HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-6615_27296_CA_FPR_20040528North Carolina •: -(� ' 1' :-✓ Department of Environntcnt and Natural Resources" 'l u DIVISION Oh WASTE MANAGEMENT Nlichael F. ]Briley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secrelary Dexter 12. Matthews, Director ,tune 28, 2004 Intearis Metals 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte. North Carolina 28206 Attention: Aimee Nash AN7 NCDENR RE: Free Product Recovery Report Integris Metals Facility 527 Atando Avenue Incident # 27296 Intermediate Risk Classification Dear Ms. Nash: The UST Section of the Mooresville Regional Office received the subject report on June 1, 2004. Upon review, and in accordance with Session Law 2003-352 you are directed to proceed only with assessment removal, and cleanup of contaminated soil and assessment, removal and cleanup of free product with thickness of/4" or greater. At this time, you are not directed to proceed with any assessment or cleanup of contaminated groundwater. State Trust Fund pre -approvals do not constitute a directive from the Department to proceed with assessment or cleanup activities. You are not prohibited from conducting any assessment or cleanup activities if you choose to do so. However. any claims against the Commercial Fund for costs of activities that have not been specifically directed by the Department will be paid after all claims for costs of activities directed by the Department for this and other UST releases. Because of the imbalance between the revenue coming into the Commercial Fund and the potential claims for assessment and cleanup, there will be a considerable delay in reimbursement for activities not directed to proceed by the Department. The new law does not relieve responsible parties of any requirements to take initial abatement action in response to a release and to conduct initial assessment activities necessary to determine the risks posed by the releases. The law also does not relieve a responsible party of the requirements to further assessments and cleanup a release whenever the Department determines that is appropriate to proceed and directs the responsible Party to do so. 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Phone: 704-663-1699 \ FAX: 704-663-6040 \ Internet: http://wastenot.enr.state.nc.us/ An Equal 0111)onImin / Atrumalivc Action Employer —50'%, Rccvcicd \ 10% Post Consumer Paper One NorthCarohna Naturally Integris Metals 1-acility Page 2 .tune 28. 2004 Responsible parties must still obtain State Trust Fund pre -approval before conducting any assessment or cleanup activists after the risk of a release has been determined. Pre -approval applications for work directed by the Department should be submitted separately from pre -approval applications for work not directed by the Department. Enclosed is a copy of a pre -approval form to be used when requesting pre -approval of work not directed by the Department. State Trust Fund pre -approvals DO NOT constitute a directive from the Department to proceed with assessment or cleanup activities. In addition, please note that you have a continuing obligation in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0115(e) to notify the Department of any changes that could affect the assigned risk of a release. In this instance the subject report will be placed in the subject incident file. If you should have any questions. I can be reached at (704) 663-1699 ext. 236. Sincerely, 0�� ) Allen Schiff Hydrogeologist cc: Rick Tarravechia - ERM Enclosures Shelldoc21is.04 I May 28, 2004 JUN 0 1 2004 NC DEPP OF ENVI" MENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES MOORESVILLE RMONAL OFFICE Reference: Free Product Recovery Report Integris Metals Facility 527 Atando Avenue Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC Incident #:27296 Mr. Allen Schiff NCDENR - Division of Waste Management UST Section 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Schiff: VIA FEDEX On behalf of Integris Metals Inc., ERM is submitting a Free Product Recovery Report for the months January through May, 2004. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the report. Sincerely, Rick Tarravechia, P.G. Project Manager RT/rt enclosures: Quarterly Free Product Recovery Report cc: Aimee Nash, Ron Giles - Integris Metals ERM NC, PC 8000 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28226 (704) 541-8345 (704) 541-8416 (fax) Free Product Recovery Report A. Site Identification DATE OF REPORT: Mav 28.2004 Facility I.D.: Not available UST Incident Number (if known): 27296 Site Name: Integris Metals, Inc. Site Location: 527 Atando Avenue Nearest City/Town: Charlotte County: Mecklenburg UST Owner: Integris Metals (formerly Rio Algom, Vincent Metal Goods. and Edgecomb Steel) Address: 455 85" Avenue NW, Minneapolis, MN 55433 Phone: 763-717-9000 UST Operator: Vincent Metal Goods Address: 527 Atando Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28206 Phone: 704-372-9900 Property Owner: Integris Metals Address: 527 Atando Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28206 Phone: 704-372-9900 Property Occupant:_ Integris Metals Address: 527 Atando Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28206 Phone: 704-372-9900 Consultant: ERM NC, PC Address: Suite 200, 7300 Carmel Executive Park, Charlotte, NC 28226 Phone: 704-541-8345 Release Information Date Discovered: 11/13/2002 Latitude: 35018'40" N Longitude: 80042'44" W Estimated Quantity of Release: Unknown Cause of Release: Unknown Source of Release (Piping/UST): Two fuel oil USTs Sizes and contents of UST system(s) from which the release occurred): One fuel oil UST with a capacity of 12,000 gallons Priority Site Ranking or Risk Classification assigned by Department, if available: Not available Land use category (residential or industrial/commercial) assigned by Department, if available: Not available Complete and include as Attachments the following items B through E in the order listed. I, Rick Tarravechia,PG a Professional Engine /Licensed Geologist cle one) for (firm or company of emp o " y that the information contained in this report is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. �ganea�p�� 0 SEAL 1076 sg? (Please Affix Seal and Signature) B. Site Status and Conclusions 1. Complete and attach Table B-8. If AFVR is used, also complete and attach Table B-9 See attached Tables B-8 and B-9 2. Identify any on -site or off -site effluent discharges, treatment used, effluent quality, permitting actions taken, and location of such discharges. Also identify the disposition of recovered free product. All product and wastewater generated during the AFVR event was disposed by Haz-Mat Transportation and Disposal of Charlotte, North Carolina. The disposal manifest for these fluids is included Appendix A. Free product collected via hand -bailing is temporarily stored onsite in a 55-gallon drum. 3. Document the performance, total cost, and cost per gallon to date for perfomvng free product recovery. Justify why this technology is being used. Free product recovery events and dates are documented in Table B-8. The majority of the free product recovery has been accomplished using manual bailing methods, due to the non-volatile nature of the heating oil. In order to evaluate the efficacy of other removal methods, an AFVR was conducted on March 9, 2004 utilizing monitor well MW-1 and recovery well RW-1 for extraction points. Approximately 0.5 gallons of vapor -phase petroleum hydrocarbons were recovered during the AFVR. Due to the emulsified state of the product, no direct measurement of free product was made. However, it is estimated that approximately 1.5 gallons of product was present with the wastewater. Due to the low volume of product recovered using AFVR, Integris Metals opted to eliminate the source of the free product by removal of the unregulated 12,000-gallon UST heating oil UST and associated affected soils. The UST closure was performed during May 10 through May 19, 2004. The closure activities were conducted by Piedmont Industrial Services, Inc., of High Point, North Carolina. Approximately 416 tons of affected soils were excavated to a depth of 17 feet (almost 4 feet into the water table) below grade in an effort to remove the free product source. Following the removal of the UST and affected soils, the free product that had accumulated in nearby wells MW-1 and RW-I since the April 8 free product bailing event was manually bailed. A UST Closure Report for the non -regulated UST, including disposal manifests for the UST and the affected soils, will be forwarded on to NCDENR upon completion. 4. Provide conclusions and recommendations to past and future free product recovery activities. Continued manual bailing of free product is planned to evaluate the effectiveness of the source (UST/affected soils) removal activities. Based on the letter to Integris Metals from Allen Schiff dated February 3, 2004, the required frequency of report submittals is now semi-annual, not quarterly. The next semi-annual report will be submitted by the end of November 2004. However, if three consecutive months of gauging indicates that less than 1/8 inch of free product is present in MW-1 and RW-1, Integris Metals will submit a Risk Based UST Closure request to NCDENR prior to November. C. Tables © Free Product Recovery Information Table B-8. — See Table B-8 o Historical thickness of the product measured in each well to help evaluate trends over time. — See Table B-8 Include historical information on total free product recovered to date (i.e., total recovered per quarter). — See Table B-8 D. Figures 7 %2 minute USGS topographic quadrangle map copy with site location identified. — See Figure 1 © Site map indicating the UST system location (including piping and pump islands), name of roads, all nearby utilities, adjacent properties, all monitoring wells, and showing the extent of free product using contour lines. — See Figure 3. o Map showing 1,500-foot radius from the release, or known extent of contamination, that clearly identifies water supply wells (municipal or public/private wells, etc.) and other potential receptors (surface water bodies, basements, utilities, etc.). — No water wells are located within 1,500 feet of the release. An intermittent surface water body (a ditch) is located within 500 feet of the release. See Figure 2 NOTE: lfpossible, use a single base map to prepare site maps using a map scale of I inch = 40 feet (or a smaller scale for large sites, if necessary). Maps and figures should include conventional symbols, notations, labeling, legends, scales, and north arrows and should conform to generally accepted practices of map presentation such as those enumerated in the USGS Geological Survey pamphlet, "Topographic Maps." E. Other Information © Well construction records (for wells exhibiting free product) See Table B-7 and Appendix B. Product disposal manifests — See Appendix A. Figures , II "- Ra _ O J4 oo it O US �' 1-2 I - o ' AID ; \z"; b� o O ' o � In olr>C Intermittent Creek° O 0 R a co O ° c,, TR MITTENT .:C1 I N to n RIIM Vf ° O S® 'M6kAao1'Y, O W� p` ` O n MAP SOURCE: MECKLENBURG COUNTY ENGINEERING AND BUILDING STANDARDS DEPT. PLANIMETRIC MAPS 0 200 400 SENSITIVE RECEPTOR AND ZONING MAP FIGURE Environmental UnWRIS hWAU Mara Management sources527 ATANDO AVENUE �' E[RM $ CHARLOM NORTH CAROU NA ® MW-5 INTEGRIS METALS :x ,.: I I UST-1 0.015 YY I MW-4 Ow-1 I I ® MW-2 L � J UST-2 I MW-3 PROPERTY BOUNDARY LEGEND ® SHALLOW MONITOR ELL DEEP MONITOR WELL ESTIMATED EXTENT OF FREE PRODUCT DIESEL SCALE IN FEET iiiiMMEiiiiiia 0 15 30 60 93 Environmental FREE PRODUCT M4P-122003 FIGURE. _ INMRIS METALS Resources ara Management 527 ATANW AVENUE 3 ERM $ CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROUNA Tables TABLE B-7 WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION Date: 28-May-04 Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - 27296 Facility ID#: Monitor Well ID Date .Installed Date Water Level Measured Well Casing Depth (feet BGS) Screened Interval (feet BGS) Bottom of Well (feet BGS) Top of Casing Elevation (feet') Depth to Water from Top of Casing (ft.) Free Product Thickness (ft.) Ground Water Elevation' (ft.) Comments MW-1 1/2/03 1122/03 19 19-34 34 104.50 16.24 0.02 88.24 2-inch diameter RW-1 11/14/03 11/24/03 5 5-20 20 NA 15.20 0.05 NA 4-inch diameter MW-2 1/22103 1122/03 19 19-34 34 104.50 18.03 0.00 86.47 2-inch diameter MW-3 1/22/03 1/22/03 17 17-32 32 99.72 13.60 0.00 86.12 2-inch diameter MW-4 1/21/03 1/22103 17 17-32 32 99.90 15.85 0.00 84.05 2-inch diameter MW-5 1/22103 1/22/03 17 17-32 32 101.79 11.95 0.00 89.84 2-inch diameter DW-1 1121/03 1/22/03 81 81-86 88 100.00 12.14 0.00 87.86 2-inch diameter 6-inch surface casing Reference point for elevation measurements: MW-1 TOC Assumed elevation: 100.00 ft. (MW-1 top -of -casing) If free product is present, ground water elevation should be calculated by: [top of casing elevation - depth to water) + [ free product thickness x 0.8581] ft. BGS = feet below ground surface Free Product Tables.xls:6-7 Well Const Page 1 of 1 TABLE B-8 FREE PRODUCT RECOVERY RESULTS Date: 28-May-04 Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - 27296 Free Product Recovery Method: Bailer/AFVR Facility ID#: NA Method of Measurement: Bailer / Interface probe Product Amount of Casing Thickness Product Product Depth to Water Date of Diameter Before Thickness After Recovered from Top of Well ID Product Type Recovery (inches) Recovery(ft.) Recovery(ft.) (gallons) Casing(ft.) Comments MW-1 Fuel Oil 113/03 2 0.05 0.00 <0.25 21.32 Bailer 1/22103 2 0.02 0.00 <0.25 16.23 Bailer 3/10/03 2 0.04 0.00 <0.25 14.07 Bailer 3/25/03 2 0.00 0.00 <0.25 12.99 Bailer 4/4/03 2 0.03 0.00 <0.25 12.68 Bailer 5130103 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 11.01 Bailer 6127/03 2 0.02 0.00 <0.25 11.24 Bailer 7/17/03 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 11.71 Bailer 8/26103 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 11.15 Bailer 912/03 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 12.18 Bailer 11/14/03 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 15.23 Bailer 11/24/03 2 0.01 0.00 <0.25 15.10 Bailer 12/19/03 2 0.04 0.00 <0.25 14.74 Bailer 1/29104 2 0.05 0.00 <0.25 15.05 Bailer 3/9104 2 0.00 0.00 <0.25 13.19 AFVR 4/8104 2 0.04 0.00 <0.25 13.07 Bailer 5/24/04 2 0.08 0.00 0.20 13.22 Bailer RW-1 Fuel Oil 11/24/03 4 0.05 0 0.25 15.20 Bailer 12/19/03 4 0.15 0 0.25 15.32 Bailer 1/29/04 4 0.42 0 0.25 15.56 Bailer 319/04 4 0.05 0 2.00 13.32 AFVR 4/8/04 4 0.15 0 0.25 13.29 Bailer 5/24/04 4 0.17 0 0.30 13.43 Bailer Total Gallons Recovered Since Last Free Product Report: Approximately 3.0 gallons Total Gallons Recovered to Date: Approximately 3.5 gallon Free Product Tables.xls:B-8 FP Rec Page 1 of 1 TABLE B-9 AGGRESSIVE FLUID - VAPOR RECOVERY (AFVR) INFORMATION Date: 28-May-04 Incident Number and Name: Integris Metals - 27296 Date of AFVR Well ID Date of AFVR Average Effuent Velcoity (scfm) Average Effuent Temperature :(deg F) Average Effuent VOc Concentration (PPM) Total Volatilzed (gallons) Total Product As Fluid (Estimated gallons) Total Product Recovered (gallons) 3/9/04 MW-1 RW-1 3/9/04 3800 133 10.9 0.50 1.50 2.00 Total Gallons Recovered Via AFVR: 2.00 Free Product Tables.xls:B-9 AFVR Page 1 of 1 March 9, 2004 AFVR EVENT ERM Site Name: Inte2rl5Metals- Lando Avg. Depth to Ground Water: 13.58. BG1. Incident number: Pending Extraction Wens: MW-1 (2-in. d'a.), RWA (4-In. dia.) Dale Time meter (Ha -interval min Vacuum InH Temp Humid. % Vapor WI% Water Vapor - of 'Ostd (flow)(gals.) Meter volume gals. 3/9/04 8:00 0.0 0 19.0 120 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 3/9ID4 815 0.25 15 19.0 120 99.91/6 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 319104 8:30 0.50 15 19.0 120 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 3/9/04 8A5 0.75 15 20.0 130 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3736 0 0 3/9104 9:00 1.00 15 20.0 130 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3736 0 0 3/9f04 9:15 1.25 15 20.0 130 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3736 0 0 319104 9:30 1.50 15 20.0 130 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3736 0 0 319/04 9:45 1.75 15 19.0 fad 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 3/9/04 10:00 2.00 15 19.0 130 0.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 3/9/04 10:30 2.50 30 19.0 130 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 3/8/04 11:00 3.00 30 19.0 130 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 39/04 11:30 3.50 30 19.0 130 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 3/9/04 12:00 4.00 30 19.0 /40 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 319104 12:30 4.50 30 19.0 140 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 3/9104 13:00 5.00 30 19.0 140 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 3/9/04 1330 5.50 30 19.0 140 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 319104 14:00 6.00 30 19.0 140 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E.02 3816 0 0 3/9104 14:30 6.50 30 19D 140 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 319104 15:00 7.00 30 19.0 140 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 319104 15:30 7.50 30 19.0 140 99.9% 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 3/9104 16:00 8.00 30 19.0 140 99.9e-e 0.01 1.6.E-02 3816 0 0 Date Elapsed Time min Flow - DSCFM VOC Conc. p m' VOC Cone. tl a K as; VOC Emissions m Cc:m m fdsm3 Ce Ib/dsc PMRe Ibft PMR9 Ibft) PMR (lb 3/9/04 0 3816 7.3 7 4 30 15 9.24E-07 0.21 0.24 0.00 3/9104 15 3816 3.5 4 4 14 7 4.43E-07 0.10 0.12 0.03 319/04 30 3816 2.9 3 4 12 6 3.67E-07 0.08 0.10 0.02 3/9/04 45 3736 4.3 4 4 17 9 5.44E-07 0.12 0.14 0.04 3/9/04 60 3736 8.6 9 4 35 17 1.09E-08 0.24 0.28 0.07 319104 75 3736 11.8 12 4 48 24 1.49E-06 0.33 0.39 0.10 3/9104 90 3736 13.2 13 4 54 27 1.67E-06 0.37 0.43 0.11 319104 105 3816 14.1 14 4 57 29 1.79E-06 0.41 0.47 0.12 319104 120 3816 12.2 12 4 50 25 1.64E-0B 0.35 0.41 0.10 3/9/04 ISO 3816 14.4 15 4 59 29 1.82E-0fi 0.42 0.48 0.24 3/9/04 180 3816 10.9 11 4 44 22 1.38E-06 0.32 0.37 0.18 319104 210 3816 11.3 11 4 46 23 1.43E.06 0.33 0.38 0.19 W9/04 240 3816 11.9 12 4 48 24 1.51E-06 0.34 0.40 0.20 3MI04 270 3816 10.1 10 4 41 20 1.28E-06 0.29 0.34 0.17 3/9/04 300 3816 12.7 13 4 52 26 1.61E-06 0.37 0.43 0.21 3/9104 330 3816 12.0 12 4 49 24 1.52E-06 0.35 0.40 0.20 319/04 360 3816 13.1 13 4 S3 27 1.66E-06 0.38 0.44 0.22 3/9104 390 3816 12.6 13 4 52 26 1.62E-06 0.37 0.43 0.21 3/9104 420 3816 12.7 13 4 52 26 1.61E-06 0.37 0.43 0.21 3/9N4 450 3816 14.1 14 4 57 29 1.79E-06 0.41 0.47 0.24 319104 480 3816 14.3 15 4 58 29 1.61E-06 0.41 0.48 0.24 Commems PD Stover 702 - CFM per blower at 1,800 RPM TOTAL: 8 Hours of run-time Total VOC emission in pounds 3.1 lbs. 23.1 galsJhr pumping rate (Total Fluids) Total volume gasoline equivalent 0.50 gallons NOTES Total free product liquid (Estimated) 1.5 gallons PPMdry ^ -dry concentration Total volume of gasoline removed 2.00 gallons Mc • 12.01 malmo npte, molecular HBIpM er carbon Total fluids removed: 486 gallons Cc = mg/dI mess wrlsanuation or VOC embabre as wrbon VOC - Total vottlae oruuy c compounds measured using MD. FID, or TLV Its - 24.07 dsm3/1013 nV moe, mass to volume conversion team at STP K • Number of carbons in w5bratlon pas: (Metlane K-1, or Propmre K•3, Hexane K•9, Isobdytene Ka) EOUATIONS PP Is Mv, Volumetric conwnbauon of VOC emissions as carbon, dry bass at STP Bws=(Bwswfle@mate wo)q(lne.841bople dry air) + IS~ B lbmole Wolf Cc - IbadMf, cress .1ratlon o1 VOC emissions as carbon, dry bass at STP PPMv1et - PPMmwsumcl FMRc • a4v, pollutant mess removal rate of VOCs as sateen PPMdry - (PPWmty(l-S") PMRe = Rohr, pdluant mass removal ate o1 of VOCs as gasoline RPMc • (PPMI MR • M. pdivant cress removal of VOC's as gasemar Cc:m - (P ,;Xlklc / K3) Terxpeatum=The temperature of the air abeam exiting Ore bII dlsMarge dping(dry bulb temp.. In deg.-F) Cc=(CC:mx82.43x 1 M Ib-mNmP83) Reative humidity = %reatie humidity, of Itro'air stream exiting Me blover dsenarpe p10, PMRe • (CcxOs1dx80 mMv) Bw -water vapor Is by vrtbM, Le.. pounds of dterp¢r pwlM of dry air, derived from ft Psychromebk Mare PMRg`(PMRcMM9M1W) tt s -water vapor %by volume; When exhaust vapor stream tempera Wes 1250 deg F, water vapor %by volume MR = (PMRpHamialt¢sBO) assumed to be zero. Psychomevk Mans do not "ease 250 deg F. Aando AFVR Calculations.xls Page 1 Of 1 5/28/2004 Appendix A Wastewater Disposal Manifest Mar 12 04 08:09a HAZ-MAT TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL P, O. BOX 37392 • CHARLOTTE, N.C. 28237 (704� 332-5600 FAX Q 4) 375-7183 NON -HAZARDOUS SPECIAL WASTE ucneNATOR LOCATION NAME w� S,p ORIGINATINGADDRESS S '-tT•r1�J Ove_ MAILING ADDRESS p CITY `.. STATE _-N—L-ZIP -i PHONE NO. CONTACT NAME DES. OF WASTE: i �/� CY rMUM TANP 2. OFF SPEC LJGHT OIL, WATER a GAS PUMPED 3. 55 GALLON DRUMS ru. ucmnlumt IIMh:: L GUNTHACTED BY (if different from information at left) ADDRESS CITY PHONE NO, _ CONTACTNAME P.3 Manilest No. 20249 P.O. No. Job No. oILf ATE 0clvtMIDI146 CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the above named material is not a hazardous waste as dented by 40 CFR Part 261 or any applicable state law, has been property described, classified and packaged, and is in proper condition for transportation according to applicable regulations; AND, If the waste is a tleabnent residue of a previously rasblcled hazardous waste subject in the Land Disposal Resficdons, I certify and warrant that the waste has bean treated In accorderyf Off the requirements of 40 CFR Part 266 and is no longer a hazardous waste as tl t to d by n CFR Part Rest r a. Driver Nan h. Phone No_ HAZ--MAT Truck No. L zT-6_7 p g. Driver Name / Title_ h, Phone No, I. Transporter II Permit Nos. Site Name: Hag -Mat Transpollition z Inc. Physical Address:a. Phone No. 210 Oalt�n gven� Charlolte N C 8237 b. Mafing Address: Discrepancy Indication Space lLs O le perlily. t. all non haurtlous malerlal removed Tram above loralien nas been receiwtl and will Ile disposed of in accordance wllh appllrahla local, sine and lade e Wended info a"4" rlal reusable fuel far use in large induslrul Mumrs. l2) Wasle wafers are to na healed wish polymers, H adjusters, and allpceulanL Nen Ilows mro en info Dk CMUD sanilfilbn 9ewffi system antler pelmit'IUPP501Y. (3f Sludges Irom IrealmBnl sysema are heaped to E.P.A approved Iaulitie5 Im Naper )Our Veazmem system opernes on a lirsl In, first oul basis anp pmduo aRDuld De processed wilhln seven days. I. Truck No. vm pradum t on file. seple. ate an life. — — ORIGINAL -FINAL T.fi.D, -YELLOW-OIfiPO6ER • PINK -t6i T.S,e. GOLD - OENERATOR Mar 12 04 08:09a r- Z /Y, DAILY PROJECT LOG NAME: , JOB# d LOCATION: JOB DATE 17 Y - -6 BILLING ADDRESS PO# CONTACT FAX rlv-DQl, XTT T CODE NAME HOURS RATE TOTAL ve TRANCPnRTATTnN HOURSF- l lWnlrTTVXffVXT T DESCRIPTION UNIT # HOURS/DAY RATE TOTAL A,T A lrvDy AT 0 CODE DESCRIPTION UNITS RATE TOTAL TlTennc A T /lITTSTT] CODE DESCRIPTION UNITS _ y RATE TOTAL E' LTti cr START TIME: ADDITONAL INFORMATION: DAILYWORKSHEET END TIME Appendix B Monitor Well Construction GW-1 Forms WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD RWA North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print). Michael A. Tynan CERTIFICATION a2725 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Probe Technology, Inc, —PRONE R 17041383-0663 STATE wtstii, amslRUCTION pRRNrra ane....r.,..e....... -_ L WELL USE(Clieck Applicable Box): Residential ❑ Mumcipaitpubiie.❑ Industrial ❑ Agricultural d. Monitoring ❑ Recovery IM Heat Pump Water Injection ❑ Other Cl If Other, List Usc 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: Charlotte Couu Mecklenburg tY Topographic/Land setting ❑Ridge ❑ []Valley Slopc 7 Atando Ave Valley ®Flat (Strect Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No.. 7ip Code) (check appropriate boat) Lathude4ongitude of well location 3, OWNER: Intends Metals N 3515 28.86 f W 80 48 58.38 Address 5435 HOVIS Rd (degeet/minulnsfaeconds) Latitude/longitude source:KIGPS❑Topographic map (Street ne anme No) (elwck box) Charlotte NC DEPTH 12KILLING LOG City or Town State zip Code From To Formation Description A"°Ced` 4. DATP. DRILLED ILLED 11-14-03 SEE GEOLOGISTSLOG 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 20 ft 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO N 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 714111 FT_ _ (Use"+" if Above'rop of Cuing) 8;"TFOP£iFCASIN13d9. ,9-..:_:::FT.Abo*IAndSurface• —rr—.---- .-!Too'nr tkitnerrdance edhISAbiCACndsarlrq NHsole�a •--„-- „--;--- .., rarianm M accordance with ISA NCAC 3C .0118. - :,_.�..- .;'�� 9. YIELD (gpm): NIA M,4T(IOD OF TEST_ tC WATERZONL${depth)-- 1+1-U/blNtbU FKJN: Type-'_3w1i..; .+'Amount tl CASING:.-`_ .... '--Wail T6ickocss-:.7'-.11 Depth Diameter or Weight(FL Material From 0' To 5 Ft. V' Sched 40 PVC From To Ft. From - -To Ft. - 13. GROW: Depth Material Method From 0 To • 2 Ft. Portland cement gravity From 2 To 3.5 F(. bentonite gravity 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Matcriai Fmm_5 To 20 FL 4" in. 0.010 In, PVC From To Ft- n. _ in. 15. SANWGRAVELPACK: ... Depth sin - - Material From 3.5 To 20 Ft. #2 silica sand From To Ft. - 16. REMARKS: I DO•t IEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL eONSIMUCTION "ANARD3 AND"A'TA COPY OF TH181(EC01ILD HAS BEEN PROVWEU IU ME WPIL OWNER. -. - SIGNATI,IlikOFERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL DATE -... .... _._.. Submlt Me orlgtnat+tothe Division of Water. Quality, Groundwater Section, t06Mail Service Center- Xistelgh N.C.. .. 216994636PKone,Nd,i919)733.3221, wlthid 30 days: ;;' -... .... ..__ -.. _GW.,1,REY. Q7J$001 rw1 ­erm_integris_111403_mt.max M W , I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina- Department of Environmental and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTORWINDIVIDUAL)NAME(print) JOHNWBIIRR CERTIFICATION# 309s WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME GEGLoGIc paWRAn0N INC. PHONE # (7o4) s72-76s6 STATE WELLCONSTRUCIION PERWD ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential ❑ Municipditblic ❑ Indastdal ❑ Agricultural ❑ Monitoring ® Recovery ❑ Heat Pump Water hljection ❑ Other❑ If Other, list Use 2. WELL LOCATION: Nearest Town: cHARLOM County ME(1GENBURG 5276TT AVE. (Strat Name-Numbeq C--ty, Sabdrv�sion, L t No., lip Code) 3.OWNER H4T8GRISMBFAIS,INC. Address 527 ATANDO AVE. (Street or Rowe No.) CHARLOTlH NC (Stv er Town State 2'in Code Arcs Code -Phone Number 4. DATE DRILLED 1-2-03 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 35.0 FEET 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Caving: 21.0 FT. (Use -4^ ff)bow Top of Casing) S. TOP OF CASING IS o.o FT. Above Land Surface* *TOP Of casing to-mae dWor blow land surface mph,, a vnimce in accardaact whh 15A NCAC 2C.0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA 10. WATER ZONES (depth): WA 11. DISINFECTION: Type WA Amount 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 19.0 Ft 21NCH SCH 40 PVC From Tp FY From To ' Ft 13. Grout: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 13.0 Ft Portland Bentooite Slury Farm To FY 14. SCREEN; Depth Diameter - Slot Size Material From 19.o To 35.0 Ft 2.0 in. .010 in PVC From To 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Sibe Material From 15.0 To 35.0 Ft 20.40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft 16. REMARKS: Topogmphic/Imd setting ❑ Ridge ❑ Slope ❑ valley ® Flat (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degnxsetminoustaecouds) LatitudeAongitude source: ❑ OPS ❑ Topographic map (check box) DEPTH Maim IN ILrtr From To Formation Description 0.0 4.0 TAN CLAY WITH COBBLES 4.0 8.0 RED CLAY 8.0 21.0 TAN/RED CLAY 21.0 35.0 GREEN CLAY WITH COBBLES LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads, inculed the road numbers and common road names. MW-1 BBNTONrrE SEAL FROM 13.0 TO 15.0 FEET I DO NEARBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, ��AND THAT A COPY OF FFF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL O R SIGNA'IlA' OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING LL DATE THE WE \ \�D Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, 1636 Mail Service Center -Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. OW-1 REV. 07/2001 `z V Mw11