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MO-4641_15664_CA_LSA_19920415_Report of Preliminary Site Contamination Assessment
cw LAW ENGINEERING I dVI T.TH, r. April 15, 1992 CY 1dit__, ;ivi•;.. MBEfl OF LAW COMPANIES GROUP First Colony Corporation P.O. Box 31876 DIVISION LN Charlotte, North Carolina 28231 h4(Ii1 t5vcL i e ,,... r11GE Attention: Mr. V. Hayden McMahon Subject: Report of Preliminary Site Contamination Assessment Coltsgate Road Site Charlotte, North Carolina Law Job No. 229-07757-03 As authorized by your acceptance of our Proposal No. 037E2 dated February 19, 1992, Law Engineering has completed ground -water sampling and laboratory analysis at the site. This report describes the work performed and presents the results obtained, along with our comments and recommendations. Law Engineering appreciates the opportunity to continue to provide our professional environmental services on this project. Mr. Corbitt will contact you in a few days to answer any questions that you might have concerning this report. Sincerely, LAW ENGINEERING Christopher L. Corbitt, P.G. Senior Geologist Robert E. Smith, Jr., P.E. Chief Engineer CLC/RES:cth P.O. BOX 11297 CHARLOTTE, NC 28220 4333 WILMONT ROAD, SUITE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28217 704-357-8600 FACSIMILE 704-357-8639 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION ...................................... 1 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION ......................................... 2 2.1 Soil Test Borings ............................................ 2 2.2 Monitoring Well Installation ................................... 2 2.3 Well Development and Ground -Water Sampling .................... 3 3.0 REGIONAL HYDROGEOLOGY.................................. 4 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .................................... 4 5.0 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ................................. 5 6.0 COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................... 5 7.0 QUALIFICATION OF REPORT .................................. 5 TABLE 1 Summary of Field Parameters FIGURE 1 Monitoring Well Location Plan APPENDIX A Test Boring Records APPENDIX B Monitoring Well Installation Records APPENDIX C Laboratory Results LM �� CI\V11�1CCRI1\V FIGURE 1 Monitoring Well Location Plan LP%YY CNVIIVCCKI First Colony Corporation Law Job No. 229-07757-03 April 15, 1992 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION Two 250-gallon home heating oil underground storage tanks (USTs) were noted during the site walkover performed by our Mr. David Jerose as part of a Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (Law Job No. 229-07757-01) at the Coltsgate Road Site in Charlotte, North Carolina. Due to expected construction activities at the site, the USTs were scheduled for removal. Law Engineering was requested to observe and document the tank excavation activities and collect soil samples for laboratory analysis. The two 250-gallon USTs were excavated and removed from the site by Curbmaster Inc. on January 10, 1992. The soils in the excavations appeared discolored and a strong fuel oil odor was noted. Based on our observations, soil samples (Block-1 and Block-2) were collected at 13 feet at the base of the excavations. As authorized, Law Engineering also contacted the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) to notify them of a potential release. Apparent petroleum contaminated soils (approximately 65 cubic yards) were stockpiled on plastic sheeting at the site. Analytical results of the soil samples from the base of the excavations indicated that total petroleum hydrocarbons (semi-volatiles) were present in sample Block-1. No petroleum hydrocarbons were noted in sample Block-2. Based on the results from Block-1, additional excavation activities were performed on January 15, 1992. Based on the results of the laboratory analysis of the soils and onsite observations, a temporary observation well (TW-1, Figure 1) was installed downgradient from the tank excavation (Block 1). The laboratory results (EPA Method 610) indicated the presence of naphthalene at 86 parts per billion (ppb), 1-methylnaphthalene at 89 ppb and 1- methylnaphthalene at 55 ppb in the ground water. The above project information was based on a telephone conversation between our Mr. David Jerose and Mr. Hayden McMahon of First Colony Corporation on January 8, 1992, the Report of Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (report dated December 26, 1991) and the Report of Underground Storage Tank Closure (report dated February 5, 1992) performed by Law Engineering. 1 LM �♦ CI\VII\CCRII\ First Colony Corporation Law Job No. 229-07757-03 April 15, 1992 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION 2.1 Soil Test Borines Four soil test borings (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3 and MW-4) were drilled at the approximate locations identified on the Monitoring Well Location Plan (Figure 1). The borings were advanced by mechanically twisting a continuous -flight hollow stem steel auger into the soil. Soil sampling and penetration testing was performed in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. Soil samples were obtained at assigned intervals with a standard 1.4-inch I.D., 2-inch O.D., split -tube sampler. The sampler was first seated 6 inches to penetrate any loose cuttings, and then driven an additional 12 inches with blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches was recorded and designated the "penetration resistance". Representative portions of the soil samples were placed in glass jars and transported to our soils laboratory where they were examined by a geologist to verify the driller's field classifications. Test Boring Records, showing soil descriptions and penetration resistances, are included in Appendix A. To minimize the potential for cross -contamination to occur between borings, the down -hole drilling equipment was steam cleaned prior to drilling each boring. 2.2 Monitoring Well Installation Type II monitoring wells (MW-1, MW-2 and MW-3) were installed at the approximate locations shown on the Monitoring Well Location Plan (Figure 1). The wells consisted of 2-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC pipe with flush -threaded joints inserted into an 8-inch diameter augered borehole. The bottom 10-foot section of wells MW-1 and MW-2 and the bottom 15-foot section of well MW-3 consisted of manufactured well screen with 0.010-inch wide openings. The screens in these wells were placed so that the time -of -drilling water level was within the upper half of the screen. Washed sand backfill was placed around the outside of the pipe to at least two feet above the top of the well screen. The sand backfill was used to stabilize the formation and to help yield a less turbid ground -water sample. An approximately two foot thick bentonite seal was placed on top of the sand to prevent surface water from entering the well. The remainder of each borehole was grouted with a cement/bentonite mixture to the ground surface. FA v��• �iwn�ccrtnw First Colony Corporation Law Job No. 229-07757-03 April 15, 1992 A Type III monitoring well was installed in boring MW-4. An 8-inch diameter borehole was advanced through the overburden soils to a depth of 36 feet using hollow stem augers. Four -inch diameter PVC pipe was installed to the termination depth in the boring. After installation of the casing, the borehole and the PVC pipe in well MW-4 was grouted to near ground surface using a cement/bentonite grout. After the grout had cured for at least 24 hours, a 3 7/8-inch diameter borehole was advanced to approximately ten feet below the bottom of the 4-inch casing (46 feet). Two-inch diameter PVC casing with a 5-foot (0.010-inch slots) screened section was installed at the bottom of MW-4 through the 4-inch casing and into the washed borehole. A sand pack was placed around the outside of the pipe to at least one foot above the top of the well screen followed by a bentonite seal (minimum 1-foot thick). Above the bentonite seal, the annular space was filled with a cement/bentonite grout mixture to the surface. A lockable steel protective cover was placed over each well. Details of the monitoring well installations are illustrated on the Monitoring Well Installation Records included in Appendix B. The monitoring wells were installed in accordance with the North Carolina Well Construction Regulations and Standards. 2.3 Well Development and Ground -Water Sampling Wells are developed to remove suspended solids and to return water flow through the well to natural conditions. Development took place immediately after installation. The water level was allowed to stabilize and was then measured with an electronic water level indicator. The volume of water in each well was calculated and the wells were developed by extracting a quantity of water equal to approximately three volumes from each Type II well and to dryness twice in well MW-4, in accordance with our understanding of current North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (DEM) guidelines. The wells were sampled using bailers constructed of 3-ft long, 1.6-inch diameter teflon pipe. To minimize the potential for cross -contamination between wells, the bailers were cleaned with laboratory soap, rinsed with distilled water, rinsed with dilute nitric acid and, finally, rinsed with distilled water before developing and sampling each well. Immediately prior to the recovery of water samples from the wells, pH, temperature and specific conductivity measurements were recorded in the field. Field measurement of the sample temperature was made using a mercury thermometer. Field measurement of pH was conducted with a portable pH meter and specific conductivity was measured with a conductivity meter. The field measurements for these wells are summarized in Table 1. 3 LAW ENGI First Colony Corporation Law Job No. 229-07757-03 April 15, 1992 The pH level in well MW-4 measured at 11.1 is in the alkaline range of pH. We suspect the elevated pH may be influenced by the grout in the well. The well samples were placed in the appropriate containers, labeled, appropriately preserved, and shipped overnight to Law Environmental National Laboratories (LENL) in Kennesaw, Georgia where they were analyzed for polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (EPA Method 610). As part of our quality assurance procedures, a bailer rinse blank was also shipped to the laboratory for chemical testing by the same method. Chain -of -custody procedures were maintained. 3.0 REGIONAL HYDROGEOLOGY The site is located within the Charlotte Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province. Based on the Geologic Map of the Charlotte 10 X 2 Quadrangle, North Carolina and South Carolina dated 1988, the site is underlain by rocks consisting of metamorphosed granodiorite of Devonian age and metavolcanic rocks of Late Proterozoic age. No major geologic features are documented in published literature in the site area. The topography of the Piedmont is characterized by low, rounded hills and gentle slopes. A variably thick layer of residual soils and weathered rock (saprolite) caps the underlying bedrock (metavolcanic rocks and granodiorite). Ground -water movement is often related to topography, lithology, elevation of recharge and discharge areas and man-made influences. Ground water generally flows laterally and downward toward local drainage features that have eroded deeply enough to intersect the water table, thus creating a discharge point for ground water. Ground water in the underlying bedrock is controlled by fractures. Natural recharge of ground water occurs in upland areas and natural discharge occurs in the intervening lowlands. Based on this assumption and our interpretation of the topographic maps and onsite visual observations, surface run-off and subsurface drainage would be expected to flow northeast from the site towards an unnamed tributary of McMullen Creek. 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Residual soils were encountered from the surface to the termination depth in the four borings (MW-1 through MW-4). A thin veneer of topsoil was encountered in boring MW-1 to a depth of 0.6 feet. The residual soils consisted mostly of soft to firm fine to medium L, First Colony Corporation Law Job No. 229-07757-03 April 15, 1992 sandy silt and soft to firm silt. Boring MW-4 was wash drilled from 36 to 46 feet, no samples were collected. Water was encountered at 23 feet in MW-1 and at 28 feet in MW-2 at the time of drilling. Borings MW-2 and MW-3 were dry at the time of drilling. The above descriptions provide a general summary of the subsurface conditions encountered. The Test Boring Records included in Appendix A contain detailed information recorded at each boring location. These Test Boring Records represent our interpretation of the field logs based on examination of the field samples by a geologist. The lines designating the interfaces between various strata represent approximate boundaries and the transition between strata may be gradual. 5.0 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Analytical results for the four ground -water samples and the bailer rinse blank are included in Appendix C. No petroleum constituents were detected in these samples. 6.0 COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the laboratory results from wells MW-1 through MW-4, the petroleum contaminants previously detected in temporary observation well, TW-1 (Report of Underground Storage Tank Closure, report dated February 5, 1992), appear to be localized near the former UST location. Since the concentration levels detected in TW-1 were low, the source of the petroleum contaminant has been removed and water usage in the area is supplied by the Charlotte - Mecklenburg Utilities Department (CMUD), Law Engineering recommends no further ground -water assessment at the Coltsgate Road site. The DEM may recommend additional sampling and analysis of the ground water to determine if the contaminants have migrated to the wells. 7.0 QUALIFICATION OF REPORT The activities and evaluative approaches used in this assessment are consistent with those normally employed in hydrogeological assessments and waste -management projects of this type. Our evaluation of site conditions has been based on our understanding of this site, project information provided to us by First Colony Corporation and the data obtained in our exploration. 5 LM �♦ CI`/VIIV CCRII`IV TABLE 1 Summary of Field Parameters V��♦ GI`I VII`ILLRII\V TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF FIELD PARAMETERS' Coltsgate Road Site Charlotte, North Carolina Law Job No. 229-07757-03 Specific Well Depth to Conductivity Number Water ft pH Temperature n (umhos/cm) MW-1 12.03 5.6 16 110 M W-2 18.78 5.7 15 190 MW-3 13.54 5.6 15 90 MW-4 5.90 11.1 15 490 ' Wells MW-1, MW-2 and MW-3 were measured on March 14, 1992 Well MW-4 was measured on March 18, 1992 WS\TIyCl&71C1.i-f31KLWi APPENDIX A Test Boring Records LAW CrvVI KEY TO CLASSIFICATIONS AND SYMBOLS CORRELATION OF PENETRATION RESISTANCE WITH RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY No. of Blows, N Relative Density* 0 - 4 Very Loose 5 - 10 Loose Sands 11 - 20 Firm 21 - 30 Very Firm 31 - 50 Dense 51+ Very Dense Consistency* 0 - 1 Very Soft 2 - 4 Soft Silts and Clays 5 - 8 Firm 9 - 15 Stiff 16 - 30 Very Stiff 31+ Hard SYMBOLS - Undisturbed Sample (UD) Recovered 50=211 - Number of Blows (50) to Drive the Spoon a Number of Inches (2) BQ,NX,NQ,NW - Core Barrel Sizes Which Obtain Cores 1-7/16, 2-1/8 Inches, 1-7/8 Inches, 2-1/16 Inches in Diameter, Respectively 65% - Percentage (65) of Rock Core Recovered (Compared to Cored Length) RQD - Rock Quality Designation - Percentage of Recovered Cored Length Consisting of Moderately Hard or Better Core Segments 4 or More Inches Long Z - Water Table Approximately 24 Hours or More After Drilling 1 - Water Table Approximately at Time of Drilling (Within 1 Hour) - Loss of Drilling Fluid *Terminology may be altered if presence of gravel, cobbles or boulders interferes with accurate measurement of standard penetration resistances LM♦♦ GIY V11`ICCRIIYV DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 0.0 0.6 MW# 17.0 27.0 ELEVATION (FT.) PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 2 30 40 60 80 100 ToP-soil------------------- Residuum - Firm Brownish Tan And Light Gray Slightly Clayey Silt ----------------- - - - - - - Firm Tan Slightly Micaceous Silt Soft to Stiff Gray, Tan, Pink And Black Intermixed Fine To Medium Sandy Silt Boring Terminated At 27 Feet. Ground Water At 23 Feet Upon Boring Completion. 8 7 7 4 9 DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 7.0 17.0 22.0 27.0 ELEVATION (FT.) PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 Residuum - Stiff Reddish Brown Slightly Fine Sandy Clayey Silt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Firm Tan And Reddish Brown Slightly Clayey Silt ----------------- - - - - - - Firm Tan And Greenish Gray Fine To Medium Sandy Silt Firm Light Gray Silt With Trace Fine Sand Boring Terminated At 27 Feet. No Ground Water At Boring Completion. 12 TEST BORING RECORD - BORING NUMBER MW-2 DATE DRILLED 3/13/92 PROJECT NUMBER 229-07757-02 PROJECT COLTSGATE ROAD PAGE 1 OF 1 SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS USED ABOVE �:. LA(wt..:R11TC3TiRFi7T:i1Tl�... 8 5 5 5 DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 7.0 17.0 22.0 27.0 DESCRIPTION ELEVATION (FT.) n PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 2 30 40 60 80 100 Residuum - Stiff Brownish Tan And Gray Clayey Silt — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Firm Tan, Brown And Black Fine To Medium Sandy Silt ----------------- - - - - - - Firm Gray Silt Firm Gray Slightly Fine Sandy Silt Boring Terminated At 27 Feet. No Ground Water At Boring Completion. TEST BORING RECORD BORING NUMBER MW-3 DATE DRILLED 3/13/92 PROJECT NUMBER 229-07757-03 PROJECT COLTSGATE ROAD PAGE 1 OF 1 SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS USED ABOVE w .EN�7INEER:2 11 8 5 5 8 DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 17.0 27.0 36.o 40.0 DESCRIPTION ELEVATION (FT.) PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 0 40 60 80 100 Residuum -Stiff Orange Brown Fine Sandy Clayey Silt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Stiff To Firm Brownish Tan And Light Gray Silt ----------------- - - - - - - Soft Brown And Gray Silt Firm Gray Silt Wash Drilled With No Sampling TEST.:::BORINGRECORD BORING NUMBER MW-4 DATE DRILLED 3/16/92 PROJECT NUMBER 229-07757-03 PROJECT COLTSGATE ROAD PAGE 1 OF 2 12 11 5 4 4 6 6 SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS USED ABOVE ", I 1CNG.-NEERING DEPTH DESCRIPTION (FT.) 4o.o 46.o ELEVATION (FT.) PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 10 20 0 40 60 80 100 Wash Drilled With No Sampling Boring Terminated At 46 Feet. Groundwater At 28 Feet Upon Boring Completion. I� TEST BORING.:RECORD: )I BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 2 OF 2 MW-4 3/16/92 229-07757-03 COLTSGATE ROAD SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVATIONS USED ABOVE APPENDIX B Monitoring Well Installation Records LM1♦ CI\VII\CLRII\ MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION RECORD JOB NAME Coltsgate Road Site JOB NUMBER 229-07757-03 WELL NUMBER "w-1 GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION N/A LOCATION Coltsgate Road Charlotte, North Carolina INSTALLATION DATE 3-13-92 LOCKABLE CAP VENTED PVC CAP STEEL PIPE Jt7TSTICK UP 1.5 Ft ,-GROUND SURFACE BOREHOLE DEPTH TO BASE OF GROUTSEAL 11 Ft PVC PIPE GROUT BENTONITE SEAL PVC SCREEN SAND BACKFILL END CAP - NOTE: ALL PVC PIPE JOINTS HAVE SCREW CONNECTORS )EPTH ELL mw-1 J&LAW ENGINEERING MONITORING WELL CNARIOTTE,NORTN CAROLINA INSTALLATION RECORD MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION RECORD JOB NAME Coltsgate Road site JOB NUMBER 229-07757-03 WELL NUMBER Mw-? GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION N/A LOCATION Coltsgate Road Charlotte. North C'arnl i na INSTALLATION DATE 3-13-92 LOCKABLE CAP VENTED PVC CAP STEEL PIPE 4t7TSTICK UP GROUND SURFACE BOREHOLE PVC PIPE GROUT BENTONITE SEAL - PVC SCREEN SAND BACKFILL END CAP NOTE: ALL PVC PIPE JOINTS HAVE SCREW CONNECTORS MW-2 DEPTH TO BASE OF GROUTSEAL 11 Ft Ak LAW ENGINEERING CNARLOTTE,NORTN CAROLINA DEPTH ELL Ft MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION RECORD MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION RECORD JOB NAME_ Coltsqate Road site JOB NUMBER 229-07757-03 WELL NUMBER MW-3 GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION _ LOCATION Coltsqate Road Charlotte, North Carolina INSTALLATION DATE 3-13-92 LOCKABLE CAP VENTED PVC CAP STEEL PIPE ASTICK UP PVC PIPE GROUT BENTONITE SEAL - PVC SCREEN SAND BACKFILL END CAP NOTE: ALL PVC PIPE JOINTS HAVE SCREW CONNECTORS N/A 1.5 Ft AGROUND SURFACE DEPTH TO BASE OF GROUTSEAL 5 Ft DEPTH ELL Ft MW-3 �& LAW ENGINEERING MONITORING WELL CNARIOTTE,NORTN CAROLIN'A INSTALLATION RECORD MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION RECORD JOB NAME Coltsgate Road site JOB NUMBER 229-7757-03 WELL NUMBER MW-4 GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION NSA LOCATION Coltsgate Road Charlotte, north Carolina INSTALLATION DATE 3-17-92 LOCKABLE CAP GROUT SEAL BOREHOLE 8 inch 4" PVC PIPE 2" PVC PIPE PVC CAP STICKUP 1.5 Ft DEPTH TO BASE OF GROUT SEAL 36.5 Ft DEPTH TO BASE OF --L-�PVC CASING 35 Ft GROUND SURFACE DEPTH TO TOP CEMENT-BENTONITE4 OF SAND BACKFILL GROUT SEAL 38.5 Ft BENTONITE SEAL BOREHOLE PVC SCREEN SAND BACKFILL END CAP NOTE: ALL PVC PIPE JOINTS HAVE SCREW CONNECTORS DEPTH OF PVC SCREEN 41 to 46 Ft MW-4 &LAW ENGINEERING CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL 46 Ft Monitoring Well Installation Record APPENDIX C Laboratory Results LAW CrvVI e LAW ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 112 TOWNPARK DRIVE KENNESAW GEORGIA 30144-5599 404-421-3400 March 25, 1992 Law Engineering,Inc LakePoint Office Park 4333 Wilmont Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28217 Attention: Chris Corbitt Subject: Chemical analysis of samples received on 03/17/92. Dear Mr. Corbitt: Law Environmental National Laboratories has completed its analysis of your samples and reports the results on the following pages. These results relate only to the contents of the samples as submitted. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the approval of Law Environmental National Laboratories. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATL LABS Y110. -40 Clifford H. McBride QC Coordinator Attachment: Data Report Invoice LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES TEST DATA REPORT Date 03/24/92 Page 1 --- Project Information --- Lab Number : 92-2241-01 Project No. : 2290775703 T3 Cust. No. Project Name : COLTSGATE ROAD Manager: CHRIS CORBITT --- Sample Information --- Station ID : MW-1 Sampled Date/Time : 03/14/92 16:05 Matrix : W Received Date/Time : 03/17/92 10:10 Type : GRAB Received From/By : CVN/GP Collector : CVN Chain of Custody : 11635 Number of Containers : 3 Remarks : --- Test Data --- Parameter .............................. Method.... Units PQL....... Results... Test Date Anal -- ORGANIC PREP RESULTS -- Ext/PAH/W --- SERIES 57000 Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene 1-Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1,2,3)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 3510/610 N/A 03/21/92 CSH EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ Signed A"`NA LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES TEST DATA REPORT Date 03/24/92 Page 1 --- Project Information --- Lab Number : 92-2241-02 Project No. : 2290775703 T3 Cust. No. Project Name : COLTSGATE ROAD Manager: CHRIS CORBITT --- Sample Information --- Station ID : MW-2 Sampled Date/Time : 03/14/92 17:35 Matrix : W Received Date/Time : 03/17/92 10:10 Type : GRAB Received From/By : CVN/GP Collector : CVN Chain of Custody : 11635 Number of Containers : 3 Remarks : --- Test Data --- Parameter .............................. Method.... Units PQL....... Results... Test Date Anal -- ORGANIC PREP RESULTS -- Ext/PAH/W --- SERIES 57000 Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene 1-Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1,2,3)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 3510/610 N/A 03/21/92 CSH EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ Signed idt LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES TEST DATA REPORT Date 03/24/92 Page 1 --- Project Information --- Lab Number : 92-2241-03 Project No. : 2290775703 T3 Cust. No. : Project Name : COLTSGATE ROAD Manager: CHRIS CORBITT Sample Information Station ID : MW-3 Sampled Date/Time : 03/14/92 16:50 Matrix : W Received Date/Time : 03/17/92 10:10 Type : GRAB Received From/By : CVN/GP Collector : CVN Chain of Custody : 11635 Number of Containers 3 Remarks --- Test Data --- Parameter .............................. Method.... Units PQL....... Results... Test Date Ana-- -- ORGANIC PREP RESULTS -- Ext/PAH/W --- SERIES 57000 Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene 1-Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1,2,3)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 3510/610 N/A 03/21/92 CSH EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND '03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ Signed -11 LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES TEST DATA REPORT Date 03/24/92 Page 1 --- Project Information --- Lab Number : 92-2241-04 Project No. : 2290775703 T3 Cust. No. Project Name : COLTSGATE ROAD Manager: CHRIS CORBITT --- Sample Information --- Station ID : RINSE BLANK Sampled Date/Time : 03/14/92 15:15 Matrix : W Received Date/Time : 03/17/92 10:10 Type : GRAB Received From/By : CVN/GP Collector : CVN Chain of Custody : 11635 Number of Containers : 3 Remarks : --- Test Data --- Parameter .............................. Method.... Units PQL....... Results... Test Date Anal -- ORGANIC PREP RESULTS -- Ext/PAH/W --- SERIES 57000 Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene 1-Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1,2,3)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 3510/610 N/A 03/21/92 CSH EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ Signed 0 O MW I.i 0 U LL Z Q v ci z} J cc: Q O f- a Zcr- W m Z Q O � J W Z O 3p J Z W ull H uW 1 L JZ) ca' C C o >o/ a ¢ u `� C m 2X 80 d/PJ0 d > C co / 1/Y 21 QOJ JbG >d% W a w 0 sb j/ / >d 0 y - Lu cc a n I J °s2 °�yJ >� y/ >d y . 1 F— cn cl p. o , w w U w 0 W Q /2 �1 /2/ Jg O w w 6g p�J w > cr gb g z cn b J m a ybp�J W cd a o a d� a m �y 06 c O Op w 983NIViNOO a °C a J0 'ON lViOl (� LL LL a LL z a (Z W cc cc p _ U <, O z a cr ,I > a m 6 O' N LU m� m Z L /G ,w ¢ 6 L; O w o c- CM Q 2 C/) ��o} QCS� Z � c i Q zQ O � J ¢ o � U � 3 Z � ra yy � It a Z a co z avaO --7 � / ° 1 O �z Lu ~ y% a�<� <� ¢ N G S z = RT'S w�LU� a CL W Q uj Z y' SQ�QIn V U) ww 4 o(70w :D Y ¢ < LU �0ZNwZ �a.¢¢DO ) zo=cn z C ' wfi cr- m ri h W 0 w }zMt� R w2Nw \ oa-4o w0O� a: ar cn cn b& 1% C "Y Er C m J y Q G E�-� O o° w z a = Z W w p J 1.o�: w } � i vi � w CL wW V Y} Co w w z Q -r'- W w y m } O 4 z d � a N m N Y Q a w 7) - )14/ LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES KENNESAW REQUEST FOR ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME: C—a\\--,'-> c1o.�Q, �� PROJECT TASK #: 2 PR T MGR: TURNAROUND TIME: STANDARD (3 WEEKS) RUSH (INCURS RUSH FEE) days SAMPLE I.D.: t�y�\ ��� �. , �� �.n►�4,� cx� V METALS (CIRCLE ELEMENTS REQUESTED & ONE METHOD PER ELEMENT) TOTAL OR DISSOLVED Element ICP/Flame Furnace Aluminum 6010 ---- Antimony ---- 7041 Arsenic ---- 7060 Barium 6010 ---- Beryllium 6010 ---- Cadmium 6010/7130 7131 Calcium 6010 ---- Chromium 6010/7190 7191 Cobalt 6010 7201 Copper 6010/7210 ---- Gold 6010 ---- Iron 6010 ---- Lead 6010/7420 7421 Lead ---- 239.2 Magnesium 8010 ---- 8 RCRA Metals ElementICP/Flame Furnace Manganese 6010 Molybdenum 6010 Mercury 7470 ---- Nickel 6010/7520 249.2 Potassium 6010 ---- Selenium ---- 7740 Silver 6010/7760 7761 Sodium 6010 ---- Strontium 6010 ---- Thallium 7840 7841 Tin 7870 282.2 Titanium 6010 ---- Vanadium 6010 7911 Zinc 6010/7950 ---- NOTE: Drinking Water Standards require Furnace. B. INORGANICS : SAMPLE RECEIPT AND NON-CONFORMANCE FORM LENL#: 9.2 - 2 -2 �L / - 0 14 DATE: -3/ l 7 PROJECT NAME: ( PROJECT #: .2a 9 O 77 0-7 0 3 A: PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION: Date shipment was opened: -3/1 717.z 1. Did shipment come with a shipping air bill? f Y y N NA 2. If YES, document carrier and air bill #1_ * 7J-G 8µj-& t, 7s ( 94t3-1 (. 3. Were custody seals present on samples? Y `:J 4. Were custody seals intact? Y N NA 5. Were custody papers filled out properly? /Y) N — 6. Were custody papers signed? Y) N - 7. Are sampling time(s) present? I,YJ N _ 8. Are sampling date(s) present? © N -_ 9. Type of packing and ice used. �1� t�iT�G� ��n Y N --- B: LOGIN -IN PHASE Date samples were logged -in: 2117 /9J- 1. Did all bottles arrive intact? V N -- 2. Did all bottle labels agree with custody papers? N 3. Were proper containers used for requested test? O N - 4. Were correct preservatives added for requested test? N 5. Was sufficient sample received for requested test? �Y� N --- 6. Were air bubbles present in VOA samples? Y N NA n Processed By: i1 X C'dl (�•�"_ C: CORRECTIVE ACTION: 1. Client notified verbally Date: Time: /^ 2. Samples processed as received: N COMMENTS: INITIALS D TE SAMPLE CONTROL COORDINATOR _ -3/7 9Z SAMPLE CONTROL SUPERVISOR : c LAW ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 112 TOWNPARK DRIVE KENNESAW GEORGIA 30144-5599 404-421-3400 March 25, 1992 Law Engineering,Inc LakePoint Office Park 4333 Wilmont Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28217 Attention: Chris Corbitt Subject: Chemical analysis of samples received on 03/19/92. Dear Mr. Corbitt: Law Environmental National Laboratories has completed its analysis of your samples and reports the results on the following pages. These results relate only to the contents of the samples as submitted. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the approval of Law Environmental National Laboratories. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, LAW ENNNVIRONMENTAL NATL LABS -W - Clifford H. McBri e QC Coordinator Attachment: Data Report Invoice LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES TEST DATA REPORT Date 03/24/92 Page 1 --- Project Information --- Lab Number : 92-2265-01 Project No. : 2290775703 Cust. No. Project Name : COLTSGATE ROAD Manager: CHRIS CORBITT --- Sample Information --- Station ID : MW-4 Sampled Date/Time : 03/18/92 17:20 Matrix : W Received Date/Time : 03/19/92 11:00 Type : GRAB Received From/By : CVN/LD Collector : CVN Chain of Custody : 11638 Number of Containers 3 Remarks --- Test Data --- Parameter .............................. Method.... Units PQL....... Results... Test Date Anal -- ORGANIC PREP RESULTS -- Ext/PAH/W --- SERIES 57000 Naphthalene 2-Methylnaphthalene 1-Methylnaphthalene Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Phenanthrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)anthracene Chrysene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzo(a)pyrene Indeno(1,2,3)pyrene Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 3510/610 N/A 03/21/92 CSH EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/1 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ EPA 610 ug/l 10 ND 03/23/92 DJ Signed cl 0 W 0 0 cn U LL Z Oct U C) Z } J o ao Z Q W C m O Q � J WZ C:) az LLJ i III u uj u cJ y� �d O aC. Z C c u o c� N co 9i�J JbG ,a% w Sy �� cc I ) /� ��`� 1J� Q m w P U O !y �06 LU = (n y Z Lu ui 2 � J 6�g�GbIO > Z c) b J` 07 �� 0 %y Oil y b0�/ 0a W o a cc z g 2i i b20 �0.6 co J O Z O ~ H acr o Sa3Nld1N00 w IL �O 'ON ]ViOi LL Q Z z cn Q CL 0 w Z O ¢ Q (� m O_( U U 0 m W d (�+ Ocr Q of uj u I a O w (� w V � CL � < //�� a C)w 3 O J W Y Lu C C7 } - Q ��CM Z z ¢ J =0 U 3 Q r owe 0 w Z a:r r w / Y L O d WO.7 F O z� Q � W • I � 0 2 �t N I v 0 W )J ci� , CL � z_ I J r m OY 2� 2� pIL lilt a 1 u¢iI c<I °` o z3: owcn w Z QH3�ln I ¢ ¢ C') O 0 O W :UDJ W Y Cc < �ZNLL cr z arL¢Z) O z0mcn z J LU LU Z > O J }ZoU) >�U)(D J_ cl ui -j cc: Wcncn } m O m O m J } m 0 w z LU w cc } d O U O W } U) W w J a Q } m 0 W Z_ F- w CL } O U `l z FL Y a w Ak:T i. LAW ENVIRONMENTAL NATIONAL LABORATORIES =-= KENNESAW REQUEST FOR ANALYSIS PROJECT NAME: F,,°\Sz-k_ 'Z�� - COC#: \\\,D'J% PROJECT # 2.�,,-g0'1`1�31�''j TASK #:_PROJECT MGR: C. - Gov TURNAROUND TIME: STANDARD (3 WEEKS) V RUSH (INCURS RUSH FEE) days SAMPLE I.D.: �N\�JA 0 METALS (CIRCLE ELEMENTS REQUESTED & ONE METHOD PER ELEMENT) TOTAL OR DISSOLVED Element ICP /Flame Furnace Aluminum 6010 ---- Antimony ---- 7041 Arsenic ---- 7060 Barium 6010 ---- Beryllium 6010 ---- Cadmium 6010/7130 7131 Calcium 6010 ---- Chromium 6010/7190 7191 Cobalt 6010 7201 Copper 6010/7210 ---- Gold 6010 ---- Iron 6010 ---- Lead 6010/7420 7421 Lead ---- 239.2 Magnesium 8010 ---- 8 RCRA Metals Element ICP/Flame Furnace Manganese 6010 Molybdenum 6010 Mercury 7470 ---- Nickel 6010/7520 249.2 Potassium 6010 ---- Selenium ---- 7740 Silver 6010/7760 7761 Sodium 6010 --- Strontium 6010 ---- Thallium 7840 7841 Tin 7870 282.2 Titanium 6010 ---- Vanadium 6010 7911 Zinc 6010/7950 ---- NOTE: Drinking Water Standards require Furnace. B. INORGANICS : SAMPLE RECEIPT AND NON-CONFORMANCE FORM LENL#: 7'�p - ��S-6/ - DATE: .3"/P'�1� PROJECT NAME: PROJECT #: A: PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION: Date shipment was opened: 1. Did shipment come with a shipping air bill? Y N NA 2. If YES, document carrier and air bill # 1'A 75684 5681 3. Were custody seals present on samples? 4. Were custody seals intact? Y (�z — Y N NA 5. Were custody papers filled out properly? (Y) N — 6. Were custody papers signed? N — 7. Are sampling time(s) present? //( ^^r��/ (YJ N — 8. Are sampling date(s) present? (Y/ N — 9. Type of packing and ice used. Y N - B: LOGIN -IN PHASE Date samples were logged -in: 1. Did all bottles arrive intact? l Y/ N — 2. Did all bottle labels agree with custody papers? -Y-,) N — 3. Were proper containers used for requested test? N - 4. Were correct preservatives added for requested test? Y/ N — S. Was sufficient sample received for requested test? �� N - 6. Were air bubbles present in V�OA//samples? Y N NA COMMENTS: D -ty-,� `,� ✓ezx,- - � _ Processed C: CORRECTIVE ACTION: 1. Client notified verbally Date: Time: 2. Samples processed as received: N COMMENTS: INITIALS D TE SAMPLE CONTROL COORDINATOR ?.,- SAMPLE CONTROL SUPERVISOR 9lL