Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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MSWLF X LCID YW Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Randolph
goods Incin T&P FIRM PERMIT NO.: 76-07
CDLF Tire T&P / Collection Tire Monofill Industrial Landfill DEMO SDTF FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE
Date of Site Inspection: September 6, 2018 Date of Last Inspection: December 18, 2017
Great Oak Landfill
3597 Old Cedar Falls Road
Randleman, NC 27317
N: 35.752822 W: -79.755992
Mike McFeeley, District Manager, Great Oak Landfill – Waste Management
c. 336-865-3201
Waste Management
Mike McFeeley, District Manager, Great Oak Landfill – Waste Management
3597 Old Cedar Falls Road
Randleman, NC 27317
John Patrone, Environmental Specialist II - Solid Waste Section (SWS)
Daniel Moore, Environmental Protection Manager-Waste Management
Susan B. Harrison, Engineer, South Atlantic Area – Waste Management
Mike McFeeley, District Manager, Great Oak Landfill – Waste Management
Permit To Operate (PTO) issued April 10, 2017
Permit To Construct (PTC) issued in conjunction with PTO
PTO expiration date January 19, 2026
Comprehensive Inspection
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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On September 6, 2018, John Patrone met with Daniel Moore, Susan Harrison, and Mike McFeeley to conduct a
comprehensive inspection of the Great Oak Landfill on Old Cedar Falls Road in Randleman, Randolph County.
1. The Great Oak Landfill is a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill owned by Randolph County and operated by
Waste Management of Carolinas, Inc.
2. The facility has constructed Phase 1, Cell 1A and Cell 1B and Phase 1, Cell 2.
3. During the inspection, the facility was operating in Cell 1A. Mr. McFeeley stated that the facility routinely
operates in both Cells 1A and 1B.
4. Ensure the requirements of attachment 2 – conditions of permit approval to construct are met prior to beginning
operation of Phase 1, Cell 2.
5. The facility is in operation Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday 7:30 am to 12:00 pm.
6. The facility permit, site plan, and operations plan were discussed.
7. The facility is permitted to receive solid waste from within the State of North Carolina.
8. The facility does not accept scrap tires or white goods.
9. The following are certified landfill personnel:
a. Michael R. McFeeley, Certified Manager of Landfill Operations, No. 1397982, exp. 06/15/20
b. Dan Moore, North Carolina Certified Landfill Manager, No. 17-02M-00269, exp. 01/12/20
c. Bobby Owens, Certified Manager of Landfill Operations, No. 1408090, exp. 06/15/20
d. Jeff Garner, North Carolina Certified Landfill Operator, No. 17-020-00252, exp. 01/10/20
e. Brian Wall, Certified Landfill Operations Specialist, No. LF-2017047, exp. 06/28/20
f. Carl Glatzel, Certified Landfill Operations Specialist, No. LF-2017050, exp. 06/28/20
g. Darren Wilson, Certified Landfill Operations Specialist, No. LF-2017049, exp. 06/28/20
h. Randy White, Certified Landfill Operations Specialist, No. LF-2017051, exp. 06/28/20
i. Vanessa Hemphill, Certified Landfill Operations Specialist, No. LF-2017052, exp. 06/28/20
10. The facility has inbound and outbound scales.
11. Vehicle scale tests were conducted by Central Carolina Scale, Inc. on May 3, 2018 and June 11, 2018.
12. Mr. McFeeley stated that the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services has not been to the
facility to conduct vehicle scale tests.
13. The facility maintains records of the amount of solid waste received. The amount of solid waste received from
January 2018 through August 2018 is 310,986.7 tons.
14. The facility annual report (FAR) was received by the SWS dated July 31, 2018. Facility throughput for July 2017
through June 2018 is 401,732.67 tons.
15. The facility maintains waste screening reports. At least 1 percent of commercial loads per year shall be screened.
Records for January 2, 2018 through September 6, 2018 were observed.
16. Waste Management of Carolinas, Inc. conducts special waste assessments that, when applicable, includes a
Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 8
heavy metals, and other associated documentation. The facility maintains records for the special wastes received.
17. The facility is permitted to co-dispose of wastewater treatment sludge. The facility received 13,895 tons from
January 2, 2018 through September 6, 2018.
18. The facility is permitted to dispose of shredded tires. Tires shall not be shredded at the facility. Mr. McFeeley
stated that shredded tires have not been received at the facility.
19. The facility is permitted to use alternative daily cover (ADC) that has been previously approved at another sanitary
landfill in North Carolina. The SWS maintains a list of approved ADC and its appropriate use.
The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance
with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an
administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit,
or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to
enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any
such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules.
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Solid Waste Section
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20. The operations plan states that the facility may use reusable tarps, auto-shredder fluff, and petroleum
contaminated soil as ADC.
21. Mr. McFeeley stated that the facility uses tarps Monday through Friday and covers with soil on Saturday.
22. The facility shall maintain records for solid waste used as ADC per Attachment 3, Conditions of Permit Approval
to Operate, Part II – Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Unit(s), permit condition number 35.
23. The facility maintains records of the amount of petroleum contaminated soil received. The amount of petroleum
contaminated soil received from January 2018 through August 2018 is 86.35 tons.
24. The facility maintains records of the amount of auto-shredder fluff received. The amount of auto-shredder fluff
received from January 2018 through August 2018 is 19,672.89 tons.
25. The facility maintains records of the amount of asbestos received. The amount of asbestos received from January
2018 through August 2018 is 72.72 tons.
26. Regulated asbestos-containing material shall be managed in accordance with 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M and 15A
NCAC 13B .1626(1)(d).
27. The facility maintains a record that indicates the GPS location of buried asbestos. The record for 2018 [to date]
was observed.
28. The facility maintains semiannual groundwater, surface water, and leachate test records. Analysis is submitted
by Golder Associates NC Inc. and conducted by TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. Records for groundwater, surface
water, and leachate were observed for November 2,10,12, 2017 and May 23-25, 2018. An exceedance is noted
for each monitoring event.
29. The facility maintains quarterly methane monitoring records. Monitoring is conducted by Golder Associates NC
Inc. Records were observed for methane monitoring conducted March 15, 2018 (1st quarter), May 23, 2018 (2nd
quarter), and August 21, 2018 (3rd quarter). Monitoring results do not indicate an exceedance of the LEL.
30. A readily accessible unobstructed path to groundwater wells, surface water locations, and landfill gas wells shall
be maintained.
31. The facility has a 250,000-gallon leachate storage tank. During the inspection, the level of leachate in the storage
tank was 4.5 feet.
32. The leachate storage tank is connected to the City of Asheboro sanitary sewer.
33. The facility has an Industrial User Pretreatment Permit (IUP) No. 4953 issued by the City of Asheboro, effective
December 9, 2016 - expiration December 9, 2021.
34. The leachate collection lines are required to be camera inspected upon completion and at least once every five
35. The facility conducts weekly inspection of the leachate storage tank overfill control equipment and of the exterior
of the leachate storage tank. Records for January 2, 2018 through September 3, 2018 were observed.
36. The facility conducts an annual internal inspection of the leachate storage tank. Mr. McFeeley stated that the
internal inspection as conducted in December 2017 and April 2018.
37. Leachate sump digital gauges for Phase 1, Cell 1A and Cell 1B – combined are located adjacent to the side slope
clean-out risers and leachate pump flow meters for the primary liner leachate collection system (LCS) and the
secondary liner leak detection system (LDS).
38. The primary liner leachate sump pump cut-on is 36” and the cut-off is 12”. The secondary liner leachate sump
pump cut-on is 18” and the cut-off is 8.5”. During the inspection, the primary liner leachate sump was at 34.8”
and the secondary liner leachate sump was at 17.1”.
39. The facility shall calculate the action leakage rate (ALR) associated with the LDS for each secondary liner. The
facility shall convert the weekly LDS flow rate to an average daily flow rate in gallons/acre/day for each sump.
40. The maximum ALR [for the landfill] is 182 gallons/acre/day. If the ALR is exceeded, landfill staff are required
to implement the Response Action Plan as specified in the facility operations plan.
41. The facility maintains a record of the calculated ALR. Records were observed for January 2, 2018 through
September 3, 2018. No exceedance of the ALR is noted.
42. The facility maintains a record of the inspections of the aboveground portions of the leachate force main and the
underground portion of the leachate force main accessible by dedicated manholes. Records were observed for
January 2, 2018 through September 3, 2018.
43. The facility has a Division of Air Quality (DAQ) Title V Permit No. 10446T01, effective March 17, 2016 –
expiration February 28, 2021.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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44. The facility has a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit General Permit No.
NCG120000, Certificate of Coverage No. NCG120107. The NPDES permit was issued on October 27, 2016.
45. The facility has an erosion and sedimentation control plan RANDO-2016-010 for Phase 1, Cells 1A and 1B. The
erosion and sedimentation control plan was approved on May 4, 2016.
46. The erosion and sedimentation control plan RANDO-2018-009 for Phase 1, Cell 2 has been approved, dated
November 3, 2017.
47. Erosion, drainage, and sedimentation controls observed appeared to be in good order.
48. Sediment basins are required to be cleaned out when sediment accumulates to ½ of the design depth as specified
in the facility operations plan.
49. The working face appeared manageable and compact.
50. The facility has installed edge of waste markers.
51. Windblown material shall be collected by the conclusion of each day of operation.
52. No windblown material was observed.
53. The landfill cap appeared to be in good condition. Mr. McFeeley stated that the facility will be sowing grass seed
on areas needing additional coverage and at newly graded areas in the next few weeks.
54. Ensure documentation is maintained per Attachment 3, Conditions of Permit Approval to Operate, Part II –
Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Unit(s), permit condition number 39.
55. As discussed, regrade the Phase 1, Cell 1A/1B side slope [leading into Phase 1, Cell 2] and clean and flush the
Phase 1, Cell 2 primary leachate line pump and sump.
56. The facility conducts weekly inspection of the leachate line side slope riser clean-out end caps. Records were
observed for January 2, 2018 through September 3, 2018.
57. The Phase 1, Cell 1A and Cell 1B leachate line side slope riser clean-out end caps have been retrofitted with end
caps that bolt onto the side slope riser. The primary liner end caps have been painted red and the secondary liner
end caps have been painted blue. Each end cap will be labeled accordingly [P = primary/S = secondary]. Bolt-
on leachate line side slope riser end caps should be installed at future landfill phases and cells and end cap color
designation and labeling should remain the same throughout.
58. A 45° section of pipe has been added to the primary and secondary liner side slope leachate riser clean-outs at
Phase 1, Cell 1B. The leachate riser clean-outs extend well above grade.
59. Manholes should extend well above grade.
60. The facility has a soil stockpile area on site.
61. The facility has a water truck for dust control.
62. The facility has a permanent truck wheel wash.
63. The Randolph County Fire Department can be contacted to respond to an emergency at the facility.
64. Access roads are of all-weather construction.
65. The facility has proper signage.
66. The facility entrance is secured by a metal gate with lock.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report.
Phone: 336.776.9673 or email: john.patrone@ncdenr.gov
John Patrone
Environmental Specialist II
Regional Representative
Sent on: September 10, 2018 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. [ _]
Copies: Deb Aja, Western District Supervisor - SWS
Ming-Tai Chao, Environmental Engineer – SWS
Christine Ritter, Hydrogeologist - SWS
Daniel Moore, Environmental Protection Manager -Waste Management (c. 336-253-0091,
Susan B. Harrison, Engineer, South Atlantic Area – Waste Management (c. 678-436-2719,
Paxton Arthurs, Engineer - Randolph County Public Works (c. 336-736-7927,
Digital pictures taken September 6, 2018
by John Patrone, DWM – SWS
Phase 1, Cell 1A – working face Phase 1, Cell 2 - leachate line clean-out riser header
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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Phase 1, Cell 2 – view from leachate sump area Phase 1, Cell 2 – view towards leachate sump area
Phase 1, Cell 2 – view across the Cell