HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE External Mountaire Siler City Diesel Fuel Spill Notification and Borrow Soil Analytical Results 20060-16-019 201691Dave – Thanks for notifying us of the nearby accident caused by others that impacted the Townsend Siler City site by migration of diesel fuel from a nearby property onto the Brownfields Property. I look forward to getting a report when the cleanup has been completed. As we discussed this morning, there is the possibility of residual material from this diesel release and I understand you are awaiting utility clearance before moving in to assist with the cleanup. Based on confirmatory soil data, we can make a determination on whether this incident would require a revised plat. The operative issue there is whether any residual contamination would increase the environmental risk at the Brownfields Property in excess of what is already known and documented by the existing recorded plat. With regard to the Caviness Farms and Ed Clapp Road fill soil source areas, I have reviewed the laboratory analytical reports and the soil summary table you provided on Friday. It would be helpful to have a figure of each site and where the soil samples were collected from, the approximate volume of soil to be obtained from the site and the depths of the soil samples, and the collection method. These data indicate that concentrations of compounds detected, primarily metals, in these soil samples are significantly less than industrial preliminary soil remedial goals. In addition, I have entered these data into the DWM risk calculator to quantify environmental risk associated with these soils with respect to carcinogenic risk and noncancer risk. As you would expect with these concentrations, the results from these soil samples indicate that neither the Caviness Farms stockpiled nor insitu soil samples, nor the Ed Clapp Rd insitu soil samples result in an exceedance of an acceptable cancer risk nor in an exceedance of the threshold noncancer hazard index of 1. Therefore, the soils represented by these soil samples are approved for use at the Townsend Siler City Brownfields Property. You might want to take a closer look at your water source for your trip blank as that contained VOCs in the sample, which were not present in your soil samples (pg.21-22/47, L1011146). If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Sharon Sharon Poissant Eckard, PG Eastern District Supervisor Division of Waste Management – Brownfields Program NC Department of Environmental Quality 919.707.8379 direct line & fax sharon.eckard@ncdenr.gov <mailto:sharon.eckard@ncdenr.gov> 217 W. Jones Street 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: David Duncklee [mailto:dave@dunckleedunham.com] Sent: Friday, August 03, 2018 3:56 PM To: Eckard, Sharon <sharon.eckard@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Scott Hevner <shevner@mountaire.com>; John Wren <jwren@mountaire.com>; Brian Rosenthal <BROSENTHAL@RoseLawFirm.com>; Beth Sise <bsise@mountaire.com>; Tori Gordon Jones <TJONES@RoseLawFirm.com>; Craig Lair <clair@mountaire.com>; Mike Tirrell <mtirrell@mountaire.com> Subject: [External] Mountaire Siler City, Diesel Fuel Spill Notification and Borrow Soil Analytical Results, 20060-16-019, 201691 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. <mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Sharon: I hope you have had a good week. This email serves two purposes: 1) notification of a small diesel spill from an adjoining property, and 2) to provide the analytical results of borrow source soils. 1. Mountaire reports today that a small diesel fuel spill from a truck tractor trailer on the adjoining upslope property may have washed onto the Mountaire property. Response activities began yesterday on the filling station property to the east. Apparently, the release also occurred on the adjoining Quick Lube property adjoining, as well, from where rainfall has washed the spill close to, and possibly onto, the Mountaire property today. If this is confirmed, once impacted soils are removed, we will collect samples per the EMP to document closure conditions. These results will be provided to the NCBP. 2. A summary table and analytical reports for the two borrow area source soils are attached. From my review, the results are consistent with earlier findings with regards to arsenic (within typical background levels), chromium (farmed fields, no industrial activity), and laboratory or anthropogenic contaminants (VOC traces). Within this context, none of the target compounds exceeds industrial PSRGs. I will be in touch with you early next week on the spill cleanup. Have a good weekend. Best regards and thanks, Dave David L. Duncklee, PG, RSM President / Senior Hydrogeologist Duncklee & Dunham, PC Environmental Geologists & Engineers 511 Keisler Drive – Suite 102 Cary, North Carolina, USA Mobile: 919-417-9923 Office: 919-858-9898 x102 www.dunckleedunham.com From: Robert Lumley Sent: Friday, August 3, 2018 3:31 PM To: David Duncklee <dave@dunckleedunham.com <mailto:dave@dunckleedunham.com> > Subject: Mountaire Siler City BFA Sharon, Duncklee & Dunham is pleased to submit this table and lab reports summarizing the test results of soil used to backfill at the Mountaire Siler City site per the EMP. Robert N. Lumley Staff Environmental Scientist II 511 Keisler Drive, Suite 102 Cary, North Carolina 27518 Office: 919-858-9898 x116 Mobile: 919-669-9841 www.dunckleedunham.com <http://www.dunckleedunham.com> A Professional Geologic and Engineering Corporation ౕ銦൰윯昣滑䇓䳕탵䌅貚䜽꬛䃝菆蒷Ḍꭲ�鹺阬初኶㭭ꎧ䀢籪롩涔莆⋇鮀Ẃ扽䩄毺畍弐᩹遄၇ﺋⰿ鱈콽㈸瓢꿸ᦡ돸흓퐟벉ⓚۺᗙ䇧埦轰ꜧ걮ᄂ㵦첣￷曋�쬓溓掱罒ᗝଝ끏姩鄆䭿�꟟ꬨ福�榲홛跉㡼ꂿ챺犩륻믽銡㮄嗩艕ษ䶔浍�좃ಂ䲽乏験懻᠁ଭ麞판뢎횘滍ᐽ㢭蜆㐷̴ሖ縚ॵ⃡㘉旴랭ꇑ㺨阓棔△恕돽귦툟敟ꧬ꺅᭪ﱮㆅ嫖晜銫濟뱒ఘ苶₣헲궙ߖ햛~䬋㺥즟Ⱪ㭵锏獇넑䬸엟ଊ옳᭪픰툶얦心댌ヾ捋掮ꮒ잗፸蚭ꡋ᣼핕 퀛濉㚰溶₶ᒠ૟↜ཆ磠�ꈎ㽇㸧鱨ăჶ쯐䘲禫޼솕섘뫣伓鮌꒹�舊ṣ봫�ỿ뽯蠟ㄫన찵폷ǜ�蠡ﶯ꒎퇙茾ᱛ㯝픂Ⱒꬱ娹㝩㖐�๋郞礷鸾�饭単昝ᐵ䤤䘌➕↰챝瀈慤늩䣕❴칂딷䷺Ḥ鮪曏쨍멠꬇簄圾ꈤ荧鱀樨吥ທ㽁�蝋ﲤ歷榒킑퐭矔❠諜➐ꚿ岞횀鉔ᬹ硎ᘙ遼⌌䎇⤱ᶿ᢮珳흪畾웂ꥭ신̍ᤗ璖ꦷ듺뫰ᗟ◓뽟ꅫ↛끚窮浚嚭헠䏶쾙褸藃䌚맙合ᬰఒꭠ譼䮀े敲틧얫ꁧ鋁䬥첸囌ᨵ只胮⁠鼕⬬Ꜯ縛샢࠭鵧ⶖꬬꞩ诏䉢뾯햘ꙡ损됺蕖蔋䈞켏 ⑀ໜ픝婏伭㌱꽅䢀墨⡩通䊼㖢ᇜ檳᧵櫋ܱӼ곖㺹ද㰑ঽꠍ粫ㅊ铡쪉諾냡纤ꃀذ�ǰ荒퉥ꭍӱ⯱鉎鎁郚쩩ꊆ準댱聉뜇ﺎ졗秺醎ṉ㱪옯뻷ྱ䙘綖쐁襻ᴺ퀏袚폯ꕱ㢪孓켄窙�ﰱ希ﳲ䣱떚泼ꀁ驛疃糊圚Ѡꟓ쬞냯䂣Ꙇ工ᢖ௯妾䝟䒪ꦯ콭쪖⎸鑁恮撙렍둥Ⱜԫ嘮혐᳆侞䩈鶟⻚봸ំ呕쇸曺쫡h垧በ禼褐栀墪菫᤯ꂻ䗖艹악�㸒鿴Ԍ票ﵒ뼆咱ꑞ㧦鰛உ匰ϔ㘫冀⍂ꊯ쌎庀䖹冩ᯕ厪뻥៩셨㐀⠄礂㲥쾓�㩳㴉ꙓ㌹꜅뙧఑줬澭瓤რ੭ ヒ䔖髀湘☛븒辡抦햹睐䟳ꜙ㈁ᶟ蠔㢑虍�WŮ쬤슂㴢羌뉉盳鑕쩞軷聽ﲧ탹촙䖂鶏劭몚鹿㝿䘷鏮⵶ⷜ썖漢幇쬷酴艋乁﷓ꄹ퀵旯ؽ⻰ᾲ짥덧䆓䜢휞꭪䵗괏鳝죯젞⃹ꬵサ쓨魼Ǘ致쏼걹끉ⶼ砨ྸ跂觽狨ࢥ゜࣏铖絾藗﹅횧㓧毺ᓾϠण䯿ĝᏑ蠘辤郣ẇ㯴橜츢篷ﮙꂷ㏮␅᪫쬱穥댞嵭뒻�㻯깘�칏綬惥⎁ძ㟼簡셋撹ꮒ⮷ચ晋Ⱖ쎚䔅ϫ喢꙳㛾毀쀭뚧壥쪹�犬C䘷섏�ށ헒ꄐ툿셃ఱૼ댓ꁊ罘弬廌䨤㾽楪뙅�彯�熾鼑岜࿫줄⾗使鲬쬎텀 곰뵩걛瘃헡輈죾ᆈ娣ᣌ祵�旲墢겂ް禰굇゚◤�왴岻΢揾睇펂괂␖볹ᶓ૊윓↎鲼ᬅޢ䌷渹羄굎潽汋㥗�᲼颾╷ꗮ뗵偙껪ቨ頽䁻᤾땹�઻今짫괵˙ᶒ瀧ᅭ銔᯸蜹엨節䉊ﮜ⃳䟎酸዗䏿죕탳㸇�쎜씙㫍먖떓ꦸ넓ꊃ⢼䏇珟漖纈徸藬瘤苐蚇탻㽧珩晥珫⌝䧝黌奀㖞㜩谮༑溈泷鎞南눥鄁⼠迂㛮穛蛕蜨厭濠Ʒ뇛�棢⚡䒡펹彚e潃ﱸ柟襟ಂસ닎复䑠濝⫪⫶ᘷ搷ंᵄ朂鈔聡娘몒⭧대ꪦ쳐삚吋絁䘦釾ᶓ䋷䏡갩㞶㨱 辣킥븅짎㲮ᅩჷ�醥쿐躰ᄧ皂ἑ䪕矑솕쏱덀䵾ᰆ澦뗃ʹ㺹珧�삀墴얐꧇ᄒ〗ࠞẸꩮ鶔瘲羗�偟৞腵轞戯㜆竁屺螑益軾笚ⴟ䷴ྜ槉㠫㜙㠯苎ዢ껔蹨좎ⶩ൚呺趂芽﬚ᓆ崤䝔躩埛練㡐懔欠ᵠ껿礻翦㳃㯯顐ै㟖᪢充ᓨꭿ旼譋嶋⻰亏㚘饭䖮绽ⱦꍸ셪㤂쑳甈웳ꆍ뻞椁軈졔ᛴꜴ৾茆鮉�Ɩ鯿栚鎅〻ổᓟ聏Ꜫ蒧￞뮦ଦ�奒䚺嚔稊㸶鱮綠Მ釧憌种ꛘ껕瑾禞ﻞ㑺ꁸ숩榠¾힃ᷲ緧訨뻞ꛧ⿮ɞ޹샺鴫ᮢ俪�述쒈䥵뤔ࡈ힩⾩ꊮ 睮僕쾗䔧膝㎈쯪蜥꘢ዦ熭뭻慒꼻庾鰔㑆愜ァ렑㱃侒㴧먫綢薎熞焏憼꾀쨡䏰ᙣ柎笖ೆ丯ҏ㧂ꭵ拏ㅖ栫硾㿤ᦜ뼾픞㤃똝惁僭ꑨ嵤䜈≵蘪䙂霑阋袴♊㙏돩�휪ϖ礸炂ᆆ䮂걤��ꃛ諭Ӥ㞖괚埓弳謲ꇞ劢㫶㇗敤ꣿ᷏冀Ꝕ㗋᝔䝸퐾葒칤჊✝손滲ཌྷ㔖᪫쿐ି๷鵿畋虚殰Ⳬ敥榸祹袅袞㒩呲솿鸜쏈䢁쩮䮛픩炊괜ᠳ颯ಞ䄮짗ឰ䇵또䢛z귴㓮䬠绣궴᚜銯躜豋�ﺕ魇쬰迋䘃ㆰ덉﹗쫺뎊覠휼饮礼៲鈵聐ꔧ鼂龲፣뵄꽞ꚰ㊴朽ࣄ䦶洶飜بシꌍ䗎뜫폭 ฦ毮죝䆀䰺䱞蛮憣켼�ꓸ撴᭚皹淼洱칕噕븟迱뎢䷋ꉑ楄쮭즛ṽ笠矱銌粫ើ�햳퀺㐲黎ꅏ懩䒟迆☳뚿쎹ᲆ跧瀵넣੍鵷竆腸祈⢿ᾩᨓݜ枱㵰䙠罂ኝ筚秌ծῙ曧澒酙蕛ᴰ㶞폨珘ﴃʉҮ䬦坬隁櫃괊¶ꦬ勌늶禼ꬑᏟ湸쬞㗉ᤧิ嚑뙣䣌걳Ჹ篯旨࣒뮂㙛㓨欠铨ޟ±Ⲿ兇됪驹䄍苝␨떁ꪣ液✼๜筶ఄ豐瞈地ꊋ늲碅觯ℸ렛࿁ޜ㽼氹Զ斈⫁㘔⹌ꝏ㙊︔ӏ熂䢌佣ᮯᚖ得ਦ럮䞙⼆ᶘ┊랙ᒾᵜ۳ꖉ䣸컕蟍狲虘譾砂婢䅍쾾㧪瑁駁慷 ẍ鯷䔞帪ࠟ憇ऒ鰞侕훇藞⁔鶓⬉ᶺ⒢ꪞ놩狝획뻁ആۂ腐콧倅㢃ᒌ鴢퍹撢摥좼웼ﮐ偺䩖曊ᔂ쫧ힳ垔覎鄚䢍鵭剣䟮甐ࣝ뼲뤈)쥢垖쬻欔쭚揰枝䇉桺奟뺰䇢玉ן㢓ぼ䔛䷉꘶뚖嚦籩媸꟒샷괭㒜諳嚔靏췶滄凕᥈嗩켟⣡俗壷嚢⬏嗐㗭ߟ挝幕カ岞퉶去ಁ뷇쭅뫸ࡿ䝰貀¡䄠龆﷙䆺퍧ꚫ箃븜ﴯ텄搕钎縗相圯㢄땡㚱팛릝�뢽힗완ퟤࣃཐ歾稷ދ앰县௚鱀觀㽂䰊슴ꣾ�⥟䉆ꋂ⵿�첉褝娙찖炊唜猡脿핬ḝ验逶䣅껷ຨ⥟핶檘 냢ꬎث䃪炟嶒楮먇⤸皛逪਱氡䂨ꬉ䏷莬塯铻賾腳헹꜁蝀쥀↯ﶵ癘ꞹ퀢깼䗎燄�n쉠⳥ᘿ덝ﲣꐅ纺Ỵ譵褖䜰གྷ肺骹쯫઀솖爝툤操Ꮁ额钥㗽쬗ꤧ얝儤蝘掬곪Ƹූ敻驯᭞溻釅佁᳇鄛녘곽㭫沧댷瀩冲펠첁族ⳮ宥쪗楮눊둕废袍糀琊刦썥쫴昗꒥壯뎷�뛋儗㨢㳢⪷탡烗籚椟鉩⎙䍦倆瑩춴﯀ᴌ昺氋셚ﬖ⚂枵㢢᳝䯴읱栔黚㘶氅ᰊʗຝ汤⠴ᅬ莆ᅹ篨栤盄ᠵ脈ᬫ젤⃒갥䁼싪흛䩄䗓顉鄈㛲貂ⲳ㙽쬐㣲b猖ꁡ燆੭㢗Ꝕ㓗ボ욁갼생肦腍ꏎ靀�ꆤ힋ﴮ뫢ꋍ鴤⪣ ㈝㈈㉿羃좠ꎏ麉灧 ⃏⺄ݙ૿ᐖ얣ヰⴁ킱팴躙諭쳌犘㮿⒝鄑뵹頻톤ⴖ漻�ﴽ⥀◐뙀歵ᔞ뛈�粐莯勅脷苳〗렀圝ẑ烋债뷓뛻쾟﫱쎒䉈䛧虘눼蝮眚恤궻腍薓崂搂㢌뮈ᱚ⪍ㄏみ歝좇ᑷ䌊瓌㪷ꐸᵥ焍衽被スꇫ猬㑺捺䂬ᤆ櫺⎜倀ݭ짗滄士鄩鈝ᝢʛԶ䀺⺁㈃�涮啽䩲申ᢤ賩䱲踑ӂ缈碊齈煂⭏伖㼹쏭첶뼵⑬쮞䉅뚶tᵖⲖ섒ꢢ裶뗚묈䶑ẁ腂̮똲о켂ᕗ㛭䱸ᵃ痞焊ུ娏㵗혒⒱赕䞹仛↛䏪⁴쇛䮛괾䮸褭╻✧飹锈熿ꗗ쎦㳵餠�樇 鍙馅暘략矚㣌汵늷ꏃ靀餂빿먭鵭铬⫇谝㲿ꗡ痑낟㇖倫禃诹죉듉㡐琣⯯蒟⇖뷸਄ꐴ戒棍㔼叹ꀂマ☠꘬ӭ혱閝좦㴨怞羶瘵魋㼂ਬ濖ꄛ鳠˺蹪졭�㚶嗟쐭臖䉉瓺᱁뒊䌫꒑*䎠Ჳꅝ掂⃢ᣪ ㅦ䣭腡꘻푔ᤝ滏卫擠䂦Η잙秫僳ꇝ⑊䱐뗑蟯躁婱憞斕洱ꉴ癭蘘䞡蠆�鎚獹毙⦳巐⁲ﱃ㡥艈ࠅD젅骺෸鷱ꕚ০烢膉㵝�䶿鎁ʞ๝豤㪂ᆵ䒃篔丠ໜ㎳ﯟ슋惼뗽ꍙป녎䶋鬁ᴂ䂣·ꙙ妜嗲ﭨ�弥葦ျ�떱賶賖쌛աⒼ뗼䱧黈䶅Կֺᣈ邙焜ᐞ韤ス홉ᖱ꜠ 툼䞓柲侎亵뇪䶋鬁ᴂ䂧Ʒ澈廥샳鱶瑶蚆ⴳ衿㫅倷�ޞ衿럫泗ꁓ⢫淐陀펌ꯀꯪ䉟틈㨟젛縉搲네雛惵ᛮ줬ᰚ渺㖝鷺⟨씼ꯜ생肦ō腆뷮秳䂱䚍쟯潑虱䧞罊鿦釆�틩툤ᳺễ襳戁ₜ匓�쯻榉癶ỏ慳觬Ⲝ⁖瓋⯻ꢿ礯Ꚕᴚ멉䓘轝꽌永䝷�쾹퀝܁缜쐵㉰ℍﰔޡ书罌擼㣙㫶੬⓴琊逫薱㱳螝䏳뚦茿懘৲ऀ흍␪﹙ܼ䃊镰䤤౓� Mẘ꠰✯ឤ뉳性ꔤ띀夃箦䟰ᱟﻚ⒙蘻䚩鐇᛾衐ꎄꏆ厣걒ଳ蘏嶪ﲍ≢⥎滿᤮ល⌓멙䍭୽쪹㢘ᵩ骠龟࿟䷱॓형�䎈뮬 ႉ򻢜䷜췟浑鰊ᐜ盨欠쫠濾갺Ⓗ⢄粉了풢﹇閙蠱狅敚㾼鋊箲蜄᧻世巔馜좥幇렲ፐ᫾釋㌯࿇꽼᫥䴵陋縸踜흽ڿ隱꿈齆ᵄ젛믚㙶᠅⌓й䚢鷛ჸ䇧捆㍏䟍䒗�᫥ഐ᰷�ʖ藮ደ냼豰ꪛd�畗줷퐘폄鸳項充ㇱ푊벬᷾勈닑灷౛Ⲵ拠⽺᯶⼸䟌늁୮匽�涼⧴㷿竚Ꝉ죆梣컋ꬤ孇栨뇗瀩割呀먕蜈䱹毅⭌䐔�⦆Ț竵┬鷓灹ꇓ�ꚺώ贸�∁⠧﷈᪅ໜ㈤䍼樣홁`㈖궨昀Ⱟⴭ�톩ꙩ俉╆ﷆ໅궸杻ᯙḲ쬀ٕ꾎匜틺襋⮋淉䮃湅�枳ۿ 쳇碟⟁蠢믽ōʛᓍ㿸ꁥ亪瀤≞