HomeMy WebLinkAbout1304-MSWLF-1992 BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Landfill V SW019-0013 PARF & Invoice 1-24-19PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM
Review Requested by: Allen Gaither
Date Requested: 1/24/2019
Facility Name and Permit ID BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Landfill V, 1304-MSWLF-1992
Applicant (Owner) Name BFI Waste Systems of North Carolina, Inc.
Description of Permit Request
[This is the action the applicant
is requesting in accordance with
NCGS 130A-295.8(b)]
(1)a. New – New Facility
(1)b. New – Expand Facility Boundary
(1)c. New – Expand Waste Boundary
(1)d. New – Substantial Amendment
(2)a. Amendment – Next Phase of the Approved Facility Plan
(2)b. Amendment – Renewal/Review 5YR 10YR
(2)c. Amendment – Change in Ownership
(3)a. Modification – Change to Approved Plans (No CHR)
(3)b. Modification – Subsequent Permit to Operate (No CHR)
(3)c. Modification – Five-year Limited Review
(4) Major Permit Modification
Permitted Annual Tonnage 1,680,000 TPY
Permit Fee $0.00 LoS
Date Application Received 1/18/2019
Contact Name, Title & Phone # Mr. Mike Gurley, Environmental Manager, (704) 262-6019
Email Address mgurley@republicservices.com
Company Republic Services
911 Address 5105 Morehead Road
Mailing Address Same as above
City/State/Zip Concord, NC 28027
Parent Company Republic Services, Inc.
Known Subsidiaries ?
Other known names business
has operated under
Known Counties of Operation State of NC & five counties in SC
Does the applicant have a past
or current solid waste permit?
Yes No Unknown
Facility Type: MSW, C&D Permit #: 13-01, 04
Did the permit applicant submit
Financial Assurance cost
Yes No Not Needed
Other notes Permit Approval to Operate MSWLF Cell 2J
North Carolina Department of Environmenal Quality
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
Invoice #:SW019-0013
Payment Options:
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
1646 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1646
phone: (919) 707-8236 fax: (919) 707-8236
email: mary.johnson@ncdenr.gov
To:Mike Gurley, Environmental Manager
BFI-Charlotte MTR Speedway Landfill V
5105 Morehead Rd
Concord, NC 28027
More information available on the web:
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) - http://portal.ncdenr.org/
North Carolina Solid Waste Program - http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/sw
North Carolina Electronics Management Program - http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/sw/electronics
E-check -Available online at http://go.ncdenr.gov/swpay
Requires bank account and routing information. You will need to use the zip code in the description box and the invoice number
shown on this invoice to access your account. If a zip code is not listed, use the code: 99999 along with the invoice number.
Credit Card -Available online at http://go.ncdenr.gov/swpay
Accepts MasterCard, Visa, and Discover cards. You will need to use the zip code in the description box and the invoice number
shown on this invoice to access your account. If a zip code is not listed, use the code: 99999 along with the invoice number.
*Convenience Fee of 2.65% added to amount invoiced.]
Paper check -Make checks payable to N.C. Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section, include Permit Number and invoice number
on check. If you are paying by electronic transfer, include the invoice number with your electronic transfer. Please return a copy
of this invoice with your payment.
[G.S. 25-3-506: A $25.00 processing fee will be charged on all returned checks.]
Remit paper checks to:
N.C. Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
1646 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1646
Description Amount Due
BFI-Charlotte Mtr Speedway Landfill V (1304-MSWLF-1992)
5105 Morehead Road
Concord, NC 28027
Permit Modification Application (Modification-Subsequent Permit to Operate (NO CHR))
received on 1/18/2019
$0.00Total Amount Due
2/23/2019Date Due
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 130A-295.8 you are required to pay fee(s) based on your solid waste management activities. The fee(s)
shall be used to support the solid waste management program. An application is deemed incomplete until all fees are received.
Explanation of Invoice Amount is Based on Facility's Current Permit Application:
Billing process:
Mary H. Johnson (919) 707-8236
Ed Mussler (919) 707-8281
Solid Waste Contacts:
Regulations and Technical Assistance:
Ed Mussler (919) 707-8281 Landfills, Transfer Stations
Adam Ulishney (919) 707-8210 Land Application Sites, Compost Facilities
NC Solid Waste Invoice Form I-2014