HomeMy WebLinkAbout4203_InternationalPaper_INDUS_Nov2017GWMR_20180125AECOM1600 Perimeter Park Morrisville, NC 27560 USA T: 919.461.1100 F: 919.464.1415 aecom.com January 25, 2018 Mr. Ervin Lane Compliance Hydrogeologist NCDEQ, Solid Waste Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Subject:Semi-Annual Groundwater Low Ground Landfill Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report Facility Permit No. 4203 International Paper, Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina AECOM Project No. 60545791 Dear Mr. Lane, On behalf of International Paper Company, AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina Inc. (AECOM) has prepared the attached North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form and tables presenting the results of the 2017 second semi-annual groundwater compliance monitoring event at the International Paper Roanoke Rapids Fly Ash Disposal Landfill. The sampling activities were conducted in accordance with the approved Operational and Closure Plan for the Fly Ash Disposal Area “Low Ground landfill,” dated August 1997 and the Detection Monitoring Program modified and approved by NCDEQ on April 25, 2017. The sampling event was conducted on November 29, 2017. The sampling event included gauging and collection of groundwater samples from monitoring wells MW-LG1, MW-LG3, MW-LG5, MW-LG6, and MW-LG7. Wells MW-LG2 and MW-LG4 were gauged, but not sampled per the approved Request to Modify Detection Monitoring Program letter dated April 25, 2017. All samples were submitted to SGS- Accutest Laboratories in Orlando, Florida (a North Carolina-certified laboratory) for analysis. The following are included as attachments to this document: •NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form •Table 1 – Summary of Monitoring Well Construction Details and Groundwater Elevations •Table 2 – Summary of Groundwater Quality Field Parameters •Table 3 – Semi-Annual Groundwater Analysis Results •Table 4 – Historical Groundwater Analysis Results •Figure 1 – Location Map •Figure 2 – Site Map •Figure 3 – Potentiometric Surface Map •Appendix A – Data Validation Checklist with Qualified Sample Results •Appendix B –Sample Collection Records •Appendix C – NCDEQ Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) AECOM1600 Perimeter Park Morrisville, NC 27560 USA T: 919.461.1100 F: 919.464.1415 aecom.com January 25, 2018 Mr. Ervin Lane Compliance Hydrogeologist NCDEQ, Solid Waste Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Subject:Semi-Annual Groundwater Low Ground Landfill Semi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report Facility Permit No. 4203 International Paper, Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina AECOM Project No. 60545791 Dear Mr. Lane, On behalf of International Paper Company, AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina Inc. (AECOM) has prepared the attached North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form and tables presenting the results of the 2017 second semi-annual groundwater compliance monitoring event at the International Paper Roanoke Rapids Fly Ash Disposal Landfill. The sampling activities were conducted in accordance with the approved Operational and Closure Plan for the Fly Ash Disposal Area “Low Ground landfill,” dated August 1997 and the Detection Monitoring Program modified and approved by NCDEQ on April 25, 2017. The sampling event was conducted on November 29, 2017. The sampling event included gauging and collection of groundwater samples from monitoring wells MW-LG1, MW-LG3, MW-LG5, MW-LG6, and MW-LG7. Wells MW-LG2 and MW-LG4 were gauged, but not sampled per the approved Request to Modify Detection Monitoring Program letter dated April 25, 2017. All samples were submitted to SGS- Accutest Laboratories in Orlando, Florida (a North Carolina-certified laboratory) for analysis. The following are included as attachments to this document: •NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form •Table 1 – Summary of Monitoring Well Construction Details and Groundwater Elevations •Table 2 – Summary of Groundwater Quality Field Parameters •Table 3 – Semi-Annual Groundwater Analysis Results •Table 4 – Historical Groundwater Analysis Results •Figure 1 – Location Map •Figure 2 – Site Map •Figure 3 – Potentiometric Surface Map •Appendix A – Data Validation Checklist with Qualified Sample Results •Appendix B –Sample Collection Records •Appendix C – NCDEQ Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) A =COM Imagine it,AECOMDelivered.1600 Perimeter ParkMorrisville,NC 27560USAT:919.461.1100F:919.464.1415aecom.com January 25,2018 Mr.Ervin Lane Compliance Hydrogeologist NCDEQ,Solid Waste Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1646 Subject:Semi-Annual GroundwaterLowGroundLandfillSemi-annual Environmental Monitoring Report Facility Permit No.4203 International Paper,Roanoke Rapids,North CarolinaAECOMProjectNo.60545791 Dear Mr.Lane, On behalf of International Paper Company,AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina Inc.(AECOM) has prepared the attached North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form and tables presenting the results of the 2017 second semi-annual groundwater compliance monitoring event at the International Paper Roanoke Rapids Fly Ash Disposal Landfill.The sampling activities were conducted in accordance with the approved Operational and Closure Plan for the Fly Ash Disposal Area “Low Ground landfill,”dated August 1997 and the Detection Monitoring Program modified and approved by NCDEQ on April 25,2017. The sampling event was conducted on November 29,2017.The sampling event included gauging and collection of groundwater samples from monitoring wells MW-LG1,MW-LG3,MW-LG5,MW-LG6,and MW-LG7.Wells MW-LG2 and MW-LG4 were gauged,but not sampled per the approved Request to Modify Detection Monitoring Program letter dated April 25,2017.All samples were submitted to SGS- Accutest Laboratories in Orlando,Florida (a North Carolina-certified laboratory)for analysis. The following are included as attachments to this document: 0 NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form 0 Table 1 —Summary of Monitoring Well Construction Details and Groundwater Elevations 0 Table 2 —Summary of Groundwater Quality Field Parameters 0 Table 3 —Semi-Annual Groundwater Analysis Results 0 Table 4 —Historical Groundwater Analysis Results 0 Figure 1 —Location Map 0 Figure 2 —Site Map 0 Figure 3 —Potentiometric Surface Map 0 AppendixA—Data Validation Checklist with Qualified Sample Results 0 Appendix B —Sample Collection Records 0 Appendix C —NCDEQ Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) 2 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Nathan Pinsker at (919)461-1559 or Erin Stewart at (919) 461-1323. Yours sincerely, Nathan Pinsker Erin Stewart Deputy Project Manager Project Manager Nathan.Pinsker@aecom.com Erin.Stewart@aecom.com 2 If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Nathan Pinsker at (919)461-1559 or Erin Stewart at (919) 461-1323. Yours sincerely, Nathan Pinsker Erin Stewart Deputy Project Manager Project Manager Nathan.Pinsker@aecom.com Erin.Stewart@aecom.com AECOM $3223: If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact Nathan Pinsker at (919)461 -1559 or Erin Stewart at (919)461-1323. Yours sincerely, m m WM Deputy Project Manager Project Manager Nathan.Pinsker@aecom.com Erin.Stewart aecom.com NCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Reporting FormNCDEQ Environmental Monitoring Reporting FormNCDEQEnvironmentalMonitoringReportingForm El Paper Report EIElectronic Data -Email CD (data loaded:Yes /No)Doc/Event #:..._Environmental MonitoringDIVISlonofWasteManagement-Solid Waste Reporting Form Notice:This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records"as defined in NC General Statute 132-1.As such,these documents areavailableforinspectionandexaminationbyanypersonuponrequest(NC General Statute 132-6). Instructions: -Prepare one form for each individually monitored unit.Please type or print legibly.Attach a notification table with values that attain or exceed NC 2L groundwater standards or NC ZB surface water standards.The notificationmustincludeapreliminaryanalysisofthecauseandsignificanceofeachvalue.(eg.naturally occurring,off-site source,pre-existingcondition,etc.).Attach a notification table of any groundwater or surface water values that equal or exceed the reporting limits.Attacha notification table of any methane gas values that attain or exceed explosive gas levels.This includes any structures on or nearby thefacility(NCAC 13B .1629 (4)(a)(i).Send the original signed and sealed form,any tables,and Electronic Data Deliverable to:Compliance Unit,NCDENR-DWM,Solid WasteSection,1646 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1646. Solid Waste Monitoring Data Submittal InformationNameofentitysubmittingdata(laboratory,consultant,facility owner): AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina,Inc. Contact for questions about data formatting.Include data preparer's name,telephone number and E-mail address:Name:Erin Stewart Phone:919-461-1323 E-mail:Erin.Stewart@aecom.com NC Landfill Rule:Actual sampling dates (e.g.,Facility name:Facility Address:Facility Permit #(.0500 or .1600)October 20-24,2006) International Paper Company Kapstone Mill Low Ground Landfill 100 Gaston Road,4203 .0500 November 29,2017RoanokeRapids,NC Roanoke Rapids,NC Environmental Status:(Check all that apply)D Initial/Background Monitoring Detection Monitoring [:1 Assessment Monitoring D Corrective Action T ue of data submitted:(Check all that apply)Groundwater monitoring data from monitoring wells D Methane gas monitoring dataGroundwatermonitoringdatafromprivatewatersupplywellsDCorrectiveactiondata(specify)Leachate monitoring data ,Surface water monitoring data D Other(spec1fy) Notification attached?No.No groundwater or surface water standards were exceeded.Yes,a notification of values exceeding a groundwater or surface water standard is attached.It includes a list of groundwater and surface watermonitoringpoints,dates,analytical values.NC 2L groundwater standard,NC ZB surface water standard or NC Solid Waste GWPS andpreliminaryanalysisofthecauseandsignificanceofanyconcentration.D Yes,a notification of values exceeding an explosive methane gas limit is attached.It includes the methane monitoring points,dates,samplevaluesandexplosivemethanegaslimits. CertificationTothebestofmy knowledge,the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct.Furthermore,I have attached complete notification of any sampling values meeting or exceeding groundwater standards or explosive gaslevels,and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of concentrations exceeding groundwater standards.i am aware that therearesignificantpenaltiesformakinganyfalsestatement,representation,or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Erin Stewan Project Manager 919-461-1323 Facility Representative Name (Print)Title (Area Code)Telephone Number r “22‘\%Affix NC Licensed/Professional Geologist Seal Signature Date .,‘‘, 1600 Perimeter Park Drive,Suite 400,Morrisville,NC 27540 Facility Representative Address F-0342 NC PE Firm License Number (if applicable effective May 1,2009) Dnuicnrl RIOa TablesTablesTables Table 1 Summary of Monitoring Well Construction Details and Groundwater Elevations International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event Northing (NAD83_2011) Easting (NAD83_2011) Depth to Water (ft TOC) Depth to Water (ft bgs) GW Elevation (ft NAVD88) MW-LG1 6/13/1989 2 990497.842 2400354.683 16.40 5.0 10 60.51 58.80 9.40 7.69 51.11 MW-LG2 6/15/1989 2 990905.816 2400178.421 16.05 4.2 10 62.02 60.06 11.09 9.13 50.93 MW-LG3 6/14/1989 2 990816.0017 2400974.232 18.30 8.3 10 61.95 60.16 8.50 6.71 53.45 MW-LG4 6/14/1989 2 990491.8095 2401130.805 20.00 10.0 10 66.51 64.69 12.82 11.00 53.69 MW-LG5 6/15/1989 2 989873.6879 2401302.877 17.00 7.0 10 64.08 62.21 12.45 10.58 51.63 MW-LG6 1999*2 989747.4565 2400983.447 23.50 7.4 10 64.64 63.27 10.05 8.68 54.59 MW-LG7 1999*2 990510.3362 2400537.45 16.80 5.2 10 62.36 60.66 11.15 9.45 51.21 Notes: Survey data provided by Odom Land Surveying Company, C1829, on March 21, 2014 (EarthCon, 2017). bgs - below ground surface ft - feet GW- Groundwater TOC- Top of casingNAVD88- North America Vertical Datum of 1988NAD83 - North American Datum of 1983 * Boring log data not available. Date of well installation was inferred from the letter submitted to NCDENR on June 3, 1999. Construction data estimated from field measurements. TOC Elevation (ft NAVD88) Depth to Top of Screened Interval (ft bgs) Ground Surface Elevation (ft NAVD88) 11/29/2017GPS Coordinates Well ID Date Installed Well Diameter (inches) Well Depth (ft bgs) Screened Interval (ft) AECOM Page 1 of 2 Table 1 Summary of Monitoring Well Construction Details and Groundwater Elevations International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event Northing (NAD83_2011) Easting (NAD83_2011) Depth to Water (ft TOC) Depth to Water (ft bgs) GW Elevation (ft NAVD88) MW-LG1 6/13/1989 2 990497.842 2400354.683 16.40 5.0 10 60.51 58.80 9.40 7.69 51.11 MW-LG2 6/15/1989 2 990905.816 2400178.421 16.05 4.2 10 62.02 60.06 11.09 9.13 50.93 MW-LG3 6/14/1989 2 990816.0017 2400974.232 18.30 8.3 10 61.95 60.16 8.50 6.71 53.45 MW-LG4 6/14/1989 2 990491.8095 2401130.805 20.00 10.0 10 66.51 64.69 12.82 11.00 53.69 MW-LG5 6/15/1989 2 989873.6879 2401302.877 17.00 7.0 10 64.08 62.21 12.45 10.58 51.63 MW-LG6 1999*2 989747.4565 2400983.447 23.50 7.4 10 64.64 63.27 10.05 8.68 54.59 MW-LG7 1999*2 990510.3362 2400537.45 16.80 5.2 10 62.36 60.66 11.15 9.45 51.21 Notes: Survey data provided by Odom Land Surveying Company, C1829, on March 21, 2014 (EarthCon, 2017). bgs - below ground surface ft - feet GW- Groundwater TOC- Top of casingNAVD88- North America Vertical Datum of 1988NAD83 - North American Datum of 1983 * Boring log data not available. Date of well installation was inferred from the letter submitted to NCDENR on June 3, 1999. Construction data estimated from field measurements. TOC Elevation (ft NAVD88) Depth to Top of Screened Interval (ft bgs) Ground Surface Elevation (ft NAVD88) 11/29/2017GPS Coordinates Well ID Date Installed Well Diameter (inches) Well Depth (ft bgs) Screened Interval (ft) AECOM Page 1 of 2 Table 1 Summary of Monitoring Well Construction Details and Groundwater Elevations International Paper Roanoke Rapids,North Carolina November 2017 Event MW—LG1 6/13/1989 990497.842 2400354.683 MW—LG2 6/15/1989 990905.816 2400178.421 MW—LG3 6/14/1989 990816.0017 2400974232 MW—LG4 6/14/1989 990491.8095 2401130805 MW—LG5 6/15/1989 989873.6879 2401302877 MW—LG6 1999*989747.4565 2400983447 MW—LG7 1999*990510.3362 240053745 Notes:Surveydata provided byOdom Land Surveying Company,C1829,on March 21,2014 (EarthCon,2017).*Boring log data notavailable.Date ofwell installation was inferred from theletter submittedto NCDENR onJune 3,1999.Construction data estimated from field measurements.bgs-belowground surfaceft—feetGW—GroundwaterTOC-Top ofcasingNAVD88NorthAmerica Vertical Datum of 1988NAD83-North American Datumof 1983 AECOM Page 1 of 2 Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Quality Field Parameters International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event Well ID Date Sampled Purged Amount (liters)pH Specific Conductance (ms/cm) Temperature (degrees C˚) Turbidity (NTU) DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) --6.5-8.5 ---------- MW-LG1 11/29/2017 23 6.63 0.661 17.72 7 1.21 -60 MW-LG3 11/29/2017 9 7.04 1.958 19.37 0.44 2.79 -24.7 MW-LG5 11/29/2017 8.1 6.75 0.547 21.47 1.9 5.16 -52.2 MW-LG6 11/29/2017 8.1 7.87 3.107 21.99 1.49 Error -140.4 MW-LG7 11/29/2017 10 7.06 1.814 17.51 1.8 2.58 306.7 Notes: ms/cm - millisiemens per centimeter C - Celsius NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit DO - Dissolved Oxygen ppm - parts per million ORP - Oxidation Reduction Potential mV - millivolts Error- Problem with YSI dissolved oxygen probe NC 2L GW Standard AECOM Page 2 of 2 Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Quality Field Parameters International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event Well ID Date Sampled Purged Amount (liters)pH Specific Conductance (ms/cm) Temperature (degrees C˚) Turbidity (NTU) DO (mg/L) ORP (mV) --6.5-8.5 ---------- MW-LG1 11/29/2017 23 6.63 0.661 17.72 7 1.21 -60 MW-LG3 11/29/2017 9 7.04 1.958 19.37 0.44 2.79 -24.7 MW-LG5 11/29/2017 8.1 6.75 0.547 21.47 1.9 5.16 -52.2 MW-LG6 11/29/2017 8.1 7.87 3.107 21.99 1.49 Error -140.4 MW-LG7 11/29/2017 10 7.06 1.814 17.51 1.8 2.58 306.7 Notes: ms/cm - millisiemens per centimeter C - Celsius NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit DO - Dissolved Oxygen ppm - parts per million ORP - Oxidation Reduction Potential mV - millivolts Error- Problem with YSI dissolved oxygen probe NC 2L GW Standard AECOM Page 2 of 2 Table 2Summary of Groundwater Quality Field Parameters International Paper Roanoke Rapids,North Carolina November 2017 Event MW—LG1 11/29/2017 MW—LG3 11/29/2017 MW—LG5 11/29/2017 MW—LG6 11/29/2017 MW—LG7 11/29/2017 Notes:ms/cm -millisiemens per centimeterC-CelsiusNTU-Nephelometric Turbidity UnitDO-Dissolved Oxygenppm-parts per millionORP-Oxidation Reduction PotentialmV-milliv oltsError—Problem with YSI dissolved oxygen probe AECOM Page 2 of 2 Table 3 Semi-Annual Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event Method Parameter Units Value Q Value Q Value Q Value Q Value Q SW-846 6020B Arsenic µg/l 1.3J 0.31 JB 2.5 0.36 JB 0.38 JB 10 10 SW-846 6020B Barium µg/l 323 79.5 95.7 579 142 700 100 SW-846 6020B Cadmium µg/l 0.2U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 2 1 SW-846 6020B Chromium µg/l 1.4J 0.2 JB 1.9 J 3.7 0.27 JB 10 10 SW-846 6020B Copper µg/l 3.1 JB 0.2 UJ 0.29 JB 0.2 UJ 0.2 UJ 1000 10 SW-846 6020B Iron µg/l 18300 35.2 JB 15400 168 J 176 J 300 300 SW-846 6020B Lead µg/l 2.3 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 15 10 SW-846 6020B Manganese µg/l 1580 3440 J 5900 J 902 60.8 50 50 SW-846 6020B Selenium µg/l 0.85 JB 1.1 JB 0.76 JB 0.55 JB 7.7 20 10 SW-846 6020B Silver µg/l 0.2U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 20 10 SW-846 6020B Zinc µg/l 18.8 13.5 12.7 15.6 10.9 1000 10 SW-846 7470A Mercury µg/l 0.061 JB 0.03 U 0.037 JB 0.03 U 0.051 JB 1 0.2 EPA 120.1 Specific Conductance umhos/cm 781 1750 431 2650 1030 NE NE EPA 300.0 Nitrate mg/l 0.05 U 13.3 0.05 U 0.97 J 7.9 10 10 EPA 300.0 Sulfate mg/l 13.8 140 80.6 43.2 214 250 250 SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 420 942 261 1590 1400 500 NE SM 4500H pH s.u.6.67 J 6.61 J 6.13 J 7.04 J 7.25 J 6.5-8.5 NE Notes 2L Standard - 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater Standards SWSL - Solid Waste Section Limits NE = Not Established s.u. = Standard unit mg/L = Milligrams per Literµg/L = Micrograms per Liter umhos/cm = Micromhos per centimeter Qualifiers (Q): U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the associated detection limit. B The analyte was detected in a laboratory blank at a similar concentration. J The analyte was positively identified; the associated numerical value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sampleUJThe analyte was not detected and the associated detection limit is estimated Highlighted values indicate concentrations in excess of NC Groundwater quality standards for the protection of the groundwater. 11/29/2017 MW-LG7 2L Standard SWSL Collection Date:11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 Monitoring Well:MW-LG1 MW-LG3 MW-LG5 MW-LG6 AECOM Page 1 of 1 Table 3 Semi-Annual Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event Method Parameter Units Value Q Value Q Value Q Value Q Value Q SW-846 6020B Arsenic µg/l 1.3J 0.31 JB 2.5 0.36 JB 0.38 JB 10 10 SW-846 6020B Barium µg/l 323 79.5 95.7 579 142 700 100 SW-846 6020B Cadmium µg/l 0.2U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 2 1 SW-846 6020B Chromium µg/l 1.4J 0.2 JB 1.9 J 3.7 0.27 JB 10 10 SW-846 6020B Copper µg/l 3.1 JB 0.2 UJ 0.29 JB 0.2 UJ 0.2 UJ 1000 10 SW-846 6020B Iron µg/l 18300 35.2 JB 15400 168 J 176 J 300 300 SW-846 6020B Lead µg/l 2.3 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 15 10 SW-846 6020B Manganese µg/l 1580 3440 J 5900 J 902 60.8 50 50 SW-846 6020B Selenium µg/l 0.85 JB 1.1 JB 0.76 JB 0.55 JB 7.7 20 10 SW-846 6020B Silver µg/l 0.2U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 20 10 SW-846 6020B Zinc µg/l 18.8 13.5 12.7 15.6 10.9 1000 10 SW-846 7470A Mercury µg/l 0.061 JB 0.03 U 0.037 JB 0.03 U 0.051 JB 1 0.2 EPA 120.1 Specific Conductance umhos/cm 781 1750 431 2650 1030 NE NE EPA 300.0 Nitrate mg/l 0.05 U 13.3 0.05 U 0.97 J 7.9 10 10 EPA 300.0 Sulfate mg/l 13.8 140 80.6 43.2 214 250 250 SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 420 942 261 1590 1400 500 NE SM 4500H pH s.u.6.67 J 6.61 J 6.13 J 7.04 J 7.25 J 6.5-8.5 NE Notes 2L Standard - 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater Standards SWSL - Solid Waste Section Limits NE = Not Established s.u. = Standard unit mg/L = Milligrams per Literµg/L = Micrograms per Liter umhos/cm = Micromhos per centimeter Qualifiers (Q): U The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the associated detection limit. B The analyte was detected in a laboratory blank at a similar concentration. J The analyte was positively identified; the associated numerical value is the approximate concentration of the analyte in the sampleUJThe analyte was not detected and the associated detection limit is estimated Highlighted values indicate concentrations in excess of NC Groundwater quality standards for the protection of the groundwater. 11/29/2017 MW-LG7 2L Standard SWSL Collection Date:11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 Monitoring Well:MW-LG1 MW-LG3 MW-LG5 MW-LG6 AECOM Page 1 of 1 Table 3 Semi-Annual Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids,North Carolina November 2017 Event 2L Standard SWSL SW-846 602GB 1.3 J 031 JB 2-5 038 JB 10 10 SW-846 602GB Barium 323 79.5 95.7 142 700 100 SW-846 602GB Cadmium 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 2 1 SW-846 602GB Chromium 1.4 J 0.2 JB 1.9 J .0.27 JB 10 10 SW-846 602GB 3.1 JB 0-2 UJ 029 JB 0-2 UJ 10 SW-846 602GB Iron 18300 35.2 JB 15400 176 J 300 SW-846 602GB Lead 2.3 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 15 10 SW-846 602GB 1580 3440 J 5900 J 60.8 50 50 SW-846 602GB Selenium 0.85 JB 1-1 JB 075 JB 7-7 20 10 SW-846 60208 Silver 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 20 10 SW-846 602GB Zinc 18.8 13.5 12.7 10.9 1000 10 SW-846 7470A 0.061 JB 0.03 U 0.037 JB 0.051 JB 1 0.2 EPA 120.1 Conductance umhos/cm 781 1750 431 1030 NE NE EPA 300.0 Nitrate 0.05 U 13.3 0.05 U 7.9 10 10 EPA 300.0 Sulfate 13.8 140 80.6 214 250 SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 420 942 261 1400 500 NE SM 4500H ..6.67 J 6-51 J 6.13 J 7.25 J 6.5-8.5 NE NotesHighlighted values indicate concentrations in excess of NC Groundwater quality standards forthe protection of the groundwater.2L Standard -15A NCAC 2L Groundwater StandardsSWSL-Solid Waste Section LimitsNE=Not Establisheds.u.=Standard unitmg/L =Milligrams per Literpg/L =Micrograms per Literumhos/cm =Micromhos per centimeter Qualifiers (Q): U The analy‘te was analyzed for,but was not detected above the associated detection limit. 8 The analy‘te was detected in a laboratory blank at a similar concentration.J The analv‘te was positively identified;the associated numerical value is the approximate concentration ofthe analyte in the sampleUJTheanalv‘te was not detected and the associated detection limit is estimated AECOM Page 1 of 1 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event BOD COD TOX TOC TDS pH Conductivity Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Silver Zinc mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L s.u. µmohs/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L NE NE NE NE 500 6.5-8.5 NE 250 250 2 10 10 700 2 10 1000 300 15 50 1 20 20 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 250 NE 2 10 10 100 1 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 10 10 10 Location Sample Date 5/15/2007 0.93 J 46 0.0078 J 5.8 340 6.7 NA 23 13 0.15 J 0.023 U 2.1 210 0.12 U 1.6 J 2.1 22,600 1.6 2.1 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 3.8 J 11/14/2007 4 U 42 NA 6.9 770 6.5 NA 16 22 1.5 0.003 U 2.3 410 0.12 U 2.00 U 0.85 J 56,000 0.46 J 5,180 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 2.2 J 24 NA 9.8 260 6.8 420 12 7.4 0.2 0.18 J 0.8 150 0.2 U 1.7 J 1.8 J 18,000 0.95 J 2,500 0.08 J 0.7 U 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 2.4 J 30 NA 7.9 650 6.4 1,100 8.3 24 0.21 0.15 J 1.7 372 0.5 U 0.9 J 0.7 J 44,100 0.4 J 3,470 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 7 J 5/20/2009 1.5 J 41 NA 5.9 170 6.2 220 9.4 5.4 0.16 J 0.038 U 0.5 U 167 0.48 J 9.8 21.9 J 17,000 17.7 788 0.12 J 0.8 U 0.1 J 23 12/16/2009 2 U 40 NA 18 110 6.4 J 160 9.3 2.8 0.2 0.038 U 1.29 78.4 0.17 U 3.3 14.3 3,490 6.3 439 0.09 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 10 5/4/2010 2.6 27 NA 8 203 6.5 J 301 8.46 4.71 0.17 J 0.19 J 0.68 139 0.17 U 5.9 9.7 11,900 7.7 772 0.13 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 11 5/4/2010 2.5 31 NA 7.7 203 6.58 J 302 7.79 4.67 0.17 J 0.07 U 0.75 132 0.17 U 4.3 7.1 10,500 5.7 711 0.11 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 8 J 11/19/2010 2 UJ 2 U 0.03 U 3.2 131 6.67 J 188 25 3.93 0.11 J 0.19 J 0.4 U 115 0.3 U 1.4 J 4.9 2,050 1.3 181 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 17 11/19/2010 2 UJ 2 U 0.03 U 3.4 135 6.68 J 188 25 3.89 0.11 J 0.19 UJ 0.46 J 120 0.3 U 1.6 J 5.1 2,160 1.4 183 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 19 5/12/2011 2 U 2 U NA 2.6 134 6.24 J 171 24.6 3.57 0.1 J 0.04 U 0.52 91.4 0.3 U 1.2 J 3 3,750 1.9 250 0.02 U 1.1 J 0.07 U 2 J 5/12/2011 2 U 6 J NA 2.6 127 6.24 J 172 23.7 3.68 0.1 J 0.04 U 0.4 U 93.7 0.3 U 1.4 J 3.6 3,830 2.2 244 0.02 J 1.2 J 0.07 U 3 J 11/17/2011 2 U 20 0.188 3.6 117 6.48 J 171 17.5 2.4 0.14 J 0.03 U 0.5 J 106 0.32 J 3.4 7.3 4,190 4.5 288 0.03 J 1.5 J 0.03 U 15.2 11/17/2011 2 U 21 0.19 3.7 123 6.54 J 172 17.5 2.42 0.15 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 108 0.34 J 3.2 7.6 4,270 4.4 283 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.04 J 14.9 5/31/2012 21.9 J 26 NA 5 178 6.33 J 240 9.34 3.66 0.16 J 0.03 U 0.8 J 108 0.1 U 1.4 3.4 5,900 1.48 468 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 2.8 J 5/31/2012 18.6 J 35 NA 5.1 169 6.34 J 218 10.5 3.27 0.16 J 0.03 U 0.5 J 100 0.1 U 1.8 3.8 5,390 1.62 432 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 2.7 J 11/19/2012 4 UJ 16 U NA 64.6 162 6.19 J 222 16 3.46 0.12 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 109 0.36 J 1.6 3.3 6,430 1.29 636 0.02 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 3.1 J 5/21/2013 4 U 16 U NA 2.7 168 6.41 J 202 25.8 2.66 0.18 J 0.14 J 1.4 114 0.13 J 1.7 4.6 3,700 2.29 980 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 9.2 11/19/2013 4 U 21 0.1 U 5.5 371 6.42 J 593 1.69 11.7 0.2 0.03 U 0.7 J 231 0.1 U 0.9 J 2.1 20,000 1.04 J 1,800 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 11/19/2013 4 U 18 J 0.1 U 5.6 391 6.43 J 612 1.68 12.1 0.2 0.03 U 0.5 UJ 212 0.1 U 0.3 J 1.6 15,200 0.6 J 1,760 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 22 0.15 12.3 150 6.72 194 4.5 1.5 0.15 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 110 0.1 U 2.2 6 4,370 2.83 624 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 3.7 J 5/12/2014 4 UJ 30 0.16 12 144 6.75 191 5.1 1.5 0.15 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 109 0.1 U 2 6.4 4,580 3.28 623 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 4 J 11/5/2014 2 U 21 J 0.1 U 26.9 151 7.8 J NA 8.9 3.6 J 0.16 0.01 UJ 0.5 U 88.8 0.1 1.4 2.5 3,970 1.4 399 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/5/2014 3.3 16 J 0.1 U 25.2 152 6.8 J 159 8.8 3.6 J 0.16 0.01 U 0.5 U 88.4 0.17 1.7 3.2 3,810 1.8 362 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 J 5/11/2015 2 U 20 J 0.1 U 7.3 179 6 J NA 12.7 3.4 J 0.11 0.01 U 0.5 U 99.4 0.1 U 1.5 2.6 3,740 2.2 614 2.7 U 0.59 J 0.05 U 3.7 J 5/11/2015 2 U 15 J 0.0088 U 7 160 6.1 J 310 12.6 3.4 J 0.099 0.01 U 0.5 U 97.5 0.1 U 1.5 2.2 3,720 2 622 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 3.1 J 11/17/2015 2 U 24 J 0.01 J 7.1 29 J 6.2 J NA 10.2 4.2 J 0.13 0.01 U 0.86 J 87.8 0.074 J 2 11.8 J 3,840 3.3 355 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 5.5 11/17/2015 2 U 22 J 0.01 U 7.1 88 J 6.3 J 168 9.3 4.2 J 0.1 0.01 U 0.76 J 85.8 0.059 J 1.2 8.1 J 3,380 2.4 375 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 4.4 J 5/11/2016 2 U 48 0.026 10.3 147 6.2 J 182 6.8 2.8 J 0.098 0.3 U 1.1 130 0.24 2 7.1 3,100 6.6 276 0.1 U 0.91 J 0.05 U 3.8 J 11/8/2016 2 U 12.5 U 0.005 U 3.6 151 6.1 J NA 15.7 3.9 J 0.13 0.3 U 0.5 U 91.2 0.056 J 0.96 J 3.7 954 1.9 91.3 0.11 J 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2 U 12.5 U 0.005 U 3.4 120 6.1 J 170 15.8 3.9 J 0.13 0.3 U 0.5 U 98.9 0.066 J 1.4 J 3.6 917 1.9 84.8 0.11 J 0.5 U 0.05 U 5.3 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 135 6.31 J 171 10.9 NA NA 0.04 U 1.1 J 82.9 0.43 2 9.7 4,740 3.67 394 0.05 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.5 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 128 6.5 J 170 11 NA NA 0.04 U 0.7 J 78.8 0.52 1.8 8.6 3,890 3.56 331 0.06 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 6 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 420 6.67 J 781 13.8 NA NA 0.05 U 1.3 J 323 0.2 U 1.4 J 3.1 JB 18,300 2.3 1,580 0.061 JB 0.85 JB 0.2 U 18.8 PARAMETER: UNIT: 2L Std: SWSL: MW-LG1 AECOM Page 1 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event BOD COD TOX TOC TDS pH Conductivity Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Silver Zinc mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L s.u. µmohs/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L NE NE NE NE 500 6.5-8.5 NE 250 250 2 10 10 700 2 10 1000 300 15 50 1 20 20 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 250 NE 2 10 10 100 1 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 10 10 10 Location Sample Date 5/15/2007 0.93 J 46 0.0078 J 5.8 340 6.7 NA 23 13 0.15 J 0.023 U 2.1 210 0.12 U 1.6 J 2.1 22,600 1.6 2.1 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 3.8 J 11/14/2007 4 U 42 NA 6.9 770 6.5 NA 16 22 1.5 0.003 U 2.3 410 0.12 U 2.00 U 0.85 J 56,000 0.46 J 5,180 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 2.2 J 24 NA 9.8 260 6.8 420 12 7.4 0.2 0.18 J 0.8 150 0.2 U 1.7 J 1.8 J 18,000 0.95 J 2,500 0.08 J 0.7 U 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 2.4 J 30 NA 7.9 650 6.4 1,100 8.3 24 0.21 0.15 J 1.7 372 0.5 U 0.9 J 0.7 J 44,100 0.4 J 3,470 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 7 J 5/20/2009 1.5 J 41 NA 5.9 170 6.2 220 9.4 5.4 0.16 J 0.038 U 0.5 U 167 0.48 J 9.8 21.9 J 17,000 17.7 788 0.12 J 0.8 U 0.1 J 23 12/16/2009 2 U 40 NA 18 110 6.4 J 160 9.3 2.8 0.2 0.038 U 1.29 78.4 0.17 U 3.3 14.3 3,490 6.3 439 0.09 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 10 5/4/2010 2.6 27 NA 8 203 6.5 J 301 8.46 4.71 0.17 J 0.19 J 0.68 139 0.17 U 5.9 9.7 11,900 7.7 772 0.13 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 11 5/4/2010 2.5 31 NA 7.7 203 6.58 J 302 7.79 4.67 0.17 J 0.07 U 0.75 132 0.17 U 4.3 7.1 10,500 5.7 711 0.11 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 8 J 11/19/2010 2 UJ 2 U 0.03 U 3.2 131 6.67 J 188 25 3.93 0.11 J 0.19 J 0.4 U 115 0.3 U 1.4 J 4.9 2,050 1.3 181 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 17 11/19/2010 2 UJ 2 U 0.03 U 3.4 135 6.68 J 188 25 3.89 0.11 J 0.19 UJ 0.46 J 120 0.3 U 1.6 J 5.1 2,160 1.4 183 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 19 5/12/2011 2 U 2 U NA 2.6 134 6.24 J 171 24.6 3.57 0.1 J 0.04 U 0.52 91.4 0.3 U 1.2 J 3 3,750 1.9 250 0.02 U 1.1 J 0.07 U 2 J 5/12/2011 2 U 6 J NA 2.6 127 6.24 J 172 23.7 3.68 0.1 J 0.04 U 0.4 U 93.7 0.3 U 1.4 J 3.6 3,830 2.2 244 0.02 J 1.2 J 0.07 U 3 J 11/17/2011 2 U 20 0.188 3.6 117 6.48 J 171 17.5 2.4 0.14 J 0.03 U 0.5 J 106 0.32 J 3.4 7.3 4,190 4.5 288 0.03 J 1.5 J 0.03 U 15.2 11/17/2011 2 U 21 0.19 3.7 123 6.54 J 172 17.5 2.42 0.15 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 108 0.34 J 3.2 7.6 4,270 4.4 283 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.04 J 14.9 5/31/2012 21.9 J 26 NA 5 178 6.33 J 240 9.34 3.66 0.16 J 0.03 U 0.8 J 108 0.1 U 1.4 3.4 5,900 1.48 468 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 2.8 J 5/31/2012 18.6 J 35 NA 5.1 169 6.34 J 218 10.5 3.27 0.16 J 0.03 U 0.5 J 100 0.1 U 1.8 3.8 5,390 1.62 432 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 2.7 J 11/19/2012 4 UJ 16 U NA 64.6 162 6.19 J 222 16 3.46 0.12 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 109 0.36 J 1.6 3.3 6,430 1.29 636 0.02 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 3.1 J 5/21/2013 4 U 16 U NA 2.7 168 6.41 J 202 25.8 2.66 0.18 J 0.14 J 1.4 114 0.13 J 1.7 4.6 3,700 2.29 980 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 9.2 11/19/2013 4 U 21 0.1 U 5.5 371 6.42 J 593 1.69 11.7 0.2 0.03 U 0.7 J 231 0.1 U 0.9 J 2.1 20,000 1.04 J 1,800 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 11/19/2013 4 U 18 J 0.1 U 5.6 391 6.43 J 612 1.68 12.1 0.2 0.03 U 0.5 UJ 212 0.1 U 0.3 J 1.6 15,200 0.6 J 1,760 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 22 0.15 12.3 150 6.72 194 4.5 1.5 0.15 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 110 0.1 U 2.2 6 4,370 2.83 624 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 3.7 J 5/12/2014 4 UJ 30 0.16 12 144 6.75 191 5.1 1.5 0.15 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 109 0.1 U 2 6.4 4,580 3.28 623 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 4 J 11/5/2014 2 U 21 J 0.1 U 26.9 151 7.8 J NA 8.9 3.6 J 0.16 0.01 UJ 0.5 U 88.8 0.1 1.4 2.5 3,970 1.4 399 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/5/2014 3.3 16 J 0.1 U 25.2 152 6.8 J 159 8.8 3.6 J 0.16 0.01 U 0.5 U 88.4 0.17 1.7 3.2 3,810 1.8 362 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 J 5/11/2015 2 U 20 J 0.1 U 7.3 179 6 J NA 12.7 3.4 J 0.11 0.01 U 0.5 U 99.4 0.1 U 1.5 2.6 3,740 2.2 614 2.7 U 0.59 J 0.05 U 3.7 J 5/11/2015 2 U 15 J 0.0088 U 7 160 6.1 J 310 12.6 3.4 J 0.099 0.01 U 0.5 U 97.5 0.1 U 1.5 2.2 3,720 2 622 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 3.1 J 11/17/2015 2 U 24 J 0.01 J 7.1 29 J 6.2 J NA 10.2 4.2 J 0.13 0.01 U 0.86 J 87.8 0.074 J 2 11.8 J 3,840 3.3 355 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 5.5 11/17/2015 2 U 22 J 0.01 U 7.1 88 J 6.3 J 168 9.3 4.2 J 0.1 0.01 U 0.76 J 85.8 0.059 J 1.2 8.1 J 3,380 2.4 375 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 4.4 J 5/11/2016 2 U 48 0.026 10.3 147 6.2 J 182 6.8 2.8 J 0.098 0.3 U 1.1 130 0.24 2 7.1 3,100 6.6 276 0.1 U 0.91 J 0.05 U 3.8 J 11/8/2016 2 U 12.5 U 0.005 U 3.6 151 6.1 J NA 15.7 3.9 J 0.13 0.3 U 0.5 U 91.2 0.056 J 0.96 J 3.7 954 1.9 91.3 0.11 J 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2 U 12.5 U 0.005 U 3.4 120 6.1 J 170 15.8 3.9 J 0.13 0.3 U 0.5 U 98.9 0.066 J 1.4 J 3.6 917 1.9 84.8 0.11 J 0.5 U 0.05 U 5.3 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 135 6.31 J 171 10.9 NA NA 0.04 U 1.1 J 82.9 0.43 2 9.7 4,740 3.67 394 0.05 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.5 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 128 6.5 J 170 11 NA NA 0.04 U 0.7 J 78.8 0.52 1.8 8.6 3,890 3.56 331 0.06 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 6 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 420 6.67 J 781 13.8 NA NA 0.05 U 1.3 J 323 0.2 U 1.4 J 3.1 JB 18,300 2.3 1,580 0.061 JB 0.85 JB 0.2 U 18.8 PARAMETER: UNIT: 2L Std: SWSL: MW-LG1 AECOM Page 1 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids,North Carolina November 2017 Event PARAMETER:BOD COD TOX TOC TDS "Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Co--erUNIT:Elmmmmmm-n-m-mnm 700 “nu-1-“—n-n-lmm-nSWSL:mmmmmmnmmnnnm—“mnnmnmLocationSampleDate 5/15/2007 0.93 J 46 0.0078 J 5.8 340 6.7 NA 23 13 0.15 J 0.023 U 2.1 210 0.12 U 1.6 J 2.1 22,600 1.6 2.1 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 3.8 J 11/14/2007 4 U 42 NA 6.9 770 6.5 NA 16 22 1.5 0.003 U 2.3 410 0.12 U 2.00 U 0.85 J 56,000 0.46 J 5,180 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 2.2 J 24 NA 9.8 260 6.8 420 12 7.4 0.2 0.18 J 0.8 150 0.2 U 1.7 J 1.8 J 18,000 0.95 J 2,500 0.08 J 0.7 U 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 2.4 J 30 NA 7.9 650 6.4 1,100 8.3 24 0.21 0.15 J 1.7 372 0.5 U 0.9 J 0.7 J 44,100 0.4 J 3,470 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 7 J 5/20/2009 1.5 J 41 NA 5.9 170 6.2 220 9.4 5.4 0.16 J 0.038 U 0.5 U 167 0.48 J 9.8 21.9 J 17,000 17.7 788 0.12 J 0.8 U 0.1 J 23 12/16/2009 2 U 40 NA 18 110 6.4 J 160 9.3 2.8 0.2 0.038 U 1.29 78.4 0.17 U 3.3 14.3 3,490 6.3 439 0.09 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 10 5/4/2010 2.6 27 NA 8 203 6.5 J 301 8.46 4.71 0.17 J 0.19 J 0.68 139 0.17 U 5.9 9.7 11,900 7.7 772 0.13 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 11 5/4/2010 2.5 31 NA 7.7 203 6.58 J 302 7.79 4.67 0.17 J 0.07 U 0.75 132 0.17 U 4.3 7.1 10,500 5.7 711 0.11 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 8 J 11/19/2010 2 UJ 2 U 0.03 U 3.2 131 6.67 J 188 25 3.93 0.11 J 0.19 J 0.4 U 115 0.3 U 1.4 J 4.9 2,050 1.3 181 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 17 11/19/2010 2 UJ 2 U 0.03 U 3.4 135 6.68 J 188 25 3.89 0.11 J 0.19 UJ 0.46 J 120 0.3 U 1.6 J 5.1 2,160 1.4 183 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 19 5/12/2011 2 U 2 U NA 2.6 134 6.24 J 171 24.6 3.57 0.1 J 0.04 U 0.52 91.4 0.3 U 1.2 J 3 3,750 1.9 250 0.02 U 1.1 J 0.07 U 2 J 5/12/2011 2 U 6 J NA 2.6 127 6.24 J 172 23.7 3.68 0.1 J 0.04 U 0.4 U 93.7 0.3 U 1.4 J 3.6 3,830 2.2 244 0.02 J 1.2 J 0.07 U 3 J 11/17/2011 2 U 20 0.188 3.6 117 6.48 J 171 17.5 2.4 0.14 J 0.03 U 0.5 J 106 0.32 J 3.4 7.3 4,190 4.5 288 0.03 J 1.5 J 0.03 U 15.2 11/17/2011 2 U 21 0.19 3.7 123 6.54 J 172 17.5 2.42 0.15 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 108 0.34 J 3.2 7.6 4,270 4.4 283 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.04 J 14.9 5/31/2012 21.9 J 26 NA 5 178 6.33 J 240 9.34 3.66 0.16 J 0.03 U 0.8 J 108 0.1 U 1.4 3.4 5,900 1.48 468 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 2.8 J 5/31/2012 18.6 J 35 NA 5.1 169 6.34 J 218 10.5 3.27 0.16 J 0.03 U 0.5 J 100 0.1 U 1.8 3.8 5,390 1.62 432 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 2.7 J MW-LG1 11/19/2012 4 UJ 16 U NA 64.6 162 6.19 J 222 16 3.46 0.12 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 109 0.36 J 1.6 3.3 6,430 1.29 636 0.02 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 3.1 J 5/21/2013 4 U 16 U NA 2.7 168 6.41 J 202 25.8 2.66 0.18 J 0.14 J 1.4 114 0.13 J 1.7 4.6 3,700 2.29 980 0.03 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 9.2 11/19/2013 4 U 21 0.1 U 5.5 371 6.42 J 593 1.69 11.7 0.2 0.03 U 0.7 J 231 0.1 U 0.9 J 2.1 20,000 1.04 J 1,800 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 11/19/2013 4 U 18 J 0.1 U 5.6 391 6.43 J 612 1.68 12.1 0.2 0.03 U 0.5 UJ 212 0.1 U 0.3 J 1.6 15,200 0.6 J 1,760 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 22 0.15 12.3 150 6.72 194 4.5 1.5 0.15 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 110 0.1 U 2.2 6 4,370 2.83 624 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 3.7 J 5/12/2014 4 UJ 30 0.16 12 144 6.75 191 5.1 1.5 0.15 J 0.03 U 0.5 U 109 0.1 U 2 6.4 4,580 3.28 623 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 4 J 11/5/2014 2 U 21 J 0.1 U 26.9 151 7.8 J NA 8.9 3.6 J 0.16 0.01 UJ 0.5 U 88.8 0.1 1.4 2.5 3,970 1.4 399 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/5/2014 3.3 16 J 0.1 U 25.2 152 6.8 J 159 8.8 3.6 J 0.16 0.01 U 0.5 U 88.4 0.17 1.7 3.2 3,810 1.8 362 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 J 5/11/2015 2 U 20 J 0.1 U 7.3 179 6 J NA 12.7 3.4 J 0.11 0.01 U 0.5 U 99.4 0.1 U 1.5 2.6 3,740 2.2 614 2.7 U 0.59 J 0.05 U 3.7 J 5/11/2015 2 U 15 J 0.0088 U 7 160 6.1 J 310 12.6 3.4 J 0.099 0.01 U 0.5 U 97.5 0.1 U 1.5 2.2 3,720 2 622 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 3.1 J 11/17/2015 2 U 24 J 0.01 J 7.1 29 J 6.2J NA 10.2 4.2 J 0.13 0.01 U 0.86 J 87.8 0.074 J 2 11.8 J 3,840 3.3 355 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 5.5 11/17/2015 2 U 22 J 0.01 U 7.1 88 J 6.3J 168 9.3 4.2 J 0.1 0.01 U 0.76 J 85.8 0.059 J 1.2 8.1 J 3,380 2.4 375 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 4.4 J 5/11/2016 2 U 48 0.026 10.3 147 6.2J 182 6.8 2.8 J 0.098 0.3 U 1.1 130 0.24 2 7.1 3,100 6.6 276 0.1 U 0.91 J 0.05 U 3.8 J 11/8/2016 2 U 12.5 U 0.005 U 3.6 151 6.1 J NA 15.7 3.9 J 0.13 0.3 U 0.5 U 91.2 0.056 J 0.96 J 3.7 954 1.9 91.3 0.11 J 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2 U 12.5 U 0.005 U 3.4 120 6.1 J 170 15.8 3.9 J 0.13 0.3 U 0.5 U 98.9 0.066 J 1.4 J 3.6 917 1.9 84.8 0.11 J 0.5 U 0.05 U 5.3 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 135 6.31 J 171 10.9 NA NA 0.04 U 1.1 J 82.9 0.43 2 9.7 4,740 3.67 394 0.05 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.5 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 128 6.5 J 170 11 NA NA 0.04 U 0.7 J 78.8 0.52 1.8 8.6 3,890 3.56 331 0.06 J 1.1 U 0.06 U 6 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 420 6.67 J 781 13.8 NA NA 0.05 U 1.3 J 323 0.2 U 1.4 J 3.1 JB 18,300 2.3 1,580 0.061 JB 0.85 JB 0.2 U 18.8 AECOM Page 1 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event BOD COD TOX TOC TDS pH Conductivity Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Silver Zinc mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L s.u. µmohs/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L NE NE NE NE 500 6.5-8.5 NE 250 250 2 10 10 700 2 10 1000 300 15 50 1 20 20 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 250 NE 2 10 10 100 1 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 10 10 10 Location Sample Date PARAMETER: UNIT: 2L Std: SWSL: 5/15/2007 0.86 U 44 0.0987 11 1,200 6.5 NA 180 55 0.17 J 6.7 0.42 U 61 0.12 U 0.51 U 0.53 J 2,320 0.3 U 2.3 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 15 11/14/2007 0.86 U 44 NA 12 1,100 6.4 NA 85 51 1.6 4.5 0.28 U 97 0.12 U 2.00 U 0.43 J 250 0.3 U 4,700 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 1.1 J 27 NA 11 1,200 6.9 1,800 210 73 0.28 4.5 0.34 J 60 0.2 U 1.3 J 0.54 J 660 0.2 U 2,750 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 0.86 U 38 NA 13 1000 6.5 1,500 90 61 0.25 0.79 0.2 U 80 0.5 U 0.8 J 0.7 J 617 0.2 U 3,100 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 5 J 5/20/2009 1.2 J 23 NA 8.9 1,200 6.5 1,900 200 82 0.23 4.9 0.2 U 60.6 0.12 J 0.8 U 1 J 188 0.2 U 1,410 0.08 U 2.6 0.08 U 6 J 12/16/2009 2 U 46 NA 200 1,200 6.5 J 1,800 87 74 0.28 4.9 0.24 J 67.7 0.17 U 0.6 U 0.5 U 430 0.3 U 1,740 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 5/4/2010 5.2 37 NA 12.5 1,310 6.73 J 2,070 147 J 86.1 J 0.26 5.27 0.37 J 74.9 0.17 U 0.6 U 0.5 J 240 0.3 U 1,450 0.08 U 1 J 0.09 U 5 J 11/19/2010 2 UJ 30 0.168 12.3 1,190 6.99 J 1,960 104 67 J 0.21 16.8 J 0.4 U 93 0.3 U 0.7 J 1 U 2,950 0.9 J 2,900 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 4 J 5/12/2011 2 U 19 J NA 11 1,380 7.01 J 2,030 271 81.5 0.21 15.3 0.41 J 59.5 0.3 U 0.5 J 1 U 640 0.1 J 1,170 0.02 U 1.4 J 0.07 U 1 U 11/17/2011 2 U 42 0.763 9.7 1,300 7.02 J 1,990 184 71.5 0.26 10.6 0.5 U 59.7 0.12 U 0.5 J 0.7 J 250 0.06 U 1,550 0.02 U 1.3 J 0.03 U 2.2 J 5/30/2012 4 UJ 23 NA 6.3 1,210 6.78 J 1,750 295 56.6 0.3 10.1 0.5 U 45.3 0.1 U 0.5 J 1.1 U 30 J 0.12 U 573 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2012 4 UJ 24 NA 91.1 1,220 6.72 J 1,860 277 50.7 0.23 15.5 0.5 U 51.2 0.1 U 0.5 J 1.2 40 J 0.12 U 931 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 4 U 26 NA 9.1 1,580 6.98 J 2,180 340 59.2 0.27 36.3 0.5 U 67.2 0.25 J 0.6 J 0.8 J 560 0.12 U 1,410 0.02 U 1.6 J 0.06 U 2 J 11/19/2013 4 U 29 0.1 U 7.5 1,360 6.57 J 1,970 228 40.3 0.27 34 0.5 U 66.1 0.1 U 0.2 U 0.8 J 7 J 0.12 U 2,520 0.02 U 1.7 J 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 16 U 0.1 U 8.1 1,190 6.97 1,650 184 47.9 0.25 20.4 J 0.5 U 61.2 0.1 U 0.3 J 0.5 J 110 0.12 U 871 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/5/2014 2 U 18 J 0.1 U 67.4 1,050 7.4 J 1,547 171 27.8 0.38 24.1 J 0.5 U 54.4 0.05 U 0.71 J 0.93 U 117 0.5 U 1,350 0.1 U 0.86 J 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2015 11.3 17 J 0.1 U 15.7 1,170 6.4 J 1,678 108 49.3 0.23 9.6 0.5 U 78.4 0.28 U 0.81 J 0.93 U 614 0.5 U 943 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/17/2015 2 U 24 J 0.053 4.9 664 6.8 J 1,458 163 34.3 0.34 16.7 0.5 U 56.9 0.05 U 2 0.93 U 300 0.5 U 818 0.1 U 0.5 J 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 2 U 21 J 0.097 7.5 1,030 6.6 J 1,291 140 36.6 0.28 14.7 0.5 U 66.6 0.054 J 0.5 U 0.93 U 70.1 0.5 U 1,280 0.1 U 0.64 J 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2 U 24 J 0.069 6.6 1,110 6.8 J 1,652 153 35.9 0.4 24.4 0.5 U 58.8 0.063 J 0.5 U 0.93 U 59.7 0.5 U 1,370 0.1 U 0.99 J 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 559 6.96 J 1,010 103 NA NA 12.1 0.5 U 36 0.1 U 0.4 J 0.5 J 100 0.12 U 176 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 942 6.61 J 1,750 140 NA NA 13.3 0.31 JB 79.5 0.2 U 0.2 JB 0.2 UJ 35.2 JB 0.2 U 3,440 J 0.03 U 1.1 JB 0.2 U 13.5 MW-LG3 AECOM Page 2 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event BOD COD TOX TOC TDS pH Conductivity Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Silver Zinc mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L s.u. µmohs/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L NE NE NE NE 500 6.5-8.5 NE 250 250 2 10 10 700 2 10 1000 300 15 50 1 20 20 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 250 NE 2 10 10 100 1 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 10 10 10 Location Sample Date PARAMETER: UNIT: 2L Std: SWSL: 5/15/2007 0.86 U 44 0.0987 11 1,200 6.5 NA 180 55 0.17 J 6.7 0.42 U 61 0.12 U 0.51 U 0.53 J 2,320 0.3 U 2.3 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 15 11/14/2007 0.86 U 44 NA 12 1,100 6.4 NA 85 51 1.6 4.5 0.28 U 97 0.12 U 2.00 U 0.43 J 250 0.3 U 4,700 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 1.1 J 27 NA 11 1,200 6.9 1,800 210 73 0.28 4.5 0.34 J 60 0.2 U 1.3 J 0.54 J 660 0.2 U 2,750 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 0.86 U 38 NA 13 1000 6.5 1,500 90 61 0.25 0.79 0.2 U 80 0.5 U 0.8 J 0.7 J 617 0.2 U 3,100 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 5 J 5/20/2009 1.2 J 23 NA 8.9 1,200 6.5 1,900 200 82 0.23 4.9 0.2 U 60.6 0.12 J 0.8 U 1 J 188 0.2 U 1,410 0.08 U 2.6 0.08 U 6 J 12/16/2009 2 U 46 NA 200 1,200 6.5 J 1,800 87 74 0.28 4.9 0.24 J 67.7 0.17 U 0.6 U 0.5 U 430 0.3 U 1,740 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 5/4/2010 5.2 37 NA 12.5 1,310 6.73 J 2,070 147 J 86.1 J 0.26 5.27 0.37 J 74.9 0.17 U 0.6 U 0.5 J 240 0.3 U 1,450 0.08 U 1 J 0.09 U 5 J 11/19/2010 2 UJ 30 0.168 12.3 1,190 6.99 J 1,960 104 67 J 0.21 16.8 J 0.4 U 93 0.3 U 0.7 J 1 U 2,950 0.9 J 2,900 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 4 J 5/12/2011 2 U 19 J NA 11 1,380 7.01 J 2,030 271 81.5 0.21 15.3 0.41 J 59.5 0.3 U 0.5 J 1 U 640 0.1 J 1,170 0.02 U 1.4 J 0.07 U 1 U 11/17/2011 2 U 42 0.763 9.7 1,300 7.02 J 1,990 184 71.5 0.26 10.6 0.5 U 59.7 0.12 U 0.5 J 0.7 J 250 0.06 U 1,550 0.02 U 1.3 J 0.03 U 2.2 J 5/30/2012 4 UJ 23 NA 6.3 1,210 6.78 J 1,750 295 56.6 0.3 10.1 0.5 U 45.3 0.1 U 0.5 J 1.1 U 30 J 0.12 U 573 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2012 4 UJ 24 NA 91.1 1,220 6.72 J 1,860 277 50.7 0.23 15.5 0.5 U 51.2 0.1 U 0.5 J 1.2 40 J 0.12 U 931 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 4 U 26 NA 9.1 1,580 6.98 J 2,180 340 59.2 0.27 36.3 0.5 U 67.2 0.25 J 0.6 J 0.8 J 560 0.12 U 1,410 0.02 U 1.6 J 0.06 U 2 J 11/19/2013 4 U 29 0.1 U 7.5 1,360 6.57 J 1,970 228 40.3 0.27 34 0.5 U 66.1 0.1 U 0.2 U 0.8 J 7 J 0.12 U 2,520 0.02 U 1.7 J 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 16 U 0.1 U 8.1 1,190 6.97 1,650 184 47.9 0.25 20.4 J 0.5 U 61.2 0.1 U 0.3 J 0.5 J 110 0.12 U 871 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/5/2014 2 U 18 J 0.1 U 67.4 1,050 7.4 J 1,547 171 27.8 0.38 24.1 J 0.5 U 54.4 0.05 U 0.71 J 0.93 U 117 0.5 U 1,350 0.1 U 0.86 J 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2015 11.3 17 J 0.1 U 15.7 1,170 6.4 J 1,678 108 49.3 0.23 9.6 0.5 U 78.4 0.28 U 0.81 J 0.93 U 614 0.5 U 943 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/17/2015 2 U 24 J 0.053 4.9 664 6.8 J 1,458 163 34.3 0.34 16.7 0.5 U 56.9 0.05 U 2 0.93 U 300 0.5 U 818 0.1 U 0.5 J 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 2 U 21 J 0.097 7.5 1,030 6.6 J 1,291 140 36.6 0.28 14.7 0.5 U 66.6 0.054 J 0.5 U 0.93 U 70.1 0.5 U 1,280 0.1 U 0.64 J 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2 U 24 J 0.069 6.6 1,110 6.8 J 1,652 153 35.9 0.4 24.4 0.5 U 58.8 0.063 J 0.5 U 0.93 U 59.7 0.5 U 1,370 0.1 U 0.99 J 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 559 6.96 J 1,010 103 NA NA 12.1 0.5 U 36 0.1 U 0.4 J 0.5 J 100 0.12 U 176 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 942 6.61 J 1,750 140 NA NA 13.3 0.31 JB 79.5 0.2 U 0.2 JB 0.2 UJ 35.2 JB 0.2 U 3,440 J 0.03 U 1.1 JB 0.2 U 13.5 MW-LG3 AECOM Page 2 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids,North Carolina November 2017 Event 5/15/2007 0.86 U 6.5 .61 0.3 U .0.039 U 15 11/14/2007 0.86 U 6.4 ..97 0.3 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 1.1 J 6.9 .60 0.2 U 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 0.86 U 6.5 80 0.2 U 0.08 U 5 J 5/20/2009 1.2 J .6.5 .60.6 0.2 U .0.08 U 6 J 12/16/2009 2 U 6.5 J .67.7 0.3 U .0.09 U 3 U 5/4/2010 5.2 6.73 74.9 0.3 U 0.09 U 5 J 11/19/2010 2 UJ 6.99 93 0.9 J 0.07 U 4 J 5/12/2011 2 U 7.01 59.5 0.1 J 0.07 U 1 U 11/17/2011 2 U .7.02 59.7 0.06 U 0.03 U 2.2 J 5/30/2012 4 UJ .6.78 .45.3 0.12 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2012 4 UJ 6.72 51.2 0.12 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 4 U .6.98 67.2 560 0.12 U 0.06 U 2 J 11/19/2013 4 U .6.57 66.1 7 J 0.12 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 .1,190 6.97 61.2 110 0.12 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/5/2014 2 U 1 7.4 J 54.4 117 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2015 1,170 6.4J .78.4 614 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/17/2015 2 U .664 6.8 J 56.9 300 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 2 U .1,030 6.6 J 66.6 70.1 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2 U .1 110 6.8 J .58.8 59.7 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/9/2017 NA 559 6.96 36 100 0.12 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/29/2017 NA 942 6.61 79.5 35.2 JB 0.2 U 0.2 U 13.5 AECOM Page 2 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event BOD COD TOX TOC TDS pH Conductivity Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Silver Zinc mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L s.u. µmohs/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L NE NE NE NE 500 6.5-8.5 NE 250 250 2 10 10 700 2 10 1000 300 15 50 1 20 20 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 250 NE 2 10 10 100 1 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 10 10 10 Location Sample Date PARAMETER: UNIT: 2L Std: SWSL: 5/15/2007 1 J 54 J 0.0075 J 6.6 510 6.4 NA 99 2.7 0.16 J 0.12 J 0.45 U 180 0.12 U 0.81 J 0.77 J 9,870 0.3 U 9.1 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 13 5/15/2007 0.86 U 24 J 0.007 U 6.5 490 6.5 NA 120 2.9 0.15 J 0.12 J 0.64 U 170 0.12 U 1.1 J 0.93 J 7,640 0.3 U 7.7 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 13 11/14/2007 4 U 33 NA 5.7 590 6.4 NA 130 2.4 0.87 0.003 U 0.43 J 233 0.12 U 2.00 U 0.9 J 7,000 1 19,300 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 2 J 51 NA 13 650 6.4 840 290 2 0.2 0.18 J 1.5 109 0.36 J 3.4 2.5 27,000 0.2 U 16,800 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 75 11/11/2008 0.86 U 16 NA 5.1 550 6.3 780 150 2.8 0.24 0.16 J 0.45 J 121 0.5 U 0.8 U 0.5 J 5,580 0.2 U 7,410 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 19 5/20/2009 2.8 J 7 NA 4.6 650 6.1 840 260 2 0.18 J 0.16 J 0.5 U 104 0.25 J 0.8 U 0.9 J 4,850 0.2 U 980 0.08 U 0.8 U 0.08 U 24 12/16/2009 2 U 32 NA 58 750 6.3 J 1,200 160 1.5 0.25 0.17 J 0.37 J 97.6 0.17 U 0.6 U 1.6 J 930 0.3 U 10,500 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 8 J 5/4/2010 4.4 84 NA 23.6 611 6.06 J 759 291 2.14 0.16 J 0.07 U 7.8 125 0.28 J 4.3 1.7 J 49,200 0.3 U 14,200 0.16 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 34 11/19/2010 2 UJ 16 J 0.03 U 5.6 675 6.76 J 915 268 2.06 0.15 J 0.07 UJ 1.32 111 0.3 U 0.4 J 1 U 4,010 0.06 U 12,000 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 27 5/12/2011 2 U 10 J NA 5.5 661 6.55 J 856 249 2.5 0.14 J 0.04 U 0.85 99.9 0.3 U 0.3 U 1 U 5,150 0.09 J 14,000 0.02 U 1 U 0.07 U 11 11/17/2011 2.2 56 0.41 12.1 540 6.39 J 701 176 3.12 0.17 J 0.03 U 1.5 107 0.6 3 3.2 6,380 0.13 J 10,800 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.03 J 14.9 5/30/2012 26.1 J 35 NA 5.9 634 6.2 J 839 229 2.99 0.19 J 0.16 J 1.4 128 0.1 U 1.6 1.9 U 15,200 0.29 J 13,700 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 11.2 11/19/2012 4 UJ 53 NA 78.9 531 6.13 J 661 170 2.78 0.13 J 0.03 U 5.6 150 0.1 U 1.4 1 J 28,300 0.12 U 12,900 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 10.2 5/21/2013 4 U 35 NA 8.7 502 6.45 J 611 173 2.78 0.18 J 0.03 U 2.9 120 0.1 U 1.4 1.1 16,200 0.15 J 10,500 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 9.6 11/19/2013 4 U 45 0.1 U 8.9 580 6.17 J 719 206 2.96 0.19 J 0.03 U 1.5 141 0.13 J 0.9 J 2.6 20,300 0.12 U 12,900 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 8.4 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 202 0.1 U 25.5 263 6.22 245 28.4 1.2 0.14 J 0.03 U 5.4 88.4 0.16 J 7.3 6.7 12,400 0.77 4,940 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 13.9 11/5/2014 2 U 48 0.1 U 74.2 380 6.3 J 484 98.3 J 3.1 J 0.18 0.01 U 2.4 114 0.091 J 3.7 1.9 20,800 0.5 U 7,100 0.1 U 0.55 J 0.05 U 6.3 5/11/2015 2 U 30 0.1 U 15.1 251 6 J 345 28.7 2.7 J 0.1 0.08 2.6 75.4 0.36 U 3.4 2.3 5,900 0.5 U 2,250 0.1 U 0.51 J 0.05 U 14.6 11/17/2015 2 U 29 0.01 U 73.4 202 6 J 286 62.6 4.9 J 0.15 1.3 1.2 137 0.25 2.5 3.1 1,030 0.5 U 1,230 0.1 U 1.2 0.05 U 18.7 5/11/2016 2 U 56 0.0083 J 14.7 213 5.8 J 237 22.9 2.7 J 0.11 0.3 U 3 92.1 0.11 3.2 1.9 7,380 0.5 U 3,010 0.1 U 0.52 J 0.05 U 13.3 11/8/2016 2 U 79 0.02 J 22.2 302 6 J 316 55.8 3.5 J 0.17 0.3 U 3.2 120 0.14 4.9 5 10,300 0.5 U 3,080 0.1 J 0.72 J 0.12 8.1 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 225 6.11 J 276 29.2 NA NA 0.04 U 2.2 89.9 0.1 U 4.4 3.6 4,290 0.18 J 1,920 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 9.5 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 261 6.13 J 431 80.6 NA NA 0.05 U 2.5 95.7 0.2 U 1.9 J 0.29 JB 15,400 0.2 U 5,900 J 0.037 JB 0.76 JB 0.2 U 12.7 MW-LG5 AECOM Page 3 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event BOD COD TOX TOC TDS pH Conductivity Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Silver Zinc mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L s.u. µmohs/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L NE NE NE NE 500 6.5-8.5 NE 250 250 2 10 10 700 2 10 1000 300 15 50 1 20 20 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 250 NE 2 10 10 100 1 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 10 10 10 Location Sample Date PARAMETER: UNIT: 2L Std: SWSL: 5/15/2007 1 J 54 J 0.0075 J 6.6 510 6.4 NA 99 2.7 0.16 J 0.12 J 0.45 U 180 0.12 U 0.81 J 0.77 J 9,870 0.3 U 9.1 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 13 5/15/2007 0.86 U 24 J 0.007 U 6.5 490 6.5 NA 120 2.9 0.15 J 0.12 J 0.64 U 170 0.12 U 1.1 J 0.93 J 7,640 0.3 U 7.7 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 13 11/14/2007 4 U 33 NA 5.7 590 6.4 NA 130 2.4 0.87 0.003 U 0.43 J 233 0.12 U 2.00 U 0.9 J 7,000 1 19,300 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 2 J 51 NA 13 650 6.4 840 290 2 0.2 0.18 J 1.5 109 0.36 J 3.4 2.5 27,000 0.2 U 16,800 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 75 11/11/2008 0.86 U 16 NA 5.1 550 6.3 780 150 2.8 0.24 0.16 J 0.45 J 121 0.5 U 0.8 U 0.5 J 5,580 0.2 U 7,410 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 19 5/20/2009 2.8 J 7 NA 4.6 650 6.1 840 260 2 0.18 J 0.16 J 0.5 U 104 0.25 J 0.8 U 0.9 J 4,850 0.2 U 980 0.08 U 0.8 U 0.08 U 24 12/16/2009 2 U 32 NA 58 750 6.3 J 1,200 160 1.5 0.25 0.17 J 0.37 J 97.6 0.17 U 0.6 U 1.6 J 930 0.3 U 10,500 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 8 J 5/4/2010 4.4 84 NA 23.6 611 6.06 J 759 291 2.14 0.16 J 0.07 U 7.8 125 0.28 J 4.3 1.7 J 49,200 0.3 U 14,200 0.16 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 34 11/19/2010 2 UJ 16 J 0.03 U 5.6 675 6.76 J 915 268 2.06 0.15 J 0.07 UJ 1.32 111 0.3 U 0.4 J 1 U 4,010 0.06 U 12,000 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 27 5/12/2011 2 U 10 J NA 5.5 661 6.55 J 856 249 2.5 0.14 J 0.04 U 0.85 99.9 0.3 U 0.3 U 1 U 5,150 0.09 J 14,000 0.02 U 1 U 0.07 U 11 11/17/2011 2.2 56 0.41 12.1 540 6.39 J 701 176 3.12 0.17 J 0.03 U 1.5 107 0.6 3 3.2 6,380 0.13 J 10,800 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.03 J 14.9 5/30/2012 26.1 J 35 NA 5.9 634 6.2 J 839 229 2.99 0.19 J 0.16 J 1.4 128 0.1 U 1.6 1.9 U 15,200 0.29 J 13,700 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 11.2 11/19/2012 4 UJ 53 NA 78.9 531 6.13 J 661 170 2.78 0.13 J 0.03 U 5.6 150 0.1 U 1.4 1 J 28,300 0.12 U 12,900 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 10.2 5/21/2013 4 U 35 NA 8.7 502 6.45 J 611 173 2.78 0.18 J 0.03 U 2.9 120 0.1 U 1.4 1.1 16,200 0.15 J 10,500 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 9.6 11/19/2013 4 U 45 0.1 U 8.9 580 6.17 J 719 206 2.96 0.19 J 0.03 U 1.5 141 0.13 J 0.9 J 2.6 20,300 0.12 U 12,900 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 8.4 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 202 0.1 U 25.5 263 6.22 245 28.4 1.2 0.14 J 0.03 U 5.4 88.4 0.16 J 7.3 6.7 12,400 0.77 4,940 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 13.9 11/5/2014 2 U 48 0.1 U 74.2 380 6.3 J 484 98.3 J 3.1 J 0.18 0.01 U 2.4 114 0.091 J 3.7 1.9 20,800 0.5 U 7,100 0.1 U 0.55 J 0.05 U 6.3 5/11/2015 2 U 30 0.1 U 15.1 251 6 J 345 28.7 2.7 J 0.1 0.08 2.6 75.4 0.36 U 3.4 2.3 5,900 0.5 U 2,250 0.1 U 0.51 J 0.05 U 14.6 11/17/2015 2 U 29 0.01 U 73.4 202 6 J 286 62.6 4.9 J 0.15 1.3 1.2 137 0.25 2.5 3.1 1,030 0.5 U 1,230 0.1 U 1.2 0.05 U 18.7 5/11/2016 2 U 56 0.0083 J 14.7 213 5.8 J 237 22.9 2.7 J 0.11 0.3 U 3 92.1 0.11 3.2 1.9 7,380 0.5 U 3,010 0.1 U 0.52 J 0.05 U 13.3 11/8/2016 2 U 79 0.02 J 22.2 302 6 J 316 55.8 3.5 J 0.17 0.3 U 3.2 120 0.14 4.9 5 10,300 0.5 U 3,080 0.1 J 0.72 J 0.12 8.1 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 225 6.11 J 276 29.2 NA NA 0.04 U 2.2 89.9 0.1 U 4.4 3.6 4,290 0.18 J 1,920 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 9.5 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 261 6.13 J 431 80.6 NA NA 0.05 U 2.5 95.7 0.2 U 1.9 J 0.29 JB 15,400 0.2 U 5,900 J 0.037 JB 0.76 JB 0.2 U 12.7 MW-LG5 AECOM Page 3 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids,North Carolina November 2017 Event 5/15/2007 1 J 0.0075 J 6.6 ..0.77 J .0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 13 5/15/2007 0.86 U 0.007 U 6.5 ..0.93 J 7,640 .0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 13 11/14/2007 4 U NA 5.7 ..0.9 J 7 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 2 J NA 13 ....2.5 27,000 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 75 11/11/2008 0.86 U NA 5.1 ..0.5 J 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 19 5/20/2009 2.8 J NA 4.6 .0.9 J 0.08 U 0.8 U 0.08 U 24 12/16/2009 2 U NA 58 .1.6 J 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 8 J 5/4/2010 4.4 NA 23.6 ..1.7 J 0.16 J 0.9 U 0.09 U 34 11/19/2010 5.6 1U 0.08 U 1U 0.07 U 27 5/12/2011 2 U NA 5.5 .1U 0.02 U 1U 0.07 U 11 11/17/2011 2.2 12.1 ..3.2 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.03 J 5/30/2012 NA 5.9 ..1.9 U 1 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 11/19/2012 NA 78.9 ..1 J 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5/21/2013 NA 8.7 ..1.1 1 1 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 11/19/2013 0.1 U 8.9 ..2.6 20,300 12,900 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5/12/2014 0.1 U 25.5 ...6.7 1 400 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 11/5/2014 0.1 U 74.2 ..1.9 20,800 7,100 0.1 U 0.55 J 0.05 U 5/11/2015 0.1 U 15.1 ...2.3 0.1 U 0.51 J 0.05 U 11/17/2015 0.01 U 73.4 ...3.1 1,030 1,230 0.1 U 1.2 0.05 U 5/11/2016 0.0083 J 14.7 ..1.9 7 0 0.1 U 0.52 J 0.05 U 11/8/2016 0.02 J 22.2 ..5 10,300 3,080 0.1 J 0.72 J 0.12 5/9/2017 NA NA ..3.6 1 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 11/29/2017 NA NA ..0.29 JB 15,400 5,900 J 0.037 JB 0.76 JB 0.2 U AECOM Page 3 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event BOD COD TOX TOC TDS pH Conductivity Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Silver Zinc mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L s.u. µmohs/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L NE NE NE NE 500 6.5-8.5 NE 250 250 2 10 10 700 2 10 1000 300 15 50 1 20 20 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 250 NE 2 10 10 100 1 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 10 10 10 Location Sample Date PARAMETER: UNIT: 2L Std: SWSL: 5/15/2007 3.4 96 0.0097 J 17 2,000 7.1 NA 0.98 20 0.13 J 0.023 U 0.28 U 880 0.12 U 4.1 0.48 J 2,030 0.3 U 1.4 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 6.9 J 11/14/2007 4 U 50 NA 14 2,000 7 NA 87 26 1.6 0.006 J 0.28 U 870 0.12 U 4.4 0.59 J 550 0.3 U 1,670 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 8.5 44 NA 14 2,000 7.7 2,900 260 22 0.27 0.19 J 0.59 743 0.2 U 4 1.8 J 690 0.37 J 1,360 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 0.86 U 57 NA 18 1,900 6.9 2,600 36.2 60 0.32 0.24 0.2 U 570 0.5 U 3.2 1.4 2,270 0.2 U 1,900 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 5 J 5/20/2009 2 J 43 NA 13 2,300 6.8 2,900 410 31 0.24 0.038 U 0.7 U 592 0.12 U 3.7 1 J 539 0.2 U 1,290 0.08 U 0.8 U 0.08 U 4 U 12/16/2009 2.7 75 NA 210 2,400 6.9 J 3,200 NA 48 0.35 0.18 J 0.31 J 550 0.17 U 3.9 0.5 U 1,070 0.3 U 1,590 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 12/16/2009 2.3 68 NA 290 2,400 6.9 J 3,200 NA 48 0.35 0.19 J 0.14 U 568 0.17 U 4 0.5 J 1,110 0.3 U 1,620 0.08 UJ 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 5/4/2010 14.7 58 NA 19 2,150 7.03 J 3,030 366 24.3 0.28 0.19 J 0.41 J 293 0.17 U 3.3 0.6 J 270 0.3 U 1,050 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 4 J 11/19/2010 6 J 61 0.0815 23.1 2,440 7.46 J 3,570 301 43.3 0.29 0.25 J 0.4 U 460 0.3 U 4.1 1 U 680 0.2 J 1,160 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 3 J 5/12/2011 6.2 54 NA 21.9 2,380 7.19 J 3,380 213 23.7 0.22 0.18 J 0.48 J 497 0.3 U 4.3 1 U 120 0.3 J 1,020 0.02 U 1 U 0.07 U 1 U 11/17/2011 7.5 94 0.852000121.9 2,500 7.55 J 3,430 271 25.1 0.29 0.19 J 0.5 U 521 0.12 U 5.1 0.7 J 350 0.14 J 1,120 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.03 U 2.2 J 5/30/2012 38 J 67 NA 18.8 2,080 6.93 J 2,940 92 21.9 0.28 0.03 U 0.5 U 419 0.1 U 3.6 1.0 U 140 0.12 U 1,090 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 4.4 J 11/19/2012 7.9 57 NA 267 2,320 6.95 J 3,250 140 23.3 0.21 1.46 0.5 U 361 0.1 U 3.4 0.8 J 190 0.12 U 1,490 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2012 9 56 NA 260 J 2,390 6.89 J 3,200 140 J 23.9 0.21 J 1.84 0.5 U 354 0.1 U 3.4 0.8 J 170 0.12 U 1,470 0.07 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 4.1 55 NA 17.5 1,990 7.28 J 2,950 74.2 23.1 0.3 0.03 U 0.5 U 446 0.1 U 3.6 0.9 J 120 0.12 U 1,330 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 2.9 55 NA 17.6 2,070 7.35 J 2,960 75.4 23.6 0.3 0.03 U 0.5 U 448 0.1 U 3.2 0.8 J 130 0.12 U 1,320 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2013 3.8 45 0.1 U 16.6 2,240 6.94 J 3,170 117 18.4 0.3 0.43 0.5 U 613 0.1 U 3.3 0.6 J 880 0.12 U 1,110 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 40 0.1 U 14 2,100 7.3 2,860 134 61 0.32 0.03 U 0.5 U 432 0.1 U 2.6 0.5 J 730 0.12 U 1,820 0.02 U 1.3 J 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/5/2014 2 U 58 0.1 U 171 J 1,830 7.2 J 2,974 48.4 13.6 0.31 1.1 0.5 U 562 0.05 U 3.5 0.93 U 14,200 0.5 U 1,180 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2015 5.1 40 0.1 U 17.3 1,800 6.9 J 2,895 7.7 15.1 0.32 0.013 J 0.5 U 513 0.26 U 3.8 0.93 U 4,160 0.5 U 1,590 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.7 J 11/17/2015 2 U 44 0.01 U 12.8 1,170 7.2 J 3,047 28.7 13 0.34 8.8 0.5 U 540 0.053 J 3.5 0.93 U 3,530 0.5 U 924 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 18.9 51 0.027 15.9 1,600 6.9 J 2,423 6.2 12.8 0.38 1.4 0.5 U 537 0.053 J 3.2 0.93 U 5,840 0.5 U 1,060 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2.7 56 0.0068 J 15.6 1,950 J 7 J 3,000 5.3 12.9 0.3 9.2 0.5 U 566 0.087 J 5.4 0.93 U 4,600 0.5 U 944 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 2,080 7.07 J 3,340 0.6 U NA NA 0.4 U 0.9 U 608 0.19 U 4.8 1.6 J 9,200 0.3 U 1,150 0.02 U 6.3 0.2 U 4 U 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 1,590 7.04 J 2,650 43.2 NA NA 0.97 J 0.36 JB 579 0.2 U 3.7 0.2 UJ 168 J 0.2 U 902 0.03 U 0.55 JB 0.2 U 15.6 MW-LG6 AECOM Page 4 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event BOD COD TOX TOC TDS pH Conductivity Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Silver Zinc mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L s.u. µmohs/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L NE NE NE NE 500 6.5-8.5 NE 250 250 2 10 10 700 2 10 1000 300 15 50 1 20 20 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 250 NE 2 10 10 100 1 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 10 10 10 Location Sample Date PARAMETER: UNIT: 2L Std: SWSL: 5/15/2007 3.4 96 0.0097 J 17 2,000 7.1 NA 0.98 20 0.13 J 0.023 U 0.28 U 880 0.12 U 4.1 0.48 J 2,030 0.3 U 1.4 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 6.9 J 11/14/2007 4 U 50 NA 14 2,000 7 NA 87 26 1.6 0.006 J 0.28 U 870 0.12 U 4.4 0.59 J 550 0.3 U 1,670 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 8.5 44 NA 14 2,000 7.7 2,900 260 22 0.27 0.19 J 0.59 743 0.2 U 4 1.8 J 690 0.37 J 1,360 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 0.86 U 57 NA 18 1,900 6.9 2,600 36.2 60 0.32 0.24 0.2 U 570 0.5 U 3.2 1.4 2,270 0.2 U 1,900 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 5 J 5/20/2009 2 J 43 NA 13 2,300 6.8 2,900 410 31 0.24 0.038 U 0.7 U 592 0.12 U 3.7 1 J 539 0.2 U 1,290 0.08 U 0.8 U 0.08 U 4 U 12/16/2009 2.7 75 NA 210 2,400 6.9 J 3,200 NA 48 0.35 0.18 J 0.31 J 550 0.17 U 3.9 0.5 U 1,070 0.3 U 1,590 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 12/16/2009 2.3 68 NA 290 2,400 6.9 J 3,200 NA 48 0.35 0.19 J 0.14 U 568 0.17 U 4 0.5 J 1,110 0.3 U 1,620 0.08 UJ 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 5/4/2010 14.7 58 NA 19 2,150 7.03 J 3,030 366 24.3 0.28 0.19 J 0.41 J 293 0.17 U 3.3 0.6 J 270 0.3 U 1,050 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 4 J 11/19/2010 6 J 61 0.0815 23.1 2,440 7.46 J 3,570 301 43.3 0.29 0.25 J 0.4 U 460 0.3 U 4.1 1 U 680 0.2 J 1,160 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 3 J 5/12/2011 6.2 54 NA 21.9 2,380 7.19 J 3,380 213 23.7 0.22 0.18 J 0.48 J 497 0.3 U 4.3 1 U 120 0.3 J 1,020 0.02 U 1 U 0.07 U 1 U 11/17/2011 7.5 94 0.852000121.9 2,500 7.55 J 3,430 271 25.1 0.29 0.19 J 0.5 U 521 0.12 U 5.1 0.7 J 350 0.14 J 1,120 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.03 U 2.2 J 5/30/2012 38 J 67 NA 18.8 2,080 6.93 J 2,940 92 21.9 0.28 0.03 U 0.5 U 419 0.1 U 3.6 1.0 U 140 0.12 U 1,090 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 4.4 J 11/19/2012 7.9 57 NA 267 2,320 6.95 J 3,250 140 23.3 0.21 1.46 0.5 U 361 0.1 U 3.4 0.8 J 190 0.12 U 1,490 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2012 9 56 NA 260 J 2,390 6.89 J 3,200 140 J 23.9 0.21 J 1.84 0.5 U 354 0.1 U 3.4 0.8 J 170 0.12 U 1,470 0.07 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 4.1 55 NA 17.5 1,990 7.28 J 2,950 74.2 23.1 0.3 0.03 U 0.5 U 446 0.1 U 3.6 0.9 J 120 0.12 U 1,330 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 2.9 55 NA 17.6 2,070 7.35 J 2,960 75.4 23.6 0.3 0.03 U 0.5 U 448 0.1 U 3.2 0.8 J 130 0.12 U 1,320 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2013 3.8 45 0.1 U 16.6 2,240 6.94 J 3,170 117 18.4 0.3 0.43 0.5 U 613 0.1 U 3.3 0.6 J 880 0.12 U 1,110 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 40 0.1 U 14 2,100 7.3 2,860 134 61 0.32 0.03 U 0.5 U 432 0.1 U 2.6 0.5 J 730 0.12 U 1,820 0.02 U 1.3 J 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/5/2014 2 U 58 0.1 U 171 J 1,830 7.2 J 2,974 48.4 13.6 0.31 1.1 0.5 U 562 0.05 U 3.5 0.93 U 14,200 0.5 U 1,180 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2015 5.1 40 0.1 U 17.3 1,800 6.9 J 2,895 7.7 15.1 0.32 0.013 J 0.5 U 513 0.26 U 3.8 0.93 U 4,160 0.5 U 1,590 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.7 J 11/17/2015 2 U 44 0.01 U 12.8 1,170 7.2 J 3,047 28.7 13 0.34 8.8 0.5 U 540 0.053 J 3.5 0.93 U 3,530 0.5 U 924 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 18.9 51 0.027 15.9 1,600 6.9 J 2,423 6.2 12.8 0.38 1.4 0.5 U 537 0.053 J 3.2 0.93 U 5,840 0.5 U 1,060 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2.7 56 0.0068 J 15.6 1,950 J 7 J 3,000 5.3 12.9 0.3 9.2 0.5 U 566 0.087 J 5.4 0.93 U 4,600 0.5 U 944 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 2,080 7.07 J 3,340 0.6 U NA NA 0.4 U 0.9 U 608 0.19 U 4.8 1.6 J 9,200 0.3 U 1,150 0.02 U 6.3 0.2 U 4 U 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 1,590 7.04 J 2,650 43.2 NA NA 0.97 J 0.36 JB 579 0.2 U 3.7 0.2 UJ 168 J 0.2 U 902 0.03 U 0.55 JB 0.2 U 15.6 MW-LG6 AECOM Page 4 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids,North Carolina November 2017 Event 5/15/2007 3.4 96 0.0097 J 17 ...0.79 U 0.039 U 6.9 J 11/14/2007 4 U 50 NA 14 ..0.79 U 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 8.5 44 NA 14 .0.7 U 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 0.86 U NA 18 ...0.7 U 0.08 U 5 J 5/20/2009 2 J 43 NA 13 ..0.8 U 0.08 U 4 U 12/16/2009 2.7 75 NA 210 .0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 12/16/2009 2.3 68 NA 290 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 5/4/2010 14.7 58 NA 19 .0.9 U 0.09 U 4 J 11/19/2010 6J 61 0.0815 23.1 .1U 0.07 U 3J 5/12/2011 6.2 54 NA 21.9 .1U 0.07 U 1 U 11/17/2011 7.5 94 .21.9 .1.1 U 0.03 U 2.2 J 5/30/2012 38 J 67 NA 18.8 .1.1 U 0.06 U 4.4 J 11/19/2012 7.9 57 NA 267 .1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2012 9 56 NA .1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 4.1 55 NA 17.5 1,990 ..1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 2.9 55 NA 17.6 ..1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2013 3.8 45 0.1 U 16.6 2,240 ..880 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 40 0.1 U 14 100 ..730 1.3 J 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/5/2014 2 U 58 0.1 U 71 1,830 ..14,200 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2015 5.1 40 0.1 U 17.3 1 ..160 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.7 J 11/17/2015 2 U 44 0.01 U 12.8 1,170 ..3,530 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 18.9 51 0.027 15.9 1 ...0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2.7 56 0.0068 J 15.6 ,950 ....4,600 0.5 U 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA .6.3 0.2 U 4 U 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 1,590 168 J 0.55 JB 0.2 U 15.6 AECOM Page 4 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event BOD COD TOX TOC TDS pH Conductivity Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Silver Zinc mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L s.u. µmohs/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L NE NE NE NE 500 6.5-8.5 NE 250 250 2 10 10 700 2 10 1000 300 15 50 1 20 20 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 250 NE 2 10 10 100 1 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 10 10 10 Location Sample Date PARAMETER: UNIT: 2L Std: SWSL: 5/15/2007 0.86 U 27 0.0143 5.4 1,200 7 NA 150 16 0.14 J 0.45 0.43 U 100 0.12 U 0.32 U 0.59 J 902 0.3 U 1.4 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.16 J 2.3 J 11/14/2007 0.86 U 23 NA 6.6 1,200 6.6 NA 180 22 1.6 1.9 0.37 J 130 0.12 U 2.00 U 0.89 J 350 0.3 U 1,570 0.14 U 2.4 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 0.86 U 30 NA 6.3 1,400 7.4 J 2,100 130 18 0.23 0.7 0.35 J 112 0.2 U 0.8 U 0.65 J 620 0.2 U 325 0.08 U 1.2 J 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 0.86 U 17 NA 6.1 920 6.4 1,400 160 31 0.21 0.17 J 0.2 U 102 0.5 U 0.8 U 0.7 J 3,750 0.2 U 3,820 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 5 J 5/20/2009 1.6 J 5 NA 3.8 1,200 7 1,800 93 18 0.21 0.36 0.2 U 89.6 0.12 U 0.8 U 0.7 J 239 0.2 U 190 0.08 U 0.8 U 0.08 U 4 U 12/16/2009 2 U 29 NA 100 870 6.4 J 1,330 156 31 0.22 0.038 U 0.14 U 122 0.17 U 0.6 U 0.5 U 18,300 0.3 U 3,980 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 5/4/2010 2 U 21 NA 5 1,050 7.12 J 1,560 137 21.9 0.23 0.23 0.2 J 79.5 0.17 U 0.6 U 0.5 J 100 0.3 U 14.5 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 J 11/19/2010 2 UJ 6 J 0.0721 6.5 1,190 7.55 J 1,930 157 27.9 0.17 J 0.21 J 0.4 U 72.7 0.3 U 0.6 J 1 U 400 0.06 U 161 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 3 J 5/12/2011 2 U 2 U NA 5 1,330 7.31 J 1,980 153 22.7 0.19 J 0.24 0.4 U 91.6 0.3 U 0.5 J 1 U 290 0.06 U 372 0.02 U 1 U 0.07 U 1 U 11/17/2011 2 U 29 0.337 5.8 1,420 7.47 J 2,120 131 20.6 0.23 0.2 J 0.5 U 92.1 0.3 J 0.5 J 4 960 1.21 465 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.03 U 3.7 J 5/30/2012 4 UJ 20 NA 4.8 1,480 7.08 J 2,190 66.2 17.1 0.24 0.26 0.5 U 118 0.1 U 0.8 J 1.0 U 170 0.12 U 265 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2012 4 UJ 16 U NA 171 1,600 7.02 J 2,180 37 22.7 0.15 J 0.33 0.5 U 219 0.1 U 0.9 J 0.8 J 5 J 0.12 U 20 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 4 U 16 U NA 5.5 1,640 7.29 J 2,450 67.5 24.2 0.25 0.18 J 0.5 U 343 0.1 U 0.6 J 0.9 J 30 U 0.12 U 72 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2013 4 U 25 0.1 U 7.4 1,770 6.95 J 2,480 204 35.1 0.23 1.07 0.5 U 293 0.1 U 0.2 U 1.2 50 J 0.12 U 518 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 16 U 0.1 U 7 1,520 7.24 2,180 249 42.1 0.22 1.18 0.5 U 349 0.1 U 0.3 J 1.2 830 0.12 U 2,770 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 2.1 J 11/5/2014 2 U 35 0.1 U 128 1,630 7 J 2,133 212 29.5 0.24 U 2.3 0.5 U 260 0.088 J 0.5 U 0.93 U 1,600 0.5 U 4,000 0.1 U 1 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2015 2 U 13 J 0.1 U 9 1,580 6.8 J 2,166 271 33.9 0.26 5.9 0.5 U 9.8 0.05 U 0.5 U 3.4 10.0 U 0.5 U 0.69 U 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 3.4 J 11/17/2015 2 U 22 J 0.03 5.8 600 7 J 2,479 321 27.3 0.27 7.5 0.5 U 179 0.05 U 0.5 U 0.93 U 410 0.5 U 221 0.1 U 2.8 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 2 U 26 0.072 10.6 1,170 6.8 J NA 190 26.1 0.14 2.2 0.7 J 228 0.14 0.5 U 0.93 U 4,620 0.5 U 3,130 0.1 U 1.9 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 2 U 23 J 0.059 9.3 1,130 6.8 J 1,702 181 25.2 0.14 2.3 0.56 J 236 0.12 0.5 U 0.93 U 3,640 0.5 U 3,000 0.1 U 1.8 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2 U 16 J 0.065 6.3 1,760 7.1 J 2,469 399 28 0.28 7 0.5 U 172 0.05 U 0.5 U 0.93 U 444 0.5 U 943 0.1 U 2.2 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 1,590 7.1 J 2,450 246 NA NA 8.7 0.5 U 180 0.1 U 0.2 J 1.3 810 0.12 U 1,100 0.02 U 6 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 1,400 7.25 J 1,030 214 NA NA 7.9 0.38 JB 142 0.2 U 0.27 JB 0.2 UJ 176 J 0.2 U 60.8 0.051 JB 7.7 0.2 U 10.9 NOTES:Qualifiers (Q):BOD = Biochemical oxygen demand BCOD = Chemical oxygen demand JNA = Not Analyzed RNE = Not Established Us.u. = Standard units UJSWSL = Solid Waste Section Limits TDS = Total Dissolved SolidsTOC = Total organic carbonTOX = Total organic halidesµmohs/cm = micromhos per centimeter Field duplicate samples and associated results are presented in an italicized font.Bold text denotes results that exceed NC groundwater standards. AECOM is not responsible for data generated prior to November 2017. Data included on this table not generated by or on behalf of AECOM has been taken from documents prepared and submitted to the NC DENR by others and is included only for ease of reference; AECOM does not assume or accept any responsibility or liability for the quality, accuracy, or completeness of the data included on this table that was not generated by or on behalf of AECOM. MW-LG7 AECOM Page 5 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina November 2017 Event BOD COD TOX TOC TDS pH Conductivity Sulfate Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury Selenium Silver Zinc mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L s.u. µmohs/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L µg/L NE NE NE NE 500 6.5-8.5 NE 250 250 2 10 10 700 2 10 1000 300 15 50 1 20 20 1000 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 250 NE 2 10 10 100 1 10 10 300 10 50 0.2 10 10 10 Location Sample Date PARAMETER: UNIT: 2L Std: SWSL: 5/15/2007 0.86 U 27 0.0143 5.4 1,200 7 NA 150 16 0.14 J 0.45 0.43 U 100 0.12 U 0.32 U 0.59 J 902 0.3 U 1.4 0.14 U 0.79 U 0.16 J 2.3 J 11/14/2007 0.86 U 23 NA 6.6 1,200 6.6 NA 180 22 1.6 1.9 0.37 J 130 0.12 U 2.00 U 0.89 J 350 0.3 U 1,570 0.14 U 2.4 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 0.86 U 30 NA 6.3 1,400 7.4 J 2,100 130 18 0.23 0.7 0.35 J 112 0.2 U 0.8 U 0.65 J 620 0.2 U 325 0.08 U 1.2 J 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 0.86 U 17 NA 6.1 920 6.4 1,400 160 31 0.21 0.17 J 0.2 U 102 0.5 U 0.8 U 0.7 J 3,750 0.2 U 3,820 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 5 J 5/20/2009 1.6 J 5 NA 3.8 1,200 7 1,800 93 18 0.21 0.36 0.2 U 89.6 0.12 U 0.8 U 0.7 J 239 0.2 U 190 0.08 U 0.8 U 0.08 U 4 U 12/16/2009 2 U 29 NA 100 870 6.4 J 1,330 156 31 0.22 0.038 U 0.14 U 122 0.17 U 0.6 U 0.5 U 18,300 0.3 U 3,980 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 5/4/2010 2 U 21 NA 5 1,050 7.12 J 1,560 137 21.9 0.23 0.23 0.2 J 79.5 0.17 U 0.6 U 0.5 J 100 0.3 U 14.5 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 J 11/19/2010 2 UJ 6 J 0.0721 6.5 1,190 7.55 J 1,930 157 27.9 0.17 J 0.21 J 0.4 U 72.7 0.3 U 0.6 J 1 U 400 0.06 U 161 0.08 U 1 U 0.07 U 3 J 5/12/2011 2 U 2 U NA 5 1,330 7.31 J 1,980 153 22.7 0.19 J 0.24 0.4 U 91.6 0.3 U 0.5 J 1 U 290 0.06 U 372 0.02 U 1 U 0.07 U 1 U 11/17/2011 2 U 29 0.337 5.8 1,420 7.47 J 2,120 131 20.6 0.23 0.2 J 0.5 U 92.1 0.3 J 0.5 J 4 960 1.21 465 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.03 U 3.7 J 5/30/2012 4 UJ 20 NA 4.8 1,480 7.08 J 2,190 66.2 17.1 0.24 0.26 0.5 U 118 0.1 U 0.8 J 1.0 U 170 0.12 U 265 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2012 4 UJ 16 U NA 171 1,600 7.02 J 2,180 37 22.7 0.15 J 0.33 0.5 U 219 0.1 U 0.9 J 0.8 J 5 J 0.12 U 20 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 5/21/2013 4 U 16 U NA 5.5 1,640 7.29 J 2,450 67.5 24.2 0.25 0.18 J 0.5 U 343 0.1 U 0.6 J 0.9 J 30 U 0.12 U 72 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2013 4 U 25 0.1 U 7.4 1,770 6.95 J 2,480 204 35.1 0.23 1.07 0.5 U 293 0.1 U 0.2 U 1.2 50 J 0.12 U 518 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0 U 5/12/2014 4 UJ 16 U 0.1 U 7 1,520 7.24 2,180 249 42.1 0.22 1.18 0.5 U 349 0.1 U 0.3 J 1.2 830 0.12 U 2,770 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 2.1 J 11/5/2014 2 U 35 0.1 U 128 1,630 7 J 2,133 212 29.5 0.24 U 2.3 0.5 U 260 0.088 J 0.5 U 0.93 U 1,600 0.5 U 4,000 0.1 U 1 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2015 2 U 13 J 0.1 U 9 1,580 6.8 J 2,166 271 33.9 0.26 5.9 0.5 U 9.8 0.05 U 0.5 U 3.4 10.0 U 0.5 U 0.69 U 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 3.4 J 11/17/2015 2 U 22 J 0.03 5.8 600 7 J 2,479 321 27.3 0.27 7.5 0.5 U 179 0.05 U 0.5 U 0.93 U 410 0.5 U 221 0.1 U 2.8 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 2 U 26 0.072 10.6 1,170 6.8 J NA 190 26.1 0.14 2.2 0.7 J 228 0.14 0.5 U 0.93 U 4,620 0.5 U 3,130 0.1 U 1.9 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 2 U 23 J 0.059 9.3 1,130 6.8 J 1,702 181 25.2 0.14 2.3 0.56 J 236 0.12 0.5 U 0.93 U 3,640 0.5 U 3,000 0.1 U 1.8 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2 U 16 J 0.065 6.3 1,760 7.1 J 2,469 399 28 0.28 7 0.5 U 172 0.05 U 0.5 U 0.93 U 444 0.5 U 943 0.1 U 2.2 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/9/2017 NA NA NA NA 1,590 7.1 J 2,450 246 NA NA 8.7 0.5 U 180 0.1 U 0.2 J 1.3 810 0.12 U 1,100 0.02 U 6 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/29/2017 NA NA NA NA 1,400 7.25 J 1,030 214 NA NA 7.9 0.38 JB 142 0.2 U 0.27 JB 0.2 UJ 176 J 0.2 U 60.8 0.051 JB 7.7 0.2 U 10.9 NOTES:Qualifiers (Q):BOD = Biochemical oxygen demand BCOD = Chemical oxygen demand JNA = Not Analyzed RNE = Not Established Us.u. = Standard units UJSWSL = Solid Waste Section Limits TDS = Total Dissolved SolidsTOC = Total organic carbonTOX = Total organic halidesµmohs/cm = micromhos per centimeter Field duplicate samples and associated results are presented in an italicized font.Bold text denotes results that exceed NC groundwater standards. AECOM is not responsible for data generated prior to November 2017. Data included on this table not generated by or on behalf of AECOM has been taken from documents prepared and submitted to the NC DENR by others and is included only for ease of reference; AECOM does not assume or accept any responsibility or liability for the quality, accuracy, or completeness of the data included on this table that was not generated by or on behalf of AECOM. MW-LG7 AECOM Page 5 of 5 Table 4 Historical Groundwater Analysis Results International Paper Roanoke Rapids,North Carolina November 2017 Event 5/15/2007 0.86 U 0.12 U 0.32 U 0.3 U .0.14 U 0.79 U 0.16 J 2.3 J 11/14/2007 0.86 U ....0.12 U 2.00 U 0.3 U 0.14 U 2.4 0.039 U 10.0 U 5/20/2008 0.86 U ...0.2 U 0.8 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 1.2 J 0.08 U 4 U 11/11/2008 0.86 U ..0.5 U 0.8 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.7 U 0.08 U 5 J 5/20/2009 1.6 J .0.12 U 0.8 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.8 U 0.08 U 4 U 12/16/2009 2 U 0.17 U 0.6 U 0.3 U 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 U 5/4/2010 2 U 0.17 U 0.6 U 0.3 U 0.08 U 0.9 U 0.09 U 3 J 11/19/2010 2 UJ .0.3 U 0.6 J 0.06 U 0.08 U 1U 0.07 U 3 J 5/12/2011 2 U 0.3 U 0.5 J 0.06 U 0.02 U 1 U 0.07 U 1 U 11/17/2011 2 U .0.3J 0.5J 1.21 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.03 U 3.7J 5/30/2012 4 UJ .0.1 U 0.8 J 0.12 U 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2012 4UJ 0.1 U 0.9J 0.12U 0.02U 1.1 U 0.06U 1.6U 5/21/2013 4 U .0.1 U 0.6 J 0.12 U 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/19/2013 4U .0.1 U 0.2U .0.12 U 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 5.0U 5/12/2014 0.1 U 0.3 J .830 0.12 U 0.02 U 1.1 U 0.06 U 2.1 J 11/5/2014 2 U .0.088 J 0.5 U 1 0.5 U 0.1 U 1 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2015 2 U ...0.05 U 0.5 U .10.0 U 0.5 U 0.1 U 0.5 U 0.05 U 3.4 J 11/17/2015 2 U ..0.05 U 0.5 U 410 0.5 U 0.1 U 2.8 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 2 U .0.14 0.5 U 4,620 0.5 U 0.1 U 1.9 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/11/2016 2 U ..0.12 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.1 U 1.8 0.05 U 2.5 U 11/8/2016 2 U .399 0.05 U 0.5 U 444 0.5 U 943 0.1 U 2.2 0.05 U 2.5 U 5/9/2017 NA .0.1 U 0.2 J .810 0.12 U 1 100 0.02 U 6 0.06 U 1.6 U 11/29/2017 NA 214 .0.2 U 0.27 JB 176 J 0.2 U 60.8 0.051 JB .0.2 U 10.9 NOTES:Qualifiers (Q):BOD =Biochemical oxygen demand BCOD=Chemical oxygendemand JNA=Not Analyzed RNE=Not Established Us.u.=Standard units UJSWSL=Solid Waste Section LimitsTDS=Total Dissolved SolidsTOC=Totalorganic carbonTOX=Total organic halidespmohs/cm=micromhos per centimeter Fieldduplicatesamplesandassociated results are presented in an italicized font.Bold textdenotes resultsthatexceed NC groundwater standards. AECOM is notresponsiblefordata generated priortoNovember 2017.Dataincluded onthis tablenotgenerated by oron behalfofAECOMhas been taken from documents prepared and submitted tothe NCDENRbyothers and is included only for ease of reference;AECOM does notassume or acceptany responsibility orliabilityforthequality,accuracy,or completeness ofthe data included on thistable thatwasnotgenerated byoron behalfofAECOM. AECOM Page 5 of 5 FiguresFiguresFigures Subject Property Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Path: Z:\DCS\Projects\L-AECOM\Geomatics\CAD\Projects\I\International Paper\Roanoke_Rapids_NC\MXD\Intl_Paper_Roanoke_Rapids_NC_Figure_1.mxdProject Manager Initials: ESDesigner: KLRChecked: NIPApproved: EASANSI A 8.5" x 11"International Paper CompanyLow Ground Landfill Site Location Map Figure 1 µNC VA SC WVKY TN MDMD Map Location Roanoke Rapids, NC (1979) USGS Topographic Quadrangle 0 2,000 4,000Feet Roanoke Rapids, North CarolinaProject No.: 60545791 Date: 2018-01-12 Subject Property Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Path: Z:\DCS\Projects\L-AECOM\Geomatics\CAD\Projects\I\International Paper\Roanoke_Rapids_NC\MXD\Intl_Paper_Roanoke_Rapids_NC_Figure_1.mxdProject Manager Initials: ESDesigner: KLRChecked: NIPApproved: EASANSI A 8.5" x 11"International Paper CompanyLow Ground Landfill Site Location Map Figure 1 µNC VA SC WVKY TN MDMD Map Location Roanoke Rapids, NC (1979) USGS Topographic Quadrangle 0 2,000 4,000Feet Roanoke Rapids, North CarolinaProject No.: 60545791 Date: 2018-01-12___._ .x..m.w<_wz<w<m_fiw>ofin<iczs.~'u“=2”Excuse5x:29o‘‘{jlrée:o§rapfiatI4/?!1.1;:'zm‘wright?vA?C Roanoke Rapids,NC (1979)USGS Topographic Quadrangle o 2 000 4 000—=_Feet Map Locationw..mxfiu....4.,.,a,..fimwE.9?mm”2mm:592%smug.Wesmmiozduammimxo:momiagmaizcExéozwuFamimxocmomtmamaREESE:_/_E8_oia<98zmE89200m<£wsm§$w09N”5mmInternational Paper CompanyLowGroundLandfill AECOM Figure 1SiteLocationMapProjectNo.:60545791 Date:2018-01-12 Roanoke Rapids,North Carolina Easem e n t Kapstone Kraft Paper Corporation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Virginia Electric & Power Company Virginia Electric & Power Company State of North Carolina Residential Wooded Land Wooded Land ( Wooded Land ) Wooded Land Wooded Land Roanoke River Low Ground Landfill ( 26.97 acres ) MW-LG6 Dirt Road Dir t R oad Electrical SubstationTra i l M M M M M M Pathway 60' Clearing Wooded Land International Paper CompanyLow Ground LandfillRoanoke Rapids, North CarolinaProject No.: 60545791ANSI B 11" x 17"Last saved by: CAMPBELLC(2018-01-15) Last Plotted: 2018-01-15Project Management Initials:Designer:Checked:Approved:Filename: C:\USERS\CAMPBELLC\DOCUMENTS\AECOM WORK\INTERNATIONAL PAPER\LOW GROUND LANDFILL_60545791\ROANOKE_RAPIDS_NC\DWG\INTL_PAPER_ROANOKE_RAPIDS_NC_FIGURE_2.DWGSite PlanFigure 2Date: 2018-01-15 KLR NIP EAS200200 SCALE IN FEET : 1" = 200' 0 Subject Property Boundary Option Property Boundary Legend Easement Fence Line Bank of Roanoke River Dirt Road / Path High-Voltage Power Lines// Edge of Woods Manhole Landfill Storm Water Drain Monitoring Well M MW-LG1 Downhill Gradient Direction Easem e n t Kapstone Kraft Paper Corporation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Virginia Electric & Power Company Virginia Electric & Power Company State of North Carolina Residential Wooded Land Wooded Land ( Wooded Land ) Wooded Land Wooded Land Roanoke River Low Ground Landfill ( 26.97 acres ) MW-LG6 Dirt Road Dir t R oad Electrical SubstationTra i l M M M M M M Pathway 60' Clearing Wooded Land International Paper CompanyLow Ground LandfillRoanoke Rapids, North CarolinaProject No.: 60545791ANSI B 11" x 17"Last saved by: CAMPBELLC(2018-01-15) Last Plotted: 2018-01-15Project Management Initials:Designer:Checked:Approved:Filename: C:\USERS\CAMPBELLC\DOCUMENTS\AECOM WORK\INTERNATIONAL PAPER\LOW GROUND LANDFILL_60545791\ROANOKE_RAPIDS_NC\DWG\INTL_PAPER_ROANOKE_RAPIDS_NC_FIGURE_2.DWGSite PlanFigure 2Date: 2018-01-15 KLR NIP EAS200200 SCALE IN FEET : 1" = 200' 0 Subject Property Boundary Option Property Boundary Legend Easement Fence Line Bank of Roanoke River Dirt Road / Path High-Voltage Power Lines// Edge of Woods Manhole Landfill Storm Water Drain Monitoring Well M MW-LG1 Downhill Gradient DirectionANSIB11"X17"Checked:NIPLastPlotted:2018—01—15Lastsavedby:CAMPBELLC(2018—01—15)Designer:KLRProjectManagementInitials:Filename:C:\USERS\CAMPBELLC\DOCUMENTS\AECOMWORK\|NTERNATIONALPAPER\LOWGROUNDLANDFILL60545791\ROANOKERAPIDSNC\DWG\|NTLPAPERROANOKERAPIDSNCFIGURE2.DWGApproved:EASWooded Land Kapstone Kraft Paper Corporation (Wooded Land ) Wooded Land “w.MW—LG2 \Wooded Land 60'Clearing \ +\\“MW-LG1 G MW'LG7 \Roanoke River +“‘Wooded Land Low Ground LandfillVirginiaElectric(26.97 acres )&Power Company ElectricalSubstation Virginia Electric MW-LG6 &Power Company Residential Wooded Land l®mG MW-LG1 Subject Property Boundary Option Property Boundary Easement Fence Line Dirt Road /Path High-Voltage Power Lines Bank of Roanoke River Edge of Woods Landfill Storm Water Drain Manhole Downhill Gradient Direction Monitoring Well 0 200 SCALE IN FEET:1"=200'InternationalPaperCompanyLowGroundLandfillA:MRoanokeRapids,NorthCarolinaFigure2SitePlanDate:2018-01-15ProjectNo.:60545791 Easem e n t Kapstone Kraft Paper Corporation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Virginia Electric & Power Company Virginia Electric & Power Company State of North Carolina Residential Wooded Land Wooded Land ( Wooded Land ) Wooded Land Wooded Land Roanoke River Low Ground Landfill ( 26.97 acres ) Dirt Road Dir t R oad Electrical SubstationTra i l M M M M M M Pathway 60' Clearing Wooded Land 54.59 MW-LG6 International Paper CompanyLow Ground LandfillRoanoke Rapids, North CarolinaProject No.: 60545791ANSI B 11" x 17"Last saved by: CAMPBELLC(2018-01-15) Last Plotted: 2018-01-15Project Management Initials:Designer:Checked:Approved:Filename: C:\USERS\CAMPBELLC\DOCUMENTS\AECOM WORK\INTERNATIONAL PAPER\LOW GROUND LANDFILL_60545791\ROANOKE_RAPIDS_NC\DWG\INTL_PAPER_ROANOKE_RAPIDS_NC_FIGURE_3.DWGPotentiometric Surface MapNovember 29, 2017Figure 3Date: 2018-01-15 CJC NIP EAS200200 SCALE IN FEET : 1" = 200' 0 Subject Property Boundary Option Property Boundary Legend Easement Fence Line Bank of Roanoke River Dirt Road / Path High-Voltage Power Lines// Edge of Woods Manhole Landfill Storm Water Drain Monitoring Well M MW-LG1 Groundwater Elevation 51.11 Groundwater Contour (dashed where inferred) 51 Groundwater Flow Direction Easem e n t Kapstone Kraft Paper Corporation ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Virginia Electric & Power Company Virginia Electric & Power Company State of North Carolina Residential Wooded Land Wooded Land ( Wooded Land ) Wooded Land Wooded Land Roanoke River Low Ground Landfill ( 26.97 acres ) Dirt Road Dir t R oad Electrical SubstationTra i l M M M M M M Pathway 60' Clearing Wooded Land 54.59 MW-LG6 International Paper CompanyLow Ground LandfillRoanoke Rapids, North CarolinaProject No.: 60545791ANSI B 11" x 17"Last saved by: CAMPBELLC(2018-01-15) Last Plotted: 2018-01-15Project Management Initials:Designer:Checked:Approved:Filename: C:\USERS\CAMPBELLC\DOCUMENTS\AECOM WORK\INTERNATIONAL PAPER\LOW GROUND LANDFILL_60545791\ROANOKE_RAPIDS_NC\DWG\INTL_PAPER_ROANOKE_RAPIDS_NC_FIGURE_3.DWGPotentiometric Surface MapNovember 29, 2017Figure 3Date: 2018-01-15 CJC NIP EAS200200 SCALE IN FEET : 1" = 200' 0 Subject Property Boundary Option Property Boundary Legend Easement Fence Line Bank of Roanoke River Dirt Road / Path High-Voltage Power Lines// Edge of Woods Manhole Landfill Storm Water Drain Monitoring Well M MW-LG1 Groundwater Elevation 51.11 Groundwater Contour (dashed where inferred) 51 Groundwater Flow DirectionANSIB11"X17"Checked:NIPLastPlotted:2018—01—15Lastsavedby:CAMPBELLC(2018—01—15)Designer:CJCProjectManagementInitials:Filename:C:\USERS\CAMPBELLC\DOCUMENTS\AECOMWORK\|NTERNATIONALPAPER\LOWGROUNDLANDFILL60545791\ROANOKERAPIDSNC\DWG\|NTLPAPERROANOKERAPIDSNCFIGURE3.DWGApproved:EASWooded Land Wooded Land Virginia Erec‘rnc Residential &Power Company \\:\ \\\ Kapstone Kraft Paper Corporation(Wooded Land ) “MW—LG250.93 Wooded Land G MW-LG7AuMW-LG’I 51.21\‘51.11 Wooded Land ‘ Roanoke River \ \\ +\, \\+\Low Ground Landfill \\\\\(26.97 acres )\‘\\\.. \+\\\\\A \\ \ ElectricalSubstation '~--“SEV‘T‘V‘(1 m are&PONO a{\ \\ €4.59;-- ‘ ® Wooded Land EEl SMW-LGI 51.11 —51—— Subject Property Boundary Option Property Boundary Easement Fence Line Dirt Road /Path High-Voltage Power Lines Bank of Roanoke River Edge of Woods Landfill Storm Water Drain Manhole Monitoring Well Groundwater Elevation Groundwater Contour (dashed where inferred) Groundwater Flow Direction 0 200 SCALE IN FEET:1"=200'MFigure3InternationalPaperCompanyLowGroundLandfillPotentiometricSurfaceMapNovember29,2017RoanokeRapids,NorthCarolinaDate:2018-01-15ProjectNo.:60545791 Appendix A – Data Validation Checklist with Qualified Sample ResultsAppendix A – Data Validation Checklist with Qualified Sample ResultsAppendixA—Data Validation Checklist with Qualified Sample Results Q:\DCS\Projects\L-URS\Jobs4\_Projects\International Paper\IP - Roanoke Rapids\60545791 - 2017\4 Site Data\4.4 Analytical\Data Validation\_Working Files\IP - Roanoke Rapids Landfill DE Checklist 2017-12.docx Page 1 of 6 AECOM – North Carolina Last printed 1/8/2018 1:47:00 PM Data Validation Checklist Organic and Inorganic Analyses Project: IP – Low Ground Landfill, Roanoke Rapids, NC Project No: 60545791.Task 5 Job Nos.: FA49732 Methods: EPA Methods 120.1 (Specific Conductance), 300.0 (Nitrate and Sulfate), 6020B (Metals1), 7470A (Mercury); SM 2540C (TDS), 4500-H + B (pH) Laboratory: SGS Accutest, Inc. – Orlando, FL Associated Sample IDs: MW-LG1, MW-LG3, MW-LG5, MW-LG6, and MW-LG7 Sample Matrix: Water Date(s) Sampled: 11/29/2017 Reviewer: Adeline Bock, AECOM Date: 12/20/2017 Concurrence2: Nicole Lancaster, AECOM Date: 12/21/2017 Review Questions Yes No N/A Samples (Analytes) Affected/Comments Flag 1. Were holding times met? • 6020B: <180 days • 7470A: < 28 days • 120.1: < 28 days • 300: o ≤48 hours (Nitrate). o < 28 days (Sulfate) • 2540C: <7 days • 4500-H: <15 minutes. Samples were analyzed more than 15 minutes after sample collection. J Flag positive results. J 2. Were sample storage and preservation requirements met? • Temperature of sample containers upon receipt at SGS Accutest – Orlando was 2.4°C (<6°C). • Headspace was not observed in any vial. • The laboratory verified that all samples were properly preserved in the field. 3. Was a method blank analyzed with each batch? • 6020B: MP33095 • 7470A: MP33071 • 120.1: GN77286 • 300: GP30728/GN77134 • 2540C: GN77130 • 4500-H: Not applicable 4. Were target analytes reported in the method/calibration blank above the DL? • 6010D: Refer to Attachment A (Blank Contamination Evaluation) • 7470A: Refer to Attachment A (Blank Contamination Evaluation) 1 Arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, selenium, silver, and zinc 2 Lead verifier Q:\DCS\Projects\L-URS\Jobs4\_Projects\International Paper\IP - Roanoke Rapids\60545791 - 2017\4 Site Data\4.4 Analytical\Data Validation\_Working Files\IP - Roanoke Rapids Landfill DE Checklist 2017-12.docx Page 1 of 6 AECOM – North Carolina Last printed 1/8/2018 1:47:00 PM Data Validation Checklist Organic and Inorganic Analyses Project: IP – Low Ground Landfill, Roanoke Rapids, NC Project No: 60545791.Task 5 Job Nos.: FA49732 Methods: EPA Methods 120.1 (Specific Conductance), 300.0 (Nitrate and Sulfate), 6020B (Metals1), 7470A (Mercury); SM 2540C (TDS), 4500-H + B (pH) Laboratory: SGS Accutest, Inc. – Orlando, FL Associated Sample IDs: MW-LG1, MW-LG3, MW-LG5, MW-LG6, and MW-LG7 Sample Matrix: Water Date(s) Sampled: 11/29/2017 Reviewer: Adeline Bock, AECOM Date: 12/20/2017 Concurrence2: Nicole Lancaster, AECOM Date: 12/21/2017 Review Questions Yes No N/A Samples (Analytes) Affected/Comments Flag 1. Were holding times met? • 6020B: <180 days • 7470A: < 28 days • 120.1: < 28 days • 300: o ≤48 hours (Nitrate). o < 28 days (Sulfate) • 2540C: <7 days • 4500-H: <15 minutes. Samples were analyzed more than 15 minutes after sample collection. J Flag positive results. J 2. Were sample storage and preservation requirements met? • Temperature of sample containers upon receipt at SGS Accutest – Orlando was 2.4°C (<6°C). • Headspace was not observed in any vial. • The laboratory verified that all samples were properly preserved in the field. 3. Was a method blank analyzed with each batch? • 6020B: MP33095 • 7470A: MP33071 • 120.1: GN77286 • 300: GP30728/GN77134 • 2540C: GN77130 • 4500-H: Not applicable 4. Were target analytes reported in the method/calibration blank above the DL? • 6010D: Refer to Attachment A (Blank Contamination Evaluation) • 7470A: Refer to Attachment A (Blank Contamination Evaluation) 1 Arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, selenium, silver, and zinc 2 Lead verifier DataValidationChecklistOrganicandInorganicAnalysesProject:IP—LowGroundLandfillRoanokeRapids,NCJobNos.:FA49732Laboratory:SGSAccutest,Inc.—Orlando,FLSampleMatrix:WaterReviewer:AdelineBock,AECOMConcurrencez:NicoleLancaster,AECOMProjectNo:Methods:60545791.Task5EPAMethods120.1(SpecificConductance),300.0(NitrateandSulfate)6020B(Metalsl),7470A(Mercury);SM2540C(TDS)4500-H+B(pH)AssociatedSampleIDs:MW—LG1,MW-LG3MW—LGS,MW-LG6,andMW-LG7Date(s)Sampled:11/29/2017Date:Date:12/20/201712/21/2017ReviewQuestionsNoN/ASamples(Analytes)Affected/CommentsFlag1.Wereholdingtimesmet?6020B:5180days7470A:g28days120.1:g28days300:o548hours(Nitrate).og28days(Sulfate)2540C:57days4500—H:315minutes.Sampleswereanalyzedmorethan15minutesaftersamplecollection.IFlagpositiveresults.2.Weresamplestorageandpreservationrequirementsmet?TemperatureofsamplecontainersuponreceiptatSGSAccutest—Orlandowas24°C(56°C).Headspacewasnotobservedinanyvial.Thelaboratoryverifiedthatallsampleswereproperlypreservedinthefield.3.Wasamethodblankanalyzedwitheachbatch?6020B:MP330957470A:MP33071120.1:GN77286xxxxx\300:GP30728/GN771342540C:GN771304500—H:Notapplicable4.Weretargetanalytesreportedinthemethod/calibrationblankabovetheDL?<\6010D:RefertoAttachmentA(BlankContaminationEvaluation)7470A:RefertoAttachmentA(BlankContaminationEvaluation)lArsenic,barium,cadmium,chromium,copper,iron,lead,manganese,selenium,silver,andzinc2LeadverifierQ:\DCS\Projects\L—URSUobs4LProjects\lntemationalPaper\IP-RoanokeRapids\60545791-2017\4SiteData\4.4Analytical\DataValidationLWorkingFiles\IP-RoanokeRapidsLandfillDEChecklist2017-12.docxLastprinted1/8/20181:47:00PMPage1of6AECOM—NorthCarolina Lab Reports: FA49732 Data Validation Checklist (Continued) Q:\DCS\Projects\L-URS\Jobs4\_Projects\International Paper\IP - Roanoke Rapids\60545791 - 2017\4 Site Data\4.4 Analytical\Data Validation\_Working Files\IP - Roanoke Rapids Landfill DE Checklist 2017-12.docx Page 2 of 5 AECOM – North Carolina Last printed 1/8/2018 1:47:00 PM Review Questions Yes No N/A Samples (Analytes) Affected/Comments Flag • 120.1: None • 300: None • 2540C: None • 4500-H: Not applicable 5. Were target analytes reported in field blank analyses (e.g., trip, ambient, field, or equipment) above the DL? 6. Were analytes detected in samples at concentrations similar to that observed in the blanks? BCALs (Maximum concentration observed among all blanks multiplied by five): • Arsenic @ 0.55 µg/L • Barium @ 0.45 µg/L • Cadmium @ 0.06 µg/L • Chromium @ 0.33 µg/L • Copper @ 3.6 µg/L • Iron @ 79 µg/L • Lead @ 0.31 µg/L • Manganese @ 0.70 µg/L • Mercury @ 0.210 µg/L • Selenium @ 1.5 µg/L • Silver @ 0.24 µg/L • Zinc @ 3.5 µg/L Detected sample results that were less than the BCAL have been B-flagged. B 7. Was a field duplicate sample collected? 8. Was precision deemed acceptable as defined by the project plans and/or DV Guidelines? 9. Was a LCS prepared/analyzed with each batch? • 6020B: MP33095 • 7470A: MP33071 • 120.1: Not applicable • 300: GP30728/GN77134 • 2540C: Not applicable • 4500-H: Not applicable 10. Were LCS recoveries within lab/project3 specifications? 11. Were LCS/LCSD RPD within lab specifications? LCS only for all analyses 12. Was a MS/MSD pair analyzed with each batch? • 6020B: MP33095: FA49732-5 (MW-LG7), MS/MSD • 7470A: MP33071: FA49660-1F (Batch), MS/MSD • 120.1: Not applicable • 300: GP30728/GN77134: FA49732-5 (MW-LG7), MS/MSD 3 For best data management practices, if the laboratory control limit is < 60 or > 140%, then the recovery should fall within 60 to 140% of the true value Lab Reports: FA49732 Data Validation Checklist (Continued) Q:\DCS\Projects\L-URS\Jobs4\_Projects\International Paper\IP - Roanoke Rapids\60545791 - 2017\4 Site Data\4.4 Analytical\Data Validation\_Working Files\IP - Roanoke Rapids Landfill DE Checklist 2017-12.docx Page 2 of 5 AECOM – North Carolina Last printed 1/8/2018 1:47:00 PM Review Questions Yes No N/A Samples (Analytes) Affected/Comments Flag • 120.1: None • 300: None • 2540C: None • 4500-H: Not applicable 5. Were target analytes reported in field blank analyses (e.g., trip, ambient, field, or equipment) above the DL? 6. Were analytes detected in samples at concentrations similar to that observed in the blanks? BCALs (Maximum concentration observed among all blanks multiplied by five): • Arsenic @ 0.55 µg/L • Barium @ 0.45 µg/L • Cadmium @ 0.06 µg/L • Chromium @ 0.33 µg/L • Copper @ 3.6 µg/L • Iron @ 79 µg/L • Lead @ 0.31 µg/L • Manganese @ 0.70 µg/L • Mercury @ 0.210 µg/L • Selenium @ 1.5 µg/L • Silver @ 0.24 µg/L • Zinc @ 3.5 µg/L Detected sample results that were less than the BCAL have been B-flagged. B 7. Was a field duplicate sample collected? 8. Was precision deemed acceptable as defined by the project plans and/or DV Guidelines? 9. Was a LCS prepared/analyzed with each batch? • 6020B: MP33095 • 7470A: MP33071 • 120.1: Not applicable • 300: GP30728/GN77134 • 2540C: Not applicable • 4500-H: Not applicable 10. Were LCS recoveries within lab/project3 specifications? 11. Were LCS/LCSD RPD within lab specifications? LCS only for all analyses 12. Was a MS/MSD pair analyzed with each batch? • 6020B: MP33095: FA49732-5 (MW-LG7), MS/MSD • 7470A: MP33071: FA49660-1F (Batch), MS/MSD • 120.1: Not applicable • 300: GP30728/GN77134: FA49732-5 (MW-LG7), MS/MSD 3 For best data management practices, if the laboratory control limit is < 60 or > 140%, then the recovery should fall within 60 to 140% of the true value LabReports:FA49732DataValidationChecklist(Continued)ReviewQuestionsYesNoN/ASamples(Analytes)Affected/CommentsFlagV0120.1:NoneV0300:NoneV02540C:None04500—H:Notapplicable5.Weretargetanalytesreportedinfieldblankanalyses(e.g.,trip,ambientrfield,orequipment)abovetheDL?6.WereanalytesdetectedinsamplesatconcentrationssimilartothatBCALs(Maximumconcentrationobservedamongallblanksobservedintheblanks?multipliedbyfive):0Arsenic@0.55pg/L0Barium@0.45pg/L0Cadmium@0.06pg/L0Chromium@0.33pg/L0Copper@3.6pg/L0Iron@79rig/LV0Lead@0.31pg/LB0Manganese@0.70pg/L0Mercury@0.210pg/L0Selenium@1.5pg/L0Silver@0.24pg/L0Zinc@3.5rig/LDetectedsampleresultsthatwerelessthantheBCALhavebeenB—flagged.7.Wasafieldduplicatesamplecollected?V8.Wasprecisiondeemedacceptableasdefinedbytheprojectplans\/and/orDVGuidelines?9.WasaLCSprepared/analyzedwitheachbatch?V06020B:MP33095V07470A:MP33071V0120.1:NotapplicableV0300:GP30728/GN77134V02540C:NotapplicableV04500—H:Notapplicable10.WereLCSrecoverieswithinlab/project3specifications?V11.WereLCS/LCSDRPDwithinlabspecifications?VLCSonlyforallanalyses12.WasaMS/MSDpairanalyzedwitheachbatch?V06020B:MP33095:FA49732—5(MW—LG7),MS/MSDV07470A:MP33071:FA49660—1F(Batch),MS/MSDV0120.1:NotapplicableV0300:GP30728/GN77134:FA49732—5(MW—LG7),MS/MSD3Forbestdatamanagementpractices,ifthelaboratorycontrollimitis<60or>140%,thentherecoveryshouldfallWithin60to140%ofthetruevalueQ:\DCS\Projects\L—URSUobs4LProjects\lnternationalPaper\IP-RoanokeRapids\60545791-2017\4SiteData\4.4Analytical\DataValidationLWorkingFiles\IP-RoanokeRapidsLandfillDEChecklist2017-12.docxPage2of5AECOM—NorthCarolinaLastprinted1/8/20181:47:00PM Lab Reports: FA49732 Data Validation Checklist (Continued) Q:\DCS\Projects\L-URS\Jobs4\_Projects\International Paper\IP - Roanoke Rapids\60545791 - 2017\4 Site Data\4.4 Analytical\Data Validation\_Working Files\IP - Roanoke Rapids Landfill DE Checklist 2017-12.docx Page 3 of 5 AECOM – North Carolina Last printed 1/8/2018 1:47:00 PM Review Questions Yes No N/A Samples (Analytes) Affected/Comments Flag • 2540C: Not applicable • 4500-H: Not applicable 13. Is the MS/MSD parent sample a project-specific sample? See above. 14. Were MS/MSD recoveries within lab specifications? Only QC results for project samples are evaluated. MW-LG7 (FA49732-5), 300: • Nitrate @ 84.0 and 100%R (90-110%R). J-Flag • Sulfate @ 86.0 and 104%R (90-110%R). An evaluation of interference is not possible, because the native sample concentration was greater than four times the spiking level. J 15. Were laboratory criteria met for precision during the MS/MSD analysis? Only QC results for project samples are evaluated. 16. Was a serial dilution conducted on each inorganic batch? • 6020B: FA49732-5 (MW-LG7) • 7470A: FA49660-1F (Batch) 17. Is the serial dilution parent sample a project-specific sample? See above. 18. Is the percent difference between the serially diluted result and undiluted result less than 10% (for those analytes with native concentrations greater than 50x the DL)? Only QC results for project samples are evaluated. 19. Was a PDS analysis conducted whenever the MS or serial dilution results did not meet QC limits? 20. Were laboratory/project specifications met during the PDS analysis? Only QC results for project samples are evaluated. 21. Was a laboratory duplicate analyzed with each batch? See below. 22. Is the laboratory duplicate sample a project-specific sample? • 6020B: FA49732-5 (MW-LG7) • 7470A: FA49660-1F (Batch) • 120.1: FA49525-1 (Batch) • 300: None • 2540C: FA49676-1 (Batch) • 4500-H: FA49732-1 (MW-LG1) & FA49942-1 (Batch) 23. Does laboratory duplicate results meet lab specifications? Only QC results for project samples are evaluated. 24. Were initial and continuing calibration standards analyzed at the lab/project-specified frequency for each instrument? The evaluation was based on available calibration data that was included in the laboratory reports. 25. Were these results within lab/project specifications? 26. Was a CRQL check standard (CRI) analyzed with each inorganic analytical batch? 27. Did CRI results meet lab/project specifications? 6020B, MA14550: • CRIA1 @ 13:38: o Copper @ 33.0%R (80-120%R). J/UJ-flag sample results due to negative bias. R-flagging of data is not required based on review of associated calibration blanks and ICS results. o Zinc @ 130%R (80-120%R). Qualification of data is J/UJ Lab Reports: FA49732 Data Validation Checklist (Continued) Q:\DCS\Projects\L-URS\Jobs4\_Projects\International Paper\IP - Roanoke Rapids\60545791 - 2017\4 Site Data\4.4 Analytical\Data Validation\_Working Files\IP - Roanoke Rapids Landfill DE Checklist 2017-12.docx Page 3 of 5 AECOM – North Carolina Last printed 1/8/2018 1:47:00 PM Review Questions Yes No N/A Samples (Analytes) Affected/Comments Flag • 2540C: Not applicable • 4500-H: Not applicable 13. Is the MS/MSD parent sample a project-specific sample? See above. 14. Were MS/MSD recoveries within lab specifications? Only QC results for project samples are evaluated. MW-LG7 (FA49732-5), 300: • Nitrate @ 84.0 and 100%R (90-110%R). J-Flag • Sulfate @ 86.0 and 104%R (90-110%R). An evaluation of interference is not possible, because the native sample concentration was greater than four times the spiking level. J 15. Were laboratory criteria met for precision during the MS/MSD analysis? Only QC results for project samples are evaluated. 16. Was a serial dilution conducted on each inorganic batch? • 6020B: FA49732-5 (MW-LG7) • 7470A: FA49660-1F (Batch) 17. Is the serial dilution parent sample a project-specific sample? See above. 18. Is the percent difference between the serially diluted result and undiluted result less than 10% (for those analytes with native concentrations greater than 50x the DL)? Only QC results for project samples are evaluated. 19. Was a PDS analysis conducted whenever the MS or serial dilution results did not meet QC limits? 20. Were laboratory/project specifications met during the PDS analysis? Only QC results for project samples are evaluated. 21. Was a laboratory duplicate analyzed with each batch? See below. 22. Is the laboratory duplicate sample a project-specific sample? • 6020B: FA49732-5 (MW-LG7) • 7470A: FA49660-1F (Batch) • 120.1: FA49525-1 (Batch) • 300: None • 2540C: FA49676-1 (Batch) • 4500-H: FA49732-1 (MW-LG1) & FA49942-1 (Batch) 23. Does laboratory duplicate results meet lab specifications? Only QC results for project samples are evaluated. 24. Were initial and continuing calibration standards analyzed at the lab/project-specified frequency for each instrument? The evaluation was based on available calibration data that was included in the laboratory reports. 25. Were these results within lab/project specifications? 26. Was a CRQL check standard (CRI) analyzed with each inorganic analytical batch? 27. Did CRI results meet lab/project specifications? 6020B, MA14550: • CRIA1 @ 13:38: o Copper @ 33.0%R (80-120%R). J/UJ-flag sample results due to negative bias. R-flagging of data is not required based on review of associated calibration blanks and ICS results. o Zinc @ 130%R (80-120%R). Qualification of data is J/UJ LabReports:FA49732DataValidationChecklist(Continued)ReviewQuestionsYesNoN/ASamples(Analytes)Affected/CommentsFlagV02540C:NotapplicableV04500—H:Notapplicable13.IstheMS/MSDparentsampleaproject—specificsample?VVSeeabove.14.WereMS/MSDrecoverieswithinlabspecifications?OnlyQCMW—LG7(FA49732—5),300:resultsforprojectsamplesareevaluated.0Nitrate@84.0and100%R(90—110%R).J—FlagV0Sulfate@86.0and104%R(90—110%R).AnevaluationofJinterferenceisnotpossible,becausethenativesampleconcentrationwasgreaterthanfourtimesthespikinglevel.15.WerelaboratorycriteriametforprecisionduringtheMS/MSDJanalysis?OnlyQCresultsforprojectsamplesareevaluated.16.Wasaserialdilutionconductedoneachinorganicbatch?V06020B:FA49732—5(MW—LG7)V07470A:FA49660—1F(Batch)17.Istheserialdilutionparentsampleaproject—specificsample?VVSeeabove.18.Isthepercentdifferencebetweentheseriallydilutedresultandundilutedresultlessthan10%(forthoseanalyteswithnativeJconcentrationsgreaterthan50XtheDL)?OnlyQCresultsforprojectsamplesareevaluated.19.WasaPDSanalysisconductedwhenevertheMSorserialdilutionJresultsdidnotmeetQClimits?20.Werelaboratory/projectspecificationsmetduringthePDSanalysis?JOnlyQCresultsforprojectsamplesareevaluated.21.Wasalaboratoryduplicateanalyzedwitheachbatch?VSeebelow.22.Isthelaboratoryduplicatesampleaproject—specificsample?V06020B:FA49732—5(MW—LG7)V07470A:FA49660—1F(Batch)V0120.1:FA49525—1(Batch)V0300:NoneV02540C:FA49676—1(Batch)VV04500—H:FA49732—1(MW—LG1)&FA49942—1(Batch)23.Doeslaboratoryduplicateresultsmeetlabspecifications?OnlyQCVresultsforprojectsamplesareevaluated.24.WereinitialandcontinuingcalibrationstandardsanalyzedattheVTheevaluationwasbasedonavailablecalibrationdatathatwaslab/project—specifiedfrequencyforeachinstrument?includedinthelaboratoryreports.25.Weretheseresultswithinlab/projectspecifications?V26.WasaCRQLcheckstandard(CRI)analyzedwitheachinorganicJanalyticalbatch?27.DidCRIresultsmeetlab/projectspecifications?6020B,MA14550:0CRIAI@13:38:J0Copper@33.0%R(80—120%R).J/UJ—flagsampleresultsdueJ/UJtonegativebias.R—flaggingofdataisnotrequiredbasedonreviewofassociatedcalibrationblanksandICSresults.0Zinc@130%R(80—120%R).QualificationofdataisQ:\DCS\Projects\L—URSUobs4LProjects\lnternalionalPaper\IP-RoanokeRapids\60545791-2017\4SiteData\4.4Analytical\DataValidationLWorkingFiles\IP-RoanokeRapidsLandfillDEChecklist2017-12.docxPage3of5AECOM—NorthCarolinaLastprinted1/8/20181:47:00PM Lab Reports: FA49732 Data Validation Checklist (Continued) Q:\DCS\Projects\L-URS\Jobs4\_Projects\International Paper\IP - Roanoke Rapids\60545791 - 2017\4 Site Data\4.4 Analytical\Data Validation\_Working Files\IP - Roanoke Rapids Landfill DE Checklist 2017-12.docx Page 4 of 5 AECOM – North Carolina Last printed 1/8/2018 1:47:00 PM Review Questions Yes No N/A Samples (Analytes) Affected/Comments Flag unwarranted, as results were greater than two times the RL and a positive bias was indicated by the standard. • CRIA2 @ 17:00: o Copper @ 25.0%R (80-120%R). J/UJ-flag sample results due to negative bias. R-flagging of data is not required based on review of associated calibration blanks and ICS results. o Zinc @ 140%R (80-120%R). Qualification of data is unwarranted, as results were greater than two times the RL and a positive bias was indicated by the standard. 28. Were surrogate recoveries within lab/project specifications? 29. Were internal standard results within lab specifications? 6020B only 30. Were TIC reported and were reported results qualified as estimated concentrations? 31. Were laboratory-generated Corrective Action Reports issued? If yes, summarize contents or attach copy of the report. 32. Were lab comments included in report? If yes, summarize contents or attach a copy of the narrative. Refer to Attachment B (Case Narrative) for additional comments included in laboratory reports. Comments: Sample concentrations that exceed the calibration range of the instrument, which are E-flagged by the laboratory, are estimated (J). All sample concentrations that are less than the RL, but greater than the MDL, are estimated (J-flag). The data review process was modeled after the USEPA CLP NFG for Superfund Organic Methods Data Review (EPA, June 2008) and USEPA CLP NFG for Inorganic Superfund Data Review (USEPA, January 2010). Sample results have been qualified based on the results of the data review process (refer to Attachment C). In performing the data evaluation, AECOM assumed that the data reported by the laboratory are complete, compliant, and an accurate representation of the raw data. Criteria for acceptability of data were based upon available site information, analytical method requirements, guidance documents, and professional judgment. DV Flag Definitions: B Blank contamination exists J Estimated value UJ Not detected and the detection limit is estimated R Unusable data Acronyms: % Percentage %R Percent recovery °C Degrees Celsius µg/L Micrograms per liter BCAL Blank contamination action level CLP Contract Laboratory Program DL Detection limit DV Data validation EPA Environmental Protection Agency Lab Reports: FA49732 Data Validation Checklist (Continued) Q:\DCS\Projects\L-URS\Jobs4\_Projects\International Paper\IP - Roanoke Rapids\60545791 - 2017\4 Site Data\4.4 Analytical\Data Validation\_Working Files\IP - Roanoke Rapids Landfill DE Checklist 2017-12.docx Page 4 of 5 AECOM – North Carolina Last printed 1/8/2018 1:47:00 PM Review Questions Yes No N/A Samples (Analytes) Affected/Comments Flag unwarranted, as results were greater than two times the RL and a positive bias was indicated by the standard. • CRIA2 @ 17:00: o Copper @ 25.0%R (80-120%R). J/UJ-flag sample results due to negative bias. R-flagging of data is not required based on review of associated calibration blanks and ICS results. o Zinc @ 140%R (80-120%R). Qualification of data is unwarranted, as results were greater than two times the RL and a positive bias was indicated by the standard. 28. Were surrogate recoveries within lab/project specifications? 29. Were internal standard results within lab specifications? 6020B only 30. Were TIC reported and were reported results qualified as estimated concentrations? 31. Were laboratory-generated Corrective Action Reports issued? If yes, summarize contents or attach copy of the report. 32. Were lab comments included in report? If yes, summarize contents or attach a copy of the narrative. Refer to Attachment B (Case Narrative) for additional comments included in laboratory reports. Comments: Sample concentrations that exceed the calibration range of the instrument, which are E-flagged by the laboratory, are estimated (J). All sample concentrations that are less than the RL, but greater than the MDL, are estimated (J-flag). The data review process was modeled after the USEPA CLP NFG for Superfund Organic Methods Data Review (EPA, June 2008) and USEPA CLP NFG for Inorganic Superfund Data Review (USEPA, January 2010). Sample results have been qualified based on the results of the data review process (refer to Attachment C). In performing the data evaluation, AECOM assumed that the data reported by the laboratory are complete, compliant, and an accurate representation of the raw data. Criteria for acceptability of data were based upon available site information, analytical method requirements, guidance documents, and professional judgment. DV Flag Definitions: B Blank contamination exists J Estimated value UJ Not detected and the detection limit is estimated R Unusable data Acronyms: % Percentage %R Percent recovery °C Degrees Celsius µg/L Micrograms per liter BCAL Blank contamination action level CLP Contract Laboratory Program DL Detection limit DV Data validation EPA Environmental Protection Agency LabReports:FA49732DataValidationChecklist(Continued)ReviewQuestionsYesNoN/ASamples(Analytes)Affected/CommentsFlagunwarranted,asresultsweregreaterthantwotimestheRLandapositivebiaswasindicatedbythestandard.0CRIA2@17:00:0Copper@25.0%R(80—120%R).J/UJ—flagsampleresultsduetonegativebias.R—flaggingofdataisnotrequiredbasedonreviewofassociatedcalibrationblanksandICSresults.0Zinc@140%R(80—120%R).Qualificationofdataisunwarranted,asresultsweregreaterthantwotimestheRLandapositivebiaswasindicatedbythestandard.28.Weresurrogaterecoverieswithinlab/projectspecifications?\/29.Wereinternalstandardresultswithinlabspecifications?\/6020Bonly30.WereTICreportedandwerereportedresultsqualifiedasestimated\/concentrations?31.Werelaboratory—generatedCorrectiveActionReportsissued?If/yes,summarizecontentsorattachcopyofthereport.32.Werelabcommentsincludedinreport?Ifyes,summarizecontentsJRefertoAttachmentB(CaseNarrative)foradditionalcommentsorattachacopyofthenarrative.includedinlaboratoryreports.Comments:Sampleconcentrationsthatexceedthecalibrationrangeoftheinstrument,whichareE—flaggedbythelaboratory,areestimated(I).AllsampleconcentrationsthatarelessthantheRL,butgreaterthantheMDL,areestimated(J—flag).ThedatareviewprocesswasmodeledaftertheUSEPACLPNFGforSuperfundOrganicMethodsDataReview(EPA,June2008)andUSEPACLPNFGforInorganicSuperfundDataReview(USEPA,January2010).Sampleresultshavebeenqualifiedbasedontheresultsofthedatareviewprocess(refertoAttachmentC).Inperformingthedataevaluation,AECOMassumedthatthedatareportedbythelaboratoryarecomplete,compliant,andanaccuraterepresentationoftherawdata.Criteriaforacceptabilityofdatawerebaseduponavailablesiteinformation,analyticalmethodrequirements,guidancedocuments,andprofessionaljudgment.DVFlagDefinitions:BBlankcontaminationexistsIEstimatedvalueU]NotdetectedandthedetectionlimitisestimatedRUnusabledataAcronyms:%Percentage%RPercentrecovery°CDegreesCelsiuspg/LMicrogramsperliterBCALBlankcontaminationactionlevelCLPContractLaboratoryProgramDLDetectionlimitDVDatavalidationEPAEnvironmentalProtectionAgencyQ:\DCS\Pi‘ojects\L—URSUobs4\7Projects\Inte[nationalPaper\IP-RoanokeRapids\60545791-2017\4SiteData\4.4Analytical\DataValidationLWorkingFiles\IP-RoanokeRapidsLandfillDEChecklist2017-12,docxPage4of5AECOM—NorthCarolinaLastprinted1/8/20181:47:00PM Lab Reports: FA49732 Data Validation Checklist (Continued) Q:\DCS\Projects\L-URS\Jobs4\_Projects\International Paper\IP - Roanoke Rapids\60545791 - 2017\4 Site Data\4.4 Analytical\Data Validation\_Working Files\IP - Roanoke Rapids Landfill DE Checklist 2017-12.docx Page 5 of 5 AECOM – North Carolina Last printed 1/8/2018 1:47:00 PM LCS Laboratory control sample LCSD Laboratory control sample duplicate MDL Method detection limit MS Matrix spike MSD Matrix spike duplicate ND Not detected NFG National Functional Guidelines PDS Post digestion spike QC Quality control RL Reporting limit RPD Relative percent difference SM Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA/AWWA/WEF TDS Total dissolved solids TIC Tentatively identified compound Lab Reports: FA49732 Data Validation Checklist (Continued) Q:\DCS\Projects\L-URS\Jobs4\_Projects\International Paper\IP - Roanoke Rapids\60545791 - 2017\4 Site Data\4.4 Analytical\Data Validation\_Working Files\IP - Roanoke Rapids Landfill DE Checklist 2017-12.docx Page 5 of 5 AECOM – North Carolina Last printed 1/8/2018 1:47:00 PM LCS Laboratory control sample LCSD Laboratory control sample duplicate MDL Method detection limit MS Matrix spike MSD Matrix spike duplicate ND Not detected NFG National Functional Guidelines PDS Post digestion spike QC Quality control RL Reporting limit RPD Relative percent difference SM Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, APHA/AWWA/WEF TDS Total dissolved solids TIC Tentatively identified compound LabReports:FA49732DataValidationChecklist(Continued)LCSLaboratorycontrolsampleLCSDLaboratorycontrolsampleduplicateMDLMethoddetectionlimitMSMatrixspikeMSDMatrixspikeduplicateNDNotdetectedNFGNationalFunctionalGuidelinesPDSPostdigestionspikeQCQualitycontrolRLReportinglimitRPDRelativepercentdifferenceSMStandardMethodsfortheExaminationofWaterandWastewater,APHA/AWWA/WEFTDSTotaldissolvedsolidsTICTentativelyidentifiedcompoundQ:\DCS\Projects\L—URSUobs4\7Projects\Inte[nationalPaper\IP-RoanokeRapids\60545791-2017\4SiteDatu\4.4Analytical\DataValidationLWorkingFiles\IP-RoanokeRapidsLandfillDEChecklist2017-12,docxPage5of5AECOM—NorthCarolinaLastprinted1/8/20181:47:00PM ATTACHMENT A BLANK CONTAMINATION EVALUATION ATTACHMENT A BLANK CONTAMINATION EVALUATION ATTACHMENT A BLANK CONTAMINATION EVALUATION Evaluation of Blank Contamination Attachment A MA14550 SW-846 6020B Arsenic 2.0 0.11 0.020 0.0057 0.012 0.0077 0.11 0.55 Barium 2.0 0.089 0.010 0.0031 0.0074 0.0022 0.089 0.45 Cadmium 2.0 0.0095 0.012 0.0039 0.0018 0.00095 0.012 0.06 Chromium 2.0 0.065 0.012 0.0046 0.0040 0.065 0.33 Copper 2.0 0.72 0.72 3.6 Iron 200 15.7 1.3 2.8 0.52 0.40 15.7 79 Lead 2.0 0.062 0.055 0.019 0.013 0.014 0.062 0.31 Manganese 2.0 0.14 0.017 0.0030 0.025 0.032 0.14 0.70 Selenium 2.0 0.29 0.051 0.090 0.11 0.13 0.29 1.5 Silver 2.0 0.048 0.016 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.048 0.24 Zinc 4.0 0.70 0.70 3.5 MA14533 SW-846 7470A Mercury 0.50 0.042 0.0022 0.0078 0.042 0.210 CCB - Continuing calibration blank ICB - Initial calibration blank MB - Method Blank RL - Reporting limit All results micrograms per liter (µg/L), unless indicated otherwise. A blank cell indicates that the analyte was not detected. CCB4 Max. Amount Detected Action LevelAnalyteRLICB1CCB3MB Action LevelAnalyteRLICB1 Max. Amount DetectedCCB1CCB2CCB3MB Evaluation of Blank Contamination Attachment A MA14550 SW-846 6020B Arsenic 2.0 0.11 0.020 0.0057 0.012 0.0077 0.11 0.55 Barium 2.0 0.089 0.010 0.0031 0.0074 0.0022 0.089 0.45 Cadmium 2.0 0.0095 0.012 0.0039 0.0018 0.00095 0.012 0.06 Chromium 2.0 0.065 0.012 0.0046 0.0040 0.065 0.33 Copper 2.0 0.72 0.72 3.6 Iron 200 15.7 1.3 2.8 0.52 0.40 15.7 79 Lead 2.0 0.062 0.055 0.019 0.013 0.014 0.062 0.31 Manganese 2.0 0.14 0.017 0.0030 0.025 0.032 0.14 0.70 Selenium 2.0 0.29 0.051 0.090 0.11 0.13 0.29 1.5 Silver 2.0 0.048 0.016 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.048 0.24 Zinc 4.0 0.70 0.70 3.5 MA14533 SW-846 7470A Mercury 0.50 0.042 0.0022 0.0078 0.042 0.210 CCB - Continuing calibration blank ICB - Initial calibration blank MB - Method Blank RL - Reporting limit All results micrograms per liter (µg/L), unless indicated otherwise. A blank cell indicates that the analyte was not detected. CCB4 Max. Amount Detected Action LevelAnalyteRLICB1CCB3MB Action LevelAnalyteRLICB1 Max. Amount DetectedCCB1CCB2CCB3MB Evaluation of Blank Contamination MA14550 Max. Amount Action Analvte RL MB ICBl CCBl CCB2 CCB3 Detected Level SW-846 6020B Arsenic 2.0 0.11 0.020 0.0057 0.012 0.0077 0.11 0.55 Barium 2.0 0.089 0.010 0.0031 0.0074 0.0022 0.089 0.45 Cadmium 2.0 0.0095 0.012 0.0039 0.0018 0.00095 0.012 0.06 Chromium 2.0 0.065 0.012 0.0046 0.0040 0.065 0.33 Copper 2.0 0.72 0.72 3.6 Iron 200 15.7 1.3 2.8 0.52 0.40 15.7 79 Lead 2.0 0.062 0.055 0.019 0.013 0.014 0.062 0.31 Manganese 2.0 0.14 0.017 0.0030 0.025 0.032 0.14 0.70 Selenium 2.0 0.29 0.051 0.090 0.11 0.13 0.29 1.5 Silver 2.0 0.048 0.016 0.013 0.013 0.013 0.048 0.24 Zinc 4.0 0.70 0.70 3.5 MA14533 Max. Amount Action Analvte RL MB ICBl CCB3 CCB4 Detected Level SW-846 7470AMercury|0.50 |0.042 |0.0022 |0.0078 |0.042 |0.210 CCB -Continuing calibration blank ICB -Initial calibration blank MB -Method Blank RL -Reporting limit All results micrograms per liter (pg/L),unless indicated otherwise.A blank cell indicates that the analyte vs Attachment A ATTACHMENT B CASE NARRATIVES ATTACHMENT B CASE NARRATIVES ATTACHMENT B CASE NARRATIVES SAMPLE DELIVERY GROUP CASE NARRATIVE Client: AECOM, INC. Job No: FA49732 Site: IP; Roanoke Rapids,NC Report Date: 12/18/2017 6:50:39 PM 5 Sample(s) were collected on 11/29/2017 and were received at SGS Accutest Southeast (SASE) on 11/30/2017 properly preserved, at 2.4 Deg. C and intact. These Samples received an SASE job number of FA49732. A listing of the Laboratory Sample ID, Client Sample ID and dates of collection are presented in the Results Summary Section. Except as noted below, all method specified calibrations and quality control performance criteria were met for this job. For more information, please refer to QC summary pages. Metals Analysis By Method SW846 6020B Matrix: AQ Batch ID: MP33095 All samples were digested within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA49732-5DUP, FA49732-5MS, FA49732-5MSD, FA49732-5SDL were used as the QC samples for metals. Sample(s) FA49732-2, FA49732-3 have compounds reported with “E” qualifiers indicating estimated value exceeding calibration range. RPD(s) for Serial Dilution for Arsenic, Chromium, Selenium, Zinc are outside control limits for sample MP33095-SD1. Percent difference acceptable due to low initial sample concentration (< 50 times IDL). FA49732-2 for Manganese: Above linear range. Result confirmed by ICP-OES 12/12/17. FA49732-3 for Manganese: Above linear range. Result confirmed by ICP-OES 12/12/17. Metals Analysis By Method SW846 7470A Matrix: AQ Batch ID: MP33071 All samples were digested within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA49660-1FMS, FA49660-1FMSD, FA49660-1FSDL, FA49660-1FDUP were used as the QC samples for metals. RPD(s) for Duplicate for Mercury are outside control limits for sample MP33071-D1. RPD acceptable due to low duplicate and sample concentrations. RPD(s) for Serial Dilution for Mercury are outside control limits for sample MP33071-SD1. Percent difference acceptable due to low initial sample concentration (< 50 times IDL). General Chemistry By Method EPA 120.1 Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN77286 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA49525-1DUP were used as the QC samples for Specific Conductivity @ 25 C. General Chemistry By Method EPA 300/SW846 9056A Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GP30728 All samples were prepped within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA49732-5MSD, FA49732-5MS were used as the QC samples for Nitrogen, Nitrate and Sulfate. Matrix Spike Recovery(s) for Sulfate are outside control limits. Spike amount low relative to the sample amount. Refer to lab control or spike blank for recovery information. Matrix Spike Recovery(s) for Nitrogen, Nitrate are outside control limits. Spike recovery indicates possible matrix interference. FA49732-4 for Nitrogen, Nitrate: Dilution required due to matrix interference. 4 of 66 FA497322 SAMPLE DELIVERY GROUP CASE NARRATIVE Client: AECOM, INC. Job No: FA49732 Site: IP; Roanoke Rapids,NC Report Date: 12/18/2017 6:50:39 PM 5 Sample(s) were collected on 11/29/2017 and were received at SGS Accutest Southeast (SASE) on 11/30/2017 properly preserved, at 2.4 Deg. C and intact. These Samples received an SASE job number of FA49732. A listing of the Laboratory Sample ID, Client Sample ID and dates of collection are presented in the Results Summary Section. Except as noted below, all method specified calibrations and quality control performance criteria were met for this job. For more information, please refer to QC summary pages. Metals Analysis By Method SW846 6020B Matrix: AQ Batch ID: MP33095 All samples were digested within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA49732-5DUP, FA49732-5MS, FA49732-5MSD, FA49732-5SDL were used as the QC samples for metals. Sample(s) FA49732-2, FA49732-3 have compounds reported with “E” qualifiers indicating estimated value exceeding calibration range. RPD(s) for Serial Dilution for Arsenic, Chromium, Selenium, Zinc are outside control limits for sample MP33095-SD1. Percent difference acceptable due to low initial sample concentration (< 50 times IDL). FA49732-2 for Manganese: Above linear range. Result confirmed by ICP-OES 12/12/17. FA49732-3 for Manganese: Above linear range. Result confirmed by ICP-OES 12/12/17. Metals Analysis By Method SW846 7470A Matrix: AQ Batch ID: MP33071 All samples were digested within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA49660-1FMS, FA49660-1FMSD, FA49660-1FSDL, FA49660-1FDUP were used as the QC samples for metals. RPD(s) for Duplicate for Mercury are outside control limits for sample MP33071-D1. RPD acceptable due to low duplicate and sample concentrations. RPD(s) for Serial Dilution for Mercury are outside control limits for sample MP33071-SD1. Percent difference acceptable due to low initial sample concentration (< 50 times IDL). General Chemistry By Method EPA 120.1 Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN77286 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA49525-1DUP were used as the QC samples for Specific Conductivity @ 25 C. General Chemistry By Method EPA 300/SW846 9056A Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GP30728 All samples were prepped within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA49732-5MSD, FA49732-5MS were used as the QC samples for Nitrogen, Nitrate and Sulfate. Matrix Spike Recovery(s) for Sulfate are outside control limits. Spike amount low relative to the sample amount. Refer to lab control or spike blank for recovery information. Matrix Spike Recovery(s) for Nitrogen, Nitrate are outside control limits. Spike recovery indicates possible matrix interference. FA49732-4 for Nitrogen, Nitrate: Dilution required due to matrix interference. 4 of 66 FA497322SAMPLEDELIVERYGROUPCASENARRATIVEa Client:AECOM,INC.Job No:FA49732 Site:IP;Roanoke Rapids,NC Report Date:12/18/2017 6:50:39 PM 5 Sample(s)were collected on 11/29/2017 and were received at SGS Accutest Southeast (SASE)on 11/30/2017 properly preserved,at 2.4 Deg.C and intact.These Samples received an SASE job number ofFA49732.A listing ofthe Laboratory Sample ID,Client Sample ID anddatesofcollectionarepresentedintheResultsSummarySection. Except as noted below,all method specified calibrations and quality control performance criteria were met for thisjob.For more information,please refer to QC summary pages. Metals Analysis By Method SW846 6020B Matrix:AQ Batch ID:MP33095 All samples were digested within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s)FA49732-5DUP,FA49732-5MS,FA49732-5MSD,FA49732-SSDL were used as the QC samples for metals. Sample(s)FA49732-2,FA49732-3 have compounds reported with “E”qualifiers indicating estimated value exceeding calibrationrange. RPD(s)for Serial Dilution for Arsenic,Chromium,Selenium,Zinc are outside control limits for sample MP33095-SD1.Percentdifferenceacceptableduetolowinitialsampleconcentration(<50 times IDL). FA49732-2 for Manganese:Above linear range.Result confirmed by ICP-OES 12/12/17. FA49732-3 for Manganese:Above linear range.Result confirmed by ICP-OES 12/12/17. Metals Analysis By Method SW846 7470A Matrix:AQ Batch ID:MP33071 All samples were digested within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s)FA49660-1FMS,FA49660-1FMSD,FA49660-1FSDL,FA49660-1FDUP were used as the QC samples for metals. RPD(s)for Duplicate for Mercury are outside control limits for sample MP33071-D1.RPD acceptable due to low duplicate and sample concentrations. RPD(s)for Serial Dilution for Mercury are outside control limits for sample MP33071-SD1.Percent difference acceptable due to lowinitialsampleconcentration(<50 times IDL). General Chemistry By Method EPA 120.1 Matrix:AQ Batch ID:GN77286 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s)FA49525-1DUP were used as the QC samples for Specific Conductivity @ 25 C. General Chemistry By Method EPA 300/SW846 9056A Matrix:AQ Batch ID:GP30728 All samples were prepped within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s)FA49732-5MSD,FA49732-5MS were used as the QC samples for Nitrogen,Nitrate and Sulfate. Matrix Spike Recovery(s)for Sulfate are outside control limits.Spike amount low relative to the sample amount.Refer to lab controlorspikeblankforrecoveryinformation. Matrix Spike Recovery(s)forNitrogen,Nitrate are outside control limits.Spike recovery indicates possible matrix interference. FA49732-4 for Nitrogen,Nitrate:Dilution required due to matrix interference. 4 f 66 $68 ACCU:ESTFA49732 General Chemistry By Method SM2540 C-11 Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN77130 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA49676-1DUP were used as the QC samples for Solids, Total Dissolved. RPD(s) for Duplicate for Solids, Total Dissolved are outside control limits for sample GN77130-D1. RPD acceptable due to low duplicate and sample concentrations. General Chemistry By Method SM4500H B-11/SW9040C Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN77205 Sample(s) FA49732-1DUP were used as the QC samples for pH. FA49732-1 for pH: Field analysis required. Received out of hold time and analyzed by request. FA49732-2 for pH: Field analysis required. Received out of hold time and analyzed by request. FA49732-3 for pH: Field analysis required. Received out of hold time and analyzed by request. Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN77287 Sample(s) FA49942-1DUP were used as the QC samples for pH. FA49732-4 for pH: Field analysis required. Received out of hold time and analyzed by request. FA49732-5 for pH: Field analysis required. Received out of hold time and analyzed by request. SGS Accutest (SASE) certifies that this report meets the project requirements for analytical data produced for the samples as received at SASE and as stated on the COC. SASE certifies that the data meets the Data Quality Objectives for precision, accuracy and completeness as specified in the SASE Quality Manual except as noted above. This report is to be used in its entirety. SASE is not responsible for any assumptions of data quality if partial data packages are used. Narrative prepared by: ______________________________________ Kim Benham, Client Services (signature on file) 5 of 66 FA497322General Chemistry By Method SM2540 C-11 Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN77130 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA49676-1DUP were used as the QC samples for Solids, Total Dissolved. RPD(s) for Duplicate for Solids, Total Dissolved are outside control limits for sample GN77130-D1. RPD acceptable due to low duplicate and sample concentrations. General Chemistry By Method SM4500H B-11/SW9040C Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN77205 Sample(s) FA49732-1DUP were used as the QC samples for pH. FA49732-1 for pH: Field analysis required. Received out of hold time and analyzed by request. FA49732-2 for pH: Field analysis required. Received out of hold time and analyzed by request. FA49732-3 for pH: Field analysis required. Received out of hold time and analyzed by request. Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN77287 Sample(s) FA49942-1DUP were used as the QC samples for pH. FA49732-4 for pH: Field analysis required. Received out of hold time and analyzed by request. FA49732-5 for pH: Field analysis required. Received out of hold time and analyzed by request. SGS Accutest (SASE) certifies that this report meets the project requirements for analytical data produced for the samples as received at SASE and as stated on the COC. SASE certifies that the data meets the Data Quality Objectives for precision, accuracy and completeness as specified in the SASE Quality Manual except as noted above. This report is to be used in its entirety. SASE is not responsible for any assumptions of data quality if partial data packages are used. Narrative prepared by: ______________________________________ Kim Benham, Client Services (signature on file) 5 of 66 FA497322GeneralChemistryByMethodSM2540C-11 Matrix:AQ Batch ID:GN77130 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time.a All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s)FA49676-1DUP were used as the QC samples for Solids,Total Dissolved. RPD(s)for Duplicate for Solids,Total Dissolved are outside control limits for sample GN77130-D1.RPD acceptable due to low duplicate and sample concentrations. General Chemistry By Method SM4500H B-ll/SW9040C Matrix:AQ Batch ID:GN77205 Sample(s)FA49732-1DUP were used as the QC samples for pH. FA49732-1 for pH:Field analysis required.Received out ofhold time and analyzed by request. FA49732-2 for pH:Field analysis required.Received out ofhold time and analyzed by request. FA49732-3 for pH:Field analysis required.Received out ofhold time and analyzed by request. Matrix:AQ Batch ID:GN77287 Sample(s)FA49942-1DUP were used as the QC samples for pH. FA49732-4 for pH:Field analysis required.Received out ofhold time and analyzed by request. FA49732-5 for pH:Field analysis required.Received out ofhold time and analyzed by request. SGS Accutest (SASE)certifies that this report meets the project requirements for analytical data produced for the samples as received at SASE and as stated on the COC.SASE certifies that the data meets the Data Quality Objectives for precision,accuracy and completeness as specified in the SASE Quality Manual except as noted above.This report is to be used in its entirety.SASE is not responsible for anyassumptionsofdataqualityifpartialdatapackagesareused. Narrative prepared by: Kim Benham,Client Services (signature on file) 5 f 66 SGS ACCUTESTFA49732 Laboratory Report Glossary Client Sample ID: Normally refers to a point of collection – a monitoring well, discharge outfall, treatment facility intake, soil core grid location and depth, or any other identification client assigns to a sample. Lab Sample ID: Letter prefix identifies one of SGS Accutest laboratories and the rest is a consecutive number of the job (or SDG) received. Number after dash is a sample number and it is unequivocally linked in the LIMS to the Client Sample ID (see above). Matrix (Matrix Code): · AQ- Water Samples · SO- Soil/Solid Samples · LIQ- Non-Water Liquid Samples · OIL- Oil Samples Matrix Type: · SW for Surface Water · SO for Soil/Sediment · GW for Ground Water · DW for Drinking Water All available definitions are found on Chain of Custody form. Deg. C: Degrees Celsius, measurement of temperature. Method: Analytical and preparation methods used for the analysis, with the version or revision identified. Date Sampled: This information is entered from Chain of Custody at the time of login for every sample. Date Received: When the job was received by SGS Accutest Laboratories. Percent Solids: Applicable only to SO matrix. For other matrices this field defaults to “n/a”. Run #: Provides information how many attempts were made in the analysis of the sample. LIMS can merge information from several attempts and lists all of them, including dilution, confirmation, etc. #1 designation is assigned to the analytical run with majority of analytes reported from it, not necessarily in chronological order. File ID: Actual instrument data acquisition file that produced the final result. Letter prefix identifies the instrument; the rest is a consecutive injection number for that instrument. DF (Dilution Factor): Most common reasons are either to fit into the range of the calibration, or alleviate matrix interference. DF other than 1 are accompanied with a comment at the end of the sample report. Analyzed: Date of analysis. By: Field Technician or Analyst uniquely identified by initials. Prep Date: Date of sample preparation. If hold time is 72 hours or less, time of preparation is also indicated. 6 of 66 FA497322 Laboratory Report Glossary Client Sample ID: Normally refers to a point of collection – a monitoring well, discharge outfall, treatment facility intake, soil core grid location and depth, or any other identification client assigns to a sample. Lab Sample ID: Letter prefix identifies one of SGS Accutest laboratories and the rest is a consecutive number of the job (or SDG) received. Number after dash is a sample number and it is unequivocally linked in the LIMS to the Client Sample ID (see above). Matrix (Matrix Code): · AQ- Water Samples · SO- Soil/Solid Samples · LIQ- Non-Water Liquid Samples · OIL- Oil Samples Matrix Type: · SW for Surface Water · SO for Soil/Sediment · GW for Ground Water · DW for Drinking Water All available definitions are found on Chain of Custody form. Deg. C: Degrees Celsius, measurement of temperature. Method: Analytical and preparation methods used for the analysis, with the version or revision identified. Date Sampled: This information is entered from Chain of Custody at the time of login for every sample. Date Received: When the job was received by SGS Accutest Laboratories. Percent Solids: Applicable only to SO matrix. For other matrices this field defaults to “n/a”. Run #: Provides information how many attempts were made in the analysis of the sample. LIMS can merge information from several attempts and lists all of them, including dilution, confirmation, etc. #1 designation is assigned to the analytical run with majority of analytes reported from it, not necessarily in chronological order. File ID: Actual instrument data acquisition file that produced the final result. Letter prefix identifies the instrument; the rest is a consecutive injection number for that instrument. DF (Dilution Factor): Most common reasons are either to fit into the range of the calibration, or alleviate matrix interference. DF other than 1 are accompanied with a comment at the end of the sample report. Analyzed: Date of analysis. By: Field Technician or Analyst uniquely identified by initials. Prep Date: Date of sample preparation. If hold time is 72 hours or less, time of preparation is also indicated. 6 of 66 FA497322LaboratoryReportGlossary Client Sample ID:Normally refers to a point of collection —a monitoring well,discharge outfall,treatment facility intake,soil core grid location and depth,or any other identification client assigns to a sample. Lab Sample ID:Letter prefix identifies one of SGS Accutest laboratories and the rest is a consecutive number of the job (or SDG)received.Number after dash is a sample number and it is unequivocally linked in the LIMS to the Client Sample ID (see above). Matrix (Matrix Code): 0 AQ-Water Samples 0 SO-Soil/Solid Samples 0 LIQ-Non-Water Liquid Samples 0 OIL-Oil Samples Matrix Type: 0 SW for Surface Water 0 $0 for Soil/Sediment 0 GW for Ground Water 0 DW for Drinking Water All available definitions are found on Chain of Custody form. Deg.C:Degrees Celsius,measurement of temperature. Method:Analytical and preparation methods used for the analysis,with the version or revision identified. Date Sampled:This information is entered from Chain of Custody at the time of login for every sample. Date Received:When the job was received by SGS Accutest Laboratories. Percent Solids:Applicable only to $0 matrix.For other matrices this field defaults to ”n/a”. Run #:Provides information how many attempts were made in the analysis of the sample.LIMS can merge information from several attempts and lists all of them,including dilution,confirmation,etc.#1 designation is assigned to the analytical run with majority of analytes reported from it,not necessarily in chronological order. File ID:Actual instrument data acquisition file that produced the final result.Letter prefix identifies the instrument; the rest is a consecutive injection number for that instrument. DF (Dilution Factor):Most common reasons are either to fit into the range of the calibration,or alleviate matrix interference.DF other than 1 are accompanied with a comment at the end of the sample report. Analyzed:Date of analysis. By:Field Technician or Analyst uniquely identified by initials. Prep Date:Date of sample preparation.If hold time is 72 hours or less,time of preparation is also indicated. 6 f 66 $68 ACCU:ESTFA49732 Prep Batch: Letter prefix OP followed by a consecutive number. For VOC analysis preparation happens at the time of analysis, therefore analytical batch and preparation batch are the same. Size of prep batch is limited to 20 field samples of similar matrix and the entire batch should be completed within 12 hour time. Analytical Batch: Letter prefix identifies the instrument and is followed by a consecutive number. Not limited by a number of samples. Initial Weight or Initial Volume: Raw sample size used for preparation. Final Volume: Final volume of extract. If different from method-prescribed volume, reasons are reflected in the comments at the end of the report form. CAS Number: Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society. Compound: Most commonly used names of chemical compounds. Result: Depending on project requirements, this field could be set up as text, such as ND (for Non Detected) or a number. The number may be reported with a qualifier. MDL (Method Detection Limit): This value is defined as 99% probability that analyte above this concentration is positively (qualitatively) identified. RL (Reporting Limit): This value is supported by the low calibration standard and defines lowest point of quantitative identification of analyte. DL (Detection Limit): The smallest analyte concentration that can be demonstrated to be different from zero or a blank concentration with 99% confidence. At the DL, the false positive rate (Type I error) is 1%. LOD (Limit of Detection): The smallest concentration of a substance that must be present in a sample in order to be detected at the DL with 99% confidence. At the LOD, the false negative rate (Type II error) is 1%. LOQ (Limit of Quantitation): The smallest concentration that produces a quantitative result with known and recorded precision and bias. Units: ug/l (micrograms per liter) for aqueous samples and ug/kg (micrograms per kilogram) for solids (or ppb – parts per billion). The units could be set according to project or state-specific requirements, such as mg/l (milligrams per liter), or mg/kg (milligrams per kilogram). Qualifiers (Q): Definitions of most often used qualifiers are found at the bottom of each result page. Applied depending on the program – state-specific (Florida A.C. 62-160), CLP-like, AFCEE, DOD QSM, etc. Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC): Used when client requests a search for analytes that are not part of instrument calibration. Unknown peaks are compared with published spectral libraries and best match is reported as TIC. Surrogate (S1, S2, S3 etc.): are positive controls that are used in most organics methods to ascertain preparation efficiency and matrix effect in individual samples. These chemicals mimic common method constituents but are unlikely to be found in real samples. Recoveries can be reported for every analytical run used in the analysis. IS (Internal Standard IS1, IS2, IS3, etc): quantitative reference used to adjust for instrument performance fluctuations. Area (of chromatographic peak): signal intensity directly related to compound concentration. RT (Retention Time): time required for analyte to traverse the length of analytical column. Used for compound identification. ICAL (Initial Calibration): Must pass calibration criteria established by method. ICV (Independent Calibration Verification): Used to verify ICAL preparation and concentration of calibration points. 7 of 66 FA497322Prep Batch: Letter prefix OP followed by a consecutive number. For VOC analysis preparation happens at the time of analysis, therefore analytical batch and preparation batch are the same. Size of prep batch is limited to 20 field samples of similar matrix and the entire batch should be completed within 12 hour time. Analytical Batch: Letter prefix identifies the instrument and is followed by a consecutive number. Not limited by a number of samples. Initial Weight or Initial Volume: Raw sample size used for preparation. Final Volume: Final volume of extract. If different from method-prescribed volume, reasons are reflected in the comments at the end of the report form. CAS Number: Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society. Compound: Most commonly used names of chemical compounds. Result: Depending on project requirements, this field could be set up as text, such as ND (for Non Detected) or a number. The number may be reported with a qualifier. MDL (Method Detection Limit): This value is defined as 99% probability that analyte above this concentration is positively (qualitatively) identified. RL (Reporting Limit): This value is supported by the low calibration standard and defines lowest point of quantitative identification of analyte. DL (Detection Limit): The smallest analyte concentration that can be demonstrated to be different from zero or a blank concentration with 99% confidence. At the DL, the false positive rate (Type I error) is 1%. LOD (Limit of Detection): The smallest concentration of a substance that must be present in a sample in order to be detected at the DL with 99% confidence. At the LOD, the false negative rate (Type II error) is 1%. LOQ (Limit of Quantitation): The smallest concentration that produces a quantitative result with known and recorded precision and bias. Units: ug/l (micrograms per liter) for aqueous samples and ug/kg (micrograms per kilogram) for solids (or ppb – parts per billion). The units could be set according to project or state-specific requirements, such as mg/l (milligrams per liter), or mg/kg (milligrams per kilogram). Qualifiers (Q): Definitions of most often used qualifiers are found at the bottom of each result page. Applied depending on the program – state-specific (Florida A.C. 62-160), CLP-like, AFCEE, DOD QSM, etc. Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC): Used when client requests a search for analytes that are not part of instrument calibration. Unknown peaks are compared with published spectral libraries and best match is reported as TIC. Surrogate (S1, S2, S3 etc.): are positive controls that are used in most organics methods to ascertain preparation efficiency and matrix effect in individual samples. These chemicals mimic common method constituents but are unlikely to be found in real samples. Recoveries can be reported for every analytical run used in the analysis. IS (Internal Standard IS1, IS2, IS3, etc): quantitative reference used to adjust for instrument performance fluctuations. Area (of chromatographic peak): signal intensity directly related to compound concentration. RT (Retention Time): time required for analyte to traverse the length of analytical column. Used for compound identification. ICAL (Initial Calibration): Must pass calibration criteria established by method. ICV (Independent Calibration Verification): Used to verify ICAL preparation and concentration of calibration points. 7 of 66 FA497322PrepBatch:Letter prefix OP followed by a consecutive number.For VOC analysis preparation happens at the time of analysis,therefore analytical batch and preparation batch are the same.Size of prep batch is limited to 20 field samples of similar matrix and the entire batch should be completed within 12 hour time. Analytical Batch:Letter prefix identifies the instrument and is followed by a consecutive number.Not limited by a number of samples. Initial Weight or Initial Volume:Raw sample size used for preparation. Final Volume:Final volume of extract.If different from method—prescribed volume,reasons are reflected in the comments at the end of the report form. CAS Number:ChemicalAbstracts Service (CAS),a division of the American Chemical Society. Compound:Most commonly used names of chemical compounds. Result:Depending on project requirements,this field could be set up as text,such as ND (for Non Detected)or a number.The number may be reported with a qualifier. MDL (Method Detection Limit):This value is defined as 99%probability that analyte above this concentration is positively (qualitatively)identified. RL (Reporting Limit):This value is supported by the low calibration standard and defines lowest point of quantitative identification of analyte. DL (Detection Limit):The smallest analyte concentration that can be demonstrated to be different from zero or a blank concentration with 99%confidence.At the DL,the false positive rate (Type I error)is 1%. LCD (Limit of Detection):The smallest concentration of a substance that must be present in a sample in order to be detected at the DL with 99%confidence.At the LCD,the false negative rate (Type II error)is 1%. LOQ (Limit of Quantitation):The smallest concentration that produces a quantitative result with known and recorded precision and bias. Units:ug/l (micrograms per liter)for aqueous samples and ug/kg (micrograms per kilogram)for solids (or ppb —parts per billion).The units could be set according to project or state—specific requirements,such as mg/l (milligrams per liter),or mg/kg (milligrams per kilogram). Qualifiers (Q):Definitions of most often used qualifiers are found at the bottom of each result page.Applied depending on the program —state—specific (Florida A.C.62—160),CLP—like,AFCEE,DOD QSM,etc. Tentatively Identified Compound (TIC):Used when client requests a search for analytes that are not part of instrument calibration.Unknown peaks are compared with published spectral libraries and best match is reported as TIC. Surrogate ($1,52,S3 etc.):are positive controls that are used in most organics methods to ascertain preparation efficiency and matrix effect in individual samples.These chemicals mimic common method constituents but are unlikely to be found in real samples.Recoveries can be reported for every analytical run used in the analysis. IS (Internal Standard I51,ISZ,IS3,etc):quantitative reference used to adjust for instrument performance fluctuations. Area (of chromatographic peak):signal intensity directly related to compound concentration. RT (Retention Time):time required for analyte to traverse the length of analytical column.Used for compound identification. ICAL (Initial Calibration):Must pass calibration criteria established by method. ICV (Independent Calibration Verification):Used to verify ICAL preparation and concentration of calibration points. 368 7of66 ACCUTESTFA49732 CCV (Continuing Calibration Verification): Used to assess calibration status of the instrument and must recover within established acceptance criteria. MB (Method Blank): is a negative batch control. MB is an aliquot of matrix free of analyte of interest (either ASTM Type II water or appropriate solid substance) that is put through all the preparation and possible clean-up steps alongside investigative (field) samples. MB should be free of interferences above a set level. BS (Blank Spike, Laboratory Fortified Blank - LFB, Laboratory Control Sample - LCS): is a positive control used to determine method accuracy - in clean matrix, i.e. matrix free of analytes of interest. BSD (Blank Spike Duplicate): Used to assess recovery reproducibility - method precision – per analytical method requirement. %Recovery and Relative Percent Difference (%RPD) are compared with the established acceptance criteria. MS and/or MSD (Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicate): positive batch controls which indicate matrix effect on the precision and accuracy of the method in given sample matrix. Results are expressed in %Recovery and Relative Percent Difference (%RPD), and compared with the established acceptance criteria. DUP (Matrix Duplicate): Positive batch control, a way of assessing laboratory’s precision; however, the composition of the samples is unknown and may not yield meaningful results. REC (Recovery in Percent): expresses method accuracy. RPD (Relative Percent Difference): expresses method precision. Limits: Recovery limits for surrogates and spikes. 8 of 66 FA497322CCV (Continuing Calibration Verification): Used to assess calibration status of the instrument and must recover within established acceptance criteria. MB (Method Blank): is a negative batch control. MB is an aliquot of matrix free of analyte of interest (either ASTM Type II water or appropriate solid substance) that is put through all the preparation and possible clean-up steps alongside investigative (field) samples. MB should be free of interferences above a set level. BS (Blank Spike, Laboratory Fortified Blank - LFB, Laboratory Control Sample - LCS): is a positive control used to determine method accuracy - in clean matrix, i.e. matrix free of analytes of interest. BSD (Blank Spike Duplicate): Used to assess recovery reproducibility - method precision – per analytical method requirement. %Recovery and Relative Percent Difference (%RPD) are compared with the established acceptance criteria. MS and/or MSD (Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicate): positive batch controls which indicate matrix effect on the precision and accuracy of the method in given sample matrix. Results are expressed in %Recovery and Relative Percent Difference (%RPD), and compared with the established acceptance criteria. DUP (Matrix Duplicate): Positive batch control, a way of assessing laboratory’s precision; however, the composition of the samples is unknown and may not yield meaningful results. REC (Recovery in Percent): expresses method accuracy. RPD (Relative Percent Difference): expresses method precision. Limits: Recovery limits for surrogates and spikes. 8 of 66 FA497322CCV(Continuing Calibration Verification):Used to assess calibration status of the instrument and must recover within established acceptance criteria. MB (Method Blank):is a negative batch control.MB is an aliquot of matrix free of analyte of interest (either ASTM Type II water or appropriate solid substance)that is put through all the preparation and possible clean—up steps alongside investigative (field)samples.MB should be free of interferences above a set level. BS (Blank Spike,Laboratory Fortified Blank -LFB,Laboratory Control Sample -LCS):is a positive control used to determine method accuracy —in clean matrix,i.e.matrix free of analytes of interest. BSD (Blank Spike Duplicate):Used to assess recovery reproducibility —method precision —per analytical method requirement.%Recovery and Relative Percent Difference (%RPD)are compared with the established acceptance criteria. MS and/or MSD (Matrix Spike and Matrix Spike Duplicate):positive batch controls which indicate matrix effect on the precision and accuracy of the method in given sample matrix.Results are expressed in %Recovery and Relative Percent Difference (%RPD),and compared with the established acceptance criteria. DUP (Matrix Duplicate):Positive batch control,a way of assessing laboratory’s precision;however,the composition of the samples is unknown and may not yield meaningful results. REC (Recovery in Percent):expresses method accuracy. RPD (Relative Percent Difference):expresses method precision. Limits:Recovery limits for surrogates and spikes. SGS 80f66 ACCUTESTFA49732 ATTACHMENT C QUALIFIED SAMPLE RESULTS ATTACHMENT C QUALIFIED SAMPLE RESULTS ATTACHMENT C QUALIFIED SAMPLE RESULTS SGSAccutestReportofAnalysisPage1oflClientSampleID:MW—LGlLabSampleID:FA49732-IDateSampled:11/29/17Matrix:AQ-GroundWaterDateRweived:11/30/17PercentSolids:n/aProject:IP:RoanokeRapids.NCTotalMetalsAnalysisAnalyteResultRLMDLUnitsDFPrepAnalyzedByMethodPrepMethodArsenic1.3J2.00.21ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswan;6021182swans3010A4Barium2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswaae002052swue3010A4Cadmium0.20U2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswm002032swsae3010A4Chromium1.4J2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMSWING002002swans3010A4Copper3.1J32.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans002032swore3010A4Iron1830020023ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswan;602032swore3010A4Lead2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswsee002002swaas3010114Manganese15802.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans5020325100463010A4Mercury0.061160.500.030ug/l112/04/1712/04/17DMswm7470A'sws4e7470A3Selenium0.85J(52.00.22ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMSWING5020132swore3010A4Silver0.20U2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMSWII-IG6020112swms3010A4Zinc18.84.01.7ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans502032sws4s3010A4(1)InstrumentQCBatch:MA14533(2}InstrumentQCBatch:MA14550(3)PrepQCBatch:MP33071(4)PrepQCBatch:MP33095RL=ReportingLimitMDL=MethodDetectionLimitU=Indicatesaresult<MDLJ=Indicatesaresult>=MDLbut<RL81381nmm‘vaz-Ism .uatuy ma imam;Jgunflawq am .173 was-n pa:moo:aunt v.13)mama ma spawn Jumbo pawn/n:Mom .173 wasn am not MW 51 113101-‘W mam!mp awn wins:-an \m pm:wooav K0 mun-b um mu salt-w a«huesNSfof66ACCUTESTFA49732 i2SGSAccutestg-ReportofAnalysisPage1ofl3'EClientSampleID:MW—LGIEaLabSampleID:FA49732-lDateSampled:11/29/17EL.Matrix:AQ-GroundWaterDateReceived:[1/30/178PercentSolids:n/agEProject:11’:RoanokeRapids.NC5.GeneralChemistry3AnalyteRemitRLMDLUnitsDFAnalyzed1351Method1’;Nitrogen.Nitrate0.050U0.100.050mg/l111/30/1711:08JKEPAzoo/swans9056ASolids,TotalDissolved42010010mg/l112/01/1713:00L]511125100111‘SpecificConductivity@25C7811.01.0umhos/cm112/18/1711:59JMEPA120.1a;Sulfate13.82.00.60mg/l111/30/1711:00JKEPAzoo/swamso!ApH36.07.1su112/11/1710-.02v1<SM1500Hemswgnoc(a)Fieldanalysisrequired.Receivedoutofholdtimeandanalyzedbyrequest.RL=ReportingLimitU=Indicatesaresult<MDLMDL=MethodDetectionLimitJ2Indicatesaresult>=MDLbut<RLKmart ‘vaasnl war-1211 ma pun/hall's tvv/on:Na vazsn we 11100:aunt writ-«6.11511 ma WW1"Jumbo WWW-'9 40191111 .17.)W35?)31/1 nutE 1»!a Sta1;156$88Ana/$551FA49732 SGSAccutestReportofAnalysisPage1of1ClientSampleID:MW-LG3LabSampleID:FA49732-2DateSampled:11/29/17Matrix:AQ-GroundWaterDateReceived:11/30/17PaomtSolids:n/aProject:1?;RoanokeRapids,NCTotalMetalsAnalysisAnalyteResultRLMDLUnitsDFPrepAnalyudByMethodPrepMethodArsenic0.31JE.2.00.21ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans002033swans3010A4Barium79.52.00.20113/]212/08/1712/11/17DMswan;002032swans3010A4Cadmium0.20U2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMSW846502032swans3010A4Chromium0.20162.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswa-ia002032sweet;3010A4Copper0.20U.12.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans002002swan;3010A4iron35.21820023ug/l212/08I1712/11/17DMswsra302002swans301004Lead0.20U2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswaas002032swans301034Manganesea3440Ed2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswm502032swan;3010A4Mercury0.030U0.500.030ug/l112/04/1712/04/17DMSW8467410AIswans747003Selenium1.1J52.00.22ugll212/08/1712/11/17DMswans302032swans3010A4Silver0.20U2.00.20ug/l212/08l1712/11/17DMswam002033swan;3010A4Zinc13.54.01.7ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswan;002033swm3010A4(l)InstrumentQCBatch:MAI4533(2)InstrumentQCBatch:MAI4550(3)PrepQCBatch:MP33071(4)PrepQCBatch:MP33095(3)Abovelinearrange.ResultconfirmedbyICP-OES12/12/17.RL=ReportingLimitMDL=MethodDetectionLimitU=lndicatesaresult<MDLJ=Indicatesaresult>=MDLbut<RL51331an0:51mm ‘vaasni «mm ma Fun/tad";J/Wil‘m/DJN an mam WI:1300:Mr 'vaai mum ma man/1'arm/140 ems/Mus 1"m a1.)ram 60/Due Palm I!tavern “and new ma 340.!““141531 =10 Im P35"!mom in int/nub Um ma mum aldms4:0166ACCUTESTFAA-9732 g563AcculestgReportofAnalysisPage1oil3EClientSampleID:MW-Lcs3ALabSampleID:FA49732-2DateSampled:11/29/17Eit;Matrix:AQ-GroundWaterDateReceived:11/30/170PercentSolids:n/a3EProject:IP;RoanokeRapids.NCE:GeneralChuistrygaAnniyteResultRLMDLUnitsDFAnalyzedByMethodgoN11rogen.Nitm1e13.30.500.25mg/l511/30/1711:2411<EPA300/5W11409050ASolids.TotalDissolved94220020mg]!112/01/1711:00u511125100112'SpecificConductivity@25C17501.01.0umhos/cm112/15/1711:59JMEPA120.1aSulfate140103.0mg]!511/30/1711:24JKEPAson/swans901E071pH36.61Jsu112/11/1716:02VKSM4500HB-ll/SWgMOC(a)Fieldanalysisrequired.Receivedoutofholdtimeandanalyzedbyrequest.EiEgEEé"“t?E.D'3EES:g3iESEEE”.3.Q3;E.EéQRL=ReportingLimitU=Indicatesaresult<MDLEMDL=MethodDetectionLimitJ=Indicatesaresult>=MDLbut<RL3801315‘ofsoACCUTESTFAIIBTJZ E.E868Accutest‘3ReportofAnalysisPage1oil3‘5.ClientSampleID:MW-LGSELabSampleID:FA49732-3DateSampled:11/29/17EMatrix:AQ-GroundWaterDateReceived:11/30/178PercentSolids:n/a§Project:IP:RoanokeRapids,NC:1TotalMetalsAnalysisgaAnalyteResultRLMDLUnitsDFPrepAnalyzedByMethodPrepMethod;8'Arsenic2.52.00.21ugll2[2/08/1712/11/17DMNew602032swans3010A4gBarium95.72.00.2003/]212/08/1712/11/17DMSWB4B602032swans3010A4'2“Cadmium0.20U2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMSWB46602032sws463010A4aChromium1.0J2.00.20ugll212/08/1712/11/17DMswsq6602032swsts3010A4.ECopper0.29161182.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans602032swm30101043;Iron1540020023ug/l212/08/1712/11/17ON!sw346602033swam0010A‘46'Lead0.20U2.00.20ugll212/08/1712/11/17DMswans602032SW8463010A4_Manganesea5900EJ2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswam602032swans3010A48Mercury0.037Jg0.500.030ug/l112/04/1712/04/17DMswansman45mm7410A3gSelenium0.76Jg2.00.22ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans602032swans3010A4“Silver0.20U2.00.200g]!212/08/1712/11/17DMswans602033SWINE3010A4Zinc12.?4.01.703/1212/08/1712/11/17DMswaaa602032SW8463010A4(I)InstrumentQCBatch:MA14533(2)InstrumentQCBatch:MA14550(3)PrepQCBatch:MP33071(4)PrepQCBatch:MP33095(2)Abovelinearrange.ResultconfirmedbyICP-OES12/12/17.RL=ReportingLimitMDL=MethodDetectionLimitU=Indicatesaresult<MDLJ=Indicatesaresult>=MDLbut<RLZ WWI ’w‘ssnl “’4”?"'90 Pull-"d”:«HWLI’W OJN J73 VHS/7 PW 18W 5"“!'VeED mung ma WW,"“Wit/0 PWI'M'IS 19}DJN'J'D VHS/1 381532 n10m66ACCUTESTFM9732 PwMDL=MethodDetectionLimit1=Indicatesaresult>=MDLbut<RL2505Accutest3-ReportofAnalysisPage1ofl3'EClientSampleID:MW-LGSELabSampleID:FA49732—3DateSampled:11/29/r17EMatrix:AQ-GroundWaterDateReceived:11/30/178PercentSolids:n/aéProject:1P:RoanokeRapids.NCgGeneralChemistrygEAnalytcResultRLMDLUnitsDFAnalyzedByMethodi;Nitrogen.Nitrate0.050U0.100.050rug/l111/30/1711:401KEPA300/5W84690g“Solids,TotalDissolved26110010mg/l112/01/1713:00uSMZS40oniSwwk&MmMW@%C4M13L0mMWmlummummemumaSulfate80.62.00.60mg/l111/30/1711:4OJKEPAsou/swans9055ApH‘I6.13.J50112/11/1716:02VKSM4500H5-1115“)n(a)Fieldanalysisrequired.Receivedoutofholdtimeandanalyzedbyrequest.3.Ei’ggEBaa.3EEE3’iifig’11S.gEaE5,E:3.1E.1.35RL=ReportingLimitU=Indicatesaresult<MDLEE808;I.)s17‘ofasACCUTESTFMBTJZ SGSAccutestReportofAnalysisPage1oflClientSampleID:MW-LGSLabSampleID:FA49732-4DateSampled:11/29/17Matrix:AQ-GroundWaterDateReceived:11/30/17PercentSolids:n/aProject:IP:RoanokeRapids.NCTotalMetalsAnalysisAnalyteResultRLMDLUnitsDFPrepAnalyzedByMethodPrepMethodArsenic0.36J62.00.21ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans502032swans3010A4Barium5792.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswm502032swans3010A4Cadmium0.20U2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans5112033sweet;3010A4Chromium3.72.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans502032SW8463010A4Copper0.20UJ2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswarm6020113swm3010A4Iron168J20023ug/l212/08/1712/11ll7DMswm502032swan;3010A4Lead0.20U2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswans602083swans3010A4Manganese9022.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswan;5020132swm3010A4Mercury0.030U0.500.03011g]!112/04/1712/04/17DMswan;7410A'swansmm3Selenium0.55JE,2.00.22ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswan;some3swans3010A4Silver0.20U2.00.20ug/l212/08/1712/11/17DMswam602033swan;3010A4Zinc15.64.01.7ug/I212/08/1712/11/17DMswans502032swm3010A4(1)InstrumentQCBatch:MA14533(2)InstrumentQCBatch:MA14550(3)PrepQCBatch:MP33071(4)PrepQCBatch:MP331195RL=ReportingLimitMDL=MethodDetectionLimitU=Indicatesaresult<MDL}=Indicatesaresult>=MDLbut<RLbull-tr 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RecordsAppendix B –Sample Collection RecordsAppendixB—Sample Collection Records AECOM 1 Well 'D‘fl‘l (M,L at Low Flow Ground Water Sample Collection Record Client:Vlnternationalaper 7 -,.7 Collector(s):v .3111-n P'ker/Adam CoxProject#:760545791 ._-_Date:11/20/2017 Site Location:Roanoke RapIds NC ,,\Start Time:I 9.La ,._WeatheriIJ1-C/w-End Time:.., 1.WATER LEVEL DATA:(measured from Top of Casing)1 Total Well Length ”I,[17”Water Column Length 7:J Water Table Depth 7"!”System Volume I “7‘yI/Lll }Casing Dia.IMaterial 127/”{/-g 2.WELL PURGE DATA Purge Method:IX]Peristaltic CI Bladder I]Monsoon (Grundfos)El Other: Acceptance Criteria Defined:-Temp.1 0.5 I -Specific Conductance i 10 %I-ORP i 10 or 10%I 'PH 1 0-1 I -Dissolved Oxygen i 10 °/0 —Drawdown <0.3' .HD.1§§§.99197’0.5 "1.9!L thgfl 5131919FieldTestingEquipment:_W Made ./.-Model 1 ..1 Serial Number YSI 555 03/14 31:37PeristalticPumpGeopumpLa/1 He .MW 7111221241,...IHI7_<.’I‘I12I, Groundwater Field Parameter Readings: m Vol.Purged Temmp.p_H Spec.Cond.D_Q O_RP Turbidity Flow Rate Drawdown Color/Odor.Q4110.........(!-it.e'§2..PE)...Im$!9m)...("FQ’H (TV)(.NTUI....(flii’mllll ....<f99t..).._-........_.i...I..2-2.0....-.1 ..H7161!..211 011:?713,J IN..115 ..'..IoIr..:C/emlf/dawfi”/0225....3...I7.72/.I.25/0 2.HI _1,51,.935 105/.I-.9:”..5.-I4.,€f..L[2.9/9--.H .I776.I II.0 IXX ..I 31/22.I 111’211/I.-/.I../0.....Emu/3’A.I’7..I..1 I I}a II 1..I.2...f-.7.‘/I (6 1.....,_{M.1 .[1,617.cMsa/Am4.1.1.0 5 3/211 I..-1.}.:..0 MI...02.511.1251/-H111L11...I...I.L.&I.é.I2rf,.i---;z -.I/~68“6.33.1-»0.2.2/1?01:.1..1 ”5.7.1 211...;..,I2,2.rI3113--8/I116 I 22/o 220 I..-1,1.'21 .1 seas-12111 .1 I212...-.I)z,-f-g_..7...,,_.;§-.I,7Il .6 5,7 0 3”.0.11 -134»?3‘1/1’5 '.11,417..‘I1i.IZIJ .7 ...§,_I7.K C 961.15-2M?.1.02.HK'.:2I..7 Q ‘i S/140 1 '3.s-f .{Ii-5.5617 ._..1‘I7I/64>0-156.115566.."1’357 £1.11 .HJJ .1H 5.1.:..I ..I11.0;.,...,../L1..’71“.5-‘5'”0157.5..I?.1415 .‘_.4M”,I.."‘1..-43111 -11.INT 61,1?0..III 2 .62..1160.-Mo.III-5 7111 INK/41111111142%;.-.1I ..11.63.6151 am 3.11.2311 2.1:.1.1.1 _;_III-2.1.1J5”1L _;.,‘_’7‘.1§’.,‘.;-6.--69.-.0111 3.105181 -1°”.I611?-13;:23 ,5 _:,;y.11iI;Is OIIII ‘1,41 1m [105’_.2111 -1-[)7 H Acceptance Criteria Pass/Fail Yes No NIA If No or N/A explain here: Has required volume been removed El El ElHasrequiredturbiditybeenreached1:]|:|[:l _ Have parameters stabilized 1:]|:||:| 3.SAMPLE COLLECTION:Method:Grab Sample ID Container Type No.of Containers Preservation Analysis Reg.Time MIA/2&1 _"1",1111/17‘2‘1‘22‘M11 ‘’f'1 ,T 1 11/111;f1 .“V ,.[.fiflIipffl-f Comments:HM.[Ve//'21,,"[02441 AAA,-8/1717 2/0/4/16 J’s/.M/Mama/-712‘v-14]6/111 f .-Signature:4%,Date 1!/M //71 AECOM Well IogMN4/(23 Low Flow Ground Water Sample Collection Record Client:W Wlnternational Paper“Collector(s):_,_Nathan PInsker/Adam CoxProject#:WW 60545791 .,_,Date;11/20/2017 Site Location:Roanoke RapIds NC .StartTime:[309Weather:W gmm (205 End Time:_W_4-3-90“153% 1.WATER LEVEL DATA:(measured from Top of Casing) Total Well Length /53 ..Water Column Length 74% Water Table Depth 55/System Volume #57 Casing Dia.lMaterial Z!r VVLW .. 2.WELL PURGE DATA Purge Method:IXIPeristaltic DBladder I]Monsoon (Grundfos)EIOther: Acceptance Criteria Defined:-Temp.10.5 I -Specific Conductance :10%I-ORP i100r10% I 'PH :01 I -Dissolved Oxygen +10%-Drawdown <0.3' ..,VUnlessW belowQ5 mg/L then stable MFieldTestingEquipment:Make ..Model Serialumber _YSI 556 Peristaltic Pump Geopump Groundwater Field Parameter Readings: Time Vol.Purged Temmp.M Spec.Cond.DO 0_RP uTrbidigy Flow Rate Drawdown Color/Odor,(24h!)(HERVE)..,(7°)....-....(m§_/§_n1).(FIE/L)....(._.m.V.I ...,.(NTU).JET-WEI ....ITSEII.-.,.-......._II?“6 ,,10 13 L61,I 619......‘1 08.,-.I...9I .“L 01...3.11.01091111».]§Itli-..-._/....5.....flfl .‘II ....II;.61.1,00.!-114106 go 5’5 .....9.8.3:.{I3I-1.“L“I.....;I7.1I..Ie..6?>,..I...°.I°I..‘I..-..1S3 :~...1.I.I (MW .0.6.5’.3 L...I..I6.,_56....}:L,II.L.I I.3_.7.‘2II.....1..8.5“.12 I-0.16...I225II;-_16-51..-.7 ..L.“I.?-.1...3 I1..;.-_~13.L;{.-.-.6 .'I_6.Is:i..:L.o.3 1.1;?BFI 3 I9.5-238 0...,LL-.1.1.31 ..L1 ....IfIILL .1104.I.6.9.1..-.-.i3..,<>.1 >14 .1 0.51..l.4.6-.-.71 I?III 7.0.3 I 6L6 .I'L-BI;431.53 0.59...I .s-r.9 I,I6 14 710.1 I .I—..6I1,I.......1...11_.-.1II..L...I9..46 \L1.60 ..I6 31 .7.1+;lI°1.S'-B...1..1.°I 2.14.1014..1.77.. Acceptance Criteria Pass/Fail Yes No N/A If No or N/A explain here:Has required volume been removed D [I El Has required turbidity been reached E El El Have parameters stabilized [:1 El El 3.SAMPLE COLLECTION:Method:Grab SamplelD Container Type No.of Containers Preservation Analysis Reg.Mw 1,9,3 ''P9191 “I._.MW--«osmwu “5.0.5101..M-W-.U113._.-.‘1’-..._'””03 -H1%...lmn..MUMI/ Comments:A ,7 Signature:W 60%Date (MM/I?— !"/I AECOM Well ID:MN 91/625" Low Flow Ground Water Sample Collection Record Client:__[International Paper Collector(s):.Nathan Pinskerr/AdamuCoxProject#:..60545791 _\Date:‘11/20/2017 _7 Site Location;,Roanoke RapIdS,NC Start Time:[Ll/L,. Weather:.-..-.W5\.MAM~I W5 End Time...119}..... 1.WATER LEVEL DATA:(measured from Top of Casing) //Total Well Length 1730”,Water Column Length 9:35 ItWaterTableDepth17,3 LI(System Volume 03 7 7/9 Casing Dia./Material .Z ,_,lPVL _ 2.WELL PURGE DATA Purge Method:[XlPeristaltic I:IB|adder D Monsoon (Grundfos)EIOther: Acceptance Criteria Defined:-Temp.10.5 I -Specific Conductance :10 %I-ORP _+_10 or10%I 9 PH 1 0-1 I -Dissolved Oxygen j:10 %-Drawdown <0.3' .-w..-..9915??below!)5 ("9.a then- ,Field Testing Equipment:..’Malgeym Model ..SerialNumber __.YSI 556 Peristaltic Pump Geopump Groundwater Field Parameter Readings: Time Vol.Purged Temm.p LH Spec.Cond._D_O_ORP Turbidity Flow Rate Drawdown Color/Odor.(34!?!)1919.15)....(.°‘..3.>.,..-011???).(mg/52....92Y1 -..SNTH.)....-.(.!!.1.'!.'."..i'_1.2.-..(f§§-tl ......,.§,.I;.L.l..°l..._.-9 Zl.5.73..[e-113..”0.99191..19%if?3 9-31,.3°.’°.-«(g-Q ......[MM&@1999 ..-9..u .19.9 9..o 9.999 ..9-1.53919959.9."3..”91-991.99.33 9.0.9::.9.2;:~58:L S9 _,1,.ID...._1.1115 '....-.[‘L..l:.9.s.’-.;Q‘.B.l.-l..Q‘s-1.1...9+7$fi.:$3.»9.,1.38......135’.aw ...;.1,.99.o-.j-9J..°r.n-.o...5993...50.515599...1«..91 ..«ii-i .56........5.1134 .Zl-flla.~...‘¢:7.j..ass—.1 _.5-‘L..9.-:$'311.9-394....I.‘89>11.31 .....1,l.9s9fi9 19,9.5999 75.97 1:59.99 9-s 9.0.0-...97,90 ,,19L_.l 95’9 19 (2-5795 5.91,952.1 99.9.;,z.l--91.9.1s’-0597..mu.+521 [.90.999 Acceptance Criteria Pass/Fail Yes No N/A If No or N/A explain here: Has required volume been removed El El Has required turbidity been reached IZf |:||:|Have parameters stabilized -'|:||:| 3.SAMPLE COLLECTION:Method:Grab Sample ID Container Tvpe No.of Containers Preservation Analysis Reg. 3:491 96%'.fPLQoeséié"”,..'i f'7'm ,999;p [no-9,99,.:f'‘‘914W.9925/.-,.I 1.15403 M‘Jmcs{55109,}4qwry Comments:FIN’LEV”W9 [1,99 Signature:60%Date (l/Z‘n /[31/,. AECOM Well ID:MN 4/6,”? Low Flow Ground Water Sample Collection Record Client:llnternational‘Papemr 7Project#1 _5955-5151.Site Location:Roanoke Rapids,NC I Collector(s):.Nathanflpflsker /Adam Cox Date:w m ii/ZQ/iflr Start Time:“1’9 .-End Time:.H55r _ 1.WATER LEVEL DATA:(measured from Top of Casing)Total Well Length Z31§f [006/System VolumeWaterTableDepth 2.WELL PURGE DATA Water Column Length 1:]Monsoon (Grundfos) .).31,6465 Z [6/Zfi’w/Casing Dia.IMaterial [:I Other: -Specific Conductance i 10 %I-ORP :100r10% -Dissolved Oxygen +10 %-Drawdown <03' Unless below Q 5__mg/_L then stable Purge Method:IX]Peristaltic [:I Bladder Acceptance Criteria Defined:-Temp.1 0-5 I I -pH 1 0.1 I Field Testing Equipment:Make”YSI Peristaltic Pump Groundwater Field Parameter Readings: M939!...SerTaINumber f,556 Geopump mg Vol.Purged Temmp.p_H lSpec.Cond.92 O_RP Turbidity Flow Rate Drawdown Color/Odor,,..(_2-4.hr>-..0:"???CF?).,imi’EmL.1'99!”(__mYl-.,(PLTU).(ml/ml")..(feet)..,..--‘Z|33’739i 51...C.>.i..3..-..,.1.1-8.3..7174?Z 3 :33.$09 ..Z.51_..,.z.t...9,(-;.7 99......3-1.97.31-.....io1.71-."36’i.z 9.4-.-.-,..Ju1-ss'.._§71s,9 i 3 0.9.9 ,._.,I,.313.o.913714-1139....-.r,1:119.-£.,71.99 ..131.53..,.:I3,21.71..11 5:1-,-..-._1.-_31.>37.1129.sis-3.7199.-..}.3-...09:..,:,l,t.o1..71.9_-§:l_«h..i.,.;..i1111-9 .34?”.-.-,.-12,1..79 71.39,..-31 09o_,....117199-,_-.-'.-.tsio,«,3.,s. ..331.00,.,,..1Zt iZ 7197 .3 ED!,18173571992?”1.15.0 1 ($.15?!-,..-7,190 78:.g 3 10,9 .7315,!490.:7151-.,‘3.13:8..-.,.5,Zl,'1’1.737,,,,3.lQ7 .3199 4491-4,I199.5.31.373.- Acceptance Criteria Pass/Fail Yes No NlA lf No or N/A explain here: Has required volume been removed Er El El Has required turbidity been reached IZ/E][IHaveparametersstabilizedIZ/|:|El 3.SAMPLE COLLECTION:Method:Grab M W W W W .MN WU “who .,'-.,I _,VWWL r755.Stomru Nowfiw ,.,.§.Mw-.i/.(11L1-'[3.,Vlad-Ho ,,.1' Comments: “N”:MM Mm.Mecca ., AM (1470Signature:Date AECOM Well IDW‘w-L é 7 Low Flow Ground Water Sample Collection Record Client:lnternationalflPa‘per ,,--,-_Collector(s):”_'...,-.,,_AE‘.§W.C.9?E ..,Project #2 60545791 _Date:,7 11/20/2017SiteLocationz‘J,RoanokeRapIds,NC _7 ..7 Start Time:III?_,g ,,,-Weatheri‘-.-[Mr 6/2.,-End Timer.-IMF 1.WATER LEVEL DATA:(measu‘Efed from Top of Casing) Total Well Lengtl’IKrpH‘fl‘f Water Column Length ff r iIWaterTableDepthIII(System Volume i 7/44;A 171/AWCasmg Dia.[Material >_3)flvC . 2.WELL PURGE DATA Purge Method:IX]Peristaltic I:]Bladder D Monsoon (Grundfos)CIOther: Acceptance Criteria Defined:-Temp.1 0.5 I -Specific Conductance +10 %j—ORP i 10 or 10%I -PH i 0-1 I -Dissolved Oxygen :t 10 0/0 -Drawdown <0.3' HP.!§§5..9§'9WN0..5 mg/L then 313.2929FieldTestingEquipmentiIf?Iii"...MEL?.....,__M91521...-.SerIaImNumberYSl556ofAg}52 7 Peristaltic Pump Geopump 75/1; Groundwater Field Parameter Readings: Time Vol.Purged Ternmg LH Spec.Cond._D__O O_RP Turbidity Flow Rate Drawdown Color/Odor..124,21!)......,.(.'-.i-!€!.§2..(3.0.2 ..(FIE/Fm)(ms/L2 (TI-‘72 .(NTU)..-!!!1!!IF!LI!2...Lf°°t2.In:7.0”:-(.770.WT WI 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DATE ANALYSIS DATE NC LABORATORY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-38-2 14 Arsenic 1.3 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 0.21 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-38-2 14 Arsenic 0.31 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.21 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-38-2 14 Arsenic 2.5 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.21 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-38-2 14 Arsenic 0.36 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.21 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-38-2 14 Arsenic 0.38 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.21 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-39-3 15 Barium 323 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 100 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-39-3 15 Barium 79.5 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 100 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-39-3 15 Barium 95.7 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 100 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-39-3 15 Barium 579 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 100 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-39-3 15 Barium 142 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 100 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-43-9 34 Cadmium 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 1 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-43-9 34 Cadmium 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 1 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-43-9 34 Cadmium 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 1 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-43-9 34 Cadmium 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 1 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-43-9 34 Cadmium 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 1 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-47-3 51 Chromium 1.4 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-47-3 51 Chromium 0.2 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-47-3 51 Chromium 1.9 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-47-3 51 Chromium 3.7 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-47-3 51 Chromium 0.27 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-50-8 54 Copper 3.1 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-50-8 54 Copper 0.2 ug/l UJ SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-50-8 54 Copper 0.29 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-50-8 54 Copper 0.2 ug/l UJ SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-50-8 54 Copper 0.2 ug/l UJ SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7439-89-6 340 Iron 18300 ug/l SW-846 6020B 23 200 300 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7439-89-6 340 Iron 35.2 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 23 200 300 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7439-89-6 340 Iron 15400 ug/l SW-846 6020B 23 200 300 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7439-89-6 340 Iron 168 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 23 200 300 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7439-89-6 340 Iron 176 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 23 200 300 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7439-92-1 131 Lead 2.3 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7439-92-1 131 Lead 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7439-92-1 131 Lead 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7439-92-1 131 Lead 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7439-92-1 131 Lead 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7439-96-5 342 Manganese 1580 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 50 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7439-96-5 342 Manganese 3440 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 50 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7439-96-5 342 Manganese 5900 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 50 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7439-96-5 342 Manganese 902 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 50 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7439-96-5 342 Manganese 60.8 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 50 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7439-97-6 132 Mercury 0.061 ug/l JB SW-846 7470A 0.03 0.5 0.2 1 11/29/2017 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7439-97-6 132 Mercury 0.03 ug/l U SW-846 7470A 0.03 0.5 0.2 1 11/29/2017 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7439-97-6 132 Mercury 0.037 ug/l JB SW-846 7470A 0.03 0.5 0.2 1 11/29/2017 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7439-97-6 132 Mercury 0.03 ug/l U SW-846 7470A 0.03 0.5 0.2 1 11/29/2017 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7439-97-6 132 Mercury 0.051 ug/l JB SW-846 7470A 0.03 0.5 0.2 1 11/29/2017 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 14797-55-8 303 Nitrate 50 ug/l U EPA 300 50 100 10000 1 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 14797-55-8 303 Nitrate 13300 ug/l EPA 300 250 500 10000 5 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 14797-55-8 303 Nitrate 50 ug/l U EPA 300 50 100 10000 1 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 14797-55-8 303 Nitrate 970 ug/l J EPA 300 500 1000 10000 10 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 14797-55-8 303 Nitrate 7900 ug/l EPA 300 250 500 10000 5 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 SW321 321 pH 6.67 s.u.J SM 4500H 0.1 0.1 1 11/29/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 SW321 321 pH 6.61 s.u.J SM 4500H 0.1 0.1 1 11/29/2017 12/11/2017 573 FACILITY PERMIT WELL ID CAS Number SWS ID PARAMETER RESULT UNITS QUALIFIER METHOD MDL MRL SWSL DILUTION FACTOR COLLECT DATE EXTRACTION DATE ANALYSIS DATE NC LABORATORY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-38-2 14 Arsenic 1.3 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 0.21 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-38-2 14 Arsenic 0.31 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.21 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-38-2 14 Arsenic 2.5 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.21 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-38-2 14 Arsenic 0.36 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.21 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-38-2 14 Arsenic 0.38 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.21 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-39-3 15 Barium 323 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 100 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-39-3 15 Barium 79.5 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 100 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-39-3 15 Barium 95.7 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 100 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-39-3 15 Barium 579 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 100 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-39-3 15 Barium 142 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 100 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-43-9 34 Cadmium 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 1 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-43-9 34 Cadmium 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 1 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-43-9 34 Cadmium 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 1 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-43-9 34 Cadmium 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 1 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-43-9 34 Cadmium 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 1 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-47-3 51 Chromium 1.4 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-47-3 51 Chromium 0.2 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-47-3 51 Chromium 1.9 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-47-3 51 Chromium 3.7 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-47-3 51 Chromium 0.27 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-50-8 54 Copper 3.1 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-50-8 54 Copper 0.2 ug/l UJ SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-50-8 54 Copper 0.29 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-50-8 54 Copper 0.2 ug/l UJ SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-50-8 54 Copper 0.2 ug/l UJ SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7439-89-6 340 Iron 18300 ug/l SW-846 6020B 23 200 300 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7439-89-6 340 Iron 35.2 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 23 200 300 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7439-89-6 340 Iron 15400 ug/l SW-846 6020B 23 200 300 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7439-89-6 340 Iron 168 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 23 200 300 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7439-89-6 340 Iron 176 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 23 200 300 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7439-92-1 131 Lead 2.3 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7439-92-1 131 Lead 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7439-92-1 131 Lead 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7439-92-1 131 Lead 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7439-92-1 131 Lead 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7439-96-5 342 Manganese 1580 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 50 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7439-96-5 342 Manganese 3440 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 50 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7439-96-5 342 Manganese 5900 ug/l J SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 50 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7439-96-5 342 Manganese 902 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 50 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7439-96-5 342 Manganese 60.8 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 50 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7439-97-6 132 Mercury 0.061 ug/l JB SW-846 7470A 0.03 0.5 0.2 1 11/29/2017 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7439-97-6 132 Mercury 0.03 ug/l U SW-846 7470A 0.03 0.5 0.2 1 11/29/2017 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7439-97-6 132 Mercury 0.037 ug/l JB SW-846 7470A 0.03 0.5 0.2 1 11/29/2017 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7439-97-6 132 Mercury 0.03 ug/l U SW-846 7470A 0.03 0.5 0.2 1 11/29/2017 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7439-97-6 132 Mercury 0.051 ug/l JB SW-846 7470A 0.03 0.5 0.2 1 11/29/2017 12/4/2017 12/4/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 14797-55-8 303 Nitrate 50 ug/l U EPA 300 50 100 10000 1 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 14797-55-8 303 Nitrate 13300 ug/l EPA 300 250 500 10000 5 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 14797-55-8 303 Nitrate 50 ug/l U EPA 300 50 100 10000 1 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 14797-55-8 303 Nitrate 970 ug/l J EPA 300 500 1000 10000 10 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 14797-55-8 303 Nitrate 7900 ug/l EPA 300 250 500 10000 5 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 SW321 321 pH 6.67 s.u.J SM 4500H 0.1 0.1 1 11/29/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 SW321 321 pH 6.61 s.u.J SM 4500H 0.1 0.1 1 11/29/2017 12/11/2017 573 FACILITY PERMIT WELL ID 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 CAS Number SWS ID PARAMETER 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-97-6 7439-97-6 7439-97-6 7439-97-6 14797-55-8 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0.061 ugfl 0.03 ugfl 0.037 ugfl 0.03 ugfl 0.051 ugfl 50 ugfl 13300 ugfl 50 ugfl 970 ugfl 7900 ugfl 6.67 su. 6.61 su. 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ANALYSIS DATE NC LABORATORY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 573 FACILITY PERMIT WELL ID CAS Number SWS ID PARAMETER RESULT UNITS QUALIFIER METHOD MDL MRL SWSL DILUTION FACTOR COLLECT DATE EXTRACTION DATE ANALYSIS DATE NC LABORATORY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 4203 4203-MW-LG5 SW321 321 pH 6.13 s.u.J SM 4500H 0.1 0.1 1 11/29/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 SW321 321 pH 7.04 s.u.J SM 4500H 0.1 0.1 1 11/29/2017 12/15/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 SW321 321 pH 7.25 s.u.J SM 4500H 0.1 0.1 1 11/29/2017 12/15/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7782-49-2 183 Selenium 0.85 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.22 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7782-49-2 183 Selenium 1.1 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.22 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7782-49-2 183 Selenium 0.76 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.22 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7782-49-2 183 Selenium 0.55 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.22 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7782-49-2 183 Selenium 7.7 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.22 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-22-4 184 Silver 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-22-4 184 Silver 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-22-4 184 Silver 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-22-4 184 Silver 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-22-4 184 Silver 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 SW324 324 Specific Conductance 781 umhos/cm EPA 120.1 1 1 1 11/29/2017 12/18/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 SW324 324 Specific Conductance 1750 umhos/cm EPA 120.1 1 1 1 11/29/2017 12/18/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 SW324 324 Specific Conductance 431 umhos/cm EPA 120.1 1 1 1 11/29/2017 12/18/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 SW324 324 Specific Conductance 2650 umhos/cm EPA 120.1 1 1 1 11/29/2017 12/18/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 SW324 324 Specific Conductance 1030 umhos/cm EPA 120.1 1 1 1 11/29/2017 12/18/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 14808-79-8 315 Sulfate 13800 ug/l EPA 300 600 2000 250000 1 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 14808-79-8 315 Sulfate 140000 ug/l EPA 300 3000 10000 250000 5 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 14808-79-8 315 Sulfate 80600 ug/l EPA 300 600 2000 250000 1 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 14808-79-8 315 Sulfate 43200 ug/l EPA 300 6000 20000 250000 10 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 14808-79-8 315 Sulfate 214000 ug/l EPA 300 3000 10000 250000 5 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 SW311 311 Total Dissolved Solids 420000 ug/l SM 2540C 10000 100000 1 11/29/2017 12/1/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 SW311 311 Total Dissolved Solids 942000 ug/l SM 2540C 20000 200000 1 11/29/2017 12/1/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 SW311 311 Total Dissolved Solids 261000 ug/l SM 2540C 10000 100000 1 11/29/2017 12/1/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 SW311 311 Total Dissolved Solids 1590000 ug/l SM 2540C 20000 200000 1 11/29/2017 12/1/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 SW311 311 Total Dissolved Solids 1400000 ug/l SM 2540C 20000 200000 1 11/29/2017 12/1/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-66-6 213 Zinc 18.8 ug/l SW-846 6020B 1.7 4 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-66-6 213 Zinc 13.5 ug/l SW-846 6020B 1.7 4 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-66-6 213 Zinc 12.7 ug/l SW-846 6020B 1.7 4 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-66-6 213 Zinc 15.6 ug/l SW-846 6020B 1.7 4 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-66-6 213 Zinc 10.9 ug/l SW-846 6020B 1.7 4 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 FACILITY PERMIT WELL ID CAS Number SWS ID PARAMETER RESULT UNITS QUALIFIER METHOD MDL MRL SWSL DILUTION FACTOR COLLECT DATE EXTRACTION DATE ANALYSIS DATE NC LABORATORY CERTIFICATION NUMBER 4203 4203-MW-LG5 SW321 321 pH 6.13 s.u.J SM 4500H 0.1 0.1 1 11/29/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 SW321 321 pH 7.04 s.u.J SM 4500H 0.1 0.1 1 11/29/2017 12/15/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 SW321 321 pH 7.25 s.u.J SM 4500H 0.1 0.1 1 11/29/2017 12/15/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7782-49-2 183 Selenium 0.85 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.22 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7782-49-2 183 Selenium 1.1 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.22 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7782-49-2 183 Selenium 0.76 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.22 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7782-49-2 183 Selenium 0.55 ug/l JB SW-846 6020B 0.22 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7782-49-2 183 Selenium 7.7 ug/l SW-846 6020B 0.22 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-22-4 184 Silver 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-22-4 184 Silver 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-22-4 184 Silver 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-22-4 184 Silver 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-22-4 184 Silver 0.2 ug/l U SW-846 6020B 0.2 2 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 SW324 324 Specific Conductance 781 umhos/cm EPA 120.1 1 1 1 11/29/2017 12/18/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 SW324 324 Specific Conductance 1750 umhos/cm EPA 120.1 1 1 1 11/29/2017 12/18/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 SW324 324 Specific Conductance 431 umhos/cm EPA 120.1 1 1 1 11/29/2017 12/18/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 SW324 324 Specific Conductance 2650 umhos/cm EPA 120.1 1 1 1 11/29/2017 12/18/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 SW324 324 Specific Conductance 1030 umhos/cm EPA 120.1 1 1 1 11/29/2017 12/18/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 14808-79-8 315 Sulfate 13800 ug/l EPA 300 600 2000 250000 1 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 14808-79-8 315 Sulfate 140000 ug/l EPA 300 3000 10000 250000 5 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 14808-79-8 315 Sulfate 80600 ug/l EPA 300 600 2000 250000 1 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 14808-79-8 315 Sulfate 43200 ug/l EPA 300 6000 20000 250000 10 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 14808-79-8 315 Sulfate 214000 ug/l EPA 300 3000 10000 250000 5 11/29/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 SW311 311 Total Dissolved Solids 420000 ug/l SM 2540C 10000 100000 1 11/29/2017 12/1/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 SW311 311 Total Dissolved Solids 942000 ug/l SM 2540C 20000 200000 1 11/29/2017 12/1/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 SW311 311 Total Dissolved Solids 261000 ug/l SM 2540C 10000 100000 1 11/29/2017 12/1/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 SW311 311 Total Dissolved Solids 1590000 ug/l SM 2540C 20000 200000 1 11/29/2017 12/1/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 SW311 311 Total Dissolved Solids 1400000 ug/l SM 2540C 20000 200000 1 11/29/2017 12/1/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG1 7440-66-6 213 Zinc 18.8 ug/l SW-846 6020B 1.7 4 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG3 7440-66-6 213 Zinc 13.5 ug/l SW-846 6020B 1.7 4 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG5 7440-66-6 213 Zinc 12.7 ug/l SW-846 6020B 1.7 4 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG6 7440-66-6 213 Zinc 15.6 ug/l SW-846 6020B 1.7 4 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 4203 4203-MW-LG7 7440-66-6 213 Zinc 10.9 ug/l SW-846 6020B 1.7 4 10 2 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 573 FACILITY PERMIT WELL ID 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 4203 4203-MW-LGl 4203 4203-MW-LG3 4203 4203-MW-LGS 4203 4203-MW-L66 4203 4203-MW-LG7 CAS Number SWS ID PARAMETERsvv321svv321svv3217782-49-27782-49-27782-49-27782-49-27782-49-27440-22-47440-22-47440-22-47440-22-47440-22-4svv324svv324svv324svv324svv32414808-79-814808-79-814808-79-814808-79-814808-79-8svv311svv311svv311svv311svv3117440-66-67440-66-67440-66-67440-66-67440-66-6 321 pH 321 pH 321 pH 183 Selenium 183 Selenium 183 Selenium 183 Selenium 183 Selenium 184 SHver 184 SHver 184 SHver 184 SHver 184 SHver 324 Specific Conductance 324 Specific Conductance 324 Specific Conductance 324 Specific Conductance 324 Specific Conductance 315 SuHate 315 SuHate 315 SuHate 315 SuHate 315 SuHate 311 Total Dissolved Solids 311 Total Dissolved Solids 311 Total Dissolved Solids 311 Total Dissolved Solids 311 Total Dissolved Solids 213 c 213 c 213 c 213 c 213 c RESULT UNITS 6.13 su. 704 su. 7.25 su. 0.85 ugfl 1.1 ugfl 0.76 ugfl 0.55 ugfl 7.7 ugfl 0.2 ugfl 0.2 ugfl 0.2 ugfl 0.2 ugfl 0.2 ugfl 781 umhos/cm 1750 umhos/cm 431 umhos/cm 2650 umhos/cm 1030 umhos/cm 13800 ugfl 140000 ugfl 80600 ugfl 43200 ugfl214000ugfl420000ugfl942000ugfl261000ugfl 1590000 ug/I 1400000 ug/I 18.8 ug/I 13.5 ugfl 12.7 ugfl 15.6 ugfl 10.9 ug/I QUALIFIER METHOD J J J JB JB CCCCCSM 4500H SM 4500H SM 4500H SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 EPA 120.1 EPA 120.1 EPA 120.1 EPA 120.1 EPA 120.1 EPA 300 EPA 300 EPA 300 EPA 300 EPA 300 SM 2540C SM 2540C SM 2540C SM 2540C SM 2540C SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 SW-846 60203 MDL 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1 HHHH600 3000 600 6000 3000 10000 20000 10000 20000 20000 17 17 17 17 17 MRL 0.1 0.1 0.1 Ni—‘i—‘i—‘i—‘i—‘NNNNNNNNN2000 10000 2000 20000 10000 100000 200000 100000 200000 2000004 h-b-b-bSWSL 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 250000 250000 250000 250000 250000 10 10 10 10 10 i—‘U'Ii—‘i—‘i—‘i—‘i—‘i—‘NNNNNNNNNNi—‘i—‘H|_\ONNNNNI—‘i—‘I—‘I—‘I—‘U‘l11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 11/29/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 11/30/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/8/2017 12/11/2017 12/15/2017 12/15/2017 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 12/11/2017 12/18/2017 12/18/2017 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