HomeMy WebLinkAbout5001_Jackson_WesternCarolinaUniversity_LFG_FID1274894_20190108wood. January 8, 2019 Mr. Roger Turk Western Carolina University 3476 Old Cullowhee Road Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 Subject: Letter Report of Landfill Gas Monitoring WCU Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Cullowhee, Jackson County, North Carolina NCDEQ Permit: 50-01 Wood Project 6252-15-0221 Dear Mr. Turk: Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. (Wood) is pleased to present this Letter Report of Landfill Gas Monitoring for Western Carolina University's (WCU's) closed municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF) located in Cullowhee, North Carolina (Figure 1). The scope of work for this monitoring event was described in Wood's Addition of Scope Request for Environmental Services, dated September 26, 2018. This letter report summarizes background information, field activities, results, discussion and recommendations from landfill gas monitoring performed at the Site. BACKGROUND INFORMATION WCU operated the MSWLF from approximately the 1960s until 1993. Jackson County also disposed of municipal solid waste at the landfill from approximately the early 1970s through the early 1980s. The landfill property is approximately 31.5 acres, approximately four acres of which contain the former landfill. The landfill was closed in accordance with the then applicable North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) closure standards (15A NCAC 13B 0.0510), and a closure letter was issued to WCU by NCDEQ on September 5, 1995. NCDEQ personnel conducted a facility audit on March 16, 2011, and determined that landfill gas monitoring at the landfill must be performed in order for the landfill to be in compliance with the post -closure conditions identified in the 1995 closure letter. Correspondence: Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. 1308 Patton Avenue Asheville, North Carolina 28806 Tel 828.252.8130 Letter Report of Landfill Gas Monitoring January 8, 2019 WCU Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landfill, Cullowhee, North Carolina Wood Project 6252-15-0221 In response to the audit, a Landfill Gas Investigation Work Plan, which described the preliminary landfill gas investigation, as well as the 'full' landfill gas investigation, was submitted to NCDEQ on October 19, 2011, and approved by NCDEQ in a letter dated November 29, 2011. Wood conducted the preliminary landfill gas investigation in January 2012 using the existing groundwater monitoring wells, and then conducted semi-annual landfill gas monitoring utilizing the existing groundwater monitoring wells from August 2012 to November 2015 to comply with the post -closure conditions. The 'full' landfill gas investigation, which included the installation of eight permanent landfill gas monitoring wells, was performed in February 2016. Since the 'full' landfill gas investigation has been implemented, monitoring of landfill gas has been conducted quarterly in accordance with NCDEQ Solid Waste Management rules (15A NCAC 1313.1626 (b)). FIELD ACTIVITIES On December 4, 2018, Wood personnel measured landfill gas at the eight landfill gas monitoring wells (LG-1, LG-2, LG-3S, LG-3D, LG-4, LG-5, LG-6 and LG-7) at the Site (Figure 2). The landfill gas monitoring wells are screened in the unsaturated zone and located between the landfill and the Site's property boundary. The landfill gas monitoring wells are fitted with a slip cap and ball valve to allow for measurement of potential landfill gas. A calibrated gas monitoring instrument, a Landtec GEM 5000+, was used to measure atmospheric pressure, as well as the following landfill gas parameters: • Methane (percent by volume) • Oxygen (percent by volume) • Carbon dioxide (percent by volume) The initial and stabilized readings for the above parameters were measured and recorded. The Solid Waste Section's Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form was used to record measurements and other relevant information and is attached. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The Site landfill gas monitoring wells were tested for methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. Refer to the attached Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form for the testing results. Concentrations of methane were not detected in the landfill gas monitoring wells. The regulatory limit for methane at a MSWLF property boundary is equal to the lower explosive limit of methane (15A NCAC 13B.1627 (d)). The recorded results from the eight landfill gas wells do not exceed this limit indicating that regulatory limits are not being exceeded at the Site. F Letter Report of Landfill Gas Monitoring January 8, 2019 WCU Closed Municipal Solid Waste Landf I4 Cullowhee, North Carolina Wood Project 6252-15-0221 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of this monitoring event, we recommend submitting a copy of this letter report to NCDEQ Solid Waste Section for their evaluation. We recommend continued quarterly monitoring of landfill gas at the Site. CLOSING If you have any questions concerning these services, please do not hesitate to contact us at (828) 252-8130. Sincerely, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. RodneyM. Clark, for o n V— Technical Professional witlipermis ion RMC/SEA:rmc 1�y0m^*V3 - Susan E. Avritt, P.E., L.G. Senior Engineer attachments: Figure 1: Topographic Site Map Figure 2: Landfill Gas and Monitoring Well Locations Landfill Gas Data Monitoring Form NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form 3 ��. BM u4t 10 'r, '�a ' � `" , i1 J—s r_ •I �l t,,- - � ' � JJff is BM LHT 1 a �e r 2043 f1 -- ,a _�%._,?'•'t 0 Z L 7 i1 C 2091340 • -,Jfi. I!.� _ /. �• •ptco � 1, Tr ^ "af �— .. • BM LHT`5>631 +!! A �� a V !I -. -�v :t____ f •`_ r 4f I �111111{` '.� -I �. ! ._i� _ : , I ` - rr � j-' � r / \ice^� • • a Z'o.'d� .�4� . f � � a •' �1' vr�t Sil ��'� �� ���' �_�: 11 a a ... � "��� •' ,�,�(f _ :�� ,' i�--.�� _ 1. •�'® •�L r.f' . Ty a r a�, • •�af1 s iJ���� i^� i �' a1� `I� '� i;l! fir'€rf t l �,. SYLVA SOUTH, N.C. QUADRANGLE 35083—C2—TF-024 DMA 4354 1 SW —SERIES V842 N.C. PRINTED 1946 PHOTOREMSED 1990 QUADRANGLE LOCATION NOTE: SITE BOUNDARY IS APPROXIMATE. CONTOUR INTERVAL 40 FEET GRAPHIC SCALE FEET wood 2,000 1,000 0 2,000 4,000 TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP DRAWN: RMC DATE: DEC. 2018 DFT CHECK: MEW SCALE: 1" = 2,000' WCU CLOSED MSWLF ENG CHECK: -- JOB: 6252-15-0221 MONTEITH GAP ROAD CULLOWHEE, NORTH CAROLINA APPROVAL: MEW FIG: 1 - i ! tic 1 T • ' -7 - - • - jy* r1 `f� f r•� ",. , ' T � � ry.. :4 .i �i Y .l` ". 'fir:. � i!� •� - • �,�r'� -� "�' r� 3 ' �� - � _ �_ .4' •y � `t�f'�wy +tom ` � . � ION 'F�.-ri �'_.• • - �• �d�� .6- •fin•. +Al& • v.����r. .. ....- •�ky.. r '�' ''lo +�_ � ".� fit§ e , h - � i d(�,r �'_ �,�•1 ` _ tit �� F ski 4 } -Z� a . � �`':T' a 3. T' ,.� • E p 'y�'i ��-• � 5 * �;*� �4t7 •4 �, . '` - ' F-�IR'^yR n 'fi�.� � . � v 'A.� 1 .� J •- �.'r , a �9"' v '� � ka � - f� : _ " .w .�a��l:••g �•,P . . .. C R '•,k' - #,>Ri ,Z. -�� AL ' ♦R r y 15 ram• _ ` x` LG 5 �y,. ,,� ,.-.•. M W— 4 . 71 s 0LG-3 ' ; S. Alf MW_ AAi LG— 70 - - -- - -M-W-1*_ L ��AM i LEGEND GRAPHIC SCALE 180 0 180 360 �i Property Boundary 50—foot Property Boundary Buffer Landfill Extents MW-1 Monitoring Well Unnamed Tributary/Stream L -G-1 Landfill Gas Well Location 1 INCH = 180 FT. �i Elevation Contour (10—foot interval) NOTE: Locations of depicted features are approximate. (approximate) LANDFILL GAS AND MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS WCU CLOSED MSWLF wood. CULLOWHEE, NORTH CAROLINA DRAWN: RMC ENG CHECK: -- DATE: DECEMBER 2018 JOB: 6252-15-0221 DFT CHECK: MEW APPROVAL: MEW SCALE: APPROX. 1" = 180' FIG: 2 REFERENCE: JACKSON COUNTY GIS. NC Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form Notice: Thisform and any information attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in NC General Statue 132-1. As such, these documents are available far inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Facility Name: a ` A4S W L_F _ __ _Permit Number: _� W C� Sampling Date:_ 7 NC,lLandfill /Rule (.0500 or.1600): [' a 0,5 ]� Sample Collector Name & Position: Ka5t o, ,•F- Gas Meter Type & Serial Number: Cif d) r' Gas Meter Calibration Date: ' Field Calibration Date & Time: _ 7L1W Field Calibration Gas Type (15/15 or35/50): 1 s I S Field Calibration Gas Canister Expiration Date: Z Gas Meter Pump Rate: 0. - t- l v"" Ambient Air Temperature: 4(' g): T7 Barometric Pressure m. or mm H 66 Weather Conditions:�� Instructions: Under "Location or LFG Well", list monitoring well # or describe monitoring location (e.g., inside field office). Attach a test location map or drawing. Report methane readings as both % LEL and % CH4 by volume. Convert % CH4 (by volume) to % LEL as follows: % methane (by volume)/20 = % LEL. *Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) gas monitoring may be required for Construction & Demolition Landfills (CDLFs). See individual permit conditions and/or Facility LFG monitoring plan. Location or LFG Well ID Sample Tube Purge Time of Day Time pumped (see) Initial /o LEL Stabilized /o LEL % CH4 (volume) % 02 (volume) 0/6CO2 (volume) % H2S* (volume) NOTES L� -1 GCS 1435 Q 0 06 0, 6 i - � r-G-2 60 /ql 0 60 0,0 1 0,0 0,C,, 1.6 1 LG- 3S S 60 0 �s. (3 Co i'l. 2 0 6G-3o CC r_Z 60 C)- 0 0.0 0 �-- 4 o 1-515 1 66 00 ao 0, I-.s �z. -3 0 -s 160 r 45�Q 6_0 Q Q 0.0 rq,!3 1.� 0 6_ s '?s 60 0.0 6.0 . 5 i. -7- 0 L-7 6Q 1-666 60 0.0 00 10.0 l-7, 3 3• F � 40 1q300 ao 0. 0,0 z/. Z n NOTE: !f needed, attach additional data forms to include additional LFG monitoring data locations for the facility. ACTION LEVELS: Methane: >1.25% by volume (inside structures) AND >5% by volume (at facility boundary) Hydrogen Sulfide: >1% by volume (inside structures) AND >4% by volume (at facility boundary) Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, oClu ing the possibia fine nd imprisonment'. 141 IGNATURE TITLE Revised — March 6, 2017 Signature 1308 Patton Avenue, Asheville, NC 28806 Facility Representative Address F-1253 NC PE Firm License Number (if applicable effective May 1, 2009) Revised 612009 kR USE ONLY ❑Paper Report ❑Electronic Data - Email CD (data loaded: Yes ! No) Doc/Event #: NC DENR Environmental Monitoring Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Repotting Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in INC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Instructions: Prepare one form for each individually monitored unit. Please type or print legibly. Attach a notification table with values that attain or exceed INC 2L groundwater standards or INC 2B surface water standards. The notification must include a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of each value. (e.g. naturally occurring, off -site source, pre-existing condition, etc.). Attach a notification table of any groundwater or surface water values that equal or exceed the reporting limits. Attach a notification table of any methane gas values that attain or exceed explosive gas levels. This includes any structures on or nearby the facifity (NCAC 13B .1629 (4)(a)(i). Send the original signed and sealed form, any tables, and Electronic Data Deliverable to: Compliance Unit, NCDENR-DWM, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. Solid Waste Monitoring Data Submittal Information Name of entity submitting data (laboratory, consultant, facility owner): Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. Contact for questions about data formatting. Include data preparer's name, telephone number and E-mail address: Name: Susan Avritt Phone: 828-252-8130 E-mail: susan.avritt@woodplc.com INC Landfill Rule: Actual sampling dates (e.g., Facility name: Facility Address: Facility Permit # (.0500 or .1600) October 20-24, 2006) Western Carolina University Monteith Gap Road (State Road 1336) 50-01 .0500 December 4, 2018 MSW Landfill Cullowhee, Jackson County, INC 28723 Environmental Status: (Check all that apply) ❑ Initial/Background Monitoring Z Detection Monitoring of data submitted: (Check all that apply) Groundwater monitoring data from monitoring wells ❑X Groundwater monitoring data from private water supply wells ❑ Leachate monitoring data Surface water monitoring data ❑ ❑ Assessment Monitoring Methane gas monitoring data Corrective action data (specify) Other(specify) ❑ Corrective Action Notification attached? ❑ No. No groundwater or surface water standards were exceeded. Yes, a notification of values exceeding a groundwater or surface water standard is attached. It includes a list of groundwater and surface water monitoring points, dates, analytical values, INC 2L groundwater standard, INC 2B surface water standard or NC Solid Waste GWPS and preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of any concentration. ❑ Yes, a notification of values exceeding an explosive methane gas limit is attached. It includes the methane monitoring points, dates, sample values and explosive methane gas limits. Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. Furthermore, I have attached complete notification of any sampling values meeting or exceeding groundwater standards or explosive gas levels, and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of concentrations exceeding groundwater standards. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Susan Avritt, PE, LG Senior Engineer (828) 252-8130 Representative Namf (Print) ,1 1_ Title (Area Code) Telephone Number Affix INC Licepse'd7rl�Y�gbiWpI Geologist Seal �-i i. f9afz 106 Date