HomeMy WebLinkAbout4117_A1SandrockCDLF_comment_PTC_Phase3_FID1277343_201901281 Chao, Ming-tai From:Chao, Ming-tai Sent:Monday, January 28, 2019 3:38 PM To:'Garrett, David' Cc:'Ronnie Petty'; Stanley, Sherri; Ritter, Christine; Kirchner, Chuck Subject:Comments on the revised A-1 Sandrock Facility and Operations Plan Hi David: FID 1277343 I completes a review of the engineering portions of the revised PTC-Phase 3 Application received on 01/14 & 01/16/19 including two revised drawings (S1 & EC5), FID 1277341. Christine is working on the Design Hydro portions and monitoring plans and she will issue you a several comments, if any. Several comments (most are typos/inconsistent data) are observed which stated below: 1. Table 1-B in Section 1.3.2 of the latest version of the Facility Plan (received on 01/14/19) states that the waste footprint of Cell 3A & 3B are 3.77 acres and 3.83 acres, respectively; but the drawing S1-Facility Plan (received on 01/14/19) shows the waste footprint of Cell 3A & 3B are 3.34 acres and 4.26 acres. Please provide the consistent data. 2. Regarding the request approval of the modification to Erosion and Sediment Control Plan from NC Land Quality Section (LQS) or Guilford County which will cover the operations of non-disposal units A through E, please provide the status of the approval processes. i. Has the modification document submitted to the LQS yet? ii. What is the reasonable time frame to obtain an approval from the authorized agency? 3. Gas vent pipes and stones stated in Table 4B are shown on Detail G on Drawing EC3. Please correct typo. 4. (Section 5.3) “All these areas have been approved for disturbance and …” The statement in the last paragraph of this section is questionable because the approved erosion and sediment control permit for the non-disposal units – Areas A through E is not covered by the existing stormwater permit (NCG020000-Certification No. NCG020633) which was issued for the mining permit (Permit No. 41- 22), please refer the Section 5.10.2 of the Operations Plan & Comment No. 2. 5. (Section 5.4) The storage volume of each Areas D & E (35,426 CY & 54,572 CY) is different from those shown on Drawing S1. 6. (Section 5.4.1) The last sentence of this subsection states that “Finished materials shall be removed (or turned) at least QUARTERLY…) The same statements for a quarterly turning frequency are mentioned in other Sections (Section 5.9.1) in the Operations Plan.” But the turning frequency in Section 5.7 is semi-annually. Please clarify. 7. (Section 5.10) The soil stockpiles at Area D & E have not stabilized by temporary seeding or any vegetation which was noted in January 07, 2019 site visit. The statement in Section 5.10 shall be 2 implemented. For the period outside the growing season, a trap or rain cover should be used to prevent stockpiled soil from washing out by precipitation – rain or snow. 8. (Section 6.4.7) The turning frequency and the referenced section – Section 5.5 are inconsistent with those stated in the other section in the Operations Plan. Please correct typos. The SWS intends to issue a conditional PTO for the non-disposal units (without the approved Stormwater Permit) & FA (reduction due to gas well installation); these conditions will be lifted when A-1 Sandrock, Inc. fulfills/satisfies the requirements. Please contact me if you have any questions of the above-mentioned comments. From: Chao, Ming-tai Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019 9:27 AM To: Garrett, David <david.garrett2@woodplc.com> Cc: Ronnie Petty <ronniepetty@a1sandrockinc.com>; Stanley, Sherri <Sherri.Stanley@ncdenr.gov>; Ritter, Christine <christine.ritter@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] A-1 Sandrock Facility and Operations Plan Hi David: The Solid Waste Section received the full-size drawings and revised text portion of the application including responses to the latest comments. We are currently involving other permit reviews at this moment, and when the reviews of these projects are reached a cut-off point , we will start working on the permit application review for A-1 Sandrock CDLF- Phase 3, probably sometime in next week. From: Garrett, David [mailto:david.garrett2@woodplc.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 2:49 PM Ming-Tai, Chao Environmental Engineer, Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919.707-8251 (Office) Ming.Chao@ncdenr.gov Ming-Tai, Chao Environmental Engineer, Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919.707-8251 (Office) Ming.Chao@ncdenr.gov 3 To: Chao, Ming-tai <ming.chao@ncdenr.gov>; Ritter, Christine <christine.ritter@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Ronnie Petty <ronniepetty@a1sandrockinc.com> Subject: [External] A-1 Sandrock Facility and Operations Plan CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Please find attached a response to comments recently received and a revised text addressing these issues. Drawings are scheduled for delivery to your office today. A full updated application submittal will be forwarded as a “package” download later today. Thank you for your input – and patience. Please note our @AmecFW email addresses are being replaced with @woodplc addresses. David Garrett, PG, PE 919-418-4375 (mobile) 919-765-0070 (direct office) Environment & Infrastructure Solutions 4021 Stirrup Creek Drive, Suite 100 Durham, NC 27703 TEL: (919) 381-9900 This message is the property of John Wood Group PLC and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorized use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. 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