HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-4183_12679_CA_LSA_19940621_Subsurface Site AssessmentCHRISTOPHER W. LOEB (704) 377-8343 ROBINSON, BRADSHAW & HINSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1900INDEPENDENCE CENTER 101 NORTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28246 TELEPHONE (704) 377-2536 FAX (704) 378-4000 June 23, 1994 Ms. Karen Walker N.C. Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Re: Former U-Fill'er-Up Gas Station 1040 South Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, Cabarrus County, NC Dear Karen: SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICE THE GUARDIAN BUILDING ONE LAW PLACE - SUITE 600 P.O. DRAWER 12070 RoCR HILL, S.C. 29731 TELEPHONE ((803) 325-2900 }} P4I fF, i) ffi�-292p9 JUN24194 On November 16, 1993, we submitted to you, on behalf of Mr. Paul Green, a tank closure report for four gasoline underground storage tanks formerly used at the above referenced station. We also submitted to you a "Preliminary Site Assessment" confirming the existence of petroleum related substances in soil and groundwater at the site. In our submittal letter, we reported that the owner and operator of the tanks, U-Fill'er-Up, is bankrupt and unwilling and unable to take corrective action. We informed you of the name, address and telephone number of the attorney representing the trustee of U-Fill'er-Up's bankruptcy estate. Finally, we informed you that Mr. Green, the owner of the land on which the station was located, does not assume any obligations relating to the station, but has been voluntarily moving ahead with assessment and soil remediation work as an innocent landowner. I have enclosed a copy of a Subsurface Site Assessment report dated June 21, 1994, that Mr. Green's consultant, Ecological Services, Inc., has prepared regarding the site. Please note that the report contains one minor misstatement on page 1. Although Mr. Green works with a firm named Green & Ettinger, Ecological Services was hired by, and is working for, Mr. Green individually. Please call if you have questions or comments. Mr. Green intends to make completion of soil remediation work at the site the first priority to attempt to eliminate any possible sources Ms. Karen Walker Page 2 of further impact on the groundwater. Mr. Green intends to seek reimbursement of his expenses under G.S. 5143-215.94E(bl), so please let us know as soon as possible if DEM has any suggestions regarding work at the site. Again, Mr. Green does not assume any responsibility at the site or commit to undertaking further work. He is proceeding solely on a voluntary basis. With best regards. Very truly yours, ROBINSON, BRADSHAW & HINSON, P.A. Christopher W. Loeb Enclosure CC: Mr. Mr. Paul Green (w/o enc.) & JUN DIVISJON V-F M001RET11! C JI 1, 1 mmm� -7 ECOLOGICAL E Paul A. anks Project Geologist Thomas H. Bolyard, P.G. Senior Hydrogeologist SUBSURFACE SITE ASSESSMENT Former U-Filler-Up 1040 South Cannon Boulevard Kannapolis, North Carolina -Prepared For - Mr. Paul Green Green & Ettinger 770 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 10021 -Prepared By- -Reviewed By - ESI Project No. ES-0655 June 21, 1994 r �'ir 1 _ 1 , JUN 2 4 1994 MOORESVILL ic'cui01�L ua�c.t _�„ Date Date TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................. 1 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES ................... 1 3.0 LOCAL SOILS AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS ...................... 2 4.0 SOIL INVESTIGATION ........................................ 2 5.0_ GROUNDWATER INVESTIGATION ............................... 3 6.0 CONCLUSIONS .............................................. 5 TABLES 1: PID Field Screening Results for Soil 2: Soil Analytical Results 3: PID-GC Field Screening Results for Groundwater 4: Groundwater Analytical Results - EPA Method 601 5: Groundwater Analytical Results - EPA Method 602 FIGURES 1: Regional Vicinity Map 2: Site Configuration Map 3: TPH Extent in Soil at 15 - 17 ft Depth 4: Groundwater Analytical Results - BTEX 5: BTEX Isoconcentration Map APPENDICES A: Analytical Documentation B: Site Sensitivity Evaluation (SSE) 1.0 INTRODUCTION Ecological Services, Inc. (ESI) was contracted by Green & Ettinger to perform a subsurface assessment for the delineation of petroleum hydrocarbon extent in the soil and groundwater associated with the former U-Filler-Up located at 1040 S. Cannon Boulevard in Kannapolis, North Carolina (Figure 1). Assessment of the subsurface was conducted from data obtained from the analysis of soil and groundwater samples collected with direct push technology (Geoprobe' sampling technology). ESI advanced 16 Geoprobe' sampling points during this assessment, collecting 26 soil samples and 10 groundwater samples (Figure 2). In addition, the two existing monitoring wells on site were also sampled. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION AND PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES The subject site is a former U-Filler-Up service station located at 1040 S. Cannon Boulevard in Kannapolis, North Carolina. The site is bordered on the east by South Cannon Boulevard, and on the north, west, and south by parking and access for the former Ames shopping center (currently under construction). The convenience store and dispenser islands have been demolished and have been removed from the site. The site is currently a paved parking lot. A summary of environmental site activities which have taken place since September 1993 are as follows: • September 23, 1993 - One 12,000-gallon, and three 10,000-gallon underground gasoline storage tanks were removed from the subject site by SPATCO. • October 21, 1993 - SPATCO conducted a preliminary site assessment, installing two groundwater monitoring wells and three soil boring. • January 10 and 11, 1994 - ESI conducted a field screening survey of soil and groundwater. 1 • February 15, 1994 - ESI installed a vapor extraction system to abate petroleum hydrocarbons in site soils. • April 25 and 26, 1994 - ESI conducted a soil and groundwater GeoprobeTM assessment to further document the extent of soil and groundwater impact to the subject site and surrounding areas. • May 27, 1994 - ESI sampled existing on -site monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-2 to provide additional definition of the groundwater plume. 3.0 LOCAL SOILS AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS Locally, native soils in the area are saprolitic, representing the major product of weathering of bedrock in the Piedmont and Blue Ridge. Saprolite consists of rock that has been subjected to chemical weathering, resulting in the removal of up to 60% of the rock mass by solution without affecting volume (Horton and Others, 1991). The subject site is located within the Charlotte Geologic Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The rocks in the Charlotte Belt range in age from late Proterozoic to Silurian or Middle Paleozoic. The dominant rock types in the Charlotte Belt are metamorphosed intrusive rocks, with large areas of metavolcanic rocks, and lesser amounts of metasedimentary rocks (Goldsmith and others, 1988). The bedrock in the area of the site is included in the Churchland Plutonic Suite, and consists of porphyritic biotite monzogranite with intermittent fine-grained phases (Goldsmith and others, 1988). The age of the pluton is estimated to be 282 +/- 6 million years old (Fullagar and Butler, 1979). 4.0 SOIL INVESTIGATION Soil samples were obtained from depth intervals of 10 to 12 feet and 15 to 17 feet at 13 sampling locations at the subject site. Each soil sample was retrieved utilizing GeoprobeTM direct push technology. Following collection, each soil sample was field screened with a portable photo 2 ionization detector (Table 1). Based on location and field screening results, eight soil samples (GP-101, GP-103, GP-104, GP-105, GP-108, GP-111, GP-114, and GP-115) were selected for laboratory confirmational analysis. Each confirmational soil sample was analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) by EPA Method 5030 (Table 2). Laboratory analytical documentation is included in Appendix A of this report. Utilizing data from the previously mentioned eight confirmational samples as well as data obtained from SPATCO's site assessment and tank pull reports, two focal areas of soil impact have been identified. One area is located beneath the former southern most pump island, GP-108 [1,479 parts per million (ppm)], and the other is located near the northwestern corner of the former UST pit (S9A, 410 ppm, SPATCO report dated October 8, 1993). Figure 3 is an isoconcentration representation of the TPH concentrations collected from a depth range of 15 - 17 feet below ground surface. A Site Sensitivity Evaluation (SSE) of the site indicates a 180 ppm final cleanup level for low boiling point hydrocarbons (Appendix B). 5.0 GROUNDWATER INVESTIGATION ESI collected 10 Geoprobe' groundwater samples on April 25 and 26, 1994. Following collection, each groundwater sample was field screened with a portable 10S Plus Photovac photo ionization detector (PID) equipped with a gas chromatograph (GC) (Table 3). All groundwater samples were properly chilled and transported under chain of custody to a North Carolina certified laboratory for confirmational analysis. Each groundwater sample was analyzed for halogenated volatiles by EPA Method 601 (Table A), and aromatic hydrocarbons by EPA Method 602 (Table 5). Laboratory analytical documentation is included in Appendix A. To assist in the delineation of impacted groundwater, monitoring wells MW-1, and MW-2 were sampled on May 27, 1994, and analyzed by EPA Methods 601 (Table 4) and 602 (Table 5). Laboratory analytical documentation is included in Appendix A. 3 Halogenated volatile concentrations were documented in four of the groundwater samples collected (GP-109, GP-113, GP-116, and MW-1). GP-109, GP-113, and MW-1 also indicated the presence of 94 µg/L, 37 µg/L, and 28 µg/L 1,2-Dichloroethane, respectively (Table 4). Sample GP-116 indicated the presence of 1 µg/L Chloroform (Table 4). 1,2-Dichloroethane is a known gasoline constituent. The concentrations of 1,2-Dichloroethane in GP-109, GP-113 and MW-1 indicate a noted correlation with concentrations of more prevalent gasoline constituents at those sampling locations (i.e., Benzene). Chloroform is a alkyl halide commonly found in refrigerants, plastics, and organic solvents. Chloroform is also commonly a by-product associated with water well chlorination processes. Class GA groundwater standards outlined in the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, subchapter 2L document the following maximum allowable concentrations for the previously mentioned halogenated volatile components: TI5A: 2L Standard • 1,2-Dichloroethane: 0.38 µg/L • Chloroform: 0.19 µ g/L Aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations were documented in MW-1 and all Geoprobe' groundwater samples. These concentrations are summarized in "fable 5 and on Figure 4. Analytical results indicated the presence of the following constituents either equal to or in excess of the Class GA groundwater standards outlined in the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, subchapter 2L: Concentration (j�jz/L) 2L-Standard MW-1 Benzene 1500 1 Toluene 1900 1000 Ethylbenzene 100 29 Xylenes 3300 530 MTBE 1950 200 Concentration (µg/LL) 2L-Standard GP-109 Benzene 2300 1 MTBE 200 200 GP-110 Benzene 1 1 GP-112 Benzene 2 1 GP-113 Benzene 400 1 MTBE 3000 200 GP-116 Benzene 2 1 The dissolved BTEX groundwater plume extends northeasterly from the southern pump island and UST field, as displayed in Figure 5 of this report. The northeastern -most leading edge of the dissolved plume was not defined during the assessment due to the lack of obtaining permission for off -site property access. All off -site sampling points were limited to the North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT) right-of-way on the east and west sides of Cannon Boulevard. Vertical extent of groundwater impact is also unknown at this time, as this was not included in the scope of this current assessment. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS Results of the assessment indicate that the apparent contaminant of concern is gasoline originating from areas near the former southern most pump island and former underground storage tank (UST) pit. While hydrocarbon impact to soil appears to have remained on the subject property, groundwater analytical data suggests that off -site migration of dissolved constituents may have occurred. 5 REFERENCES Brown, P.M., and Others, 1985, Geologic Map of North Carolina: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Raleigh, North Carolina. Fullagar, P.D., and Butler, J.R., 1979, 325-265 m.y.-old granitic plutons in the Piedmont of the southeastern Appalachians: American Journal of Science, v. 279, no. 2, p. 161-185. Goldsmith, R., Milton, D.J., Horton, J.W. Jr., 1988, Geologic Map of the Charlotte 1 X 2 Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina: Department of the Interior U.S. Geologic Survey. Horton, J.W., Jr., Zullo, V.A., and Others, 1991, The Geology of the Carolinas: The University of Tennessee Press, llp., 25p. d �l I TABLE 1 PID Field Screening Results for Soil Former U-Filler-Up Kannapolis, North Carolina Sampie ID Depth (feet) PID. Reading; (ppm) GP-101 8-10 0.0 15-17 0.0 GP-102 8-10 0.0 15-17 11.0 _ GP-103 8-10 8.4 15-17 6.7 GP-104 8-10 1.0 15-17 0.0 GP-105 8-10 2.5 15-17 3.2 GP-106 8-10 32.3 15-17 26.0 GP-107 8-10 12.9 15-17 33.3 GP-108 8-10 2000+ 15-17 2000+ GP-109 8-10 17.4 15-17 0.0 GP-110 8-10 2.6 15-17 5.3 GP-111 8-10 2000+ 15-17 332 GP-114 8-10 5.3 15-17 0.4 GP-115 8-10 5.6 15-17 3.6 ppm = parts per million TABLE 2 Soil Analytical Results Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) - 3550 Gasoline Range Former U-Filler-Up Kannapolis, North Carolina Sample ID Sample Depth (feet) TPH (mg/.k GP-101 15-17 BDL GP-103 15-17 BDL GP-104 15-17 BDL GP-105 15-17 BDL GP-108 15-17 1479.0 GP-111 15-17 BDL GP-114 15-17 BDL GP-115 15-17 BDL mg/kg - milligrams er kllogram BDL = Below Detection Limit TABLE 3 PID-GC Field Screening Results for Groundwater Former U-Filler-Up Kannapolis, North Carolina Sample .ID Benzene; 'Toluene E benzene Xylenes GP-101 2.274 4.693 BDL BDL GP-102 BDL 3.417 BDL BDL GP-103 BDL 3.665 BDL BDL GP-104 1.452 3.855 BDL 1.113 GP-109 657.0 2.512 BDL BDL GP-110 BDL 2.956 BDL BDL GP-112 BDL 2.299 BDL BDL GP-113 625.0 5.264 2.089 53.73 GP-115 BDL 3.212 BDL BDL GP-116 BDL 2.120 BDL BDL BDL = Below Detection Limits All results are presented in parts per billion (ppb) I TABLE 4 Groundwater Analytical Results EPA Method 601 Former U-Filler-Up Kannapolis, North Carolina Sample W. 1,2 <D�chloroethane Chloroform Sampled on: 04-25126-94 GP-101 BDL BDL GP- 102 BDL BDL GP-103 BDL BDL GP-104 BDL BDL GP-109 94 BDL GP-110 BDL BDL GP-112 BDL BDL GP-113 37 BDL GP-115 BDL BDL GP-116 BDL 1 Sampled on: 05-27-94 MW-1 28 BDL MW-2 BDL BDL BDL = Below Detection Limits All results are presented in micrograms per liter (µg/L) TABLE 5 Groundwater Analytical Results EPA Method 602 Former U-Filler-Up Kannapolis, North Carolina Sample ID Benzene Toluene E-benzene Xylenes IPE >MTBE Sampled On: 04-25126-94 GP-101 BDL 2 BDL BDL BDL 2 GP-102 BDL 4 BDL BDL BDL 4 GP-103 BDL 3 BDL BDL BDL 1 GP-104 BDL 3 BDL BDL BDL 1 GP-109 2300 13 13 42 423 200 GP-110 1 8 BDL BDL BDL 4 GP-112 2 8 2 12 BDL 2 GP-113 400 8 2 119 192 3000 GP-115 BDL 8 BDL BDL BDL 3 GP-116 2 5 BDL BDL BDL 13 Sampled On: 05-27-94 MW-1 1550 1900 100 3300 150 1950 MW-2 BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL _jj BDL = Below Detection Limits All results are presented in micrograms per liter (µg/L) G I I w I I LEGEND ♦ GEOPROBE LOCATION (soil and water) • GEOPROBE LOCATION (water only) GEOPROBE LOCATION (soil only) 9 EXISTING MONITORING WELL LOCATION 0 15 30 60 APPROXIMATE SCALE (feet) GP115 GP107 PUMP ISLAND -------------- GP 10,3 I I I I I I I CASHIER I I MW-1 I AREA m I I I � i GP111 MWB-2 i I i FORMER UST I FIELD GP105 i GP108 I i MW-3e OP106 PUMP ISLAND GP112 • GP102 GT O4 EDGE OF PAVEMENT • GP116 GP113 GP110 GP114 FIGURE 2: SITE CONFIGURATION MAP DATE: 06-09-94ES' FORMER U-FILLER-UP DWG. NO.: ES-655 1040 S. CANNON BLVD. KANNAPOLIS, NORTH CAROLINA LEGEND } GEOPROBE LOCATION (soil and water) • GEOPROBE LOCATION (water only) GEOPROBE LOCATION (soil only) 9 EXISTING MONITORING WE L LOCATION 0 15 30 60 APPROXIMATE SCALE (feet) GP115 ND GP107 PUMP ISLAND SITo 1--------------t....0 •.. NO .., ❑ m ❑ -'l.-.70. ..p GP103 i 43 6*6 .. I ND 1-100.. I4�0 CASHIER : :M�-1 ND AREA l :FORMER UST FIELD .I' S6A MW-2 1.•'' 6.9� ' S4A NO r ....100 .... I' 1000•. ' • • • SSA 9.0 ND ... GP108. GP105 i 1479 : l.• I, ND ND ®: t----------- - GP106 ...PUMP. ..,ISLAtyD- GP112 • OP109 GP1101 T ND OP102 GP116 GP113 GP110 ! GPI 4 NO EDGE OF PAVEMENT NOTE: ANALYTICAL RESULT FOR S3A, S4A, SSA, S6A, S7A, S8A S9A, S10A, S11A, AND S12A REFERENCED FROM SPATCO ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT OF UST CLOSURE DATED 1993. GP114 ALL OTHER SOIL ANALYTICAL DATA WAS COLLECTED ON 04-25-94 BY ESI. ALL RESULTS IN PPM. FIGURE 3: TPH EXTENT IN SOIL AT DATE: D6-09-94 IESI 15-17 ft. DEPTH FORMER U—FILLER—UP DWG. NO.: ES-655-2 11040 S. CANNON BLVD, KANNAPOLIS, NORTH CAROLINA LEGEND } GEOPROSE LOCATION (soil and water) • GEOPROBE LOCATION (water only) - GEOPROBE LOCATION (soil only) f9 EXISTING MONITORING WELL LOCATION —0 15 30 60 APPROXIMATE SCALE (feet) GP115 H GP107 PUMP ISLAND -------------- B NO I T D3 E ND I ® ♦ GP103 I I I a X ND I CASHIER MW-1 I I AREA I • I I i GP111 I No M FORMER UST E x NO e-2 i FIELD GP105 i GP108 I MW-3 I ._.1 I ❑ma PUMP ISLAND GP112 • B 02 T OB E 02 X 12 GP109 T B 230 T 13 E 13 X 42 GP1101 T B ND T 02 E NO X N GP102 UND GPi04 L NDEDGE OF PAVEMENT 03NDND GP114 r GP116 GP113 • L4000902119 GP110 T X01 B ND FIGURE 4: GROUNDWATER DATE: 06-09-94 I ANALYTICAL RESULTS - BTEX FORMER U-FILLER-UP DWG. NO.: ES-655-1 1040 S. CANNON BLVD. IKANNAPOLIS, NORTH CAROLINA �O O� 1 LEGEND } GEOPROBE LOCATION (soil and water) • GEOPROBE LOCATION (water only) GEOPROBE LOCATION (soil only) ® EXISTING MONITORING WELL LOCATION • OP112 24 0 15 30 60 O 00 APPROXIMATE SCALE (feet) GP109 n n z 9 2368 i O O ..Z 3 Z O O C _ C GP 107 Pump.., , D D ISLAND % GP•101 m .. GP10.5 I CASHIER I ; MWQ-1 A � 6800 bpi 11 MW-2 i '•. FORMER UST B ND i I FIELD GP105 j. GP108 I'. MW-39 ------------- ! 'GP106 ....... • . . ' PUMP ISLAND GP104 GP102 3 EDGE OF PAVEMENT NOTE MW-1 WAS SAMPLED ON 05-27-94. ALL OTHER DATA WAS COLLECTED ON 04-25-94 AND 04-26-94. GP114 rh (no.) - TOTAL BTEX IN PPS FIGURE 5: BTEX ISOCONCENTRATION DATE: 06-09-94 MAP ESI FORMER U-FILLER-UP DWG. NO.: ES-655-3 1040 S. CANNON BLVD, IKANNAPOLIS, NORTH CAROLINA GP116 • 7 GPI 13 • 529 APPENDIX A Analytical Documentation Lab Report NC Certification #40' SC Certification #99012 NC Drink. Water Cert. #37735 May 11, 1994 E'coic--gi cal Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 3'0 Blairhill Road, Ste.10G Charlotte, NC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: ISM DRIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20549 Prism ID Number 414OA10 Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 10:10 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 - CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 i CHLOROMETHANE t: ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 - TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 20 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (10Y) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All —4 D—if+—.. fn the Ch—IMfo r)ffi— Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: 2 May 11, 1994 ISM DRIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL'CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 IPE ug/L Not Det 1 MTBE ug/L 2 1 TOLUENE ug/L 2 1 XYLENES ug/L Not Det 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: I{annapolis U-Filler Up AA20549 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Ove Laboratory Manager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (10�) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 Lab Report NC Certification SC Certification NC Drink. Water May 11, 1994 #402 #99012 Cert. #37735 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 1320 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, NC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20550 Prism ID Number 4140A10 Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 10:45 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-102 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det i TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 20 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (9:0�.) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 . u ----- ---4 0--;++-- +n +he f`ho Wf. Offiro I Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: 2 May 11, 1994 Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det i TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL -CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 IPE ug/L Not Det 1 MTBE ug/L 4 1 TOLUENE ug/L 4 1 XYLENES ug/L Not Det 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Kannapolis U-Filler Up AA20550 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully_ submitted, Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (70H) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 Lab Report NC Certification #402 SC Certification #99012 NC Drink. Water Cert. #37735 May 11, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 920 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, MC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: ISM ORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for e:camination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20551 Prism ID Number 414OA10 Prism Customer Nurnber 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 11:50 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-103 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 _- CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 - CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 f DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 _ 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 20 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (70•y) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All r..nrracnnndanres and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: 2 May 11, 1994 USM STORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 1-TRIGHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Mot Det 1 TRICHLOROETHENE uQ/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL_CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 IPE ug/L Not Det 1 MTBE ug/L 1 1 TOLUENE ug/L 3 1 XYLENES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ua/L Not Det 3 Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Kannapolis U-Filler Up AA20551 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (104) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report NC Certification #402 SC Certification #9901'2 NC Drink. Water Cert. #37735 May 11, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 920 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, NC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks : 1 UR j R sm ABORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for e:camination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fa)r:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20552 Prism ID Number 414OA10 Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 12:30 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILE:.:, BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 CHLOROETHANE ug/L licit Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 _ CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L 'lot Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 . 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 _ 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 20 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (70,Y) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Corresoondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: 2 May 11, 1994 ORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 2-TRICHLOROETHANE ua/ L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L ;'lot DGt 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: AROI4ATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 IPE ug/L Not Det 1 MTBE ug/L 1 1 TOLUENE u9/L 3 1 XYLENES ug/L Not Det 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Kannapolis U-Filler Up AA20552 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfuwy submitted, Angela D. Ove ash Laboratory Manager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (104) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 nu rr....—^nrion— and PPmittnnr:eA to the Charlotte Office Lab Report NC Certification #402 SC Certification #990122 NC Drink. Water Cert. #37735 May 11, 1994 Ecological Inc. Attn : i1r. Paul Ban'..s 920 Blairhill Road, Ste. 106 Charlotte, NC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: SIM IES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:7O4-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA2O553 Prism ID Number 414OA1O Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 15:20 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-109 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ugi'L Not Det 1 BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 CHLOROETHANE ua/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM uc:/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L 94 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 20 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (70q) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: May 11, 1994 i p>9S? t 1r aR�►TORIES, 1NC. a,�ux Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 J., 1, l-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 T^:IC:HLOROETHENL ugi L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L 2300 100 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L 13 1 IPE ug/L 423 10 MTBE ug/L 200 100 TOLUENE ug/L 13 2 KYLENES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ug/L 42 3 Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Kannapolis U-Filler Up AA20553 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data, Respectfully submitted, Angela D. 0 rcash Laboratory Mangy► er T Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (10y) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (8 3) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report INC. NC Certification #402 Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions SC Certification #99012 MC Drink. Water Cert. #37735 May 11, 1994 Ecological Services, inn. Attn: '- i tl. iZ: ill Paul Banks s 920 Blairhill Road, Ste. 106 Charlotte, NC 26220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20554 Prism ID Number 414OA10 Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 16:15 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-110 -_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 _ CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 E_ CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROSENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det: 4 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 ' 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 20 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (704� 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All rr)rraGnondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc.. Page: 2 May 11, 1994 HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L 1,1,2-TIRIUCHLORUETHANE ug/L 'FRICHLOROETHENE ug/L TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L -�3 I luy +Ij y . TORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L 1 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 IPE ug/L Not Det 10 MTBE ug/L 4 1 TOLUENE ug/L 8 2 XYLENES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ug/L Not Det 3 Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Kannapolis U-Filler Up AA20554 Please advise should you have guestione concerning theae data. Respectful]submitted, Angela D. Overca• h Laboratory Mana er Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (716y) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report NC Certification SC Certification NC Drink. Water May 11, 1994 # 40'2 #9901'2 Cert. #37735 Ecolc i cal Services, Inc. el t'n: i`lr. Paul Banks 1920 Hlairnill Road, Ste. 106 Charlotte, NC 28220 Job# ES-6')5 Proj: U-Filler Ups Gear Mr. Banks - M Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20555 Prism ID Number 414OA10 Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/26/94 Collection Time: 09:45 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-112 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicornponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 2-CHLOROETHYLVINYL ETHER ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,=-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 DIC:HLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 20 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: 'lay 11, 1994 HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): SM TIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRIC:HLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINd I i- CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L 2 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L 2 1 IPE ug/L Not Det 3 MTBE ug/L 2 2 TOLUENE ug/L 8 1 XYLENES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ug/L 12 3 - C:omments : PO# ES-555 Project Name: Kannapolis U-Filler Up AA20555 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Overca h Laboratory Manage Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (-?0q) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report MC Certification SC Certification UC Drink. Water May 11, 1994 #402 #99012 Cert. #37735 Cci:)loQical Services, Inc. Attn: 14r. Paul Banks 9'*20 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlo#.te, NC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: SIM ZIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20556 Prism ID Number 4140A10 Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/26/94 Collection Time: 10:45 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D*: GP-113 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,:3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L 37 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 20 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (104) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: 2 May 11, 1994 HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): ISM ORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions 1, 1, 2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L 400 100 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L 2 1 IPE ug/L 192 10 MTBE ug/L 3000 100 TOLUENE ug/L 8 2 XYLENES - ug/L 119 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C:omments : PO# ES-655 Project Name: Hannapolis U-Filler Up AA20556 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Ove ash Laboratory Manage Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (10q) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report NO Certification SC Certification NO Drink. Water May 11, 1994 #402 #99012 Cert. #37735 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 920 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, NO 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: SIM TIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20557 Prism ID Number 414OA10 Prism Customer Number 1005 Collection Date: 04/26/94 Collection Time: 11:45- Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-115 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det Ij CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1, '-DICHLOROETHANE uqL NQt Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 20 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (104) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: 2 May 11, 1994 HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1. VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det i Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 IpE ug/L Not Det 10 MTBE ug/L 3 1 TOLUENE ug/L & 2 XYLENES ug/L Not Det ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Kannapolis U-Filler Up AA20557 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfu4, y submitted, Angela D. Ovekcash Laboratory Man er Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: V,04) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report NC Certification SC Certification NC Drink. Water May 11, 1994 #402 #99012 Cert. #37735 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 920 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, NC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample -received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20558 Prism ID Number 414OA10 Prism Customer Humber 7005 Collection Date: 04/26/94 Collection Time: 13:00 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-116 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 7' CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L 1 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det s 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det o 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (70y) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: 2 May 11, 1994 SM RIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL CHLORIDE ugrL Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L 2 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 IPE ug/L Not Det MTBE ug/L 13 2 TOLUENE ug/L 5 1 XYLENES ug/L Not Det 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Kannapolis U-Filler Up Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (91,4.) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office ON I N O O �. V U 2 N LO N d� • O ¢ z o z — 2 z [cz co ct5 U 0 / ko V) c) 0z a) > 0 0 LO � o 0 o �+Cc a&i N O c Q x 070 o L W _0 ®43 c� CO t~ ch i U m n i O �U °) E 0- a ro cn rr i 7 O 0 ~ cc cc U C Q \\ fn U V, fC V 1 Q kn U ' H U) d 7 0 LL U ¢ (L Q) E E 0 c 0 a c 0 Q ,I ro _m U d a E ro U o _ T `m g I i I I IT m I I i (D > m c rn 6 jc rn M �. E w m m LL > o I a) Q ja_ V IQ c m C m m I I I I I m C OI I 'm c W m y S m a0 d E a Ma V! N o t c �¢ d w O U H cc i Qn [LLJ L w Q zU)0 Z U L W H O I w a = zU U)O m m w U N y .N � T J C O ¢ U) y U O m W ro 2 O Z N O II O W � H ro 0 U z d Y c z J c 0 0 II J wU UUF=- CO z U) O n. n d w ¢ 'mrtrt V z II Z O 0 ro N U u U o¢ w Z U O u U a O U W a _ ~ Q zU)O w _Z U Q W ~ 0 z a 0 RISM IRATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions NC Certification No. 402 May 17, 1994 Ecological Service, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 920 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, NC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: Lab Report Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (704) 525-0409 Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:7O4-521-6004 LAB I.D. AA20560 Prism ID Number 4141A2 Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 16:45 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-108 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WEIGHT done TPH - GASOLINE RANGE mg/kg 1479.00 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Kannapolis U-Filler Up AA20560 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, PAYMENT TERMS: NET 10 DAYS 1.5 % Interest Rate will be charged on account balances over 30 Days old. Angela D. O Verca Laboratory Manager We reserve the right to withhold lab test results on delinquent accounts over 6o days. All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions NC Certification No. 402 May 17, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 920 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, NC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: U-Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: Lab Report Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (704) 525-0409 Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-52'2-1111 Fax:704-521-5004 LAB I.D. AA20559 Prism ID Number 4141A2 Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 14:30 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-111 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WEIGHT done TPH - GASOLINE RANGE mg/kg 1.00 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Kannapolis U-Filler- Up AA20559 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, PAYMENT TERMS: NET 10 DAYS Angela D. Over cash A 1.5 % Interest Rate will be charged on account balances over 30 Days old. Laboratory Manager We reserve the right to withhold lab test results on del I nquent accounts over 60 days. All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 00 O O N V Ncq cq Z N Lo w N 1:11 2 2 O �Wcz o ®>' Ts�a'I cz U "o O 'd O, N !4 2 O � $� N O O F� r O Z z z cUi� � 0 U ai -Z > o U m : � � >` S c is T ca p a c Q c O � U U o u JU J U m - U C rn � C R O F- - - - Z m „n m = O o ct m a a O CC aJ� V. m m I- O Cam( �aWz U) JU� LLI cc I I p F- W i I C3 i W m 1 W I I i I ¢ I i ¢ ! I i I ! II I I ¢W N > - w Q Il. W i N--_ --,' Q z z o o z w J a ¢ W OJ %° m F- _ w w - x _ow J CS CY p ¢ O J Q 3Ln w > w U¢c W F- D _ JI o I U w w I- - F- W p J O ` O I Q z y w - w U 0 Q w E 0 U c 0 a a. O U H Ir IO C Fs cr =� \ -j W Q zuUi0 z LL 6C w F- O y 0 o m a -7- o m `o 'm 5 � J C C m E N Om m m LL � N". �. a) Q a) IT c J `m `• c m c a c m m m v Co `- m m a N c N J N L O D- - C V C Q- C 0 L c m w n. 2 U zN0 0 aF 2 LLI O Q N N J C O I I rn O N w U0F=- > z(A0 u Icc = N U F- as zt)0 a u nL o� w F- ti � t7 � II Z U D O c co C7 co U II U L W � ztn0 II co N W o U W W 2 z 0 0 W z 6 W ~ 0 z a 0 Z 0 Lab Report NC Drinking Water Cert. #37735 NC Wastewater & Organics Cert. #402 SC Wastewater & Drink Water Cert. #99012 May 6, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 1:20 Blairhill Road, Ste. 10G Charlotte, MC 282-, Job#ES-655 Proj: U Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: t. ATORIES `INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Cade: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20543 Prism ID Number 4139AG Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/26/94 Collection Time: 12:00 Submittal Date: 04/261/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-115 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WEIGHT done TPH - GASOLINE RANGE mg/kg < 1.00 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments1 PO# ES-655 Project Name: KANNAPOLIS U-FILLER UP Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfu,lr�y submitted, Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (.1�) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Laa report KC Drinking Water Cert. #37735 MC Wastewater & Organics Cert. #402 SC Wastewater & Drink Water Cert. #99012 May 6, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 920 Blairhill [?oad, Ste. 106 c ChCharlotte,fdC �2,2 0 .Sob#ES-655 Proj: U Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: I, �I� M ORIES,''INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20544 Prism ID Number 4139AG Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 09:50 Submittal Date: 04/2'G;94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WEIGHT done TPH - GASOLINE RANGE mg/kg < 1.00 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-6555 Project Name: KANNAPOLIS U-FILLER UP Please advise ;should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (;;ci4) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Laa heport NC Drinking Water Cert. #37735 NC Wastewater & Organics Cert. #402 SC Wastewater & Drink Water Cert. #99012 May 6, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 132UD Blairhiil road, Ste.106 Charlotte, HC 2"8'L'20 .Tab#ES-655 Proj: U-FILLER UP Dear Mr. Banks: fh � 1l�fa r ISM gTORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Humber: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20545 Prism ID Number 4139AG Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/26/94 Collection Time: 11:30 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-114 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WEIGHT done TPH - GASOLINE RANGE mg/kg < 1.00 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-65ci Project Name: MANNAPOLIS U-FILLER UP Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Overc sh Laboratory Mana er Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (74ij) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office NC Drinking Water Cert. #37735 NC Wastewater & Organics Cert. #402 SC Wastewater & Drink Water Cert. #99012 May (3, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks y0 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, NC 28220 Job#ES-655 Proj: U Filler Up Dear Mr. Banks: SM LIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Come: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20546 Prism ID Number 4139A6 Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 13:30 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WEIGHT done TPH - GASOLINE RANGE mg/kg # 1.00 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cornments : PO# ES-655 Project Name: KANNAPOLIS U-FILLER UP Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (7r- 4) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office L-au In1IVNv1 L NC Drinking Water Cert. #37735 NC Waatewater & ur-ganiQ'=1 E.aart, #402 SC Wastewater & Drink Water Cert. #99012 May 6, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 920 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, NC 28220 .Job#ES-655 Proj: U-FILLER UP Dear d-r. Banks: `PRISM $CIRAT0RIE5, INC. Rv Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20547 Prism ID Number 4139AG Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection, Time: 12:15 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WEIGHT done TPH - GASOLINE RANGE mg/kg < 1.00 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: KANNAPOLIS U-FILLER UP Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Ang Laboratory Manager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (7e f) 526-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office I NC Drinking Water Cert. #37735 NC Wastewater & Organics Cert. #402 SC Wastewater & Drink Water Cert. #99012 May 6, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Paul Banks 920 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, NC 28220 .Job#ES-655 Proj: U-FILLER UP Dear tfr. Banks: BORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on April 26, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fax:704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA20548 Prism ID Number 4139AG Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 04/25/94 Collection Time: 11:35 Submittal Date: 04/26/94 Submittal Time: 17:00 Customer Sample I.D#: GP-103 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WEIGHT done TPH - GASOLINE RANGE mg/kg < 1.00 1.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: KANNAPOLIS U-FILLER UP Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. RespectfujIly submitted, Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (7W) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office wM o N O O N � N 0 % O W (� cz 14 a 00 o O\ i/ O N O Z ON � .0 O zo z � VI U o cn z > ; O ,N'N` a0 z } m A U o �' a� i>s 'S cn OC :y J m - cc 01 C � O - Z O F- N CL p o a°1c m a a - a - c. 5 a Z i w J V p I � Y j � I I I w m I I I w (n a ui cc W N } I I Q z I Q n I i > Qcc-` a I I I z 0 z `I a 3 Q a w co H W �I N I Q XO _ W CC _ LLJ p ?� N - p W } I w v Q ¢LLI U w w -i wCL 1 \ 1a N E E 0 U m c 0 a a I c Q m E ro Z c d c, co a E cu i T _ o -o o \`o i a N a m .. m a C m C 0 E N m m I ' a a a d Q II IQ d Q cJ rn . ; I I c rn I I I c rn , m a m i m m ' UI a)(n L c Ly-�j� U c M.O c t IQ d O U O a CCCC Q zuUio z I_ w H O W a S U) zuUi0 -0 0 w I"' d U N j N '>. J Q N U .0 m O U U > zcn0 If 6C O w > a m U U z Y c z � c c o H II J H I W = N zU)0 d II Cl. cc w N ¢ c_NJ 0 � Z D O Q 0 c dt U � i u I ip1 ¢ `m W U U E z(AO II 0 W m 0 U W ¢LU a 2 ~ zU)o W _Z 6 a w ~ o z a 0 z Lab Report NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drink. Water Certification No. 37735 June 3, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Carl Hewett 920 Blairhill Road, Ste.106 Charlotte, NC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: Former-U-Fill Dear Mr. Hewett: Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample -received for escaminaticn on May 27, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Phone Number: 704-522-1111 Fast.704-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA21191 Prism ID Number 437GA2 Prism Customer Number 7005 Collection Date: 05/27/94 Collection Time: 10:10 Submittal Date: 05/27/94 Submittal Time: 10:51 Customer Sample I.D#: MW-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 5 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 5 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 5 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 2 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 ` 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L 28 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 5 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det. 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 10 449 Springbrook Road AL P.O. Box 240543 .& Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 &. Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 &. Fax: 704/525-0409 Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: 2 June 3, 1994 P ... �. f ` Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug; L Not Det 1 1, 1, 2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 5 Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE ug/L 1550 50 ETHYLBENZENE ug/L 100 50 IPE ug/L 150 50 MTBE ug/L 1950 50 TOLUENE ug/L 1900 50 XYLENES ug/L 3300 150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Former U-Fill Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, A►4gt5la D. vercash Laboratory ager 449 Springbrook Road &. P.O. Box 240543 &. Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 � Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 A, Fax: 704/525-0409 Lab Report NC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 NC Drink. Water Certification Mo. 37735 June 3, 1994 Ecological Services, Inc. Attn: Mr. Carl Hewett 920 Blairhill Road, Ste.1O6 Charlotte, NC 28220 Job# ES-655 Proj: Former-U-Fill Dear Mr. Hewett: Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on May 27, 1994: Customer Code: ESI Prone Number: 704-522-1111 Fa:::-104-521-8004 LAB I.D. AA21192 Prism ID Number 437GA2 Prism Customer Number 7O05 Collection Date: 05/27/94 Collection Time: 09:30 Submittal Date: 05/27/94 Submittal Time: 10:51 Customer Sample I.D#: NW-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L BROMOFORM ug/L BROMOMETHANE ug/L CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L CHLOROBENZENE ug/L CHLOROETHANE ug/L CHLOROFORM ug/L CHLOROMETHANE ug/L DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L EDB ug/L METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det I Not Det 1 Not Det 5 Not Det 1 Not Det 2 Not Det 5 Not Det 1 Not Det 5 Not Det 1 Not Det 2 Not Det 2 Not Det 2 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 5 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 10 449 Springbrook Road Ah, P.O. Box 240543 &. Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 &. Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 A. Fax: 704/525-0409 Lab Report Ecological Services, Inc. Page: 2 June 3, 1994 HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued): 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L 1, 1, 1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L TRICHL_OROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L a r f' is 4 t Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Multiccmponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 1 Not Det 5 BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 ETHYLBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 IPE ug/L Not Det 1 MTBE ug/L Not Det 1 TOLUENE ug/L Not Det 1 XYLENES ug/L Not Det 3 Comments: PO# ES-655 Project Name: Former U-Fill Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfuj4y submitted, Ang'eTa D. Ovetcash Laboratory Manager 449 Springbrook Road &. P.O. Box 240543 & Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 � Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 Ah. Fax: 704/525-0409 1*4 O ! 00 O O N I I mot' 'No 2 O t\ N p O 1` H f� dj O � O � C.4 O [�N 0 O ■ C `m L_ O z z z } g 0 U ai z } N 0 c a O O D O NU p U U O in -0 E J ° to � i ago _ mami N J V p y3 ` y Y cr m v c i I i w w a w —t t cc N i I Z a 2 09 ! I X X rn i i m N> i a I I C w cc w �I �'I Z p U Z I i I w a 30 Q N w Qi Qi I-m w �I Qi rn m x O w I I m J m p aJ I I �N F m (n O Q I I � i J w w �I i �w 3 w 3 9 c cc w 2 I— O c � � T ro m m I 0 CIOm ;El cc cc cc I I a I I m Q CO mm m CL U) m z (3 17 O I w a zUU)0 m ui02 F m � N a N S �N 0 T 4J QC VJ N U R D w m U U H > z N 0 u Q [[ O W i Q a 3 f° U U z Y J Z c m H I I J X, UUF=- zN0 a II a w a m � II Z D O [[ C7 ro U II U IC d w � E Z to O Q u Q (n fN D W O U w � ya W Y = fL Z N O Z W Z 0 0 z U z APPENDIX B Site Sensitivity Evaluation Site Sensitivity Evaluation (55E) Site Characteristics Evaluation (Step 1) Characteristic Condition Rating • Grain Size Gravel 150 Sand 100 ' Silt 50 Clay 0 ::>:::v.::;;«;:.>:>.;;::::> so Are relict structures, Present and intersecting the 10 sedimentary structures water table. textures or and/ resent P in the zone of Present but not intersecting 5 ....... contamination the water table. �:!K......v i;':!'::: .......... ' and underlying "soils"? None present. 0 to Distance from location of20 0 -5 feet (C, D & E sites only) 20 deepest contaminated 5 - 10 feet soil** to water table. > 10 - 40 feet 10 :> : ': _<: :>:.;;`:o;>:::.. 0 > 40 feet .. Is the top of bedrock 20 transmissive indurated Yes No 0 sediments located above ; the water tattle? O Artificial conduits present Present and •intersecting .10 within the zone of the water table. contamination. Present but not intersect- 5 ing the water table. Not present. 0 O Total Site Characteristics Score: `%C7 ' Predominant grain size based on Unified Soil Classification System or U.S. Dept. of Agriculture's Soil Classification Method. " (> 10 ppm TPFH by Method 5030: >40 ppm•TPFH by Method 3550: >250 ppm O&G by Method 9071) 3/10/93 16 Site sensitivity tvamauyn tour j Initial Cleanup Level Final Cleanup Level (Step 2) (Step 3) ouiL n u 1V�.Cl w>.ts ouin <r. ,,.:,Fuels,asohod ::<::::<:>auch as Gasoline, :Aviation. Cleanup Total Site Initial Cleanup Category A & B Level Characteristics Level TPFH (ppm) (Multiply initial 1 x = ppm Score cleanup level by 1) > 150 <10 Select Category C & D (Multiply initial 2 x ppm 121-150 20 Site cleanup level by 2) 91-120 40 Category' 61-90 60. �-- Category E 60 180 31-60 80 (Multiply initial 3 x = PP: a 0-30 100 cleanup level by 3) Total Site Characteristics f Score >150 121-150 91-120 61-90 31-60 0-30 rosene,: Des.el:Varso ° Hera P.::.:: Initial Cleanup Level TPFH (ppm) Category A & B (Multiply initial cleanup level by 1) :540 Select Category C & D 80 Site (Multiply initial 160 Category cleanup level by 2) 240 -*1-- 32 0 320 Category E (Multiply initial cleanup level by 3) Total Site Initial Cleanup Characteristics Level O&G (ppm)' Score >150 5250 121-150 400 _ 91-120 550 61-90 700 31-60 850 0-30 1000 ' See Site Category Descriptions, Table 3 3/10/93 Category A & B (Multiply initial cleanup level by 1) Select Category C & D Site (Multiply initial Category' cleanup level by 2) -� Category E (Multiply initial cleanup level by 3) 17 '-l- - 1 Final Cleanup Level 1 x = PPM 2 x = PPM 3 x = PPM Fin al Clean.:: e PP.` PP- PP- - TABLE 3 SSE SITE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS - - CATEGORY A (Site meets any one of the criteria) 1. Water supply well(s) contaminated and not served by accessible public water supply. 2. Vapors present in confined areas at explosive or health concern levels. 3. Treated surface water supply in violation of the safe drinking water standards. CATEGORY B (Site meets any one of the criteria) 1. Water supply well(s) contaminated, but served by accessible public water supply. 2. Water supply well(s) within 1500 feet of site, but not contaminated and not served by accessible public water supply. 3. Vapors present in confined areas but not at explosive or health concern levels. CATEGORY C .(Site meets both -of the criteria) 1. No known water supply well(s) contaminated. 2. Water supply well(s) greater than 1500 feet from site but not served by accessible public water supply. CATEGORY D (Site meets both of the criteria) 1. No known water supply well(s) contaminated.. 2. Water supply well(s) within 1500 feet of site but served by accessible public water supply. CATEGORY E (Site meets both of the criteria) 1. No known water supply well(s) contaminated or within 1500 feet of site. 2. Area served by accessible public water supply. 3/10/93 18 fa