HomeMy WebLinkAbout18064_Swaim Metals_Recorded Plats_201811281, Review Officer of Guilford County, certlfY that the mop or plat of which this cartltkation I- a(ftxed meets all statutory reaviremmts for recording. Approved This the ..._._......... ......day of ......................CUILFORD COUNTY «._...YD......... NORTH CAROLINA I, David B. Coe, certify that this plat was drawn under my supervision from an actual survey mode under my supervision, (description recorded in DB _ _ PG _ _), that the boundaries not surveyed are clearly indicated os such, that the ratio of precision as calculated is 1 : IO,OD0+, and that this plat was prepared in accordance with G5& 47-30 as amended Witness my ariginol signature. registration number and seal this day of .... in the year of our Lord 20..f......q... Do" B. Coe NC PLS #3320 1. David B. Coe, PLS #3320, certify to one or more of the following as indicated- - a. That this plat creates a subdivision within the area of a county or municipality which has an ordinance regulating parcels of land. b. That this plot is of a survey located in such portions of a county or municipality which is unregu.1qta�d s i ,prdivance regulating parcels of land. _v_'_ c. That tkis. plat ieTlT u' Pan existing parcel or parcels of lan+,3. Oat ,ore NO% exiCling e�44n.en t[ and dBCS w41 ('MOC 4 d. That this plat is of a survey of another category, such as the recombination of ri S J}reet Mr G%hAIQ Aq 4.4tin ,6fTyL{ existing parcels, a court -ordered survey or other exception to the definition of a subdivision. e. That the information available to this surveyor is such that I am unable to make a determination to the best of my professional ability as to provisions contained in a+ through d. above. David B. Co.,PLS N3320 PIN: 6799007957 COGGIN REAL ESTATE LLC DB 2110 PG 849 PB 120 PG 1 PIN: c.jyi10861 COGGIN REAL ESTATE LLC DB 6962 PG 1676 P8 176 PG 38 �i Railroad R/W per PB 16 Pg 36 V? 0 c e Welle e taG VICINITY MAP T 0 0 Bottom A � s or SITE a a 4.425 Ac.+/- 0P QY' Exclusive of RR R/W CY % Qy Na791676.44 E-1691767.01 County Line per PB 16 Pg 36 MW 2® rl PT i ° PT 5 -1PT 6� 0 PT 1 is 6 y 0 PT 7 N PIN: 6799107856 HOYLE GROUP, LLC DB 1702 PG 1935 1 <erViy that this nap was drawn uft0*1 my SUpervi,gM £rota an actual survey Wide under my ¢uperviston (description recorded in DB__ PG____ _ar other reference source___ ) that the bauntl¢riss not surveyed are mMt¢ted ors tlrawn from miorna4on m ➢B__ _ _PG_____- 11 other rnd th ce source___ _ that the ritto of precOACn or pasitiaapl accuracy is L10,000+ Word that this nap nests the regulrements of The Standds of Practice For Land Survey�B in Nor}h C°ratln¢ 1 NCAC 5616�). Thl_ve"oy ofa 77_,2L� 7, - hit __________.__ PrvFessmnnl Lantl Surveyor --------'- THIS MAP IS SUBJECT TO my EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-of-wAY OF RECORD PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THIS MAP WHETHER VISIBLE OR NOT TITLE SEARCH NOT PROVIDED. \\\\Nltillll ff1 �N CARQ OF ESS% (r-4 SEAL e L-3320 q ? �O % .. $UR`..... 'fillll L David B. Coe, certify that thus ewp was drawn under ny superv,exch fron an actuol conventions, survey performetl under my suPerwsion using GPS For contra, (Property DescrriptKm rn Deed Back pope ), that any alf'oaIvies not surveyedl are sheen as dashed tines, and that the ratio of pre S. !s a nilti•.�m of ----. The Followingboundary iis eo Is pertinent to the GPS portion of the survey, Goss of Survey A Positional Accuracy, 0.10' Type of GPS RTK Date of Survey 5-DEC 2216 Units, US Survey Feet Datum/Epochr NA➢83(2011) Published/rixed Controir NOSS VRS/RTN Geoid Nodal. 2012 Conbbed Factor OAIW 4259 __________________ / "The NC Grid Coordinates PIN: 6799211900 shown on this plat were / PASHA HOME, LLC derived by RTK differential DB 7300 PG 1110 GPS observations using one PS 122 PG 25 Leico GS08PIUS receiver. _._^'GL O UI F- RD CO RANOp PL H CNI7 o ^' PIN: 6799212409 MOHAMMAD SABIR DB 7055 PG 1176 a w PIN: 6799211349 MOHAMMAD SABIR DB 2145 PG 1537 I PAVEMENT o � I Now- o �cQ�s `\`�?.4 �MeN! U �uw) ^T Ufi/if o ZI O `ose \ / S 77,3 \\ % 3 ` 6 G / 248 f W BUILDING A e h / PIN: 6799210262 NOLAN GARNER / OB 445 PG 397 NOTES: The areas of contamination depicted hereon are approximations derived from the best available information at the time of filing. A listing of the technical reports used to prepare this plat are available in the Brownfields Agreement for this property. 0,4 for purpose f N.C.aS. 13OA-310.35 ftf. L j if 4k — a Michael E. Scott, Director JDote Division of Waste Management Stale of North Carolina County of Wake LEGEND Brownfields Property Line Line Not Surveyed Iron Found Iron Set Point not monumented Stream or Creek Concrete monument Power Pole Sanitary Sewer Man Hole Well Electric Overhead Line Soil Sample Groundwater Monitoring Well EIK: P 198 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III I IIIIII IIII PG' 134-135 RECORDED 11-28-2018 zolsosnso GUILFORD COUNTY, NC NC FEE 54200 02,24:20 PM JEFF L. THIGPEN BY: JANE SCHULTZ REGISTER OF DEEDS DEPUTY -HP EXHIBIT B to the Notice of Brownfields Property — SURVEY PLAT SHEET 1 of 2 CURRENT OWNER: Owner/Prospective Developer: SWAIM METALS INC 414 Berkley, LLC 1" 60' 1 AREA BY COORDINATES 5 DEC 2016 Rev: 3 AUG 2018 PRECISION 1 : 10,000 + 18064-14-076 Guilford County PIN: 6799119319 \ PB 54 PG 41 Randolph County PIN: 6799117219 DS 1136 Pg 248\PB 16 PG 36 Address: 414 Berkley Street High Point, NC COE FORESTRY & SURVEYING F-01411 JOB N P.Q. BOX 36 WALLBURG, NC 27373 (336) 769-4673 16299 'tad bcAk tad 'Poll 13 5 a Land Use Restrictions NCGS 130A-310.35(a) requires recordation of a Notice of Brownfields Property ("Notice) that identifies any restrictions on the current and future use of a Brownfields Property that are necessary of useful to maintain the level of protection appropriate for the designated current or future use of the property and that are designated in a Brownfields Agreement pertaining to the Property. This survey plat constitutes one of three exhibits to the Notice pertaining to the Brownfields Property depicted an this plat and recorded at the Randolph and Guilford Register of Deeds' office. The exhibits to the Notice are: the Brownfields Agreement for the subject property, which is attached as Exhibit A to the Notice; a reduced version of this survey plat, which is attached as Exhibit B to the Notice; and a legal description for the subject property, which is attached as Exhibit C to the Notice. The following Land Use Restrictions, excerpted verbatim from the Notice, are hereby imposed an the Brownfields Property and shall remain in force in perpetuity unless canceled by the Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Environmental Codify (or its successor in function), or his/her designee, after the hazards have been eliminated, pursuant to NCOS ? 13OA- 310.35(e): 1. No use may be made of the Brownfields Property other than for industrial, office, retail, associated parking, and subject to DEC's prior written approval, other commercial uses. For purposes of this restriction, the following definitions apply. c "Industrial" is defined as the assembly, fabrication, processing, warehousing or distribution, of goods or molerlals; b. "Office" is defined as the provision of business or professional services; c. 'Retail" is defined as the sale of goods or services, products, or merchandise directly to the consumer or businesses and includes showrooms. personal service, and the sales of food and beverage products; d. "Parking" is defined as the temporary accommodation of motor vehicles in on area designed for some; and e. "Commercial" is defined as an enterprise carried on far profit r nonprofit by the owner, lessee or licensee. 2. The Brownfields Property may not be used law child care, adult care centers or schools without the prior written approval of DEO. 3. Groundwater at the Brownfields Property may not be used for any purpose without the prior written approval of DEC. 4. No activity that disturbs sail an the Brownfields Property, may occur unless and until DEC states in writing, In advance of the proposed activity, that said activity may occur if carried out along with any measures BED deems necessary to ensure the Brownfields Property will be suitable for the uses specified in Land Use Restriction No. 1 above while fully protecting public health and the environment, except: a. in connection with landscape planting to depths not exceeding 24 inches; b. mowing and pruning of obove-ground vegetation; c. for repair of underground infrastructure, provided that DEC shall be given written notice at least seven days in advance of a scheduled repair (if only by email) of any such repair, or in emergency circumstances no later than the next business day, and that any related assessment and remedial measures required by DEC shall be taken; and d, in connection to work conducted in accordance with a DEO-opproved Environmental Management Plan (EMP) as outlined below in Land Use Restriction No. 7. 5. Soil may not be removed from, or brought onto, the Brownfields Property without prior sampling and analysis to DEQ's satisfaction and the written approval of DEO, unless conducted in accordance with an approved EMP as outlined below in Land Use Restriction No. 7. 6, Prior to occupation of the building, the residual dust, identified in subparagraph 7.d. of the attached Exhibit A shall be removed and addressed to the written satisfaction of D€O. 7. Physical redevelopment of the Brownfields Property may not occur other than in accord, as determined by DEC, with an Environmental Management Plan ('EMP") approved in writing by DEC in advance (and revised to DEWs written satisfaction prior to each subsequent redevelopment phase) that is consistent with all the other land use restrictions and describes redevelopment activities at the Brownfields Property, the timing of redevelopment phases, and addresses health. safety and environmental issues that may arise from use of the Brownfields Property during construction or redevelopment in any other form, including without limitation: a. soil and water monogement issues, including without limitation those resulting from contamination identified in the Environmental Reports; b. issues related to potential sources of contamination referenced in Exhibit 2 of the attached Exhibit A; c, contingency pions for addressing, including without limitation the testing of sail and groundwater, newly discovered potential sources of environmental contamination (e.g., USTs. tanks, drums, septic drain fields, oil -water separators, sail contamination); and d. plans for the proper characterization of, and, as necessary, disposal of contaminated soils excavated during redevelopment. 8. Within 90 days after each one-year anniversary of the effective date of the attached Exhibit A for as long as physical redevelopment of the Brownfields Property continues (except that the final deadline shall fall 90 days after the conclusion of physical redevelopment). the then -owner of the Brownfields Property shal provide DEC a report subject to written DEC approval on environment -related activities since the last report. with a summory and drawings, that describes: a. actions token on the Brownfields Property in accordance with Section V: Work to be Performed of the attached Exhibit A; b. soil grading and cut and fill actions; c. methadology(ies) employed for field screening, sampling and laboratory analysis of environmental media; d. stockpiling, containerizing, decontaminating, treating, handling, laboratory analysis and ultimate disposition of any soil, groundwater or other materials suspected or confirmed to be contaminated with regulated substances; and e. removal of any contaminated soil, water of other contaminated materials (for example, concrete, demolition debris) from the Brownfields Property (copies of nil legally required manifests shall be included). 9- Neither DEQ nor any party conducting enNranmenlal assessment or remediation at the Brownfields Property at the direction of, or pur umt to o pe mit, ceder or agrearnent issued or entered into by DEO, may be denied access to the Brownfields Property for purposes o/ conducting such assessment or remediation. which is to be cmd"ted ueYtg rye es7artw to mhhnlze interfrrrce with authorized uses et the Brownfields Prnperty. 10. Any deed w other instrument conveying an interest in the Brownfields Property shall contain the following notice: "This property is subject to the Brownfields Agreement attached as Exhibit A to the Notice of Brownfields Property recorded in the Guilford County land records, Book Page __ and in the Randolph County land records. Book _. Page ___" A copy of any such instrument shall be sent to the persons listed in Section XV (Notices and Submissions) of the attached Exhibit A, though financial figures and other confidential information related to the conveyance may be redacted to the extent sold reductions comply with the confidentiality and trade secret provisions of the North Carolina Public Records Law. The owner may use the following mechanisms to comply with the obligations of this subparagraph: (i) If every lease and rider is Identical in form, the owner conveying on interest may provide DEC with copies of a form lease or now evidencing compliance with this subparagraph. in lieu of sending copies of actual. executed leases, to the persons listed In Section xV (Notice and Submissions) of the attached Exhibit A; or (li) The owner conveying an interest may provide abstracts of leases, rather than full copies of said leases, to the persons listed in Section XV of the attached Exhibit A. 11. None of the contaminants known to be present in the environmental media at the Brownfields Property, as described in Exhibit 2 of the attached Exhibit A and as modified by DEC in writing if additional contaminants in excess of applicable standards we discovered at the Brownfields Property, may be used or stored at the Brownfields Property without the prior written approval of DEO, except in do minimis quantities far cleaning and other routine housekeeping and maintenance activities. 12. Within 60 days after the effective dote of the attached Exhibit A or prior to land disturbance activilies, Prospective Developer shod abandon monitoring wells, injection wells, recovery wells, piezon eters and other man-made points of groundwater access at the Brownfields Property in accordance with Subchapter 2C of Title 15A of the North Cordino Administrative Code, unless an alternate schedule is approved by DEO. Within 30 days after doing so, the Prospective Developer shall provide DEC o report, setting forth the proceduree and results. 13. The owner of any portion of the Brownfields Property where any existing, or subsequently installed, DEO-approved monitoring well is damaged by the owner, its contractors, or its tenants shall be responsible for repair of any such wells to DEO's written satisfaction and within a time period acceptable to DEC, unless compliance with this Land Use Restriction is waived in writing by DEQ in advance. 14. During January of each year after the year in which this Notice is recorded, the owner of any part of the Brownfields Property as of January 1st of that year shall submit a notarized Land Use Restrictions Update ('LURU") to DEC, and to the chief public health and envirmo entol officials of Randolph and Guilford Counties, certifying that, as of said January 1st, the Notice of Brownfields Property containing these land use restrictions remains recorded at the Randolph and Guilford Counties Register of Deeds office and that the land use restrictions are being complied with. The submitted LURU shall state the following: a. the name, moiling address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and contact prson's e-mail address of the owner submitting the LURU if said owner acquired any part of the Brownfields Property during the previous calendar year; b. the transferee's name, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and contact persons e-mail address, if said owner transferred any part of the Brownfields Property during the previous calendar year; c. LURU's submitted for any portion of the Brownfields Property that contains rental units shall include a list of tenants and their addresses; and d. A LURU submitted for rental units shall include the rent all and enough of each lease entered into during the previous calendar year to demonstrate compliance with lessee notification requirements in Land Use Restriction No. 10 and paragraph 22 of the attached Exhibit A provided that if standard form leases are used in every instance, a copy of such standard form lease maybe sent in lieu of copies of actual leases. Fr purposes of the land use restrictions set forth above, the DEC point of contact shall be the DEC official referenced in paragraph 35.c. of Exhibit A hereto, at the address stated therein. erti y thatthismap was all I certify ion recorded n nder_ my supervision from an actual survey made antler my reference source_____________ from DBPG____ �\ .c N that the boundaries not surveyed are inalcated as drawn informatoi In ------ M other reference source______________,__ that the ratio of reGSbo m— p 7jositwnft accwncr ••••" .`'qR�� �� \ /i : �: •' •F �:.^,r\t,� is 110,00¢M that this map meets the requirements of The Standards ,afi Practice for Land Carotin¢ 21 NCAC 56.160. /�•. 9 l Surveyingg inNorth W Thuri off�.s_ 2QyA i - f `� y. — SEAL r _ Profess at Larch Surveyor = • L-3320 q �.�[ .* SUX�"•>f• /i// THIS MAP 15 SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS —OF —WAY OF RECORD PRIOR TO THE DATE OF �'1 ,'•'••••••••••• ��\ //// BRADOF THIS MAP WHETHER VISIBLE OR NOT \\\\\ 7y/olllilll\\\ TITLE SEARCH NOT PROVIDED. L David B. Coe, certify that the map was drown under my supervision from an actual conventional survey performed ander my supervision using GPS far control, (Property Description in Deed Book Page ), that any boundary Ines riot surveyed are shoes as dashed Imes, and tiat the ratio of precis is a minimum of i,10,000. The following rforratm, is pertinent to the GPS portion of the survey Class of Survey, A Poslt,mak Accuracy, 0,10' Type of GPS, RTK Date of Surveys 5DEC 2016 Units US Survey Feet Datum/Epoch NA1183(aID Published/Fixed Control NCGS VRS/RTN Geotl NodeL 2012 Combined Factor+ 0_99994259 "The NC Grid coordinates shown on this plat were derived by RTK differential GPS observations using one Leica GS08plus receiver. BK: P 198 PG:134-135 - 2018061760 RLCORUED. NC FEE $4200 11-28-2018 GUILFORD COUNTY, NC 02:24:20 PM JEFF L. THIGPEN BY'. JANE SCHULiZ REGISTER OF DEEDS DEPUTY -HP 60 30 0 _ 60 NOTES: The areas of contamination depicted hereon LEGEND EXHIBIT B to the Notice of Brownfields Property — SURVEY PLAT SHEET 2 of 2 are approximations derived from the best available P Y VICINITY MAP (nts) information of the time of filing. CURRENT OWNER: Owner/Prospective Developer: A listing of the technical reports used to prepare this Brownfields Property Line plat are available in the Brownfields Agreement for Line Not Surveyed — — — — — SWAIM METALS INC 414 Berkley, LLC this property. Iron Found • N w iron Set ® i" = 60' AREA BY COORDINATES a Point not monumented 18064-14-076 o acres, v ���� Stream or Creek PRECISION 1 : 10,000 + m A"e line purposes of N.C.G.S. 13OA-310.35 5 DEC 2016 Rev: 3 AUG 2018 .s Concrete monument _._ o Power Pole © Guilford County PIN: 6799119319 \ P8 54 PG 41 SITE Sanitary Sewer Mon Hole Randolph County PIN: 6799117219 OB 1136 Pig 248\PB 16 PG 36 x Well Address: 414 Berkley Street High Point, NC s Michael Ef.scot[, ahesiar Date Electric Overhead Line - Division of Waste Managemen C State of North Carolina Soil Sample PT # Q) [COE FORESTRY &SURVEYING F-01411 JOB # County of Wake Groundwater Monitoring Well MW # A P.O. BOX 36 16299 WALLBURG, NC 27373 (336) 769-4673 _ Review officer 1, David B. Coe, PLS #3320. certify to one or more of the following as indicated: of Randolph County, a.,tily that the map or plat of which this certification Is affixed meets all statatory requirements far recording. a. That this plat creates a subdivision within the area of a county or municipality i cert�fy that ttus hap gas drum ,.ntler my sG---- -1 from on actual survey Twee antler Ny INNT llffhy super VlescrtpUh recanted m r9__.___pG_____ ar hirer iefermce aar- > C/,ftRQyfi. which has f0he v\1�Y< ordinance regulating parcels of land. that the teefersocz rot surveyetl are +n6Katetl as dram fru.. nfwrytton m pis_____ PG_______ y municipality or other reFerence source_________ ttpt the approved __ - b. That this plat is of a survey located in such portions of a county or _____ to ratty of prec ar postiohut accuracy ¢e Rev. officer --, t-_ vls o.......f/ N. which is unregulated as to on ordinance regulating parcels of land. s M4aao• arN that ties hap .carts the regwresRnts of Tire Stnrw'fgs of Practice iw l.a+m �a�,' •CFESSI Y RANpaI➢H CWNtt _� a That this plat is of a survey of on existing parcel or parcels of land. Sv'veyppg m Nor ih Cnrotxu 1 NCAC SGl6pp). Thre_J._doy of NZl`__.2t � Thie the ....................._.EOY af..........................._..M......... NORTH CARaLINA such as the recombination of .... _ SEAL F'} - existing parcels, a court -ordered survey or other exception to the definition Frofe sessa Land Surveyor of a subdivision. L 3320 ' That the information to this surveyor is such that I am unable to make L ((�'� •�" e. available determination to the best of my professional ability as to ppovsions contained �© '• w a MIS YAP 6 SU9R MY To V i in a. through d. above. \a EASEMENTS EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS-CF-wAY OF O • •••..•••• "L RECORD P*M To DATE � TTWIS MAP 04ETHERhVISWE OR Nat '�i,r��w'����\\ ,T- David B. Coe. PLS #3320 ITLE SEA Nor PNavium - 1, David B. Coe, certify that this plat was drawn under my supervision from an actual survey made under my supervision, (description recorded in y suphvtsh fran actual eaavmaeonat py, Coe. cer Ufy th¢t Stag nap was dram performed DB ____ PC ). that the boundaries not surveyed are clearly indicated mert, o that an et arR Sheen a6 as such, that the ratio of precision as calculated is 1 : 10.000+, and that hate* my supervt s se . fdi l control, that rty Dealao ofor, m Deal pool. Page >, that say pountlary faits Is lM; set tYq< SIR retie of pP@CISKK� i3 a NliwxP of t:10,0a0. TTe idl0Nt9 irlf CM'lptip(I ial of llpme X this plat was prepared in accordance with G.S. 47-30 as amended, Is per event to the GPS partial of the survey. _ Witness my original signature, registration number and seal this ....•:%..... 8 Rast of Sty Vey. A Positwrwl ACC:.wnty' a10' type °f' GP$: Rik fh to of Survey 5 (tEc 20T6 0 __ _____.______ [Nuts, 05 Survey Feet t� day Of .... :....... in the year Of our Lord 20....1............ ,� pre tun%Epacn. "1183(20111 Pubashed/Fixed Contra WGS VRSl TN Geaid Noel Mle Commnet Factor • _0999_9_*_2_5_9 U /f✓"t- Z %r J / "The NC Grid coordinates s David B. Co. / this PIN: 6799110861 PIN: 6799211900 shown on plat were NC PLS #3320 derived RTN usientiai COGGIN REAL ESTATE LLC ? % PASHA HOME, LLC CPS observations using er using one DB 6962 PG 1676 / 08 7300 PG 1110 Leico GSD&Htus receiver PB 176 PG 38 PS 122 PG 25 N-79te79.44 E�1e91767.01 4.- S 7g.,39 ` 5g. f � e County tine Per i:` 3r � 328, 141. f8 PB 16 Pq 36 tot � a e i _ �UILFORD RAl H �NTY COUNTY e PIN: 67992124,09 .0 "- _..1 MOHAMMAD SABIR a - _ DB 7055 PG 1176 PIN: 6799007957 COGGIN REAL ESTATE LLC DB 2110 PG 849 PB 120 PG 1 _QA N. `•�� n PIN. 6799211349 �b "� ,\ MOHAMMAD SABIR _ � DB 2145 PG 1537 s I cd 4 PAVEMENT to v 1y' / \\ CP µ I / P c ce ft Railroad R/W N,. mas per / ,!4 Qna / PB Pg '+ �'tf4 16 36 / ea mow, a ^ ease, e, C'ihr .Q / Railroad R/W per t '� 1 w is ` DB 1136 Pg 248 Ak ~D1t73 c � w / r BUILDING Pv % xt 4,425 Ac.+/- f Exclusive of RR R/W r PIN: 6799210262 •.ram. NOLAN GARNER f D13 445 PG 397 r, w. ►r i p, 5 t o, ire , / s .T `_, PT , BK 158 PG 46 (2) RFD This document presented and filed: A 11l20/2018 03:42:03 PM PLAT RECORDING • ;T Fee $42.00 20070075 PIN 67 q - I -- Randolph County North Carolina Krista M. Lowe, Register of Deeds DB fi00 = 60 NOTES- The areas ..' : a depicted hereon LEGEND are approximations derived from the best available EXHIBIT 8 to the Notice of Brownfields Property - SURVEY PLAT SHEET 1 of 2 /A VICINITY MAP (nts) �p�I/„IrTpC /'{,/^�p`,s information at the time of filing. CURRENT OWNER. -- -- V "�'j'II�nJ� °e"60 0rCe A listing of the technical reports used to prepare this Brownfields Property Line Owner/Prospective Developer (',�• plat are available in the Brownfields Agreement for Line Not Surveyed - — — -- SWAIM METALS INC 414 Be'kiey, LLC y YV L:t �I w this property. Iron Found • — o :, (�, � Iron Set p Sisson, o l 4! Point not monumented = 60 __ AREA 8Y COORDINATES 4Hr N Stream or Creek 1BQ64-14--07� *� •�{_'� _farpvrp wc.G.s l3pA-31Dss s (i.hA I V (- 1 PA.tGW� Concrete monument _ 5 DEC 2016 Rev: 3 AUG 2018 PRECISION 1 _ 10,000 + 1'v ' w SITE �w IAh Power Pole ° Guilford County PIN: 6799119319 \ PB 54 PG 41 E J 0 N —11 �7/4 Sanitary Sewer Man Hole Randolph County PIN: 679911:7219 DB 1136 Pg 248\PB 16 PG 36 ' Well ® 8 E rerra / Address: 414 Berkley Street High Point, NC MrrnoE Scot; DiDote y 9 Electric Overhead Line Dlvaior of waste Manogemeol E - _._ state or North Corobna Soil Sample PT # * COE FORESTRY & SURVEYING F-01411 JOB # `0161' '` w'a1x Groundwater Monitoring Well MW # A P-0, BOX 36 WALLBURG, NC 27373 (336) 769-4673 16299 ,and Use Restrictions *CGS 130A-310.35(d) `quires rrordotim of a Notice of Bromfieds Property ("Notice') That ,dentiNy any reethelians on the currant and future use of a Brormfrelde Property that we necessary or ryfui in mdntoin Me level of petition approp•iote tar the designated currant err future use of the prose y and that are designated ,n a Bromflefds Agreement pertaining to the property This eurvcvy Nat om,tly.tes an, of three exhibit! to the Notice pertaining to the f3rownfietde PfgWtY aWiCled arh this plat and recorded at Me RmdogN and Guilford Regislr of Deeds' olhce. The wNotits to the cation we Me &own Delds Agresmsnt fur the subject property. Which is attached as Exhibit A to the Wise; a reduced v rtion of this survey plot, ahon :s attached bs Evil' I' B to the Notion, and a qW dssonoum for the ,bial,t Property, which hs attached as Exhibit C to the Notice. The fdlowfg Land Use Restrictions, excerpted vrbotinn from the Notice. are heathy imposed an the &omfwdS xroperty and shall revom in force in perpetuity unless cmce1ed by Me Secretary of the North Cwethia Department of Enwanmmtal Quality (or +ter wcceaaar in function), w hisjr Ndesipiy, after the razwy Nave berm eiiminated, pursuant to NCGS , T30A-310 35(s). 1 No use may be made of the &oWnfim" Property other Man fur ;ndustrhal. office, retoii, assocwted pahmg, and subfact to DEC's pf,or r4teo apprara'. other command uSy fur piufou." o1 this rettriction, the follo ing daDnihon, Oppy O `Indualnal' era defined as the assembly fabrication. PfMessirq, trorehousing Or distribution of goods Or materials; b 'Office' a defined as the Provision of business or professinoai services. c 'Rethl' hs defined as the safe of geode ar services, products, w mrchwdbe directly to the consumer or businesses and ,,dudes rloefOxyi p✓san0 sa nee. and the sobs of food ono bewsage products; d-pwAiny' •s defined as the temporary occmiunodotion of motor vehicles her, w area designed fur same, and e. Commr'chal' is defined as m enterpnae carried m far profit or, nonprofit by the own`, lessee w licensee. 2. The M'oerfietds Property may not be used for child care, adult care csotars w achoois Without the Pfiaf antler alprovof of CEO 3 Groundwater at the Browntads Properly may not be used far MY purpose `thoul the pear written approval at DEC. 4. No activity that alalurbs soil on the Brawnfields Property, MOY occur arlass air until DEC states ,n writing, in advance of the proposed activity, NOT said activity may occur If curried Out Bang .,to any measures CEO deems nressayy, to ensure the Broenhalds Property Waal be wfatye fur the users specified in Land USe Reatr,ctim No i Obtain sh,le fully protecting public health and the enkrmment. except: a. M correction With landscape planting to depth, not exceeamq 24 inches; b. mamnq and pruning or obove-ground vegatatim a for repair of underground mirostruclum provided that CEO shall be given WI notice at least sewn days in advance of a scheduiea repair (if only by emOx) of any such raper, w <n anergmcy cirWmstances no titer Man the next business day and that my •Mated aeae Wt end rannedial measures raquvea by CEO Soon be taken; and d m connection to cork rintraI ed m accordance with a DFQ-approvad En wor,mentca Management fifty, (EMP) as outtmad below in Land Use NaMfichm No. 7 5 Soil may not be •emowed from, ar brought Onto, toe Bro infields Property Without prior sampling and aria sis to DUO's wtistrtim and the wilts, approval of DEQ unless conducted io occordonce With m approved EMP os outlined below ern Land Use Restriction No. 7 6 Prior to Occupation of the building, the residual dust. idw ittad In Subparagraph 7 it of the Otto ned Exhibit A shall be removed and addressed to The wine, satisfaction of DEC 7 Phywcol r4deyeloprnerl of the Bromfieas Property may not occur offer than in "card. as detrminve by CEO, With on Envirwlmental Mmoganent Pic, ('EMP") op Oa d in wiling by CEO in advance land rerised to DEO's eI satisfaction prior to each subsequent •e levioicipfnmfi Phase) that is consistent With ON the otherpond use rastlsctlms and describes redevelopment (activities of the Broentlelds Property, the timingof redevwapment phosess. and addresses health, safety and environmental issues that may ones ham "s or the st—fields Property during construction on •edevwopmmt :n my other foyn, including without limitation a soil and eate, mmagemient saws, including without limitation those resulting horn rmtomin(ation identified in the Enwranmentd ROPwts. o ;Wary rear" to Warhol e0.rrcy of contamination referenced M Exhibit 2 of the attached Exhhy A, cmtAWcy pars for addressing, hnc,udmg s, thout limitation the testing of soil and 9rouodwatr, new, d,scoOs d potential sources Of ✓virmmental conte,ninbtion (a. g.. USTs. tanks, druni septic ram fields, oil -Waft seer starer, sail contomiretion), and d, pons far the proper chor.clrhzghm of, and, as reveatory. disposal of contm+mated Wis excowtad during rwevUaprnenl 5. Othm 90 days after Wort: one-year mn,,:ws✓Y of the effective date of the attached Exhibit A fur, as !mg as ph yscal redeveapmmt of the Brovnhelds Properly contmuss (except that tin find feadlins shad tall 90 deys affr, the eondusion of phyacd redevelapmw,t), the thin -owner of his Brownfiods Property shill V,noe CEO a report subject to witlen DEC oppenvd an enwonmmt-related is tiwliWW since the Joel report, With a surrwnry and droeinge. that describes', o actions token an Me srosnhNde lrfoprty ,n accordance With section V'. Rork to M Prformad of the attached Exhibit A', 0 am groomg and cut and fill actions; methoddogy(by) r,ployed far fiord sweonrng, sompmg and laboratory mdysis of wvtrmmwtal media; d. stadpriAg, cantain✓iimg, deconlaminatinq, treating.. ,dealing, igbaratory maiysis and ultimate osTicntlm of my wed, groundwater, w other mdtaicas wtprted w conrenred to he contaminated with regulated substances. and a. removal of any cmlommated suil, eat` or other contaminated metwids (fo evarnplit, concrete, Mnvcaibon debris) horn the Browfolide Property Ccop:es at all legagy required marllyts shon be nckxxw) 9. Neither DEC, may my POTTY conducting en,xrmmmtm assesar,mt or rany'"011m at the Bygerfoods Properdirection ty at the directioof, w pursuant to a prmiL order or ogreemenl :Sao" or entered into pry DEC, may be denied (access wr to the Brrtislds Property for o Paces of conducting web aesesernent er rewwoodion, ehioh is to he conducted using reissondble WNerls to rme Adiff Atw`kAAce With outhorhred usas of The Bra telds Properly 10 Any dead Or alter instrument conveying ar: f,twest m the Brown ierl, Property local contain the fdioefng notice. 'This property a suhfext to toe Broantiaide Agreement attached as Exhibit A to ,n, Notice o1 Smonfields property recorded in the Guilfaro r--ounty and rrwds, Book Page _-.-- and :n the RmddiPh County land •Weary, Boos —_ _ Page -- A copy of my arch nstrument shag be sent to the persons toted u, Secbm XV (Notices one Submissions) of the uttached Exhibit A, though financial figures we other confidential information related to the conveyance may be redacted to the extent said redactions Conroy with the confidentiality and trade secret prov4wms of the North Carolina Public Records Low. The urns may use the fdloarAq meiinm,sma to ,:ampy wiBi the obligations of the mthpa'oyaDN (i) If every lease and nil✓ is identical in farm, the easier conveying m At~ may provide OEQ with cables of a farm Note or rider e..deoang ,:mhellonce no" this suhpargraptl, A lieu of sanding copies of actual, executed baPersonsses, to the Persons listed m Section XV (Notice and submnylms) of the attached Exhibit A, or lib) The ow,r �.inviting by, interest may proocie abstracts of batesrather than full copies of said :eases, to the prima listed in Section XV of the attached Exhibit A. 1T None of the cmtominwts known to be Present in Ma envirorenmld mad. at the Srosnfieds Property. as described in Exhibit 2 of Me attrhed Exhibit A and as modified by DEC in witmg :f additional cootoAAmts in excess of applicability standards we MscearOd at the erownfiMdt Property, may be used or shred at the Blownfwdt Property wthaut The prior AI approval of CEO, except .n de ,ion ois qumhti" far demos and other routine h.0 04PMg and memlManca activities. 12 sFM,n 60 drys offer the aftactrve dote of the attached E.hibil A or prior, to !sad distwtorce rtivitbs. PraxlrtiM DtWabper shm abandon monitoring eallt, hnjechan awls, recovwy eels. Piezwnatws and other saw -mode pints of ground"har access at the Brownfiwda Property tin OccOomce AM Subchapter 2C of Title 15A of the North Coraire Administrative Code, unless an dte"010 schaNTI ie approved by DEC within 30 days after doing so, the Prwpective DevMapr arm provide CEO a report. setting forth the procedures and ryultt. '3 The owner of my pwlim of the Bromfields Property share my ex%6,o , o subsequently metalled. DEQ--opProved monitoring wain is damogad by the ow,w, its contrrtore, or its tenants shoN be responsible for repair of my such wells to DEC's Witter satisfaction and sith'm a time period acceptable to DEC. unless conapNwc , with this land Use Rytnctim is waived in wiling by OEO in advance 14. Daring January of each yew Ott✓ the year in which this Notice is recardso, the allow of my Part of the &'awhfiese Property as of JrMary 1st of trial yaw elrdl submit a noteriXM two Use Restrictions Update (rLlfRU*) to DEQ, and to the chief public heath and envhonmwtd officials of Randolph and Guilford Counties, c✓fiffanq flow, as of said eAuay at, the Notice of Brawofiwdt Property containing Melee land use restrictions refrains recoiled at the Rwdwpri and Guilford Counties Regislr, of Deeds office and that the and use •"Trichans we being cwnphed felh The sub n'tted "Put Shan state the foNowing- a the about, mailing address, t~may ma focwmNe numbers, and contaci parsons a -moil oawey of the own` submitting the LJRU :f said aerie ocgairea my part of the Brownfields Property WI the previous comaar year 6 the transtree's name, moiling odaress. taeprvme and tcca,mde nurn0a s, and cmtoo persm's e--man odarys. ,f said Owner hmafrred any par, ut the Br.efeds Property dunnq the previous cdendr year, r ,URU's outwitted far my portion Of the Broenfields Properly that cmtbms raotai units MON mdude a I,at of tenders Ord than odo essirs. and d A LURU submitted far Wild units anal include The rat rill and enough of each ieow entered into dwmg the prewuus calmdw Year to demmstrdte cornpiance with on"ae notification ,equ,rWmmts m Lend Use Restriction NO. t0 and paragraph 22 of the attached Exhibit A provided that if standard farm I"o we used in r'rery instance, o copy of such stmdord farm lease may be sent ern has, Of copies Of actual levees, r,, purposes of the :and use restrictions set forth drove, the CEO point of contact shalt be the CEO official ref✓Mond ., paragraph 35.a- .1 Exhibit A h✓elo, of the address stied rhre,n VICINITY MAP (nts) NOTES: The areas of contamination depicted hereon are approximations derived from the best available information at the time of filing. A listing of the technical reports used to prepare this plat are available in the Brownfidds Agreement for this property. g _for pwpasee of N.0 G S. 130A- 3t0 35 hhchrM Soo Direcn9, .natr Di»war of wale Mmaganw State of Nip'• r;ardina County of Wok, cows mtP eac ✓awn ,wiper, ey upervew F,m an art., surver nam Aviv, ny •. r� ",,•err z jets, rroreMd m Db__ .._PG+__ _. ar oer' refrain th.�s� CAR r�yv `i t .. .. rvayrtl ore wdcwted as W asn error nforrwtgn m W_ .. PG __...._. t i w acre: that the ratio of pnensim er poatxwMi eccursc, l) �r�~ES al LtRIX1r. ': ,arts the-.eryre.Mnta of lire Sterlp,ds of Pnrcbce far Land ` 2dLi SurveYMi ' u' ?1 NCAC XlsalU Prof¢c Lai; an, :�: D,r� SEAL v7: s+wSu ,dsurverar L-3320 _ 1Nfs NAP 19 sueZtT TO ANY y' 94 t~ e1•Q rr r ^ tASRIi1tT5 oft RIGHTS- .QF-sway OF � RECOW ORW TO THE DATE o1 This WN, •lWhans V191b1.E OR hi r Irimlio" TTR,E SEARCH NOT PROVIDED 1. Dnvp a Coe. rertdy chat this nap Was maen ,none` My sy#r'v:sim from an Actwi c,:arrleyeta l Levey ( fnr uses, my superwLam using, GPS for canted. <property Dascrphw, in Deed book _ pies 1, tNp< env bovs,tlsry b»s Mt ew'tieYatl are ETYMA at eaemld i»a. aM bleat the into of precKlan 1a o MrWf1A err I:la tba The fmlMrlD wfWA is Wevient to that CPS PoI of tfW ar„ev Coss .f Surrey' A P.S,tk , Accurou y D.IC' *ypr of 6PS- Rik fete of Survey _5 QEC 2a16--- units. US SWAT, feet Dat nlEpoch. MD83r.20ll, prMlieMtl/T:xred Cmtrd CGS vRS/RTN (bead eyes NI[ Cheall we6 Fwctw 0_ 91911111114259 'The NC Grid coordinates shown an this plot were derived by RTX dJfWWTid GPS oblOrvotiwcs using one Leica GSO1! Ius receiver i LEGEND EXHIBIT B to The Notice of Brownfileds Property - SURVEY PLAT Brownfieids Property Line Line Not Surveyed iron found Iron Set Point not monumented Stream or Creek Concrete monument Power Pole Sanitary Sewer Man Hole Well Electric Overhead Line Soil Sample Groundwater Monitoring Wei ► a` M% 0 A SHEET 2 of CURRENT OWNER: owner/Prospective Developer. SWAIM METALS INC 414 Berkley, PLC t" = 60' AREA BY COORDINATES 1 8064- 14—D7f! 5 GEC 2016 Rev: 3 AUG 2018 PR£C',ISION 11 10.000 + Guilford County PIN. 6799119319 \ PH 54 PG 41 Randolph County PIN 6799117219 DB 1136 Pg 248\PB 16 PG 36 Address'. 414 Berkley Street High Point, NC COE FORESTRY t SURVEYING F-01411 JOB M P.O. BOX 36 1 16299 WALLBURG. NC 27373 (336) 769-4673 i _