HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-4618_15622_G_C_20181218_State Lead Recommendation Form with Submittal PackageBeverly, Trudy From: Beverly, Trudy Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 12:19 PM To: Bullock, Scott Cc: Taraban, Ron; Watson, Edward M Subject: RE: Johnny's Sav-A-Sum #15622 - State Lead Referral Wonderful. Thanks for the update. Trudy From: Bullock, Scott Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 12:18 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Taraban, Ron <ron.taraban@ncdenr.gov>; Watson, Edward M <edward.watson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Johnny's Sav-A-Sum #15622 - State Lead Referral Hi Beverly: Great submittal. Sent to Bill Hunneke today. .0-e QWCZA D, E Scott Bullock Corrective Action Branch Head, DWM UST Section North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 919-707-8298 (Office) Scott.bullockL&ncdenr.gov EmW aorM00o +dance to and from 1hi> mess is SuW to the North C raWr q Public Records Law and rmay be dwkksed to turd parties. From: Beverly, Trudy Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2018 11:27 AM To: Bullock, Scott <scott.buIlock@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Taraban, Ron <ron.taraban@ncdenr.gov>; Watson, Edward M <edward.watson@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Johnny's Sav-A-Sum #15622 - State Lead Referral Importance: High Good Morning Scott, Please see the attached state lead referral for Johnny's Sav-A-Sum located at 3970 US Hwy 601, Concord, Cabarrus County, NC. Johnny's Sav-A-Sum is part of the Techno, LLC dissolution. Ron has reviewed the submittal package. The signed state lead recommendation form is attached to this email along with the required documentation. *Immediate action is necessary to protect human health and the environment. The plume has been migrating since the treatment system was last shut down to monitor for plume stability. For the first time since 2003, a gasoline related constituent (MTBE) was detected in an offsite residential water supply well (WSW-2144). The level detected was 0.62 micrograms per liter (µg/L) which is below the 2L Standard of 20 µg/L. Techno, LLC has also been providing bottled water to two well owners due to lead detections in their water supply. Techno, LLC/Holding Brothers, Inc. has an NPDES permit NCG510462 system. Ed Watson is the Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office contact. Edward. WatsonL&ncdenr.gov or (704) 235-2198 * All site files can be found on Laserfiche * http://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?searchcommand=%7b%5bWM%5d%3a%5bProgram ID%5d% 3d%22* MO-4618*%22%7d&dbid=0 Trudy I Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environment Quality Underground Storage Tanks Section Corrective Action Branch okomumrni-*Ifa.�.� iLd?QWI ,Je Mooresville Regional Office (704) 235-2182 (Office) Tru dv.Beve rlv(cDncd enr.gov &Md OYTOSpor der ce to er d from ME$ a Tess 0$ subject to the No4h CarOff)a Rac Records Law and may be dwk)sed to thffd paoes- Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-gis-maps File Review Procedures: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresviIIe-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/Electronic%2ODocument%2OSubmi ttal%20Memo%2OUpdate.pdf https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%20file%20names%20for%20 Laserfiche.docx RECOMMENDATION OF SITE FOR STATE LEAD CLEANUP Incident Name: Johnny's Sav-A-Sum Site Address: 3970 US Hwy 601 City: Concord Current Landowner: Mrs. J L Smith Estate, C/O Jeff Harris Recommended by: Trudy Beverly Step 1: Private/Public water supply well within 1000' Has a water supply been contaminated? Has alternate water been provided? UST #: MO-4618 County: Cabarrus Incident #: 15622 Site Priority Risk/Rank: High/240 Address: 13422 Scanlan Way, Davidson, NC 28036 Region: MRO Date of Last Site Visit: 10/10/2007 ® yes ❑ no ® yes ❑ no ❑ yes ® no Step 2: This incident is recommended for State Lead Cleanup because (check all that apply): ❑ The RO has not been able to positively identify the source(s) of contamination N The RO has not been able to positively identify the RP N The RO has positively identified the source(s) but RP cannot be located, or is deceased/dissolved N The RP has been identified but refuses to comply with investigative requirements N The RP has been identified but claims financial hardship or bankruptcy ❑ The RO is continuing its investigation of sources and RPs, but immediate action is necessary to protect human health and the environment. (Additional detail in comments below.) Step 3: Attach a statement documenting or supporting the site risk determination (RRA Form) based upon a confirmed UST release of petroleum to soil and/or groundwater. Step 4: Attach cover memo with a summary of site history and chronology of events, including RO actions taken to date. Step 5: Attach or provide a link to scans of the entire original Regional Office file, and be sure it includes: ® 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form (Form 61) and ranking forms ® Topographic map with site location clearly identified ® NORRs, NOVs, and any other correspondence issued and received N Alternate water requests and any information on available water sources ® Telephone logs and any supplemental information Step 6: Check all that apply for any UST located at the site: ❑ UST is a heating oil tank 100 gallons or less ❑ UST is a heating oil tank greater than 1100 gallons for four or fewer households ❑ UST is a farm or residential, 1100 gallons or less of motor fuel for non-commercial purposes ❑ The UST is a non -regulated, commercial UST ® The UST is a regulated, commercial UST Comments: Immediate action is necessary to protect human health and the environment. The plume has been migrating since the treatment system was last shut down to monitor for plume stability. For the first time since 2003, a gasoline related constituent (MTBE) was detected in an offsite residential water supply well (WSW-2144). The level detected was 0.62 micrograms per liter (µg/L) which is below the 2L Standard of 20 jig/L. Techno, LLC has also been providing bottled water to two well owners due to lead detections in their water supply. ** All site files can be found on Laserfiche ** http://edocs.deg.nc.goy/WasteManggementZSearch.aspx?searchcommand=%7b%5bWM%5d%3a%5bProgram ID%5d%3d%22*MO-4618*%22%7d&dbid-0 * Updated RP contact info: Dave Holdind, Achno, LLC, 3511 Milford Court, Concord, NC, 28027 (704) 783-5813 * Ron Taraban Regional Supervisor December 18, 2018 Signature Date Attachment: Incident File ❑ http://edocs.deg.nc.goy/WasteManagement/Search.aspx?searchcommand=%7b%5bWM%Sd%3a%5bProgram ID%5d%3d%22*MO-4618*%22%7d&dbid=0 (Revised October 2018) ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secrerary MICHAEL SCOTT Direcror NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality Division of Waste Mana;ement - UST Section MEMO — Recommendation for State Lead Cleanup To: William Hunneke, Trust Fund Branch Head (via email) From: Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management UST Section, Corrective Action Branch Mooresville Regional Office Email: Trudy.Beverly(&ncdenr.gov Phone: (704) 235-2182 Via: Scott Bullock, Corrective Action Branch Head Ron Taraban, CAB Mooresville Region Supervisor Subject: Recommendation for State Lead Cleanup — Elderly, Financially Limited, Sole Surviving Managing Member SITE INFORMATION: Site Name: JOHNNY'S SAV-A-SUM Incident #15622, UST # MO-4618 Facility ID # 00-0-0000004305 Address: 3970 US HWY 601 City: Concord, zip 28025 County: Cabarrus Risk: High Rank: 240 On November 27, 2018 Shield Engineering emailed the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Correct Action Branch (CAB) head stating that "Techno, LLC has minimal assets and no income, and therefore no longer has the financial ability to attend to the projects on the attached project tracking spreadsheet. David Holding, the sole surviving managing member, is eighty years old and not in a position to volitionally manage company affairs any more. The other partner in Techno, LLC, Bob Holding, passed away in October, 2016. The assets that remain in Techno, LLC are barely sufficient to cover the cost of an orderly winding up. Therefore, Techno, LLC has been dissolved. To the extent helpful, we would be happy to attend a call to discuss David Holding's status and help transition Techno, LLC's project sites to the State Leads Trust Fund." Potential Release Source(s): Tank #3: 2,000-gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST), Tank #4: 550-gallon fuel oil/gasoline UST, Tank #5: 1,000-gallon gasoline UST, Tank #6: 550-gallon fuel oil/gasoline UST. Release reported in July 1992. Quantity of release unknown. Release Cause: USTs and/or lines and/or dispensers. A release was not detected from Tank #1, the only UST that Holding Brothers, Inc. owned or operated at the site. Tank #3 is the only UST, out of the above, for which the NCDEQ has held Holding Brothers, Inc. responsible. Contamination was detected in the UST basin, which contained Tank #3 and #4. E cew 0- f NORTH CAROL!NA� ��5 unry of EmlmmYeHsl 9� r North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional 0Mce 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville. North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 Site History 5/8/1986 - Holding Brothers, Inc. registered two 6,000-gallon USTs (one estimated to be 30 years old and one estimated to be 15 years old) and one 2,000-gallon UST (estimated to be 30 years old). 7/1/1992 - Holding Brothers, Inc. permanently closed/removed five USTs at the site. In the excavation containing a 6,000-gallon gasoline UST, no contamination was found. Soil contamination was documented above action levels in the excavation containing a 2,000-gallon gasoline UST (Tank #3) and a 550-gallon fuel oil UST (Tank #4) and in the excavation containing a 1,000-gallon gasoline UST (Tank #5) and a 550-gallon fuel oil UST (Tank #6). 7/1/1993 - Tank Ownership Affidavit received from Holding Brothers (D.M. Holding). Holding Brothers claimed responsibility for the contamination found in the excavation containing the 2,000-gallon gasoline UST and a 550- gallon fuel oil UST. Holding Brothers denied responsibility for the contamination in the area containing a 1,000- gallon gasoline UST and a 550-gallon fuel oil UST. 7/6/1993 — John L. Smith, Jr. affidavit on behalf of the Margie Cline Smith heirs (property owners) was received claiming that neither their father nor their mother ever owned or operated the tanks at the site. The affidavit states that their father leased the lot on the corner to several persons who operated the station located there. The heirs state that they never owned, operated, knew the location, number of tanks, or tank contents until the tanks were permanently closed by Holding Brothers, Inc. Three Holding Brothers registered tanks on the property (6,000-gallon installed 5/5/1971, 6,000-gallon installed 5/8/1956, and 2,000-gallon installed 5/8/1956) according to NC tank records. 7/29/1993 — Tank closure report received. 220 ppm by 5030 documented in soil tank pit at the front of the store. 7/10/1997 — NORR issued to Holding Brothers, Inc. requiring a 20 day report, 45 day report, Site Assessment & Corrective Action to address contamination in the area of the 2,000-gallon gasoline UST and a 550-gallon fuel oil USTs. Site risk was unknown. 8/15/1997 A letter from Geo-Environmental Consultants, Inc. (Holding Brothers, Inc.'s consultant) stated that Holding Brothers, Inc. never owned or operated any tanks at the site except on 6,000-gallon UST. This tank did not show any contamination at the time of permanent closure. 8/19/1997 — UST staff (Dan Graham) spoke with Dave Holding by phone. Mr. Holding stated that the last operated was Rich Page. Mr. Page had been deceased at this time for approximately nine years. 3/7/2000 — NORR stating that the CSA is incomplete due to failure to define the horizontal plume extent. 7/24/2000 - Corrective Action Plan submitted 8/l/2000 — Letter from the property owners objecting to the less stringent cleanup standards proposed by Shield Engineering. 8/29/2000 — NORR approving the Corrective Action Plan. Letter to the property owner from CSF stating the goal for soil cleanup, soil to groundwater standards, and 2L standard goals for groundwater cleanup. 9/14/2001 — Notice from Shield Engineering that the Pump and Treat System was installed. 8/19/2002 — NORR. A review of soil excavation results shows three confirmed exceedances of soil to groundwater MSCCs after over excavation. 10/23/2002 — NORR describing operation problems with the corrective action system. Shield engineer indicated that adding more carbon canisters would solve the issues. 6/2/2003 — NORR describing corrective action system operational problems (system down 43% of the period) and deficiencies in the Active Remediation Monitoring Report. 8/ 13/2003 — NORR concerning the repeated failure of the transfer pump from the air stripper attendant to design and installation flaws. 8/22/2003 — Holding Brothers change of address to Holding Bros, Inc., 3511 Milford Court NW, Concord, NC 28027. 3/11/2004 — Shield Engineering submitted results of water quality testing requested to solve biofouling and chemical precipitation problems. Letter states that bacterial fouling could not be identified during pilot studies. 2012-2013 — Shield Engineering made multiple requests to connect 3965, 9325, and 3910 US Hwy 601 South, Concord, NC residences to the City of Concord water supply. 11/4/2013 - Shield Engineering letter stating that they will no longer seek to connect 3965, 9325, and 3910 US Hwy 601 South, Concord, NC residences to the City of Concord water supply. Shield was not able to guarantee that the City of Concord would not require annexation of these properties to gain the connection unless something pertinent changes. Techno, LLC providing bottled water to two residences due to lead detections in their water supply wells. DEQaNORTH North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional office 1610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 I Mooresville. North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 Shield states that there is no lead plume offite and that the lead detections are unrelated to the contamination from Johnny's Sav-A-Sum. Treatment System Background Information The site currently has an operational remedial action system that was placed into operation on September 20, 2001. The remedial pump and treat system at the site consists of five groundwater recovery wells (RW-1, RW-2, RW- 3, RW-4, and RW-5), an oil/water separator, and an air stripper. The remedial system was temporarily shut down in 2004, per the instructions of the NCDEQ, due to the low levels of funding but restarted in 2007. During that time period, there were reductions of contamination in some wells and increases in others. No real attenuation was observed, just movement of the contamination. Shield installed oxygen releasing compound (ORC) socks in key perimeter monitoring wells MW-2, MW-3, MW-5, MW-8, MW-11R, MW-12, and MW-13 on January 26, 2018. ORC socks were installed while the treatment system was operating with the intention of drawing oxygen into the plumes to accelerate biodegradation of the petroleum constituents in those areas. The system was shut down in February 2018 to monitor for off -site migration of contaminants with no hydraulic control of contaminant plumes. The October 31, 2018 Monitoring Report relayed that dissolved phase petroleum constituents of concern concentrations have increased in eight of the twelve monitoring wells sampled (MW-1R, MW-2, MW-4, MW-5, MW- 7, MW-8, MW-9, and MW-11R) and all five recovery wells (RW-1 through RW-5) sampled during the September 2018 event. Dissolved phase petroleum constituents of concern concentrations had increased to levels above the 2L Standards in monitoring and recovery wells MW-2, MW-7, MW-8, RW-2, and RW-3 since the previous sampling event in March 2018. For the first time since 2003, a gasoline related constituent (MTBE) was detected in an offsite water supply well (WSW-2144). The level detected was 0.62 micrograms per liter (µg/L) which is below the 2L Standard of 20 µg/L. *Techno, LLC/Holding Brothers, Inc. has an NPDES permit NCG510462 system. Ed Watson is the Water Resources Mooresville Regional Office contact. Edward.Watson(a)ncdenr.gov or (704) 235-2198* Per the November 20, 2018 Notice of Regulatory Requirements to Techno, LLC for Holding Brothers, Inc.: • Re -start the remediation system to regain hydraulic control of the contaminant plume(s) and to reduce the levels of contamination. • Continue sampling monitoring wells (MW-1R, MW-2 through MW-9, MW-11R, MW-12, MW-13, and MW-16) on a semi-annual basis as required in the May 7, 2004 Notice of Regulatory Requirements and approved in the July 24, 2000 Corrective Action Plan. • Continue sampling water supply wells (2144, 3910, 3925/3965, 4036, and 4085) on a semi-annual basis as approved in the July 24, 2000 Corrective Action Plan. • Continue sampling recovery wells (RW-1 through RW-5) on a semi-annual basis as required in the May 7, 2004 Notice of Regulatory Requirements. • The next remediation monitoring report is due no later than April 30, 2019. 11/27/2018 - Shield Engineering emailed the UST CAB head stating that Holding Brother, Inc. had been dissolved. 11/29/2018 - The 11/20/2018 NORR letter addressed to David Holding was returned to sender. The email copy to Shield Engineering was received by the consultant. 12/4/2018 - UST -CAB email to Shield Engineering requesting immediate return to service of the treatment system to protect the residential water supply of WSW-2144 during the approval process period for acceptance into the state lead trust fund program and updated contact information. 2:43pm phone call with David Stoner (Shield Engineering) requesting reactivation of the treatment system and updated contact information. Mr. Stoner stated that he would provide a response to treatment system activation and contact information. 12/5/2018 - Email stating the Techno LLC is unable to return the treatment system into operation and updated contact information for David Holding and Techno, LLC: Dave Holding, Techno, LLC, 3511 Milford Court, Concord, NC, 28027 (704) 783-5813. Techno, LLC was still providing bottled water to the two residences with lead detections in their water supply wells. _,!� ��OU EA North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office 1610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 I Mooresville. North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 All site files are available on Laserfiche at the following link hlt 2s:Hedocs.deg.nc.goviWasteManagement/Search.aspx?dbid=0&searchcommand=%7B%SBWM%5D%3A%SBProg ram ID%5D%3D%22%2AMO-4618%2A%22%7D&cr=1. ez-5� NORTH C.4R0.'+1A� E Q �Y un of iw.'r..wrM.I quasiIr North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional 0Mce 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 1 Mooresville. North Carolina 28115 704.663.1699 Site Name: JOHNNY'S SAV-A-SUM Incident #15622, UST # MO-4618 Facility ID # 00-0-0000004305 Address: 3970 US HWY 601 City: Concord, zip 28025 County: Cabarrus Risk: High, Rank: 240 Tank Information Facility Contact Financial Provider Tanks Facility Identification Facility Name Fa cility I❑ 0— Name Owner I❑ JOHNNY'S SAV-A-SUM 00-0-0090004305 ESTATE OF JL SMITH 0I0 SMITH. JR 19668 FacilityTank List 1-1 tDk Product Sire SUM. MaralF Date Temporary Permaneniry Registmlia &Ilab6e Tank apg Comp Tank Reg Tank Root Tard 0.-1 Clasetl Date Dale Receivetln 1 Gasoline. Gas Mix 6000 Removed 05101309% 071010992 Yes Yes No No Yes 2 Gasoline, Gas Mix 2000 Removed 051080956 071010992 Yes Yes No No Yes 3 Gasoline, Gas Mix 1000 Removed 051050971 07010992 Yes Yes No No Yes 4 Unknown 1000 Removed 01MV1964 1212111988 07MVIIJ92 Yes No No No Yes 5 Unknown 550 Removed 011910964 12210988 07DW992 Yes No No No Yes Cancel Find Facility Select Id Johnny's Sav-A-Sum Site & Parcel Map 12/4/2018 3:10:10 PM 1:2,257 RUST Low Risk � Muncipal Solid Waste 9 Inactive Eligible 0 0.02 0.I 0.08 ml High Risk Unknown Risk Tire P Pending I 0 0.04 0 0.14 km NC Brownfields Location 9 No Further Interest Blank Risk Blank Risk —View RAST �y * Recorded Ineligible NCDOT GIS Unit, NCCGIA, Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap Active Permitted Landfills RFR PC Complete --, L_� County Boundary Polygon contributors, and the GIS user community, NC Counties, NCCGIA, High Risk Construction Debris v Complete NC OneMap, US EPA, Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, 0 Industrial ❑ Parcels Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, Intermediate Risk � Active Eligible _ 0 Land Clearing / Inert Debris National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Sites - NPDES Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Microsoft I Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community I NCCGIA I NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis I NC Counties, NCCGIA, NC OneMap, US EPA I NCDOT GIS Unit I NC OneMap, NC Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NC DOT- GIS Unit, NC NORTH CAROLINA UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SECTION RISK, RANK AND ABATEMENT RATING FORM Incident Name: ToBN/1 y' S4p-4 - SUi"l Region: Incident Number: �sz�a-� County: L�L39�rcUS SCORE Date: 9-/S'-a00y- Ranking Performed by: z, LG"9Cf/ Note: a new ranking form must he completed whenever site conditions may have changed SECTION I. Risk Classification (Check all that apply) 1. High Risk A. An existing water supply well, including one used for non -drinking purposes, has been contaminated by the release; B. A water supply well used for drinking water is located within 1,000 feet of the source area of a confirmed release; t/ C. A water supply well not used for drinking water is located within 250 feet of the source area of a confirmed release; D. The groundwater within 500 feet of the source area of a confirmed release has the potential for future use in that there is no source of water supply other than the groundwater; E. There exists a serious threat of explosion due to the accumulation of vapors in a confined space, as a result of the release; or F. There exists an imminent danger to public health, public safety or the environment, as a result of the release. 2. Intermediate Risk A. Surface water is located within 500 feet of the source area of a confirmed release and the maximum groundwater contaminant concentration exceeds the applicable surface water quality standard and criteria found in 15A NCAC 2B .0200 by a factor of 10; B. 'In the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province (as designated on a map entitled Geologic Map of North Carolina published by the Department in 1985), the source area of a confirmed release is located where there is recharge to an unconfined or semi -confined deeper aquifer which the Department determines is bein¢ used or may be used as a source of drinkine water: C. The source area of a confirmed release is located within a designated wellhead protection area, as defined in 42 USC 300h-7(e); D. The levels of groundwater contamination for any contaminant (except ethylene dibromide, benzene and the aliphatic and aromatic carbon fraction classes) exceed 50 percent of the solubility of the contaminant at 25 degrees Celsius or 1,000 times the groundwater quality standard or interim standard established in 15A NCAC 2L .0202, whichever is lower (these levels have been termed "gross contamination levels"); or E. The levels of groundwater contamination for ethylene dibromide or benzene exceed 1,000 times the federal drinking water standard set out in 40 CFR 141(these levels have also been termed "gross contamination levels"). 3. Low Risk A. A low risk classification means that the risk posed by a release does not meet any of the high or intermediate risk criteria or, based on site -specific information received by the Department, the release does not pose a significant risk. SECTION I. Risk Classification UST/200 Rev. 9/04 1 of 4 SECTION II. Release Ranking (Assign points as applicable) 1. EMERGENCY HAZARD ASSESSMENT POINTS An emergency situation exists whenever the Department determines that the release poses an imminent danger to public health, public safety, or the environment. EmE2cetvcv Complete entire form and assign letter E to final rating in Section /O, Once Emergency is abated a new rating must be performed 2. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT Groundwater A. Impacted Water Supplies Public Supply Wells (each well can only be counted once) 1. Public or institutional water supply well containing substances in concentrations exceeding 15A NCAC 2L groundwater quality standards; award 600 points per well Private Supply Wells (each well can only be counted once) 2. Private domestic drinking water supply well containing substances in concentrations exceeding 15A NCAC 2L groundwater quality standards; award 200 points per well 3. Private well, not used for drinking, containing contamination in detectable concentrations; award 75 points per well Public or Private Wells Below 2L .0202 Standards (each well can only be counted once) 4. Public or private drinking water supply contains substances that are below the 15A NCAC 2L groundwater quality standards; award 100 points per well B. Threat to Uncontaminated Drinking Water Supplies Public Supply Wells (each well can only be counted once) 1. Public or institutional water supply well within 500 ft of plume edge, plume edge is within radius of influence of public well, or threat currently unknown; award 40 points per well 2. Public or institutional water supply well between 500 and 1000 ft of plume edge or threat is reasonably known; award 10 points per well Private Supply Wells (each well can only be counted once) 3. Private water supply, including non -drinking well, located within 250 feet of plume edge, wells threatened or the threat is currently unknown; award 20 points per well a Q 4. Private water supply, not including non -drinking well, located between 251 and 500 feet of the plume edge, wells threatened or the threat is currently unknown; award 10 p points per well 5. Private water supply, not including non -drinking well, located between 501 and 1000 feet of plume edge or wells located within 1000 feet but threat to wells is reasonably known or alternate water source is available; award 5 points per well �p a yy 6. Private non -drinking well, located between 251 and 1000 feet of plume edge; award 2 points per well Surface Water 1. Violation of Class HQW,ORW,WS-1, WS-II or SA surface water quality standards as a result of groundwater discharge; award 10 points 2. Free product or sheen discovered on surface waters as a result of groundwater discharge; award 5 points UST/200 Rev. 9/04 2 of 4 " Soil A Land Use Choose required soil clean-up level then apply points only if soil contamination exceeds requirement No Risk Data Soil to GW Residential Industrial/Commercial ❑ W ❑ ❑ Air 1. Maximum soil contaminant concentration exceeds "Soil to Groundwater" but below "Residential" exposure concentration; award 5 points total OR 2. Maximum soil contaminant concentration exceeds 'Residential' but is below the "Industrial/Commercial" exposure concentration; award 10 points total OR 3. Maximum soil contaminant concentration exceeds the "Industrial/Commercial" exposure concentration or no risk -based data available; award 15 points total A. Vapor Phase Exposure 1. Contaminant vapors detected in inhabitable building(s), but levels are below 20% of the lower explosive limit and health concern levels; award 20 points total 2. Contaminant vapors detected in other confined areas (uninhabitable buildings, sewer lines, utility vaults, etc.) but levels are below 20% of the lower explosive limit; award 5 points total 3. HYDROGEOLOGY AND LITHOLOGY A. Bedrock - contamination is located in, on or within five feet of bedrock; award 20 points eC 0 B. Vertical Contaminant Migration -Literature or well logs indicate that no confining layer is present J D above bedrock or within twenty feet of land surface; award 10 points C. Horizontal Contaminant Migration -Data or observations indicate that no discharge points or aquifer discontinuities exist between the discharge, release or known extent of contamination and the Is - nearest down gradient drinking water supply; award 5 points total 4. ENVIRONMENTAL VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT Contamination Concentrations A. Existing Groundwater Quality -The worst case monitor or supply well, assign only one 1. At less than 10 times the 2L groundwater standards; award 5 points OR 2. Between 10 and 100 times the 2L groundwater standards; award 20 points OR 3. Greater than 100 times the 2L groundwater standards; award 40 points 40 OR 4. Free Product; award 80 points Contaminant Types A. Predominant Contamination Type I. Low boiling point petroleum products (gasoline, aviation fuel); award 20 points 1? 0 2. High boiling point petroleum products (fuel oil, kerosene, diesel fuel or similar products); award 0 points SECTION II. Release Ranking ®p UST/200 Rev. 9/04 3 of 4 SECTION III. Source Abatement Assignment (Award Points and Assign Letter) A. Abated or Unabated Contaminant Source 1. Emergency Situation, Assign Letter E (from Section II.1.) OR 2. UST remains in active use and continues to discharge into the environment; Award 100 points and assign Letter A OR 3. UST release has been abated. However, contaminated soil continues to release product or contaminants into the environment; Award 50 points and assign Letter D OR 4. UST release has been abated. Contaminated soil has been removed or remediated; Award 0 points and assign Letter R SECTION III. Source Abatement Assignment SECTION IV. Risk, Rank and Abatement Score S'o b Total: Risk, Rank and Abatement Score (Insert risk letter from Section 1, total all points from Section 11 and 111, and insert abatement letter from Section 111) (e.g H750D) Upon completion transfer final score to box on page 1. UST/200 Rev. 9/04 4 of 4 + { ,_ ' _ t.'{' r, r- � r� r�' 1' �■ _ _ I � L ��' 1.• '. ` k �� i r1yG'' : .�L qr F+�'rr r +���`'_�}y 1 {' r ' ■' ■ 5k Ly �r#Y ��,1r-' +r '•'`Lam} ? r�.dry•�`u - ' J• ' 1 , J PL -�.. '•f 7 r + *� ■ { 1 , + It p'�`, :ti• 1• iT*'Jv ,' +.i+r: IR Ir } i �y..r~'+ _ { •+,` F yr '•;fir~ I F'.r �M1 ~•;I'j� I. ,� M1 :•,}+} ,14 ` -1 .�rJ J� fk �' L'� ; `r #■+ T r + w' - -' fi - f. 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'Y,Iki %' l ; 61 r - } dr d y Irf Jr� .+R.r rrr ter_ �.i. t JL ' r f 11- . - F . �'• L, y f - - `P ' 4 �r■+� L� 1} ■yl l WL • '4 r ,+5 Act P. "S■1 J: }.IL . rl' t rI 4 I ' r ' Yr 1 \ � LYr � r � ' •4 Ii � �'+ 4� ` - -• ' Air + r e ' ti 'L• , - Y' 1 r T 1� r r •s ti is • _- r J . � L 4 . r JI' � L L .s _ r W6 • ' • • , .L it - -- .�. _ .. r 5539902295 03/26/2003 I ft 5539902295 06/10/2004 Cabarrus County Property Report Parcel Information Number Property Real ID Legal Description 55399022950000 11-049-0034.00 HARTSELL Land Units Land Units Type 17.44000000 AC a \ en U M Ma 1Nma°Or 'L`°° M1ami Chyhh qd G� � k � Lo 3 fA1 ° 81uey,'p q. B'g Pintailp 4 c © 2018 Microsoft Corporation, © 2018 HF_RF_ First Owner Name SMITH J L MRS ESTATE Second Owner Name Mailing Address Physical Address(es) C/O JEFF HARRIS 13422 SCANLAN WAY DAVIDSON NC 28036 3970 US HWY 601 S CONCORD NC 28025 Land Value Building Value Assessed Value Market Value 442020 1000 115140 444910 Sale Year Sale Month Sale Price Deed Book Deed Page Elementary School Middle School High School AT Allen ES C C Griffin MS Central Cabarrus HS Voter Precinct Zoning Muncipal District Township 11-01 PUD CITY OF CONCORD Township 11, Central Cabarrus Soil Report for Parcel Floodplain Report for Parcel Soil Type Acreage Percentage Floodway 100 Year 500 Year FIRM Panel Number EnB 6.05 39.27 No No No 5539 MeB 3.62 23.47 PoD 0.09 0.58 PoF 5.65 36.68 Permits Issued on Parcel Permit Number Permit Type Status Issue Date EL2014-00272 Trade Electrical Final Complete 2014.02.04 Cabarrus County shall not be held liable for any errors in the data represented on this record. This includes errors of omission, commission, concerning the content of the data, and relative positional accuracy of the data. The data cannot be construed to be a legal document. Primary sources from which this data was compiled must be consulted for verification of information represented on this map document. Report Created By Cabarrus County IT Department. 11/29/2018 2:50:45 PM Data Sources: Cabarrus County Land Records, Microsoft Bing Maps 40 1 Appraisal Card Page 1 of 1 CABARRUS COUNTY. NC 12/7/2019 11:S0:10 AM MITH J L MRS ESTATE Return/Appeal Notes: Parcel: 5539 90 2295 0000 3970 US HIGHWAY 601 S NC PLAT: / 6503100 ID NO: 11 049 0034.00 0000 CONCORD CITY TAX (100), COUNTY TAX (100) CARD NO. 1 of 1 Reval Year: 2016 Tax Year: 2018 HARTSELL 17.440 AC SRC= Inspection Appraised by SM on 08 08 2017 05003 CENTRAL CABARRUS HIGH SCH TW-11 CI-02 FR-00 EX- AT- LAST ACTION 20170929 CONSTRUCTION DETAIL MARKET VALUE DEPRECIATION CORRELATION OF VALUE Foundation - 3 EOBS Economic 0.15000 Continuous Footing 5.00 Obsolescence Sub Floor System - 5 AP Additional 0.40000 Wood 9.00 USE MOD Eff. Area QUAL BASE RATE RCN EYB AYB Physical REDENCE TO MARKET Exterior Walls - 05 Asbestos Shingle 27.00 Standard 0.65000 Roofing Structure - 03 Gable 7.0001 01 1,381 97 72.27 99806 1951 1951 % GOOD 11.0 EPR. BUILDING VALUE - CARD 1,00 Roof ng Cover - 03 EPR. OB/XF VALUE - CARD 1,89 Asphalt or Composition 3.00 TYPE: SINGLE FAMILY RURAL SINGLE FAMILY HOME Shingle STYLE: 1 - 1.0 Story MARKET LAND VALUE - CARD 442,02 OTAL MARKET VALUE - CARD 444,91 Interior Wall Construction - 5 D wall/Sheetrock 20.00 Interior Floor Cover - 09 OTAL APPRAISED VALUE - CARD 444,91 Pine or Soft Woods 10.00 FOP Heating Fuel - Oil, Wood or Coaall 0.00 6' 24' [144 ftl] OTAL APPRAISED VALUE - PARCEL 444,91 Heating Type - 04 Forced Air - Ducted 4.00 OTAL PRESENT USE VALUE - PARCEL 115,14 OTAL VALUE DEFERRED - PARCEL 329,77 Air Conditioning Type - 01 None 0.00 � OTAL TAXABLE VALUE - PARCEL $ 115,14 Bedrooms/Bathrooms/Half- Bathrooms PRIOR 1 0 7.000 Bedrooms BUILDING VALUE 1,00 BAS - 2 FUS - 0 LL - 0 BXF VALUE 1,89 ND VALUE 442,02 Bathrooms BAS - 1 FUS - 0 LL - 0 ails 11302 W1 RESENT USE VALUE 112,25 EFERRED VALUE 329,77 OTAL VALUE 444,91( Half -Bathrooms BAS - 0 FUS - 0 LL - 0 Office BAS - 0 FUS - 0 LL - 0 0 28' 35' OTAL POINT VALUE 92.000 BUILDING ADJUSTMENTS uali 3 Avera a 1.0000 Sha a Desi n 3 MF3 1.0000 PERMIT Size ISizel Size 11.0500 CODE I DATE I NOTE I NUMBER I AMOUNT OTAL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 1.050 OTAL QUALITY INDEX 97 ROUT: WTRSHD: SALES DATA FF. INDICATE :3 f RECORD DATE DEED SALES BOOK AGE MO TYPE /U /I PRICE USP 7' 7' 10' 14' €96 'I HEATED AREA 1,302 NOTES Click on image to enlarge SUBAREA ODE DESCRIPTIONCOUN LTH THUNIT UNIT I PRICE ORIG ^/o COND LDG41 SIZE FACT AYB EYB ANN DEP RATE V % COND OB/XF DEPR VALUE GS RPL 1 TORAGE WD 16 1 19 14.3 100 1 1.25 20012001 S3 55 188 TYPE AREA % CS BAS 1,302 10 94096 OTAL OB XF VALUE 1,8819 FOP 14 03 3614 SP 9803 2096 FIREPLACE 1 - None 0 SUBAREA 1,54 99,806 OTALS BUILDING DIMENSIONS FOP= N6W24S6E24Area: 144; BAS =W44S35E ION7E34N 28Area: 1302;USP=E14N7W14S7Area: 98;Tota lArea: 1544 LAND INFORMATION OTHER ADJUSTMENTS HIGHEST AND NOTES LAND TOTAL AND BEST USE LOCAL FRON DEPTH / LND COND RF AC LC TO ROAD UNIT LAND LINT TOTAL ADJUSTED LAND OVERRIDE LAND USE CODE ZONING TAGE DEPTH SIZE MOD FACT OT TYPE PRICE UNITS TYP ADJST UNIT PRICE VALUE VALUE NOTES RURAL AC 0120 PUD 775 0 1.0380 4 1.3200 +02 +30 +00 +00 PW 18,500.00 17.44C AC 1.370 25,345.00 442017 0 CNR +00 H WY601 OTAL MARKET LAND DATA 17.440 442,020 Forestry II 6210 PUD 0 1 0 1 1.0000 1 5 1.0000 PW 1 245.00 13.13 AC 1.000 245.0 321 0 DQ FOREST 6800 PUD 0 0 1.0380 5 1.3200 PW 18,500.00 4.30 AC 1.370 25,345.0 10903 0 LAND OTAL PRESENT USE DATA 17.44 112,250 http://tax.cabarruscounty.us/AppraisalCard.aspx?idP=7711992&Action=Auto 12/7/2018 _.y JaiLi�lYa:til'a.'u.e:r%.Y'it v:.]w uYK..�kuf.u.;�_L..aat64.S'.t �♦ *R.t?�IM�.I+t�Yi -'iii.5"rLr'arl'a2ubt---•. r93d4:�i.._1.n'i,4iLti:lltmifG 'w�.,.IY`i.m.....An.:<Gi SIc�.2..;..i N,M.L�rc1 ------------- Record 124 ,r THIS INDENTURE, Made this the.......8th November in the year of our Lord one thnosand, nine _...day of ..................................._......... hundred and thirty one between ll Merlie Faggert Smith and husband R.it.Smith I' 111111� of the County of .._�ab8rrua ... and State of NorthCarolina, part lee of the first part, and J.L.Smith and wife Margie Smith of the County of......GOa1CF.UN ...........................and State of North Carolina, Pam.;,leeof the second part, i WITNESSETH, That the said part..lea, of the $rat part, for and in consideration of the sum of..9A4.. M=Alted ,DQ11ara,; ( and other valuable oonaiderationsto ,rt 1ea r paid,Ihereacipt _..... then p _ the fist part, in hand whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha Yfl...... bargained, sold and conveyed, and by throe prwate do.-.... bargain. sell and eonvev. unto the said na.t_10 a •