HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-3175_7517_CA_SAR_19910107V%NffProfessional Service Industries, Inc. Walker Laboratories Division January 7, 1991 N, C. DEPT, OF NATURAL RESOUR.^_^s ._ND Department of Environment, Health and coaazzr.:"= 4r:c;"rN' Natural Resources 919 North Main Street JAN 01 9 1991 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 UNION CE iit i'nt.5'6TAT Attention: Mr. Arlen Burney MOORESVILLE REI];l.,L OFFICE Re: Packard Place Assessment Results Gentlemen: Professional Service Industries, Inc. has completed a tank abandonment and subsurface assessment on the Packard Place site in Charlotte, North Carolina. A copy of the final report is enclosed with this letter. Please review the report as soon as possible and forward one (1) copy of the appropriate response to Mr. Al Kirby at Vinson Realty (222 South Church Street - Charlotte, North Carolina 28202) and one (1) copy to Professional Service Industries, Inc. (728 South Edisto Avenue - Columbia, South Carolina 29205). We appreciate your assistance with this project. .Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions regarding the enclosed report. Respectfully submitted, PROFESSIONAL SE�RVIC_E INDUSTRIES, INC. Richard Pittenger Division Manager Enclosure cc: Mr. Al Kirby 728 South Edisto Avenue 0 Columbia, SC 29205 • Phone: 803/799-3824 '; M�% Professional Service Industries, Inc. Walker Laboratories Division AD -PAC, LTD. c/o Vinson Realty 222 South Church Street Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Attention: Mr. Al Kirby Gentlemen: G DEPT. OF AATURn RESGUBL ,9 &Nb CO;d.:1:U',.'TY __ F"E�.fJsM+ii "#' December 21, 1990 JAN 0 9 1991 D_NISIOPI OF G;h'?:i6i;r6EKTAl R'ANAREMEAT MOGBESVILLE RECIONAL OFFICE Re: UST Abandonment with Soil and Groundwater Assessment Packard Place Site Charlotte, North Carolina PSI Report Number 452-04058 Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) is pleased to submit the results of the Soil and Groundwater Assessment which was performed in conjunction with the in -place abandonment of the underground storage tank (UST) located on the Packard Place site at 222 South Church Street in Charlotte, North Carolina. These services were performed in general accordance with the scope of services described in our proposal number 452-097 dated October 26, 1990. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services on this project and look forward to its successful completion. If there ' are any questions concerning this report or if any further information is needed, please contact us at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. Neal W. Hadaway Staff Engineer Richard Pittenger Division Manager NWH/RP/akn 728 South Edisto Avenue 0 Columbia, SC 29205 • Phone: 803/799-3824 WACVA101814WOU6 fl Professional Service Industries, Inc. was retained in November, 1990 to manage the in -place abandonment of a large underground storage tank (UST) and to perform a soil and groundwater assessment of the UST site. This UST is located underneath the sidewalk in front of the Packard Place building located at 222 South Church Street, Charlotte North Carolina. ,The 10, 000-,gal-lon-UST--was- installed in ---- .October,-1-952-to— stor- fuel - heating --tie =building_. No blueprints or mechanical drawings were available for review, but it is believed that the tank is partially located underneath the face of the building and also possibly extending underneath. South Church Street. Removal of the UST was further complicated by the presence of two underground electrical conduits, one underground telephone cable, and a storm sewer line in the immediate vicinity of the tank. Given the difficulty of the tank's removal, Mr. Arlen Burley, a representative of the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR), has indicated that in -place abandonment of the tank would be satisfactory. Mr. Burley also suggested that a further assessment of possible soil contamination would be warranted. -1 - N PROCEDURE 7 G [i61qd The closure —and in=plaacce�aba�ndonment of this tank was performed on November 28-30as flo, 1990.The tank was filled with cement slurry known wa :-)1-e-fII-f�Three soil borings were drilled in the vicinity of the UST to determine the lateral and vertical extent of any potential soil contamination. The soil boring in the immediate vicinity of the tank was converted into a groundwater monitoring well in order to sample and analyze the groundwater beneath the tank. Each of the soil borings were drilled by a Certified Well Driller; boring depths varied from 30 to 35 feet below ground surface. The boreholes were drilled using three and one - quarter (3-1/4) inch diameter hollow stem augers advanced by a truck -mounted CME drill rig. Soil samples were collected with a split -spoon sampler at five-foot intervals in general accordance with methods described by ASTM Standard D-1586. Each soil sample was described on -site and stored in a moisture -proof, resealable sample jar. Geologic logs were prepared from visual descriptions of the soil samples. The augers, drilling tools, and sampling equipment were steam cleaned prior to use to minimize the possibility of cross - contamination; each split -spoon sampler was cleaned prior to obtaining a soil sample. Following the drilling operation a Photoionization Detector (PID) was used to obtain semi -quantitative -2 - measurements in parts per million (ppm) of volatile organic vapors which were emanating from the sealed soil samples. The results obtained from the PID measurements are used to provide an estimate of the concentration of any volatile organic compounds which are present within a soil sample. These PID measurements are summarized in Table 1 below. Soil samples marked with an asterisk (*) were sent to an accredited laboratory for chemical analysis. • • • �_�-_ oil Borina Sample Deoth (fee B-1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 B-2 5 10 15 20 25 30 B-3 (MW-1) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 *Indicates soil samples laboratory Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH). -3 - PID Readina (DDmI 10 11 11 11 11 9 12* 14 12 12* 10 11 10 11 12 230 380* 25 21* 24 analyzed for Total Soil boring B-3 was converted to a groundwater monitoring well in accordance with standard regulatory procedures; borings B-1 and B-2 were backfilled and the asphalt was patched subsequent to sampling. The monitoring well was constructed by installing a two (2) inch diameter schedule 40, PVC casing attached to a threaded section of 40 PVC well screen with a slot size of 0.01 inch. The PVC well screen was placed across the water table so that potentially present floating petroleum product could be detected. A gravel pack was then placed around the screen as a groundwater filter, a bentonite seal was installed above the gravel pack, and the well was grouted to ground surface with neat cement. A flush mount well cover was then cemented into place and a locking well cap was installed on the well. The locations of these soil borings and the monitoring well are shown on the site map included in the Appendix of this report. A groundwater sample was collected from the monitor well, placed in a pre -sterilized sample container supplied by the PSI Analytical Laboratory, and shipped in a refrigerated cooler for overnight delivery to the laboratory. This groundwater---sample—was- -analyzed—by-- EPA- -Method---62-5`_ i�n accordance with the UST closure guidelines established by the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Q!! Resources (DEHNR). rNorie=o€ the 7-2_EPA-Mthod.6-2-5=con-s-t-i_tuents. were deteeted�in�measurabletconcentrations in the groundw.ater--=� sample. As indicated in Table 1, four soil samples were laboratory analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, in accordance with SW-846 Methods 3550 and 5030. No petroleum hydrocarbon contamination was detected in the soil samples from either B-1 or B-2. OriYy o_ne,of=the-soil samplesyfrom.B- 3,_ the -monitor well-bori:ng�adj-acent to_the UST, contai-nedv measi-rable-petroleum-h.ydrocarbon.,_contaminati-on: Thisssoi`ll sample, obtained from a depth of 20', represented the soils beneath the UST, and only contained trace amounts of petroleum contamination, 1�`9 ppm.. A copy of the laboratory analyses is included in the Appendix of this report. The results of this Soil And Groundwater Assessment confirm the presence of a limited amount of soil contamination beneath the underground storage tank. However, no contaminants were detected in the analysis of the groundwater on the site, nor in the soils in either of two nearby soil borings, indicating that the total amount of contamination is apparently limited to the s_oils�,,lo.catedsd--i-r-ect-1-y beneath -£he stank-./ These analytical results indicate that no further evaluation of the Packard Place site is warranted. -5 - APPENDIX SITE MAP Professional Service Industries MW-11 South Church Street 0 B-2 0 50 100 200 Scale: 1 inch = 100 feet PROJECT NAME Vinson Realty UST Closure with Soil and Groundwater Assessment Charlotte, North Carolina Site map with monitor well and soil boring locations PROJECT NO. DATE 452-04058 (December 21, 1990 PSI A-V1 7 -6- BORING LOGS Professional Service Industries, Inc. RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring MW-1 (B-3) Project Name: Packard Place Date of Boring: November 30, 1990 Site: Charlotte, North Carolina Project No.: 452-04056 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE P I D Monitor Well Cross -Section SURFACE Old side walkway and granite (Ppm) 11 12 230 380 25 21 Grout - Bentonite Seal — — — — Gravel Pack ' Remarks: Well Depth - 27 ft. Water Depth - 22 ft. 5 10 15 m 20 m— 25 30 Moist, brown Clay SAND 1-SS Moist, tan -gray Sandy CLAY 2-SS 3-SS Moist, white -gray Sandy SILT 4-SS 5-SS 6-SS BORING TERMINATED AT THIRTY-ONE AND ONE-HALF (31.5) FEET PSI A-100-18 Professional Service Industries, Inc. RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B-1 Project Name: Packard Place Date of Boring: November 28, 1990 Site: Charlotte, North Carolina Project No.: 452-04056 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE PID Mc REMARKS SURFACE Moist, gray -red -tan Sand CLAY (PPm) 10 11 11 11 11 9 12 1" Asphalt 4" Crushed Stone 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Very moist, brown Silt CLAY Concrete old footing) Moist, yellow -tan Silt CLAY 1-SS Slightly moist, brown SILT 2-SS Moist, brown, Silt CLAY Moist, white -gray Silt CLAY 3-SS 4-SS 5-SS 6-SS 7-SS BORING TERMINATED AT THIRTY-SIX AND ONE-HALF (36.5) FEET PSI A-100-18 Professional Service Industries, Inc. RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Boring B-2 Project Name: Packard Place Date of Boring: November 29, 1990 Site: Charlotte, North Carolina Project No.: 452-04056 DESCRIPTION DEPTH ELEV. SAMPLE PID M, REMARKS SURFACE Moist, tan -gray -red Sand CLAY (ppm) 14 12 12 10 11 10 111 Asphalt 6" Crushed Stone 5 10 15 20 25 30 m 1-SS Moist, gray -brown Silty SAND 2-SS Moist, gray -tan SILT 3-SS 4-SS 5-SS 6-SS BORING TERMINATED AT THIRTY (30) FEET PSI A-10P18 LABORATORY DATA Professional Service Industries, Inc. M Tested For: PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Project: Vinson Site INDUSTRIES, INC. 728 S. Edisto Ave. Columbia, SC 29205 Lab # 12054 thru 12057 Attn: Richard Pittenger Date: December 18, 1990 Report # 214-03081-18 Date Received: December 4, 1990 Sample Identification: Four soil samples labeled below. Methodology Employed: EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Waste Sample ID: B-1 35' Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon, ppm Sample ID: B-2 15' Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon, ppm Sample ID: MW-1 20' Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon, ppm Sample ID: MW-1 30' Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon, ppm ND = None Detected Detection Results Limit, Dom Method # 11/28/90 1800; lab #12054 ND 1 SW 846 Modified California D.H.S. Section 8000 11/29/90 1400; lab #12055 ND 1 SW 846 Modified California D.H.S. Section 8000 11/39/90 1200; lab #12056 19 1 SW 846 Modified California D.H.S. Section 8000 11/30/90 1230; lab #12057 ND 1 SW 846 Modified California D.H.S. Section 8000 DATA REVIEW AND CERTIFICATION The information given in this analytical report has been reviewed and is certified to have been prepared according to the methods cited herein. Respectfully submitted, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC 6913 Highway 225 • Deer Park, TX 77536 • Phone: 713/479-8307 Tested For: Professional Service Industries, Inc. Professional Service Industries, Inc. 728 S. Edisto Ave. Columbia, SC 29205 ATTN: Richard Pittenger. PSI Report # 214-03081-19-0 PSI Lab # 12240 DATE: December 14, 1990 Project: Vinson Site Date Received: 12/08/90 Sample ID: One water sample as labeled. Methodology Employed: EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Waste and Water. Results Begin on Page Two DATA REVIEW AND CERTIFICATION The information given in this analytical report has been reviewed and is certified to have been prepared according to the methods cited herein. Respectfully submitted, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES, INC. 6913 Highway 225 0 Deer Park, TX 77536 0 Phone:713/479-6307 PSI/Columbia 214-03081-19-0 Page 2 of 4 EPA 625 BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES AND ACID EXTRACTABLES - part 1 Sample ID MW-1 12-07-90 PSI Lab # 12240 Concentration Rpt Limits Compound Name ppb, (ug/L) ppb, (ug/L) Acenaphthene BRL 10 Acenaphthylene BRL 10 Anthracene BRL 10 Aldrin BRL 10 Benzo (a) anthracene BRL 10 Benzo (b) fluoranthene BRL 10 Benzo (k) fluoranthene BRL 10 Benzo (g,h,i) perylene BRL 10 Benzo (a) pyrene BRL 10 Benzyl butyl phthalate BRL 10 Beta-BHC BRL 10 Delta-BHC BRL 10 Bis (2-Chloroethoxy) methane BRL 10 Bis (2-Chloroethyl) ether BRL 10 Bis (2-Chloroisopropyl) ether BRL 10 Bis (2-ethyl hexyl) phthalate BRL 10 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL 10 Chlordane BRL 10 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL 10 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL 10 Chrysene BRL 10 4,4'-DDD BRL 10 4,4'-DDE BRL 10 4,4'-DDT BRL 10 Dibenzo (a,h) anthracene BRL 10 Di-n-butylphthalate BRL 10 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 10 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL 10 Dieldrin BRL 10 Diethyl phthalate BRL 10 Dimethyl phthalate BRL 10 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL 10 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL 10 Di-n-octylphthalate BRL 10 (Continued) PSI/Columbia 214-03081-19-0 Page 3 of 4 EPA 625 BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES AND ACID iiXTRACTABLES - part 2 Sample ID MW-1 12-07-90 PSI Lab # 12240 Concentration Rpt Limits Compound Name ppb, (ug/L) ppb, (ug/L) Endosulfan sulfate BRL 10 Endrin aldehyde BRL 10 Fluoranthene BRL 10 Fluorene BRL 10 Heptachlor BRL 100 Heptachlor epoxide BRL 10 Hexachlorobenzene BRL 10 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 10 Hexachloroethane BRL 10 Indeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene BRL 10 Isophorone BRL 10 Naphthalene BRL 10 Nitrobenzene BRL 10 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine BRL 10 PCB 1016 BRL 10 PCB 1221 BRL 10 PCB 1232 BRL 10 PCB 1242 BRL 10 PCB 1248 BRL 10 PCB 1254 BRL 10 PCB 1260 BRL 10 Phenanthrene BRL 10 Pyrene BRL 10 Toxaphene BRL 100 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 10 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL 10 2-Chlorophenol BRL 10 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL 10 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL 10 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL 10 2-Methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol BRL 10 2-Nitrophenol BRL 10 4-Nitrophenol BRL 10 Pentachlorophenol BRL 10 (Continued) PSI/Columbia 214-03081-19-0 Page 4 of 4 EPA 625 BASE NEUTRAL EXTRACTABLES AND ACID EXTRACTABLES - part 3 Sample ID PSI Lab # MW-1 12-07-90 12240 Concentration Rpt Limits Compound Name ppb, (ug/L) ppb, (ug/L) Phenol BRL 10 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL 10 BRL = Below Reporting Limits Received: 12/08/90 Extracted: 12/10/90 GI/KO Analyzed: 12/14/90 DA SURROGATE RECOVERIES, (%) Nitrobenzene-dS 74 2-Fluorobiphenyl 101 Terphenyl-d14 87 2-Fluorophenol 65 Phenol-d5 30 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 99 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 6913111ghway 225 Deer Park. Texas 77536 PROJECT NAME REPORT 10: INVOICE TO: „C� 713/479 8307 ' Nv� PROJECT NUMBER ADDRESS ADDRESS `723 ;1,4r Professional Service Indusirles, Inc. Analytical Services Division REQUIRED DUE DATER, CITY/SATE/ZIP CITY/STATE/ZIP _ I A +t�•�-- �. (k �L, S� LABORATORY USE ONLY SAMPLES 1-0 LAMB VIIAA- _ Af1EN110N _ AI IENTION FIELD SERVICES G �i Y It $ NUMBER OF COOLERS 1EL/EPRONE ll C� -- — TELEPIIONE SKIPPING /Lio;) YIN. $ -. VEIRBALS /�X� 77 - DUE DATE US MAIL / OVERNIGHT IRANSr[R RELINQUISHED BY ACCEPTED BY NUMBER DAZE TIME DATE / IIME SEALS .. n Q P l ��Q4, Pppa ~ SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION DATE TIME — COhfPC __ - S011 .5 SAMPLE DESCRIPKON yyATFB,w ��' REMARKS CHAT -0 WASTE C(1 — -- — ----- z8 jo ib"oo S TPEI 6-2. IS' I 2,112o 14D6_ t�_ — IS s•"i JTu I — — — ✓--------- '/--- --- --- In, 11-1 20 ` If /30 qD 1200 --- ---- -- —✓ — -- 30/— I� z3 _— S , rI -- -- 7\11111AL REMARKS: 571' A�ioi%--9�!�SULJ s-- ,�}X1 - fis�i0 �h' MM VI"SJ_._ _//�,�QEi�'"_�✓.�"4J 0d/"��%/----------------- .............. ----------------- SAM PI FR 0 S1f, NAlu [IF -------------- CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 6913111ghway 225 Dear Park. Texas 77536 PROJECT NAME (Iff REPORT T0: INVOICE TO: •/ _ V% 713/479 8307 Professional Service Industries, Inc. Analytical Services Division PROJECT NUMBER ADDRESS 7ZB S•&1)/57b ADDRESS REDUIREo Du DATE 14 q0 clrv/sniEizlF 4Y_%(/%V" SG ciTv/siATE/ziP LABORATORY USE ONLY _I2 SAMPLES TO LAB VIA ----_ AT TENTION _ __— AT IEN110N - FIELD SERVICES NUMBER OF COOLERS ! TELEPHONE _Jee;__ fp --- IPEFPnOFJF— /w —_ SHIPPING Y / N E VERBALS / FAX /S'lj �F STJ US MAIL / OVERNIGHT c> DUE DATE IHANSrtn Numnen RELINQUISHED BY DATE / TIME ACCEPTED BY DATE / TIME SEALS w ~ 24' REMARKS "/8-. too SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION DATE / TIME f.OMP C GN\B B SOIL S Wn1En w WAS E-X SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL REMARKS: SAMPI rn S SR',NATURE - _ i " -