HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-4183_12679_CA_RPTS_19940304_Engineering Rpt for Soil Vapor ExtractionESI ECOLOGICAL SERVICES, INC. P.O. Box 12146, Charlotte, North Carolina 28220 March 4, 1994 Mr. Allen Schiff North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115-0950 Subject: Engineering Report for Vapor Extraction System U-Fill' er Up No. 44 South Cannon Boulevard (U.S. 601) Kannapolis, North Carolina Dear Mr. Schiff: Phone (704) 522-1111 Fax (704) 521-8004 N.C. DEPT. pP & P., i_, LTI3, NATURAL' ICES DIViva OF ENi7RO1,'IE;+i ?l ''AFL4GE, ENT II1007ESVll1f REGIONAL OFFICE Enclosed is the Engineering Report for the above -referenced project, which was prepared for us by Mr. Jerry Meade, P.E. of Meade Engineering and Environmental. We have also forwarded a copy of the emissions report to Mr. Keith Overcash of the Air Quality Section for this project, If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ECOLOGICAL SERVICES, INC. Ronald C. Gilkerson Vice President RCG;krh Enc(s) Ecological Services, Inc. Charlotte, North Carolina U-Filler Up No. 44 nnapolis, North Carolina MEADE Project No. 45-137.10 WnRONMENT, & NATURAL MAR E Scan. D1YISION OE ENVIft'Jtl�EtiTf�l L,Afif,",Eti;Eiit DIDOAESVtIIE AEGtON�I Off10E MEADE engineering & environmental, P.C. March 3, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. P.O. Box 12146 Charlotte, North Carolina 28220 Attention: Mr. Ronald C. Gilkerson Vice President Subject: Engineering Report For Vapor Extraction System U-Filler Up No. 44 South Cannon Blvd. (US 601) Kannapolis, North Carolina MEADE Project No. 45-137.10 Gentlemen: As authorized by your acceptance to our Proposal No. 94-446 dated February 3, 1994, MEADE engineering & environmental, P.C. has completed the subject engineering report for the vapor extraction system. MEADE engineering & environmental, P.C. appreciates the opportunity to provide our professional engineering services to Ecological Services, Inc. Please call me at 704-364-9880 if you have any questions or comments regarding the report and the plans submitted. Sincerely, MEADE engineering & environmental, P.C. Jerry L. Meade, P.E. JLM/bli uann""��" N GAR®""'�°'ys a��°„ o „•° ``� °®FCss�0 9 13963 = ✓°Fl�G'N�ti°�k, 6627 Old Providence Road PO. Box 472007 704.364,9880 Charlotte, NC 28226 Charlotte, NC 28247 Fax 704.365.0952 Table of Contents 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION ........................................... 1 2.0 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE .......................................... 1 3.0 PROPOSED SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM ......................... 1 3.1 System Design 3.2 Air Emission Considerations 3.3 Proposed System Monitoring 4.0 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS ................................... 2 4.1 Scope of Work 4.2 Field Representative 4.3 Trenching/Pipe Installation 4.4 Vault Installation 4.5 Treatment Compound 4.6 Electrical APPENDICES Appendix A Equipment Manufacturers System Components Appendix B Potential Emissions Data Calculations Appendix C Equipment Specifications Appendix D Operational Data DRAWING 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION The U-Filler Up Service Station No. 44 is located approximately 0.4 mile south of the intersection of South Cannon Boulevard and Fairview Street in Kannapolis, North Carolina. The subject site is a former service station and is no longer in operation. Reportedly, one 12,000 gallon gasoline and three 10,000 gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) were removed from the site. Soil impacted with total petroleum hydrocarbons was previously reported at a concentration ranging between 410 to 9,000 parts per million (ppm). 2.0 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Soil vapor extraction is proposed to treat the petroleum -impacted soil that remains in place. The purpose of the vapor extraction system is to enhance the volatilization of organic compounds within the soils and to induce oxygen flow, thereby increasing the potential for natural biodegradation of the in -situ petroleum -impacted soils. 3.0 PROPOSED SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM Five (5) vapor recovery wells are proposed at the site as shown on the attached drawing, referenced as VR-1 through VR-5. The detail piping is also shown on the drawing. The Spray Aeration Vacuum Extraction (SAVE) system is proposed for the vapor extraction system. Manufacturers literature for the SAVE system is contained in Appendix A. The soil vacuum extraction system consists of a vacuum pump driven by an internal combustion engine. The vacuum on the extraction wells causes the hydrocarbons to volatilize and flow with the air into the well and into the vacuum pump. The vapors drawn by the vacuum pump are directed to the intake of the engine where they are mixed with the auxiliary fuel (propane) and then burned in the engine through the process of thermal oxidation. Temperatures can exceed 5000' F, thus consuming the hydrocarbon mixture. The engine exhaust flows into a catalytic converter then through an engine muffler before final discharge. The engine's air to fuel ratio can be adjusted to maintain efficient combustion. The vapors from the wells are combined with the fuel from the carburetor, thus resulting in minimal emissions from the engine. 3.1 System Design The proposed SAVE system is a four cylinder internal combustion engine fueled by propane. The engine is equipped with a three way catalytic converter and an automobile sound exhaust system. The equipment manufacture system components are contained in Appendix A and equipment specifications are contained in Appendix C. A moisture collection drum will be placed in the vapor influent line prior to entry into the engine. The vacuum pump is designed to produce a vacuum flow rate of 40 to 80 cfm Page 1 at a maximum vacuum of 15 inches mercury gage. 3.2 Air Emission Considerations Vapors extracted from the extraction wells will be piped to the engine for treatment prior to discharge to the atmosphere. Potential emissions data calculations are contained in Appendix B. The potential emissions for benzene is estimated at 0.11 pounds per day. Historical data reports the system's efficiency at 99% for petroleum vapor compounds. A copy of operational data for emissions data collected from another SAVE system is included in Appendix D. Based on the systems reported performance, the TPH emissions is expected to produce about 2.4 pounds per day. 3.3 Proposed System Monitoring The proposed monitoring of the SAVE system will include an HORIBA MEXA-534GE automotive emission analyzer. Literature for the monitoring system is contained in Appendix A. The analyzer is capable of analyzing hydrocarbons (HC), CO, CO2 and 02. The proposed monitoring will be conducted at start up then followed with weekly measurements for the first month of operation. Both influent and effluent will be measured to assess the efficiency of the SAVE system. During operation, maintenance of the SAVE system will be performed as necessary to keep the system at optimum efficiency. 4.0 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 Scope of Work The scope of work includes: furnishing and installing the SAVE system (Appendix C), utility trenching, subgrade piping, drilling and installation of vapor recovery wells. The construction specifications follow. 4.2 Field Representative MEADE engineering & environmental, P.C. and Ecological Services, Inc (ESI) will provide a Field Representative on site for periodic observation during construction of the project. 4.3 Trenching/Pipe Installation 4.3.1 Layout trench areas between well locations and to the treatment area, as shown on the site plan. 4.3.2 Install piping in the trenches, as illustrated on the drawing, and as directed by the Field Representative. PVC piping shall be Type 1 PVC and joints will be glued with PVC cement. Piping shall be aligned, connected and properly supported. 2-inch PVC discharge line fittings and 4" PVC pipe fittings shall be Schedule 40 pressure fittings. Where necessary, use PVC 90' elbows to attain proper angle of pipe run. Steel piping Page 2 shall be Schedule 40 carbon steel and installed for the emission discharge line. ESE should require the Contractor to pressure test all underground lines to 75 PSI. 4.3.3 Excess soil shall be disposed of, or handled, at the direction of ESI. 4.3.4 Patching of asphalt/concrete areas shall be accomplished per the following: (1) The top one (1) foot of backfill shall be compacted to 95% standard dry proctor density. Patching material shall approximate the same thickness as the existing asphalt. 4.3.6 Contractor is responsible for contacting a utility location service to verify the location of the utility lines. Underground utility lines will be repaired and functioning properly as to existing conditions. 4.4 Vault Installation 4.4.1 ESI will furnish the vault. The vault shall be traffic rated for structural support. 4.4.2 Install vault around the existing well head. Vaults shall be flush with surface and existing stub -ups cut below grade. PVC conduits are to enter vaults from sides. Seal ends of PVC pipes in the vault with duct tape. 4.4.3 After setting the vault in place, install No. 4 rebar around vault then backfill around vault with concrete. Vibrate concrete to ensure no voids are present. 4.4.4 After installation of pipes and vaults, a concrete footing shall be placed in bottom of vault. Place gravel inside vault for water drainage. 4.5 Treatment Compound The treatment compound is shown on the drawing. A wood stockade security fence shall be installed around the compound area. Two four foot gates are to be placed for ingress and egress. 4.6 Electrical No electrical wiring is proposed. Page 3 APPENDICES APPENDIX A _ AN ADVANCED SOLUTION The RSI S.AY.E. System combines air stripping, vacuum extraction and combustion technologies to provide a complete remediation package. Capable of treating contaminated soil, groundwater and free floating product, the SAME. System offers significant advantages over conven- tional remediation methods. Our process has been sited by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board as the best available technology economically achievable for the treatment of gasoline contami- nated groundwater. U.S. Patent No. 4,979,886 Remediation Service, Int'I. GROUNDWATER REMEDIATION The RSI S.A.V.E. System remediates water contamination using spray aeration. Unlike air strippers which move air quickly over the surface of hydrocarbon laden water, spray aeration accomplishes volatilization by spraying water droplets containing hydrocarbons into the air. Combining vacuum and heat with spray aeration enhances the separation of hydrocar- bons in two ways. First, with reduced pressure the temperature at which hydrocarbons vaporize drops. Second, an increase in temperature from the addition of heat generated by the engine increases the potential for hydrocarbon vaporization further. By spraying heated water into a vacuum, the S.A.V.E. System takes advantage of both these principles. This combina- tion of technology makes the S.A.V.E. System significantly more effective at hydrocarbon separation than conven- tional air stripper systems. The S.A.V.E. System is more cost effective too. With no costly packing material to foul or replace, the major maintenance expense of an air stripper is completely eliminated. The engine is accessib sides of the housing fo maintenance. The compact SAVE System can be easil, installed in al aestheticall, designed enclosure "After careful revi On -Site Technolo System for one of Fart because of it from the soil and and efficiently. Si our expectations -CuR77s L. LINDSKoa ON -SITE TkHNOLoa SOIL VENTING/ COMBUSTION CONTROL The soil vacuum extraction system consists of a vacuum pump driven by an internal combustion engine. The vacuum on the extraction well causes hydrocarbons to volatilize and flow up to the vacuum pump. Vapors drawn by the vacuum are then combined with hydrocarbon vapors stripped from the groundwater and directed to the engine intake where they are burned as part of the normal combustion process. Emissions from the engine are Actual site data showing change in free product thickness over time. c available treatment systems and technologies, S. Inc. recommended and installed the RSI S.A.V. E. r rlients. The S.A.V. E. technology was selected in b y to simultaneous )y remediate contaminates 1611dwater as well as floating product effectively start-up, the S.A.V. E. equipment has performed to I mdards." ` PRESIDENT A — DAY 30 MW 7 MW 1 MW S MW MW DAY 60 MW 1 MW 7 MW 5 MW 8 MW ] "The cost of environmental compliance is of major concern to all independent oil marketers. RSI has provided a solution to the high cost of remediation. Their SAVE. technology has proven to be a cost effective way to remediate our facility. We are able to perform the routine maintenance ourselves, saving thousands of dollars over the duration of the cleanup. We are pleased to recommend RSI and it's SAVE. remediation equipment." MARK MCCAR771Y, OPERA77ONS MANAGER GIANT TRUCK S7oPS Graphs of actual site data display S.A. V.E. System recovery & removal results. .Passed through a small catalytic :inverter to insure maximum destruc- tion of removed hydrocarbons. The engine's fuel to air ratio is adjusted to - aintain efficient combustion. Because the engine is the power source for all equipment, all systems Dp when the engine stops. This �,Jminates any uncontrolled release of hydrocarbons into the atmosphere. ,d since the system is held entirely _.der vacuum, any leaks in the seals or connections are into the system. ie engine also features shut off .vices triggered by loss of vacuum, low oil pressure or engine overheating VAPOR RECOVERY - CONTAMINANT REMOVAL 90000.0 a = 80000.0 70000.0 Z 60000.0 Z 50000.0 40000.0 d 30000.0 20000.0 DAYS 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 DAYS SAVE. System vacuum extraction is proven effective for removing free phase liquid volatile hydrocarbons floating on the water table. Our technology is more efficient than traditional skimming for three reasons. First, as free product thickness decreases, recovery rates from free product pumping also decrease. This is because most of the product is contained in the capillary fringe and is under the force of a capillary vacuum. The SAVE. System overcomes this barrier because the induction of air flow over the product and subsequent in -site volatilization are not affected by capillary forces. Second, the S.A.V.E. System creates a vacuum in the recov- ery well which counteracts capillary forces and draws liquid hydrocarbons into the well more quickly. Finally, since the recovered free product is completely destroyed as fuel in the engine, there is no need for costly storage or disposal of liquid hydrocarbons. % _C U L A T Of:Y ACCEP-1-A1',-;CE The S.A.V.E. System is permitted for use throughout California, and is ; gaining widespread approvals in many other states ; " as well. The system meets or ; exceeds air quality Stan- �"-'" _ Bards in all ; California air quality districts including ; the South Coast Air Quality Man- agement District and the Bay Area Air Pollution Control District. RSI maintains groundwater discharge ; permits from the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ; (NPDES) and numerous local sanitary districts. The California Regional Water Quality Control Board has termed S.A.V.E. technol- ogy as the best economically achievable method available for the treatment of gasoline contaminated ; groundwater. RSI maintains a network of autho- rized service contractors and distributors throughout the nation. Please contact RSI for the contractor or distributor in your area. Remediation Service,Int'I. P.O. Box 1601 Oxnard, CA 93032 Telephone (805) 644-5892 FAX (805) 654-0720 j SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS None ENGINE RPM 1,500 - 2,300 site specific (Specifications based on 2,000 RPM) FUEL SOURCE Well Flow/Contamination, Natural Gas, Propane or Combination of Well Flow and Alternate Fuel UEL CONSU. ',. Propane 1.5 gallons /hour maximum 1.1 gallons /hour typical Natural Gas 135 cfh maximum 100 cfh typical (.94 therm/hour) Well Flow site specific btu's 126,500 btu's/hour maximum 93,600 btu's/hour typical TOTAL FRESH AIR/FUEL FLOW 80 cfm maximum, 40-80 cfm typical WELL FLOW 0-80 cfm, site specific FRESI I AdIR FLOW 0-80 cfm, site specific CO snl 99.9 % with proper service and maintenance 0" to 15" Hg, site specific 0-10 gpm up to 99.9% above 10 gpm site specific Less than 70 db at 20 feet =2,850 lbs. For additional information, please contact: The S.A.V.E. M System. Combined Treatment for Contaminated Soil, Groundwater and Free Floating Product with Off -Gas Abatement. Complete power source III situ air Enhanced spargin a,._, bio-rcmediatioil I , III Sill! Soil vclltin ON=oas abot(,mclit • Pre-engineered system designed for typical service station application. • No electrical requirements. • Energy cost between 0 and $0.77/Hr.2 • Air flow capacity up to 400 SCFM.3 • Hydrocarbon destruction rates up to 28 lb/hr. 3 • Groundwater flow rates up to 20 GPM.3 • Complete system with accessories fits inside a 14' x 14' enclosure. Spray oe ration pump &c treat Gene rates oll'/1 electricity *Patent Pending • Low cost leasing option available with approved credit. • Full warranty maintenance contracts available. • No costly vapor phase carbon. ]SYSTEM USES WASTE HEAT OF EXISTING A S.A.V.E.TM UNIT TO MAINTAIN OPERATING TEMPERATURE. A SLIGHT INCREASE OF FUEL CONSUMPTION MAY TAKE PLACE, DEPENDING ON VACUUM, BECAUSE THE ENGINE IS USED TO RUN 2ND BLOWER, THEREFORE USING ADDITIONAL HORSE POWER. 'MAXIMUM ENERGY USE BASED UPON STANDARD S.A.V.E.TM SYSTEM USING FORD 2.3 LITER ENGINE WITH NATURAL GAS @ $0.60/THERM. CERTAIN OTHER OPTIONS MAY REQUIRE ADDITIONAL ENERGY. 'VARIOUS MODELS OF S.A.V.E.TM TECHNOLOGY AVAILABLE TO MEET SITE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. REMEDIATION SERVICE, INT'L. 2060 Knoll Dr., Suite 200, Ventura, CA 93003 (805) 644-5892 • FAX (805) 654-0720 • Consultants Inquiries Welcome & Encouraged. A WORLD AHEAD IN ANALYZER TECHNOLOGY HORIBA AUTOMOTIVE EMISSION ANALYZER MEXA-534GE HC,CO,,CO2 and 02 The mini MEXA is magic SOLID-STATE ANALYTICAL SYSTEM MEXA-534GE is based on the principle of non-dispereive infrared (NDIR) analysis using pyroelectric detectors with integrated FET and solid-state band pass filters for precise infrared detection. The sophisticated system incorporates an innovative single -cell that analyzes lrp to three components, HC, CO and COS, simultaneously. The CO2 monitoring function enables the instrument to be equipped with an automatic alarm system to prevent erroneous readings caused by improper sampling of auto exhaust. The analyzer offers an excellent system for checking span readings without the use of stand- ard gasrs or a mechanical checker, and also features a short warm-up time of only 10 minutes and fast response time of 901i'. response in 10 seconds* with a 5 meter sample line. ('exc(7pt 0') TOUCH PAD CONTROLS All controls are flush with the front panel and rationally laid out. The clear- ly labelled panel assures error -free operation at a touch of the appropriate Pad. AUTO ZERO gives autorrratic, instant zeroing of the instrument with- out any manual adjustment, At the touch of SPAN CHECK the stability of the span reading can easily be verified without use of a standard gas. Peri,rdic recalibration with a standard teas is also available by touching the STANDBY pad, FLASHING ALARM SIGNALS Flashing symbols on the LCD screen inform the operator of any irregularity, One symbol signifies improper inser- tion of the probe in the exhaust pipe or a flow line leak during sampling, Another shows that the probe is still sampling exhaust when PURGE is acti- vated. The filter alarm signals the need for the filters to be changed. A flashing question mark indicates that the read• ing exceeds the measurement range and is thus for reference only. FLEXIBLE SAMPLE PROBE The same sample probe may be used for vehicles with either 4-stroke (4- cycle) or 2-stroke (2-cycle) engines. The probe tip is flexible to accommodate bends in the exhaust pipe, An integral clamp ensures correct and secure posi. tioning in the tail pipe- The easily re- placed pre-f(Iter removes dirt and oil from the exhaust sample before it enters 5 m sampling line. Finally, an efficient metallic drain separator is incorporated to rerrrove excessive moisture before the sample enters the analytical systarn. SIMPLIFIED GAS CALIBRATION Just touch STANDBY and apply a standard gas at the span gas port on the top. HC span calibration using propane gas is easy with the MEXA- 534GE, Simply adjust the meter to read half the propane concentration marked on the standard gas container for n-hexane equivalent calibration. Integral electronics do the rest, Component: HC (NDIR) Measuring range; 0 - 10,000 ppm Resolution: 10 porn Repeatability: t;20 porn or ±245 of reuding, whichever Is greater Component: CO(NDIR) Measuring range; 0 - 10,00% Resolution: 0.01% Repeatability: xO,Od??, or ±2% of reading, whichever is greater Component: CO2, (NDIR) Measuring range: 0 - 19.90'Yo Resolution: 0,01 % Repeatability; x0,3°A, or ±2% of reading, whichever IS greater Component: 02 (guivsniccoll) Measuring range: 0 - 19.991/o Resolution: 0,01% Repeatability: t0,5% Power: 100/120/220/240 V AC, field sel(?r:t- able, 50160 Hz, approx. 50 VA Dimensions. Approx. 260(w) x 1601h) x 360(d) rmrn Approx. 10,3(w) x 6.3(h) x 14,2(d) in Weight: Approx, 6.5 kg, 14.4 lb, APPENDIX B Potential Emissions Data Calculations Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons & Benzene The calculations are based on 99 percent removal efficiency given normal operating conditions with proper maintenance and monitoring. Under these conditions, the expected emissions for benzene and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH as N-Hexane) are estimated as follows: TPH,: (9000 ppm) HC x 0.01 Eff x (86 lbs) Hexane x (80 ft3) scfm lbmole min x 3.7995E-6 (min) (lbmole) = 2.4 lb = 0.098b = 0.4tons (day) (ppm) (fe) Day Hour Year Benzene2: (4.5 ppm) Benzene x (78 lbs ) Benzene x (80 fe) scfm lbmole min x 3.7995E-6 (min) (lbmole) = 0.11 lb = 0.004 lb = 0.02 tons (day) (ppm) (fe) Day Hour Year 1. TPH MW = 86 lbs/ lbmole (Hexane) TPH worst -case concentration was reported at 9,000 ppm. Given 99% removal efficiency, the expected air emissions for TPH is 90 ppm. 2. Benzene MW = 78 lbs/lbmole Benzene comprises approximately 5% of gasoline product (worst -case). Based on the reported concentration of TPH within the soil (9000 ppm), the expected benzene influent from soil vapors is about 450 ppm. Given 99% removal, the air emission concentration for benzene extracted from the soils is estimated at 4.5 ppm. APPENDIX C Spray Aeration Vacuum Extraction (SAVE) Equipment Specifications Engine - Power Source/Thermal Oxidizer Make: Ford internal combustion engine Model: LSG-423-P Year: 1993 140 Cubic inch capacity, 63 HP, 4 Cylinders with propane fuel. Flow rate through engine: 30-60 scfm Catalytic Converter Make: Car Sound Exhaust Systems Model: ICEN 703 100 Cubic feet/minute, temperature 1100-1500° F. Anticipated Life: 4,000 Hours; performance examination recommended every 500 hours. Vacuum Pump Make: Roots Model: 2504J Wisair Engine driven, maximum flow 80 scfm, average flow rate 40 scfm, average vacuum 18" - 20" hg. Spray Aerator Design Flow Rate: 80 scfm vapor/10 gpm water Actual Operating Flow Rates: 0-30 scfm vapor 0-10 gpm water Recirculation: 130 gpm 8 spray nozzles capable of 15 gpm each, which includes six recirculating and 2 primary nozzles. Float activated discharge. Recirculating Pump Make: Teel Model: 2PO15 130 pgm, 30 spi (70') Engine driven. Air Compressor Make: Bendix Model OF-FLO 500 12 cubic feet/minute. Engine driven. Heat Exchanger Make: Thermal Transfer Products, Inc. Model: K Series Operating Temperature: 350° R Spray Aeration Vacuum Extraction (SAVE) Equipment Specifications System Dimensions Dimensions: 8.0' length, 3.5' width, 6.5' height Tank Size: 3' diameter, 6.5 height Weight: 2,200 lbs. Stack Height: 10 - 14 Feet Diameter: 2 Inches Exit Temperature: 600-800' F. Connections Wells: Vapor Recovery - 2" pvc Water Recovery - 0.75" Polyurethane tubing Air into Tank: 1" npt galvanized pipe Water Discharge out of Tank: 1" npt galvanized pipe Water inlet into Tank: 1" npt galvanized pile Air Compressor to Control Box: 0.25" braided hose (See drawings for details) APPENDIX D SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL DATA FOR SOIL VAPOR TREATED BY THE RSI - S.A.V.E. SYSTEM All concentrations are in ppm SITE B: RSI-85 Ethyl Sample Location -TPH Benzene Toulene Xylenes -- ---------------- Benzene SAVE INLET 77,000 9,000 2,900 2.1 330 1.8 110 .27 SAVE EXHAUST 15 .62 Destruction 99.9 99'g 99.9 99.5 % 99.8 Efficiency SITE C: RSI-BARSTOW Ethyl Sample Location TPH Benzene Toulene Xylenes Benzene --------- •.------- SAVE INLET 140,019 1,700 0.12 89 '0.51 380 0.39 SAVE EXHAUST 19 0.043 0.043 Destruction 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.9 Efficiency SITE D: RSI-MOJAVE Ethyl Sample Location TPH Benzene Toulene Xylenes Benzene ----- -------- SAVE INLET 120,000 2,200 5,800 0.44 4,600 0.57 870 0.06 SAVE -EXHAUST 24 0.27 Destruction 99.9 99.9 % 99.9 99.9 As 99.9 Efficiency TPH - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 12 1. , t 1. Dra n b a e Dr own ASPHALT ASPHALT D t GRAPHIC SCALE 0 5 10 zo 40 : F : ; _ 11NT1 OFT_ , I f � , I , i r'. a • . r Kravicinnq