HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-4618_15622_G_C_20181221_Shield Engineering Email to UST Trust FundBeverly, Trudy From: David Stoner <dstoner@shieldengineering.com> Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 11:26 AM To: Ryals, Scott Cc: Beverly, Trudy; 'Toole, William (WToole@robinsonbradshaw.com)'; Matthew Smith Subject: [External] Techno, LLC Dissolution Bottled Water Transfer Scott, Here is the last (I think) of the Techno, LLC dissolution items that needs to be transferred to you. We can't just transfer it to you because they need your billing information, so you'll have to call. Our account is being cancelled on December 261", 2018. For the Johnny's Sav-A-Sum site Incident #15622 we have been supplying bottled water to: 3910 U.S. Highway 601 South Concord, NC 28025 (Annie Smith) 3878 U.S. Highway 601 Concord, NC 29025 (Winnie Ballard) It is provided by: Crystal Springs 1-800-492-8377 Account No. 643808414610736 Below is a brief summary of the lead detected in water supply wells which is why bottled water is supplied to the owner of WSW-3910 and WSW-3878: • The concentration of lead has historically and sporadically exceeded the 2L Standards in water supply wells WSW-2144, WSW-3878, WSW-3910, and WSW-4036. Lead was not detected in any of the monitoring or recovery wells during the September 2018 sampling event. Lead was detected in WSW- 3910 during this sampling event but did not exceed the 2L Standards. Due to the presence of an MTBE plume on site and no lead plume on site, the data indicates that the site source is unleaded gasoline. Therefore, the presence of lead in the sampled water supply wells is unlikely to have been contributed from the site. However as requested by the NCDEQ, we have been supplying bottled water to the above for approximately 4 years. The last delivery was December 5, 2018. Further, here is a brief summary of a recent detection of methyl tertiary butyl ether in a nearby supply well: • Since the February 2018 shutdown of the remedial system per instructions from the NCDEQ, the levels of petroleum contamination increased in fourteen of the monitored wells. One of the wells is an offsite water supply/drinking well which has never had petroleum contamination before (WSW-2144). In Shield Engineering, Inc.'s May 18, 2018 Monitoring Report, the first recommendation was to monitor for offsite migration of contaminants since the system had been shut down and there is no longer hydraulic control of the contaminant plume(s). Based on the above, we recommended in our October, 2018 Monitoring Report to restart the remediation system to regain hydraulic control of the i contaminant plume(s) and to reduce the levels of contamination. This will now be a decision to be decided by the State Lead Program since our client, Techno, LLC has been dissolved. The source of the MTBE in WSW-2144 is uncertain. Because of this uncertainty, and since the levels of MTBE are below the 2L Standards, Shield Engineering, Inc and Techno, LLC for Holding Brothers, Inc. deferred to the NCDEQ in our October, 2018 Monitoring Report to advise the owner of WSW- 2144 of the presence of MTBE in their water supply/drinking water well. Bottled water may need to be supplied to this residence. These too will have to be decisions for the State Lead Program since our client, Techno, LLC has been dissolved. Thank you, David David A. Stoner, P.G., P.E. Sr. Principal/Vice President Shield Engineering, Inc.'s Risk Management Group 4301Taggart Creek Rd. Charlotte, NC 28208 ph. (704) 394-6913 fax (704) 394-6968 e-mail DStoner(a)ShieldEn in_ e�ering com Shield Engineering's Action Environmental Group is now Shield Engineering's Risk Management Group with additional expertise and service lines! Don't forget to visit our new website and sign up for our newsletter and stay up-to-date on what's going on at Shield Engineering! Click the following link to sign up (http://eepurl.com/bb5mMn). This message is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain information that is PRIVILEGED and CONFIDENTIAL, and/or may contain ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please erase all copies of the message and its attachments and notify us immediately. Thank you.