HomeMy WebLinkAbout22074_Gathing Motor_ MACTEC Phase I ESA 20070531Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... iii 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION...............................................................................................1 2.0 SITE HISTORY AND SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS..................................................3 3.0 RISK CHARACTERIZATION...........................................................................................5 4.0 RECEPTOR INFORMATION............................................................................................8 4.1 WATER-SUPPLY WELLS..............................................................................................8 4.2 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES...........................................................................................8 4.3 SURFACE WATER.........................................................................................................8 4.4 WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREAS...............................................................................8 4.5 DEEP AQUIFERS IN THE COASTAL PLAIN REGION....................................................9 4.6 SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES .........................................................................................9 4.7 AREA LAND USE...........................................................................................................9 4.8 PROPERTY OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS.......................................................................9 5.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY ............................................................................11 5.1 TOPOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS.....................................................................................11 5.2 GEOLOGY...................................................................................................................11 5.2.1 Site Geology.......................................................................................................11 5.2.2 Regional Geology...............................................................................................11 6.0 SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS............................................................................................13 6.1 SOIL SAMPLING .........................................................................................................13 6.2 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS...................................................................................13 7.0 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS.....................................................................15 7.1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING ......................................................................................15 7.2 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS...................................................................................15 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................17 9.0 REFERENCES....................................................................................................................18 TABLES Table 2.1 – UST Information Table 2.2 – Tank Closure Soil Analytical Summary Table 4.1 – Owners of Properties Contiguous to Subject Site Table 6.1 – Soil Analytical Data Table 7.1 – Monitoring Well Installation Data Table 7.2 – Groundwater Analytical Summary Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 iv FIGURES Figure 1 – Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 – Site Plan Figure 3 – Aerial Photograph Figure 4 – Well Survey Map Figure 5 – Mecklenburg County Zoning Map APPENDICES Appendix A – Well Construction Records and Boring Logs Appendix B – Field Methods Appendix C – Laboratory Test Reports and Chain of Custody Records Appendix D – Water Well Survey Forms Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The subject site is located at 1216, 1220, and 1222 South Tryon Street in Charlotte, North Carolina. New Tryon, LLC engaged MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) to conduct a Phase I Limited Site Assessment (LSA) at the site. MACTEC completed a UST Closure Assessment Report in February 2007. The results from that assessment identified total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in soil samples collected beneath two of four removed USTs (Tank 3 – Used Oil and Tank 4 - Oil/Water Separator) that exceeded the regulatory action level established by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). On April 10, 2007, MACTEC installed two monitoring wells to check for the presence of groundwater contamination at the site. Monitoring well MW-Tank3 was installed to a depth of 26 feet below ground surface (bgs) and monitoring well MW-OWS was installed at a depth of 26 feet bgs. Soil samples were collected from the boring advanced at the MW-OWS location analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons. During soil cleanup activities in January 2007, MACTEC collected soil sample “T-3 Bottom” from the base of the excavation (15 feet) for former Tank 3. Since the soil remediation effort involved excavation of soil to a depth within five feet of the groundwater, no additional soil samples were collected as part of the LSA. On April 18, 2007, MACTEC collected groundwater samples from the monitoring wells for analysis. Based on the results of our assessment activities, we offer the following conclusions: • Concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons identified in the soil samples did not exceed the Residential or Industrial/Commercial MSCCs. • The results of the groundwater analysis identified 1,2-dichloroethane at concentrations exceeding the NC 2L standards for MW-Tank 3 and MW-OWS. The concentrations of 1,2-dichloroethane were less than ten times the NC 2L Standards and less than the GCL. Furthermore, VPH aromatics were identified in excess of the NC 2L Standard in well MW-Tank 3. North Carolina General Statues - Chapter 143-B requires that the owner or responsible party prepare a “Notice of Residual Petroleum” (NRP) to be recorded by the Register of Deeds office. The NRP would restrict the use of groundwater at the site. • The site is located in a light commercial and residential district. The properties within a 1,000-foot radius of the site are connected to municipal water. Based on these findings, MACTEC requests that a Notice of No Further Action be issued by NCDENR for this incident, contingent upon the completion of the NRP. Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 1 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION The subject site is located at 1222 South Tryon Street in Charlotte, North Carolina. MACTEC performed UST closure activities for one fuel oil Underground Storage Tank (UST), one gasoline UST, one used oil UST, and an oil/water separator in December 2006 and January 2007. The report was prepared to address Tanks 3 and 4 only. The closure report indicated that a concentration of TPH, DRO was identified in soil samples collected from beneath the used oil UST (Tank 3) at 760 parts per million and from beneath the oil/water separator (Tank 4) at 110 parts per million. The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) requires that a Limited Site Assessment be performed under these circumstances. Information regarding site ownership, facility information, project contacts, UST details, and characteristics of the site is presented below. 1.1 Ownership of UST Gathings Motor Company (no longer in business) No address or telephone number available. 1.2 Facility Information Facility ID#: N/A Incident #: Not Available Current Owner: New Tryon, LLC Care of Insite Properties, LLC 4521 Sharon Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 Latitude & Longitude Of Release: N 35.21930°, W 80.85400° 1.3 Contacts Primary Contact: Mr. Tony Pizzo Insite Properties, LLC 4521 Sharon Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 (704) 344-8086 Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 2 Primary Consultant: Mr. Robert C. Foster, P.G. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 2801 Yorkmont Road, Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 (704) 357-5530 Laboratory: Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. 106 Vantage Point Drive West Columbia, South Carolina 29172 (803) 791-9700 North Carolina Certification No. 329 1.4 Release Information Date release discovered: January 2007 Estimated quantity of release: Unknown Source of release: One used oil UST and one oil/water separator Size and contents of UST system from which release occurred: One 550-gallon used oil UST (Tank 3) and one approximately 1,000-gallon oil/water separator (Tank 4). Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 5 3.0 RISK CHARACTERIZATION The following sections are reproduced from the Limited Site Assessment Report format (Appendix B), pages B-18 through B-20 of the Guidelines. LIMITED SITE ASSESSMENT RISK CLASSIFICATION AND LAND USE FORM Part I – Groundwater/Surface Water/Vapor Impacts High Risk 1. Has the discharge or release contaminated any water supply well including any used for non-drinking purposes? NO. 2. Is a water supply well used for drinking water located within 1000 feet of the source area of the discharge or release? NO. 3. Is a water supply well used for any purpose (e.g. irrigation, washing cars, industrial cooling water, filling swimming pools) located within 250 feet of the source area of the release or discharge? NO. 4. Does the groundwater within 500 feet of the source area of the discharge or release have the potential for future use in that there is no other source of water supply other than the groundwater? NO. 5. Do vapors from the discharge or release pose a threat of explosion because of accumulation of the vapors in a confined space or pose any other serious threat to public health, public safety or the environment. NO. 6. Are there any other factors that would cause the discharge or release to pose an imminent danger to public health, public safety, or the environment? NO. Intermediate Risk 7. (a) Is a surface water body located within 500 feet of the source area of the discharge-release? NO. (b) If yes, does the maximum groundwater contaminant concentration exceed the surface water quality standards and criteria found in 15A NCAC 2B.0200 by a factor of 10? Not applicable. Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 6 Is the source area of the discharge or release located with a designated wellhead protection area as defined in 42 USC 300h(e)? Not applicable. 8. Is the release located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic region as designated on a map entitled “Geology of North Carolina” published by the Department in 1985? NO. 9. Do the levels of groundwater contamination for any contaminant exceed the gross contamination levels (GCL) established (Table 7) by the Department. NO. Part II - Land Use Property Containing Source Area of Release 1. Does the property contain one or more primary or secondary residences (permanent or temporary)? NO. 2. Does the property contain a school, daycare center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home, or other place of public assembly? NO. 3. Does the property contain a commercial or industrial enterprise, an inactive commercial or industrial enterprise, or is the land undeveloped? Yes. The property was historically developed as an automotive sales and service facility. A car wash and finishing business currently operates on the property. 4. Do children visit the property? NO. 5. Is the access to the property reliably restricted consistent with its use (e.g. fences, security personnel or both)? YES. 6. (a) Do pavement, buildings, or other structures cap the contaminated soil? YES. The contaminated area is covered with asphaltic-pavement as it is used as a parking lot. (b) If yes, what mechanisms are in place or can be put into place to ensure that the contaminated soil will remain capped in the foreseeable future? This land will continue to be used as a parking lot. Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 7 7. What is the zoning status of the property? Industrial I-2 and Mixed Use Transit Oriented Development TOD-M. 8. Is the use of the property likely to change in the next 20 years? YES. Part III – Land Use Property Surrounding Source Area of Release The questions below pertain to the area within 1500 feet of the source area of the release. 1. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest primary or secondary residence? The nearest residences (Summit South End Square) were observed at the adjacent property to the southeast across South Tryon Street. The apartment complex is approximately 140 feet from the source area of the release. 2. What is the distance from the source area of the release to the nearest school, daycare center, hospital, playground, park, recreation area, church, nursing home, or other place of public assembly? The adjacent properties to the northeast are multi-tenant law and medical office buildings. A church is located approximately 600 feet northwest from the site. 3. What is the zoning status of the properties in the surrounding area? Surrounding properties are zoned Industrial, Mixed Use Development District, and Mixed Use Transit Oriented Development. See Figure 4 for zoning in the area. 4. Briefly characterize the use and activities of the land in the surrounding area. The adjacent properties are office buildings and residential. The properties to the northeast were occupied by Carolina Hematology and Oncology Associates and law offices, to the southeast (across South Tryon Street) by Camden South End apartment and parking complex (1211 South Tryon Street), to the southwest by a office buildings and retail properties, and to the northwest by a warehouse. Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 8 4.0 RECEPTOR INFORMATION Potential receptors considered, as part of the LSA, included identification of water-supply wells, public water supplies, surface waters, wellhead protection areas, subsurface structures, land use, and property owners and occupants. The following sections provide our results of the receptor investigation. 4.1 Water-Supply Wells The Mecklenburg County Department of Health, Environmental Health Division, did not identify water supply wells within a 1,000-foot radius of the site. MACTEC personnel did not observe water supply wells within a 1,000-foot radius of the site during an area reconnaissance. MACTEC observed water-meter vaults along the streets within the required radius. Results of a well survey of properties within 500 feet of the source area of the release did not identify drinking water supply wells. Five wells used for industrial cooling water (for thermal heat pumps) are operated by Simpson’s Lighting at 1112 South Boulevard. These wells are more than 500 feet southeast of the source area. A well survey map is included as Figure 4. 4.2 Public Water Supplies The site and surrounding facilities within a 1,500-foot radius are provided public water by the City of Charlotte. Charlotte obtains its municipal water from Mountain Island Lake. 4.3 Surface Water MACTEC did not identify a surface water body within a 1,500 feet radius of the site. 4.4 Wellhead Protection Areas The site is not in a wellhead protection area. Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 9 4.5 Deep Aquifers in the Coastal Plain Region The subject site is not located in the Atlantic Coastal Plain Physiographic Province of North Carolina. 4.6 Subsurface Structures Basements are not present at the subject site. 4.7 Area Land Use The area within a 1,500-foot radius of the site consists of commercial and residential properties. The zoning for the site and surrounding properties is shown on Figure 5. 4.8 Property Owners and Occupants Contiguous property owners to the subject site are shown on Figure 3. The address of each owner is listed in Table 4.1. Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 10 Table 4.1 Owners Of Contiguous Properties PARCEL NUMBER LAND OWNER AND ADDRESS PROPERTY ADDRESS 073-07-308 Roswell Apartments, LLC PO Box 36509 Charlotte, NC 28236 1208 South Tryon Street 073-07-309 1100 South Tryon Group I LLC and Investor LLC 3325 Healy Drive Winston-Salem, NC 27103 1100 South Tryon Street 123-03-101 Summit Properties PO Box 638 Addison, TX 75001 1205 South Tryon Street 073-07-210 Ratcliffe Louis G. Inc. 2019 West Sugar Creek Road Charlotte, NC 28262 1300 & 1304 South Tryon Street 073-07-211 Beaty Investments Inc. (Trust) and Katherine B. Canfield 6610 Old Plank Road Charlotte, NC 28216 115 Winnifred Street 073-27-101 LLC Boulevard at Church and Bland 715 North Church Street, Suite 110 Charlotte, NC 28202 1303 South Church Street 073-27-107 Roman Catholic Diocese PO Box 36776 Charlotte, NC 28236 1123 South Church Street Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 11 5.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The following sections describe the regional geologic conditions and the methods employed to obtain physical data that support our discussion of the local geologic and environmental conditions. 5.1 Topographic Conditions Based on the Charlotte East Topographic Quadrangle (Figure 1), the site is situated on a local topographic high at approximately 750 feet above mean sea level. Based on our interpretation of the topographic map and on-site observations, the topography in the vicinity of the site slopes to the northwest and west. 5.2 Geology 5.2.1 Site Geology The following interpretation of the site geology was developed based on data obtained from well boring MW-Tank 3 and MW-OWS. The locations of the wells are shown on Figure 2. MACTEC personnel examined soil samples during the probing and drilling performed at the site. The ground surface was covered with asphalt. Fill material was encountered to a depth of approximately 15 feet for well boring MW-Tank 3 and 8 feet for well boring MW-OWS. Based on MACTEC’s soil boring data, reddish brown sandy silt with pink inclusions was encountered at about 8 feet below ground surface to the termination depth of the borings at 26 feet. Groundwater was measured at a depth of approximately 20 feet below land surface on April 10, 2007. A copy of the boring log, including the well construction record for the monitoring well is provided in Appendix A. 5.2.2 Regional Geology The site is located within the Charlotte Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province consisting generally of low rounded hills and long rolling northeast to southwest trending ridges with incised creek channels. Based on a review of the Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985), the site is Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 12 underlain by rocks consisting of metamorphosed volcanic rocks. No major geologic features are documented in published literature in the site area. Surface and subsurface drainage patterns within the Piedmont typically indicate the direction contaminants would be transported by surface water or groundwater. The direction and movement of groundwater through soil is dependant on soil type and the presence of relict structures and textures of the underlying rock. Fractures, faults, folds and foliation planes affect the migration of groundwater in rock. Groundwater recharge within the Piedmont region generally occurs on upland areas. The residual soils and saprolite act as an infiltration medium and reservoir for water to seep into the fractures and joints of the underlying rock. Discharge from the system occurs at surface water features such as streams and lakes or at the base of slopes. Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 13 6.0 SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS 6.1 Soil Sampling MACTEC previously excavated soil during UST closure activities to a depth of approximately 15 feet below ground surface for Tank 3. Since groundwater depth is within five feet of the closure soil sample (T-3 Bottom collected at 15 feet), MACTEC did not collect additional soil samples as part of the limited site assessment. On April 10, 2007, MACTEC advanced one soil boring at the former location of Tank 4 as shown on Figure 2. In the boring, fill material was encountered to a depth of approximately 8 feet. Reddish brown sandy silt with pink inclusions was encountered at about 8 feet below ground surface to the termination depth of the borings at 26 feet. MACTEC personnel retained three soil samples from this boring. Soil samples were retained at depth intervals of 8 to 10 feet, 13 to 15 feet, and 18 to 20 feet. These samples were placed in laboratory-supplied jars for delivery under chain-of-custody to Shealy Environmental Services, Inc. in West Columbia, South Carolina. The soil samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (EPA Method 8260B/8270C), total lead and chromium (EPA Method 6010B), and volatile and semi-volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (MADEP VPH and EPH). A detailed description of field methods is presented in Appendix B. 6.2 Laboratory Test Results Laboratory test reports and chain-of-custody forms are presented in Appendix C. The soil sampling results are summarized in Table 6.1. This table also includes the applicable Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs). Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 17 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of our assessment activities, we offer the following conclusions: • Concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons identified in the soil samples did not exceed the Residential or Industrial/Commercial MSCCs. • The results of the groundwater analysis identified 1,2-dichloroethane at concentrations exceeding the NC 2L standard from MW-Tank 3 and MW-OWS. The concentrations of 1,2-Dichloroethane were less than ten times the NC 2L Standards and less than the GCL. Furthermore, VPH aromatics were identified in well MW-Tank 3 at a concentration that exceeded the NC 2L standard. North Carolina General Statues - Chapter 143-B requires that the owner or responsible party prepare a “Notice of Residual Petroleum” (NRP) to be recorded by the Register of Deeds office. The NRP would restrict the use of groundwater at the site. • The site is located in a light commercial and residential district. The properties within a 1,000-foot radius of the site are connected to municipal water. Based on these findings, MACTEC requests that a Notice of No Further Action be issued by NCDENR for this incident, contingent upon the completion of the NRP. Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 18 9.0 REFERENCES North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Chapter 2, Subchapter 2L, Classification and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina; North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, Raleigh, North Carolina, November 8, 1993. State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management, UST Section Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action, July 2001. USGS 7.5-minute Topographic Map, Charlotte East, North Carolina Quadrangle, dated 1967 (photo- revised 1988), published by the United States Geological Survey. Geologic Map of North Carolina, dated 1985, compiled by the North Carolina Geological Survey. MACTEC, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, dated October 28, 2005. MACTEC, Phase II Environmental Assessment Report, dated February 2, 2007. MACTEC, UST Closure Report, dated February 5, 2007 Report of Phase I Limited Site Assessment May 31, 2007 1222 South Tryon Street MACTEC Project 6228-06-3932 FIELD METHODS Listed below are the standard field methods used during this project. Soil Sampling and Well Installation On April 10, 2007, soil samples were collected at selected intervals from beneath the former excavation for the oil/water separator. MACTEC personnel collected the samples from the sampling device using a new pair of disposable gloves. The soil samples were placed in laboratory-prepared sample containers, marked with a unique identifying number, placed on ice in a sample cooler, and delivered to Shealy Environmental Services, Inc., a North Carolina certified laboratory, located in West Columbia, South Carolina for analysis. The samples were maintained under chain-of-custody protocol. On April 10, 2007 (see page 14), groundwater monitoring wells MW-Tank 3 and MW-OWS were installed at the site. The borings were drilled using a hollow-stem auger drilling rig. A Type II monitoring well was installed in each boring. The Type II well was constructed with 2- inch diameter, Schedule 40 PVC flush-threaded casing and screen. The PVC screen and casing were lowered into the open boreholes. A 10-foot length of slotted well screen with machined 0.010-inch slot widths and a threaded bottom plug was installed at the bottom of each well. A solid section of PVC riser was placed above the screened interval and extended to a point equal with the ground surface. The annular space around the well was filled with filter sand to approximately 2 feet above the top of the screen. A seal of bentonite pellets was placed immediately above the sand pack. After hydrating the bentonite pellets, a bentonite/neat cement mixture containing approximately 4% bentonite was pumped down the borehole to fill the annular space from the bentonite seal to the ground surface. The top of the well casing was equipped with a lockable, watertight well plug. A well construction record is included in Appendix A. Monitoring Well Groundwater Sampling The monitoring well was developed by bailing an amount equal to 3.5 casing volumes of water until the water’s turbidity was reduced and it was determined that the monitoring well was functioning properly. Prior to sampling, the volume of water was measured. A MACTEC field representative purged the well of additional water. Groundwater samples were collected using a disposable polyethylene bailer. The collected groundwater samples were placed in laboratory-prepared sample containers, marked with a unique identifying number, preserved as required, placed on ice in a sample cooler, and delivered to Shealy for analysis. The samples were maintained under chain-of-custody protocol.