 Est. 6,000 Steel Fuel oil early as 1949 Complete and include in report items B through J in the order listed. I, Richard J. Tarravechia a Professional Engineer ' sed Geolo ' ircle one) for ERM NC. PC (firm or company of employment), do cgjftfgrrthWQe information contained in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. ,.•`�a�� CAR01�A.,. Richard J. Tarravechia, P.G. (Please Affix Seal and Signature) SEAL 1076 Q J, TAR;.•`• ERM NC, PC Page 2 of 4 Integris 20-Day Repomdoc— 12/2/02 B. Initial Abatement Activities Discuss the following items: temoval of regulated substance from UST; 700 gallons of residual product and one 55 gallon drum of sludge were removed from the two fuel oil USTs on September 19, 2002. Source control actions; Removal of residual product from the two fuel oil USTs. Contaminant migration control measures (sorbents, berms, etc.); None required. © Measures taken to mitigate fire/safety hazards; None required. Contaminated soil storage, treatment, and/or disposal; Status of free product investigation and associated removal (if applicable). FN—otapplicable. C. Site History: Using the format in Table B-1, list all UST systems currently or previously located at the site including UST system number, product, capacity, date installed, date removed or closed, and whether a release was discovered. UST system numbers should correspond to the site map information requested below. — See Table B-1 © Using the format in Table B-2, list the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and dates of ownership/operation of all previous UST owners and operators of the UST system(s). — See Table B-2 D. Source Investigation Use maps and tables whenever possible and provide the rationale for sampling performed. To the extent information is available, describe soil sampling performed to confirm the presence and source of the release including: location of soil samples; SEE FIGURE 4 AND TABLE B-3 type of soil samples (from excavation, borehole, geoprobe, etc.); date of sampling; soil sample collection procedures (split spoon, grab, hand auger, etc.); depth of soil samples below land surface; © soil sample identification; soil sample analyses; and soil sample analytical results (list any contaminant above MDL). Describe any groundwater sampling performed to confirm the presence and source of the release including: location of groundwater samples/monitoring wells/water supply wells; date of sampling; NO GROUND WATER SAMPLING HAS BEEN CONDUCTED. groundwater sample collection procedures (bailer, pump, etc.); groundwater sample identification; groundwater sample analyses; and groundwater sample analytical results (list any contaminant above MDL). E. Figures 7'h minute USGS topographic quadrangle map (copy) with site location identified and showing an area within 1,500-foot radius of source of release. SEE FIGURES 1 AND 3. Site map with UST system location(s) including piping and pump islands, site boundaries, buildings, named roads, subsurface utilities, basements, adjacent properties, and any on -site water supply wells, ditched or adjoining surface waters. SEE FIGURE 2. ERM NC, PC Page 3 of 4 Integris 20-Day Repon.doe — 12/2/02 Site map showing the results of all soil sampling conducted to date. Indicate sample identifications, sample locations, sampling; depths, and analytical results. SEE FIGURE 4. Site map showing the results of all groundwater sampling conducted to date. Indicate sample identifications, sample locations/monitoring well identifications, and analytical results. NOT APPLICABLE NOTE. If possible, use a single base map to prepare site plans using a map scale of I inch = 40 feet (or a smaller scale for large sites, if'necessary). Maps and figures should include conventional symbols, notations, labeling, legends, scales, and north arrows and should conform to generally accepted practices ofmap presentation such as those enumerated in the USGS Geological Survey pamphlet, "Topographic Maps. " F. Tables Use format in Table B-3 to summarize soil sampling results. SEE TABLE B-3. © Use format in Table B4 to summarize groundwater sampling results. NOT APPLICABLE G. Appendices Boring logs and lithologic descriptions; SEE APPENDIX A © Well construction records (Table B-7); NOT APPLICABLE Field measurements (e.g., pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductivity, temperature, etc.) made during groundwater sampling; NOT APPLICABLE Standard procedures used for sampling, field equipment decontamination, field screening, etc.; SEE APPENDIX B Disposal manifests; SEE APPENDIX C Laboratory reports and chain -of -custody documents and SEE APPENDIX D Site -specific Health and Safety Plan (if not provided in an UST tank closure report). ERM NC, PC Page 4 of Integris 20-Day Report.doc— 122/02 Figures .a. � . ���.� 1 ! •G?� � trs' �� i i6i i 9 L9vttla Aoe I �I.� It l'i���'• 1� ���'f�l e� �t� t b I�'�� \`\� �f,` a !(i) re` ./ .✓-•tom .s {I 11t ,-+`� .. ,In J/i/•_(. ✓ 1� ` _�., as ` 1 '� 1 t\ T �r t �I� �.'�'"'!. `IN i�i� �..•�`i� •�`��r'� '� Ir�9 17 f�� i1R\ .�'fi/ L,` �"s�� �h` L•t r'Y ••'- • l i 18 i1/ i •..._. - 4\nn � � 4 ^ ' `I\ ' ! a' \„r ;z ' I !�'_i'.*• .�.'L' i. 1 4�• ✓mil' �yI nd7- ).June. n t,l •T� � a ii. A•-s';/ \ ! ..-�^�'J' $ug ,. IF y.�` - u�jekl f ��II. Source: Daniel N.C. 7:5 Minute Topographic I Quadrangle, 1972: Contour Interval = 10 feet SCALE: 1 INCH = 2,000 FEET RGURE Environmental SITE LOCATION MAP Resources. VINCENT METAL GOODS ERM Manaeement' CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 1 PROPERTY BOUNDARY I I r 1 I I I IINTEGRIS METALS I I Ld I I z Z ui I , a 0 I O ; UST-1 Z F I a 0 I rc x Ox I-tK: UST-2 ._ 0 I I a i L N x u 0 0 0 JSCALE IN FEET 0 25 50 100 FIGURE = Environmental STYE PLAN ma PnWRM METALS ManResources 527 ATANDO AVENUE 2ERM $ CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROU NA m O 00-F - nnep , O n&49; o tI O 0� Do ° � �' •o' d O� Q�,,l� O n� �a0 Oho N e \ O ` / \ q " 1% O�• Q 0 " SCALE IN FEET MAP SOURCE: MECKLENBURG COUNTY ENGINEERING AND BUILDING STANDARDS DEPT. PIANIMETRIC MAPS O 400 3 Environmental SENSITIVE RECEPTOR AND ZONING MAP FIGURE _ DnWRIS METALS Resources ann Management 527 ATANW AVENUE 3 n ERM S CHARLOTTE" NORTH CAROLINA m FILL PORT Vi VMG-6 IN VMG-9 II �/ II % VMG-7 VMG-5 II / �VMC-8 I. VMG-4 1 ,:''153;- ®VMG-2 II ®VMG-3 I I II II II III vmC-10 .II fUl II I I II I I II II®°L'c-1s II II II II II ®VMG-13 I I VMG-1 VMG-12 II ®II VMG-1s II ®O FILL PORT vMG-1 EL GEND ® GEOPROBE SOIL BORING OLD FURNACE OFFICES SCALE IN FEET 15 30 Environmental SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION MAP Resources IIV'EGRIS MATS 4 s ERM Management �ArNORTH � UNA T Tables TABLE B-1 SITE HISTORY UST System Information Facility I.D.: 0-003949 Date: December 2, 2002 Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - Pending UST ID Number - Product Capacity (gallons) Date Installed .. Date Pennanentty JASWasia�el�ase Closed, or Still in USe' sociad UST "System? (Yes/No) 1 Fuel oil est. 6,000 1966 or earlier (possibly as early as 1949) Out of Service since approximately 1981 Yes 2 Fuel oil est. 6,000 1966 or earlier (possibly as early as 1949) Out of Service since approximately 1981 Yes - Still in use means not permanently closed. FRP = Fiberglass reinforced plastic TABLE B-2 SITE HISTORY UST Owner/Operator Information (most recent first) Facility I.D.: 0-003949 Date: December 2, 2002 Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - Pending UST ID Number I Name of Owner or Operator Dates of Ownership/Operation Owner or Operator? 1 and 2 Intgris Metals 12001-present (never operated USTs) owner Address "" Telephone Number 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 704-372-9900 UST ID Number Name of Owner or Operator jDates of Ownership/Operation . Owner or Operator? - 1 and 2 Rio Algom, Ltd. 1995-2001 (never operated USTs) owner Address -- " .:- Telephone Number 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 704-372-9900 UST ID Number IName of Owner or Operator Dates of Ownership/Operation '- Owner or Operator? " 1 and 2 IVincent Metal Goods 1976.1995 (operated UST until 1981) owner/operator Address - - Telephone Number 527 Atando Avenue Chadotte, NC 28206 704-372-9900 UST ID Number - - Name of Owner or Operator Dates of Ownership/Operation Owner or Operator? 1 and 2 Edgecomb Steel 1949 - 1974 owner/operator Address Telephone Number 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte. NC 28206 unknown Integris Tables.xls:B-1&B-2 History Page 1 of 1 TABLE B-3 SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS Date: 12/01/02 Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - Pending Facility I.D.: NA Analytical Method r j O EPA 8015 (mg/kg) VOCs - 8260 (mg/kg) % M c C C N N N O N N C N d 0_ L 1N1 L T a N t C N O N T J 2 CL .L.. L Depth 9 E N= N N= C J T _ W RI O 2 J QI �] O d 2 O .L.. L O O N b 2' Sample ID Date (ft. BGL) ii n r m F N In d H cCi a 0 w X y n z VMG-1 10/19/02 NO NO VMG-2 10/19/02 13 56 94 2,400 ND ND 0.95 3.40 NO NO 2.20 2.10 NO 0.90 1.50 9.50 1.60 7.40 3.40 VMG-3 10/19/02 14 64 140 2,500 ND NO 0.78 NO NO NO 2.60 1.20 NO 0.65 0.57 6.50 1.40 0.41 NO VMG-4 10/19/02 160 15,000 VMG-5 10/19/02 110 1,700 VMG-6 10/19/02 ND ND VMG-7 10/19/02 NO ND VMG-8 10/19/02 NO ND VMG-9 10/19/02 NO NO VMG-10 10/19/02 NO NO VMG-11 10/19/02 100 8,100 VMG-12 10/19/02 16 62 120 2,100 NO ND 0.99 0.85 ND NO 4.20 2.70 0.43 1.40 2.70 11.0 3.90 19.0 4.50 VMG-13 10/19/02 6 45 480 12,000 NO NO NO ND ND ND 10.0 4.20 NO 3.20 5.70 32.0 7.80 16.0 9.60 VMG-14 10/19/02 NO NO- VMG-15 10/19/02 1 290 5,200 Soil -Groundwater MSCC -- 10 10 0.0056 7 0.24 5 0.92 0.37F1, 3 3 2 NE 0.58 2 8 7 Residential MSCC - 22 3,200 1,560 32K 156 156 166 156 1,564 NE 63 156 782 782 Industrial/Commercial MSCC 200 82K 40K 200K 4,088 4,0888 4,088 4,088 40,880 NE 1,635 4,088 20,440 20,440 Analytical Method VPH/EPH (mg/kg) 8270 (mg/kg) N N L N L L p E Q to N N Depth N c7 Q U O o E Sample ID Date (ft. BGQ U U U U U o U Q Soil -Groundwater MSCC 72 3,255 mmobil 34 Residential MSCC _ 939 9,386 193,860 469 Industrial/Commercial MSCC 24,528 245,280 >100% 12,264 Only detected compounds are shown in table mg/kg=Milligrams/kilogram --= Not analyzed BGL = Below ground level NO = Not detected Results shown in bold exceed NE = Not established soil -groundwater MSCC NA=Not Applicable Integris Tables.xls:B-3 Soil Results Page 2 of 2 Appendix A Boring Logs SOIL BORING LOGS INTEGRIS METALS CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Boring I.D. Interval (feet) VOCs (ppm) Sample Description VMG-1 0-0.75 Gravel 0.754 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. VMG-2 — — Intersected top of UST 15.5 ft. from manhole. Re -locate boring to 18 ft. from manhole. 04 2 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 4-8 32 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Slight odor. 8-12 56 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Mottled and gray 11.5-13 ft. Moderate odor. 13 56 Refusal on concrete. VMG-3 0-4 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Slight odor. 4-8 13 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Slight odor. 8-12 45 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Slight odor. 12-14 64 Reddish brown silty CLAY, Strong odor. Green staining. 14-16 58 Reddish brown silty CLAY, Strong odor. Green staining. VMG-4 - — Intersected UST 18 feet from manhole at depth of 4.5 ft. Re -located boring. 0-4 32 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Slight Odor 4-8 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. 8-11 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. VMG-5 0-4 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. 4-8 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. 8-12 2 Reddish brown silty CLAY. 12-14 68 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Odor. 14-15.5 89 Same as above. Refusal at 15.5 feet BGL. VMG-6 0-4 0 Yellowish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 4-8 0 Yellowish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 8-12 0 Yellowish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 12-16 0 Yellowish brown silty CLAY. No odor. VMG-7 0-4 0 Hard reddish brown CLAY. No staining or odor. 4-6 0 Hard reddish brown CLAY. No staining or odor. 6-8 0 Hard reddish brown CLAY. No staining or odor. VMG-8 0-2 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Fill soil. No odor. 2-4 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Fill soil. No odor. 4-6 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Fill soil. No odor. 6-8 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Fill soil. No odor. VMG-9 0-4 0 Orange brown silty CLAY. No odor. 4-8 0 Orange brown silty CLAY. No odor. 8-12 0 Orange brown silty CLAY. No odor. 12-16 8 Orange brown silty CLAY. No odor. VMG-10 0-4 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 4-8 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 8-12 0 Same as above. Intermixed gravel at 11 feet. VMG-11 0-4 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 4-8 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. - 8-12 0.5 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 12-14 6 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 14-16 23 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. Boring Logs.XLS:Geoprobe Log Page 1 of 2 12/02/2002 Boring I.D. Interval (feet) VOcs (ppm) Sample Description VMG-12 0-4 0.5 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 4-8 1.5 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 8-12 1.5 Green SILT. No odor. 12-16 62 Green silt, odorous. VMGA 3 0-2 13 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Slight odor. 2-4 35 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Odor. 4-6 45 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Odor. 6-8 38 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Odor. 8-10 12 Reddish brown silty CLAY. Slight odor. 10-12 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. 12-16 13 Reddish brown silty CLAY. No odor. VMG-14 0-2 0 Reddish brown silty CLAY, no odor. 2-4 0 Soil grades to yellow -brown clayey SILT, no odor. 4-7 0 Yellow -brown -green hard SILT. 7-8 0 Hard red brown CLAY. VMG-15 0-2 0 Brown yellow clayey SILT. No odor. 2-4 50 Brown yellow clayey SILT. No odor. 4-6 28 Red brown CLAY. No odor. 6-8 28 Red brown CLAY. No odor. 8-10 50 Red brown CLAY. No odor. 10-12 34 Red brown CLAY. No odor. Drilling Method: Geoprobe macro -core Logged by: R.10Tarravechia Date: /191 002 Boring Logs.XLS:Geoprobe Log Page 2 of 2 12/02/2002 Appendix B Standard Procedures SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Geoprobe Drilling/Sampling Geoprobe soil samples were collected using a 1.5-inch macro -core sampling tube lined with a plastic sleeve. Continuous samples were collected in 4-foot intervals. New plastic liners were used for each sample interval. Drilling and sampling equipment were decontaminated using steam -cleaning equipment between borings. Field Logging and Laboratory Analysis Soil samples were visually inspected and the physical characteristics logged upon retrieval of the sample from the soil boring. Soil samples were screened in the field using an organic vapor meter (Bacharach TLV, HNu photo -ionization detector, or comparable equipment), and using the headspace screening method. This equipment was calibrated prior to use. Laboratory analyses were conducted by a North Carolina approved laboratory. Sample collection, handling, and preservation were conducted in accordance with accepted protocol, including chain -of - custody documentation. Wj erryVnitche11\procedur. doc Appendix C Disposal Manifests Appendix D Laboratory Reports and Chain of Custody Documents Appendix C Disposal Manifests HAZ-MAT TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL P. O. BOX 37392 • CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28237 (704 332-5600 FAX (704) 375-7183 NON -HAZARDOUS SPECIAL WASTE GENERATOR LOCATION ,( NAME 11�YeClI/YY ORIGINATING ADDRESST,Q.�✓r MAILING ADDRESS CITY - STATE ZIP PHONE NO. CONTACT NAME Manifest No. 1.3419 P.O. No. Job No. 61A- 3-;7- 2? WORK CONTRACTED BY Bill To (If different from information at left) 004: Gr // NAME ADDRESS^ /J l_`W� CITY �^.\tt,'1D.�1 � (� SpTTAT�TE�r1N('• ZIP PHONE NO. CONTACTNAME�- DES. OF WASTE: (el%R.X/G LURTC% lj*'(JCL.✓:�SG /' I/ I u PniM anmy -" DESCRIPTION QUANTITY LINE TO AL 1. WATER, OIL & COOLANT PUMPED FROM TANKS OR DRUMS 2. OFF SPEC LIGHT OIL, WATER & GAS PUMPED FROM TANKS OR DRUMS 3. 55 GALLON DRUMS REMOVED - SOLID 4. 55 GALLON DRUMS REMOVED - LIQUID 5. 6. C G �� 7. a- io d 9. SERVICE CHARGE 10. TRANSPORTATION GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the above named material is not a hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR Part 261 or any applicable state law, has been properly described, classified and packaged, and is in proper condition for transportation according to applicable regulations; AND, if the waste is a treatment residue of a previously restricted hazardous waste subject to the Land Disposal Restrictions, I certify and warrant that the waste has been treated in ordance with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 268 and is no longer a hazardous waste as define by 40 CFR Part 261. IN r�Ic61 k ;1,�;►�tl�� Ian 4 --1 > z Generator Authorized Agent -Name J Signature Shipment Date HAZ- MAT TRANSPORTER II TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL e. Name P. O BOX 37392 • CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28237 1. Address a. Driver Namp. //,TNe ] •�- g. Driver Name / Title b. Phone No/'� '�'� ZU c. Truck No. �/ �� h. Phone No. I. Truck No. Hazardous Waste Transporter Permits J. Transporter II Permit Nos. EPA NCR 000003186 EPA D04 461370 river ignature Shiprem Date Driver Signature Shlrnerd Date SecaiionnniAILISXEIQF[MIiI4I1TK1?;OEfi(1'1��0 r5.. Site Name: Haz-Mat Transportation & Disposal. Inc. a. Phone No. 704-332.5600 Physical Address: 210 Dalton Avenue b. Melling Address: P.O. Box 37392 Charlotte, N.C. 28237 Charlotte. N.C. 28237 e. Discrepancy Indication Space This Is moodily that all non -hazardous material removed from above location has been received and will be are blended Into a beneficial reusable fuel for use in large industrial burners. (2) Wade waters are to be treate than into the CMUD sanitation sewer system under permit IUP15012. ) Sludges from treatment (4) Our treatment system operates an a firs] in, first out basis and product should be processed within seven proper are on SIGNATURE OF FACILITY AGENT DATE M NrH DAY YIEARVO ORIGINAL - FINAL Y.S.O. • YELLO IIISPOSER • PINK-1STTS.0. • GOLD -GENERATOR HAZ-MAT TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL 13706 Manifest No. P. 6. BOX 37392 • CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28237 P0. No. VO4 332-5600 FAX (704) 375-7183 NON -HAZARDOUS SPECIAL WASTE Job No. GENENAME��V(nu—nl 1 f I�'I ���5 WORKCONTRACTEDfrom DBV . (��__,,,,�� JJ�� /�,� Bill To (N different from inforMmation at left)A � Pic - ORIGINATING ADDRESS — r7'ILr'1G+1� � NAME e RI ' / Nc i MAILING ADDRESS j,� CITY �'`� IQ 1 l C� /� 9� STATE ZIP PHONE NO. ADDRESS CITY PHONE NO. LO CONTACT NAME k - / - CONTACTNAME T\I VI I I CY" (AV L --Tlz— DES.OFWASTE:—�L.�f�, 1N1 TG✓ )"/ i/ I D Quantity DESCRIPTION QUANTITY LINET 3TAL 1. WATER, OIL & COOLANT PUMPED FROM TANKS OR DRUMS 2. OFF SPEC LIGHT OIL, WATER & GAS PUMPED FROM TANKS OR DRUMS a. 55 GALLON DRUMS REMOVED - SOLID 4. 55 GALLON DRUMS REMOVED - UOUID 5. 6. 7. 6. G2J 9. SERVICE CHARGE 7-a 10. TRANSPORTATION GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the above named material is not a hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR Part 261 or any applicable state law, has been property described, classified and packaged, and is in proper condition for transportation according to applicable regulations; AND, if the waste is a treatment residue of a previously restricted hazardous waste subject to the Land Disposal Restrictions, I certify and warrant that the waste has been treated in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 268 and is no longer a hazardous waste as defined by 40 CFR Part 261. 1 t Generator Authorized gent Naute Signature unionism Date HAZ-MAT TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL P. O. BOX 37392 - CHARLOTIE, N.C. 28237 a. Driver Name/ 7Tale JG 'e- b.Phone No./il % ---7-7Z _-,E400 c.Truck No. Hazardous Waste Transporter Permits EPA NCR 000003186 EPA NCD04M370 /1 /f Site Name: Haz-Mat Transportation & Disposal Inc. Physical Address: 210 Dalton Avenue Charlotte. N.C. 28237 e. Discrepancy Indication Space This is to certify mat all non -hazardous material am blended Into a beneficial reusable fuel for us than into the CMUD sanitation mar systei (4) Our treatment system operates on a first In, am e. Name g.Driver Name h. Phone No. I. Truck No. j. Transporter II Permit Nos. a. Phone No. b. Maiing Address: proper 1-1•I- � on Isunamne ur rauuhTaurnh �M�y- „� _J DATE (MONTH i (DAY 1�( YEAR Cr2 / ORIGINAL - FINAL T.S.D. • YELLOW --DIS R • PINK -iST18.0. • GOLD -GENERATOR Appendix D Laboratory Reports and Chain of Custody Documents 1. Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, INC 28226 I PRISM 1 LABORATORIES, INC Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-1 Prism Sample ID: AC61489 Loqin Group: A0024K15 Sample Collection DatefTime: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 Page 1 of 23 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE Less than mg/kg 10 8015MOD/3550 10/23/02 19:18 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 Less than mg/kg 1.0 8015MOD/5030 10/21/02 20:16 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 85 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services Nov 1 4 2002 INC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 2 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-2 Prism Sample ID: AC61490 Loqin Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEFFIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE 2400 mg/kg 500 8015MOD/3550 10/24/02 03:47 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 94 mg/kg 10 8015MOD/5030 10/22/02 10:50 JMV BENZENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC BROMOBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC BROMOCHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC BROMODICHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 826OB15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC BROMOFORM Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC BROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 640 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC N-BUTYLBENZENE 2200 ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 2100 ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC TERT-BUTYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 320 826013/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC CHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 320 82BOB15035 10122/0200:38 KC CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC CHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 640 8260B15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC CHLOROFORM Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC CHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 640 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 2-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 320 826OB15035 1012210200:38 KC 4-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 320 82608/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 640 82608/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC DIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 826OB/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B15035 10122/0200:38 KC 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 320 82608/5035 10/2210200:38 KC 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 r Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 AIL PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 3 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-2 Prism Sample ID: AC61490 Login Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE/TIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 320 82608/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 320 826OB/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC ETHYLBENZENE 950 ug/kg 320 826OB15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC ISOPROPYLBENZENE 900 ug/kg 320 826013/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 1500 ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC METHYLENE CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 6400 8260B15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC NAPHTHALENE 9500 ug/kg 320 826OB/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC N-PROPYLBENZENE 1600 ug/kg 320 82606/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC STYRENE - Not detected ug/kg 320 826013/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 82608/5035 10/2210200:38 KC 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC TETRACHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 320 826013/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC TOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 320 826013/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 826013/5035 10/2210200:38 KC 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 826013/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC TRICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 320 826OB15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 7400 ug/kg 320 " 826OB15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 3400 ug/kg 320 82608/5035 10/2210200:38 KC VINYL CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 640 826013/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC TOTAL XYLENES 3400 ug/kg 320 82606/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 2-BUTANONE (MEK) Not detected ug/kg 3200 82608/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER Not detected ug/kg 640 826013/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK) Not detected ug/kg 3200 826OB/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC ACETONE Not detected ug/kg 6400 826OB15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM f! LABORATORIES, INC Full Service Analylical & Environmental Solutions 10/25/02 Page 4 of 23 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: VMG-2 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC61490 Charlotte, INC 28226 Login Group: A0024K15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATErrIME STARTED ANALYST CARBON DISULFIDE Not detected ug/kg 6400 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC VINYL ACETATE Not detected ug/kg 3200 82608/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 320 826OB/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC 2-HEXANONE Not detected ug/kg 3200 826OB15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC IPE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC MTBE Not detected ug/kg 320 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC SURR:DIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE 111 % 72-137 8260B15035 10/22/02 00:38 KC SURR:TOLUENE-D8 102 % 73-128 8260B/5035 10/22/02 00:38 KC SURR:BROMOFLUOROBENZENE 123 % 69-131 8260B/5035 1012210200:38 KC CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 77 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments GVF Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 1 PR.ISM LABORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 5 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG3 Prism Sample ID: AC61491 Loqin Group: AO024K15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE/TIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE 2500 mg/kg 500 8015MOD/3550 10/24/02 09:22 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 140 mg/kg 10 8015MOD/5030 10/22/02 12:01 JMV BENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC BROMOBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC BROMOCHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC BROMODICHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC BROMOFORM Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC BROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 680 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC N-BUTYLBENZENE 2600 ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 1200 ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC TERT-BUTYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC CHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 82606/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC CHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 680 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC CHLOROFORM Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC CHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 680 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 2-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10122/0201:17 KC 4-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 680 826013/5035 10122/0201:17 KC 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC DIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 82606/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 340 82606/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC INC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM i' LABORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 6 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-3 Prism Sample ID: AC61491 Login Group: A0024K15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE/TIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 340 82606/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC ETHYLBENZENE 780 ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/2210201:17 KC ISOPROPYLBENZENE 650 ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 570 ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC METHYLENE CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 6800 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC NAPHTHALENE 6500 ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC N-PROPYLBENZENE 1400 ug/kg 340 826OB15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC STYRENE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC TETRACHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC TOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826OB15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/2210201:17 KC 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC TRICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 340 82606/5035 10/22/0201A7 KC 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 410 ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/2210201:17 KC 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826OB15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC VINYL CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 680 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC TOTAL XYLENES Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 2-BUTANONE (MEK) Not detected ug/kg 3400 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER Not detected ug/kg 680 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIRK) Not detected ug/kg 3400 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC ACETONE Not detected ug/kg 6800 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - INC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report PRISM LABORATORIES, INC Full Service Analytical 8 Environmental Solutions 10/25/02 Page 7 of 23 ERM Southeast, Inc. Customer Project ID: VMG Attn: Mr, Rick Tarravechia Customer Sample ID: Vill 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Prism Sample ID: AC61491 Charlotte, NC 28226 Login Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST CARBON DISULFIDE Not detected ug/kg 6800 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC VINYL ACETATE Not detected ug/kg 3400 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10122/0201:17 KC TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10122/0201:17 KC 2-HEXANONE Not detected ug/kg 3400 8260B/5035 10/2210201:17 KC IPE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10122/0201:17 KC MTBE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC SURR:DIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE 93 % 72-137 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC SURR:TOLUENE-D8 95 % 73-128 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:17 KC SURR:BROMOFLUOROBENZENE 124 % 69-131 826OB15035 10/22/02 01:17 KC CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 73 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 8 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-4 Prism Sample ID: AC61492 Loqin Group: A0024K15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE 15000 mg/kg 500 8015MOD/3550 10/24/02 12:24 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 160 mg/kg 20 8015MOD/5030 10/21/02 22:09 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 87 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr, Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, INC 28226 PRISM 'x LABORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 9 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-5 Prism Sample ID: AC61493 Loqin Group: A0024K15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE 1700 mg/kg 500 8015MOD13550 10/24/02 13:10 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 110 mg/kg 5.0 8015MOD15030 10/21/02 22:46 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 89 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services INC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, INC 28226 .i' PRISM LABORATORIES, INC Full Service Analytical 8 Environmental Solutions Page 10 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-6 Prism Sample ID: AC61494 Loqin Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE Less than mg/kg 10 8015MOD/3550 10/23/02 16:12 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 Less than mg/kg 1.0 8015MOD15030 10/21/02 23:24 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 72 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments: Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services INC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - INC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM LABORATORIES, INC Full service Analytical 8 Environmental Solutions Page 11 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-7 Prism Sample ID: AC61495 Login Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE Less than mg/kg 10 8015MOD13550 10/23/02 21:38 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 Less than mg/kg 1.0 8015MOD/5030 10/22/02 01:17 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 86 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services INC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 12 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-8 Prism Sample ID: AC61496 Loqin Group: A0024K15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE Less than mg/kg 10 8015MOD/3550 10/23/02 22:23 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 Less than mg/kg 1.0 8015MOD/5030 10/22/02 18:27 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 87 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments: Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM LABORATORIES, INC Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 13 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-9 Prism Sample ID: AC61497 Login Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE Less than mg/kg 10 8015MOD13550 10/23/02 16:58 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 Less than mg/kg 1.0 8015MOD15030 10/22/02 02:32 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 75 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM LABORATORIES, INC Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 14 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-10 Prism Sample ID: AC61498 Loqin Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE Less than mg/kg 10 8015MOD/3550 10/23/02 18:31 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 Less than mg/kg 1.0 8015MOD/5030 10/22/02 03:10 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 81 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 ftisM -' LABORATORIES, INC Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 15 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-11 Prism Sample ID: AC61499 Loqin Group: A0024K15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE 8100 mg/kg 1000 8015MOD/3550 10/24/02 11:39 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 100 mg/kg 10 8015MOD/5030 10/22/02 03:47 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 75 - % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road A P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM N9' y LABORATORIES, INC 3 Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 16 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-12 Prism Sample ID: AC61500 Loqin Group: A0024K15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATEITIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE 2100 nrl 500 8015MOD/3550 10/24/02 13:55 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 120 mg/kg 10 8015MOD/5030 10/22/02 12:39 JMv BENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC BROMOBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826OB15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC BROMOCHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10122/0201:56 KC BROMODICHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC BROMOFORM Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC BROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 680 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC N-BUTYLBENZENE 4200 ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 2700 ug/kg 340 826OB15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC TERT-BUTYLBENZENE 430 ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/2210201:56 KC CHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC CHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 680 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC, CHLOROFORM Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC CHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 680 8260B/5035 1012210201:56 KC 2-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10122/0201:56 KC 4=CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826OB/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 680 82606/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC DIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826OB/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10122/0201:56 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 ftism LABORATORIES, INC. '/Mgftlal Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 18 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-12 Prism Sample ID: AC61500 Loqin Group: A0024Kl5 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST CARBON DISULFIDE Not detected ug/kg 6800 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC VINYL ACETATE Not detected ug/kg 3400 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826OB15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 2-HEXANONE Not detected ug/kg 3400 826013/5035 10122/0201:56 KC IPE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC MTBE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC SURR:DIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE 101 % 72-137 8260B/5035 10122/0201:56 KC SURR:TOLUENE-D8 104 % 73-128 82608/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC SURR:BROMOFLUOROBENZENE 167' % 69-131 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 74 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments: Analysis note for 8260:* - The surrogate recovery was outside of the control limits. The analysis was repeated at a 1:500 dilution, but the surrogates were diluted out. Matrix interference is suspected. Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 17 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-12 Prism Sample ID: AC61500 Loqin Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE/TIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 340. 82606/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC ETHYLBENZENE 990 ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC ISOPROPYLBENZENE 1400 ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 2700 ug/kg 340 826OB/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC METHYLENE CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 6800 82BOB15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC NAPHTHALENE 11000 ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC N-PROPYLBENZENE 3900 ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10122/0201:56 KC STYRENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 826OB/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC TETRACHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826OB15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC TOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 340 826OB15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 82608/5035 1012210201:56 KC TRICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 19000 ug/kg 340 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 4500 ug/kg 340 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC VINYL CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 680 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC TOTAL XYLENES 850 ug/kg 340 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 2-BUTANONE (MEK) Not detected ug/kg 3400 8260B/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER Not detected ug/kg 680 82606/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIRK) Not detected ug/kg 3400 826013/5035 10/22/02 01:56 KC ACETONE Not detected ug/kg 6800 8260B15035 10/22/02 01:56 KC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM ,LL LABORATORIES, INC Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 19 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-13 Prism Sample ID: AC61501 Login Group: A0024K15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE/TIME PARAMETER RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE 12000 mg/kg 5000 8015MOD/3550 10/24/02 15:29 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 480 mg/kg 40 8015MOD15030 10/22/02 05:03 JMv BENZENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC BROMOBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 82608/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC BROMOCHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC BROMODICHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC BROMOFORM Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC BROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 5800 826013/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC N-BUTYLBENZENE 10000 ug/kg 2900 826013/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC SEC-BUTYLBENZENE 4200 ug/kg 2900 82608/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC TERT-BUTYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC CARBON TETRACHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 2900 82606/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC CHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 82608/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC CHLORODIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 82606/5035 10/2210202:35 KC CHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 5800 826013/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC CHLOROFORM Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10122/0202:35 KC CHLOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 5800 82608/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 2-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/2210202:35 KC 4-CHLOROTOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 1012210202:35 KC 1,2-DIBROMO-3-CHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 5800 82608/5035 10122/0202:35 KC 1,2-DIBROMOETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/2210202:35 KC DIBROMOMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 826OB15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 82606/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 826013/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 826013/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 82608/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 82608/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC CIS-1,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 °. PRISM LABORATORIES, INC Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 20 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-13 Prism Sample ID: AC61501 Login Group: A0024K15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory: TEST TEST REPORTING METHOD DATE/TIME PARAMETER - RESULT UNITS LIMIT REFERENCE STARTED ANALYST 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,3-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 2,2-DICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,1-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC ETHYLBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC HEXACHLOROBUTADIENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC ISOPROPYLBENZENE 3200 ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC P-ISOPROPYLTOLUENE 5700 ug/kg 2900 8260B15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC METHYLENE CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 58000 8260B15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC NAPHTHALENE 32000 ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC N-PROPYLBENZENE 7800 ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC STYRENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 82606/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1, 1,1,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 826013/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC TETRACHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/2210202:35 KC TOLUENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 82608/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 826oB/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,2,4-TRICHLOROBENZENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 826oB/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10122/0202:35 KC 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC TRICHLOROETHENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,2,3-TRICHLOROPROPANE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 16000 ug/kg 2900 8260B15035 1012210202:35 KC 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE 9600 ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC VINYL CHLORIDE Not detected ug/kg 5800 826OB15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC TOTAL XYLENES Not detected ug/kg 2900 826OB15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 2-BUTANONE(MEK) Not detected ug/kg 29000 826013/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 2-CHLOROETHYL VINYL ETHER Not detected ug/kg 5800 8260B15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 4-METHYL-2-PENTANONE (MIBK) Not detected ug/kg 29000 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC ACETONE Not detected ug/kg 58000 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cart. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM ::- 7 LABORATORIES, INC. Y .- Full Service Analytical & Envimnmental Solutions Page 21 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-13 Prism Sample ID: AC61501 Loqin Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATEIrIME STARTED ANALYST CARBON DISULFIDE Not detected ug/kg 58000 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC VINYL ACETATE Not detected ug/kg 29000 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC 2-HEXANONE Not detected ug/kg 29000 826013/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC IPE Not detected ug/kg 2900 826013/5035 10/22/02 02:35 KC MTBE Not detected ug/kg 2900 8260B15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC SURR:DIBROMOFLUOROMETHANE DO' % 72-137 8260B15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC SURR:TOLUENE-D8 DO' % 73-128 8260B15035 10/22/02 02:35 KC SURR:BROMOFLUOROBENZENE DO' % 69-131 8260B/5035 1012210202:35 KC CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 85 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments: Analysis note for 8260: ' - The surrogates were diluted out at a 1:500 dilution. Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Far: 704 / 525-0409 Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 PRISM " LABORATORIES, INC Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 22 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-14 Prism Sample ID: AC61502 Login Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATE/TIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE Less than mg/kg 10 8015MOD/3550 10/23/02 17:45 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 Less than mg/kg 1.0 8015MOD/5030 10/22/02 05:40 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 91 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments: Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services C NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 ♦ Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 A Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 A Fax: 704 / 525-0409 S Lab Report 10/25/02 ERM Southeast, Inc. Attn: Mr. Rick Tarravechia 7300 Carmel Exec. Park Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 AL PR.ISM LABORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page 23 of 23 Customer Project ID: VMG Customer Sample ID: VMG-15 Prism Sample ID: AC61503 Loqin Group: A00241<15 Sample Collection Date/Time: 10/19/02 Lab Submittal Date/Time: 10/21/02 07:50 The following analytical results have been obtained for the indicated sample which was submitted to this laboratory TEST PARAMETER TEST RESULT UNITS REPORTING LIMIT METHOD REFERENCE DATEITIME STARTED ANALYST TPH - DIESEL RANGE 5200 mg/kg 1000 8015MOD/3550 10/24/02 10:53 EHT TPH-GASOLINE RANGE / PREP. 5030 290 mg/kg 40 8015MOD/5030 10/22/02 13:16 JMV CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WT. 93 % DRY WT. 0.01 SM 2540 G 10/23/02 11:00 CWC PREP. METHOD 3550 Completed SW846-3550 10/23/02 07:00 JDP Sample Comments Angela D. Overcash, V.P. Laboratory Services NC Certification No. 402 - SC Certification No. 99012 - NC Drinking Water Cert. No. 37735 - FL Certification No. E87519 449 Springbrook Road ♦ P.O. Box 240543 A Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704 / 529-6364 ♦ Toll Free Number: 1-800 / 529-6364 ♦ Fax: 704 / 525-0409 . . APRISM LAfORAT0111lf, INC. - Full Bel a EnNronmental Solutions N9 SpHnpbrook Raid • P.O. Box 2/0519 • Charlotte, NC 26224-05e3 Client Company_ Name: N • ` Report TO/Con tact Name:,2.4r-��' �k.( in Ue�- 6-- CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD PAGE I OF Z QUOTE a TO ENSURE PROPER BILLING: Project Name: 11"", (� Short Hold Analysis: (Yes) (No) UST Project: (Yes) (No) "Please ATTACH any project specific reporting Provisions and/or OC Requirements Invoice To: ku It '17Zr r.AVQ: 4 Lat Samples INTACT upon snivel? Received ON WET ICE? Temp PROPER PRESERVATIVES Indicated? Recalved WITHIN HOLDING TIMES? CUSTODY SEALS INTACT? VOLATILES reed W/OUT HEADSPACE? PROPER CONTAINERS used? YES NO N/A HePO any nw:cola. - B(- Purchase Order No./Billing Reference - TO 'BE FILLED IN. BY CLIENT/SAMPLING PERSONNEL Phone: 7riA �4-r ..Sr 3�lF (Yes) (No): �q C4f 5-6 Requested Due Date O t Day ❑ 2 Days 3 Days ❑ n Days o 5 Days Certification: NELAC_ USACE_ FL_ NC Site Location Name: AA, Ci-. O 6-9 Days ❑ Standard ID days SC _ OTHER N/A Site Location Physical Address: Samples received after 15:00 w` Flbe processed next business day. Water Clorinated: 'YES NO Turnaround time Is based on business days, excluding weekends and holidays. _ _ (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RUSH TURNAROUND FEES) Sample Iced Upon Collection: YESZNO _ ' TIME MATRIX SAMPLE CONTAINER � ANALYSES REQUESTED SUB dRISM OLIENT-.'' ." DATE. 'COLLECTED _ ,COLLECTED (SOIL, PRESERVA- O 0 1 D REMARKS Al �B CENT. �B SAMPLE DESCRIPTION MILITARY WATER OR -'TYPE NO. SIZE TIVES /� "1 ti �M ��. ID NO. ID NO. HOURS- .SLUDGE) SEE BELOW A9 - 1. -J yMGJI l0i i . p2 0 V t U O 6 G o:t o 6144 .. .. 0 0 4� L AA 0 - o 0 614 G - 0 6141,7 VMG-Ip o o b149g Sampler's Signature Sampled By.(Print Name) Affiliation -_ - Upon relinquishing, this Chaln f Custody is your authorization for Prism to proceed with the analyses as requested above. Any changes must be submitted in writing to !gtfr Pro ecf'Mana er. There wIII be charges for any changes after analyses have been initialized. Re q h IS at Received By: (Signature) Date Military/Hours Additional Comments: its Arrival Time: t �R lm;uiahed Byf (Si dtule . Rmelved By: (Signature) Date - y,,1� � y� f Site Departure Tim: oTA� I'. - .. (t�r< 3 aG•( Field Tech Fee: ReNnriulshetl By .(Signature) - Rmey Fo am lAbe as By: Date Mileage: Method of Shipment: NOTE: ALL SAMPLE COOLERS SHOULD BE TAPED SHUT W CUSTODY R SEALS FOR NSPORTATION TO THE LABORATORY. Lop n G up N0. ' SAMPLES ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND VERIFIED AGAINST COC NTIL RECEIVED ATTH BORATORY. R ��d 4 t< ❑ Fed Ex O UPS . Ijl Hand4allwrod O Priam Field Service O Other l5 NPOES: I US'f: GROUNDWATER: ND DRINKING WATER: SOLID WASTE: RCRA: I CERCLA: LANDFILL: OTHER: O NC' O SO O NC O SC I O NC !] SC I O NC ❑ SC ❑ NC ❑ SC O NC O SO O NC O SC O NC O SC ❑ NC. ❑ SC -rnmiaiiul TYPP CnnFC. A - Amhar r. - Ciaa, n - rtace P - Potin- TI=Taflnn-I inorl Can Vr)A = VOIB}IIp nrnAniCe AnRIVAIF I%Rr0 aad RnAnAl FINAL REPORT COPY PR•I5M I LAaOaATOgl61NC. Full Service Analytical6 ElMmnmental Solutions 440 Sprtngbreok Road • P.O. Box 240543 • Chedotte, NC 28224-050 Client Company Name: Report To/Contact Name: pp IC. IG11.W o./. irw CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD.; PAGE _(,_ OF 2 QUOTE 4 TO ENSURE PROPER BILLING: ,_ Samples INTACT Upon arrival? Project Name:y /A Cr Received ON WET ICE? Temp Short Hold Analysis: (Yes) (No) UST Project: es (NO) PROPER PRESERVATIVES Indicated? 'Please ATTACH any project specific reporting Received WITHIN HOLDING TIMES7 provisions and/or OC Re�gyjtemen% CUSTODY SEALS INTACT? Invoice To: (�Zyj (n. VOLATILES reed W/OUT HEADSPACE? A __. PROPER CONTAINERS used? Purchase Order NoJBilling Reference - TO BE FILLED IN BY CLIENT/SAMPLING PERSONNEL/ Phone:` Fax (Yes) (No): Requested Due Date O 1 Day O 2 DaysI Days 04 Days ❑ 5 Days Certification: NELAC_ USACE_ FL_ NC �/ Site Location Name, ` ❑ 6r9 Days ❑ Standard 10 days SC _ OTHER N/A Site location Ph Srical Addreasi4- y Samples received after 15:00 will be processed next business day. Water Clorinated: YES NO - Turnaround time is based on business days, excluding weekends and holitleys. _ _ (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RUSH TURNAROUND FEES) Sample Iced Upon Collection: YES —NO ' TIME MATRIX SAMPLE CONTAINER ANALYSES REOUESTED sU8 PRISM ' :CLIENT'- - - DATE .� COLLECTED (SOIL, PRESERVA• ❑ p LAB LAB *TYPE NO. SIZE SAMPLE. DESCRIPTION' COLILItCTED '' MILITARY- 'HOURS WATER OR TIVES 7 b REMARKS N CERT. ID NO. • . SLUDGE) SEE BELOW a� ID NO. C ' I b149 {Z` o btu bf5ol p 15o 2 6 (w.Z, ,Sampler's Signature Sampled By (Print Name) Affiliation Upon relinquishing, this Chain of Custody Is your authorization for Prism to proceed with the analyses as requested above. Any changes must be sub Itted'.in wilt h t e P 'm Project Mana er.There will be char es for an chan es after anal ses have been Initialized. Rmived By: (Signature) Date Milltarynioum Additional Com7 ments: !Site Arrival Time: Re quithed By. (Sig ur Received By: (Signature) Data �[ 7a ID TyjT ! Site Departure Time: Relinquished By: (Signature) Field Tech Fee: Reim or P stn "bomt es B. Det Mileage: Method of Shipman NOTE: ALL SAMPLE COOLERS SHOULD 6ETAPEO SHUT WITH DY S FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE LABORATORY. a In G p He. - - SAMPLES ARE NOT ACCEPTED AND VERIFIED AGAINST CDC TIL RECEI ED ATTHE LABORATORY. O Fed Ea .O UPS O Hand-delvare l O Prism Reid Ser*A OOlher A O S TER: DRICKIN ATER: .L A: LANDFILL: OTHER: •� ❑ NC ❑ SO OC ❑ SC . O NC 0 SC SC NC ❑ SCSOLIDWASTE O NC O SO O NC ❑ SC ❑ NC ❑ SC ❑ NC ❑ SC r 1 0. I ❑ ❑ O ❑ O I ❑ O ❑ PINAI 01=101`10Tl-e)DV 'CONTAINER TYPE CODES: A = Amber C = Clear G = Glass P = Plastic: TL = Teflnn-Lined Can VOA = Volatile Omanirc Analvsis (7Rrn Hand RnanP)