HomeMy WebLinkAbout13005_Tyner St_ Assessment Rpt 2012.08 ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT REPORT FORMER AMPLATE, INC. FACILITY 7810, 7820 AND 7842 TYNER STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Tyner Street Investments, LLC 601 Minuet Lane Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 Prepared by: AWARE Environmental® Inc. 8514 McAlpine Park Dr. Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 AEI Project No. N510-06 AEI Document No. 51006L001 August 2012 Additional Assessment Report Final 8/2012 Former Amplate Facility 2 Prior to conducting the above described work, a Work Plan was prepared and submitted to the NCDENR – Brownfield Program on May 10, 2012 and approved by the Brownfield Program in a letter dated May 15, 2012. The additional site assessment work was conducted in accordance with the approved Work Plan. Soil and groundwater samples were sent to Davis and Floyd, Inc. located in Greenwood, South Carolina, North Carolina Certification Number 25. Soil gas samples were sent to Enthalpy Analytical located in Durham North Carolina. Samples were shipped to the contracted laboratories by overnight courier. Laboratory results for metals in soil and groundwater were estimated if concentrations were detected between the laboratory method limits and reporting limits. Laboratory analytical data reports are provided in Attachment A. Results of this investigation are summarized below. Photographs related to the site project are provided in Attachment B. SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS On June 27, 2012, AEI personnel collected five (5) shallow soil samples (B-1 through B-5) at locations shown on Figure 2. The soil samples were collected using a stainless steel hand auger at approximately 1.0 feet below grade. At locations beneath the asphalt parking area (B-4 and B- 5), 4-inch diameter holes were cut through the asphalt using a hammer drill and soils collected below the asphalt using a hand auger bucket. Soil samples collected were generally red clay. Samples were placed in laboratory supplied containers and placed in an insulated cooler with ice. Soil samples were analyzed for total chromium and hexavalent chromium. A summary of the soil analytical results as well as historical soil sampling results are provided in Table 1 and Figure 3. Total chromium was detected in all five samples (B-1 through B-5) ranging between 20.7 mg/kg and 145 mg/kg, well below industrial preliminary soil remediation goal (PSRGs) of 100,000 mg/kg for chromium III. Hexavalent chromium was detected in one sample, B-1 at 0.142 mg/kg (estimated). This concentration is below hexavalent chromium’s industrial PSRG of 5.6 mg/kg. SUMMARY OF JUNE 27, 2012 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING ACTIVITIES Evaluation of Groundwater Flow On June 27, 2012, static water levels were measured in on-site wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and Additional Assessment Report Final 8/2012 Former Amplate Facility 3 MW-4 (Table 2). Water table elevations were calculated from this data and a shallow groundwater potentiometric map was constructed and presented in Figure 4. The potentiometric map indicates that the shallow groundwater flow is to the north with a horizontal gradient of approximately 0.014 feet per foot. Monitoring Well Purge Based on water levels in each well, well depths and inside casing diameter of 1.0 inches, the volume of standing water in the monitoring wells were calculated. Using slow pumping rates, all wells were purged dry using the peristaltic pump. Purge volumes per well were less than 15 ounces each. Because of the low volume produced during purging activities, purge water was spread on an impermeable surface and allowed to evaporate. Once well purging was completed and prior to sampling groundwater, field quality measurements were collected from each well using a Horiba U-22. Field parameters included pH, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, total dissolved solids (TDS) and oxidation reduction potential (ORP). The measured field parameters are summarized in Table 3. Monitoring Well Sampling Once the wells were purged, groundwater samples were collected using a peristaltic pump for semi-VOCs and priority metal samples. VOC and hexavalent chromium samples were collected using a dedicated polyethylene bailer. The samples were transferred to laboratory-supplied sample containers, and then placed in an insulated cooler with ice. Groundwater Analytical Results – Metals Groundwater samples collected from the four (4) monitoring wells (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4) were analyzed for total and dissolved priority metals (antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium and zinc) via EPA Method 6010C, mercury by EPA Method 7470A and hexavalent chromium by SW846 Method 7196A. Groundwater samples for dissolved metal analyses were collected in unpreserved plastic containers and filtered by the contract laboratory prior to analyses. A summary of groundwater metal analytical data collected by AEI in June 2012 is provided in Additional Assessment Report Final 8/2012 Former Amplate Facility 4 Table 4 and Figure 5. Also included in Figure 5 are results from temporary wells installed and sampled by CDM Environmental Services, Inc. (CDM) in November 2005 (TW-1 through TW- 7) (Table 5). The concentrations of the total and dissolved metals detected during the June 2012 sampling event were significantly lower than those detected during the June 2008 sampling event. The only metal detected above its 2L Groundwater Standard or Interim Standards during the June 2012 sampling event was thallium. Thallium was detected in well sample MW-1 (considered a background well) at 3.2 µg/l, above its Interim 2L Standard of 0.2 µg/l. Thallium was also detected above its Interim 2L Standard in well sample MW-3 at 1.7 µg/l. Hexavalent chromium was detected in one groundwater sample, MW-3 at 6 µg/l. No 2L Standard has been established for hexavalent chromium. Groundwater Analytical Results – Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Collected groundwater samples were analyzed for VOCs via EPA Method 8260 for each of the four (4) permanent groundwater monitoring wells located on-site (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4). A summary of VOC groundwater results are provided in Table 4 and Figure 6. Also included in Figure 6 are results from temporary wells installed and sampled by CDM Environmental Services, Inc. (CDM) in November 2005 (TW-1 through TW-7) (Table 5). Laboratory analytical results for monitoring well MW-1 (upgradient) and MW-3 (downgradient) did not detect any VOCs above laboratory reportable limits. Historical groundwater results between 2002 and 2008 also did not identify any VOCs above laboratory reportable limits in these wells. The 2012 analytical results from monitoring well MW-2 detected acetone and trichloroethene (TCE) at concentrations above laboratory reportable limits. Acetone was detected at 4.47 µg/l, well below its 2L Standard of 6,000 µg/l. TCE was detected at 5.55 µg/l, above its 2L Standard of 2.8 µg/l. Historically tetrachloroethene (PCE) has also been detected in well MW-2 with recent concentrations in 2005 and 2008 at 1.2 µg/l and 2.2 µg/l, respectively. PCE was not detected during the 2012 sampling event above the laboratory reporting limit of 2.0 µg/l. Both Additional Assessment Report Final 8/2012 Former Amplate Facility 5 PCE and TCE concentrations appear to be decreasing with time in well MW-2. The 2012 analytical results from monitoring well MW-4 identified only PCE above its laboratory reportable limit. PCE was detected at 5.96 µg/l, above its 2L Standard of 0.7 µg/l. TCE, which has been historically detected in well MW-4, was not detected above laboratory reporting limit of 2.0 µg/l. PCE concentrations detected in well MW-4 between 1999 and April 2008 ranged between 16.7 µg/l and 380 µg/l. TCE concentrations during that same time period ranged between 1.6 µg/l and 340 µg/l. Both PCE and TCE concentrations appear to be decreasing with time in well MW-4. Groundwater Analytical Results – Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) Collected groundwater samples were analyzed for SVOCs via EPA Method 8270 for each of the four (4) permanent groundwater monitoring wells located on-site (MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4). A summary of SVOCs groundwater results are provided in Table 4. The 2012 groundwater sampling results did not detect any target SVOCs above laboratory reporting limits. SUB-SLAB SOIL GAS TESTING The vapor intrusion evaluation work was conducted in accordance with the approved Work Plan. Temporary Sub Slab Sample Point Installation To evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion into the Tyner Street facility, four (4) temporary sub slab vapor points were installed within the facility on June 27, 2012 (Figure 2). Vapor point locations were placed in areas throughout the building, with two (2) of the locations in areas over the identified shallow groundwater plume at the former Amplate portion of the building (V-3 and V-4). The former Amplate portion of the building is currently unoccupied. Sample locations V-1 and V-2 were in portions of the building currently occupied. Vapor point V-1 is located in a portion of the building used as a church. Reportedly the church uses this building a couple of times per week. Vapor point V-2 is located in a building used as a remote warehouse; no warehouse personnel are typically present at the site. No floor drains or sumps were observed in Additional Assessment Report Final 8/2012 Former Amplate Facility 6 the areas of the sub slab vapor point locations. The temporary vapor sampling points were installed by Troxler Geologic Services, Inc. (Troxler) out of Raleigh, North Carolina. Troxler used a portable hammer drill to cut 4-inch diameter cores through the concrete at selected locations (Photograph A). Concrete thicknesses ranged from 4 to 6 inches. Thin gravel layer and fine sand was encountered beneath the concrete at all four (4) of the core locations (V-1 through V-4). Gravel and sand layer thickness ranged from 1 to 2 inches. At each core hole, a temporary sample point with a three (3) inch long stainless steel screen (Photograph B) and ¼ inch diameter Teflon tubing was inserted into the gravel/soil beneath the slab and filled with sand and topped with concrete to approximately 2-inches from the top of the concrete slab (Photograph C). The wells were initially purged after construction using a MiniRAE 2000 photoionization detector (PID) with flow rate approximately 500 cubic centimeters per minute (cc/min) (Photograph D). Approximately 5 to 8 liters of air were purged from each well upon completion. Sub-Slab Soil Gas Sampling The installed vapor wells were allowed to cure overnight before conducting sampling activities. Vapor samples were collected on June 28, 2012. Weather during the sampling event was sunny with a slight breeze, and temperatures ranged between 81° F to 90° F. The inside air temperature was approximately 80°F. The most recent precipitation event was on June 24, 2012, approximately 0.08 inches of rain. Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. (Enthalpy) in Durham, North Carolina was contracted to perform the sample analyses. Laboratory analytical reports and chain-of-custody records are provided in Attachment A. Five (5) 1.4 liter batch certified Summa canisters were provided by the contracted laboratory to collect the sub slab soil gas samples. Each canister was equipped with a pressure gauge and flow controller. Prior to conducting sampling, the vapor wells and tubing were first purged using a photoionization detector (PID) (Photograph D). PID purging typically lasted 3 to 4 minutes at a rate of 500 milliliters per minute (ml/min). Once purging was completed the well was evaluated for possible short circuiting from the surface or leakage from the tubing by placing a plastic cover over each well (Photograph E). Additional Assessment Report Final 8/2012 Former Amplate Facility 7 Helium was placed beneath the plastic cover at concentrations ranging between 20 and 25 percent. Using a Dielectric Model MGD-2002 helium detector with a detection range between 25 ppm to 100 percent, air was drawn from the well at a rate of approximately 500 cc/min for approximately 5 minutes and monitored for helium. No helium was detected during air purging operations for vapor wells V-1 though V-4, suggesting these wells were properly sealed. Once a well was seal tested and purged, a 1.4 liter Summa canister was connected to the well tubing and the valve opened to collect the air sample (Photograph F). Initial vacuum pressure in each canister ranged between 27 and 29 inches of mercury. Canister flow control was set at approximately 130 milliliter per minute. Once the vacuum pressure gauge decreased to approximately 1 inch of mercury, the canister was disconnected from the well. Time to collect the sub slab soil gas sample at each well was approximately 13 minutes. Once sub slab soil gas sampling was completed and the chain-of-custody prepared, the canisters were delivered to the contract laboratory by courier for analyses. Sub-Slab Soil Gas Results A summary of contaminants of concern and analytical results are provided in Table 6 and Figure 7. Analyses of soil gas collected on June 28, 2012 detected twenty-four (24) compounds in the sub slab vapor samples. Concentrations that were between the method detection limits and laboratory reporting limits were estimated. Concentrations were compared to the NCDENR Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (Acceptable Soil-Gas Concentrations, February 2012) for residential and industrial/commercial sites. Two (2) compounds were detected at concentrations that exceeded their respective acceptable Soil-Gas concentrations for both Residential and Industrial/Commercial sites. Acrolein was detected at a concentration (estimated) in vapor sample V-3 at 2.5 µg/m3, above its Residential screening level of 0.042 µg/m3 and Industrial/Commercial screening level of 0.176 µg/m3. Trichloroethene was detected in vapor samples V-3 and V-4 at 424.31 µg/m3 and 304.0 µg/m3, respectively. Both concentrations are above its Residential screening level of 4.2 µg/m3 and its Industrial/Commercial screening level of 17.6 µg/m3. Two (2) compounds were detected above their respective residential Soil-Gas screening levels. Additional Assessment Report Final 8/2012 Former Amplate Facility 8 Chloroform was detected at 14.93 µg/m3 in sample V-3, above its Residential screening level of 11 µg/m3. Tetrachloroethene was detected at 144.38 µg/m3 in vapor sample V-1, above its Residential screening level of 83.4 µg/m3. Summary Soil Chromium The recent soil chromium analyses did not detect chromium or hexavalent chromium at concentrations above their respective PSRGs and does not appear to be a concern at the site. Groundwater Volatile Organic Compounds Chlorinated solvents (PCE and TCE) have historically been detected on-site in concentrations exceeding 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater Quality Standards (2L Standards). PCE and TCE concentrations in permanent groundwater monitoring wells MW-2 and MW-4 have shown a decreasing trend since 1999 suggesting that the compounds are naturally attenuating. Groundwater Metals The 2012 analytical results for samples collected from groundwater monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3 and MW-4 only detected one metal above its Interim 2L Standard. Thallium was detected in wells MW-1 and MW-3 at 3.2 µg/l and 1.7 µg/l, respectively. These concentrations are above thallium’s Interim 2L Standard of 0.2 µg/l. MW-1 with a thallium concentration of 3.7 µg/l is considered a background well and the thallium detected is likely naturally occurring levels in the groundwater. Dissolved thallium concentrations were below laboratory detection limits, suggesting the detected thallium may have been in sediment in the sample. Metal concentrations in groundwater decreased significantly between the 2008 and 2012 sampling events. The concentration difference was likely due to the purging and sampling method during each event. The 2008 sampling was conducted with a dedicated bailer and the 2012 event with a peristaltic pump. Purging and sampling using a peristaltic typically reduces suspended sediment in the sample. Sub Slab Soil Gas Sub slab soil gas results detected two (2) compounds (acrolein and trichloroethene) above their FIGURES TABLES Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical Results7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06Sample ID B-1B-2B-3B-4B-5SB-1 (SS-1) (CE-1)SB-2 (SS-1) (CE-2)Date 6/27/126/27/126/27/126/27/126/27/122/23/992/23/99Depth (feet) 1111144ParametersProtection of Groundwater PSRGsResidential PSRGsIndustrial PSRGsVOCs (µg/kg)Tetrachloroethene517,00082,000NANANANANA<6.9<6Trichloroethene188804,000NANANANANA<6.9<61,1-Dichloroethene4548,000220,000NANANANANA61<6Methylene Chloride12311,00053,000NANANANANA59241,1,1-Trichloroethane1,200640,000640,000NANANANANA9.6<6Metals (mg/kg)Arsenic5.80.391.6NANANANANANANABarium5803,00038,000NANANANANANANACadmium314160NANANANANANANAChromium (III)360,00024,000100,00076.269.714535.220.7NANAHexavalent Chromium (VI) J<0.124<0.124<0.133<0.131NANALead270400800NANANANANANANAMercury123.1NANANANANANANANickelNot Specified740,000A8,800,000ANANANANANANANASelenium2.1781,000NANANANANANANASilver3.4781,000NANANANANANANAZinc1,2004,60062,000NANANANANANANANotesSoil samples collected on 2/23/99 by Cooper Environmental personnel.Soil samples collected on 4/5/99 and 4/6/99 by Turner Hart & Hickman, P.C.Soil samples collected on 11/10/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Soil samples collected on 6/27/12 by AWARE Environmental Inc.- Concentration above IHSB Industrial PSRGs- Concentration above IHSB protection of groundwater PSRGsBold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.J - Concentration estimatedVOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.NA - Not analyzed.A - PSRGs for nickel refinery dust.1 - Methylene chloride was considered a possible laboratory contaminant by the contract laboratoryPSRG - Inactive Hazardous Site Branch - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (February 2012)Page: 1 of 9P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical Results7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06Sample ID Date Depth (feet) ParametersProtection of Groundwater PSRGsResidential PSRGsIndustrial PSRGsVOCs (µg/kg)Tetrachloroethene517,00082,000Trichloroethene188804,0001,1-Dichloroethene4548,000220,000Methylene Chloride12311,00053,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane1,200640,000640,000Metals (mg/kg)Arsenic5.80.391.6Barium5803,00038,000Cadmium314160Chromium (III)360,00024,000100,000Hexavalent Chromium (VI) Specified740,000A8,800,000ASelenium2.1781,000Silver3.4781,000Zinc1,2004,60062,000NotesSoil samples collected on 2/23/99 by Cooper Environmental personnel.Soil samples collected on 4/5/99 and 4/6/99 by Turner Hart & Hickman, P.C.Soil samples collected on 11/10/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Soil samples collected on 6/27/12 by AWARE Environmental Inc.- Concentration above IHSB Industrial PSRGs- Concentration above IHSB protection of groundwater PSRGsBold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.J - Concentration estimatedVOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.NA - Not analyzed.A - PSRGs for nickel refinery dust.1 - Methylene chloride was considered a possible laboratory contaminant by the contract laboratoryPSRG - Inactive Hazardous Site Branch - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (February 2012)SB-2 (SS-2) (CE-2)SB-3 (SS-1) (CE-3)SB-3 (SS-2) (CE-3)SB-4 (SS-1) (CE-4)SB-4 SB-8 SB-92/23/99 2/23/99 2/23/99 2/23/99 4/5/99 4/5/99 4/5/996 - 8 4 841 - 20 - 10 - 1<6.4<6.2<6.2<6.2<1.4<1.3<1.2<6.4<6.2<6.220<1.4<1.3<1.2<6.4<6.2<6.2<6.2<1.4<1.3<1.21805318026<7.2<6.5<6.2<6.4<6.2<6.2<6.2<1.4<1.3<1.2NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANAPage: 2 of 9P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical Results7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06Sample ID Date Depth (feet) ParametersProtection of Groundwater PSRGsResidential PSRGsIndustrial PSRGsVOCs (µg/kg)Tetrachloroethene517,00082,000Trichloroethene188804,0001,1-Dichloroethene4548,000220,000Methylene Chloride12311,00053,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane1,200640,000640,000Metals (mg/kg)Arsenic5.80.391.6Barium5803,00038,000Cadmium314160Chromium (III)360,00024,000100,000Hexavalent Chromium (VI) Specified740,000A8,800,000ASelenium2.1781,000Silver3.4781,000Zinc1,2004,60062,000NotesSoil samples collected on 2/23/99 by Cooper Environmental personnel.Soil samples collected on 4/5/99 and 4/6/99 by Turner Hart & Hickman, P.C.Soil samples collected on 11/10/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Soil samples collected on 6/27/12 by AWARE Environmental Inc.- Concentration above IHSB Industrial PSRGs- Concentration above IHSB protection of groundwater PSRGsBold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.J - Concentration estimatedVOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.NA - Not analyzed.A - PSRGs for nickel refinery dust.1 - Methylene chloride was considered a possible laboratory contaminant by the contract laboratoryPSRG - Inactive Hazardous Site Branch - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (February 2012)SB-BG1 (MW-1)SB-BG2 BSB-1 BSB-2 BSB-3 BSB-4 BSB-54/6/99 4/6/99 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/051 - 2 2 - 312345Considered Background LocationConsidered Background LocationConsidered Background LocationConsidered Background LocationConsidered Background LocationConsidered Background LocationConsidered Background LocationNANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA<0.972.171.201.901.100.751.209.956.72817163652<0.97<0.981.00.810.740.360.853.09 45.92638382154NANANANANANANANANA7.<0.10<0.100.074 0.041 0.022J 0.027J 0.043NANA9.<1.8<1.8<1.7<0.33<1.8NANA4041382241Page: 3 of 9P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical Results7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06Sample ID Date Depth (feet) ParametersProtection of Groundwater PSRGsResidential PSRGsIndustrial PSRGsVOCs (µg/kg)Tetrachloroethene517,00082,000Trichloroethene188804,0001,1-Dichloroethene4548,000220,000Methylene Chloride12311,00053,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane1,200640,000640,000Metals (mg/kg)Arsenic5.80.391.6Barium5803,00038,000Cadmium314160Chromium (III)360,00024,000100,000Hexavalent Chromium (VI) Specified740,000A8,800,000ASelenium2.1781,000Silver3.4781,000Zinc1,2004,60062,000NotesSoil samples collected on 2/23/99 by Cooper Environmental personnel.Soil samples collected on 4/5/99 and 4/6/99 by Turner Hart & Hickman, P.C.Soil samples collected on 11/10/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Soil samples collected on 6/27/12 by AWARE Environmental Inc.- Concentration above IHSB Industrial PSRGs- Concentration above IHSB protection of groundwater PSRGsBold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.J - Concentration estimatedVOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.NA - Not analyzed.A - PSRGs for nickel refinery dust.1 - Methylene chloride was considered a possible laboratory contaminant by the contract laboratoryPSRG - Inactive Hazardous Site Branch - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (February 2012)SB-1 SB-1 SB-2 SB-2 SB-3 SB-3 SB-411/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/051414141NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA0.721.403.701.302.702.401.00274219143418831.8011638.80.571.64536741901307581120NANANANANANANA6.39.711. 0.020 0.044 0.048 0.052 0.019J 0.0329.4491302814273507.78.71623141511<0.32<0.32<1.6<1.7<1.5<1.5<1.5216315046384177Page: 4 of 9P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical Results7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06Sample ID Date Depth (feet) ParametersProtection of Groundwater PSRGsResidential PSRGsIndustrial PSRGsVOCs (µg/kg)Tetrachloroethene517,00082,000Trichloroethene188804,0001,1-Dichloroethene4548,000220,000Methylene Chloride12311,00053,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane1,200640,000640,000Metals (mg/kg)Arsenic5.80.391.6Barium5803,00038,000Cadmium314160Chromium (III)360,00024,000100,000Hexavalent Chromium (VI) Specified740,000A8,800,000ASelenium2.1781,000Silver3.4781,000Zinc1,2004,60062,000NotesSoil samples collected on 2/23/99 by Cooper Environmental personnel.Soil samples collected on 4/5/99 and 4/6/99 by Turner Hart & Hickman, P.C.Soil samples collected on 11/10/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Soil samples collected on 6/27/12 by AWARE Environmental Inc.- Concentration above IHSB Industrial PSRGs- Concentration above IHSB protection of groundwater PSRGsBold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.J - Concentration estimatedVOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.NA - Not analyzed.A - PSRGs for nickel refinery dust.1 - Methylene chloride was considered a possible laboratory contaminant by the contract laboratoryPSRG - Inactive Hazardous Site Branch - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (February 2012)SB-4 SB-5 SB-5 SB-6 SB-6 SB-7 SB-711/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/054141414NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA1.101.602.002.30 0.30J 1.10 0.52J56324423185527294.92.11.4 0.073J 1.60.621509712070606763NANANANANANANA12. 0.170 0.071 0.082 0.062 0.050 0.0613208120175.52814151615145.85.36.1<1.6<1.6<1.6<1.5<0.30<0.28<0.3175494540283834Page: 5 of 9P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical Results7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06Sample ID Date Depth (feet) ParametersProtection of Groundwater PSRGsResidential PSRGsIndustrial PSRGsVOCs (µg/kg)Tetrachloroethene517,00082,000Trichloroethene188804,0001,1-Dichloroethene4548,000220,000Methylene Chloride12311,00053,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane1,200640,000640,000Metals (mg/kg)Arsenic5.80.391.6Barium5803,00038,000Cadmium314160Chromium (III)360,00024,000100,000Hexavalent Chromium (VI) Specified740,000A8,800,000ASelenium2.1781,000Silver3.4781,000Zinc1,2004,60062,000NotesSoil samples collected on 2/23/99 by Cooper Environmental personnel.Soil samples collected on 4/5/99 and 4/6/99 by Turner Hart & Hickman, P.C.Soil samples collected on 11/10/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Soil samples collected on 6/27/12 by AWARE Environmental Inc.- Concentration above IHSB Industrial PSRGs- Concentration above IHSB protection of groundwater PSRGsBold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.J - Concentration estimatedVOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.NA - Not analyzed.A - PSRGs for nickel refinery dust.1 - Methylene chloride was considered a possible laboratory contaminant by the contract laboratoryPSRG - Inactive Hazardous Site Branch - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (February 2012)SB-8 SB-8 SB-9 SB-9 SB-10 SB-10 SB-1111/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/051414141NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA0.13J 0.930.82<0.590.82<0.691.0091 24 87 1002523270.025J 3.0<0.29<0.29478.63.860110732109313067NANANANANANANA5. 0.110 0.046 0.010J 0.047 0.035 0.0602531275712033344.<0.2812<0.29<0.29<0.31<1.7<0.3053354559505156Page: 6 of 9P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical Results7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06Sample ID Date Depth (feet) ParametersProtection of Groundwater PSRGsResidential PSRGsIndustrial PSRGsVOCs (µg/kg)Tetrachloroethene517,00082,000Trichloroethene188804,0001,1-Dichloroethene4548,000220,000Methylene Chloride12311,00053,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane1,200640,000640,000Metals (mg/kg)Arsenic5.80.391.6Barium5803,00038,000Cadmium314160Chromium (III)360,00024,000100,000Hexavalent Chromium (VI) Specified740,000A8,800,000ASelenium2.1781,000Silver3.4781,000Zinc1,2004,60062,000NotesSoil samples collected on 2/23/99 by Cooper Environmental personnel.Soil samples collected on 4/5/99 and 4/6/99 by Turner Hart & Hickman, P.C.Soil samples collected on 11/10/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Soil samples collected on 6/27/12 by AWARE Environmental Inc.- Concentration above IHSB Industrial PSRGs- Concentration above IHSB protection of groundwater PSRGsBold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.J - Concentration estimatedVOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.NA - Not analyzed.A - PSRGs for nickel refinery dust.1 - Methylene chloride was considered a possible laboratory contaminant by the contract laboratoryPSRG - Inactive Hazardous Site Branch - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (February 2012)SB-11 SB-12 SB-12 SB-13 SB-13 SB-14 SB-1411/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/054141414NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA0.41J 0.084J<0.59<0.552.00 0.28J 2.1017861108457701102.1<0.28<0.29<0.280.042J 0.059J<0.3088452357488742NANANANANANANA7. 0.014J 0.038 0.024 0.032 0.025 0.0279.8183208.4308.<0.31<0.28<0.29<0.28<0.31<0.28<0.3036424747344028Page: 7 of 9P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical Results7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06Sample ID Date Depth (feet) ParametersProtection of Groundwater PSRGsResidential PSRGsIndustrial PSRGsVOCs (µg/kg)Tetrachloroethene517,00082,000Trichloroethene188804,0001,1-Dichloroethene4548,000220,000Methylene Chloride12311,00053,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane1,200640,000640,000Metals (mg/kg)Arsenic5.80.391.6Barium5803,00038,000Cadmium314160Chromium (III)360,00024,000100,000Hexavalent Chromium (VI) Specified740,000A8,800,000ASelenium2.1781,000Silver3.4781,000Zinc1,2004,60062,000NotesSoil samples collected on 2/23/99 by Cooper Environmental personnel.Soil samples collected on 4/5/99 and 4/6/99 by Turner Hart & Hickman, P.C.Soil samples collected on 11/10/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Soil samples collected on 6/27/12 by AWARE Environmental Inc.- Concentration above IHSB Industrial PSRGs- Concentration above IHSB protection of groundwater PSRGsBold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.J - Concentration estimatedVOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.NA - Not analyzed.A - PSRGs for nickel refinery dust.1 - Methylene chloride was considered a possible laboratory contaminant by the contract laboratoryPSRG - Inactive Hazardous Site Branch - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (February 2012)SB-15 SB-15 SB-16 SB-16 SB-17 SB-17 SB-1811/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/051414141NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA0.821.502.601.503.004.401.5086834223823668<0.29< 0.021J 0.046 0.052 0.024 0.090 0.015J1113148.7164.9288.05.8127.77.2157.2<0.29<0.29<0.30<0.30<0.29<0.33<0.2948273120292631Page: 8 of 9P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 1Summary of Soil Analytical Results7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06Sample ID Date Depth (feet) ParametersProtection of Groundwater PSRGsResidential PSRGsIndustrial PSRGsVOCs (µg/kg)Tetrachloroethene517,00082,000Trichloroethene188804,0001,1-Dichloroethene4548,000220,000Methylene Chloride12311,00053,0001,1,1-Trichloroethane1,200640,000640,000Metals (mg/kg)Arsenic5.80.391.6Barium5803,00038,000Cadmium314160Chromium (III)360,00024,000100,000Hexavalent Chromium (VI) Specified740,000A8,800,000ASelenium2.1781,000Silver3.4781,000Zinc1,2004,60062,000NotesSoil samples collected on 2/23/99 by Cooper Environmental personnel.Soil samples collected on 4/5/99 and 4/6/99 by Turner Hart & Hickman, P.C.Soil samples collected on 11/10/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Soil samples collected on 6/27/12 by AWARE Environmental Inc.- Concentration above IHSB Industrial PSRGs- Concentration above IHSB protection of groundwater PSRGsBold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.J - Concentration estimatedVOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.NA - Not analyzed.A - PSRGs for nickel refinery dust.1 - Methylene chloride was considered a possible laboratory contaminant by the contract laboratoryPSRG - Inactive Hazardous Site Branch - Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (February 2012)SB-18 SB-19 SB-19 SB-20 SB-20 SB-21 SB-2111/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/05 11/10/054141414NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA2.70 0.35J 2.601.501.102.400.58221009040702501100.420.31 0.24J 0.39 0.24J 0.400.3253644685458095NANANANANANANA7.23.510.07.94.314.03.20.074 0.0086J 0.022J 0.045 0.014J 0.045 0.0253.6298.42218205710.<0.30<0.29<0.30<0.30<0.31<0.29<0.2820492432343655Page: 9 of 9P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Well ID TOC Elevation (ft.) Well Depth (ft.) Water Level to TOC (ft.) Groundwater Elevation (ft.) Water Level to TOC (ft.) Groundwater Elevation (ft.) MW-1 762.85 22 18.76 744.09 19.95 742.9 MW-2 752.75 15 10.46 742.29 11.14 741.61 MW-3 750.94 15 9.95 740.99 10.17 740.77 MW-4 753.68 15 10.82 742.86 11.17 742.51 Notes Water levels collected by AWARE personnel on dates indicated. Monitoring wells are 1-inch in diameter. Elevations relative to a temporary on-site benchmark of 746.71 feet based on National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). Well elevation and depths from Table 4 of CBM Environmental Services, Inc. report dated January 19, 2006. 6/13/20086/27/2012 AEI JOB No. N510-06 TABLE 2 MONITORING WELL INFORMATION 7820 TYNER STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Well ID pH Temperature (°C) Conductivity (S/cm) Turbidity (NRU) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ( g/l ) OPR (mv) MW-1 6.44 32.24 0.219 280 11.9 0.18 230 MW-2 4.67 22.68 0.103 134 NA 0.07 352 MW-3 7.04 27.2 98.8 104.1 13.9 52 27 MW-4 6.96 21.91 0.367 Very Silty - No Reading 16.9 0.24 249 Notes Measurements collected on June 27, 2012. Parameters collected using a Horiba U-22. ORP - Oxidation-reduction potential. NA - No valid reading obtained. AEI JOB No. N510-06 TABLE 3 FIELD PARAMETERS 7820 TYNER STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 4Summary of Monitoring Well Analytical Data7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-066/27&28/20126/13/08 11/15/05 4/30/02 4/26/01 4/27/00 4/6/996/27&28/20126/13/08 11/15/05 4/30/02 4/26/01 4/27/00 4/6/99Total Arsenic10 <3.426.24.2 J1NA NA NA NA<3.4 <5.05.1 JNA NA NA NADissolved Arsenic10<3.414.7<10.0NA NA NA NA<3.4 <5.0 <10.0NA NA NA NATotal Barium700NA1,870 680NA NA NA NANA325340NA NA NA NADissolved Barium700NA1,920 23NA NA NA NANA40556NA NA NA NATotal Beryllium4<0.8NA NA NA NA NA NA0.8 JNA NA NA NA NA NADissolved Beryllium4<0.8NA NA NA NA NA NA<0.8NA NA NA NA NA NATotal Cadmium2<143.6 34.0NA NA NA3.0<111.2 38NA NA NA NADissolved Cadmium2<118.3 1 J 1.0<1.02.0<1.0 <18.2 13 9 27 17NATotal Chromium10<2250 4NA NA NA NA3.5 J 115 6.0NA NA NA NADissolved Chromium10<216.9<5.0NA NA NA NA<2 <5.0 <5.0NA NA NA NATotal Hexavalent ChromiumNot Specified<5NA NA NA NA NA NA<5NA NA NA NA NA NADissolved Hexavalent ChromiumNot Specified<5NA NA NA NA NA NA<5NA NA NA NA NA NATotal Copper1,0004 JNA NA NA NA NA NA9.0 JNA NA NA NA NA NADissolved Copper1,0002 JNA NA NA NA NA NA6.0 JNA NA NA NA NA NATotal Lead15<2.876.3 5.8NA NA NA NA<2.810.2 5.0NA NA NA NADissolved Lead15<2.834.7<5.0NA NA NA NA<2.8 <5.0 <5.0NA NA NA NATotal Mercury1<0.051.1<0.2NA NA NA NA<0.050.37<0.2NA NA NA NADissolved Mercury1<0.05 <0.20 <0.2NA NA NA NA0.005 J<0.20 <0.2NA NA NA NATotal Nickel100<4361 8.9NA NA NA NA15 J 99.7 18.0NA NA NA NADissolved Nickel100<470.7<10.0NA NA NA NA14 J 16.97.7 JNA NA NA NATotal Thallium0.23.2 JNA NA NA NA NA NA<1.7NA NA NA NA NA NADissolved Thallium0.2 <1.7NA NA NA NA NA NA<1.7NA NA NA NA NA NATotal Zinc1,00015.6 J 2,470 170NA NA NA NA32.6 344 390NA NA NA NADissolved Zinc1,00011.3 J 639 22 JNA NA NA NA25.5 93.2 5.7NA NA NA NAVOCsAcetone6,000 <10 <25BDL NA NA NA NA4.47 J<25BDL NA NA NA NATetrachloroethene0.7 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <5.02.2 1.2 12.0 13.3 29 12.7Trichloroethene2.8 <5.0 <1.0 <2.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.05.55 20.3 3.8 38.6 54.2 87 33.71,2-Dichloroethane0.38 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0cis-1,2-Dichloroethene70 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0Dichlorodifluoromethane1,000 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0Vinyl Chloride0.015 <10.0 <1.0 <2.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <2.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0SVOCsBDL NA NA NA NA NA NA BDL NA NA NA NA NA NANotesGroundwater samples collected on 6/13/08 and 6/27-28/12 by AWARE Environmental® Inc. personnel.Groundwater samples collected on 11/15/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Groundwater samples collected on 4/30/02 and 4/26/01by Hart & Hickman. Groundwater samples collected on 4/27/00 and 4/6/99 by Turner, Hart and Hickman, PC.- Concentration above NCAC 2L Groundwater Standards or Interim Standards, January 1, 2010.Bold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.VOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.SVOCs - Semi-VOCs analyzed by EPA Method 8270.J - Concentration estimatedBDL - Target compounds below laboratory reporting limits.NA - Not analyzed.Identified Compound(µg/L)NCAC 2L Standard (µg/L)MW-1MW-2P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 4Summary of Monitoring Well Analytical Data7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06Total Arsenic10Dissolved Arsenic10Total Barium700Dissolved Barium700Total Beryllium4Dissolved Beryllium4Total Cadmium2Dissolved Cadmium2Total Chromium10Dissolved Chromium10Total Hexavalent ChromiumNot SpecifiedDissolved Hexavalent ChromiumNot SpecifiedTotal Copper1,000Dissolved Copper1,000Total Lead15Dissolved Lead15Total Mercury1Dissolved Mercury1Total Nickel100Dissolved Nickel100Total Thallium0.2Dissolved Thallium0.2Total Zinc1,000Dissolved Zinc1,000VOCsAcetone6,000Tetrachloroethene0.7Trichloroethene2.81,2-Dichloroethane0.38cis-1,2-Dichloroethene70Dichlorodifluoromethane1,000Vinyl Chloride0.015SVOCsIdentified Compound(µg/L)NCAC 2L Standard (µg/L)6/27&28/20126/13/08 11/15/05 4/30/02 4/26/01 4/27/00 4/6/996/27&28/20126/13/08 11/15/05 4/30/02 4/26/01 4/27/00 4/6/99<3.4 <5.010.0NA NA NA NA<3.417.6 27NA NA NA NA<3.49.5<10.0NA NA NA NA<3.4 <5.011NA NA NA NANA922720NA NA NA NANA448970NA NA NA NANA79159NA NA NA NANA3653.2 JNA NA NA NA<0.8NA NA NA NA NA NA<0.8NA NA NA NA NA NA<0.8NA NA NA NA NA NA<0.8NA NA NA NA NA NA<188.1 9.8NA NA NA NA1.1 J 28.1 24NA NA NA NA<131.0<5.01.0<1.0 <1.0NA<122.3 52 3.0 1.0<1.0NA<24548.6NA NA NA NA169 897 220NA NA NA NA<241.0<5.0NA NA NA NA25.9 280 110NA NA NA NA6 JNA NA NA NA NA NA<5NA NA NA NA NA NA<5NA NA NA NA NA NA<5NA NA NA NA NA NA2 JNA NA NA NA NA NA50NA NA NA NA NA NA<10NA NA NA NA NA NA3.0 JNA NA NA NA NA NA<2.865.5 28.0NA NA NA NA23.4 811 200NA NA NA NA<2.828.8<5.0NA NA NA NA<2.8767<5.0NA NA NA NA<0.050.56<0.2NA NA NA NA<0.050.21<0.2NA NA NA NA<0.05 <0.20 <0.2NA NA NA NA<0.05 <0.20 <0.2NA NA NA NA<411326NA NA NA NA39 213 48.0NA NA NA NA<423.1 2.4 JNA NA NA NA<438.3 23.0NA NA NA NA1.7 JNA NA NA NA NA NA<1.7NA NA NA NA NA NA<1.7NA NA NA NA NA NA<1.7NA NA NA NA NA NA31.4 931 140NA NA NA NA112 1,020 170.0NA NA NA NA20 326 61NA NA NA NA14 452 11.0 JNA NA NA NA<10 <25BDL NA NA NA NA<10 <25BDL NA NA NA NA<5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.05.96 16.7 22.0 190.0 90.3 380.0 80.7<5.0 <1.0 <2.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <5.01.6 4.5 82.1 250.0 340.0 105<5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0<5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.01.1 1.0 1.3<5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0<5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.01.5<5.0 <1.0 <2.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <5.0 <1.0 <2.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0BDL NA NA NA NA NA NA BDL NA NA NA NA NA NANotesGroundwater samples collected on 6/13/08 and 6/27-28/12 by AWARE Environmental® Inc. personnel.Groundwater samples collected on 11/15/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.Groundwater samples collected on 4/30/02 and 4/26/01by Hart & Hickman. Groundwater samples collected on 4/27/00 and 4/6/99 by Turner, Hart and Hickman, PC.- Concentration above NCAC 2L Groundwater Standards or Interim Standards, January 1, 2010.Bold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.VOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.SVOCs - Semi-VOCs analyzed by EPA Method 8270.J - Concentration estimatedBDL - Target compounds below laboratory reporting limits.NA - Not analyzed.MW-3MW-4P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Table 5Temporary Well Analytical Data7820 Tyner StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaAEI Job No. 510-06TW-1 TW-2 TW-1 TW-2 TW-3 TW-4 TW-5 TW-6 TW-702/23/99 02/23/99 11/15/05 11/15/05 11/15/05 11/15/05 11/15/05 11/15/05 11/15/05Total Arsenic10 <5.0 <5.019<105.9J<108.4J<108.7JDissolved Arsenic10 <5.0 <5.0 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <1011Total Barium700490 1,600 910 280 830 1,400 460 260 360Dissolved Barium700190 1,500 83 66 17 29 6.7J 6.8J 150Total Cadmium21,100<100 <10 <1.02.5 0.6J 0.2J 72 28,000Dissolved Cadmium21,300<10 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.05.0 49,000Total Chromium101,100 630 48 14 9.8 4.7J 11 9.8 19Dissolved Chromium1021 50<5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.015Total Lead1515 230 80 8.4 33 19 21 19 17Dissolved Lead1513 8.7<5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <5.06.6Total Mercury10.46 5<0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.20.43Dissolved Mercury1 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 <0.20.24Total Nickel100NANA48 35 40 25 13 350 8,800Dissolved Nickel100NANA8.7J 18 2.7J 5.8J<1029 17,000Total Zinc1,000NANA150 72 210 200 120 280 2,500Dissolved Zinc1,000NANA46 44 38 41 18J 56 3,600VOCsTetrachloroethene0.718.0 99.0<1.00.65J<1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.02.3Trichloroethene2.875.0 330.0<2.058<2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.04.81,2-Dichloroethane0.38 <5.0 <5.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <1.03.5cis-1,2-Dichloroethene70 <5.0 <5.0 <1.011<1.0 <1.00.70 J<1.0 <1.0Dichlorofluoromethane1,400 <10 <10 -------Vinyl Chloride0.015 <10 <10 <2.01.7 J<2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0NotesGroundwater samples collected on 2/23/99 by Cooper Environmental, Inc. personnel.Groundwater samples collected on 11/15/05 by CBM Environmental Services, Inc.- Concentration above NCAC 2L Groundwater Standards, January 1, 2010.Bold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method detection limits.J - Concentration estimatedVOCs - Volatile organic compounds analyzed by EPA method 8260 or 601.ND - Not detectedNA - Not analyzed." - " - Not knownIdentified Compound(µg/L)NCAC 2L Standard (µg/L)P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 Vapor Screening Values Vapor Screening ValuesAcceptable Soil-Gas Acceptable Soil-GasConcentrationsConcentrationsCONTAMINANTS OFResidentialIndustrial/CommercialV-1V-2V-3V-4CONCERN(µg/m3)(µg/m3)6/28/12 6/28/12 6/28/12 6/28/12 6/28/12EPA Method TO-15 (µg/m3)Acetone64,000280,00046.332.064.528.140.6Acetonitrile1265200.828 J 1.26 J 0.853 J<0.5880.626 JAcrolein0.0420.176<0.815<0.8092.51 J<0.803<0.8392-Butanone (MEK)10,40044,0008.735.157.396.437.65Carbon Disulfide1,4606,2001.50 J 1.14 J<1.09<1.091.47 JChloroform11 533.42 J 4.12 J 14.90 5.58 J 6.04 J1,4-Dichlorobenzene 22 1005.42 J<2.12<2.11<2.11<2.2Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)2008801.84 J 1.80 J<1.74<1.73<1.811,2-Dichloroethane9.447<1.447.20<1.42<1.42<1.48EthanolNot SpecifiedNot Specified16.20 11.60 7.514.207.52Ethyl AcetateNot SpecifiedNot Specified9.68 3.10 J 10.20 10.30 11.70Hexane1,4606,200<1.25<1.241.29 J<1.23<1.292-Hexanone (MBK)Not SpecifiedNot Specified3.86 J<1.451.55 J 2.37 J 2.96 JIsopropyl AlcoholNot SpecifiedNot Specified6.54 16.30 6.76 2.99 J 16.90Methylene Chloride5202,6002.59 J 3.15 J 2.61 J 1.97 J 3.26 JMethyl Isobutyl Ketone6,20026,000<1.46<1.452.06 J 2.34 J 2.63 JNaphthalene6.2 26<1.864.25 J<1.84<1.84<1.92Styrene2,0008,8001.84 J 1.88 J<1.5<1.49<1.56Tetrachloroethene83.435014516.70 46.90 28.90 31.04Toluene10,40044,0004.00 J 4.45 J 5.03 3.06 J 2.90 JTrichloroethene4.217.6<1.91<1.94252953041,2,4-Trimethylbenzene14.6623.44 J 2.07 J 2.47 J 2.55 J 2.72 Jm-/p-Xylene2008803.67 J 2.85 J 2.55 J 2.36 J 2.37 Jo-Xylene200880 <1.53<1.53<1.52<1.59Notes: Soil gas samples collected by AWARE Environmental® Inc. personnel on dates indicated.Only compounds detected above laboratory reporting limits are presented in the table. - Concentration above Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Acceptable Soil Gas Concentration for Industrial/Commerical Sites, February 2012. - Concentration above Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Acceptable Soil Gas Concentration for Residential Sites, February 2012.Bold fonts are concentrations detected above laboratory method reporting limits.Duplicate sample (Labeled as V-Dup in lab report) was collected on June 28, 2012 was from vapor well V-4.J - Value is estimated, concentration between laboratory detection limit and laboratory reporting limit. AEI JOB No. N510-06V-Dup Duplicate of V-4Sample ID and Date SampledTABLE 6SUB SLAB SOIL GAS ANALYTICAL RESULTS7820 TYNER STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINAAEI Project No. N510-06P:\N510\N510-04\GW Summary June-2012 ATTACHMENT A LABORATORY ANALYTICAL DATA REPORTS AND CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 AWARE Environmental, Inc. 8514 McAlpine Park Dr. Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28211 Tyner St. Client Project # N508-05 Analytical Report (0612-142R) EPA Method TO-15 TO-15 Target Compound List Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. Phone: (919) 850 - 4392 / Fax: (919) 850 - 9012 / www.enthalpy.com 800-1 Capitola Drive Durham, NC 27713-4385 I certify that to the best of my knowledge all analytical data presented in this report: Have been checked for completeness Are accurate, error-free, and legible Have been conducted in accordance with approved protocol, and that all deviations and analytical problems are summarized in the appropriate narrative(s) This analytical report was prepared in Portable Document Format (.PDF) and contains ??? pages. Report Issued: xx/xx/xxxx Results Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201442.D Tank DF: 1.776 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) 41 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.611 85 4.78 32,538 0.209 0.372 J 1.84 85 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.48 50 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.734 62 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.908 39 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.786 94 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.38 64 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.937 106 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.55 101 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.00 45 7.85 92,538 4.84 8.60 16.2 56 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.815 151 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.72 61 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.41 43 8.75 1,217,781 11.0 19.5 46.3 76 9.15 41,687 0.271 0.482 J 1.50 45 9.09 170,372 1.50 2.66 6.54 76 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.11 41 9.35 15,629 0.278 0.493 J 0.828 49 9.77 35,662 0.420 0.746 J 2.59 61 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.41 73 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.28 53 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.771 57 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.25 63 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.44 43 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.25 61 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.41 72 12.55 42,108 1.67 2.96 8.73 45 12.64 33,530 1.51 2.69 9.68 83 13.23 45,826 0.394 0.700 J 3.42 72 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.05 97 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.94 56 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.22 117 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.24 78 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.14 57 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.66 62 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.44 57 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.46 130 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.91 63 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.64 69 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.45 88 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.28 83 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.38 75 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.61 43 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.46 91 17.40 108,367 0.598 1.06 J 4.00 75 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.61 Methyl isobutyl ketone Toluene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1,2-Dichloroethane Heptane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Bromodichloromethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Methyl methacrylate 1,4-Dioxane Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Ethyl acetate Chloroform Tetrahydrofuran 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Acrylonitrile Hexane 1,1-Dichloroethane Vinyl acetate Acetonitrile Methylene chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether Acetone Carbon disulfide Isopropyl alcohol Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) Ethanol Acrolein Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1,1-Dichloroethene Bromomethane Chloroethane Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) Freon 11 (CCl3F) Compound TO15-Tyner St.-V-1-Can #00206 0612-142, 500mL load Propylene Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) Chloromethane Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 1,3-Butadiene Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201442.D Tank DF: 1.776 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) Compound TO15-Tyner St.-V-1-Can #00206 0612-142, 500mL load Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 97 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.94 166 18.09 1,116,779 12.0 21.3 145 43 18.18 86,179 0.530 0.942 J 3.86 129 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 3.03 107 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.73 112 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.64 91 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.54 131 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.44 91 19.30 83,422 0.476 0.845 J 3.67 91 19.68 37,233 0.208 0.369 J 1.60 104 19.70 35,816 0.243 0.431 J 1.84 173 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 3.67 83 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.44 105 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.75 91 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.84 105 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.75 105 20.83 77,144 0.394 0.699 J 3.44 146 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.14 146 21.18 70,646 0.507 0.901 J 5.42 91 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.84 146 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.14 180 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 2.64 225 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 3.79 128 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 1.86 Rec. (%) Flags 130 13.05 480,464 11.03 N/A 114 14.85 1,849,588 10.52 N/A 117 19.07 1,788,038 11.20 N/A Internal Standard Acceptance Criteria (Area +/- 40%, RT +/- 20 sec.) Concal Sample Ave. ICal Flag RT RT IS Area 13.04 13.05 539,287 Pass 14.85 14.85 2,012,245 Pass 19.07 19.07 1,964,160 Pass 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS)1,849,588 Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS)1,788,038 Sample Name IS Area Bromochloromethane (IS)480,464 Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene Internal Standard 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl chloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2-Chlorotoluene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Styrene Bromoform 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4-Ethyltoluene Ethylbenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane m-/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane Chlorobenzene Bromochloromethane (IS) 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201443.D Tank DF: 1.765 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) 41 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 0.607 85 4.79 36,096 0.206 0.364 J 1.80 85 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.47 50 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 0.729 62 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 0.902 39 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 0.781 94 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.37 64 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 0.931 106 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.54 101 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.98 45 7.85 75,169 3.49 6.16 11.6 56 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 0.809 151 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.70 61 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.40 43 8.75 930,497 7.45 13.1 31.2 76 9.15 35,939 0.208 0.366 J 1.14 45 9.10 481,812 3.76 6.63 16.3 76 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.10 41 9.36 26,994 0.426 0.751 J 1.26 49 9.78 49,088 0.513 0.906 J 3.15 61 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.40 73 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.27 53 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 0.766 57 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.24 63 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.43 43 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.24 61 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.40 72 12.55 28,154 0.989 1.74 5.15 45 12.65 12,166 0.487 0.859 J 3.10 83 13.24 62,682 0.479 0.845 J 4.12 72 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.04 97 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.93 56 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.21 117 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.22 78 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.13 57 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.65 62 14.27 88,531 1.01 1.78 7.20 57 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.45 130 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.90 63 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.63 69 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.45 88 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.27 83 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.37 75 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.60 43 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.45 91 17.39 130,349 0.669 1.18 J 4.45 75 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.60 Methyl isobutyl ketone Toluene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1,2-Dichloroethane Heptane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Bromodichloromethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Methyl methacrylate 1,4-Dioxane Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Ethyl acetate Chloroform Tetrahydrofuran 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Acrylonitrile Hexane 1,1-Dichloroethane Vinyl acetate Acetonitrile Methylene chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether Acetone Carbon disulfide Isopropyl alcohol Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) Ethanol Acrolein Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1,1-Dichloroethene Bromomethane Chloroethane Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) Freon 11 (CCl3F) Compound TO15-Tyner St.-V-2-Can #00208 0612-142, 500mL load Propylene Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) Chloromethane Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 1,3-Butadiene Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201443.D Tank DF: 1.765 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) Compound TO15-Tyner St.-V-2-Can #00208 0612-142, 500mL load Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 97 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.93 166 18.09 139,817 1.40 2.46 16.7 43 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.45 129 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 3.01 107 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.71 112 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.62 91 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.53 131 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.42 91 19.30 70,247 0.373 0.657 J 2.85 91 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.53 104 19.70 39,662 0.250 0.441 J 1.88 173 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 3.65 83 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.42 105 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.74 91 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.83 105 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.74 105 20.82 50,394 0.239 0.422 J 2.07 146 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.12 146 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.12 91 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 1.83 146 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.12 180 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 2.62 225 NA 0 0.200 0.353 ND 3.76 128 23.13 119,472 0.460 0.811 J 4.25 Rec. (%) Flags 130 13.06 541,335 11.03 N/A 114 14.86 2,075,679 10.52 N/A 117 19.06 1,923,477 11.20 N/A Internal Standard Acceptance Criteria (Area +/- 40%, RT +/- 20 sec.) Concal Sample Ave. ICal Flag RT RT IS Area 13.04 13.06 539,287 Pass 14.85 14.86 2,012,245 Pass 19.07 19.06 1,964,160 Pass 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS)2,075,679 Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS)1,923,477 Sample Name IS Area Bromochloromethane (IS)541,335 Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene Internal Standard 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl chloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2-Chlorotoluene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Styrene Bromoform 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4-Ethyltoluene Ethylbenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane m-/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane Chlorobenzene Bromochloromethane (IS) 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201444.D Tank DF: 1.757 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) 41 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 0.605 85 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.74 85 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.46 50 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 0.726 62 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 0.898 39 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 0.777 94 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.36 64 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 0.927 106 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.54 101 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.97 45 7.86 50,262 2.27 3.99 7.51 56 8.42 14,824 0.622 1.09 J 2.51 151 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.69 61 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.39 43 8.75 1,984,829 15.4 27.1 64.5 76 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.09 45 9.10 206,264 1.56 2.75 6.76 76 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.10 41 9.37 18,868 0.289 0.508 J 0.853 49 9.79 42,007 0.427 0.750 J 2.61 61 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.39 73 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.27 53 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 0.763 57 11.03 19,218 0.209 0.367 J 1.29 63 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.42 43 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.24 61 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.39 72 12.56 41,752 1.43 2.51 7.39 45 12.64 41,462 1.61 2.84 10.2 83 13.24 234,569 1.74 3.06 14.9 72 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.04 97 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.92 56 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.21 117 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.21 78 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.12 57 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.64 62 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.42 57 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.44 130 15.24 4,127,162 45.0 79.0 425 63 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.62 69 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.44 88 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.27 83 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.35 75 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.59 43 17.02 57,566 0.286 0.503 J 2.06 91 17.39 151,572 0.760 1.34 5.03 75 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.59 Methyl isobutyl ketone Toluene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1,2-Dichloroethane Heptane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Bromodichloromethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Methyl methacrylate 1,4-Dioxane Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Ethyl acetate Chloroform Tetrahydrofuran 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Acrylonitrile Hexane 1,1-Dichloroethane Vinyl acetate Acetonitrile Methylene chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether Acetone Carbon disulfide Isopropyl alcohol Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) Ethanol Acrolein Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1,1-Dichloroethene Bromomethane Chloroethane Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) Freon 11 (CCl3F) Compound TO15-Tyner St.-V-3-Can #00147 0612-142, 500mL load Propylene Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) Chloromethane Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 1,3-Butadiene Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201444.D Tank DF: 1.757 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) Compound TO15-Tyner St.-V-3-Can #00147 0612-142, 500mL load Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 97 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.92 166 18.09 403,359 3.94 6.92 46.9 43 18.18 38,547 0.216 0.379 J 1.55 129 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.99 107 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.70 112 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.62 91 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.53 131 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.41 91 19.30 64,443 0.334 0.587 J 2.55 91 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.53 104 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.50 173 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 3.63 83 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.41 105 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.73 91 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.82 105 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.73 105 20.83 61,625 0.286 0.502 J 2.47 146 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.11 146 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.11 91 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.82 146 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.11 180 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 2.61 225 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 3.75 128 NA 0 0.200 0.351 ND 1.84 Rec. (%) Flags 130 13.06 556,584 11.03 N/A 114 14.86 2,147,362 10.52 N/A 117 19.06 1,967,738 11.20 N/A Internal Standard Acceptance Criteria (Area +/- 40%, RT +/- 20 sec.) Concal Sample Ave. ICal Flag RT RT IS Area 13.04 13.06 539,287 Pass 14.85 14.86 2,012,245 Pass 19.07 19.06 1,964,160 Pass 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS)2,147,362 Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS)1,967,738 Sample Name IS Area Bromochloromethane (IS)556,584 Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene Internal Standard 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl chloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2-Chlorotoluene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Styrene Bromoform 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4-Ethyltoluene Ethylbenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane m-/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane Chlorobenzene Bromochloromethane (IS) 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201445.D Tank DF: 1.751 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) 41 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 0.603 85 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.73 85 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.45 50 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 0.723 62 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 0.895 39 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 0.775 94 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.36 64 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 0.924 106 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.53 101 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.97 45 7.86 28,217 1.27 2.23 4.20 56 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 0.803 151 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.68 61 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.39 43 8.75 868,444 6.75 11.8 28.1 76 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.09 45 9.11 91,635 0.695 1.22 J 2.99 76 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.10 41 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 0.588 49 9.79 31,870 0.324 0.567 J 1.97 61 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.39 73 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.26 53 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 0.760 57 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.23 63 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.42 43 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.23 61 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.39 72 12.55 36,494 1.25 2.18 6.43 45 12.65 42,101 1.64 2.87 10.3 83 13.24 87,903 0.652 1.14 J 5.58 72 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.03 97 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.91 56 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.21 117 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.20 78 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.12 57 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.64 62 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.42 57 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.44 130 15.24 2,877,772 31.4 54.9 295 63 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.62 69 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.43 88 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.26 83 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.35 75 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.59 43 17.02 65,726 0.327 0.572 J 2.34 91 17.39 92,041 0.464 0.812 J 3.06 75 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.59 Methyl isobutyl ketone Toluene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1,2-Dichloroethane Heptane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Bromodichloromethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Methyl methacrylate 1,4-Dioxane Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Ethyl acetate Chloroform Tetrahydrofuran 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Acrylonitrile Hexane 1,1-Dichloroethane Vinyl acetate Acetonitrile Methylene chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether Acetone Carbon disulfide Isopropyl alcohol Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) Ethanol Acrolein Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1,1-Dichloroethene Bromomethane Chloroethane Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) Freon 11 (CCl3F) Compound TO15-Tyner St.-V-4-Can #00192 0612-142, 500mL load Propylene Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) Chloromethane Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 1,3-Butadiene Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 0612-142R results Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201445.D Tank DF: 1.751 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) Compound TO15-Tyner St.-V-4-Can #00192 0612-142, 500mL load Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 97 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.91 166 18.09 248,552 2.44 4.27 28.9 43 18.18 58,767 0.330 0.578 J 2.37 129 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.98 107 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.69 112 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.61 91 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.52 131 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.40 91 19.30 59,559 0.310 0.543 J 2.36 91 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.52 104 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.49 173 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 3.62 83 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.40 105 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.72 91 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.81 105 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.72 105 20.83 63,636 0.297 0.519 J 2.55 146 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.11 146 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.11 91 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.81 146 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.11 180 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 2.60 225 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 3.73 128 NA 0 0.200 0.350 ND 1.84 Rec. (%) Flags 130 13.06 556,970 11.03 N/A 114 14.86 2,147,949 10.52 N/A 117 19.07 1,958,199 11.20 N/A Internal Standard Acceptance Criteria (Area +/- 40%, RT +/- 20 sec.) Concal Sample Ave. ICal Flag RT RT IS Area 13.04 13.06 539,287 Pass 14.85 14.86 2,012,245 Pass 19.07 19.07 1,964,160 Pass 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS)2,147,949 Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS)1,958,199 Sample Name IS Area Bromochloromethane (IS)556,970 Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene Internal Standard 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl chloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2-Chlorotoluene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Styrene Bromoform 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4-Ethyltoluene Ethylbenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane m-/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane Chlorobenzene Bromochloromethane (IS) 0612-142R results Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201446.D Tank DF: 1.830 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) 41 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 0.630 85 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.81 85 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.56 50 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 0.756 62 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 0.936 39 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 0.810 94 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.42 64 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 0.966 106 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.60 101 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.06 45 7.86 48,479 2.18 3.99 7.52 56 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 0.839 151 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.81 61 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.45 43 8.75 1,202,276 9.33 17.1 40.6 76 9.15 45,983 0.258 0.471 J 1.47 45 9.10 496,848 3.76 6.88 16.9 76 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.15 41 9.37 13,335 0.204 0.373 J 0.626 49 9.79 50,598 0.513 0.939 J 3.26 61 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.45 73 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.32 53 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 0.794 57 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.29 63 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.48 43 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.29 61 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.45 72 12.56 41,613 1.42 2.59 7.65 45 12.65 45,770 1.78 3.25 11.7 83 13.24 91,255 0.676 1.24 J 6.04 72 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.08 97 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.00 56 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.26 117 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.30 78 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.17 57 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.71 62 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.48 57 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.50 130 15.24 2,850,243 30.9 56.6 304 63 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.69 69 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.50 88 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.32 83 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.45 75 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.66 43 17.02 70,953 0.351 0.643 J 2.63 91 17.39 84,844 0.421 0.771 J 2.90 75 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.66 TO15-Tyner St.-V-DUP-Can #00229 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Methyl isobutyl ketone Toluene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Methyl methacrylate 1,4-Dioxane Benzene 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1,2-Dichloroethane Heptane Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Ethyl acetate Chloroform Bromodichloromethane Tetrahydrofuran 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Hexane 1,1-Dichloroethane Vinyl acetate cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Methylene chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether Acrylonitrile Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) Acetonitrile Acrolein Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1,1-Dichloroethene Acetone Freon 11 (CCl3F) Ethanol Compound 0612-142, 500mL load Carbon disulfide Isopropyl alcohol Propylene Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) Chloromethane Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 1,3-Butadiene Bromomethane Chloroethane Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201446.D Tank DF: 1.830 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) TO15-Tyner St.-V-DUP-Can #00229 Compound 0612-142, 500mL load Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 97 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.00 166 18.10 258,964 2.50 4.58 31.0 43 18.19 71,466 0.395 0.724 J 2.96 129 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 3.12 107 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.81 112 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.69 91 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.59 131 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.51 91 19.30 58,135 0.298 0.545 J 2.37 91 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.59 104 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.56 173 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 3.78 83 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.51 105 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.80 91 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.90 105 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.80 105 20.83 67,101 0.308 0.563 J 2.77 146 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.20 146 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.20 91 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.90 146 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.20 180 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 2.72 225 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 3.90 128 NA 0 0.200 0.366 ND 1.92 Rec. (%) Flags 130 13.06 558,253 11.03 N/A 114 14.86 2,157,876 10.52 N/A 117 19.07 1,989,214 11.20 N/A Internal Standard Acceptance Criteria (Area +/- 40%, RT +/- 20 sec.) Concal Sample Ave. ICal Flag RT RT IS Area 13.04 13.06 539,287 Pass 14.85 14.86 2,012,245 Pass 19.07 19.07 1,964,160 Pass 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS)2,157,876 Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS)1,989,214 Sample Name IS Area Bromochloromethane (IS)558,253 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene Internal Standard 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl chloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 4-Ethyltoluene 2-Chlorotoluene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene o-Xylene Styrene Bromoform 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane m-/p-Xylenes 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane Bromochloromethane (IS) 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201447.D Tank DF: 1.776 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags % Difference Sample Conc. (ug/m3) 41 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 0.611 85 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 4.5 1.76 85 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.48 50 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 0.734 62 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 0.908 39 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 0.786 94 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.38 64 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 0.937 106 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.55 101 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.00 45 7.86 109,163 5.14 9.13 6.0 17.2 56 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 0.815 151 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.72 61 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.41 43 8.75 1,444,026 11.7 20.8 6.5 49.5 76 9.16 49,043 0.287 0.510 J 5.8 1.59 45 9.10 208,958 1.65 2.94 9.9 7.22 76 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.11 41 9.36 17,482 0.280 0.497 J 0.7 0.834 49 9.79 44,561 0.473 0.839 J 11.8 2.92 61 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.41 73 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.28 53 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 0.771 57 11.04 22,823 0.258 0.459 J 25.5 1.62 63 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.44 43 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.25 61 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.41 72 12.56 48,654 1.73 3.08 3.9 9.08 45 12.65 39,961 1.62 2.88 7.0 10.4 83 13.24 53,069 0.411 0.730 J 4.2 3.57 72 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.05 97 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.94 56 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.22 117 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.24 78 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.14 57 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.66 62 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.44 57 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.46 130 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.91 63 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.64 69 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.45 88 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.28 83 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.38 75 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.61 43 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.46 91 17.40 133,048 0.705 1.25 J 16.4 4.72 75 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.61 TO15-Tyner St.-V-1-Can #00206 LD cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Methyl isobutyl ketone Toluene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Methyl methacrylate 1,4-Dioxane Benzene 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1,2-Dichloroethane Heptane Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Ethyl acetate Chloroform Bromodichloromethane Tetrahydrofuran 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Hexane 1,1-Dichloroethane Vinyl acetate cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Methylene chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether Acrylonitrile Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) Acetonitrile Acrolein Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1,1-Dichloroethene Acetone Freon 11 (CCl3F) Ethanol Compound 0612-142, 500mL load Carbon disulfide Isopropyl alcohol Propylene Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) Chloromethane Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 1,3-Butadiene Bromomethane Chloroethane Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201447.D Tank DF: 1.776 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags % Difference Sample Conc. (ug/m3) TO15-Tyner St.-V-1-Can #00206 LD Compound 0612-142, 500mL load Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 97 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.94 166 18.10 1,232,794 12.7 22.6 5.8 153 43 18.19 107,079 0.633 1.12 J 17.6 4.61 129 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 3.03 107 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.73 112 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.64 91 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.54 131 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.44 91 19.30 95,704 0.524 0.931 J 9.7 4.04 91 19.69 43,316 0.232 0.412 J 11.1 1.79 104 19.71 41,101 0.267 0.475 J 9.7 2.02 173 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 3.67 83 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.44 105 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.75 91 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.84 105 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.75 105 20.83 84,249 0.413 0.733 J 4.8 3.60 146 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.14 146 21.18 74,324 0.513 0.910 J 1.0 5.47 91 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.84 146 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.14 180 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 2.64 225 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 3.79 128 NA 0 0.200 0.355 ND 0.0 1.86 Rec. (%) Flags 130 13.06 533,672 11.03 N/A 114 14.86 2,044,908 10.52 N/A 117 19.07 1,862,098 11.20 N/A Internal Standard Acceptance Criteria (Area +/- 40%, RT +/- 20 sec.) Concal Sample Ave. ICal Flag RT RT IS Area 13.04 13.06 539,287 Pass 14.85 14.86 2,012,245 Pass 19.07 19.07 1,964,160 Pass 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS)2,044,908 Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS)1,862,098 Sample Name IS Area Bromochloromethane (IS)533,672 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene Internal Standard 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl chloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 4-Ethyltoluene 2-Chlorotoluene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene o-Xylene Styrene Bromoform 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane m-/p-Xylenes 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane Bromochloromethane (IS) 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201440.D Tank DF: 1.00 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) 41 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.344 85 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.989 85 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.40 50 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.413 62 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.511 39 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.442 94 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.777 64 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.528 106 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.875 101 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.12 45 7.84 7,253 0.368 0.368 J 0.693 56 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.459 151 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.53 61 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.793 43 8.76 27,653 0.242 0.242 J 0.574 76 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.623 45 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.492 76 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.626 41 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.336 49 9.77 30,514 0.349 0.349 J 1.21 61 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.793 73 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.721 53 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.434 57 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.705 63 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.809 43 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.704 61 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.793 72 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.590 45 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.721 83 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.976 72 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.590 97 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.09 56 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.688 117 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.26 78 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.639 57 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.934 62 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.809 57 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.820 130 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.07 63 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.924 69 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.819 88 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.721 83 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.34 75 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.908 43 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.819 91 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.754 75 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.908 Methyl isobutyl ketone Toluene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1,2-Dichloroethane Heptane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Bromodichloromethane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Methyl methacrylate 1,4-Dioxane Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Ethyl acetate Chloroform Tetrahydrofuran 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Acrylonitrile Hexane 1,1-Dichloroethane Vinyl acetate Acetonitrile Methylene chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether Acetone Carbon disulfide Isopropyl alcohol Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) Ethanol Acrolein Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1,1-Dichloroethene Bromomethane Chloroethane Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) Freon 11 (CCl3F) Compound humid blank 500mL load, can #10893 Propylene Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) Chloromethane Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 1,3-Butadiene Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201440.D Tank DF: 1.00 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Sample Conc. (ug/m3) Compound humid blank 500mL load, can #10893 Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 97 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.09 166 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.36 43 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.819 129 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.70 107 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.54 112 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.921 91 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.868 131 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.37 91 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.868 91 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.868 104 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.852 173 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 2.07 83 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.37 105 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.983 91 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.04 105 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.983 105 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 0.983 146 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.20 146 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.20 91 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.04 146 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.20 180 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.48 225 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 2.13 128 NA 0 0.200 0.200 ND 1.05 Rec. (%) Flags 130 13.05 495,375 11.03 N/A 114 14.85 1,927,918 10.52 N/A 117 19.07 1,837,448 11.20 N/A Internal Standard Acceptance Criteria (Area +/- 40%, RT +/- 20 sec.) Concal Sample Ave. ICal Flag RT RT IS Area 13.04 13.05 539,287 Pass 14.85 14.85 2,012,245 Pass 19.07 19.07 1,964,160 Pass 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS)1,927,918 Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS)1,837,448 Sample Name IS Area Bromochloromethane (IS)495,375 Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene Internal Standard 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl chloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 2-Chlorotoluene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Styrene Bromoform 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4-Ethyltoluene Ethylbenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane m-/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane Chlorobenzene Bromochloromethane (IS) 0612-142R results 8/11/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201439.D Tank DF: 1.00 Tank/Misc ID: ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Tag Value % Diff. From Tag Pass/Fail 41 4.68 510,680 9.33 9.33 9.08 2.8 PASS 85 4.78 1,253,461 8.22 8.22 8.17 0.7 PASS 85 5.15 1,400,512 8.49 8.49 8.33 1.9 PASS 50 5.27 524,538 8.77 8.77 8.42 4.3 PASS 62 5.60 493,049 8.82 8.82 8.42 4.8 PASS 39 5.72 473,255 9.27 9.27 8.75 6.0 PASS 94 6.47 522,505 8.33 8.33 8.42 1.0 PASS 64 6.76 258,353 8.46 8.46 8.33 1.5 PASS 106 7.23 452,817 7.88 7.88 8.25 4.5 PASS 101 7.41 1,073,328 8.39 8.39 8.66 3.1 PASS 45 7.84 159,496 8.51 8.51 8.42 1.1 PASS 56 8.41 164,871 8.17 8.17 8.99 9.1 PASS 151 8.67 524,587 7.50 7.50 8.09 7.3 PASS 61 8.63 649,129 7.50 7.50 8.17 8.2 PASS 43 8.73 843,497 7.76 7.76 8.66 10.5 PASS 76 9.14 1,183,442 7.85 7.85 8.17 3.8 PASS 45 9.09 942,091 8.44 8.44 8.99 6.1 PASS 76 9.49 187,209 7.84 7.84 8.50 7.7 PASS 41 9.35 396,518 7.18 7.18 7.59 5.4 PASS 49 9.77 615,059 7.39 7.39 8.33 11.3 PASS 61 10.39 619,258 7.83 7.83 8.25 5.1 PASS 73 10.39 1,111,669 8.16 8.16 8.66 5.7 PASS 53 10.28 335,816 7.69 7.69 8.25 6.8 PASS 57 11.02 627,509 8.05 8.05 8.58 6.2 PASS 63 11.36 771,155 8.05 8.05 8.42 4.3 PASS 43 11.36 1,619,125 8.55 8.55 8.83 3.1 PASS 61 12.58 750,744 8.13 8.13 8.58 5.2 PASS 72 12.55 211,668 8.54 8.54 8.83 3.2 PASS 45 12.64 181,971 8.37 8.37 8.50 1.5 PASS 83 13.23 913,303 8.01 8.01 8.50 5.7 PASS 72 13.09 203,083 8.35 8.35 8.83 5.5 PASS 97 13.56 888,178 7.86 7.86 8.50 7.5 PASS 56 13.70 670,311 8.17 8.17 8.58 4.8 PASS 117 13.84 892,404 7.78 7.78 8.33 6.7 PASS 78 14.18 1,209,655 7.88 7.88 8.58 8.1 PASS 57 14.37 2,042,453 7.87 7.87 8.42 6.5 PASS 62 14.26 607,177 7.90 7.90 8.66 8.8 PASS 57 14.64 417,493 8.23 8.23 8.75 5.9 PASS 130 15.23 606,196 7.81 7.81 8.66 9.9 PASS 63 15.64 492,332 8.43 8.43 8.75 3.6 PASS 69 15.68 481,716 8.31 8.31 8.75 5.0 PASS 88 15.74 296,599 8.34 8.34 8.66 3.7 PASS 83 16.06 1,078,686 8.12 8.12 8.66 6.2 PASS 75 16.79 835,951 8.39 8.39 8.99 6.7 PASS 43 17.01 1,484,678 8.72 8.72 8.92 2.2 PASS 91 17.39 1,466,015 7.91 7.91 8.83 10.4 PASS 75 17.69 747,026 7.57 7.57 8.25 8.3 PASS 97 17.95 598,888 7.98 7.98 8.83 9.6 PASS 166 18.09 753,145 7.90 7.90 8.66 8.8 PASS 43 18.18 1,475,899 8.88 8.88 8.99 1.3 PASS 129 18.42 1,127,022 8.17 8.17 8.99 9.1 PASS Compound 5.0ppbv TO-15 LCS std 125mL load, can #1414 Propylene Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) Chloromethane Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 1,3-Butadiene Ethanol Acrolein Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1,1-Dichloroethene Bromomethane Chloroethane Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) Freon 11 (CCl3F) Acetonitrile Methylene chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether Acetone Carbon disulfide Isopropyl alcohol Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride Acrylonitrile Hexane 1,1-Dichloroethane Vinyl acetate 1,2-Dichloropropane Methyl methacrylate 1,4-Dioxane Benzene cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Ethyl acetate Chloroform Tetrahydrofuran 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Dibromochloromethane 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1,2-Dichloroethane Heptane cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Bromodichloromethane Trichloroethene Methyl isobutyl ketone Toluene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Tetrachloroethene Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 0612-142 results 7/18/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201439.D Tank DF: 1.00 Tank/Misc ID: ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Tag Value % Diff. From Tag Pass/FailCompound 5.0ppbv TO-15 LCS std 125mL load, can #1414 Company Analyst Parameters AWARE Environmental, Inc. DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples N508-05 0612-142 5 (1.4L) Canisters 107 18.58 1,010,844 7.90 7.90 8.75 9.7 PASS 112 19.09 1,288,863 8.21 8.21 8.99 8.7 PASS 91 19.17 2,069,454 8.94 8.94 8.91 0.3 PASS 131 19.17 684,191 7.77 7.77 8.25 5.8 PASS 91 19.30 3,078,792 17.2 17.2 17.5 1.9 PASS 91 19.68 1,636,087 8.91 8.91 9.08 1.8 PASS 104 19.70 1,315,482 8.71 8.71 8.99 3.2 PASS 173 19.89 1,031,071 8.28 8.28 8.75 5.3 PASS 83 20.26 1,422,845 9.08 9.08 9.08 0.1 PASS 105 20.46 2,351,680 9.19 9.19 8.75 5.1 PASS 91 20.46 1,990,858 8.74 8.74 8.33 4.8 PASS 105 20.50 1,678,520 8.75 8.75 8.91 1.8 PASS 105 20.82 1,786,710 8.91 8.91 8.91 0.0 PASS 146 21.10 1,254,957 8.98 8.98 9.08 1.1 PASS 146 21.18 1,253,878 8.80 8.80 8.83 0.3 PASS 91 21.26 1,802,937 8.85 8.85 9.08 2.5 PASS 146 21.48 1,150,468 8.75 8.75 8.91 1.8 PASS 180 22.84 703,181 7.83 7.83 8.75 10.4 PASS 225 22.94 526,553 8.62 8.62 8.75 1.4 PASS 128 23.12 1,831,947 7.41 7.41 8.09 8.4 PASS Rec. (%) Flags 130 13.05 471,063 11.03 N/A 114 14.85 1,817,409 10.52 N/A 117 19.06 1,830,096 11.20 N/A Internal Standard Acceptance Criteria (Area +/- 40%, RT +/- 20 sec.) Concal Sample Ave. ICal Flag RT RT IS Area 13.04 13.05 539,287 Pass 14.85 14.85 2,012,245 Pass 19.07 19.06 1,964,160 Pass Bromochloromethane (IS) 1,2-Dibromoethane Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane m-/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 2-Chlorotoluene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene Styrene Bromoform 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4-Ethyltoluene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene Internal Standard 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl chloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS)1,817,409 Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS)1,830,096 Sample Name IS Area Bromochloromethane (IS)471,063 0612-142 results 7/18/2012 SampleIDTankIDTankDilutionCanister Size (L)Sample Vol (L)at STPTempField(F)PbarField(mmHg)GaugeField(mmHg)TempLab/Field(F)PbarLab/Field(mmHg)GaugeLab/Field(mmHg)TempLab(F)PbarLab(mmHg)GaugeLab(mmHg)TO15-Tyner St.-V-1 00206 1.776 1.29 1.22 64.5 757 -757 65.5 749 -33 65.5 749 523TO15-Tyner St.-V-2 00208 1.765 1.29 1.20 64.5 757 -757 65.5 749 -43 65.5 749 497TO15-Tyner St.-V-3 00147 1.757 1.29 1.21 64.5 757 -757 65.5 749 -41 65.5 749 495TO15-Tyner St.-V-4 00192 1.751 1.29 1.21 64.5 757 -757 65.5 749 -42 65.5 749 489TO15-Tyner St.-V-Dup 00229 1.830 1.29 1.20 64.5 757 -757 65.5 749 -47 65.5 749 536Pre-samplePost-sampleFinalThe tank dilution factors are calculated using the following formula:460460///460TempFieldPbarFieldGaugeFieldFieldTempLabFieldPbarLabFieldGaugeLabTempLabPbarLabGaugeLabCompanyAnalystParametersAWARE Environmental, Inc.DBTank DilutionsClient #Job ## SamplesN508-050612-1425 (1.4L) Canisters0612-142 results7/18/2012 Narrative Summary Enthalpy Analytical Narrative Summary Company AWARE Environmental Client #N508-05 Analyst DB Job #0612-142 Parameters EPA Method TO-15 # Samples 5 (1.4L) Canisters Custody Lindsey Chatterton received the samples on 6/29/12 after being relinquished by AWARE Environmental, Inc. The samples were received at ambient temperature and in good condition. Prior to, during, and after analysis, the samples were kept under lock with access only to authorized personnel by Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. Analysis The samples were analyzed for TO-15 Target Compound List using the analytical procedures in EPA Method TO-15, Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) In Air Collected In Specially-Prepared Canisters And Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS). The samples were analyzed following the procedures in Section 10.0, Sample Analysis. The samples were received at near ambient pressure and were pressurized with zero air prior to sample analysis. The canister dilution factor values were determined and presented on the Tank Dilution page in the Results section of this report. The Hewlett Packard Model 5890, Gas Chromatograph ("Lurch" S/N 2750A15233) was equipped with a 5971A Mass Selective Detector and a Restek Rxi-624 Sil MS, 60 m x 0.32 mm x 1.8 µm (S/N 1035491) capillary column for these analyses. All samples and standards were introduced directly to the analyzer using an Entech 7100A Preconcentrator. Calibration A copy of the calibration curve is included in the Calibration Curve Chromatograms section of this report. Chromatographic Conditions The acquisition method MM624-L.M is included in the Curve/QA Chromatograms section of this report. QC Notes All target compounds met the 30% initial calibration RSD and the 30% continuing calibration %D. The ICV and LCS met %D acceptance criteria. All internal standard area responses and retention time criteria were met. Enthalpy Analytical Narrative Summary (continued) QC Notes (continued) The duplicate analyses associated with this set of data met QC criteria of less than 25% D for all non-J flagged analytes. The method blanks associated with the analyzed samples contained no target analytes at concentrations greater than the method acceptable criteria of 3x the MDL (0.6 ppbv for this project). The samples were analyzed within the 30-day holding time required by the method. Reporting Notes The instrument was calibrated from approximately 0.66 ppbv to 50 ppbv. These analyses met the requirements of the NELAC Standard. Any deviations from the requirements of the reference method and/or the NELAC Standard have been previously noted in this narrative. The results presented in this report are representative of the samples as provided to the laboratory. General Reporting Notes The following are general reporting notes that are applicable to all Enthalpy Analytical, Inc. data reports, unless specifically noted otherwise. The acronym MDL represents the Minimum Detection Limit. Below this value the laboratory cannot determine the presence of the analyte of interest reliably. The acronym LOQ represents the Limit of Quantification. Below this value the laboratory cannot quantitate the analyte of interest within the criteria of the method. The acronym ND following a value indicates a non-detect or analytical result below the MDL. The letter J following a value indicates an analytical result between the MDL and the LOQ. A J flag indicates that the laboratory can positively identify the analyte of interest as present, but the value should be considered an estimate. The letter E following a value indicates an analytical result exceeding 100% of the highest calibration point. The associated value should be considered as an estimate. The acronym DF represents Dilution Factor. This number represents dilution of the sample during the preparation and/or analysis process. The analytical result taken from a laboratory instrument is multiplied by the DF to determine the final undiluted sample results. The addition of MS to the Sample ID represents a Matrix Spike. An aliquot of an actual sample is spiked with a known amount of analyte so that a percent recovery value can be determined. This shows what effect the sample matrix may have on the target analyte, i.e. whether or not anything in the sample matrix interferes with the analysis of the analyte(s). The addition of MSD to the Sample ID represents a Matrix Spike Duplicate. Prepared in the same manner as an MS, the use of duplicate matrix spikes allows further confirmation of laboratory quality by showing the consistency of results gained by performing the same steps multiple times. The addition of LD to the Sample ID represents a Laboratory Duplicate. The analyst prepares an additional aliquot of sample for testing and the results of the duplicate analysis are compared to the initial result. The result should have a difference value of within 10% of the initial result (if the results of the original analysis are greater than the LOQ). The addition of AD to the Sample ID represents an Alternate Dilution. The analyst prepares an additional aliquot at a different dilution factor (usually double the initial factor). This analysis helps confirm that no additional compound is present and coeluting or sharing absorbance with the analyte of interest, as they would have a different response/absorbance than the analyte of interest. The Sample ID LCS represents a Laboratory Control Sample. Clean matrix, similar to the client sample matrix, prepared and analyzed by the laboratory using the same reagents, spiking standards and procedures used for the client samples. The LCS is used to assess the control of the laboratory’s analytical system. Whenever spikes are prepared for our client projects, two extra spikes are prepared. The extras (randomly chosen) are labeled with the associated project number and kept in-house at the appropriate temperature conditions. When the project samples are received for analysis, the LCSs are analyzed to confirm that the analyte could be recovered from the media, separate from the samples which were used on the project and which may have been affected by source matrix, sample collection and/or sample transport. General Reporting Notes (continued) Significant Figures: Where the reported value is much greater than unity (1.00) in the units expressed, the number is rounded to a whole number of units, rather than to 3 significant figures. For example, a value of 10,456.45 ug catch is rounded to 10,456 ug. There are five significant digits displayed, but no confidence should be placed on more than two significant digits. Manual Integration: The data systems used for processing will flag manually integrated peaks with an “M”. There are several reasons a peak may be manually integrated. These reasons will be identified by the following two letter designations. The peak was not integrated by the software “NI”, the peak was integrated incorrectly by the software “II” or the wrong peak was integrated by the software “WP”. These codes will accompany the analyst’s manual integration stamp placed next to the compound name. Sample Custody Sample Chromatograms Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201442.D Vial: 2 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-1-Can #00206 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:54 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 6000000 7000000 8000000 9000000 1e+07 1.1e+07 1.2e+07 1.3e+07 1.4e+07 1.5e+07 1.6e+07 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201442.D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-TrimethylbenzeneStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-XylenesChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)TetrachloroetheneToluene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IChloroformBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetateMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)Methylene chlorideAcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneEthanolFreon 12 (CCl2F2)L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:50 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201442.D Vial: 2 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-1-Can #00206 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:54 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.05 130 480464 11.03 PPBV -0.03 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.85 114 1849588 10.52 PPBV -0.03 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.07 117 1788038 11.20 PPBV -0.02 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 0.00 41 0 N.D. d 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.78 85 32538 0.21 PPBV # 97 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 5) Chloromethane 0.00 50 0 N.D. d 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 0.00 62 0 N.D. 7) 1,3-Butadiene 0.00 39 0 N.D. d 8) Bromomethane 0.00 94 0 N.D. 9) Chloroethane 0.00 64 0 N.D. 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 0.00 106 0 N.D. 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 0.00 101 0 N.D. d 12) Ethanol 7.85 45 92538 4.84 PPBV # 85 13) Acrolein 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 0.00 151 0 N.D. d 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 16) Acetone 8.75 43 1217781 10.98 PPBV # 81 17) Carbon disulfide 9.15 76 41687 0.27 PPBV # 63 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.09 45 170372 1.50 PPBV # 85 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 0.00 76 0 N.D. 20) Acetonitrile 9.35 41 15629 0.28 PPBV # 88 21) Methylene chloride 9.77 49 35662 0.42 PPBV # 77 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.00 73 0 N.D. d 24) Acrylonitrile 0.00 53 0 N.D. d 25) Hexane 11.02 57 14432 N.D. 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 27) Vinyl acetate 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.00 61 0 N.D. d 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.55 72 42108 1.67 PPBV 77 30) Ethyl acetate 12.64 45 33530 1.51 PPBV # 80 31) Chloroform 13.23 83 45826 0.39 PPBV 99 32) Tetrahydrofuran 0.00 72 0 N.D. d 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. 34) Cyclohexane 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 35) Carbon tetrachloride 0.00 117 0 N.D. d 37) Benzene 0.00 78 0 N.D. d 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.00 62 0 N.D. 40) Heptane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 41) Trichloroethene 0.00 130 0 N.D. 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 43) Methyl methacrylate 0.00 69 0 N.D. d 44) 1,4-Dioxane 0.00 88 0 N.D. 45) Bromodichloromethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 49) Toluene 17.40 91 108367 0.60 PPBV 93 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. d 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.09 166 1116779 11.99 PPBV 95 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.18 43 86179 0.53 PPBV # 93 54) Dibromochloromethane 0.00 129 0 N.D. d 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.00 107 0 N.D. 56) Chlorobenzene 0.00 112 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:50 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201442.D Vial: 2 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-1-Can #00206 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:54 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 131 0 N.D. 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.30 91 83422 0.48 PPBV 97 60) o-Xylene 19.68 91 37233 0.21 PPBV 95 61) Styrene 19.70 104 35816 0.24 PPBV 91 62) Bromoform 0.00 173 0 N.D. 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.83 105 77144 0.39 PPBV # 78 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.18 146 70646m 0.51 PPBV 70) Benzyl chloride 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.00 180 0 N.D. d 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00 225 0 N.D. 74) Naphthalene 0.00 128 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:50 2012 Page 2 #3 Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Concen: 0.21 PPBV RT: 4.78 min Scan# 157 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 85 Resp: 32538 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 85 100 87 32.1 26.7 40.1 101 7.7 8.2 12.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 185 (4.896 min): L1103939.D (-) 85 50 10331 220 241125 274 298145163 184 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 157 (4.784 min): L1201442.D 32 85 50 103 272290122207 244 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 157 (4.784 min): L1201442.D (-) 85 5031 103 276251 293122209 4.70 4.80 4.90 0 5000 10000 15000 Time--> AbundanceIon 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 4.78 Ion 87.00 (86.70 to 87.70): L12 Ion 100.95 (100.65 to 101.65): #12 Ethanol Concen: 4.84 PPBV RT: 7.85 min Scan# 462 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 92538 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 26.5 31.3 46.9# 31 236.0 209.9 314.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 512 (8.184 min): L1103939.D (-) 31 7854 200106 220 247133 278 299153172 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 462 (7.851 min): L1201442.D 31 94 15874 18349 250 282208112 133 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 462 (7.851 min): L1201442.D (-) 31 77 108 250 28254127208147 168187 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 Time--> AbundanceIon 44.95 (44.65 to 45.65): L12 7.85 Ion 42.95 (42.65 to 43.65): L12Ion 30.95 (30.65 to 31.65): L12 L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:02:06 2012 Page 3 #16 Acetone Concen: 10.98 PPBV RT: 8.75 min Scan# 551 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 1217781 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 23.4 12.2 18.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 572 (8.797 min): L1200822.D (-) 43 168128 2947622119397147254 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 551 (8.746 min): L1201442.D 43 277107 136 171 256 29919262214 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 551 (8.746 min): L1201442.D (-) 43 299151 171 19666 217 242 26496 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 8.75 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 #17 Carbon disulfide Concen: 0.27 PPBV RT: 9.15 min Scan# 591 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 76 Resp: 41687 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 76 100 78 10.3 8.0 12.0 44 0.0 21.0 31.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 641 (9.481 min): L1103939.D (-) 76 45 196 239 26628621596 116 152171 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 591 (9.149 min): L1201442.D 76 32 94 20758115 138 277 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 591 (9.149 min): L1201442.D (-) 76 44 94 115 138 273208 9.00 9.10 9.20 0 5000 10000 15000 Time--> AbundanceIon 76.00 (75.70 to 76.70): L12 9.15 Ion 78.00 (77.70 to 78.70): L12Ion 44.10 (43.80 to 44.80): L12 L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:02:07 2012 Page 4 #18 Isopropyl alcohol Concen: 1.50 PPBV RT: 9.09 min Scan# 585 Delta R.T. -0.04 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 170372 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 18.4 21.4 32.2# 59 3.4 2.5 3.7 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 641 (9.481 min): L1103939.D (-) 45 77 266116286152171 19221197 243 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 585 (9.088 min): L1201442.D 45 76 20794 157 239 271289 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 585 (9.088 min): L1201442.D (-) 45 76 94 157 239 271207289 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 0 20000 40000 60000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 9.09 Ion 43.10 (42.80 to 43.80): L12 Ion 59.00 (58.70 to 59.70): L12 #20 Acetonitrile Concen: 0.28 PPBV RT: 9.35 min Scan# 611 Delta R.T. -0.04 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 41 Resp: 15629 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 41 100 40 58.5 51.7 77.5 39 22.4 25.2 37.8# 38 17.1 21.7 32.5# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 668 (9.752 min): L1103939.D (-) 41 97 17112869 195214 245 281147 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 611 (9.350 min): L1201442.D 32 58 20794152 235 287 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 611 (9.350 min): L1201442.D (-) 41 66 105 298152235207 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 0 2000 4000 6000 Time--> AbundanceIon 40.95 (40.65 to 41.65): L12 9.35 Ion 40.00 (39.70 to 40.70): L12Ion 38.90 (38.60 to 39.60): L12Ion 37.90 (37.60 to 38.60): L12 L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:02:07 2012 Page 5 #21 Methylene chloride Concen: 0.42 PPBV RT: 9.77 min Scan# 653 Delta R.T. -0.04 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 49 Resp: 35662 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 49 100 84 62.6 66.8 100.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 675 (9.833 min): L1200822.D (-) 49 84 109 142 207 248 27822829 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 653 (9.772 min): L1201442.D 49 84 207119 14731 186 242 288 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 653 (9.772 min): L1201442.D (-) 49 84 115 147 214 242 288172190 9.70 9.80 9.90 0 5000 10000 Time--> AbundanceIon 49.05 (48.75 to 49.75): L12 9.77 Ion 84.00 (83.70 to 84.70): L12 #29 Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Concen: 1.67 PPBV RT: 12.55 min Scan# 929 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 72 Resp: 42108 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 72 100 43 593.5 420.9 631.3 57 33.9 32.6 48.8 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 984 (12.929 min): L1103939.D 43 72 96 123 143162 182201 226 254273 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 929 (12.548 min): L1201442.D 43 72 29791 112 194131 219 240 261 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 929 (12.548 min): L1201442.D (-) 43 72 223241 26191 286112131 194 12.40 12.50 12.60 12.70 0 50000 100000 Time--> AbundanceIon 72.00 (71.70 to 72.70): L12 12.55 Ion 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12Ion 57.00 (56.70 to 57.70): L12 L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:02:08 2012 Page 6 #30 Ethyl acetate Concen: 1.51 PPBV RT: 12.64 min Scan# 938 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 33530 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 61 74.9 0.0 0.0# 88 27.2 27.6 41.4# 70 55.8 60.6 90.8# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 994 (13.030 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 70 88 202 238116 261 288139159 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 938 (12.639 min): L1201442.D 43 61 88 268 299106 130 151 190 225244 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 938 (12.639 min): L1201442.D (-) 43 61 88 299110 134 155 180 207225 247265 12.60 12.70 0 5000 10000 15000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 12.64 Ion 61.00 (60.70 to 61.70): L12 Ion 88.00 (87.70 to 88.70): L12 Ion 70.00 (69.70 to 70.70): L12 #31 Chloroform Concen: 0.39 PPBV RT: 13.23 min Scan# 997 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 83 Resp: 45826 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 83 100 85 65.9 52.3 78.5 Ref Raw Sub 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1052 (13.613 min): L1103939.D (-) 83 47 120 200 224 252 275294141 161180102 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 997 (13.232 min): L1201442.D 83 32 50 118 276 297254138156 202 226 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 997 (13.232 min): L1201442.D (-) 83 276119 29757254138156 202 226 13.10 13.20 13.30 0 5000 10000 15000 Time--> AbundanceIon 83.00 (82.70 to 83.70): L12 13.23 Ion 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:02:08 2012 Page 7 #49 Toluene Concen: 0.60 PPBV RT: 17.40 min Scan# 1411 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 108367 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 92 65.6 48.2 72.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1459 (17.705 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 135 162180 205 244 280110 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1411 (17.396 min): L1201442.D 91 43 65 112 200 239 267 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1411 (17.396 min): L1201442.D (-) 91 39 65 112 200 239 267 17.30 17.40 17.50 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 17.40 Ion 92.10 (91.80 to 92.80): L12 #52 Tetrachloroethene Concen: 11.99 PPBV RT: 18.09 min Scan# 1480 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion:166 Resp: 1116779 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 166 100 164 77.8 63.0 94.6 131 66.5 59.0 88.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1526 (18.379 min): L1103939.D (-) 166 131 94 47 18820765 232 252 275295 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1480 (18.090 min): L1201442.D 166 129 9447 68 207 232 281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1480 (18.090 min): L1201442.D (-) 166 129 9447 207 228 24865 18.00 18.20 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 Time--> AbundanceIon 165.90 (165.60 to 166.60): 18.09 Ion 163.90 (163.60 to 164.60): Ion 130.90 (130.60 to 131.60): L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:02:09 2012 Page 8 #53 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Concen: 0.53 PPBV RT: 18.18 min Scan# 1489 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 86179 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 46.8 33.7 50.5 57 15.9 15.2 22.8 100 9.8 10.4 15.6# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1535 (18.469 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 10071 176 212 235 255 282118 157137 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1489 (18.181 min): L1201442.D 43 10071 281207133164 251 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1489 (18.181 min): L1201442.D (-) 43 10071 281164133193 251 18.10 18.20 0 20000 40000 60000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 18.18 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 Ion 57.10 (56.80 to 57.80): L12 Ion 100.00 (99.70 to 100.70): L #59 m-/p-Xylenes Concen: 0.48 PPBV RT: 19.30 min Scan# 1600 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 83422 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 106 51.3 39.3 58.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1647 (19.595 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 109128 148 176 203 235 262281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1600 (19.297 min): L1201442.D 43 91 70 128 207109187 230 281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1600 (19.297 min): L1201442.D (-) 9143 70 128109 187207 230 298 19.20 19.30 19.40 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 19.30 Ion 106.05 (105.75 to 106.75): L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:02:09 2012 Page 9 #60 o-Xylene Concen: 0.21 PPBV RT: 19.68 min Scan# 1638 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 37233 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 106 49.0 36.8 55.2 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1686 (19.988 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 245 276108127 147 166 186205 226 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1638 (19.679 min): L1201442.D 91 32 51 69 207111 140 177 232 260 283 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1638 (19.679 min): L1201442.D (-) 91 51 69 111 140 177 20434 232 283 19.60 19.65 19.70 19.75 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 19.68 Ion 106.10 (105.80 to 106.80): #61 Styrene Concen: 0.24 PPBV RT: 19.70 min Scan# 1640 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion:104 Resp: 35816 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 104 100 78 47.8 46.2 69.2 103 51.3 44.0 66.0 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1688 (20.008 min): L1103939.D (-) 104 78 51 131 166 202221 241260 280 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1640 (19.699 min): L1201442.D 104 783251 207126144 172 232 281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1640 (19.699 min): L1201442.D (-) 104 7851 32 126144 172 207 232 282 19.60 19.70 19.80 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 104.10 (103.80 to 104.80): 19.70 Ion 78.10 (77.80 to 78.80): L12Ion 103.10 (102.80 to 103.80): L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:02:10 2012 Page 10 #67 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Concen: 0.39 PPBV RT: 20.83 min Scan# 1752 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion:105 Resp: 77144 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 105 100 120 32.6 37.8 56.6# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1803 (21.164 min): L1103939.D (-) 105 773958 299126 146165 189209 233252271 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1752 (20.826 min): L1201442.D 105 43 69 139 20787 260 281163 230 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1752 (20.826 min): L1201442.D (-) 105 7751 13933 207 230 281179 20.80 20.90 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 105.10 (104.80 to 105.80): 20.83 Ion 120.15 (119.85 to 120.85): #69 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Concen: 0.51 PPBV m RT: 21.18 min Scan# 1787 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201442.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 1:46 pm Tgt Ion:146 Resp: 70646 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 146 100 148 65.4 51.8 77.8 111 61.9 27.9 41.9# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1840 (21.536 min): L1103939.D (-) 146 1117550 27931165 185 205 224 244 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1787 (21.178 min): L1201442.D 57 1132985 148 232 267209170 191 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1787 (21.178 min): L1201442.D (-) 57 1132985 146 168 192 228 267 21.15 21.20 0 20000 40000 60000 Time--> AbundanceIon 146.00 (145.70 to 146.70): 21.18 Ion 148.00 (147.70 to 148.70): Ion 111.10 (110.80 to 111.80): L1201442.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:02:10 2012 Page 11 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201443.D Vial: 3 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-2-Can #00208 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:34 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 7500000 8000000 8500000 9000000 9500000 1e+07 1.05e+07 1.1e+07 1.15e+07 1.2e+07 1.25e+07 1.3e+07 1.35e+07 1.4e+07 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201443.D Naphthalene1,2,4-TrimethylbenzeneStyrenem-/p-XylenesChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),ITetrachloroetheneToluene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),I1,2-DichloroethaneChloroformBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetateMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)Methylene chlorideAcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneEthanolFreon 12 (CCl2F2)L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:35:49 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201443.D Vial: 3 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-2-Can #00208 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:34 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.06 130 541335 11.03 PPBV -0.02 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.86 114 2075679 10.52 PPBV -0.02 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.06 117 1923477 11.20 PPBV -0.02 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 0.00 41 0 N.D. d 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.79 85 36096 0.21 PPBV 97 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 5) Chloromethane 0.00 50 0 N.D. d 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 0.00 62 0 N.D. 7) 1,3-Butadiene 0.00 39 0 N.D. 8) Bromomethane 0.00 94 0 N.D. 9) Chloroethane 0.00 64 0 N.D. d 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 0.00 106 0 N.D. 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 0.00 101 0 N.D. d 12) Ethanol 7.85 45 75169 3.49 PPBV # 79 13) Acrolein 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 0.00 151 0 N.D. d 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 16) Acetone 8.75 43 930497 7.45 PPBV # 80 17) Carbon disulfide 9.15 76 35939 0.21 PPBV # 62 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.10 45 481812 3.76 PPBV # 85 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 0.00 76 0 N.D. 20) Acetonitrile 9.36 41 26994 0.43 PPBV # 94 21) Methylene chloride 9.78 49 49088 0.51 PPBV # 77 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.00 73 0 N.D. d 24) Acrylonitrile 0.00 53 0 N.D. 25) Hexane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 27) Vinyl acetate 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.00 61 0 N.D. d 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.55 72 28154 0.99 PPBV 69 30) Ethyl acetate 12.65 45 12166 0.49 PPBV # 83 31) Chloroform 13.24 83 62682 0.48 PPBV 99 32) Tetrahydrofuran 0.00 72 0 N.D. d 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. d 34) Cyclohexane 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 35) Carbon tetrachloride 0.00 117 0 N.D. d 37) Benzene 0.00 78 0 N.D. d 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.26 62 88531 1.01 PPBV 98 40) Heptane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 41) Trichloroethene 0.00 130 0 N.D. d 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 43) Methyl methacrylate 0.00 69 0 N.D. 44) 1,4-Dioxane 0.00 88 0 N.D. 45) Bromodichloromethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 49) Toluene 17.39 91 130349 0.67 PPBV 95 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. d 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. d 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.09 166 139817 1.40 PPBV 95 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 54) Dibromochloromethane 0.00 129 0 N.D. d 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.00 107 0 N.D. 56) Chlorobenzene 0.00 112 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:35:48 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201443.D Vial: 3 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-2-Can #00208 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:34 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 131 0 N.D. 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.30 91 70247 0.37 PPBV 96 60) o-Xylene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 61) Styrene 19.70 104 39662 0.25 PPBV 88 62) Bromoform 0.00 173 0 N.D. 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.82 105 50394m 0.24 PPBV 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 70) Benzyl chloride 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.00 180 0 N.D. d 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00 225 0 N.D. 74) Naphthalene 23.13 128 119472 0.46 PPBV # 84 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:35:48 2012 Page 2 #3 Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Concen: 0.21 PPBV RT: 4.79 min Scan# 158 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 85 Resp: 36096 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 85 100 87 32.0 26.7 40.1 101 9.0 8.2 12.2 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 185 (4.896 min): L1103939.D (-) 85 50 10331 220 241125 274 298145163 184 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 158 (4.791 min): L1201443.D 32 85 50 103121 207 227 262 286139 160 187 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 158 (4.791 min): L1201443.D (-) 85 5030 103 293121 143 167 188 223 262 4.70 4.80 4.90 0 5000 10000 15000 Time--> AbundanceIon 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 4.79 Ion 87.00 (86.70 to 87.70): L12 Ion 100.95 (100.65 to 101.65): #12 Ethanol Concen: 3.49 PPBV RT: 7.85 min Scan# 462 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 75169 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 24.4 31.3 46.9# 31 224.7 209.9 314.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 512 (8.184 min): L1103939.D (-) 31 7854 200106 220 247133 278 299153172 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 462 (7.848 min): L1201443.D 31 9455 174 209 25614673234 281115 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 462 (7.848 min): L1201443.D (-) 31 94 29162 122 146 174 267207 227 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 Time--> AbundanceIon 44.95 (44.65 to 45.65): L12 7.85 Ion 42.95 (42.65 to 43.65): L12Ion 30.95 (30.65 to 31.65): L12 L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:36:02 2012 Page 3 #16 Acetone Concen: 7.45 PPBV RT: 8.75 min Scan# 552 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 930497 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 23.7 12.2 18.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 572 (8.797 min): L1200822.D (-) 43 168128 2947622119397147 254 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 552 (8.753 min): L1201443.D 43 26097 28111920814062161 186 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 552 (8.753 min): L1201443.D (-) 43 263101 28412214062164 186 20883 8.60 8.80 9.00 0 100000 200000 300000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 8.75 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 #17 Carbon disulfide Concen: 0.21 PPBV RT: 9.15 min Scan# 591 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 76 Resp: 35939 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 76 100 78 9.4 8.0 12.0 44 0.0 21.0 31.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 641 (9.481 min): L1103939.D (-) 76 45 196 239 26628621596 116 152171 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 591 (9.146 min): L1201443.D 76 32 173 20858106 130148 237255 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 591 (9.146 min): L1201443.D (-) 76 45 173 205110 134 233251 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 0 5000 10000 15000 Time--> AbundanceIon 76.00 (75.70 to 76.70): L12 9.15 Ion 78.00 (77.70 to 78.70): L12Ion 44.10 (43.80 to 44.80): L12 L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:36:02 2012 Page 4 #18 Isopropyl alcohol Concen: 3.76 PPBV RT: 9.10 min Scan# 586 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 481812 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 18.0 21.4 32.2# 59 3.4 2.5 3.7 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 641 (9.481 min): L1103939.D (-) 45 77 266116286152171 19221197 243 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 586 (9.095 min): L1201443.D 45 83 134154 174 20765 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 586 (9.095 min): L1201443.D (-) 45 87 122 146 170 21666 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 9.10 Ion 43.10 (42.80 to 43.80): L12 Ion 59.00 (58.70 to 59.70): L12 #20 Acetonitrile Concen: 0.43 PPBV RT: 9.36 min Scan# 612 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 41 Resp: 26994 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 41 100 40 65.1 51.7 77.5 39 26.9 25.2 37.8 38 17.6 21.7 32.5# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 668 (9.752 min): L1103939.D (-) 41 97 17112869 195214 245 281147 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 612 (9.357 min): L1201443.D 41 20771175109 133 251 275 298154 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 612 (9.357 min): L1201443.D (-) 41 71 175 211109 275 298154254133 9.30 9.40 9.50 0 5000 10000 Time--> AbundanceIon 40.95 (40.65 to 41.65): L12 9.36 Ion 40.00 (39.70 to 40.70): L12Ion 38.90 (38.60 to 39.60): L12Ion 37.90 (37.60 to 38.60): L12 L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:36:03 2012 Page 5 #21 Methylene chloride Concen: 0.51 PPBV RT: 9.78 min Scan# 654 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 49 Resp: 49088 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 49 100 84 62.9 66.8 100.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 675 (9.833 min): L1200822.D (-) 49 84 109 142 207 248 27822429 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 654 (9.779 min): L1201443.D 49 84 32 174 202 241 268103121 153 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 654 (9.779 min): L1201443.D (-) 49 84 29 209 241 268107124142 170 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 0 5000 10000 15000 Time--> AbundanceIon 49.05 (48.75 to 49.75): L12 9.78 Ion 84.00 (83.70 to 84.70): L12 #29 Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Concen: 0.99 PPBV RT: 12.55 min Scan# 929 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 72 Resp: 28154 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 72 100 43 619.3 420.9 631.3 57 36.5 32.6 48.8 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 984 (12.929 min): L1103939.D 43 72 96 123 143 162 182 201 226 254 273 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 929 (12.545 min): L1201443.D 43 72 96 150 182 207225 250268 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 929 (12.545 min): L1201443.D (-) 43 72 179 214 236254158 275100 12.50 12.60 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 Time--> AbundanceIon 72.00 (71.70 to 72.70): L12 12.55 Ion 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12Ion 57.00 (56.70 to 57.70): L12 L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:36:03 2012 Page 6 #30 Ethyl acetate Concen: 0.49 PPBV RT: 12.65 min Scan# 939 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 12166 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 61 70.4 0.0 0.0# 88 29.5 27.6 41.4 70 57.9 60.6 90.8# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 994 (13.030 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 70 88 202 238116 261 288139159 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 939 (12.646 min): L1201443.D 43 61 88 106 131 173 201152 281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 939 (12.646 min): L1201443.D (-) 43 61 88 131 173 198106152 12.60 12.70 0 2000 4000 6000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 12.65 Ion 61.00 (60.70 to 61.70): L12 Ion 88.00 (87.70 to 88.70): L12 Ion 70.00 (69.70 to 70.70): L12 #31 Chloroform Concen: 0.48 PPBV RT: 13.24 min Scan# 998 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 83 Resp: 62682 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 83 100 85 66.3 52.3 78.5 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1052 (13.613 min): L1103939.D (-) 83 47 120 200 224 252 275294141 161180102 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 998 (13.239 min): L1201443.D 83 32 50 117 144 207 292234 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 998 (13.239 min): L1201443.D (-) 83 11757 29215539234 13.10 13.20 13.30 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Time--> AbundanceIon 83.00 (82.70 to 83.70): L12 13.24 Ion 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:36:03 2012 Page 7 #39 1,2-Dichloroethane Concen: 1.01 PPBV RT: 14.26 min Scan# 1100 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 62 Resp: 88531 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 62 100 64 33.1 25.5 38.3 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1151 (14.609 min): L1103939.D (-) 62 9835 230 261 28920681 115 139 162 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1100 (14.265 min): L1201443.D 62 32 98 130 207 232 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1100 (14.265 min): L1201443.D (-) 62 9835 130 232 14.20 14.30 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 62.10 (61.80 to 62.80): L12 14.26 Ion 64.10 (63.80 to 64.80): L12 #49 Toluene Concen: 0.67 PPBV RT: 17.39 min Scan# 1411 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 130349 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 92 63.9 48.2 72.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1459 (17.705 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 135 162180 205 244 280110 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1411 (17.393 min): L1201443.D 91 39 65 112 136 207 234 273 294 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1411 (17.393 min): L1201443.D (-) 91 39 65 112 237 273 294132207 17.30 17.40 17.50 0 20000 40000 60000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 17.39 Ion 92.10 (91.80 to 92.80): L12 L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:36:04 2012 Page 8 #52 Tetrachloroethene Concen: 1.40 PPBV RT: 18.09 min Scan# 1480 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion:166 Resp: 139817 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 166 100 164 78.0 63.0 94.6 131 66.4 59.0 88.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1526 (18.379 min): L1103939.D (-) 166131 94 47 18820765 232 252 275295 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1480 (18.087 min): L1201443.D 166 129 9447 72 193 260 281299 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1480 (18.087 min): L1201443.D (-) 166 129 9447 65 207 260 282 18.00 18.10 18.20 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 Time--> AbundanceIon 165.90 (165.60 to 166.60): 18.09 Ion 163.90 (163.60 to 164.60): Ion 130.90 (130.60 to 131.60): #59 m-/p-Xylenes Concen: 0.37 PPBV RT: 19.30 min Scan# 1601 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 70247 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 106 52.1 39.3 58.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1647 (19.595 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 109 128145 176 203 235 262281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1601 (19.304 min): L1201443.D 43 91 70 128 207111 232 260278 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1601 (19.304 min): L1201443.D (-) 9143 70 128108 193 232 260278 19.20 19.30 19.40 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 19.30 Ion 106.05 (105.75 to 106.75): L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:36:04 2012 Page 9 #61 Styrene Concen: 0.25 PPBV RT: 19.70 min Scan# 1640 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion:104 Resp: 39662 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 104 100 78 46.4 46.2 69.2 103 48.4 44.0 66.0 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1688 (20.008 min): L1103939.D (-) 104 78 51 131 166 202221 241260 280 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1640 (19.696 min): L1201443.D 104 785132 207126147 179 232 253 277 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1640 (19.696 min): L1201443.D (-) 104 7851 29 126 207147 179 253 277 19.60 19.70 19.80 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 104.10 (103.80 to 104.80): 19.70 Ion 78.10 (77.80 to 78.80): L12 Ion 103.10 (102.80 to 103.80): #67 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Concen: 0.24 PPBV m RT: 20.82 min Scan# 1752 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion:105 Resp: 50394 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 105 100 120 39.6 37.8 56.6 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1803 (21.164 min): L1103939.D (-) 105 773958 299126 146165 189209 233252271 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1752 (20.823 min): L1201443.D 105 41 69 139 207 267163 232 298 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1752 (20.823 min): L1201443.D (-) 105 7751 139 26722333 298163 191 20.80 20.85 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 105.10 (104.80 to 105.80): 20.82 Ion 120.15 (119.85 to 120.85): L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:36:05 2012 Page 10 #74 Naphthalene Concen: 0.46 PPBV RT: 23.13 min Scan# 1981 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201443.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 2:34 pm Tgt Ion:128 Resp: 119472 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 128 100 127 16.6 13.4 20.0 129 11.8 20.0 30.0# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 2050 (23.647 min): L1103939.D (-) 128 1025175 225178 249 27629520514731 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1981 (23.126 min): L1201443.D 128 43 71 102 207175147 260 281232 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1981 (23.126 min): L1201443.D (-) 128 51 10274 175146 193212232 261 28331 23.10 23.20 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 Time--> AbundanceIon 127.95 (127.65 to 128.65): 23.13 Ion 126.95 (126.65 to 127.65): Ion 128.95 (128.65 to 129.65): L1201443.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:36:05 2012 Page 11 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201444.D Vial: 4 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-3-Can #00147 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:39 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 7500000 8000000 8500000 9000000 9500000 1e+07 1.05e+07 1.1e+07 1.15e+07 1.2e+07 1.25e+07 1.3e+07 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201444.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzenem-/p-XylenesChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)TetrachloroetheneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketoneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IChloroformBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetateMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)HexaneMethylene chlorideAcetonitrileIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneAcroleinEthanolL1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:39:57 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201444.D Vial: 4 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-3-Can #00147 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:39 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.06 130 556584 11.03 PPBV -0.02 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.86 114 2147362 10.52 PPBV -0.02 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.06 117 1967738 11.20 PPBV -0.02 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 0.00 41 0 N.D. d 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 5) Chloromethane 0.00 50 0 N.D. d 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 0.00 62 0 N.D. 7) 1,3-Butadiene 0.00 39 0 N.D. d 8) Bromomethane 0.00 94 0 N.D. 9) Chloroethane 0.00 64 0 N.D. d 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 0.00 106 0 N.D. 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 0.00 101 0 N.D. d 12) Ethanol 7.86 45 50262 2.27 PPBV # 83 13) Acrolein 8.42 56 14824 0.62 PPBV # 12 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 0.00 151 0 N.D. d 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 16) Acetone 8.75 43 1984829 15.45 PPBV # 83 17) Carbon disulfide 0.00 76 0 N.D. d 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.10 45 206264 1.56 PPBV # 87 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 0.00 76 0 N.D. 20) Acetonitrile 9.37 41 18868 0.29 PPBV # 91 21) Methylene chloride 9.79 49 42007 0.43 PPBV # 79 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.00 73 0 N.D. d 24) Acrylonitrile 0.00 53 0 N.D. 25) Hexane 11.03 57 19218 0.21 PPBV # 67 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.00 63 0 N.D. d 27) Vinyl acetate 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.00 61 0 N.D. d 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.56 72 41752 1.43 PPBV 74 30) Ethyl acetate 12.64 45 41462 1.61 PPBV # 81 31) Chloroform 13.24 83 234569 1.74 PPBV 100 32) Tetrahydrofuran 0.00 72 0 N.D. d 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. d 34) Cyclohexane 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 35) Carbon tetrachloride 0.00 117 0 N.D. d 37) Benzene 0.00 78 0 N.D. d 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.00 62 0 N.D. d 40) Heptane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 41) Trichloroethene 15.24 130 4127162 44.99 PPBV # 88 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 43) Methyl methacrylate 0.00 69 0 N.D. d 44) 1,4-Dioxane 0.00 88 0 N.D. d 45) Bromodichloromethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.02 43 57566 0.29 PPBV # 95 49) Toluene 17.39 91 151572 0.76 PPBV 95 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. d 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.09 166 403359 3.94 PPBV 96 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.18 43 38547m 0.22 PPBV 54) Dibromochloromethane 0.00 129 0 N.D. d 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.00 107 0 N.D. 56) Chlorobenzene 0.00 112 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:39:56 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201444.D Vial: 4 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-3-Can #00147 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:39 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 131 0 N.D. 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.30 91 64443 0.33 PPBV 96 60) o-Xylene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 61) Styrene 0.00 104 0 N.D. d 62) Bromoform 0.00 173 0 N.D. 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.83 105 61625m 0.29 PPBV 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 70) Benzyl chloride 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.00 180 0 N.D. d 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00 225 0 N.D. 74) Naphthalene 0.00 128 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:39:56 2012 Page 2 #12 Ethanol Concen: 2.27 PPBV RT: 7.86 min Scan# 463 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 50262 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 25.1 31.3 46.9# 31 234.2 209.9 314.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 512 (8.184 min): L1103939.D (-) 31 7854 200106 220 247133 278 299153172 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 463 (7.859 min): L1201444.D 31 2077956 97 171189 234 262281129 153 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 463 (7.859 min): L1201444.D (-) 31 78 196 298157270129 17510858 218 238 7.80 7.90 8.00 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 Time--> AbundanceIon 44.95 (44.65 to 45.65): L12 7.86 Ion 42.95 (42.65 to 43.65): L12 Ion 30.95 (30.65 to 31.65): L12 #13 Acrolein Concen: 0.62 PPBV RT: 8.42 min Scan# 519 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 56 Resp: 14824 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 56 100 55 0.0 60.4 90.6# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 569 (8.757 min): L1103939.D (-) 56 37 19076 95 115 155 249218 280135 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 519 (8.422 min): L1201444.D 44 9670 117 207141 173 249 269 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 519 (8.422 min): L1201444.D (-) 56 37 96 120 26974145173 207 249 8.30 8.40 8.50 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Time--> AbundanceIon 55.95 (55.65 to 56.65): L12 8.42 Ion 54.90 (54.60 to 55.60): L12 L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:40:17 2012 Page 3 #16 Acetone Concen: 15.45 PPBV RT: 8.75 min Scan# 552 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 1984829 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 22.6 12.2 18.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 572 (8.797 min): L1200822.D (-) 43 168128 2947622119397147254 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 552 (8.754 min): L1201444.D 43 71 89 151 207 241 269 293 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 552 (8.754 min): L1201444.D (-) 43 71 94 151 237 269 293 8.60 8.80 9.00 0 200000 400000 600000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 8.75 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 #18 Isopropyl alcohol Concen: 1.56 PPBV RT: 9.10 min Scan# 586 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 206264 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 19.1 21.4 32.2# 59 3.3 2.5 3.7 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 641 (9.481 min): L1103939.D (-) 45 77 266116286152171 19221197 243 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 586 (9.096 min): L1201444.D 45 94 113 156 19166 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 586 (9.096 min): L1201444.D (-) 45 160 19173 94 113 139 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 9.10 Ion 43.10 (42.80 to 43.80): L12Ion 59.00 (58.70 to 59.70): L12 L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:40:17 2012 Page 4 #20 Acetonitrile Concen: 0.29 PPBV RT: 9.37 min Scan# 613 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 41 Resp: 18868 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 41 100 40 68.1 51.7 77.5 39 27.8 25.2 37.8 38 15.6 21.7 32.5# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 668 (9.752 min): L1103939.D (-) 41 97 17112869 195214 245 281147 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 613 (9.367 min): L1201444.D 44 207 23578 27896164116 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 613 (9.367 min): L1201444.D (-) 41 207 235 27878 96 116 157 9.30 9.40 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Time--> AbundanceIon 40.95 (40.65 to 41.65): L12 9.37 Ion 40.00 (39.70 to 40.70): L12 Ion 38.90 (38.60 to 39.60): L12 Ion 37.90 (37.60 to 38.60): L12 #21 Methylene chloride Concen: 0.43 PPBV RT: 9.79 min Scan# 655 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 49 Resp: 42007 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 49 100 84 64.5 66.8 100.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 675 (9.833 min): L1200822.D (-) 49 84 109 142 207 248 27822829 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 655 (9.790 min): L1201444.D 43 84 170188207 240 262 283103 13161 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 655 (9.790 min): L1201444.D (-) 42 84 209 248 269 290103 13161 152 173 9.70 9.80 9.90 0 5000 10000 15000 Time--> AbundanceIon 49.05 (48.75 to 49.75): L12 9.79 Ion 84.00 (83.70 to 84.70): L12 L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:40:17 2012 Page 5 #25 Hexane Concen: 0.21 PPBV RT: 11.03 min Scan# 778 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 57 Resp: 19218 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 57 100 41 91.4 95.8 143.8# 43 101.5 52.1 78.1# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 833 (11.411 min): L1103939.D (-) 41 86 65 173 196 216 248267 287110 153129 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 778 (11.027 min): L1201444.D 32 57 86 207107226 246 282136 186 300 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 778 (11.027 min): L1201444.D (-) 57 29 86 226 254140 186 275293104207 10.90 11.00 11.10 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Time--> AbundanceIon 57.10 (56.80 to 57.80): L12 11.03 Ion 41.10 (40.80 to 41.80): L12 Ion 43.10 (42.80 to 43.80): L12 #29 Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Concen: 1.43 PPBV RT: 12.56 min Scan# 930 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 72 Resp: 41752 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 72 100 43 603.3 420.9 631.3 57 37.1 32.6 48.8 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 984 (12.929 min): L1103939.D 43 72 96 123 143162 182201 226 254273 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 930 (12.556 min): L1201444.D 43 72 94 140 162 207 285 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 930 (12.556 min): L1201444.D (-) 43 72 28994 140159 194 12.40 12.50 12.60 12.70 0 50000 100000 150000 Time--> AbundanceIon 72.00 (71.70 to 72.70): L12 12.56 Ion 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12Ion 57.00 (56.70 to 57.70): L12 L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:40:18 2012 Page 6 #30 Ethyl acetate Concen: 1.61 PPBV RT: 12.64 min Scan# 938 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 41462 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 61 81.2 0.0 0.0# 88 27.0 27.6 41.4# 70 56.5 60.6 90.8# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 994 (13.030 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 70 88 202 238116 261 288139159 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 938 (12.636 min): L1201444.D 43 61 88 141 207 279298 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 938 (12.636 min): L1201444.D (-) 43 61 88 279141298 12.60 12.70 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 12.64 Ion 61.00 (60.70 to 61.70): L12 Ion 88.00 (87.70 to 88.70): L12 Ion 70.00 (69.70 to 70.70): L12 #31 Chloroform Concen: 1.74 PPBV RT: 13.24 min Scan# 998 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 83 Resp: 234569 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 83 100 85 65.6 52.3 78.5 Ref Raw Sub 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1052 (13.613 min): L1103939.D (-) 83 47 120 200 224 252 275294141 161180102 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 998 (13.240 min): L1201444.D 83 47 118 198 22665152170 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 998 (13.240 min): L1201444.D (-) 83 11932 201 22661152 177 13.20 13.40 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 Time--> AbundanceIon 83.00 (82.70 to 83.70): L12 13.24 Ion 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:40:18 2012 Page 7 #41 Trichloroethene Concen: 44.99 PPBV RT: 15.24 min Scan# 1197 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion:130 Resp: 4127162 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 130 100 132 97.6 79.5 119.3 95 98.2 61.1 91.7# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1247 (15.574 min): L1103939.D (-) 13095 60 35 151171 198 218 246264 284 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1197 (15.241 min): L1201444.D 13095 60 35 172 197 228 271 299 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1197 (15.241 min): L1201444.D (-) 13095 60 35 168 193 228 271 299 15.20 15.40 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 Time--> AbundanceIon 130.00 (129.70 to 130.70): 15.24 Ion 132.00 (131.70 to 132.70): Ion 95.00 (94.70 to 95.70): L12 #47 Methyl isobutyl ketone Concen: 0.29 PPBV RT: 17.02 min Scan# 1374 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 57566 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 34.5 26.3 39.5 85 14.2 14.8 22.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1427 (17.384 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 85 67 108 135 155 191 223242 262281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1374 (17.021 min): L1201444.D 43 8567 188207 296267 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1374 (17.021 min): L1201444.D (-) 43 100 81 26763 296184 16.90 17.00 17.10 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 17.02 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12Ion 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:40:19 2012 Page 8 #49 Toluene Concen: 0.76 PPBV RT: 17.39 min Scan# 1411 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 151572 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 92 63.9 48.2 72.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1459 (17.705 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 135 162180 205 244 280110 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1411 (17.394 min): L1201444.D 91 39 65 112 147 170 237 269 297207 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1411 (17.394 min): L1201444.D (-) 91 39 65 112 237 269 297178 17.30 17.40 17.50 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 17.39 Ion 92.10 (91.80 to 92.80): L12 #52 Tetrachloroethene Concen: 3.94 PPBV RT: 18.09 min Scan# 1480 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion:166 Resp: 403359 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 166 100 164 79.1 63.0 94.6 131 67.7 59.0 88.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1526 (18.379 min): L1103939.D (-) 166 131 94 47 18820765 232 252 275295 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1480 (18.088 min): L1201444.D 166 129 9447 70 207226 246 282 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1480 (18.088 min): L1201444.D (-) 166 129 9447 74 218 246 279296191 18.00 18.10 18.20 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 Time--> AbundanceIon 165.90 (165.60 to 166.60): 18.09 Ion 163.90 (163.60 to 164.60): Ion 130.90 (130.60 to 131.60): L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:40:19 2012 Page 9 #53 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Concen: 0.22 PPBV m RT: 18.18 min Scan# 1489 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 38547 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 55.9 33.7 50.5# 57 21.8 15.2 22.8 100 11.6 10.4 15.6 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1535 (18.469 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 10071 176 212 235 255 282118 157137 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1489 (18.178 min): L1201444.D 43 97 28171126207163251 300 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1489 (18.178 min): L1201444.D (-) 9755 281 126 193 24975166 30036 18.15 18.20 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 18.18 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 Ion 57.10 (56.80 to 57.80): L12 Ion 100.00 (99.70 to 100.70): L #59 m-/p-Xylenes Concen: 0.33 PPBV RT: 19.30 min Scan# 1601 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 64443 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 106 51.8 39.3 58.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1647 (19.595 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 109 128145 176 203 235 262281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1601 (19.305 min): L1201444.D 43 91 70 128 207111147 171 227 255 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1601 (19.305 min): L1201444.D (-) 91 43 70 128 191111147 171 208 255227 19.20 19.30 19.40 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 19.30 Ion 106.05 (105.75 to 106.75): L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:40:19 2012 Page 10 #67 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Concen: 0.29 PPBV m RT: 20.83 min Scan# 1753 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201444.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 3:23 pm Tgt Ion:105 Resp: 61625 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 105 100 120 44.5 37.8 56.6 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1803 (21.164 min): L1103939.D (-) 105 773958 299126 146165 189209 233252271 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1753 (20.833 min): L1201444.D 105 43 69 20713917687 267226 246 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1753 (20.833 min): L1201444.D (-) 105 7751 139 26732191226 246163 20.80 20.85 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 105.10 (104.80 to 105.80): 20.83 Ion 120.15 (119.85 to 120.85): L1201444.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:40:20 2012 Page 11 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201445.D Vial: 5 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-4-Can #00192 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:43 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 7500000 8000000 8500000 9000000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201445.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzenem-/p-XylenesChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)TetrachloroetheneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketoneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IChloroformBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetateMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)Methylene chlorideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneEthanolL1201445.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:43:49 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201445.D Vial: 5 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-4-Can #00192 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:43 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.06 130 556970 11.03 PPBV -0.02 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.86 114 2147949 10.52 PPBV -0.02 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.07 117 1958199 11.20 PPBV 0.00 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 0.00 41 0 N.D. d 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 5) Chloromethane 0.00 50 0 N.D. d 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 0.00 62 0 N.D. 7) 1,3-Butadiene 0.00 39 0 N.D. d 8) Bromomethane 0.00 94 0 N.D. 9) Chloroethane 0.00 64 0 N.D. d 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 0.00 106 0 N.D. 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 0.00 101 0 N.D. d 12) Ethanol 7.86 45 28217 1.27 PPBV # 78 13) Acrolein 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 0.00 151 0 N.D. d 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 16) Acetone 8.75 43 868444 6.75 PPBV # 79 17) Carbon disulfide 0.00 76 0 N.D. d 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.10 45 91635 0.69 PPBV # 87 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 0.00 76 0 N.D. 20) Acetonitrile 0.00 41 0 N.D. d 21) Methylene chloride 9.79 49 31870 0.32 PPBV # 80 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.00 73 0 N.D. d 24) Acrylonitrile 0.00 53 0 N.D. 25) Hexane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 27) Vinyl acetate 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.00 61 0 N.D. d 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.55 72 36494 1.25 PPBV 83 30) Ethyl acetate 12.65 45 42101 1.64 PPBV # 81 31) Chloroform 13.24 83 87903 0.65 PPBV 96 32) Tetrahydrofuran 0.00 72 0 N.D. d 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. d 34) Cyclohexane 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 35) Carbon tetrachloride 0.00 117 0 N.D. d 37) Benzene 0.00 78 0 N.D. d 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.00 62 0 N.D. d 40) Heptane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 41) Trichloroethene 15.24 130 2877772 31.36 PPBV # 88 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 43) Methyl methacrylate 0.00 69 0 N.D. 44) 1,4-Dioxane 0.00 88 0 N.D. 45) Bromodichloromethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.02 43 65726 0.33 PPBV # 97 49) Toluene 17.39 91 92041 0.46 PPBV 96 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.09 166 248552 2.44 PPBV 96 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.18 43 58767 0.33 PPBV # 95 54) Dibromochloromethane 0.00 129 0 N.D. d 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.00 107 0 N.D. 56) Chlorobenzene 0.00 112 0 N.D. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201445.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:43:49 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201445.D Vial: 5 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-4-Can #00192 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:43 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 131 0 N.D. 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.30 91 59559 0.31 PPBV 97 60) o-Xylene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 61) Styrene 0.00 104 0 N.D. d 62) Bromoform 0.00 173 0 N.D. 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.83 105 63636 0.30 PPBV # 76 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 70) Benzyl chloride 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.00 180 0 N.D. d 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00 225 0 N.D. 74) Naphthalene 0.00 128 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201445.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:43:49 2012 Page 2 #12 Ethanol Concen: 1.27 PPBV RT: 7.86 min Scan# 463 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 28217 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 23.2 31.3 46.9# 31 223.4 209.9 314.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 512 (8.184 min): L1103939.D (-) 31 7854 200106 220 247133 278 299153172 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 463 (7.858 min): L1201445.D 31 94 20755 26973163136 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 463 (7.858 min): L1201445.D (-) 31 10761 148 210177 26282128 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 0 10000 20000 Time--> AbundanceIon 44.95 (44.65 to 45.65): L12 7.86 Ion 42.95 (42.65 to 43.65): L12 Ion 30.95 (30.65 to 31.65): L12 #16 Acetone Concen: 6.75 PPBV RT: 8.75 min Scan# 552 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 868444 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 24.0 12.2 18.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 572 (8.797 min): L1200822.D (-) 43 168128 2947622119397147254 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 552 (8.753 min): L1201445.D 43 85 151 187206 27710366 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 552 (8.753 min): L1201445.D (-) 43 194 2776615185 103 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 0 100000 200000 300000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 8.75 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 L1201445.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:44:02 2012 Page 3 #18 Isopropyl alcohol Concen: 0.69 PPBV RT: 9.10 min Scan# 587 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 91635 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 19.2 21.4 32.2# 59 3.4 2.5 3.7 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 641 (9.481 min): L1103939.D (-) 45 77 266116286152171 19221197 243 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 587 (9.105 min): L1201445.D 45 76 207 26213394 291 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 587 (9.105 min): L1201445.D (-) 45 76 26294212 294133 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 9.10 Ion 43.10 (42.80 to 43.80): L12 Ion 59.00 (58.70 to 59.70): L12 #21 Methylene chloride Concen: 0.32 PPBV RT: 9.79 min Scan# 655 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 49 Resp: 31870 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 49 100 84 65.2 66.8 100.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 675 (9.833 min): L1200822.D (-) 49 84 109 142 207 248 27822429 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 655 (9.789 min): L1201445.D 49 8432 177 206124 273145223241103 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 655 (9.789 min): L1201445.D (-) 49 84 29 191167 213121 145 273230103248 9.70 9.80 9.90 0 5000 10000 Time--> AbundanceIon 49.05 (48.75 to 49.75): L12 9.79 Ion 84.00 (83.70 to 84.70): L12 L1201445.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:44:03 2012 Page 4 #29 Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Concen: 1.25 PPBV RT: 12.55 min Scan# 930 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 72 Resp: 36494 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 72 100 43 574.7 420.9 631.3 57 33.3 32.6 48.8 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 984 (12.929 min): L1103939.D 43 72 96 123 143 162 182 201 226 254 273 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 930 (12.555 min): L1201445.D 43 72 26592207110127 152170187 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 930 (12.555 min): L1201445.D (-) 43 72 120138 159 184 20592 265 12.40 12.50 12.60 12.70 0 50000 100000 150000 Time--> AbundanceIon 72.00 (71.70 to 72.70): L12 12.55 Ion 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 Ion 57.00 (56.70 to 57.70): L12 #30 Ethyl acetate Concen: 1.64 PPBV RT: 12.65 min Scan# 939 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 42101 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 61 76.1 0.0 0.0# 88 27.8 27.6 41.4 70 57.0 60.6 90.8# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 994 (13.030 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 70 88 202 238116 261 288139159 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 939 (12.645 min): L1201445.D 43 61 88 119 198216 268 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 939 (12.645 min): L1201445.D (-) 43 61 88 119 198216 268 12.60 12.70 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 12.65 Ion 61.00 (60.70 to 61.70): L12Ion 88.00 (87.70 to 88.70): L12Ion 70.00 (69.70 to 70.70): L12 L1201445.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:44:03 2012 Page 5 #31 Chloroform Concen: 0.65 PPBV RT: 13.24 min Scan# 998 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 83 Resp: 87903 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 83 100 85 68.3 52.3 78.5 Ref Raw Sub 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1052 (13.613 min): L1103939.D (-) 83 47 120 200 224 252 275294141 161180102 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 998 (13.239 min): L1201445.D 83 47 117 153 299181 207 231248 270135 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 998 (13.239 min): L1201445.D (-) 83 117 18142145 299207 227 248267 13.10 13.20 13.30 13.40 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 83.00 (82.70 to 83.70): L12 13.24 Ion 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 #41 Trichloroethene Concen: 31.36 PPBV RT: 15.24 min Scan# 1197 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion:130 Resp: 2877772 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 130 100 132 97.9 79.5 119.3 95 98.9 61.1 91.7# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1247 (15.574 min): L1103939.D (-) 13095 60 35 151 171 198 218 246264 284 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1197 (15.240 min): L1201445.D 13095 60 35 171189 210 245 269151 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1197 (15.240 min): L1201445.D (-) 13095 60 35 151 171 207 242 269 15.10 15.20 15.30 15.40 0 500000 1000000 1500000 Time--> AbundanceIon 130.00 (129.70 to 130.70): 15.24 Ion 132.00 (131.70 to 132.70): Ion 95.00 (94.70 to 95.70): L12 L1201445.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:44:03 2012 Page 6 #47 Methyl isobutyl ketone Concen: 0.33 PPBV RT: 17.02 min Scan# 1374 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 65726 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 32.7 26.3 39.5 85 14.5 14.8 22.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1427 (17.384 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 85 67 108 135 155 191 223242 262281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1374 (17.020 min): L1201445.D 43 85 110 220 29025266199270 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1374 (17.020 min): L1201445.D (-) 43 100 81 22762 252 286199 16.90 17.00 17.10 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 17.02 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 Ion 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 #49 Toluene Concen: 0.46 PPBV RT: 17.39 min Scan# 1411 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 92041 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 92 63.3 48.2 72.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1459 (17.705 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 135 162180 205 244 280110 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1411 (17.393 min): L1201445.D 91 39 65 112 133 207 234 262280 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1411 (17.393 min): L1201445.D (-) 91 39 65 112 262280238133207 17.30 17.40 17.50 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 17.39 Ion 92.10 (91.80 to 92.80): L12 L1201445.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:44:04 2012 Page 7 #52 Tetrachloroethene Concen: 2.44 PPBV RT: 18.09 min Scan# 1480 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion:166 Resp: 248552 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 166 100 164 78.3 63.0 94.6 131 67.5 59.0 88.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1526 (18.379 min): L1103939.D (-) 166131 94 47 18820765 232 252 275295 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1480 (18.087 min): L1201445.D 166 129 9447 65 190 221 254 282 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1480 (18.087 min): L1201445.D (-) 166 129 9447 65 193 225 257 281 18.00 18.10 18.20 0 50000 100000 150000 Time--> AbundanceIon 165.90 (165.60 to 166.60): 18.09 Ion 163.90 (163.60 to 164.60): Ion 130.90 (130.60 to 131.60): #53 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Concen: 0.33 PPBV RT: 18.18 min Scan# 1489 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 58767 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 40.9 33.7 50.5 57 15.0 15.2 22.8# 100 8.6 10.4 15.6# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1535 (18.469 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 10071 176 212 235 255 282118 157137 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1489 (18.177 min): L1201445.D 43 10071 283118207188247143 164 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1489 (18.177 min): L1201445.D (-) 43 10073118 188 209 247 283143 164 18.10 18.20 18.30 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 18.18 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12Ion 57.10 (56.80 to 57.80): L12Ion 100.00 (99.70 to 100.70): L L1201445.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:44:04 2012 Page 8 #59 m-/p-Xylenes Concen: 0.31 PPBV RT: 19.30 min Scan# 1601 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 59559 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 106 50.9 39.3 58.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1647 (19.595 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 109 128145 176 203 235 262281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1601 (19.304 min): L1201445.D 43 91 70 128111 207148 234 260 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1601 (19.304 min): L1201445.D (-) 9143 70 128111 207148 234 260 19.20 19.30 19.40 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 19.30 Ion 106.05 (105.75 to 106.75): #67 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Concen: 0.30 PPBV RT: 20.83 min Scan# 1753 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201445.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 4:11 pm Tgt Ion:105 Resp: 63636 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 105 100 120 31.0 37.8 56.6# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1803 (21.164 min): L1103939.D (-) 105 773958 299126 146165 189209 233252271 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1753 (20.832 min): L1201445.D 105 41 69 207139 28116387260230 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1753 (20.832 min): L1201445.D (-) 105 7751 139 209 267163 191 23024933 20.70 20.80 20.90 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 105.10 (104.80 to 105.80): 20.83 Ion 120.15 (119.85 to 120.85): L1201445.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:44:05 2012 Page 9 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201446.D Vial: 6 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-DUP-Can #00229 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:48 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 7500000 8000000 8500000 9000000 9500000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201446.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzenem-/p-XylenesChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)TetrachloroetheneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketoneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IChloroformBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetateMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)Methylene chlorideAcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneEthanolL1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:21 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201446.D Vial: 6 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-DUP-Can #00229 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:48 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.06 130 558253 11.03 PPBV -0.02 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.86 114 2157876 10.52 PPBV -0.02 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.07 117 1989214 11.20 PPBV 0.00 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 0.00 41 0 N.D. d 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 5) Chloromethane 0.00 50 0 N.D. d 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 0.00 62 0 N.D. 7) 1,3-Butadiene 0.00 39 0 N.D. 8) Bromomethane 0.00 94 0 N.D. 9) Chloroethane 0.00 64 0 N.D. d 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 0.00 106 0 N.D. 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 0.00 101 0 N.D. d 12) Ethanol 7.86 45 48479 2.18 PPBV # 72 13) Acrolein 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 0.00 151 0 N.D. d 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 16) Acetone 8.75 43 1202276 9.33 PPBV # 79 17) Carbon disulfide 9.15 76 45983 0.26 PPBV # 63 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.10 45 496848 3.76 PPBV # 84 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 0.00 76 0 N.D. 20) Acetonitrile 9.37 41 13335 0.20 PPBV 94 21) Methylene chloride 9.79 49 50598 0.51 PPBV # 77 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.00 73 0 N.D. d 24) Acrylonitrile 0.00 53 0 N.D. 25) Hexane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 27) Vinyl acetate 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.00 61 0 N.D. d 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.56 72 41613 1.42 PPBV 77 30) Ethyl acetate 12.65 45 45770 1.78 PPBV # 80 31) Chloroform 13.24 83 91255 0.68 PPBV 98 32) Tetrahydrofuran 0.00 72 0 N.D. d 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. d 34) Cyclohexane 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 35) Carbon tetrachloride 0.00 117 0 N.D. d 37) Benzene 0.00 78 0 N.D. d 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.00 62 0 N.D. d 40) Heptane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 41) Trichloroethene 15.24 130 2850243 30.92 PPBV # 87 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 43) Methyl methacrylate 0.00 69 0 N.D. d 44) 1,4-Dioxane 0.00 88 0 N.D. 45) Bromodichloromethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.02 43 70953 0.35 PPBV # 95 49) Toluene 17.39 91 84844 0.42 PPBV 97 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. d 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.10 166 258964 2.50 PPBV 96 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.19 43 71466 0.40 PPBV # 95 54) Dibromochloromethane 0.00 129 0 N.D. d 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.00 107 0 N.D. 56) Chlorobenzene 0.00 112 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:20 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201446.D Vial: 6 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-DUP-Can #00229 Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:48 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 131 0 N.D. 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.30 91 58135 0.30 PPBV 93 60) o-Xylene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 61) Styrene 0.00 104 0 N.D. d 62) Bromoform 0.00 173 0 N.D. 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.83 105 67101 0.31 PPBV # 78 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 70) Benzyl chloride 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.00 180 0 N.D. 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00 225 0 N.D. 74) Naphthalene 0.00 128 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:21 2012 Page 2 #12 Ethanol Concen: 2.18 PPBV RT: 7.86 min Scan# 462 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 48479 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 24.9 31.3 46.9# 31 210.8 209.9 314.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 512 (8.184 min): L1103939.D (-) 31 7854 200106 220 247133 278 299153172 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 462 (7.859 min): L1201446.D 31 75 143 16750 20793 111 185 227 249 269 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 462 (7.859 min): L1201446.D (-) 31 75 93 136 168 21311151186 234 262 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 44.95 (44.65 to 45.65): L12 7.86 Ion 42.95 (42.65 to 43.65): L12 Ion 30.95 (30.65 to 31.65): L12 #16 Acetone Concen: 9.33 PPBV RT: 8.75 min Scan# 551 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 1202276 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 24.0 12.2 18.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 572 (8.797 min): L1200822.D (-) 43 168128 2947622119397147254 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 551 (8.754 min): L1201446.D 43 26097 139 16469182 207 238 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 551 (8.754 min): L1201446.D (-) 43 97 143 16869 264189 210 242 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 8.75 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 L1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:42 2012 Page 3 #17 Carbon disulfide Concen: 0.26 PPBV RT: 9.15 min Scan# 590 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 76 Resp: 45983 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 76 100 78 10.0 8.0 12.0 44 0.0 21.0 31.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 641 (9.481 min): L1103939.D (-) 76 45 196 239 26628621596 116 152171 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 590 (9.146 min): L1201446.D 7645 207100183 225 247 278296 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 590 (9.146 min): L1201446.D (-) 7645 229 29226194179 207 9.00 9.10 9.20 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Time--> AbundanceIon 76.00 (75.70 to 76.70): L12 9.15 Ion 78.00 (77.70 to 78.70): L12 Ion 44.10 (43.80 to 44.80): L12 #18 Isopropyl alcohol Concen: 3.76 PPBV RT: 9.10 min Scan# 585 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 496848 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 17.5 21.4 32.2# 59 3.1 2.5 3.7 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 641 (9.481 min): L1103939.D (-) 45 77 266116286152171 19221197 243 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 585 (9.096 min): L1201446.D 45 29789 107 128 15064168 202 272234 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 585 (9.096 min): L1201446.D (-) 45 29793 111 132 15364171 202 234 262 9.00 9.20 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 9.10 Ion 43.10 (42.80 to 43.80): L12Ion 59.00 (58.70 to 59.70): L12 L1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:43 2012 Page 4 #20 Acetonitrile Concen: 0.20 PPBV RT: 9.37 min Scan# 612 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 41 Resp: 13335 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 41 100 40 57.8 51.7 77.5 39 32.9 25.2 37.8 38 24.3 21.7 32.5 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 668 (9.752 min): L1103939.D (-) 41 97 17112869 195214 245 281147 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 612 (9.368 min): L1201446.D 44 20768 125 242 266100 143 178 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 612 (9.368 min): L1201446.D (-) 41 65 24513589 270178 210117153 9.20 9.30 9.40 0 2000 4000 6000 Time--> AbundanceIon 40.95 (40.65 to 41.65): L12 9.37 Ion 40.00 (39.70 to 40.70): L12 Ion 38.90 (38.60 to 39.60): L12 Ion 37.90 (37.60 to 38.60): L12 #21 Methylene chloride Concen: 0.51 PPBV RT: 9.79 min Scan# 654 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 49 Resp: 50598 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 49 100 84 62.7 66.8 100.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 675 (9.833 min): L1200822.D (-) 49 84 109 142 207 248 27822829 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 654 (9.790 min): L1201446.D 49 84 207 259277112 14331 168186 238 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 654 (9.790 min): L1201446.D (-) 49 84 143 172 292112192210 238256 9.70 9.80 9.90 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Time--> AbundanceIon 49.05 (48.75 to 49.75): L12 9.79 Ion 84.00 (83.70 to 84.70): L12 L1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:43 2012 Page 5 #29 Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Concen: 1.42 PPBV RT: 12.56 min Scan# 929 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 72 Resp: 41613 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 72 100 43 593.6 420.9 631.3 57 35.4 32.6 48.8 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 984 (12.929 min): L1103939.D 43 72 96 123 143 162 182 201 226 254 273 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 929 (12.556 min): L1201446.D 43 72 90 111 139 207 238 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 929 (12.556 min): L1201446.D (-) 43 72 97 118 139 207 238 12.50 12.60 0 50000 100000 150000 Time--> AbundanceIon 72.00 (71.70 to 72.70): L12 12.56 Ion 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 Ion 57.00 (56.70 to 57.70): L12 #30 Ethyl acetate Concen: 1.78 PPBV RT: 12.65 min Scan# 938 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 45770 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 61 75.8 0.0 0.0# 88 27.0 27.6 41.4# 70 56.2 60.6 90.8# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 994 (13.030 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 70 88 202 238116 261 288139159 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 938 (12.646 min): L1201446.D 43 61 88 125 177 297196 216 245 273 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 938 (12.646 min): L1201446.D (-) 43 61 88 125 184 209 245 280 12.60 12.70 12.80 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 12.65 Ion 61.00 (60.70 to 61.70): L12Ion 88.00 (87.70 to 88.70): L12Ion 70.00 (69.70 to 70.70): L12 L1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:43 2012 Page 6 #31 Chloroform Concen: 0.68 PPBV RT: 13.24 min Scan# 997 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 83 Resp: 91255 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 83 100 85 67.2 52.3 78.5 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1052 (13.613 min): L1103939.D (-) 83 47 120 200 224 252 275294141161180102 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 997 (13.240 min): L1201446.D 83 47 29 120 207 293257 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 997 (13.240 min): L1201446.D (-) 83 29 57 120 293257 13.10 13.20 13.30 13.40 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 83.00 (82.70 to 83.70): L12 13.24 Ion 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 #41 Trichloroethene Concen: 30.92 PPBV RT: 15.24 min Scan# 1196 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion:130 Resp: 2850243 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 130 100 132 97.7 79.5 119.3 95 99.3 61.1 91.7# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1247 (15.574 min): L1103939.D (-) 13095 60 35 151171 198 218 246264 284 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1196 (15.241 min): L1201446.D 13095 60 35 191 257 281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1196 (15.241 min): L1201446.D (-) 13095 60 35 191 253 297 15.20 15.40 0 500000 1000000 1500000 Time--> AbundanceIon 130.00 (129.70 to 130.70): 15.24 Ion 132.00 (131.70 to 132.70): Ion 95.00 (94.70 to 95.70): L12 L1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:44 2012 Page 7 #47 Methyl isobutyl ketone Concen: 0.35 PPBV RT: 17.02 min Scan# 1373 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 70953 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 34.4 26.3 39.5 85 14.3 14.8 22.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1427 (17.384 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 85 67 108 135 155 191 223242 262281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1373 (17.022 min): L1201446.D 43 10067 216 251 290141 170187 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1373 (17.022 min): L1201446.D (-) 43 100 67 298141 170 191 212231 255 16.90 17.00 17.10 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 17.02 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 Ion 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 #49 Toluene Concen: 0.42 PPBV RT: 17.39 min Scan# 1410 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 84844 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 92 62.7 48.2 72.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1459 (17.705 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 135 162180 205 244 280110 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1410 (17.394 min): L1201446.D 91 43 65 112 133 192 281164 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1410 (17.394 min): L1201446.D (-) 91 43 65 112 136 164 192 281 17.30 17.40 17.50 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 17.39 Ion 92.10 (91.80 to 92.80): L12 L1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:44 2012 Page 8 #52 Tetrachloroethene Concen: 2.50 PPBV RT: 18.10 min Scan# 1480 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion:166 Resp: 258964 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 166 100 164 78.1 63.0 94.6 131 67.1 59.0 88.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1526 (18.379 min): L1103939.D (-) 166131 94 47 18820765 232 252 275295 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1480 (18.098 min): L1201446.D 166 129 9447 72 198216 237255 276 297 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1480 (18.098 min): L1201446.D (-) 166 129 9447 198216 237 26264280 18.00 18.10 18.20 0 50000 100000 150000 Time--> AbundanceIon 165.90 (165.60 to 166.60): 18.10 Ion 163.90 (163.60 to 164.60): Ion 130.90 (130.60 to 131.60): #53 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Concen: 0.40 PPBV RT: 18.19 min Scan# 1489 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 71466 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 41.2 33.7 50.5 57 14.5 15.2 22.8# 100 8.5 10.4 15.6# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1535 (18.469 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 10071 176 212 235 255 282118 157137 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1489 (18.188 min): L1201446.D 43 10071 133 207 281164260 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1489 (18.188 min): L1201446.D (-) 43 10071 133 207 281164260 18.10 18.20 18.30 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 18.19 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12Ion 57.10 (56.80 to 57.80): L12Ion 100.00 (99.70 to 100.70): L L1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:44 2012 Page 9 #59 m-/p-Xylenes Concen: 0.30 PPBV RT: 19.30 min Scan# 1600 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 58135 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 106 53.8 39.3 58.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1647 (19.595 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 109 128145 176 203 235 262281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1600 (19.305 min): L1201446.D 43 91 70 128 207111177 260 281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1600 (19.305 min): L1201446.D (-) 9143 70 128111 209177 260 281 19.20 19.30 19.40 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 19.30 Ion 106.05 (105.75 to 106.75): #67 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Concen: 0.31 PPBV RT: 20.83 min Scan# 1752 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201446.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:00 pm Tgt Ion:105 Resp: 67101 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 105 100 120 32.2 37.8 56.6# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1803 (21.164 min): L1103939.D (-) 105 773958 299126 146165 189209 233252271 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1752 (20.834 min): L1201446.D 105 41 69 207139 26717987158232 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1752 (20.834 min): L1201446.D (-) 105 7751 154 267136 17933 208 20.80 20.90 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 105.10 (104.80 to 105.80): 20.83 Ion 120.15 (119.85 to 120.85): L1201446.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 11:48:45 2012 Page 10 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201447.D Vial: 2 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-1-Can #00206 LD Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:56 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 6000000 7000000 8000000 9000000 1e+07 1.1e+07 1.2e+07 1.3e+07 1.4e+07 1.5e+07 1.6e+07 1.7e+07 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201447.D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-TrimethylbenzeneStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-XylenesChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)TetrachloroetheneToluene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IChloroformBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetateMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)HexaneMethylene chlorideAcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneEthanolL1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:07 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201447.D Vial: 2 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-1-Can #00206 LD Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:56 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.06 130 533672 11.03 PPBV -0.02 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.86 114 2044908 10.52 PPBV -0.02 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.07 117 1862098 11.20 PPBV 0.00 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 0.00 41 0 N.D. d 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.79 85 33733 N.D. 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 5) Chloromethane 0.00 50 0 N.D. d 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 0.00 62 0 N.D. 7) 1,3-Butadiene 0.00 39 0 N.D. d 8) Bromomethane 0.00 94 0 N.D. 9) Chloroethane 0.00 64 0 N.D. 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 0.00 106 0 N.D. 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 0.00 101 0 N.D. d 12) Ethanol 7.86 45 109163 5.14 PPBV # 75 13) Acrolein 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 0.00 151 0 N.D. d 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 16) Acetone 8.75 43 1444026 11.72 PPBV # 79 17) Carbon disulfide 9.16 76 49043 0.29 PPBV # 63 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.10 45 208958 1.65 PPBV # 85 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 0.00 76 0 N.D. 20) Acetonitrile 9.36 41 17482 0.28 PPBV # 81 21) Methylene chloride 9.79 49 44561 0.47 PPBV # 77 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.00 73 0 N.D. d 24) Acrylonitrile 0.00 53 0 N.D. d 25) Hexane 11.04 57 22823 0.26 PPBV # 81 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 27) Vinyl acetate 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.00 61 0 N.D. d 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.56 72 48654 1.73 PPBV 73 30) Ethyl acetate 12.65 45 39961 1.62 PPBV # 82 31) Chloroform 13.24 83 53069 0.41 PPBV 96 32) Tetrahydrofuran 0.00 72 0 N.D. d 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. 34) Cyclohexane 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 35) Carbon tetrachloride 0.00 117 0 N.D. d 37) Benzene 0.00 78 0 N.D. d 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.00 62 0 N.D. 40) Heptane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 41) Trichloroethene 0.00 130 0 N.D. d 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.00 63 0 N.D. 43) Methyl methacrylate 0.00 69 0 N.D. d 44) 1,4-Dioxane 0.00 88 0 N.D. 45) Bromodichloromethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 49) Toluene 17.40 91 133048 0.71 PPBV 97 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. d 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. d 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.10 166 1232794 12.71 PPBV 96 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.19 43 107079 0.63 PPBV # 92 54) Dibromochloromethane 0.00 129 0 N.D. d 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.00 107 0 N.D. 56) Chlorobenzene 0.00 112 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:07 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201447.D Vial: 2 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Operator: DB Sample : TO15-Tyner St.-V-1-Can #00206 LD Inst : Lurch Misc : 0612-142, 500mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 11:56 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 131 0 N.D. 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.30 91 95704 0.52 PPBV 96 60) o-Xylene 19.69 91 43316 0.23 PPBV 94 61) Styrene 19.71 104 41101 0.27 PPBV 90 62) Bromoform 0.00 173 0 N.D. 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.83 105 84249 0.41 PPBV # 80 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.18 146 74324m 0.51 PPBV 70) Benzyl chloride 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.00 180 0 N.D. d 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00 225 0 N.D. 74) Naphthalene 0.00 128 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:07 2012 Page 2 #12 Ethanol Concen: 5.14 PPBV RT: 7.86 min Scan# 479 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 109163 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 21.5 31.3 46.9# 31 219.0 209.9 314.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 512 (8.184 min): L1103939.D (-) 31 7854 200106 220 247133 278 299153172 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 479 (7.858 min): L1201447.D 31 55 20794133 16173 185 260 281299112 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 479 (7.858 min): L1201447.D (-) 31 263112 2962146013379154 175 7.70 7.80 7.90 8.00 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 Time--> AbundanceIon 44.95 (44.65 to 45.65): L12 7.86 Ion 42.95 (42.65 to 43.65): L12 Ion 30.95 (30.65 to 31.65): L12 #16 Acetone Concen: 11.72 PPBV RT: 8.75 min Scan# 568 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 1444026 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 24.1 12.2 18.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 572 (8.797 min): L1200822.D (-) 43 168128 2947622119397147254 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 568 (8.753 min): L1201447.D 43 88 112 134 155 26964183 207226 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 568 (8.753 min): L1201447.D (-) 43 91 112 134 155 17967 208 233 265 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 8.75 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:27 2012 Page 3 #17 Carbon disulfide Concen: 0.29 PPBV RT: 9.16 min Scan# 608 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 76 Resp: 49043 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 76 100 78 9.5 8.0 12.0 44 0.0 21.0 31.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 641 (9.481 min): L1103939.D (-) 76 45 196 239 26628621596 116 152171 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 608 (9.156 min): L1201447.D 76 32 58 94 207118 267285 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 608 (9.156 min): L1201447.D (-) 76 44 118 26728597208 9.00 9.10 9.20 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Time--> AbundanceIon 76.00 (75.70 to 76.70): L12 9.16 Ion 78.00 (77.70 to 78.70): L12 Ion 44.10 (43.80 to 44.80): L12 #18 Isopropyl alcohol Concen: 1.65 PPBV RT: 9.10 min Scan# 602 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 208958 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 18.3 21.4 32.2# 59 3.6 2.5 3.7 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 641 (9.481 min): L1103939.D (-) 45 77 266116286152171 19221197 243 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 602 (9.095 min): L1201447.D 45 20773 94 127 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 602 (9.095 min): L1201447.D (-) 45 73 94 207 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 9.10 Ion 43.10 (42.80 to 43.80): L12Ion 59.00 (58.70 to 59.70): L12 L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:27 2012 Page 4 #20 Acetonitrile Concen: 0.28 PPBV RT: 9.36 min Scan# 628 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 41 Resp: 17482 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 41 100 40 53.9 51.7 77.5 39 29.9 25.2 37.8 38 0.0 21.7 32.5# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 668 (9.752 min): L1103939.D (-) 41 97 17112869 195214 245 281147 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 628 (9.357 min): L1201447.D 32 58 207143 174111 28476 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 628 (9.357 min): L1201447.D (-) 41 69 185107 210 283143 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Time--> AbundanceIon 40.95 (40.65 to 41.65): L12 9.36 Ion 40.00 (39.70 to 40.70): L12 Ion 38.90 (38.60 to 39.60): L12 Ion 37.90 (37.60 to 38.60): L12 #21 Methylene chloride Concen: 0.47 PPBV RT: 9.79 min Scan# 671 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 49 Resp: 44561 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 49 100 84 62.7 66.8 100.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 675 (9.833 min): L1200822.D (-) 49 84 109 142 207 248 27822429 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 671 (9.789 min): L1201447.D 49 84 32 207131 228 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 671 (9.789 min): L1201447.D (-) 49 84 29 131 228207 9.70 9.80 9.90 0 5000 10000 15000 Time--> AbundanceIon 49.05 (48.75 to 49.75): L12 9.79 Ion 84.00 (83.70 to 84.70): L12 L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:27 2012 Page 5 #25 Hexane Concen: 0.26 PPBV RT: 11.04 min Scan# 795 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 57 Resp: 22823 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 57 100 41 99.6 95.8 143.8 43 80.9 52.1 78.1# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 833 (11.411 min): L1103939.D (-) 41 86 65 173 196 216 248267 287110 153129 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 795 (11.036 min): L1201447.D 32 57 86 207 248111 288139 167185 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 795 (11.036 min): L1201447.D (-) 57 29 86 213 281117 139 248163181 10.90 11.00 11.10 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Time--> AbundanceIon 57.10 (56.80 to 57.80): L12 11.04 Ion 41.10 (40.80 to 41.80): L12 Ion 43.10 (42.80 to 43.80): L12 #29 Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Concen: 1.73 PPBV RT: 12.56 min Scan# 946 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 72 Resp: 48654 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 72 100 43 606.7 420.9 631.3 57 36.1 32.6 48.8 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 984 (12.929 min): L1103939.D 43 72 96 123 143 162 182 201 226 254 273 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 946 (12.555 min): L1201447.D 43 72 106123 148 173 207 226 251 279 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 946 (12.555 min): L1201447.D (-) 43 72 117 148 176 207 226 28396251 12.40 12.50 12.60 12.70 0 50000 100000 Time--> AbundanceIon 72.00 (71.70 to 72.70): L12 12.56 Ion 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12Ion 57.00 (56.70 to 57.70): L12 L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:28 2012 Page 6 #30 Ethyl acetate Concen: 1.62 PPBV RT: 12.65 min Scan# 955 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 39961 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 61 75.0 0.0 0.0# 88 28.2 27.6 41.4 70 57.6 60.6 90.8# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 994 (13.030 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 70 88 202 238116 261 288139159 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 955 (12.646 min): L1201447.D 43 61 88 177 207 298241 262 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 955 (12.646 min): L1201447.D (-) 43 61 88 181 209 241 262 283 12.60 12.70 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Time--> AbundanceIon 45.00 (44.70 to 45.70): L12 12.65 Ion 61.00 (60.70 to 61.70): L12 Ion 88.00 (87.70 to 88.70): L12 Ion 70.00 (69.70 to 70.70): L12 #31 Chloroform Concen: 0.41 PPBV RT: 13.24 min Scan# 1014 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 83 Resp: 53069 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 83 100 85 68.3 52.3 78.5 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1052 (13.613 min): L1103939.D (-) 83 47 120 200 224 252 275294141 161180102 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1014 (13.239 min): L1201447.D 83 32 50 118 278146 167 188207 239 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1014 (13.239 min): L1201447.D (-) 83 121 146 167 188 2822395731207 13.10 13.20 13.30 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 Time--> AbundanceIon 83.00 (82.70 to 83.70): L12 13.24 Ion 85.00 (84.70 to 85.70): L12 L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:28 2012 Page 7 #49 Toluene Concen: 0.71 PPBV RT: 17.40 min Scan# 1428 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 133048 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 92 62.8 48.2 72.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1459 (17.705 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 135 162180 205 244 280110 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1428 (17.403 min): L1201447.D 91 43 65 112 226 258276207 297143 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1428 (17.403 min): L1201447.D (-) 91 39 65 112 230 258276 297143 191 17.30 17.40 17.50 0 20000 40000 60000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 17.40 Ion 92.10 (91.80 to 92.80): L12 #52 Tetrachloroethene Concen: 12.71 PPBV RT: 18.10 min Scan# 1497 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion:166 Resp: 1232794 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 166 100 164 78.6 63.0 94.6 131 66.7 59.0 88.4 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1526 (18.379 min): L1103939.D (-) 166 131 94 47 18820765 232 252 275295 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1497 (18.097 min): L1201447.D 166 129 9447 68 184 207 296261 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1497 (18.097 min): L1201447.D (-) 166 129 9447 184 207 261 29665 18.00 18.20 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 Time--> AbundanceIon 165.90 (165.60 to 166.60): 18.10 Ion 163.90 (163.60 to 164.60): Ion 130.90 (130.60 to 131.60): L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:29 2012 Page 8 #53 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Concen: 0.63 PPBV RT: 18.19 min Scan# 1506 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 107079 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 46.8 33.7 50.5 57 15.9 15.2 22.8 100 9.1 10.4 15.6# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1535 (18.469 min): L1103939.D (-) 43 10071 176 212 235 255 282118 157137 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1506 (18.188 min): L1201447.D 43 10071 281207133 166 245 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1506 (18.188 min): L1201447.D (-) 43 10071 281133 166 218193 249 18.10 18.20 18.30 0 50000 100000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 18.19 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 Ion 57.10 (56.80 to 57.80): L12 Ion 100.00 (99.70 to 100.70): L #59 m-/p-Xylenes Concen: 0.52 PPBV RT: 19.30 min Scan# 1617 Delta R.T. -0.02 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 95704 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 106 51.8 39.3 58.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1647 (19.595 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 109 128145 176 203 235 262281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1617 (19.304 min): L1201447.D 43 91 70 128111 207163 190 233 257 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1617 (19.304 min): L1201447.D (-) 9143 70 128111 190208 233 257163 19.20 19.30 19.40 0 20000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 19.30 Ion 106.05 (105.75 to 106.75): L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:29 2012 Page 9 #60 o-Xylene Concen: 0.23 PPBV RT: 19.69 min Scan# 1655 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion: 91 Resp: 43316 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 91 100 106 49.8 36.8 55.2 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1686 (19.988 min): L1103939.D (-) 91 39 65 245 276115 147 166 186205 226 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1655 (19.686 min): L1201447.D 91 32 51 69 207111133 232 260163 281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1655 (19.686 min): L1201447.D (-) 91 51 29 69 111 140 232209163 191 260 281 19.60 19.70 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 91.10 (90.80 to 91.80): L12 19.69 Ion 106.10 (105.80 to 106.80): #61 Styrene Concen: 0.27 PPBV RT: 19.71 min Scan# 1657 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion:104 Resp: 41101 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 104 100 78 48.5 46.2 69.2 103 49.9 44.0 66.0 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1688 (20.008 min): L1103939.D (-) 104 78 51 131 166 202221 241260 280 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1657 (19.706 min): L1201447.D 104 785132 207126165 232 260 281 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1657 (19.706 min): L1201447.D (-) 104 7851 126 165 193 232 28130 19.60 19.70 19.80 0 10000 20000 30000 Time--> AbundanceIon 104.10 (103.80 to 104.80): 19.71 Ion 78.10 (77.80 to 78.80): L12Ion 103.10 (102.80 to 103.80): L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:29 2012 Page 10 #67 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Concen: 0.41 PPBV RT: 20.83 min Scan# 1769 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion:105 Resp: 84249 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 105 100 120 34.1 37.8 56.6# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1803 (21.164 min): L1103939.D (-) 105 773958 299126 146165 189209 233252271 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1769 (20.833 min): L1201447.D 105 43 69 139 20787 260 281163 232 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1769 (20.833 min): L1201447.D (-) 105 7751 139 207 267163 23232 20.70 20.80 20.90 0 10000 20000 30000 40000 Time--> AbundanceIon 105.10 (104.80 to 105.80): 20.83 Ion 120.15 (119.85 to 120.85): #69 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Concen: 0.51 PPBV m RT: 21.18 min Scan# 1804 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201447.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 5:49 pm Tgt Ion:146 Resp: 74324 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 146 100 148 64.0 51.8 77.8 111 63.6 27.9 41.9# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1840 (21.536 min): L1103939.D (-) 146 1117550 27931165 185 205 224 244 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1804 (21.185 min): L1201447.D 57 29 11385 148 232 281209 260168 191 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 1804 (21.185 min): L1201447.D (-) 57 113 29 14683 168 208 233 260 289 21.15 21.20 21.25 0 20000 40000 60000 Time--> AbundanceIon 146.00 (145.70 to 146.70): 21.18 Ion 148.00 (147.70 to 148.70): Ion 111.10 (110.80 to 111.80): L1201447.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 12:01:30 2012 Page 11 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201440.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 12:17 pm Operator: DB Sample : humid blank Inst : Lurch Misc : 500mL load, can #10893 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 10:52 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201440.D Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IBromochloromethane (IS),IMethylene chlorideAcetoneEthanolL1201440.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:53:07 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201440.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 12:17 pm Operator: DB Sample : humid blank Inst : Lurch Misc : 500mL load, can #10893 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 10:52 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.05 130 495375 11.03 PPBV -0.02 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.85 114 1927918 10.52 PPBV -0.02 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.07 117 1837448 11.20 PPBV -0.01 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 0.00 41 0 N.D. d 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 0.00 85 0 N.D. d 5) Chloromethane 0.00 50 0 N.D. d 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 0.00 62 0 N.D. d 7) 1,3-Butadiene 0.00 39 0 N.D. d 8) Bromomethane 0.00 94 0 N.D. d 9) Chloroethane 0.00 64 0 N.D. d 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 0.00 106 0 N.D. d 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 0.00 101 0 N.D. d 12) Ethanol 7.84 45 7253 0.37 PPBV # 84 13) Acrolein 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 0.00 151 0 N.D. d 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. d 16) Acetone 8.76 43 27653 0.24 PPBV # 61 17) Carbon disulfide 0.00 76 0 N.D. d 18) Isopropyl alcohol 0.00 45 0 N.D. d 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 0.00 76 0 N.D. d 20) Acetonitrile 0.00 41 0 N.D. d 21) Methylene chloride 9.77 49 30514 0.35 PPBV # 74 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.00 61 0 N.D. d 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.00 73 0 N.D. d 24) Acrylonitrile 0.00 53 0 N.D. d 25) Hexane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.00 63 0 N.D. d 27) Vinyl acetate 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.00 61 0 N.D. d 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 0.00 72 0 N.D. d 30) Ethyl acetate 0.00 45 0 N.D. d 31) Chloroform 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 32) Tetrahydrofuran 0.00 72 0 N.D. d 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. d 34) Cyclohexane 0.00 56 0 N.D. d 35) Carbon tetrachloride 0.00 117 0 N.D. d 37) Benzene 0.00 78 0 N.D. d 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.00 62 0 N.D. d 40) Heptane 0.00 57 0 N.D. d 41) Trichloroethene 0.00 130 0 N.D. d 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.00 63 0 N.D. d 43) Methyl methacrylate 0.00 69 0 N.D. d 44) 1,4-Dioxane 0.00 88 0 N.D. d 45) Bromodichloromethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. d 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 49) Toluene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.00 75 0 N.D. d 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.00 97 0 N.D. d 52) Tetrachloroethene 0.00 166 0 N.D. d 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 0.00 43 0 N.D. d 54) Dibromochloromethane 0.00 129 0 N.D. d 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.00 107 0 N.D. d 56) Chlorobenzene 0.00 112 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201440.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:53:07 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201440.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 12:17 pm Operator: DB Sample : humid blank Inst : Lurch Misc : 500mL load, can #10893 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 10:52 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 131 0 N.D. d 59) m-/p-Xylenes 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 60) o-Xylene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 61) Styrene 0.00 104 0 N.D. d 62) Bromoform 0.00 173 0 N.D. d 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.00 83 0 N.D. d 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.00 105 0 N.D. d 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 70) Benzyl chloride 0.00 91 0 N.D. d 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.00 146 0 N.D. d 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.00 180 0 N.D. d 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 0.00 225 0 N.D. d 74) Naphthalene 0.00 128 0 N.D. d ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201440.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:53:07 2012 Page 2 #12 Ethanol Concen: 0.37 PPBV RT: 7.84 min Scan# 477 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201440.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 12:17 pm Tgt Ion: 45 Resp: 7253 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 45 100 43 55.8 31.3 46.9# 31 235.8 209.9 314.9 Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 512 (8.184 min): L1103939.D (-) 31 7854 200106 220 247133 278 299153172 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 477 (7.843 min): L1201440.D 32 55 94 171 20714273 121 237257 290 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 477 (7.843 min): L1201440.D (-) 31 139 17155 11180 199 237 261 290 7.75 7.80 7.85 7.90 7.95 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Time--> AbundanceIon 44.95 (44.65 to 45.65): L12 7.84 Ion 42.95 (42.65 to 43.65): L12 Ion 30.95 (30.65 to 31.65): L12 #16 Acetone Concen: 0.24 PPBV RT: 8.76 min Scan# 568 Delta R.T. -0.01 min Lab File: L1201440.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 12:17 pm Tgt Ion: 43 Resp: 27653 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 43 100 58 31.8 12.2 18.4# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 572 (8.797 min): L1200822.D (-) 43 168128 2947622119397147254 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 568 (8.759 min): L1201440.D 43 20794 256114 135 170 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 568 (8.759 min): L1201440.D (-) 43 107 135 207170 25679 8.60 8.70 8.80 0 5000 10000 Time--> AbundanceIon 43.00 (42.70 to 43.70): L12 8.76 Ion 58.00 (57.70 to 58.70): L12 L1201440.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:53:24 2012 Page 3 #21 Methylene chloride Concen: 0.35 PPBV RT: 9.77 min Scan# 669 Delta R.T. -0.03 min Lab File: L1201440.D Acq: 3 Jul 2012 12:17 pm Tgt Ion: 49 Resp: 30514 Ion Ratio Lower Upper 49 100 84 60.2 66.8 100.2# Ref Raw Sub 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 675 (9.833 min): L1200822.D (-) 49 84 109 142 207 248 27822829 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 669 (9.774 min): L1201440.D 49 84 114 185 209142 248 26928716031 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 0 50 m/z--> Abundance Scan 669 (9.774 min): L1201440.D (-) 49 84 114 241135 185 205 259 283153 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 0 5000 10000 Time--> AbundanceIon 49.05 (48.75 to 49.75): L12 9.77 Ion 84.00 (83.70 to 84.70): L12 L1201440.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:53:24 2012 Page 4 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201439.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 11:28 am Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 LCS std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #1414 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 10:50 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 7500000 8000000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201439.D NaphthaleneHexachlorobutadiene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2-DichlorobenzeneBenzyl chloride1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene4-Ethyltoluene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoformStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-Xylenes1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneEthylbenzeneChlorobenzeneChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,2-DibromoethaneDibromochloromethane2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)Tetrachloroethene1,1,2-Trichloroethanetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketonecis-1,3-DichloropropeneBromodichloromethane1,4-DioxaneMethyl methacrylate1,2-DichloropropaneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IHeptane2,2,4-trimethylpentane1,2-DichloroethaneBenzeneCarbon tetrachlorideCyclohexane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneChloroformTetrahydrofuranBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetatecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)1,1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetateHexanetrans-1,2-DichloroetheneMethyl tert-butyl etherAcrylonitrileMethylene chlorideAllyl chloride (3-chloropropene)AcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneFreon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1,1-DichloroetheneAcroleinEthanolFreon 11 (CCl3F)Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide)ChloroethaneBromomethane1,3-ButadieneChloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ChloromethaneFreon 114 (C2Cl2F4)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)PropyleneL1201439.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:50:51 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201439.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 11:28 am Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 LCS std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #1414 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 10:50 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.05 130 471063 11.03 PPBV -0.03 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.85 114 1817409 10.52 PPBV -0.03 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.06 117 1830096 11.20 PPBV -0.02 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 4.68 41 510680 9.33 PPBV # 71 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.78 85 1253461 8.22 PPBV 97 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 5.15 85 1400512 8.49 PPBV # 93 5) Chloromethane 5.27 50 524538 8.77 PPBV 98 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 5.60 62 493049 8.82 PPBV 100 7) 1,3-Butadiene 5.72 39 473255 9.27 PPBV 89 8) Bromomethane 6.47 94 522505 8.33 PPBV 99 9) Chloroethane 6.76 64 258353 8.46 PPBV 99 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 7.23 106 452817 7.87 PPBV # 96 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 7.41 101 1073328 8.39 PPBV 99 12) Ethanol 7.84 45 159496 8.51 PPBV # 84 13) Acrolein 8.41 56 164871 8.17 PPBV 94 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 8.67 151 524587 7.50 PPBV 98 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 8.63 61 649129 7.50 PPBV 90 16) Acetone 8.73 43 843497 7.76 PPBV # 83 17) Carbon disulfide 9.14 76 1183442 7.85 PPBV 92 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.09 45 942091 8.44 PPBV # 86 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 9.49 76 187209 7.84 PPBV # 48 20) Acetonitrile 9.35 41 396518 7.18 PPBV # 83 21) Methylene chloride 9.77 49 615059 7.39 PPBV # 78 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.39 61 619258 7.83 PPBV 98 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 10.39 73 1111669 8.16 PPBV # 86 24) Acrylonitrile 10.28 53 335816 7.69 PPBV # 89 25) Hexane 11.02 57 627509 8.05 PPBV # 78 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 11.36 63 771155 8.05 PPBV 99 27) Vinyl acetate 11.36 43 1619125 8.55 PPBV 96 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 12.58 61 750744 8.13 PPBV 94 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.55 72 211668 8.54 PPBV 79 30) Ethyl acetate 12.64 45 181971 8.37 PPBV # 82 31) Chloroform 13.23 83 913303 8.01 PPBV 98 32) Tetrahydrofuran 13.09 72 203083 8.35 PPBV # 57 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 13.56 97 888178 7.86 PPBV 95 34) Cyclohexane 13.70 56 670311 8.17 PPBV # 79 35) Carbon tetrachloride 13.84 117 892404 7.78 PPBV 97 37) Benzene 14.18 78 1209655 7.88 PPBV # 94 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.37 57 2042453 7.87 PPBV # 80 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.26 62 607177 7.90 PPBV 98 40) Heptane 14.64 57 417493 8.23 PPBV # 89 41) Trichloroethene 15.23 130 606196 7.81 PPBV # 89 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 15.64 63 492332 8.43 PPBV 94 43) Methyl methacrylate 15.68 69 481716 8.31 PPBV # 89 44) 1,4-Dioxane 15.74 88 296599 8.34 PPBV # 79 45) Bromodichloromethane 16.06 83 1078686 8.12 PPBV # 97 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 16.79 75 835951 8.39 PPBV 98 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.01 43 1484678 8.72 PPBV # 94 49) Toluene 17.39 91 1466015 7.91 PPBV 95 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 17.69 75 747026 7.57 PPBV 98 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17.95 97 598888 7.98 PPBV 87 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.09 166 753145 7.90 PPBV 95 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.18 43 1475899 8.88 PPBV # 91 54) Dibromochloromethane 18.42 129 1127022 8.17 PPBV 99 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 18.58 107 1010844 7.90 PPBV 97 56) Chlorobenzene 19.09 112 1288863 8.21 PPBV # 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201439.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:50:50 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201439.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 11:28 am Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 LCS std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #1414 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 10:50 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 19.17 91 2069454 8.94 PPBV 100 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.17 131 684191 7.77 PPBV 92 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.30 91 3078792 17.16 PPBV 94 60) o-Xylene 19.68 91 1636087 8.91 PPBV 93 61) Styrene 19.70 104 1315482 8.71 PPBV 90 62) Bromoform 19.89 173 1031071 8.28 PPBV 98 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.26 83 1422845 9.08 PPBV 98 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 20.46 105 2351680 9.19 PPBV 98 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 20.46 91 1990858 8.74 PPBV 97 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.50 105 1678520 8.75 PPBV 96 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.82 105 1786710 8.91 PPBV 97 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 21.10 146 1254957 8.98 PPBV 97 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.18 146 1253878 8.80 PPBV 98 70) Benzyl chloride 21.26 91 1802937 8.85 PPBV 94 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 21.48 146 1150468 8.75 PPBV 98 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 22.84 180 703181 7.83 PPBV 99 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 22.94 225 526553 8.62 PPBV 98 74) Naphthalene 23.12 128 1831947 7.41 PPBV # 79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201439.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:50:51 2012 Page 2 Calibration Curve Chromatograms Sample ID LID FileName 0.4ppbv TO-15 std 0.66 L1201400.D 1.0ppbv TO-15 std 1.65 L1201401.D Inst: Lurch 2.0ppbv TO-15 std 3.3 L1201409.D 5ppbv TO-15 std 8.25 L1201404.D Curve: L062912C.M 10ppbv TO-15 std 16.5 L1201405.D 20ppbv TO-15 std 33 L1201406.D 30ppbv TO-15 std 49.5 L1201407.D #Name 0.4ppbv TO- 15 std 1.0ppbv TO- 15 std 2.0ppbv TO- 15 std 5ppbv TO- 15 std 10ppbv TO- 15 std 20ppbv TO- 15 std 30ppbv TO- 15 std Average RF %RSD 2)Propylene 1.60 1.38 1.31 1.15 1.24 1.18 1.11 1.28 13.2% 3)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)4.13 3.74 3.76 3.31 3.58 3.35 3.12 3.57 9.58% 4)Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4)4.45 4.04 4.12 3.57 3.87 3.63 3.36 3.86 9.64% 5)Chloromethane 1.61 1.48 1.47 1.28 1.40 1.31 1.25 1.40 9.30% 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 1.48 1.32 1.39 1.22 1.32 1.26 1.18 1.31 7.86% 7)1,3-Butadiene 1.34 1.27 1.26 1.11 1.20 1.12 1.06 1.19 8.59% 8)Bromomethane 1.67 1.52 1.55 1.37 1.46 1.40 1.32 1.47 8.15% 9)Chloroethane 0.821 0.731 0.747 0.669 0.706 0.679 0.654 0.715 8.03% 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) 1.55 1.40 1.43 1.24 1.33 1.27 1.21 1.35 8.97% 11)Freon 11 (CCl3F)3.48 3.25 3.16 2.77 2.96 2.77 2.56 3.00 10.7% 12)Ethanol 0.514 0.464 0.461 0.399 0.426 0.412 0.396 0.439 9.78% 13)Acrolein 0.470 0.445 0.467 0.459 0.500 0.488 0.477 0.472 3.87% 14)Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1.87 1.67 1.72 1.50 1.63 1.57 1.51 1.64 8.05% 15)1,1-Dichloroethene 2.28 1.98 2.16 1.90 2.04 1.95 1.87 2.03 7.30% 16)Acetone 3.54 2.44 2.59 2.29 2.42 2.32 2.23 2.55 17.8% 17)Carbon disulfide 3.98 3.60 3.77 3.24 3.51 3.37 3.23 3.53 7.89% 18)Isopropyl alcohol 3.06 2.68 2.76 2.44 2.62 2.42 2.31 2.61 9.77% 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) 0.620 0.570 0.586 0.515 0.557 0.541 0.523 0.559 6.61% 20)Acetonitrile 1.48 1.32 1.34 1.18 1.27 1.24 1.21 1.29 7.85% 21)Methylene chloride 2.84 2.10 1.99 1.66 1.77 1.67 1.60 1.95 22.3% 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 2.07 1.92 1.99 1.70 1.85 1.77 1.68 1.85 7.88% 23)Methyl tert-butyl ether 3.53 3.29 3.38 2.93 3.19 3.08 2.93 3.19 7.13% 24)Acrylonitrile 1.13 1.02 1.09 0.938 1.02 1.00 0.967 1.02 6.49% 25)Hexane 2.12 1.89 1.92 1.67 1.80 1.73 1.65 1.83 9.04% 26)1,1-Dichloroethane 2.55 2.31 2.38 2.06 2.22 2.14 2.04 2.24 8.20% 27)Vinyl acetate 4.92 4.60 4.83 4.14 4.45 4.19 3.89 4.43 8.53% 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 2.44 2.22 2.28 1.98 2.15 2.07 1.98 2.16 7.78% 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) 0.633 0.580 0.610 0.535 0.587 0.569 0.547 0.580 5.87% 30)Ethyl acetate 0.543 0.523 0.555 0.473 0.512 0.492 0.466 0.509 6.68% 31)Chloroform 2.98 2.75 2.82 2.45 2.67 2.57 2.45 2.67 7.38% 32)Tetrahydrofuran 0.607 0.573 0.608 0.523 0.576 0.558 0.544 0.570 5.47% 33)1,1,1-Trichloroethane 3.01 2.74 2.79 2.42 2.64 2.53 2.40 2.64 8.24% 34)Cyclohexane 2.15 1.98 2.05 1.77 1.92 1.85 1.74 1.92 7.78% 35)Carbon tetrachloride 3.02 2.82 2.82 2.47 2.68 2.57 2.42 2.69 8.10% 37)Benzene 0.961 0.914 0.953 0.817 0.898 0.866 0.808 0.888 6.85% 38)2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1.66 1.58 1.63 1.40 1.51 1.43 1.31 1.50 8.54% 39)1,2-Dichloroethane 0.493 0.459 0.462 0.415 0.443 0.434 0.408 0.445 6.55% 40)Heptane 0.317 0.304 0.316 0.275 0.297 0.285 0.264 0.294 6.91% 41)Trichloroethene 0.479 0.457 0.473 0.413 0.458 0.448 0.419 0.449 5.62% 42)1,2-Dichloropropane 0.364 0.349 0.365 0.313 0.344 0.328 0.305 0.338 7.06% 43)Methyl methacrylate 0.353 0.343 0.359 0.311 0.343 0.333 0.307 0.336 5.91% 44)1,4-Dioxane 0.228 0.212 0.214 0.184 0.205 0.204 0.198 0.206 6.64% 45)Bromodichloromethane 0.826 0.794 0.819 0.713 0.779 0.753 0.697 0.769 6.51% 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.600 0.586 0.616 0.535 0.588 0.575 0.536 0.577 5.33% 47)Methyl isobutyl ketone 1.03 1.01 1.07 0.934 1.01 0.955 0.877 0.985 6.72% 49)Toluene 1.14 1.12 1.27 1.05 1.17 1.13 1.07 1.13 6.43% 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.583 0.587 0.672 0.561 0.625 0.615 0.584 0.604 6.10% 51)1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.453 0.445 0.515 0.430 0.472 0.462 0.437 0.459 6.18% 52)Tetrachloroethene 0.564 0.577 0.665 0.554 0.614 0.585 0.525 0.583 7.77% 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) 0.991 1.02 1.18 0.973 1.06 0.994 0.909 1.02 8.21% 54)Dibromochloromethane 0.829 0.838 0.958 0.799 0.876 0.842 0.767 0.844 7.21% 55)1,2-Dibromoethane 0.753 0.761 0.888 0.736 0.815 0.792 0.737 0.783 6.96% 56)Chlorobenzene 0.895 0.922 1.09 0.914 1.01 0.979 0.906 0.960 7.59% 57)Ethylbenzene 1.38 1.47 1.75 1.44 1.54 1.30 1.04 1.42 15.4% 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.526 0.543 0.640 0.528 0.577 0.517 0.441 0.539 11.2% 59)m-/p-Xylenes 1.04 1.11 1.33 1.10 1.19 1.06 0.858 1.10 13.2% 60)o-Xylene 1.01 1.10 1.36 1.13 1.22 1.12 0.933 1.12 12.3% 61)Styrene 0.808 0.891 1.11 0.920 1.01 0.939 0.793 0.925 12.0% 62)Bromoform 0.667 0.737 0.900 0.753 0.835 0.771 0.670 0.762 11.1% 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.790 0.897 1.16 0.960 1.05 0.988 0.869 0.959 12.8% 06/29/12 18:53 PASS 06/29/12 20:10 06/29/12 16:35 06/29/12 17:17 06/29/12 18:03 Response Factor Report Acq. Date 06/29/12 12:52 06/29/12 13:43 Sample ID LID FileName 0.4ppbv TO-15 std 0.66 L1201400.D 1.0ppbv TO-15 std 1.65 L1201401.D Inst: Lurch 2.0ppbv TO-15 std 3.3 L1201409.D 5ppbv TO-15 std 8.25 L1201404.D Curve: L062912C.M 10ppbv TO-15 std 16.5 L1201405.D 20ppbv TO-15 std 33 L1201406.D 30ppbv TO-15 std 49.5 L1201407.D #Name 0.4ppbv TO- 15 std 1.0ppbv TO- 15 std 2.0ppbv TO- 15 std 5ppbv TO- 15 std 10ppbv TO- 15 std 20ppbv TO- 15 std 30ppbv TO- 15 std Average RF %RSD 06/29/12 18:53 PASS 06/29/12 20:10 06/29/12 16:35 06/29/12 17:17 06/29/12 18:03 Response Factor Report Acq. Date 06/29/12 12:52 06/29/12 13:43 64)4-Ethyltoluene 1.27 1.45 1.97 1.67 1.91 1.52 1.17 1.57 19.4% 65)2-Chlorotoluene 1.16 1.35 1.79 1.49 1.59 1.33 1.06 1.39 17.9% 66)1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.906 1.05 1.49 1.23 1.22 1.22 1.09 1.17 15.7% 67)1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.912 1.02 1.52 1.27 1.40 1.31 1.15 1.23 17.4% 68)1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.607 0.688 1.05 0.890 0.990 0.933 0.827 0.856 18.8% 69)1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.617 0.691 1.08 0.911 1.01 0.951 0.845 0.872 19.3% 70)Benzyl chloride 0.901 1.03 1.53 1.28 1.42 1.36 1.20 1.25 17.9% 71)1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.561 0.613 1.00 0.833 0.933 0.896 0.796 0.805 20.3% 72)1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.639 0.276 0.635 0.480 0.606 0.627 0.582 0.549 24.1% 73)Hexachlorobutadiene 0.503 0.200 0.437 0.339 0.407 0.389 0.339 0.373 25.6% 74)Naphthalene 1.84 0.786 1.76 1.32 1.63 1.68 1.57 1.51 23.9% = %RSD >30 and <40, two allowed = %RSD >40, zero allowed Sample ID LID FileName 0.4ppbv TO-15 std 0.66 L1201400.D 1.0ppbv TO-15 std 1.65 L1201401.D Inst: Lurch 2.0ppbv TO-15 std 3.3 L1201409.D 5ppbv TO-15 std 8.25 L1201404.D Curve: L062912C.M 10ppbv TO-15 std 16.5 L1201405.D 20ppbv TO-15 std 33 L1201406.D 30ppbv TO-15 std 49.5 L1201407.D #Name 0.4ppbv TO- 15 std 1.0ppbv TO- 15 std 2.0ppbv TO- 15 std 5ppbv TO- 15 std 10ppbv TO- 15 std 20ppbv TO- 15 std 30ppbv TO- 15 std Average RRT 2)Propylene 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.36 3)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 4)Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4)0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 5)Chloromethane 0.41 0.40 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.43 7)1,3-Butadiene 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 8)Bromomethane 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 9)Chloroethane 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) 0.55 0.55 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.56 11)Freon 11 (CCl3F)0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 12)Ethanol 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 13)Acrolein 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 14)Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3)0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 15)1,1-Dichloroethene 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 16)Acetone 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67 17)Carbon disulfide 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 18)Isopropyl alcohol 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73 20)Acetonitrile 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 21)Methylene chloride 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 23)Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 24)Acrylonitrile 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 25)Hexane 0.85 0.84 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 26)1,1-Dichloroethane 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 27)Vinyl acetate 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 30)Ethyl acetate 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 31)Chloroform 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 32)Tetrahydrofuran 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 33)1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 34)Cyclohexane 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 35)Carbon tetrachloride 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 37)Benzene 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.95 0.95 0.95 38)2,2,4-trimethylpentane 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 39)1,2-Dichloroethane 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 40)Heptane 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 41)Trichloroethene 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 42)1,2-Dichloropropane 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 43)Methyl methacrylate 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 44)1,4-Dioxane 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 45)Bromodichloromethane 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 47)Methyl isobutyl ketone 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 49)Toluene 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 51)1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 52)Tetrachloroethene 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 54)Dibromochloromethane 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 55)1,2-Dibromoethane 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.97 56)Chlorobenzene 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 57)Ethylbenzene 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 59)m-/p-Xylenes 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 60)o-Xylene 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 61)Styrene 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 62)Bromoform 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 64)4-Ethyltoluene 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 06/29/12 18:53 06/29/12 20:10 06/29/12 16:35 06/29/12 17:17 06/29/12 18:03 Relative Retention Time Report Acq. Date 06/29/12 12:52 06/29/12 13:43 Sample ID LID FileName 0.4ppbv TO-15 std 0.66 L1201400.D 1.0ppbv TO-15 std 1.65 L1201401.D Inst: Lurch 2.0ppbv TO-15 std 3.3 L1201409.D 5ppbv TO-15 std 8.25 L1201404.D Curve: L062912C.M 10ppbv TO-15 std 16.5 L1201405.D 20ppbv TO-15 std 33 L1201406.D 30ppbv TO-15 std 49.5 L1201407.D #Name 0.4ppbv TO- 15 std 1.0ppbv TO- 15 std 2.0ppbv TO- 15 std 5ppbv TO- 15 std 10ppbv TO- 15 std 20ppbv TO- 15 std 30ppbv TO- 15 std Average RRT 06/29/12 18:53 06/29/12 20:10 06/29/12 16:35 06/29/12 17:17 06/29/12 18:03 Relative Retention Time Report Acq. Date 06/29/12 12:52 06/29/12 13:43 65)2-Chlorotoluene 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 66)1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.08 1.08 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 67)1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 1.09 68)1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 69)1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 70)Benzyl chloride 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 71)1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 72)1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 73)Hexachlorobutadiene 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 74)Naphthalene 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 1.21 = RRT outside 0.06 unit RRT window Sample ID LID FileName 0.4ppbv TO-15 std 0.66 L1201400.D 1.0ppbv TO-15 std 1.65 L1201401.D Inst: Lurch 2.0ppbv TO-15 std 3.3 L1201409.D 5ppbv TO-15 std 8.25 L1201404.D Curve: L062912C.M 10ppbv TO-15 std 16.5 L1201405.D 20ppbv TO-15 std 33 L1201406.D 30ppbv TO-15 std 49.5 L1201407.D #Name 0.4ppbv TO- 15 std 1.0ppbv TO- 15 std 2.0ppbv TO- 15 std 5ppbv TO- 15 std 10ppbv TO- 15 std 20ppbv TO- 15 std 30ppbv TO- 15 std Average 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.07 13.07 13.08 13.08 13.08 13.08 13.08 13.08 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.87 14.87 14.88 14.87 14.87 14.88 14.88 14.87 48)Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS)19.07 19.07 19.09 19.07 19.09 19.08 19.08 19.08 = ISTD retention time outside of 20 sec (0.33 min) window 06/29/12 18:53 06/29/12 20:10 06/29/12 16:35 06/29/12 17:17 06/29/12 18:03 Internal Standards Retention Time Report Acq. Date 06/29/12 12:52 06/29/12 13:43 Sample ID LID FileName 0.4ppbv TO-15 std 0.66 L1201400.D 1.0ppbv TO-15 std 1.65 L1201401.D Inst: Lurch 2.0ppbv TO-15 std 3.3 L1201409.D 5ppbv TO-15 std 8.25 L1201404.D Curve: L062912C.M 10ppbv TO-15 std 16.5 L1201405.D 20ppbv TO-15 std 33 L1201406.D 30ppbv TO-15 std 49.5 L1201407.D #Name 0.4ppbv TO- 15 std 1.0ppbv TO- 15 std 2.0ppbv TO- 15 std 5ppbv TO- 15 std 10ppbv TO- 15 std 20ppbv TO- 15 std 30ppbv TO- 15 std Average 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 555,770 537,994 525,089 565,097 511,785 528,136 551,135 539,287 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 2,110,446 2,011,663 1,959,096 2,107,927 1,899,253 1,943,308 2,054,023 2,012,245 48)Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 2,167,566 2,045,766 1,833,148 2,065,230 1,845,581 1,862,242 1,929,586 1,964,160 = ISTD response outside of 40% window 06/29/12 18:53 06/29/12 20:10 06/29/12 16:35 06/29/12 17:17 06/29/12 18:03 Internal Standards Area Report Acq. Date 06/29/12 12:52 06/29/12 13:43 #Compound Name 49.5ppbv 33ppbv 16.5ppbv 8.25ppbv 3.3ppbv 1.65ppbv 0.66ppbv 2)Propylene 54.5 36.3 18.2 9.08 3.63 1.82 0.726 3)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)49.0 32.7 16.3 8.17 3.27 1.63 0.653 4)Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4)50.0 33.3 16.7 8.33 3.33 1.67 0.667 5)Chloromethane 50.5 33.7 16.8 8.42 3.37 1.68 0.673 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 50.5 33.7 16.8 8.42 3.37 1.68 0.673 7)1,3-Butadiene 52.5 35.0 17.5 8.75 3.50 1.75 0.700 8)Bromomethane 50.5 33.7 16.8 8.42 3.37 1.68 0.673 9)Chloroethane 50.0 33.3 16.7 8.33 3.33 1.67 0.667 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) 49.5 33.0 16.5 8.25 3.30 1.65 0.660 11)Freon 11 (CCl3F)52.0 34.7 17.3 8.66 3.47 1.73 0.693 12)Ethanol 50.5 33.7 16.8 8.42 3.37 1.68 0.673 13)Acrolein 54.0 36.0 18.0 8.99 3.60 1.80 0.719 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3)48.5 32.3 16.2 8.09 3.23 1.62 0.647 15)1,1-Dichloroethene 49.0 32.7 16.3 8.17 3.27 1.63 0.653 16)Acetone 52.0 34.7 17.3 8.66 3.47 1.73 0.693 17)Carbon disulfide 49.0 32.7 16.3 8.17 3.27 1.63 0.653 18)Isopropyl alcohol 54.0 36.0 18.0 8.99 3.60 1.80 0.719 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) 51.0 34.0 17.0 8.50 3.40 1.70 0.680 20)Acetonitrile 45.5 30.4 15.2 7.59 3.04 1.52 0.607 21)Methylene chloride 50.0 33.3 16.7 8.33 3.33 1.67 0.667 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 49.5 33.0 16.5 8.25 3.30 1.65 0.660 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 52.0 34.7 17.3 8.66 3.47 1.73 0.693 24)Acrylonitrile 49.5 33.0 16.5 8.25 3.30 1.65 0.660 25)Hexane 51.5 34.3 17.2 8.58 3.43 1.72 0.686 26)1,1-Dichloroethane 50.5 33.7 16.8 8.42 3.37 1.68 0.673 27)Vinyl acetate 53.0 35.3 17.7 8.83 3.53 1.77 0.706 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 51.5 34.3 17.2 8.58 3.43 1.72 0.686 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) 53.0 35.3 17.7 8.83 3.53 1.77 0.706 30)Ethyl acetate 51.0 34.0 17.0 8.50 3.40 1.70 0.680 31)Chloroform 51.0 34.0 17.0 8.50 3.40 1.70 0.680 32)Tetrahydrofuran 53.0 35.3 17.7 8.83 3.53 1.77 0.706 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 51.0 34.0 17.0 8.50 3.40 1.70 0.680 34)Cyclohexane 51.5 34.3 17.2 8.58 3.43 1.72 0.686 35)Carbon tetrachloride 50.0 33.3 16.7 8.33 3.33 1.67 0.667 37)Benzene 51.5 34.3 17.2 8.58 3.43 1.72 0.686 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 50.5 33.7 16.8 8.42 3.37 1.68 0.673 39)1,2-Dichloroethane 52.0 34.7 17.3 8.66 3.47 1.73 0.693 40)Heptane 52.5 35.0 17.5 8.75 3.50 1.75 0.700 41)Trichloroethene 52.0 34.7 17.3 8.66 3.47 1.73 0.693 42)1,2-Dichloropropane 52.5 35.0 17.5 8.75 3.50 1.75 0.700 43)Methyl methacrylate 52.5 35.0 17.5 8.75 3.50 1.75 0.700 44)1,4-Dioxane 52.0 34.7 17.3 8.66 3.47 1.73 0.693 45) Bromodichloromethane 52.0 34.7 17.3 8.66 3.47 1.73 0.693 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 54.0 36.0 18.0 8.99 3.60 1.80 0.719 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 53.5 35.7 17.8 8.92 3.57 1.78 0.713 49)Toluene 53.0 35.3 17.7 8.83 3.53 1.77 0.706 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 49.5 33.0 16.5 8.25 3.30 1.65 0.660 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 53.0 35.3 17.7 8.83 3.53 1.77 0.706 52)Tetrachloroethene 52.0 34.7 17.3 8.66 3.47 1.73 0.693 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) 54.0 36.0 18.0 8.99 3.60 1.80 0.719 54) Dibromochloromethane 54.0 36.0 18.0 8.99 3.60 1.80 0.719 55)1,2-Dibromoethane 52.5 35.0 17.5 8.75 3.50 1.75 0.700 56)Chlorobenzene 54.0 36.0 18.0 8.99 3.60 1.80 0.719 57)Ethylbenzene 53.5 35.6 17.8 8.91 3.56 1.78 0.713 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 49.5 33.0 16.5 8.25 3.30 1.65 0.660 59)m-/p-Xylenes 105 70.0 35.0 17.5 7.00 3.50 1.40 60)o-Xylene 54.5 36.3 18.2 9.08 3.63 1.82 0.726 61)Styrene 54.0 36.0 18.0 8.99 3.60 1.80 0.719 62)Bromoform 52.5 35.0 17.5 8.75 3.50 1.75 0.700 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 54.5 36.3 18.2 9.08 3.63 1.82 0.726 64)4-Ethyltoluene 52.5 35.0 17.5 8.75 3.50 1.75 0.700 65)2-Chlorotoluene 50.0 33.3 16.7 8.33 3.33 1.67 0.667 Tag Values #Compound Name 49.5ppbv 33ppbv 16.5ppbv 8.25ppbv 3.3ppbv 1.65ppbv 0.66ppbv Tag Values 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 53.5 35.6 17.8 8.91 3.56 1.78 0.713 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 53.5 35.6 17.8 8.91 3.56 1.78 0.713 68)1,3-Dichlorobenzene 54.5 36.3 18.2 9.08 3.63 1.82 0.726 69)1,4-Dichlorobenzene 53.0 35.3 17.7 8.83 3.53 1.77 0.706 70)Benzyl chloride 54.5 36.3 18.2 9.08 3.63 1.82 0.726 71)1,2-Dichlorobenzene 53.5 35.6 17.8 8.91 3.56 1.78 0.713 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 52.5 35.0 17.5 8.75 3.50 1.75 0.700 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 52.5 35.0 17.5 8.75 3.50 1.75 0.700 74)Naphthalene 48.5 32.3 16.2 8.09 3.23 1.62 0.647 Response Factor Report Lurch Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration Calibration Files 0.66 =L1201400.D 1.65 =L1201401.D 3.3 =L1201409.D 8.25 =L1201404.D 16.5 =L1201405.D 33 =L1201406.D Compound 0.66 1.65 3.3 8.25 16.5 33 Avg %RSD ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) I Bromochloromethane (I ----------------ISTD---------------------- 2) Propylene 1.600 1.381 1.313 1.149 1.245 1.179 1.282 13.21 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.131 3.743 3.759 3.313 3.575 3.345 3.569 9.59 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 4.448 4.042 4.115 3.574 3.865 3.625 3.861 9.65 5) Chloromethane 1.614 1.476 1.469 1.276 1.403 1.313 1.400 9.32 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl 1.476 1.322 1.394 1.216 1.320 1.260 1.309 7.87 7) 1,3-Butadiene 1.344 1.273 1.259 1.111 1.198 1.121 1.195 8.61 8) Bromomethane 1.669 1.518 1.550 1.370 1.460 1.396 1.469 8.18 9) Chloroethane 0.822 0.731 0.747 0.669 0.706 0.679 0.715 8.04 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl 1.549 1.402 1.428 1.236 1.330 1.268 1.346 8.98 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 3.485 3.246 3.163 2.772 2.964 2.771 2.995 10.72 12) Ethanol 0.514 0.464 0.461 0.399 0.426 0.412 0.439 9.79 13) Acrolein 0.470 0.445 0.467 0.459 0.500 0.488 0.472 3.87 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1.875 1.672 1.716 1.496 1.629 1.567 1.638 8.06 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 2.283 1.983 2.158 1.902 2.041 1.950 2.026 7.32 16) Acetone 3.540 2.437 2.590 2.289 2.420 2.317 2.546 17.83 17) Carbon disulfide 3.984 3.599 3.765 3.243 3.506 3.372 3.528 7.90 18) Isopropyl alcohol 3.064 2.675 2.762 2.439 2.619 2.417 2.612 9.78 19) Allyl chloride (3-c 0.620 0.570 0.586 0.515 0.557 0.541 0.559 6.62 20) Acetonitrile 1.482 1.323 1.343 1.183 1.268 1.239 1.293 7.86 21) Methylene chloride 2.845 2.103 1.988 1.663 1.768 1.674 1.949 22.33 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroe 2.069 1.915 1.987 1.704 1.846 1.768 1.853 7.89 23) Methyl tert-butyl e 3.529 3.294 3.375 2.928 3.187 3.076 3.188 7.13 24) Acrylonitrile 1.129 1.022 1.087 0.938 1.019 0.996 1.023 6.50 25) Hexane 2.118 1.889 1.922 1.667 1.796 1.734 1.825 9.05 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 2.546 2.307 2.383 2.057 2.222 2.139 2.242 8.20 27) Vinyl acetate 4.925 4.596 4.826 4.144 4.447 4.193 4.432 8.54 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroeth 2.442 2.224 2.283 1.984 2.152 2.069 2.162 7.79 29) Methyl ethyl ketone 0.633 0.579 0.610 0.535 0.587 0.569 0.580 5.87 30) Ethyl acetate 0.543 0.523 0.555 0.473 0.512 0.492 0.509 6.69 31) Chloroform 2.978 2.750 2.821 2.449 2.665 2.570 2.668 7.39 32) Tetrahydrofuran 0.607 0.572 0.608 0.523 0.576 0.558 0.570 5.48 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroetha 3.007 2.736 2.787 2.415 2.635 2.533 2.644 8.25 34) Cyclohexane 2.150 1.981 2.046 1.766 1.921 1.850 1.922 7.79 35) Carbon tetrachlorid 3.025 2.820 2.823 2.471 2.681 2.569 2.687 8.10 36) I 1,4-Difluorobenzene ( ----------------ISTD---------------------- 37) Benzene 0.961 0.914 0.953 0.817 0.898 0.866 0.888 6.85 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpent 1.659 1.580 1.628 1.397 1.510 1.429 1.502 8.54 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.493 0.459 0.462 0.415 0.443 0.434 0.445 6.56 40) Heptane 0.317 0.304 0.316 0.275 0.297 0.285 0.294 6.91 41) Trichloroethene 0.479 0.457 0.473 0.413 0.458 0.448 0.449 5.62 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.364 0.349 0.365 0.313 0.344 0.328 0.338 7.06 43) Methyl methacrylate 0.353 0.343 0.359 0.311 0.343 0.333 0.336 5.91 44) 1,4-Dioxane 0.226 0.208 0.214 0.187 0.205 0.204 0.206 6.06 45) Bromodichloromethan 0.826 0.793 0.819 0.713 0.779 0.753 0.768 6.51 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropro 0.600 0.586 0.616 0.535 0.587 0.575 0.577 5.33 47) Methyl isobutyl ket 1.033 1.011 1.071 0.934 1.014 0.956 0.985 6.72 48) I Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) ----------------ISTD---------------------- 49) Toluene 1.136 1.118 1.273 1.050 1.169 1.127 1.135 6.43 50) trans-1,3-Dichlorop 0.583 0.587 0.672 0.561 0.625 0.615 0.604 6.10 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroetha 0.453 0.445 0.515 0.430 0.472 0.462 0.459 6.18 52) Tetrachloroethene 0.564 0.577 0.665 0.554 0.614 0.585 0.583 7.78 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl 0.991 1.019 1.176 0.973 1.062 0.994 1.018 8.21 54) Dibromochloromethan 0.829 0.838 0.958 0.799 0.876 0.842 0.844 7.21 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.753 0.761 0.888 0.736 0.815 0.792 0.783 6.96 56) Chlorobenzene 0.895 0.922 1.094 0.914 1.012 0.979 0.960 7.59 57) Ethylbenzene 1.380 1.466 1.750 1.438 1.540 1.304 1.416 15.40 L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:57:28 2012 Page 1 (#) = Out of Range ### Number of calibration levels exceeded format ### Response Factor Report Lurch Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration Calibration Files 0.66 =L1201400.D 1.65 =L1201401.D 3.3 =L1201409.D 8.25 =L1201404.D 16.5 =L1201405.D 33 =L1201406.D Compound 0.66 1.65 3.3 8.25 16.5 33 Avg %RSD ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloro 0.526 0.543 0.640 0.528 0.577 0.517 0.539 11.23 59) m-/p-Xylenes 1.036 1.108 1.334 1.099 1.188 1.064 1.098 13.20 60) o-Xylene 1.006 1.102 1.357 1.126 1.222 1.119 1.124 12.31 61) Styrene 0.808 0.891 1.110 0.920 1.009 0.939 0.924 12.01 62) Bromoform 0.667 0.737 0.900 0.753 0.835 0.771 0.762 11.08 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloro 0.790 0.897 1.163 0.960 1.046 0.988 0.959 12.82 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 1.272 1.446 1.973 1.666 1.909 1.518 1.565 19.38 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 1.160 1.348 1.790 1.490 1.586 1.328 1.395 17.94 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenz 0.908 1.051 1.495 1.235 1.215 1.221 1.174 15.67 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenz 0.912 1.025 1.521 1.272 1.403 1.312 1.228 17.37 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.607 0.688 1.054 0.890 0.990 0.933 0.856 18.79 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.617 0.691 1.084 0.910 1.007 0.951 0.872 19.25 70) Benzyl chloride 0.901 1.027 1.534 1.282 1.425 1.359 1.247 17.87 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.561 0.613 1.002 0.833 0.933 0.896 0.805 20.32 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenz 0.639 0.276 0.635 0.480 0.606 0.627 0.549 24.08 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 0.503 0.200 0.440 0.339 0.407 0.389 0.374 25.64 74) Naphthalene 1.840 0.786 1.763 1.319 1.632 1.682 1.514 23.86 L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:57:29 2012 Page 2 (#) = Out of Range ### Number of calibration levels exceeded format ### Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201400.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 12:52 pm Operator: DB Sample : 0.66ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 10mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:34 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:34:39 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000 1600000 1800000 2000000 2200000 2400000 2600000 2800000 3000000 3200000 3400000 3600000 3800000 4000000 4200000 4400000 4600000 4800000 5000000 5200000 5400000 5600000 5800000 6000000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201400.D NaphthaleneHexachlorobutadiene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2-DichlorobenzeneBenzyl chloride1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene4-Ethyltoluene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoformStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-Xylenes1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneEthylbenzeneChlorobenzeneChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,2-DibromoethaneDibromochloromethane2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)Tetrachloroethene1,1,2-Trichloroethanetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketonecis-1,3-DichloropropeneBromodichloromethane1,4-DioxaneMethyl methacrylate1,2-DichloropropaneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IHeptane2,2,4-trimethylpentane1,2-DichloroethaneBenzeneCarbon tetrachlorideCyclohexane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneChloroformTetrahydrofuranBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetatecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)1,1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetateHexaneMethyl tert-butyl ethertrans-1,2-DichloroetheneAcrylonitrileMethylene chlorideAllyl chloride (3-chloropropene)AcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneFreon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1,1-DichloroetheneAcroleinEthanolFreon 11 (CCl3F)Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide)ChloroethaneBromomethane1,3-ButadieneChloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ChloromethaneFreon 114 (C2Cl2F4)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)PropyleneL1201400.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:35:25 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201400.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 12:52 pm Operator: DB Sample : 0.66ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 10mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:34 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:05:57 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.07 130 555635 11.03 PPBV 0.00 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.87 114 2110446 10.52 PPBV 0.00 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.07 117 2167566 11.20 PPBV 0.00 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 4.69 41 58532 0.91 PPBV # 76 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.79 85 135961 0.76 PPBV 97 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 5.17 85 149371 0.77 PPBV # 94 5) Chloromethane 5.29 50 54736 0.78 PPBV 99 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 5.61 62 50071 0.76 PPBV 100 7) 1,3-Butadiene 5.73 39 47362 0.79 PPBV 90 8) Bromomethane 6.49 94 56597 0.76 PPBV 97 9) Chloroethane 6.79 64 27587 0.77 PPBV 91 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 7.24 106 51508 0.76 PPBV # 94 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 7.42 101 121675 0.81 PPBV 99 12) Ethanol 7.87 45 17442 0.79 PPBV # 78 13) Acrolein 8.43 56 17049 0.72 PPBV 100 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 8.69 151 61094 0.74 PPBV 97 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 8.65 61 75150 0.74 PPBV 93 16) Acetone 8.76 43 123576 0.96 PPBV # 81 17) Carbon disulfide 9.15 76 131142 0.74 PPBV 96 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.11 45 111053 0.84 PPBV # 89 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 9.51 76 21245 0.75 PPBV # 50 20) Acetonitrile 9.38 41 45338 0.70 PPBV # 86 21) Methylene chloride 9.80 49 95520 0.97 PPBV # 81 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.42 61 68803 0.74 PPBV 99 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 10.43 73 123211 0.77 PPBV # 86 24) Acrylonitrile 10.30 53 37531 0.73 PPBV # 90 25) Hexane 11.05 57 73229 0.80 PPBV # 76 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 11.39 63 86329 0.76 PPBV 98 27) Vinyl acetate 11.39 43 175219 0.78 PPBV 97 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 12.59 61 84426 0.78 PPBV 95 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.57 72 22527 0.77 PPBV 83 30) Ethyl acetate 12.65 45 18607 0.73 PPBV # 88 31) Chloroform 13.25 83 101973 0.76 PPBV 98 32) Tetrahydrofuran 13.12 72 21607 0.75 PPBV # 63 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 13.58 97 102978 0.77 PPBV 95 34) Cyclohexane 13.72 56 74356 0.77 PPBV # 80 35) Carbon tetrachloride 13.86 117 101595 0.75 PPBV 97 37) Benzene 14.20 78 132333 0.74 PPBV # 94 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.38 57 224075 0.74 PPBV # 80 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.27 62 68472 0.77 PPBV 100 40) Heptane 14.67 57 44490 0.75 PPBV 91 41) Trichloroethene 15.25 130 66608 0.74 PPBV # 88 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 15.66 63 51041 0.75 PPBV 91 43) Methyl methacrylate 15.70 69 49520 0.74 PPBV # 90 44) 1,4-Dioxane 15.76 88 31460 0.76 PPBV 99 45) Bromodichloromethane 16.07 83 114829 0.74 PPBV # 98 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 16.82 75 86650 0.75 PPBV 98 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.04 43 147814 0.75 PPBV # 94 49) Toluene 17.41 91 155282 0.71 PPBV 96 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 17.69 75 74528 0.64 PPBV 99 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17.97 97 61965 0.70 PPBV 89 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.11 166 75583 0.67 PPBV 96 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.20 43 138038 0.70 PPBV # 92 54) Dibromochloromethane 18.44 129 115399 0.71 PPBV 99 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 18.59 107 101955 0.67 PPBV 97 56) Chlorobenzene 19.10 112 124548 0.67 PPBV # 81 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201400.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:35:24 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201400.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 12:52 pm Operator: DB Sample : 0.66ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 10mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:34 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:05:57 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 19.19 91 190326 0.69 PPBV 99 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.19 131 67172 0.64 PPBV # 91 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.31 91 280674 1.32 PPBV 94 60) o-Xylene 19.69 91 141295 0.65 PPBV 93 61) Styrene 19.71 104 112500 0.63 PPBV 91 62) Bromoform 19.90 173 90302 0.61 PPBV 98 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.27 83 110945 0.60 PPBV 97 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 20.47 105 172256 0.57 PPBV 97 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 20.47 91 149643 0.55 PPBV 98 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.51 105 125291 0.55 PPBV 97 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.83 105 125821 0.53 PPBV 99 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 21.10 146 85300 0.52 PPBV 97 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.18 146 84331 0.50 PPBV 96 70) Benzyl chloride 21.26 91 126563 0.52 PPBV 94 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 21.49 146 77386 0.50 PPBV 97 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 22.85 180 86453 0.81 PPBV 98 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 22.94 225 68154 0.94 PPBV 98 74) Naphthalene 23.14 128 230386 0.79 PPBV # 79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201400.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:35:24 2012 Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201401.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 1:43 pm Operator: DB Sample : 1.65ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 25mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:34 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:34:39 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 1400000 1600000 1800000 2000000 2200000 2400000 2600000 2800000 3000000 3200000 3400000 3600000 3800000 4000000 4200000 4400000 4600000 4800000 5000000 5200000 5400000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201401.D NaphthaleneHexachlorobutadiene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2-DichlorobenzeneBenzyl chloride1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene4-Ethyltoluene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoformStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-Xylenes1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneEthylbenzeneChlorobenzeneChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,2-DibromoethaneDibromochloromethane2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)Tetrachloroethene1,1,2-Trichloroethanetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketonecis-1,3-DichloropropeneBromodichloromethane1,4-DioxaneMethyl methacrylate1,2-DichloropropaneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IHeptane2,2,4-trimethylpentane1,2-DichloroethaneBenzeneCarbon tetrachlorideCyclohexane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneChloroformTetrahydrofuranBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetatecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)1,1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetateHexanetrans-1,2-DichloroetheneMethyl tert-butyl etherAcrylonitrileMethylene chlorideAllyl chloride (3-chloropropene)AcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneFreon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1,1-DichloroetheneAcroleinEthanolFreon 11 (CCl3F)Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide)ChloroethaneBromomethane1,3-ButadieneChloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ChloromethaneFreon 114 (C2Cl2F4)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)PropyleneL1201401.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:36:38 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201401.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 1:43 pm Operator: DB Sample : 1.65ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 25mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:34 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:34:20 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.07 130 537994 11.03 PPBV 0.00 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.87 114 2011663 10.52 PPBV 0.00 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.07 117 2045766 11.20 PPBV 0.00 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 4.68 41 122234 1.95 PPBV # 71 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.79 85 298306 1.71 PPBV 97 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 5.17 85 328643 1.75 PPBV # 93 5) Chloromethane 5.28 50 121185 1.77 PPBV 98 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 5.61 62 108512 1.70 PPBV 100 7) 1,3-Butadiene 5.73 39 108616 1.86 PPBV 89 8) Bromomethane 6.49 94 124641 1.74 PPBV 99 9) Chloroethane 6.78 64 59455 1.70 PPBV 95 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 7.25 106 112838 1.72 PPBV # 97 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 7.43 101 274355 1.88 PPBV 98 12) Ethanol 7.86 45 38062 1.78 PPBV 77 13) Acrolein 8.43 56 39060 1.70 PPBV 94 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 8.69 151 131868 1.65 PPBV 99 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 8.65 61 158074 1.60 PPBV 89 16) Acetone 8.76 43 206012 1.66 PPBV # 83 17) Carbon disulfide 9.16 76 286870 1.67 PPBV 94 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.12 45 234758 1.84 PPBV # 89 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 9.51 76 47251 1.73 PPBV # 52 20) Acetonitrile 9.37 41 97955 1.55 PPBV # 84 21) Methylene chloride 9.79 49 170999 1.80 PPBV # 78 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.42 61 154135 1.71 PPBV 99 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 10.42 73 278412 1.79 PPBV # 87 24) Acrylonitrile 10.30 53 82227 1.65 PPBV # 90 25) Hexane 11.04 57 158110 1.78 PPBV # 79 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 11.39 63 189402 1.73 PPBV 98 27) Vinyl acetate 11.39 43 395880 1.83 PPBV 97 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 12.60 61 186155 1.77 PPBV 95 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.58 72 49913 1.76 PPBV 78 30) Ethyl acetate 12.67 45 43333 1.74 PPBV # 87 31) Chloroform 13.25 83 228020 1.75 PPBV 98 32) Tetrahydrofuran 13.12 72 49310 1.77 PPBV # 59 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 13.58 97 226877 1.76 PPBV 95 34) Cyclohexane 13.72 56 165770 1.77 PPBV # 80 35) Carbon tetrachloride 13.86 117 229285 1.75 PPBV 97 37) Benzene 14.20 78 300050 1.77 PPBV # 94 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.39 57 508485 1.77 PPBV # 80 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.28 62 152084 1.79 PPBV 99 40) Heptane 14.67 57 101643 1.81 PPBV 88 41) Trichloroethene 15.25 130 151313 1.76 PPBV # 89 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 15.66 63 116777 1.81 PPBV 93 43) Methyl methacrylate 15.70 69 114625 1.79 PPBV # 89 44) 1,4-Dioxane 15.76 88 68904 1.75 PPBV # 79 45) Bromodichloromethane 16.08 83 262935 1.79 PPBV # 96 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 16.82 75 201640 1.83 PPBV 96 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.04 43 344813 1.83 PPBV # 93 49) Toluene 17.41 91 360766 1.74 PPBV 96 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 17.70 75 176988 1.60 PPBV 98 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17.97 97 143469 1.71 PPBV 88 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.10 166 182522 1.71 PPBV 96 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.19 43 334788 1.80 PPBV # 91 54) Dibromochloromethane 18.44 129 275311 1.79 PPBV 100 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 18.59 107 243223 1.70 PPBV 97 56) Chlorobenzene 19.11 112 303018 1.73 PPBV # 87 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201401.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:36:37 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201401.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 1:43 pm Operator: DB Sample : 1.65ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 25mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:34 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:34:20 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 19.19 91 477131 1.84 PPBV 100 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.19 131 163637 1.66 PPBV # 93 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.32 91 707887 3.53 PPBV 94 60) o-Xylene 19.69 91 365434 1.78 PPBV 93 61) Styrene 19.71 104 292742 1.73 PPBV 90 62) Bromoform 19.90 173 235459 1.69 PPBV 98 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.27 83 297378 1.70 PPBV 98 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 20.47 105 461897 1.62 PPBV 96 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 20.47 91 410495 1.61 PPBV 98 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.51 105 341953 1.59 PPBV 96 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.83 105 333526 1.49 PPBV 97 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 21.11 146 228223 1.46 PPBV 97 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.19 146 222876 1.40 PPBV 97 70) Benzyl chloride 21.27 91 340625 1.50 PPBV 94 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 21.49 146 199635 1.36 PPBV 96 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 22.86 180 88285 0.88 PPBV 99 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 22.96 225 63894 0.94 PPBV 98 74) Naphthalene 23.14 128 232085 0.84 PPBV # 79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201401.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:36:37 2012 Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201409.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 8:10 pm Operator: DB Sample : 3.3ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 50mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:37 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:37:47 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201409.D NaphthaleneHexachlorobutadiene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2-DichlorobenzeneBenzyl chloride1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene4-Ethyltoluene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoformStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-Xylenes1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneEthylbenzeneChlorobenzeneChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,2-DibromoethaneDibromochloromethane2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)Tetrachloroethene1,1,2-Trichloroethanetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketonecis-1,3-DichloropropeneBromodichloromethane1,4-DioxaneMethyl methacrylate1,2-DichloropropaneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IHeptane2,2,4-trimethylpentane1,2-DichloroethaneBenzeneCarbon tetrachlorideCyclohexane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneChloroformTetrahydrofuranBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetatecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)1,1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetateHexanetrans-1,2-DichloroetheneMethyl tert-butyl etherAcrylonitrileMethylene chlorideAllyl chloride (3-chloropropene)AcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneFreon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1,1-DichloroetheneAcroleinEthanolFreon 11 (CCl3F)Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide)ChloroethaneBromomethane1,3-ButadieneChloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ChloromethaneFreon 114 (C2Cl2F4)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)PropyleneL1201409.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:38:10 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201409.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 8:10 pm Operator: DB Sample : 3.3ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 50mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:37 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:34:39 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.08 130 525089 11.03 PPBV 0.01 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.88 114 1959096 10.52 PPBV 0.01 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.09 117 1833148 11.20 PPBV 0.01 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 4.70 41 226926 3.72 PPBV # 72 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.81 85 584635 3.44 PPBV 98 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 5.19 85 652971 3.55 PPBV # 93 5) Chloromethane 5.31 50 235385 3.53 PPBV 98 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 5.63 62 223310 3.58 PPBV 99 7) 1,3-Butadiene 5.75 39 209620 3.68 PPBV # 87 8) Bromomethane 6.50 94 248387 3.55 PPBV 99 9) Chloroethane 6.80 64 118492 3.48 PPBV 99 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 7.27 106 224277 3.50 PPBV # 95 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 7.44 101 521799 3.66 PPBV 98 12) Ethanol 7.88 45 73936 3.54 PPBV # 79 13) Acrolein 8.45 56 79980 3.56 PPBV 93 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 8.72 151 264251 3.39 PPBV 99 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 8.67 61 335653 3.48 PPBV 93 16) Acetone 8.78 43 427202 3.52 PPBV # 81 17) Carbon disulfide 9.17 76 585581 3.49 PPBV # 92 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.13 45 472957 3.80 PPBV # 85 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 9.52 76 94833 3.56 PPBV # 50 20) Acetonitrile 9.39 41 194154 3.16 PPBV # 84 21) Methylene chloride 9.81 49 315411 3.40 PPBV # 80 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.44 61 312195 3.54 PPBV 99 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 10.44 73 556638 3.67 PPBV # 87 24) Acrylonitrile 10.32 53 170779 3.51 PPBV # 89 25) Hexane 11.06 57 314029 3.61 PPBV # 78 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 11.40 63 381825 3.58 PPBV 99 27) Vinyl acetate 11.40 43 811230 3.85 PPBV 97 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 12.61 61 373036 3.62 PPBV 96 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.58 72 102494 3.71 PPBV 77 30) Ethyl acetate 12.67 45 89850 3.71 PPBV # 84 31) Chloroform 13.26 83 456429 3.59 PPBV 97 32) Tetrahydrofuran 13.12 72 102158 3.77 PPBV # 60 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 13.59 97 450889 3.58 PPBV 95 34) Cyclohexane 13.74 56 334326 3.65 PPBV # 80 35) Carbon tetrachloride 13.88 117 448001 3.50 PPBV 97 37) Benzene 14.21 78 608814 3.68 PPBV # 93 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.40 57 1020754 3.65 PPBV # 80 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.29 62 298096 3.60 PPBV 98 40) Heptane 14.67 57 205759 3.76 PPBV 89 41) Trichloroethene 15.26 130 305000 3.64 PPBV # 89 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 15.68 63 237963 3.78 PPBV 93 43) Methyl methacrylate 15.71 69 234036 3.74 PPBV # 89 44) 1,4-Dioxane 15.78 88 137983 3.61 PPBV # 82 45) Bromodichloromethane 16.08 83 528361 3.69 PPBV # 97 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 16.82 75 412505 3.84 PPBV 98 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.04 43 711716 3.88 PPBV # 94 49) Toluene 17.42 91 735501 3.96 PPBV 96 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 17.71 75 363049 3.67 PPBV 98 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17.97 97 297529 3.96 PPBV 88 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.11 166 377200 3.95 PPBV 95 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.20 43 692092 4.15 PPBV # 91 54) Dibromochloromethane 18.44 129 563912 4.08 PPBV 99 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 18.60 107 508341 3.97 PPBV 97 56) Chlorobenzene 19.12 112 644202 4.10 PPBV # 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201409.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:38:09 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201409.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 8:10 pm Operator: DB Sample : 3.3ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 50mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:37 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:34:39 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 19.20 91 1020621 4.40 PPBV 100 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.20 131 345522 3.92 PPBV 92 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.32 91 1527259 8.50 PPBV 94 60) o-Xylene 19.70 91 806018 4.38 PPBV 93 61) Styrene 19.71 104 653780 4.32 PPBV 89 62) Bromoform 19.91 173 515547 4.13 PPBV 98 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.27 83 691079 4.40 PPBV 98 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 20.47 105 1129703 4.41 PPBV 97 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 20.47 91 976740 4.28 PPBV 98 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.51 105 872074 4.54 PPBV 97 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.84 105 886969 4.41 PPBV 97 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 21.11 146 626345 4.47 PPBV 97 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.19 146 626318 4.39 PPBV 97 70) Benzyl chloride 21.27 91 911670 4.47 PPBV 94 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 21.49 146 584283 4.44 PPBV 97 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 22.86 180 363771 4.05 PPBV 98 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 22.96 225 251828 4.12 PPBV 98 74) Naphthalene 23.14 128 933238 3.77 PPBV # 79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201409.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:38:10 2012 Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201404.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 4:35 pm Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:38 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:37:47 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 7500000 8000000 8500000 9000000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201404.D NaphthaleneHexachlorobutadiene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2-DichlorobenzeneBenzyl chloride1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene4-Ethyltoluene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoformStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-Xylenes1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneEthylbenzeneChlorobenzeneChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,2-DibromoethaneDibromochloromethane2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)Tetrachloroethene1,1,2-Trichloroethanetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketonecis-1,3-DichloropropeneBromodichloromethane1,4-DioxaneMethyl methacrylate1,2-DichloropropaneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IHeptane2,2,4-trimethylpentane1,2-DichloroethaneBenzeneCarbon tetrachlorideCyclohexane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneChloroformTetrahydrofuranBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetatecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)1,1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetateHexanetrans-1,2-DichloroetheneMethyl tert-butyl etherAcrylonitrileMethylene chlorideAllyl chloride (3-chloropropene)AcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneFreon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1,1-DichloroetheneAcroleinEthanolFreon 11 (CCl3F)Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide)ChloroethaneBromomethane1,3-ButadieneChloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ChloromethaneFreon 114 (C2Cl2F4)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)PropyleneL1201404.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:38:43 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201404.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 4:35 pm Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:38 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:37:47 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.08 130 565097 11.03 PPBV 0.00 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.87 114 2107927 10.52 PPBV -0.01 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.07 117 2065230 11.20 PPBV -0.01 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 4.71 41 533996 8.13 PPBV # 71 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.81 85 1386386 7.58 PPBV 97 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 5.19 85 1525617 7.71 PPBV # 93 5) Chloromethane 5.30 50 550215 7.67 PPBV 98 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 5.63 62 524082 7.81 PPBV 99 7) 1,3-Butadiene 5.75 39 497919 8.13 PPBV 88 8) Bromomethane 6.50 94 590840 7.85 PPBV 99 9) Chloroethane 6.79 64 285701 7.80 PPBV 100 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 7.27 106 522538 7.58 PPBV # 96 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 7.44 101 1230381 8.02 PPBV 99 12) Ethanol 7.87 45 172042 7.65 PPBV # 79 13) Acrolein 8.44 56 211248 8.73 PPBV 91 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 8.70 151 619836 7.39 PPBV 98 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 8.66 61 795795 7.66 PPBV 94 16) Acetone 8.77 43 1016053 7.79 PPBV # 81 17) Carbon disulfide 9.17 76 1357019 7.51 PPBV # 92 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.12 45 1123921 8.40 PPBV # 86 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 9.52 76 224114 7.83 PPBV # 50 20) Acetonitrile 9.38 41 459827 6.94 PPBV # 83 21) Methylene chloride 9.80 49 710123 7.11 PPBV # 79 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.43 61 720274 7.59 PPBV 99 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 10.43 73 1299569 7.96 PPBV # 88 24) Acrylonitrile 10.30 53 396375 7.57 PPBV # 90 25) Hexane 11.06 57 732865 7.84 PPBV # 78 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 11.39 63 886609 7.72 PPBV 99 27) Vinyl acetate 11.39 43 1874218 8.25 PPBV 97 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 12.61 61 872287 7.87 PPBV 96 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.57 72 242069 8.14 PPBV 79 30) Ethyl acetate 12.66 45 205892 7.89 PPBV # 86 31) Chloroform 13.26 83 1066408 7.80 PPBV 98 32) Tetrahydrofuran 13.11 72 236752 8.11 PPBV # 60 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 13.58 97 1051387 7.76 PPBV 95 34) Cyclohexane 13.72 56 776131 7.88 PPBV # 80 35) Carbon tetrachloride 13.86 117 1054929 7.66 PPBV 97 37) Benzene 14.21 78 1405360 7.90 PPBV # 94 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.40 57 2356167 7.83 PPBV # 80 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.28 62 720380 8.08 PPBV 100 40) Heptane 14.67 57 481500 8.18 PPBV 90 41) Trichloroethene 15.25 130 716796 7.96 PPBV # 89 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 15.66 63 548043 8.09 PPBV 93 43) Methyl methacrylate 15.70 69 545213 8.11 PPBV # 89 44) 1,4-Dioxane 15.76 88 323757 7.86 PPBV # 82 45) Bromodichloromethane 16.08 83 1237891 8.04 PPBV # 96 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 16.82 75 964626 8.35 PPBV 98 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.04 43 1669002 8.46 PPBV # 94 49) Toluene 17.41 91 1709474 8.17 PPBV 95 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 17.70 75 854158 7.67 PPBV 98 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17.97 97 700670 8.27 PPBV 88 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.11 166 884494 8.22 PPBV 96 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.19 43 1613195 8.60 PPBV # 91 54) Dibromochloromethane 18.44 129 1324425 8.51 PPBV 99 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 18.59 107 1186413 8.22 PPBV 97 56) Chlorobenzene 19.11 112 1515611 8.56 PPBV 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201404.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:38:42 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201404.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 4:35 pm Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:38 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:37:47 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 19.19 91 2362353 9.04 PPBV 99 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.19 131 803883 8.09 PPBV 93 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.31 91 3544366 17.50 PPBV 93 60) o-Xylene 19.70 91 1884755 9.10 PPBV 93 61) Styrene 19.71 104 1524974 8.95 PPBV 90 62) Bromoform 19.90 173 1214982 8.65 PPBV 99 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.27 83 1605618 9.08 PPBV 98 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 20.47 105 2686357 9.31 PPBV 97 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 20.47 91 2289486 8.90 PPBV 99 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.51 105 2028766 9.37 PPBV 96 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.83 105 2090498 9.24 PPBV 97 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 21.10 146 1490067 9.44 PPBV 97 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.19 146 1482128 9.22 PPBV 97 70) Benzyl chloride 21.27 91 2145361 9.33 PPBV 94 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 21.49 146 1367821 9.22 PPBV 97 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 22.85 180 774232 7.64 PPBV 99 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 22.95 225 546773 7.93 PPBV 99 74) Naphthalene 23.14 128 1966866 7.05 PPBV # 79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201404.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:38:42 2012 Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201405.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 5:17 pm Operator: DB Sample : 16.5ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 250mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:39 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:39:51 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 7500000 8000000 8500000 9000000 9500000 1e+07 1.05e+07 1.1e+07 1.15e+07 1.2e+07 1.25e+07 1.3e+07 1.35e+07 1.4e+07 1.45e+07 1.5e+07 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201405.D NaphthaleneHexachlorobutadiene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2-DichlorobenzeneBenzyl chloride1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene4-Ethyltoluene2-Chlorotoluene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoformStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-Xylenes1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneEthylbenzeneChlorobenzeneChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,2-DibromoethaneDibromochloromethane2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)Tetrachloroethene1,1,2-Trichloroethanetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketonecis-1,3-DichloropropeneBromodichloromethane1,4-DioxaneMethyl methacrylate1,2-DichloropropaneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IHeptane2,2,4-trimethylpentane1,2-DichloroethaneBenzeneCarbon tetrachlorideCyclohexane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneChloroformTetrahydrofuranBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetatecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)1,1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetateHexanetrans-1,2-DichloroetheneMethyl tert-butyl etherAcrylonitrileMethylene chlorideAllyl chloride (3-chloropropene)AcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneFreon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1,1-DichloroetheneAcroleinEthanolFreon 11 (CCl3F)Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide)ChloroethaneBromomethane1,3-ButadieneChloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ChloromethaneFreon 114 (C2Cl2F4)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)PropyleneL1201405.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:39:57 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201405.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 5:17 pm Operator: DB Sample : 16.5ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 250mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:39 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:39:32 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.08 130 511785 11.03 PPBV 0.00 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.87 114 1899253 10.52 PPBV 0.00 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.09 117 1845581 11.20 PPBV 0.01 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 4.71 41 1048206 17.62 PPBV # 71 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.81 85 2710421 16.37 PPBV 98 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 5.20 85 2989111 16.68 PPBV # 94 5) Chloromethane 5.31 50 1095365 16.86 PPBV 98 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 5.63 62 1030764 16.97 PPBV 99 7) 1,3-Butadiene 5.75 39 972354 17.54 PPBV # 87 8) Bromomethane 6.50 94 1139816 16.72 PPBV 100 9) Chloroethane 6.80 64 546026 16.45 PPBV 100 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 7.27 106 1018302 16.30 PPBV # 96 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 7.44 101 2383120 17.15 PPBV 99 12) Ethanol 7.87 45 332454 16.32 PPBV # 77 13) Acrolein 8.44 56 417488 19.05 PPBV 90 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 8.72 151 1222107 16.08 PPBV 98 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 8.68 61 1547647 16.46 PPBV 93 16) Acetone 8.77 43 1945726 16.47 PPBV # 80 17) Carbon disulfide 9.18 76 2658184 16.24 PPBV # 92 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.11 45 2186123 18.04 PPBV # 85 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 9.53 76 439427 16.95 PPBV # 52 20) Acetonitrile 9.38 41 892855 14.89 PPBV # 83 21) Methylene chloride 9.81 49 1367281 15.12 PPBV # 80 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.44 61 1413464 16.44 PPBV 99 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 10.43 73 2562286 17.32 PPBV # 88 24) Acrylonitrile 10.31 53 780310 16.45 PPBV # 90 25) Hexane 11.06 57 1430368 16.89 PPBV # 78 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 11.40 63 1735457 16.68 PPBV 98 27) Vinyl acetate 11.39 43 3643999 17.72 PPBV 98 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 12.61 61 1713710 17.08 PPBV 97 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.57 72 481251 17.88 PPBV 82 30) Ethyl acetate 12.66 45 403837 17.09 PPBV # 86 31) Chloroform 13.26 83 2101872 16.98 PPBV 98 32) Tetrahydrofuran 13.11 72 471610 17.84 PPBV # 62 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 13.58 97 2078368 16.94 PPBV 96 34) Cyclohexane 13.73 56 1529900 17.16 PPBV # 80 35) Carbon tetrachloride 13.88 117 2073649 16.63 PPBV 97 37) Benzene 14.21 78 2781866 17.35 PPBV # 94 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.40 57 4586675 16.91 PPBV # 80 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.29 62 1386900 17.27 PPBV 99 40) Heptane 14.67 57 936258 17.65 PPBV 91 41) Trichloroethene 15.25 130 1432643 17.66 PPBV # 89 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 15.68 63 1084740 17.77 PPBV 93 43) Methyl methacrylate 15.71 69 1083367 17.88 PPBV # 87 44) 1,4-Dioxane 15.77 88 640830 17.25 PPBV # 82 45) Bromodichloromethane 16.08 83 2436809 17.56 PPBV # 96 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 16.82 75 1907822 18.33 PPBV 97 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.04 43 3264899 18.36 PPBV # 94 49) Toluene 17.42 91 3403214 18.20 PPBV 95 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 17.70 75 1699629 17.07 PPBV 98 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17.97 97 1373629 18.15 PPBV 88 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.11 166 1752926 18.24 PPBV 96 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.19 43 3147624 18.77 PPBV # 91 54) Dibromochloromethane 18.44 129 2597057 18.67 PPBV 99 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 18.60 107 2348157 18.20 PPBV 97 56) Chlorobenzene 19.12 112 3000018 18.96 PPBV 93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201405.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:39:57 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201405.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 5:17 pm Operator: DB Sample : 16.5ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 250mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:39 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:39:32 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 19.20 91 4520884 19.37 PPBV 98 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.20 131 1567810 17.66 PPBV 93 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.33 91 6847120 37.84 PPBV 92 60) o-Xylene 19.70 91 3655566 19.74 PPBV 92 61) Styrene 19.71 104 2992602 19.65 PPBV 90 62) Bromoform 19.91 173 2407528 19.17 PPBV 99 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.27 83 3127549 19.79 PPBV 97 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 20.48 105 5503138 21.34 PPBV 92 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 20.47 91 4355782 18.95 PPBV 99 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.52 105 3569038 18.45 PPBV # 84 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.84 105 4118810 20.36 PPBV 96 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 21.11 146 2959459 20.99 PPBV 97 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.19 146 2929218 20.38 PPBV 97 70) Benzyl chloride 21.27 91 4261076 20.73 PPBV 96 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 21.50 146 2740624 20.67 PPBV 97 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 22.86 180 1747050 19.30 PPBV 99 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 22.96 225 1172016 19.03 PPBV 98 74) Naphthalene 23.14 128 4347767 17.43 PPBV # 80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201405.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:39:57 2012 Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201406.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 6:03 pm Operator: DB Sample : 33ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 500mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:40 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:40:20 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 6000000 7000000 8000000 9000000 1e+07 1.1e+07 1.2e+07 1.3e+07 1.4e+07 1.5e+07 1.6e+07 1.7e+07 1.8e+07 1.9e+07 2e+07 2.1e+07 2.2e+07 2.3e+07 2.4e+07 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201406.D NaphthaleneHexachlorobutadiene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2-DichlorobenzeneBenzyl chloride1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene4-Ethyltoluene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoformStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-XylenesEthylbenzene1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneChlorobenzeneChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,2-DibromoethaneDibromochloromethane2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)Tetrachloroethene1,1,2-Trichloroethanetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketonecis-1,3-DichloropropeneBromodichloromethane1,4-DioxaneMethyl methacrylate1,2-DichloropropaneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IHeptane2,2,4-trimethylpentane1,2-DichloroethaneBenzeneCarbon tetrachlorideCyclohexane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneChloroformTetrahydrofuranBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetatecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)1,1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetateHexanetrans-1,2-DichloroetheneMethyl tert-butyl etherAcrylonitrileMethylene chlorideAllyl chloride (3-chloropropene)AcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneFreon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1,1-DichloroetheneAcroleinEthanolFreon 11 (CCl3F)Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide)ChloroethaneBromomethane1,3-ButadieneChloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ChloromethaneFreon 114 (C2Cl2F4)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)PropyleneL1201406.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:40:28 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (Not Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201406.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 6:03 pm Operator: DB Sample : 33ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 500mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:40 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:39:51 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.08 130 528136 11.03 PPBV 0.00 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.88 114 1943308 10.52 PPBV 0.00 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.08 117 1862242 11.20 PPBV 0.00 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 4.71 41 2049504 33.39 PPBV # 71 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.81 85 5232600 30.62 PPBV 98 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 5.19 85 5785251 31.29 PPBV # 94 5) Chloromethane 5.30 50 2116264 31.57 PPBV 98 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 5.63 62 2031117 32.40 PPBV 100 7) 1,3-Butadiene 5.75 39 1878146 32.82 PPBV # 86 8) Bromomethane 6.50 94 2249964 31.99 PPBV 99 9) Chloroethane 6.80 64 1084210 31.65 PPBV 100 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 7.26 106 2004093 31.09 PPBV # 96 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 7.44 101 4596987 32.06 PPBV 99 12) Ethanol 7.87 45 664813 31.63 PPBV # 77 13) Acrolein 8.44 56 840345 37.16 PPBV 91 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 8.71 151 2427220 30.94 PPBV 99 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 8.67 61 3049811 31.43 PPBV 92 16) Acetone 8.77 43 3844812 31.54 PPBV # 80 17) Carbon disulfide 9.18 76 5274579 31.22 PPBV # 92 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.12 45 4161992 33.28 PPBV # 86 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 9.53 76 880710 32.91 PPBV # 52 20) Acetonitrile 9.38 41 1801670 29.11 PPBV # 83 21) Methylene chloride 9.81 49 2670846 28.62 PPBV # 81 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.43 61 2794180 31.49 PPBV 98 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 10.43 73 5102963 33.43 PPBV # 89 24) Acrylonitrile 10.31 53 1573732 32.14 PPBV # 90 25) Hexane 11.06 57 2848964 32.60 PPBV # 78 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 11.40 63 3447522 32.12 PPBV 98 27) Vinyl acetate 11.40 43 7089597 33.41 PPBV 99 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 12.61 61 3399712 32.84 PPBV 97 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.58 72 962316 34.64 PPBV 87 30) Ethyl acetate 12.67 45 800399 32.83 PPBV # 87 31) Chloroform 13.26 83 4182525 32.74 PPBV 97 32) Tetrahydrofuran 13.12 72 942611 34.55 PPBV # 64 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 13.59 97 4123153 32.56 PPBV 96 34) Cyclohexane 13.73 56 3039707 33.03 PPBV # 81 35) Carbon tetrachloride 13.87 117 4100420 31.87 PPBV 97 37) Benzene 14.20 78 5490414 33.47 PPBV # 94 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.40 57 8886727 32.02 PPBV # 80 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.28 62 2778288 33.81 PPBV 98 40) Heptane 14.68 57 1839094 33.89 PPBV 92 41) Trichloroethene 15.26 130 2870236 34.57 PPBV # 89 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 15.67 63 2117748 33.91 PPBV 93 43) Methyl methacrylate 15.71 69 2149674 34.68 PPBV # 85 44) 1,4-Dioxane 15.76 88 1304187 34.30 PPBV # 83 45) Bromodichloromethane 16.09 83 4816920 33.93 PPBV # 96 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 16.82 75 3817352 35.84 PPBV 97 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.04 43 6296019 34.60 PPBV # 93 49) Toluene 17.41 91 6616636 35.07 PPBV 94 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 17.70 75 3376819 33.62 PPBV 99 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17.97 97 2714810 35.55 PPBV 87 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.11 166 3371954 34.77 PPBV 96 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.20 43 5945478 35.14 PPBV 91 54) Dibromochloromethane 18.45 129 5038035 35.90 PPBV 98 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 18.60 107 4603957 35.36 PPBV 97 56) Chlorobenzene 19.11 112 5857369 36.68 PPBV 93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201406.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:40:28 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (Not Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201406.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 6:03 pm Operator: DB Sample : 33ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 500mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:40 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:39:51 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 19.20 91 7724903 32.80 PPBV 96 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.19 131 2836930 31.67 PPBV 93 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.32 91 12377413 67.78 PPBV 89 60) o-Xylene 19.70 91 6755526 36.16 PPBV 90 61) Styrene 19.72 104 5616483 36.54 PPBV # 89 62) Bromoform 19.91 173 4484743 35.39 PPBV 99 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.27 83 5964619 37.41 PPBV 96 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 20.48 105 8831152 33.93 PPBV 99 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 20.48 91 7361140 31.74 PPBV 100 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.52 105 7232750 37.05 PPBV 93 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.84 105 7776711 38.10 PPBV 95 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 21.11 146 5630909 39.58 PPBV 97 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.19 146 5584798 38.51 PPBV 97 70) Benzyl chloride 21.28 91 8203559 39.56 PPBV 97 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 21.50 146 5306742 39.66 PPBV 97 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 22.86 180 3646984 39.93 PPBV 99 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 22.95 225 2260394 36.37 PPBV 98 74) Naphthalene 23.15 128 9044262 35.93 PPBV # 80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201406.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:40:28 2012 Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201407.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 6:53 pm Operator: DB Sample : 49.5ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 750mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:40 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 6000000 7000000 8000000 9000000 1e+07 1.1e+07 1.2e+07 1.3e+07 1.4e+07 1.5e+07 1.6e+07 1.7e+07 1.8e+07 1.9e+07 2e+07 2.1e+07 2.2e+07 2.3e+07 2.4e+07 2.5e+07 2.6e+07 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201407.D NaphthaleneHexachlorobutadiene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2-DichlorobenzeneBenzyl chloride1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene4-Ethyltoluene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoformStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-XylenesEthylbenzene1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneChlorobenzeneChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,2-DibromoethaneDibromochloromethane2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)Tetrachloroethene1,1,2-Trichloroethanetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketonecis-1,3-DichloropropeneBromodichloromethane1,4-DioxaneMethyl methacrylate1,2-DichloropropaneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IHeptane2,2,4-trimethylpentane1,2-DichloroethaneBenzeneCarbon tetrachlorideCyclohexane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneChloroformTetrahydrofuranBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetatecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)1,1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetateHexanetrans-1,2-DichloroetheneMethyl tert-butyl etherAcrylonitrileMethylene chlorideAllyl chloride (3-chloropropene)AcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneFreon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1,1-DichloroetheneAcroleinEthanolFreon 11 (CCl3F)Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide)ChloroethaneBromomethane1,3-ButadieneChloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ChloromethaneFreon 114 (C2Cl2F4)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)PropyleneL1201407.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:41:06 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201407.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 6:53 pm Operator: DB Sample : 49.5ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 750mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:40 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:40:20 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.08 130 551135 11.03 PPBV 0.00 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.88 114 2054023 10.52 PPBV 0.00 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.08 117 1929586 11.20 PPBV 0.00 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 4.71 41 3014596 47.06 PPBV # 71 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.81 85 7631751 42.80 PPBV 99 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 5.19 85 8392425 43.50 PPBV # 95 5) Chloromethane 5.31 50 3150344 45.03 PPBV 98 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 5.63 62 2972703 45.43 PPBV 100 7) 1,3-Butadiene 5.76 39 2774617 46.47 PPBV # 86 8) Bromomethane 6.51 94 3327129 45.33 PPBV 100 9) Chloroethane 6.80 64 1633094 45.69 PPBV 100 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 7.26 106 2995425 44.53 PPBV # 96 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 7.44 101 6660123 44.50 PPBV 100 12) Ethanol 7.88 45 999728 45.58 PPBV # 77 13) Acrolein 8.45 56 1286056 54.49 PPBV 90 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 8.71 151 3663176 44.75 PPBV 99 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 8.67 61 4574493 45.18 PPBV 90 16) Acetone 8.77 43 5790162 45.51 PPBV # 80 17) Carbon disulfide 9.18 76 7905053 44.84 PPBV # 92 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.12 45 6224536 47.69 PPBV # 86 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 9.53 76 1331969 47.70 PPBV # 55 20) Acetonitrile 9.39 41 2752398 42.62 PPBV # 83 21) Methylene chloride 9.81 49 4007278 41.15 PPBV # 81 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.43 61 4153875 44.87 PPBV 97 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 10.43 73 7607520 47.76 PPBV # 89 24) Acrylonitrile 10.31 53 2391453 46.81 PPBV # 90 25) Hexane 11.06 57 4246809 46.56 PPBV # 79 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 11.40 63 5144649 45.93 PPBV 98 27) Vinyl acetate 11.40 43 10295320 46.49 PPBV 100 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 12.60 61 5093665 47.15 PPBV 98 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.57 72 1448309 49.96 PPBV 92 30) Ethyl acetate 12.67 45 1187453 46.68 PPBV # 88 31) Chloroform 13.26 83 6229706 46.73 PPBV 97 32) Tetrahydrofuran 13.12 72 1440045 50.58 PPBV # 66 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 13.59 97 6110910 46.25 PPBV 96 34) Cyclohexane 13.73 56 4471773 46.57 PPBV # 82 35) Carbon tetrachloride 13.87 117 6038251 44.98 PPBV 97 37) Benzene 14.20 78 8117642 46.81 PPBV # 94 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.40 57 12944538 44.13 PPBV # 80 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.28 62 4144568 47.71 PPBV 98 40) Heptane 14.68 57 2704036 47.14 PPBV 93 41) Trichloroethene 15.26 130 4247318 48.40 PPBV # 89 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 15.67 63 3120675 47.27 PPBV 93 43) Methyl methacrylate 15.71 69 3149658 48.07 PPBV # 84 44) 1,4-Dioxane 15.76 88 2005673 49.91 PPBV # 83 45) Bromodichloromethane 16.08 83 7071200 47.13 PPBV # 96 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 16.82 75 5647333 50.17 PPBV 97 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.05 43 9166225 47.66 PPBV # 93 49) Toluene 17.41 91 9762631 49.93 PPBV 93 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 17.70 75 4978159 47.83 PPBV 98 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17.98 97 3986083 50.38 PPBV 87 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.11 166 4701277 46.78 PPBV 97 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.20 43 8453901 48.22 PPBV # 90 54) Dibromochloromethane 18.45 129 7130737 49.03 PPBV 97 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 18.60 107 6660135 49.37 PPBV 97 56) Chlorobenzene 19.11 112 8422020 50.90 PPBV 94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201407.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:41:05 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201407.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 6:53 pm Operator: DB Sample : 49.5ppbv TO-15 std Inst : Lurch Misc : 750mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:40 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:40:20 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 19.20 91 9570551 39.22 PPBV 94 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.19 131 3759675 40.50 PPBV 94 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.32 91 15518944 82.02 PPBV 86 60) o-Xylene 19.70 91 8749755 45.20 PPBV 88 61) Styrene 19.72 104 7375041 46.31 PPBV # 90 62) Bromoform 19.91 173 6058978 46.15 PPBV 100 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.28 83 8151087 49.34 PPBV 96 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 20.48 105 10590794 39.27 PPBV 98 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 20.48 91 9136229 38.02 PPBV 98 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.52 105 10068990 49.78 PPBV 92 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.84 105 10575165 50.00 PPBV 93 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 21.11 146 7753839 52.60 PPBV 97 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.19 146 7714217 51.34 PPBV 97 70) Benzyl chloride 21.27 91 11274262 52.47 PPBV 100 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 21.50 146 7330026 52.87 PPBV 96 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 22.86 180 5259093 55.57 PPBV 99 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 22.96 225 3061459 47.54 PPBV 98 74) Naphthalene 23.15 128 13162334 50.47 PPBV # 82 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201407.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:41:05 2012 Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201410.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 8:50 pm Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 ICV std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #1414 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:52 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 7500000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201410.D NaphthaleneHexachlorobutadiene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2-DichlorobenzeneBenzyl chloride1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene4-Ethyltoluene2-Chlorotoluene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoformStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-Xylenes1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneEthylbenzeneChlorobenzeneChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,2-DibromoethaneDibromochloromethane2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)Tetrachloroethene1,1,2-Trichloroethanetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketonecis-1,3-DichloropropeneBromodichloromethane1,4-DioxaneMethyl methacrylate1,2-DichloropropaneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IHeptane2,2,4-trimethylpentane1,2-DichloroethaneBenzeneCarbon tetrachlorideCyclohexane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneChloroformTetrahydrofuranBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetatecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)Vinyl acetate1,1-DichloroethaneHexanetrans-1,2-DichloroetheneMethyl tert-butyl etherAcrylonitrileMethylene chlorideAllyl chloride (3-chloropropene)AcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneFreon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1,1-DichloroetheneAcroleinEthanolFreon 11 (CCl3F)Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide)ChloroethaneBromomethane1,3-ButadieneChloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ChloromethaneFreon 114 (C2Cl2F4)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)PropyleneL1201410.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:52:38 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201410.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 8:50 pm Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 ICV std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #1414 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:52 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.08 130 537310 11.03 PPBV 0.00 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.88 114 2013301 10.52 PPBV 0.00 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.08 117 1900220 11.20 PPBV 0.00 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 4.70 41 498900 7.99 PPBV # 71 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.80 85 1288859 7.41 PPBV 98 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 5.18 85 1427781 7.59 PPBV # 93 5) Chloromethane 5.30 50 519733 7.62 PPBV 99 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 5.62 62 494985 7.76 PPBV 99 7) 1,3-Butadiene 5.74 39 468306 8.04 PPBV # 88 8) Bromomethane 6.50 94 541011 7.56 PPBV 98 9) Chloroethane 6.79 64 260464 7.47 PPBV 99 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 7.26 106 484101 7.38 PPBV # 96 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 7.44 101 1147535 7.87 PPBV 99 12) Ethanol 7.87 45 130716 6.11 PPBV # 78 13) Acrolein 8.44 56 178518 7.76 PPBV 90 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 8.70 151 584589 7.33 PPBV 98 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 8.66 61 702124 7.11 PPBV 89 16) Acetone 8.76 43 947874 7.64 PPBV # 80 17) Carbon disulfide 9.17 76 1270709 7.39 PPBV # 92 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.12 45 914131 7.18 PPBV # 86 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 9.52 76 205656 7.55 PPBV # 50 20) Acetonitrile 9.38 41 411882 6.54 PPBV # 83 21) Methylene chloride 9.80 49 660259 6.95 PPBV # 79 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.43 61 674328 7.47 PPBV 99 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 10.43 73 1214626 7.82 PPBV # 87 24) Acrylonitrile 10.31 53 361740 7.26 PPBV # 90 25) Hexane 11.05 57 683473 7.69 PPBV # 78 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 11.39 63 832791 7.63 PPBV 99 27) Vinyl acetate 11.40 43 1747230 8.09 PPBV 97 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 12.61 61 816237 7.75 PPBV 96 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.58 72 226013 8.00 PPBV 83 30) Ethyl acetate 12.67 45 190204 7.67 PPBV # 85 31) Chloroform 13.26 83 1005351 7.73 PPBV 99 32) Tetrahydrofuran 13.12 72 217917 7.85 PPBV # 59 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 13.58 97 983180 7.63 PPBV 96 34) Cyclohexane 13.73 56 731759 7.82 PPBV # 79 35) Carbon tetrachloride 13.87 117 978771 7.48 PPBV 97 37) Benzene 14.21 78 1319255 7.76 PPBV # 93 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.40 57 2190326 7.62 PPBV # 80 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.29 62 655806 7.70 PPBV 99 40) Heptane 14.67 57 444883 7.91 PPBV 90 41) Trichloroethene 15.25 130 675006 7.85 PPBV # 89 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 15.67 63 521112 8.05 PPBV 94 43) Methyl methacrylate 15.70 69 513761 8.00 PPBV # 87 44) 1,4-Dioxane 15.76 88 259518 6.59 PPBV # 81 45) Bromodichloromethane 16.08 83 1162162 7.90 PPBV # 96 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 16.82 75 898114 8.14 PPBV 97 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.04 43 1548814 8.22 PPBV # 94 49) Toluene 17.41 91 1593716 8.28 PPBV 95 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 17.71 75 796094 7.77 PPBV 98 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17.97 97 654838 8.40 PPBV 88 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.11 166 823373 8.32 PPBV 96 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.20 43 1529155 8.86 PPBV # 91 54) Dibromochloromethane 18.44 129 1230540 8.59 PPBV 99 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 18.60 107 1102509 8.30 PPBV 97 56) Chlorobenzene 19.11 112 1401829 8.60 PPBV 91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201410.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:52:37 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201410.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 8:50 pm Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 ICV std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #1414 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 10 18:52 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 19.19 91 2189132 9.11 PPBV 99 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.19 131 736232 8.05 PPBV 92 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.33 91 3262536 17.51 PPBV 94 60) o-Xylene 19.70 91 1727473 9.06 PPBV 93 61) Styrene 19.71 104 1403297 8.95 PPBV 90 62) Bromoform 19.91 173 1117318 8.64 PPBV 98 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.27 83 1460898 8.98 PPBV 97 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 20.48 105 2597671 9.78 PPBV 92 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 20.47 91 2079625 8.79 PPBV 98 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.52 105 1670846 8.39 PPBV 86 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.83 105 1904610 9.14 PPBV 97 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 21.11 146 1331108 9.17 PPBV 97 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.19 146 1314567 8.88 PPBV 97 70) Benzyl chloride 21.27 91 1901370 8.99 PPBV 94 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 21.50 146 1220676 8.94 PPBV 97 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 22.86 180 710233 7.62 PPBV 99 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 22.96 225 516625 8.15 PPBV 98 74) Naphthalene 23.14 128 1802834 7.02 PPBV # 79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201410.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:52:37 2012 Page 2 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201410.D Tank DF: 1.00 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Tag Value % Diff. From Tag Pass/Fail 41 4.70 498,900 7.99 7.99 9.08 12.0 PASS 85 4.80 1,288,859 7.41 7.41 8.17 9.2 PASS 85 5.18 1,427,781 7.59 7.59 8.33 8.9 PASS 50 5.30 519,733 7.62 7.62 8.42 9.4 PASS 62 5.62 494,985 7.76 7.76 8.42 7.8 PASS 39 5.74 468,306 8.04 8.04 8.75 8.0 PASS 94 6.50 541,011 7.56 7.56 8.42 10.2 PASS 64 6.79 260,464 7.47 7.47 8.33 10.3 PASS 106 7.26 484,101 7.38 7.38 8.25 10.5 PASS 101 7.44 1,147,535 7.87 7.87 8.66 9.2 PASS 45 7.87 130,716 6.11 6.11 8.42 27.4 PASS 56 8.44 178,518 7.76 7.76 8.99 13.7 PASS 151 8.70 584,589 7.33 7.33 8.09 9.4 PASS 61 8.66 702,124 7.11 7.11 8.17 12.9 PASS 43 8.76 947,874 7.64 7.64 8.66 11.8 PASS 76 9.17 1,270,709 7.39 7.39 8.17 9.5 PASS 45 9.12 914,131 7.18 7.18 8.99 20.1 PASS 76 9.52 205,656 7.55 7.55 8.50 11.1 PASS 41 9.38 411,882 6.54 6.54 7.59 13.8 PASS 49 9.80 660,259 6.95 6.95 8.33 16.5 PASS 61 10.43 674,328 7.47 7.47 8.25 9.4 PASS 73 10.43 1,214,626 7.82 7.82 8.66 9.7 PASS 53 10.31 361,740 7.26 7.26 8.25 12.0 PASS 57 11.05 683,473 7.69 7.69 8.58 10.4 PASS 63 11.39 832,791 7.63 7.63 8.42 9.4 PASS 43 11.40 1,747,230 8.09 8.09 8.83 8.3 PASS 61 12.61 816,237 7.75 7.75 8.58 9.7 PASS 72 12.58 226,013 8.00 8.00 8.83 9.4 PASS 45 12.67 190,204 7.67 7.67 8.50 9.8 PASS 83 13.26 1,005,351 7.73 7.73 8.50 9.0 PASS 72 13.12 217,917 7.85 7.85 8.83 11.1 PASS 97 13.58 983,180 7.63 7.63 8.50 10.2 PASS 56 13.73 731,759 7.82 7.82 8.58 8.9 PASS 117 13.87 978,771 7.48 7.48 8.33 10.3 PASS 78 14.21 1,319,255 7.76 7.76 8.58 9.5 PASS 57 14.40 2,190,326 7.62 7.62 8.42 9.5 PASS 62 14.29 655,806 7.70 7.70 8.66 11.1 PASS 57 14.67 444,883 7.91 7.91 8.75 9.5 PASS 130 15.25 675,006 7.85 7.85 8.66 9.4 PASS 63 15.67 521,112 8.05 8.05 8.75 7.9 PASS 69 15.70 513,761 8.00 8.00 8.75 8.5 PASS 88 15.76 259,518 6.59 6.59 8.66 23.9 PASS 83 16.08 1,162,162 7.90 7.90 8.66 8.8 PASS 75 16.82 898,114 8.14 8.14 8.99 9.5 PASS 43 17.04 1,548,814 8.22 8.22 8.92 7.9 PASS 91 17.41 1,593,716 8.28 8.28 8.83 6.2 PASS 75 17.71 796,094 7.77 7.77 8.25 5.8 PASS 97 17.97 654,838 8.40 8.40 8.83 4.8 PASS cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Methyl isobutyl ketone Toluene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Benzene 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1,2-Dichloroethane Heptane Trichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane Methyl methacrylate 1,4-Dioxane Bromodichloromethane Tetrahydrofuran 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Cyclohexane Carbon tetrachloride cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone) Ethyl acetate Chloroform Acrylonitrile Hexane 1,1-Dichloroethane Vinyl acetate Acetonitrile Methylene chloride trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl tert-butyl ether Acetone Carbon disulfide Isopropyl alcohol Allyl chloride (3-chloropropene) Ethanol Acrolein Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1,1-Dichloroethene Bromomethane Chloroethane Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) Freon 11 (CCl3F) Compound 5.0ppbv TO-15 ICV std 125mL load, can #1414 Propylene Freon 12 (CCl2F2) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) Chloromethane Chloroethene (Vinyl chloride) 1,3-Butadiene Company Analyst Parameters In House DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples TO-15 ICV NA NA 0612-20 RWsummaries REDO.xls 7/10/2012 Sample ID:DF: 1.00 Data File: L1201410.D Tank DF: 1.00 Tank/Misc ID:ConCal 1 Quant Ret. Time (min) Area Conc. as Analyzed (ppbv) Sample Conc. (ppbv) Flags Tag Value % Diff. From Tag Pass/FailCompound 5.0ppbv TO-15 ICV std 125mL load, can #1414 Company Analyst Parameters In House DB EPA Method TO-15 TCL Client # Job # # Samples TO-15 ICV NA NA 166 18.11 823,373 8.32 8.32 8.66 4.0 PASS 43 18.20 1,529,155 8.86 8.86 8.99 1.5 PASS 129 18.44 1,230,540 8.59 8.59 8.99 4.4 PASS 107 18.60 1,102,509 8.30 8.30 8.75 5.1 PASS 112 19.11 1,401,829 8.60 8.60 8.99 4.3 PASS 91 19.19 2,189,132 9.11 9.11 8.91 2.2 PASS 131 19.19 736,232 8.05 8.05 8.25 2.4 PASS 91 19.33 3,262,536 17.5 17.5 17.5 0.1 PASS 91 19.70 1,727,473 9.06 9.06 9.08 0.1 PASS 104 19.71 1,403,297 8.95 8.95 8.99 0.5 PASS 173 19.91 1,117,318 8.64 8.64 8.75 1.2 PASS 83 20.27 1,460,898 8.98 8.98 9.08 1.0 PASS 105 20.48 2,597,671 9.78 9.78 8.75 11.9 PASS 91 20.47 2,079,625 8.79 8.79 8.33 5.5 PASS 105 20.52 1,670,846 8.39 8.39 8.91 5.9 PASS 105 20.83 1,904,610 9.15 9.15 8.91 2.6 PASS 146 21.11 1,331,108 9.17 9.17 9.08 1.0 PASS 146 21.19 1,314,567 8.88 8.88 8.83 0.6 PASS 91 21.27 1,901,370 8.99 8.99 9.08 1.0 PASS 146 21.50 1,220,676 8.94 8.94 8.91 0.3 PASS 180 22.86 710,233 7.62 7.62 8.75 12.9 PASS 225 22.96 516,625 8.15 8.15 8.75 6.8 PASS 128 23.14 1,802,834 7.02 7.02 8.09 13.2 PASS Rec. (%) Flags 130 13.08 537,310 11.03 N/A 114 14.88 2,013,301 10.52 N/A 117 19.08 1,900,220 11.20 N/A Internal Standard Acceptance Criteria (Area +/- 40%, RT +/- 20 sec.) Concal Sample Ave. ICal Flag RT RT IS Area 13.05 13.08 539,287 Pass 14.85 14.88 2,012,245 Pass 19.06 19.08 1,964,160 Pass 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS)2,013,301 Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS)1,900,220 Sample Name IS Area Bromochloromethane (IS)537,310 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Naphthalene Internal Standard 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Benzyl chloride 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 4-Ethyltoluene 2-Chlorotoluene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene o-Xylene Styrene Bromoform 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane m-/p-Xylenes Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) Tetrachloroethene 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone) Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) Bromochloromethane (IS) 0612-20 RWsummaries REDO.xls 7/10/2012 Evaluate Continuing Calibration Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201438.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 10:46 am Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 CCV std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Multiple Level Calibration Min. RRF : 0.000 Min. Rel. Area : 40% Max. R.T. Dev 0.50min Max. RRF Dev : 30% Max. Rel. Area : 200% Compound AvgRF CCRF %Dev Area% Dev(min) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I Bromochloromethane (IS) 1.000 1.000 0.0 87 -0.03 2 Propylene 1.282 1.269 1.0 96 -0.03 3 Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 3.569 3.513 1.6 92 -0.03 4 Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 3.861 3.801 1.6 92 -0.03 5 Chloromethane 1.400 1.420 -1.4 97 -0.03 6 Chloroethene (Vinyl chlorid 1.309 1.320 -0.8 94 -0.04 7 1,3-Butadiene 1.195 1.247 -4.4 97 -0.04 8 Bromomethane 1.469 1.407 4.2 89 -0.03 9 Chloroethane 0.715 0.706 1.3 92 -0.03 10 Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide) 1.346 1.244 7.6 87 -0.03 11 Freon 11 (CCl3F) 2.995 2.898 3.2 91 -0.03 12 Ethanol 0.439 0.460 -4.8 100 -0.03 13 Acrolein 0.472 0.435 7.8 82 -0.04 14 Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 1.638 1.487 9.2 86 -0.04 15 1,1-Dichloroethene 2.026 1.851 8.6 84 -0.04 16 Acetone 2.546 2.231 12.4 85 -0.03 17 Carbon disulfide 3.528 3.288 6.8 88 -0.04 18 Isopropyl alcohol 2.612 2.518 3.6 90 -0.03 19 Allyl chloride (3-chloropro 0.559 0.516 7.7 87 -0.04 20 Acetonitrile 1.293 1.244 3.8 91 -0.04 21 Methylene chloride 1.949 1.729 11.3 90 -0.03 22 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.853 1.755 5.3 89 -0.03 23 Methyl tert-butyl ether 3.188 2.989 6.2 89 -0.03 24 Acrylonitrile 1.023 0.963 5.9 89 -0.03 25 Hexane 1.825 1.708 6.4 89 -0.03 26 1,1-Dichloroethane 2.242 2.124 5.3 90 -0.03 27 Vinyl acetate 4.432 4.314 2.7 90 -0.03 28 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 2.162 2.046 5.4 89 -0.03 29 Methyl ethyl ketone (2-Buta 0.580 0.560 3.4 91 -0.03 30 Ethyl acetate 0.509 0.495 2.8 91 -0.03 31 Chloroform 2.668 2.492 6.6 88 -0.03 32 Tetrahydrofuran 0.570 0.536 6.0 89 -0.03 33 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 2.644 2.437 7.8 88 -0.03 34 Cyclohexane 1.922 1.820 5.3 89 -0.03 35 Carbon tetrachloride 2.687 2.498 7.0 88 -0.03 36 I 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 1.000 1.000 0.0 92 -0.02 37 Benzene 0.888 0.791 10.9 89 -0.02 38 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 1.502 1.376 8.4 91 -0.02 39 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.445 0.395 11.2 88 -0.02 40 Heptane 0.294 0.267 9.2 90 -0.03 41 Trichloroethene 0.449 0.395 12.0 88 -0.03 42 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.338 0.314 7.1 93 -0.02 43 Methyl methacrylate 0.336 0.308 8.3 91 -0.03 44 1,4-Dioxane 0.206 0.196 4.9 97 -0.02 45 Bromodichloromethane 0.768 0.700 8.9 91 -0.03 46 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.577 0.524 9.2 90 -0.02 47 Methyl isobutyl ketone 0.985 0.939 4.7 93 -0.03 48 I Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 1.000 1.000 0.0 97 -0.01 49 Toluene 1.135 0.973 14.3 90 -0.02 50 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 0.604 0.524 13.2 90 -0.02 51 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.459 0.398 13.3 89 -0.02 52 Tetrachloroethene 0.583 0.505 13.4 88 -0.01 53 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ke 1.018 0.952 6.5 95 -0.02 54 Dibromochloromethane 0.844 0.730 13.5 88 -0.02 55 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.783 0.678 13.4 89 -0.02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = Out of Range L1201438.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:50:10 2012 Page 1 Evaluate Continuing Calibration Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201438.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 10:46 am Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 CCV std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Multiple Level Calibration Min. RRF : 0.000 Min. Rel. Area : 40% Max. R.T. Dev 0.50min Max. RRF Dev : 30% Max. Rel. Area : 200% Compound AvgRF CCRF %Dev Area% Dev(min) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 Chlorobenzene 0.960 0.831 13.4 88 -0.01 57 Ethylbenzene 1.416 1.347 4.9 91 -0.02 58 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.539 0.484 10.2 89 -0.01 59 m-/p-Xylenes 1.098 1.022 6.9 90 -0.01 60 o-Xylene 1.124 1.043 7.2 90 -0.01 61 Styrene 0.924 0.852 7.8 90 -0.02 62 Bromoform 0.762 0.690 9.4 89 -0.01 63 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.959 0.925 3.5 93 -0.02 64 4-Ethyltoluene 1.565 1.620 -3.5 94 -0.01 65 2-Chlorotoluene 1.395 1.392 0.2 90 -0.01 66 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.174 1.026 12.6 80 -0.01 67 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.228 1.160 5.5 88 -0.01 68 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.856 0.802 6.3 87 -0.02 69 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.872 0.821 5.8 87 -0.01 70 Benzyl chloride 1.247 1.169 6.3 88 -0.02 71 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.805 0.751 6.7 87 -0.01 72 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.549 0.467 14.9 94 -0.02 73 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.374 0.330 11.8 94 -0.02 74 Naphthalene 1.514 1.323 12.6 97 -0.02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = Out of Range SPCC's out = 0 CCC's out = 0 L1201438.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:50:10 2012 Page 2 Quantitation Report Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201438.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 10:46 am Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 CCV std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 10:49 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 5500000 6000000 6500000 7000000 7500000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201438.D NaphthaleneHexachlorobutadiene1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene1,2-DichlorobenzeneBenzyl chloride1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,3-Dichlorobenzene1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene2-Chlorotoluene4-Ethyltoluene1,1,2,2-TetrachloroethaneBromoformStyreneo-Xylenem-/p-Xylenes1,1,1,2-TetrachloroethaneEthylbenzeneChlorobenzeneChlorobenzene-d5 (IS),I1,2-DibromoethaneDibromochloromethane2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl ketone)Tetrachloroethene1,1,2-Trichloroethanetrans-1,3-DichloropropeneTolueneMethyl isobutyl ketonecis-1,3-DichloropropeneBromodichloromethane1,4-DioxaneMethyl methacrylate1,2-DichloropropaneTrichloroethene1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS),IHeptane2,2,4-trimethylpentane1,2-DichloroethaneBenzeneCarbon tetrachlorideCyclohexane1,1,1-TrichloroethaneChloroformTetrahydrofuranBromochloromethane (IS),IEthyl acetatecis-1,2-DichloroethyleneMethyl ethyl ketone (2-Butanone)1,1-DichloroethaneVinyl acetateHexanetrans-1,2-DichloroetheneMethyl tert-butyl etherAcrylonitrileMethylene chlorideAllyl chloride (3-chloropropene)AcetonitrileCarbon disulfideIsopropyl alcoholAcetoneFreon 113 (C2Cl3F3)1,1-DichloroetheneAcroleinEthanolFreon 11 (CCl3F)Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide)ChloroethaneBromomethane1,3-ButadieneChloroethene (Vinyl chloride)ChloromethaneFreon 114 (C2Cl2F4)Freon 12 (CCl2F2)PropyleneL1201438.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:49:51 2012 Page 3 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201438.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 10:46 am Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 CCV std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 10:49 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Internal Standards R.T. QIon Response Conc Units Dev(Min) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Bromochloromethane (IS) 13.04 130 490430 11.03 PPBV -0.03 36) 1,4-Difluorobenzene (IS) 14.85 114 1944470 10.52 PPBV -0.02 48) Chlorobenzene-d5 (IS) 19.07 117 1998806 11.20 PPBV -0.01 Target Compounds Qvalue 2) Propylene 4.67 41 511846 8.98 PPBV # 71 3) Freon 12 (CCl2F2) 4.78 85 1275755 8.04 PPBV 97 4) Freon 114 (C2Cl2F4) 5.16 85 1408423 8.20 PPBV # 93 5) Chloromethane 5.28 50 531478 8.54 PPBV 97 6) Chloroethene (Vinyl chlori 5.59 62 493826 8.48 PPBV 99 7) 1,3-Butadiene 5.71 39 485006 9.13 PPBV 90 8) Bromomethane 6.47 94 526594 8.06 PPBV 99 9) Chloroethane 6.77 64 261530 8.22 PPBV 99 10) Bromoethene (Vinyl bromide 7.23 106 456269 7.62 PPBV # 97 11) Freon 11 (CCl3F) 7.40 101 1116235 8.38 PPBV 99 12) Ethanol 7.84 45 172059 8.81 PPBV # 84 13) Acrolein 8.41 56 173932 8.28 PPBV 93 14) Freon 113 (C2Cl3F3) 8.67 151 534602 7.34 PPBV 98 15) 1,1-Dichloroethene 8.63 61 672312 7.46 PPBV 91 16) Acetone 8.74 43 859475 7.59 PPBV # 82 17) Carbon disulfide 9.13 76 1194081 7.61 PPBV 94 18) Isopropyl alcohol 9.09 45 1006863 8.67 PPBV # 86 19) Allyl chloride (3-chloropr 9.48 76 194848 7.84 PPBV # 47 20) Acetonitrile 9.34 41 419720 7.30 PPBV # 83 21) Methylene chloride 9.77 49 640590 7.39 PPBV # 77 22) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 10.40 61 643653 7.81 PPBV 98 23) Methyl tert-butyl ether 10.40 73 1151462 8.12 PPBV # 85 24) Acrylonitrile 10.28 53 353372 7.77 PPBV # 90 25) Hexane 11.02 57 651508 8.03 PPBV # 78 26) 1,1-Dichloroethane 11.36 63 794660 7.97 PPBV 99 27) Vinyl acetate 11.36 43 1693209 8.59 PPBV 97 28) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 12.57 61 780554 8.12 PPBV 93 29) Methyl ethyl ketone (2-But 12.54 72 219647 8.51 PPBV 77 30) Ethyl acetate 12.63 45 187091 8.26 PPBV # 84 31) Chloroform 13.22 83 941422 7.94 PPBV 98 32) Tetrahydrofuran 13.08 72 210550 8.31 PPBV # 56 33) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 13.56 97 920711 7.83 PPBV 94 34) Cyclohexane 13.70 56 694281 8.13 PPBV # 79 35) Carbon tetrachloride 13.84 117 925635 7.75 PPBV 97 37) Benzene 14.18 78 1255005 7.64 PPBV # 94 38) 2,2,4-trimethylpentane 14.37 57 2140066 7.71 PPBV # 80 39) 1,2-Dichloroethane 14.26 62 632822 7.70 PPBV 99 40) Heptane 14.64 57 431065 7.94 PPBV # 89 41) Trichloroethene 15.23 130 631693 7.60 PPBV # 88 42) 1,2-Dichloropropane 15.65 63 507296 8.12 PPBV 93 43) Methyl methacrylate 15.68 69 497376 8.02 PPBV # 89 44) 1,4-Dioxane 15.74 88 313229 8.23 PPBV # 80 45) Bromodichloromethane 16.05 83 1120604 7.89 PPBV # 97 46) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 16.79 75 870854 8.17 PPBV 98 47) Methyl isobutyl ketone 17.02 43 1547729 8.50 PPBV # 94 49) Toluene 17.39 91 1533731 7.57 PPBV 96 50) trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 17.68 75 771196 7.15 PPBV 97 51) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 17.95 97 626698 7.65 PPBV 87 52) Tetrachloroethene 18.09 166 780745 7.50 PPBV 95 53) 2-Hexanone (Methyl butyl k 18.17 43 1528216 8.41 PPBV # 91 54) Dibromochloromethane 18.42 129 1171617 7.78 PPBV 99 55) 1,2-Dibromoethane 18.57 107 1058857 7.58 PPBV 96 56) Chlorobenzene 19.10 112 1334466 7.79 PPBV # 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201438.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:49:50 2012 Page 1 Quantitation Report (QT Reviewed) Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201438.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 10:46 am Operator: DB Sample : 8.25ppbv TO-15 CCV std Inst : Lurch Misc : 125mL load, can #10897 Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Quant Time: Jul 11 10:49 2012 Quant Results File: L062912C.RES Quant Method : M:\MS2012\M...\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 Last Update : Tue Jul 10 18:41:00 2012 Response via : Initial Calibration DataAcq Meth : MM624-L Compound R.T. QIon Response Conc Unit Qvalue ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57) Ethylbenzene 19.18 91 2141278 8.47 PPBV 100 58) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 19.18 131 711926 7.40 PPBV # 92 59) m-/p-Xylenes 19.31 91 3189935 16.28 PPBV 94 60) o-Xylene 19.68 91 1689436 8.43 PPBV 93 61) Styrene 19.69 104 1366648 8.28 PPBV 90 62) Bromoform 19.89 173 1077198 7.92 PPBV 98 63) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.25 83 1497997 8.75 PPBV 98 64) 4-Ethyltoluene 20.47 105 2528244 9.05 PPBV 99 65) 2-Chlorotoluene 20.47 91 2070460 8.32 PPBV 98 66) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.51 105 1632222 7.79 PPBV 96 67) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.83 105 1844261 8.42 PPBV 97 68) 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 21.09 146 1299000 8.51 PPBV 97 69) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 21.18 146 1293219 8.31 PPBV 97 70) Benzyl chloride 21.25 91 1893336 8.51 PPBV 93 71) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 21.48 146 1193979 8.31 PPBV 98 72) 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 22.84 180 728154 7.43 PPBV 99 73) Hexachlorobutadiene 22.94 225 514813 7.72 PPBV 99 74) Naphthalene 23.12 128 1908673 7.06 PPBV # 79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (#) = qualifier out of range (m) = manual integration L1201438.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:49:50 2012 Page 2 BFB Data File : M:\MS2012Q2\LURCH\DATA\JUN12\L062912A\L1201397.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 29 Jun 2012 10:31 am Operator: DB Sample : BFB Inst : Lurch Misc : 50mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 18.20 18.40 18.60 18.80 19.00 19.20 19.40 19.60 19.80 20.00 20.20 20.40 20.60 20.80 21.00 21.20 21.40 21.60 21.80 22.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201397.D 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 m/z--> Abundance Average of 20.168 to 20.188 min.: L1201397.D (-) 95 174 75 50 37 8761 143117104130 155163 209 261 281191 296233268219 247 AutoFind: Scans 1703, 1704, 1705; Background Corrected with Scan 1697 | Target | Rel. to | Lower | Upper | Rel. | Raw | Result | | Mass | Mass | Limit% | Limit% | Abn% | Abn | Pass/Fail | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 50 | 95 | 8 | 40 | 21.9 | 178226 | PASS | | 75 | 95 | 30 | 66 | 44.2 | 359589 | PASS | | 95 | 95 | 100 | 100 | 100.0 | 814080 | PASS | | 96 | 95 | 5 | 9 | 6.8 | 55220 | PASS | | 173 | 174 | 0.00 | 2 | 0.0 | 0 | PASS | | 174 | 95 | 50 | 120 | 76.9 | 626197 | PASS | | 175 | 174 | 4 | 9 | 7.4 | 46249 | PASS | | 176 | 174 | 93 | 101 | 95.8 | 599765 | PASS | | 177 | 176 | 5 | 9 | 6.6 | 39812 | PASS | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- L1201397.D L062912C.M Tue Jul 10 18:35:56 2012 Average of 20.168 to 20.188 min.: L1201397.D BFB Modified:subtracted m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. 30.95 33113 43.95 4072 55.95 11958 67.95 79971 31.95 336 44.95 8414 56.95 21035 68.90 78008 33.00 4101 46.00 378 57.90 792 69.90 5348 33.95 60 46.95 12645 59.90 7799 70.95 7 35.95 10864 47.95 6120 60.95 35120 71.95 4112 37.00 53819 49.00 38016 61.95 33255 72.95 30928 38.00 43997 50.00 178226 63.00 24107 74.00 114867 39.00 16479 51.00 52847 63.95 2081 74.95 359589 39.95 421 51.90 2184 64.95 433 75.90 31256 40.95 129 52.95 118 65.85 3 76.90 4857 42.95 398 54.90 2152 66.95 1383 77.95 3578 Average of 20.168 to 20.188 min.: L1201397.D BFB Modified:subtracted m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. 78.85 21006 91.95 20093 104.85 1313 115.85 2429 79.95 6189 92.95 31190 105.80 3107 116.80 4223 80.85 22508 93.90 86315 106.80 821 117.80 2622 81.80 4153 95.00 814080 107.90 78 118.80 3275 82.85 113 95.95 55220 108.50 49 119.90 34 84.00 57 96.95 1556 108.80 49 121.85 35 85.95 573 99.90 96 109.95 199 122.65 67 86.90 42157 100.55 78 110.75 319 122.85 91 87.85 40429 101.35 53 111.80 411 123.85 471 89.45 79 102.90 351 112.80 510 124.80 317 90.85 2912 103.85 3141 114.80 696 125.80 145 Average of 20.168 to 20.188 min.: L1201397.D BFB Modified:subtracted m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. 126.80 212 137.95 66 148.85 405 158.85 697 127.85 2671 138.90 390 149.75 546 159.85 38 128.80 1096 139.80 463 150.75 63 160.80 529 129.80 2697 140.80 5731 151.80 295 162.05 40 130.80 1051 141.85 956 152.80 520 162.85 128 131.80 176 142.80 5731 153.75 268 163.70 58 133.80 184 143.90 129 154.85 1639 165.00 46 134.75 1108 144.85 405 155.75 108 166.70 36 135.70 149 145.85 1084 156.10 40 167.50 58 135.95 106 146.80 473 156.90 1033 168.10 46 136.80 1035 147.85 1527 157.85 71 169.00 36 Average of 20.168 to 20.188 min.: L1201397.D BFB Modified:subtracted m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. 169.90 8 190.00 36 249.80 34 288.45 34 170.85 63 190.85 77 260.80 83 292.65 39 171.05 63 191.80 62 261.00 62 296.50 50 171.45 57 196.05 37 264.85 37 171.85 128 208.85 117 266.85 46 173.85 626197 210.05 38 268.55 36 174.85 46249 218.95 35 275.65 33 175.80 599765 232.05 41 276.85 36 176.85 39812 233.05 45 280.85 78 177.80 1071 237.00 35 282.70 36 178.80 126 246.80 35 284.70 35 BFB Data File : M:\MS2012Q3\LURCH\DATA\JUL12\L070312A\L1201436.D Vial: 1 Acq On : 3 Jul 2012 8:04 am Operator: DB Sample : BFB Inst : Lurch Misc : 50mL load Multiplr: 1.00 MS Integration Params: rteint.p Method : M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\L062912C.M (RTE Integrator) Title : TO15 - 72 TCL - Primary "A" w/IS cyl - CC117359 18.20 18.40 18.60 18.80 19.00 19.20 19.40 19.60 19.80 20.00 20.20 20.40 20.60 20.80 21.00 21.20 21.40 21.60 21.80 22.00 0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000 3000000 3500000 4000000 4500000 5000000 Time--> Abundance TIC: L1201436.D 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 0 100000 200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000 800000 m/z--> Abundance Average of 20.168 to 20.188 min.: L1201436.D (-) 95 174 75 50 37 8761 143117106130 155 207 281162 260190 268 AutoFind: Scans 1703, 1704, 1705; Background Corrected with Scan 1697 | Target | Rel. to | Lower | Upper | Rel. | Raw | Result | | Mass | Mass | Limit% | Limit% | Abn% | Abn | Pass/Fail | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 50 | 95 | 8 | 40 | 22.6 | 187383 | PASS | | 75 | 95 | 30 | 66 | 45.8 | 379435 | PASS | | 95 | 95 | 100 | 100 | 100.0 | 828757 | PASS | | 96 | 95 | 5 | 9 | 6.7 | 55517 | PASS | | 173 | 174 | 0.00 | 2 | 0.0 | 0 | PASS | | 174 | 95 | 50 | 120 | 81.4 | 675008 | PASS | | 175 | 174 | 4 | 9 | 7.2 | 48304 | PASS | | 176 | 174 | 93 | 101 | 95.2 | 642283 | PASS | | 177 | 176 | 5 | 9 | 6.6 | 42203 | PASS | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- L1201436.D L062912C.M Wed Jul 11 10:48:50 2012 Average of 20.168 to 20.188 min.: L1201436.D BFB Modified:subtracted m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. 30.95 36850 42.95 229 52.95 92 64.95 210 31.95 363 43.95 5028 54.90 2019 67.00 1757 33.05 4697 45.00 9066 55.95 12878 67.95 84507 34.00 141 45.95 498 56.95 22885 68.95 80549 34.90 57 47.00 14051 57.90 954 69.95 5693 36.00 11728 48.00 5881 58.90 190 70.90 138 37.00 58243 49.00 40341 59.90 7996 72.00 4282 38.00 48452 49.95 187383 61.00 37117 73.00 32075 38.95 18258 50.95 55794 62.00 35416 74.00 121968 39.90 466 51.95 2392 63.00 25531 75.00 379435 40.95 97 52.75 35 63.95 2246 75.95 32333 Average of 20.168 to 20.188 min.: L1201436.D BFB Modified:subtracted m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. 76.90 5087 87.85 42677 102.85 427 113.85 40 77.90 4004 89.85 53 103.85 3292 114.85 885 78.85 24563 90.85 3265 104.85 1066 115.85 2664 79.95 6412 91.95 21160 105.80 3439 116.80 4731 80.85 25283 92.95 31973 106.80 825 117.80 2671 81.80 4658 93.90 89255 108.00 34 118.80 3565 82.95 323 95.00 828757 108.70 41 119.80 60 83.90 59 95.95 55517 109.80 482 121.85 209 84.60 54 96.95 1567 110.75 601 122.80 269 85.90 688 98.50 43 111.80 384 123.80 503 86.90 45405 102.05 51 112.80 619 124.85 250 Average of 20.168 to 20.188 min.: L1201436.D BFB Modified:subtracted m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. 125.85 328 137.85 168 148.80 463 160.80 559 126.75 322 138.85 361 149.80 724 161.75 39 127.85 2623 139.85 232 150.85 33 162.15 37 128.80 1369 140.80 6490 151.85 346 169.20 40 129.80 2771 141.90 1051 152.80 526 169.95 142 130.80 1133 142.80 6543 153.85 440 170.55 59 131.80 70 143.85 445 154.85 1839 171.45 86 133.85 283 144.85 599 155.90 279 171.75 173 134.80 1179 145.80 1127 156.85 1018 173.85 675008 135.65 104 146.80 509 157.85 222 174.85 48304 136.80 1124 147.85 1765 158.80 781 175.80 642283 Average of 20.168 to 20.188 min.: L1201436.D BFB Modified:subtracted m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. m/z abund. 176.80 42203 268.25 35 177.85 1161 280.90 86 178.80 40 180.90 52 190.00 35 201.30 38 206.85 130 208.85 97 259.90 36 260.70 36 264.35 36 TOPLEVEL PARAMETERS ------------------- Method Information For: M:\MS2012\METHODS\LURCH\MM624-L.M Method Sections To Run: ( ) Save Copy of Method With Data (X) Pre-Run Cmd/Macro = MPVGotoVialDDE (X) Data Acquisition ( ) Data Analysis ( ) Post-Run Cmd/Macro = MACRO "POSTMSD" ,GO Method Comments: This is the acquisition method for Method TO-14 with Toluene-d8 as the internal standard being used to quantitate analytes. END OF TOPLEVEL PARAMETERS -------------------------- INSTRUMENT CONTROL PARAMETERS ----------------------------- Sample Inlet: GC Injection Source: External Device Injection Location: Rear Mass Spectrometer: Enabled HP5890 Temperature Parameters Zone Temperatures: State Setpoint Inlet A: On 250 C Inlet B: Off 50 C Detector A: Off 50 C Detector B: On 280 C Auxiliary: Off 50 C Oven Parameters: Oven Equib Time: 0.20 minutes Oven Max: 325 C Oven State: On Cryo State: On Cryo Blast: On Ambient: 25 C Oven Program: Initial Temperature: 30 C Initial Time: 3.00 minutes Rate Final Final Level (C/minute) Temperature (C) Time (minutes) 1 5.0 75 0.00 2(A) 15.0 120 2.00 3(B) 70.0 240 8.00 Next Run Time: 26.71 minutes HP5890 Inlet Temperature Programs Inlet A: Oven Tracking: Off Inlet Zone: On Initial Temperature: 250 C Initial Time: 480.00 minutes Rate Final Final Level (C/minute) Temperature (C) Time (minutes) Method: MM624-L.M Fri Apr 20 11:50:02 2012 Page: 1 1 0 50 0.00 2(A) 0 50 0.00 3(B) 0 50 0.00 Total Program Time: 480.00 minutes Inlet B: Oven Tracking: Off Inlet Zone: Off Initial Temperature: 50 C Initial Time: 650.00 minutes Rate Final Final Level (C/minute) Temperature (C) Time (minutes) 1 0 50 0.00 2(A) 0 50 0.00 3(B) 0 50 0.00 Total Program Time: 650.00 minutes HP5890 Inlet Pressure Programs GC Pressure Units: psi Inlet A: Constant Flow: On Constant Flow Pressure: 8.7 psi Constant Flow Temperature: 35 C Initial Pressure: 0.0 psi Initial Time: 650.00 minutes Rate Final Final Level (psi/minute) Pressure (psi) Time (minutes) 1 0.00 0.0 0.00 2(A) 0.00 0.0 0.00 3(B) 0.00 0.0 0.00 Total Program Time: 650.00 minutes Column Length: 60.00 m Column Diameter: 0.320 mm Gas: He Vacuum Compensation: On Inlet B: Constant Flow: Off Constant Flow Pressure: 0.0 psi Constant Flow Temperature: 50 C Initial Pressure: 0.0 psi Initial Time: 650.00 minutes Rate Final Final Level (psi/minute) Pressure (psi) Time (minutes) 1 0.00 0.0 0.00 2(A) 0.00 0.0 0.00 3(B) 0.00 0.0 0.00 Total Program Time: 650.00 minutes Column Length: 30.00 m Column Diameter: 0.530 mm Gas: He Vacuum Compensation: Off HP5890 Packed Column Flow Control Inlet A not used to control packed column flow. Inlet B not used to control packed column flow. HP5890 Purge Valve Settings Inlet Purge Init Value On Time Off Time Splitless Injection A Off 0.00 0.00 Yes Method: MM624-L.M Fri Apr 20 11:50:02 2012 Page: 2 B Off 0.00 0.00 Yes HP5890 Valve and Relay Information Initial Setpoints: 5890 Valves: Valve 1: Off Valve 2: Off Valve 3: Off Valve 4: Off 19405 Valves: Valve 5: Off Valve 6: Off Valve 7: Off Valve 8: Off 19405 Relays: Relay 1: Off Relay 2: Off Relay 3: Off Relay 4: Off HP5890 Detector Information Detector Type State A --- Off B --- Off HP5890 Signal Information Not saving signal data. Signal Source Peak Width Data Rate Start Data Stop Data 1 Testplot 0.053 5.000 0.00 1.00 2 Testplot 0.053 5.000 0.00 1.00 MS ACQUISITION PARAMETERS General Information ------- ----------- Tune File : bfb.u Acquistion Mode : Scan MS Information -- ----------- Solvent Delay : 3.00 min EM Absolute : False EM Offset : 0 Resulting EM Voltage : 2447.1 [Scan Parameters] Low Mass : 29 High Mass : 300 Threshold : 100 Sample # : 3 A/D Samples 8 END OF MS ACQUISITION PARAMETERS END OF INSTRUMENT CONTROL PARAMETERS ------------------------------------ DATA ANALYSIS PARAMETERS ------------------------ Method: MM624-L.M Fri Apr 20 11:50:02 2012 Page: 3 This Is The Last Page Of This Report. ATTACHMENT B PHOTOGRAPHS Photograph A: Coring concrete with hammer drill. Photograph B: Sub-slab stainless steel screen. Photograph C: Concrete sealed sub-slab vapor sampling point. Photograph D: Purging sub-slab vapor well with photoionization detector. Photograph E: Testing for seal break through using helium and helium detector. Photograph F: Collecting sub-slab soil gas sample using 1.4 liter Summa canister.