HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-4051_12019_CA_IAR_19940505_Initial Abatement Measures & Site CharacterizationCOP PRECISION ENVIRONMENTAL May 5, 1994 Mr Harlan Brooks Fletcher Oil Company 508 Crow Street Monroe NC 28110 N.C. ry"?J,T. OF ENViILOI�b9FN1', 1IF_,Al � H & NATURAL RESOURCES MAY 1 6 1994 DIVISION Of ENVIi�ONt;EEN1Al taIIAGEMM MORESVILLE REGIOtAl 0FRE RE: Initial Abatement Measures and Site Check/Initial Site Characterization Beatty's Indian River Fruit Company Highway 601 and 24/27 Midland, North Carolina Dear Mr. Brooks: Precision Environmental, Inc. has completed the installation and sampling of Monitor Well MW-1 at the above referenced site (Figure 1) as part of the Initial Abatement Measures and Site Characterization assessment activities. The well was completed on April 19, 1994, and soil and groundwater samples were collected on the same day. Pdvoleum hydrocarbons were not detected in the three soil samples collected, thereby defining both the horizontal and verticalextent of petroleum hydrocarbons in K,soils. Most petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in the groundwater sample, although the chloroform, Isopropyl ether, and Total Lead concentrations detected exceed the North Carolina Action Levels for those compounds. BACKGROUND Precision Environmental, Inc. has completed the Initial Abatement and Site Check, along with an Initial Site Characterization report, as required by the State of North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM) in a letter, to you dated March 25, 1994. This request was in response to the detection of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil samples collected during the Underground Storage Tank closure at this site on February 8, 1994. Two (2) 4,000 and one (1) 6,000 gallon USTs, all containing gasoline, were removed at that time. Nine soil samples were collected at that the time of closure. Two of the soil samples contained detectable levels of petroleum hydrocarbons: Sample S3 contained 61.5 parts per million (ppm) Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons(TPH) as gasoline; Sample D-S1 120 Penmarc Drive Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27603 0 Tel. (919) 829-0305 ❑ FAX (919) 829-0807 contained 2.6 ppm TPH. Only the concentration collected in S3 exceeded the North Carolina Detection Limit of 10 ppm for TPH as gasoline in soils. A grab sample of water which collected in the excavation was also analyzed. Although petroleum hydrocarbons were detected, none exceeded the North Carolina Action Levels. See Figure 2 for sample locations and Table 1 for a summary of laboratory results. This water may have originated from a nearby septic field. In response to NCDEM's request for additional assessment work at this site, Precision Environmental, Inc. installed a soil boring in the vicinity where sample S3 was collected. Sampling soils in this boring would determine the horizontal and vertical extent of petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. Groundwater was encountered in this boring, so it was converted to a monitor well. A description of field work, laboratory results and conclusions are presented in this report. FIELD ACTIVITIES On April 19, 1994, Precision Environmental, Inc. personnel arrived at the referenced site to install a soil boring in the immediate vicinity of the location of soil sample S3 collected during the UST closure on February 8, 1994. The boring was located about five feet North of the location of sample S3, and was advanced using hollow stem augers. At the two to three foot depth, the hollow stem auger encountered a wet soil zone with a sewage odor. A moist soil zone was encountered at the 13.75 to 14.0 foot depth. No sewage or petroleum odor was observed. Most of the boring encountered a dry weathered silty rock. Water did not accumulate in the boring until the boring was at a depth of twenty-two feet. Because groundwater was encountered in the boring, it was converted to a monitor well. The well was constructed to a total depth of twenty-five feet, with fifteen feet of 2 inch diameter, .01 inch slotted screen. The screened internal encompasses the fourteen foot depth moist soil zone and possible deeper fractured zones. Bentonite pellets were placed at a depth of six to eight feet to separate the screened interval from the wet soil zone at the two to three foot depth. The well was constructed according to methods required in the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C. Soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis during boring activities at three depths. The eight to ten foot depth corresponds to the approximate depth of the UST excavation and would provide information on the horizontal extent of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils. The thirteen to fourteen foot depth corresponds to the first moist soil zone beneath the former UST excavation. The twenty-two to twenty-three foot depth sample would provide information on the vertical extent of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils. Each sample was field screened with an Organic Vapor Detector (OVD) (HeathTech Porta FID Model PFII). OVD readings ranged from 1 to 70 ppm. This information is summarized in Table 2. One groundwater sample was collected from Monitor Well MW-1. At the time of sampling, groundwater was located at a depth of 6.70 feet below top of casing. Fifteen gallons of water were removed from the well prior to sampling with a 2 inch diameter disposable bailer. All samples were placed in laboratory supplied glass jars, placed on ice in a cooler and transported to a subcontracted laboratory for analysis. Precision Environmental, Inc. field personnel also conducted a vehicular survey of the area searching for existing waster supply wells within a 1,500 foot radius of the site. Only one supply well was observed. It is located about 400 feet North of the site, off Highway 601, at the Furniture Store Savings Unlimited (phone 704-888-2164). LABORATORY ANALYSIS Three soil samples were analyzed for TPH with a distillation range similar to gasoline by EPA Method 5030. Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in any of the samples above the laboratory method detection limit of 2 ppm. The North Carolina State Action Limit for TPH as gasoline in soils is 10 ppm. Therefore, the horizontal and lateral extent of petroleum hydrocarbons appear to be limited to the location of sample S3 collected February 8, 1994. The groundwater sample was analyzed for petroleum compounds by EPA Methods 601 and 602 with MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), EDB (ethylene dibromide) and IPE (isopropyl ether). The concentration of total lead was also determined by EPA Method 3030C. Four compounds were detected: chloroform, total xylenes, IPE and total lead. Only the total xylene concentration did not exceed the North Carolina Action Limit for these compounds. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions are offered: 1. The horizontal and vertical extent of soil contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons has been identified. The effected area appears to be limited to the former excavation area where sample S3 was collected. 2. The groundwater does not appear to have been adversely affected by a release of petroleum hydrocarbons from the former UST system although concentrations of chloroform, IPE and total lead exceed North Carolina drinking water standards. The following recommendations are offered: 1. Monitor Well MW-1 should be re -sampled periodically to monitor the concentrations of chloroform, IPE and total lead. 2. Precision Environmental, Inc. also recommends that Fletcher OR Company provide a copy of this report (attached) to NCDEM in order to satisfy their reporting requirements. Their address is: Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115, Attention: Rob Krebs. Precision Environmental, Inc. and I appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you and Fletcher Oil Company. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Steve Lucas if you have any questions. Sincerely, William L. Lyke Consulting Geologist/.Hydrogeologist for Precision Environmental, Inc. �.a.3aassrer�s �O4.ic°Os nti .i`i6nA25GpOc�� s+ Arj SS u d 9 e e io• TABLE 1 Summary of Analytical Laboratory Results: UST Closure Beatty's Indian River Fruit Grocery Highway 601 and 24/27 Midland, North Carolina All Samples Collected February 8, 1994 Soil Samples Sample ID Sample Depth OVD Reading TPH 5030 TA-S1 12 0 BDL TA-S2 12 80 BDL TB-S3 12 150 61.5 TB-S4 12 6 BDL TB-S5 12 8 BDL TC-S6 12 12 BDL TC-S7 12 20 BDL TC-S8 12 0 BDL D-S1 3 1 2.6 Stockpile Stockpile 100 BDL Sample Depth in Feet OVD Reading in parts per million (ppm) TPH units in milligrams per kilogram (or ppm) BDL = Below analytical method Detection Limit Groundwater Sample Grab Sample from Excavation Compound Detected Concentration Detected North Carolina Action Level Eth lbenzene 1.8 29 Toluene 6.2 1,000 Total X lene 11.7 530 All concentrations in parts per billion (ppb) Table 2 Summary of Analytical Laboratory Results: Monitor Well MW-1 Beatty's Indian River Fruit Grocery Highway 601 and 24/27 Midland, North Carolina All Samples Collected April 19, 1994 Soil Samples Sample Depth OVD Reading m Method 5030 (TPH in ppm) 8'-10' 1 BDL 13'-14' 3 BDL 22'-23' 70 BDL BDL = Below Analytical Methods Detection Limit ppm = parts per million equal to milligrams per kilograms (mg/kg) Groundwater Sample Compound Detected Concentration Detected North Carolina Action Level Chloroform 4.0 .19 Total X lenes 6.7 530 Isopropyl ether (IPE) 106.0 DL Total Lead 17 15 DL = Detection Limit of Analytical Method ppb = parts per billion equal to micrograms per liter (ug/L) 1 i 0 -�I LE 1000 0 1000 2000 3000. 4000 5000. 6000 7000 FEET 1 .5 0 1 KILOMETER CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 FEET NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 PRECISION ENVIRONMENTAL INC. BEATTY'S INDIAN RIVER FRUIT COMPANY 120 PENMARC DRIVE, SUITE 101 HIGHWAY 601 AND 24/27 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603 MIDLAND, NORTH CAROLINA MN GN 5IX 98 MILS 0.15' 4 MILS UTM GRID AND 1987 MAGNETIC NORTH DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SIIEET N. C. QUADRANGLE LOCATION CONCORD SE, N. C. 35080-05-TF-024 1969 PHOTOREVISED 19£37 DMA 4854 1 SE -SERFS V842 FIGURE 1: GENERAL LOCATION MAP USING U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY TOPOGRAPHIC MAP LEGEND O Soil Sample Location S1 Collected During UST Removal on 2/8/94 MW-1 Monitor Well Location Well Installed 4/19/94 North 0 Feet 40 Scale is approximate HIGHWAY 601 PRECISION ENVIRONMENTAL INC. 120 PENMARC DRIVE, SUITE 101 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27603 HIGHWAY 24/27 Grass Concrete Dispenser Island 0 Former Location of USTs MW-1 I S3 Grass S j S1 S 7 Asphalt Asphalt ! Grass O Sp O S$.1 55....... Excavation Limit The Sundae Shop BEATTY'S INDIAN RIVER FRUIT COMPANY HIGHWAY 601 AND 24/27 MIDLAND, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE 2: GENERAL SITE MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF SOIL SAMPLES AND MONITOR WELL North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733.3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: ECS , Zno . FOA OFFICE USE OKY QUAD_ NO, SERIAL NO. - .r w i ,a; Minor Basin Bann Code Header Ent 11F05 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Sho�v g ch o the �Ipp ation below) Nearest Town: lnI an, , 1Vi Cabarrus County: H i ghwa - Fiir O 1 .......-- - (RoadT Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) DEPTH 2.. OWNER.Fletcher 0 i 1 Company ._ .._-- ._ From To ADDRESS--51 B- Crow qtr_eet 0. C' — 6. c, (Street or Route No.) 6 . U i _ 2 2 , 0 , MS2n=p. HC _ 28,110 —. City or Town State Zy Code -- 3. DATE DRILLED U4-1�—g1� USE OF WELL Morli•tori ng—_ 4. TOTAL DEPTH P5 , U 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES U NO❑ 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NOba 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0' FT, Above Land Surface" — -- Caaing Terminstsd at/or below land surface Is Illegal unless a variance Is Issued In accordance with I j� AC 20 .0118 ___... 9. YIELD (gpm): !V/ METHOD1`,QFATEST A 10, WATER ZONES (depth): t/ DRILLING LOG Formation Description Sandy si 1 t _ _ — Silty ,,.,eathr Pr .d _ rock 11. CHLORINATION: Type ._. N A Amount N A z If additional space is needed use back of form 12, CASING: Depth Diameter From U. 0' To .� U « U Ft. 2" From— To Ft. From —To — Ft. 13, GROUT: Wall Thickness LOCATION SKETCH or Weight/Ft. Material (Show direction and distance from at least two State Sch Q ����— Roads, or other map reference points) Depth Material Method From 0.01 To 6. 0' Ft, Portland/Bent Slurry From To i t_ 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 101 U To �5 • U �t 2 in. . (ilU in. FVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft_ in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From R. 0' To 26. Q' Ft2 0 -Zft1 Sii1 i ca Sand From To Ft. __.... , ....._....__ ..._._ 16. REMARKS: W `1 c Bentoni.te seal from 6.6' to R.U' Si►o �rS�e'rls�r^ 1 - s14nd I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORQANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIGNATURE OF CO CTOR OR A DATE GW 1 REV, 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environme I Management and copy to well owner. (ZF—CL 3 t one -FNv t (iarJ ►'t EtJT/4l_, TIVC . Litholoaic/Well Construction Loa Boring/Well # �— Project/No. qV-13 / Location�� ;�" C'�v e � a- c,� a k bttfd-(a- C-- Borehole C_ctiS-S9?vi tt3 Total Depth ,25 s Drilled by: r, +A-e N c.. Drilling Started 414 Borehole Logged by: Drilling Completed //s4 Diameter Drilling Method: L6((utiv Sample Method l;f co&, Casing Type: Scte-A)/e VO Pv e- Diameter: r,2Depth: 0 to / <p Screen Type: Sc "(e Yo dUc Opening: • G (i Depth: /0 to Z 5' Grout: C Additives: Depth: D to 6 Seal: ba-4v 1 f 4e- Type: ;� ((e �s Depth: to 8 Filter Pack: d n -e S ah Type: Depth: too Sample Depth Blow Net feet bls Count OVD. From To ppm LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION O ?A �lilir (G.• �RG��r�l 3 3 'f•5' red y edo&u G S /3.7 v`eSA.af- 13 w,oisi ; f l Lf if ; rvc s�{ry G (,�vv� rereH 71 - z�• S4 w. e S b C)TP- I e,,co���-EUr�k wddld rrv•1eQ! areocs 12, ILI 3 D ! L/ ry vn.cQ"AAr Cot -Al c4,.r ZL- Z-3, 70 ur vv�Cc r-aGIC. v4 - U.e � +U rvvw = (o •%0' 2 r, gilglfq . 4WO w •t-�WeIse -3� 13.1<- 4d' (a -J CC4 1 ,40- r• Yule-( sa.,,Q(� �-• `(('l�i�Ey. �S�yul(�ws ��rwH�d L) T'Cj-td tr w - v Sa (; OK-e via4r.s"loe wo-s v�s.e-ry v -F S ; k J_+ Z % (o r, r t;+vrQ Slcrre Sawi., yS H Y D R 0 L 0 G I C I N C April 26, 1994 REPORTING: Hydrologic -Morris., Inc. 2500 Gateway Centre Suite #900 Morrisville, NC 27560 Attention: Pomeroy Smith PROJECT NUMER: FL94-4523 DATE C10 PLEATED: April 26, 1994 DATE RECEIVED: April 21, 1994 INVOICING: Hydrologic -Morris., Inc. 2500.Gateway Centre Suite #900 Morrisville, NC 27560 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: #94-131/Fletcher Oil--1 water sample to be analyzed for 601/602 + MTBE + EDB + IPE and 3 soil samples to be analyzed for 5030, sampled on 04/19/94. Enclosed is the laboratory report for the project described above. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact Billie Wakefield. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again soon. Respectfully, '-A-, z+ Benjamin Carl Est le Laboratory Director 1491 Twilight Trail 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 ❑ FAX 502/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 H Y D R 0 L 0 G I C I N C COMPANY NAME: HydroLogic-Morris., Inc. COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: #94-131/FLETTCFIER OIL HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: EL94-4523 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 4523 HYDROLOGIC LAB I.D.#: 399 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: W--1 DATE SAMPIED: 4/19/94 DATE EXTRACTED: N/A DATE/TIME ANALYZED: 4/22/94 MEZ'liOD EPA 601 ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT ( ug/1) ( ug/1) Bromodichloresnethane 75-27-4 1.0 BDL Bromoform 75-25-2 1.0 BDL Bromomethane 74-83-9 1.0 BDL Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.0 BDL Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 1.0 BDL Chloroethane 75-00-3 1.0 BDL 2-Chloro Ethyl Vinyl Ether 110-75-8 1.0 BDL Chloroform 67-66-3 1.0 4.0 Chloromethane 74-87-3 1.0 BDL Dibrcniochloromethane 124-48-1 1.0 BDL 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 1.0 BDL 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 1.0 BDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1.0 BDL Dichlorofluorcmethane 75-43-4 1.0 BDL 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 1.0 BDL 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 1.0 BDL 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 1.0 BDL trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 1.0 BDL 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 1.0 BDL cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 1.0 BDL trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 1.0 BDL Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 1.0 BDL 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethene 79-34-5 1.0 BDL Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 1.0 BDL 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 1.0 BDL 1491 Twilight Trail 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 11 FAX 502/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 H Y D R 0 L 0 G I C I N C Page 2 continued COMPANY NAME: HydroLogic-Morris., Inc. COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: #94-131/ELETCHER OIL HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: FL94-4523 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 4523 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: MW-1 DATE SAMPLED: 4/19/94 NMOD EPA 601 ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT ( ug/l) ( ug/1) 1,1,2-Trichloroethene 79-00-5 1.0 BDL Trichloroethene 79-01-6 1.0 BDL Trichlorofluoramethane 75-69-4 1.0 BDL Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 1.0 BDL cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 541-59-4 1.0 BDL BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Limit COMMENTS: 1491 Twilight Trail 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 ❑ FAX 502/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 H Y D R 0 L 0 I N C COMPANY NAME: 13dreLcgic-Morris., Inc. COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: #94-131/FLETCHER OIL HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: FL94-4523 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 4523 HYDROLOGIC LAB I.D.#: 399 SAMPLE IDENPIFICATION: Mini-1 DATE SAMPLED: 4/19/94 DATE EXTRACTED: N/A DATE/TIME ANALYZED: 4/22/94 METHOD EPA 602/M1BE/EDB/IPE ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT ( ug/l) ( ug/1) Benzene 71-43-2 1.0 BDL Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 1.0 BDL 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 1.0 BDL 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 1.0 BDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1.0 BDL Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1.0 BDL Toluene 108-88-3 1.0 BDL Xyiene (Total) 1330-20-7 1.0 6.7 NTBE 5.0 BDL EDB 106-93-4 1.0 BDL IPE r._n 1nti n BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Limit CONMENTS : 1491 Twilight Trail 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 H Y D R 0 L 0 G I C I N C COMPANY NAME: HydroLogic-Morris., Inc. COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: #94-131/FLETCBER OIL HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: EL94-4523 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 4524 HYDROLOGIC LAB I.D.#: 399 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: MW-1 (8-101) DATE SAMPLED: 4/19/94 DATE EXTRACTED: N/A DATE/TIME ANALYZED: 4/25/94 METHOD TPH 5030 ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Gasoline 2.0 BDL BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Limit COMMENTS: 1491 Twilight Trail 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 H Y D R 0 L 0 G I C I N C COMPANY NAME: HydroLcgic-Morris., Inc. COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: #94-131/FLET= OIL HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: FL94-4523 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 4525 HYDROLOGIC LAB I.D.#: 399 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: Mini-1 (13-14-) DATE SAMPLED: 4/19/94 DATE EXTRACTED: N/A DATE/TIME ANALYZED: 4/25/94 METHOD TPH 5030 ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Gasoline 2.0 BDL BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Limit COrM Elm : 1491 Twilight Trail ❑ Frankfort, KY 40601 ❑ 502/223-0251 ❑ FAX 502/875-8016 ❑ Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 H Y D R 0 L 0 G I C N C COMPANY NAME: HydroLogic-Morris., Inc. COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: #94-131/FLETCHER OIL HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: FL94-4523 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 4526 HYDROLOGIC LAB I.D.#: 399 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: MW-1 (22-231) DATE SAMPLED: 4/19/94 DATE EXTRACTED: N/A DATE/TIRE ANALYZED: 4/25/94 METHOD TM 5030 ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Gasoline 2.0 BDL BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Limit COMMENTS: 1491 Twilight Trail 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 ❑ Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 Subcontractor: 3A (-j- Contact Name: 7iz&E(� Date Shipped: LA - 1 0 'O1 Comments: SUBCONTRACT COC Project L Name/No: (� Qr < \-,1ronJ . Proj act Contact/ Phona. Fi11 arOTC P.O. Reporting Information: Report To: Verbal X rQ 1, "�O,jjrn n110. Phone No: c ( Fax A 4/9- .3Xv - Invo Invoice To : a �,; I,;�,;I���, ` ^ ' Fax No : -- -- - - - - -- Typed copy 0 �`nn11C b Date: ONE CONTAINER P£R uNE SAMPLE TYPE M(I i l i liV 01-?, " -0 L I :/ v IM UBE OWY ®®®I Turn Around Tlme (Please Specify) Rush ❑ Two Week ❑ Three Week ❑ nelinquished by:(Slgnalure) Mo11Tod of Shipment: QC Level: I ❑ II ❑ III ❑ Project Specific necelved by: (Signature) Received for Laboratory DISKETTES: Comma Delimlled: Standard ASCII: DateMme ate/Tlme 7 �� —9 7 9,ov REPORT TO: t �T. CHAIN OF CUSTODY HydroLogic, Inc. 2500 Gateway Centre Blvd., Suite 9( Morrisville, NC 27560 800-241-4174 919-380-9699 PAGE I OF PO # CLIENT: r �• 1 ANALYSES PRW= m #: c 4- l 3� PHONE: o Iv1 w x V 0 rp REPORT DUE PROJ x cf - 13 I Po-- 914 -13 I VERBAL FAX 00PY HARD C DPY SAMPLER: FIELD ID LE MATIX TIM F7 0D1 =D D COLLECTE REMARKS Sc iL Og3C) 914q I � 13�-1LA mv\) Z2- 2-S M w- I `j ATE2 i o o x. RELINQUISHED BY-'.� 1 RELINQUISHED BY: RELINQUISHED BY: DATE / TIME: 2; DATE / TIME:; 4 DATE / TIME: � L •30 %� ; RECEIVED BY: G RECEIVED BY: /� j %� . / RECEIVED B1Gr} �`� j DATE / TIME:Z� DATE / TIME: DATE / TIME: DISPATCHED BY: DATE / TIME: J ��� � Ir I r��ti RECEIVED BY: DATE /TIME: H , � T D R 0 L 0 I N C FINAL REPORT OF ANALYSES HYDROLOGIC MORRISVILLE 2500 GATEWAY CENTRE BOULV REPORT DATE: 04/26/94 SUITE 900 MORRISVILLE, NC 27560- Attn: LISA SNIPES SAMPLE NUMBER- 38343 SAMPLE ID- MW-1 FLETCHER OIL SAMPLE MATRIX- WW DATE SAMPLED- 04/19/94 TIME SAMPLED- 1400 DATE RECEIVED- 04/21/94 SAMPLER- NOT SPECIFIED RECEIVED BY- MLS TIME RECEIVED- 1000 DELIVERED BY- FEDEX Page 1 of 1 SAMPLE PREP ANALYSIS DET. ANALYSIS METHOD DATE BY DATE BY RESULT UNITS LIMIT LEAD, TOTAL, 6010 04/22/94 DCS 04/25/94 BDL 0.017 mg/l (li LABORATOR' P.O. BOX 18019 / ASHEVILLE, NC 28814 / 122 LYMAN STREET / ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 / (704) 254-5169 / FAX: (704) 252-9711 / TOIL FREE:1-800-231-8889 Subcontractor: lr — 1(c� S 1� SUBCONTRACT COC Reporting Information: Report To: Verbal Contact Name: �(�' �� Project y r0 11 n1r Phone No: �j Name/No:9 ��—�'Utaii' e Date Shipped: - Q 'q 1 Q cr y t Fax A e1/9- P invoice To: ' ' ^ • • �'' Pro ect _� �,7;.tiz�rilkt. Fax No. i 1/ '% Comments. Contact/Phone: i�1 Typed Copy D -'onl d Date: P.O. .... .r. -neeI rye 9AYPLE IYPE r�Ai 1:11lwl�ll� �, / J Iu 1MIC tNIV man= mm CSC■�.�.0 M. 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