HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-4051_12019_CA_WSW_19941011_MW-1 & Onsite Water Supply Well Sample ResultsN.C. DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, � NATURAL RESOURCES r'1t�r r)tr9 tACtinr`I k nnr'f ng:A inri nrr ej 199, x F1r13Eli LENT GROUND -WATER SAMPLING Beatty's Indian River Fruit Company Highway 601 (D Highway 24/27 TNfidland, North. Carolina Atlanta Testing & Engineering Job No. R-1011, Report No. 94551 October 11, 1994 -mgwkGNh1LI` l . HEX. TH,' & NATURAL. RZI SOURCES .._; .. _. .., atlanta testing DIBIS161 Of MT &engineering sI,�l.> 8901 farrow road / suite 108a / columbia, south carolina 29203 / (803) 736-1700 / fax: (803) 736-5005 October 11, 1994 Mr. Harlin Brooks Fletcher Oil Company 508 Crow Street Monroe, NC 28110 Re: Ground -Water Sampling Beatty's Indian River Fruit Company Highway 601 @ Highway 24/27 Midland, North Carolina Job No. R-1011, Report No. 94551 Dear Mr. Brooks: Atlanta Testing & Engineering is pleased to provide Fletcher Oil Company with two copies of the Phase H Site Assessment Report for the above referenced site. One copy of the report should be forwarded to: Ms. Karen Walker NCDEHNR P.O. Box 950 Mooresville, NC 28115 As indicated in the report, impact from non -petroleum compounds has been detected at the water supply well. No petroleum impact was detected in the water supply well sample and only minor concentrations of petroleum additives (IPE) were detected in the area of the former UST basin. We would be pleased to provide you with additional information or assessment as required by the NCDEHNR. If you would like to discuss the findings of this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 832-1554. WLL/rh Attachments Sincerely, ATLANTA TESTING & ENGINEERING /�-7. e! �: � William L. Lyke, P.G. 1#07 Senior Hydrogeologist NC Registration No. 408 georgic f I o r i d a • c a r a I i n a s atlanta testing & engineering 8901 farrow road / suite 108a / Columbia, south Carolina 29203 / (803) 736-1700 / fax: (803) 736-5005 October 11, 1994 Mr. Harlin Brooks Fletcher Oil Company 508 Crow Street Monroe, NC 28110 Re: Ground -Water Sampling Beatty's Indian River Fruit Company Highway 601 @ Highway 24/27 Midland, North Carolina Job No. R-1011, Report No. 94551 Dear Mr. Brooks: Atlanta Testing & Engineering (AT&E) performed quarterly sampling of one monitoring well (MW-1) and one water supply well located at the referenced site on September 13, 1994. The results of previous sampling data from the monitoring well, along with the current laboratory data, are included in this report. BACKGROUND On February 28, 1994, Precision Environmental submitted a UST Closure Assessment Report which was reviewed by North Carolina Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources (NCDEHNR). Subsequently, on May 20, 1994, Ms. Brenda J. Smith of the NCDEHNR sent a Notice of Regulatory Requirements and a Notice of Violation to Fletcher Oil Company. The Notice of Violation concluded that concentrations of isopropyl ether (IPE), chloroform, and lead exceeded the North Carolina Subchapter 2L standards in ground -water samples collected from well MW-1 on April 19, 1994. In a July 7, 1994 report, Precision Environmental reported that a ground -water sample collected on June 22, 1994 from monitoring well MW-1 contained concentrations of IPE, chloroform and lead below the laboratory detection limits. In an August 17, 1994 letter from Ms. Karen Walker of the NCDEHNR, quarterly sampling of well MW-1 was requested along with sampling of the on -site water supply well. Well MW-1 was to be sampled for a period of one year. The water supply well was required to be sampled in September, with future sampling dependent upon review of the laboratory results. g e o r g i a 9 f I o r i d a • Carolinas Job No. R-1011 Report No. 94551 Page No. -2- WATER QUALITY RESULTS On September 13, 1994. AT&.E personnel purged and sampled the water supply well and monitoring well MW-1 at the referenced site. The ground -water samples were analyzed for purgeable halocarbons and purgeable aromatic hydrocarbons per EPA Methods 601/602, and lead per EPA Method 6010. IPE was detected in the water sample from well MW-1 at a concentration of 80 ug/1. Review of the laboratory results indicated that no other chemical parameters were detected in well MW-1. j ,v.. �1Q /t 'jp� ,•. , Tetrachloroethyiene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE) were detected in the water sample from the water supply well at concentrations of 5.7 (ug/1) and 10.1 ug/i, respective?y. Cis-1.2 dichloroethylene was also detected in the sample from the water supply well at a concentration of 24.0 ugil. The North Carolina 2L Standards for PCE (0.7 ug/1) and TCE (2.8 ug/1) were exceeded in the water supply well sample. The standard for cis-1,2-dichloroethene (70 ug/1) was not exceeded. No other organic compounds were detected. A summary of water samples collected to date from monitoring well NIVI-1 and the water supply well is provided as Table 1. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on laboratory results of water samples collected on September 13, 1994, IPE was the only organic compound detected at well MW-1. North Carolina 2L Ground -Water Standards for PCE and TCE have been exceeded at the on -site water supply well. Cis-1.2-dichloroethylene was detected in the water supply well sample, however, was below the North Carolina 2L Standard. Concentrations of PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-dichloroethylene have never been detected in monitoring well MW-1, located at the former UST area. Accordingly, the compounds detected in the water supply well do not appear to be from the former IJST system or from any shallow source(s) located in the immediate UST area. As a result of the 'tecton 'of 'PCE, TCE, and -cis- l,2-dichloroethylene in- the on -site -water supply, well, AT&E recommends the following actions: 1) Inform the property owner that the well should not be utilized until further sampling and investigation can be completed to confirm concentrations of the detected compounds. The well is currently out of use. 2) Resample the water supply well and analyze the water sample for EPA Method 601 compounds. 3) Obtain information from the property owner, as available, regarding construction details of the water supply well in an attempt to detennine the depth of potential ground -water impact. Job No. R-1011 Report No. 94551 Page No. -3- 4) Evaluate information obtained from items 2) and 3) above in order to facilitate the NCDEHNR's evaluation of the source of the detected compounds, and also to determine the need for sampling of other water supply wells in the area. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AT&E appreciates the opportunity to provide environmental services to Fletcher Oil Company. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this report, please do not hesitate to contact us. ATLANTA TESTING & ENGINEERING G4, I F. Dean Salisbury Staff Hydrogeologist FDS/TFD:rh Thomas F. Donn, P.G. Senior Hydrogeologist APPENDEY TABLES TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF WATER QUALITY Beatty's Indian River Fruit Company Midland, North Carolina Job No. R-1.011, Report No. 94551 CIS-1,2 WELL DATE DICHLORO- TOTAL CHLORO- ISOPROPYL- TOTAL NO. SAMPLED PCE TCE ETHYLENE XYLENES FORM E'1'ILER LEAD MW-1 4/19/94 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 6.7 4.0 106.0 17 6/22/94 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 < 5.0 < 10 9/13/94 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 80.0 <10 Water Supply 9/13/94 5.7 10.1 24.0 < 1.0 < 1.0 <5.0 < 10 Well NC 2L -- 0.7 2.8 70 530 0.19 -- 15 Standard NOTES: 1) All measurements are reported in micrograms per liter (ug/1). 2) NA = not analyzed. 3) PCE = tetrachloroethylene. 4) TCE = trichloroethene. 5) Compounds included on this table are those detected. Method 601 and 602 compounds not shown here were reported to be below detection limits in previous and current sampling data. LABORATORY REPORTS September 26, 1994 REPORTING: Atlanta Testing & Engineering 400 Northeast Dr. Suite D Columbia, SC 29203 PRD►7EC.T NUMBER: FT,943O153 HATE COIPLETED: September 26, 1994 DATE Rom: September 15, 1994 INVOICING: Atlanta Testing & Engineering 400 Northeast Dr. Suite D Columbia, SC 29203 PF41 MXT DFSCPJMC d: Beatty's Fruit Co.-2 water samples for 601/602 + MIM + EDB + IPE/lead, sampled on 09/13/94. Enclosed is the laboratory report for the project described above. If you have any questions or .if we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact Jamie Fore. We appreciate your business and look forward. to serving you again soon. Respectfully, B(enjamin- Carl Esterle Laboratory Director 14911, Twiiignt TraiFE Frankfort, KY 40601 ❑ 502/223-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 ❑ Toll Free 1-800/728-225' HYDROLOGIC PRC17ECr.P NUMBER: HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: HYDROLOGIC LAB T.D.#: SAMPLE IDEN'iIFICATION: DATE/TIME ANALYZED: ANALYSIS Chloroethane 2-Ch?oro Ethyl Vinyl Esther Chlorofonn Chloranethane Dibra¢mchlorcr ethane 1,2-Dichlorcbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorof luoranethane 1,1-Dich-loroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Methylene Chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetraahloroethane Tetrachloroethene 1, 1, 1-Trichloroethane Atlanta Testing & Engineering #BEATTY'S FRUIT CO. FL9430153 30153 70002 MW 1 9/13/94 N/A 9/19/94 NETBW EPA 601 CAS NO. SDL ( ug/1) 75-27-4 1.0 75-25-2 1.0 74-83-9 1.0 56-23-5 1.0 108-90-7 1.0 75-00-3 1.0 110-75-8 1.0 67-66-3 1.0 74-87-3 1.0 124-48-1 1.0 95-50-1 1.0 541-73-1 1.0 106-46-7 1.0 75-43-4 1.0 75-34-3 1.0 107-06-2 1.0 75-35-4 1.0 156-60-5 1.0 78-87-5 1.0 10061-01-5 1.0 10061-02-6 1.0 75-09-2 1.0 79-34-5 1.0 127-18-4 1.0 71-55-6 1.0 RESULT ( ug/1) BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 149' Triiiignt Traii.:L7 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 11 FAX 502/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 Y D G L G G ! C 1� _;-- Page 2 continued COMPANY NAME: Atlanta Testing & Engineering COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: #BEA`1TY'S FRUIT CO. HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NL24BER: FL9430153 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 30153 SAMPLE IDEA]TIFTCATION: MW 1 DATE SAMPLED: 9/13/94 NETHOD EPA 601 ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT { ug/1) ( ug/1) 1,1,2-Trichloroethene 79-00-5 1.0 BDL Trichloroethene 79-01-6 1.0 BDL Trichlorofluoranethane 75-69-4 1.0 BDL Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 1.0 BDL cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 541-59-4 1.0 BDL SURROGATE RECOVERY: BFB 106% BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Liad t 1491 Twilight TraKOJ Frankfort, KY 40601 ❑ 502/223-0251 ❑ FAX 502/875-8016 ❑ Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 COMPANY NAME: Atlanta Testing & Engineering COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: #BEATI'Y'S FRUIT CO. HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: FL9430153 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 30153 HYDROLOGIC LAB I.D.#: 70002 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: MR 1 DATE'. SAMPLED: 9/13/94 DATE EXTRACTED: N/A DATE/TIME ANALYZED: 9/19/94 MMM 602+MPBE+IPE/E DB by 8021 ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT ( ug/1) ( ug/1) Benzene 71-43-2 1.0 BDL Chl,orobenzene 108-90-7 1.0 BDL 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 1.0 BDL 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 1.0 BDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1.0 BDL Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1.0 BDL Toluene 108-88-3 1.0 BDL Xylene (Total) 1330-20-7 1.0 BDL NTBE 5.0 BDL EDB 106-93-4 1.0 BDL IPE 5.0 80.0 Surrogate Recovery: BEB 98% BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Limit CK244ENTS : 1491 Twilight Tr iC{ 0 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 ❑ Toll Free 1-800/728-2251 '�fl ! fl-- HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: HYDROLOGIC LAB I.D.#: SAMPLE IDE'Sfl'IFICATION : IAT ANALYSIS Branodichlora ethane Branoform Broomthane Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene C.hloroethane 2-Chloro Ethyl Vinyl Ether Chloroform C.hl.oranethane Dibramchlorcmethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorofluoranethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Di.chloroethene 1,2-Dichloroprcpane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Methylene Chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene 1, 1, 1-Trichlorcethane Atlanta Testing & Engineering #BEATTY' S FRUIT CO. FL9430153 30154 70002 WSW 9/13/94 N/A 9/19/94 NETHM EPA 601 CAS NO. SDL ( ug/1) 75-27-4 1.0 75-25-2 1.0 74-83-9 1.0 56-23-5 1.0 108-90-7 1.0 75-00-3 1.0 110-75-8 1.0 67-66-3 1.0 74-87-3 1.0 124-48-1 1.0 95-50-1 1.0 541-73-1 1.0 106-46-7 1.0 75-43-4 1.0 75-34-3 1.0 107-06-2 1.0 75-35-4 1.0 156-60-5 1.0 78-87-5 1.0 10061-01-5 1.0 10061-02-6 1.0 75-09-2 1.0 79-34-5 1.0 127-18-4 1.0 71-55-6 1.0 RESULT ( ug/1) BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL "it BDL BDL BDL 5.7 BDL 1491 Twilight Trai1"7 Frankfort, KY 40601 ❑ 502/223-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 ❑ Toll Free 1-800/728-2'Z5' L 4 G Page 2 continued COMPANY NAME: Atlanta Testing & Engineering COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: #BEA'LTY'S FRUIT CO. HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: FL9430153 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMMR: 30154 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: WSW DATE SAMPLED: 9/13/94 ANALYSIS 1,1, 2-Tri-chloroethane Tri.chloroethene Trichlorofluorcmethane Vinyl Chloride cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene CAS NO. :JUL xC-1D'uL'1' { ug/1) ( ug/1) 79-00-5 1.0 BDL 79-01-6 1.0 10.1 75-69-4 1.0 BEL 75-01-4 1.0 BDL 541-59-4 1.0 24.0 103% BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Limit COMMENTS: 1491 Twilight Trall-10 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1-800/728-225 H Y D R 0 L 0 G 1 C 1 N C CaTmy NAME: Atlanta Testing & Engineering COMPANY PSI' NUN BER.: #BEATTY' S FRUIT CO. HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: F19430153 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 30154 HYDROLLOGIC LAB I.D.#: 70002 SAMP ,E IDENTIFICATION: WSW DATE SAMPLED: 9/13/94 DATE EXTRACTED: N/A DATE/TIME ANALYZED: 9/19/94 ME'1'8W 6O2+M3E+IPE/FHB by 8021 ANALYSIS CAS NO. SDL RESULT ( u5/1) ( ug/1) Benzene 71-43-2 1.0 BDL Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 1.0 BDL 1,2-Dichlorcbenzene 95-50-1 1.0 BDL 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 1.0 BDL 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1.0 BDL Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1.0 BEL Toluene 108-88-3 1.0 BEL Xylene (Total) 1330-20-7 1.0 BDL MERE 5.0 BEL EDB 106-93-4 1.0 BDL IPE 5.0 BDL Surrogate Recovery: BFB 95% BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Limit 1491 Twilight Tral D Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1-800/728-225 R Y D R 0 L 0 0 1 C I N C COMPANY NAME: Atlanta Testing & Engineering COMPANY PROJECT NUMBER: #BEAZTY'S FRUIT CO. HYDROLOGIC PROJECT NUMBER: FL9430153 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 30153 HYDROLOGIC LAB I.D.#: 99015 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION: MW 1 DATE SAMPLED: 9/13/94 DATE/TIME DATE TIME ANALYSIS EXTRA= ANALYZED METHOD UNITS SDL RESULT LEAD,TOTAL 9/15/94 9/16/94 6010 mg/l 0.010 BDL BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Limit CL'S : 1491 Twilight Tra1b Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1-800/728-225 H Y D R 0 L 0 G I C 1 N C COMPANY NAME: Atlanta Testing & Engineering CCHPANY PRO= NUMBER: #BEATTY' S FRUIT CO. HYDROLOGIC PROTECT NUMBER: FL9430153 HYDROLOGIC SAMPLE NUMBER: 30154 HYDROLOGIC LAB I.D.#: 99015 SAMPLE IFICATION: WSW DATE SAMPLED: 9/13/94 ANALYSIS EXTRACTED ANALYZED METHOD UNITS SDL RESULT LEAD, TOM 9/15/94 9/16/94 6010 mg/l 0.010 BDL BDL = Below Sample Detection Limit SDL = Sample Detection Limit CI'S: 1491 Twilight Trail-1 Frankfort, KY 40601 0 502/223-0251 0 FAX 502/875-8016 0 Toll Free 1-800/728-225' FM MAIN OF CUSTODY LOG ® atlanta testing & engineering sssssssssasasasass:zz:aaasssss::ssassss:a=sss:saazmzasz=z=zx==xaax=z3==x=====axz=x=z=:===_ S CLIENT• SAMPLE COLLECTED BY: AT&E JOB NO.:- R - lot I DATE SAMPLED: -`- 3 -� TI,'iE SITE LOCATION ,, `` ty.'tu-,AOD N �.- SHEET NO.: OF PROJECT NAME: ti 1 S ��� t` DESCRIPTION (CONTAIN- ERS) TOTAL NUMBER SAMPLE ID NUMBER OF CONTAINERS SAMPLE LOCATION PER LOCATION QUANTITY EACHCONTAINER COMMENTS MW G(�Q(jN��'Ji -7 t► 1 q'qC)2C REL BY M DATE/TIME N RECEIVED BY DATE/TIME N 7 p M � ANALYZE FOR: '7 NOTE TO LAB PLEASE SEND A COPY OF ` �► ' ' - " THIS SHEET WITH YOUR SIGNATURE BACK TO Y DETECTION LIMITS: v (- ATLANTA TESTING & ENGINEERING 8901 FARROW RD. , SUITE 108-A _ _ - COLUMBIA, SC 29203 SCHEDULE: NOTIFICATION: PLEASE CALL - (803)736-1700 (FAX)736-500: