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December 13, 2004 RECRIM DEC 1 4 2004 NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE Reference: Free Product Recovery Report Integris Metals Facility 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC Incident #: 27296 Mr. Allen Schiff NCDENR - Division of Waste Management UST Section 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Schiff: VIA FEDEX On behalf of Integris Metals Inc., ERM is submitting a Free Product Recovery Report for the months June through December, 2004. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the report. Sincerely, Rick Tarravechia, P.G. Project Manager RT/ rt enclosures: Semi -Annual Free Product Recovery Report cc: Aimee Nash, Ron Giles - Integris Metals ERM NC, PC 8000 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 (704) 541-8345 (704) 541-8416 (fax) Free Product Recovery Report A. Site Identification DATE OF REPORT: December 13.2004 Facility I.D.: Not available UST Incident Number (if known): 27296 Site Name: Integris Metals, Inc. Site Location: 527 Atando Avenue Nearest City/Town: Charlotte County: Mecklenburg UST Owner: Integris Metals (formerly Rio Algom, Vincent Metal Goods, and Edgecomb Steel) Address: 455 85" Avenue NW, Minneapolis, MN 55433 Phone: 763-717-9000 UST Operator: Phone: 704-372-9900 Property Owner: Integris Metals Address: 527 Atando Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28206 Phone: 704-372-9900 Property Occupant: Integris Metals Address: 527 Atando Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28206 Phone: 704-372-9900 Consultant: ERM NC, PC Address: Suite 200, 7300 Carmel Executive Park, Charlotte, NC 28226 Phone: 704-541-8345 Release Information Date Discovered: 11/13/2002 Latitude: 350 18'40" N Longitude: 800 42' 44" W Estimated Quantity of Release: Unknown Cause of Release: Unknown Source of Release (Piping/UST): Two fuel oil USTs Sizes and contents of UST system(s) from which the release occurred): One fuel oil UST with a capacity of 12,000 gallons Priority Site Ranking or Risk Classification assigned by Department, if available: Not available Land use category (residential or industrial/commercial) assigned by Department, if available: Not available Complete and include as Attachments the following items B through E in the order listed. I, Rick Tarravechia,PG a Professional Engine /Zicensed�Geologist cle one) for (firm or company of emp I that the information contained GAR�� , , in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. �CENS4� e� o { SEAL �o} 1076 0? (Please Af{`r11fSealg`d Signature) B. Site Status and Conclusions 1. Complete and attach Table B-8. If AFVR is used, also complete and attach Table B-9 See attached Table B- 8; An AFVR event was performed on March 9, 2004, and Table B-9 was presented in the previous submittal to DENR. 2. Identify any on -site or off -site effluent discharges, treatment used, effluent quality, permitting actions taken, and location of such discharges. Also identify the disposition of recovered free product. Free product collected via hand -bailing is temporarily stored onsite in a 55-gallon drum. 3. Document the performance, total cost, and cost per gallon to date for performing free product recovery. Justify why this technology is being used. Free product recovery events and dates are documented in Table B-8. The majority of the free product recovery has been accomplished using manual bailing methods, due to the non-volatile nature of the heating oil. In order to evaluate the efficacy of other removal methods, an AFVR was conducted on March 9, 2004 utilizing monitor well MW-1 and recovery well RW-1 for extraction points. Approximately 0.5 gallons of vapor -phase petroleum hydrocarbons were recovered during the AFVR. Due to the emulsified state of the product, no direct measurement of free product was made. However, it is estimated that approximately 1.5 gallons of product was present with the wastewater. Due to the low volume of product recovered using AFVR, Integris Metals opted to eliminate the source of the free product by removal of the unregulated 12,000-gallon UST heating oil UST and associated affected soils. The UST closure was performed during May 10 through May 19, 2004. The closure activities were conducted by Piedmont Industrial Services, Inc., of High Point, North Carolina. Approximately 416 tons of affected soils were excavated to a depth of 17 feet (almost 4 feet into the water table) below grade in an effort to remove the free product source. Following the removal of the UST and affected soils, the free product in MW-1 and RW-1 have been manually bailed. The removal of the source UST and soils into the water table appears to have temporarily increased the amount of product being recovered from the wells, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the removal activities. During the last three months, however, the amount of free product present in the wells has decreased significantly to 0.03 inches in both wells. The petroleum -affected soils excavated from the source area were disposed at Soil Technologies, Inc. facility in Shelby, North Carolina. Documentation concerning the disposal of the tank and petroleum affected soils are included in Appendix A. 4. Provide conclusions and recommendations to past and future free product recovery activities. Continued manual bailing of free product is planned to evaluate the effectiveness of the source (UST/affected soils) removal activities. The next semi-annual report will be submitted by the end of June 2005. However, if three consecutive months of gauging indicates that less than 1/8 inch of free product is present in MW-1 and RW-1, Integris Metals will submit a Risk Based UST Closure request to NCDENR prior to that time. C. Tables Free Product Recovery Information Table B-8. —See Table B-8 o Historical thickness of the product measured in each well to help evaluate trends over time. — See Table B-8 © Include historical information on total free product recovered to date (i.e., total recovered per quarter). — See Table B-8 D. Figures © 7% minute USGS topographic quadrangle map copy with site location identified. — See Figure 1 Site map indicating the UST system location (including piping and pump islands), name of roads, all nearby utilities, adjacent properties, all monitoring wells, and showing the extent of free product using contour lines. — See Figure 3. Map showing 1,500-foot radius from the release, or known extent of contamination, that clearly identifies water supply wells (municipal or public/private wells, etc.) and other potential receptors (surface water bodies, basements, utilities, etc.). — No water wells are located within 1,500 feet of the release. An intermittent surface water body (a ditch) is located within 500 feet of the release. See Figure 2 NOTE: If possible, use a single base map to prepare site maps using a map scale of I inch = 40 feet (or a smaller scale for large sites, if necessary). Maps and figures should include conventional symbols, notations, labeling, legends, scales, and north arrows and should conform to generally accepted practices of map presentation such as those enumerated in the USGS Geological Survey pamphlet, "Topographic Maps." E. Other Information Well construction records (for wells exhibiting free product) See Table B-7 and Appendix B. Soil disposal manifests — See Appendix A. Figures n� _ O , 00-FT Dj a o a! 0 ,. ,-� C2 US -- g 1-2 D U a p C 0 Q49' n o D p QC IMennittent Creek o a _ o a ° MITTENT .;C\ OQB ° TR M oO . 9g409 VA iwin1VnN g.tmi 0^ `O^o O Q , SCALE IN FEET MAP SOURCE: MECKLENtBUURG COUNTY ENGINEERING ANO BUILDING STANDARDS DEPT. PLANIMETRIC MAPS 0®0 SENSITIVE RECEPTOR AND ZONING MAP FIGURE Environmental Resources Rf=RiS bWAU 527 ATANW AVENUE ERM Management 2$ CHARI TCE, NORTH CAROU NA PROPERTY BOUNDARY ® MW-5 INTEGRIS METALS - W z w Q o Usr-I Z RW-1 < 0.03 FT �—. Q MW-4 I DW-t i ® MW-2 LEGEND ° ® SHALLOW MONITOR r--1 WELL L J UST-2 u DEEP MONITOR WELL ESTIMATED EXTENT OF FREE PRODUCT DIESEL A` ? M1M-3 1-7V i d SCALE IN FEET 0 IS 30 60 ] L FREE PRODUCT MAP- 1:V2004" FlGURE ERM AM ERM NC, PC 527 A�TANDI MA TVENNM 3 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROUNA Tables TABLE B-7 Date: 13-Dec-04 WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - 27296 Facility ID#: NA Monitor Well ID Date Installed Date Water Level Measured Well Casing Depth (feet BGS) Screened Interval (feet BGS) Bottom of Well (feet BGS) Top of Casing - Elevation (feet*) Depth to Water from Top of Casing (ft.) Free Product Thickness (ft.) Ground Water Elevation' (ft.) Comments MW-1 1/2/03 12/2104 19 19-34 34 104.50 14.67 0.03 89.80 2-inch diameter RW-1 11/14/03 12/2/04 5 5-20 20 NA 14.91 0.03 NA 4-inch diameter MW-2 1122103 1/22103 19 19-34 34 104.50 18.03 0.00 86.47 2-inch diameter MW-3 1/22/03 1/22/03 17 17-32 32 99.72 13.60 0.00 86.12 2-inch diameter MW-4 1121/03 1/22/03 17 17-32 32 99.90 15.85 0.00 84.05 2-inch diameter MW-5 1122/03 1/22/03 17 17-32 32 101.79 11.95 0.00 89.84 2-inch diameter DW-1 1121103 1122/03 81 81-86 88 100.00 12.14 0.00 87.86 2-inch diameter 6-inch surface casing Reference point for elevation measurements: MW-1 TOC ft. (MW-1 top -of -casing) If free product is present, ground water elevation should be calculated by: [top of rasing elevation - depth to water] + [ free product thickness x 0,8581] ft. BGS = feet below ground surface Free Product Tables.xls:B-7 Well Const Page 1 of 1 Assumed elevation: 100.00 TABLE B-8 FREE PRODUCT RECOVERY RESULTS Date: 13-Dec-04 Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - 27296 Free Product Recovery Method: Bailer/AFVR Facility ID#: NA Method of Measurement: Bailer / Interface probe Product Amount of Casing Thickness Product Product Depth to Water Date of Diameter - Before Thickness After Recovered from Top of Well ID Product Type Recovery (inches) Recovery (ft.) Recovery (ft.) .(gallons) Casing (ft.) Comments MW-1 Fuel Oil 113/03 2 0.05 0.00 <0.25 21.32 Bailer 1/22/03 2 0.02 0.00 <0.25 16.23 Bailer 3110/03 2 0.04 0.00 <0.25 14.07 Bailer 3/25/03 2 0.00 0.00 <0.25 12.99 Bailer 4/4103 2 0.03 0.00 <0.25 12.68 Bailer 5/30/03 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 11.01 Bailer 6/27103 2 0.02 0.00 <025 11.24 Bailer 7/17/03 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 11.71 Bailer 8/26/03 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 11.15 Bailer 9/2103 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 12.18 Bailer 11/14/03 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 15.23 Bailer 11/24/03 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 15.10 Bailer 12/19/03 2 0.04 0.00 <0.25 14.74 Bailer 1/29/04 2 0.05 0.00 <0.25 15.05 Bailer 3/9/04 2 0.00 0.00 <0.25 13.19 AFVR 418/04 2 0.04 0.00 1 <0.25 13.07 1 Bailer 5/10 to 5/19/04 Source Removal: UST and 416 tons of contaminated soil removed to depth of 17 feet. 5/24/04 2 0.08 0.00 0.20 13.22 Bailer 6/23104 2 0.07 0.00 <0.25 15.00 Bailer 7/28/04 2 0.05 0.00 <0.25 15.75 Bailer 8/27/04 2 0.12 0.00 0.25 15.52 Bailer 10/5/04 2 0.05 0.00 <0.25 14.14 Bailer 1111104 2 0.10 0.00 0.25 14.67 Bailer 12/2104 2 0.03 0.00 <0.25 14.53 Bailer RW-1 Fuel Oil 11/24/03 4 0.05 0 0.25 15.20 Bailer 12/19/03 4 0.15 0 0.25 15.32 Bailer 1/29/04 4 0.42 0 0.25 15.56 Bailer 3/9/04 4 0.05 0 2.00 13.32 AFVR 4/8/04 4 1 0.15 0 1 0.25 13.29 Bailer 5/10 to 5/19/04 Source Removal: UST and 416 tons of contaminated soil removed to depth of 17 feet. 5/24/04 4 0.17 0 0.30 13.43 Bailer 6/23/04 4 0.23 0 0.30 15.38 Bailer 7/28/04 4 0.27 0 0.30 15.46 Bailer 8/27/04 4 0.29 0 0.30 15.75 Bailer 10/5/04 4 0.15 0 0.30 13.87 Bailer 11/1104 4 0.17 0 0.30 14.91 Bailer 12/2/2004 4 0.03 0 <0.25 14.74 Bailer Total Gallons Recovered Since Last Free Product Report: Approximately 2.5 gallons Total Gallons Recovered to Date: Approximately 6.0 gallons Free Product Tables.xls:B-8 FP Rec Page 1 of 1 Appendix A Soil Disposal Manifests, Certificate of Soil Acceptance, and Tank Disposal Manifest SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. May 31, 2004 Certificate of Acceptance Soil Technologies, Inc. (STI), a soil remediation facility located in Lattimore, North Carolina. Accepted the following amount of Non -hazardous, Petroleum Contaminated Soil on the following Date(s): Amount of Soil: Date(s) Received: Type of Contamination: STI Job Number: The Soil was received from the following location: Integris Metals 527 Atando Ave. Charlotte, NC Mecklenburg County 416.06 Tons 5/14 - 5/17/04 Heating Oil 769 The soil will be processed and remediated in compliance with all applicable rules and regluation set forth by: 1) NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDENR) 2) THE FACILITY PERMIT 3) THE STATE AUTHORITIES 4) AND ANY LOCAL LAWS AND ORDINANCES 947 Crowder Road Shelby, NC 28150 Office/Fax (704) 434-5884 Mobile (704) 477-2315 Nextel IN 150*156669*1 Email: blazesti@bellsouth.net SOIL Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Mailing Address: Post Office Box62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM. CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No._ Manifest No. Type of Contam Information: erator Information: rter Information: li Telephone Cause of Release V � EA REVERSE BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Sign re Vim_ Truck No. '*Driver's signature owledg th t e ras read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the - driver fully understands an ees to be bound by them: . Date,Time Weighed: to Weigh Master Signatur Gross Weight $2gg0 Tare Weight 2,2860 Net Weight 54,020 Equiv.Tons 2:110t Inspected &Accepted By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. By: • VIUc.... Date: S-AkIc t —Time:RCS NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker C) 0.1 01 13 -Fat I cp Vst I 1 4-- y x 4805 Anthony Farm Rd. Kings Mtn. NC. 28086 PHONE (704) 739-1695 Or (704) 739-1897 Ticket #: 86616 Truck Co.:-& No. BUFFALO VALLEY 23 Customer 000532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY Purchase Order PIEDMONT IND. Destination 527 ATANDO AVE ?Product 000101 CONTAMINATED SOIL 11 Cost/Ton 0.00 K2) - K200 Zustomer Weighwaster Driver. OUTBOUND �i Scalel: 10340 5ql31e2: 34860 Scale3: 37680 Time DATE 08:38:49 05/14/04 Gross Wt = 82880 Tare Wt = r,A-ta8g60 STO Net Wt = $4020 Net tons = 27.01 De I i u e� tkfv�.'__ ,Subtotal: Tax: Site Address: 947 Crowder Road � Al p� Shelby, North Carolina 28150 ��' s "�! ECHNOL.OGIES, INC. Mailing Address: Post Office Box62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. Manifest No. �\ Type of Contamination _ Cause of Release J Information: Telephone No `^"Generator Information: Telephone Information: Telephone No. R D R RSE BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Signature ruck No. C1� Tl "Driver's signature acknowledges driver has read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by they - Date,Time Weighed: S-1 kA- WeighMasterSignatur�_ Gross Weig Net Weiqht Inspected By:__� By: SOIL Tare Weight Equiv.Tons� , LOGIES, INC. r Date: ' Q�Time:_ j NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL 1 PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. Manifest No. Type of Contamination V,cya by-. Cause of Release ` ri Information: l�vxbN Jrdc4svr` Telephone No. Information: _tv�5 CfdN�retbt» N G Telephone No. ransporter Information: Qwrw-a ,A Iletag. s K.A63 Telephbne No. AD REVERSE BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Signature ,Q Truck No�� "Driver's signature a owledge �a i ver has read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully unders ds and agrees to be bound by them. Date,Time Weighed: S Q U_ss Weigh Master Signature: Gross Weight `l`ISto Tare Weight 2-19(`_6 Net Weight Equiv.Tons ; Lf ,33 Inspectedt& Accepted By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. By: rye- Date: 5-kA-z4- Time: I-z 4a NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker n SOIL ` "TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. 4 t(ek Manifest No. Type of Contamination ek. o Cause, of Release ✓ST Information: Pik �,s,ts L.�w$taW SA�trr Telephone No. Information: Tvqukts S 8,71 FEml j& lIL Gk4ew_coIV-- titL Telephone No. r Information:,, -a ICoJa s w.ao� Telephone No. READ REVERSE BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Signature Truck No. "Driver's signature acknowledges that driver has read the terms and conditions on the.reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by them. - Date,Time Weighed: 6-1 -CA- Weigh Master Signature: Gross Weight �y Tare Weight tS560 Net Weight logo Equiv.Tons 2_0,5 Inspected & Accepted By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. By:Date: Time: V2'�O NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker n f-A -F -F -A 1 4:p Val Xte X C= 4805 Anthony Farm Rd. Kings Mtn.,,,,NC. aSWS PHONE (704), 739-1695 Or (704) 739-1897 Tice DATE Ticket #: 86642 12:16%32 05/14/84 Truck Co. &-No. S LYNN LEE TRUCKING Gross Wt 64640 Custo,"r -CHMOLOGY 2 SOIL TF Tare Wt 236ee oto rchaso. T.. ;Wa ImeOrd*�14-_ 7 iklitiowm j, , , .�&n I- I I VE ins, 1, n #TAND&A' st, o Net Wt ,,41620 ProdVct Net Tons 20.51 Cost/Inn 0.00 Delivery Chrq: 0.00 Subtotal Tak. 0.00 -F C3 -b IVA A� Customer Weighmaster Driver -OUTBOUND Scalel: 14220 Scale2: 50420 Scale3c p SOIL .. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road A �± �+ INC.Shelby, North Carolina 28150 'TECHNOLOGIES, CMailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. µo� Manifest No. Type of Contaminations mit✓ Cause of Releaser Information: Information: ransporter Information "truS-0 rJ Telephone No. Telephone READ REVERSE BEFORE. SIGNING!! Driver's Signature Truck No.c= �. "Driver's signature ac owledg s th er s read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to de bound by them. Date,Time Weighed: Weigh Master Signature: Gross Weight R249O Tare Weight 2-9&(-0 Net Weight 5362ic� Equiv.Tons 210--&j Inspected & Accepted By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. By: Date: 5fl—c Time: le i1� NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker Time 09:37:08 Gross Wt = Tare Wt = Net Wt = Net Tons = Customer Btu�falo Val ley- Inc_ 4805 Anthony Farm Rd. Kings Mtn. ,NC. 28086' PHONE (704) 739-1695 Or (704)-739-1897 DATE Ticket #: 86720 05/17/84 Truck Co. & No. BUFFALO VALLEY 23 82480 Customer 000532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY 28860 STO Purchase Order PIEDMONT IND. Destination 527 ATANDO AVE 53620 Product 000101 CONTAMINATED SnTi 26.81 Cost/Ton 0.00 Delivery Chrg: 0.00 Subtotal: 0.00 Tax. 0.00 Total = 10_ 100 Driver OUTBOUND Scalel: 10640 Scale2: 34000 Weighaaster Scale3: 37840 g.. CHNOLOGIES, INC.. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No h�o°i Manifest No. Type of Contamination 1 acas@ QuL Cause of Release. Information: Information: nsporter Information: U jw--rn . SQcG - Telephone No. Telephone 5 cat w•s C� Telephone No. RE ERSE BEFOR�E.SSIIGNINGH Driver's Signature Truck No. 1 / **Driver's signature acknowledges t driver has rea terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by them. - Date,Time Weighed: S-rA-ck o'S Weigh Master Signature: Gross Weight tc> (000 Tare Weight 23500 Net Weight 4,SS00 Equiv.Tons Z2_rl� Inspected & Accepted By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. By: Date: �"��-O4 Time: ko 2_,6 NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker I $OIL P Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Mailing Address: Post Office Box62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office i Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. �� 1 Manifest No. - Type of Contamination 06� Cause of Release u1sr Information: E,S"Tb%j -59erC.6µ_ Telephone No. Information: -Tpabul tv%_� S-2-11\ A kylm Cskaetsooeets W-Cs Telephone No. sporter Information: LKa-;j Telephone No. READ VERSE BEFO/R'E SSIIGNING!! Driver's Signature Truck No. CIS L "Driver's signature acknowledges ffiat diriver has read the terms.and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by them. - Date,Time Weighed: 1'1-cam C(oC3 Weigh Master Signature: yV%AV_ o Gross Weight 0180 Tare Weight -2362A Net Weight 410kiloo Equiv.Tons 23"39 Inspected & Accepted By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. By: Yv-.k0.1� Date:5A,-e4 Time: (6 NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker Time 16:03:13 SuffraLlo valley =ria_ 4805 AnthonyFarm Rd. Kings Mtn. INC. 28086. PHONE (704) 739-1695 Or (704) 739-1897:' DATE Ticket #: 8"61 05/14/84 Truck Co. & No. S LYNN LEE TRUCKING I Gross Wt 69780 r . &ugtomer 000532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY Tare Mt = , • 23620 ,STO Puvcfiiese Order' PIEDMONT ' IND. :'r ' Destination =_. 527 ATAiDO AVE Net Kt = 46166 Product 000101 CONTAMINATED SOIL Met Tons = 23.08 Cost/Ton 0.00 Delivery Cbrg: 0.00 Subtotal: 0.00 Tax: 0.00 rTote r Customer Driver ttt OUTBOUND Q Scalel: 14820 Scale2: 54960 9 s Weighmaster -- S041e3c�_--0------�- OIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL I PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. 111k Manifest No. Type of Contamination t '(6 Otl., Cause of Release Information: nerator Information: r Information: Telephone No. Telephone No. J(a3 `14Z '193-1 Telephone No. READ REVERSE BEFORE SIGNINGH Driver's Signature Truck No. "Driver's signature acknowledges that driver has read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page andthat the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by them. .. Date,Time Weighed: Weigh Master Signature:4i'C�� Gross Weight "`15 \ Tare Weight 268(r„ ) Net Weight 4386SQ Equiv.Tons Inspected & TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Date: 5-14,-t4- Time: I NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker Buffalo V.& I I t-- V 48W Anthony Farm Ad. Kings Mtn. NC. 28086 PHONE (704) 739-1695 Or (704) 739-1891 Time DATE 16:28:49 05/14/84 Gross Wt = 77510 KEYD Tare Wt = 28868 "STO'., Net' wt 48650 Net Tons = 24.33 Delivery Qhrg: SubtAal: Q, Tax. -I- C3 1�a 3L s t ower -Driver -r-Scalel: 77510 Ticket #: Truck Co.. & No. BUFFALO VALLEY 23 Customer 000532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY Purchase: Order PIEDMONT IND. 527,,-,ATANbO ME Product 000101 CONTAMINATED SOIL Cost/Ton 0.08 0.00 Weighwaster OUTBOUND 3cale2- 0 Scale3.-" OIL:: s ECHNOLOGIES, INC. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. I° 1 Manifest No. Type of Contamination Y1.it� O �L/ Cause of Release Information: Information: Information: Telephone No. Telephone No. SE BEFORE SIGNINGH Driver's Signature Truck No. ""Driver's"signature acknowledge at driver has read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by them. 3 Date,Time Weighed: Weigh Master Signat e: Gross Weight 43A.16 Tare Weight SIiU Net Weight Equiv.Tons c D, Inspected & Accepted By: By: TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Date: � • Y-\ °v',k Time: NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker I SOIL , .. TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. Manifest No. 1p Type of Contamination Information: Information: Information: r Telephone No. Telephone No. Cause of Release READ REVERSE.BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Signa Truck Nor -"Driver's signal �acknowl es that driver has read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by them. Date,Time Weighed: 5�n//O� S 'S" Weigh Master Signatature Gross Weight p d �' t116 Tare Weight Net Weight Sl Q 8' Equiv.Tons • gCy By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Date: Time: /S.SS NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker nA.A :EMXCa vaxits-Y Zric_ 4805 Anthony Farm Rd. Kings Mtn. ,NC. 28086 PHONE (704) 739-1695 Or (784) 739-1897 Time DATE 15:54:52 85/14/84 Gross Mt = 80840 Tare Kt = 288" STO' Net vt, = 519801 5;t`'' Net Tons = 25.99 Delivery Chrg: Subtotal: `} Tax: 'Z> Tota X s 'J.Customer Driver -' 4 Scales: 10920 i' Ticket t s 86"0 Truck Co. R No. BUFFALO YALLEY`'23 Customer, 060532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY Purchase .Order PIEDMONT IND. Destinet sn 527, ATANDU:AVE Product 000101 CONTAMINATED SOIL ost/Ton 0.00 0.00 0�00 0.00 �.. #°. '•� � �4.Re i ghmest er OUTBOUND $i 100 Scsle3: 37720 *OIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315yOffice i Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. I`) Manifest No. Type of Contamination Cause of Release. ()Zs' Contractor Information: i Telephone No.. Generator Information: A",Coa� Z / Telephone No. Transporter Information:�• a_ � READ REVERSE SE BEFORE SIGNINGH Driver's Signatures ,/1i' � !.� �!l�JQl/�Truck No. AC03 "Driver's signature acknowledges that driver has read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by them. - Date,Time WeighedDf/Y/O ,' ,3 O Weigh Master Signature: 124(e Gross Weight 67-7/00 Tare Weight �)LV/670 Net Weight !/aOq-b Equiv.Tons O?/.$/ Inspected & Accepted By: SOIL TECHN INC. By^ /)&z40' � =Date:—/ O Time: NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker 13 XA V Via IL'c3 V a I I IL- V Inc. 4805 Anthony Fare Rd. Kings Mtn. ANC. 28086 PHONE (704) 739-1695 Or (704) 739-1847 Time DATE Ticket *i 36 ll:,29:07 05/14184 Truck Co. & Mo. MCDANIEL MC03 Gross Wt = 67120 Customer, 0e0532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY Tare Wt TS,O Purchase Order PIEDMONT IND , Dest inat ion 527 ATANDO AVE. Net - Wt,. S-M'pI X. Product 006101 CONTAMINATED SOIL Net Tdns\.7 21.51 Cost/Ton 0.00 Delivery Chrg: 0.00 Subtotal: Tax- O:00 j -r Cp I-- -I IL An Customer M/)-/Yt "&/v'j-r'jV 0V Weighmaster,' Driver OUTBOUND Scalel: 16640 Scale2.- 50480 ScA'I 63. ZI: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. L Manifest No. r Type of Contamination Contractor Information: Telephone Generator Information: Transporter Information: Telephone No. Cause of Release () READ REVERSE BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Signatures � O��/h �Q Truck No. "Driver's signature acknow a ges tha driver has red the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by them. Date,Time Weighed: 11-041 N Weigh Master SignatureIAZC-% Gross Weight 62-c 6 Tare Weight �ci100 Net Weight Equiv.Tons c- 2 By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. // Date: �' / Time: lAo,'� NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left.at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker fi sari 8io vs.i.�Y =rz�- 4805 Anthony -Farm Rd. � �< Kings Mtn. *NC- 28086 -1897 PHOHE 041 739-1695 Or (704) 739 Time 16:09:03 Gross Mt = Tare Wt = Met Wt = DATE 05/14/8`� 62400 � YY## 241", jb 38300 19.15 Delivery Chrg: subtotal: Tax: -Total a Scalel: 16160 Ticket #: 8`6663 Truck Co. & No. MCDANIE3. MCPl3 Customer 000532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY Purchase Order PIEDMONT IKD- Destination 527 AT-ANDO AVE Product 000161 CONTAI IRATED SOIL Cost/Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 - @0 Weighmaster:: OUTBOUND 0 Scale2: 46240 Scal- SOIL Site Address: 947 Crowder Road INC.Shelby, North Carolina 28150 TECHNOLOGIES, CMailing Address: Post Office Box62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. Manifest No.I gli Type of Contamination Cause of Release U�yr Contractor Information: Telephone i Generator. . ,z TransporterTelephone No.. TelephopfeNo. w READ -REVERSE BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Signature 7 & OV Truck No. &C 03 "Driver's signature acknowledges thatdriverhas read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by them. Date,Time Weighed: ' �4l Weigh Master Signature:_ Gross Weight & 314�6 Tare Weight Net Weight 3 R0fZ7 Equiv.Tons 2 By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Date: 5/y/V Time: sir /s NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE -PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker 8 a F io V499i V I."c_ r 5 Anthony Fars Rd. " ings Mtn. ANC. 28086 P �(7 4) 739-1695 Or (7044 739-189T DAT Ticket #: . `` 8"AR8 05/1 / 4 s Truck Co. & No. MCDAN-IEL 63140 MG03 - Customer 000532.SOIL TECHNOLOGY 2 100 ,-'KEYD Purchase Order PIEDMONT IND. ` Destination 527 ATAiIM' AVE 3�5040 Product 000101 CONTAMINATED SOIL 19.52 Cost/Ton 0.00 Delivery Chrg: Subtotal: Tax: To-ta1 a 0.00 0.00 0. 00 Weighmaster Driver ' OUTBOUND Scalel: 16100 Scale2: 47040 Sc le3: JOILSite Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Mailing Address: Post Office Box62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. qbq Manifest No.�_ Type of Contamination Information: rator Information: nsporter Information: Cause of Release W� READ REVERSE BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Siges naturJ� Mcaz ruck No. ,m C a3 "Driver's signature acknowledges that do the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be bound by them. .. Date,Time Weighed: 03-11 O-'Iya- Weigh Master Signature: Gross Weight l/ 3 ff O Tare Weight may/ U 0 Net Weight -5 !2 8 Equiv.Tons a, 9 Insgect',d & Acyepted By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Date: Time: 3 NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker Time 13.41:35 L.f'. lap f PHONE 19.94 i tV =Aao Va11e'}r I-Tf�� 4"5 Anthony Fare Rd. 7tW'3t3g4695N81i^ q9W 739-1897 Ticket #: 86i50 Truck Co. & No. MCDANIEL MC@3 �1 Customer 000532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY Purchase'Order PIEDMONTI IND. Delivery Chrg: Subtotal: Tax: T o t a l m Destinat, on 527';ATANDO AVE ProductA" 000101 CONTAMINATED SOIL Cost/Ton 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Customer OUTBOUND C Sca1e1: 16080 Scale2: 47900 ZSOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. ``lJ(DI Manifest No. i Type of Contamination �K-- Cause of Release Uzl_ Contractor Information:- - --' Telephone No. Generator Information: oxj� Ev'm I K --; Transporter Information: IV Tele • • • . READ REVERSE BEFa^O"ARE SI'GNING!! Driver's Signatur �' / Truck No. //; G *'Driver's signature nowledges t driver has read the terms and conditions on the reverse. side of this page and that the driver fully unders ds and agreeg to be bound by them. Date,Time Weighed: z0 S� Weigh Master Signature: h Gross Weight && xeo Tare Weight -2 V/ a b Net Weight Y ' --7 &0 Equiv.Tons a-/ 3,? Inspected & Accepted By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Date: Time: NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker 0. J Time 10:52:25 Gross Wt - -"Tare Wt = D Net Wt Tons Net "21 o V'-Zat IL 1 4-- 48@5 Anthony Farm Kings Ntn. INC. 2F PHONE (704) 739-1695 Or (7 739-1897 DATE Ticket #-. 866- '42 i 05/14/44 Truck, Co. & No. MCDANIV-L #MM4 66880 Customer 068532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY 2412 *0 Purchase Order. PIEDMONT IND- - -Desr.ti"tion 59.7 ATANP0 AVE 427640 Product 000161 CONTAMINATED SOIL 21.38 Cost/Ton 0. 00 Delivery Chrg: Subtotal -- Tax: Total Customer Driver Scalel: 141380 11 . I I 1 .1 .1 a.-@@ 0.00 Weighwaster. L f 1� OUTBOUND Scale2z 52800 Scalt3: SOIL ' TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. W Manifest No. t0 Type of Contamination tNQ) ©t^/ Cause of Release (-)SF Information: Iv-JtvJMTt)N L _ Telephone No. Information: nsporter Information: M46 ,7V I READ EVERSE BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Signature Truck No/� "Driver's signature a nowledges ' t driver has read the terms and cdndibo o the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully underst ds and agre o be bound by them: r Date,Time Weighed: 6 - /V-0V Weigh Master Signature: Gross Weight Tare Weight Net Weight 3!o y& C, Equiv.Tons b'• ��' Inspected & Accepted By: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. M Date: 5-1q O y Time: 8; 5'z� NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker i �atio�PaloV Val leery 1"Cz- 4805 Anthony Farm Rd. z�.. Kings Mtn. INC. 28086 PHONE (7e4) 739-1695 Or (704) 739-1897 Time DATE Ticket 08:48:21 05/14/04 Truck Co. & No. MCDANIEL #IMC04 I f Gross Wt. = 61080 KEYD Customer Qfe0532"SbIL TECHNOLOGY tt F Tare Wt' 244 Purchase Urger PIEDMONT ,Ii. Dest i nat i ora FJ': 527 fANI30 'ANE Met wt _ is98fb"'. Product ee0101 CONTAMINATED SOIL [ Net Tons = 18.48 Cost/Ton e:e0 j Delivery Chrg: 0.00 � ; f Subtotal: 0.00 ` Tax: 0 t Total m irk QEIc'M y / v Customer Weigfimaster, Drive OUTBOUND calel: 10740 Scale2: 13380 Sia'1e3: 0 SOIL * Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 TECHNOLOGIES: INC.. Mailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. `l� Manifest No. 'IN Type of Contamination N b Qtl- Cause of Release UST-1 Information: Information: porter Information: L _ N Z" Telephone No. Telephone No. Telephone No. 7"del- 73 fL l!0 4.5- READ VERSE BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Signature Truck No. L **Driver's signature nowledges ha 1ver has read the terms and conditions on he reverse side of this page and that the driver fully unders ds and agrees t e bound by them. Date,Time Weighed: -i -1q- O 3 ,2L Weigh Master Signature ,A Q1. Gross Weight 4g')_ &0 0 Tare Weight ;)`Y� d � Net Weight 3 Equiv.Tons M • �- Inspected &� cepted y: SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. By: Date:_ Time: `.?S NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker ° IB C3- iJ 1 I c y I "_ 4805 Anthony Farm Rd. Kings Mtn. ,.NC. 2608E (D' R1NEy (704) 739-1695 Or (704) 73S-2897 Time DATE Ticket # 86547 13.12.54 05/14/a4 Truck Co. & Nbs� MlT.: DA-Ott '#NCO4 } Gross Nt = 62600 d t Customer 004532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY Tare. Wt = 24320' 'STO, Purchase Order.RIEDMONT IND. { Net Nt = 38�20''*,, , Destination 527 ATANDO AVE x 1 Product 000T01 CONTAMINATED SOIL. L Not Tons = 19.24 Cost/Ton 0.00 ^� Delivery Chrg: 0.00 Subtotal: 0.00 1 Tax: 0.00 �. Total o 10_ 00 # Customer TT{ Weighmaster. t Driver ,_ } OUTBOUND ale1: 16080, Sca1e2: 46520 Sca-le3: 0 ' *OIL Site Address: 947 Crowder Road INC.Shelby, North Carolina 28150 TECHNOLOGIES, NMailing Address: Post Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. Manifest No. Type of Contamination_ Information: Telephone Information: Telephone Information: .a Cause of Release U6—t' READ VERSE BEFORE SIGNING!! Driver's Signa:ur� e Truck No. "Driver's signatue s tha river has read the terms and conditions on the reverse sideofthis page and that the driver fully under nds and agrees be bound by them. Date,Time Weighed: Weigh Master Signature: � p Gross Weight 63 S0o v Tare Weight ;;;?- Net Weight 3 Equiv.Tons !91,017 SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Date: S' L(• d Time: 10 NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker I 19 Ilk !, C Z-A C:% 48O5 Anthony Farm Rd - Kings Mtn. NC. 28e86 -1695 Or C7e4) 739-189 PHONE (704) 739 7 Time DATE Ticket 16:05-.54 05/14/84 Truck Co. & No. MCDAHIEL *MC04 Gross Wt Customer 000532 SOIL TECHNOLOGY rder PIEDMONT IND- ST& PurchaseI - Dostlna, awk,"', ;.*"ADO- AVE t w t Neproduct 000101 CONTAMINATED SOIL Net Tons = 19.69 Cost/Ton e.60 Delivery Chrg: 0.60 Subtotal: 0.00 Tax: 0.00 Tot Q& A- z Customer Driver ' OUTBOUND S lei- 16280 SOale2: 47220 SOIL • , TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Site Address: 947 Crowder Road Shelby, North Carolina 28150 Mailing Address: Post.Office Box 62 Lattimore, North Carolina 28089-0062 Phone (704) 477-2315 Office / Fax (704) 434-5884 NON -HAZARDOUS CONTAMINATED SOIL / PETROLEUM CONTAMINATED SOIL MANIFEST S.T.I. Job No. 11lA Manifest No. Type of Contamination tom, EJ"" Cause of Release U Contractor Information: t-Oh�� 11�U�1K�L� tt.h-n Telephone No. Generator Information: I Y\T7_bV 1S Telephone No. Transporter Information: 5 � Telephone No. READ .REVERSE BEFORE SIGNINGH Driver's Signature Truck No. '*Driver's signature ecknow/edges that driver has read the terms and conditions on the reverse side of this page and that the driver fully understands and agrees to be boundbythem. Date,Time Weighed: J I 04 �C, Weigh Master Signat le Gross Weight G2)50y:) Tare Weight 2_t6p <-D Net Weight 34 04 tp Equiv.Tons Inspected & Accepted By: SOIL LOGIES, INC. B 77 Date: CA Time: I NOTICE TO TRUCKER: TRUCKS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO ENTER FACILITY WITHOUT A MANIFEST White and Yellow copies of this form must be left at SOIL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. White -Billing Green -Generator Canary -Trucker O Hu-FV ckIr�c- 4805 Anthony Farm Rd. Kings Nt.n. NC. 28086 PHONE (794) 739-1695 Or (784) 739-1897 0 HP 0 Time DATE 13*59,37 05/17/04 Gross (fit 63508 Tare MNk_.=.. 28860 ..GTO Net Tons = 17.32 Ticket #e 86#1 Truck Co- & No. BUFFALO Vi#[LEV 23 Customer 00i532. 50If TECHNOLOGY Purchase Order PIEDWOMT IND. Destination ,; 5�7 AT.AIM Alt£ Product 000101 C.pNTANTNATED SOIL Cost/Ton 0ea Delivery Chrg: 0'00 Subtotal: 0`60 Tax: 6..00 TEa-bat l c l' Customer Driver OUTBOUND 5calel: Scale2: 243a0 bJeighmaster 5ca1e3: 28920 12/13/2004 14:10 3397677523 PIEDMONT IND A& Eiiviro . im-mental and Dj; P,O. Box 484 a6,Hig_h Point, NC - Phone '11,,,.,.TANK DISPOSAL V 1) %link Owner/AUthor' ze Representative: Name and Mgiling Asen 2) Tank Owner/Authorized Representative: Contact talk- Phoneil: 3) Description Of Tanks: PAGE 02/02 Industrial Services (336) 4;4.7750 - FAX (336) 434-7752 'A 4) Tank Owner/Authorized ,Representative Certification: The undersigned certifies that the above listed storage " ; f tanks have been removed frdm the Oremises-0 the tank owner./.7r Printed/Typed Name lmon&Dayd 5) Transporter: The undersigned certifies that the above listed storage mks have been transported to A&D Environmental and Industrial Services, 2718'UWI;6ne d. Archdale, N.C. 27263, —7 w 1 I ) A*11 - , '64 PriruedlTypedNdme 6) Disposal Certirication: The undersigned certifies that the above -named storage tank(s) have been CUE I into scrap pieces and accepted by the metal recycling facility: Recycling Facility; f Name Signature Appendix B Monitor Well Construction GW-1 Forms WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD RW-1 North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR(INDIVIDUAL)NAME(pdB MlchaelA Tynan_ CSRTIPICATTONsL725 WELLCONTRACrORCOMPANYNAME Probe Technology, Inc. —PATINE • 470413634663 STATE WELL Cp,1SV%4JCT10N PRiISiiTP ASS(rC7hTEn WO pERMETa _" 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ❑ Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial ❑ "Agricultural d, Monitoring ❑ Recovery Ig Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other ❑ If Other, List Use :t • • t •t 1 a - 2t, �t� Y't "N^'X (St;'S"fR 'u� �k Av1''E IYk.31�. v'�'�•.A. • a�'� s� i� n-'` z i' " yrtye 3! itFtY�"ri'^ �.Y}'yy�. k�v23bbbS'J � tt�n •� � iC��R'�A� NaY'. jdim}' r,. �jS�p t, � },;rt� f ✓ t �y .Yt 2YCA F1'� d; t t NY d.s, r v • a' F t f���+. x� Yr �`°��^d"a4�.Q'It�4°iid w sL dys, a� 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONS"UCTION ANOARDS,AN-D THAT COPY— OP11(tSilL+C'.L9RD HAS BEEN PROVIDED 1 U 111E; WMI.L OWNER. A -'-- SIGNATJJILflOE ERSON CONSTRUCTING' THE. WELL DATE ...._._. __.. Submlttheoriginat4atheDivisionofWater Qaalily, Groundwater Section, .1636Mail Service Ccutcr_3talelgIA NC.._ 21694-161AT6one:'Nd; (919) 7J3.-J221, withid30 days. f3W J AzV. 07/2001 rw1 _erm_integris_111403_mt.triax