HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9370_40824_C_NFA_20190102_No Further Action LetterROY COOPER
C.N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church
Rick Martin
c/o Sam Barber (via email)
1421 Statesville Avenue,
Charlotte, NC 28206
Dear Mr. Martin and Mr. Barber:
Environmental Quality
January 2, 2019
Re: Notice of No Further Action
15A NCAC 2L .0407(d)
Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action
for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks
C.N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church
1421 Statesville Avenue, Charlotte
Mecklenburg County
Incident Number: 40824
Risk Classification: Low
The Soil Cleanup Report/ Site Closure Request received by the UST Section, Division of Waste Management,
Mooresville Regional Office on November 29, 2018 has been reviewed. The review indicates that soil contamination
does not exceed the residential maximum soil contaminant concentrations (MSCCs), established in Title 15A NCAC
2L .0411 and that groundwater contamination does not exceed the groundwater quality standards established in Title 15A
NCAC 2L .0202.
The UST Section determines that no further action is warranted for this incident. All required actions have been
completed. On January 2, 2019, the UST Section was provided with proof of receipt of the conditional Notice of No
Further Action letter or of refusal by the addressee to accept delivery of the letter or with a description of the manner in
which the letter was posted for public notice requirements.
This determination shall apply unless the UST Section later finds that the discharge or release poses an
unacceptable risk or a potentially unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. Pursuant to Title 15A NCAC
2L .0407(a) you have a continuing obligation to notify the Department of Environmental Quality of any changes that
might affect the risk or land use classifications that have been assigned.
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management
Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville. North Carolina 28115
This No Further Action determination applies only to the subject incident; for any other incidents at the subject
site, the responsible party must continue to address contamination as required.
If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact me by email at
Trudy.Beverlykncdenr.gov or telephone at (704) 235-2182.
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Trudy Beverly, L.G.
Mooresville Regional Office
UST Section, Division of Waste Management, NCDEQ
cc: Shawna Caldwell, Mecklenburg County Health Department
Matt Miller, Wood Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. (via email)
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management
Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville. North Carolina 28115
Beverly, Trudy
From: Miller, Matt <matt.miller@woodplc.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 2, 2019 3:35 PM
To: Beverly, Trudy; Barber, Sam
Subject: [External] RE: C.N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church #40824 — No Further Action
External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to
Got it Thanks Beverly!!
Matt Miller
Senior Environmental Scientist
Direct: (704) 357-5527
Mobile: (704) 492-9836
Please note that Amec Foster Wheeler is now
an operating entity of Wood, plc.
From: Beverly, Trudy [mailto:trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2019 3:02 PM
To: Miller, Matt <matt.mil ler@woodplc.com>; Barber, Sam <sbarber@ci.charlotte.nc.us>
Subject: RE: C.N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church #40824 — No Further Action Letter
Let's try this again gentlemen. I tagged the wrong file. -Here's hoping that the second time's a charm.
Thanks Matt!
From: Beverly, Trudy
Sent: Wednesday, January 2, 2019 2:38 PM
To: 'Miller, Matt' <matt.miller@woodplc.com>;'Barber, Sam' <sbarber@ci.charlotte.nc.us>
Subject: C.N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church #40824 — No Further Action Letter
Please see the attached No Further Action letter for C.N. Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church located at 1421
Statesville Avenue, Charlotte.
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Trudy Beverly, L.G.
Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management
North Carolina Department of Environment Quality
Underground Storage Tanks Section
Corrective Action Branch
Mooresville Regional Office
(704) 235-2182 (Office)
Trudy.Beve rly(@ncdenr.eov
Erik' d C�rrWPVWO CS to and fr#rrr thrS address os swbj�oCt * the
Nbdh Cai d+ria Pubic Records Law aria► rr w be dwk)seW 0 third parbe .
Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust
Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-
File Review Procedures:
Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies:
https://files.nc. gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%20Action/UST%20file%20names%20for%20
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