HomeMy WebLinkAbout13005_Tyner St_Additional assessment 2010.06.211646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone: 919-508-8400 \ FAX: 919-715-4061 \ Internet: www.wastenotnc.org An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer June 21, 2010 Sent Via E-mail and USPS Mr. Frank Bishop Frank Bishop, Inc. 2130 Lawton Bluff Road Charlotte, NC 28266 frankbishopinc@yahoo.com Subject: Request for Additional Assessment Tyner Street Redevelopment 7810- 7820 and 7842 Tyner Street Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Brownfields Project Number 13005-09-60 Dear Mr. Bishop: The North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) has reviewed the currently available information for the above referenced site and determined that data gaps have been identified. Additional assessment activities, as outlined below, are required to assist in making risk management decisions for inclusion in the brownfields agreement (BFA). • General: The most recent Inactive Hazardous Sites Program Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup should be followed (http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/sf/ihs/ihsguide), which in turn relies upon EPA's Environmental Investigations Standard Operating Procedures and Quality Assurance Manual. Request Level 2 QA/QC data packages from a N.C. certified environmental laboratory. Submit a work plan for review prior to conducting field work for approval by DENR to ensure all aspects of the requirements are covered. • Sampling Activities: • Soil: Collect shallow soil samples, see attached figure for locations. • Groundwater: Collect groundwater samples from existing monitoring wells. Record depth of static groundwater in each well prior to purging activities, and field parameters (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, and conductivity) prior to sampling activities for summary report. Contain purge water for analysis prior to disposal following approval by DENR. In lieu of sampling the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dexter Matthews, Director Division of Waste Management Beverly Eaves Perdue, Governor Dee Freeman, Secretary Mr. Bishop June 2010 Page 2 of 2 containers, the consultant may rely on sample analysis for disposal options. The ultimate disposal information must be included in the report. • Soil-Gas: Collect soil-gas samples and/or sub-slab soil-gas samples. Submit a work plan to brownfields program for review and approval prior to schedule the field work. For sub-slab and near slab soil vapor sampling, methods should be used that are consistent with the following guidelines and information: 9 EPA Compendium Method TO-15 (EPA/625/R-96-010b). (8- 24 hour sample duration). 9 Section 3.0 of the “Assessment of Vapor Intrusion in Homes near the Raymark Superfund Site Using Basement and Sub-Slab Air Samples”. 9 Vapor Intrusion Sampling Draft Guidance, NCDENR Brownfields Program (attached) 9 Inactive Hazardous Site Branch Vapor Intrusion Guidance • Laboratory Analyses: Submit samples to a NC-certified laboratory. Analyze all groundwater volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Methods 8260, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270, and 13 hazardous substance list metals (see section A.7.1.2 of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Guidance referenced above) in addition include total chromium and hexavalent chromium. Analyze soil samples for total chromium and hexavalent chromium. Analyze all soil-gas samples by TO-15 Method. Ensure laboratory method detection limits are below applicable standards. Provide complete original laboratory reports and associated laboratory QA/QC documentation in the final report to DENR. • Report and Figures: Submit an assessment report with a description of field activities, tabulated data (including historical data), the laboratory data packet, and information requested in above bullets. Provide a site plan with temporary well locations, estimated locations of previous soil boring, and current site structures. Provide concentration map(s) for contaminants detected above applicable standards. Provide summary analytical table for contaminate detected by the laboratory versus the state standard and include historical data, if available. Please have your environmental consultant contact me to discuss this work plan. Once these activities are complete, we will determine if any additional information is needed to complete our evaluation of site risks and preparation of the draft Brownfields Agreement. Sincerely, Carolyn Minnich Carolyn F. Minnich Brownfields Project Manager Division of Waste Management cc: Project File ec: Bruce Nicholson, DENR - - illiEl!O + SOIL BORING LOCATION (C811.l) TYNER STREET Q T'r'P£ I ( MONITORING wEll.. @) rO.lPORARY TYPE I r )"IONITOR\NG WEll.. (CBlr.l) SOIL BORING LDCAnON (COOPER ENVIRONMENTAl)~fr!'/--<><=+:+=' UOi8i18l r... ~. D' C>< SOIL OORING LOCAnON x'~1<P! ---~ , -"--=:tt:=_ \' " ~..,,,~ •...1"o, '", I i! I >'/~---_- >'>f-'-"ofIolW-j v"'"' ==k• lJi UH 8A(X C#" 01_9 '_<R->7 -~ , // 7,;-I - -I ~ (TURNER. HART &: t-lICKMNf) T(I,lPORARr IrolONITORING WELL a 1:/ ~./:' " - -t -~II' .. (COOPER ENvlRONUENTAI...) 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