Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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MSWLF LCID YW Transfer X Compost SLAS COUNTY: Forsyth
goods Incin T&P FIRM PERMIT NO.: 3416T
CDLF Tire T&P / Collection Tire Monofill Industrial Landfill DEMO SDTF FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE
Date of Site Inspection: September 11, 2018 Date of Last Inspection: December 14, 2017
Overdale Road Transfer Station
5000 Overdale Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
GPS COORDINATES: N: 36.033263 ° W: -80.231984 °
Name: Mark Tabaczynski, Division Manager – Republic Services
Telephone: 336-408-6779 (mobile); 336-724-0842 (office)
Email address: tabaczynskim@republicservices.com
Republic Services
2875 Lowry Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Sandra Lucas, Scale House Operator – Republic Services
Joseph Prestandrea – Hilco Transport, Inc.
Susan Heim, Environmental Senior Specialist – Solid Waste Section
Permit to Operate MSW Transfer Facility issued: January 6, 2003;
Permit Amendment and Renewal issued: September 13, 2007;
Permit Amendment and Renewal issued: September 17, 2012
Life of Site Permit to Operate issued: May 3, 2017.
Comprehensive Inspection
1. 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d) states, “By receiving solid waste at a permitted facility, the permittee(s) shall be
considered to have accepted the conditions of the permit and shall comply with the conditions of the permit.”
Facility Permit No. 3416T-TRANSFER, Overdale Road Transfer Station, ATTACHMENT 3, Conditions of
Permit Approval to Operate, General Facility Permit Condition 2 states, in part, “Signs must be posted at the
entrance to the facility that state that no hazardous waste or liquid waste can be received at the facility; and
provide information on dumping procedures, the hours of operation, the permit number, contact name, telephone
number and other pertinent information.”
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Solid Waste Section
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Republic Services of North Carolina, LLC is in violation of 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d) for failure to include a
contact name and telephone number on the sign posted at the facility entrance. This violation was pointed
out during the previous inspection on December 14, 2017 and had not been corrected as of the date of this
RESOLVED: Following the inspection, Mr. Tabaczynski posted a weatherproof sign on the entry gate with the
emergency contact information required and provided a photo of the sign. Therefore, this violation is considered
to be resolved.
2. 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d) states, “By receiving solid waste at a permitted facility, the permittee(s) shall be
considered to have accepted the conditions of the permit and shall comply with the conditions of the permit.”
Facility Permit No. 3416T-TRANSFER, Overdale Road Transfer Station, ATTACHMENT 1, General Permit
Conditions Information, General Facility Permit Condition 7 states, in part, “This permit is issued based on the
documents submitted in support of the application for permitting the facility including those identified in
Attachment 1, “List of Documents for Approved Plan,” and which constitute the approved plan for the facility.”
Operation Plan for Overdale Road Transfer Station, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, prepared for Republic
Services by HHNT, dated March 13, 2017 and revised April 19, 2017, is included in the List of Documents for
the Approved Plan in ATTACHMENT 1, Part VI: Transfer Station/Treatment and Processing Unit. Operation
Plan for Overdale Road Transfer Station, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (revised April 19, 2017) Section 9.0,
TRANSFER STATION INSPECTIONS, states, in part, “There will be regular inspections conducted at the
transfer station. Items that will be inspected monthly will include, but not be limited to, the following: 1) Transfer
trailers; 2) Push walls; 3) Fire extinguishers; 4) Electrical controls; 5) Trench drain, floor drains, and yard
hydrant; 6) Washdown water collection sump and pump; and 7) Oil/Water Separator. Records of all transfer
station inspections will be maintained in the scalehouse.”
Republic Services of North Carolina, LLC is in violation of 15A NCAC 13B .0203(d) for failure to maintain
records of transfer station monthly inspections at the scale house.
Sign with emergency contact
information posted on facility entry
gate, as required. (Photo provided by
M. Tabaczynski on 9-14-18.)
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Solid Waste Section
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RESOLVED: To achieve compliance, Mr. Tabaczynski moved copies of all transfer station monthly inspection
reports to the scale house following the inspection. He also provided copies of the 2018 inspection reports via
email following the inspection. A review of these records found that inspections are conducted monthly, as
required. Therefore, this violation is considered to be resolved.
In addition, it was noted during the previous inspection on December 14, 2017, that the inspection report
forms being used to record details of the monthly facility inspections did not include all of the requirements
set forth in Section 9.0 of the approved Operation Plan. Republic Services of North Carolina, LLC shall
revise the inspection report forms to include all of the required items listed in Section 9.0 of the approved
Operation Plan and provide a copy of the revised form to Susan Heim, Environmental Senior Specialist,
Solid Waste Section, via email at susan.heim@ncdenr.gov by September 28, 2018.
1. All photos included in this report were taken by Susan Heim on September 11, 2018, unless otherwise noted.
2. The facility is permitted to accept non-hazardous solid waste from the following counties: Forsyth, Alamance,
Alexander, Alleghany, Cabarrus, Caswell, Chatham, Davidson, Davie, Guilford, Iredell, Randolph,
Rockingham, Rowan, Stokes, Surry, Wilkes and Yadkin.
3. Republic Services of North Carolina, LLC is the permit holder. Republic Services contracts with K. R. Drenth
Trucking, Inc. to operate the facility and to transport waste for disposal.
Records Review:
4. Sandra Lucas, scale house operator and Republic Services employee, provided facility records for review. The
facility’s life-of-site Permit to Operate and current, approved Operation Plan (revised March 2017) were
available in the scale house, as well as the facility’s Emergency Response Plan.
5. The FY 2017-18 Facility Annual Report indicates that the facility accepted a total of 106,635 tons of waste, all
of which was transported to the Uwharrie Environmental Landfill (Permit #6204) for disposal.
6. The facility’s tonnage records for the period July 1 through September 7, 2018 were available and reviewed. In
July 2018, a total of 9,490.58 tons of waste were accepted for disposal. In August 2018, 10,936.22 tons of waste
were received. Tonnage records for the first week in September 2018 indicate that 2,387.59 tons of waste had
been accepted at the facility.
7. The waste screening log book was reviewed for the period January 1 through September 7, 2018. One random,
incoming waste load is screened per operating day. All forms appeared to be complete. During this period,
waste screening records did not indicate that any loads or partial loads of waste had been rejected. Logs for the
week of July 30 – August 3, 2018 were not located in the log book. Ms. Lucas stated that she had been on
vacation that week and it was likely that the log pages had not been incorporated into her log book.
8. The following NC SWANA certifications were found to be current for the following facility staff members:
• Sandra Lucas – Transfer Station Operations Specialist – expires July 15, 2021;
• Mark Tabaczynski – Transfer Station Operations Specialist – expires January 1, 2021;
• Joseph Prestandrea – Transfer Station Operation Specialist – expires April 5, 2020;
• Lamard D. Crawford - Transfer Station Operation Specialist – expires June 13, 2020.
9. In addition to NC SWANA training, staff are provided with annual PPE, Lock-out/Tag-out, Respirator
The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance
with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an
administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit,
or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to
enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any
such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules.
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Solid Waste Section
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Protection, Hearing Conservation, Hazardous Communications and Blood-borne Pathogens Exposure training
10. Facility records list Wilson’s Pest Control as the contracted vector control provider.
11. Although no recent inspection reports were available at the facility for review, Ms. Lucas stated that the Fire
Marshal conducts a facility walk-through at least once per year. Mr. Tabaczynski stated that the Fire Marshal
now emails inspection reports, and hard copies are not printed out for the operating record.
12. Monthly facility inspections are required to be conducted, and records of these inspections maintained at the
scale house. During this inspection, as during the previous inspection on December 14, 2017, inspection records
were not available at the facility. Copies of monthly inspection reports were forwarded following the inspection
by Mr. Tabaczynski. (See Observed Violations section of this report for additional information.)
Transfer Station Facility Inspection:
13. The facility was neat in appearance and no windblown litter was observed.
14. Access to the facility is restricted by means of chain link fence that circles the site and a locking gate that is
secured when the facility is not in operation.
15. Signage at the facility entrance did not include emergency contact information. However, Mr. Tabaczynski
posted the contact information on the entry gate itself following the inspection. (See Observed Violations
section of this report for additional information.)
16. Incoming loads proceed across the scale house to be weighed and are then directed by the transfer station
operator as to where and when to unload. Empty trucks are re-weighed prior to exiting the facility so that an
accurate account of the amount of waste received for disposal can be maintained. The entire facility is paved
with asphalt. One large pot hole was observed in front of the entrance to the transfer station building. Mr.
Prestandrea stated that all pot holes would be repaired prior to the start of the winter season so that additional
eroding of the paving could be avoided.
17. The tipping floor contained several loads of waste that had been pushed up against the rear wall of the building.
An examination of the tipping floor revealed that the concrete appears to be deteriorating along all of the seams
on the floor. The floor patch that had been put into place following the previous inspection in December 2017
appeared to be functioning properly. No actual holes in the tipping floor were found during this inspection. In a
conversation following the inspection, Mr. Tabaczynski stated that he intended to replace the tipping floor
within the year.
18. A push wall is located adjacent to the trailer loading bay on the northwest end of the tipping floor. The wall is
covered with sheet metal to help keep in intact. The drain hole that conducts leachate from the tipping floor to
the loading bay was found to be open and functional, and the push wall was observed to be intact.
19. Deflector panels are in place on the northwest wall of the transfer station building, directly above the trailer
loading bay. One panel had been damaged and bent; however, Mr. Prestandrea stated that it functions as
required, directing waste from the loader into the trailer.
20. A large section of the upper portion of the interior rear wall of the transfer station building was observed to be
pushed out and away from the steel framework. Waste, including plastic bags and film, was seen hanging from
the edges of the dislodged metal panel. Mr. Prestandrea explained that a garbage truck had backed in too close
to the rear wall and had hit it when the truck was opened for unloading. In a conversation following the
inspection, Mr. Tabaczynski stated his intention to have the rear wall repaired within the next week or two.
Please notify Susan Heim, Environmental Senior Specialist – SWS, at 336-776-9672 or via email at
susan.heim@ncdenr.gov when repairs are completed, and also provide photos of the repaired wall.
21. Leachate, from trailers in the loading bay and from the tipping floor above, is directed into a floor drain near the
center of the loading bay floor. The loading bay floor is sloped to direct all leachate to the floor drain. The drain
was relatively clean and appeared to be functioning properly.
22. The oil separator is also located in the center of the loading bay floor and is covered by a steel grate that
appeared to be relatively clean and functional. From the oil separator, leachate is piped directly to the sanitary
sewer system. No testing of the leachate is required by Winston-Salem Forsyth County Utilities.
23. A large amount of trash was observed along the base of the inside and outside walls of the loading bay, as well
as along the tops of the structural steel beams on the outside wall of the loading bay. Mr. Prestandrea stated that
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Solid Waste Section
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the operator cleans the floor of the loading bay after every 5 or 6 loads of waste are loaded into the trailer from
the tipping floor. Following the inspection, Mr. Tabaczynski provided a photo of the loading bay at the end of
the operating day showing that the area was free of waste, as required. Mr. Tabaczynski stated that a cleaning
company is used to pressure wash the facility several times per year. Following the inspection, he emailed a
copy of an invoice covering the cost for pressure washing the building in March 2018.
24. Two water hoses are available in the transfer station building. One is located on the south side of the tipping
floor just inside the entrance. A second hose is located near the outside wall of the loading bay at the loading
bay entrance. Hoses can be used as a means of fire suppression, and also to wash down trucks and the facility as
25. Fire extinguishers are co-located with the two fire hoses, and an additional fire extinguisher is located on the
northwest side of the entrance to the tipping floor.
26. The area behind the transfer station building is used to store roll-off containers and transfer trailers, and
provides sufficient space for maneuvering trailers into and out of the loading bay. Despite the open area on the
rear wall of the transfer station building (see comment 19 above), the lot was observed to be clean and free from
windblown litter. Stormwater drains are located along the curbing that runs the length of the site on the northern
side of the property. These drains were also found to be relatively clean and functional. Mr. Prestandrea stated
that the grates on the stormwater drains are cleaned out at the end of every operating day.
27. Five empty transfer trailers were inspected. All of these trailers were fitted with tarps, and four of the trailers
were found to be in good repair. At least four holes, 3” in diameter or greater, were observed perforating the
floor of trailer #453. In a telephone conversation following the inspection, information about trailer #453 was
provided to Mr. Tabaczynski, who had the trailer hauled off the site for repairs. All trailers used to transfer
waste must be inspected prior to use to ensure they are leak-resistant condition, with no holes that would
allow waste and leachate to escape the trailer.
Trailer 453 and 3 of
the holes observed to
be present in the
trailer floor.
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Solid Waste Section
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View of the damaged rear
wall of the transfer station
as seen from outside the
building. The dislodged
metal panel can be seen at
the center of the photo.
Views of the deterioration
of the concrete along the
joints of the tipping floor.
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Solid Waste Section
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Above: view of outside loading bay wall with waste
piled on beams and around trailer.
Right: same view of outside loading bay wall at close
of business. (Photo provided by M. Tabaczynski
View of the front
of the transfer
station. The facility
is clean and free
from windblown
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Solid Waste Section
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Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report.
________________________________________ Phone: 336-776-9672
Susan Heim
Environmental Senior Specialist
Regional Representative
Sent on: September 21, 2018 to
Mark Tabaczynski.
X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. [ ]
Copies: Deb Aja, Western District Supervisor – Solid Waste Section
View of the rear of the
transfer station. Again,
the facility is clean and
free from windblown