HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-4641_15664_G_C_19930512_Project NarrativeLAW ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES U' DEPT- OF Fiat" f �.FJWMCZS AND ., Ri MAY 14 1993 SODA 9f MIPG. NTA xIMAGam WORE' SN1:1 'P M . fffa May 12, 1993 Mr. Allen Schiff NCDEM 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115-0950 Subject: Project Narrative Coltsgate Road - Block 1/Lot 9 Charlotte, North Carolina Law Job No. 229-07757-02 Dear Mr. Schiff: A 25-gallon underground heating oil was removed from a former residence on January 10, 1992. The former residence was located on Coltsgate Road in Charlotte, North Carolina. Approximately 65 cubic yards of petroleum contaminated soil (2400 parts per million, TPH semi-volatiles) was excavated and stockpiled temporarily on plastic. Subsequent to waste characterization, the soils were hauled to Yadkin Brick Company for disposal. During soil excavation activities, ground water was observed seeping in the excavation. A temporary observation well (TW-1) was installed on January 21, 1992, to determine if ground water was contaminated. Analytical results from EPA Method 610 indicated naphthalene was present at 86 parts per billion (ppb), 2-methylnaphthalene at 89 ppb and 1-methylnaphthalene at 55 ppb. Based on these results, four ground -water monitoring wells were installed onsite to define vertical and horizontal extent of contamination. The results from the ground -water analysis indicated that petroleum contaminants in the ground water were limited to the former tank pit area. cth:7757-DL.M.1Lr LAW ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. 4333 WILMONT ROAD, STE. 300 CHARLOTTE, NC 28208 P.O. BOX 240674 CHARLOTTE, NC 28224-0674 704-357-1747 FAX 704-357-1622 ONE OF THE LAW COMPANIES Mr. Allen Schiff May 12, 1993 Page 2 The purpose of this narrative and attached Application is to obtain eligibility for the State Trust Fund to reimburse monies spent thus far for onsite restoration. We will wait for your review and report on eligibility status before we proceed further. Your timeliness in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Please call us at (704) 357-1747 if you have any questions. Sincerely, LAW ENVIRONMENTAL De ra L. Muldoon Sen/ior Cleologist %A/ 7j'J Christopher . Corbitt, P.G. Senior Geologist c: Hayden McMahon, First Colony Corporation ah:7757-DLM.hr NOINITH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF, ENVIRONMENT► HEALTH, & NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL.MANAGEME'.NT LEAKING•PEI'ROLEUM UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEANUP FUNDS' APPLICATION ( Formerly • "Statemant: A") - (To be camoleted by ZMer or-ogerator of Underg=_nd Storage Tank I/We the owner(s) and/or operator(s) of underground storage tanks, located at Facility ID # A. have not willfully violated any substantive law, rule, or regulation applicable to underground storage tanks (USTs) intended to prevent or mitigate discharges or releases or -to facilitate the early�etectio-n of discharges or. -releases; B: have not caused or contributed to the discharge or release due to willful or wanton.=isconduCt; ,• C. have paid any annual tank operating tees, if'commercial UST, pursuant to G.S. 143-Z1514Cf.l... D. has identified and fully disclosed any fee, commission, percentage, gift; °s' °ther c°°sideratiaiaas Oi� any owner, lessee, or operator and.the prison responsible for -conducting the site rehabilitation heor- will receive as a result of his employment of. -a person; company, corporateoa, individuia-or.-Itr u _ for- purposes of conducting site rehabilitation; Er' understand that the Fulda are only for of coats expended by the owner•or opecatorfor:, cleanup of releases and discharges of petroleum from underground storage tanks;'; °> F. understand that the owner or operator is required to comply with all statutes -and rules relating,to the subject cleanup action regardless -of eligibility for any reimbursementss-fromm the �Fads,.andtr1d= owner Or operator must CemnlS Wit all COrrGCL1Veacts requirements r2gu usa i&j '" and eligibility or-re=,=•ement• G::.. understand that reimbursement from the Fdads for cleanup coats does not in any wajrrepsesserrt a determination by the Department that the owner or operator is complying with all applicable statutes, . and rules relating,to the subject cleanup; H. understand that reimbursement from the Funds shall only be for coats directly related.to,the subjeet- cleanup and determined to be. reasonable and necessary by- the Department, that: -reimbursement requests shall be. -subject to audit by the Department, and that the Department may seek.recovery;- from the owner or operator, of any reimbursed funds relating to ineligible costs; 1. have provided the.information contained in this application and believe it to be true and accurate; and J. understand that submission of a false statement, representation, or documentation to the 1) partmmt under Article 21' of .Chapter 143 of the General Statutes, or -under any rules adopted ahaU.ba gultiy-. of, a misdemeanor; punished by a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars (I0,040), or.bYy,..iuipiso /auiet4at not to exceed six months or both. " 5/6/9 - 7 , (siq:tature 1ki Print Name: E. Allen Brown r- Before me personally appeared E. Allen BrownA6.me known and known to me to be thI parson-daacribed In -and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledge to and before me that E, Al l en Brown',' executed said instument for the purposes therein` expressed. .fir.:• . WITNESS my hated and ff c al se 1, is 6th day of May Notary Public Cheryl Robin Belcher) xN. My commission expires - September 17, 1994 STATE OF' North Carol i na COUNTY OF Mecklenburg Gtl�f-BOOM 3/42