HomeMy WebLinkAbout7607_GreatOakMSWLF_Phase1Cell3_PreConStr_meeting_FID1275809_20190117 SCS Engineers, PC Environmental Consultants 2520 Whitehall Park Drive 704 504-3107 and Contractors Suite 450 FAX 704 504-3174 Charlotte, NC 28273-3557 www.scsengineers.com Offices Nationwide January 17, 2019 File No. 02215305.10 MEETING MINUTES TO: Susan Harrison, WM Richard McGuirt, New Generation Grading SUBJECT: Pre-Construction Meeting Great Oak Landfill Cell 3 Thursday, January 3, 2019 FROM: Steve Lamb, SCS Engineers This memorandum summarizes the topics discussed during the pre-construction meeting for the construction of Cell 3 at the Great Oak Landfill (Landfill). The meeting was conducted January 3, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Great Oak Landfill. The following attended the meeting: Susan Harrison, WM Mike McFeeley, WM Dan Moore, WM Don Misenheimer, WM Bobby Owens, WM Steve Lamb, SCS Albert Glenn, SCS (call in) Richard McGuirt, New Generation Grading James Glover, New Generation Grading Jim Kelly, B&M Excavating Ming-Tai Chao, DEQ-WM-SWS (call in) Introductions were made by all present and a Sign In Sheet was circulated. A copy of the Sign In Sheet is provided in Attachment A. Steve Lamb chaired the meeting. Steve stated that the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the construction and testing for Cell 3. A Meeting Agenda prepared by SCS Engineers was provided to Pre-Construction Meeting Cell 3 January 17 , 2019 Page 2 all. A copy of the Meeting Agenda is provided in Attachment B. Steve indicated Meeting Minutes would be provided to all attendees and that anytime during the meeting questions could be asked. The following items were discussed: 1. Personal protective equipment (e.g., hard hat, steel-toed boots, safety vest) should be worn at all times. Any visitor to the site must also wear hard hat, safety vest, and steel-toed boots. 2. Contractor is solely responsible for the health and safety of their employees and subcontractors. 3. WM requires all personnel to complete the Waste Management Contractor Safety Orientation. Richard said he will forward certificates to Susan for his workers. 4. New Generation Grading stated that a daily health and safety meeting will be held at the start of each day. The CQA Monitor will attend when present at the site. 5. The site used channel #3 on CB. 6. Muster location for New Generation Grading is laydown area. 7. The Owner of the project is Waste Management of Carolinas, Inc. The Owner is responsible for the overall contract management. 8. Construction can occur 7 am to 7 pm Monday through Saturday. No work is allowed on Sunday. 9. The Engineer and Designer for the project is SCS Engineers. SCS Engineers is responsible for site engineering services related to the design and should be contacted for proposed changes or clarifications. 10. The Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) was submitted 12/22/18 for expedited review. 11. SCS Engineers will be providing construction quality assurance (CQA) services during the construction of Cell 3. CQA services will include the preparation of the Construction Certification Report to be submitted to DEQ. Atlantic Coast Consulting (ACC) will be a sub-consultant to SCS and will primarily provide the on-site CQA monitors. a. CQA Manager – Jarrod Timmons b. CQA Monitors – TBD c. CQA Officer/Certifying Engineer – Steve Lamb 12. The Surveyor of Record will be Carolina Survey. The Surveyor of Record will be responsible to provide as-built documentation of the cell components, such as the top of subgrade, bedrock, structural fill, and protective cover layer. 13. It was recommended that the Surveyor attend progress meetings. Pre-Construction Meeting Cell 3 January 17 , 2019 Page 3 14. The General Contractor will be New Generation Grading. The Project Manager for New Generation Grading will be Richard McGuirt. 15. New Generation Grading says blasting will not be needed. 16. If blasting is needed, a Blasting Plan shall be submitted to SCS and WM. SCS will forward to DEQ, DWM. 17. New Generation Grading estimates the project will be completed by May 1, 2019. 18. Back entrance should be used for deliveries. 19. The installer of the geosynthetics for the project will be Environmental Services Inc. (ESI). 20. SCS Engineers will contract with a leak location testing firm to conduct liner leak location testing on the primary geomembrane liner following the placement of the protective cover. SCS Engineers will prepare and submit a Work Plan for said testing to DEQ, DWM. 21. Ming –Tai Chao stated he is the DEQ Project Manager and will be responsible for approving the Construction Certification Report and issue the Permit to Operate. 22. Christine Ritter is the DEQ hydrogeologist for the site. 23. Review lines of communication and authority a. If the Contractor has questions or requires clarification of the Construction Drawings, either Design engineer or CQA Manager should be contacted to address questions. b. CQA Manager should be included on all project communications to assist in providing direction in the field. 24. New Generation Grading to set up weather station. 25. Controlling erosion of the protective soil cover was discussed. The design includes two berms. The use of rain flaps or rain covers were also discussed. 26. A Construction Schedule will be provided to all parties by New Generation Grading. 27. SCS stated the Construction Schedule should be updated by New Generation Grading on a monthly basis. 28. The subgrade must be inspected by SCS Engineer’s Professional Geologist (PG) pursuant to the permit conditions and NC regulations. SCS will notify Christine Ritter (DEQ) prior to this site inspection. 29. Daily Field Reports will prepared by the CQA Monitor. These will be reviewed by the CQA Manager. Pre-Construction Meeting Cell 3 January 17 , 2019 Page 4 30. A bi-weekly Summary Report will be prepared by the CQA Manager. Copies bi-weekly Reports will be submitted to WM and DEQ. 31. Submittals and Shop Drawings shall go to CQA Manager. 32. Geosynthetic manufacturer’s testing data (MQC) should go to CQA Manager. 33. Pay Applications should go to Owner. 34. Progress meetings will be conducted bi-weekly on Thursday at 10:00 am initially as erosion and sediment controls are established. 35. Meetings may be conducted weekly when cell construction begins. 36. A liner pre-construction meeting will be held prior to the geosynthetics installation. 37. New Generation Grading plans to use a drone to survey the existing topography of the project area. New Generation Grading will provide the survey to SCS Engineers. SCS Engineers will revise earthwork volumes. 38. SCS Engineers will provide New Generation Grading and the AutoCAD files of the Construction Drawings. M:\PROJECT FILES\02215305.10\Cell 3 CQA\Meetings\Pre-Con Meeting Minutes 1.14.19.docx Offices Nationwide ATTACHMENT A SIGN IN SHEET ATTACHMENT B MEETING AGENDA SCS Engineers, PC Environmental Consultants 2520 Whitehall Park Drive 704 504-3107 and Contractors Suite 450 FAX 704 504-3174 Charlotte, NC 28273-3557 www.scsengineers.com Offices Nationwide January 3, 2019 File No. 02215305.11 MEETING AGENDA SUBJECT: Pre-Construction Meeting Great Oak Landfill, Cell 3 Thursday, January 3, 2019 This agenda outlines topics to be discussed during the pre-construction meeting for the construction of Cell 3 at the Great Oak Landfill (Landfill). The meeting is scheduled for January 3, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will take place at the Great Oak Landfill conference room. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION Health & Safety 1) Personal protective equipment (e.g., hard hat, steel-toed boots, safety vest) should be worn at all times. 2) Contractor is solely responsible for the health and safety of their employees and subcontractors. Responsibilities of Each Party 1) Owner – Waste Management of Carolinas, Inc. a) Site Representative: Mike McFeely, mmcfeel1@wm.com b) Project Manager: Susan Harrison sharri21@wm.com 2) Designer – SCS Engineers – Steve Lamb, PE slamb@scsengineers.com 3) CQA Firm – SCS Engineers with sub-consultant ACC a) CQA Manager – Jarrod Timmons jtimmons@scsengineers.com b) CQA Monitors - ACC c) CQA Officer/Certifying Engineer – Steve Lamb, PE slamb@scsengineers.com 4) General Contractor – a) Superintendent:_____________________________ Pre-Construction Meeting January 3, 2019 Page 2 b) Project Manager:____________________________ c) Surveyor:__________________________________ d) Blasting Contractor: _________________________ 5) Geosynthetics Installer – ESI 6) Pump and pump controls furnished and installed by:__________________________ 7) Review lines of communication and authority Review Construction Drawings, Specifications, and CQA Plan 1) Construction Drawings a) Erosion and Sediment Controls b) Site Preparation Plans and Laydown Areas c) Grading Plans d) Geosynthetic Liner Plans e) Leachate Collection Plans f) Details and Sections 2) Specifications and CQA Plan 3) Addendums 4) All parties have current documents? Project Schedule and Critical Path Items 1) Review Contractors Construction Schedule a) Do first - Erosion and Sediment Controls – See Sheet 2A, 8A, 8B, and 8C. b) Critical Path Items – Geologic Inspection:_______________ c) Work Hours, Weekends and Holidays 2) Contractor shall update schedule on a monthly basis. Establish Reporting and Documenting Procedures 1) Daily Field Reports by CQA Monitors 2) Bi-weekly Summary Reports by CQA Manager 3) Soil Testing Reports 4) Geosynthetic Materials Testing Reports Pre-Construction Meeting January 3, 2019 Page 3 Submittal Procedures 1) All submittals must go to CQA Manager. Number submittals 001, 002, etc. 2) All shop drawings must go to CQA Manager (3 copies) and Owner (one copy). a) Concrete manhole b) Concrete Leachate Sump Structure 3) Blasting Plan to CQA Manager, Owner, and NCDEQ. 4) Geosynthetic manufacturer’s testing data (MQC) should go to CQA Manager. 5) Submit Pay Applications monthly to the Owner with adequate documentation and/or surveys to verify quantities requested for payment. CQA Manager will verify quantities requested for payment. 6) Change Orders submitted to Owner. Construction Progress Meetings 1) Progress Meetings – Bi-Weekly 2) Pre-con meeting for Geosynthetics Surveying (Provide Record Drawings Showing) 1) Existing surface prior to work. 2) Surface of Excavation/structural fill. 3) Surface of the sub-base (including edges, bottom, and limits of pipe trenches and sump) 4) Surface of protective cover layer (including edges, bottom, and limits of pipe trenches and sump) 5) Surface and limits of geosynthetics and anchor trenches 6) Alignment and inverts of piping 7) Document deviations from the Construction Drawings. Pre-Construction Meeting January 3, 2019 Page 4 CONTACTS Owner Landfill Site Contact Mike McFeely Cell: (336) 865-3201 Email: mmcfeel1@wm.com Primary Contact Susan Harrison 1017 Highway Church Road Elgin, South Carolina 29045 Phone: (678) 436-2719 Email: sharri21@wm.com General Contractor Primary Contact Superintendent _______________ ___________________ CQA Consultant CQA Officer/Certifying Engineer Steve Lamb, P.E. SCS Engineers 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704) 504-3107 Cell: (704) 576-4731 Email: slamb@scsengineers.com CQA Manager Jarrod Timmons EI SCS Engineers Cell: (614) 206-2995 Email: jtimmons@scsengineers.com Pre-Construction Meeting January 3, 2019 Page 5 CQA Geosynthetic Monitor ACC Taylor Herbertson Cell: (770) 713-0465 Email: THerbertson@atlcc.net CQA Soils Monitor ACC TBD Cell: Design Engineering Firm Design Manager Steve Lamb, P.E. SCS Engineers Phone: (704) 576-4731 Email: slamb@scsengineers.com M:\PROJECT FILES\02215305.10\Cell 3 CQA\Meetings\Pre-Con Meeting Agenda 1.3.19.docx 1 Chao, Ming-tai From:Lamb, Steve <SLamb@scsengineers.com> Sent:Thursday, January 17, 2019 10:55 AM To:Harrison, Susan; McFeeley, Michael; Misenheimer, Don; richard@newgenerationgrading.com Cc:Glenn, Albert; Chao, Ming-tai; Ritter, Christine; Scott Callaway; Taylor Herbertson Subject:[External] Great Oak Cell 3 - Pre-con Meeting Minutes Attachments:Pre-Con Meeting Minutes 1.14.19.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Susan: Please find enclosed meeting minutes from the Great Oak Landfill Cell 3 pre-construction meeting. Our next meeting is scheduled for Thursday January 23rd at 10 am. Steve Lamb, PE Vice President SCS Engineers 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, NC 28273 704-504-3107 (W) 704-576-4731 (C) Driven by Client Success www.scsengineers.com 1 Chao, Ming-tai From:Glenn, Albert <AGlenn@scsengineers.com> Sent:Wednesday, January 02, 2019 12:26 PM To:Chao, Ming-tai Cc:Stanley, Sherri; Ritter, Christine; Aja, Deborah; Lamb, Steve; Harrison, Susan (sharri21 @wm.com); SCallaway@atlcc.net Subject:RE: [External] Great Oak Cell 3 Pre-Construction Meeting Attachments:Cell 2 LOD from approved ESCP.pdf; Letter of Approval_ESCP.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Ming, Happy New Year. Please use the following call in number for tomorrow’s meeting: 1-877-873-8017 Access Code: 2225780 Responses (in red) as this point are following your questions below. Talk to you tomorrow. Albert D. Glenn, PE SCS Engineers, PC 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 704.504.3107 (O) 704.916.1534 (direct) 704.787.3074 (C) aglenn@scsengineers.com Driven by Client Success www.scsengineers.com From: Chao, Ming-tai [mailto:ming.chao@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2019 9:00 AM To: Harrison, Susan (sharri21@wm.com) Cc: Stanley, Sherri; Ritter, Christine; Aja, Deborah; Glenn, Albert; Lamb, Steve Subject: RE: [External] Great Oak Cell 3 Pre-Construction Meeting Hi Susan: Happy New Year. I will attend tomorrow Cell 3 pre-construction meeting via a conference call. Please provide me the call in phone #. I was told that the inspector for your facility will report duty on 01/07/19 but the exact time to visit facility is unknown yet. A courtesy call may be made by him or her later. 2 After completing a review of the drawings of Cell 3 construction, I come up several things as follow, which can be talked about in tomorrow meeting. 1. Erosion and Sediment Plan –Drawing No. 3 of 18 must be approved by NC Land Quality Section. No soil disturbance activities shall be initiated prior to obtaining an approval. A copy of the approval must send over. Response: E&S Control Plan has been submitted to include the remaining cells to be constructed 3 -7. Once we receive an approval letter from NCDEQ Land Quality Section it will be forwarded to you for your records. 12.75 acres of the Cell 3 limits of disturbance construction area was approved previously. The previous E&S control drawing and approval letter is attached for reference. 2. (Drawing No. 05/18) Regarding the bedrock removal, i. How much rock will be excavated out of the new cell? By explosion or mechanic method/ripper/hydraulic hammer? If rock will be blasted, a plan must be submitted for a review and approval by the Section Hydrogeologist – Christine Ritter. Response: Discussion for meeting. ii. Estimate time for completion? Response: Discussion for meeting. The subgrade inspection report/inspection is required prior to installing geosynthetic liner system per Rule 15A NCAC 13B. 1626(b)(7)(B)(ii). Response: We are aware of this requirement and will occur prior to placement of the geosynthetic liner system being installed. iii. A thin layer of structural fill may be required to level the finished subgrade to protect the geosynthetic base liner from rupture/damage by sharp edge of bed rock. Response: Per the regulations and design, a minimum of 4 feet of structural soil fill will be placed or minimum of 4 feet of existing soil between base liner system and identified bedrock. 2. (Drawing Nos. 09 &10/18) Typos of the referenced Drawing Nos. for “Leachate Force-main Detail & Anchor Trench Location/Marker.” Response: Good catch. We will revise this when issuing the drawings and specifications for construction. 4. (Drawing No. 10/18)10-feet-wide protective berm/ rock outlet. Response: Further discussion for the meeting. i. What is the purpose for this device? Response: Response: Based on prior conditions, the purpose is to assist in reducing the accumulation of silt in the leachate sump area while still allowing stormwater to flow to the low spot (sump) of the cell after cell completion and prior to waste placement. ii. Will it be left or be removed while waste disposal approaches the berm locations? Response: The plan is for the rock to be removed prior to waste placement in the cell. iii. Could WM consider placing a layer of rain cover/scrim reinforced geomembrane, which is anchored by sandbags, be considered as a tool to against the potential extreme weather which was experienced in 2018? 3 See you all tomorrow at 10 am. From: Chao, Ming-tai Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 1:10 PM To: Glenn, Albert <AGlenn@scsengineers.com> Cc: Lamb, Steve <SLamb@scsengineers.com>; Harrison, Susan (sharri21@wm.com) <sharri21@wm.com>; Stanley, Sherri <Sherri.Stanley@ncdenr.gov>; Ritter, Christine <christine.ritter@ncdenr.gov>; Aja, Deborah <deborah.aja@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Great Oak Cell 3 Pre-Construction Meeting Hi Albert: I download the drawings and thank you for helping out. I wish you and your family have a Merry X-mas and Happy New Year. From: Glenn, Albert <AGlenn@scsengineers.com> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 12:49 PM To: Chao, Ming-tai <ming.chao@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Lamb, Steve <SLamb@scsengineers.com>; Harrison, Susan (sharri21@wm.com) <sharri21@wm.com>; Stanley, Sherri <Sherri.Stanley@ncdenr.gov>; Ritter, Christine <christine.ritter@ncdenr.gov>; Aja, Deborah <deborah.aja@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Great Oak Cell 3 Pre-Construction Meeting CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Ming, Ming-Tai, Chao Environmental Engineer, Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919.707-8251 (Office) Ming.Chao@ncdenr.gov Ming-Tai, Chao Environmental Engineer, Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919.707-8251 (Office) Ming.Chao@ncdenr.gov 4 Happy Friday. You should be receiving another email with a link to download the construction drawings for Cell 3 at the Great Oak Landfill. Could not email directly to you do to file size. The technical specifications & CQA Plan have not changed since what has already been approved by NCDEQ and what was used for the Cell 2 construction. Let us know of any further information needed or questions prior to the pre-con meeting. Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas and hopefully a few extra days off. Albert D. Glenn, PE SCS Engineers, PC 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 704.504.3107 (O) 704.916.1534 (direct) 704.787.3074 (C) aglenn@scsengineers.com Driven by Client Success www.scsengineers.com From: Chao, Ming-tai <ming.chao@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 9:53 AM To: Harrison, Susan <sharri21@wm.com> Cc: Stanley, Sherri <Sherri.Stanley@ncdenr.gov>; Ritter, Christine <christine.ritter@ncdenr.gov>; Aja, Deborah <deborah.aja@ncdenr.gov>; Lamb, Steve <SLamb@scsengineers.com> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Great Oak Cell 3 Pre-Construction Meeting Hi Susan: Good morning. I will let you know if I will be attending the meeting in person on 01/02/19. Just a friendly reminder, prior to beginning the Cell 3 construction, WM must submit Solid Waste Section the document - approval of the modification of the erosion and sediment control permit – covering the cell 3 area. During the construction period, the following two documents will be required for a review and approval – layout of the copper wire in cell 3 for enhancing leak location test and the subgrade completion report and/or a rock blasting plan, as needed. By the way, will I receive the electronic copy of the Cell 3 construction drawings and revised specifications (if any) today? I wish you and your family have a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year. Ming-Tai, Chao Environmental Engineer, Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919.707-8251 (Office) Ming.Chao@ncdenr.gov 5 From: Harrison, Susan <sharri21@wm.com> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 7:28 AM To: Chao, Ming-tai <ming.chao@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] RE: Great Oak Cell 3 Pre-Construction Meeting CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Ming, As we get closer to the date, just let me know if we should give you a call or expect to see you at the site. Susan From: Chao, Ming-tai <ming.chao@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 4:27 PM To: Harrison, Susan <sharri21@wm.com> Cc: Stanley, Sherri <Sherri.Stanley@ncdenr.gov>; Ritter, Christine <christine.ritter@ncdenr.gov>; Lamb, Steve <SLamb@scsengineers.com> Subject: Re: [External] Great Oak Cell 3 Pre-Construction Meeting Hi Susan: I will attend the meeting either in person or via a conference call. I also need a full set of the Cell 3 construction drawings (an electronic copy and a hard copy), so if required, I can contribute some suggestion/recommendation at meeting time. By the way, I will be on vacation from 12/22/18 thru 01/01/19, but just send the e-copy drawings in by Tomorrow; I might review them when I get bored. Ming Chao From: Harrison, Susan <sharri21@wm.com> Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 3:48 PM To: McFeeley, Michael; Misenheimer, Don; Moore, Daniel; Owens, Bobby; Chao, Ming-tai; richard@newgenerationgrading.com; Lamb, Steve Subject: [External] Great Oak Cell 3 Pre-Construction Meeting When: Thursday, January 3, 2019 10:00 AM-11:00 AM. Where: Great Oak Landfill CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. I know this is just after the holidays but we need to begin as soon as possible. Recycling is a good thing. Please recycle any printed emails. EXISTING CELL 1A EXISTING CELL 1B FUTURE CELL 3 FUTURE CELL 4 FUTURE CELL 5 FUTURE CELL 7 FUTURE CELL 6 DUKEENERGYEASEMENT DUKEENERGYEASEMENT2 1 1 3 2 PROPOSED CELL 2 10.0 ACRES LOD = 26 ACRES 1 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE: 10/17/17 SURVEY CONTROL POINT (BY WSP SURVEY) NAME NORTHING EASTING ELEVATION TRAV-102 728,000.08 1776129.76 748.25 TRAV-103 727,626.34 1,775,896.77 738.72 TRAV-171 76,595.59 1,778,136.64 546.63 TRAV-172 726,407.49 1,778,061.47 547.86 SCS ENGINEERS, PC2520 WHITEHALL PARK DRIVE, SUITE 450CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28273PHONE: (704) 504-3107 FAX: (704) 504-3174102AEROSION AND SEDIMENTCONTROL PLANGREAT OAK LANDFILLWASTE MANAGEMENT OF CAROLINAS, INC.3597 OLD CEDAR FALLS ROADCELL 2 CONSTRUCTIONRANDLEMAN, NORTH CAROLINA 27317